Rising to the challenge - How Daniel O'Brien stays agile in a competitive market - Reinsw

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Rising to the challenge - How Daniel O'Brien stays agile in a competitive market - Reinsw

                                                                       to the
                                                                          How Daniel O’Brien
                                                                             stays agile in a
                                                                          competitive market

WHAT A NIGHT                            CHAMPIONS FOR CHANGE                  BETTER OUTCOMES
All the Awards for Excellence winners   Chapter Committee achievements        REINSW’s annual lobbying report card
Rising to the challenge - How Daniel O'Brien stays agile in a competitive market - Reinsw

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Rising to the challenge - How Daniel O'Brien stays agile in a competitive market - Reinsw

      The Real Estate Journal
      is the official magazine
      of the Real Estate Institute
      of New South Wales.

      30-32 Wentworth Avenue
      Sydney NSW 2000                    5	A word from the President
      (02) 9264 2343
      info@reinsw.com.au                 6 In brief

      Managing Editor
      Cath Dickinson                     10 Rising to the challenge
      0410 330 903                          LJ Hooker Commercial South Sydney’s Daniel
      journal@reinsw.com.au                 O’Brien is at the top of his game. Find out how he
      Advertising                           stays agile in one of the most competitive markets
      (02) 9264 2343                        in the country.

      Content and editorial              14 Taking teamwork to new heights
      Wordcraft Media                       The team at Nolan Partners is a shining example
      0410 330 903                          of how collaboration and teamwork yield
                                            exceptional results.

      Art direction and design
      Bird Project                       FOCUS
      0414 332 146                       17 Level up to build your best life
      info@birdproject.com                  Leading real estate coach Sherrie Storor explains
                                            how you can create a career that affords you the
      Printing                              lifestyle you want.
      Bluestar Printing
      www.ivegroup.com.au/                                                                       32 Our champions for change
      blue-star-print                    18 Affordability no dent to property dreams
                                                                                                    The past year has been a whirlwind of activity for
                                            CoreLogic reveals insights into housing
      Photography                                                                                   REINSW’s Chapter Committees.
                                            affordability in their latest research report.
      Studio Commercial
      www.studiocommercial.com                                                                   36 Risky business
                                         20 Oh, what a night!
                                                                                                    Why it’s essential to identify potential risks and
      The Real Estate Journal is            Find out who took out the top gongs at the 2019
      provided for general purposes                                                                 put processes in place to mitigate them.
                                            REINSW Awards for Excellence.
      only. REINSW gives no warranty
      and makes no representation
      with respect to the accuracy,      26 Preventing identity fraud                            TRAINING
      applicability, legal correctness      Tips to confirm your vendor’s identity and their     38 Training update
      or completeness of any of the
      contents of the Journal. To the       authority to sell a property.
      extent permitted by law, REINSW
                                                                                                 LAST WORD
      excludes responsibility and        28 Working towards better outcomes
      liability in respect of any loss                                                           41 New members
      arising in any way (including by      Learn about the work REINSW has carried out
      way of negligence) from reliance      on behalf of members over the last 12 months.        42 In the media
      on the information contained
      in the Journal. The opinions
      expressed in the Journal are
      those of the respective authors
      and do not necessarily reflect
      those of REINSW.

                                                                Editorial contributions
                                                                REINSW welcomes editorial submissions from contributors within the real estate
                                                                profession. If you have an idea for an article or would like to contribute to the
                                                                Journal, please email journal@reinsw.com.au


Partners                                                                                                                              Supporting

                                                                                                                  REAL ESTATE JOURNAL / Nov–Dec 2019 / 3
Rising to the challenge - How Daniel O'Brien stays agile in a competitive market - Reinsw
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Cover is subject to the terms, conditions, limits and exclusions of the Policy. Jardine Lloyd Thompson Pty Limited (ABN 69 009 098 864, AFSL 226827) (JLT)
are authorised under a binder agreement with the insurer, Chubb Insurance Australia Limited (ABN 23 001 642 020, AFSL 239687). To distribute the Policy, JLT
sub-authorises REINSW (ABN 51 000 012 457, AR 1260666) as an Authorised Representative, and real estate agents as Authorised Distributors. JLT, REINSW
and the real estate agents do not act on your behalf. Any advice provided is general advice only and does not consider your objectives, financial situation or
needs. Real estate agents cannot provide advice regarding the Policy. Consider the Policy, the Key Facts Sheets and the Financial Services Guide to decide
if the insurance is right for you. The JLT Group is a part of the Marsh & McLennan Companies (MMC) group of companies. 10134/19
Rising to the challenge - How Daniel O'Brien stays agile in a competitive market - Reinsw

What a year!
There’s no doubt that 2019 has been a challenging year, but things are definitely looking
up as we head into the New Year.

