Peterborough Care and Support Services Directory 2018/19 - The essential guide to choosing and paying for care and support - Care Choices

Page created by Martin Adams
Peterborough Care and Support Services Directory 2018/19 - The essential guide to choosing and paying for care and support - Care Choices

Care and Support Services Directory 2018/19

The essential guide to choosing and
paying for care and support

In association with

Peterborough Care and Support Services Directory 2018/19 - The essential guide to choosing and paying for care and support - Care Choices
Delivering specialist
         elderly               care
                         in Peterborough
               Our homes are located in close proximity of each other and a very short distance
              away from Peterborough’s Central Park. Each Home has dedicated staff supported
                               by an environment that includes the following
                         Total Quality Management (as recognised by ISO 9001 Award)
                           NAPA (National Activity Providers Association) members
                                      Respite Care/Post–operative Care                   OPEN
                                        Residential Care, Nursing Care                DOOR POLICY
DEDICATED CtraARineEd                Dementia Care, Continuing Health Care        Including op en viewings
Committed well                                           •
   staff with local                                                                     and visiting!

             For further information about our homes or facilities
         please contact either care home directly or alternatively contact our head office.

  Broadleigh Care Home        Lavender House Care Home       Park Vista Care Home     The Maltings Care Home
      213 Broadway                   205 Broadway               15 Park Crescent          Aldermans Drive
  Peterborough PE1 4DS           Peterborough PE1 4DS        Peterborough PE1 4DX      Peterborough PE3 6AR
    Tel: 01733 561475             Tel: 01733 564979            Tel: 01733 555110         Tel: 01733 897733

                    Peterborough Care, 236 Eastfield Road, Peterborough PE1 4BD
       Tel: 01733 562328 • • email:
Peterborough Care and Support Services Directory 2018/19 - The essential guide to choosing and paying for care and support - Care Choices

Areas covered by this Directory                  4 Keeping people safe                                     24

Welcome from Peterborough City Council 4 Local health services                                             24

Where do I start?                                5 Support for carers                                       27

Keeping healthy and well                         5 Essential information                                   30

Staying independent                              6 Care and support providers                              46

Assessment and support                           9 Care homes                                              49

What support is available?                      11 Care homes with nursing                                  51

Housing options                                 16 Index                                                    52

Paying for your care                           20      To obtain extra copies of this Directory, free of
                                                        charge, call Adult Early Help at Peterborough City
                                                        Council on 01733 747474.
Monitoring the quality of our services          23

                            Peterborough City Council’s distribution of this publication does not constitute
                            its support or recommendation of any of the products or services advertised or
                            listed within. All the listings in this publication are supplied by the Care Quality
                            Commission (CQC) and neither Peterborough City Council nor Care Choices can
                            be held responsible for any errors or omissions.

    Alternative formats   This Directory is available electronically at
                          There is also a Browsealoud option for those requiring the information
                          in the spoken word.

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Peterborough Care and Support Services Directory 2018/19 - The essential guide to choosing and paying for care and support - Care Choices
Areas covered by this Directory

                                                   Deeping Gate



                                                                     City Centre



        Italian Festival

                                       Bishops Gardens

Welcome from Peterborough
City Council
Welcome to the latest edition of Peterborough City                  ‘Peterborough Information Network’ on Google.
Council’s Care and Support Services Directory. This
2018/19 edition will provide you with information on                We are working closely with our health colleagues
health and social care and support across the city.                 and neighbouring councils to join up health and
                                                                    social care services to give the best community-
We want people in Peterborough to maintain their                    based care when it is needed.
independence for as long as possible and enjoy
the best possible quality of life. Fundamental to                   We know that making decisions about social care
enabling you to make the right decisions about                      can be daunting, particularly if you have had no
care and support will be high-quality information                   involvement with social care before. This Directory
and advice. This Directory is one way of providing                  provides clear, easy to
information. You can also look at our new                           understand guidance so that
Peterborough Information Network on www.                            you can be confident you are or by searching for                         making the right decisions.

4        Se a rch f or ca r e a t www. ca re c h o i c e s .c o .u k t o fi n d s u p p o r t i n y o u r are a
Peterborough Care and Support Services Directory 2018/19 - The essential guide to choosing and paying for care and support - Care Choices
Where do I start?
Peterborough Information Network (PIN)
You can find lots of useful information about staying   • caring for someone;
safe, well and independent in Peterborough on
                                                        • learning, work and volunteering;
the Peterborough Information Network at The Peterborough           • money matters;
Information Network includes information on             • personal assistants network; and
topics such as:
                                                        • equipment and living aids.
• health;
• wellbeing;                                            It also includes details of events happening locally
                                                        which might help with social contact and wellbeing.
• getting out and about;                                For support with using the Peterborough Information
• staying safe;                                         Network, email

• housing options;
                                                        This Care and Support Directory is also available
• help to live at home;                                 online at

Keeping healthy and well
Healthy Peterborough
The Healthy Peterborough service delivers a             aged 40 to 74. If you wish to book a health check
range of programmes and interventions across            then please contact your GP practice.
the city with a focus on promoting and improving
health. The services listed below are examples of       Physical activity and weight management
programmes provided. They are all free at the point     Healthy Peterborough delivers free physical activity
of access. All you have to do is call freephone 0800    and weight management programmes to adults who
376 5655 and speak to one of the friendly Healthy       are overweight and/or physically inactive, as well as
Peterborough team members who can provide               those living with long-term conditions. Free Let’s
advice and book you into a clinic or programme.         Get Healthy clubs for children are also provided
                                                        through Healthy Peterborough. Call freephone
Stop smoking                                            0800 376 5655 and speak to one of the friendly
The Healthy Peterborough service is here to help        Healthy Peterborough team members.
you stop smoking. Smokers are up to four times
more likely to succeed in quitting with support         Learning disability Annual Health Checks
from the stop smoking service than if they try to       The Annual Health Check scheme is for people aged
quit unaided. Our stop smoking specialists deliver      14 and over who have been assessed as having a
support across the city and can help you achieve        borderline, mild, moderate, severe or profound
your goal of giving up smoking. Call freephone 0800     learning disability who need more health support. It
376 5655 and speak to one of the friendly Healthy       helps to detect health conditions that may otherwise
Peterborough team members.                              go undetected. People with learning disabilities who
                                                        are known to their local authority social services and
Free NHS Health Check programme                         are registered with a GP who knows their medical
The free NHS Health Check programme is a public         history, should be invited by their GP practice to
health programme in England for eligible people         come for a free Annual Health Check.

