Piper, pipe that tune again - Trident Newspaper

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Piper, pipe that tune again - Trident Newspaper
Monday, July 27, 2020    Volume 54, Issue 15


Piper, pipe
that tune again
LS John Kester plays the bagpipes as HMCS Fredericton
enters the port of Reykjavik, Iceland during Op
REASSURANCE on July 11, 2020. The ship is expected to
return to Halifax on July 28, 2020.
                                  CPL SIMON ARCAND, CAF
Piper, pipe that tune again - Trident Newspaper
2                                                                                                                                         TRIDENT NEWS JULY 27, 2020

Royal Nanny International Tattoo
honours longtime show supporter
By Virginia Beaton,
Trident Staff

  On Saturday, July 18, the sound of        attendees comprising Mrs. Meikle and
bagpipes welcomed Mrs. Joyce Meikle         members of her family. The We are
to the Royal Nanny International            Young Association, a non-profit group
Tattoo. Inside the Common Support           that grants unfulfilled wishes to Nova
Training Facility at Stadacona, the         Scotia seniors, also provided support
Stadacona Band of the Royal Canadian        to the event.
Navy, the 12 Wing Shearwater Pipes            The Stadacona Band played march-
and Drums, and the Royal Nova Scotia        es including Heart of Oak, and the
International Tattoo Highland Dance         band’s drum line took a solo turn.
Team awaited.                               The 12 Wing Shearwater Pipes and
  Mrs. Meikle, aka Nanny, is a long-        Drums played several tunes and also
time supporter of the Tattoo. Now           accompanied the Highland Dancers.
aged 88, she has attended the show          The event concluded with the Tat-
every year since the Tattoo began in        too’s annual rendition of Scotland the
1979, turning it into a family tradition    Brave, followed by Black Bear, which
that now includes her grandchildren.        is always played as the performers
When this year’s Tattoo was cancelled       march off.
in March because of the COVID-19              Capt(N) David Mazur, CFB Hali-
pandemic, Mrs. Meikle’s granddaugh-         fax Base Commander, was among
ter Allison contacted Tattoo orga-          those present and in his remarks, he
nizers to see what could be done to         thanked all the performers, noting
arrange a surprise performance for          the lengthy partnership between the       The Meikle family poses for photos in front of the cast of the show.
Mrs. Meikle.                                Tattoo and the CAF that made possible                                                                      ARIANE GUAY-JADAH, BPAO
  The result was a half-hour mini-Tat-      the annual production of the show.
too that was broadcast live on the          The Royal Nanny International Tattoo
Tattoo’s Facebook page. With the help       “is a step towards normalcy,” he
of the Canadian Armed Forces, the           observed.
show presented live entertainment to
a small, socially distanced number of

At the end of the Royal Nanny International Tattoo, Joyce Meikle received flowers     Capt(N) David Mazur, Base Commander CFB Halifax, addresses those present for the
and gifts from CFB Halifax and from the Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo.       event, which was held in the new Common Support Training Facility.
                                                            ARIANE GUAY-JADAH, BPAO                                                                   LS BRYAN UNDERWOOD, FIS
Piper, pipe that tune again - Trident Newspaper
TRIDENT NEWS       JULY 27, 2020                                                                                                                                          3

                                                                                    The Stadacona Band of the Royal Canadian Navy recently celebrated their 80th anni-
                                                                                    versary with an online celebration, and plan to continue marking the milestone with
                                                                                    further initiatives through the year.			                   MONA GHIZ, MARLANT PA

Stadacona Band goes virtual with 80th
anniversary celebration
By Ryan Melanson,
Trident Staff

  While the live performance schedule     PO2 Eric Sproul.                          leading it from 1988-1993, has stayed      tinue during a virtual reunion event
has been light through the spring and       This included a special message         connected through his involvement          planned for September on the Zoom
summer for the Stadacona Band of the      from current CO Lt(N) James Risdon,       in the larger music community and          platform. There’s also an ongoing ef-
Royal Canadian Navy, they’ve found a      Stad Band trivia, photos from over the    his years of work with the Royal           fort to connect with older alumni who
number of other ways to stay connect-     years, and more.                          Nova Scotia International Tattoo. He       may not be online, through snail mail,
ed with the community through the           “We also found the band’s very first    described his time with the band as        and there’s hope that a smaller in-per-
pandemic period.                          recording from 1943,” PO2 Sproul          life-changing.                             son reunion will be possible for 2021.
  The members’ virtual performances       added. They used this audio to create        “To lead a band like that is an         The band also plans to continue mark-
from home have been a hit on social       a mashed-up performance of the Navy       absolute delight and a real honour,”       ing the anniversary online through
media, the band made an appearance        march HM Jollies, assembled from the      he added. He was able to pinpoint the      the rest of this year, and to continue
during HRM’s live Canada Day stream       1943 recording along with other per-      50th anniversary of the Battle of the      streaming at-home performances on
on July 1, and just recently, they        formances from 1982, 1995, 2015, and      Atlantic in 1993, and the coinciding       social media.
celebrated their 80th anniversary with    a 2020 edition recorded remotely with     performances in Liverpool, England,          “This has actually been very nice
a special online celebration from July    each current member at home.              as a highlight of his time with the        for our smaller groups, who have been
13-17.                                      An effort to update the band’s          band, but he stressed that his Stadaco-    performing online for such a large
  “Our original goal, of course, was to   alumni list also led to the committee     na Band career was one of constant         audience. We’re reaching way more
have an in-person reunion in Sep-         reconnecting with a number of former      highlights.                                people online with groups like our
tember, with a concert and reception      members, and many of them contrib-           “Every concert or performance I         brass quintet or our trios, and we’re
and everything else,” said PO2 Sue        uted to a video compilation of alumni     ever did with that band was memora-        growing the band’s presence,” said
Kulik, a flute player who is the lon-     wishing the band a happy birthday.        ble, whether we were standing on the       PO2 Sproul.
gest currently serving member of the        Former Commanding Officer LCdr          Dockyard sending ships off to sea or         PO2 Kulik said the successful virtu-
band and head of the 80th anniversary     (ret’d) Jim Forde said he was thrilled    we were away on tour.”                     al anniversary celebration wouldn’t
committee.                                to see former colleagues pop up on his       Other standout moments brought up       have been possible without the help
  Once it became clear that in-person     screen to share kind words about the      by current members included the 1995       of committee members, specifically
events weren’t in the cards for 2020,     band, including his old friend Paul       International Band Festival in Shang-      shouting out LS Tony Taylor and PO2
they got to work on alternate plans,      Butler, who departed in 1968.             hai, China, as well as the more recent     Matt Reiner for their video and audio
and the extra free time brought by           “I couldn’t believe they tracked him   performances in Mons, Belgium in           editing, PO2 Courtney Lambert and
COVID-19 restrictions made for an op-     down and it was wonderful to hear         2018 to mark 100 years since the end of    her public affairs team for their work,
portunity to dig through the archives     from him. I was so pleased with the       the First World War.                       and PO2 Krisanne Crowell for writing
and reach out to alumni.                  work the band did around the 80th            Other stories and special moments       lyrics and leading the jazz group in
  “We decided to celebrate virtually      anniversary,” he said.                    have been shared on the band’s 80th        performing the new Stadacona Band
instead, and we put together some re-       LCdr (ret’d) Forde, who played tuba     anniversary Facebook page, and it’s        80th Birthday Song.
ally interesting things to share,” said   in the band from 1967 to 1984 before      expected those discussions will con-
Piper, pipe that tune again - Trident Newspaper
4                                                                                                                                                         TRIDENT NEWS JULY 27, 2020

