DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BULLETIN - Date: 20.08.21 Issue No: 1107 - Clackmannanshire Council

Page created by Elsie Fisher

Development Services
Greenside Street
FK10 1EB
Tel: 01259 450000                        Date: 20.08.21
E-mail:          Issue No: 1107
The Development Services Bulletin is issued every week. It contains details and
information of issues relating to Development Quality (Control), Structure and
Local Planning, Building Standards (Control), Transportation Planning, Roads
Maintenance, Public Transport and Traffic Management

The Bulletin also contains information on a range of other matters and is divided
into sections as set out below. Please note that there may not be any information
to report under some sections in some weeks.

1.    Development Services :

(a)   Planning Applications Received
(b)   Delegated Planning Decisions
(c)   Committee Planning Decisions
(d)   Statutory Planning Advertisements
(e)   Planning Reviews & Appeals
(f)   Planning Enforcement
(g)   Building Warrant & Non Statutory Applications Received
(h)   Building Warrant & Non Statutory Decisions
(i)   Building Standards Enforcement
(j)   Other News

2.    Sustainability Services

(a)   Tree Preservation Orders/Forestry/Felling Proposals
(b)   Other News

3.    Roads & Transportation Services

(a)   Scheduled Roadworks
(b)   Road Traffic Orders
(c)   Adopted Roads

The Bulletin is sent electronically to all Elected Members of the Council,
Community Councils, local groups and organisations, newspapers, statutory
consultees etc. It is also available (in electronic format) for inspection at the
Council’s Speirs Centre, Alloa as well as in all local libraries and Community
Access Points.

Members of the public can request to be added to the electronic mailing list at any

We hope you find this Bulletin useful. We are always keen to improve the
information that we provide on all matters. Your comments on the Bulletin and
suggestions for how it might be improved are always welcome.

Please contact: Development Quality at Kilncraigs, Greenside Street, Alloa,
FK10 1EB or telephone on (01259) 452540 if you have any comments.

The lists of applications received and decisions issued below are offered as
an aide only. The public register on our website offers a full range of search
facilities, ie by date, weekly/monthly lists, address etc

(a)   Planning Applications Received

Please note that all applications are recorded on our Uniform software system.

This section only lists valid applications so you may find that some of the
reference numbers appear out of sequence. Any gaps will be as a result of
applications deemed invalid on receipt.

Within one working day of being registered, all valid applications can be viewed
on our website (simply click on the relevant reference number)

CASE NO.: 21/00196/FULL        DATE REGISTERED: 17.08.2021
                               WARD:            Clackmannanshire East

APPLICANT:                                   AGENT:
 Cairnpark Property                          Euan Millar
 Signal Tower                                Icosis Architects
 Battery Road                                Signal Tower
 North Queensferry                           Battery Road
                                             North Queensferry
                                             KY11 1JU

                  31 Cairnpark Street
LOCATION:         Dollar
                  FK14 7DN

MAP CO-ORDS       296152, 698073
DESCRIPTION:      Alterations, Installation Of 2 No. Replacement Windows To Front
                  Elevation, Single Storey Extension To Rear Of House. Dormer
                  Extension To Rear To Provide First Floor Accommodation, Installation
                  Of 2 No. Rooflights, Opening Formed To Wall In Lane For Driveway
                  And Off Street Car Charging

CASE OFFICER:     Mark Stoddart Tel: 01259 45 2626

CASE NO.: 21/00199/FULL        DATE REGISTERED: 17.08.2021
                               WARD:            Clackmannanshire South

APPLICANT:                                   AGENT:
 Mrs Shahida Imran                           Andrew Peebles
 22 Denbecan                                 32 Moss Road
 Alloa                                       Tillicoultry
 Clackmannanshire                            FK13 6NS

22 Denbecan
LOCATION:        Alloa
                 FK10 1QZ

MAP CO-ORDS      289933, 692516
DESCRIPTION:     Installation of First Floor Balcony to Front, Cut out Existing Window
                 and Form New Door Opening to Master Bedroom

