Leisure Directory 2019 - Free - Spelthorne Borough Council

Page created by Patricia Griffin
Leisure Directory 2019 - Free - Spelthorne Borough Council

   Leisure Directory
   Making the most of your leisure time in Spelthorne

   01784 446433   leisure@spelthorne.gov.uk   www.spelthorne.gov.uk/leisure
Leisure Directory 2019 - Free - Spelthorne Borough Council

    Adult education, libraries and
    youth centres                                          The Leisure Directory
                                                           is a really useful
    Arts, culture and heritage                     5
                                                           resource, full of
                                                           information about
    Halls for hire                               12
                                                           activities to enable
    Interests, groups and                                   you to make the most
                                                 15         of your leisure time in Spelthorne
                                                            There is something to suit all age
    Parks and open spaces                        24         and interests here.

    Play                                         28          Cllr Maureen Attewell, Cabinet
                                                             Member for Community Wellbeing
    Sports, health and ftness                    30

Disability symbol                                         The Leisure Services team
          Many of the clubs and groups listed in          We provide and promote a wide range of sport,
          this directory are fully inclusive. Those       physical activity, youth, arts and heritage and
          with this symbol also have a dedicated          wellbeing activities for local residents of all ages.
disability session. Please contact the clubs or
groups directly for more information.                     The team also supports and promotes local
                                                          voluntary organisations and clubs. We help
                                                          them develop and provide activities within the
eNews - keep in touch                                     community.
Spelthorne Council produces a monthly
                                                          Email leisure@spelthorne.gov.uk,
electronic newsletter containing Council news,
                                                          call 01784 446433 or visit our website
events, planning applications and more.
To receive the newsletter visit
www.spelthorne.gov.uk/enews                               What’s on / Get Active Activity Finder
                                                          Our What’s on page is packed with information
Follow us                                                 to help keep you and your family active, visit
Don’t forget, you can follow Spelthorne Council
on Facebook and Twitter.
                                                          Get Active can be searched by anyone wanting
                                                          to fnd a local opportunity to get active. If you
       @spelthornebc                                      would like to fnd or list an activity/session on the
                                                          site visit www.getactive.io/surrey

The Leisure Directory contains a varied range of leisure service providers, many of which are not connected
with Spelthorne Borough Council. The information included has been supplied by the individual organisations
and has not been verifed by Spelthorne Council for accuracy. Inclusion does not imply any recommendation.
When contacting any club or organisation, we encourage you to take note of the health and safety requirements
involved with the activity and to check they have suitable qualifcations, insurance and that they have relevant
child and adult protection procedures.

2                                                                           www.spelthorne.gov.uk/leisure
Leisure Directory 2019 - Free - Spelthorne Borough Council
Adult education, libraries and youth centres

Adult education, libraries and youth centres
Adult education                                                 Sunbury Adult Learning Centre
                                                                Tel:   0300 200 1044
ESOL class                                                      email: adultlearning@surreycc.gov.uk
Contact: Andy Phillips                                          web: www.surreycc.gov.uk/adultlearning
Tel:     01932 782005                                           FB:    @surreyal
email: andy@opendoorchurchsunbury.com                           TW:    @Surrey_AL
web: www.opendoorchurchsunbury.com                              Venue: The Avenue, Sunbury-on-Thames, TW16 5DZ
Venue: Open Door Church Centre, Green Street, Sunbury-          Info: Daytime, evening and Saturday courses and
         on-Thames, TW16 6QQ                                           workshops for adults from arts, crafts and pottery
Info: English for speakers of other languages.                         to dance and exercise, languages to photography,
         Wednesdays 1-2.45pm. Free class teaching                      work skills and GCSEs. There is something for
         reading, writing, speaking and listening. Fun and             everyone. Course directories available on the
         relaxed atmosphere for people to acquire English              website and in the Centre to help you choose
         for everyday use.                                             a course that is right for you! Courses are also
                                                                       available for learners with additional needs as part
Spelthorne K2 University of the 3rd Age                                of our Surrey Supported Learning provision. Visit
Tel:   01932 889337                                                    www.surreycc.gov.uk/supportedlearning
email: su3ak2.membership.secretary@gmail.com
web: www.u3asites.org.uk/spelthornek2                           Workers Educational Association
Venue: Salvation Army Citadel, Woodthorpe Road,                 Contact: Clare Leeming
       Ashford, TW15 3JY                                        Tel:     01932 853056
Info: We have a wide range of interest groups, covering         email: wandw.wea@gmail.com
       over 50 subjects from Art to Yoga, for retired and       web: www.wea.org.uk
       part-retired people who wish to meet others of           Venue: Walton-on-Thames
       similar interests and pursue a leisurely form of         Info: Adult education courses for those who wish
       study and exercise. Monthly meetings with a                       to follow an informal course of study, led by
       speaker permit all members to meet each other.                    professional tutors. No exams. Call for programme.

leisure@spelthorne.gov.uk                                                                                                3
Leisure Directory 2019 - Free - Spelthorne Borough Council
Adult education, libraries and youth centres

Libraries                                                        Youth centres
Ashford Library                                                  A range of sessions for young people including junior
Tel:   0300 200 1001                                             open access groups 11-14 years, enterprise group - SEND
web: www.surreycc.gov.uk/ashfordlibrary                          11-25 years, open access senior groups 14-19 years, girls
TW:    @AshfordLib                                               group 11-19 years, boys group 11-19 years, young parents
Venue: Ashford Library, Church Road, Ashford, TW15 2XB           and LGBT. Projects include Boxing, DJ workshops, dance
Info: Tuesday to Saturday 9.30am-5pm. Sunday and                 workshops, sports plus much more. The sessions and times
       Monday closed. Reading groups, Rhymetime and              vary. Please email the centres for details or contact Surrey
       storytime, digital buddy, councillor surgeries -          Family Services on 01372 363655.
       details available on website.
                                                                 Ashford Youth Centre
Shepperton Library                                               Contact: Louise Champion
Tel:   0300 200 1001                                             email: louise.champion@surreycc.gov.uk
web: www.surreycc.gov.uk/sheppertonlibrary                       Venue: Ashford Youth Centre, Kenilworth Road, TW15 3EL
TW:    @SheppertonLib
Venue: Shepperton Library, High Street, TW17 9AU                 Leacroft Youth Centre
Info: Monday 2-5pm. Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 10am-              Contact: Louise Champion
       1pm and 2pm-5pm. Saturday 9.30am-4pm. Sunday              email: louise.champion@surreycc.gov.uk
       and Wednesday closed. Rhymetime and storytime,            Venue: Leacroft Centre, Leacroft, Staines-upon-Thames,
       reading groups, coffee mornings, digital buddy -                   TW18 4PB
       details available on website.
Staines Library                                                  Shepperton Youth Centre
Tel:   0300 200 1001                                             Contact: Louise Champion
web: www.surreycc.gov.uk/staineslibrary                          email: louise.champion@surreycc.gov.uk
TW:    @StainesLibrary                                           Venue: Shepperton Youth Centre, Shepperton Court Drive,
Venue: Staines Library, Friends Walk, Staines-upon-                       Laleham Road, Shepperton, TW17 8EJ
       Thames, TW18 4PG
Info: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 9.30am-             Stanwell Youth Centre
       5.30pm. Tuesday 9.30am-7pm. Saturday 9.30am-              Contact: Louise Champion
       5pm. Sunday closed. Rhymetime and storytime,              email: louise.champion@surreycc.gov.uk
       reading groups, councillor surgeries, digital buddy -     Venue: Stanwell Youth Centre, Hadrian Way, TW19 7HE
       details available on website.
                                                                 Sunbury Youth Centre
Stanwell Library                                                 Contact: Louise Champion
Tel:   0300 200 1001                                             email: louise.champion@surreycc.gov.uk
web: www.surreycc.gov.uk/stanwelllibrary                         Venue: Sunbury Youth Centre, Beechwood Avenue,
TW:    @StanwellLibrary                                                   Sunbury-on-Thames, TW16 7RH
Venue: Stanwell Community Library, Stanwell Health and
       Community Centre, Hadrian Way, TW19 7HF                   Duke of Edinburgh Award - The Phoenix Project
Info: Monday 2-5pm, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday                 Contact: Nick Charalambous
       10am-1pm and 2-5pm. Saturday 10am-4pm. Sunday             Mobile: 07770 481773
       and Wednesday closed. Rhymetime and storytime,            email: niccharalambous@yahoo.co.uk
       digital buddy, reading groups, Local Conversations -      Venue: Ashford Youth Centre, Kenilworth Road, TW15 3EL
       details available on website.                             Info: Delivering the Duke of Edinburgh Award to
Sunbury Library                                                           Spelthorne residents in a youth club setting.
Tel:   0300 200 1001                                                      Thursdays 6-8.30pm.
web: www.surreycc.gov.uk/sunburylibrary
TW:    @SunburyLibrary
Venue: Sunbury Library, The Parade, Staines Road West,
       Sunbury-on-Thames, TW16 7AB
Info: Tuesday to Saturday 9.30am-5pm. Sunday and Monday
       closed. Rhymetime and storytime, reading groups,
       Citizens Advice Bureau, councillor surgeries, Friends’
       coffee times, digital buddy - details available on website.