                                                             Stadacona Band goes virtual with

Editor: Virginia Beaton
 (902) 427-4235
                                                             80th anniversary celebration cont’d
Journalist: Ryan Melanson
 (902) 427-4231
Editorial Advisor: Margaret Conway
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                                                             The Stadacona Band at HMC Dockyard in 1981, under the leadership of Director Lt(N) Ben Tempelaars and CPO1 Dirk Peetoom.
    PO Box 99000                                             The Band is wearing the traditional Navy uniforms that were revived by the Naval Officers Association of Canada in 1980, after
    Station Forces, Halifax, NS B3K 5X5
    Return Postage Guaranteed
                                                             being lost following unification in 1968.
    ISN 0025-3413                                                                                                                                            COURTESY OF LCDR(RET’D) JIM FORD
    Circulation: Minimum 8,500

                                                                                                             On jetty NJ, the Stadacona Band of the Royal Canadian Navy marks its 80th
The Stadacona Band’s 80th anniversary logo decorates the band’s bass drum.                                   anniversary with a group shot in the formation of the number 80.
                                                                                   MONA GHIZ, MARLANT PA                                                               MONA GHIZ, MARLANT PA
Piper, pipe that tune again - Trident Newspaper
5                                                                                                                                       TRIDENT NEWS JULY 27, 2020

                                                                           Cmdre Richard Feltham, Commander CCFL, far left, salutes HMCS Toronto as it departs
                                                                           Jetty NB in Halifax on July 25. To his right is The Honourable Arthur LeBlanc, Lieutenant
                                                                           Governor of Nova Scotia
                                                                                                                                                           MARLANT PA

HMCS Toronto departs for Op REASSURANCE
under unique circumstancese
By Ryan Melanson,
Trident Staff

  As HMCS Toronto prepared to depart        dented for a modern Navy.                  ship, only a handful of others attended    members aboard HMCS Fredericton’s
Halifax on the afternoon of July 25 for a     “I can’t explain how proud I am of       the departure ceremony in person,          Cyclone helicopter, this lead up to de-
six-month stint deployed to Operation       what this ship has done, and they hav-     including support staff, colleagues,       ployment has been uniquely challeng-
REASSURANCE, there was plenty of            en’t even left yet. To achieve this high   and the Honourable Arthur LeBlanc,         ing, he said.
chatter about the difficulties brought      state of readiness in a pandemic envi-     Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia,           “There is no way we could have done
on by the COVID-19 pandemic and             ronment, and overcome the obstacles        and Her Honour Mrs. Patsy LeBlanc.         it without the undying support of our
how that will impact the crew and the       as they have, is tremendous.”              Family and friends were able to watch      families, friends and communities.”
mission.                                      Cmdre Feltham noted that this is the     via live stream online, where                 He added that pandemic restrictions
  For LS Gabrielle Garant-Grenon,           third time Toronto has deployed on         Toronto’s Commanding Officer, Cdr          are likely to prevent the usual port
however, it was best to focus on the        this particular mission, and that this     Jeff Dargavel, thanked those loved ones    visits from taking place in Europe, and
positives, With roughly 10 years of                                                                                               will also make it more difficult to get
service behind her, the Sonar Opera-                                                                                              outside technical support on board if
tor she said she was excited to head to                                                                                           needed. This will require the crew to
sea and gain more experience on her                                                                                               be more self reliant, and to look to each
second major deployment. While the                                                                                                other for recreation and moral support
pandemic has had an impact, it hasn’t                                                                                             through the six months.
changed everything, she said.                                                                                                        “We’ve had to make sacrifices and
  “Obviously there would normally be                                                                                              adjust to the new normal; that means
a lot more people on the jetty to see us                                                                                          saying farewell in this non traditional
leave, but in other regards, this deploy-                                                                                         manner, and it will mean other things
ment isn’t so different. Once we leave                                                                                            over the coming months,” he said,
the wall, this is like any other mission;                                                                                         while stressing the importance of the
we just have to do our jobs, focus and                                                                                            mission.
work hard as a team.”                                                                                                                “The pandemic has changed a lot
  That hard work began many months                                                                                                about our day-to-day to lives, but it
ago as the ship ramped up its readiness                                                                                           hasn’t changed Canada’s commitment
level ahead of deploying, and inten-                                                                                              to our allies and partners, nor has it
sified in June, when crew came back                                                                                               changed the resolve of those who would
aboard – and remained aboard – quar-                                                                                              act against our national interest.”
antined away from their families for 40                                                                                              The six-month sail will see
days prior to departing. Prior to that,                                                                                           Toronto operating primarily in north-
they were forced to adjust and conduct      HMCS Toronto departed Halifax for a six-month deployment to Operation                 ern Europe with Standing NATO
important planning while working            REASSURANCE on July 25, 2020.                                      MARLANT PA         Maritime Group 1, which is currently
from home during the height of the                                                                                                under Portugese leadership. The crew
pandemic earlier this spring.               marks the 13th rotation since the RCN      who’ve supported his sailors behind        expects to come alongside in a number
  Cmdre Richard Feltham, Com-               began contributing to Op REASSUR-          the scenes, and who will continue to       of Baltic states and focus on interoper-
mander Canadian Fleet Atlantic, said        ANCE in 2014, which he said highlights     support them at home after they leave.     ability with NATO allies through the
Toronto has set an excellent example        how seriously Canada takes its NATO        With the added difficulty of the pan-      deployment. The ship will be due back
of carrying out their responsibilities in   responsibilities.                          demic, as well as the difficult news       in Halifax early next year.
the face of obstacles that are unprece-       Along with Fleet and 12 Wing leader-     in April of the tragic loss of six crew
Piper, pipe that tune again - Trident Newspaper
TRIDENT NEWS        JULY 27, 2020                                                                                                                                                 6

