Engineering GREAT the IMI Way - IMI plc

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Engineering GREAT the IMI Way - IMI plc
The IMI Newsletter Issue 6 February 2017

                                           Mark Selway gives his
                                           review of 2016
     Engineering                           Page 2
                                           Lean achievements in
     GREAT the IMI Way                     Critical Engineering
                                           Page 7
                                           On-line video guides a hit with
                                           Hydronic Engineering customers
                                           Page 16
                                           Localised manufacturing creates
Critical Precision Hydronic                opportunities for IMI Buschjost
                                           Page 21
Engineering GREAT the IMI Way - IMI plc
                                                                As forecast in last August’s edition of
                                                                the IMI Eye, 2016 proved to be a difficult
                                                                but defining year for IMI and the wider
                                                                global environment in which we operate.
                                                                No-one could have forecast the magnitude
                                                                of political change which was to take place
                                                                and while the general economy proved
                                                                to be lacklustre, it is encouraging to note
                                                                some early signs of growth from many of
                                                                our markets as we head into 2017.

IMI Critical Engineering opens   New valve for medical market            In terms of IMI, I am pleased to report
new localised manufacturing      launched by IMI FAS            that our plans to invest significantly in the
                                                                key competitive levers for the future were
plant in China                   P7                             absolutely right and today we have a leaner,
P4                                                              more dynamic and competitively stronger
                                                                business, which is ready to capitalise on the
                                                                opportunities that an improving market
                                                                environment will bring.
                                                                        At the Group level, I was able to report
                                                                results which were directly in-line with market
                                                                expectations. I also confirmed that we
                                                                remained absolutely focused on our plans
                                                                to build competitive advantage and that
                                                                the culture of continuous improvement is
                                                                now firmly embedded across every area of
                                                                our operations.
                                                                        I am absolutely confident that this
                                                                cultural shift is now providing an ever stronger
                                                                foundation for the future and the momentum
                                                                of change is gathering pace in all three of
                                                                our divisions. Our operational performance
                                                                in the year showed considerable progress
Innovation workshops generate    Two divisions promote IMI      with a number of our businesses now
new ideas at IMI Hydronic        at Valve World exhibition      moving towards world-class practices.
                                                                The benefits were evident in our results
Engineering                      P16                            with particularly strong cash flow and
P12                                                             excellent progress evident in our working
                                                                capital performance.
                                                                        Without question, the most exciting
                                                                development in the year was the continued
                                                                investment in great new products, and I am
                                                                now confident that we have the foundations
                                                                laid, in terms of quality systems, competitor
                                                                tear-down and new project procedures, across
                                                                all three of our divisions. These systems
                                                                now provide us with an effective and
                                                                repeatable mechanism for delivering new
                                                                products routinely, which underpins the
                                                                Group’s sustainable competitive advantage
                                                                and growth potential.
                                                                        Our decision to combine the Group’s
                                                                lean activities with our health and safety
                                                                programme proved absolutely right and lost
IMI Precision Engineering’s      IMI Hydronic Engineering’s     time accidents in the year were almost half the
                                                                level experienced in 2015. We also introduced
Asia Pacific team celebrates     European sales teams           a number of customer-facing metrics into
first delivery of new Herion     converge on Birmingham         our lean scoring and benchmarking in 2016
valve – ‘Asia for Asia’                                         and while we still have plenty of scope for
                                 P24                            improvement, it was pleasing to see real
P18                                                             progress being made in our on-time delivery,
                                                                scrap and productivity across all three divisions.
                                                                        We also made huge progress in our
                                                                financial control and systems throughout 2016
                                                                and our auditors were again able to report an

