Handbook COVID-19 Supplement Sheet: Lower Dauphin

Page created by Wayne Quinn
Handbook COVID-19 Supplement Sheet:
●   Face Coverings:
       ○ I understand that I will not be allowed into the school building without an
          appropriate face covering and will be expected to wear the face covering
          throughout the day, except as otherwise allowed via face covering breaks and/or
          instructions from District staff. I acknowledge that refusal to wear a protective
          face mask, face covering, or face shield, as ordered by the Governor of
          Pennsylvania and the Pennsylvania Secretary of Health, will be considered an
          act of insubordination and will be handled in accordance with discipline for acts of
          insubordination, as outlined in District policy, handbooks and codes of conduct. I
          further acknowledge that graphics and images on face coverings must adhere to
          the dress code as outlined in District policy and handbooks.

●   Entrance/arrival procedures-
       ○ Students will enter the building as always through the cafeteria doors which will
           be open from 7:00 am till 7:35 am.
       ○ Upon entering the building, students will be directed to a designated area by staff
           in the cafeteria.
       ○ Students are not permitted to hang out outside to wait for friends/peers.
       ○ Once in assigned area students will need to stay there until dismissed by staff.
       ○ Students must follow the face covering guidelines.
       ○ If you wish to get breakfast you need to let staff know upon entering and you will
           then be seated at the cafeteria tables.
       ○ Upon leaving your designated area you are to report directly to your homeroom
           class following the appropriate traffic patterns.
       ○ Students are asked to practice social distancing whenever possible.
       ○ Students may use their phones until the 7:20 bell.
       ○ No music or videos on devices without headphones.
       ○ Students will need to ask permission to use the restroom (1 at a time).

●   Lunch procedures
       ○ Approximately ⅓ of the students will eat in the gym, 2 students max per table.
              ■ Must check with staff to use the restroom as one student will be allowed
                 out at a time and will use the restrooms in the 8th grade hallway.
       ○ The rest of the students will eat in the cafeteria with 2 students max per table.
       ○ All students are asked to get any and all lunch or ala carte items when they go
          through the line the first time.
       ○ Bathrooms will be one individual (boy and girl) at a time.
       ○ Students should still follow rules for the cafeteria as listed in the student
       ○ All students will enter the cafeteria via the doors in the main lobby area and exit
          through the doors in the music hallway.
○   6th graders only - to start out the year we are going to have 3 zones in the cafe
           and gym to help with transition, the 3 zones will be East Hanover,
           Londonderry/Conewago, and Nye/South Hanover. This will allow students to
           have an easier time finding a table with someone that they already know.

●   Hallway traffic patterns-
        ○ 6th grade stairs will be two way traffic.
        ○ 7th grade (main lobby) stairs will be up traffic only.
        ○ 8th grade stairs will be down traffic only.
        ○ The hallway outside the gym and school store will be one way only.
        ○ Please follow red arrows on the ground and signs as they are posted around the
        ○ All team pods will be one way traffic to the right (left if you are in a science class
           or inside classroom).
        ○ In the event of an emergency or drill please follow staff directions as some traffic
           patterns may look different due to the situation.

●   Lunch detention
       ○ Students who skip 3 assigned lunch detentions will be assigned an 11th period
       ○ The student will still be required to serve their lunch detention.
       ○ All lunch detentions will be held in room 817.
       ○ Once in lunch detention please follow staff directions and the posted directions.

●   Water fountains and the water bottle fill station will not be used, students will be asked to
    bring their own water/water bottles for the day.

●   Bathroom procedures:
       ○ One student in at a time, should place their pass in the folder holder.
       ○ If there is someone in the restroom, 2 students may wait on marked lines in the
       ○ If the hallway spots are filled, students shall return to class and wait for a later

●   PE changes
       ○ Students will not be changing for PE class. Students are encouraged to come
           dressed in attire that will allow them to participate in physical activities for PE
           without changing.
       ○ Students will be required to be socially distanced and wear their masks unless
           they are actively involved in a physical activity and are given permission to
           remove the mask by a staff member.
●   11th period Detention:
       ○ This will replace after school detention at this point (Band/Chorus/Orchestra
           students will not be kept from ensembles).
○   Will be held on Wednesdays and Thursdays in Room 817.
       ○   Students will be issued passes from HR teacher.
       ○   Students will need to be sent to room 817 after announcements. Students must
           report to 817 by 1:55 or they will be considered late and may be assigned
           another detention.

●   Dismissal:
       ○ @ 2:30 car riders being picked up in the parent pick-up circle will be released to
           the SGI and Encore hallway.
       ○ @ 2:30 car riders being picked up at the field house will be released to the main
       ○ @ 2:35 all walkers will be released to the gym and will be held there until the
           busses dismiss.
       ○ @ 2:37 all bus riders will follow their teachers/teams directions for dismissal at
           the bell.

