PLN-USE-2021-008 Pelfrey Tow Yard - City of Chesapeake ...

PLN-USE-2021-008 Pelfrey Tow Yard - City of Chesapeake ...
Docket Item "C"                PLN-USE-2021-008
                                Pelfrey Tow Yard
AUGUST 17, 2021

     Page             Executive Summary
             1–2      Application Summary
             3–4      Planning Commission Draft July Minutes
             5 – 16   Staff Report: June 24, 2021
            15        Site Plan
            16        Aerial
            17        GIS Exhibit
PLN-USE-2021-008 Pelfrey Tow Yard - City of Chesapeake ...
City of Chesapeake
                                                                       Department of Planning
                                                                         Post Office Box 15225
                                                                        Chesapeake, VA 23328
                                                                               (757) 382-6176

                               Pelfrey Tow Yard


Project Proposal: A conditional use permit to allow an automobile tow yard on a 2.2
acre parcel and an alternative parking surface.
Tax Map ID: 0240-000-001-080             Existing Zoning:     M-1, Light Industrial
Property Address / Planning Area:        Existing   2035     Land      Use      Plan
924 Cavalier Boulevard / Camelot         Designation: Light Industrial / Logistics
Applicant: Tidewater Express Inc.        Executive Summary and Update Date:
                                         July 15, 2021
Property Owner: Michael L. Pelfrey       Project Planner: Bill McKay, AICP, Senior
PLN-USE-2021-008 Pelfrey Tow Yard - City of Chesapeake ...
The applicant seeks approval of a conditional use permit to allow an automobile tow yard
on a 2.2 acre parcel with an alternative parking surface. The property is located in Cavalier
Industrial Park at 924 Cavalier Boulevard and is occupied by Tidewater Express Inc., an
automobile and truck repair facility. The property is between Cavalier Boulevard and the
I-64 eastbound on-ramp from Military Highway. The tow yard will have five (5) employees,
an average of three (3) customers per day, and the hours of operation will be 8:00 am to
5:00 pm, Monday through Friday.

The tow yard would be located behind the existing building and will be enclosed with an
eight (8) foot chain link fence with an opaque covering. The tow yard operation will involve
the towing of motor vehicles for law enforcement agencies and the general public.
Vehicles will be stored for repair, pick-up, or removal to a final location, and inoperable
vehicles will not be stored on-site indefinitely.

The existing surface of the tow yard is compacted gravel, however, paved improvements
will be made to the area in front of the building for customer parking, including handicap
accessible spaces. There will be a concrete surface in front of the repair bay doors and
concrete extending for seventy-eight (78) feet into the site from the two entrances on
Cavalier Boulevard. Landscaping will be installed next to the gates on both sides of the
building and a ten (10) foot landscape buffer yard will also be installed along Cavalier

The request was heard at the July 14, 2021, Planning Commission Public Hearing where
it was recommended for approval. The applicant was present to answer question from
the Commissioners. The Commission discussion included questions of staff regarding
the concrete aprons and pavement, and BMP protection for water quality from leaking

There were no speakers in opposition to the project. The Planning Commission voted
unanimously to recommend approval of the request.

Staff is not aware of any updates since Planning Commission and recommends approval
of this request as it is currently presented.


Version dated June 24, 2021

PLN-USE-2021-008                      Pelfrey Tow Yard                            Page 2 of 2
PLN-USE-2021-008 Pelfrey Tow Yard - City of Chesapeake ...
                            APPLICATION SUMMARY
            PLN-USE-2021-008                     Pelfrey Tow Yard

PLN-USE-2021-008 Pelfrey Tow Yard APPLICANT: Tidewater Express Inc. OWNER:
Michael L. Pelfrey PROPOSAL: A conditional use permit to allow an automobile tow yard
on a 2.2 acre parcel and an alternative parking surface. ZONE: M-1, Light Industrial
District LOCATION: 924 Cavalier Boulevard TAX MAP SECTION/PARCEL:
0240000001080 PLANNING AREA: Camelot

       SUBMITTED:           03-05-2021              ACCEPTED:            04-14-2021

                            STAFF RECOMMENDATION
             Approval with the alternative parking surface and stipulations:

1.     A backflow preventer is to be installed on all water systems before any takeoffs
       are made and in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, the
       International Plumbing Code requirements, and Department of Public Utilities
       policy. The backflow preventer must meet National Standard NSF 61 (lead free).
       The backflow preventer is to be installed, tested by a DPOR certified technician,
       and documentation received by Public Utilities within 90 days of the date
       of approval of this conditional use permit, or prior to the initiation of this
       conditional use, whichever occurs first.