                  Low stock levels, reduced auction clearance rates,      improve processes and change job roles, it’s not
                  tightened lending conditions and falling consumer       going to replace us.
                  sentiment have all forced us to reconsider the             Yes, things are changing massively – and that
                  service and value we’re delivering to our clients.      can be uncomfortable. But the human touch is at
                  And that’s just on the sales side.                      the centre of what we do. Technology can’t build
                      At the same time, property managers have            a relationship, empathy or trust. That’s where we
                  experienced higher consumer expectations,               come in.
                  increased responsibilities and a new regulatory            It’s up to us to embrace the positives that
                  framework. Buyers’ agents, strata managers,             technology offers and leverage it to add value
                  commercial agents and operational staff have all        to the service we offer.
                  been faced with similar challenges. It’s been tough.
Yes, things           Thankfully, the ScoMo effect seems to now be        Building better relationships
                  filtering through and we’re seeing some positive        This time last year, we were experiencing
are changing      signs of a turnaround. Consumer sentiment is            significant challenges in working with the NSW
massively – and   trending upwards and auction clearance rates            Government and NSW Fair Trading. I’m very
                  are the best they’ve been in 18 months. Though          pleased to report that there’s been significant
that can be       stock levels are still low, all signs are pointing      progress in this space.
uncomfortable.    to continued improvement. Better sales results             Though we’ve declined the invitation to
                  will inevitably impact the number of properties         rejoin the Real Estate Reference Group, we’re
But the human     coming to market.                                       working hard to develop a co-operative working
touch is at the       In the midst of these challenges, there have        relationship and are heavily involved in legislative
                  also been positive outcomes for our industry.           consultation to ensure any changes are workable
centre of what                                                            on a practice level.
we do.            Lobbying success
                  As you will be well aware, REINSW has been              Thank you
                  fighting to improve education and training              Finally, as we head into the festive season, I’d like
                  standards for more than 10 years. It’s been             to say thanks to the Board of Directors and the
                  a long road and I’m thrilled that, finally,             team at REINSW. Together we’ve had some major
                  comprehensive reforms will become a reality.            successes, but there have also been difficult
                      The training reforms package was passed             times and hard decisions. I’m proud that we’ve
                  by the NSW Parliament back in March 2018, but           all risen to the challenge.
                  it’s only now that we’ve been given notice of an            And to you, our members – thank you. You are
                  implementation date. On 23 March 2020, new              the reason we’re here and your ongoing support
                  qualification standards will come into effect – and     is invaluable.
                  this is a day that we should all certainly celebrate.       Every new year presents new opportunities
                      The implementation of these reforms is an           and I, for one, am looking forward to seeing what
                  integral piece of the professionalism puzzle. For       2020 brings us.
                  agents to be respected as professional advisors is
                  our end game – and entrenching higher education
                  standards is an important step on this pathway.

                  Leveraging technology
                  Technology also continues to impact our
                  industry. Importantly, we need to remember that
                  technological disruption is not the enemy. While        Leanne Pilkington
                  it is effectively forcing us to change workflows,       REINSW President

                                                                                           REAL ESTATE JOURNAL / Nov–Dec 2019 / 5
Rising to the challenge - How Daniel O'Brien stays agile in a competitive market - Reinsw

At a recent webinar, residential
sales agents Betty Ockerlander
and Thomas McGlynn encouraged
agents to go back to basics when
managing their money.

1     Write it down
      Far too many agents have
no idea about how much money
they’re spending. Start by tracking
your expenses for a month. How           Housing Data Dashboard now live
much is your mortgage? The kids          The Federal Treasury, in conjunction              creates a one-stop-shop for all levels of
school fees? The car insurance?          with the Australian Institute of Health           government, the community housing
How many coffees are you buying          and Welfare has launched the Housing              sector and the private sector to work
each day? It all adds up and you’ll      Data Dashboard, bringing together                 together to identify shortfalls and
likely be surprised by the end figure.
                                         approximately 7 million data points               oversupply in order to address housing
                                         from across 20 key national housing and           and homelessness across Australia,”
2     Don’t live day to day
      Income fluctuates for most
agents. When times are good
                                         homelessness datasets.
                                            Assistant Minister for Community
                                                                                           he said.
                                                                                              Users can draw out key information by
and commissions are coming               Housing, Homelessness and Community               creating a tailored dashboard from over
in, it’s easy to get caught up in
                                         Services, Luke Howarth, said the                  50 data tiles. Each tile is a gateway to
a spending cycle. But there will also
be bad times, so be sure to always       dashboard covers the entire housing               the data source, where detailed analysis,
put money aside to cover your            spectrum – from housing financial data            information on data quality and more
expenses when things get difficult.      through to regional population changes            is presented.
                                         and homelessness estimates.                          You can access the dashboard at
3     Do quarterly reviews
      Go through both your income
and expenses every three months.
                                            “The Housing Data Dashboard                    housingdata.gov.au

This will help you to understand
whether you’re on track financially
or if you need to make adjustments       COMPLIANCE IN FAIR TRADING’S CROSS HAIRS
to your budget.                          NSW Fair Trading’s latest compliance operation, which targeted 31 agencies across Sydney’s
                                         CBD, south-west and west, uncovered more than 102 property law breaches. As a result,
You can watch the full 'Managing         more than 30 fines totalling $40,000 were given to 13 different agencies and individual agents
cash flow and expenses' webinar          – taking the total for 2019 to $400,000.
for free at reinsw.com.au/webinars           “Inspectors predominantly uncovered non-compliance with the rules of conduct, licensing
                                         and record-keeping requirements, as well as underquoting,” Acting NSW Fair Trading
                                         Commissioner Peter Dunphy said. Compliance with trust account requirements, signage and
                                         completion of continuing professional development were also targeted.
                                             REINSW CEO Tim McKibbin stressed that real estate agents overwhelmingly did the
                                         right thing and noted that the agencies and agents fined in this latest blitz were likely to have
                                         committed lower-range breaches.
You can catch up by checking out our         “Penalty notices are for lesser offences, a bit like a parking fine,” he said. “However it does
full library at reinsw.com.au/webinars   serve as a timely reminder to all agents that they must keep a watchful eye on compliance at
                                         all times.”