4                                                                                    www.spelthorne.gov.uk/leisure
Leisure Directory 2019 - Free - Spelthorne Borough Council
Arts, culture and heritage

Arts, culture and heritage
Arts associations                                            Arts centres
Spelthorne Community Activities Association                  Riverside Arts Centre
Contact: Jill Britton                                        Contact: Eric Champion
Tel:     01784 247650                                        Tel:     01932 782850
email: jillmbritton@gmail.com                                web: www.riversidearts.co.uk
Info: Small annual subscription. Grants are available        Venue: Riverside Arts Centre, 59 Thames Street, Sunbury-
         on request to affliated members to further their             on-Thames, TW16 5QF
         clubs activities.                                   Info: Run by volunteers to provide facilities for the
                                                                      arts, including art, opera, drama, music, comedy,
Sunbury and Shepperton Arts Association                               pottery, sculpture, fower arranging, cultural
Contact: Secretary                                                    events, poetry and literature.
Tel:     01784 257175
email: info@ssaa-arts.org                                    Sunbury Embroidery Gallery
web: www.ssaa-arts.org                                       Contact: Barbara Robertson
Venue: Riverside Arts Centre, 59 Thames Street, Sunbury-     Tel:     01932 788101
         on-Thames, TW16 5QF                                 email: barbara@sunburygallery.org
Info: Open to all, the SSAA exists to foster and promote     web: www.sunburyembroidery.org.uk
         the knowledge, understanding and appreciation of    Venue: Sunbury Embroidery Gallery, The Walled Garden,
         the arts in Sunbury, Shepperton and surrounding              Thames Street, Sunbury-on-Thames, TW16 6AB
         areas. Run entirely by unpaid volunteers SSAA       Info: Celebrating the village at the turn of the
         promotes an annual Arts Festival in July, regular            Millennium. Programme of exhibitions and
         coffee concerts on Saturday mornings, musical                workshops throughout the season. Open Tuesday
         master classes, Burns Night, art/photographic                to Sunday 10am-5pm (summer) 10am-4pm
         exhibitions and much else.                                   (winter). Free entry. Café with parking and
                                                                      wheelchair access.

leisure@spelthorne.gov.uk                                                                                             5
Leisure Directory 2019 - Free - Spelthorne Borough Council
Arts, culture and heritage

                 Focus on                                       Art and craft groups
                                                                3D Decoupage Designs
                                                                Contact: Marion Bushnell
                                                                Tel:     01784 256983
                                                                Mobile: 07597 696616
                                                                email: marionb33@gmail.com
        Staines Park, Commercial Road, TW18 2QJ                 Venue: 33 Parkland Grove, Ashford, TW15 2JB
                                                                Info: Adults, Tuesday 7-9.30pm and Thursday 10am-
           Saturday Craft Club                                           12.30pm. £7 including tea/coffee. Make beautiful 3D
       Our Saturday morning Craft Club provides the                      pictures from a large selection of prints.
      opportunity for children 5-7 years (10-11am) and
     8-11years (11.30am-12.30pm) to make and create             Ashford Art Club
       a wide range of craft projects, learn new skills         Contact: Edwin Cripps
        and have fun! The club runs during term time            Tel:     0208 890 4419
        at Spelthorne Resource Centre, Staines Park,            email: artclubash55@gmail.com
    Commercial Road, Staines-upon-Thames, TW18 2QJ              web: www.ashfordart.co.uk
    and places must be pre-booked and paid in advance.          Venue: The Fordbridge Centre, Clarendon Road, Ashford,
     To book a place please contact Leisure Services on                  TW15 2QJ
     01784 446433 or go to www.spelthorne.gov.uk/               Info: 16+yrs. Thursdays 7.15-9.15pm. Non-tutored sessions
         leisurebookings Follow us on Facebook                           including painting, still life and portrait (all abilities).
              @spelthorneresourcecentre                                  Demonstrations and an annual exhibition. Annual fee
                                                                         £30 payable January.
                 Provided by
         Spelthorne Borough Council                             Shepperton Artists (SAA)
                                                                Contact: Peggy Pickering
                 Focus on                                       Tel:     01932 229907
                                                                email: peggy.gesso@gmail.com
                                                                Venue: Shepperton Village Hall, High Street, TW17 9AU.
       Spelthorne Arts Mailing list                                      Greeno Centre, Glebeland Gardens, Shepperton,
    Sign up to receive free emails with news, advice and                 TW17 9DH. Meadowview, Shepperton TW17 9DH
          opportunities for arts activities in Surrey.          Info: 18+yrs. Monday 10am-12noon at Shepperton Village
                                                                         Hall, Tuesday 1.45-3.45pm at Greeno Centre.
    Whether you are an organisation or an individual with
     an interest in the arts, email Arts Offcer Catherine
                                                                Thameside Art and Crafts Group
      Learmonth at c.learmonth@spelthorne.gov.uk
                                                                Contact: Anne Keen
                    to register your details.
                                                                Tel:     01784 453035
                                                                email: anne@thekeens.me.uk
                 Provided by                                    Venue: Thorpe Village Hall, (small function room) Coldharbour
         Spelthorne Borough Council                                      Lane, Thorpe, TW20 8TE
                                                                Info: Wednesday 7-9pm. We are open to anyone interested
                                                                         in joining a small group of artists and crafts people.
                 Focus on
                                                                Staines Knitting Group
           Arts Partnership Surrey                              Contact: Katie Flanagan
     Arts Partnership Surrey is a strategic alliance of nine    Mobile: 07931 251083
      local councils and trusts working together to shape       email: katie_lord@hotmail.com
    and deliver a cultural offering for Surrey that addresses   web: www.ravelry.com/groups/staines-knitting-group
         social, economic, learning and health needs.           FB:      Staines Knitting Group
                                                                Venue: Nostrano Lounge, 55 High Street, Staines-upon-
    If you have an idea from an arts project, or if you are
                                                                         Thames, TW18 4QH
    an artist or an arts organisation based in Surrey then
                                                                Info: Meet Tuesdays 6-8pm. We are a friendly group
               APS would love to hear from you.
                                                                         with a wide age range and welcome everyone from
          For more information visit                                     beginners to experienced knitters and crocheters.

