
  January – March #01 / 2018

                               P18                                       P30                         P38
                               POLO                                      RIDING                      LIFESTYLE
                               October saw the return of the Singapore   SPC Year End Riding Show    Safari of a Lifetime
                               Polo Club’s 16 goal GOLD CUP

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PATRONS                                                                                               CONTRIBUTORS
                                                                                                      Peter Abisheganaden
Ameerali Jumabhoy
                                                                                                      Simon Cariss
Derek Mitchell                                                                                        Kelvin Chung
K.C. Loh                                                                                              Patrick Furlong
                                                                                                      Ruelle Laurent
                                                                                                      Nurul Nadiah
                                                                                                      Ali Namazie
          Satinder Garcha                                                                             Sonja Piontek
                                                                                                      Ali Reda
Vice President
                Wee Tiong Han                                                                         Siti Sarinah
                                                                                                      Sheldon Trollope
Polo Captain 		                 Ali Namazie
                                                                                                      Amelie Villeneuve

Honorary Secretary 		           Rickard Hogberg


Honorary Treasurer
                   Amelie Villeneuve                                                                     January – March #01 / 2018

                                                                                                                                      P18                                       P30                         P38
                                                                                                                                      POLO                                      RIDING                      LIFESTYLE
                                                                                                                                      October saw the return of the Singapore   SPC Year End Riding Show    Safari of a Lifetime
                                                                                                                                      Polo Club’s 16 goal GOLD CUP

Committee Members
                  Ali Reda
		                Lawrence Khong
		                Melissa Ko
		                Tan Hock

MANAGEMENT                                          SINGAPORE POLO CLUB
                                                    80 Mount Pleasant Road,
                                                    Singapore 298334
                                                                                                                                       NEW LOOK,
                                                                                                                                      NEW BEGINNINGS
                                                    Tel: +65 6854 3999
                                                    Fax: +65 6256 6715

General Manager 		              Sylvan Braberry
                                                    Permit No.: MCI (P) 146/12/2017

                                                                                                      ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. COPYRIGHT BY SINGAPORE POLO CLUB. Opinions
Secretary		                     Joanna Wong                                                           expressed are solely those of the writers and are not necessarily endorsed by
                                                                                                      the Singapore Polo Club. The Club is not responsible or liable in any way in
                                                                                                      respect of any information contained in the contributed articles, advertisements,
Head, Finance		                 Woo Lee Choo                                                          photographs or illustrations in this publication. Editorial enquiries should be
                                                                                                      directed to Unsolicited material will not be
Human Resource Manager		        Alinna Li                                                             returned. All information correct at time of printing.

                                                                                                      Published Quarterly by the
Events & Banquet Manager		      Irene Seah
                                                                                                      Singapore Polo Club
Membership & Marcom 		          Kelvin Chung
Manager                                                                                               80 Mount Pleasant Road,
                                                                                                      Singapore 298334
Riding School Manager		         Daniel Sitranen                                                       Tel: +65 6854 3999
                                                                                                      Fax: +65 6256 6715
Lifestyle & Events Manager 		   Victor Phua                                                           Email:
Polo Administration Manager		   Sunny Oh                                                              Permit No.: MCI (P) 146/12/2017

                                                                                                      Connect with us at:
Facilities and Maintenance		    Han Peck Hoe                                                             

Committee                                         HR & Admin 		              
Events & Banquet                                        Marketing, Advertising & Sponsorship
Facilities & Grounds                                    Membership
Finance                                            Polo		                     
Food & Beverage                                    Riding		                   
Gaming                                               Sports & Recreation 		     
General Enquiries                                       The Polo Loft		            

3                                                                      SINGAPORE POLO CLUB
OPERATING HOURS                                                         4          President’s Message

                                                                        6          General Manager’s Message
7.30am – 9.00pm (Sunday to Thursday)                                    8          Singapore Polo Club Events
7.30am – 10.00pm (Friday & Saturday)
                                                                                   January – March 2018
F&B OUTLETS                                                             9          2018 Polo Calendar
The Polo Bar
8.00am – 11.00pm (Daily)                                                           CLUB NEWS
                                                                        10-12      New Look, New Beginnings
The Mountbatten Room
8.00am – 11.00pm (Daily)                                                14         2017 Long Service Award
The Verandah                                                            15         SPC Christmas Charity Drive
8.00am – 11.00pm (Daily)
(Last food order at 10.30pm except for Poolside at 10.00pm)             16         New Member’s List
                                                                        17         In Memory: Paul von Lissberg
11.00am – 1.00am ( Sunday – Thursday & Public Holiday )                            POLO
11.00am – 2.00 am ( Friday, Saturday & Eve of Public Holiday )          18-21      October saw the return of the Singapore Polo Club’s
                                                                                   16 goal GOLD CUP
7.00am – 9.00pm (Weekdays)                                              22-25      Beinhorn-Faizullah Cup – Youth Challenge
8.00am – 8.00pm (Weekends)                                                         Mini-Tournament
7.00am – 9.00pm (Daily)
                                                                        26-27      Merriest Achievements in December
10.00am – 9.00pm (Daily)                                                30-31      SPC Year End Riding Show
                                                                        32         Pony Club’s Art Attack / Sizzlin’ BBQ
7.00am – 9.00pm (Daily)                                                 34         Pony Camp
Squash Court
8.00am – 10.00pm (Daily)
                                                                        38-40      Feature: Safari of a Lifetime
Swimming Pool
7.00am – 9.00pm (Daily)
                                                                        46-49      Feature: A First For Everything

Tennis Courts                                                                      SPOTLIGHT
8.00am – 10.00pm (Daily)                                                50         Spooktacular Halloween
The Polo Loft                                                           52         Members’ Networking Night
9.00am – 7.00pm (Tues –Sun)

Towel Counter
7.00am – 9.00pm (Daily)
                                                                                                     22                          38

                                                                 SINGAPORE POLO CLUB
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Dear Members,

       appy 2018! The New Year spells excitement for
       us in many areas in terms of our line-up of Polo,
       Riding & Lifestyle events and more importantly
the Club’s redevelopment and upgrading which will be
undertaken by award-winning architect Ernesto Bedmar
from Bedmar & Shi, a leading Singapore-based design

   As the Club turns 132 this year, it is important to
preserve the rich heritage and long-standing traditions
which has seen us through the years whilst keeping up
with the ever-changing landscape of the economy.