6 / REAL ESTATE JOURNAL / Nov–Dec 2019
Rising to the challenge - How Daniel O'Brien stays agile in a competitive market - Reinsw
SCHEME                                                   The introduction
The Morrison Government’s election pledge to             of the scheme
make it easier for first home buyers to enter into       to support the
the market is moving ahead.                              home ownership
    Under the First Home Loan Deposit
Scheme, individuals earning up to $125,000
                                                         aspirations for
and $200,000 for couples will be able to obtain          10,000 first
loans with a loan-to-value ratio of as much as           home buyers is
95%. This means they’ll only be required to              a key milestone
make a minimum 5% deposit on their home
loans. The government will underwrite their              in delivering
home loans and will serve as the guarantor.              this key election   realestate.com.au
    The government plans to start the annual             commitment.         puts more data in
program by January 2020, with a cap of 10,000
loans per year. Properties purchased under the                               agents’ hands
scheme will be subject to regional price caps to                             realestate.com.au has launched the Ignite
ensure equitable access across Australia.                                    app enabling agents to track how their
    Urban Development Institute of Australia                                 listings are performing – anywhere, any
National President Darren Cooper said                                        time – direct from their mobile device.
the scheme will be a great help for many                                     Agents will also be able to view and
Australians who are finding it hard to                                       respond to buyer enquiries on active
overcome the home loan deposit hurdle.                                       and sold listings.
    “Supporting eligible first home buyers who                                   These capabilities, which were previously
have saved a 5% deposit by guaranteeing the                                  only accessible to agents via their desktop,
balance of the 20% deposit through this scheme                               put the power of realestate.com.au campaign
is a great initiative,” he said. “It truly is a leg up                       reports and data directly into the hands
for them and could not have come at a better                                 of agents.
time, since house prices have been increasing                                    Ben Auchettl, the National Sales
much faster than household incomes.”                                         Director – Residential at realestate.com.au,
    The Housing Industry Association also                                    explained that Ignite will be updated daily
welcomed the scheme.                                                         with the latest insights.
    “The introduction of the scheme to support                                   “We understand that agents are always
the home ownership aspirations for 10,000                                    on the go, so we designed Ignite to set
first home buyers is a key milestone in                                      agents up for success,” he said. “It’s the first
delivering this key election commitment,” HIA                                time we’ve been able to offer this much
Managing Director Graham Wolfe said.                                         data to our customers on mobile.”
    “The First Home Loan Deposit Scheme will                                     In addition to the new functions, up-
save an average first home buyer in Sydney,                                  to-date campaign reports can be shared
with less than a 20% deposit, tens of thousands                              directly with vendors, enabling greater
of dollars over the life of their loan.”                                     transparency and efficiency.

                                                                                         REAL ESTATE JOURNAL / Nov–Dec 2019 / 7
Rising to the challenge - How Daniel O'Brien stays agile in a competitive market - Reinsw

Q      hat responsibilities do landlords
      and tenants have regarding swimming

A     Section 52 of the Residential Tenancies
      Act 2010 requires landlords to comply with
statutory obligations relating to the health and
safety of the premises, including obligations under
the Swimming Pools Act 1992. They must supply
a current Compliance Certificate to the tenant,
ensure fencing is compliant, and maintain and
repair any pool equipment (providing any damage
has not been caused by abuse or neglect).
    Tenants are responsible for cleaning and           Clothing drive helps women dress
adding chemicals to the pool as required. The
REINSW Residential Tenancy Agreement also
                                                       for success
includes clauses relating to things such as:           First impressions count – and the team at DiJONES recently teamedup
vacuuming, brushing and cleaning the pool,             with the charity Dress for Success to help disadvantaged women across
cleaning the filter and emptying the leaf basket;      New South Wales make that first impression count.
having the water tested at a pool shop once               Dress for Success empowers women to achieve economic independence,
a month; using appropriate chemicals and               offering free clothing, styling and presentation skills.
keeping the water clean and clear; maintaining
                                                          “Working in real estate, we know all too well the importance of
the water level above the filter inlet; notifying
the landlord or agent as soon as possible of           presentation and a good first impression,” DiJONES General Manager
any problems with the pool, equipment, gate or         Kylie Walsh said. “Clothes matter from an emotional and psychological
fencing; and not interfering with the operation        point of view. When we have something nice to wear, we feel more
of the gate, fence or barrier.                         confident, more prepared and more able to take on the world.
    Often, it’s a good idea to arrange for a pool         “Something as simple as a nice outfit can provide a confidence boost,
company (at the landlord’s expense) to instruct
the tenant at the start of the tenancy about
                                                       which makes all the difference when you’re going for a job or simply
pool upkeep. This can reduce problems down             trying to do a good day’s work.”
the track.                                                DiJONES has a philosophy of giving back to the local community
                                                       and the network’s donation drive to help Dress for Success was another
                                                       way for the team to get involved on a practical level.
                                                          “We have many women working across our DiJONES Offices – and
                                                       many of us have good clothes that we simply don’t wear anymore,” Kylie
Your Helpline is on hand                               said. “This is a simple way to make a real difference and help women
Receive practical advice on a wide range of real       suffering financial hardship step back into the workforce.”
estate issues when you need it. No question is too        DiJONES added a series of donation points to assist the cause, with
big or too small, and there’s no limit to the number   their offices in Paddington, Wahroonga, Beecroft, Bowral, Neutral Bay
of times you can contact us.
                                                       and Mosman all accepting clothing. A total of more than 250 outfits
     (02) 9264 2343 (select option 4)                  were collected, with agents and their families, as well as clients and
     helpline@reinsw.com.au                            other community members generously making donations.
                                                          Find out more about Dress for Success at sydney.dressforsuccess.org

8 / REAL ESTATE JOURNAL / Nov–Dec 2019
Rising to the challenge - How Daniel O'Brien stays agile in a competitive market - Reinsw
Rising to the challenge - How Daniel O'Brien stays agile in a competitive market - Reinsw

10 / REAL ESTATE JOURNAL / Nov–Dec 2019
Rising to the

A driven business owner, leader and negotiator, Daniel O’Brien is at the
top of his game. Here he explains what first attracted him to commercial
real estate and how he stays agile in one of the most competitive markets
in the country.