6                                                                                    www.spelthorne.gov.uk/leisure
Leisure Directory 2019 - Free - Spelthorne Borough Council
Arts, culture and heritage
Thameside Quilters                                               Ashford Folk Dancers
Contact: Judy Stannard                                           Contact: Barrie Bullimore
Mobile: 07759 024241                                             Tel:     01784 452160
email: webmaster@thamesidequilters.co.uk                         Mobile: 07470 203830
web: www.thamesidequilters.co.uk                                 email: bkbullimore@gmail.com
FB:      @ThamesideQuilters                                      web: www.ashfordfolkdancers.org.uk
Venue: The Greeno Centre, Glebeland Gardens,                     Venue: St. Mary’s Parish Hall, Green Street, Sunbury-on-
         Shepperton, TW17 9DH                                             Thames, TW16 6RN
Info: Mixed group of all ages, skills and experience.            Info: Wednesday 8 - 10.15pm.
         Meet on the third Friday of the month between
         February and November. 7.30-9.30pm. Friendly and
                                                                 Everyone Active Dance School
         supportive. New members and guests welcome,
                                                                 Tel:   01784 493493
         and your frst visit to us is free! There is an annual
                                                                 email: spelthorneinfo@everyoneactive.com
         subscription fee of £30.
                                                                 web: www.everyoneactive.com
                                                                 FB:    Everyone Active - Spelthorne Leisure Centre
The Quilting Bees
                                                                 TW:    @easpelthorne
Contact: Charlotte Standing
                                                                 Venue: Spelthorne Leisure Centre, Knowle Green, Staines-
Tel:     01784 259064
                                                                        upon-Thames, TW18 1AJ
email: charlotte_standing@hotmail.com
                                                                 Info: Variety of classes including ballet, tap and street
Venue: St. Matthews Church Small Hall, Muncaster Close,
                                                                        dance. On Tuesdays and Thursdays between 4pm
         Ashford, TW15 2EE
                                                                        and 6pm.
Info: Open to anyone wishing to learn, or return to
         quilting. We meet alternate Tuesday mornings
                                                                 Halliford Folk Dancers
         9.45-11.45am. We have coffee/tea mid-morning, a
                                                                 Contact: David Sansom
         charity project, raffe, sales table, demonstrations,
                                                                 Mobile: 01932 872617
         occasional trips and a Christmas lunch. Tuition is
                                                                 email: harfelddancestudios@hotmail.com
         available for beginners.
                                                                 Venue: Shepperton Village Hall, High Street, Shepperton,
                                                                          TW17 9AU
Cinema                                                           Info: Wednesdays, 10am-12noon. No experience
                                                                          needed. Soft and comfortable shoes recommended.
Pinewood Cinema at Shepperton Studios                                     Coffee/tea break mid morning.
Tel:   01753 656815
Web: www.pinewoodcinema.com                                      Harfeld Dance Studios
Venue: Pinewood Cinema at the Korda Theatre, Studios             Contact: Paul Streatfeld
       Road, Shepperton, TW17 0QD                                Mobile: 07939 302106
Info: A unique weekend experience in the heart of                email: harfelddancestudios@hotmail.com
       Shepperton Studios, see the best of independent           Venue: St Pauls College, The Ridings, Green Street,
       and blockbuster flms in luxury surroundings. For                   Sunbury-on-Thames, TW16 6NX
       flm listings and times, book online or call.              Info: 3yrs - adult. Various times and cost. Disco
                                                                          freestyle, street, latin, ballroom, salsa, line dance
                                                                          and rock’n’roll. Wedding dances, private tuition.
                                                                 KH Dance Academy
Ann Langley School of Dancing
                                                                 Contact: Mrs K Cameron-Webb
Contact: Ann Langley
                                                                 Mobile: 07891 675753
Tel:     0208 751 2177
                                                                 email: info@kh-danceacademy.co.uk
Mobile: 07957 746518
                                                                 web: www.kh-danceacademy.co.uk
email: langleydancing@hotmail.com
                                                                 Venue: Riverside Arts Centre, Sunbury Methodist Church,
web: www.langleydancing.co.uk
                                                                          Halliford Community Centre, Sunbury Cricket Club,
Venue: Village Hall, High Street, Shepperton, TW17 9AU
                                                                          Laleham Methodist Church.
Info: 18+yrs. Adult ballroom and latin classes, all levels.
                                                                 Info: 18 months-adults. Ballet, tap, street jazz,
                                                                          contemporary, musical theatre, ftness and
                                                                          Zumba gold. Holiday workshops. RAD, ISTD and
                                                                          ID dance exams. Dance shows and pantomime
                                                                          performances. Fun, friendly dance school with
                                                                          qualifed staff.
leisure@spelthorne.gov.uk                                                                                                         7
Leisure Directory 2019 - Free - Spelthorne Borough Council
Arts, culture and heritage
Kristi’s Dance Academy
Contact: Kristi Jones
Tel:     01784 451028                                    Dramatize
Mobile: 07973 392130                                     Contact: Karen Davies
email: info@kdadance.co.uk                               Mobile: 07912 183085
web: www.kdadance.co.uk                                  email: info@dramatize.co.uk
Venue: Hampton Baptist Church Hall, Beards Hill,         web: www.dramatize.co.uk
         Hampton, TW12 2AQ and Reach Academy,            Venue: Ashford Recreation Ground Pavilion, Clockhouse Lane,
         High Street, Feltham, TW13 4AB                           Ashford, TW15 2HH
Info: Children 3+yrs. Ballet, tap, modern, jazz          Info: 16+yrs with learning disabilities. Dramatize runs two day
         and street jazz, contemporary and creative               time provisions - Academy and Theatrical Day Services
         dance. Adult classes in ballet and tap. ISTD             (9am-4pm). Evening workshops - Mondays 4.30-7.30pm
         modern, tap and jazz. RAD ballet. Graded and             Theatre School. Wednesdays 4.30-6pm Creative
         vocational level classes and examinations.               Movement and 6-7pm Zumba. Alternate Fridays 7-10pm
                                                                  youth club. All are based on the theatre industry and act
Laleham Monday Folk Dancers                                       as a platform to help further each individual’s personal
Contact: Barrie Bullimore                                         development through the arts.
Tel:     01784 452160
Mobile: 07470 203830                                     Manor Players of Sunbury
email: bkbullimore@gmail.com                             Contact: David Young or James Ford-Bannister
Venue: Laleham Methodist Church, Edinburgh Drive,        Tel:     01784 452589
         Staines-upon-Thames, TW18 1PH                   Mobile: 07796 531427
Info: Mondays, 10am-noon. £1.50 per session.             email: info@manorplayers.org
                                                         web: www.manorplayers.org
Louise Hudson School of Dance                            FB:      @TheManorPlayers
Contact: Louise Hudson AISTD DiP CDE                     TW:      @ManorPlayers
Tel:     01784 441909                                    Venue: Riverside Arts Centre, 59 Thames Street, Sunbury-on-
email: lhschoolofdance@gmail.com                                  Thames, TW16 5QF
FB:      Louise Hudson School of Dance                   Info: All ages. Rehearsals on Tuesdays and Thursdays
Venue: Staines, Stanwell, Ashford areas                           throughout the year with three main productions.
Info: Toddlers to majors. ISTD qualifed tuition in
         ballet, tap and modern theatre dance ISTD       PTP Academy
         examinations. Happy, friendly dance school.     Contact: Megan Louise Crawley
         Fully insured, DBS and emergency frst aid       Mobile: 07973 526012
         trained.                                        email: info@pindartheatreperformers.co.uk
                                                         web: www.ptpacademy.co.uk
The Urban Dance School (UDS)                             FB:      @PTPerformerss
Contact: Matt Walker                                     TW:      @PindarTP
Mobile: 07852 322758                                     Venue: Magna Carta Arts Centre, Thorpe Road, Staines-upon-
email: matt.theurbandanceschool@gmail.com or                      Thames, TW18 3HJ
         info@theurbandanceschool.com                    Info: For ages 4-24yrs. Musical Theatre classes plus LAMDA
web: www.theurbandanceschool.com                                  examinations in Drama, Speech, Musical Theatre and
FB:      The Urban Dance School (UDS)                             Public Speaking. Please visit our website for more
TW:      @DanceUds                                                information.
Venue: Based at Thames Club Staines plus classes
         at leisure centres and schools in Spelthorne,   Riverside Youth Theatre
         Surrey and the Greater London area              Contact: Emma Heaton
Info: 5+yrs. Street, breakin’ and hip hop dancing        email: riversideyouththeatre@outlook.com
         for everyone. A healthy form of exercise and    web: www.riversideyouththeatre.co.uk
         enjoyment. Lessons for absolute beginners       Venue: Riverside Arts Centre, 59 Thames Street, Sunbury-on-
         to professional standards are available.                 Thames, TW16 5QF
         Many performance opportunities throughout       Info: 12-18yrs offering opportunities for young people to
         the year.                                                expand and develop their talents either on stage or in the
                                                                  technical team. We run term time rehearsing on Sundays
                                                                  2-6pm and produce two shows a year in December and
                                                                  May ranging from Shakespeare to Sondheim!

8                                                                              www.spelthorne.gov.uk/leisure
Leisure Directory 2019 - Free - Spelthorne Borough Council
Arts, culture and heritage
Shepperton Players
Mobile: 07505 206757                                                               Focus on
web: www.sheppertonplayers.org.uk
Venue: Riverside Arts Centre, 59 Thames Street, Sunbury-                        Spelthorne Museum

