Caerphilly County Borough Council - Housing Solutions Homeless Project Plan April 2021 - March 2022 - Housing Solutions Homeless ...

Caerphilly County Borough Council - Housing Solutions Homeless Project Plan April 2021 - March 2022 - Housing Solutions Homeless ...
Appendix 1   Caerphilly County Council Housing Solutions Homeless Project Plan – April 2021 - March 2022

             Caerphilly County Borough Council
              Housing Solutions Homeless Project Plan

                                   April 2021 - March 2022
Appendix 1              Caerphilly County Council Housing Solutions Homeless Project Plan – April 2021 - March 2022

Priorities/         Deliverables/ Actions     Structure /       Date to be        Risk                          Stakeholder         Change                 Resource
Objectives                                    Lead Officer      completed                                       Engagement          Management
Priority 1

Provide an              Review the              Kerry            December            Reluctance to             Staff/             Implement             No additional
accessible,              current service          Denman                                 move with change/          support             identified             Resources
proactive service        delivery area by        Lead                                   Service Pressures/         workers/            changes from           required at
that is person           undertaking a            Officer                                time Limitations           voluntary and       feedback/consu         this time /
centred and              series of                                                      Risk level is              statutory           ltation sessions       will utilise
inclusive for all        workshops to                                                    assessed at                agency                                     current
and to increase          review practices                                                medium impact.             feedback                                   staffing
engagement of            and process to                                                                                                                        Structure
service users in         streamline these.

                        Work with the                                                  Engagement from
To provide clear         Crisis falling out                                              service users may
information on           project to              Kerry            Ongoing for          be limited/
Homelessness,            undertake service        Denman            consistent           dissatisfaction with
prevention and           user consultation       Crisis            service              services/ services
access to                via phone/               Falling out       feedback             not meeting
accommodation            written                  Project                                people’s needs.
and support              questionnaire            team                                   (Risk level
services                                                                                 considered to be
                                                                                         high and imminent)
                                                                                        Medium risk of
                                                                                         advice/ customer
                                                                                         care being
Appendix 1       Caerphilly County Council Housing Solutions Homeless Project Plan – April 2021 - March 2022

                 Desktop review      Kerry        Ongoing
                  assessment           Denman
                  paperwork and       Crisis
                  framework and        Project
                  literature to
                  support advice
Appendix 1            Caerphilly County Council Housing Solutions Homeless Project Plan – April 2021 - March 2022

Priorities/       Deliverables/ Actions    Structure /    Date to be    Risk                       Stakeholder          Change                Resource
Objectives                                 Lead Officer   completed                                Engagement           Management
Priority 2

Reduce/ Address       Review Data            Kerry          Ongoing         Increase in Rough      Cornerstone         As we identify       Increase in
Rough Sleeping         recording               Denman                          sleeping – Risk         / Probation /        rough sleepers,       Emergency
and Repeat             mechanisms                                              level medium.           Those                we may need to        accommodat
Presentations                                                                                          identified as        modify access         ion stock
                                                                                                       Rough                to                    profile.
                                                                                                       sleeping /           accommodation
                                                                                                       repeat               / support
                                                                                                       presenters /         service as we
                                                                                                       Crisis project       move through
                                                                                                       and shelter          the project
                                                                                                       take notice

                       Ensure we tackle      Kerry                          Complex                                                           Increase in
                       route cause of          Denman                          presenting needs                                                   possible
                       Rough Sleeping         With                            and current EA                                                     costs for
                                               project                         units not being                                                    Emergency
                                               team                            able to manage                                                     accommodat
                                                                               these. Risk level                                                  ion units to
                                                                               High and imminent                                                  meet
                                                                              Delayed Move on
                                                                               due to lack of
                      Review data on                                          properties. Risk
                       repeat                 Kerry
                                                                               level high and
                       presentation            Denman
                       cases and route
Appendix 1       Caerphilly County Council Housing Solutions Homeless Project Plan – April 2021 - March 2022

                 Consider future       Kerry             Current models of
                  service                Denman             accommodation do
                  commissioning to       in                 not support Rapid
                  ensure                 conjuncti          rehousing and
                  accommodation          on with            Housing first
                  and support            Shelly             models. Risk level
                  needs can be met       Jones HSG          High and
                                         lead               imminent.