    The Club hasn’t seen an upgrade in the last 12 years
and as such, one of the key highlights to look out for
this year is the first phase of our upgrading which will be
explained in depth in the next few pages. Members will
receive progress updates through email announcements,                The Polo Calendar promises another engaging year
the Club’s Facebook & Instagram, Club magazine and a              with the combination of adrenaline-pumping polo
dedicated section on the Singapore Polo Club website              action and a series of upbeat lifestyle parties. With
which will include details and contents of the plans,             international players gracing the tournaments, I hope
renderings, timeline, FAQ’s and a feedback form.                  you will be intrigued to enjoy these tournaments.
                                                                  Beyond Polo and Riding, our social members can look
   Apart from changes in the aesthetics of the Club,              forward to more frequent and engaging lifestyle
a few other revamps will also be unveiled in time to              activities such as Social Tennis, Themed Parties, Cocktail
come, and all this is part of the Club’s plan to retain and       & Networking Nights to name a few. Although Polo &
expand our Membership.                                            Riding is at the forefront of the Club, a range of social
                                                                  activities is also our priority and it is on the calendar this
   2017 has been a very fulfilling year for the Club in           year so do keep a lookout for these activities.
terms of our finances despite the government’s new
jackpot regulations. My gratitude goes out to our kind               There is so much to look forward at the Club this year
sponsors for their generous support. We look forward              and I would like to invite you and your loved ones to the
to building more lasting and memorable partnerships               Club more often.
with each and every one of our sponsors.
                                                                     With the Lunar New Year approaching soon, I wish
   The Riding Section has made significant                        you and your family a prosperous year ahead filled with
improvements from 2015. We have new instructors                   bountiful blessings.
on-board which will allow us to expand what we can
offer in terms of more riding lessons and riding social
activities. In addition, members can look forward to              Sincerely yours,
more riding clinics, children’s rides and better Pony Club        Satinder Garcha
experience this year.                                             President

                                                   SINGAPORE POLO CLUB
Cowdr ay Park
                                                Polo Club

                                     COWDRAY PARK
                                       POLO CLUB
                                      OFFERS YOU A
                                     WARM WELCOME
                                    2018 Season opens 28th April
                                     and closes 23rd September

                                          Enjoy watching more than
                                       30 tournaments played annually
                                      in a mix of 4, 6, 8, 12, 15, 18 and
                                       22 goals, including the highlight
                                     of the Season, the Gold Cup for the
                                      British Open Polo Championship.

                                         We have an excellent Polo
                                          Academy for beginners.

Photograph © Clive Bennett                          7

Dear Members,

            ith the festive season just over, the new year
            will see exciting times for the Club in 2018
            with a number of initiatives aimed at creating
a happening, vibrant and fun Club. The number of
lifestyle activities and events is set to increase, and reach
out to a wider age group and audience.

     Our first ever Members’ Networking Night was a
great success with more than 40 participants sharing
light moments, new friendships and connectivity. The
event received great reviews from many of the Members
and participants and is set to be a mainstay in the Club’s
annual calendar of events. Our next Networking Night
will be on Friday 23 February where a grand “Lo Hei”
will be tossed in celebration of the Lunar New Year.
Participants can expect to see our dynamic riding
team showcasing their show-jumping skills while polo
professional Sattar and our team of polo players will
demonstrate their tent-pegging skills to the delight of
everyone under the stars. Participants will also get an                 Members are fully encouraged to take part in the
opportunity to pat the horses, and get a feel of what                many exciting events and activities coming your way this
it’s like in the exciting life of our riders and polo players.       year. The National Dressage Championships is scheduled
                                                                     to be held in May 2018. This year will see many exciting
   As part of our efforts to introduce polo and riding to            activities and events in support of this tournament.
the community, and also to become more responsible                   In addition, as part of the Outreach’s initiatives, the
corporate citizens, the Club through its Outreach                    Academy will also be supporting equine therapy for
Program has had a number of initiatives planned in                   HCSA Community Services. Equine therapy will also be
support of the less fortunate, and to charitable homes.              made available to Members. Please stay tuned as we
Outreach activities and events are expected to grow                  share more information and updates over the coming
in numbers, and Members can also look forward to                     weeks.
SPC’s first Polo Charity Tournament 2018 to raise funds
for deserving beneficiaries. Members are invited to                      The Club has also created an additional page on our
participate, and do their part for this meaningful event             website, with the proposed redevelopment of the Club
which is scheduled some time in May or June this year.               to keep you updated on the progress, and give Member’s
                                                                     an opportunity to provide feedback and comments on
   Over at Riding, Members will enjoy our string of new              this landmark project for our Club.
horses at the riding school. The Riding School will be
renamed to the SPC Riding Academy with the objective                    As always, we endeavour to do our very best and
to make both riding and polo available to juniors and                with your understanding and support, look forward to
beginners through our customised programmes. One                     serving you even better this year!
of the Academy’s objectives is to also introduce the
“fun” element into riding and polo for the juniors and                  Here’s to a great year ahead for one and all!
to create a community for both riding and polo juniors
through the introduction of lessons, games, events
and activities. There will also be a contest to name the             Best Regards,
“junior academy” so that it projects a fun, lively and               Sylvan Braberry
exciting section for our juniors.                                    General Manager

                                                      SINGAPORE POLO CLUB

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Singapore Polo Club
      January – March 2018

                  27 January
          Mother and Child Art Jamming
                  2 February
                Social Tennis Nite
                   3 February
              Friends of Horses Fair
                10 – 11 February
       Inter Club Riding Competition at SPC
                 23 February
             Lunar Networking Nite
                   30 March
                  Easter Event

                    *Dates are subject to change.

15 February         2018 Polo Season - Field Re-opens for stick & ball practice

1 March             Practice chukkas begin

24 – 25 March       Club Tournament

3 – 8 April         BRONZE LEAGUE (2-4 goal)

24 – 29 April       PRO-AM MEN’S CHALLENGE (4-6 goal)

5 – 6 May           Club & Novice Tournament

12 May              SPC CHARITY MATCH (6 goal)

15 May - 20 May     SINGAPORE OPEN (8 goal)

9 – 10 June         Youth Polo Challenge

15 June – 5 July    Field Closed - Arena Polo Challenge

14 – 15 July        Club & Novice Tournament

18 – 19 August      Club Tournament

7 – 9 September     POLO IN THE CITY (6 goal)

25 – 30 September   WOMEN’S INTERNATIONAL (18 goal Ladies’ Handicap)

13 -14 October      Club & Novice Tournament

25 – 28 October     GOLD CUP (16 goal)

10 – 11 November    Battle of the Sexes (2 goal)

17 – 18 November    Grooms Cup & Club Tournament

20 November         2018 Polo Season Ends

1 February 2019     2019 Polo Season - Field Re-Opens

                            SINGAPORE POLO CLUB

                                  New Look,
                                New Beginnings

                                                              t the Extraordinary General Meeting held on
                                                              15 February 2017, a majority of the members
                                                              present voted in favour of the proposed $6
                                                              million Club redevelopment works.
                                                      Our Club has not seen an upgrade in the last 12 years,
                                                  and in order to retain and expand our membership base
                                                  and develop new revenue streams, the clubhouse has to be
                                                  lifted to a new level in line with current market standards
                                                  befitting the Singapore Polo Club.
                                                      After a rigorous tender and evaluation process, we are
                                                  pleased to appoint award-winning architect Ernesto Bedmar
                                                  principle and founder of Bedmar & Shi for the design and
                                                  procurement of works for this redevelopment project.
All pictures shown are for 		                         The works will take 18 to 24 months to complete and
illustration purpose only.                        will be phased in three stages.