CASE OFFICER:    Mark Stoddart Tel: 01259 45 2626

(b)   Delegated Planning Decisions

CASE NO.: 20/00251/FULL         DATE REGISTERED: 01.12.2020
                                WARD:            Clackmannanshire Central

APPLICANT:                      AGENT:
 Mr John Parker                 Philip McCulloch
 Per Design Practice Agent      Design Practice
 10 Lynedoch Crescent           10 Lynedoch Crescent
 Glasgow                        Glasgow
                                G3 6EQ

                                Field To North Of SSPCA
LOCATION:                       Fishcross

MAP CO-ORDS                     289872, 695997

DESCRIPTION:                    Siting Of Timber Cabin for Welfare Accommodation, 1
                                No Container for Stabling and 2 No Storage
                                Containers With Associated Hardstanding Area for
                                Access and Parking (Partly Retrospective) - Amended

DECISION                        APPROVED            DATED 19.08.2021
                                Subject to the following conditions:

                                1.       Within 3 months from the date of this
                                permission, the existing static caravan located on the
                                site shall have been removed from the site and
                                landholding of the applicant and the land reinstated to
                                its original condition.

                                2.     Within 6 months from the date of this
                                permission, the external elevations of the 3 containers
                                hereby approved on the site for storage and stabling
                                uses shall be painted a matt dark green colour, or an
                                alternative colour approved in advance in writing by
                                the planning authority.

3.      Before works commence to install the timber
                          cabin hereby approved on the site, the following
                          details shall have been submitted to and approved in
                          writing by the planning authority;

                          i)     details of the colour and finish of the exterior of
                          the cabin. The timber shall be finished in a dark
                          muted colour such as dark green.
                          ii)    details of the arrangements and timescale for
                          applying the approved finish.

                          Thereafter, the cabin shall be implemented in
                          accordance with the approved details, unless
                          otherwise agreed in writing by the planning authority.

                          4.     In the event that the use of the cabin and 3
                          containers hereby approved ceases or the structures
                          become redundant for a period exceeding 6 months
                          then they must be removed and the land reinstated to
                          its original condition within 3 months thereafter,
                          unless otherwise agreed in writing by the planning

                          5.      The cabin and 3 containers hereby approved
                          shall only be used for the storage of feed stuffs,
                          equipment, stabling or to provide welfare facilities for
                          the applicant and his family associated with and
                          ancillary to the management of the agricultural land
                          owned by the applicant and not for any other
                          commercial or business use.

CASE OFFICER:             Keith Johnstone Tel: 01259 45 2614

CASE NO.: 21/00106/LIST   DATE REGISTERED: 08.07.2021
                          WARD:            Clackmannanshire East

APPLICANT:                AGENT:
 Mr James Wilson          James Watters
 34 Millhill Street       34 Millhill Street
 Dunfermline              Dunfermline
 KY11 4TG                 KY11 4TG

                          54 Bridge Street
LOCATION:                 Dollar
                          FK14 7DG

MAP CO-ORDS               296139, 697964

DESCRIPTION:              Alterations and Change of Use from Public House and
                          Flat to Form 1 No Dwelling House

DECISION                  APPROVED            DATED 16.08.2021
                          Subject to the following conditions:
1.     All new and replacement windows and doors
                          shall be constructed of timber, unless otherwise
                          approved in writing by the Council. Before any works
                          commence on site, exact details of new and
                          replacement windows and doors, shall have been
                          submitted to and approved in writing by the Council.
                          Thereafter, the development shall be completed in
                          accordance with such approved details.