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Peterborough Care and Support Services Directory 2018/19 - The essential guide to choosing and paying for care and support - Care Choices
Staying independent
Support on discharge from hospital
Following hospital admission, you may need support,      The Transfer of Care Team will support you to
short or long-term, to maximise your independence.       determine whether you could be eligible for
This might be a new service or a continuation or         services provided by Peterborough City Council,
increase of your previous support.                       and will also liaise with community health
                                                         colleagues regarding Continuing Healthcare, see
You or your family can contact the Transfer of Care      page 22, and other services in the community. In
Team, based at the hospital, directly on 01733           many cases, the Transfer of Care Team will be able
454481. The team will need a formal referral from        to offer you a period of reablement (see page 9) to
the ward staff, which you can ask them to complete.      support you.

Technology Enabled Care and Adaptations
You might find Technology Enabled Care (TEC)             management. It supports carers by providing
or Assistive Technology useful. TEC covers a wide        reassurance, peace of mind and reducing stress so
variety of equipment and devices, both simple and        they can better manage the demands of their own
complex, that can promote your independence and          home and work life alongside their caring role.
enable you to live at home for longer.
                                                         More information on TEC can be found on the
TEC plays an important part in managing or               Peterborough Information Network, visit
minimising risks, including personal safety,    and search
home safety, falls prevention and medication             ‘Technology Enabled Care’.

Avoiding falls
Improving safety in the home can help prevent            • Wear slippers with an appropriate heel so that
you from having falls and injuring yourself, whilst        they stay firmly on the feet.
allowing you to continue to live independently.
                                                         • Regular gentle exercise can help reduce the
Falls, slips and trips can lead to broken hips or          risk and fear of falling. Exercise such as Tai Chi is
wrists and other injuries, and are a leading cause of      particularly helpful for improving balance.
disability among the older population. Falls in the      • Have grab rails installed at key sites around the
home can result in ill health, lengthy hospital stays,     home or at the entrance to the home.
residential care or loss of independence, and can
greatly affect your quality of life.                     • Fasten down any torn bits of carpet or lino.

                                                         • Avoid tripping over the edge of rugs by either
Various aspects of the home environment can be
                                                           removing them or fastening down the edges.
improved to reduce the risk of having a fall. Family,
friends, neighbours and carers can help make things      • Review medication with your GP or pharmacist.
safer for you while allowing you to stay independent
and self-sufficient. Shown below are some tips on        • Ensure that you look after your feet and ask for
avoiding falls:                                            a referral to a podiatrist if you are worried about
                                                           your feet.
• Make sure that the hallway and stairs have
  working lights - if possible replace the bulbs with    • Speak to your occupational therapist who can
  low energy bulbs and keep a light on overnight.          give you lots of advice.

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Peterborough Care and Support Services Directory 2018/19 - The essential guide to choosing and paying for care and support - Care Choices
Making life easier at home
If you’re having difficulties with everyday tasks at home, these simple solutions could make life easier and keep
you independent. These are a starting point; other solutions are available which might better suit your needs.

 Finding it difficult to get in and out of chairs?          Do you forget to take your tablets? Try making
 Try putting a block of foam in the chair base.             a note of when you’ve taken them, or buy
 Alternatively, buy chair raisers, a higher chair or an     an automatic pill dispenser or pill box. If you
 electric riser chair. Also try taking regular gentle       struggle to open your medicine, you can ask your
 exercise.                                                  pharmacist for advice on alternative packaging
                                                            that could make it easier for you.
 If you can’t reach your windows, could you move
 furniture out of the way? Ask someone to help if           Can you reach everything in your cupboards? If
 you need to move heavy furniture. There are also           not, try a handi-reacher or rearrange your kitchen
 tools for opening and closing windows.                     so the things you use most are within easy reach.

 Struggling to keep warm/cool? Consider a fan               If you are having problems with preparing food,
 or heater. Is your house insulated? Are there any          consider a chopping board with spikes. There are
 draughts? You may also be eligible for the winter          also long-handled pans, teapot tippers and lid
 fuel payment from the Government. Visit                    grippers that could help. A food processor might                             be a solution and meal delivery services are also
 If you have trouble using light switches, think
 about replacing your switches for ones that are            Is eating and drinking becoming difficult? Large
 easier to use. Consider handi-plugs or light switch        handled cutlery could help, or non-slip mats for
 toggles, or there’s even technology available              the table. Lightweight cups and mugs with two
 so that you can turn your lights on and off using          handles could also be a solution.
                                                            Using taps can be made easier by fitting tap
 Use subtitles if you can’t hear the TV, or buy             turners. You could also consider repositioning
 wireless headphones. Do you need a hearing aid?            your taps or buying a new tap that is easier for you
 Request an assessment from your Council.                   to use.                                          

  Tap turners             Grab handles           Chopping board          Hand trolley            Teapot tipper

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Peterborough Care and Support Services Directory 2018/19 - The essential guide to choosing and paying for care and support - Care Choices
 More information on staying independent and ideas to help you live at home can be found online at There is also information on making larger adaptations
to your home.