2   The IMI Newsletter Issue 6
Engineering GREAT the IMI Way - IMI plc
Critical Precision Hydronic

In 2016 the Group delivered fundamental
improvements, which promise to
transform our competitive dynamics...
improved control environment across all areas         steps had to be taken, these projects will place                The Hydronic Engineering division also
of the Group. The investments being made in           the division in a much better competitive               made huge progress in 2016 but unfortunately,
our IT systems, and IT security, while painful to     position for the future and ultimately place            the warmer winter conditions in Europe and
put in place, are already delivering benefits and     our core manufacturing footprint closer to              difficult trading in China did not reflect all the hard
our work to implement peer group auditing in          customers and in higher growth markets.                 work from Peter Spencer and his team in the
2017 will take the Group to an even higher                     Massimo Grassi and his Precision               financial results. It was impressive that £55m
level of financial capability and assist in best      Engineering team also made huge progress                of the division’s 2016 sales were generated from
practice transfer.                                    in the year and delivered results which                 products which were launched into the market
         The nature of our products has resulted      were directly in-line with market expectations.         in the past three years and the new over-the-
in Critical Engineering being the most                The core Class 8 truck market was lower by              counter sales strategy resulted in the signing of
impacted of all three of our divisions by difficult   30% in the Americas and the first half of 2016          two important distribution agreements.
market conditions driven by the oil price             was generally pretty slow for our largest sector,               Like the other two divisions, Hydronic
collapse through 2015 and 2016. Despite this,         Industrial Automation.                                  Engineering continued to invest into its products
I am proud of the results produced by Roy Twite                Despite these market pressures, the            and infrastructure with a number of notable
and his team. In terms of new orders, Critical        division invested heavily in a terrific range of new    milestones in the year. In Germany, the division’s
Engineering out-ran the majority of the               platform products, the first to be delivered in         largest manufacturing site in Erwitte undertook
competition and their improved working capital,       over a decade. These products are designed              a transformational project to refurbish their sand
and inventory in particular, were major positives.    initially to arrest the declining revenue base of       casting operations. This undertaking required the
         The division put in place a structured       our Industrial Automation activities and the            entire facility to be dismantled, refurbished and
Value Engineering programme which helped              excitement which they have generated across             reconstructed while at the same time continuing
to both significantly reduce product costs and        the whole division is a credit to Massimo and           to support customer demand. The project
deliver more that £80m of new orders which            the Precision Engineering team. These new               proved a major success and today we can boast
would have either been lost to competitors, or        ranges will initially feature at the Hannover Fair      world-class performance from this facility and
resulted in unacceptable margins. More than           in the second quarter of 2017 and will be               scrap rate reductions from 16% in 2014 to less
27 new and Value Engineered products were             followed by a significant pipeline of great new         than 6% following the refurbishment.
delivered in the year, and according to Roy, this     products across all of our core sectors for                     The lean scores for Hydronic also showed
represents more new product activity than he          many years to come.                                     further improvement from their best in Group
has witnessed in his 28 years with IMI.                        The division also made huge progress           status while at the same time halving lost time
         The division’s lean scores, health and       in improvements to its operating performance            injuries to just two. Kan Ban and inventory pull
safety and core customer metrics all made             with world-class ranking now within the sights          systems allowed response time to customers to
significant progress in the year and it is pleasing   of many of its operations in the year ahead.            be halved during 2016 and plans are in place to
to report that our newest factory in Korea            These improvements resulted in a second                 improve further in the year ahead. The Polish
achieved the highest lean score in the division,      successive year of improved working capital,            site continued to lead the Group in terms of
a fantastic result for CD Suh and the very            with the proceeds of reduced inventory being            lean benchmarking and our site in Slovenia also
dedicated team in that country. Our investments       reinvested in new products and upgrades to              increased its score to over 80%.
were not only limited to Korea – during 2016          our factories. The increased focus on lean                      A significant highlight for the year was
Jackie Hu and the China team consolidated             also resulted in more than a 50% reduction in           the first launch of the division’s new JD Edwards
our three Chinese operations into a single            lost time accidents.                                    ERP system which was delivered on-time and
world-class plant just outside Shanghai.                       Without doubt the most significant work        on-budget in Poland and the division’s head
         The investment in our facilities at          being undertaken was the reorganisation of              office in Switzerland. Following some early and
IMI Z&J in Germany also continued apace               the division’s North American and European              to be expected teething problems, the system is
and the business now boasts new office and            operations which will underpin a new dynamic            now delivering huge efficiencies and the balance
employee facilities to complement the upgrade         in the way Precision Engineering operates and           of Hydronic sites will be undertaken during the
of its production halls and new equipment             goes to market. This programme kicked-off               course of 2017.
layout, which are bringing improved flow              with the appointment of Ryan Schroeder,                         I am sure that in reading this ‘year-at-a-
throughout their operations. This £10m                who took over the reins of the Americas                 glance’ summary you can see the continuation
investment has been managed on-time and               and restructured his operations into the new            of the investment being made to improve
on-budget while at the same time delivering a         vertical structure, which streamlined his               the competitive dynamics of the Group.
very substantial order book.                          organisation and places the customer at centre          These investments are beginning to provide a
         In addition to the product and new           stage in his operational, marketing and product         real differentiator in the market and I want to
facility investments, the division continued its      development efforts.                                    thank all of our valued employees for their hard
programme of IFS ERP rollouts with the new                     The European operations followed               work and commitment to making IMI GREAT.
system now fully embedded in Korea, Japan,            suit with consolidation of the two operating
India, the Czech Republic, Sweden and Austria.        organisations into a single European business
These projects have all been delivered on-time        unit under the leadership of Peter Varwijk.
and on-budget and the improved efficiencies           This significant change will act as the catalyst
which result, are already evident across all of       for a vertical structure to be implemented in
these regions.                                        Europe during 2017 and has already taken out
         In order to respond to the slower market     a number of layers across the organisation,
environment, the Critical Engineering team            while streamlining decision making in our               Mark Selway
accelerated their longer-term footprint               largest region. Our Asian operations also               CEO IMI plc
rationalisation which unfortunately resulted          delivered some great new products and
in the closure or sale of a number of lower           benefitted from the improved economic                   Full details of the 2016 results, including the
growth sites and delivered £12m of cost saving        conditions which grew their sales and profits           webcast of the presentation to the City,
in the year. While it is unfortunate that such        across the majority of their territories in the year.   are available at

Engineering GREAT the IMI Way - IMI plc
business improvement

Critical opens
new plant in
Qingpu, China
WRITTEN BY Saphira Shi
Marketing Communication                                                          Mike Semens-Flanagan (centre) welcomes visitors to Group HQ
IMI Critical Engineering, China                                                  from the Qingpu Government including the Mayor (fourth from the left)

Just 10 months after the announcement that IMI would                            Qingpu Municipal Government. Key customers in China were also
invest to carry out local manufacturing in China,                               joined by members of the IMI Critical Engineering Board, including
IMI Critical Engineering Greater China opened its                               Jackie Hu.
new facility in Qingpu on the outskirts of Shanghai,                                  Jackie Hu, Critical’s President for Greater China & Korea and
bringing together its manufacturing capabilities, business                      Mike Semens-Flanagan, Critical’s Director of Strategic Planning,
management and sales under one roof.                                            were delighted to host a delegation from the government of
                                                                                Qingpu on their arrival at Critical’s Birmingham headquarters last
      The 6,500 m² Qingpu facility, which includes a workshop                   August. Six individuals from Qingpu visited IMI, including the
area of nearly 5,000 m², is a major plank of Critical’s commitment              deputy Mayor of Qingpu District People’s Government. Following
to develop its business ‘In China, For China’.                                  presentations on IMI and the IMI Critical Engineering businesses,
      The official opening ceremony of the new site was led by                  the officials were pleased to support IMI’s investment in China by
Roy Twite, Critical’s Divisional Managing Director. Guests of                   designating IMI Critical Engineering a technology company.
honour included customer representatives, leaders from Qingpu                   This means that Qingpu will support up to 10% of IMI Critical
Municipal Government including Hai Ping Yu, President of                        Engineering’s investment and also provide support for recruitment
Shanghai Qingpu Industrial Zone Development Group and Zheng                     and training.
Yi Zhang, Deputy-Director of Economic and Trade Commission of

    RoyTwite (centre), Critical’s Divisional Managing Director and guests of honour at the official opening

4       The IMI Newsletter Issue 6
Engineering GREAT the IMI Way - IMI plc
business improvement                                                                                         Critical Precision Hydronic

Lean teamwork with                                                                                Supplier reduction
                                                                                                  project brings significant
customers delivers rapid                                                                          commercial benefit

product improvement
                                                                                                  WRITTEN BY Christian Woodyatt
                                                                                                  Logistics Trade Compliance
                                                                                                  IMI Precision Engineering, Western Europe