CASE OFFICER:             Grant Baxter Tel: 01259 45 2615

CASE NO.: 21/00170/FULL   DATE REGISTERED: 08.07.2021
                          WARD:            Clackmannanshire East

APPLICANT:                AGENT:
 Mr James Wilson          James Watters
 34 Millhill Street       Gateside Design
 Dunfermline              34 Millhill Street
 KY11 4TG                 Dunfermline
                          KY11 4TG

                          54 Bridge Street
LOCATION:                 Dollar
                          FK14 7DG

MAP CO-ORDS               296139, 697964

DESCRIPTION:              Alterations and Change of Use from Public House and
                          Flat to Form 1 No Dwelling House

DECISION                  APPROVED            DATED 16.08.2021
                          Subject to the following conditions:

                          1.     All new and replacement windows and doors
                          shall be constructed of timber, unless otherwise
                          approved in writing by the Council. Before any works
                          commence on site, exact details of new and
                          replacement windows and doors, shall have been
                          submitted to and approved in writing by the Council.
                          Thereafter, the development shall be completed in
                          accordance with such approved details.

CASE OFFICER:             Grant Baxter Tel: 01259 45 2615

CASE NO.: 21/00176/TREE   DATE REGISTERED: 20.07.2021
                          WARD:            Clackmannanshire East

APPLICANT:                AGENT:
 Ms Kristine Johnson      Alan Robertson
 3 Hillfoot Road          Robertsons Tree Care Ltd
 Dollar                   9 Dumyat Road
Clackmannanshire         Stirling
                          FK9 5HA

                          3 Hillfoot Road
LOCATION:                 Dollar
                          FK14 7BB

MAP CO-ORDS               296397, 698436

DESCRIPTION:              Tree Surgery Work To 25 No. Cypress Lawsoniana

DECISION                  APPROVED         DATED 17.08.2021
                          There are no conditions attached to this consent.

CASE OFFICER:             Mark Stoddart Tel: 01259 45 2626

CASE NO.: 21/00177/FULL   DATE REGISTERED: 21.07.2021
                          WARD:            Clackmannanshire North

APPLICANT:                AGENT:
 Ms Sarah Gilburn         Thomas Thomson
 14 Bevan Drive           TBB Architecture
 Alva                     17 Cockburn Street
 Clackmannanshire         Falkirk
                          FK1 1DJ

                          14 Bevan Drive
LOCATION:                 Alva
                          FK12 5PD

MAP CO-ORDS               289144, 697048

DESCRIPTION:              Single Storey Extension To Front Of House And
                          Conversion of Garage

DECISION                  APPROVED            DATED 19.08.2021
                          Subject to the following conditions:

                          1.    Before the first use of the extension, the
                          driveway shall be widened to a minimum width of 5

CASE OFFICER:             Mark Stoddart Tel: 01259 45 2626

CASE NO.: 21/00180/TREE   DATE REGISTERED: 28.07.2021
                          WARD:            Clackmannanshire East

APPLICANT:                AGENT:
 Ms Janet Carolan         Magnus Morgan
 6 Castle Road            Robertson's Tree Care Ltd
 Dollar                   Windygates Farm
Clackmannanshire              Teasses
                                KY15 5PW

                                6 Castle Road
 LOCATION:                      Dollar
                                FK14 7BE

 MAP CO-ORDS                    296448, 698606

 DESCRIPTION:                   Reduce Down Mixed Broadleaf Hedge And A Beech
                                Hedge To Neighbouring Property From 5m To 2m

 DECISION                       APPROVED         DATED 19.08.2021
                                There are no conditions attached to this consent.

 CASE OFFICER:                  Mark Stoddart Tel: 01259 45 2626

 CASE NO.: 21/00185/FULL        DATE REGISTERED: 23.07.2021
                                WARD:            Clackmannanshire East

 APPLICANT:                     AGENT:
  Mr Graham Williams            Connor Inglis
  1 Ladywood                    Alloa Business Centre
  Clackmannan                   Whins Road
  Clackmannanshire              Alloa
                                FK10 3SA

                                1 Ladywood
 LOCATION:                      Clackmannan
                                FK10 4SX

 MAP CO-ORDS                    292004, 691534

 DESCRIPTION:                   Internal Alterations and Single Storey Extension to
                                Side of House with Decking Area

 DECISION                       APPROVED         DATED 20.08.2021
                                There are no conditions attached to this consent.

