CTUR THEMATIC NETWORK - Ninth Seminar, Final Conference - URBACT
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CTUR THEMATIC NETWORK Ninth Seminar, Final Conference July 7 - 8 2011 Naples (Italy) “Naples: The port in the heart of the city” The report, written by Pauline Geoghegan, CTUR Thematic Expert, refers to the work and contribution of the Naples seminar participants, Gaetano Mollura CTUR Lead Partner, Vittorio Torbianelli, CTUR Lead Expert and the CTUR partners and participants that attended the meeting. Anna Arena, Cristina Fato, Maria Luna Nobile and Gio- vanni Hoffmann, Lead Partner staff contributed to the editing of this report.
CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................... 1 2. PREPARATORY MEETING OF PROJECT PARTNERS ................................................................. 1 3. OPENING SESSION ............................................................................................................................... 2 4. THE CITY OF NAPLES 2021: “CITTÀ BASSA” AND PORT AREA - WHAT DEVELOPMENT FOR THE WATERFRONT OF NAPLES .................................................................... 3 5. URBACT II – THE EUROPEAN PROGRAMME FOR URBAN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT ............................................................................................................................................ 5 6. INTRODUCTION TO THE CTUR NETWORK ACTIVITIES ......................................................... 5 7. TRIBUTE TO RACHEL RODRIGUES MALTA ................................................................................. 9 8. PRESENTATION OF THE CTUR PARTNERS’ OUTPUTS ............................................................ 9 9. NAPLES, THE CTUR HOST PARTNER CITY ............................................................................... 15 10. THE CTUR FINAL REPORT: OUTPUTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS................................... 17 11. CTUR RESULTS AND OUTPUTS: A POINT OF VIEW OF AIVP .............................................. 21 12. INTRODUCTION TO THE CASE STUDY, THE MOLO BEVERELLO TRANSFORMATION IN THE WATERFRONT PROJECT ......................................................................................................... 22 13. THE CRUISE AND THE CITY ........................................................................................................... 23 14. INTRODUCTION TO THE CASE STUDY, THE ARCHEOLOGICAL PIAZZA MUNICIPIO UNDERGROUND STATION PROJECT BY ALVARO SIZA ................................................................ 28 15. FINANCIAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE URBACT LOCAL ACTION PLANS ....................... 29 16. THE CTUR NETWORK EXPERIENCE OVER THREE YEARS: A HAPPY ENDING STORY THAT MUST BE CONTINUED? .............................................................................................................. 29 Appendix 1: agenda of the Naples seminar................................................................................................................30 Appendix 2: participants at the Naples seminar ........................................................................................................33 Appendix 3: Power Point Presentations made during the meeting in Naples ............................................................35 I
URBACT CTUR 9th seminar, Final Conference Naples (Italy) July 7- 8 2011 1. INTRODUCTION The final event of the CTUR network was first economic impact for both, or is it a false illu- of all important to show the results of the work sion that the cruise traffic is a real opportunity done in the framework of the CTUR Thematic of economic growth for the city? Thirdly with Network through the presentation of the draft public and private economic stakeholders for final report and the opening of the travelling an overview of financial instruments could be exhibition on the CTUR / URBACT Local Ac- possible to activate, in addition to the EU tion Plans. The dissemination of the results Structural Funds, as alternative financial pos- was achieved thanks to the cooperation of the sibilities to implement the Local Action Plans? AIVP (the International Association of City Ports), which had invited its own members to Finally this seminar, besides being a show- Naples. case of CTUR/URBACT II outputs, also aimed to be generally an occasion to highlight the The seminar was also an occasion to deepen critical points that the URBACT Secretariat the state of the art of the host city, the Munici- and the European Commission could take into pality and the Port Authority of Naples, re- account both for the next URBACT II call for spectively lead partner and partner of the net- proposal and an eventual URBACT III Pro- work, through the case study presentations, gramme. discussions and visits to the port, the area of the Local Action Plan and to the site of the The first site visits during the conference en- Municipio Station of the Naples underground tailed a ‘Theatrical visit’ of the Naples Local line 1. This important station is a symbol of Action Plan (organized by Cultural Association quality for the project, because it links modern NarteA) “Città Bassa”, the UNESCO Historic architecture with archaeological findings un- Centre Site / waterfront and meeting with the earthed during construction and for the impor- Naples URBACT Local Support Group mem- tance that it will have from the point of view of bers Consortia Antico Borgo Orefici (Gold- infrastructure, as when it is completed it will smith district) and Antiche Botteghe Tessili open up the pedestrian connection between (Textile; and walking through Piazza Mercato the port and the city, to the station and to the district (natural commercial centre and textile airport. cluster) and Borgo Orefici (natural commercial centre and goldsmith cluster), networking with The final seminar was also an opportunity for the local stakeholders in the “ la Bulla incuba- discussion, firstly with experts and key actors tor”. The second visit gave participants an of the cities on the theme of the waterfront overview of the port area: the waterfront trans- transformation and the new “hardware” and formation area and the new project for the im- “software” relationships between city and port; provement of the infrastructures, with a visit to secondly with the cities and cruise companies the port tower / Molo Beverello and a visit on to understand if it is possible to experiment the site of the case study: the Municipio Un- with new forms of governance to improve the derground station. 2. Preparatory meeting of project partners On the afternoon prior to the event the part- once in the port area, and a second time in ners met to update on progress on their out- the city offices, where the exhibition will re- puts and to put the final touches to the prepa- main on display; in Varna the exhibition had ration of the conference. been on display in the maritime park, where it had gathered interest; in Naples the exhibition Local Action Plan exhibitions had been would firstly be on public display in the mari- launched in the partner cities, including Dub- time terminal where the final event was held, lin, where the exhibition had been ‘opened’ on then would be moved elsewhere in the city, to two occasions, each with a different minister, the site of the Forum of Cultures, and possibly to the university which had been involved in 1