                                     SINGAPORE POLO CLUB

    In order to keep all members updated on our progress,
we will share regular updates via:
• email announcements
• letters sent to your postal address
• the Singapore Polo Club website, which will have details
and content including plans, renderings, FAQ’s, and a
feedback form; and
• the Club’s Facebook and Instagram pages
    In the Club’s foyer we have the community noticeboard
already in place which has the architectural plans,
renderings, and a Suggestion Box for Members to be able               We look forward to sharing updates at each stage of
to share feedback and comments.                                   the project, and look forward to receiving your support and
    Additionally, Members may also email management               feedback as we go through this exciting new period for our
directly to                      historic Club.

                                                   SINGAPORE POLO CLUB

ABOUT BEDMAR & SHI                                                  relationships between buildings and nature with particular
Bedmar & Shi is a Singapore based designed practice                 emphasis on quality design and execution of its diversified
established in 1986, incorporating a wide range of                  portfolio. Their list of projects stretches from New York,
architectural, conservation, landscape and interior designs.        London, New Zealand, India and Malaysia to Indonesia,
Since its inception, it has always maintained a staff of 12,        Thailand, Tibet, Bhutan, Hong Kong and Singapore.
a multicultural mix of personalities from various parts of          For more information on Bedmar & Shi, please refer to
the world, designers with a singular desire to explore the

                                                                                        All pictures shown are for illustration purpose only.

                                                    SINGAPORE POLO CLUB

2017 Long Service Award

Hashim Bin Imin
– 5 years

                    Jasmani Bin Atmo
                    – 5 years

                                                                   – 5 Years

                                                                               Sukumar Shet
                                                                               – 10 years

Ting Heng M
– 15 ye ar s

                  Oh Cher M
                             ing, Sunny
                  – 20 years

                                               Tan Siew Fung, Ann
                                               – 30 years

                                                                               Ripah Bin Sajim
                                                                               – 55 years

                                          SINGAPORE POLO CLUB

Ms Melissa Ko, our Outreach Convenor presented the hampers & a cheque to the Centre on 4 December 2017

SPC Christmas
Charity Drive
                e would like to thank our members for your
                generous support in the recent SPC Charity
                Drive. We are happy to share that we exceeded
                our goal of 10 food and 10 toiletries hampers
for the residents of the Good Shepherd Centre! Thank you
again for your support!

                                                         SINGAPORE POLO CLUB
            October – December 2017

 A warm welcome to the new members who have
  recently joined the Singapore Polo Club family.
    We look forward to seeing you at the club!

                       Bella Ong Bee Lay
                       Daniel Paul Cullen
                    David Rasaiah Winslow
                     Ivan Chua Ying Ming
                Laurent Patrice Christian Piedois
                   Mostapha Bin Rahj Kamal
                       Rajvin Dave Singh
                    William Hugh Peacock

                  Alasdair Philip St John Spink
              Alexander Charles Frederick Howard
                        Danaice Martinez
                          Matthew Bird
                      Nicholas John Tanner
                Rita Srinivasan (Mrs Rita Aspen)
                      Samantha Jane Field
                  Sebastian James Mackinnon
                      Vivien Wu WenFang
                              Xu Lei

                      REGULAR TERM
                  Dorota Malgorzata Garrett
               Gilbert Jean-Christophe Philippe
               Ho Yoke Foong Irene (He Yufeng)

For reciprocal clubs, please refer to our website
or email us at

                                                      SINGAPORE POLO CLUB

in memory:
Paul von Lissberg
1941- 2017

        he unexpected passing of Paul von Lissberg who expired on 26th December 2017, emphasises
        the drawing to a close of a noteworthy era in the annals of the Singapore Polo Club – an era
        those of us fortunate enough to have lived through may well recall with vivid memories, yet
also with a tinge of regret that times have since changed.
    Paul and his late wife, Brede, first joined the Club in the early 1970’s. Both were at the time
accomplished riders and Paul proceeded to take up polo. During the decades which followed, each
in their distinct ways, became almost an institution within the Club.
    Brede von Lissberg who sadly passed away in February 2005 following a short illness, started off
several generations of children in riding at the Singapore Polo Club; she had the gift of imparting
in children a lifelong passion for ponies and horses. Although the often gruff, taciturn exterior that
Paul presented to the world after his bereavement belied the fact, I believe he never quite reconciled
himself to the loss of his wife.
    Having held several committee positions at various times, among Paul’s most significant contributions to the Club were
perhaps while he served as Polo Captain, first from 1975 to 1977 and then again in 1985-86. He left an indelible mark on the office
which many – and for very different reasons – would continue to remember for years to come! To those of us who were fortunate
                                            enough to get to know him well over the years, Paul was passionate and extremely
                                            knowledgeable about all aspects of polo, horses and horsemanship (if he did not know
                                            something, he invariably made a determined effort to find out) and was always ready
                                            to assist anyone who wished to benefit from such knowledge. As those acquainted
                                            with him found out sooner or later, Paul had very rigid views about most things and
                                            was in the habit of expressing his opinions forthrightly if not even brusquely; certainly
                                            he did not suffer fools gladly. Invariably straightforward and absolutely honest to a
                                            fault, he was ever ready to assist anyone who had a genuine question or issue to
                                            resolve, especially if it concerned horses and polo. His was indeed a large presence in
                                            the history of the Singapore Polo Club, one that spanned several decades and he will
                                            be missed.
                                                For very many years he kept a watchful eye over the maintenance of the polo
                                            field as well as over the grounds staff, especially the groundsman, Yatim, who had an
                                            enormous respect for Paul and, it seemed to me, a genuine affection for him. Senior
                                            members will be aware that Paul was the principal driving force behind building the
                                            original indoor school at the Club in the 1980’s. Possibly fewer members would be
                                            aware of Paul’s contribution to the Club during the years 2003-06, while the Club was
                                            undergoing its major re-development, a significant aspect of which was the construction
                                            of the present-day large covered arena. I had turned to Paul for expert assistance
                                            with suitable footings for the arena. Typically, he threw himself wholeheartedly into
                                            the project and began to thoroughly research the entire complex subject. It was only
                                            after we had systematically examined and excluded several competing options, that he
                                            came upon the waxed fibre sand product which we eventually decided to import from
                                            the UK and install for the first time in Singapore. Remarkably, this waxed footing, has
                                            withstood the test of time and sustained heavy usage without having to be renewed
                                            for more than a decade now – a testament to Paul’s persistence when it came to
                                            anything which he considered really important.
                                                 Apart from several close friends who reside in many different parts of the world
                                            and with whom he kept in touch, Paul von Lissberg leaves behind immediate family
                                            in Austria.