WRITTEN BY Barrett Bishop,                                                                        At the beginning of 2016, a supplier
Lean & HSE Manager                                                                                reduction programme was launched
IMI Hydronic Engineering                                                                          with the objective of consolidating low
                                                                                                  volume or ‘tail-end’ vendors to a third
                                                                                                  party. Championed by Wendy Durston
A kaizen event at Flow Design USA                most important to customers, the team was
                                                                                                  in Fradley Procurement, and governed
(FDI) was attended by selected                   able to identify a solution, and within two
                                                                                                  by Christian Woodyatt as a regional
customers and IMI Hydronic                       days develop a prototype and create an
                                                                                                  representative, the scope of the
Engineering employees. Designed                  action plan to start producing the new
                                                                                                  programme was to improve total costs.
to resolve an ongoing quality issue              design. A week later the prototype had
which had been identified through our            been machined, tested and the final design                Based on the level of spend and
‘Voice of the Customer’ process, and             approved for production.                         associated risk, fasteners were selected for
in just one week an improved design                      Despite the success of the event and     the programme. After assessing existing
was being implemented.                           the delivery of a solution which addressed       suppliers for performance, engagement
                                                 our quality and delivery issues, there is        and service agility, a UK company – Staytite,
       The operation of ball valves to control   always scope to improve, which is exactly        was selected as the best and most capable
the flow of water requires the handles to        what kaizen is aimed at. A common trap           vendor. Staytite’s role is to supply all
cope with large forces. In more than 30% of      of continuous improvement is to wait until       fastener products, including bespoke
cases, the pipe and valve installations in the   you have the ‘perfect solution’ before           designs to IMI Precision Engineering.
proximity of the ball valve require insulation   implementation. This not only prevents                   Successful management and
(due to the flow of cold water), preventing      steady progress but can actually keep you        implementation of the project relied on
the comfortable use of traditional length        from improving at all. Instead, with the         everyone understanding the proposal and
handles. To overcome this, Hydronic              kaizen methodology, teams are encouraged         commercial expectations. The project
offers an extended handle to facilitate ball     to take regular steps to improve as they         team used standardised documents,
valve setting.                                   strive towards perfection.                       efficient data exchange and regular
       At the start of 2016, it became clear             In the case of the extended handles,     stakeholder reviews that provide accurate
that the extended handles were top of            this meant taking the new successful             assessment of progress and an opportunity
our product quality issues. A number of          prototype one step further by reducing           to agree actions and eliminate risk brought
extended handles were being returned and         production time and material costs to deliver    by changing vendors.
comments ranged from being too difficult         additional competitive advantage. As an                  The implementation of this
to turn, to breaking when used. In addition,     added bonus, the kaizen event allowed the        programme has brought us potential to
supply chain problems resulting in delays        team to identify and eliminate weaknesses        change how we approach procurement
and late shipments were impacting                in resources and communications which            and supply chain. Once implemented at
deliveries and causing concern for our           might have allowed quality issues like this to   the identified sites, the European supply
customers.                                       arise again                                      chain for fasteners will have reduced from
       A cross-functional FDI team consisting            John Diep, QA/QC Manager said,           fifty vendors, to one.
of representatives from engineering, quality,    “All in all, a successful outcome and positive           Andrea Springell, Customer Service
customer service, product assembly, sales,       experience for the team who have seen            Manager, Staytite said, “The gain for both
took part in the kaizen event aimed at           first-hand how lean methods such as               businesses has been clear: it has brought
finding a speedy solution to the problems.       kaizen can bring tangible benefits to both        IMI commercial and cost benefits whilst
By focusing on the aspects which were            customers and the business.”                     Staytite has strengthened its spend and
                                                                                                  leverage in the market.”

   IMI CCI Brno certified a                                    WRITTEN BY Vera Snaselova

   healthy organisation
                                                               HR Director, IMI CCI EAME
                                                               IMI Critical Engineering

   IMI CCI Brno has been successfully re-certified as a ‘Health Promoting
   Enterprise’ by the Czech government and the National Institute of Public
   Health. The business achieved the highest possible award, grade three,
   improving on its 2013 certification at Grade 2.

         IMI CCI Brno was one of only 12 companies in the Czech Republic to receive
   this award in 2016, and received a trophy at an official ceremony in Prague in
   recognition of their achievement.                                                              (L-R) Christian Woodyatt and Wendy Durston (IMI),
                                                                                                  Andrea Springell and Tom Hall-Jones (Staytite)

Engineering GREAT the IMI Way - IMI plc
business improvement

lessons about
lean in the
back office
WRITTEN BY Marcella Colombino
Corporate Communications Assistant,
IMI Hydronic Engineering

Lean principles don’t just apply to
manufacturing processes; they equally
deliver real value to back office
functions too.

       12 participants from cross-functional                                                   The Hydronic team engaging in an exercise
                                                                                               at the lean workshop
groups recently took part in Hydronic
Engineering’s first non-manufacturing lean
workshop. The objective: How can we
function more efficiently as departments?      to be gained from applying lean principles.    versioning videos and graphics, and every
       Group Lean Manager, Alan Harrison,             Armed with a clearer understanding,     participant was keen to put into practice
hosted the session and outlined the basic      the team, which included representatives       lessons learnt with their teams.
lean principles, tools and what actions        from marketing and communications, legal,             As Maria Hooper, Product Marketing
and results could be expected from             finance and business development, went         Manager, said “I think lean principles and
implementing lessons learned. The session      on to explore adopting those principles for    methods can be applied to any department
explored the exchange of resources             back-office tasks. Each group chose an         process or working method, making this a
between functional groups and how to           ongoing problem and, with the help of lean     very relevant workshop.” Louis Benoiston,
apply them to different business scenarios.    tools, broke it down to better understand      Market Research Analyst, was in complete
       Initially, the exercise was completed   cause and effect and establish practical       agreement “Great event, very insightful and
without structured input, then repeated        actions to resolve the issue.                  practical. It will definitely help improve
but with lean principles applied, including           The workshop was a real success,        my business practices and performance,
‘pull system’, ‘SMED’ and ‘one-piece-flow.’    the marketing and communications               especially through using the tools
Improvements in results and KPIs made it       team identified 10 action points that          explained during the workshop.”
immediately clear to participants the value    will dramatically improve the process of

    Executive obeya room set up at Precision HQ
                                               In late October 2016 Precision‘s               goals. At a glance, anyone can see the
    WRITTEN BY James Malin
                                               Executive came together to start               status of the largest projects of 2017
    Lean Specialist
    IMI Precision Engineering                  creating the divisional Policy                 and any delays.
                                               Deployment Matrix for 2017. Used                     This level of visual management
                                               across IMI, Policy Deployment                  drives improvement. Every month
                                               is a method that increases the                 the division’s Executive team come
                                               effectiveness of an organisation.              together to review their plans.
                                               It adds focus and balance to the               The focus is maintaining the schedule
                                               company’s objectives by meeting the            by focusing on delay resolution and
                                               needs of all stakeholders including            implementing countermeasures to keep
                                               customers, employees, shareholders,            projects on time.
                                               suppliers and the environment.                       This well-proven process will help
                                                                                              us achieve our strategic goals whilst
                                                      To visualise the progress of projects   providing transparency of any problems
                                               from the Policy Deployment matrix, we          and improving team work.
                                               have set up an obeya room at our head                Following the success of the
                                               office in Lakeside, Birmingham, UK.            Precision obeya room, IMI Critical
                                               An obeya room is a large room or area          Engineering is following the same
    L-R Andy Roper, James Malin and Mari
    Docker in the Obeya room at Precision HQ   used to visualise a project or process and     process, in the same obeya room in
                                               co-ordinate a team to achieve the required     Lakeside, Birmingham.