URBACT CTUR 9th seminar, Final Conference Naples (Italy) July 7- 8 2011 the project; in Helsinki the exhibition would be on display at Hernesaari on the occasion of the European sailing championships; in Ali- cante the exhibition will be displayed in the new visitor centre; in Valencia the exhibition will be on display in the RIVA urban regenera- tion office. In the remaining partner cities the exhibitions are also on display in a variety of locations. Partners were reminded by the lead partner that all activities must close by July 19th, with the exception of the accounting of costs in- curred in connection with attendance at the URBACT Summer School in Cracow at the end of August. The lead partner will shortly transfer a tranche of funding to the partners which had sent complete accounts. Two CTUR cities had received a successful sec- ond level control check: Naples and Varna. 1.From the top: Naples Final Conference; CTUR Local Action Plans Exhibition. 3. Opening Session Antonella di Nocera, councillor for Culture and port. Thanks were also extended to the Tourism, City of Naples URBACT Secretariat, namely Jean Loup The participants were welcomed on behalf of Drubigny, Urbact Director, and Raffaele Bar- the new mayor of Naples, Luigi de Magistris. bato for their presence. Since the elections had only taken place a month previously it is a difficult challenge to Gaetano Mollura, CTUR Lead Partner rule the city. They are trying to give back to This project shows how an area of the city can the city the image of its cultural heritage. become productive, not just an area to be passed through, with the Maritime station, port CTUR is an exemplary project to build on their activities, the waterfront project, the Municipio communication to improve the image of the underground station and the pedestrian route town; it is important to thank Gaetano for his linking Municipio to the Maritime terminal. The work, which will be the basis for improving the Naples Local Action Plan is now being widely bridge between the historical centre and the disseminated. 2. From the left: Antonella di Nocera, councillor for Culture and Tourism, City of Naples; Gaetano Mollura, CTUR Lead Partner, Naples Final Conference. 2
URBACT CTUR 9th seminar, Final Conference Naples (Italy) July 7- 8 2011 Aerial photo of città bassa and port area 4. The city of Naples 2021: “Città bassa” and port area - what development for the waterfront of Naples Round Table 1. Antonella di Nocera, Councillor for Culture, City of Naples; Luigi Rispoli, President of the Naples Province Council; Luciano Dassatti, President of the Port Authority of Naples - Part- ner CTUR; Nicola Coccia, President of the “Terminal Napoli”; Domenico Pellegrino, MSC Crociere Managing Director. Moderator: Enzo Agliardi, deputy editor of “Il Denaro” CTUR is a model for sustainable develop- project, with the views and support of the citi- ment, using the waterfront as a driver for de- zens. velopment, and proposing how to integrate the One idea for ‘small steps’ is to set up a pedes- flow of cruise tourism into the trade activities trian pathway to the city centre, for which help of the city, in an area which is an old area, to will be needed from the Port. The city can be- integrate activities with social development. come an important focus for interculture, dia- logue and exchange. Antonella di Nocera, Naples Municipality councillor for Culture and Tourism: the city Luigi Rispoli, President of the Naples Prov- is ready to cooperate with institutions which ince Council: the regions can cooperate with have been working in this field. The strong in- the regeneration around the port. The meeting fluence of cruise tourism must be translated is dealing with an important part of the city into activities. The link between tourists and which has been ignored by other regeneration heritage must be identified, for example by projects. Many tourists experience problems improving pedestrian access as per some of crossing towards the city centre; the challenge the examples in CTUR; these now should be is to guarantee safety for people coming from implemented, so concrete actions are needed. the cruise ships to the city, so the renovation The challenge is to guarantee conditions and of Piazza del Mercato is central to this ques- to improve the quality of life in the area, so the tion for the city and the Campania Region area just behind the port requires attention, which has programmes to make an impact on and the quality of the welcome must be im- the city; no more studies are needed; we must proved, for example by providing better infor- recognise what we already have and draw up mation about the city, and links to the city concrete plans to fight the social degradation transport with specific stops for tourists; it is of the city. Piazza Mercato refers to three key important to grow together and create a joint revolutionary events in the history of the city, 3
URBACT CTUR 9th seminar, Final Conference Naples (Italy) July 7- 8 2011 and has the potential to create a beautiful cen- kind of gateway to the city, and must be a tre integrated with the history of the Piazza, meeting point for trade as well as for multi cul- linked to the Aragon walls and the first Italian tural exchange. Change is needed to cut the railway. This history has been ignored until cultural barrier, and stop the bureaucracy now. We must value what we have, accompa- ‘which is killing everything’. nied by a policy to promote developments in It is agreed that small steps are needed; for the area, to include new jobs and economic example the problems of Molo San Vincenzo development. Studies are in hand about using must be solved to enable more passengers to the Teatro Trianon for shows for cruise tour- pass through the port. Whilst we want cruise ists, with Neapolitan songs. It is hoped that tourists to spend more time in the city there the new municipality will take the lead on this can also be a problem if too many ships arrive project. at any one time. Luciano Dassatti, President of the Port of Domenico Pellegrino, MSC Crociere Man- Naples: we are convinced that city ports are aging Director: companies work in different the most beautiful cities in the world, espe- ways; for example MSC has a ‘Neapolitan cially Naples. The double meaning of ‘CTUR’ heart’; they have implemented professional is important, referring to the urban regenera- training and employ many Neapolitans as both tion but also to ‘your’ city, i.e. the city belong- crew members and suppliers. In the port ing to the inhabitants. We deserve our own cruise tourists were formerly considered as a history of the