A Historical Perspective on Development of Systems Engineering Discipline
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ERDC/ITL MP-21-3 A Historical Perspective on Development of Systems Engineering Discipline A Review and Analysis Niamat Ullah Ibne Hossain, Raed M. Jaradat, Michael A. Hamilton, April 2021 Charles B. Keating, and Simon R. Goerger Information Technology Laboratory Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
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ERDC/ITL MP-21-3 April 2021 A Historical Perspective on Development of Systems Engineering Discipline A Review and Analysis Simon R. Goerger Information Technology Laboratory U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center 3909 Halls Ferry Road Vicksburg, MS 39180 Niamat Ullah Ibne Hossain and Raed Jaradat Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering Mississippi State University 75 B. S. Hood Road Starkville, MS 39762 Michael A. Hamilton Charles B. Keating Institute for Systems Engineering Department of Engineering Management Mississippi State University, ISER and Systems Engineering 3090 Halls Ferry Road Old Dominion University Vicksburg, MS 39180 Norfolk, VA 23529 Final report Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Prepared for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Washington, DC 20314-1000, Under Program Element 0603461A, Project Number DW5, Task Number 01
ERDC/ITL MP-21-3 ii Preface This study was conducted for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and funded under Army Direct Program Element Number 0603461A, Project Number DW5, Task Number 01. The technical monitors were Dr. Simon R. Goerger and Dr. Randy K. Buchanan. The work was performed by the Institute for Systems Engineering Research (ISER) (CEERD-IER) of the Computational Science and Engineering Division, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Information Technology Laboratory (ERDC-ITL). At the time of publication, Dr. Simon R. Goerger was Director, IER; and Dr. Jerrell R. Ballard Jr. was Chief, IE. The Technical Director was Dr. Robert Wallace. The Deputy Director of ERDC-ITL was Ms. Patti S. Duett, and the Director was Dr. David A. Horner. This paper was originally published in the Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering on 1 February 2020. The Commander of ERDC was COL Teresa A. Schlosser and the Director was Dr. David W. Pittman. DISCLAIMER: The contents of this report are not to be used for advertising, publication, or promotional purposes. Citation of trade names does not constitute an official endorsement or approval of the use of such commercial products. All product names and trademarks cited are the property of their respective owners. The findings of this report are not to be construed as an official Department of the Army position unless so designated by other authorized documents. DESTROY THIS REPORT WHEN NO LONGER NEEDED. DO NOT RETURN IT TO THE ORIGINATOR.
A Historical Perspective on Development of Systems Engineering Discipline: A Review and Analysis Abstract. Since its inception, Systems Engineering (SE) has developed as a distinctive discipline, and there has been significant progress in this field in the past two decades. Compared to other engineering dis- ciplines, SE is not affirmed by a set of underlying fundamental propositions, instead it has emerged as a set of best practices to deal with intricacies stemming from the stochastic nature of engineering complex systems and addressing their problems. Since the existing methodologies and paradigms (dominant pat- terns of thought and concepts) of SE are very diverse and somewhat fragmented. This appears to create some confusion regarding the design, deployment, operation, and application of SE. The purpose of this paper is 1) to delineate the development of SE from 1926-2017 based on insights derived from a histogram analysis, 2) to discuss the different paradigms and school of thoughts related to SE, 3) to derive a set of fundamental attributes of SE using advanced coding techniques and analysis, and 4) to present a newly developed instrument that could assess the performance of systems engineers. More than Two hundred and fifty different sources have been reviewed in this research in order to demonstrate the development trajectory of the SE discipline based on the frequency of publication. 1. Introduction distinctive specialized discipline since its in- After World War II, there was a fundamental ception. There have been rapid and continuing operational transformation in industrial and advances in this area in the last two decades, construction sectors around the world. During ultimately targeted to address the intricacies the war, a new engineering discipline known stemming from increasingly sophisticated and as "Systems Engineering (SE)" evolved as a ma- diversified complex systems permeating every jor new paradigm to countervail the complexi- aspect of society. Unlike traditional engineer- ties associated with newly emerging processes ing, systems engineering is not grounded by a and systems (Gorod et al. 2008). Systems en- set of rigidly defined basic theorems anchored gineering has continued and developed as a in science related to physical properties. In- 1