                                                           RSL partners may
                                                            not be on board to
                                                            work with models /
                                                            support agencies
                                                            may not be
                                                            commissioned to
                                                            the level that we
                                                            require to succeed
                                                            with these models
                                                            – Risk level
Appendix 1        Caerphilly County Council Housing Solutions Homeless Project Plan – April 2021 - March 2022

Priorities/      Deliverables/ Actions    Structure /    Date to be      Risk                          Stakeholder          Change       Resource
Objectives                                Lead Officer   completed                                     Engagement           Management
Priority 3
                    Hold workshops          Kerry         September         May identify that         Staff/                           Internal
Re focus on
                     to remind staff of       Denman         2021 /             current tools are no       statutory and                     Resources
Prevention and
                     the prevention                          Ongoing            longer effective           non-                              will be
                     tools available                                            and may need               statutory                         utilised with
                     within CCBC and                                            modification Need          agencies                          no additional
                     continue to                                                to consider Covid          attached to                       resources
                     develop Key                                                19 impact on some          prevention                        being
                     prevention                                                 prevention options         options                           required at
                     toolkits and                                               and tools and if                                             this time.
                     pathways.                                                  outcomes /
                                                                                pathways are still
                                                                                as successful i.e.
                                                                                mediation. This will
                                                                                be done through
                                                                                data comparison.
                                                                                Risk level medium.

                                                                               RSL landlords may         RSL partners                     Financial
                                                                                not have consistent        through                           impact on
                                                                                approaches /               operational                       current HSG
                                                                                different views on         (monthly)and                      award may
                                                                                course of action to        strategic                         be identified.
                                                                                take.                      steering
                                                                                                           (quarterly) to
                                                                                                           tackle and
                                                                                                           address key
Appendix 1     Caerphilly County Council Housing Solutions Homeless Project Plan – April 2021 - March 2022

                                                                                           Estate agents
                                                                                           registered in
                                                                                           the borough.

         Consult with all        Kerry          Ongoing      PRS landlords may        Partners of
          public and private       Denman                        not wish to engage        forum and
          landlords on             with                          or some have              NRLA
          prevention of            Byron                         negative view of         Caerphilly
          homelessness in          Jones                         prevention / LA           Keys Officer
          line with Shelters       /David                        previous negative
          no eviction from         Francis /                     experience.
          RSL into                                               Medium risk.

         Attend landlord         Kerry          Ongoing      Landlords may            As above
          forums and               Denman                        have a negative
          highlight                with                          view of the LA and
          homelessness            Byron                         work we do / may
          services and             Jones                         not want to
          support services                                       partnership work as
          to prevent                                             they have a
          Homelessness /                                         selection of other
          consider a direct                                      tenants they can
          referral pathway                                       pick. Need to break
          into the service                                       down perception
          for landlords who                                      and barriers with
          identify tenancy                                       them. Risk level
          risks at an early                                      high.
Appendix 1     Caerphilly County Council Housing Solutions Homeless Project Plan – April 2021 - March 2022

         Review Offender       Kerry           November      Increase in                       Possible
          Accommodation          Denman           2021           Offender                           change /
          Pathway and how        with Sadie                      presentations is                   increase in
          can we enhance         O’Connor                        likely and increase                staffing
          this – consider                                        in risk factors and                structure
          need of an                                             complex needs.                     (Additional
          Offender Officer                                       Risk is high                       officer can
          within the team                                                                           be funded
                                                                                                    via HSG)
Appendix 1          Caerphilly County Council Housing Solutions Homeless Project Plan – April 2021 - March 2022

Priorities/        Deliverables/ Actions        Structure   Date to be        Risk                         Stakeholder         Change                 Resource
Objectives                                      / Lead      completed                                      Engagement          Management
Priority 4