city, and feel a responsibility to ‘poor’ economy, not interesting for the city, but comply with the city’s needs, as a lively opera- now it has been shown that the cruise industry tional port. Naples is different from other ports is cost effective. The terminal represents which have delocalised their port activities fur- many important companies, who react differ- ther from the city centre: in Naples the port ac- ently from institutional bodies: they must listen tivities are at the heart of the city. to their customers; very few cities can boast Opening up the port means removing the bar- as much heritage as Naples, yet much of the riers between port and city; it is not easy to heritage is nearly destroyed… “we have de- change the urban organisation; over the next stroyed the image of a hospitable city… it is 4-5 years the eastern part of the city will be not friendly”… Naples must be seen as a cleared to make way for cruise tourism. The clean city; when cruise tourists reach the city port is a viable industry, which is made effec- they take it for granted that it is safe. The city tive by the operators. At the same time the must operate in a ‘sporting’ modality and port is close to many important historical build- speed up its interventions; planning is essen- ings, and includes the Maritime Terminal. tial, and the entire economy must be properly Tourists must be welcomed, and must be planned. considered as the ’peace keepers’ so that they feel the hospitality. One way is by the Luigi de Falco, Naples Municipality coun- creation of the link between the Maritime ter- cillor for Urban Planning: Naples is making minal building and the underground station big changes yet all proposals have to be com- designed by Alvaro Siza. Thus “the port lives patible with a 50 year old plan for the port for the city and the city lives for the port”. area. We need to transform the handcrafts production, redefine the legal framework, to Nicola Coccia, President of ‘Terminal Na- be compatible for both the port and the mu- poli”: The waterfront is in a central position in nicipality. Another objective for the port and Naples; there has been a huge expansion in the city is an action plan for the areas over- cruise traffic from 4 000 per year to over 1 mil- looking the port, where recent buildings are lion passengers. Up to 1936 this was the close to the historical fabric. Port activities gateway to Naples, with a great history; now have to comply with concepts of sustainable we can integrate tourism, culture and history. development. In all of this the Municipality Many ports are recovering the waterfront as a must cooperate with the relevant institutions. unique richness. The Maritime terminal is a 4
URBACT CTUR 9th seminar, Final Conference Naples (Italy) July 7- 8 2011 5. URBACT II – The European Programme for urban sustainable development Jean Loup Drubigny, Director of the URBACT Secretariat CTUR has created the Plans. The interim report of the URBACT pro- opportunity to create gramme has shown that if projects have not the debate, to find materialised this has been a problems of in- new ways of working fluence rather than a problem of implementa- together within differ- tion: for 30 – 40% working in URBACT has ent partnerships. The changed their way of working, and 20 – 30% idea of URBACT is to have secured EU funding. create exchange and Terms of reference are now being drawn up to foster integrated development, to be used for URBACT III, adapted to the Europe 2020 by those making decisions; exchanges are strategy for ‘smart, integrated and inclusive’ essential to build a ‘Europe of complementari- development. To enable the Local Support ties’. A shortcoming is the lack of structural Groups to be able to play their role completely links with operational programmes or other the human resources need to be reinforced, funding possibilities. with capacity building for Local Support We need to find ways to create excellence; Groups at national level, to which each Local exchanges should be a way to develop part- Support Group will be able to send 4 – 5 nerships at local level. To do this they must ple. In addition, a pilot is being drawn up for make a ‘step to one side’, and then start build- training for elected members on integrated ing something, in cooperation with their local ban development. “CTUR is a good example partners, including NGOs who also have of what can be learnt and done”. something to say. Local Support Groups have tried to build such local partnerships. To cre- ate an interest in the partnerships we need to make an impact through the Local Action 6. Introduction to the CTUR network activities Gaetano Mollura, CTUR Lead Partner The topic «Cruise Firstly , transforming, regenerating and adapt- traffic and urban re- ing the physical and environmental compo- generation of the city nents of the “city-port system”: increasing the port heritage» was attractiveness of the port city, with the follow- proposed by the City ing subthemes: of Naples in the con- • Attractiveness of the port city. tinuity of work con- • Improvement of the port accessibility and ducted from 2005- safety 2007 in the framework of the working group • Development of functional diversity on the SUDEST - URBACT I. For the waterfront de- port-city interface velopment, cruise activity is offered as a • Protection and enhancement of the port strong element of the port cities’ will to devel- buildings heritage: re-use the industrial and op and reinforce the urban tourism industry port “totems” contributing to solve the tensions between • Resolution of problems of pollution port functions and urban functions, to answer • Management of negative cruise traffic im- to inhabitants’ aspiration in terms of employ- pacts on the environment. ment, quality of life, housing and satisfying of- Second, cruise traffic and port heritage as fers of equipment and public spaces. economic and social impact, with the sub- The three CTUR general themes analyzed in themes of Institution of a good (better) gover- the framework of the integrated approach are: nance between port, city and other local stakeholders, with the sub themes of 5