        on-Thames, TW16 5QF

Info: Four productions per year. Plenty to do on and off                       Spelthorne Museum is situated at
        stage. New faces always welcome.                                    1 Elmsleigh Road, Staines-upon-Thames
                                                                          TW18 4PN and is accessed via Staines Library.
St. Hilda’s Entertainers
Contact: Mike Davenport                                                 The Elmsleigh Room (History of Spelthorne) is open
Tel:     01784 252170                                                   during library hours (except for the second Saturday
email: sthildasentertainers@gmail.com                                    morning of the month) and displays information on
web: www.sthildasentertainers.com                                      the history of Spelthorne from the Ice Age to modern
Venue: St. Hilda’s Hall, Woodthorpe Road, Ashford,                      times. The historic London Stone is also on display.
         TW15 3QL
Info: 10+yrs. Two productions a year - a play in May and                 The Thames Room is staffed by volunteers and is
         a panto in December. Rehearsal nights Tuesday and             open Wednesday and Friday 2-4pm and on Saturdays
         Thursday from 8-10pm. New members welcome,                        1.30-4.30pm and includes exhibits such as the
         whether you want to star, be in a chorus, or simply help         1738 parish fre engine and a replica of a Roman
         paint some scenery or sew some buttons on costumes.            shop. There is also a small museum shop within the
                                                                                           Thames Room.
Stagecoach Performing Arts Staines
Contact: Natasha Clarke                                                             For further information
Tel:     07802 800633                                                            contact 01784 461804, email
email: staines@stagecoach.co.uk                                           staff@spelthorne.free-online.co.uk or visit
web: www.stagecoach.co.uk/staines                                              www.spelthornemuseum.org.uk
FB:      @StagecoachStaines
Venue: Thomas Knyvett College, Stanwell Road, Ashford,                         In partnership with
         TW15 3DU                                                          Spelthorne Borough Council
Info: Drama, dance and singing classes for children aged
         4-18yrs. Classes are once a week on a Friday or
         Saturday. Two week trial for 4-6yrs (£25) and 6-18yrs      History and archaeology
         (£50). Trial fee will be deducted from the term’s fees
         if you register for the full term. A great way to settle   Spelthorne Archaeology and Local History Group
         in and discover all that Stagecoach has to offer.          Tel:   01784 461804
         Childcare vouchers accepted.                               email: staff@spelthorne.free-online.co.uk
                                                                    web: www.spelthornemuseum.org.uk
Staines Musical Theatre Group                                       FB:    Spelthorne Museum
Contact: Gail Thomas                                                TW:    @SpelthorneMuseu
Tel:     01784 605805                                               Venue: Spelthorne Museum, 1 Elmsleigh Road, Staines-
email: support@smtg.org.uk                                                 upon-Thames, TW18 4PN (access via Staines
web: www.smtg.org.uk                                                       Library)
Venue: St Paul’s Church Hall, Thorpe Road, Staines-upon-            Info: Promotes the study of history and archaeology
         Thames, TW18 3HJ                                                  in Spelthorne by running Spelthorne Museum,
Info: Monday and Wednesday rehearsals 8-10pm.                              monthly talks and a quarterly newsletter for
         Friendly musical theatre group producing three                    members.
         shows a year, always looking for new members for
         stage and behind the scenes.                               Spelthorne Young Archaeologists Club (SPARCS)
                                                                    Contact: Rowena Ferneley
Staines Players                                                     Tel:     01344 843370
Tel:   01784 511015                                                 email: rowena@spelthorne.free-online.co.uk
email: secretary@stainesplayers.com                                 Venue: Spelthorne Museum, 1 Elmsleigh Road, Staines-
web: www.stainesplayers.com                                                  upon-Thames, TW18 4PN (access via Staines
Venue: Stanwell Village Hall, High Street, TW19 7JR                          Library)
Info: Local drama group with ages 18-85yrs. We welcome              Info: 9-16yrs. A monthly club for young people living in
       anybody who would like to tread the boards or work                    Spelthorne and interested in archaeology.
       backstage. Rehearsal dates vary.
leisure@spelthorne.gov.uk                                                                                                      9
Leisure Directory 2019 - Free - Spelthorne Borough Council
Arts, culture and heritage

                 Focus on                                      Media and photography
                                                               Ashford (Middx) Camera Club
                                                               Contact: Brian Hulatt
                                                               Tel:     01932 787128
                                                               email: brianhulatt@tiscali.co.uk
                                                               web: www.ashfordcameraclub.org.uk
                                                               Venue: St. Matthew’s Church Hall, Muncaster Close,
                                                                        Ashford, TW15 2EE
                                                               Info: Any age and photographic ability welcomed.
                                                                        Please see website for meeting days and times.
                                                                        Most are Tuesdays, 8-10pm.
       The Staines Public Art Trail
                                                               Laleham Camera Club
     The Staines Public Art Trail lists the public art, both   Contact: Richard Gudge
     new and old in Staines-upon-Thames town centre.           Mobile: 07902 302482
       A leafet from www.spelthorne.gov.uk/publicart           web: www.laleham-camera-club.co.uk
      is available to download which gives a route and         Venue: Laleham Village Hall, The Broadway, TW18 1RP
       information for viewing the art along with some         Info: Tuesday, 8pm. In the summer we meet at various
        interactive activities for all the family to enjoy.             outside locations.

      If you would like a hard copy of the leafet please       Staines Video Makers
       contact Leisure Services 01784 446433 or email          Contact: Cathy Clarke
             leisure@spelthorne.gov.uk                         Tel:     01784 433580
                                                               Mobile: 07837 794296
                 Provided by                                   email: cathyclarke.catharine@gmail.com
         Spelthorne Borough Council                            FB:      @StainesVideoMakers
                                                               Venue: Laleham Village Hall, The Broadway, Laleham,
Sunbury and Shepperton Local History Society                            TW18 1RP
Contact: Pat Burrell                                           Info: We make and show amateur flms for our own
Tel:     01932 564556                                                   entertainment and other IAC members. We run
Mobile: 07771 701615                                                    practical sessions in using video cameras and
email: patburrell1@gmail.com                                            editing. We have won awards in the UK and we
web: www.sslhs.org.uk                                                   regularly see, judge and are judged in other video
FB:      @SunburySheppertonLocalHistory                                 clubs in the UK. Open evening every summer
Venue: Halliford School, Russell Road, Shepperton, TW17                 (usually May). We do flm shows for other groups
         9HX                                                            on request.
Info: 12+yrs. Meetings from September to May.
         Illustrated talks about local and wider historical
         interest. Members receive a journal twice a           Music
         year, newsletters and emails highlighting special
         events. Subscription is £8 for a singles, £12 for     Ashford Orchestral Society
         joint members. Non members welcome to attend          Contact: Janet Husband
         advertised meetings at £2 per person.                 Tel:     01784 241027
                                                               email: steve.husband@bcs.org
                                                               Venue: St. Matthews Church, Ashford, TW15 2PL
Literature appreciation                                        Info: Tuesday evenings 7.30-9pm. A small amateur
                                                                        orchestra who welcome players of all standards
Friends of Sunbury Library                                              and play a mixture of classical and light music.
Contact: Brenda Horwill
Tel:     01932 784866
email: dmhorwill@aol.com
Venue: Sunbury Library, The Parade, Staines Road West,
         Sunbury-on-Thames, TW16 7AB
Info: Literature appreciation and special events to
         promote the library facilities.

10                                                                                 www.spelthorne.gov.uk/leisure
Arts, culture and heritage
                                                               Staines Brass
                                                               Contact: Tina Burgess
                                                               Mobile: 07834 980695
                                                               email: tina.burgess3@ntlworld.com
                                                               web: www.stainesbrass.co.uk
                                                               Venue: The Bandroom, The Lammas Park, Wraysbury Road,
                                                                        Staines-upon-Thames, TW18 4XZ
                                                               Info: In addition to concerts in Spelthorne, Staines Brass
                                                                        Band participates in national contests; it is currently
Barbershop Harmony Club of Staines                                      graded nationally in the frst section. Principal
Contact: Dennis Counsell                                                rehearsals Thursdays 8-10pm.
Tel:     01344 843522
email: dennis@stillriver.plus.com                              Staines Lammas Band
web: www.magnacartachorus.com                                  Contact: Emma Elliot-Smith (Band Manager)
Venue: The White House, 45 The Avenue, Hampton, TW12 3RN       Mobile: 07811 927410
Info: Thursday (phone to confrm times). Harmony singing        email: emma.esmith@outlook.com
         (a cappella). Frequent performances. New members      web: www.staineslammas.band
         welcome.                                              Venue: The Bandroom, The Lammas Park, Wraysbury Road,
                                                                        Staines-upon-Thames, TW18 4XZ
Flute and Piano Lessons                                        Info: A non-contesting brass band that concentrates
Contact: Colleen Muriel                                                 on performing quality concerts within and beyond
Mobile: 07722 574625                                                    Spelthorne, often fund-raising for local charities.
email: colleenmuriel@hotmail.com                                        Principal rehearsals Tuesdays, 8pm.
web: www.elfauto.ca
Venue: Riverside Arts Centre, 59 Thames Street, Sunbury-       Surrey Music Hub
         on-Thames, TW16 5QF                                   Tel:   01483 519303
Info: Serious learning that’s lots of fun! No exams. All       email: surreymusichub@surreycc.gov.uk
         ages welcome. Flexible days and times available.      web: www.surreymusichub.com
                                                               FB:    @SurreyMusicHub
Sing Spelthorne Choir                                          TW:    @SurreyMusicHub
Contact: Liz Down                                              Info: Surrey Music Hub, led by Surrey Arts, is a network
email: info@singspelthorne.co.uk                                      of music organisations and schools working together
web: www.singspelthorne.co.uk                                         to bring more musical opportunities to young people
FB:      @singspelthorneashford                                       both in schools and in the wider community.
Venue: St Michael Catholic Primary School, Feltham Hill
         Road, Ashford, TW15 2DG                               Surrey Singing School
Info: Thursdays 7-9pm. A friendly community choir, led         Contact: Cinnamon Fuller
         by a professional Musical Director. We hold no        Tel:     01932 221542
         auditions and anyone 18+yrs is welcome to join us,    Mobile: 07830 450466
         whatever their singing prowess. Free taster session   email: info@surreysingingschool.co.uk
         available. £4 per week, payable termly in advance.    web: www.surreysingingschool.co.uk
                                                               Venue: Sunbury-on-Thames, Shepperton and Esher.
Spelthorne Choral Society                                      Info: 6-18yrs. Pop vocal and musical theatre singing
Contact: Gill Sloan                                                     classes, musical theatre and drama LAMDA exams.
Mobile: 07527 155443
email: alanandgill@live.co.uk                                  Thameside Harmony Chorus
web: www.spelthornechoralsociety.com                           Contact: Sarah Davies
FB:      Spelthorne Choral Society                             Tel:     020 8941 5134
TW:      @Spelthorne_sing                                      email: sarah.davies@blueyonder.co.uk
Venue: Our Lady of the Rosary, Park Avenue, Staines-upon-      web: www.thamesideharmony.co.uk
         Thames, TW18 2EF                                      Venue: YMCA White House, 45 The Avenue, Hampton,
Info: Meet on Mondays 7.30-9.30pm. Perform four                         TW12 3RN
         concerts annually. Professional conductor, Music      Info: An a cappella (barbershop) ladies choir always keen
         Director Sean Bui, and accompanist Lindsay                     to welcome new members. We meet Wednesdays,
         Bridgwater. Friendly, welcoming, no auditions.                 7.45-10pm. £20 per month plus yearly association
         Under 25s sing free!                                           fees to LABBS.