                                            Obituary contributed by Ali Namazie

                                                          SINGAPORE POLO CLUB

                October saw the return of
                the Singapore Polo Club’s
                   16 goal GOLD CUP
    naugurated in 2016, this second edition of this tournament        Club present in Singapore. Cowdray Park of course stage their
    was once again sponsored by BMW as presenting sponsor.            own very prestigious Gold Cup event annually and we have
    They were joined by PRUDENTIAL who this year have been            been in discussions with them for the past year concerning
an important and generous sponsor of polo here.                       developing a synergistic, closer relationship between the two
    Despite an especially dense polo calendar during the first        Singapore and UK based polo clubs.
half of the 2017 season (largely due to the 2017 South-east               Apart from the 16 goal exhibition match which took place
Asian Games which took place in August), it is noteworthy             on Sunday 29th October, as in the previous edition, the SPC
that the Club was able to host two significant international          GOLD CUP also comprised a round-robin tournament run over
tournaments in the second half - the Women’s International in         two days amongst three 10-12 goal teams:, Veuve Clicquot
late September and following that, the GOLD CUP. Well done            and KEF. The Prudential team was anchored by New Zealand’s
to participating members, and a big thank you to the Club’s           international 7 goaler Jean-Paul Clarkin playing alongside SPC
staff, particularly the stable management and to the unsung           pro Sanaullah Khan (2), SPC President Satinder Garcha (2) and
heroes of all outdoor polo - the groundsmen!                          Vice President Wee Tiong Han alternating with Club member
    At 16 goals, the SPC’s GOLD CUP is certainly the highest          Cyrille Costes (both playing off 0 goals), making a total of 11
level of competitive polo that one gets to watch within the           goals. Veuve Clicquot was represented by South Africa’s highest
region and perhaps even right across Asia. This year we were          ranked player Tom de Bruin (7), Club pro Shane Boyd (2) and
fortunate to have representatives of the Cowdray Park Polo            Club members Ali Reda (1) and Lawrence Khong (0) adding

                                                      SINGAPORE POLO CLUB

Throw-in by SPC Vice-President, Wee Tiong Han

up to a 10 goal team. Finally, KEF fielded a 12 goal team captained by
South African Gareth Evans (6) who played alongside Craig Wilson (6)
from New Zealand and Club members Lynly Fong and Ang Ban Tong
(both 0 goals). The round-robin matches amongst the three teams
were played on Thursday, 26th and Saturday, 28th October with each
team playing four two chukka matches against the other two. With
their three match wins, Prudential were the tournament winners,
while Veuve Clicquot were second with two wins and KEF, winning one
match, came third.
    The 16 goal four chukka exhibition match had a 15 goal Prudential
team (playing in black jerseys) facing off a 14 goal team representing,
newcomer to polo sponsorship in Singapore, the Wall Street Journal
playing in white. For the exhibition match the visiting New Zealanders
and South Africans joined forces respectively. The Prudential team
comprised J-P Clarkin and Craig Wilson, joined by Satinder Garcha and
Lawrence Khong; while Wall Street Journal had the two South Africans,
Tom de Bruin and Gareth Evans alongside Ali Reda and Lynly Fong. As
one would expect of such a higher goal match, the polo was open, fast
and yet controlled with the professionals on either side rarely giving
away a loose ball and almost never missing the slightest opportunity
to turn the game in their team’s favour. Final score, after a riveting 4
chukkas, Prudential 8 vs. Wall Street Journal 5½. J-P Clarkin was Man of
the Match; Caldera owned by the Club was chosen (for the second time
this year) as Best Playing Pony.
                                                                             Visiting Professionals: (L to R) Craig Wilson, Tom de Bruin,
Article by Ali Namazie                                                       John–Paul Clarkin & Gareth Evans

                                                       SINGAPORE POLO CLUB

Winners of the 2017 SPC Gold Cup - PRUDENTIAL: (L to R) David White (General   J–P Clarkin receiving the
Manager of Moet Hennessy Diageo, Singapore), Wee Tiong Han (Vice-President                               Most Valuable Player
                                                                               trophy from Mike Soldner
of the Singapore Polo Club), Sophie Hartmann (representing BMW Asia),                                     (Founder, The B28
                                                                               Whisky Fund)
Lawrence Khong, Satinder Garcha, J-P Clarkin & Craig Wilson

                                                                               Best Playing Pony ‘Caldera’ belonging to the SPC
                                                                               and played by J-P Clarkin: (L to R) J–P Clarkin,
Runners-up: (L to R) David White (General Manager of Moet Hennessy Diageo      Chris Bethel (Polo Manager, Cowdray Park Polo
Singapore), Matt Petersen (General Manager, Cowdray Park Polo Club), Lynly     Club) & Groom Esvaran A/L Sundhararaj
Fong, Ali Reda, Gareth Evans & Tom de Bruin

SPC Polo Captain Ali Namazie presenting the
Club’s shield to Matt Petersen of the Cowdray
Park Polo Club

                                                       SINGAPORE POLO CLUB

                                                      Spectators ‘treading-in’ at half time

Cowdray Park Polo Club representatives:
(L to R) Matt Petersen, Liz Higgins & Chris Bethel

Anna Lysenko & Marieleng Skorge                       Spectators & invited guests at the 2017 SPC Gold Cup event

                                                     SINGAPORE POLO CLUB

                    Beinhorn-Faizullah Cup
                      – Youth Challenge
      ust one word to describe Youth Polo in SPC this year:
          If anybody had told me, back in November 2016
when we had only a handful of kids playing 2-a-side at the
Mt Pleasant Road arena, that only 12 months later we’d have
the biggest Youth Polo Programme in Asia, played children’s
exhibition chukkas and hosted the largest Children Polo
Tournament in SPC history, I would have said you were crazy!!!
     Yet here we are! We just finished 2017 in spectacular
fashion, with a Youth Polo Programme of over 20 children
(and not-so-children as Sinclair keeps reminding me!!), playing
regular polo and delivering the most amazing kids tournament
I’ve seen (save for the Potrillos Cup in Argentina)
     I’m immensely proud of our boys and girls, who battled it
out in the Beinhorn-Faizullah Cup over two days. Our special
thanks go to long time members Dr Massood Faizullah, and
Mr Alston Beinhorn, who donated the Cup to SPC some years
ago. Masood, who presented the trophy, had great words of
encouragement and inspiration to our young generation of
     And guess what? The polo was great to watch too!! I can
still hear all the mums, dads, grandparents, cheering from the
side lines! They were making more noise than the crowd at the
Gold Cup!!
     The Round Robin tournament featured our young(est)
Team White: Jed Gabler, Matias Furlong, Maya Brown, Alex
Sorensen, Hugo de Lisle