CAF releases policy that defines and addresses hateful conduct
  The CAF has released a new policy framework in the       fears of retaliation or the perception that no action         there is a shared understanding of the new policy
form of a Defence Administrative Order and Directive       being taken to hold the perpetrators accountable.             framework for everyone within National Defence.
(DAOD) that addresses harassment, violence and                Racism,       discrimination,       bullying      and      National Defence remains committed to increasing
discrimination, including hateful conduct, within the      microaggression in any form damage are                        the representation of visible minorities, Indigenous
institution.                                               harmful to an individual, and also undermine the              peoples, women and people with disabilities both in
  Racism and discrimination exist and they continue        organization’s operational effectiveness. The new             numbers and in senior leadership roles. Leaders are
to surface in violent and very tragic ways as has been     DAOD addresses these behaviours and also defines*             engaged and having discussions with representatives
witnessed with the violence experienced by Black           what constitutes hateful conduct. The new policy              from our Employment Equity Defence Advisory
and Indigenous persons recently in the news. This          framework provides a path forward to addressing               Groups (DAG) which included the Defence Visible
has prompted a discussion about where Canada is as         unacceptable behaviour, with the goal of eliminating          Minority Advisory Group, the Defence Indigenous
a society in terms of respecting the dignity of every      it from within the organization.                              Advisory Group, and the Defence Women’s Advisory
person, without prejudice based on race, colour,              The Chief of the Defence Staff (CDS), Gen Jonathan         Organization, Persons with Disabilities, and the
national or ethnic origin, or other prohibited grounds.    Vance, has made it clear that hateful conduct will not be     Defence Team Pride Network.
  Equality is a human right; respect and dignity           tolerated within the CAF. VAdm Haydn Edmundson,                 In addition to substantial training and awareness
for all are core values of Canada. We must foster a        Commander Military Personnel Command is on                    campaigns, the Integrated Conflict and Complaint
safe and healthy workplace for all members of the          record as stating that hateful conduct, be it through         Management (ICCM) Program assist CAF members
Defence Team which means upholding the Canadian            words or actions, is completely incompatible with             and civilian personnel to identify, translate, and
Human Rights Act. It is unacceptable for a Canadian        CAF ethics and values.                                        communicate the harmful effects of these behaviours
Armed Forces member to participate in an activity             “The women and men who serve in the Canadian               between individuals and within DND workplaces.
or have membership in a group or organization that         Armed Forces are held to the highest standard for               The CAF is also implementing a new system that
is connected with hate related criminal activities,        their professional and personal conduct and are               will allow for systematically tracking and monitoring
and/or promotes hatred, violence, discrimination,          expected to exemplify Canadian values, including              any suspected incidents of hateful conduct within
or harassment on the basis of a prohibited ground of       respect for diversity, whether they are here at home          the organization. It will also have access to subject
discrimination as defined in the Canadian Human            or abroad,” he said. “Any instance of misconduct by a         matter expertise through a network of researchers
Rights Act.                                                member diminishes our authority as a force for good           who specialize in radicalism and the extreme right in
  Although a Military Police report for 2013-2018          in Canadian society, and around the world. Every              Canada and internationally (MINDS webpage.).
cited that some CAF members were involved in               member of the DND/CAF Team has a part to play                   Every member of the DND/CAF Team has a part to
incidents related to hate/racism during that period,       here as we seek to eradicate racism and bias in all           play here as we seek to eradicate racism and bias in all
discrimination, including systemic racism, continues       their forms, whether conscious or unconscious. We             their forms, whether conscious or unconscious. We
to exist in the organization, and it is completely         will listen, we will learn, we will act going forward;        will listen, we will learn, we will act going forward;
unacceptable. We also know from Statistics Canada          we expect measurable progress as we seek change.”             we expect measurable progress as we seek change.
research studies that often incidents related to hate/        The military and civilian leadership of the                  For more information on CAF policy on Hateful
racism may be underreported by the victims due to          Defence Team are jointly coordinated efforts so that          Conduct, visit our intranet page on hateful conduct.

Les FAC publient la politique qui définit et aborde la conduite haineuse
   Les Forces armées canadiennes(FAC) ont publié un        répondent de leurs actes.                                     déterminée à accroître la présence des minorités
nouveau cadre politique sous la forme d’une Directive         Le racisme, la discrimination, l’intimidation et           visibles, des Autochtones, des femmes et des
et ordonnance administratives de la défense (DOAD)         la microagression, sous toute forme, nuisent à la             personnes atteintes d’un handicap, à la fois en nombre
qui traite du harcèlement, de la violence et de la         dignité d’une personne, tout en nuisant à l’efficacité        et dans les postes de haute direction. Les dirigeants
discrimination, y compris la conduite haineuse, au         opérationnelle de l’organisation. La nouvelle DOAD            sont engagés et prennent part à des discussions
sein de l’institution                                      traite de ces comportements et définit* également             avec des représentants de nos Groupes consultatifs
   Le racisme et la discrimination existent et             ce qui constitue une conduite haineuse. Le nouveau            de la Défense (GCD) en matière d’équité en matière
continuent à se manifester de manière violente et          cadre stratégique offre un chemin vers l’avant pour           d’emploi, qui comprennent le Groupe consultatif des
très tragique, comme nous l’avons récemment vu aux         aborder les comportements inacceptables, dans le but          minorités visibles de la Défense, le Groupe consultatif
nouvelles avec la violence dont ont été victimes les       de les éliminer de l’intérieur de l’organisation.             des peuples autochtones de la Défense, l’Organisation
Noirs et les Autochtones. Ces événements ont donné            Le chef d’état-major de la défense (CEMD), le général      consultative des femmes de la Défense, le groupe pour
lieu à un débat sur la situation actuelle de notre         Jonathan Vance, a clairement fait savoir qu’une               les personnes handicapées, et le Réseau de la fierté de
société en termes de respect de la dignité de chaque       conduite haineuse ne sera pas tolérée au sein des             l’Équipe de la Défense.
personne, sans préjugés fondés sur la race, la couleur,    FAC. Le viceamiral Haydn Edmundson, commandant                   En plus des importantes campagnes d’instruction et
l’origine nationale ou ethnique ou autres motifs de        du Commandement du personnel militaire, affirme               de sensibilisation, le Programme de gestion intégrée
distinction illicite.                                      que la conduite haineuse, que ce soit par des paroles         des conflits et des plaintes (GICP) aide les membres
   L’égalité est un droit de la personne; le respect       ou des actions, est complètement incompatible avec            des FAC et le personnel civil à identifier, à traduire et à
et la dignité pour tous font partie des valeurs            l’éthique et les valeurs des FAC.                             communiquer les effets néfastes de ces comportements
fondamentales du Canada. Nous devons favoriser                « Les femmes et les hommes qui servent dans                entre les personnes et les milieux de travail du MDN.
un milieu de travail sain et sécuritaire pour tous les     les Forces armées canadiennes (FAC) sont tenus                  Les FAC mettent également en œuvre un nouveau
membres de l’Équipe de la Défense, ce qui signifie         de respecter les normes les plus élevées pour leur            système qui permettra de suivre et de surveiller
qu’il faut faire respecter la Loi canadienne sur les       conduite professionnelle et personnelle, et on s’attend       systématiquement tout incident présumé de conduite
droits de la personne. Il est tout à fait inadmissible     à ce qu’ils illustrent les valeurs canadiennes, y             haineuse au sein de l’organisation. Elles auront
qu’un membre des FAC participe à une activité ou           compris le respect de la diversité, qu’ils soient ici au      également accès à l’expertise en la matière par
soit membre d’une organisation ou d’un groupe liés         pays ou à l’étranger, » a-t-il dit. « Tout cas d’inconduite   l’intermédiaire d’un réseau de chercheurs qui se
à des activités criminelles ou incitant à la haine, à la   de la part d’un militaire diminue notre autorité en           spécialisent dans le radicalisme et l’extrême droite
violence, à la discrimination ou au harcèlement, sur       tant que force du bien dans la société canadienne et          au Canada et à l’échelle internationale (page Web
la base des motifs de distinction illicite énoncés dans    dans le monde entier. Chaque employé de l’équipe du           MINDS).
la Loi canadienne sur les droits de la personne.           ministère de la Défense nationale (MDN) et des FAC               Chaque employé de l’équipe du MDN et des FAC
   Même si, selon un rapport de la police militaire pour   a un rôle à jouer dans le cadre de nos efforts visant         a un rôle à jouer dans le cadre de nos efforts visant
2013-2018, peu de membres des FAC ont été impliqués        à éliminer le racisme et les préjugés sous toutes             à éliminer le racisme et les préjugés sous toutes
dans des incidents liés à la haine ou au racisme au        leurs formes, qu’ils soient conscients ou non. Nous           leurs formes, qu’ils soient conscients ou non. Nous
cours de cette période, la discrimination, y compris       écouterons, nous apprendrons et nous agirons; nous            écouterons, nous apprendrons et nous agirons; nous
le racisme systémique, continue d’exister au sein          nous attendons à des progrès mesurables au fur et à           nous attendons à des progrès mesurables au fur et à
de l’organisation, et c’est totalement inacceptable.       mesure que nous cherchons à changer les choses. »             mesure que nous cherchons à changer les choses.
Nous savons aussi, selon des études de Statistique            Les dirigeants militaires et civils de l’Équipe de la         Pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements sur la
Canada, que les incidents liés à la haine et au racisme    Défense font des efforts coordonnés conjointement             politique des FAC sur la conduite haineuse, veuillez
ne sont pas tous déclarés par les victimes par crainte     pour qu’il y ait une compréhension partagée du                consulter notre page intranet sur la conduite haineuse.
de représailles ou parce qu’elles ont l’impression         nouveau cadre stratégique pour tous les membres de
qu’aucune mesure n’est prise pour que les agresseurs       la Défense nationale. La Défense nationale demeure
Piper, pipe that tune again - Trident Newspaper
7                                                                                                                                       TRIDENT NEWS JULY 27, 2020

