Page created by Sylvia Hughes

JULY 2020                                                       .COM.AU

                                                TEAMWORK DRIVES
                                                MASERATI AFTERSALES
                                                MANAGER ADRIANO

                                                HOW PEOPLE WANT
                                                TO BUY CARS POST

                                                DEALER SOLUTIONS
                                                LAUNCH AUTORADAR

HELLO THERE,                                                                                   ROBERT BARRY: EDITOR AUTOTALK

Alliances will protect mass-market manufacturing

        ore than ever in the new normal       In May, Mercedes-Benz called time on           That Navara badged Triton is looking
        post COVID-19, alliances between      the X-Class Ute which was built alongside      pretty likely I reckon.
        car manufacturers will be critical    the Nissan Navara and the Renault              Meanwhile, a light commercial and EV
to ensure that mass-market production         Alaskan at Nissan manufacturing plants in      alliance between Ford and Volkswagen,
can continue.                                 Barcelona, Spain and Cordoba, Argentina.       means the next Amarok will be
Alliances do have their ups and downs         Despite huge marketing efforts the Benz        developed and built entirely by the Blue
as we’ve recently seen with Renault-          1-tonner never took off.                       Oval on a new Ranger platform. Ford will
Nissan-Mitsubishi in what is now a new        Following the introduction of the              also develop vans for the two brands.
post-Carlos Ghosn era.                        Renault-supplied Mitsubishi Express van        Volkswagen will supply the EV chassis
Before Ghosn became the chief executive       to the Australian market, it is not unlikely   from its 100% electric I.D family to Ford
officer of both Renault and Nissan in May     that a future Navara, Triton and Alaskan       so it can develop and market vehicles
2005, the first person to lead two Fortune    might sit on the same platform much like       for Europe which will sit underneath its
500 Global companies simultaneously, he       the new Mazda BT-50 and Isuzu D-Max.           flagship EV, the Mustang Mach-E.
was known as “Le Cost Cutter” at Renault      Mitsubishi has previous form in “badge         But the big daddy alliance of them all
and the Keiretsu Killer at Nissan.            engineered” cars and utes. The Fiat            will be the forthcoming 50/50 merger
There is no doubt Ghosn had an ego            Fullback pick-up marketed in the UK and        between Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA)
which may have led to his downfall.           Europe is essentially a rebranded Triton.      and Groupe PSA (Peugeot, Citroen, DS,
History tells us he was offered the top job   Let’s also not forget the past                 Vauxhall, Opel).
at the ailing Ford Motor Company in 2006      collaborations between Mitsubishi              The potential savings the merged
but turned it down because he wanted          and Peugeot/Citroen which saw the              entities are going to be able to make
to be both CEO and chairperson. Bill Ford     Mitsubishi Outlander, ASX and i-Miev           through the rationalisation of platforms,
Jr was not about to relinquish the chair,     morph into the Peugeot 4007, Citroen           engines, transmissions, electric and
and still hasn’t.                             C-Crosser, Peugeot 4008, Citroen C4            electronic architecture as well as staff and
Anyway, digression aside, the Alliance        Aircross, Peugeot Ion and Citroen C-Zero.      manufacturing plants will be enormous.
recently announced a leader-follower          The Alliance says the new leader-follower      There will be pain for many as the
strategy which will be applied to 50%         scheme is expected to deliver model            company’s transition post-merger but for
of its new models in development by           investment reductions of up to 40% for         the consumer there will be added value
2025. Standardisation will be pushed          vehicles fully under the scheme.               and greater efficiency.
further from platforms to upper bodies,
                                              Each company will focus on its core            Enjoy your reading this month.
and in each product segment the leader
                                              regions with the aim to be among the
company will develop and engineer a
                                              most competitive and to serve as a
vehicle for all three brands with support
                                              reference point for the others.
from the follower companies.
                                              Nissan will be the reference point for
The Alliance says it will continue to build
                                              China, North America and Japan; Renault
on product sharing in light commercial
                                              in Europe, Russia, South America and
vehicles but its commercial partnership
                                              North Africa; and Mitsubishi Motors in
with Daimler AG has come to an end.
                                              ASEAN and Oceania.

2                 Australia   JULY 2020
McGrath Subaru Liverpool dealer principal Greg Hook says that staff retention and a relentless focus on
customer service and satisfaction are keys to running a multi award-winning dealership.

    arlier this year the McGrath Subaru      “Subaru is a unique marque where most
    Dealership in Liverpool NSW enjoyed      of our models are all-wheel-drive, that
    another successful evening at the        sets us aside from most other marques in
2019 Subaru Retailer of the year Awards.     the market today,” Hook says
Dealer principal Greg Hook again took        “It gives us the opportunity to create a
home for the team, the Sydney Retailer       uniquely positive experience from our
of the Year award for the fourth time in     first contact point all the way through
five years.                                  their ownership cycle which results in a
                                             lot of our sales coming from our repeat
Hook was also awarded the National           customer base and referral business.”                            GREG HOOK
Quality Retailer of the year award as well                                                               MCGRATH SUBARU DEALER
                                             “We commissioned our Liverpool                                    PRINCIPAL
as re-stamping his membership into the
                                             showroom specifically for the Subaru
1000 Club for the sixth year running.
                                             brand, our staff and customers love the       In 2019 McGrath Subaru Liverpool was also
He joined only five other dealerships
                                             atmosphere which it creates and we have
throughout Australia who sold more                                                         bestowed the surprise honour of selling
                                             been very honoured to have so many of
than 1000 new Subarus in 2019.                                                             the one millionth Subaru sold in Australia.
                                             Subaru Australia and Subaru Japan senior
He attributes the dealership’s ongoing       management visit us,” he says.                 “From a simple handover, it became
success to the retention of its 40-strong     Subaru began operations in Australia in      something that the [one millionth]
long-serving staff that make up the          1973, the brand reached 100,000 sales in      customer says she will remember for life.
whole dealership and their dedication        1987 and became exclusively all-wheel-        Attention to the smallest details in making
and focus on customer experience and         drive in 1998 until they introduced the BRZ   the day a success was a hallmark of every
satisfaction.                                into the model line-up.                       team member involved and showed a