                                                       SINGAPORE POLO CLUB

Team Black: Alice Duiget, Virgile Goldbgerg, Tom Lowdnes-
Cox, Jansheer Singh
Team Red: Lucas Furlong, Oscar Ma, Grace Cariss, Chloe Sultana
    Great polo by the younger ones, and after 2 days of intense
action Team White came first by the narrowest of margins, just
1 goal! It really could have gone to either way, and they are all
already asking for the re-match!
    We also held a Youth Exhibition where the older crop of
players delivered a real polo match with long runs, spectacular
goals and fun, open polo played. Nothing short of the adults’
    Teams in the Youth Exhibition were:
Team White: Sinclair Bordier, Max Parkhurst, Jed Gabler, Shane
Boyd (Coach)
Team Red: Lucas Ertugul, Lucas Furlong, Alice Duiget, Virgile
Goldberg, Patrick Furlong (Coach)                                        the polo kit, some oversized boots and helmets and -if we were
    It was an unforgettable event for the kids, and a hugely             lucky- with a stick light enough to hit the ball!
proud moment for their families. A very special event that kids              The coaches and I are very happy with how the players
and families will remember for a long time, which helped create          have developed this year, and the programme itself has gone
the sort of ‘family club’ we all want. It did bring memories of          from strength to strength. We have a number of people to
when I was their age and my father, who also started a polo              thank for this, but fundamentally our thanks go to all parents,
school in our home town club, took me through my first                   coaches, grooms, the club, and the sponsors. I look forward to
chukkas with a bunch of other kids. Our mothers helping with             everyone’s continuing support next year!

                                                         SINGAPORE POLO CLUB

                        For 2018 we are looking at an even bigger and better
                    programme with more polo, more tournaments, even some
                    international exposure, family tournaments, and who knows?
                    Some much more to do! So watch this space…
                        I’m very keen to grow the programme with more
                    newcomers and give all children across ages the right time and
                    support to develop their polo skills.
                        I don’t know about you, but I just can’t wait!

                    Article by Patrick Furlong
                    Photos by Simon Cariss



(L – R) Edric Lee (Riding Instructor), Daniel Sitranen (Riding School Manager) & Ruelle Laurent (Riding Instructor)

                      Merriest Achievements
                           in December
         ne of the foundations of our mission is to promote and          Sugar and Rebell, showing us “the bounciest canter of your
         raise the standards of equestrianism for Singapore. In          life” and some amazing clear lines on Rebell (not always a fan
         December we invested in three major initiatives that            of picking his feet up). Every participant won a bracelet from
helped us do just that; we invested in our riders, in our staff          our anti-bullying campaign NOT ON MY YARD. We will also be
and in our horses.                                                       partnering with Larkspur Equestrian in the UK to take part in
    For our riders, we invited David Carville back from the UK           this FEI anti-bullying drive. Please drop by the office and take
to pick the show jumping teams that we will send to the UK               a bracelet if you would like to support it. It was a great clinic,
next year. The weekend itself was a huge success, with a large           thank you again Dave for your energy and passion.
number of riders at all levels practicing courses and exercises.             I am so excited (and maybe quite jealous) as we get
This time we started with the course riding on Saturday,                 planning for the UK trips. Here are the basics – it’s one week
building a course that could be ridden several different ways.           for the 30-60 and two for the higher teams. For your time
The 30-60 group were superstars! We saw some great riding                there, you will get a horse or pony to lease, that is effectively
from Clarinda, Bea, Aayan, Anaaya, Arielle, Nivee, Isabel,               yours for your time in the UK. You will get to ride twice a day
Chloe, Zara and Bella. I was so impressed by how much of                 (jumping, flat and hacking), plus stable management lessons,
the feedback from Dave’s previous clinics had been put into              mucking out, feeding, grooming, turnout and total horse care
practice; the team was so much better at creating and keeping            instruction. We will organise participation in Larkspur shows
a consistent rhythm, riding to the jumps, riding great lines and         and local shows, and we will also take you to see some of
keeping going, even when the ponies had other ideas!                     the highest level jumping at Hickstead and other Grand Prix
     I was particularly impressed by how much both Isabel and            events. We will also be holding BBQs with the Equestrian
Nivee got out of Sidan – that was some fierce riding! In the             Academies affiliated with Larkspur, cross country training if
60-80 and 80-1m plus groups, the teams had also improved a               you are interested (including water jumps – a personal panic
lot. Kennedi did some great gymnastics with Cassie and we saw            button moment for many horses and ponies) at one of the
some other terrific combinations in action – Ysabelle on Tyrion,         many amazing cross country venues that we can hack to,
Maddie on both Venice and Dimples, Chiara on Toby and Grace              shooting and parents hacking to some of the nearby pubs. It
on Tiptoe. Zoe did a great job on different horses, as Percy             will be intense but amazing. We will likely send the SPC teams
is currently sadly lame, and Viktoria really helped the lovely           with an SPC instructor to ensure the most immersive coaching
Lady to get jumping! Tiffani and Tia did fantastically well with         and instruction takes place. I can’t wait!

                                                           SINGAPORE POLO CLUB

Sean Hope posing for a photo right before his clinic                                     Our groo
                                                                                         the BHS e and instructors w
                                                                                                  xaminers           ith

    For our staff, we have invested in two major programs. We
are unique in Singapore in that all we would like all of our
grooms to be qualified to at least BHS Stage One standard.
This year, Edric took the responsibility to train the grooms and
I’m happy to report that everyone was able to participate in
the classes. Daniel and Laurent did some scary mock exams at
various stages. I’m convinced that if you ask any groom at SPC
to name all the feed and watering rules, they can do it with
their eyes closed! We also wanted to continue to upgrade the
instructors’ certifications. We are unique in Singapore to do this.

                                                                           Our grooms looking sharp for their BHS exam!