URBACT CTUR 9th seminar, Final Conference Naples (Italy) July 7- 8 2011 • Development of public-private partnerships • Training courses and vocational education • Participation of the citizens in the decision- adapted to the skills required by the cruise making process industry and tourism • Conception of innovative planning tools • Proposing innovative tourist guides and • Creation of innovative communication tools routes; consciousness raising to re-use the to promote, in a global dimension, the port port heritage in an economic but also in a city. social way. • Allowing and encouraging the access of Thirdly, planning and managing cruise devel- young and low-qualified workers to the em- opment within a global port-city project with ployment opportunities the sub themes of • Offer of social housing. • Evaluation of the cruise and tourism im- pacts on the local/sub-local economy The CTUR methodology has as its key points • Development of the cruise industry sector six seminars on three main topics/subthemes in the port city (nine seminars in total, including the kick off meeting, capitalization meeting and final event): Themes Subthemes Seminars “Physical and environmental Attractiveness of the port city Matosinhos June ’09 components” Regeneration & Environmen- Trieste Sept ’09 tal Concern Cruise facilities & Dublin December ’09 Transport connection “Economic and Social The economic benefit Alicante/Valencia March ’10 Benefits” The social benefit “Governance” Port Heritage and Gover- Rostock July ’10 nance Governance Tools Rhodes Dec ’10 CTUR Meetings on the theme of “Physical hosting city which included each time a focus and environmental components” took place in on case studies, an update on the Local Ac- Matosinhos in June 2009, Trieste in Septem- tion Plans and interaction with Local Support ber 2009 and in Dublin in December 2009; a Group members and CTUR partners, and a meeting on the theme of “Economic and So- focus on update of Managing Authority in- cial Benefits” took place in Alicante/Valencia volvement. in March 2010, and meetings on the theme of Building a Local Support Group within the “Governance “ took place in Rostock in July community involved mobilization of economic, 2010 and in Rhodes in December 2010. In social and environmental resources, reflecting Helsinki in March 2011 a workshop was held on weaknesses and opportunities and on for the Steering Committee, Experts and possible approaches to address weaknesses Managing Authorities, and the final confe- and to transform opportunities into actions. rence in Naples in July 2011. In June 2010 Local Support Group working groups worked CTUR shared a workshop on ‘the cruise pas- on different geometries of collaborations with senger at the encounter of the citizen’ during thematic meetings on a local level, leading to the AIVP conference in Ajaccio. Local Action Plans (LAP) creating Value- At the local level the methodology involved Added, and making the best with communi- CTUR Local Support Group meetings and the ties. involvement of Managing Authorities. At inter- national level this involved meetings in each 6
URBACT CTUR 9th seminar, Final Conference Naples (Italy) July 7- 8 2011 Each partner created an ‘annex’ providing information outlining for each action, for example: A second annex goes into greater detail for each action: A final annex gives information on the planned timing of each project: 7
URBACT CTUR 9th seminar, Final Conference Naples (Italy) July 7- 8 2011 The Local Action Plan in each partner city experience to disseminate, it contains consists of a written document containing an URBACT LAPs thematic outputs and good introduction to the city, the focus area of the practices and general recommendation and Local Action Plan, problems and challenges conclusions. These are available on the and the main Urbact Local Support Group key URBACT minisite: players. As indicated above, annexes de- www.urbact.eu/ctur/port-cities/our outputs, scribe the main aims and objectives, proposed and on the CD in the CTUR ‘Pocket’. actions and the timetable. Other information Partner cities have been encouraged to follow concerns Operational Programmes, European the example of Naples, which has issued its Funds and CTUR Local Action Plans, and own local news letter and set up a webpage links with other E.U. Programmes in the Local linked to the city’s own website. Action Plan implementation. Conclusions in- clude the results achieved and actions imple- mented as good practices, the dissemination of results and principal ULSG members’ con- tact details. Images/maps/graphs related to the proposed actions can be added to the document. In particular they show the links (access) between port and city. Communication has played an important role during the life of the project; the following have been produced: 9 thematic meeting re- ports, 10 issues of Citynews (one per partner 4. CTUR in numbers, Gaetano Mollura PPT. city, containing Case studies of the city, inter- In conclusion, weak points have been the in- views to give voice to the City Council and volvement of the Managing Authorities, the Port key actors, who we are: to know CTUR impact of the Economic Crises on the cities community, CTUR LSG key actors to know and the difficulties of the Observer Partner to the principal stakeholders, and Monitoring the participate. Strong points include the links be- Local action Plans), 3 Thematic Journals tween the EU and the cities of Europe through (physical and environmental components, the URBACT Programme, the improvement of economic and social benefits, and gover- URBACT II at local level, the positive feed- nance), 10 Local Action Plans, 1 CTUR Tra- back of the Local Action Plans and LSGs ac- velling exhibition containing summary panels tivities, the support for implementation and of the outcomes of all the CTUR Local Action dissemination on the LAP at local level. Plans on display in all the partner cities and translated into all local languages. The exhibi- tion was on display throughout the Naples fi- nal event. 3. CTUR Local Action Plans Exhibition during the Final Conference in Naples. The final report would add analysis of the 5. Local Action Plans Travelling Exhibitions photos. CTUR outputs, beside the three Thematic From the top: Varna, Dublin and Trieste. Journals, to focus on the Local Action Plans, to give final reflection of the CTUR / URBACT 8
URBACT CTUR 9th seminar, Final Conference Naples (Italy) July 7- 8 2011 7. Tribute to Rachel Rodrigues Malta Gaetano Mollura, CTUR Lead Partner and Pascale Froment, Université de Provence-IUFM d'Aix - UMR TELEMME The CTUR project to do this project, where foundations were she was known as the built on the «queen of the port». line study drawn A publication has recently up Rachel Malta been prepared in recogni- during the pre- tion of the work she had paratory phase of carried out in the field of ciy the project: the ports: ‘Entre recherche et baseline study was carried out from: an analy- expertise: itinéraires en sis of the existing general bibliography on port villes ports, hommage à Rachel Rodrigues- cities and cruise traffic; visits of internet sites Malta’ (between research and expertise: itin- specializing in European sea ports and Euro- eraries through port cities) (Rives Méditer- pean associations promoting cruise traffic; vis- ranéennes no 39, 2011). As a colleague of its of the web site of the International Rachel, Pascale had gathered articles, coop- tion of Cities and Ports (Le Havre - France), erating with her French and Italian colleagues specialized in the knowledge and promotion of who appreciated her high quality of work and port cities; Studies and documents on the especially Rachel’s human qualities. Rachel ic provided by the CTUR partners (local stu- had visited many port cities but her knowledge dies; studies carried out in the framework of went beyond port cities; she had become an European or interregional networks); City