Flag installation marks continued effort
toward reconciliation at CFB Halifax
By Elizabeth Sharpe,
CFB Halifax PA Intern

   A Mi’kmaq Grand Council flag has        is important to note that Mi’kma’ki is      development and promotion of Indige-        “The biggest challenge we face is
found its home inside the newly built      not her territory, but she is extremely     nous Peoples within the CAF and DND.        maintaining focus and attention on
Common Support Training Facility           grateful to have been accepted by the         Cmdre Bowen believes that the             the cultural shifts that are neces-
(CSTF) at CFB Halifax. The flag was        Mi’kmaw community in Halifax when           Mi’kmaq flag being permanently on           sary to address systemic racism,” he
installed during an intimate ceremo-       she was posted here during her mili-        display at the CSTF is significant in       explains. “Humans can have short
ny on June 19, 2020 – just two days        tary service. She is now an elder of the    remembering the historical relation-        attention spans, and there is always
before Canadians recognized National       Indigenous community in Halifax, as         ship between the CAF community              a new crisis or tragedy to distract
Indigenous Peoples Day, a commem-          well as the Community Planner at the        and Indigenous Peoples in Canada.           attention, but overcoming racism,
oration marked annually on June 21.        Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre.           “It’s important that the Defence Com-       and promoting greater diversity and
The CSTF’s drill shed displays the         Since her retirement from the mil-          munity recognize the contributions          inclusivity, requires focused atten-
Canadian flag, followed by each of         itary, CPO2 (ret’d) Eisan has main-         that Indigenous Peoples have made           tion over a long period of time in
the provincial and territorial flags       tained her connection to the local          throughout the history of our organi-       order to generate the fundamental
in the order that they joined Confed-                                                                                              cultural changes Canadians want.”
eration, and now the Mi’kmaq flag.                                                                                                 Cmdre Bowen will be handing over
This flag installation was both signif-                                                                                            the role of ADAAG Champion in the
icant and symbolic, as CFB Halifax is                                                                                              coming weeks, and leaves a clear
located on Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral                                                                                                vision for his successor. “My overar-
and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq                                                                                               ching goals have been to demonstrate
people. This territory is covered by                                                                                               that the DND and CAF is an inclusive
the Treaties of Peace and Friendship                                                                                               and welcoming career option for Indig-
which Mi’kmaq and Wolastoqiyik                                                                                                     enous Peoples, encouraging them to
(Maliseet) People first signed with                                                                                                join the organization and add to its
the British Crown in 1725. The trea-                                                                                               growing diversity.”
ties did not deal with surrender of                                                                                                   For CPO2 (ret’d) Eisan, these active
lands and resources but in fact rec-                                                                                               efforts from the local Defence commu-
ognized Mi’kmaq and Wolastoqiyik                                                                                                   nity to engage with and learn from In-
(Maliseet) title and established the                                                                                               digenous communities have been well
rules for what was to be an ongo-                                                                                                  received, and should most certainly
ing relationship between nations.                                                                                                  continue.
LCdr Todd Harnish, Naval Fleet                                                                                                        “Reconciliation is about people
School (Atlantic) (NFS(A)) Seaman-                                                                                                 working side by side, not in front
ship and Leadership Division Com-                                                                                                  and behind, which is why we like to
mander, was grateful to be present for                                                                                             say reconcili-action instead. It isn’t
the flag installation ceremony, as his                                                                                             about what you say, it’s about how
team is responsible for the seaman-                                                                                                you act,” she explains. “I wish I could
ship training that takes place within                                                                                              just snap my fingers and have every-
the walls of the CSTF.                                                                                                             one understand, but I know that’s
   “With many personnel travelling         Indigenous community leaders Raymond Sewell (left) and CPO2 (ret’d) Debbie Eisan        not how it works. I am proud to be
through this new facility for their        hold the Mi’kmaq Grand Council Flag during a flag installation ceremony inside the      a part of National Defence and the
seamanship training, having the            Common Support Training Facility at CFB Halifax on June 19, 2020.                       CAF, and it’s great that the military
Mi’kmaq flag on display will be a re-                                                                      CPL IAN THOMPSON, FIS   is very open to this reconciliation.”
minder to our sailors of the ongoing ef-                                                                                           One crucial piece of this reconciliation
forts of the Navy to maintain a strong     CAF community through various               zation, as that relationship goes back      is the continued effort to learn more
relationship with Indigenous Peoples       workshops and events at CFB Hali-           to the founding of our armed forces         about Indigenous history, and CPO2
in the future,” explains LCdr Harnish.     fax – such as this flag installation – in   in service to Canada and beyond.”           (ret’d) Eisan can recommend some
“Our hope is that [the presence of the     which she participates as an Indig-         Before the COVID-19 pandemic al-            excellent resources. “I just want peo-
flag] and other areas of the building      enous educator, representative and          tered the working arrangements of           ple to know that if they want to learn
dedicated to Canada’s Indigenous Peo-      healer. Through these engagements,          many local Defence Team members,            more, they should drop by a Mi’kmaw
ples, their artifacts and their stories,   she has observed a notable improve-         the ADAAG was working to promote            Native Friendship Centre – there
will educate users of the facility and     ment in Indigenous relations since          CAF relationships with the local            are 126 in Canada in all of the major
will welcome First Nations, Inuit and      her time as an active CAF member.           Indigenous community in the lead-           cities. Anyone can take part in activ-
Metis People into the military and this    “They are listening and understand-         up to the (now postponed) 2020 North        ities at the Centres, such as blanket
facility,” he adds.                        ing, and they are understanding             American Indigenous Games (NAIG),           exercises or culture showcases and
   Two respected Indigenous commu-         what working together means,” she           which were supposed to take place           presentations. Powwows are a great
nity leaders, CPO2 (ret’d) Debbie Ei-      explains. “When I joined the military,      this summer in Kjipuktuk (Halifax),         event to learn about our traditions and
san and Raymond Sewell, led the flag       you wouldn’t expect to see a Smudging       Millbrook First Nation, and Aldershot,      customs, once they start up again. We
installation ceremony, accompanied         Ceremony at a Change of Command             Nova Scotia. Additionally, the group        are very open to sharing our culture.”
by local CAF leadership. Sewell, an        Ceremony. Now, I have been invited          regularly supports recruiting efforts       Thank you, Debbie and Raymond for
l’nu from the Mi’kmaq community of         to conduct a Smudging at Changes of         and engagement with local Indigenous        your continued participation in many
Pabineau First Nation in New Bruns-        Command and other different events,         communities by having its members           CAF/DND events, including this most
wick, works at Saint Mary’s Univer-        it’s truly remarkable.”           Cmdre     participate in forums, meetings and         recent flag raising ceremony, and for
sity in Halifax as Indigenous Student      Matt Bowen, Champion of the Atlantic        discussion when opportunities per-          the leadership and education you con-
Advisor and a religious studies lectur-    Defence Aboriginal Advisory Group           mit. Going forward, Cmdre Bowen is          tinue to provide to our members and
er. CPO2 (ret’d) Eisan is an Indigenous    (ADAAG), was on hand for the flag           planning to focus the ADAAG efforts         local communities.
elder and Royal Canadian Navy vet-         installation ceremony. The ADAAG            on addressing systemic racism, espe-
eran, originally from Sault Ste. Marie     is dedicated to providing advice and        cially now in a time where the world is
in Northern Ontario; she is Ojibway        insight to senior leadership on issues      putting a magnifying glass on an-
from the Batchewana First Nation. It       affecting the recruitment, retention,       ti-Black and anti-Indigenous racism.
Piper, pipe that tune again - Trident Newspaper
8                                                                                                                                             TRIDENT NEWS JULY 27, 2020