Paul Crago giving pointers to Edric

    This year we invited Paul Crago, Head Coach to the British
Showjumping Coaches (BSJA) to instruct the whole team to
UKCC Level 2. This was an intensive four days of training, with
theory, demo riding and a large amount of homework. The                    Riding Instructor Edric with Boa
poor instructors were completely exhausted by the end, but I
think we can all agree that it was totally worthwhile to keep                  Finally we invested in three new horses to add to our string
qualifying our instructors with the latest techniques. Once                in Riding Section. Get ready to welcome the gorgeous Boa,
these exams have been completed, all of our instructors will be            Kane and Rambo. Imagine a mix between Tiptoe and Tyrion
qualified to teach to 120 jumping (with some further for the               and you will see what we were aiming for. I can’t wait for
more advanced riders). I was struck by how much experience                 them to land – I’m expecting them to be much sought after!
our instructors actually have, in both dressage and jumping.                   Thank you to the riders, instructors and horses at SPC for
We don’t always do a great job at communicating this, but as               putting your heart and soul into these big investments. I think
an example, Daniel and Edric have both ridden and placed at                we will all enjoy the efforts!
the highest levels of dressage and both have competed in 120+
jumping as well. In my view this makes SPC very well qualified             Article by Amelie Villeneuve
to train our riders and horses to whatever level they would like.          Photographs by Ruelle Laurent and Siti Sarinah

                                                          SINGAPORE POLO CLUB

SPC Year End Riding Show
  n 25th November 2017, the Riding school had its
  year end show to round up the wonderful riding
  year. The Show definitely didn’t disappoint with
  excellent jumps from our riders.

                                          SINGAPORE POLO CLUB


Pony Club’s Art Attack
      t wasn’t just the season of giving for our young and very
      talented Pony Clubbers. It was also the season to unleash
      their creativity by decorating their very own horse shoe
      for Christmas!
   Great job Pony Clubbers! Special thanks to Amanda
Buckland- Mcgowan, our instructors Edric Lee, Krystal Wang,
Keith Choi and Ruelle Laurent.

                                                              Sizzlin’ BBQ
                                                                               hat better way to end the year aside from
                                                                               a BBQ! The riding section organised a BBQ
                                                                               for riders and grooms to celebrate the hard
                                                                               work and achievements in 2017. It was
                                                              definitely a heart-warming evening as our riding instructors
                                                              donned the hats of chefs and took turns to BBQ for the
                                                              riders and grooms!

                                                       SINGAPORE POLO CLUB

Pony Camp               T
                                 he school holidays was made even sweeter for our young pony
                                 clubbers who signed up for our exclusive 3 day Pony Camp where
                                 they learnt how to groom & tack and shower a horse in addition
                                 to learning how to ride. We look forward to our next pony camp!
19 – 21 December 2017

                        SINGAPORE POLO CLUB

                                             Safari of
                                            a Lifetime

              ave you ever ridden your                                                              agree more with Hana and adds that
              horse alongside a herd of                                                                “Obviously, riding horses is great. Being
              wild giraffes? Have you                                                                   in Namibia is great. But riding horses
              ever driven your car                                                                        in Namibia amongst wild giraffes and
across the endless sand dunes of                                                                           cantering up high into the Otjihavera
the Namib Desert? Have you ever                                                                             Mountains is simply out of this
enjoyed an Oyster and Champaign                                                                             world.” Welcome to Africa!
reception on a lonely beach along                                                                               The ‘Safari of a Lifetime’ starts
the wild Atlantic Coast? Have you                                                                          at the renowned Okapuka Horse
ever met the Bushman people and                                                                            Safaris, undoubtedly one of the
tried to mimic their unusual language                                                                    best stables in this part of the world
using the most difficult to pronounce                                                                  offering 31 of the finest and best-
‘clicks’. Have you ever cantered into the                                                            trained Arabian horses you can imagine.
African sunset on a proud Arabian horse                                                           The Scandinavian owner Ingeborg Hernes
followed by a chilled glass of Sauvignon                                                         first came to Namibia 20 odd years ago.
in the Savannah, appropriately called a                                                          Like so many others, she immediate fell in
‘sundowner’? And have you ever looked                                                            love with this vast and barren country, the
into the ever so powerful eyes of a grown       areas this beautiful country has to offer”       abundance of game and the relaxed mind-
elephant bull?                                  Sonja Piontek, former Marketing Director         set of its people. Lucky for us, she had the
     Well…there is a reason why the tour        of BMW Asia, explains. “The idea was to          guts to quit her management position back
we were recently on is called the ‘Safari of    create a once-in-a-lifetime experience with      in Europe, move across to Namibia and set
a Lifetime’. Not only is Namibia one of the     unforgettable money-can’t buy moments for        up this unique equestrian enterprise. Today
most stunning countries on this planet, every   the participants.”                               Okapuka Horse Safaris, situated on the
moment of this specially developed eight day        “This entire trip seems to be highlight      10.000 hectares big farm of Okapuka Ranch,
tour was simply unique.                         after highlight after highlight” confirms        30 minutes from the capital Windhoek, offer
     “We have combined breath-taking safari     Hana Abdulla, avid member of the                 a variety of exciting activities for experienced
rides on horseback, cultural encounters and     Singapore Polo Club with a wide smile on         riders from all over the world: 1) Safari Rides
stunning game viewing with X5 off-road          her face. Professor Ossi Köchli, leading Swiss   in amongst hundreds of wild game across
driving through some of the most spectacular    gynaecologist and keen polo player couldn’t      the farm’s vast savannah, 2) Mountain Rides

                                                            SINGAPORE POLO CLUB

high up into the Otjihavera Mountains          luxurious and best game-viewing lodge in
with rewarding picnics at the lodge’s          Namibia. We certainly won’t disagree. As
private hunting cabin overlooking the          we lean back on the game viewing deck
beautiful turquois water reservoir, 3)         we are taken by the crocks, the hippos,
Endurance Training and Endurance Races         the elephant bull, the zebras, antelopes,
on national and international level for        hyenas…all within a mere 50-100 meters             Whilst Erindi was all about game, our
those who feel up to the challenge and         from where we sit!                             next lodge is all about a very unique off-road
last but not least 4) Breeding of Arabian           To complete our game viewing              experience and stunning sceneries. We even
horses and training them.                      experience at Erindi Game Reserve, which       drive our BMW X5s onto one of the big rock
     Training in terms of proper riding        is also the countries largest private game     formations the Erongo Mountains are so
style. But also training in terms of           reserve, we take a safari drive at sunset      famous for. Whilst climbing up the massive
stamina…and boy those Arabians of              and one at sunrise. Both times we are          piece of stone – sometimes with only two
Okapuka Horse Safaris are fit! During          very lucky: only a few meters away from        wheels on the ground! – Hana exclaims:
the mountain ride for example, there           our lenses there is a family of lions, three   “This is the most extreme but also the most
are a number of rather long and rather         elephants, a herd of giraffes, some rather     fun driving I have ever done. It’s amazing
steep uphills that the horses passionately     shy zebras, vultures, hippos, foxes, hyena     that it is possible to take a standard SUV into
attack in a flying gallop. They lift their     and many different types of antelope.          such terrain.”
tails (just as Arabians do), set off and run
and run and run. It is quite obvious that
the horses enjoy these little races up the
mountain paths just as much as we, the
riders do.
     After a few amazing hours in the
mountains, encounters with mountain
zebras, kudus, giraffes, and a sumptuous
picnic lunch at the private cabin by the
damn, we make our way back down into
the savannah where we are rewarded
with a ‘sundowner’: a cool glass of wine
and some snacks while watching the
powerful setting sun.
     After those great first days at
Okapuka, our journey takes us north
to Erindi, which is said to be the most