           aniel O’Brien realised early in his career      the beginning, I loved that challenge and it’s
           that there’s nothing quite like the thrill of   something I continue to enjoy to this day.
           closing a deal – and he’s never looked back.    Because it’s a business deal, there’s a lot less
   “I started out as a part-time law clerk while at        emotion involved when compared to residential          I’m focused
university, which I did for about 12 months, but           sales and that’s really appealing to me.
I quickly realised that I’m not cut out for that sort          “The stakes are very high in both the
                                                                                                                  on building
of work,” Daniel said.                                     residential and commercial sectors, just in            something.
   “I like taking a broader view of things. I enjoy        different ways. The highs are higher than anything
working with people and I wanted to have more              I experienced working in residential sales, but
                                                                                                                  That’s one of
control over the things I was working on.                  the lows are also so much lower. It can be a daily     the things I love
   “With real estate, you don’t have to be bound           rollercoaster. If a large deal falls through, you
to a desk to get results and, if you work hard, you        might lose hundreds of thousands of dollars as
                                                                                                                  about having my
can basically dictate what you earn each year,             the fees are generally a little larger – and that’s    own business.
which I find very appealing. You’re in control of          hard sometimes.”
your own destiny to a degree and that’s really
                                                                                                                  I’m creating
important to me.”                                          Building for the future                                something not
   Daniel started out in residential sales in 2002,        After 12 years holding senior positions at CBRE and
where he worked for three years before he was              then Knight Frank, Daniel started the LJ Hooker
                                                                                                                  only for myself,
drawn to the world of commercial real estate.              Commercial office in South Sydney in the middle        but also for the
   “I realised I enjoyed the thrill of working on          of 2016, where he now has 14 full-time staff. And in
larger deals,” he explained. “It was a big jump            October of this year, he expanded the business to
                                                                                                                  people who work
for me to move across to commercial real estate            include a second office, which is already one of the   with me in
and a huge learning curve, but I was ready for             largest commercial offices in Sydney’s Inner West
the challenge.                                             (having been the Ray White Commercial Inner West
                                                                                                                  the business.
   “One of the biggest changes I experienced               franchise for the last 10 years).
– and what I really enjoy about working in the                Daniel has plans to add more offices in the
commercial sector – is being able to work                  coming years. In part, his motivation to continue
closely with business people. I get to negotiate           to grow the business comes from the clients he’s
with people who negotiate for a living. From               worked with over the years.

                                                                                                      REAL ESTATE JOURNAL / Nov–Dec 2019 / 11

    “Real estate is a people business and I’ve                                     “Being the owner of two offices, I find there
built relationships with many interesting and very                             are many and varied demands on my time. But
successful clients in the commercial world,” he                                being prepared to say ‘no’ to things that take me
said. “I’ve met many clients who are incredibly          With real estate,     away from what I love to do is best for both me
inspiring to me, because they’ve made it on their                              and the business. I want to be meeting as many
own having built really successful businesses
                                                         you don’t have        potential clients, showing as many buildings and
from nothing.                                            to be bound to        putting together as many deals as I possibly can,
    “When you’re constantly working with people                                so I prioritise those things. However, it’s getting
who have forged their own way, it makes it feel
                                                         a desk to get         more difficult as the business grows”.
a little less daunting to have your own business.        results and, if           Goal setting is particularly important to Daniel.
I’m focused on building something. That’s one of                                   “Personally, I don’t have a lot of processes in
the things I love about having my own business.
                                                         you work hard,        place for how I work, but I do like to set and hit
I’m creating something not only for myself, but also     you can basically     goals,” he said. “I have daily, weekly and monthly
for the people who work with me in the business.                               goals. and I hold myself accountable.
    “Seeing the team grow and develop is really
                                                         dictate what you          “For example, I try to have 10 new business
rewarding to me. I want to provide opportunities         earn each year,       meetings every week – that’s a good week
to my team that simply aren’t possible in the                                  for me. Meeting new people, in addition to
case of a larger global firm, such as equity in the
                                                         which I find very     maintaining relationships with contacts is very
business and other incentives. I want to share           appealing. You’re     important to me, so this is what I am always
that feeling of owning and building something                                  striving for.”
to be proud of with the people in my team.”
                                                         in control of your        Daniel says his genuine interest in finding out
    Although he has some serious plans for               own destiny to        what people need from each transaction has
expansion, Daniel said it’s important for him                                  been key to his ongoing success.
to maintain the same values and agility that has
                                                         a degree and that’s       “I’m good at quickly working out people’s
been behind his success to date.                         really important      motivations and their pain points,” he said.
    “Deals often come down to who you know,                                    “Motivation and pain are the two levers for
the relationships you have and what value you can
                                                         to me.                every side of a deal and are basic drivers of all
add to that deal,” he said. “It’s not always about the                         human behaviour in general. Knowing what the
company you work for. It’s about you as a person                               motivations and frustrations of both parties are,
and who wants to do business with you.                                         allows you to bring people together and close
    “Mine is a very small business by commercial                               that deal faster.
real estate standards, but I like that. I want the                                 “I am honest and very direct, which is important
business to remain agile. We deal with who we                                  in my role. My staff and clients always know
want to deal with – and I do like the feeling of                               where they stand with me, which builds trust and
being the underdog.”                                                           is vital in this business.
                                                                                   “I also think I have developed resilience
Resilience and facing challenges                                               working in this industry. There is no such thing as
Like so many business owners, Daniel finds                                     an ‘okay day’ in commercial real estate. It’s either
one of his biggest challenges is protecting his                                amazing or awful. As someone said to me a few
time. Despite not being a ‘process person’,                                    years ago, it’s ‘champagne or razor blades’.
he does have ways to ensure he gets the most                                       “I’ve learnt to put a bad day out of my mind
out of every day.                                                              when I leave the office and I don’t bring any
   “Protecting my diary and maintaining a listing                              outside issues to work. Being present and
pipeline and deal flow is a constant challenge,”                               dealing with things in the moment is one of the
he said.                                                                       best things you can learn to do.”

12 / REAL ESTATE JOURNAL / Nov–Dec 2019
Why I love real estate
Daniel said he loves the adrenaline hit that comes with working in commercial    such professional negotiators, but the challenge allows you to personally get
real estate.                                                                     better with each deal and hone your craft.”
    “Sometimes it’s because you’ve beaten competitors to close a deal or             The fact that there is very little weekend work and less emotion than in
you’ve been successful in a challenging negotiation,” he explained. “It varies   residential sales is something Daniel values about commercial real estate.
from day to day, but it’s addictive and better than anything else I’ve done.         “The stakes are still very high, but in a different way to working with
    “I also enjoy the challenge of dealing with professional business people.    people who are selling their generational family home,” he said.
Every day, I’m negotiating with MDs, CEOs, CFOs, developers and professional         “As a team leader, I also really enjoy watching the agents in my team ride
investors who are all accomplished, driven and are great negotiators             the rollercoaster of working towards and eventually closing a deal. Watching
themselves. It can be extremely difficult when both the buyer and seller are     them succeed gives me a real sense of pride.”