expert on the subject. Whilst very much a re- its to see the areas concerned and to talk with search personality, she established constant the partner (city and/or port authority) and with dialogue between different disciplines Her local stakeholders in order to get a better un- work was based on exchange between tech- derstanding of the local situation, needs and nical and practice, working with urban and ar- challenges. During these visits interesting chitecture policies, and was based on a com- cal studies were made available in order to parative approach, putting port cities in rela- better define certain issues or identify tion, and helping to understand the different tions; exchange with partners within the first systems. She moved freely between research workshops. and expertise. With Rachel, Pascale had the Rachel started this project with the baseline love of Naples in common. study, but she left us so early; she was happy 8. Presentation of the CTUR partners’ outputs City of Alicante (Spain) routes within the Historic Quarter that meet Gema Munoz Alcaraz and Sarah Prieto Vidal cruise passengers’ specific needs. The challenges were to reactivate and reuse For example: Action 2.1 is a specific pro- the port area as a commercial and leisure gramme to welcome cruise passengers to the zone, to become a key part of the cruise net- city: a specific brochure for cruises, reception work, given that Alicante is an attractive tourist at the Cruise Terminal and free transfer to destination, to promote the Historic Quarter of Visitor Centre, and the Cruise Friend Web Alicante to the cruise market as an interesting Page. Action 3.1, establishes a permanent alternative for their excursions, to establish a working group between city and port. In order link between the city and the port, to enhance to guarantee success and continuity of this the Historic Quarter and urban heritage, and project, the Local Support Group has defined to develop a marketing plan to promote the 3 key steps: the Housing Department must in- Historic Quarter to cruise liners and their dicate the historical monuments & commercial clients, and for example, offer them different places of interest to be included in specific routes from Visitors Centre. They will also ad- 9
URBACT CTUR 9th seminar, Final Conference Naples (Italy) July 7- 8 2011 vise on new developments; secondly the the public realm, revitalising the Docklands Tourism Department will develop different area and building a strong relationship with all tourist packages, which will include guided cruise stakeholders. and free routes, and thirdly the Port Authority A benefit arising from the project is the new will distribute these packages to their trade cooperation between the city, the port and the show contacts. Also it is very important to be tourism authorities. Action 3.1 entails estab- aware of ‘port calls’ in advance in order to be lishing an organisation/agency to promote and ready for the cruise arrivals. develop the cruise traffic industry in Dublin. This new body would meet in a formal obliga- tory forum. The launch of the Local Action Plan took place in Wood Quay, the City Council offices, on 29 June 2011, and the display of the CTUR Project will continue during June and July 2011 in the temporary Cruise Tourism infor- mation centre newly installed in the port area. The Local Support Group will now become an ‘implementation group’. This group would also 6. Specific brochure for cruises. Action 2.1: A specific examine establishing a structure that will programme to welcome cruise passengers to the city. represent all the stakeholders involved in the City of Alicante PPT. Cruise Tourism business in Dublin. 7. Visitor Route: Option 1, Action 1.2: Development of different routes in the Historic Quarter. City of Alicante PPT. City of Dublin (Ireland) James Keogan CTUR has been timely for Dublin: Dublin’s 8. Cruise Terminal Proposal. City of Dublin PPT. share of cruise tourism is small but it must po- sition itself to increase its share of the Euro- Generalitat Valenciana (Spain) pean market, with 94 cruise ship visits Marta Galbis Rocher planned in 2011. Linked to this, the state tour- ism organisation has commissioned a detailed Challenges addressed by the project are the survey of cruise tourism. growth of the port, intervention areas and the port; the CTUR project focuses on the link be- The Cruise Market issues include the lack of tween the Terminal and the city: the distance terminal/reception facility, cruise liners arriving between the present Terminal or the new one into an industrial port, the area is visually dis- and the port city and the ways to reach the engaged from city, the evolving character of centre. The project is divided across three dif- Docklands, and no formal governance struc- ferent areas: the Port, the port/city connection ture for the cruise sector. and the city. Proposals include the development of a cruise The purpose of the Local Action Plan is to be terminal at Dublin Port, improving the connec- a strategic reference document, a starting tivity between the port and the city, enhancing 10
URBACT CTUR 9th seminar, Final Conference Naples (Italy) July 7- 8 2011 point for new interventions that will be imple- dance centre in the former Ford factory, and a mented within the appropriate framework and ‘welcome wall’. Signposting is along a pedes- by the responsible administrations and agents trian and cycle route, with a mobile service on who have competency in the area. This will be the sign posting system. The water bus quay a validated document, agreed by everyone. is under way and will provide easy access to Kauppatori and Suomenlinna, reducing shuttle The Local Action Plan will try to take advan- bus traffic in city centre. A market place has tage of the different interventions of regenera- been provided by the private sector, offering tion, revaluation or enlargement, which have products and services on the route of the modified the image of the port and the city to cruise passengers, with containers and stalls obtain a social and economic positive impact to rent on short- and long-term basis. The through the promotion of cruise tourism. dance centre is being proposed as part of a The Local Support Group functions at two le- culture centre which may also eventually in- vels: thematic meetings, when the RIVA office clude film and gallery space. The ‘art wall’ will meets one or more members of the Local be a ‘welcome to Helsinki’ facing the sea, to Support Group to discuss specific topics re- greet cruise passengers. Other short term lated to the concrete objectives of the Local plans include a ‘village’ of small workshops, Action Plan, and plenary meetings, when the possibly in 2012. Cooperation has been documents produced by Oficina RIVA as re- strong to achieve these small gestures, pend- sult of the thematic meetings, are communi- ing the longer term investments. cated to the rest of the Local Support Group members, in order to be discussed and ap- proved. 9. ULSG Generalitat Valenciana PPT. City of Helsinki (Finland) Jari Huhtaniemi The challenge for Helsinki is to host 300 000 passengers arriving in the former Hernesaari dockyard… in advance of a major housing project planned in 10-15 years’ time, a num- ber of temporary enhancements have been planned, which include new signposting from the port to the city, waterbuses from the port to the city, a market place in the cruise ships’ arrival area, and the European Olympic class sailing championships in June 2011, with 10. From the top: Hernesaari Market place project, some 1000 athletes, and 700 boats. projects realize. City of Helsinki PPT. Linked to the World Design Capital 2012, other projects include design saunas, the 11