    Do you struggle to get in and out of bed?                       If it’s hard to hold your toothbrush, try a
    You could learn new ways of moving around,                      toothbrush gripper. You might also benefit from
    purchase a leg lifter or a hoist or install grab rails          having an electric toothbrush or sitting on a stool
    for support. If the bed is the issue, you could buy             while brushing your teeth.
    an electric adjustable bed or raise the bed to the
    correct height.                                                 You might like to buy a raised toilet seat, or a seat
                                                                    with a built in support frame if it’s hard to use your
    If moving whilst in bed is a problem, have you                  toilet. Flush lever extensions are also available.
    thought about using an over-bed pole? You might
    also want to buy a pillow raiser or change your                 Has it become more difficult to wash? Items are
    bedding so it’s lighter.                                        available, like long-handled sponges and flannel
                                                                    straps. You could also consider grab rails, a half
    Is it becoming difficult to get dressed? If so,                 step to help you get in and out of the bath or a
    specially adapted clothing is available, or you                 bath or shower seat to make washing easier. Tap
    could buy a long-handled shoe horn, a dressing                  turners can also be used in the bathroom.
    stick or a button hook. If you are having a lot of
    difficulty, consider home support, see page 11.
                                                                    For more information on technology that could
    Clocks are available with large numbers or lights               make your life easier, contact your Council
    if you can’t read the time in bed. You can also buy             for an assessment. They might refer you to an
    clocks that speak the time.                                     occupational therapist (OT) or you could contact
                                                                    an OT privately. Search online for OTs near you.
    If you are finding it harder to read in bed,
    consider an e-reader that allows you to change                  You can also look online on the Peterborough
    the font size. Some also have integrated lights.                Information Network for more help and advice.
    Look for bedside lamps with a step-on or button
    switch if yours are difficult to use.                           Visit

    Chair raisers            Level indicator                 Hand rail              Bed table             Handled plug

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Peterborough Care and Support Services Directory 2018/19 - The essential guide to choosing and paying for care and support - Care Choices
Reablement is short-term support to help you live           getting in and out of bed and getting on and off
independently again. It gives people over the age of        the toilet.
18 the opportunity, motivation and confidence to
relearn or regain some of the skills they may have       Access to reablement services is through a
lost as a consequence of poor health, disability,        discussion with a social care professional. Trained
impairment or accident. It may also enable you           reablement staff will work with you to ensure that
to learn new skills that can help you develop            you are supported in your own home and that you
and maintain your independence. As well as the           set achievable goals. These will be based on what
satisfaction you may gain from being able to do more     is reasonable for you to expect to be able to do for
things for yourself, input from the reablement service   yourself at the end of the reablement service. The
is likely to reduce your need for longer-term care and   goals will be recorded as part of your Goal/Support
support. Often, no ongoing care is required after the    Plan and will be kept in your home so that you, your
period of reablement.                                    unpaid carers and reablement staff can monitor
                                                         your achievements and identify new goals to work
Reablement can help with a range of tasks, including:    towards. The emphasis of the service will always be to
• personal care tasks such as washing and dressing;      encourage you to do things for yourself.

• domestic skills, such as food and drink preparation;   If you still have ongoing care and support needs
• encouraging you to be confident when moving            following the period of reablement, you may be
  around, including getting up and out of a chair,       eligible for care and support.

Assessment and support
Making contact
We hope that you will be able to find all the            services and contact details. You can also call 111 and
information you need on the Peterborough                 select option 2.
Information Network. However, if you are unable to
find what you are looking for online, you can contact    What happens next?
the Adult Early Help Team. The trained staff know        When you contact the Adult Early Help Team, you will
about the services available and can offer advice on     be asked for some basic details. You could be offered
who else may be able to help. You can contact them       information and advice, short-term support to remain
on 01733 747474. If your request is urgent and cannot    independent, or a social care assessment. The aim
wait, out of hours you can contact the Emergency         is to maximise your independence and ensure you
Duty Team on 01733 234724.                               receive the support you need. You can receive pieces
                                                         of equipment (called ‘Technology Enabled Care’ or
If you think you need help with a mental health          ‘Assistive Technology’) or short-term support (called
condition, you should contact your GP in the first       ‘reablement’) without the need to go through a social
instance. They may refer you to the Cambridgeshire       care assessment or eligibility check. You can find out
and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust (CPFT). See        more about these services in the information starting
page 25 for more information about mental health         on page 6. There is no charge for these services.

Social care assessments and eligibility for support
If, following a discussion with the Adult Early          assessment may be completed over the phone
Help Team, it is felt that you need a social care        when you first contact us. However, we will carry
assessment, this will be arranged. If possible, the      out a face-to-face assessment if your circumstances

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Peterborough Care and Support Services Directory 2018/19 - The essential guide to choosing and paying for care and support - Care Choices
suggest that this would be beneficial. It is important    of the support. This will depend on your income and
to understand that even if you are found to be            any savings you may have.
eligible for social care, you may have to pay for your
care. This is dependent on how much money you             If you are not eligible
have and is explained further on page 20.                 If you are not eligible for support from us, we will
                                                          offer free advice and information and put you in
The Government has set a national eligibility             touch with other organisations and services in
threshold, which is the same across England. This         your community that may be able to help you.
national eligibility consists of three criteria, all      This may include some of our in-house services,
of which must be met for a person’s needs to be           such as reablement or occupational therapy. Many
eligible. The eligibility threshold is based on finding   people find that seeking advice from us is helpful in
out:                                                      finding their own solutions because it provides an
• whether your needs are due to a physical or             opportunity to discuss their situation with a social
  mental impairment or illness;                           care professional.

• to what extent your needs affect your ability to        If your needs change
  achieve two or more outcomes, such as being             If your needs change, you can always ask us for a
  able to wash, dress yourself, or make use of your       reassessment. Simply call the Adult Early Help Team
  home safely; and                                        on 01733 747474 or email
• whether, and to what extent, this impacts on your

As part of the assessment, we will talk with you
about what is important to you, and whether your
wellbeing is affected.

After the assessment, we will make a decision about
whether you are eligible for care and support and
will explain any decision to you.

If you are eligible for support
If you are eligible for social care support, we will
complete a financial assessment to understand
whether you will need to pay some or all of the cost

Carers’ eligibility
Carers have the same rights to an assessment as the       • their health is, or is at risk of, deteriorating;
person they care for. The aim of a carer’s assessment     • they are unable to achieve specified outcomes;
is to find out what impact caring responsibilities          or
have on the carer’s wellbeing and to identify ways
in which they can be supported to provide, and            • there is or is likely to be a significant impact on
continue to provide, care.                                  their wellbeing.