6      The IMI Newsletter Issue 6
Engineering GREAT the IMI Way - IMI plc
business improvement                                                                                                 Critical Precision Hydronic

IMI FAS brings new
product to market
                                                                                                                     WRITTEN BY Loic Buros
                                                                                                                     FLEXISOL Manufacturing Unit Manager
                                                                                                                     IMI Precision Engineering

Launched last November at the                           changeovers to switch instantly from one
MEDICA/COMPAMED trade fair in                           variation to the other; and poka yoke
Düsseldorf, the 6.5mm FLEXISOL valve                    integration, a mechanism that helps
is the latest IMI FAS fluid control                     operators avoid mistakes, an innovative
innovation for the medical, diagnostic                  and agile production line was designed.
and analytical industries. The smallest                        Delayed product differentiation (DPD)
valve in the IMI FAS range was                          helped reduce the complexity of the
designed to precisely control gases                     assembly process. FLEXISOL is designed
within portable medical devices                         as a modular platform that has options
and diagnostic instruments. Lean                        for customer modification at the end of
principles were integrated into                         the manufacturing process. With many
the product development process                         variants of the valve, DPD has meant less
and important to the success of the                     equipment was required for manufacturing,
design process for the new valve.                       therefore improving flexibility with quicker
                                                        and more simple changeovers that gives
       One objective of the new product                 full agility to the line. DPD also meant there
development project was to build an ‘agile’             were lower levels of inventory and easier
production line for the manufacture of                  supply chain management.
the FLEXISOL valve. To achieve this,                           DPD is fundamental to the design of
manufacturing engineering was involved                  multi-variant products like FLEXISOL. The
right at the beginning of the design                    benefits are significant in terms of customer
phase to introduce lean manufacturing                   service, simplifying the supply chain and
techniques into the product. Using                      planning management. Its contribution to
‘once-piece-flow’ to reduce quality risks               the success of bringing a revolutionary new                 FLEXISOL production line
and Work In Progress costs; SMED for fast               design to market has been significant.

Lean achievements across Critical
WRITTEN BY Nick Rowson-Jones                                                           IMI Critical Engineering in Greater China provided a GREAT
Divisional Lean & HSE Director
                                                                                example of how value stream mapping (VSM) of customer orders
IMI Critical Engineering
                                                                                and delivery can result in exceptional improvements. The team
                                                                                designed a new process after mapping the current and desired
                                 IMI Truflo Marine team undertaking 8D review
                                 – (clockwise) Rob Watson, Nora Asselah,        future states which has resulted in a reduction of over 70%
                                 Chris Weston, Richard Rhead & Abbie Lemin      in the time taken from quote to purchase order for aftermarket
                                                                                services (45% reduction for New Construction & Isolation)
                                                                                and almost halved the time taken from purchase order to
                                                                                delivery in aftermarket services. Jim Lim, VP Sales for IMI Critical
                                                                                Engineering Greater China said that one of the main conclusions
                                                                                he drew from the exercise was ‘Do more VSM workshops and
                                                                                invite relevant departments’ – a testament to the success of the
                                                                                       IMI Truflo Marine have been employing ‘8D’ (the eight
                                                                                disciplines problem-solving model) for a structured, cross-
                                                                                functional examination of the most complex problems facing
                                                                                the business. Focus is on areas with the highest improvement
                                                                                potential, with objective decision-making and visualisation of the
                                                                                problems to make them more accessible to a range of people.
November and December saw the latest round of lean and                                 Rob Watson, Engineering Director at IMI Truflo Marine
HSE audits across the entire operations of the IMI Group.                       explains “The 8D process is an internationally-recognised
We were delighted to see IMI CCI Korea, with a combined                         standard which improves the integrity of the investigation.
lean score of 82%, emerge top of the IMI Critical                               I am delighted that 14 employees have passed the qualification,
Engineering league table. A fantastic achievement which                         along with four of our key suppliers. We have launched
shows world-class is possible in an engineering-to-order                        23 8D projects and I am confident that we will deliver
project-based business! Well done to CD Suh and the team                        significant improvements in customer and supply chain quality
at IMI CCI Korea.                                                               as well as reducing our annual costs.”

Engineering GREAT the IMI Way - IMI plc
business improvement

New cyclonic dirt                                                                              Site visits help
                                                                                               create enthusiasm
separator can be                                                                               for ERP roll out
mounted in any direction                                                                       WRITTEN BY Brett Stagg
                                                                                               ERP Programme Manager
                                                                                               IMI Hydronic Engineering
WRITTEN BY Maria Hooper
Product Marketing Manager
IMI Hydronic Engineering
                                                                                               2016 saw the successful
                                                                                               implementation of Hydronic’s new
IMI Hydronic Engineering’s new cyclonic dirt separator, Zeparo G-force, is one of              ERP system at two of our sites.
a kind. Launched in January 2017, it not only cleans heating and cooling systems               With roll-out set to continue over
much more efficiently than anything else on the market, it’s also the only dirt                the course of 2017, the team has
separator of its size that can be mounted both horizontally and vertically.                    borrowed best practice suggestions
                                                                                               from our operations colleagues to
       Dirt causes havoc in heating and cooling systems, both old and new. This by-            increase employee engagement
product of the construction process or of corrosion can become trapped in high-value           and address directly any concerns
equipment, such as boilers, pumps and valves, leading to expensive maintenance and             the team may have before
repairs, or even to system breakdown.                                                          implementation
       The new Zeparo G-force eliminates this problem. Its unique cyclonic technology
removes dirt, sludge and magnetite particles 9 times faster than similar devices, data                Site visits have been successful
which has been proven by independent tests from the UMTEC Technical Institute in               when sharing best practice within
Switzerland. Dirt and sludge are removed before there is any chance of critical                the operations team on their lean
components being damaged or compromised, helping to prolong system life span.                  journey, providing participants with
       Following the launch of the technology in small dimensions in 2014, customer            an opportunity to see for themselves
feedback called for bigger sizes and flexible installation position – both horizontal and      how processes and systems work.
vertical. The design team listened and developed the Zeparo G-Force whose unique               The same approach can be taken in
features allow for installation in all directions; a great advantage when space is at          any other business area and has been
a premium!                                                                                     introduced as part of the Hydronic
       The industry response has been extremely positive. Even prior to the official launch,   ERP project.
the Zeparo G-force has already been specified by WBG Gropius Wohnen as part of a                      Rather than hearing about the
very large order for a wide range of Hydronic products that includes Pneumatex, TA,            system second-hand in powerpoint
and Heimeier for installation in a prestigious project due for completion this spring in       presentations or conference calls, the
Berlin, Germany.                                                                               Change Management team have taken
       The Füllinsdorf R&D team in Switzerland took great pride in showing prototypes          an innovative approach. They have
of this latest innovation to the IMI Executive team during a recent visit. Dan Shook,          introduced site visits to Poland for
Group Finance Director said, “It’s hard not to be infected by the enthusiasm of the team       all future ERP implementation sites.
who have developed the G-Force who are clearly excited about the benefits it will               This means new future users have the
bring to customers.”                                                                           opportunity to see the system in
                                                                                               operation and interact with teams who
                                                                                               have already gone through the process
    Sebastian Schweers, R&D manager of Pressurisation and Water                                of getting it up and running. “It gives
    Quality at Fullinsdorf shows the Executive team the new Zeparo
    G-force prototype during their visit to the Füllinsdorf factory                            the teams confidence that the system
                                                                                               works and that they have nothing
                                                                                               to fear”, said Hydronic Finance Director
                                                                                               Alex Hunt, who has sponsored
                                                                                               the initiative.
                                                                                                      So far 43 visitors have been
                                                                                               sent to the new installations and the
                                                                                               response has been overwhelmingly
                                                                                               positive. “When I went to Olkusz I had
                                                                                               the opportunity to see the system
                                                                                               working and talk to the team who
                                                                                               participated in the implementation.
                                                                                               It is hard work, but experiencing
                                                                                               first-hand the efficiencies it will bring to
                                                                                               the business gave me the confidence
                                                                                               that it can be done and that the efforts
                                                                                               are well worth it.” said Paul Molhoek,
                                                                                               Plant Manager at IMI Hydronic
                                                                                               Engineering’s Erwitte site in Germany.
                                                                                                      The teams are very enthusiastic
                                                                                               about the roll-out and motivated by the
                                                                                               clear benefits it will bring.