leisure@spelthorne.gov.uk                                                                                                  11
Shepperton Village Hall
                          Halls for hire

                          Halls for hire
                          Ashford (Short Lane) Sports Club Ltd                         Christ Church Hall
                          Contact: Gary Denne                                          Contact: Staines Parish Offce
                          Tel:     01784 252288                                        Tel:     01784 469155
                          email: asls@btconnect.com                                    email: offce@stainesparish.org.uk
                          web: www.ashfordsportsclub.com                               web: www.stainesparish.org.uk
                          Venue: Ashford Sports Club, Short Lane, Stanwell, TW19       Venue: Christ Church Hall, Kenilworth Gardens,
                                   7BQ                                                          Staines-upon-Thames, TW18 1DR
                          Info: Venue available for hire for functions and             Info: Large and small halls, kitchen, disabled
                                   meetings. Catering and DJ can be arranged, fully             access and facilities, parking.
                                   licensed bar.
                                                                                       Fordbridge Park Bowls Club
                          The Bishop Wand School                                       Contact: Pat Wickens
                          Tel:   01932 778639                                          Tel:     01784 242742
                          email: fnance@bishopwand.surrey.sch.uk                       email: fpbc2012@btinternet.com
                          web: www.bishopwand.surrey.sch.uk                            Venue: Fordbridge Park, Kingston Road, Ashford,
                          Venue: The Bishop Wand Church of England School,                      TW15 3SJ
                                 Laytons Lane, Sunbury-on-Thames, TW16 6LT             Info: Our hall is used for bowls club activities
                          Info: Sports hall, dance studio, drama studio, indoor                 and in addition regularly hosts committee
                                 swimming pool and an astro turf pitch all for hire.            meetings, training sessions, social functions
                                                                                                and parties. Wheelchair access, disabled
                                                                                                facilities available. Large car parking area
                                                                                                adjacent to the hall. Call for capacity, costs
                                                                                                and availability.

                          12                                                                               www.spelthorne.gov.uk/leisure
Halls for hire
Hazelwood Centre
Contact: Fiona McHugh                                                       Focus on
Tel:     01932 750190
email: admin@hazelwood-centre.co.uk
web: www.hazelwood-centre.co.uk
FB:      @HazelwoodCentre
TW:      @HazelwoodCentre
Venue: Hazelwood Drive, Sunbury-on-Thames, TW16 6QU
Info: Caters for a range of events; birthdays, wedding
         receptions, corporate. Club house open to public
         Monday-Friday 6-11pm, Saturday 9am-midnight
         and Sunday 9am-4pm (subject to private events).

Old School Building Management Committee
Contact: Peter Baker                                                                  Fordbridge Centre, Ashford
Tel:     01932 784933
Venue: The Old School Building, New Road, Littleton,
         Shepperton, TW17 0QQ
Info: Hall available for private hire up to 100 capacity.
         Weekend hire for children’s parties up to the age of
                                                                 Community halls for hire
         10. Step free access and disabled toilets.
                                                                 We have Council owned venues in the
St. Hilda’s Church Hall                                          Borough that are available to hire for a
Contact: Chris Davenport                                         variety of purposes including wedding
Tel:     01784 252170
web: www.sthilda.org
                                                                 receptions, birthday parties, exhibitions,
Venue: St. Hilda’s Church Hall, Ashford, TW15 3QL                business functions, dramas, musicals, club
Info: Main hall (capacity 160 dancing/ 210 seated) and           and group meetings, dances, conferences,
         kitchen. Thornton Room (capacity 50) and kitchenette.   cultural and religious events. Most venues
St. James Senior Boys’ School
                                                                 need to be vacated by 10.30pm unless
Contact: Lisa Canderton                                          otherwise stated at the time of booking.
Tel:     01784 266935                                            Limited parking is available at each venue.
email: events@stjamesenterprises.co.uk
web: www.stjamesschools.co.uk/seniorboys
                                                                 Venues available:
Venue: St. James Senior Boys’ School, Church Road,               • Fordbridge Centre, Ashford
         Ashford, TW15 3DZ                                       • Greeno Centre, Shepperton
Info: Neo-Gothic building licensed for civil ceremonies          • Shepperton Village Hall
         in our main entrance and main hall together with
         religious weddings in our beautiful victorian
                                                                 • Staines Community Centre
         chapel, christenings, picturesque grounds, catering
         services, functions with licensed bar. Also available   Hire charges depend upon the venue
         for conferences, corporate events, classroom            selected (please note there is a minimum
         hire and sports hire such as cricket, tennis, astro
                                                                 hire time of two hours).

St. Nicholas Parish Centre                                       For further details please visit:
Tel:   01932 221621
email: parishoffce4@gmail.com
web: www.stnicholaschurch-shepperton.org.uk
Venue: The Parish Centre, Church Square, Shepperton,             To book call 01784 451499 or email
       TW17 9JY                                                  customer.services@spelthorne.gov.uk
Info: Modern and adaptable for business or social events.
                                                                             Provided by
                                                                     Spelthorne Borough Council

leisure@spelthorne.gov.uk                                                                                      13
Halls for hire
                                                               Stanwell Rose Community Centre
                                                               Tel:   0845 432 0077
                                                               email: leah.campbell@a2dominion.co.uk
                                                               Venue: Stanwell Rose Community Centre, Mulberry
                                                                      Avenue, Stanwell, TW19 7SF
                                                               Info: Large hall (capacity 100) which can be divided
                                                                      into two smaller rooms (capacity 60 and 40). Fully
St. Peter’s Church Hall
                                                                      equipped with kitchen, disabled access, parking.
Contact: Staines Parish Offce
Tel:     01784 469155
                                                               Stanwell Village Hall
email: offce@stainesparish.org.uk
                                                               Contact: Maureen Frost
web: www.stainesparish.org.uk
                                                               Tel:     01784 258958
Venue: St Peter’s Church Hall, Laleham Road, Staines-
                                                               email: maureenfrostb@aol.com
         upon-Thames, TW18 2DX
                                                               web: www.stanwellvillagehall.co.uk
Info: Large/small halls, kitchen, disabled access, parking,
                                                               Venue: High Street, Stanwell, TW19 7JR
                                                               Info: Large and/or small hall for hire with kitchen. See
                                                                        website for information. Latest closing time 11pm.
Spelthorne Gymnastics
Tel:   01784 781338
                                                               Sunbury Leisure Centre
email: spelthornegymnastics@me.com
                                                               Tel:   01932 772287
web: www.spelthornegymnastics.com
                                                               email: sunburyinfo@everyoneactive.com
FB:    @spelthornegymclub
                                                               web: www.everyoneactive.com
TW:    @Spelthornegym
                                                               Venue: Sunbury Leisure Centre, Nursery Road, Sunbury-on-
Venue: Laytons Lane, Sunbury-on-Thames, TW16 6LP
                                                                      Thames, TW16 6LG
Info: A new facility with gymnasium, dance studios
                                                               Info: We have a sports hall and studios available for hire
       and a café/bar serving beverages, light meals and
                                                                      for meetings and functions. Please call to enquire.
       snacks. We host children’s gym parties and our
       studios can be hired for events/clubs.
                                                               Sunbury and Walton Sea Cadets
                                                               Tel:   01932 223964
Spelthorne Leisure Centre
                                                               email: sunburyandwaltonseacadets@gmail.com
Tel:   01784 493493
                                                               web: www.sea-cadets.org/sunburywalton
email: spelthorneinfo@everyoneactive.com
                                                               Venue: TS Black Swan, near Walton Bridge, Penny Lane,
web: www.everyoneactive.com
                                                                      Shepperton, TW17 8NG
Venue: Spelthorne Leisure Centre, Knowle Green, Staines-
                                                               Info: Hall with full bar and river frontage in Shepperton.
       upon-Thames, TW18 1AJ
                                                                      Available days and evenings, seats 60 people.
Info: Sports hall/studios available. Catering options.
                                                                      Outside hard standing for BBQs etc. Car park.