A carer may have eligible needs if they meet the          If, following an assessment, a carer is eligible for
following criteria:                                       services, a social care professional will contact
                                                          them to discuss the impact of the caring role on
• their needs arise as consequence of providing           their wellbeing and will help the carer to develop
  necessary care for an adult;                            a support plan to meet their needs and identified
and, as a result:                                         outcomes.

10        Se a rch f or ca r e a t www. ca re c h o i c e s .c o .u k t o fi n d s u p p o r t i n y o u r are a
For more detailed information, visit the         
Department of Health’s guidance – go to and search ‘Care Act factsheets’. You
                                                            For more information on support for carers, go to
can also look on the Caring for Someone pages on
                                                            page 27.
the Peterborough Information Network at

As part of the assessment process, the council             non-statutory advocacy services are delivered by a
may have a duty to offer you support from an               new partnership of specialist advocacy organisations
independent advocate. This person cannot be                and co-ordinated through one central team. The
involved in your care and support in a paid capacity       service is called Total Voice and brings together
and must be appropriately trained and supported to         advocates from VoiceAbility, Cambridgeshire Deaf
fulfil this role.                                          Association and National Youth Advocacy Service
Advocacy services help you to say what you want
and to get the services you need. They will work            How to contact Total Voice:
to empower you to have a voice and to make                  Referral helpline: 0300 222 5704
choices by providing support, information and               Email:
representation as required.                                 Web:
                                                            Address: Peterborough Office, 27 London Road,
Advocacy support can be provided by a wide range            Peterborough PE2 8AN
of people including friends, family or someone
working for a charity or community group.                   Drop in sessions are available on Wednesday
Sometimes people prefer to have someone they                afternoons.
know to support them, sometimes people choose
to receive support from a professional, independent        Children and young people who are looked after or
advocate.                                                  who have a disability and are classified as children in
                                                           need can contact an NYAS adviser directly by calling
In Peterborough, all commissioned statutory and            0808 808 1001 or via email at

What support is available?
Independent home care providers
In order to enable you to live in your own home for        level of help you require, their visits can be just half
as long as possible, a range of home care services         an hour or up to several hours. Generally, visits are
is available. These cover day-to-day tasks such as         available from 7.00am until 10.00pm. Some people
cleaning, shopping and food preparation/cooking,           will need multiple visits per day. Night services can
through to personal care that helps with dressing,         also be provided. The hourly rate for these types
bathing, toileting and prompting the taking of             of services depends on the services you require,
medication. Care workers need to be properly               the time of day and the location. Rural areas may
trained, particularly in moving and handling and the       present particular difficulties and a travel charge will
use of hoists for some tasks.                              probably be made in addition to the normal hourly
Daily care support
Care workers can call in on a daily basis to assist with   Live-in care
any of the tasks described above. Depending on the         24-hour live-in care can accommodate you if you

Visit for further assistance with your search for care                                    11
have a very high dependency on a permanent                  their charges. If you are self-funding, you should
basis. It can also provide respite breaks for regular       also request a draft contract between you and the
carers and short-term support following hospital            care provider. For more information on home care
discharge.                                                  providers look on the Peterborough Information
                                                            Network at
In some cases, it’s preferable and more economical
to have a care worker actually living in your home.
This can be for a short period, for example a week, or
on an ongoing basis. Typical charges for this service
depend on the amount of care and the particular
skills required. Live-in care is also available to people
with permanent physical disabilities or mental health
conditions who require long-term ongoing care.

All home care providers are regulated and inspected
by the Care Quality Commission which publishes
inspection reports on its website,
and awards quality ratings. See page 23 for more
details about the Care Quality Commission.

Before you make any decisions regarding the
provision of care, be sure to contact several
providers and ask for a ‘Service User’s Guide’ and

Personal assistants
A personal assistant (PA) is someone who enables            uk/pin with the search term ‘personal assistant’. All
you to maintain your independence by providing              PAs on the register have been thoroughly checked
support. The PA can be employed by you or be self-          by Peterborough Council for Voluntary Services
employed.                                                   (PCVS) before they are placed on the register. The
                                                            register includes details about the support the
There is a register of PAs in Peterborough which            approved PAs can provide and their direct contact
can be found by searching on the Peterborough               details. For more information, email PCVS at
Information Network at      

Protection for people who lack capacity
Your liberty can only be taken away from you in very        This may happen if you need to go into a care home
specific situations. The Mental Capacity Act calls          or hospital to get care or treatment, but you don’t
this a deprivation of liberty. It should only be used if    have the capacity to make decisions about this
it is the least restrictive way of keeping you safe or      yourself.
making sure you have the right medical treatment.
                                                            If you are living at home, you can also be deprived of
Being deprived of liberty means that you are not            your liberty lawfully if the Court of Protection makes
free to go anywhere without permission or close             an order allowing it. The Court of Protection makes
supervision, and you are usually under continuous           decisions and appoints deputies to act on your
control and supervision. This is against the law            behalf if you are unable to make decisions about
unless it is done under the rules set out in the            your personal health, finance or welfare. Contact
Mental Capacity Act.                                        the council for more information.

12        Se a rch f or ca r e a t www. ca re c h o i c e s .c o .u k t o fi n d s u p p o r t i n y o u r are a
Home care agency checklist                                                              © 2018 Care Choices Ltd

Agency 1                                                                 Fees per week      Quality rating*
Agency 2
Agency 3                                                                 £

    We suggest that you have paper with you when speaking with home care agencies so you can make notes.
    You can download and print this checklist at

About the agency                                       Accommodating your needs
How long has the agency been                            Can the agency accommodate your
operating?                                            needs if they increase? Ask about the
                                                        process for this. 
How long are staff allocated per visit? 
                                                        Does the agency have a training
Can you contact the agency in an
                                                        scheme in place?  
emergency or outside office hours? 
                                                        Are all staff trained to a certain level? 
Does the agency have experience
with your specific needs?                             Are staff able to help with
                                                        administering medication if required? 