2 stead, SE has evolved as a set of best techniques achieve this purpose, the paper will explore for managing the ill-structured complex prob- the evolution of the SE field by segmenting the lems based on circumstances (Hallam 2001, discipline development timeline into three dif- Hossain and Jaradat 2018). ferent intervals and examining the significant At the most basic level, SE is implementa- developments within those intervals. It is an- tion of systematized methodologies to guide ticipated that this view will offer the reader a the design, analysis, execution, and develop- comprehensive map of the development of SE ment of systems that addresses needs and re- and highlight the involvement of past contrib- solve problems (Hossain and Jaradat 2018). utors to the progression of SE. The objectives Systems engineering addresses the life-cycle of this paper are as follows: of product systems from conception to dis- - To trace the history development of SE posal, and it operates to trace and satisfy from 1926-2017 based on insights derived customer requirements within constraints of from a histogram analysis. This would the system. Traditional Systems Engineering provide a comprehensive overview of SE (TSE) deals with single complex system prob- domain. lems in order to optimize the performance of - To derive a set of common characteristics the system. Currently, the representation of of SE using advanced coding techniques SE consists of different interpretations in- and analysis. This would serve as a base- cluding life-cycle based approaches, manage- line snapshot to invoke a dialogue that ment technology paradigms, process-problem possibly contribute to fruitful to future archetypes, discipline-oriented paradigms, advancement of SE field. and systems thinking and non-systems think- - To lessen the confusion pertaining to SE ing approaches (Kasser and Hitchins 2011). and its derivative terms. This would al- While this suggests a somewhat fragmented low the practitioners to understand the discipline, a more rigorous development of the applicability of SE terminology and how historical roots and evolution of development these nomenclature are embedded in SE might serve to better understand two central definition. issues. First, how this discipline arrived at its - To present a newly developed instrument present state. Second, what this historical basis that could capture the performance level portends for future development of the disci- of individual system engineers. It will pline. help individuals/ group of systems engi- Although SE has been introduced in the neers to identify their weak zone and de- defense and space industries, efforts are being velop themselves to encounter the intri- made to extend the application of the disci- cacies emanating from complex systems pline to different fields as well (Shenhar and in where they are anticipated to be en- Bonen 1997). However, regardless of having gaged. diversified applications of SE, many scholars To achieve the objectives of the paper, more and practitioners continue to publish their re- than two hundred and fifty different resources search under the domain of the SE discipline. have been coded and analyzed. The spectrum The state of art of SE literature is a somewhat of sources includes scholarly journal articles, fragmented compilation of apparently modi- conference proceedings, letters, technical pa- fied perceptions of related domains. The main pers, special features, books and book chap- purpose of this paper is to trace the chrono- ters. Since it is difficult to trace all works per- logical development of SE from 1926-2017. To taining to SE, related works that contributed
3 Figure 1 Classification of SE Interval for Histogram Analysis. most significantly to the field of SE (based on 2. Histogram Analysis the frequency of citations) are used as a pri- In this section, the design and execution of mary criterion for the selection of publications the histogram analysis are developed (results for inclusion in the analysis. To trace the pro- summarized in Figure 6). The following top- gression history of SE, we considered Ferris ical areas were selected to guide examination (2007a), Ferris (2007bc), Gorod et al. (2008), of the literature to comprehend the histogram Brill (1998) as a grounded references where analysis: (1) definitions of SE, (2) characteris- Ferris (2007a), Ferris (2007bc) explored the tics for SE, (3) principles and axioms for SE early history of SE during pre and post-world and (4) different perspectives and methodolo- war era. Gorod et al. (2008), and Brill (1998) gies supporting SE. The histogram analysis traced the history of SE from 1950-1995. This provides a comprehensive discussion of differ- research provides the comprehensive review ent aspects of SE on a chronological develop- of SE history from 1926-2017 and traces the de- ment scale, rather than other potential organiz- velopment of SE discipline over the years. ing constructs (e.g. sector, geography, theme, Although not all SE works are included, etc.). Chronological tracing of the SE disci- the underlying overview originating from this pline development is offered as a path to poten- synthesis will provide a good understanding tially different insights and future implications of the field as a whole. Even though there is based on the time-based development of the not a detailed discussion of all the references, SE discipline. To create a histogram analysis, a all 250+ sources are incorporated in the analy- time range of 91 years was used, the difference sis. Grounded Theory Coding (Charmaz and between the highest value (2017) and the low- Belgrave 2012) techniques were employed with est value (1926). This range would cover the the use of Nvivo 12 (QRS International 2017) historical context of SE from its inception to software that helped in structuring the large 2017 through three intervals namely, (SE intro- dataset. ductory, SE development, and SE revolution- The construction of the histogram analysis, ary periods). Figure 1 provides the interval consisting of three main intervals, is presented classifications for the histogram. below. The examination of the intervals is fol- The purpose of the histogram plot is (1) lowed by the progression history of SE pertain- to provide quantitative information about the ing to those three intervals. From the results underlying frequency distribution of literature of the analysis, the paper concludes with a dis- spanning the SE discipline history from 1926- cussion of the implications of the analysis for 2017 and (2) to discuss the main themes and the SE discipline along with the avenue of fu- challenges for the SE discipline that are derived ture research. from each interval. The horizontal axis in the histogram signifies the timeline of the study (classes) whereas the vertical axis embodies the