URBACT CTUR 9th seminar, Final Conference Naples (Italy) July 7- 8 2011 City of Rostock (Germany) quarter – treated also for cruise and other Andreas Schubert and Ralph Maronde tourists, the Valencia old quarter – connected to mooring for cruise ships, the slides in Hel- Baseline-Study/challenges/expectations are sinki explaining functions in old Inner city har- that we have no longer to define ourselves bour; a design sauna was evaluated in with the slogan “gateway to Berlin”; we have Rostock for an other area, upgrading of the to advertise our selves, so that more cruise (nearer) area of the cruise pier, and also from ships send their tourists into Rostock and its the Helsinki meeting Mr. Luis De Carvalho’s region, and the potential to develop a unique input, in particular the information that crew selling position for a local/regional cruise ship members need some extra services, that product: shallow draft (tall)ships and medium passengers are not ”prisioners” of the ship, sized cruise ships will anchor in Inner City but need to know what you can offer ”keep harbour, and the improvement of our qualities them informed”; a final learning point is the as host: better foreign language competences, dependence of cruise tourism on the heritage more credit card acceptance, fast and flexible of the old city. reaction to visitors’ wishes, better presentation The Local Support Group has led to new part- and information. nerships: a new local tourist agency co oper- During the implementation of CTUR the fol- ating with ferry and cruise operators, spatial lowing were targeted: accessibility, with a 23M planners are more involved, and some CTUR traffic construction, to be finalized in spring partners will be invited to 2 international com- 2012, the water bus from Warnemünde to the petitions; the city (retail service) manager now Inner City port to be offered to cruise passen- focuses more on the Cruise passenger cam- gers, with visits to the medieval city wall in paign, and the association of historians has combination with Inner City heritage and prepared a flier for foreign tourists, especially shopping opportunities, information (on the cruise tourists, museum development now fo- city/Warnemünde) at the railway/tram inter- cuses with a collection “degenerated art” to section, electro bikes rental services are being cruise tourists, and an international confer- developed, repainting of the foot passenger ence on “cruise and ferry passengers” at tunnel at Warnemünde, multilingual ticket ma- Rostock University. chines for the tram, a souvenir shop at cruise terminal in local flair design, an international architects and planners competition to find unique development ideas, foreign language speaking students working in shops and res- taurants frequented by foreign tourists, city marketing beginning already in contact with cruise shipping company fairs. Ferry passen- ger shuttles can also used by cruise passen- gers (from the industrial and ferry harbour), cruise and ferry tourists should be informed about Rostock´s museums treasures and In- ner City heritage in advance, cruise port wel- 11. Rostocker Oval: new strategies for the centre. come / good bye parties are an attraction for regional and Danish visitors, a piece of Berlin City of Varna (Bulgaria) wall was installed in Rostock for cruise pas- Hristo Bozov, deputy Mayor and George Gilev senger photo shooting purposes. The Cruise Baltic network begins to deal with the chal- Varna has had a good experience from this lenge of “smaller shallow water going cruisers, project as it has allowed Varna to work with mega yachts and tall ships”, and tall ships ad- new ideas, in promoting a sustainable devel- vertise themselves as “special cruisers”. opment, through learning between profes- sionals. The result provides a basis of future Learning from the other cities and meetings work, and it is hoped to include the proposals has influenced the Local Action Plan: the in the next Operational Programme from 2014 Naples shuttle transport to Inner City quarters, to 2020. and local businesses targeting the cruise tour- ists, coffee shops in Trieste the Alicante old 12
URBACT CTUR 9th seminar, Final Conference Naples (Italy) July 7- 8 2011 For all the 2600 years since it was founded, stitutions engaged with National Maritime Varna has been a point of intersection of cul- Planning, to be developed and maintained. tures and epochs, religions and myths, junc- The focus area of the Local Action Plan is the tion of roads connecting countries and conti- port of Varna. The Local Action Plan is aimed nents. Varna is one of the main cultural cen- at solving the problem of releasing the port of ters in the country. The city also hosts many Varna – East of its industrial function and congresses, conferences, science and busi- transforming it into a passenger and yacht ness forums. port. In this way Varna will give a green light The Local Action Plan includes the transfor- to the cruise traffic development. The prob- mation of the old commercial Port of Varna in- lems and challenges in preparing the Local to a yacht and passenger terminal, investigat- Action Plan can be combined into several ing the possibilities of construction of tourist groups: problems and challenges of the tourist and information centres around the port of market, problems and challenges of the politi- Varna, the development of different amuse- cal condition of the Republic of Bulgaria and ment centers and transport to the historical problems and challenges of the national legis- and cultural monuments, situated in the cen- lation. tral part of the city. The tourist markets are being developed every day and dealing with its requirements is an obligation of every participant in the tourist business. However the situation of the Repub- lic of Bulgaria is different compared with the rest of the partners, bearing in mind that only 20 years ago the market economy was not only unfamiliar, but also condemned by the former regime. City of Trieste (Italy) Teresa Frausin The focus area is the waterfront of Trieste: the cruise terminal, located in the historical building of the 'maritime station' built in the 1930s, is in the heart of the charming core ur- ban area and the development of the water- front and of the operational area is scheduled by the newly approved Port Master Plan. In particular, the