●   Bus procedures:
       ○ Students are expected to sit in their assigned seat and wear masks at all times
           while on the bus.
       ○ Students should follow bus drivers directions as well as maintain appropriate
           behaviors on the bus at all times.

●   Attendance:
        ○ All student absences (no matter what their learning model is) must be reported to
           the Middle School office in the morning of their absence.
        ○ All excuses are going to be asked to be submitted electronically within the 5 day
           window. Electronic Excuses
        ○ If you need to complete an educational trip form we ask that you complete it
           online and email it to jbreininger@ldsd.org.
               ■ Please refer to most current CDC guidelines in your planning of your trip.
               ■ Students will not be given a blue assignment sheet to take around for
                   teachers to complete, however they will be encouraged to follow their
                   teachers canvas pages to get work that is being assigned. Students will
                   be encouraged to meet with teachers upon return from their trip to verify
                   any work, information or assignments that were missed.
               ■ If you do not hear from someone at the Middle School within 48 hours of
                   submitting the form it has been approved.
               ■ All students, upon return from their trip, will be given the length of time
                   equal to the duration of their trip to submit all assigned work.

       ○   We will be turning off the auto dialer feature that alerts you to attendance
●   Early Dismissals
       ○ Students should submit early dismissal notes to the attendance window in the
           main lobby.
       ○ When a parent comes to pick up their child they will need to buzz in from the
           lobby and then will be asked to sign their child out in the notebook and return to
           their car or outside.
       ○ If your student is already in the lobby they will be able to leave with you, if not
           the student will be sent out to you when they get to the office.
       ○ When students come down for an early dismissal they will check in at the
           attendance window in the lobby with their pass and be asked to have a seat on a
           bench in the lobby area.

●   Forgotten items
       ○ We understand that items will be forgotten and need to be dropped off. We ask
           that you only do this for must have items so that we can limit the number of
           people coming into the office. Also, we will not be calling classrooms to interrupt
           the educational process to inform students that they have something in the office.
           Students should be checking in between classes or during their lunch for these

●   Phone use in office:
       ○ If a student is needing to contact home and has a personal cell phone on them
          we will ask them to stay in the office and use their phone to make the call.
       ○ If they do not have a phone then we will allow them to use the office phone.


                        Parent-Student Handbook

                             Ms. Jill Freedman, Principal
                     Mr. Johnathon Breininger, Assistant Principal
                          Kenneth Kulina, Dean of Students

The purpose of this handbook is to provide you with information you will need to better understand
 procedures and expectations of Lower Dauphin Middle School. Although this handbook is fairly
 comprehensive, it may not answer all questions you may have during the school year. Therefore,
                    never hesitate to ask us if you need additional information.

                               STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT
                                    (Board Policy #218)

        The Board shall require each student to adhere to Board policies and the rules and
regulations promulgated by the administration and to submit to disciplinary measures appropriately
assigned for infraction of those rules. School rules and Board policies shall govern student conduct
in school, at school-sponsored activities, and during the time spent in travel to and from school and
school-sponsored activities.
        Off-site or after-hours conduct may subject students to school discipline if the misconduct
violates the Code of Conduct and is connected to the school because the conduct does or may
reasonably be expected to undermine the proper disciplinary authority of the school, the safety of
students or staff, or cause disruption within the school. Factors in determining whether school
discipline will be imposed may include whether the conduct caused or is reasonably likely to cause
disruption to school work or the school community; whether school property or equipment was
used; and whether school activities or interactions were involved in the planning, organizing or
promoting of the misconduct.
           22 PA CODE CHAPTER 12 – STUDENT AND

1. Student responsibilities include regular school attendance, conscientious effort
   in classroom work and homework, and conformance to school rules and
   regulations. Most of all, students are responsible to share with the
   administration and faculty a responsibility to develop a climate within the
   school that is conducive to wholesome learning and living.

2. No student has the right to interfere with the education of fellow students. It is
   the responsibility of each student to respect the rights of teachers, students,
   administrators and all others who are involved in the education process.