Sundowners = comic relief
By Peter Mallett, The Lookout Staff

                                                                           CPO2 Chris Fraser is making us giggle by              line ceremony certificates, and tattoos.
                                                                         releasing his private collection of single-pane           Cartoons are a recent addition stemming
                                                                         pen-and-ink cartoons.                                   from stay-at-home orders because of the
                                                                           Cartooning, he says, comes easily because hu- COVID-19 pandemic. During his off time,
                                                                         mour abounds in everyday life and he doesn’t            because he couldn’t get out and socialize, he
                                                                         need to look too far to find it.                        worked his imagination and art skills.
                                                                           “My artwork is really about the process of              “Other than my family nobody else has seen
                                                                         looking around at the world in front of me in           my drawings. Whenever my son Andriy takes
                                                                         Dockyard, being well versed in common puns,             a look he knows right away it’s just my sense
                                                                         and being able to twist them into a naval situ-         of humour or what he calls ‘Dad jokes.’ Mean-
                                                                         ation to add some levity,” he says. “The navy           while, my wife [Natalia] isn’t as enthusiastic
                                                                         has its own language and sometimes it’s easy to and normally just rolls her eyes, shakes her
                                                                         take some of the words, names, and acronyms             head, and walks away.”
                                                                         and make them humorous.”                                  The 50-year-old says drawing cartoons helps
                                                                           One example is a tur-                                                         him relax after a hard
                                                                         key talking to a recruit-                                                       work day or even a gru-
                                                                         er – the caption reads:                                                         elling workout.
                                                                         “My family has had                                                                 He’s a seasoned
                                                                         some experience with                                                            athlete, primarily a
                                                                         gravy boats.”                                                                   marathon runner. Last
One of CPO2 Fraser’s cartoons depicts a turkey talking to a recruiter.     On his list of influenc-                                                      year, he ran the Good-
                                                         CPO2 FRASER     ers is legendary car-                                                           life Fitness Victoria 42.2
                                                                         toonist Gary Larson and                                                         km Marathon in full
                                                                         his The Far Side comic                                                          firefighting gear includ-
                                                                         strip, and classic British                                                      ing a heavy breathing
                                                                         comedy television shows                                                         apparatus and oxygen
                                                                         Monty Python and Allo                                                           tank as a fundraiser for
                                                                         Allo!                                                                           the Esquimalt Mili-
                                                                           Most of his humour                                                            tary Family Resource
                                                                         has a “naval, but cer-                                                          Centre.
                                                                         tainly not a navel” bent,                                                          His series is called
                                                                         he quips.                                                                       Sundowners, but he
                                                                           He’s let his artistic                                                         hopes they inspire the
                                                                         talent be known in the                                                          opposite reaction.
                                                                         past; in 2005, while                                                               “Even if it’s a differ-
                                                                         working aboard HMCS                                                             ent form of artwork
                                                                         Whitehorse, the com-                                                            from the usual portraits
                                                                         manding officer selected                                                        and landscapes, it has
                                                                         his artwork to appear                                                           the potential to enter-
                                                                         on the gun shield of the                                                        tain people and pick up
                                                                         Kingston Class ship.             During the time of stay-at-home orders re-     their spirits,” he says.
                                                                         He’s designed morale             lated to COVID-19, CPO2 Fraser has begun
                                                                         patches, crossing the            drawing cartoons.
Another of CPO2 Fraser’s cartoons, with a naval theme.                                                                                     SUBMITTED
                                                        CPO2 FRASER
Piper, pipe that tune again - Trident Newspaper
TRIDENT NEWS    JULY 27, 2020                                                                                                                            9

             20 20 CA N A D I A N N AVA L
                                                                Outgoing       FDU(A)
                                                                   Naval Captain
                M EM O R I A L T RUST
                                                                     Bill Wilson credits
   Essay Competition                                                 Scholarship
                                                                team for tackling
   Canadian Naval Review will be holding its annual
   essay competition again in 2020. There will be a
                                                                 The Naval Association of Canada - Calgary Branch is
                                                                 pleased to announce the Naval Captain Bill Wilson
                                                                 Scholarship. The scholarship is designed to encour-
   prize of $1,000 for the best essay, provided by the           ageRyan
                                                                By   academic  study of matters relating to maritime
   Canadian Naval Memorial Trust. The winning es-               Trident Staff
                                                                 security and defence. It will be awarded for the first
   say will be published in CNR. (Other non-winning              time in 2020.
   essays will also be considered for publication, sub-
                                                                 The $5,000 scholarship is available to a Canadian
   ject to editorial review.)
                                                                 student who is applying to, or is enrolled in, a Mas-
                                                                 ters program in military and strategic studies for the
   Essays submitted to the contest should relate to the fol-
                                                                 academic year 2020-2021.
   lowing topics:
                                                                 For information on how to apply, contact Jeff Gilm-
    •   Canadian maritime security;
                                                                 our at jeffgilmour@telus.net.
    •   Canadian naval policy;
    •   Canadian naval issues;
    •   Canadian naval operations;
    •   History/historical operations