Plan promoted the renovation of the terminal building and of the terminal area; 12. The focus area of the Varna Local Action Plan. City urban interventions carried out in the past ten of Varna PPT. years by the Municipality are increasing the Targets of the Local Action Plan are a clean city attractiveness and accessibility. environment, improving the port facilities for The main challenge of the Local Action Plan is accepting passenger vessels and yachts, im- to improve the attractiveness and the hospital- proving the tourist attractiveness of the port, ity of the city in relation to cruise tourists, of- and transferring the industrial port activities fering a wider range of services not only in the out of the city limits. terminal, but in the whole urban area. Other In order for our main objectives to be achieved challenges are to create a shared and inte- the following steps should be undertaken: a grated tourism development strategy at a local general study of the National Ports develop- level, fostering communication between the ment plans; broad discussion among the NGO stakeholders involved in cruise sector and and Branch Associations on the matters of the tourism sector, to differentiate Trieste from improving the urban environment of the Port other destinations in the Adriatic Sea, and to of Varna, cooperation with all Government in- have a more focused, professional and spe- cialized approach to cruise and tourism (i.e. 13
URBACT CTUR 9th seminar, Final Conference Naples (Italy) July 7- 8 2011 Cruise Terminal Development Programme Project has reinforced the institutional rela- etc.). tions between all members, in particular with the Managing Authority. The CTUR project brought different local stakeholders involved in cruise tourism around the same table. The partners collaborating in the Local Action Plan proposed their ongoing projects as actions of the plan, sharing objec- tives and visions, for a common aim. CTUR was a good opportunity to strengthen relations between the Municipality, the Trieste Passenger Terminal and the Port Authority, and is a first step for future close relations and cooperation between the partners involved, in the hope of share long-term actions again in the future. 14. New Cruise Terminal of Port of Leixões. Photo by APDL. Recently, within the dynamic factors of com- petitiveness, some relevant actions contem- plated in the Local Action Plan are success- fully in progress, like the training seminars with different regional economic agents to prepare the welcome of the cruise tourists and the development of the CAE – Cruise Atlantic Europe network. Cruise Atlantic Europe is a trans-national co- operation project, involving a group of seven ports on the Atlantic front which comprises Lisbon, Porto, La Coruña, Bilbao, Brittany Ports (St. Malo and Brest), Cork and Dover, and it is supported by the Atlantic Area Pro- gramme. The Atlantic Area comprises the most important maritime coastline in Europe, approximately 2.500 km in length, 13. A new congress centre close to the railway station: encompassing close to 70 million inhabitants. the requalification of the Ex-Silos building, Action 1.3. The Vision of Cruise Atlantic Europe is to City of Trieste PPT. strengthen the position of the Atlantic area within the European cruise tourism market. City of Matosinhos and APDL (Portugal) Joana Moreira, City of Matosinhos and Amélia Ca- Cruise Atlantic Europe is developing a Global stro, APDL Brand to promote its unique tourism and cul- tural identity. The essential ingredient is to at- The Local Action Plan challenge is to develop tract global passengers/guests. Cruise Atlantic cruise tourism in the North Region of Portugal Europe embraces European cultural heritage through the construction of the New Cruise with five different countries, different lan- Terminal of Port of Leixões, to prepare the city guages, food and drink and unique of Matosinhos to welcome the cruise tourists experiencies. and to promote new touristic products. The The Cruise Atlantic Europe itinerary offers up Local Action Plan learning includes the impor- to ten world heritage sites: Canterbury (Do- tance of city-port relationship and the inspira- ver), Mont St Michel (St Malo), the way of tion of other CTUR examples. Santiago (A Coruna), the tower of Hercules Before the participation in the CTUR Project, (La Coruna), Skellig Michael (Celtic Monas- the ULSG members were already involved in tery), the Jerónimos monastery (Lisbon), the different partnerships between them. This tower of Belém (Lisbon), Sintra (near Lisbon), 14
URBACT CTUR 9th seminar, Final Conference Naples (Italy) July 7- 8 2011 Porto city centre, Douro valley (near Porto) ket Source. It should be possible through a and the Biscay hanging bridge (Bilbao). The combination of local promotion and local ar- Cruise Atlantic Europe itinerary offers as City rangements to have turnaround cruises, and Break Products the capital cities of Lisbon and small scale embarkation and disembarkation London and other interesting cities Bilbao, La of 400 to 500 locally sourced cruise tourists. Coruña, Porto and Cork. “Cruise Atlantic Europe: sail the seas of op- portunity: Cork, Dover, St Malo, Brest, Bilbao, There are also good flight links to the interna- La Coruña, Porto and Lisbon”. tional airports. Lisbon and Porto offer direct flights to main European cities, and transatlan- tic to Brazil and the USA, Dover is about two hours from London Airports, La Coruña and Brest are served by domestic flights, and Bil- bao and Cork has direct flights to main Euro- pean cities. Cruise Atlantic Europe offers to itinerary planners: slower speeds, fuel efficiency, com- petitive Port Charges, shore excursion oppor- tunities and as an itinerary or complemented by other. Prospective Business Opportunities locally sourced, cruise tourists, a densely 15. Casa da Música, Porto. Photo by City of Matosinhos. populated region, high income Tourism Mar- 9. Naples, the CTUR host partner city Gaetano Mollura City of Naples; Fiorinda Corradino Port Authority of Naples; Roberta Amirante, Ric- cardo Florio University of Naples Federico II; Bernardino Stangherlin S.i.Re.Na.; Fabrizio Monticelli Consorzio Antico Borgo Orefici; Anna Fresa X-Studio (Botteghe Tessili technical board). URBACT is a tool to create Europe… cities a joint effort to identify areas for private-public are connected through people. The project in partnership initiatives to develop the Borgo via Naples has been carried out in cooperation environmental, urban and architectural regen- with Sirena, with the University, the port au- eration to support the economic recovery of thority and architects studios. With 3 million Neapolitan goldsmith businesses. The Con- inhabitants, in 1995 the city was inscribed on sorzio promotes studies, research works and the UNESCO world heritage list. The most publications as well as the design of jewels important drivers of the city are young people that are manufactured by goldsmiths and and culture (with 100 000 students on three goldsmiths-to-be