                                                               WR Sports Club
                                                               Contact: Ben Guyett
                                                               Tel:     01784 251255
                                                               email: clubhouse@wrsports.co.uk
                                                               web: www.wrsports.co.uk
                                                               Venue: WR Sports Club, The Clubhouse, Woodthorpe
                                                                        Road, Ashford, TW15 3JX
                                                               Info: Venue available 7 days a week, 11am-11pm
                                                                        (extensions until midnight can be applied for),
                                                                        capacity 100-120. Car parking, large patio with
                                                                        seating. Catering and disco can be arranged. Social
                                                                        membership available, new kids zone, pool, darts,
                                                                        plus Sky and BT sports.

                 Spelthorne Leisure Centre, sports hall hire
14                                                                                www.spelthorne.gov.uk/leisure
Interests, groups and organisations

Interests, groups and organisations
Allotments                                                        Spelthorne Council Allotments
                                                                  Tel:   01784 451499
Ashford and District Smallholders                                 email: customer.services@spelthorne.gov.uk
Contact: Bob Standing                                             web: www.spelthorne.gov.uk/allotments
Tel:     01784 259064                                             Info: Spelthorne has 13 allotment sites around the borough
email: ashfordallotments@hotmail.co.uk                                   (two self managed). The popularity of allotments has
web: www.surreycommunity.info/ashfordallotments/                         increased in recent years with a growing interest in
Venue: Chattern Hill Allotments, Feltham Road, Ashford                   producing your own cheap, freshly grown food and
Info: Would you like to grow your own fresh fruit and                    the opportunity to escape, for a short time, from the
         veg? Join our friendly bunch of allotment gardeners.            stresses of everyday life. See website for vacancies
         Healthy exercise in the open air. All ages and abilities        or call Customer Services.
         welcome. Plots of all sizes.
                                                                 Animals and horticulture
Shepperton Allotment Association
Contact: John White                                              Heathrow Special Needs Centre
Tel:     07968 834301                                            Contact: Ken Tinslay
email: johnwhite84@aol.com                                       Tel:     01753 680330
web: www.sheppertonallotments.org.uk                             email: info@heathrowspecialneedscentre.org
Venue: Shepperton Village Allotment Garden, Grove Road,          web: www.heathrowspecialneedscentre.org
         Shepperton                                              Venue: Bath Road, Longford, West Drayton, UB7 0EF
Info: If you fancy a more healthy lifestyle, where you get       Info: Opportunities for people with varying disabilities
         exercise to keep you ft whilst you produce healthy               from the age of 5 years to work with animals and
         organic food for your table, why not apply for a plot            horticulture. Monday-Friday, 10am-2pm. Saturday
         now? Five raised beds for those with disabilities.               only for pre-booked horse riding. With the exception
                                                                          of horse riding, participation in all activities is free.
                                                                          Volunteers always welcome.

leisure@spelthorne.gov.uk                                                                                                      15
Interests, groups and organisations

Collectors clubs                                                 Greeno Centre
                                                                 Contact: Pat White
Ashford (Middx) and District Philatelic Society                  Tel:     01932 246173
Contact: Wendy Rushton                                           email: greenocentre@spelthorne.gov.uk
Tel:     01784 463749                                            Web: www.spelthorne.gov.uk/communitycentres
email: rushwendela@yahoo.co.uk                                   Venue: The Greeno Centre, Glebeland Gardens,
Web: www.ashfordstampclub.wixsite.com/home                                Shepperton, TW17 9DH
Venue: St. Michael’s Church Hall, Clarendon Road,                Info: Monday to Friday, 9am-4pm. A wide variety of
         Ashford, TW15 2QD                                                activities and events including circuit training and
Info: Open to all ages. Fortnightly on Thursday 7.45pm.                   exercise classes, chiropody, kurling, memory group/
         Exhibitions, talks, competitions, auctions and                   Cameo, Opal Group assisted by carers, massage
         meetings with other societies. Visitors welcome.                 refexology, gym, stroke rehab, bridge, art, singing
                                                                          and lots more. Hot lunches served every day.
                                                                          Please come and visit our friendly centre.
Community boat
                                                                 Staines Community Centre
Spelthorne Community Boat ‘Impossible Dream’                     Contact: Sue Barlow
Contact: Derek Beake                                             Tel:     01784 463073
Mobile: 07980 410665                                             email: stainescommunitycentre@spelthorne.gov.uk
email: impossibledream.sailability@gmail.com                     Web: www.spelthorne.gov.uk/communitycentres
Venue: Thames from Shepperton                                    Venue: Staines Community Centre, Thames Street,
Info: Thanks to a Big Lottery grant, a motor cruiser,                     Staines-upon-Thames, TW18 4EA
         ‘Impossible Dream’, has been converted and made         Info: Monday to Friday, 9am-4pm upstairs (lift available),
         available for short trips of the Thames for people               9am-3pm ground foor. Activities include exercise
         with disabilities. It can take three wheelchair users            classes, computer lessons and foreign languages.
         and nine others. Operated by members of Queen                    Therapies include chiropody, aromatherapy and
         Mary Sailability and Desborough Sailing Club.                    refexology. Come and visit our friendly centre.

Community centres                                                Stanwell Rose Community Centre
                                                                 Contact: Danielle Coram
Benwell Centre                                                   Tel:     0800 432 0077
Contact: Sacha Harden                                            email: customer.services@a2dominion.co.uk
Tel:     01932 784232                                            Web: www.a2dominion.co.uk
email: benwellcentre@spelthorne.gov.uk                           FB:      @StanwellRoseCommunityCentre
Web: www.spelthorne.gov.uk/communitycentres                      Venue: Stanwell Rose Community Centre, Mulberry
Venue: Benwell Centre, Downside, Sunbury-on-Thames,                       Avenue, Stanwell, TW19 7SF
         TW16 6RT                                                Info: Stanwell Friday Club for 60+yrs, every second
Info: Monday to Friday, 9am-3pm. Activities for the over                  Friday 10.30am-12.30pm. Knit and Natter for
         50s including line dancing, exercise, bingo, art and             beginners and experienced knitters 16+yrs every
         craft classes and more. Please come along and                    other Monday 1-3pm. Digital DIY free computer
         visit our friendly centre and staff to fnd out more.             and internet support class every Wednesday 9.30-
         Restaurant open daily.                                           10.45am. Let’s Get Moving, seated and standing
                                                                          dancing exercise for 50+yrs every Monday 11am-
Fordbridge Centre                                                         12pm and Thursday 1-2pm. Yoga for 16+yrs every
Contact: Jan Kinsella                                                     Wednesday 11am-12pm, all abilities welcome.
Tel:     01784 243880                                                     Bingo every Thursday 10.30am.
email: fordbridgecentre@spelthorne.gov.uk
Web: www.spelthorne.gov.uk/communitycentres
Venue: The Fordbridge Centre, Clarendon Road, Ashford,
         TW15 2PU
Info: Monday to Friday, 9am-4pm. Providing a wide
         variety of lunches served daily, many activities
         and events including exercise, computer lessons
         and trips. Please come along and visit our friendly
         centre to fnd out more.

16                                                                                   www.spelthorne.gov.uk/leisure
Interests, groups and organisations

Flower arranging                                                Thames Valley Horticultural Society
                                                                Contact: Jose Green
Staines Floral Art Group                                        Tel:     01784 241946
Tel:   01932 564835 / 01784 255705                              Mobile: 07708 488351
email: stainesfag@surreynafas.org.uk                            email: josegreen45@goolemail.com
web: www.surreynafas.org.uk                                     web: www.surreycommunity.info.tvhs
Venue: Grovebarns, Park Avenue, Staines-upon-Thames,            Venue: Clubhouse, Fordbridge Park Bowls Club, Fordbridge
       TW18 2EY                                                          Park, Kingston Road, Ashford, TW15 3SJ
Info: Evening meetings on 4th Wednesday of the                  Info: For all ages who have an interest in gardening
       month comprising of 5 practical workshops and 3                   and horticulture in general. Meetings, often with
       demonstrations. Affliated to National Association                 invited speaker, on gardening topics are held on
       of Flower Arrangers (NAFAS). Visitors welcome at                  the last Thursday of each month at 7.30pm except
       all meetings.                                                     December when we hold our AGM on the second
                                                                         Thursday. Subscriptions are £10-£12 per years.
Sunbury-on-Thames Flower Club                                            Visitors welcome at £2.
Contact: Secretary
Tel:     01784 257175                                           Information
email: hurrellh.11394@btinternet.com
web: www.surreynafas.org.uk                                     Spelthorne Committee for Access Now (SCAN)
Venue: Riverside Arts Centre, 59 Thames Street, Sunbury-        Contact: Lesley Windle
         on-Thames, TW16 5QF                                    Mobile: 07967 499829
Info: Fun with fower arranging! We are a small friendly         email: info@spelthorneaccess.org.uk
         afternoon club, meeting at 2pm usually on the frst     web: www.spelthorneaccess.org.uk
         Tuesday of the month. We enjoy fower arranging         Venue: Meetings held at Council Offces, Knowle Green,
         demonstrations, workshops and outings. Annual                   Staines-upon-Thames, TW18 1XB
         Subscription £25, plus £5 per meeting, £6 visitors.    Info: A voluntary organisation formed to improve access
                                                                         and facilities for people with disabilities. We
Horticulture                                                             meet four times a year plus an AGM. Voluntary
                                                                         membership £5.
Ashford Horticultural Society
Contact: Barbara Baghapour                                      Local environment and wildlife
Tel:     01784 247907
Mobile: 07949 989366                                            Colne Valley Regional Park
email: barbara.baghapour@live.co.uk                             Contact: Stewart Pomeroy
web: www.ashfordgardeningclub.org.uk                            Tel:     01895 832662
Venue: St. Matthews Church Hall, Muncaster Close,               email: colnevalley@groundwork.org.uk
         Ashford, TW15 2EE                                      web: www.colnevalleypark.org.uk
Info: Second Tuesday of the month, 8pm. Talks,                  Venue: Colne Valley Visitor Centre, Denham Court Drive,
         competitions, refreshments. Four shows a year and               Denham, UB9 5PG
         an annual plant fair. Visits to gardens of interest.   Info: Explore the countryside on your doorstep from the
         New members welcome.                                            Thames at Staines-upon-Thames along the valley
                                                                         to Rickmansworth, including country parks, nature
Shepperton Horticultural Association                                     reserves, 270km of paths, 70 lakes, 200km of river
Contact: Jon Button                                                      and amazing wildlife.
Tel:     01932 247255
email: jonbutton2004@yahoo.co.uk
web: www.sheppertonha.co.uk
Venue: Shepperton Village Hall, High Street, Shepperton,
         TW17 9AU
Info: All ages. Two shows and one sale a year. New
         members welcome.