Staff                                                  Is there a way for staff to communicate
                                                        with each other about the support they
Are you likely to be visited by different
                                                        provide when they visit you? How? 
staff each day? 
Are all staff checked with the
Disclosure and Barring Service? 
                                                        Will your support plan be reviewed at
Will you be notified in advance if your
                                                        regular intervals? 
care worker is on holiday or sick? 
                                                        Can you see the agency’s contract terms? 
Are staff matched to you specifically,
based on your needs and preferences?                  Can you lodge a complaint easily? 
Can you meet your care worker(s)                        Are complaints dealt with quickly? 
before they start? 
                                                        Can you see a copy of the agency’s
Does the agency have both male and                      CQC registration certificate and
female staff?                                         quality rating? 


*See page 23.

Visit for further assistance with your search for care                                13
If someone you know has been feeling confused,           appointment to learn more about memory issues
agitated or forgetful, it may be a good idea for         and dementia. The Centre is open six days a week
them to visit their GP. You might want to consider       including some evenings. The team based there
accompanying them to the appointment.                    offers advice, information and support in the lead up
                                                         to being assessed by the Memory Clinic. The team
Each person will experience dementia in their own        also provides ongoing support to the person with
individual way, but there will usually be a decline      dementia and their carers/families after diagnosis.
in memory, reasoning and communication skills,
confusion and a gradual loss of the skills needed to     The Centre provides a range of support groups and
carry out daily activities.                              activities for people with dementia and their carers
                                                         and families, including walking groups, gardening
Peterborough’s Dementia Resource Centre offers           clubs, and arts and crafts groups. Additionally, there
residents a one-stop shop for dementia care and          are groups specifically for black and minority ethnic
support. It is delivered by Alzheimer’s Society          communities and people with dementia who are
on behalf of Peterborough City Council and also          under 65.
includes the NHS Memory Clinic, which is where
people are tested for dementia.                          For more information about the Centre, or to
                                                         speak to someone about dementia, please contact
The Centre can be found at 441 Lincoln Road,             Alzheimer’s Society on 01733 893853.
Millfield, Peterborough PE1 2PE.
                                                         You can also find out more on the dementia page on
Residents can access the service without an              the Peterborough Information Network website.

Supported employment
Supported Employment teams provide flexible              impairment and/or a physical disability and has an
programmes to support people who want to work            Education, Health and Care Plan, the assessment will
but are facing barriers due to a disability. They work   be undertaken by the 0 to 25 Disability Service.
closely with employers in a broad range of vocations
to secure jobs, work experience and voluntary            The service works in partnership with a range of
placements in local businesses.                          local services to provide information, advice and
                                                         care plan support to help disabled young people
These include retail, production, office work,           develop a transitions pathway and prepare for life as
cleaning services and catering. There are also work      they become an adult.
opportunities in mini enterprises providing services
to businesses in catering, grounds maintenance and       More information can be found on the Local Offer at
car washing.                                   

Please call 01733 797710 for more information.           Resource for those supporting disabled children
                                                         My Family, Our Needs is an online resource providing
Young people and transition to adulthood                 impartial information for parents, carers and
When a young person with disabilities or a young         practitioners supporting children from birth to 25
carer approaches their 18th birthday, they may ask       years with additional needs.
for an assessment. A parent or carer may also ask
for an assessment as the child they are caring for       As well as guidance, policy and signposting, there is
approaches 18.                                           a lifestyle section for parents covering topics such as
                                                         health and wellbeing, work, family and relationships.
If the young person has a learning disability, sensory   Visit

14       Se a rch f or ca r e a t www. ca re c h o i c e s .c o .u k t o fi n d s u p p o r t i n y o u r are a
The voluntary and community sector in Peterborough
If you think about everything you need to live           volunteers. There are lots of reasons why people
an active and independent life, whether this             choose to volunteer, including:
is education, social welfare and care, health,           • to meet people;
environment, policing, local sports clubs, transport,
housing, retail, advice work, employment, faith,         • to give something back;
arts, playgroups, law and advocacy, social and           • to learn new skills or keep existing skills going;
interest activities to name but a few, you will find     • to build confidence; and
a Peterborough not-for-profit organisation that
                                                         • to help with the search for employment, which is
provides work in this area.
                                                           one of the biggest areas of volunteering today.
Peterborough has a strong, thriving voluntary and
                                                          If you are interested in receiving support or
community sector. Groups range in size from very
                                                          advice on volunteering or setting up a support
small, just three or four people supporting each
                                                          group, please contact Peterborough Council for
other, through to large national charities having a
                                                          Voluntary Services (PCVS) on 01733 311016 or
base in the city. The diversity of the sector enables
us to support thousands of people with their
everyday lives.
                                                          PCVS can also provide information and advice on
                                                          the wide range of voluntary support organisations
Supporting this vast network of groups and
                                                          and networks that operate across the city.
organisations are paid staff and an army of

The Peterborough Wellbeing Service
The Peterborough Wellbeing Service is run by PCVS.       • support for people with mental health issues;
They are able to point people in the right direction
                                                         • nutrition and exercise classes;
for a range of services and supplies including:
                                                         • volunteer opportunities;
• short-term support if someone is unwell;
• support after leaving hospital;                        • befriending and social interaction through
                                                           community groups;
• replacement radiators, energy advice;
                                                         • sitting service;
• handyperson support;
• support for people who have experienced a              • support for carers and their families;
  recent death of a loved one;                           • safety, security and access to your home;
• support for people who have brain injuries and         • managing finances; and
                                                         • cleaning and gardening.
• support for people with physical disabilities and
  their carers, including access to sports facilities;   Some services are available for free, but some may
• support for people with poor hearing and/or            be charged for. For more information, call 01733
  eyesight;                                              342683.

Comments, compliments and complaints
If you have a comment, compliment or complaint              with;
about care and support services, you can provide         • calling the Adult Early Help Team on 01733
feedback by:                                               747474;
• telling any member of staff you feel comfortable       • calling the Complaints Manager on 01733 296331;

Visit for further assistance with your search for care                                    15
• writing to us at The Central Complaints Office,        on 0300 061 0614.
  Peterborough City Council, Town Hall, Bridge
  Street, Peterborough PE1 1HQ; or                       Complaints about care that you pay for yourself
• emailing us at ASCcomplaints@peterborough.             You can ask the Local Government and Social Care                                                 Ombudsman to take up your case if you are not happy
                                                         about how a care home or service dealt with your
If you are not satisfied with the final reply from       complaint about care that you pay for yourself. You
Peterborough City Council, you can contact the           can also contact the Care Quality Commission. You
Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman               can find the contact details on page 23.