                                                                                                 JULY 2020    Australia              3
commitment to quality that shines through   At the time both the customer and              In recognition of the importance of the
in every customer interaction.” Subaru      dealership staff were unaware of the           millionth car sold in Australia all were
Australia says.                             significance of the transaction, salesperson   honoured that Subaru Corporation
                                            Pola Abdula delivered the Forester to Jennie   chairman Yasuyuki Yoshinaga
Hook says being the dealership to deliver
                                            in the normal manner, going through the        presented the keys of the Forester to
the one millionth Subaru vehicle in
                                            dealership’s usual process of explaining all   Jennie and her family. They were also
Australia was a very happy and unexpected
                                            the cars features and benefits.                gifted a 10-day trip to Japan, including
event because it could have happened                                                       Tokyo and Kyoto for all the family.
to any of the more than 120 dealers         To mark the occasion after the car was
                                            delivered, McGrath Subaru invited Jennie,      Colin Christie says the Australian
throughout Australia.
                                            husband Phillip, daughter Jessica and          distributor was honoured that chairman
“We were having a very good month           son Thomas back to the dealership for an       Yoshinaga made time in his schedule
and when Subaru Australia notified us       official handover ceremony.                    to come to the special dealership
we were the selling dealer of the one                                                      ceremony.
                                            Subaru Australia managing director Colin
millionth Subaru in Australia we were all                                                  “It went over incredibly well, Jennie and
                                            Christie, new vehicle manager Bill Psomos
over the moon,” he says.                                                                   her family were all quite overwhelmed
                                            and salesperson Pola Abdula welcomed the
The car in question was a Subaru Forester   Truong family back to the dealership for the   by all of the special attention and the
2.5i-S purchased by Jennie Truong of        ceremony along with dealership staff and       amazing gift of a trip to Japan for the
Fairfield East, NSW.                        Subaru Australia Sydney team members.          whole family,”
                                                                                           “For me seeing Jennie and her family so
                                                                                           happy and hosting the Subaru chairman
                                                                                           was a huge honour.
                                                                                           “I had previously met Mr Yoshinaga
                                                                                           in his role as Subaru Corporation’s
                                                                                           managing director when he presented
                                                                                           me with both the National Retailer of
                                                                                           the Year as well as the Sydney Retailer of
                                                                                           the Year awards in 2016.
                                                                                           “It’s not often if ever that you
                                                                                           have Subaru royalty visiting your
                                                                                            Hook says that he and the whole
                                                                                           McGrath Subaru team are looking
                                                                                           forward to achieving even greater results
                                                                                           for them and their customers in the
                                                                                           coming years.
                                                                                           “Safety and achievement are in our
                                                                                           DNA,” he says.

4                 Australia   JULY 2020
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                   Robert Barry
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                                                                            JULY 2020   Australia   5

Maserati Artamon employee Adriano Giorgi has won the
Maserati Australia after sales manager of the year award in
the two years since it was established. His automotive career
began at age 13 and wasn’t always smooth sailing.

                                              or money earned there,” he says. “I am         Giorgi says it is teamwork that is the
                                              actually grateful as it taught me discipline   key factor to running a successful and
                                              and skills that I use to this day.             award-winning after sales operation.
                                              Giorgi started his apprenticeship              “We run an small team that have a
                                              at the Ampol garage but left in his            constant desire to be better. How you
                                              second year as his employer was                climb a mountain is more important than
                                              paying him under the award wage                reaching the top, and will ultimately
                                              and refused to rectify this.                   determine if indeed, you make it to the
                                              He says this was a crucial lesson in           top,” he says.
                ADRIANO GIORGI                career progression, “because there             Giorgi says there are two main key
                                              comes a point when you need to know            performance indicators (KPI) set by the
                                              your worth, your rights and whether            manufacturer that determine the award

       driano Giorgi started his              somewhere else will pay off in the long        the aftersales teams compete for.
       automotive career by working           term.”                                         One is based off workshop performance
       for an Ampol Garage in Concord         “It also made me highly aware of how           and the other is a composite of certain
West during his school holidays from          to be a mindful manager, rewarding and         metrics and customer satisfaction.
the age of 13.                                acknowledging my team, being aware             “The second set is usually more difficult,
During his first year the mechanic            of where they’re up to on their own            as they are based on emotion and
misunderstood his name and called             journey and what I should challenge            perception. Most of us have a technical
him Andrew because Giorgi says he was         them with next, and paying respects            background, and sometimes these are
too scared to correct him. His duties         where they are due, he says.                   the most difficult to implement strategies
were cleaning the workshop and the            Giorgi says that he has embraced               for,” he says.
resident dog, as well as carrying out light   the twists and turns of his dynamic
mechanical work when an extra (and                                                           “However, the clients are reassured in
                                              automotive career, from servicing              knowing that their vehicle is being looked
smaller) pair of hands were needed.           everyday cars to restoring and                 after by the best there is.
“It was a tough career introduction,          maintaining classics and supercars.
but it laid the foundations of my strong                                                      “The KPIs are achieved not through
                                              “It’s a real treat to be able to work on       rushing at the end of the month to meet a
work ethic, which has undoubtedly led         and drive so many cars that I grew up
me to success,” he says.                                                                     target, but taking the necessary individual
                                              idolising - cars that I genuinely never        steps every single day to ensure we are
Giorgi’s first mechanical job was             even thought I would see,” he says.            consistent, with no surprises when that
removing the cylinder head from the           He says he is extremely grateful to have       monthly report comes through,” he says.
engine of a KB Ford Laser with zero           the position of aftersales manager.
direction. It took a lot of trial and error                                                  Outside of working hours Giorgi produces
and about 60 hours of labour for which        “By nature, I like to do things a little       a podcast called Lifestyle Pirates, and is a
he was paid $1 per hour. Unlike today         differently, and encourage my team to          signed artist and music producer with an
he says, back then the variables didn’t       speak up with new ideas. If things can         EDM group called Elucidus.
matter.                                       be done better, we will implement it –         “The music and production industry is
                                              we won’t just talk about it, he says.          something completely different to the
Cleaning the workshop floor with caustic
soda was not only unpleasant it wrecked       “I have an internal drive to be the best,      automotive game, and somewhere I can
his safety boots and Giorgi bought a new      and working for some of the world’s            have a different creative outlet,” he says.
pair every six months, saving several         most powerful brands, with my team
weeks wages to do so.                         being some of the most driven and
                                              resourceful people, I always push myself
“Despite the seemingly harsh and              further. We have a mentality of success
exploitive conditions, I valued what I        being the only outcome.
was learning more than the time spent