leisure@spelthorne.gov.uk                                                                                                17
Interests, groups and organisations
The Friends of Ash Link - FOAL                               Model railway/engineers
Contact: Irving Lord
Tel:     01784 259037                                        Littleton Model Railway Club
email: irving2lord@gmail.com                                 Contact: Tony Hammett
web: www.snhs.org.uk                                         Tel:     01932 786082
FB:      Spelthorne Natural History Society                  Mobile: 07957 154390
Venue: Shepperton, either side of the M3 motorway            email: tonyhammett@hotmail.co.uk
Info: Shepperton based wildlife group. Conservation          Venue: Littleton Old School, New Road, Littleton, TW17
         projects at Ash Link every 1st, 2nd and 4th                  0QQ
         Wednesday at 9:30 for a couple of hours.            Info: Meetings frst and third Mondays of each month,
         Additional volunteer work on weekends at other               2pm. Open to all ages but children must be
         conservation areas around the Borough. See                   accompanied.
         website or Facebook for more information.
                                                             Staines Society of Model Engineers
Spelthorne Natural History Society                           Contact: Stan Bishop
Contact: Gordon Freeman                                      Tel:     01784 241891
Tel:     01784 453402                                        email: secretaryssme@btinternet.com
email: gorjoyfreeman@gmail.com                               web: www.stainessocietyofmodelengineers.co.uk
web: www.snhs.org.uk                                         Venue: Staines Park, Commercial Road, Staines-upon-
Venue: Greeno Centre, Glebeland Gardens, Shepperton,                  Thames, TW18 2QJ
         TW17 9DH                                            Info: Train rides every fourth Sunday afternoon from
Info: September to May 2nd Wednesday in the month                     Easter until October weather permitting. See
         8pm, a season of lectures with guest speakers.               website for more information.
         May to September a number of guided walks take
         place in the locality with a spread of weekday/
         weekend and daytime/evening events. See             Social groups
         website or Facebook for more information. New
         members always welcome.                             Ash Club (Nat Association of Women’s Clubs)
                                                             Contact: June Browne
Spelthorne Tree Wardens                                      Tel:     01784 246721
Contact: David Huxford                                       Venue: Fordbridge Centre, Clarendon Road, Ashford, TW15
Tel:     01932 786806 (David Woods)                                   2PU
email: huxfordd@gmail.com                                    Info: Second and fourth Wednesday, 7.45pm. Speakers,
web: www.surreytreewardens.org.uk                                     demonstrations and outings.
Info: Voluntary projects to help improve the environment
         involving tree planting, advice and maintenance.    Ashford Rotary Club
         Sponsor a tree in memory of a friend or relative.   Tel:   01784 241756
                                                             email: info@ashfordrotary.org.uk
The Swan Sanctuary                                           web: www.ashfordrotary.org
Contact: Dorothy Beeson MBE                                  FB:    Rotary Club of Ashford Middlesex
Tel:     01932 240790                                        TW:    @AshfordMiddx
email: info@theswansanctuary.org.uk                          Venue: Ashford Manor Golf Club, Fordbridge Road,
web: www.theswansanctuary.org.uk                                    Ashford, TW15 3RT
Venue: The Swan Sanctuary, Felix                             Info: Club meets on Mondays at 6pm for 6.30pm dinner.
         Lane, Shepperton, TW17 8NN                                 We welcome people interested in joining us and
Info: A charity for the care and                                    enjoying fun and fellowship whilst fundraising
         treatment of swans and                                     for worthwhile causes such as organisations and
         waterfowl, totally reliant                                 individuals in the Ashford and Stanwell area as
         on donations. Visitors                                     well as for projects in the Third World. We have
         by appointment only.                                       interesting speakers on diverse topics, we have
                                                                    social evenings, outings, partners’ evenings,
                                                                    theatre trips and more!

18                                                                              www.spelthorne.gov.uk/leisure
Interests, groups and organisations
Breathe Easy Spelthorne                                          Ladies’ Club Sunbury Methodist Church
Contact: Patricia Reynolds                                       Contact: Eileen Coombes
Tel:     01784 458623                                            Tel:     01932 788106
Mobile: 07946 532491                                             web: www.sunbury.tmcc.org.uk
email: reynoldsb1@sky.com                                        Venue: Sunbury Methodist Church, Staines Road East,
Venue: St Matthew’s Church Hall, Muncaster Close,                         Sunbury-on-Thames, TW16 5AD
         Ashford, TW15 2EE                                       Info: Wednesday, 7pm. Ladies of all ages welcome, varied
Info: A charity and part of the British Lung Foundation.                  programme, led by members and invited guests.
         Meet on the frst Wednesday of the month except
         January. Friendly, welcoming group with speakers        Laleham W I
         on interesting topics, outings and lunches out.         Contact: Helen Hurst
                                                                 Tel:     01784 455984
Greenefelde W I                                                  Mobile: 07768 340068
Contact: Christine Chambers                                      email: griffval@yahoo.co.uk
Tel:     01784 250673                                            web: www.mfwi.org.uk
email: chambersc2090@yahoo.co.uk                                 FB:      @LalehamWI
Venue: Laleham Methodist Church Hall, Edinburgh Drive,           Venue: Laleham Village Hall, The Broadway, Laleham,
         Laleham, Staines-upon-Thames,TW18 1PH                            TW18 1RZ
Info: Second Tuesday of the month, 1.45pm. Build new             Info: We meet on the 4th Tuesday of each month at
         skills, take part in a wide variety of activities and            7.30pm. Speakers, outings, theatre trips and
         make new friends. Visitors welcome.                              lunches. Come along and make new friends, ladies
                                                                          from any local area welcome.
Halliford W I
Contact: Maureen Hayward                                         The Lansborough Womens’ Club
Tel:     01932 782957                                            Contact: Barbara James
email: maureenhayward@btinternet.com                             Tel:     01784 452707
Venue: Halliford Community Centre, Upper Halliford               Venue: The St Peters Hall, Laleham Road, Staines-upon-
         Road, Halliford Village, Shepperton, TW17 8RX                    Thames, TW18 2QX
Info: First Tuesday of each month, 7pm for 7.30pm.               Info: Every Wednesday afternoon 3-5pm. Principally for
         Speakers, outings, cinema/theatre trips, lunches.                over 60’s includes speakers, quizzes, bingo, games.
         A friendly and welcoming group. Visitors                         Entrance £2.50 including tea and biscuits plus raffe.
                                                                 Men in Sheds
The Hope Club for stroke sufferers
                                                                 Contact: Mike Wallin
Contact: Margret Lilley
                                                                 Mobile: 07411 480045
Tel:     01932 223511
                                                                 email: spelthorneshed@gmail.com
Venue: Greeno Centre, Glebeland Gardens, Shepperton,
                                                                 web: www.spelthorneshed.wordpress.com
         TW17 9DH
                                                                 Venue: Fordbridge Park, Kingston Road, Ashford, TW15 3SJ
Info: For people who have suffered a stroke. Tuesday
                                                                 Info: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, 2-5pm.
         10am-12.45pm, term time. Age 50+yrs, no
                                                                          Membership fee of £5 per month is charged to
         membership fee.
                                                                          cover costs. Members come together to share the
                                                                          tools and resources they need to work on projects
Just Friends
                                                                          of their own choosing at their own pace in a safe,
Contact: Mauveen Jones
                                                                          friendly and inclusive venue. Aimed at senior
Tel:     01932 241366
                                                                          members of the community both male and female
email: mauveenjones@hotmail.com
                                                                          members are welcome.
web: www.just-friends.co.uk
Info: 60+yrs. For single people who wish to have
         an active social life and make new friends.
         Bar nights, dances, parties, theatre visits,
         walks, meals out, jazz evenings. Membership
         £13 per year.