8      The IMI Newsletter Issue 6
Engineering GREAT the IMI Way - IMI plc
business improvement                                                                                 Critical Precision Hydronic

Material flow                                  Rationalisation delivers
project at
Brno improves                                  cost savings at IMI Orton
production                                     WRITTEN BY Enzo Stendardo
                                               Sales & Marketing, IMI Orton

efficiency                                     IMI Critical Engineering

WRITTEN BY Tomas Petrik
Logistics Manager                              IMI Orton’s MV valve series represents a significant portion of the company’s
IMI Precision Engineering, Brno                sales. Thanks to the work of a multi-disciplinary team, significant
                                               improvements have been achieved in the supply chain management,
                                               cost, and performance of this important range of valves.
A team at IMI Precision Engineering,
Brno recently overhauled its materials                The MV valve series has been engineered and manufactured by IMI Orton in
handling process. The significant              Piacenza, Italy, since 1990. Common to many companies producing industrial valves,
amount of space for logistics on the           each time a project and order was received different valve sizes and ratings were
shop floor caused inefficiencies in            developed. A Senior Engineer at IMI Orton explains “At the time of an order the focus
processes and time for the operators           was naturally on delivering that order, but each single valve design was produced
to feed the line or search for materials.      without considering the possible harmonisation of similar valve components.”
The intricate planning process included                The company decided to take a step back and establish a multi-disciplinary
core and cross-functional teams                team to undertake a ‘design for manufacture and assembly’ project. This is a key tool
and began with a review of current             in our Value Engineering approach that is designed to improve a product’s design
processes.                                     efficiency and manufacturing processes. Team members were drawn from a wide
                                               range of departments in the company including sales and marketing, quality and
       Starting with a ‘Plan for Every Part’
                                               production, which meant that different perspectives were taken into account when
analysis, the team recorded every piece
                                               looking at how to optimise the valve design.
of data available on the parts, including
                                                      The results have been significant. The standardisation of parts has resulted
package size at the point of use and hourly
                                               in a 40% reduction in the number of parts and combined with a standardisation of
consumption. The analysis helped define
                                               materials, the company has moved from a ‘push’ to a ‘pull’ supply chain philosophy.
our objective of moving from a pick-to-order
                                               This has delivered remarkable cost savings. The design rationalisation has also
process to a ‘supermarket’ concept, where
                                               delivered significant improvements in SMED (single minute exchange of dies) reducing
parts are replenished as inventory is used.
                                               the time it takes to complete equipment changeovers.
A spaghetti diagram to track the actual
                                                      Francesco Bracchi, Engineering Manager, IMI Orton said “The learnings from this
flow of products and people revealed the
                                               project are now being taken to other valves series as well as increasing the focus on
potential to combine or more closely align
                                               changeover time in machining. We are confident that applying these learnings will
pre-assembly and final assembly.
                                               deliver even greater benefits to IMI Orton.”
       Detailed review of our vision
documents showed that significant changes
to the layout of the shop floor would be
needed. The original factory layout used
many 110cm aisles, which are too narrow
for the milk-run process required to
replenish products. It was important that
there was also enough space for empty
boxes to cover the cycle time of the
milk-run. Based on capacity and Takt time,
we calculated the material quantities
needed and one major finding was that
components would need to be replenished
using a two-bin system.
       Sascha Tometschek, Brno’s
Plant Director said “Standard Operating
Procedures were developed for new
processes and we created a skills matrix to
cover three-shift and potential swing-shift
models. Following shop floor training on
‘Supermarket’ and re-loading processes for
‘Make-to-Order’, the team went on to
launch the pilot milk-run. The process is
successfully managed through a daily
operations meeting and over the next
10 months there are plans to roll out across
the wider plant.”                              An installed MV butterfly valve with actuator on top

Engineering GREAT the IMI Way - IMI plc
business improvement

Lean techniques transform
Shanghai’s lead time
WRITTEN BY Celina Wang
Asia Pacific Lean Champion
IMI Precision Engineering

                                                                                              Praise for
In a first for IMI Precision Engineering
Shanghai, the production levelling
                                                      By utilising several lean techniques,
                                                including 5S, and conducting six major        IMI CCI Korea’s
process ‘heijunka’ was introduced to
its cylinder line with the purpose of
                                                SMED projects and a number of process
                                                layout changes, the workshop was              rapid IFS ERP
levelling workload throughout the
workshop and supply chain by
                                                transformed into one of efficiency; where
                                                the number of cylinder daily changeovers      implementation
operating at the rate of customer               was higher, but output and workload
‘TAKT’ (demand). The objective was to           was levelled.                                 WRITTEN BY Patrick Roxbee-Cox
reduce lead time, reduce inventory,                                                           Divisional IT Director
improve productivity and, ultimately,           The overall pull / heijunka results:          IMI Critical Engineering
increase market share.                          l On Time In Full (OTIF) improved by 7%
                                                l Lead time reduced by 85%
      The introduction of heijunka was a                                                      IMI CCI Korea has successfully
                                                l Inventory turnover improved by 28%
proactive initiative to make the lead times                                                   completed its first month-end
                                                l Change over time improved by 92%
of the cylinder products significantly more                                                   close using its new IFS ERP
competitive in the market and improve                                                         system in the very first month
                                                      The heijunka project team is quick to
customer service and response times.                                                          after it went live.
                                                recognise that, although the key objectives
      Over a 10-month period, a cross-          have been successfully achieved, lean is             The IFS Project Manager
functional project team, comprising five        a continuous journey. Focus over the          praised “the dedication and hard
separate business functions and over 20         coming months will remain on developing       work of the Korean Finance team
employees, together with heijunka and lean      the process and identifying areas for         and the LEAP team members in
specialists, challenged itself to transform     further improvement.                          bringing the project to a successful
the two cylinder CNC lines to run in One
Piece Flow: the process of manufacturing
                                                                                                     Senior executives within IMI
to order.
                                                                                              were quick to recognise the team’s
                                                                                              commitment. Critical’s Chief Finance
                                                                                              Officer Ian Johnson described it as
                                                                                              “an amazing achievement”.
                                                                                                     Shane Greenwood, ERP
                                                                                              Implementation Programme Director,
                                                                                              added “This achievement shouldn’t
                                                                                              be underestimated. In the 25+
                                                                                              projects I’ve launched throughout my
                                                                                              career, this has only been achieved a
                                                                                              handful of times because it is so
                                                                                              difficult to complete all the migration
                                                                                              and reconciliation work on time, deal
                                                                                              with the learning curve of new users,
                                                                                              resolve go-live issues quickly and
                                                                                              effectively, and (the most difficult part)
                                                                                              ensure all transactions from the
                                                                                              blackout and for month 1 are entered
                                                                                              accurately in the system. And that’s
                                                                                              before you have to complete the
                                                                                              closing process for the first time on
                                                                                                     Well done to IMI CCI Korea and
                                                                                              the IFS team!