   Becoming an industry leader                                                      Daniel’s tips for making a mark in
   “Sometimes I like the idea that I am a leader,” Daniel said. “Other
                                                                                    commercial real estate
   times, I cringe at the thought and I’m not always sure that I am
   doing it right.
       “That’s why I believe every leader also needs to have their own
                                                                                    1   	Embrace rejection and be resilient. Some days it will
                                                                                          feel like you’ve taken more hits than Google, but you have
                                                                                          to get up and keep going. Make rejection and failure your
   mentor. You need someone outside your business to bounce ideas                         friends – or at least get used to them. And don’t be scared
   off, give you advice and keep you on track. They can help you to                       to fail.
   be the best you can be for your team.
       Daniel said he doesn’t subscribe to a particular type of
   leadership style. Instead, he simply does what feels right and
   natural to him.
                                                                                    2   	Commercial real estate is a long game, so form good
                                                                                          habits and just keep at it. If you genuinely want this to
                                                                                          be your career, you need to invest in your future. Always
       “I also look back on managers and leaders I’ve had experience                      give the right advice to your clients, even if you know
   with and either replicate what I think they did well or try to avoid                   it’s not going to result in a deal or turn into money in
   doing things that I don’t think worked.                                                the next month or year. Your clients will appreciate your
       “One thing I’m proud of in our business is the ‘team to win’                       advice and you’ll be their advisor for life.
   culture we’ve built. Everyone understands they have their own
   roles, but we need to work together.
       "We also value having a real sense of fun. You spend so much
   time in the office, it’s important you enjoy it. I do, and my team tell
                                                                                    3   	Be genuine and honest. Your reputation and integrity
                                                                                          are the most important things you have, so make sure
                                                                                          you value them above all else.
   me they do too. This is vital if you want to keep great people and
   also keep your business growing.”
       Daniel said part of leadership is giving back to the community.
       “I don’t really like to talk about the specifics of what I do, but I do
                                                                                    4   	Remember, “you’re growing or you’re dying”. Keep
                                                                                          evolving and try to stay open to new things. Have daily
                                                                                          and weekly goals to keep yourself accountable. When you
   think everyone should give back if they can,” he said. “Personally,                    can afford it, get a coach. It’s definitely worth it. You have
   I’ve chosen a cause that I feel strongly about and I prefer to throw                   to keep learning. Even the best sportspeople in the world
   my full support behind one charity or organisation, rather than                        have a coach and a mentor, so they can keep improving.
   giving a little to a lot of different charities.
       “But I think everyone has their own way of doing things, and
   what’s important is that it’s meaningful to you and you’re helping
   people who really need it.”
                                                                                    5   	Be accountable. Work hard in your first few years to
                                                                                          build a solid platform for yourself. Say your goals out
                                                                                          loud – it makes them real.

                                                                                                                     REAL ESTATE JOURNAL / Nov–Dec 2019 / 13

Taking teamwork
to new heights
With many years of combined experience in the industry between
them, and a desire to offer a personalised approach focused on
premium marketing and exceptional service, Scott and Melissa Nolan
established Nolan Partners in 2004 – and they haven’t looked back.


When Scott and Melissa Nolan first met at Orara        have very different management styles and
High School in Coffs Harbour back in the 1980s,        bring different strengths to the business,
the stars aligned – not only for a successful          it definitely works.”
marriage, but also for a rewarding and dynamic
real estate business partnership.                      Collaboration and teamwork
   Now the leading real estate agency in Coffs         So what’s the secret to their success?
Harbour, Nolans is focused on its core business of        As a family business, Scott and Melissa
residential sales and property management, with        work hard to create a team-orientated culture
expanding commercial and holiday management            that places a high value on collaboration. Their
services. Nolans is also renowned for its project      continual investment in their people is reflected
sales and marketing expertise, having marketed         in an industry-low staff turnover.                  People ask us all
many of the major Coffs Coast residential                 “Our supportive workplace instills both
development projects in the last few years.            professional and personal confidence,” Scott
                                                                                                           the time, ‘how
   The successful husband and wife team                explained. “We genuinely get excited by seeing      do you all work
recently opened a second office in the                 people grow. If people are growing, they're
neighbouring community of Sawtell, providing           enjoying their job and they're becoming better
                                                                                                           together?’ But we
residential sales and leasing services, along with     people – and this positivity flows through to our   love it. Because
a quickly expanding holiday rentals department.        customers and clients.
And with a well-established team of 20, Nolans            “Many of our team members have been with
                                                                                                           we all have
continues to go from strength to strength within       Nolans for seven years or more. We don’t lose       very different
the Coffs Coast market.                                people, because we continue to invest in training
                                                       and education, and we encourage everyone to
Family affair                                          be the best they can be. Weekly team training       styles and
The Nolan family has been part of the local Coffs      is huge for us and we support individuals to go
Harbour community since 1928 and Melissa’s             on to obtain their Real Estate Licence. Sixteen
                                                                                                           bring different
family moved to the area in 1972. For Scott and        out of our team of 20 are now fully licensed,       strengths to
Melissa, developing strong relationships built         which is a great achievement.
on honesty and trust is at the heart of their family      “But we’re also focused on helping people
                                                                                                           the business,
run business.                                          be successful in their personal lives as well.      it definitely
   “Continuing the family tradition, our youngest      We encourage open discussions around
son Billy joined our Coffs Harbour office in 2016      personal growth and development. We've always
and now runs our marketing for both offices.           understood that when people come to work
He’s also a valued member of our sales team,”          with us, inside these four walls, we need to        MELISSA NOLAN
Melissa said.                                          provide a safe place. Real estate is a tough        Nolan Partners
   “People ask us all the time, ‘how do you all        business to be in, so we take this responsibility
work together?’ But we love it. Because we all         seriously,” he added.