6                  Australia     JULY 2020

Head of Gumtree Cars (a divison of Gumtree Australia) Richard
Dicello says consumer sentiment towards buying cars has changed
drastically and quickly in a post COVID-19 world.                                                                RICHARD DICELLO

      rior to COVID-19, consumer attitudes      how Australians think about—and shop for       safe trade measures, dealerships have
      and behaviours toward buying cars         - the cars in our lives. However, the survey   the opportunity to eliminate customers’
      and vehicle maintenance were fairly       also revealed that certain aspects of the      concerns that would otherwise lead them
consistent.                                     car-buying journey remain unchanged by         to further delay their car purchase.
Consumers purchased their vehicles              the pandemic.                                  Other markets are reporting similar
without having concerns about the               Amongst the vast majority of Gumtree’s         trends: A global survey conducted by
buying process, the cleanliness of the          car intenders, their reasons for buying        consulting business Capgemini with
dealership or their vehicles and the            a car have not shifted as 76% of buyers        more than 11,000 consumers from 11
impact of a global pandemic on their            say there is no change in their reason for     countries found that health and safety
finances.                                       buying a car; with replacing or upgrading      concerns will continue to shape consumer
Cleanliness was reserved primarily for the      their current vehicle remaining top of the     behaviour even after this crisis subsides.
household, and consumers only thought           list for vehicle purchases.
                                                                                               A NEW VERSION OF THE DEALERSHIP
about physical safety in the context of         HEALTH AND SAFETY ARE THE NEW
safety ratings and car crash safety features.                                                  The “new normal” will certainly continue
                                                NUMBER ONE                                     to see the adoption of digital technology,
As a result of COVID-19, consumer attitudes     However, other aspects of the car buying       given numerous trends showing an
and behaviours toward the automotive            journey are quite different now compared       increase in online shopping. That said,
industry, and car-buying in particular,         to a few months ago. Gumtree’s survey          consumer sentiment indicates that
have changed drastically within a very          highlights a host of new issues and            dealerships are here to stay with a slight
short amount of time.                           priorities that car dealers must factor        positive shift in buyer preference for the
Gumtree Cars conducted a COVID-19               in and adapt to in order to meet new           dealer showroom.
Consumer Sentiment Survey to shed light         customer demands.
                                                                                               However, it is also becoming clear that
on new consumer demand and to help car          The most impactful change COVID-19 has         car buying is not returning to business as
dealers adapt as they get back into gear.       brought on is a new customer-demand            usual. Only dealerships who understand
                                                for safe trading, with potential car buyers    what customers want and adapt to a clean
                                                asking dealerships to take social distancing   and safe way of selling cars will be able to
As part of the research, Gumtree has been       very seriously.                                bounce back.
tracking the anticipated delay in vehicle
                                                According to the Gumtree survey, today’s       For those who do this well, they will
purchases as a result of COVID-19.
                                                buyers expect COVID-19 safe protocols as       likely experience a boost in sales in the
In positive news for dealers, the survey        the new way to trade and they believe they     upcoming months.
revealed that 95% of Gumtree car buyers         are here to stay for the foreseeable future.
are still actively looking to purchase                                                         Find out more about Gumtree’s COVID-19
                                                In order to drive car buyers into their        Consumer Sentiment Survey: https://
their next vehicle, despite the COVID-19
                                                dealerships, dealers are well-advised          www.gumtreeforbusiness.com.au/
                                                to expand their offerings to include           dealer-tool-kit/
The survey, which was conducted from            1:1 appointments and virtual video
April 30 until May 18 with 2758 Australian      inspections, safe test drive options and
respondents, reports that only a small          remote 3rd party inspection and additional
minority of car intenders are postponing        finance options as well as free return
their purchase. 87% of car buyers stated        periods.
that they still intend to purchase a car
                                                Additional asks include comprehensive
within the next three months.
                                                car cleaning and disinfectant solutions,
Key reasons to delay a car purchase that        clear dealership opening and service
were listed are concerns around test-           times and overall dedication towards
drives, concerns around non-essential           following the Government’s social
travel and wanting to ask specific              distancing rules.
questions about the car in person.
                                                By prioritising the implementation of
The outbreak has significantly changed

                                                                                                     JULY 2020     Australia                7

Cox Automotive Australia Retail Solutions through its brands, Digipurple, Dealer Solutions and Kelley
Blue Book has compiled a market insights report of the effects of COVID-19 on the Australian used
vehicle market from March to May 2020.

                                                       ox Automotive Australia Retail Solutions   with solid increases in engagement, leads,
                                                       chief executive officer Michael            and conversions,” Sommerton says.
                                                       Sommerton says the insights report on
                                                                                                  “There is no doubt, the market has
                                                  market trends are thankfully showing signs
                                                                                                  dramatically shifted and the way in which
                                                  of recovery.
                                                                                                  we buy and sell cars will be far more digital
                                                  “In the case of the used car market,            and contactless than ever before,” he says.
                                                  the trend activity on delisted vehicles
                                                  is the best it has been in 12 months,”          Sommerton says that now more than ever
                                                  Sommerton says.                                 Cox Automotive is focussed on partnering
                                                                                                  with OEMs and dealers to help make
                                                  Delisted vehicles are an indicator on the       intelligent decisions and informed choices
                                                  volume of vehicles being sold in a given        through digital channels.
               MICHAEL SOMMERTON                  month.
                                                                                                  “The market never really went away. It did
                                                  “Buyers have returned to dealership             get smaller, but in-market buyers were
                                                  websites to research, browse, and buy cars      ready to pull the trigger. We actually had

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8                     Australia     JULY 2020