                                                        SINGAPORE POLO CLUB

                                                           It is very interesting to hear about     piece of rock or through a 20km dry river
                                                           such a different way of life. I try to   bed was extreme, wait for this: we take the
                                                           remember some of their names, but        cars straight into the never ending dunes
                                                           have to admit that they are quite        of the legendary Namib Desert. “I would
                                                          unpronounceable.                          have never expected to get a luxury SUV
                                                             Next stop on our tour is               up and down the massive dunes, let alone
                                                      Swakopmund on the Atlantic coast. As          with so much ease!” Alan from Singapore
                                                  this trip is all about unique experiences         comments. Again, we are all surprised by
                                                  we will not take the public road though.          the capabilities of the X5, as well as our
                                                  Instead, we turn onto private land and            own guts! Driving in the dunes, surrounded
    “I think this is the most beautiful country   spend the next two hours driving through          by nothing other than sand, sand and more
I have ever been to.” acclaimed Singaporean       the dry, sandy riverbed and canyon-like           sand is an amazing but party challenging
anaesthetist Dr. June Rin adds. I couldn’t        scenery of the Swakop River – what a blast!       experience. Some of those dunes are rather
agree more and take another zillion photos             We start the next morning with quite         high and very steep after all!
of the impressive rock boulders, the cars         a different program and take a private                On our last day we go back to Okapuka
climbing up that barren piece of rock and         boat out onto the Atlantic Ocean where            Lodge for one final night and another two
the breath-taking view.                           a school of dolphins accompanies us for           beautiful rides. It is nice to be in a familiar
    After another stunning African sunset,        a while, wild pelicans land on our boat,          place. With familiar people. Riding ‘our
we make our way to dinner. This is however        flamingos feed in the shallow water and           horses through the bush and taking in the
not served at the lodge: tonight it is Braai      literally thousands of seals invite us to take    sheer beauty of this country one last time.
dinner under the clear African milky way          great shots of their colony at the far end of     Whilst giraffes and antelopes peacefully
– quite an exceptional treat. As during the       Flamingo Point. One of the seals is pretty        meander past us we reflect on how special
previous days, we experience so many things       daring and even jumps right onto our              the ‘Safari of a Lifetime’ really was: June
on this trip that you would never get to do       boat! The maritime excursion ends with a          from Singapore repeats that Namibia was
or see if we did it on our own.                   totally unexpected Champagne and Oyster           the most beautiful country she had ever
    Before we head on, we visit the local         reception on a remote strip of beach along        seen. Andy from China comments that this
Bushman tribe in their ‘settlement’ and           the wild Atlantic coast. With all our BMW         was the best trip he had ever taken. Ossi
learn about their culture, their bizarre          X5s lined up for us to continue our quest.        is still overwhelmed by the opportunity
language and their century old traditions.             If you think driving onto a massive          of riding head to head with the giraffes
                                                                                                    while Hana reckons those gallops up the
                                                                                                    mountains were among the most fun riding
                                                                                                    she has ever done.
                                                                                                        All in all, this trip has been a truly unique
                                                                                                    experience:       unexpected,      extraordinary,
                                                                                                    at times challenging, certainly more than
                                                                                                    memorable. One to remember…and one to
                                                                                                        For more info on your own personalized
                                                                                                    Safari of a Lifetime please contact

                                                                                                    Photos by Sonja Piontek and Sheldon Trollope

                                                              SINGAPORE POLO CLUB

Amanda Osborne’s
Aquaspin™ Testimonial
Did you have any "fears" before your first Aqua cycling class?
I didn’t have any fears at all before joining Aquaspin™, I was just
interested in trying out a new type of exercise.

What made you choose to join us in the first place?
I was keen to try something different from the usual gym classes
and a group of friends had joined Aquaspin™ so it was a great way
to exercise together.

What do you enjoy the most enjoy about Aqua cycling?
I really enjoy the variety that Aquaspin™ classes provide as part of
my weekly workout. It is just like spin classes in the gym but you
have the benefit of keeping cool in the water while listening to
music that keeps you pumped and being guided by great instructors
who don’t allow you to slack off. I find the resistance from the
water adds an additional challenge to the exercises as well.

What are the specific benefits you have experienced working
out with Aquaspin™?
I find the classes really help with my cardio fitness while also
toning as well. I have also recently had a shoulder injury and the
physiotherapist encouraged me to continue these classes as they
enabled me to keep my shoulder moving in the water which is a
lot gentler on the joints but provides resistance at the same time.

I also started the Aqua Power classes which I love as it is like a circuit
class in the pool, using various equipment (such as dumbbells for
the water) as well as the bikes to train.

                                                                             Is there anything special you got spinning with us you
                                                                             were not expecting when you first joined?
                                                                             I found myself improving and becoming fitter with each class
                                                                             and able to push myself harder every time. After doing an Aqua
                                                                             cycling class I am quite energized for the rest of the day. I have
                                                                             also met some lovely people as well.

                                                                             Would you recommend Aqua cycling to other people?
                                                                             Absolutely! I think it is a great way to exercise. Alicia and Yannick
                                                                             have a great team of instructors and are always keen to know
                                                                             how you are going with the classes and how they can improve.
                                                                             They are really dedicated to seeing you get the most out of your
                                                                             sessions. If you get Yannick as an instructor - watch out - he does
                                                                             not let you skip a beat.

                                                              SINGAPORE POLO CLUB

Head into the new year creating new memories
with unique experiences.