3. Student should express their ideas and opinions in a respectful manner.

4. It is the responsibility of students to conform to the following:

      a. Beware of all rules and regulations for student behavior and conduct
         themselves in accordance with them. Students should assume that, until
         a rule is waived, altered or repealed in writing, it is in effect.
      b. Volunteer information in matters relating to the health, safety and
         welfare of the school community and the protection of school property.
      c. Dress and groom to meet standards of safety and health, and not to
         cause substantial disruption to the educational process.
      d. Assist the school staff in operating a safe school for students enrolled
      e. Comply with Commonwealth and local laws.
      f. Exercise proper care when using public facilities and equipment.
      g. Attend school daily and be on time at all classes and other school
      h. Make up work when absent from school.
      i. Pursue and attempt to complete satisfactorily the courses of study
         prescribed by local school authorities.
      j. Report accurately in student media.
      k. Not use obscene language in student media or on school premises.
Table of Contents

About the School……………………………………………………….. 1
    Important Phone Numbers…………………………………………. 1
    Office Hours……………………………………………………….. 1
    Daily Schedule…………………………………………………….. 1
    Six-Day Cycle……………………………………………………....1
    School Delays and Closings……………………………………….. 1
    School Safety………………………………………………………..1
    Emergency Evacuation Procedures……………….………………...1
    Academic Teams……………………………………………….…...2
    Parent Visits………………………………………………………...2
    Parent-Teacher Organization (P.T.O.)……………………………...2

About Academics……………………………………………………… 2
    Introduction to Curriculum.…………….………………………… 2
    Courses by Grade/Curriculum…………………………………… 2
            English and Language Arts……………………………… 3
            Foreign Language……………………………………….. 3
            Health……………………………………………………. 3
            Mathematics……………………………………………… 3
            Physical Education, Dress for P.E., Gym Lockers………. 3
            Practical and Fine Arts…………………………………… 4
            Reading…………………………………………………… 4
            Science…………………………………………………… 4
            Social Studies……………………………………………... 4
            Honors…………………………………………………….. 4
    Grading and Report Card System………………………………… 4
    Canvas ……………………………………………………………. 5
    Academic Detention………………………………………………. 5
    Homeroom………………………………………………………… 5
    Announcements …………………………………………………... 5
    Activity and Resource Period……………………………………… 5
    Homebound Instruction…………………………………………… 5
    Homework………………………...………………………………. 5
    Honor Code……………………………………………………….. 5
    Honor Roll………………………………………………………… 5
    Interscholastic Sports Eligibility………………………………….. 6
    Making Up Missed Academic Work……………………………… 6
    Promotion and Retention…………………………………………. 6
    Student Records…………………………………………………… 6
    Textbooks and Equipment………………………………………… 6
    Tutoring…………………………………………………………… 6
    Volunteers/Chaperone for Lower Dauphin School District……… 6

About Attendance…………………………………………………….. 7
Compulsory Attendance…………………………………………..                   7
    Categories of Absence…………………………………………….                   7
           Excused……………………………………………………                        7
           Unexcused…………………………………………………                       7
           Truancy……………………………………………………                        7
           Educational Tours or Trips………………………………..           8
    Chronic Absenteeism………………………………………………                     8
    Tardy to School……………………………………………………                       8
    Change of Address………………………………………………..                     9
    Early Dismissal for Appointments……………………………….             9
    Non-Resident Tuition…………………………………………….                    9
    Withdrawal from School…………………………………………                    9

About Discipline……………………………………………………..                        10
    Philosophy………………………………………………………                           10
    School Rules…………………………………………………….                         10
    General Guidelines………………………………………………                      10
    Categories/Levels of Disciplinary Infractions……………………     11
    Common Consequences for Levels 2-4………………………….             12
           Detention…………………………………………………                       12
           In-school Suspension (ISS)………………………………             12
           Out-of-school Suspension (OSS)…………………………           12
           Alternative Education Program (AEP)……………………        12
           Expulsion………………………………………………….                      13

About General Expectations………………………………………… 13
    Assembly Conduct…………………………………………………                       13
    Bus Conduct……………………………………………………….                         13
    Cafetorium Conduct……………………………………………….                     14
    Corridor Conduct………………………………………………….                      14
    Dress and Appearance …………………………………………….                   14

About Policies…………………………………………………………. 15
    Drug and Alcohol Policy…………………………………………..                 15
    Random Drug Testing Program for Student Athletes……………..   15
    Unlawful Harassment …….….……………………………………                   15
    Bullying and Extortion ……………………………………………                  16
    Hazing Policy ……………………………………………………..                      17
    Tobacco Policy…………………………………………………….                       17
    Weapons Policy……………………………………………………                        17
    Terroristic Threat Policy…………………………………………..               17
    Professional Adult/Student Boundaries…………………………...        18

About Technology……………………………………………………… 18
    One-to-One Laptop …………………………………………………18
    Internet Acceptable Use ….……………………………………… 18
    Personal Electronic Devices……………………………………… 19
General Information………………………………………………… 19
        Bicycles……………………………………………………………                                                  19
        Communications…………………………………………………..                                              20
        Fire, Severe Weather, and Intruder Drill Conduct…………………                          20
        Food Services……………………………………………………..                                              20
        Fundraising……………………………………………………….                                                21
        Insurance………………………………………………………….                                                 21
        Lockers…………………………………………………………….                                                  21
        Telephone Use by Students………………………………………                                         22
        Transportation Services…………………………………………..                                        22
        Working Papers………………………………………………….                                               22