Housing options
Housing Needs Service
Peterborough City Council delivers a range of            In addition, the Housing Needs Service maintains the
services to assist people in need of alternative         Peterborough housing register and administers the
accommodation, threatened with homelessness, or          choice-based lettings scheme for the Peterborough
seeking advice on their current accommodation.           Homes partnership.

The Housing Needs Service delivers a range of            The Housing Needs Service is based in the Town Hall,
advice and assistance to those with accommodation        Bridge Street, Peterborough. You can contact the
needs. Whether you’re a Housing Association              service on 01733 864064 and, if necessary, you will
tenant, rent privately, own a property or have           be given an appointment to see a Housing Needs
no fixed address, the service offers free and            Officer. If you do not have access to a telephone,
confidential advice on various housing-related           you can visit the Customer Self Serve Centre at the
subjects. You can access the services quickly by         Town Hall where telephones are available for public
calling 01733 864064.                                    use.

Major adaptations
If you require major adaptations to your home, an        minor aids and adaptations they may be supplied at
Occupational Therapist referral is the first step. To    no cost.
request this, telephone 01733 747474 and select
option 4. If work is necessary and appropriate, a        If you are an owner-occupier on a low income and
referral can be sent to Care and Repair who can assist   your house is in serious disrepair, or your heating is
you in applying for a means-tested Disabled Facilities   not functioning and is uneconomical to repair, grants
Grant to help with some or all of the costs.             may be available.

You may qualify for a Disabled Facilities Grant if you   Contact the Care and Repair Home Improvement
are on a low or moderate income. If you require only     Agency on 01733 863895 for further details.

Handyperson scheme
Care and Repair’s handyperson scheme offers              prevent falls and help people to live independently.
assistance to local residents where their houses         The scheme uses vetted contractors to undertake
are occupied solely by vulnerable, older people          the works. The labour costs of the service are free
(aged over 65) and disabled people. The scheme will      but material costs will be charged. You can contact
undertake small repairs / tasks (less than 4 hours) to   the Handyperson Scheme by calling 01733 863864.

16       Se a rch f or ca r e a t www. ca re c h o i c e s .c o .u k t o fi n d s u p p o r t i n y o u r are a
Extra Care housing
Extra Care housing is specially-designed                  The Maples, Goldhay Way, Orton Goldhay,
accommodation for older people who are becoming           Peterborough PE2 5JH
frail or who have dementia and are less able to do        Tel: 01332 296200
things themselves. It offers individual flats with your
own front door, with care and support available in        The Pavilions, 50 Alma Road, Peterborough PE1 3FG
the building. If you are over 55 and need some care       Tel: 01733 562164
or support to live independently, Extra Care housing
could be for you.                                         The Spinney, 1 Neath Court, Eye,
                                                          Peterborough PE6 7UB
Current Extra Care schemes in Peterborough                Tel: 01733 223950
Bishopsfield, Mountsteven Avenue, Walton,
Peterborough PE4 6WD                                      St Edmunds Court, St Edmunds Walk, Hampton
Tel: 0370 192 4000 (head office)                          Centre, Peterborough PE7 8NA
                                                          Tel: 0370 192 4000 (head office)
Friary Court Extra Care Scheme, Friary Court,
Burton Street, Peterborough PE1 5AE
Tel: 01733 894684

Kingfisher Court, Thistle Drive, Stanground,
Peterborough PE1 8NZ
Tel: 01733 385141

Lapwing Apartments, Matley, Orton Brimbles PE2 5YQ
Tel: 01733 385000 (head office)

Care homes
All care providers in the country must be registered      care as care homes but with trained nursing staff on
with the Care Quality Commission (CQC). All services      duty 24-hours a day.
are inspected by the CQC, which reports on its
findings. These inspection reports, along with quality    If you think you may need nursing care in a home,
ratings, are available from the service or from the       you will need to be visited by a social worker or a
CQC website at                             care manager to work out what care you will need.
                                                          This visit might be in your own home, or in hospital
There are two types of residential home:                  if you’ve been ill, or in a care home. You will be fully
                                                          involved in planning your care needs.
Care homes (personal care only)
If you need someone to look after you 24-hours            If a care home providing nursing care is the best
a day, but don’t need nursing care, a care home           solution for you, your social worker will give you
offering only personal care may be the best option.       information to help you find a home which meets
Personal care includes bathing, feeding, dressing         your care requirements. The cost of the nursing care
and help with moving but it must be paid for from         part of your fees is paid by the NHS to the home
your own resources if your capital/savings exceed         directly. See page 22 for more information about
£23,250. See page 20 for more information on              NHS Nursing Care Contribution.
paying for your care.
                                                          You can find more information on the Peterborough
Care homes with nursing                                   Information Network at
Care homes with nursing provide the same personal                    