to act quickly otherwise we would lose        Cox Automotive sees a continued demand          May compared to April, and customer
the sale to another dealership,” a South      for vehicles pushing the 7, 14, and 30          engagement strengthened during the peak
Australia dealer says.                        rolling averages beyond the usual rebound.      of the COVID-19 period with customers
                                              Some of the reasons for this trend could        viewing more pages and spending more
MARKET TRENDS SUMMARY                         be due to the discounted prices dealers         time of dealer websites in April and May
In the used car market rolling averages       have offered to reduce growing stock levels,    compared to March 2020.
staged a positive turnaround from the start   buyers holding back sales since February,
                                                                                              Tracking closely with unique visitors to
of May and continue strong upwards trends     or the availability of cash from early
                                                                                              websites, total leads also dipped 14.29% in
exceeding previous highs for many of the      superannuation access under COVID-19
                                                                                              April compared to March before recovering
rolling average indicators.                   legislation.
                                                                                              strongly, up 35.7% in May 2020.
On average it took 26 days for dealers to     May 2020 reported an 88.4% increase in
                                                                                              The fall in leads was not as large as the
sell vehicles in May 2020 compared to 18      delisted vehicles compared to April 2020.
                                                                                              drop in total visitors. This, combined with
days during the same period in 2019.          Compared to the same period last year, the
                                                                                              the page view and time on site numbers,
                                              number of delisted used vehicles increased
Digital advertising is costing less and                                                       indicates that customers who remain in
                                              33% from May 2019 to May 2020.
delivering more. Due to a decrease in                                                         market are of a high quality.
digital buying across Google and Facebook,    There was a 13.2% decline in active             Leads from vehicle detail pages increased
dealers who continued to advertise            used vehicle listings in May compared to        by 51.5% from March to May 2020.
saw lower marketing spend and better          April 2020 but a 7% increase in active
performance.                                  used vehicles listings in comparison to         The Utes and 4WD categories made up
                                              May 2019.                                       47% all of vehicle searches on the dealer
Dealer website customers shifted to more                                                      website platform directly correlating to the
serious buyers across the Cox Automotive      On average, active used vehicles were listed    introduction of the government’s instant
network which led to a jump in lead to        in the market for 26 days in May compared       asset write off scheme.
sales conversions from chat and form          to April 2020 which reported an average of
submissions.                                  24 days. In May 2019, active used vehicles      THE POWER OF DIGITAL ADVERTISING
                                              were listed for 18 days.
                                                                                              Due to lower costs in digital advertising and
USED VEHICLE MARKET PERFORMANCE                                                               a decrease in purchasing competition in
SNAPSHOT                                      Cox Automotive says by reviewing the last
                                              six months of price points at which vehicles    May, dealers who continued to advertise on
Following the decline in delisted vehicles    were delisted and applying a 14- and 30-        Google and Facebook saw up to twice the
with the effects of COVID-19 lockdown and     day rolling average (to allow for the effects   return on website traffic, page views, total
expected negative buyer sentiment in late     of COVID-19), it sees a buyer preference/       sessions, calls and engagement compared
March, rolling averages staged a positive     stock availability for cars in the $23,500 to   to dealers who paused all digital marketing
turnaround from the start of May and          $24,000 range.                                  during COVID-19.
continue strong upwards trends exceeding
previous highs for many of the rolling                                                        Analysing website chat and form leads
                                              CONSUMER ACTIVITY AND BEHAVIOUR
average indicators.                           INSIGHTS                                        from a group of new car franchise
                                                                                              websites, it was found that these leads
Although mid-April is known for a short       Cox Automotive has more than 700
                                                                                              converted to sales on average at 34%.
downturn with the Easter period, delisted     websites across its dealer platform and says
vehicles slowed well ahead of Easter.         despite the sharp drop in April compared
Despite long-term uncertainty over            to March, the recovery in May has been
COVID-19 the market recovered by week         impressive.
one of May to normal levels as it did in      There was a 59.9% increase in unique
2019 post-Easter.                             visitors across the website platform in

                                                                                                    JULY 2020   Australia                   9

     arsales.com.au says it has set a new      The carsales editorial audience also grew
     record in May 2020, achieving a           in May. A new record unique audience of
     unique audience (UA) of 4.8 milion        1.4m engaged with editorial content across
people, according to Nielsen’s digital         carsales auto sites (carsales.com.au and
ratings monthly report.                        motoring.com.au).
The UA was 35% higher than May 2019            Carsales reports it is the preferred new
and the Ford Ranger was the top new            car destination and interest in soon-
vehicle searched online.                       to-be released cars is soaring with 61%
The website says it served 33.3m sessions      of intenders shopping at carsales when
in the month – also up 35% on the same         looking to buy a new car.
                                                                                                               KELLY CORDNER
month last year.                               It says its new car content has also come
Visitors to carsales.com.au spent an average   out on top against key competitors as
of more than 37 minutes onsite over the        the most enjoyable (75% surveyed), the         “90.1% of searches on carsales listings
course of the month, the company says.         best quality reviews (60%) and the most        don’t specify new or used vehicles, or they
                                               interesting (79%).                             select both new and used,” Cordner says.
“There’s a genuine intent to buy that’s
underpinning the unprecedented period          “The unique connection of carsales editorial   The sizeable increase in new car research
of car-shopping activity,” carsales chief      content to dealer and automaker inventory      and shopping activity comes at a time
marketing officer Kellie Cordner says.         cements its increasing importance and          when social distancing measures have been
                                               influence in the car-buying journey,”          eased and many buyers have re-evaluated
“It’s providing dealers and brands with        Cordner says.                                  their transport preferences, carsales says.
both immediate sales opportunities and
prospects to keep warm over the coming         “With just one click on carsales, buyers       It also says the extended Instant Asset Write
months,” Cordner says                          can transition from researching a car via      Off allowance and the usual strong run
                                               editorial content, to browsing a dealer or     into the end of financial year are also likely
                                               an automotive brand’s virtual showroom         to have contributed to the record level of
                                               and making an informed purchase decision       audience and engagement.
                                               – all from the comfort of home.
                                                                                              The Ford Ranger, Mitsubishi Triton
                                               “Our written and video reviews and             and Toyota HiLux were the three most
                                               comparison tests continue to inspire and       popular new cars searched on carsales
                                               educate a broad range of Australian car        in May 2020.
                                               shoppers about the merits of different
                                                                                              Key models in the medium SUV segment
                                               models, makes and segments – whether
                                                                                              were also well represented in the carsales
                                               they be consumers with limited
                                                                                              top 20, with the Toyota RAV4, Volkswagen
                                               auto understanding or those more
                                                                                              Tiguan, Mazda CX-5, Mercedes-Benz GLC-
                                                                                              Class and Hyundai Tucson all featuring.
                                                “The record engagement with
                                               carsales editorial content highlights
                                               how important it is to have new cars
                                               available on site for consumers to
                                               research and purchase.

10                Australia   JULY 2020


         G Motor Australia has appointed        dealerships positioned at key locations          MG Motor offers a seven-year unlimited
         five new dealer partners to its        across Victoria for our growing customer         kilometre warranty and a seven-year
         growing sales network.                 base to access,” Ciao says.                      roadside assistance package.
The new dealerships, all in Victoria, include   “We look with optimism to the future             Ciao says the COVID-19 pandemic has
the now open Brighton, Mornington and           ahead which includes the range topping           tested the Australian automotive industry
Shepparton locations, with Bendigo and          MG HS, as well as our all-electric ZS EV         for many months at a business and
Mildura to open later in June.                  arriving in Q4 2020. We’re bringing our          personal level, and he says never before
This expansion brings MG Motor’s                new and trusted dealer partners on the           has community, compassion, support and
national dealer network to 57 sites.            MG journey as we continue to grow in this        pulling together been so important.
                                                market.”                                         “MG stands united with its dealerships
MG Motor Australia and New Zealand chief
executive officer Peter Ciao says the brand     There are now 14 MG Motor dealerships            in its optimism, and hopes for a brighter
has been working hard to best support its       across Victoria, providing full sales, service   second half of 2020 for our customers and
dealer partners.                                and aftersales care. Each new dealership         community,” Ciao says.
                                                will offer MG’s full range of vehicles,
“We’re making further investment in
                                                including the MG3 Auto, the MG ZS SUV,
Australia through this expansion, with our
                                                and its new offering, the MG HS SUV.