About Student Services…………………………………………….                                                 22

        Gifted Program…………………………………………………..                                              22
        Learning Support Program………………………………………                                          22
        Guidance Program……………………………………………….                                              22
        Student Assistance Program (SAP)……………………………...                                   23
        Safe2Say Something……………………………………………..                                            23
        Health Services………………………………………………….                                              23
        Medication Policy……………………………………………….                                             24
        Library/Media Center……………………………………………                                            24

Receipt of Handbook Form ………………………………………                                                 26

                                               Alma Mater
                           Lower Dauphin, onward Falcons; victory over all;
                             Praises to thee, Alma Mater, echo thru the hall.
                          Ever striving toward our goals, eager, brave and true;
                         Help us keep our standards high for the White and Blue.
                        Seeking friendships, gaining knowledge, honor is our aim;
                        We will proudly serve thee always, loyal hearts proclaim.

                                              P.M. Seitzinger
                                         Elaine Harris Sulkey, ’63

School Colors: Royal Blue and White                                                 School Mascot: Falcon

The Lower Dauphin School District declares itself to be an Equal Rights and Opportunity school district. It
does not discriminate against individuals or groups because of race, color, national origin, religion, age,
sex, marital status, or non-relevant handicaps and disabilities. The district’s commitment to non-
discrimination extends to students, employees, prospective employees, and the community
up along the sidewalk / outer perimeter to avoid
About the School . . .                                     crossing in front of vehicles. Parents, please pull
                                                           ahead along the outer lane as you wait for your child.
             Important Phone Numbers
School Office………………………             566-5310                                      Six-Day Cycle
Athletic Director…………………..         566-5339                The school operates on a six-day cycle rather than
Attendance/Guidance Offices……..    566-5345                using days of the week. The first day of school is Day
Nurse’s Office…………………….            566-5349                1 of the first cycle. Each school day thereafter is
Transportation Office……………..       566-5340                numbered 2 through 6, with the cycle starting over
                                                           after Day 6. Holidays and vacations do not interrupt
                     Office Hours                          the days of the cycle. For instance, if the last day
The middle school office is open from 7:00 AM until        before a vacation is Day 3, the day students return
3:30 PM during the school year. The Guidance Office        from that vacation is Day 4.
is open from 7:30 AM until 3:00 PM during the
school year. If you wish to speak with a counselor or                   School Delays and Closings
principal in person, it is advisable for you to make an    In the event it becomes necessary to cancel or delay
appointment.                                               school due to inclement weather or other emergency
                                                           reasons, announcements will be made over television
                   Daily Schedule                          and radio stations. In addition, notifications will be
Homeroom                7:30 -            7:40             made on the district website (www.ldsd.org),
Period 1                7:43 -            8:25             informaline (566-5320), and on the school messenger
Period 2                8:28 -            9:10             notification system.
Period 3                9:13 -            9:55
Period 4                9:58 -            10:40                                  School Safety
6th Grade Lunch A       10:43 -           11:18            Regardless of its size and location, no school is
Period 6 7              11:21 -           12:11            immune from emergencies or crises. Lower Dauphin
Period 8 9              12:14 -           1:04             School District has been committed to developing
Period 5 6              10:43 -           11:33            and implementing school safety measures throughout
7th/8th Grade Lunch B 11:36 -             12:11            the district. In addition to having a district Crisis
Period 8 9              12:14 -           1:04             Response & Communication Plan, the middle school
Period 5 6              10:43 -           11:33            has its own safety program and emergency plans.
Period 7 8              11:36 -           12:26
7th/8th Grade Lunch C 12:29 -             1:04             Consistent with their proactive approach to safety, all
Period 10               1:07 -            1:49             district employees wear security badges. All
Period 11               1:52 -            2:37             entrances to the school from the outside are locked at
                                                           the start of homeroom each day. Once the building is
Students may enter the building at 7:00 AM and             secured, visitors must ring a bell located outside the
should enter through the cafetorium doors. Between         door to the main office in order to enter the secured
7:00 and 7:20 all students will be directed to a           office area. After admitting the visitor, a secretary
designated waiting area. At 7:20 students will be          will ask the visitor to sign in and to pick up a visitor’s
excused to their homerooms.                                badge.