        of the Canadian Navy;
        Global maritime issues (such as piracy,
                                                                       Battle of the Atlantic
        smuggling, fishing, environment);                                       Gala
    •   Canadian oceans policy and issues;
    •   Arctic maritime issues;                                 From left, outgoing CO LCdr Patrick Fournier, Cmdre Richard Feltham, and incoming
    •   Maritime transport and shipping.                         Every
                                                                CO LCdr spring    we remember
                                                                         Neville Lockyer           the Battle
                                                                                         sign the Change       of thecertificates
                                                                                                         of Command   Atlantic,during a ceremony at
                                                                FDU(A) on June 30.
                                                                 the longest continuous military campaign in the Sec-                      12 WING IMAGING
   If you have any questions about a particular topic, con-      ond World War.
   tact cnrcoord@icloud.com                                       In a farewell address to his crew, the         vide as he prepares for a move to Ottawa
                                                                 Save the date.
                                                                Commanding           OnofTh
                                                                                 Officer      ursday,
                                                                                            Fleet Diving30 April and2020,     the within
                                                                                                                      a new role    Na- CJOC.
                                                                Unit (Atlantic) described the intense              Cmdre Richard Feltham, Command-
                                                                 val Association of Canada will hosterthe
                                                                pace of work like a flashbang, one that
                                                                                                                       Battle of the
                                                                                                                    CANFLTLANT, welcomed LCdr
   Contest Guidelines and Judging                                Atlantic
                                                                went         Gala
                                                                       off when      Dinner.
                                                                                 he was         It will
                                                                                          appointed       be heldLockyer
                                                                                                       to the     in Ottawabackat to the
                                                                                                                                     the tight-knit FDU(A)
    • Submissions for the 2020 CNR essay competi-                Canadian War Museum. On Friday, 1 May, NAC will
                                                                position   two years  ago,  and never    let up. community      that he’s previously been a
                                                                  “It’s like a freight train coming              part of, and also thanked LCdr Fournier
      tion must be received at cnrcoord@icloud.                  hold a with
                                                                through    national
                                                                                no wayconference.
                                                                                         to stop it. The only    for leading the unit’s recent successes.
      com by Wednesday, 30 September 2020.                      thing we can do is steer it in the right           “FDU has always been relied upon to
    • Submissions are not to exceed 3,000 words                  For information
                                                                direction,”  said LCdr about
                                                                                         Patrickthe      gala andcontribute
                                                                                                   Fournier,       the conference,
                                                                                                                              to difficult and dangerous
                                                                 seehe the
                                                                            NAC  handed
                                                                                   website over command          missions on short notice. That contin-
      (excluding references). Longer submissions                to his successor, LCdr Neville Lockyer,          ued, all over the world, under Patrick’s
      will be penalized in the adjudication process.            during a ceremony at FDU(A) on June              leadership. The unit never flinched,”
                                                                30.                                              Cmdre Feltham said.
    • Submissions cannot have been                                He described his 24 months in charge             In addressing his new unit for the first
      published elsewhere.                                      as being full of unprecedented challeng-         time as Commander of FDU(A), LCdr
                                                                es for the busy unit, including equip-           Lockyer recalled completing his ship’s
    • All submissions must be in electronic for-                ment issues with rebreathers, So    jettyyou
                                                                                                           and don't
                                                                                                                       diver course in 2004, a turning
      mat and any accompanying photographs,                     boat troubles, and of course, the  any of the point
                                                                                                       disrup-    action,
                                                                                                                        in his career that inspired a move
                                                                tions brought on by COVID-19. LCdr               from the Reserve to the Regular Force.
      images, or other graphics and tables must                 Fournier said the adaptabilitymake   of his sure you     follow
                                                                                                                   “I knew   then that the clearance diving
      also be included as a separate file.                      people was impressive to witness,  us on andTwitter,
                                                                                                                       @         with these highly motivat-
                                                                he was sure to credit not only the unit’s        ed individuals, was what I was looking
   The essays will be assessed by a panel of judges on                                             CdnNavalReview
                                                                divers, but the military and civilian            for, and what was missing from my
                                                                support staff that make up about half of         career,” he said.
   the basis of a number of criteria including readability,     the FDU(A) team.                                   “For the past 16 years, I’ve dreamed of
   breadth, importance, accessibility and relevance. The          “They might think they’re just doing           standing exactly where i am right now.”
                                                                their jobs, but they are all absolutely            LCdr Lockyer expressed gratitude to
   decision of the judges is final. All authors will be noti-       And checktoout
                                                                contributing      theBroadsides,      our online discussion
                                                                                      incredible mission         LCdr Fournier forum
                                                                                                                                   for his work over the
   fied of the judges’ decision within two months of the              www.navalreview.ca/broadsides-discussion-forum
                                                                success of FDU.”                                 last two years, and said he’s excited for
   submission deadline.                                           He also gave an emotional thank you            the hard work, challenges and surprises
                                                                to his wife and two children for their           that lie ahead for the unit.
                                                                support during his busy command, and
                                                                for the support they’ll continue to pro-
Piper, pipe that tune again - Trident Newspaper
TRIDENT NEWS         JULY 27, 2020                                                                                                                                    10

RCN is going to the
polls to consult on
changes to Rank
By Navy PA

  As the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN)        posts will invite retired members,
maintains its momentum toward             stakeholders and interested Canadi-
a more inclusive environment, an          ans to also participate. The engage-
effort has been initiated to consider     ment period will run from July 17,
new rank designations for our junior      through to the end of the month, July
ranks that will result in more inclu-
sive and gender-neutral terms than
the current Ordinary, Able, Leading
                                            Options for consideration include:
                                            Replacing Seaman with Sailor
                                                                                      Change of Command in
                                                                                      HMCS Ville de Quebec
and Master Seaman.                        meaning ranks would be Ordinary
  The RCN would like to engage            Sailor, Able Sailor, Leading Sailor
with currently serving and retired        and Master Sailor and would main-
members, stakeholders, and other          tain their current abbreviated titles
interested Canadians to receive their     (OS, AB, LS and MS); and                    Cdr Michael Eelhart (left), outgoing Commanding Officer of HMCS Ville De Quebec,
feedback on this issue.                     Sailor classes such as Sailor 3rd         Cmdre Rich Feltham, Reviewing Officer (centre) and incoming Commanding Officer,
  The potential alternative rank          Class (S3), Sailor 2nd Class (S2), Sail-    Cdr Norman Gautreau (right) sign the change of command certificates during a cere-
designations were arrived upon by a       or 1st Class (S1) and Master Sailor         mony aboard HMCS Ville De Quebec, in HMC Dockyard on July 7, 2020.
focus group consisting of Non-Com-        (MS).                                                                                                    CPL IAN THOMPSON, FIS
missioned Members, and were                 There will also be an open feedback
reviewed by the Directorate of Gen-       field that will allow respondents to
der, Diversity and Inclusion using        suggest alternative options for con-
Gender Based Analysis +.                  sideration.
  The RCN is an organization                The results of this poll will be con-
steeped in history, and while tradi-      sidered in making the final decision
tions provide an important part of        to effect changes to these rank desig-
our culture, our Service also needs to    nations this fall, corresponding with
continuously evolve, and live up to       the 110th Anniversary of the RCN
our standing as a progressive Service     and the 20th Anniversary of UNSCR
and, indeed, one of Canada’s Top          1325: Women, Peace and Security.
Employers (2019).                         This is an opportunity for the RCN to
  Sailors from across the CAF will        reinforce its commitment to being an
receive an e-mailed invitation to par-    inclusive and diverse organization.
ticipate in the poll, and Social Media