   Due to the uncertainty of achieving           Further communication will follow               “The rescheduled convention
   a September date for the Australian           regarding this.                                 will herald a time when we can
   Automotive Dealer Association (AADA)          Convention director Patrick Tessier             come together to celebrate a new
   Convention due to COVID-19 risks, the         OAM says the Australian automotive              beginning and share the unique
   event has been moved to March 15-             industry is a resilient and robust              and innovative ideas that will be
   17, 2021.                                     business.                                       needed to secure a new and changed
   The rescheduled AADA convention be                                                            landscape.
                                                 “Our nation’s franchised new car
   held at the ICC Sydney.                       dealers are essential to the fabric             “The AADA convention office will be
   The theme for the convention                  of every community, providing                   open on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s for
   is “Essential Reinvention – The               employment, apprenticeships and                 an extended period, subject to further
   Dealership of Tomorrow.”                      continued prosperity,” Tessier says in a        announcements, as we follow the
                                                 statement.                                      necessary protocols to protect our staff
   The AADA convention office will provide
                                                                                                 and our families,” he says.
   all speakers, presenters and interested       “Clearly these are challenging times that
   parties an opportunity to review and or       will test our collective metal. I am sure
   resubmit their content in light of the        that as an industry we will continue
   COVID-19 challenges that the industry         to work together and forge ahead to a
   will face in the coming months.               brighter and prosperous future.

                                                                                                       JULY 2020   Australia                11


      umtree Australia’s newly appointed           “We are seeing a significant shift in
      managing director Mark Kehoe                 consumer behaviour as a result of
      says he sees a bright future for the         COVID-19 as more Australians look to                              NEW GUMTREE MD
online business.                                   shop locally and online. It is a pivotal                           MARK KEHOE

Kehoe says he joined the business at a             moment for the business, where there
critical moment for Gumtree as social              is an opportunity to leverage our
distancing drives a step-change in                 leadership in this space for buyers and        to solidify Gumtree’s position as the
consumer behaviour that could see more             sellers alike,” Kehoe says.                    go-to online trading destination for all
Australians demanding the convenience              “I’ve worked in digital and ecommerce          of life’s needs.
of online buying and selling.                      businesses for more than 20 years, and         “This role is more important than ever
He was one of the founding members                 at Gumtree I’m excited to be leading an        as online consumer behaviour goes
of online retailer and auction house,              iconic brand benefiting local Australian       through a step-change as Australians
GraysOnline, and a former head of digital          communities.                                   emerge from COVID-19 restrictions and
at Virgin Australia and, most recently,            “Gumtree plays an important role               continue to look for ways to connect
executive director at Flamingo AI.                 facilitating safe trading in vibrant,          in their community, support local
Kehoe says he will be focused on driving           local communities, providing economic          economies and make some extra cash,”
prioritisation for motors, delivering              opportunity for Australians and delivering     he says.
growth on the platform and cementing               scale and insights for partners.
Gumtree’s position as a trusted, local             “I’m eager to contribute to the
community marketplace.                             development and growth of the brand


            ustralian car subscription              Dealerships can now check credit and          technology to transform organisations,
            software provider Blinker.com.au        fraud risk indicators in real-time with the   with a focus on enhancing customer
            says it has seen a 52% increase         advanced proprietary credit assessment        experience.
     in enquiries from car dealerships since        algorithm.
                                                                                                   Blinker managing director Michael Higgins
     the lockdowns came into effect.                Blinker chief technology officer Jeremy       says the new platform will also see benefits
     Blinker says the pandemic has led to           Gupta says the new platform has been          for consumers with car subscription now
     consumers being more wary of taking on         honed through working with dealership         available at more local dealerships around
     car loans, and changes in work habits has      groups around Australia to develop a          Australia.
     contributed to the decrease in new car         product that suits their specific needs.
                                                                                                   “By far the highest demand we’ve seen is
     sales around the country.                      “We have redesigned the platform in           for customers looking to subscribe to hybrid
     Hence, Blinker has announced its biggest       response to feedback and insights directly    and electric vehicles. With subscription, this
     platform update yet for dealership             from dealer customers, providing them         means people can stay up to date with the
     customers.                                     with the tools to completely own the          latest in-car technology which we know is
                                                    relationship with consumers,” Gupta says.     the most important thing new car buyers
     The release includes a major design refresh                                                  look for,” Higgins says.
     and enhancements to allow car dealerships      “The updates include the ability to have
     and OEMs even more control over individual     custom branding on communications and
     subscriptions.                                 tailored subscription plans, whilst we
                                                    have also introduced a raft of algorithm
     Blinker says the platform can now              upgrades to equip businesses with
     be integrated with other third party           accurate, real-time data to make informed
     automotive, CRM and notification software,     decisions about potential subscribers.
     ensuring the solution fits seamlessly with
     existing software used by car dealerships.     Gupta joined Blinker.com.au in late 2019
                                                    and has been involved in the development
     A new dashboard feature gives each client      of this updated cloud-based platform.
     a detailed overview of their organisation’s    He was previously CTO at Cox Automotive           JEREMY GUPTA           MICHAEL HIGGINS
     subscription programme at a glance.            Australia and specialises in leveraging

12                  Australia   JULY 2020


               KATE GILLIS                      COLIN CHRISTIE              CHRISTIAN DINSDALE                     AMANDA LEANEY

   ubaru and Peugeot-Citroen distributor,       consumer brands, including 17 years with         The latest Inchcape changes follow the
   Inchcape Australasia Limited (IAL), has      Waterford Wedgwood, and three years              announcement in February of George
   appointed Colin Christie as its new          as marketing director of Europe, Middle          Ashford’s promotion to the role of APAC
managing director.                              East and Africa for the Wedgwood, Royal          chief executive officer which includes
Christie was the former MD at Subaru            Doulton and Waterford crystal brands.            reporting lines from Australia and New
Australia. He will now oversee all of IAL       Subaru Australia marketing general               Zealand.
operations including Subaru Australia,          manager Amanda Leaney receives the               “These latest changes enable us to
Subaru New Zealand, and Peugeot-                added responsibility for centralised             reshape and redesign our broader
Citroen Australia (PCA), along with the         marketing to her portfolio, including            business as we move into a new era,”
group’s retail operations and AutoNexus         customer journey, consumer planning              Christie says.
the logistics provider.                         and insights.                                    “We will be able to leverage our
Christie also assumes the role of Subaru        Leaney joined Subaru in 2005 as national         scale, capability and alignment across
Australia chairman. The IAL executive team      retail advertising manager. Since then           distribution, logistics and retail to achieve
will report directly to Christie.               she has covered multiple roles, including        fantastic outcomes for our people and
Christie has worked with Inchcape for 24        national marketing manager, national             customers alike.”
years, the past three as Subaru MD. Before                                                       The Australasia marketing director and
that he was Subaru’s sales and marketing                                                         PCA acting managing director Ben Farlow
director, and previously held senior roles                                                       is departing the business, following the
                                                “We will be able to leverage
in finance, aftersales and other roles across                                                    structural changes outlined above.
the Inchcape group.                             our scale, capability and
                                                                                                 IAL APAC CEO Ashford praised Farlow
Inchcape Australasia’s current finance          alignment across distribution,                   for having made “a very significant
director Christian Dinsdale is promoted to      logistics and retail to achieve                  contribution to the development of our
the role of Subaru Australia MD. Dinsdale                                                        marketing and digital capabilities during
has worked across various operational and
                                                fantastic outcomes for our                       his tenure”’
finance roles at Inchcape for the past 10       people and customers alike.”                     “I would like to take the opportunity
years, including the role of Subaru general                                                      to thank Ben for his achievements.
manager finance and operations.                                                                  He leaves a very positive legacy at
PCA marketing general manger Kate Gillis        digital and network marketing manager,           Inchcape having developed people,
becomes a member of the IAL executive           national advertising manager and national        capability and delivered great
team in a newly created role of PCA             product training manager.                        outcomes. We wish him every success
general manager.                                                                                 in the future,” Ashford says.
                                                Before joining Subaru, Leaney worked in
Gillis started with Inchcape in November        London as a communications coordinator
2017 as marketing GM for the Trivett retail     for the Department of Health, following
business, moving to PCA as marketing GM         marketing and communications roles
in July 2019.                                   across various automotive retail companies,
She has a background with global                including Inchcape Automotive Retail.