The cafetorium doors will close promptly at the 7:35       To prepare teachers and students to react
bell. All students who are arriving to school after this   appropriately in an emergency, fire drills, severe
time will need to enter through the main office.           weather drills, and intruder drills are conducted
Upon dismissal (2:37), all students should exit the
building unless they are staying after school for a                Emergency Evacuation Procedures
supervised activity. Students must communicate to          Under certain emergency circumstances, the middle
their parents/guardian any changes in their                school may be instructed to evacuate its students to
afterschool activities.                                    either Lower Dauphin High School or
                                                           Pine Grove High School depending upon the kind of
Parents who bring their child to/from school by cars       emergency.
should utilize the drop-off circle, which is the first
right turn upon entering the school complex, or the
sidewalks by the field house. Students must be picked
Should evacuation be necessary, parents may pick up
their students at the evacuation site using the normal
                                                           About Academics . . .
sign-out procedures.
                                                                        Introduction to Curriculum
If students have not been picked up at Pine Grove          Comprised of both “core” and “encore” courses, the
High School within a couple of hours of evacuation,        middle school curriculum is intended to provide the
they will be moved to Williams Valley Junior-Senior        foundation students will need for more specific study
High School, Route 209, Tower City, for parent pick-       in senior high school. Core courses for all students
up.                                                        include English, mathematics, science, and social
                                                           studies. Core courses may include foreign language
Copies of the Lower Dauphin Middle School Safety           classes and reading classes. Encore courses for all
Program and Emergency Plans are available in the           students include art, family and consumer science,
school office for review.                                  music, and technology education.

                      Philosophy                           All students are required to take physical education
The Lower Dauphin Middle School program is an              every year. Sixth and eighth grade students also take
exploratory one where students, as young                   health. Sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students may
adolescents, are introduced to many unique programs        elect band, chorus, and/or orchestra.
and opportunities.
                                                           Specific courses by grade are as follows:
LDMS offers a comprehensive education that
includes a balance of academic and co-curricular                                   Grade 6
offerings.                                                 Math 6 or Pre-Algebra
                  Academic Teams                           Social Studies
In keeping with the philosophy, students are grouped       Language Arts
in academic teams of approximately 115 students            Physical Education
each. Within a team, teachers and students are             Health/D.A.R.E.
accountable to one another just as persons are within      Music*
a family.                                                  Technology Education*
                                                           Family and Consumer Science*
                      Parent Visits                        Art*
The middle school faculty and administrative staff         (* students will be in each class for 1 MP)
welcome parents to visit the school on a regular basis.
To ensure that their visits are worthwhile, parents are                           Grade 7
encouraged to call the school to schedule their visit in   Pre-Algebra or Algebra
advance. Like all visitors to the school, parents must     Life Science/Honors Life Science
register at the office and must wear a visitor’s badge     Geography and Early Civilizations
prior to visiting a classroom.                             English/Honors English
Parent volunteers are required to obtain clearances        Reading or Foreign Language Survey
pursuant Board Policy #916.                                Physical Education
                                                           21st Century Skills
Parents who want to schedule a conference with a           *Music
specific teacher or a team should call the school          *Art
office.                                                    *Technology Education
                                                           *Family and Consumer Science
       Parent-Teacher Organization (P.T.O.)                (*Students will be randomly assigned 2 of these
Established in 1987, the P.T.O. endeavors to improve       classes)
communication between school and home, assist the
faculty, and provide additional opportunities for                                Grade 8
middle school students above and beyond those              Pre-Algebra, Algebra, or Geometry
funded by the school budget. Parents are encouraged        Physical Science/ Honors Physical Science
to take an active part in P.T.O. by attending meetings     American History
and helping on one or more committees.                     English/Honors English

Foreign Language Survey, MS Spanish, Level I                                    Mathematics
Foreign Language or Reading                               In sixth grade, students take either Sixth Grade
Physical Education                                        Mathematics or Pre-Algebra. Math placements are
Health                                                    determined by administration after a thorough review
*Music                                                    of data related to the students’ performance in math.
*Art                                                      In seventh grade, students take Pre-Algebra or
*Technology Education                                     Algebra.
*Family and Consumer Science                              In eighth grade, students take Pre-Algebra, Algebra,
(*Students are assigned 2 of these classes based on       or Geometry.
the classes they already had in 7th grade)
                                                                     Physical Education, Dress for
Each student is given a course syllabus by each                  Physical Education, and Gym Lockers
teacher during the first week of school. The purpose      Sixth grade physical education is designed to aid
of the syllabus is to provide both students and parents   in students becoming healthy, and physically fit,
with an outline of course content and course              through a variety of activities. Activities will include
requirements.                                             team sports, as well as various fitness activities in
                                                          order for students to develop leadership, cooperation
Following is a synopsis of curriculum offerings by        and teamwork skills.
                                                          Seventh and eighth grade physical education
             English and Language Arts                    continues to build upon the skills that are developed
Sixth grade language arts integrates the fundamentals     in sixth grade physical education, with more of an
of reading, composition, literature, grammar, and         emphasis placed on lifetime activities. Through team
speech.                                                   sports, individual sports, as well as fitness activities,
                                                          students will be introduced to activities they can carry
The seventh and eighth grade English curriculum is        with them throughout their lives. Students will also
designed to provide a basic program for all students      learn to dance styles from around the world and the
on their level. Students are taught the fundamentals of   different cultures those dances represent.
grammar, composition, speech, and literature.