2.     The applicant/owner shall drain all fluids from any leaking tank(s) or reservoir(s)
       of any damaged vehicles, so as to prevent further leakage, prior to bringing
       them to the site. The applicant/owner shall also ensure that oil absorbent mats
       and chemicals are kept on the site, along with a Spill Prevention and Response
       Plan outlining their proper and effective use.

3.     The applicant/owner agrees to install a Knox Box system lock approved by the Fire
       Chief, or designee, which will allow entry by emergency service providers and their
       equipment on the twelve foot wide locked gate prior to initiation of the use and shall
       be maintained for the duration of the use.

4.     The applicant/owner agrees that the alternative parking surface shall only
       be allowed for the employee parking along the northern property line and the tow
       yard. Customer parking, including required handicap accessible spaces, shall be
       paved as shown on the Preliminary Site Plan, Revised June 14, 2021, prior to
       issuance of a certificate of occupancy for this use.

5.     The landscaping, buffer yard, opaque fencing and paving improvements shown on
       the Preliminary Site Plan, Revised June 14, 2021, shall be installed prior to
       issuance of a certificate of occupancy for this use.
PLN-USE-2021-008 Pelfrey Tow Yard - City of Chesapeake ...
                        APPLICATION SUMMARY
              PLN-USE-2021-008         Pelfrey Tow Yard

                        PLANNING COMMISSION
      HEARING DATE:      07-14-2021

      RECOMMENDATION:    APPROVAL with the alternative parking surface
                         and stipulations

      VOTE:              7–0

    APPLICANT/OWNER:       Michael l Pelfrey
                           Tidewater Express Inc
                           186 Blue Water Rd PO Box 237
                           Wake, VA 23176
                           (757) 915-7546
PLN-USE-2021-008 Pelfrey Tow Yard - City of Chesapeake ...
                                                Chesapeake Planning Commission
                                        DRAFT July 14, 2021 Public Hearing Minutes

    10.   PLN-USE-2021-008
          PROJECT: Pelfrey Tow Yard
          APPLICANT: Tidewater Express Inc.
          OWNER: Michael L. Pelfrey
          PROPOSAL: A conditional use permit to allow an automobile tow yard on
          a 2.2 acre parcel and an alternative parking surface.
          ZONE: M-1, Light Industrial District
          ZONING MAP
          LOCATION: 924 Cavalier Boulevard
          TAX MAP SECTION/PARCEL: 0240000001080
          PLANNING AREA: Camelot


    APPROVAL with the alternative parking surface and the following
    stipulations: (7 – 0; Gerloff/Gilbert, Deneau and Steiner excused)

    1.    A backflow preventer is to be installed on all water systems before any
          takeoffs are made and in accordance with the manufacturer's
          recommendations, the International Plumbing Code requirements, and
          Department of Public Utilities policy. The backflow preventer must meet
          National Standard NSF 61 (lead free). The backflow preventer is to be
          installed, tested by a DPOR certified technician, and documentation
          received by Public Utilities within 90 days of the date of approval of this
          conditional use permit, or prior to the initiation of this conditional use,
          whichever occurs first.

    2.    The applicant/owner shall drain all fluids from any leaking tank(s) or
          reservoir(s) of any damaged vehicles, so as to prevent further leakage, prior
          to bringing them to the site. The applicant/owner shall also ensure that oil
          absorbent mats and chemicals are kept on the site, along with a Spill
          Prevention and Response Plan outlining their proper and effective use.

    3.    The applicant/owner agrees to install a Knox Box system lock approved by
          the Fire Chief, or designee, which will allow entry by emergency service
          providers and their equipment on the twelve foot wide locked gate prior to
          initiation of the use and shall be maintained for the duration of the use.