Visit for further assistance with your search for care                                     17
 Comprehensive lists of care homes and                                                         When an application is received we will arrange for
care homes with nursing in Peterborough and                                                     a Best Interest Assessor to visit the person in their
borderline areas begin on page 49. These include                                                care setting, and to consult with care staff at the
providers up to the postcode PE10, which includes                                               home and family and friends, to determine that
parts of Northamptonshire, Lincolnshire and                                                     living in the care home is in their best interests. A
Cambridgeshire. Care Choices also publishes Care                                                specialist doctor will also visit to confirm a reason
and Support Services Directories for these counties.                                            why the person lacks capacity and that they are
                                                                                                eligible for such an authorisation. The assessment
For free copies call:                                                                           will check whether the restrictions to the person are
Cambridgeshire Customer Services on                                                             proportionate and necessary and that there are no
0345 045 5202                                                                                   lesser restrictive options for them.
Lincolnshire Customer Service Centre on
01522 782155                                                                                    Authorisations last for a maximum of one year and a
Northamptonshire Customer Service Centre on                                                     further application will then be required.
0300 126 1000
                                                                                                Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards can also be
The figures mentioned here may change. Please                                                   applied in other settings, such as hospitals and
contact Peterborough City Council nearer the time                                               supported living schemes.
for more information.
                                                                                                Moving from one area of the country to another
Protection for those who lack capacity                                                          Sometimes people choose to live in another area of
Going into a care home is a big step for anyone,                                                the country as they want to be closer to friends or
and sometimes people do not have the capacity to                                                family. Peterborough City Council will work together
consent to the decision or to consider whether this                                             with the new local authority to ensure that your care
is in their best interest. The Mental Capacity Act                                              continues.
introduced Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards, which
offer protection to people entering care homes                                                  Listings of registered care providers in Peterborough
without capacity, and for those living in care homes                                            City and the surrounding areas start on page 46. This
who lose mental capacity.                                                                       Directory’s website, can
                                                                                                also provide details of all registered care providers
If someone is identified by a care home as lacking the                                          in England, filtered to your needs and preferred
mental capacity to agree to their stay, the home must                                           location. The Care Quality Commission’s website,
apply to the council (the supervisory body) requesting                                 also has details of all registered care
an authorisation of a deprivation of liberty.                                                   providers in England.

                                                                                             The Publisher of this Directory, Care Choices, also
                                                                                             produces Care and Support Services Directories for
                                                                                             Cambridgeshire, Lincolnshire and Northamptonshire.

                                                                                             For free copies, call
                 LincolnshiDirectory 2018/19
                                                                                             Cambridgeshire – Customer Services on
                  Care Services
                                    e to choosing and
                  The essential guid support
                  paying for care
                                                                                             0345 045 5202
                                                                                             Lincolnshire – Customer Service Centre on
                                                                                             01522 782155

                                                                                             Northamptonshire – Customer Service Centre on
                                                                                             0300 126 1000

                                                                                             w w w. c a r e c h o i c e s. c o. u k

18       Se a rch f or ca r e a t www. ca re c h o i c e s .c o .u k t o fi n d s u p p o r t i n y o u r are a
Care homes checklist                                                                        © 2018 Care Choices Ltd

Home 1                                                                   Fees per week          Quality rating*
Home 2
Home 3                                                                   £

 We suggest that you take paper with you when visiting care homes so that you can make notes. You can
 download and print this checklist at

Staff                                                 Personal preferences
What is the minimum number of                          Is the home too hot/cold? Can you
staff that are available at any time?                control the heating in your room?             

Are staff respectful, friendly and polite?           Is the décor to your tastes?                  
                                                      Are there restricted visiting hours?          
Do staff have formal training?
Are the staff engaging with residents?               Is there somewhere you can go to
                                                       be alone?                                     

                                                       Does the home feel welcoming?                 
Can you get involved in activities you
enjoy?                                               Catering
Is there an Activities Co-ordinator?                 Can the home cater for any dietary
                                                       requirements you may have?                    
Does the home organise any outings?      
                                                       Does the menu change regularly?               
Are residents escorted to appointments? 
                                                      Can you eat when you like, even
Do the residents seem entertained?                                                                   
                                                       at night?
Does the home have a varied                            Can you have food in your room?               
activities schedule?                     
                                                       Is there a choice of food at mealtimes? 
                                                       Is alcohol available/allowed if you
Life in the home                                                                                     
                                                       want it?
Is the home adapted to suit                                                                           
                                                      Can visitors join you for meals?
your needs?
Can you bring your own furniture?        
Are there enough plug sockets in
                                                      Do your fees cover all of the services
the rooms?                                                                                           
                                                       and activities?
Are there restrictions on going out?     
                                                       Are fees likely to change regularly?          
Is there public transport nearby?        
                                                       Is the notice period for cancellation of
Does the home provide any transport?                 the contract reasonable?                      

Can you make/receive calls privately?                Could you have a trial period?                

Can you decide when to get up and                      Can you keep your room if you go
go to bed?                                                                                          
                                                       into hospital?
Does the home allow pets?                            Can you handle your own money?                

*See page 23.

Visit for further assistance with your search for care                                    19
Paying for your care
If you have been assessed as eligible for care and      for example savings and property. If you have over
support (see page 9) and your needs cannot be met       a certain amount, currently £23,250, you will be
through information and advice or free services, it     responsible for paying for your care yourself. The
might be necessary for us to undertake a financial      council can arrange your care for you in some
assessment to look at your care needs and how           circumstances if you choose; however a nominal fee
much you may have to pay. The financial assessment      will be charged for this. The value of your home is
will look at your income and what assets you have,      not included if you are to receive home care.

Your support plan and personal budget
If you have eligible needs, we will contact you to      outlined in your care and support plan.
discuss what help might be available and work with
you to put together a care and support plan tailored    Some examples of how a personal budget can be
to your needs.                                          used include:
                                                        • arranging a care agency to provide you with care
Your plan will work out how you can do the things         and support at home with things like getting
that are important to you and your family, with the       dressed, preparing a meal, washing and toileting;
right level of care and support. You will also know
how much it will cost to meet your needs and how        • arranging day care activities with a care provider;
much the council will contribute towards the cost.      • arranging and paying for respite care to give you
This is your personal budget.                             and your carers a short break; or
                                                        • paying for any support you may need when your
There is no obligation for you to manage your
                                                          carer takes a break.
personal budget yourself, and there is choice about
how care and support is arranged. In some cases,
you may ask the council to arrange services on your
behalf, or you could request a direct payment.

Using your personal budget
You may choose how to spend your personal
budget, providing that it meets your eligible social
care needs based on the outcomes agreed and

Direct payments
A direct payment is a personal budget taken as a        personal assistant to help and support you, and
cash payment made directly to you. It can also be       pay them a wage from your direct payment. If you
paid directly to an authorised person or organisation   employ someone directly as a personal assistant,
acting on your behalf. Direct payments can be used      expert help and advice is available on how to
to buy your own care and support, and can give          calculate and pay your employee’s wages, and how
you a greater ability to choose and control your        to undertake your responsibilities as an employer.
own care services and help you to achieve better
outcomes.                                               You can find out more about personal assistants
                                                        on page 12. Alternatively, visit the Peterborough
Using your direct payment                               Information Network at
You can use a direct payment to employ your own         uk/pin and search ‘personal assistant’.