                 Foreign Language                         Dress for Physical Education: All students must bring
The Foreign Language Survey course is an                  a change of clothing for physical education class. The
exploratory approach to foreign language utilized to      dress for physical education is a white shirt, dark
familiarize students with languages prior to their        shorts, socks, and non-marking sneakers. A physical
electing a language for further study. All Foreign        education uniform is available for purchase from the
Languages are high school level courses but do not        school store.
count for HS credit.
                                                          It is strongly recommended that all items of clothing
                        Health                            worn in physical education and other personal items
With a focus on daily living, the sixth grade course of   needed for hygiene be marked with the student’s
study includes the Drug Abuse Resistance Education        name using a permanent marker. All personal hygiene
program (D.A.R.E.). Taught by an officer of the           products must be of a non–aerosol variety.
Hummelstown Borough Police Department, D.A.R.E.
helps students to recognize and resist the pressures to   Gym Lockers: Lockers are provided in the locker
experiment with drugs, gangs, or violent activity.        room for student use; however, they do not have
                                                          locks and therefore it is the responsibility of each
The eighth grade curriculum emphasizes wellness and       student to secure his or her gym locker. Students may
the development of a healthy life style.                  keep clothes in gym lockers only during physical
                                                          education class. The rest of the day, clothes should be
A co-educational approach is taken with both sixth        kept in students’ pod lockers.
and eighth grade health courses.
                                                          The school will assume no responsibility for
                                                          articles stolen from or misplaced in the locker

Practical and Fine Arts                            Grading and Report Card System
Students are provided with nine weeks of instruction      At the beginning of the school year, each teacher will
in Art, Family and Consumer Science (FACS),               explain the grading procedures to each of their
Technology Education, and Music during their 6th          classes. Those procedures will also be a part of the
grade year. Students will be assigned 2 or these          course syllabus.
courses during their 7th and 8th grade years based on
scheduling availability. Emphasis in all fine and         Report cards for the first and third marking period
practical arts courses use hands-on activities and        will be able to be accessed via PowerSchool. These
creativity.                                               grades should be finalized one week after the close of
                                                          the nine-week marking period.
Reading in sixth grade is an integral part of the         Physical report cards will be provided to students
Language Arts Program.                                    after the second marking period and then again at the
Reading in 7th and 8th grade concentrates on              end of the school year. These report cards will be
developing basic reading skills using a content area      issued within two weeks after the close of the nine-
approach. Additionally, students are encouraged to        week marking period. Parents should be expecting
read for pleasure.                                        their child to be bringing an envelope home with the
                                                          report card and sharing it with them.
The sixth grade science curriculum is comprised           Report cards will be mailed home at the end of the
Of six units: Introduction to Science, Geology,           fourth marking period, coinciding with the end of the
Meteorology, Natural Resources, Structure of the          school year. All fines and other obligations must be
Universe, and Water.                                      satisfied before the final report card is mailed.

In seventh grade, Life Science is taught. Emphasis in     The middle school courses use the grading system
life science is on helping students to understand their   that appears below:
relationship to the environment.
                                                          Numerical Score                  Report Card Grade
Physical Science, a study of chemistry and physics, is          100-98                            A+
the course offered in eighth grade.                             97-93                             A
                                                                92-90                             A-
Emphasis in all science courses is on hands-on                  89-88                             B+
activities including labs to reinforce scientific               87-83                             B
concepts.                                                       82-80                             B-
                                                                79-78                             C+
                    Social Studies                              77-73                             C
Sixth grade social studies cover aspects of economics,          72-70                             C-
through JA BIZTOWN, geography and the study of                  69-68                             D+
the Americas.                                                   67-63                             D
                                                                62-60                             D-
Seventh grade social studies covers geography and               59-0                              F
the study of Early Civilizations. The curriculum
travels through history and culminates during the         Lower Dauphin School District uses PowerSchool for
Renaissance time period.                                  its student information management system. As a
                                                          component of PowerSchool, parents can access real
Eighth grade social studies continue after the            time information regarding their child's academic
Renaissance with expansion into the New World.            records, including grades and attendance records, via
Emphasis is on American history up through the Civil      the internet. The website location is
War.                                                      http://powerschool.ldsd.k12.pa.us. All parents are
                                                          issued a confidential ID and password to access their
                      Honors                              child’s records from the PowerSchool Parent Portal.
Additional information related to LDMS Honors             It is recommended to choose the weekly updates and
courses can be found on the school website.               not daily. Each student is also given a unique log-in.