    4.    The applicant/owner agrees that the alternative parking surface shall only
          be allowed for the employee parking along the northern property line and
          the tow yard. Customer parking, including required handicap accessible
          spaces, shall be paved as shown on the Preliminary Site Plan, Revised
          June 14, 2021, prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for this use.
PLN-USE-2021-008 Pelfrey Tow Yard - City of Chesapeake ...
                                                       Chesapeake Planning Commission
                                               DRAFT July 14, 2021 Public Hearing Minutes

          5.     The landscaping, buffer yard, opaque fencing and paving improvements
                 shown on the Preliminary Site Plan, Revised June 14, 2021, shall be
                 installed prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for this use.

    Mr. McNamara read PLN-USE-2021-008 into the record for Commission review and

    Staff Presentation:

    Mr. McNamara stated that based on the findings listed in the staff report, planning staff
    recommended that PLN-USE-2021-008 be APPROVED with an alternate parking surface
    and the stipulations as listed in the official agenda.


    Michael Pelfrey, 924 Cavalier Boulevard, Chesapeake, Virginia, applicant and will
    standby for questions.

    Grady Palmer, Williams Mullen, 999 Waterside Drive, Norfolk, Virginia, agent and will
    standby for questions.


    Commissioner Gerloff moved that PLN-USE-2021-008 be APPROVED with the
    stipulations as listed in the official agenda and as recommended by staff. Commissioner
    Gilbert seconded the motion. The motion was carried by a vote of 7 – 0. Commissioners
    Deneau and Steiner excused.
PLN-USE-2021-008 Pelfrey Tow Yard - City of Chesapeake ...
                                                                           City of Chesapeake
                                                                       Department of Planning
                                                                         Post Office Box 15225
                                                                        Chesapeake, VA 23328
                                                                               (757) 382-6176
                               Pelfrey Tow Yard


Project Proposal: A conditional use permit to allow an automobile tow yard on a 2.2
acre parcel and an alternative parking surface.
Tax Map ID: 0240-000-001-080             Existing Zoning:     M-1, Light Industrial
Property Address / Planning Area:        Existing   2035     Land      Use      Plan
924 Cavalier Boulevard / Camelot         Designation: Light Industrial / Logistics
Applicant: Tidewater Express Inc.        Public Hearing Date: July 14, 2021
                                         Staff Report Date: June 24, 2021
Property Owner: Michael L. Pelfrey       Project Planner: Bill McKay, AICP, Senior
                           STAFF RECOMMENDATION
PLN-USE-2021-008 Pelfrey Tow Yard - City of Chesapeake ...


    1.    The proposed use is consistent with the 2035 Land Use Plan and other policies of
          the Comprehensive Plan since it is located on an appropriate site in terms of
          access, environmental conditions, community facilities, and compatibility with its

    2.    The proposed use is compatible with the surrounding community since it is located
          in an industrial park with no residences in the vicinity.

    3.    The proposed use will improve the functionality and appearance of the existing
          business with new paving and landscaping.


    Based on the findings contained in this staff report, staff recommends that PLN-USE-
    2021-008 be APPROVED with the alternative parking surface and the following

    1.    A backflow preventer is to be installed on all water systems before any takeoffs
          are made and in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, the
          International Plumbing Code requirements, and Department of Public Utilities
          policy. The backflow preventer must meet National Standard NSF 61 (lead free).
          The backflow preventer is to be installed, tested by a DPOR certified technician,
          and documentation received by Public Utilities within 90 days of the date of
          approval of this conditional use permit, or prior to the initiation of this conditional
          use, whichever occurs first.

    2.    The applicant/owner shall drain all fluids from any leaking tank(s) or reservoir(s) of
          any damaged vehicles, so as to prevent further leakage, prior to bringing them to
          the site. The applicant/owner shall also ensure that oil absorbent mats and
          chemicals are kept on the site, along with a Spill Prevention and Response Plan
          outlining their proper and effective use.

    3.    The applicant/owner agrees to install a Knox Box system lock approved by the Fire
          Chief, or designee, which will allow entry by emergency service providers and their
          equipment on the twelve foot wide locked gate prior to initiation of the use and shall
          be maintained for the duration of the use.