14 / REAL ESTATE JOURNAL / Nov–Dec 2019
Melissa added: “We’re big on having an                much on technology and run the risk of losing our
engaged team pulling in the same direction               point of difference and relevance. We sometimes
– and the benefits are huge. There's now an              forget we’re in a relationship business.”
expectation that when you meet someone from
Nolan Partners it’s consistently going to be             Community spirit
a high-quality experience.”                              This desire to focus more on relationships mirrors
                                                         Nolans’ involvement with the local community.
Back to basics                                           As a longstanding local family and established
With decades of real estate experience between           real estate brand, the team supports a variety
them, Scott and Melissa have strong, finely-             of national organisations such as R U OK? and
tuned systems in place to manage both sales              the Pink Silks Foundation, but is largely focused      We've always
and property management processes to the                 on local charities, schools, sporting teams
highest of standards. But in a quieter real estate       and individuals.
market, they’ve taken their team back to basics             Scott and Melissa stress that they do not           that when
and are focused more on good old-fashioned               strive for recognition or publicity with their
relationship building.                                   community work.
                                                                                                                people come
    “This has been a huge shift for us in the last six      “For us it’s our corporate responsibility to give   to work with
months,” Melissa explained. “In our view, agents         back and support our local community,” Scott
who can build solid and trusted relationships with       said. “We also encourage our team to become
                                                                                                                us, inside these
their clients will survive and thrive. A good agent      actively involved with causes close to their hearts    four walls, we
is no longer about the best technology or even the       and we’re always happy to help where we can.”
best scripts and dialogues. It’s about the agents
                                                                                                                need to provide
who can build the best relationships.”                   The future is bright                                   a safe place.
    With this shift in focus, Scott and Melissa          So what will the future bring for Nolans?
have been working with the Nolans team to grow              “We’re proud to have been a big part of the
                                                                                                                We take this
their relationship building and leadership skills.       Coffs Coast community for 15 years and are             responsibility
The feedback from clients has already been               looking forward to consolidating our market
overwhelmingly positive.                                 leading position into the future,” Scott said.
    “As an example, we've spent a lot of time            “We’re moving to new offices, which will enable
recently encouraging our team not to text or email,      us to create a really exciting and engaging            SCOTT NOLAN
but to pick up the phone instead,” Scott said.           working environment for our team and also              Nolan Partners
    “In our experience. people are seeking personal      a great space for our clients.”
contact. They want to talk to you, rather than              “There are also some significant infrastructure
having to check a new app or website or receive          projects underway in Coffs Harbour and we’re
an email. I think this is where the industry has lost    really looking forward to seeing what the next
its way a little bit. As a whole, we’ve relied too       15 years bring,” Melissa added.

                                                                                                    REAL ESTATE JOURNAL / Nov–Dec 2019 / 15
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Level up to build your best life
A job in the real estate industry can be bountiful and offer us the
flexibility to create the lifestyle we want. But, to build your best life,
you need to have a clear vision of what that lifestyle looks like.


It’s important to highlight that your best life is        • Look at your listing presentation. What
different to everyone else’s. You need to focus on            is your close rate? Does this need to improve?
what you want, whether it’s building an empire,               Your listing presentation is incredibly
retiring early, working less or even giving more              important. Is there any point in prospecting
back to the community.                                        if you don’t have the ability to close the listing
                                                              presentation? The listing presentation is the
What does your best life look like?                           ‘championship event’ – you need to train for
This is the first thing that you need to get down             it to win.
on paper.                                                 • Find your edge. Have you found your edge?
    Get really clear on how you want to live your             What is it that sets you apart from your
life and what you want to experience. Think about             competitors? When asked this question,
your health, family, relationships, lifestyle, personal       are you selling your services and what makes
growth, career and finances. It’s important to give           you different as an individual? Or are you
this step the time and energy it deserves, as it              just reciting bullet points in the process?
impacts on how you structure the rest of your life.       • Have critical conversations. How strong
                                                              are you when it comes to critical conversations?
How much will your best life cost?                            This is another part of the process you need
The next step is to figure out the dollar amount that         to get strong at. I’m talking about all those
will afford you the ability to live your vision. It may       uncomfortable conversations around price
be a stretch from where you are now. Or it may be             changes, low buyer submissions and
less. Either way this figure helps set the baseline.          revisiting advertising.
   Then work backwards, using this dollar figure              By conducting an in-depth audit of your
as your end goal. It’s time to set goals – quarterly,     business and all its layers, you’ll be able to see
yearly and long term – to plan out what you need          where the holes are and what needs improvement.
to do to reach this figure.                               You may need to consider further education, either
                                                          through courses or using a coach.
What do you need to do to achieve                             Start with yourself, so you can dominate the
your best life?                                           marketplace in the letterbox, on digital platforms
Once you have your vision and goals mapped out,           and offline. You’ll then be able to build from
it’s time to assess what you’re currently doing and       there, adding what you need to achieve your
find out where you can level up.                          goals – systems, structures, processes or even
    This stage can be confronting, as you may             a team.
be calling yourself out on how you operate. But               The life and level of success you dream of is
know that everybody has room for improvement              all within your reach. You’ll have to work hard to
in different areas of their lives. Being really honest    put the footings in place, but that hard work will
with yourself here gives you the leverage to              well and truly point you in the right direction to
massively level up your success.                          level up your business and build your best life!
• Audit your current skillset. Are you the
    best that you can be? Do you need to look at
    changing the way you’re doing things? What
                                                                       SHERRI STOROR
    do you need to improve, fix or change?
                                                                       is a leading real estate coach,
• Consider how you are using your time at
                                                                       mentor, speaker and agent.
    work. Are you using it productively? Are you
    being dollar productive?

                                                                                                         REAL ESTATE JOURNAL / Nov–Dec 2019 / 17

Affordability no dent
to property dreams
CoreLogic has released the 2019 Perceptions of Housing
Affordability report, delving into what Australians are
thinking and feeling about property, and exploring their
hopes and dreams.