Investigate the       Work with the           Kerry          Dec 21/ Jan         May not be able to       Partner            Monthly review        Internal
‘Drop Out’             Crisis Falling Out       Denman          22                   immediately               agencies /          sessions will be       resource and
withdrawal of          project on this          along                                implement                 RSL / service       held as                utilising the
application data                                with                                 recommended               users /             management             Crisis project
                                                project                              changes to current        voluntary           team and
                                                team                                 service provision /       agencies /          possible early
                                                                                     available stock /         shelter             implementation
                                                                                     costs Risk level                              of some
                                                                                     medium                                        recommendatio
                                                                                                                                   ns may be
                                                                                                                                   undertaken to
                                                                                                                                   improve service
                                                                                                                                   delivery and
Appendix 1             Caerphilly County Council Housing Solutions Homeless Project Plan – April 2021 - March 2022

Priorities/        Deliverables/ Actions      Structure /    Date to be     Risk                         Stakeholder       Change                Resource
Objectives                                    Lead Officer   completed                                   Engagement        Management
Priority 5

Maximise access        To review current        Kerry         Jan 2022         May not be able to       Supporting       May need to          Use of
to appropriate          support services          Denman                           meet demand or            People and        look at               current
support services        available in the          with SP                          have the specialist       Providers         restructure/ re       resources
and increase the        borough and               manager                          services readily                            alignment of          and re
provision of            ensure they               Shelly                           available for                               service               alignment of
more inclusive          respond to                Jones                            access.                                     provision to          services
housing models          current                                                                                                meet the
through Housing         presenting needs.                                                                                      immediate
First / Rapid                                                                                                                  presenting need
Rehousing /                                                                                                                    where possible
Outreach, to be        To maximise              Shelly        Ongoing                                    Media team
able to meet            publicity of              Jones
and address             support services.         /Kerry
those presenting                                  Denman
with Complex                                      with
needs.                                            Media

                       To link in and           Kerry         August                                     Caerphilly
                        partner Caerphilly        Denman         2021 /                                      Cares
                        Cares and                                Ongoing                                     Manager and
                        consider a referral                                                                  team
                        pathway for
                        advice and
                        support or co
                        locate an advice
                        officer if needed.
Appendix 1       Caerphilly County Council Housing Solutions Homeless Project Plan – April 2021 - March 2022

                 To engage RSL                Ongoing           Some partners may       RSL partners
                  partners to                   and to             be averse to             and potential
                  deliver properties            incorporate        working with the         PRS landlords
                  Housing First /               in Rapid           model due to the
                  Rapid rehousing               Rehousing          possible complex
                  scheme                        Transitional       needs of clients
                                                Plan               and former
                                                                   tenancy history.

                 To look at the               November          Stock availability      Supporting
                  future needs of               / December                                  People
                  supported                     2021              Medium risk              Manager and
                  accommodation                                                             team
                  to ensure that                                  Funding resources
                  within the                                       and time, it may
                  borough we have                                  take to commission
                  units available to                               services / acquire
                  meet presenting                                  suitable
                  needs                                            accommodation
                                                                   units can impact
                                                                   success and cause
                                                                   delays. Medium
Appendix 1            Caerphilly County Council Housing Solutions Homeless Project Plan – April 2021 - March 2022

Priorities/       Deliverables/ Actions   Structure /    Date to be    Risk                         Stakeholder        Change                 Resource
Objectives                                Lead Officer   completed                                  Engagement         Management
Priority 6

Review Current        To hold               Kerry         January         Current practices/       Staff /           May need to           Financial and
Emergency              workshops with         Denman         2022             process may be            Support            adopt process          additional
accommodation          staff.                 with Lee                        compounding               workers            and pathways           building
provision,                                    Clapham                         issues. Staff may                            as any barriers        resources
pathway and                                                                   not be adequately                            are identified         may be
risk                                                                          trained.                                     and adapt any          required for
management                                                                   High Risk.                                   additional work        future
practices to                                                                                                               plan to fit this       growth.
ensure that we        Profile               Lee                            Available stock          Desktop and
are making best        accommodation          Clapham       January          provision is not as       landlords
use of resource        provisions and                        2022             we would want
and                    identify gaps in                                       and reliant on Bed
maximisation of        risk management                                        and Breakfast units
move on                and support                                            which vary in
                       available to                                           standard. High Risk