                                                                                      CTV Morning Live Atlantic
Change of Command in
                                                                                      visits Capt (N) Mazur
HMCS St. John’s                                                                       On July 17, Capt(N) Mazur met with CTV Morning Live Atlantic host Ana Almeida
During the Change of Command ceremony in HMCS St. John’s on July 7, Cdr Mi-           to chat about his time as CFB Halifax Base Commander, on the eve of his last three
chael Eelhart (left), incoming Commanding Officer, Cmdre Rich Feltham (centre),       weeks in Command. You can watch the coverage of his one-on-one interview and
Reviewing Officer, and Cdr Peter Sproule (right), outgoing Commanding Officer,        him practicing yoga with PSP Halifax Fitness Instructor Mary Thompson on the
sign the Change of Command certificates.                                              CFB Halifax Facebook Page.
                                                              CPL IAN THOMPSON, FIS                                                              MARGARET CONWAY, BPAO
11                                                                                                                            TRIDENT NEWS JULY 27, 2020

Face of the Base:
LS Chelsea Alexi and                                                              Face of the Base:
PO2 Nadia Pona                                                                    Matthieu Legace-Seguin
                                                                                     Meet one of our newest Faces of Base: Matthieu Legace-Seguin.
  On July 8, CFB Halifax had a double Face of Base feature: LS Chelsea
                                                                                  Matthieu is in his second year at Mount Saint Vincent University,
Alexi and PO2 Nadia Pona, Defence Team members, who play clarinet and
                                                                                  where he is studying Public Relations. He is currently completing his
bassoon respectively for the Stadacona Band. Often mistaken for sisters,
                                                                                  first summer co-op at CFB Halifax as Head of the Communications
the duo is virtually inseparable when not physically distancing. LS Alexi,
                                                                                  Section for Real Properties Operation Unit Atlantic, where his respon-
originally from Ontario, is a proponent of healthy living, including advo-
                                                                                  sibilities include creating social media content and writing articles and
cating for the ethical treatment of animals. Her penchant for fitness and
                                                                                  press releases. Matthieu is bilingual which helps him in his role as a
athletics has her moving nonstop, even famously leading the Stad Band in
                                                                                  communicator and storyteller. In terms of adjusting to the workplace
an intensive combat/aerobic style PT class spurred by her own initiative.
                                                                                  during COVID-19, he has adapted well but finds he has found it chal-
PO2 Pona hails from BC but is proud to now call Halifax home. She has a
                                                                                  lenging at times due to the lack of social interactions, which can hinder
long history of volunteering and charity work, including independently
                                                                                  the content creation process. That being said, Matthieu is loving his
funding a scholarship for aspiring music students in her home province,
                                                                                  time working at CFB Halifax. During his time off, Matthieu’s hobbies
fostering animals for the SPCA, and most recently serving as a Move
                                                                                  include working on cars and computers, as well as fishing. Thank you,
Coordinator for Shelter Movers Nova Scotia, an organization committed
                                                                                  Matthieu, for supporting the Base this summer and helping to tell our
to relocating survivors of domestic violence. While working from home,
both ladies are enjoying discovering new healthy recipes, creative ways
                                                                                                                                      ARIANE GUAY-JADAH, BPAO
to exercise and planning a number of musical projects. In the meantime,
they would like to remind you to wash your hands, stay healthy and look
for them on parade in the future. Bravo Zulu, Nadia and Chelsea, and
thank you for your service!

                                                                             CFB Halifax flies the
                                                                             Pride flag
                                                                             On July 16, in honour of the 33rd Halifax Pride Festival, CFB Halifax flew the Pride
                                                                             flag at both Base HQ and Admiral’s Gate at Stadacona, as a sign of respect, inclusion
                                                                             and acknowledgement of the struggles faced by LGBTQ2+ Defence members and the
                                                                             larger community. CFB Halifax is dedicated to being an organization where everyone
                                                                             feels respected, welcomed and safe in the workplace. CFB Halifax is committed to bet-
                                                                             ter understanding the unique challenges faced by our LGBTQ2+ members while pro-
                                                                             viding training and educational opportunities to Defence Team members through the
                                                                             Positive Space Initiative and the Maritime Defence Pride Network. These groups foster
                                                                             safe environments for LGBTQ2+ Defence Team members and their allies while encour-
                                                                             aging open dialogue, striving for meaningful change, and cultivating a more inclusive
                                                                             community., for supporting the Base this summer and helping to tell our stories.
                                                                                                                                          ARIANE GUAY-JADAH, BPAO
12                                                                                                                                       TRIDENT NEWS JULY 27, 2020

HMCS Oriole spending summer
closer to home
By Ryan Melanson,
Trident Staff

   The 2020 sailing season is looking a    sailboat, which is one of a kind            Reserve Force members, some of who           the ropes has made the last few weeks
little different than expected for HMCS    in the fleet,” PO1 Foster said.             are getting their first taste of this type   exciting.
Oriole.                                      Along with its core crew of five who      of sailing. LS Andrew Green, the Chief         “I’ve sailed before, but a lot of this is
   While the original 2020 program had     are on board all year, this summer’s        Bosn’s’ Mate, said seeing some of those      still new for myself and the crew, learn-
the RCN’s oldest commissioned vessel       Oriole crew is made up of Regular and       new sailors utilizing teamwork to learn      ing our positions and what does what,
set for an east coast outreach deploy-                                                                                              especially for the people who haven’t
ment around the Maritime provinces                                                                                                  done this previously. It’s been great to
and Quebec, including a stop in New                                                                                                 see everybody come together and form
York Fleet Week, those plans have                                                                                                   into a working unit that can go up and
obviously been changed.                                                                                                             downwind safely.”
   Things also got started later than                                                                                                 As with other CAF units, Oriole has
usual for Oriole; most of this year’s                                                                                               made a number of changes to the daily
crew arrived in June, and day sails                                                                                                 routine in order to fight the spread of
didn’t start until the beginning of                                                                                                 COVID-19, with physical distancing re-
July.                                                                                                                               quirements on board changing things
   “This summer so far we’ve been                                                                                                   like the meal schedule and where sail-
focused on training the crew up in                                                                                                  ors position themselves on the deck.
how to sail and how to rig the boat,                                                                                                When work requires members to be in
which is a big job in itself,” said PO1                                                                                             close contact, they wear face coverings.
Ian Foster, Oriole’s Coxn, adding that                                                                                                Despite those challenges and the
along with training, the focus for the                                                                                              changes to their overall program, PO1
summer will be on local outreach.                                                                                                   Foster said the crew is still looking for-
This started with the sailing ketch                                                                                                 ward to a great summer of sailing and
attending the weekly race night at the                                                                                              to showing the boat off to locals who
Royal Nova Scotia Yacht Squadron                                                                                                    don’t always get a chance to see it.
on July 15, and Oriole plans to contin-                                                                                               “The crew has definitely made the
ue working with local sailing clubs                                                                                                 most of their summer so far, and
through the season.                                                                                                                 they’re enjoying the chance to learn
   “This will likely become a regular                                                                                               how to rig and sail a large vessel like
activity for us. It’s a great chance to                                                                                             this. Everyone’s in good spirits and
show off Oriole to the local commu-                                                                                                   we’re adapting to the new ways of
                                             Other local sailboats are seen in the water during the Royal Nova Scotia Yacht
nity and let people see this piece of                                                                                               doing business.”
                                             Squadron’s weekly race night.
history that we have. It’s a 99-year-old
                                                                                                        MONA GHIZ, MARLANT PA