Seven Seas
                                                             egent Seven Seas is undoubtedly the epitome of
                                                             luxurious cruise travels. A pinnacle in the industry,
                                                             Regent separates itself from the rest by only offering
                                                             the best for its passengers.
                                                     One of the greatest features of being on board is actually
                                                 after docking. The organisation offers free unlimited shore
                                                 excursions and activities for guests to experience the history
                                                 and cuisine of the exciting ports of call, and now the addition
                                                 of specially curated behind-the-scene tours of unique heritage
                                                 sights or priceless cultural experience can be arranged at a
                                                 special cost.
                                                     The open bar only compliments the array of dining areas
                                                 which include the coveted Prime 7, a steakhouse that only
                                                 uses USDA Prime and dry-aged cuts, which include from
                                                 porterhouse steaks to filet mignons. Other delicacies include
                                                 Alaskan king crab legs and maine lobsters.
                                                     On board activities include the ever-tempting casino, spas,
                                                 culinary kitchen workshops, and Broadway shows. A bonus
                                                 here for workaholics is the free WiFi available cruise-wide.
                                                     For more information visit

                                SINGAPORE POLO CLUB


                                                                                               JOJI Bar
A                                                                                  L
              fter more than three decades since opening
              its doors, Morton’s of Chicago has carved                                        ocated at the Carlton Hotel, JOJI - which
              out a unique niche and an exceptional                                            means George in Japanese, opened in
              reputation of being one of if not the best,                                      April 2017 as a boutique whisky bar. The
steakhouse in Singapore.                                                                       extensive selection of whiskies at JOJI is
      Morton’s prime and premium steaks like their Filet                           attributed to impressive knowledge and the curation
Mignon, Porterhouse, and New York Strip has garnered                               of only the very best whiskies is showcased in its menu.
brilliant reviews from food critics all the country. It is                         With categorisations such as Speyside, Islay, Highland,
imperative to note that it is because the setup uses                               to name a few, this establishment definitely exudes
primarily USDA Prime Black Angus, grain-fed and wet-                               class and knowledge of the various expressions.
aged beef. Not to forget about their famous seafood                                     Fans of casks and drams will be bursting in
platters and the lobsters dishes which are sure to incite                          excitement once they find out that the coveted
you to return for another serving.                                                 Japanese expressions of Yamazaki 18, Hibiki 21 as
      The extensive selection of alcohol is not to be                              well as esteemed Balvenie Portwood 21, Lagavulin
undermined, with more than 20 whisky expressions                                   Distiller’s Edition, are available at JOJI. The bar is
and 30 makes of wines to pair with your food, every                                also an exclusive partner of artisanal whisky Angels’
meal could be an amazing discovery.                                                Nectar, from independent spirits bottlers Highfern.
      In addition to the main dining room, Morton’s                                     JOJI also runs a unique Omakase, similarly to the
features three private dining rooms, offering exclusive                            dining option but for cocktails. Patrons can choose
spaces for both corporate entertainment and family                                 between eight bases, six flavours, and six textures and
celebrations.                                                                      the bartender will crank its creative juices to concoct
      As a bonus, Morton’s Monday to Saturday happy                                a perfect match to the taste the consumer desires.
hour comes extraordinarily with complimentary Filet                                The modern decor paired with intricate lighting acts
Mignon steak sandwiches served to every guest.                                     as the theatre whereafter the orchestra of whiskies
      Morton’s Steakhouse is at 5 Raffles Avenue,                                  take over.
Marina Square.                                                                          JOJI is at 76 Bras Basah Road, Carlton Hotel.

                                                             SINGAPORE POLO CLUB


                Singaporean owned and based                  Barrois, Ted Baker and Scoop NYC. The opulent footwear
                bespoke luxury shoemaker, a visit to         has been on the feet of countless celebrities including
                Diamond Walker is a definite need for        Korean heartthrobs Rain and Lee Min Ho, as well as home-
                every discerning individual looking to       grown musicians JJ Lin and Tay KeWei.
spruce up their wardrobe. Their service with their               Diamond Walker Boutique is at 277 Orchard
wide range of shoe styles and type compliments the           Road, #04-03 Orchard Gateway.
purchasing process and makes it an unforgettable
     A classic range that includes Oxfords, Brogue,
Derbys to semi-formal such as loafers, moccasins,
and even golf shoes, the 300 designs available are
made-to-measure and custom fitted to every unique
customer before being handcrafted in Korea.
     The customisability allows customers to choose
the mixing of different leather types & colours,
heels, outsole types, insoles of various heights, inner
lining, laces, colour of stitching, type of shoe-making
techniques like hand-sewn welt or cementing for
their shoes. A variety of over 100 types of leather
is available aside from Italian full-grain calfskin; eel,
snake, crocodile skins to accentuate the diversity.
     A long list of collaborations and accolades sees
the brand pair up with fashion names Marc Antoine-

                                                            SINGAPORE POLO CLUB

                                                                                     Yacht Show

                                                                                                   he Singapore Yacht Show
                                                                                                   is Asia’s leading yacht and
                                                                                                   luxury show - the only
                                                                                                   one fully supported by
                                                                                      the global yachting industry and the
                                                                                      Singapore Tourism Board. It provides
                                                                                      nautical lifestyle seekers with an
                                                                                      unrivalled opportunity to discover some

Vacheron Constantin
                                                                                      of the world’s finest water crafts and
                                                                                      boating brands in an elite and highly
                                                                                      social setting.

Historiques Triple
                                                                                          Held at ONE°15 Marina in Sentosa
                                                                                      Cove, this globally-recognised on-water
                                                                                      exhibition epitomises luxury lifestyle and

                                                                                      brings together the biggest number of
                                                                                      world-class yachts in the whole of Asia,
                                                                                      consistently showcasing more regional

1942 & 1948
                                                                                      premieres than any other event in the
                                                                                      region. Glamorous parties, high-end
                                                                                      entertaining, and an enviable range

                                                                                      of prestige products and brands –
             acheron      Constantin      Historiques    Triple                       supercars, fine dining, high fashion, art
             Calendrier 1942, is a 40mm steel model inspired                          and beautiful timepieces - make the
             by reference 4240. Keeping with the original                             Singapore Yacht Show a firm fixture in
             vibe, this model is understated and elegant                              the region’s social calendar.
with a hand-type date display and the month displayed via                                  The 8th edition of the Singapore
aperture. The calendar indications appear in a choice of                               Yacht Show will take place from the
burgundy or dark blue, on a classic two-toned silvered dial                            12-15 April 2018.
with a sunburst satin-finished center.
     Augmenting the release is the Historiques Triple
Calendrier 1948, crafted in 18K 4N pink gold and revives
the original reference 4240L. The watch is enriched with
a sophisticated high-precision lunar cycle complication
for tracking astronomical occurrences. The dial features
a handsome silvered opaline center with a sunburst satin-
finished external zone. In addition, the 1948 model is limited
to 200 individually numbered pieces worldwide.
     Both watches are Hallmark of Geneva certified timepieces
fitted with the astonishing Vacheron Constantin in-house
manual-wind 4400QCL caliber. Boasting approximately 65
hours of power reserve on a full charge.
     Vacheron Constantin is at 2 Orchard Turn, 02-07
The Orchard Residences.

                                                              SINGAPORE POLO CLUB
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