attending the Consorzio sites). Activities during the project were to de- school. These items are commercialized un- fine, to comment, to connect and to create der one single brand. The Consorzio is also in networks, strengthened by the university in- charge of street video-surveillance, security volvement. and cleaning and of the organization of public events in the area. One of the most important The UNESCO area has been included in both results is the opening of the goldsmith busi- of the URBACT projects that Naples has been ness incubator “la Bulla” hosted in a building involved in: CTUR and HerO. owned by the municipality of Naples, reno- The Consorzio Antico Borgo Orefici is a vated with national and EU funds in the natural single-industry district with many framework of Progetto Integrato Polo Orafo handicraft shops (the whole industry process Campano (integrated project for the Cam- is represented: fusion, mounting, jewellery, pania goldsmith industry). goldsmithing, diamond cutting) and service companies (gemmology) (250 companies with S.i.Re.Na. is a mixed public and private soci- 1,100 workers). In March 2000 a consortium ety set up by the municipality to develop plans was set up to account for the various compo- for urban regeneration. It has recovered 1200 nents of the Borgo. its aim is the development buildings, with plans for a further 400. of the area. Many actions have been taken in S.i.Re.Na. provides 40% of the cost of repair- conjunction with several institutional bodies in ing buildings and façades. It maintains small 15
URBACT CTUR 9th seminar, Final Conference Naples (Italy) July 7- 8 2011 businesses, to ensure safety and respect for space perception, with a 3D model, highlight- workers, and to overcome problems of illegal ing criticalities and the potential for regenera- practices. 1/3 of the cost is provided by the tion of the area; through this analysis they region, and 2/3 is provided by the private sec- identified potential itineraries. They also have tor. prepared a religious inventory of the area; as Piazza Mercato is included in the programme, a result they have identified three buildings as a point of interface between the port and which could be re used. the city. The 1.2M tourists who come to Other actions involve temporary ‘light’ archi- Naples need to know the city, and not only tecture. They involved students at the end of Pompei. Piazza Mercato needs to be im- their 5th year, mainly about finding ways to at- proved: many activities have moved away, tract cruise tourists. The lights are to attract and 15 000 sq metres are vacant: not only people to the area, by lighting up every eve- homes but also ground floor shops which are ning; also the walls are covered with a fabric not used any more. Another project which which recalls the textile tradition of the area. they hope will be taken up by the Municipality This represents an important link to the public is to transform a modern building to new ac- area but also to the private sector; the lights tivities. are now considered feasible by the public lighting departments. 18. Lanterns for piazza Mercato, student project idea. City of Naples PPT. 16. Mapping of census of the ground floors. City of Naples PPT. The Port Authority and the city have provided the chance for people to get to know them better through their ‘school in the port’ project, when the port president goes to the school to meet the children then they visit the port. Schools also follow this up with a project in school. There is also a plan for shuttle to bring cruise tourists to the Duomo and Piazza Mer- cato. 17. S. Maria di Porto Salvo Church. City of Naples PPT. It is also planned to develop a ‘natural com- mercial centre’. The university had helped with 19. Shuttle Stops. City of Naples PPT. this project with a study of Città Bassa and the Piazza Mercato, to get a deep reading of 16
URBACT CTUR 9th seminar, Final Conference Naples (Italy) July 7- 8 2011 The Local Support Group provided the chance for the key players in the area to work to- gether. 21. EASW photo by City of Naples. In 2009 it was agreed to adapt the port areas. The operational framework was not the sub- ject of social interaction. The port/city interac- 20. Fair/market area in Piazza Mercato. Project idea. tion must be better understood, as well as the Botteghe Tessili Technical board. City of Naples PPT. port traffic; future studies must include RoRo An EASW (European Awareness Scenario traffic as well as cruise and pedestrian traffic. Workshop) workshop has been held with local Naples has suffered from planning choices residents and key players to draw up priorities made in the 1940 urban plan. Barriers were for the area, with results for the institutional created with a road separating the port from players but also with a lot of local participa- the city. This has to be redesigned to take into tion. account urban mobility. Next year the city will be linked with the port with an intermodal ex- change, linking Piazza Municipio and beyond to the port, and there are also plans to im- prove pedestrian safety, with areas for lounges and waiting rooms as well as a promenade along the port frontage which will be raised in order to be able to see the city monuments and to provide better services. In future the pedestrian flows will be better un- derstood. The project will be self funded: in 5 years’ time it is expected that passenger numbers will reach 5 million. It will be financed by the ter- minal operators as well as from the manage- ment of the parking areas. 10. The CTUR Final report: outputs and recommendations Vittorio Torbianelli CTUR Lead expert, Pauline Geoghegan CTUR Thematic expert The technical contents of the CTUR experi- for urban regeneration (physical / social / eco- ences are reported in the main technical out- nomic environment). A primary result of the puts of the project: the thematic journals (I CTUR project is the understanding, by the Physical environment, II Social Economic partners, that the possibility to obtain urban Generator, III Governance), the reports of the regeneration results (of historic districts usu- thematic meetings, the City News relating to ally near the port in particular) linked with the the CTUR partners and the Local Action Plans development of cruises is possible through developed by the cities together with the Local various channels. Support Groups. These all go through a further stage: to gen- erally increase and improve the attractiveness This final report contains, in a highly summa- of the city for the “cruise world” (tourists and rized form, a series of points that can be con- operators). The benefits of the cruise tourism sidered general lessons of the CTUR project. for cities are increased visitor spending, job The CTUR project is founded on the idea that creation, city image enhancement, attraction cruise traffic can be an opportunity for local of new services industry, extension of the socio-economic impact and, more specifically, 17
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