In the past decade, there’s no doubt that
Australians have found it harder to buy
a home.
    Affordability significantly worsened
                                              1   The Australian dream
                                                  is still alive
                                              Yes, affordability has deteriorated over
                                                                                           2    Unholy trinity presents
                                                                                                a challenge
                                                                                           Lisa Claes, CEO of CoreLogic
during the market’s growth phase that         recent years, but our drive and passion      International, explained that Australians
ran from early 2012 to mid-2017, when         to own our own piece of Australia remains.   are struggling with the “unholy trinity”
prices rose rapidly, particularly in Sydney       CoreLogic reports that more than four    of obstacles when buying a house.
and Melbourne.                                out of every five Australians believe it’s      “First, they must raise a deposit.
    But worsening affordability hasn’t        still important to own a home. And, in       Then gain approval for a loan, which has
dented the Great Australian Dream             good news, just over half of Australians     become tougher in the wake of increased
of owning our own property. As                think affordability has improved over        prudential regulation and the Financial
CoreLogic’s latest research reveals,          the last year, with falling house prices     Services Royal Commission. And finally,
even the youngest generation, who             and record low interest rates easing         they have to fund stamp duty,” she said.
have faced the toughest time getting          affordability concerns.                         “It’s not surprising, therefore, that while
into the housing market, remain                   But Tim Lawless, Research Director       half of Australian’s thought affordability
passionate about home ownership.              at CoreLogic, warned of complacency,         had improved, more than 80% are still
    Here are some key findings from           as the Australian property market remains    concerned about being able to afford
the report.                                   fundamentally unaffordable.                  their first or next home.”
                                                  “Key affordability ratios show it is
                                              difficult for Australians to afford a home
                                              and repay a mortgage,” he said. “The
                                              recent gains in affordability could be
                                                                                             Top 3
                                                                                             obstacles to home ownership
                                              quickly lost if the early trend towards
                                              higher prices is sustained.”

                                                                                                       Saving for a deposit
                                                          think housing affordability
                                                          has improved over the
                                                          last year
                                                                                                       Loan approval

                                                          believe home ownership
                                                          is important
                                                                                                       Stamp duty

                                                          are concerned about
                                                          being able to afford their
                                                          first or next home

18 / REAL ESTATE JOURNAL / Nov–Dec 2019
3    Cubby house syndrome
The research found that the ongoing
                                             4    The ‘bank of Mum and Dad’
                                                  is an attractive option
                                             Amid the ongoing housing affordability
                                                                                             5    Stamp duty and concessions
                                                                                                  must be addressed
                                                                                             CoreLogic’s report found that across all
affordability crisis is entrenching          crisis, more Australians, particularly          generations, Australians are united in their
a generation who are dependent on their      young people, are turning to family             growing opposition to stamp duty.
parents for housing, with the number of      for help. In fact, a quarter of Millennials         “Baby Boomers lead the growing
Millennials giving up hope of moving out     said family assistance to raise a deposit       opposition to stamp duty, with close to
of home by 30 years of age surging.          would be a great help when buying their         9 out of 10 of them agreeing that reducing
    “The ‘cubby house’ syndrome –            first home.                                     or removing stamp duty would improve
where children are prolonging their              “The ‘bank of Mum and Dad’ – where          housing affordability,” Mr Lawless said.
home stay with parents – is intensifying,”   young people rely on their parents                  “This view is gathering momentum.
Ms Claes said. “Our youngest generation      to support their entry into the housing         The backlash against stamp duty is likely
is effectively being locked out of the       market, either by helping with a deposit        to continue given that the impost and
market and are increasingly dependent        or assisting with loan repayments – is          inefficiency of stamp duty prevents many
on parents.                                  becoming one of the last sources of             Australians from buying a home.”
    “If Millennials’ affordability           hope for Millennials,” Mr Lawless said.             The report also found there continues
disillusionment continues, we risk               Despite the challenges Millennials          to be support for grants and concessions,
entrenching a generation who become          face, the great Australian dream of home        but these needed to be viewed with
disenfranchised from society. It raises      ownership burns brightly.                       caution.
serious issues around inter-generational         “They haven’t given up – they want to           “Boosts to the first home buyer grant
equity and should be a catalyst for          own their own home,” Mr Lawless said.           and stamp duty concessions have had
policy makers to address affordability       “In fact, by being denied it, they want it      instant responses from first home buyers
at a foundational level.”                    even more.”                                     in the past,” Mr Lawless said. “But despite
                                                                                             that popularity, grants and concessions
                                                                                             have the potential to actually worsen
            of people living with their
            parents can’t afford to leave      Millennials                                   affordability by stoking demand and
                                                                                             pushing prices higher in the short term.”
                                               who struggle with affordability the most,
                                               are most passionate about home ownership
            of those living at home                                                                       of Australians think removing
            say they’ll be 30 before                                                                      stamp duty is the best strategy
            they move out                                 of Millennials said family
                                                                                                          to improve affordability
                                                          assistance to raise a deposit
                                                          would be great
                                                                                                          of Baby Boomers support
                                                                                                          reducing or removing
                                                          of Millennials view financial
                                                                                                          stamp duty
                                                          support from their family to pay
                                                          their mortgage favourably

                                                                                                    REAL ESTATE JOURNAL / Nov–Dec 2019 / 19

                                 Oh, what a night!
         The real estate industry’s talent, expertise, dedication and professionalism
       were all on show as REINSW members from across New South Wales celebrated
                 the best of the best at the Awards for Excellence Gala Dinner.