    4.    The applicant/owner agrees that the alternative parking surface shall only be
          allowed for the employee parking along the northern property line and the tow yard.
          Customer parking, including required handicap accessible spaces, shall be paved
          as shown on the Preliminary Site Plan, Revised June 14, 2021, prior to issuance
          of a certificate of occupancy for this use.

    PLN-USE-2021-008                      Pelfrey Tow Yard                            Page 2 of 8

5.    The landscaping, buffer yard, opaque fencing and paving improvements shown on
      the Preliminary Site Plan, Revised June 14, 2021, shall be installed prior to
      issuance of a certificate of occupancy for this use.

PLN-USE-2021-008                  Pelfrey Tow Yard                       Page 3 of 8

                       EXISTING ZONING MAP

                       2035 LAND USE MAP

    PLN-USE-2021-008      Pelfrey Tow Yard   Page 4 of 8


The applicant seeks approval of a conditional use permit to allow an automobile tow yard
on a 2.2 acre parcel with an alternative parking surface. The property is located in Cavalier
Industrial Park at 924 Cavalier Boulevard and is occupied by Tidewater Express Inc., an
automobile and truck repair facility. The property is between Cavalier Boulevard and the
I-64 eastbound on-ramp from Military Highway.

                                                                The tow yard would be
                                                                located      behind      the
                                                                existing building adjacent
                                                                to the interstate ramp.
                                                                The view toward the
                                                                interstate ramp is shown in
                                                                the photograph to the left.
                                                                This area will be enclosed
                                                                with an eight (8) foot chain
                                                                link fence with an opaque
                                                                covering, which must be
                                                                approved by the Zoning
                                                                Administrator or designee.
                                                                The existing surface of the
                                                                tow yard is compacted
                                                                gravel. This same surface
                                                                is    under     the     area
                                                                designated for employee
parking along the west side of the property. The applicant has requested that this surface
remains in these two areas, and paved improvements will be made to the area in front of
the building for customer parking, including handicap accessible spaces. There will be a
concrete surface in front of the repair bay doors and concrete extending for seventy-eight
(78) feet into the site from the two entrances on Cavalier Boulevard. Landscaping will be
installed next to the gates on both sides of the building. A ten (10) foot landscape buffer
yard will also be installed along Cavalier Boulevard. There is existing mature vegetation
on the south and west sides of the property that will remain.

The tow yard operation will involve the towing of motor vehicles for law enforcement
agencies and the general public. Vehicles will be stored for repair, pick-up, or removal to
a final location, and inoperable vehicles will not be stored on-site indefinitely. A stipulation
is recommended to require the operator of the use to drain all fluids from any leaking
tanks or reservoirs of any damaged vehicles to prevent further leakage prior to bringing
them to the site. Also, the stipulation will require that oil absorbent mats and chemicals
are kept on the site, along with a Spill Prevention and Response Plan outlining their proper
and effective use. The tow yard will have five (5) employees, and they expect an average
of three (3) customers per day. The hours of operation will be 8 am to 5 pm, Monday
through Friday.

PLN-USE-2021-008                        Pelfrey Tow Yard                             Page 5 of 8

     PLN-USE-2021-008   Pelfrey Tow Yard   Page 6 of 8


                              RESPONSE REC’D
 D & P / Dev Engineering       June 22, 2021     Public Utilities          April 23, 2021
 D & P / Zoning                No Objections     Fire Prevention           June 15, 2021
 D & P / Landscape             No Comments       Police                    No Objections
 D & P / Code Enforce          No Objections
 Received comments are attached.


The subject property is designated Industrial/Logistics on the 2035 Land Use Plan, and
the proposed use is consistent with this designation. One of the objectives of the
Comprehensive Plan states that uses should be located on an appropriate site in terms
of access, environmental conditions, community facilities, and compatibility with its

The proposed use would have direct access to the main road of a large industrial park,
and, as shown on the included site plan, the applicant will extend the concrete apron for
both driveways seventy-eight (78) feet into the property to help prevent the tracking of dirt
and debris into the public right-of-way. The property is already used for vehicle repair, so
this requested use can be considered ancillary to the existing use. The properties on both
sides are industrial uses - a trucking company and a warehouse and distribution facility -
so they are compatible with the proposed tow yard. The rear side of the property abuts
an interstate ramp with extensive mature vegetation in between the proposed use and
the roadway. Therefore, staff finds that the proposed use complies with the objective of
compatibility and is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.