For further information, please contact your child’s                       Homebound Instruction
guidance counselor or the middle school office.            In cases where students are ill or recovering from
                                                           injuries for a long period of time, the school will
                       Canvas                              arrange for instruction in the home. Parents should
In addition to Powerschool, teachers use Canvas as         call their child’s guidance counselor for information
their classroom management system. This is a great         on how to apply for this service should it be needed.
resource for classroom information such as syllabus,
classroom policies and procedures, homework,                                    Homework
assignments and resources.                                 The purpose of homework is to provide students with
                                                           an opportunity to practice new learning independent
Parents are able to create an account to have access to    of the teacher. Homework is developmental in nature,
view their student’s courses.                              and increases in scope and difficulty with the
                                                           maturity of the student.
For further information on how to do this please refer
to the references on the LDSD website.                     Each middle school student is given a planner at the
                                                           beginning of the year in which to record assignments
                 Academic Detention                        for each class. Students are also encouraged to
When students are not prepared for class, do not           actively use their Canvas account for homework as
complete homework, or are otherwise academically           well. Parents can be very helpful in seeing that
deficient, teachers may assign academic detention.         homework is completed each evening.

Academic detention provides an opportunity for             Some projects are long-term and require students to
students to catch up on work under supervision. If a       budget time over an extended number of days in
student chooses not to attend academic detention,          order to complete the project successfully. These
additional consequences will be assigned.                  assignments should also be recorded in a student’s
After school detention will be held on Tuesdays and
Thursdays from 2:37 till 4:30 and activity busses are      Students who lose their planners may purchase
available for transportation home.                         replacement copies in the office.

                  Homeroom                                                       Honor Code
At 7:20 AM, students are excused from the                  Honesty in the completion of school work is expected
cafetorium to their lockers located in their grade level   of all students. Every student has an obligation to do
pods. All students are expected to be in their             his/her own work on tests and other classroom
homerooms by 7:33 AM. At the start of homeroom             assignments. Plagiarism violates the honor code.
period, the teacher will take roll.                        Therefore, students who plagiarize work will be
                                                           subject to disciplinary action just as they would with
Students’ “homebase” for Activity/Resource Period is       more obvious forms of cheating.
also their homeroom.
                                                           Should a student break the honor code, he/she may
                   Announcements                           receive a modified grade for the test or assignment in
  Announcements are posted daily on Canvas for all         question and be subject to other disciplinary
students to access. There is also a weekly FNN show        consequences as appropriate.
that is produced and posted on Fridays of each week.
                                                                              Honor Roll
             Activity and Resource Period                  Honor Roll recognizes individual student
Period 11 of each day is utilized either for study hall    achievement. Comprised of two levels, Distinguished
or activities such as clubs, remediation, or               Honors and Honors, the Honor Roll is compiled each
enrichment. Performing music groups including the          nine weeks.
bands, choruses, and orchestras rehearse during this
period.                                                    To achieve Distinguished Honors status, a student
                                                           must earn all grades of A- (90%) or above. To
                                                           achieve Honors status, he/she must earn all grades of
                                                           B- (80%) or above.

Student Records
In the courses that utilize a pass/fail system, a grade    Each student has a cumulative file that includes
of “pass” is required for either honor roll.               grades, test scores, and attendance records of his/her
                                                           school career. Those records are available for review
Students who achieve Distinguished Honors from the         by parents with the assistance of the guidance
first MP of 6th grade through the 3rd MP of 8th grade      counselor. To see a child’s records, parents should
will be recognized by the school board for their           contact their child’s counselor.
outstanding academic achievement.
                                                                  Textbooks and Equipment (Computers)
          Interscholastic Sports Eligibility               Students are responsible for the safekeeping and care
Any student who is failing three or more subjects          of all textbooks and equipment (computers) issued to
may participate in team practices, but may not play in     them on loan at the opening of the school year or
scrimmages or games involving other schools.               upon their enrollment. All textbooks must be kept
Students who do not pass at the end of the marking         covered. Students are expected to use the case
period shall be ineligible for fifteen days of the next    provided for their computer as well.
marking period.
                                                           At the end of the school year or upon a student’s
A student who is absent from school during a               withdrawal from school, students are required to
semester for a total of twenty or more days shall not      return all books and equipment. Students will be
be eligible to participate in any athletic contest until   assessed an amount equivalent to the item’s
he or she has been in attendance for a total of sixty      replacement value for anything not returned or
consecutive school days following his or her               damaged.
twentieth day of absence.
          Making Up Missed Academic Work                   Academic Academy, an after-school, teacher-staffed
It is the student’s responsibility to contact teachers     tutoring program is provided for students from 2:45
upon return to school concerning schoolwork missed         until 4:30 PM on Wednesdays. For additional
because of absence. This contact must be made              information, contact the Guidance
within three days after return to school. Work must be     Office.
completed within a reasonable time period
established by individual teachers.                            Volunteers/Chaperones for Lower Dauphin
                                                                               School District
              Promotion and Retention                      Lower Dauphin recognizes and encourages the
When a student fails two of the core subjects (i.e.,       selection and use of parents, community members,
English, mathematics, science, social studies), he/she     and others as volunteers to assist and supplement
may be promoted only if the student makes up one of        currently employed Lower Dauphin staff. The basic
the courses in summer school.                              requirement of volunteer service shall be an interest
                                                           in the educational program, enjoyment in helping
When a student fails three core subjects, he/she may       children, and a sincere belief that by volunteering, a
be promoted only if the student makes up two of            contribution will be made to the learning process. As
those courses in summer school.                            per School Board Policy #916, due to changes in state
                                                           law, volunteers who have “direct contact” with Lower
When a student fails more than three core subjects,        Dauphin students will be required to have updated
he/she must repeat the year.                               background checks.
                                                           Volunteers need to be approved by officials at the
The principal will consider on a case-by-case basis,       District Administrative Center (291 E. Main Street,
requests from students who have failed the year to         Hummelstown) in order to volunteer. This applies to
attend summer school for make-up work.                     all volunteers who have direct contact with children,
                                                           which is defined as the care, supervision, guidance or
To make arrangements to attend summer school,              control of children, or routine interaction with
students should contact their guidance counselor.          children.