LCdr Drew Foran, CO of HMCS Oriole, speaks to his crew before heading to a race         Members of HMCS Oriole’s deck department.
night at the Royal Nova Scotia Yacht Squadron on July 15.                                                                                               MONA GHIZ, MARLANT PA
                                                             MONA GHIZ, MARLANT PA
13                                                                                                                                 TRIDENT NEWS JULY 27, 2020

                                                                     The sport of Lifesaving
                                                                     By Ashley Blanchard
                                                                     PSP Aquatics Coordinator of Shearwater Fitness, Sports & Recreation Centre

                                                                        I became passionate about lifesaving at a        ticipants’ swi strokes and provides the
                                                                     very young age. At the time, I simply wanted        foundational skills to prepare for Bronze
                                                                     to save people; I also loved anything wa-           Medal Award certifications (Bronze Star,
                                                                     ter-related. Being in the pool felt, and still      Medallion and Cross). There are no age
                                                                     feels, like a second home to me. I completed        requirements to participate in the program,
                                                                     my bronze award courses as soon as I met            but only the ability to swim a minimum of
                                                                     the age requirements. I was hired as a junior       50 metres. The Swim Patrol program will
                                                                     lifeguard at only 14 years in 2003. I remem-        be offered during the next session of group
                                                                     ber my first rescue (as an assistant) like it       swimming lessons at the pool in Shearwater.
                                                                     was yesterday - a head injury off the diving        Shearwater Fitness, Sports and Recreation
                                                                     blocks. I did my best as the assistant to treat     has also started a Junior Lifeguard team,
                                                                     the child, who was actually only a few years        called the Pickled Herrings, for participants
                                                                     younger than me, under the guidance of the          as young as eight years old.
                                                                     National Lifeguard (senior lifeguard) on the           Participants must have the ability to swim
                                                                     pool deck.I felt so proud of myself - this was      a minimum of 50 meters of strong front
                                                                     what I had trained for over the last couple         crawl in order to join the club. I was very
                                                                     months. I walked to the staff room with             proud, as one of the coaches, of a few of our
                                                                     pride, after using my first aid skills for the      new members who participated in a local
                                                                     first time, and... poof! I blacked out. I realize   competition in March after only attending a
                                                                     now the level of stress that I was under at         few practices. They had a fantastic opportu-
                                                                     the time, especially for a 14-year-old, and         nity to, not only compete in their age groups,
                                                                     how I wished that I had more opportuni-             but to spectate during other age groups’
                                                                     ties to better prepare myself for lifesaving.       competitions and socialize with other teams.
                                                                     No one really told me that there would be           If you have any questions regarding Life-
                                                                     blood... sometimes a lot of it AND that water       saving Sport or aquatic leadership certifica-
                                                                     makes it seem like there is so much more.           tions in Shearwater, please do not hesitate to
                                                                     The situation did not deter me, however,            reach out to me, Ashley Blanchard. I would
                                                                     from lifeguarding, but taught me the impor-         love to develop a strong team with a variety
                                                                     tance of being prepared, both mentally and          of age groups and skills!
                                                                     physically, for real-life situations. Fast             I have provided the links below for more
                                                                     forward 17 years and I still love aquatics -        information. Fill your boots!
                                                                     this is my passion! I often think of ways to
                                                                     motivate and attract young people to the            Rick Mercer and Competitive Lifesaving:
                                                                     trade; to provide guidance to lifesavers and          https://www.youtube.com/
                                                                     prepare them for the duties of a lifeguard.         watch?v=Go6KxM_H5Cw&feature=emb_
                                                                     One of the best programs for lifesavers of          logo
The RCN’s oldest commissioned vessel will be focusing on local
                                                                     all ages is Lifesaving Sport, also known as         Follow Lifesaving Sport NS on Facebook
outreach this season after being forced to change plans due to
                                                                     Junior Lifeguard.                                   or check out the Lifesaving NS website
                                                                         Lifesaving Sport is governed by The             for more information:
                                             MONA GHIZ, MARLANT PA
                                                                     Lifesaving Society in Canada. It is recog-            https://sport.lifesavingns.ca/home
                                                                     nized by both the International Olympic             https://www.facebook.com/Lifesav-
                                                                     Committee and Commonwealth Games                    ing-Sport-Nova-Scotia-656532068136287
                                                                     Federation - it is the only sport whose skills      https://www.youtube.com/watch…
                                                                     are first learned for humanitarian purpos-            mb_logo
                                                                     es. Although it was intended to encourage           International Life Saving Federation/

Sports update
                                                                     lifesavers to develop and maintain their            Lifesaving World Championships:
                                                                     essential skills as lifeguards, it has evolved        https://www.ilsf.org/lifesaving-sport/
                                                                     into a variety of competitions at local (re-        disciplines/
                                                                     gional), national and international levels.         World Games:
                                                                     It is a sport that tests both the physical and        https://www.theworldgames.org/sports/
By CFMWS National Sports
                                                                     mental skills of participants to demonstrate        Life-Saving-33
                                                                     the skills required to save lives. Yes - it is      Becoming a coach:
  There have been ongoing efforts related to CAF Business            competitive lifeguarding and it is amazing!           https://sport.lifesavingns.ca/sport-clinics
Resumption and the return to sport is no exception. How-             Lifesaving Sport events are even divided            For information on lifeguard/leadership
ever, given the nature of sport we need to face the reality          into pool, beach and surf events. Generally,        course, visit the Lifesaving SocietyNova
that a return to sport, as with many other services, will be         participants specialize and compete in one          Scotia website:
different for the foreseeable future. Given these realities the      of the three classes. Sport is divided by male        http://www.lifesavingsociety.ns.ca/index.
organization of national and international championships             and female competitors; age groups; and             php
is not realistic in the short term. It is thus with great disap-     team events. Competing at higher levels of          Lifesaving Sport - Pool
pointment that we announce that the 2020 National Volley-            competition requires lifeguard certifica-             https://www.youtube.com/
ball, Basketball, Ball Hockey, Triathlon, Running, and Soc-          tions, particularly the surf and beach events.      watch?v=ImuR2R7-A8U
cer Championships have been cancelled. Furthermore, all              A great introduction to Lifesaving Sport is         Lifesaving Sport - Beach
competitions, CISM and international events, which were to           the Canadian Swim Patrol program, which               https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8I-
be held abroad, are cancelled until December 31, 2020.               consists of three levels, Rookie Patrol, Rang-      cR1txQA3M
  Decisions regarding regional competitions will depend on           er Patrol and Star Patrol. It is an on-ramp to      Lifesaving Sport - Surf
provincial guidelines and those issued by Commands and               lifeguarding and focuses on swimming, first           https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khs_
Base/Wing Comds. More to follow in the next few months.              aid and lifesaving skills.                          twVIV9A
                                                                        The program continues to develop par-
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