                      Identify gaps in      Kerry                          May not be able to       Desktop
                       provision and          Denman                          provide what is           consultation
                       consider for                         Ongoing          required via
                       future need and                                        funding /
                       planning                                               commissioning or
                                                                              support of
                                                                              units. High Risk
Appendix 1       Caerphilly County Council Housing Solutions Homeless Project Plan – April 2021 - March 2022

                 (NB whilst                               Members may be
                  undertaking this                          objective to certain
                  have regard for                           types of
                  the WG Homeless                           accommodation
                  Action Group                              within areas
                  focus on LA’S                             proving difficult to
                  having multi                              move forward and
                  agency                                    implement.
                  assessment and
                  accommodation                            Demand for more
                  centres).                                 complex units may
                                                            not be viable. High
Appendix 1              Caerphilly County Council Housing Solutions Homeless Project Plan – April 2021 - March 2022

Priorities/         Deliverables/ Actions    Structure /    Date to be    Risk                         Stakeholder        Change       Resource
Objectives                                   Lead Officer   completed                                  Engagement         Management
Priority 7

Work with RSL           Arrange meetings       Kerry         Ongoing         Level of tenants at      RSL partners                   No extra
partners and             with RSL partners       Denman                          risk may be high                                          resource
private landlords        / set up pathways                                       and levels of                                             required
to prevent               and review key                                          arrears or ASB may
homelessness             issues                                                  be unpreventable.
and promote                                                                      High Risk
tenancies and                                                                   Availability of 1
increase the                                                                     bed
access and                                                                       accommodation is
availability into                                                                still an issue and
this                                                                             whilst phase two
accommodation                                                                    fun to bring on
                                                                                 additional units is
                                                                                 moving forward
                                                                                 this is not
                                                                                 immediate and
                                                                                 volume is small in
                                                                                 comparison to
                                                                                 demand. Current
                                                                                 lettings policy can
                                                                                 exclude the most
                                                                                 vulnerable /
                                                                                 general housing
                                                                                 may not be the
                                                                                 right option for
                                                                                 some. High Risk
Appendix 1            Caerphilly County Council Housing Solutions Homeless Project Plan – April 2021 - March 2022

Priorities/       Deliverables/ Actions      Structure /    Date to be    Risk                          Stakeholder            Change       Resource
Objectives                                   Lead Officer   completed                                   Engagement             Management

Priority 8

Enhance and           Promote the              Kerry         Ongoing         May not draw any          Media team/                        No additional
maximise the           service through           Denman                          additional                 Current                             resource
current                media avenues /           with                            landlords /                Caerphilly keys                     required.
Caerphilly Keys        engage with               Byron                           landlords with right       landlords
PRS scheme             known landlords           Jones                           property portfolio
                       to provide
                       additional units of
                       the scheme
                                                                                                           Desktop review/
                      Consider how the                        Jan/Feb         May be financial           review WG RSL                      Potential for
                       scheme could                             2022             constraints if             pilot and speak                     increase in
                       evolve and                                                incentives/                to authorities                      financial
                       provide more                                              packages to bring          involved for                        commitment
                       services (have                                            landlords on board         feedback. Hold                      to consider
                       regard to WG                                              is a barrier/ may          engagement                          landlord
                       Social letting                                            not be able to             event with                          incentives
                       agency pilot) and                                         meet landlords’            landlords to                        etc/ Fee
                       bring services in                                         unrealistic                scope out what                      charged for
                       house                                                     expectations on            incentives/                         services if we
                                                                                 service delivery for       packages would                      were to
                                                                                 scheme                     be attractive to                    create own
                                                                                                            them then                           SLA scheme.
                                                                                                            internally on
Appendix 1             Caerphilly County Council Housing Solutions Homeless Project Plan – April 2021 - March 2022

Priorities/        Deliverables/ Actions    Structure /      Date to be     Risk   Stakeholder            Change       Resource
Objectives                                  Lead Officer     completed             Engagement             Management
Priority 9