                                                           Upon successfully presenting the required documents,
                                                           volunteers will be issued a Lower Dauphin
“Approved Volunteer” badge that is to be worn at all     completed blue card / parental excuse on the day
times while volunteering.                                he/she returns to school.

As required by the state’s new Child Protective          If students fail to bring in a blue card / parental
Services Law, all individuals who do not provide the     excuse within 5 school days after their return to
district with up-to-date clearances will not be          school, the absence will remain “truant” for the
permitted to volunteer.                                  remainder of the year.
About Attendance…                                        You may request homework from a team when your
                                                         child is absent from school for more than one day.
              Compulsory Attendance                      The homework request must be placed to the office
The Board of Directors requires that school-aged         by 11:00 a.m. and may be picked up after 3:00 p.m.
pupils enrolled in Lower Dauphin School District         of the day it is requested. If your child is absent for
attend school regularly in accordance with the laws of   one day only, we request that you check Canvas for
Pennsylvania.                                            information regarding missed work.

The Board considers only the following conditions to                      Categories of Absence
be reasonable cause for a student to be absent from      Excused: The school will excuse absences due to
school: illness, quarantine, recovery from accident,     illness, injury, or family emergency that cannot be
required court attendance, death in the family,          prearranged or foreseen prior to the day of the
principal-approved family educational tours or trips,    absence. Students will be permitted to make up work
and exceptionally urgent circumstances. Please see       missed during the day of excused absence. No student
policy 204 for more information.                         will have his/her grade lowered due to an absence
                                                         which has been excused. For unforeseen absences,
The compulsory attendance law requires that a            students will have a reasonable time within which to
written statement signed by the parent or guardian be    make up work as established by each teacher.
submitted to the school for every absence. At the        Habitual absenteeism may be treated differently after
middle school, students are provided with blue           administrative review.
attendance cards called “Student Absence Report
Forms” at the start of the year.                         Unexcused: Absences which are not excused by the
                                                         school because they are not included in the Board’s
Should a student be absent from school, parents are      conditions for approved absence will be declared
asked to complete the blue card or a written parental    “unexcused.” Students whose absence is unexcused
excuse and have their child submit it at the school      may not be permitted to make up work and are
office attendance window on the day of his/her           subject to disciplinary action.
return. Additional cards are available throughout the
year in the attendance office.                           Truancy: When a student accumulates one truant
                                                         absence, meaning an excuse was not received within
An absence of five or more consecutive days due to       5 school days of his or her return, parents are subject
illness will require a doctor’s excuse. A doctor’s       to receiving a “First Absence Notice” that their child
excuse means that the physician must certify that the    is truant.
student was under his/her care for the period of
absence.                                                 Act 29 of 1995 amends the Pennsylvania Public
                                                         School Code Compulsory Attendance Law, making
Should a child be absent from school with a              illegal absence from school a summary offense.
communicable disease, he/she will not be readmitted      Under Act 29, the court may impose on parents of a
until a certificate of recovery is presented to the      truant child such penalties as a fine up to $500 per
school from a physician.                                 day of absence, jail sentence, and/or community
                                                         service for up to six months.
If your child is ill on a school day and will be
absent from school, please call the attendance           Students who are truant may not be permitted to
office at 566-5345 by 8:25 AM on the morning of          make up work and are subject to disciplinary action.
the absence. Your child should turn in his/her

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