The subject property is in an industrial park with no residences in the vicinity. It will be
visually unobtrusive since the tow yard is located behind the building, screened with an
opaque fence, and adjacent to an interstate ramp that is well-buffered with mature
vegetation. The applicant has complied with staff’s initial comments regarding paving and
landscaping. The proposed paving and landscaping will improve both the site’s
functionality and appearance. Departmental review comments indicated no objections to
the proposed use. Staff finds that the use is both appropriate and compatible with the
surrounding area.

Based on the findings and comments received, staff finds the proposed use to be
consistent with the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan, compatible with the
surrounding community, and will have no more adverse effects than would any other use
generally permitted in the same district. Therefore, staff recommends approval of the
request with stipulations.

PLN-USE-2021-008                      Pelfrey Tow Yard                             Page 7 of 8


     1.    Departmental Review Comments

     2.    Preliminary Site Plan, dated June 14, 2021

     3.    2020 Aerial Map.

     PLN-USE-2021-008                   Pelfrey Tow Yard   Page 8 of 8

                                                                                   City of Chesapeake
                                                                               Department of Planning
                                                                                 Post Office Box 15225
                                                                                Chesapeake, VA 23328
                                                                                       (757) 382-6176



The following comments pertain to the application/plan stamp dated June 14, 2021:

Development Engineering Comments:

No comments.

Development Engineering Advisory:

After the public hearing process a final site construction plan is required to be submitted,
indicating all improvements.

City water and sewer are existing to the site. Records show there is a ¾” water service
tap and a 4” sanitary sewer lateral to the site. Existing services to be used must meet
current codes, standards and specifications.
Final determination as to whether adequate water or sewer service is available can only
be made at the time the water or sewer connection fees are paid and accepted by the
City and the building permits are requested.
If the size of the existing water meter changes then additional City water, City sewer and
HRSD connection fees will be assessed.
Any off site City utility improvements installed by this developer that satisfy the conditions
set forth in the Chesapeake City Code, Section 70 123, may qualify this developer for pro
rata participation. In addition, this developer will be required to pay his pro rata share of
the cost of utility improvements installed by previous developers in accordance with
Chesapeake City Code, Section 70 123.
STIPULATION: A backflow preventer is to be installed on all water systems before any
takeoffs are made and in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, the
International Plumbing Code requirements, and Department of Public Utilities policy. The
backflow preventer must meet National Standard NSF 61 (lead free).The backflow
preventer is to be installed, tested by a DPOR certified technician, and documentation
received by Public Utilities within 90 days of the date of approval of this use conditional
use permit, or prior to the initiation of this conditional use, whichever occurs first.

                                                                                      City of Chesapeake
                                                                                  Department of Planning
                                                                                    Post Office Box 15225
                                                                                   Chesapeake, VA 23328
                                                                                          (757) 382-6176

     FIRE: PROVIDED ON JUNE 15, 2021
     Approved with Conditions:
     There is an existing public fire hydrant that meets the distance and fire-flow demand for
     the site, and emergency access appears to be adequate. However, if the site is fenced
     with a locked gate it will require a Chesapeake approved Knox lock box or padlock for
     emergency access. In addition, if there will be vehicle repairs a Fire Code Operational
     permit will be required including a fire inspection for fire and life safety compliance with
     the Fire Code.

                                                                                        Page 2 of 2


                                                        Pelfrey Tow Yard
APPLICANT: Tidewater Express Inc. OWNER: Michael L. Pelfrey PROPOSAL: A
conditional use permit to allow an automobile tow yard on a 2.2 acre parcel and an
alternative parking surface. ZONE: M-1, Light Industrial District LOCATION: 924 Cavalier
Boulevard TAX MAP SECTION/PARCEL: 0240000001080 PLANNING AREA: Camelot

PLANNER                                    PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING
B. MCKAY                                                   JULY 14, 2021
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