The last 12 months have been tough for many agents. Difficult       The judges certainly had their work cut out for them!
market conditions and low consumer sentiment have been                  “All the finalists reflect outstanding professional expertise,
a challenge. But it looks like we’ve turned the corner and agents   talent and skill, and our winners exemplify the highest
embraced the opportunity to celebrate at REINSW’s night of          standards of service and innovation that continue to drive
nights on 19 September 2019.                                        the real estate industry in New South Wales from strength
   “Tonight, the achievements of our industry are on full display   to strength.
and there’s an astonishing amount of talent in the room,”               “From those just starting out in their career to some legends
REINSW President Leanne Pilkington said as she opened               of the real estate industry, the 2019 winners of the Awards for
the evening’s proceedings. “With so many deserving finalists,       Excellence are deserving of the highest honour we can bestow.
choosing the winners this year has been extremely tough.                “Congratulations to all our winners and finalists!”

20 / REAL ESTATE JOURNAL / Nov–Dec 2019
        Dowling Real Estate Raymond Terrace

        2 AUCTIONEER
        Starr Partners Blacktown

        3 BUYERS’ AGENT
        Albion Avenue

3   4   4 BUYERS’ AGENCY




        One Commercial Property


7   8

        For all the photos from the night,
        head to the REINSW Facebook page at

                 REAL ESTATE JOURNAL / Nov–Dec 2019 / 21

9 COMMUNICATION                           9    10



Cooley Auctions

Home Specialist Property Management
(accepted by Crystal O’Keeffe)

Colliers International

Colliers International


                                          12   13

                                          14   15

22 / REAL ESTATE JOURNAL / Nov–Dec 2019
16   17   16 REAL ESTATE AGENCY –


          Home Specialist Property Management
11   19

          McGrath Estate Agents

          22 RURAL MARKETER
          SAM TRIGGS
          Inglis Rural Property

21   22

          For all the photos from the night,
          head to the REINSW Facebook page at

                    REAL ESTATE JOURNAL / Nov–Dec 2019 / 23


24 / REAL ESTATE JOURNAL / Nov–Dec 2019
The industry’s ‘go-to’ man
Joining the honour roll of Woodrow Weight Award recipients, Chris Hanley
was recognised for his outstanding contribution to the industry.

“The Woodrow Weight Award is REINSW’s highest            of Australia’s top companies to develop positive
honour and bestowing it each year is a time-             organisational cultures.
honoured tradition,” REINSW President Leanne                “It’s no wonder his own agency has the best
Pilkington said when introducing the award.              sales record in the region, has consistently          Chris rightfully
    “When you look at who has received this award        been awarded for its achievements, boasts an
since its inception in 1989, it really is a who’s who    exceptionally high staff retention rate and sets
                                                                                                               prides himself
of our industry. It’s an honour roll of our industry’s   best practice standards in employee satisfaction,”    on running
great’s – and Chris Hanley is a most worthy              Leanne said.
recipient to stand among them.”                             “Chris is always very generous with his
                                                                                                               an ethical,
    Well-known across the industry, both in New          time and shares his professional wisdom with          sustainable
South Wales and nationally, Chris exemplifies the        everyone who crosses his path.”
best the profession has to offer.                           In recognition of his commitment to the industry
                                                                                                               business that
    “Chris started his real estate career in 1980        and his local community, Chris was recently           employs, trains
and for the last 20 years has been the Principal of      honoured with an Order of Australia medal.
First National Byron Bay,” Leanne said. “He is the          “His personal commitment to assist those
                                                                                                               and retains the
‘go to’ man for all matters of real estate. He can       in need was tangibly demonstrated with                best local staff.
tell you when a property was last sold, what price       the development and delivery of the RISE
it achieved, who purchased it and what it’s likely       Conference earlier this year in response to
to sell for in today’s market – all without turning      the tragic massacre that occurred in that city,”
on a computer or scrolling through his iPhone.           Leanne explained. “More than 300 real estate
    “Chris rightfully prides himself on running          professionals from Australia and New Zealand
an ethical, sustainable business that employs,           came together to raise funds for the victims’
trains and retains the best local staff. And his         families.
achievements are built on a foundation of honesty,          “Without doubt, Chris is one of the most
transparency and a results-driven strategy.”             inspiring, valued and respected members of the
    Since 2005, Chris has been engaged by some           profession that we’re all privileged to work in.”

                                                                                                   REAL ESTATE JOURNAL / Nov–Dec 2019 / 25

Preventing identity fraud
Vendor identity fraud is more
common than it should be,
yet many agents still have
not implemented prevention
procedures to protect themselves.
Here are REINSW’s tips to ensure
you know who your vendor is and
whether they have the right to sell
the property.

1 2 3 4 5
Read the
                             Confirm identity
                             You should verify the
                                                        Fill in the checklist
                                                        The Real Estate
                                                                                  Keep the checklist
                                                                                  on file
                                                                                                              Confirm legal
                                                                                                              ownership of
NSW Fair Trading’s           vendor’s identity from     Fraud Prevention          Once filled in, place the   the property
Real Estate Fraud            an original photographic   Guidelines include        completed Checklist
                                                                                                              You must verify
Prevention Guidelines        document, such as          a Proof of Identity       on the sales file. This
                                                                                                              the ownership of
outline a clear set of       a current driver’s         Checklist for Vendors.    ensures it is readily
                                                                                                              the property from
procedures to protect        licence or passport.       You should complete       available in the future
                                                                                                              an original or certified
agents from vendor           Alternatively, the         this straightforward      should Fair Trading
                                                                                                              copy of a primary
identity fraud. The          vendor’s identity may      checklist with every      request inspection.
                                                                                                              property ownership
Guidelines are designed      be verified by way         vendor and ensure
                                                                                                              document, such as
to protect agents            of two secondary           the relevant details
                                                                                                              a certificate of title or
against people claiming      non-photographic           are carefully recorded.
                                                                                                              document conferring
to be legitimate vendors.    documents (original
                                                                                                              the power of sale.
You should familiarise       or certified copies),
                                                                                                              Cross check these
yourself with the            such as a current
                                                                                                              details against the
Guidelines.                  Medicare card, credit
                                                                                                              verified identity of
                             card, electricity bill
                                                                                                              your vendor.
                             or rates notice. When
                             confirming the vendor’s
                             identity, always do
                             so in a face-to-face

26 / REAL ESTATE JOURNAL / Nov–Dec 2019
You can also read