 IMI Precision Engineering, Shanghai’s Lean Project Team

10    The IMI Newsletter Issue 6
business improvement                                                                                       Critical Precision Hydronic

    Site visits and lean training
    impress valued customer
    WRITTEN BY Colin Cooke                        techniques and the operational benefits            Also, SDC requested a technology
    Key Account Manager
                                                  achieved by implementing them.               day each quarter as an opportunity to
    IMI Precision Engineering, Ireland
                                                          Suitably impressed, SDC Trailers     present new products and understand the
                                                  have since introduced several elements       quality and design focus of the customer.
    The success of the lean                       and ideas from IMI Precision Engineering’s
    manufacturing processes that                  processes in their own lean journey.
    are being applied at IMI Precision            Following the initial visit, further SDC
    Engineering’s Fradley site attracted          representatives have visited lean
    the keen interest of our customer,            workshops in Fradley as part of an
    SDC Trailers, who were eager to               ongoing exercise to share best practice.
    learn how a well-implemented                          The team at Fradley also led two
    and effective lean programme can              technology-focused days for SDC Trailers.
    increase efficiency and reduce                The first was to present developments in
    costs.                                        mobile pneumatics and to understand the
                                                  customer’s roadmap for next generation
           At the request of SDC Trailers,        trailer technology. The second was
    members of the company’s senior               an on-site training day attended by
    management team visited both sites            representatives from various SDC Trailers
    to attend a tour by Manufacturing             business functions into the fundamentals
    Manager, David O’Neill, and Quality           of compressed air and pneumatic circuits.
    Manager, Jimmy Lagan. Fradley is the                  With both events drawing a very
    manufacturing site for components                                                          Training SDC Trailers personnel on the
                                                  positive response from the customer, an      fundamentals of pneumatic circuits
    used in vehicle fittings by SDC Trailers,     agreement was made to share training
    so the company had a particular interest      content with other production staff and
    in talking about several of the site’s lean   new starters at SDC Trailers.

Systematic approach reduces
scrap by 70% at Erwitte site
WRITTEN BY Guido Grimm
Quality Manager, IMI Heimeier, Erwitte
IMI Hydronic Engineering

A step-by-step process optimisation               caused the majority of the problems.         humidity and additives used, to help clearly
exercise has yielded a dramatic 70%               Natural sand had been used for years,        define the upper and lower action limits
reduction in casting-related scrap at             however, it’s an inconsistent material due   that would deliver improved castings.
the Erwitte factory in Germany.                   to variations in grain size, humidity and           Optimising the casting tools using
                                                  additives. The team decided to switch to     failure analysis systematics and dedicated
       Back in December 2013, the                 synthetic sand which provides a more         casting simulation software in the foundry
casting-related scrap rate at the site stood      stable and consistent casting medium.        pattern-making process completed the
at an unacceptable 17% across the value                  With one problem solved, a range      project. The end result: an impressive
stream. Something had to change, so               of other issues were addressed to            scrap rate reduction from 17% to a much
a comprehensive process analysis to               help improve the process as a whole.         more satisfactory 5.3%; a remarkable 70%
determine the underlying cause of the             The casting method, sand mix and             overall improvement. When you consider
problem and identify a solution was put           main control systems were overhauled.        that the Erwitte factory produces in excess
into place.                                       KPIs were established for every process      of 10 million castings per year, that’s a
       Initial findings revealed that the         parameter, including temperature, sand       significant reduction in wasted materials!
moulding material and sand-mix system

business improvement

    innovative ideas is
    key to our future
    WRITTEN BY Markus Bobbert
    Lead Engineer/Innovation Champion
    IMI Hydronic Engineering, Füllinsdorf

    Innovation and idea generation play a vital role in
    developing the solutions essential for meeting tomorrow’s
    challenges. An on-going series of innovation workshops
    are creating a collaborative approach to ‘engineering                    Carina Schlueter, Claudio Wagner, Norbert Ramser, and
    GREAT’ with employees across Hydronic sites and                          Gian Schlaepfer at the innovation workshop in Füllinsdorf
    departments all contributing.

          Kieran Griffin, Head of Engineering said “We’re trying to get     phenomenal 93 ideas around the subject of OTC strategy for a
    people to think and act more innovatively. We ask the teams to          Compresso Unit, 9 of which were evaluated and followed up.
    be more observant – think about what we have and what the                     Three more workshops are planned in the future. The team
    ‘state-of-the-art’ would look like. Curiosity’s hugely important too;   in Erwitte, Germany, will examine thermostatic control; Olkusz in
    how can we do things differently, for instance? We also encourage       Poland will explore ‘Value Engineering and product optimisation’;
    teams to be pragmatic and strategically evaluate any ideas and          and the Brežice, Slovenia, team will build on the findings of the first
    then think carefully about how they can be put into action.”            workshop in Ljung. It seems we’re as good at generating ideas as
          Following the first successful workshop in Ljung, Sweden          we are at innovating GREAT products and solutions!
    a second workshop held in Füllinsdorf, Switzerland, generated a

    Employees’ shared vision                                                                                  WRITTEN BY Jose Felipe Pelaez

    drives business improvement                                                                               General Manager
                                                                                                              IMI Precision Engineering, Mexico