 CASE OFFICER:                  Mark Stoddart Tel: 01259 45 2626

(c)   Committee Planning Decisions

The date of the next Planning Committee is still to be confirmed.

(d)    Statutory Planning Advertisements
The following statutory advertisements were placed in the local press (publication
date 25 August 2021. The advertisements are repeated here for your

Development                                         Reason for Advertising
Alterations, Installation Of 2 No.                  Development in a Conservation Area
Replacement Windows To Front Elevation,
Single Storey Extension To Rear Of House.
Dormer Extension To Rear To Provide First
Floor Accommodation, Installation Of 2 No.
Rooflights, Opening Formed To Wall In
Lane For Driveway And Off Street Car
Charging at 31 Cairnpark Street, Dollar,
Clackmannanshire, FK14 7DN,

Ref: 21/00196/FULL

(e)    Planning Reviews & Appeals

Planning appeals can be viewed at or by clicking

There are no Planning Appeals for this period.

(f)    Planning Enforcement
Details of all current notices can be found on our Planning Enforcement register

(g)    Building Warrant & Non Statutory Applications Received

CASE NO: 21/00261/BW                          DATE REGISTERED: 16th August 2021

APPLICANT:                                    AGENT:
Ms Lyndsey Fargie                             Alan McGhee
3 Drummore Court                              13 Taran
Alva                                          Alloa
Clackmannanshire                              FK10 1RF
FK12 5LF

LOCATION:           3 Drummore Court Alva Clackmannanshire FK12 5LF

DESCRIPTION:        Alterations to Dwellinghouse to Convert Loft to Create Bedroom

CASE OFFICER:       Stephen Beveridge, Tel: 01259 450000

CASE NO: 21/00009/LCOC                          DATE REGISTERED: 16th August 2021

APPLICANT:                                      AGENT:
Ross McCleary
19 Hillside Terrace
FK10 2AN

LOCATION:             19 Hillside Terrace Alloa Clackmannanshire FK10 2AN

DESCRIPTION:          Building Warrant 14/00248/BW - Alterations To First Floor Flat And To
                      Convert Attic Into A Bedroom and Store

CASE OFFICER:         Mr Richard Clark, Tel: 01259 450000

CASE NO: 21/00262/BW                            DATE REGISTERED: 17th August 2021

APPLICANT:                                      AGENT:
Mr Norman Jack                                  Connor Inglis
21 Auchinbaird                                  Alloa Business Centre
Sauchie                                         Whins Road
FK10 3HB                                        Alloa
                                                FK10 3SA

LOCATION:             21 Auchinbaird Sauchie Alloa Clackmannanshire FK10 3HB

DESCRIPTION:          Alterations to Dwellinghouse to Form First Floor Balcony & Create Door

CASE OFFICER:         Stephen Beveridge, Tel: 01259 450000

CASE NO: 21/00263/BW                            DATE REGISTERED: 17th August 2021

APPLICANT:                                      AGENT:
Ms M Taylor                                     Louise Confrey
5 Ramsay Street                                 Office 29, Alloa Business Centre
Coalsnaughton                                   Whins Road
Tillicoultry                                    Alloa
Clackmannanshire                                Clackmannanshire
FK13 6LH                                        FK10 3SA

LOCATION:             5 Ramsay Street Coalsnaughton Tillicoultry Clackmannanshire FK13 6LH

DESCRIPTION:          Alterations to Dwellinghouse Form New Door Opening in Kitchen, Block Up
                      Existing Door & Convert Coal Store to Internal Storage Area

CASE OFFICER:         Mr Richard Clark, Tel: 01259 450000

CASE NO: 21/00265/BWA                            DATE REGISTERED: 19th August 2021

APPLICANT:                                       AGENT:
Mrs Heather Aitken                               Sandy Nicol
45 St Serf's Grove                               5 St Leonards
Clackmannan                                      Tillicoultry
Clackmannanshire                                 FK13 6QU
FK10 4SR