                                                                                                       JULY 2020    Australia                13


     ox Automotive company Dealer            AutoRadar leverages dealer used cars         dealers in Australia are used to with similar
     Solutions is launching new market       that are aggregated through the Dealer       products.
     insights platform for used-car data     Solutions’ inventory distribution platform   “At the same time, we offer unique
called AutoRadar.                            and can provide insights on dealer’s         features that set our product apart such
Gillian Allen, product manager for           inventory regardless of which advertising    as a valuation module powered by Kelley
AutoRadar, has been working with her         destination vehicles are listed on.          Blue Book, the ability for dealers to access
team of data engineers to develop a          “We have been engaging key customers via     insights on inventory regardless of which
product that delivers intelligent insights   a pilot programme for many months. The       export destination it is listed on and, access
with a live market view and inventory        programme has allowed us to capture and      to an inventory analysis tool that provides a
analysis tool to allow dealers to optimise   implement feedback to ensure we launch       market comparison across the dealer group
their pricing strategy.                      a product that provides all the features     as well as per individual rooftop locations.
                                                                                           “We have paid extra attention to the
                                                                                           way we display the information relying
                                                                                           on images and graphs in multiple
                                                                                           colours to allow users to navigate easily
                                                                                           through the platform, which is accessed
                                                                                           via our existing dashboard,” Allen says.
                                                                                           Michael Sommerton, Cox Automotive
                       From Roadside Assistance Supplier                                   Australia Retail Solutions CEO, highlighted
                       to   Solutions Partner                                              the importance of AutoRadar and what
                                                                                           it means for the Australian automotive
                            365RoadsideAssistance.com.au                                   industry.
                                                                                           “Finally, there is a new player in town.
          Your business can now connect with a leading national Partner of                 With our new market insights product,
                                                                                           dealers can access used-car data pulled
             choice delivering nextgen roadside technology and service
                                                                                           from multiple sources allowing dealer
                                                                                           principals to have access to solid market
                                                                                           intelligence to optimise their pricing
                                                                                           strategy,” Sommerton says.
                                                                                            “We are leveraging years of experience
                                                                                           in automotive data management and
                                                                                           distribution, and now that Kelley Blue
                                                                                           Book is part of our suite of products,
                                                                                           we are also able to integrate vehicle
                                                                                           valuations seamlessly with AutoRadar.
                                                                                           “This, and our unbiased approach to the
                                                             GROW TODAY                    market, means that we are in a unique
                                                             CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE      position to offer a competitive product in
                                                                                           terms of features and price that will entice
                                                                                           dealers to use AutoRadar to back up their
                                                                                           pricing decisions with intelligent data,”
                                                                                           Sommerton says.
                                                                                           AutoRadar is available now and is
                                                                                           offering a free 30-day trial to all users.
                                                                                           Dealer Solutions customers can be set
                                                                                           up in minutes, and those dealers that
                                                                                           do not use Dealer Solutions for their
                                                                                           data distribution services may also
                                                                                           take part of the 30-day trial and access
     We’re supporting Manufacturers, Dealerships, Finance and Insurance groups in          AutoRadar’s full set of features.
     launching white-labelled APP’s and custom portals that drive innovation through
            seamless Customer experiences and a dynamic Provider network.

                                                 Partner. Connect. Grow.
     02 8705 5497

14                  Australia   JULY 2020


      refurbished Hemi Orange 1971 four-     number plates on offer, the top seller was    that could be further improved brought
      speed manual Chrysler VH Charger       the New South Wales triple digit plate        $25,000 and a 1950 Jaguar MKV ‘Modified’
      R/T coupe sold for $99,000 in          “280”, which attracted the auction’s top      Saloon professionally re-powered with a
Shannon’s timed online auction that closed   80 bids before selling for $220,000. The      rebuilt Holden 3.3 litre in-line six-cylinder
on June 3.                                   Victorian triple-digit plate “474” received   engine and matching four-speed manual
The Charger is believed to have been the     58 bids before selling for $145,500.          transmission, sold for $20,500.
third R/T coupe built and possibly the       The top-selling four-digit Heritage plate     At the other end of the Jaguar price scale,
earliest surviving example in Australia,     was NSW ‘2.360’ at $92,000, while the top     a Special Equipment XK120 Roadster
according to the auction house.              Victorian four-digit plate was ‘1.717’ for    sold above its pre-auction estimate for
Shannon says 98 of the 101 lots were sold    $83,000 and the best five-digit result was    $151,000, while an Australian-delivered
and buyers paid good prices for classic      the VIC plate ‘77.888’ at $71,500.            1956 XK140 Fixed Head Coupe went for
vehicles and heritage numerical number       Restored former working vehicles              $125,000.
plates from NSW and Victoria.                produced some of the outstanding results      Other classics included a left-hand drive
It says a last-minute duel between two       of the online auction, with a 1949 Ford       1972 Plymouth Barracuda Coupe that sold
enthusiasts for a 1977 Porsche 911 Turbo     V8 ‘Single Spinner’ Ute attracting 38 bids    for $53,351 after a bidding duel, while a
3.0 coupe saw $164,500 paid for the          before bringing $45,000; a restored 1960      restored 1970 Mini K1100 sold for $29,000
vehicle.                                     Holden FB Ute sold for $43,000 after          after a flurry of late bidding.
                                             20 bids and a 1970 Holden HG Belmont          The six classic motorcycles in the auction
A factory right-hand drive 1960
                                             Panel Van offered with no reserve sold for    were in high demand, with a 1969
Mercedes-Benz 190SL Roadster that had
                                             $23,000 after 39 bids.                        Velocette 500cc Sportsman selling for
been restored some years ago garnered
$161,500.                                    “Project” vehicles were also very popular     an outstanding $39,500, while a 1960
                                             with online bidders, with a 1955 MG TF        Harley-Davidson FL Duo Glide attracted 50
Shannon says there were 32 bids for a
                                             1500 selling for $40,500 after 42 bids,       bids before selling for $38,500.
left-hand-drive 1965 Chevrolet Corvette
                                             while a rare 1958 MGA 1500 Fixed Head         The auction team is now preparing and
327/350HP Convertible which sold for
                                             Coupe similarly offered with no reserve       sourcing entries for another Shannon
                                             brought $27,500.                              Timed Online Auction, which will be
Following the official completion of the
                                             Meanwhile, a very attractive 1936 SS 1½       running for a week this time from
auction, the 1957 Porsche 356 A “improved
                                             Litre Saloon that came to auction requiring   Wednesday, August 19-26.
coupe” sold in its $170,000-$190,000
                                             interior completion, sold with no reserve
guiding range.
                                             for $18,500; a 1948 Jaguar MKIV 1½ Litre
Amongst the 21 black and white heritage      Saloon with a Jaguar Heritage Certificate