                                                                                    SEN, the name for Queretaro’s Excellence System, is
                                                                            centred on five elements for improvement: employee engagement,
                                                                            health, safety and environment, quality, business improvement,
                                                                            and customer experience. Twenty key indicators linked to these
                                                                            five elements guide the programme and act as drivers for the
                                                                            implementation of continuous improvement tools. Each indicator
                                                                            has five levels of maturity, from novice, through leading level and
                                                                            finally ‘best in class’.
                                                                                    The clear, shared vision SEN provides guides our self-
                                                                            directed teams to transform the business and adapt to the
                                                                            changing needs of our customers and people. Improvement has
                                                                            come predominantly from the identification and elimination of
                                                                            non-value added activities and implementation of best practices.
                                                                            This has led to an improvement in productivity and profitability
                                                                            and helped the company reach their aim of long-term and
                                                                            sustained competitiveness.
                                                                                    Octavio Lopez, Operations Director at Queretaro said
                                                                             “We have already seen significant results from the programme.
L-R Roberto Hernandez, Agustin Salazar, Emmanuel Lopez, Sergio
Gonzalez at the Metrology department’s visual management board              Since 2012, we have implemented 1187 improvement ideas.
                                                                            72 kaizen events have been held to examine working practices
     An exciting business excellence programme undertaken                   and personal efficiency, and 52 SMEDs conducted to reduce
     by IMI Precision Engineering, Queretaro has led to the                 equipment changeover time. Our overall lean assessment result
     creation of a shared vision and set of values. Developed to            has improved from 35% in the first half of 2014 to 70% for the
     engage employees, these values help improve processes,                 second half of 2016. We are extremely proud of our improvement
     encourage customer retention and strengthen our position               to date and IMI Precision Engineering Queretaro remains
     in the market.                                                         committed to SEN and our continuous improvement.”

    12    The IMI Newsletter Issue 6
customer focus                                                                                      Critical Precision Hydronic

Bringing Harmony                                                 Streamlined design
                                                                 provides comprehensive
to the North                                                     solution for Australian
American market                                                  safety equipment
WRITTEN BY Hailey Mick
Inside Sales Manager,
IMI Hydronic Engineering North America                           WRITTEN BY Steve Green
                                                                 Asia Pacific CV Sector Lead
                                                                 IMI Precision Engineering

                                                                 Booth Engineering’s collapsible safety hand rail systems
                                                                 offer vital protection for workers while they are working at
                                                                 height. The hand rail, named ‘Booth Safety Rail System’
                                                                 won the prestigious WorkCover Victoria’s Award for
                                                                 Excellence in Innovation in Work Place Health and Safety.
                                                                 Used in many situations – road tankers and vehicles,
                                                                 underground mining vehicles, or near workshop pits,
                                                                 managing the growing range of customer options became
                                                                 a challenging task and this is where IMI Precision
                                                                 Engineering used its expertise in pneumatics to support
                                                                 Booth Engineering.

                                                                        The Australian supplier sells many of its systems as kits to
                                                                 tanker OEMs as well as trucking operators, repairers and installers.
                                                                 The popularity of the product and the many customisation options
                                                                 requested by Booth Engineering customers meant fulfilment of the
                                   The Harmony PIBCV             kits and managing stock control became increasingly complicated.
                                                                        IMI Precision Engineering offered its expertise and advice to
                                                                 help streamline the design and manufacturing process. The result
                                                                 was the development of a set range of kits that contained all
Hydronic’s new Harmony valve took centre stage at
                                                                 the IMI Norgren components required for each customer’s
the world’s largest gathering of Heating, Ventilation,
                                                                 preferences. This change in approach allowed for more efficient
Air-conditioning & Refrigeration professionals in
                                                                 advanced planning and greater control over stock levels whilst still
Las Vegas, Nevada in January 2017.
                                                                 effectively meeting customer requirements.
        The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating &                As an additional level of support, IMI Precision Engineering
Air-Conditioning Engineers conference, held at the Las Vegas     now carries out a leak test on every one of its pneumatic cylinders
Convention Centre, proved the ideal setting to spotlight our     prior to delivery. This not only saves Booth Engineering time
latest innovation: the Harmony, a pressure-independent           and money, but also allows it to have full confidence when it
balancing and control valve. With more than 2,000 exhibitors     guarantees its hand rails.
and an estimated 60,000 visitors from over 150 countries
it was a fantastic opportunity to sing the praises of this
groundbreaking development.
        The Harmony range of valves deliver more precise
balancing and control, increased energy efficiency and a range
of other outstanding features. A soft launch in late 2016,
with ½” and ¾” versions hitting the market achieved healthy
sales and positive responses from industry professionals.
The event in Las Vegas marked the launch of the full range and
a chance to raise awareness of everything Harmony has to
offer including reduced commissioning times - meaning quicker
project completion and handover. It provides greatly improved
flexibility so installation design changes can be quickly and
simply accommodated, helping to drive down cost.
        When coupled with the TA Slider actuator, the new
Harmony valve radically simplifies programming for optimal
performance, enabling users to customise settings via a
dedicated app and bluetooth dongle. It can easily replicate
more than 200 settings across any number of actuators,
helping to save time and energy when out in the field.
No wonder we are confident that it will be a success.
                                                                  Collapsible hand rail in action

customer focus

Collaboration on one-system
solution wins high-value order
WRITTEN BY Armin Lattacher
Industrial Automation
IMI Precision Engineering

Throughout its long-standing relationship with Zeppelin Systems,
IMI Precision Engineering has supplied many parts for the customer’s
engineering solutions. Now, by leveraging the capabilities and products
of our IMI Maxseal and IMI Buschjost ranges we have, for the first time,
developed a one-system solution for Zeppelin Systems where they benefit
from quality products from a globally recognised company.

       Zeppelin Systems’ new project – a processing plant for the manufacture of
plastic in Siberia, meant a new solution was needed that would operate effectively
in extremes of temperature. Working across multiple sites, IMI Precision Engineering
leveraged its manufacturing capability to develop a solution using IMI Maxseal’s
process valve and filter regulation and lubrication combinations unit. One global player:
one system solution. There is no competitor that can deliver the same option.
       The approach used brings multiple benefits to Zeppelin Systems; not only were
they working with one supplier instead of many, there were positive implications            One system solution - IMI Norgren process
to cost and lead times. Because the customer knew the technology was proven and             valve and FRL, IMI Buschjost filter valves
                                                                                            and filter control, IMI Maxseal process
worked safely and effectively, they had confidence in the solution from the outset.         valves and FRLs
       This project represented a great opportunity for multiple Precision brands to
work together and generated one high-value order with further opportunities expected
throughout 2017.