20       Se a rch f or ca r e a t www. ca re c h o i c e s .c o .u k t o fi n d s u p p o r t i n y o u r are a
You may also use your direct payment to pay              Peterborough City Council will need to see your
for certain types of equipment to help you live          direct payment records, usually every three months.
independently at home. If you take your personal
budget as a direct payment, you will need to keep
                                                          You can get support with direct payments from
a record of how you spend the money and the
                                                          Peterborough Council for Voluntary Services.
amounts that you hold in the bank account that you
                                                          Tel: 01733 342683
use for your direct payments – but you can get help
with this if you need it.

Paying the full cost of care yourself – being a ‘self-funder’
If you know that you will need to pay the full cost of   entitled to some of the following financial assistance
your care, either in your own home or in a care home,    and support:
and arrange this yourself, you do not need to be
assessed by the council. However, you can choose to      12-week property disregard
contact Peterborough City Council at any point for       Peterborough City Council will help with the cost
advice and guidance, or to request an assessment of      of your care during the first 12 weeks of permanent
your needs if you would like one, to ensure you are      care, provided our assessment has shown that this is
purchasing the appropriate support.                      the kind of care you need. This is called the ‘property
                                                         disregard’ period.
If you are paying for the full cost of your care and
have capital over £23,250 then independent financial     This applies if:
advice will help you to maximise your investments to     • your former home is included in your financial
cover care costs for as long as possible.                  assessment;

There are lots of organisations that can give you
advice about funding your care and support costs
in the future. You may find the following websites
                                                            Age Care Advice
useful:                                                    Care Planning in Peterborough

•                             Self Funder
                                                            Assessment Service
You can also find a number of organisations which
                                                            Age Care Advice help self funders find,
can help you with independent financial advice on           coordinate and monitor their care. We
the Peterborough Information Network on                     promise to:
                                                            • Offer competitive costs for this process

If you do speak to an independent financial adviser,        • Assess what care you require within 48 hours
you need to be aware that there may be a charge for           of first contact
this service.
                                                            • Provide you access to our experienced local
                                                              assessors 7 days a week
We would recommend that the financial
adviser is accredited by the Financial Conduct              • Use the whole care market and direction to
                                                              find the best care for you
Authority (FCA) or is accredited with the Society
of Later Life Advisers (SOLLA). Visit to find an             Tel: 01476 552137 | 07772 992 732
accredited adviser.                                         Email:
If you are moving into a care home, you may be

Visit for further assistance with your search for care                                 21
• your other capital and savings are less than               We recommend that you seek independent financial
  £23,250; and                                               and legal advice if you are considering these options.
• your income is not enough to meet your care
  home fees.                                                 NHS Funded Nursing Care Contribution
                                                             Whether you are a temporary or permanent resident,
Deferred payment agreements (DPAs)                           if you live in a care home that provides nursing care,
A DPA is an arrangement with Peterborough City               you may be entitled to a non-means-tested NHS
Council that enables you to use the value of your            Funded Nursing Care Contribution (£158.16 per
home to help pay care home costs. If you are eligible,       week for the standard rate at the time of publication)
we will make payments to the care home on your               towards the cost of your nursing care. This is paid
behalf as an ongoing loan, on which interest will be         directly to the home. You can find more information
charged, using your home as security. You can delay          by searching ‘NHS Funded Nursing Care’ on
repaying us until you choose to sell your home.    

Until your property is sold, you will need to make a         NHS Continuing Healthcare Funding
part-payment every four weeks towards the cost of            If you have primary health needs and are eligible
your care, based on your weekly income. Once the             for NHS Continuing Healthcare Funding, the NHS
property is sold, a financial assessment review will         will pay for the full cost of your care in any setting,
take place to determine whether you are entitled to          including your own home or a care home. To be
council funding assistance with your care fees, or if        eligible your primary needs must be health-related.
you need to pay for your care from your own financial        More information can be found by searching ‘NHS
resources. If this is the case, you will be advised of the   Continuing Healthcare’ on
date from which you should start to pay the home.
                                                             Attendance Allowance
Although you do not need to sell your home during            This is a non-means-tested, non-taxable benefit
your lifetime, it may affect your entitlement to             from the Department for Work and Pensions paid at
Pension Credit if your property is not seen to be on         the lower rate of £57.30 per week for those needing
the market and becomes treated as capital by the             care by day or night and at the higher rate of £85.60
Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).                      per week for those needing care both during the
                                                             day and night. If you go into permanent care funded
Third party payments                                         by Peterborough City Council, you will no longer be
Some care homes and care homes with nursing                  entitled to Attendance Allowance. You can find out
charge fees that are higher than the maximum                 more by searching ‘Attendance Allowance’ on
amount Peterborough City Council can contribute.   
If we are contributing towards your care home fees
and you choose to move into a home which charges a           Whatever your circumstances…
higher fee, the difference between the two amounts           Remember:
must be paid for by a third party, usually a relative or a   • your assessment will be made up of two elements,
charity. Third party payments are sometimes referred           a care part and a financial one;
to as ‘top-up’ payments. Please note, this amount will       • a nursing home will generally be more expensive
be charged in addition to your assessed contribution.          than a residential home offering personal care
                                                               only; and
The general rule is that you cannot use your own
money to fund a third party payment. However, in             • if your partner remains at home, their finances
certain specific circumstances you may make a third            will not be included in the financial assessment
party payment from your own funds. These are:                  to work out how much you have to contribute
                                                               towards your care costs.
• when you are eligible for the 12-week property
  disregard; or                                              Please note, some of the figures mentioned here may
• when you have a deferred payment agreement.                change during the lifetime of this Directory.

22        Se a rch f or ca r e a t www. ca re c h o i c e s .c o .u k t o fi n d s u p p o r t i n y o u r are a
You can also read