                                                                                                 JULY 2020   Australia               15

                                                                                                              FORD OFFERS SELF-DRIVING DATASET
                                                                                                              TO SPARK R&D

        MW Australia is rapidly expanding        accident or repair work.                     to OEM standards, but actually repair to
        its accredited national vehicle repair   BMW body shops have model-specific           a much higher level so they can capably
        programme.                               computerised body alignment benches to       withstand another impact, ensuring
It will enable the repair of BMWs to a           check alignment of vehicle body points,      superior cabin integrity for all occupants.”
structural integrity and quality that            the Kinematic Diagnostic System (KDS)         The training programme is also
matches or exceeds the levels of the             to return suspension geometry to OEM         designed to future proof the work
factories where the vehicles were                tolerances and the Diagnostic Information    of local professionals in providing
manufactured.                                    System (DIS), which can determine the        them knowledge and education of
A new globally-certified training                extent of vehicle damage before work         new generation automotive design,
programme provides accredited body shops         commences.                                   engineering and construction techniques
the ability to repair carbon-fibre and the       The company provides a training career       and how to deal with the intricacies of
structural elements involved in electric                                                      repairing highly complex vehicles.
vehicles.                                                                                     “As we transition into more mainstream
                                                                                              adoption of electric vehicles and
THE NEW MULTI-STEP TRAINING                        “Our aim is not to repair                  autonomous technologies, we are seeing
PROGRAMME COVERS THE FOLLOWING                                                                an increased requirement for chassis and
ASPECTS:                                          BMW vehicles to OEM
                                                                                              bodies to balance strength, weight, flex
•    Carbon-fibre repair                          standards, but actually                     and rigidity,” Meierbeck says.
•    Insurance assessor training                  repair to a much higher                     “BMW vehicles now include increased
•    Structural repair                            level so they can capably                   levels of high strength steel, aluminium,
•    Panel replacement                            withstand another impact,                   aluminium steel composites, carbon,
                                                                                              plastics and thermal plastics, and we
•    Electric vehicle overview                    ensuring superior cabin                     therefore need to ensure our people are
•    Model technology updates                     integrity for all occupants.”               educated and fully informed of every
•    Painter training                                                                         detail.
•    Glass replacement                                                                        “This is where such a high quality training
                                                                                              programme plays such an important role
The training programme allies with a                                                          and, when combined with our technical
                                                 pathway for specialists to ensure they
bolstered technical infrastructure for                                                        capability, further differentiates a BMW
                                                 receive updated modules and training
national BMW body shops that provide                                                          Bodyshop from a conventional body shop,”
                                                 information in light of BMW’s new and
greater coverage for BMW customers.                                                           he says.
                                                 refreshed product portfolio.
BMW paint and panel repair                                                                    BMW Australia has 45 Accredited BMW
                                                 “BMW Australia and its partnered
professionals are trained in the global                                                       body shops across Australia.
                                                 body shop network employs the most
programme work with cutting-edge
                                                 progressive techniques for vehicle repair,
                                                 including for the very latest BMW models,”
These include aviation-standard                  BMW Australia Aftersales head Reiner
methodologies to ensure the vehicle              Meierbeck says.
performs to its highest standard and
                                                 “Our aim is not to repair BMW vehicles
also carries a superior finish following an

16                   Australia   JULY 2020
Aftermarket | Parts and Accessories

                                                 ONLINE SEMINARS TO RE-BOOT
                                                 AUTOMOTIVE BUSINESSES
                                                 by people who know and understand the          online seminar brings the experience of
         Capricorn Group CEO David Fraser        intricacies of the automotive aftermarket      international customer service guru Shep
                                                 industry.                                      Hyken directly to your desktop.

       utomotive co-operative Capricorn is       The first online seminar that is freely        Hyken details how life-long customers
       committed to providing COVID-19           available is titled “Your Business             can be created during times of crisis.
       support services to its members and       Reboot Kit.”                                   “We encourage our members and preferred
preferred suppliers across Australia and
                                                 It is presented by Capricorn Group CEO David   suppliers to ensure that they make the
New Zealand.
                                                 Fraser, business coach Rachael Sheldrick       most from these two online seminars along
It says this coincides with both countries       (The Workshop Whisperer) and Capricorn         with the COVID-19 support that is available
working towards a return to normal               Automotive CEO Bradley Gannon.                 via our online information portal, The
automotive repair, sales and servicing                                                          Workshop,” Group CEO David Fraser says.
                                                 This online seminar addresses the three key
business operations.
                                                 objectives that all automotive workshops       To view these online seminars Capricorn
Capricorn is providing a range of COVID-19       should be actioning to adapt and grow.         members should visit The Workshop,
business support services through its user-                                                     (www.theworkshop.capricorn.coop).
                                                 These include the establishment of
friendly online information portal known as
                                                 a business game plan - a strategy to           To learn more about Capricorn or to
The Workshop.
                                                 preserve finances and accelerate business      become a part of the cooperative structured
It has added two new online seminars to          growth, details of key government              automotive aftermarket buying group, visit
The Workshop that have been produced             assistance packages, along with details of     www.capricorn.coop.
specifically for its members across Australia    additional resources that are available to
and New Zealand.                                 the industry.
The online seminars provide specialised          Another online seminar is titled “Delivering
business support information presented           Amazing Customer Experience”. This