New microsite launched in                                                                   WRITTEN BY Mark Stevens
                                                                                            Marketing and Customer Experience Director

celebration of Man’s Most                                                                   IMI Precision Engineering

Marvellous Machines                                                                         Launched in October last year, our new
                                                                                            ‘Man’s Most Marvellous Machines’
                                                                                            campaign, was introduced to
                                                                                            drive awareness of IMI Precision
                                                                                            Engineering’s extensive range of
                                                                                            pneumatic motion control and fluid
                                                                                            handling solutions. It highlights the
                                                                                            instrumental role our specialised
                                                                                            support and components play for our
                                                                                            customers, who tackle some of the
                                                                                            world’s most demanding engineering

                                                                                                   We are proud of our engineers.
                                                                                            They have a wealth of industry-specific
                                                                                            expertise and are committed to
                                                                                            constantly developing new world-class,
                                                                                            high-performance components that
                                                                                            ultimately improve operations for
                                                                                            our customers.
                                                                                            To celebrate this, Precision has developed,
                                                                                            as part of the campaign, a dedicated
                                                                                            microsite that features awe-inspiring
                                                                                            machines from history and inspirational
                                                                                            customer case studies. In addition, it
                                                                                            highlights our engineers’ ingenuity in
                                                                                            product development, as well as teasers
                                                                                            of new products and services.
Visit our microsite

14    The IMI Newsletter Issue 6
customer focus                                                                                                 Critical Precision Hydronic

IMI CCI Korea wins
coveted supplier award
                                                                                                                     WRITTEN BY Maureen Tan
                                                                                                                     Marketing Director, IMI CCI Asia
                                                                                                                     IMI Critical Engineering

In October 2016 IMI CCI Korea received a prestigious
supplier award from Korea Midland Power (KOMIPO),
Korea’s largest electricity generator.

       The award of ‘distinguished status’ is given to only four out
of its 200 suppliers and reflects the GREAT work IMI CCI Korea
has put in to ensure that KOMIPO received the highest quality
turbine bypass and control valves in the past few years. One of
the most significant recent projects executed included providing
bypass & pressure-reducing desuperheating valves to Seoul
Combined Cycle Power Plant. Chungduk Suh, IMI CCI Korea’s
Managing Director, said “We’re very happy to be recognised by
KOMIPO and will partner closely with them in future to ensure
they continue to receive the highest customer service.”

                                                                          Chungduk Suh (third from left) receives
                                                                          supplier award from KOMIPO

WRITTEN BY Hernani Paiva
Head of South and Central America
IMI Hydronic Engineering

A crowd-pleasing                                recommended a proportional control-based
                                                system. A combination of TA-Fusion
                                                                                                  As a result, 90% of those proposals were
                                                                                                  translated into orders, a winning margin if

project portfolio                               and TA-Compact-P control valves, STAD
                                                and STAF manual balancing valves and
                                                                                                  ever there was one!
                                                                                                         Our range of products and solutions
                                                Compressor and Static vessels proved to           were installed in multiple Olympic venues,
With the eyes of the world focused              be the ideal solution.                            including the Media Hotel, International
on Brazil for the 2016 Rio Olympics,                   The team successfully highlighted          Broadcasting Centre, Tennis Arena, the
IMI Hydronic Engineering went the               how IMI Hydronic Engineering products and         Maria Lenk Aquatic Park and the Olympic
extra mile to add to our ever-expanding         solutions could deliver the requirements          Training Centre. These top off our already
global portfolio of stadium projects.           demanded by the Olympic venue designers           impressive list of recent successes that
                                                – a fact reflected by their inclusion in 100%     enable optimal comfort for fans watching
       IMI Hydronic Engineering and Brazil’s    of the cooling water system documentation.        the sports they love.
sports facilities have a proud history
together, with our solutions having played a
key role in making the Maracana Stadium a
truly 21st century facility for the 2014 FIFA
World Cup. So, when state-of-the-art
stadiums were needed for the 2016 Rio
Olympics, they knew exactly who to contact
for support.
       Rodrigo Rochedo, Hydronic’s Sales
Manager for South and Central America
said “The Olympics was an opportunity
we simply couldn’t miss. Our working
philosophy, ‘Push and Pull,’ is based on
ensuring our product specifications are
included in the drawings of proposed
developments. We also highlight the
technical end-user training we can deliver
to build credibility and position ourselves
as a trusted provider of market-leading
solutions and know-how.”
       The solution needed to be fully
compliant with the highest standards of         Estádio Governador Magalhães Pinto (Governor Magalhães Pinto Stadium), the largest
                                                football stadium in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, received a cooling system upgrade from
microclimate reliability and our engineers      IMI Hydronic Engineering.

customer focus

Mike Semens-Flanagan,
                                                          IMI’s Critical and Precision divisions successfully
Director of Strategic Planning                            showcased the expanding range of solutions they offer
IMI Critical Engineering
                                                          the energy and industrial process sectors at one of the
                                                          largest and most well-attended industry exhibitions in
                                                          Europe held last November in Dusseldorf, Germany.

                                                                               The Critical stand featured new additions to the IMI STI
                                                                        actuator and IMI CCI valve ranges, including the new 100DPC
                                                                        choke valve designed for Middle East applications. This has been
                                                                        engineered to maximise valve service life and minimise total valve
                                                                        life-cycle costs.
                                                                               During the show Critical’s engineers made presentations
                                                                        to the conference. Gary Song, Senior Engineer, IMI CCI RSM,
                                                                        presented a case study illustrating how valve and plant
                                                                        performance had been radically improved by replacing a
                                                                        conventional machined trim with one that had been 3D-printed
                                                                        using the state-of-the-art deposited metal laser sintering (DMLS)
                                                                        process. This allows for much greater control of the valve,
                                                                        significantly reducing cycling and improving efficiency
                                                                        for the customer.
                                                                               Roland Travnicek, Engineering Director, IMI Z&J Germany,
                                                                        hosted a session on ‘the valve company of the future’ which
                                                                        included contributions from other peer businesses as well as
                                                                        Denis Sherwood of the ‘Silver Bullet Manufacturing Machine Co.’,
                                                                        who has worked across the IMI businesses.

Two IMI divisions showcase
growing expertise at Valve World
On-line video guides
are a GREAT hit !
WRITTEN BY Gorav Bass and          Marcella Colombino
Digital Marketing Manager          Corporate Communications Assistant
IMI Hydronic Engineering           IMI Hydronic Engineering

Our customers asked us to provide product information in an easily
accessible format, that they could readily access ‘on the go’ and make their
lives easier when installing our products. In 2016, IMI Hydronic Engineering
committed to develop more customer-centric video content to be available
on YouTube – the second most visited website in the world, with over two
billion views a day.

      This took the form of ‘how-to’ product tutorials, customer testimonials and
benefit-oriented product introductions. All were made in a very logical structure,
focused on practical tips and customer benefits rather than primarily technical
product features. The hard work has borne some fantastic results.
      In 2016 we achieved over 215,000 video views as well as, and most
importantly, universal approval from our customers. But we’re not stopping there
– customer-centric films are now a key element of all our new product campaigns
with the objective of meeting and exceeding customer expectations.

16    The IMI Newsletter Issue 6
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