LOCATION:             45 St Serf's Grove Clackmannan Clackmannanshire FK10 4SR

DESCRIPTION:          Amendment to 20/00146/BW - Addition of Door & Changes to Existing Roof

CASE OFFICER:         Mr Richard Clark, Tel: 01259 450000

(h)    Building Warrant & Non Statutory Decisions

CASE NO: 20/00342/BW                                 DATE APPROVED: 18th August 2021

APPLICANT:                                           AGENT:
Mr & Mrs D Dion                                      Sam Sweeney
3 Bogton Place                                       38 Walker Terrace
Dollar                                               Tillicoultry
Clackmannanshire                                     FK13 6EF
FK14 7JB

                     3 Bogton Place Dollar Clackmannanshire FK14 7JB
DESCRIPTION:         Extension to Dwellinghouse to Create Kitchen/Dining Room, Installation of Bi-
                     Fold Doors & Form Utility & Wet Room

CASE OFFICER:        Stephen Beveridge, Tel: 01259 450000

CASE NO: 21/00092/BW                                 DATE APPROVED: 18th August 2021

APPLICANT:                                           AGENT:
Mr & Mrs Brian Alexander                             Alan McGhee
8 Pine Crescent                                      13 Taran
Menstrie                                             Alloa
Clackmannanshire                                     Clackmannanshire
FK11 7DT                                             FK10 1RF

                     8 Pine Crescent Menstrie Clackmannanshire FK11 7DT
DESCRIPTION:         Alterations to Dwellinghouse to Remove Wall between Kitchen & Dining Room

CASE OFFICER:        Brian McPeake, Tel: 01259 450000

CASE NO: 21/00171/BW                                 DATE APPROVED: 19th August 2021

APPLICANT:                                           AGENT:
Mrs Fiona Peterson
24 Marquis Drive
FK10 4EZ

                      24 Marquis Drive Clackmannan Clackmannanshire FK10 4EZ
DESCRIPTION:          Alterations to Dwellinghouse to Install French Windows & Decking & Extension
                      to Garage to Create Storage Area

CASE OFFICER:         Brian McPeake, Tel: 01259 450000

CASE NO: 21/00005/LCOC                               DATE APPROVED: 18th August 2021

APPLICANT:                                           AGENT:
Mr Tony Papa
85A Main Street
FK10 3JT

                      85A Main Street Sauchie Alloa Clackmannanshire FK10 3JT
DESCRIPTION:          Building Warrant 13/00213/BW - Internal Alterations to Flatted Dwellinghouse
                      (Removal of Existing Wall Between Kitchen and Lounge, Block Up Existing
                      Kitchen Door, Install New Shower Enclosure in Bedroom and Install New Toilet
                      and Basin in Cupboard

CASE OFFICER:         Mr Richard Clark, Tel: 01259 450000

CASE NO: 21/00233/BW                                 DATE APPROVED: 18th August 2021

APPLICANT:                                           AGENT:
Ms Natasha Selkirk
14 Blackthorn Grove
FK11 7DX

                      14 Blackthorn Grove Menstrie Clackmannanshire FK11 7DX
DESCRIPTION:          Alterations to Dwellinghouse to Convert Garage to Form Study & Utility Room

CASE OFFICER:         Stephen Beveridge, Tel: 01259 450000

(i)   Building Standards Enforcement
All new Enforcement Notices issued are listed on our website and can be found
by clicking here

(j)   Other News
There is no other news for this period.


(a)   Tree Preservation Orders/Forestry/Felling Proposals
The Forestry Commission have changed their notification procedures. Please
use this link to view any felling applications.

(b)   Other News
There is no other news for this period.


(a)   Scheduled Roadworks
The Roadworks Report is held on Clacksweb and is updated daily. It can be
found by clicking here

(b)   Road Traffic Orders
All Traffic Regulation Orders are held on Clacksweb and can be found by clicking

(c)   Adopted Roads
Details of public roads within Clackmannanshire can be found on our adopted
roads database

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