   Butt welding equipment manufacturer            early morning to late at night, which
   Worldpoly has selected Narva to supply         is why Worldpoly specified the Narva
   all lighting in its new Australian-made        equipment on its latest models.
   PolyForce500 models.
                                                  Two Narva Explora 14-inch single row LED
   Butt welding machines are used in              light bars, four Model 8 LED white marker
   Australia and globally to join lengths of      lamps, a Hi Optics LED rotating beacon and
   HDPE (high-density polyethylene) pipe,         a HDRV Surface mount dual USB socket are
   for a variety of construction, gas, mining,    part of the machine’s standard equipment.
   water, agricultural and other applications.
                                                  Worldpoly managing director Rob Hall
   The PolyForce500 range is capable of           says the company used Narva products          The IP66 and IP68-rated Model 8 LED
   joining pipes of up to 500mm diameter          on several other models and that the          marker lamps deliver more subtle lighting
   and Worldpoly has machines catering for        equipment had stood up well to the tough      within the immediate work area. The SAE
   pipe diameters ranging from 40mm to            life in the field.                            Class 1 LED rotating beacon provides plenty
   3600mm. The process involves using the                                                       of warning that the PolyForce500 is in use.
                                                  “Our customers are making a large
   machine’s hydraulic clamps to secure the
                                                  investment when purchasing a                  These machines also feature a Narva
   ends of each pipe while a heating plate is
                                                  PolyForce500 unit and we can’t afford         HDRV Dual USB socket, allowing mobile
   applied to the ends.
                                                  to be let down by any component of the        phones and other devices to be charged
   When the correct temperature is reached        machine, including lighting,” Hall says.      in the field.
   the hydraulic clamps butt both ends
                                                  The Explora light bars, which feature 12 x    The first PolyForce500 machines are
   together under force, holding them in
                                                  5W high power LEDs (5700°K) producing         already working with customers in
   position while the bonding process takes
                                                  1 LUX at 275m, are installed at each end      Northern Queensland with several others
   place to ensure a high-quality seal.
                                                  of the machine. The bars are rated to IP68    now in the manufacturing cycle.
   Most butt-welding machines operate in          and IP69K for dust and water ingress.
   remote and demanding locations from

                                                                                                       JULY 2020   Australia                  17
Aftermarket | Parts and Accessories

AND BUYING                                            seeking a new media agency was part of
                                                      those plans.
                                                                                                        “The pitch process was intense. It showed us
                                                                                                        who Initiative really are and provided a lens
                                                      “Finding the right media partner for our          into their approach to media and business.
                                                      business is key to our continued success,”        They showcased high levels of professionalism
                                                      GPC general manager marketing ANZ Diana Di        and superior strategic thinking, balanced with
Genuine Parts Company (GPC) ANZ, has
                                                      Cecco says.                                       tactical and integrated communications.
appointed Initiative Melbourne to manage its
media planning and buying portfolio.                  “It is quite a cluttered media market out there   “It was easy to see they were passionate
                                                      so it’s important that our future agency met      and performed well under pressure. Most
The handover became effective in June
                                                      our business needs and were a perfect fit         importantly, there was genuine chemistry
covering both the Australian and New
                                                      from a values perspective. We’re delighted        between our teams from the very first
Zealand markets.
                                                      to appoint Initiative Melbourne as our media      meeting. The sum of this made the decision
GPC ANZ manages a portfolio of automotive
                                                      partner and excited about how they will           obvious,” Di Cecco says.
aftermarket retail and trade brands,
                                                      deliver in the key areas.”                        “Generations of Australian motor enthusiasts
including but not limited to, Repco, NAPA and
                                                      GPC ANZ has been evaluating each of its           have grown up on GPC’s brands, like Repco,
                                                      agencies and found media services were            as the go-to source for automotive supplies.
Its pursuit to find a new media agency
                                                      being significantly underserviced.                We are thrilled to be selected to help them
comes soon after launching revised brand
                                                                                                        accelerate their customer connectivity.
propositions and an internal business                 “Agencies should be an extension of the
                                                                                                        “Like most organisations, GPC is
transformation. The appointment will assist           marketing team and not simply book ad
                                                                                                        adjusting to new parameters of customer
GPC enhance its future marketing campaigns            spots. There’s more to it than that. We want
                                                                                                        relationships across their brand portfolio
and activations.                                      to more effectively communicate with existing
                                                                                                        and we are focused on helping lead the
GPC ANZ says it has undergone significant             customers, engage prospective customers and
                                                                                                        way,” Initiative Melbourne managing
transformation which has seen it drive                build customer-based brand equity. That’s
                                                                                                        director Sarah James says.
business efficiency, productivity and true            what marketers do. We can’t do it alone. We
agency partnering. So, it seemed timely that          need exceptional partners,” Di Cecco says.


           ptibelt says its TT line frequency          belt. Tension recommendations can be
           tension tester provides an accurate         taken from Optibelt specifications CAP drive
           and fast test of drive belt tension         design calculations or the Optibelt App.
     by measuring the frequency of vibration,          It is interference free with measuring
     resulting in extended belt and pulley life        methods EM: electromagnetic waves and
     and a reduction in down time.                     AC: acceleration integrated. If there is too
     The compact design of the TT line tester          much movement when testing the red
     offers universal application possibilities. It    lights will turn off and the display will
     is designed for even the most difficult to        show “Rapid Move” until the tester is
     reach places making it ideal for checking         steady at which point the display will show
     the tensions of V-belts, ribbed belts,            ‘Ready’.
     kraftbands and timing belts.                      The TT tension tester can also be used on
     After switching it on, the appliance is ready     long centre distances due to a wide high
     to transfer data immediately with the             frequency range of AC: 1-16Hz and EM:
     measuring head held over the belt. Two red        6-600Hz. The tester can be used on 300
     LED lights in the measuring head combine          belt measurements before the battery
     into one at a distance of 40-65mm to              requires recharging and is not affected by
     position it accurately over the belt. The         UV light.
                                                                                                        The Optibelt TT comes in a kit containing
     tensioned belt is then made to vibrate by         For those hard to reach belt spans, the          the tension tester, measuring head,
     plucking it by fingers or striking it with an     measuring head has a flexible goose neck         charger, USB cable and a clipper for holding
     object.                                           and a 250mm cable AC. The unit has a             the measuring head and is available from
     The tension tester immediately starts taking      large easy to read back lit display screen of    automotive, transport and industrial
     readings showing the results in hertz (Hz)        43mm wide and 53mm high, a USB port for          wholesalers.
     regardless of the condition or colour of the      recharging and an automatic switch-off.

18                    Australia   JULY 2020
You can also read