Partnership/           MAPPA protocol         Kerry           Ongoing              Probation                          No additional
Multiagency             and partnership         Denman                                 /Police /Pobl/                      resource
working –               for effective                                                  Cornerstone                         required.
engage                  management of
stakeholders            High-risk
and key partner         offenders
agencies to
ensure we are          Develop Young          Kerry           December             Social Services/                   Additional
working                 Person                  Denman           2021                  Supporting                          recruitment
collaboratively         Accommodation           with                                   People/ Llamau                      but agreed
with the                Pathway and             Karen                                                                      funding via
Housing Solution        review Step             Williams                                                                   Supporting
Team to meet            Forward process         Children’s                                                                 People.
the identified                                  services
core housing                                    and Shelly
and support                                     Jones – SP
needs of                                                                              HB/ CAB/ RSL/                      No additional
residents within       Work with              Kerry           Ongoing               Caerphilly                          resource.
CCBC                    internal                Denman                                 homes/
                        departments to                                                 Caerphilly cares
                        maximise                                                       / Llamau and
                        prevention                                                     other key
                        referral pathways                                              identified
                                                                                       partners .
Appendix 1           Caerphilly County Council Housing Solutions Homeless Project Plan – April 2021 - March 2022

Priorities/      Deliverables/ Actions    Structure /    Date to be         Risk                         Stakeholder            Change       Resource
Objectives                                Lead Officer   completed                                       Engagement             Management
Priority 10

Undertake            Consider review        Kerry         2022 in line         Partners may be          Housing                            N/A
review of CCBC        of key aspects of       Denman         with Rapid            reluctant to change       Strategy / CHR
Allocations           allocation policy       and Mark       Rehousing             and not be                partners / Legal
Policy                including rent          Jennings       Plans                 consistent with
                      arrears policy/                                              responses –
                      affordability                                                Medium risk
                      assessment /
                      banding structure
Appendix 1            Caerphilly County Council Housing Solutions Homeless Project Plan – April 2021 - March 2022

Priorities/       Deliverables/ Actions   Structure /    Date to be       Risk                         Stakeholder         Change               Resource
Objectives                                Lead Officer   completed                                     Engagement          Management
Priority 11

Digital / Comms       MICC Phone            Kerry         October/           Delays with laptops      Rachel             Small works         Incur
System Review          system to be           Denman         November            for some staff may        Meredith            orders may be        additional
                       installed.                            2021                delay full                Comms               implemented as       costs for
                                                                                 implementation                                identified so        further
                                                                                 across the teams.                             work plan for        licences and
                                                                                 Medium risk.                                  staff is             ICT
                                                                                                                               subjective to        equipment.

                      Paperless system      Kerry         March 2022         Adaption to new          All staff                               No additional
                       being adopted.         Denman                             way of working            within HS                                resources
                                                                                 may take others           team                                     required.
                                                                                 longer- Medium
                                                            Ongoing
                      ICT systems           Kerry                             Financial                Abritas/                                Financial
                       review and             Denman /                           constraints for           Finance and                              resource may
                       upgrade                Jackie                             upgrade of system.        Dave Street /                            be required
                       consideration          Shorte                             Training and              CMT                                      to purchase
                                                                                 Implementation of                                                  upgrades.
                                                                                 any adjustments
                                                                                 can affect
                                                                                 introduction of
                                                                                 system. High Risk.
Appendix 1          Caerphilly County Council Housing Solutions Homeless Project Plan – April 2021 - March 2022

 Priorities/    Deliverables/ Actions      Structure /      Date to be    Risk                         Stakeholder      Change       Resource
 Objectives                                Lead Officer     completed                                  Engagement       Management
 Priority 12

 Staff               1:1 to be held          Kerry           Ongoing         Identification of        Staff and                    No additional
 Performance          with staff and           Denman                            performance and           Training                      Resource
 and Training         review staff             for senior                        capabilities within       Programmes                    required.
                      performance in           staff                             the team – High           /providers                    Financial
                      line with policy.                                          Risk.                                                   costs for
                                              Senior                           Staff Feedback may
                                               staff for                         not be as
                                               other                             expected- Medium
                                               staff                             risk

                     Training plan to        Kerry           Ongoing         Face to face
                      be implemented           Denman                            training impacted
                      for all staff as a       with                              by current Covid 19
                      team and                 Senior                            guidance. High
                      individually.            Staff from                        Risk.

Kerry Denman
Housing Solutions Manager
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