leisure@spelthorne.gov.uk                                                                                                   19
Interests, groups and organisations
One-to-One (North West Surrey)                                Shepperton Ladies’ Club
Tel:    01784 446279                                          Contact: June Barnard
Mobile: 07748 202671                                          Tel:     01932 563739
email: onetoonenws@gmail.com                                  Mobile: 07956 493361
web: www.onetoonenws.org.uk                                   email: sheppertonladiesclub@googlemail.com
Venue: St. Peter’s Church Hall, Laleham Road, Staines-        web: www.spanglefsh.com/sheppertonladiesclub
        upon-Thames, TW18 2DX                                 Venue: Halliford Community Hall, Upper Halliford Road,
Info: Social activities for adults with learning                       Shepperton, TW17 8SE
        disabilities. Activities include music and dance      Info: Women’s social club of all ages meeting on the 1st
        nights, games and crafts, and lots of fun! Cost £3             and 3rd Wednesdays of the month, except for July
        per person per session.                                        and August. Prompt start at 7.30pm and close at
                                                                       10pm, with a refreshment break at approx. 8.30pm.
The Penrose Club                                                       Speakers on a variety of topics and occasional
Contact: Marilyn Lacey                                                 socials and suppers. Outings also available.
Mobile: 07968 912360
email: admin@thepenroseclub.com                               Shepperton and Sunbury Rotary Club
web: www.thepenroseclub.com                                   Contact: Brian McQuade
Venue: Hengrove Hall, Station Crescent, Ashford, TW15         Tel:     01932 564300
         3JJ                                                  email: bnmcq@aol.com
Info: A social club for adults with special needs, 18+        Web: www.sheppertonandsunbury-rotary.org.uk
         yrs. Every Tuesday, 7.15-9.15pm, subscription is     Venue: Holiday Inn, Felix Lane, Shepperton, TW17 8NP
         £1.50 per week. A range of activities including      Info: Service club with local and international
         discos, karaoke, arts and crafts, quiz nights,                connections. Meeting time 7pm Mondays except
         competition games (pool, snooker, darts, table                bank holidays.
         tennis etc.) BBQs, outside entertainers, music and
         drama.                                               Shepperton Village Afternoon Group
                                                              Contact: Diana Lee
Probus Club (Sunbury on Thames)                               Tel:     01932 219665
Tel:   07714 345004                                           Mobile: 07988 024720
email: mm2006guard-probus@yahoo.co.uk                         email: diana.pr.lee@gmail.com
web: www.probusonline.org/sunbury-on-thames                   Venue: Squires Orangery, Shepperton
Venue: The Holiday Inn, Felix Lane, Shepperton                Info: Second Thursday in the month, 1.30pm. 50+yrs
Info: We promote good fellowship for retired business                  ladies social group, guest speakers, lunches, teas
       and professional gentlemen. A regular lunch                     and fsh and chip lunch. Alternative contact, Jean
       time meeting is held on the second Monday of                    Cain 01932 222280 or jeanc.cain@btinternet.com
       each month where members enjoy a 3 course
       lunch followed by a guest speaker. Other social        Staines Rotary Club
       events including partners are also organised. New      email: stainesrotary@gmail.com
       members welcome.                                       web: www.staines.rotary1145.org
                                                              FB:    StainesRotary
SALT (Youth group)                                            T:     @StainesRotary
Contact: Andy Phillips                                        Venue: Mercure, Thames Lodge, Thames Street, Staines-
Tel:     01932 782005                                                upon-Thames, TW18 4SJ
email: andy@opendoorchurchsunbury.com                         Info: Tuesday 6.30pm for 7pm.
web: www.opendoorchurchsunbury.com
Venue: Open Door Church Centre, Green Street, Sunbury-        Stanwell W I
         on-Thames, TW16 6QQ                                  Contact: Jill Lord
Info: Youth group to enable young people to meet and          Tel:     01784 259037
         socialise, and begin to explore Christianity in a    email: stanwellsec@mfwi.org.uk
         safe and good fun environment. Every Friday 7-9pm    Venue: Stanwell Village Hall, High Street, Stanwell, TW19
         (during term time). Free.                                     7JR
                                                              Info: First Tuesday of the month 7.30-10pm, guest
                                                                       speakers. Monday and Wednesday 2-4pm from
                                                                       May to the end of September Croquet Club
                                                                       (Stanwell Recreation Ground). Equipment provided.

20                                                                               www.spelthorne.gov.uk/leisure
Interests, groups and organisations
Sunbury on Thames W I                                           The White Lodge Centre - Rendezvous
Contact: Susan Whitworth                                        Contact: Terry Broom
Tel:     01932 784937                                           Tel:     01932 577981
email: sunburyonthameswi@gmail.com                              email: tbroom@whitelodgecentre.co.uk
Venue: The Orangery, Squires Garden Centre, Halliford           web: www.whitelodgecentre.co.uk
         Road, Upper Halliford, Shepperton, TW17 8SG            Venue: Rendezvous, Holloway Hill, Chertsey, KT16 0AE
Info: Fourth Thursday of the month, 2-4pm. A chance             Info: Resource centre for adults with physical
         to build new skills, take part in a wide variety of             disabilities, sensory impairments and their carers.
         activities and make new friends.                                Creative arts, physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, life
                                                                         skills etc. Cafe Bradbury. Drop in for a coffee.
Sunbury Village W I
Contact: Shelagh Bonnichon
Tel:     01932 761376
                                                                Steam railway
Mobile: 07950 836918
                                                                Hampton and Kempton Waterworks Railway
web: www.sunbury-village-wi.com
Venue: Various, please check website
                                                                email: mwbrsoffce@gmail.com
Info: Last Monday of each month usually in the evening.
                                                                web: www.hamptonkemptonrailway.org.uk
         We enjoy each others company, learn from
                                                                FB:    Hampton & Kempton Waterworks Railway
         interesting speakers and events, beneft from
                                                                TW:    @Hampton_Kempton
         individual skills and support initiatives within our
                                                                Venue: Kempton Park Waterworks, Snakey Lane,
                                                                       Hanworth, TW13 6XH
                                                                Info: HKWR is a heritage narrow gauge railway
Tea Pot
                                                                       that offers children, adults and enthusiasts the
Contact: Andy Phillips
                                                                       wonderful experience of a steam passenger
Tel:     01932 782005
                                                                       ride against the backdrop of the adjacent and
email: andy@opendoorchurchsunbury.com
                                                                       magnifcent Kempton Steam Museum. Picnic
web: www.opendoorchurchsunbury.com
                                                                       and play area, refreshments available. March to
Venue: Open Door Church Centre, Green Street, Sunbury-
                                                                       November, Sundays 10.30am to 4pm and some
         on-Thames, TW16 6QQ
                                                                       Saturdays when Kempton Steam Museum is open.
Info: A group for older folk to meet up over a cup of tea.
                                                                       Visit website for fares and experience information.
         Every Thursday 10.30am - 12.30pm.

Thames Ladies’ Lunch Club                                       Uniform groups
Contact: Pauline Sims
Tel:     01784 456416                                           Boys Brigade 7th North Surrey
email: rolpaulsims@yahoo.co.uk                                  Contact: Justin Camis
Venue: Anchor Hotel, Church Square, Shepperton, TW17            Tel:     01932 772711
         9JZ                                                    Mobile: 07768 726203
Info: Takes place on the second Tuesday of the month,           email: bb7thnorthsurrey@aol.com
         with lunch and a speaker. Our lunch club has been      FB:      @bb7thnorthsurrey
         running for over 40 years. We are a congenial          web: www.boys-brigade.org.uk
         group of ladies who enjoy company, a meal and a        Venue: Ashford Common Methodist Church, on the
         talk on a variety of topics. New members welcome.               junction of Feltham Hill Road and Saxon Road,
                                                                         Ashford, TW15 1LW
TTF                                                             Info: Monday 5.30-6.45pm 5-8yrs, Monday 6.30-8pm
Contact: Barry Mockford                                                  8-11yrs, Thursday 7-9.15pm age 11yrs+.
Tel:     01784 457194
Mobile: 07976 877790                                            Brownies and Guides 1st Ashford Common
email: info@ttfonline.org.uk                                    Tel:   01784 241891
web: www.ttfonline.org.uk                                       email: 11hilljack@gmail.com
Venue: Various events at various locations                      Venue: Ashborne Hall, Littleton Road, Ashford Common,
Info: 20-49 years. Social events for singles and couples.              TW15 1UQ
                                                                Info: Wednesday from 5.30-7pm.

leisure@spelthorne.gov.uk                                                                                                 21
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