4 relative frequency of contribution activity for ity of equipment was not as central of a con- each class (see Figure 6). This organization cern. However, during World War II, electronic offers one of many possible ways in which the equipment became so sophisticated that relia- literature might be organized and examined. bility became a serious concern. For instance, However, although not absolute, the inclusion due to poor radar reliability, numerous battle of both frequency and content themes provides ships were sunk at the beginning of the war in a clearer picture of the discipline development the Pacific. Along the same line, during the Ko- from the perspective sought in this paper. rean War, bombing missions were halted due to inability to effectively operate the complex 2.1 Intervals electronic weapon systems (Brown 1953). The Based on the histogram analysis and the complexity of the equipment exceeded capabil- grounded theory coding, three main intervals ities of service operators to maneuver the ap- were derived. Each interval reflects the de- paratus properly during operation, resulting velopment of SE history during that period of in reliability becoming a prime concern of mil- time. The first interval, labeled as the ’SE Intro- itary applications (Romig 1956). In order to ad- ductory’ interval, is from 1926-1960, the second dress this issue, the American military sought from 1961-1989 labeled as ’SE Exploratory’ in- help from large numbers of engineers and sci- terval and the third labeled as ’SE Revolution- entists to develop a technique to deal with ary’ interval is from 1990-2017. For each of the these increasingly complex problems. This intervals, an interpretation of the major con- joint military-civilian endeavor was named Op- tributions to the body of SE are identified and eration Research. The accumulated knowledge discussed. and experience that resulted from World War 2.1.1 Interval I (1926-1960): Introduction of SE II stimulated the application of the systems ap- SE is entrenched in older management proach in different domains. A noteworthy ex- archetypes that were used during the construc- ample of invention during World War II were tion of numerous ancient projects. Among "black boxes" used on aircraft. Demand for these projects were the pyramids in Egypt, multiple types of electronic gear essential for the water distribution and irrigations systems airborne operations triggered the development in Mesopotamia, and the infrastructure ex- of a widespread types of elemental devices, pansion in Greece and Rome, as well as the commonly known as "black boxes" (Engstrom more modern 19th-century canals and rail- 1957). These inventive avionic architectures roads (Kasser 2002). The construction of John included multiple systems that were synchro- Ericsson’s iron-clad battleship from the Civil nized with the aircraft system to perform indi- War era presented another example of histori- vidual functions (Tolk et al. 2011). cal evidence of the use of SE (Engstrom 1957). The earliest foundations of SE can be traced to During the 1930’s and 1940’s a rapid ad- Smuts (1926) who first coined the term "holon" vancement took place in the field of technol- to describe the "wholeness or the integration ogy, especially in space and control engineer- of the elements of a system." The concept of ing, power distribution, and communication holism which developed from this term is still systems. Reflections of these technological ad- considered to be one of the fundamental at- vances led to thinking about building struc- tributes of SE. tures that could be made even more robust by Prior to World War II, military weapons and combining different interdisciplinary en- equipment were not as complex as those in gineering approaches. This interdisciplinary use and development today, thus the reliabil- systematic approach was actively incorporated
5 in radio, telephone, and television industries prised of three different groups; systems en- during the late 1930s and ushered in the gineering, design and development, and pure evolution of modern telecommunications net- research (Kelly 1950). Bell Telephone Labora- work. For instance, the Radio Corporation tories was perhaps the first organization to coin of America (RCA) and Bell Telephone Com- the phrase "systems engineering" (Schlager pany aimed to expand the television trans- 1956). mission domain and long-distance telephone The first operational intercontinental bal- network, respectively, using new broadband listic missile (ICBM) program, known as the technologies. However, these experimental Atlas ICBM program, also bears significance projects failed to progress due to the inter- to the inception of SE. Before the Atlas ICBM ruption caused by World War II. As a conse- program, the prime airframe manufacturers quence, in lieu of the telecommunications in- were only contractors accountable for design- dustry leading the SE discipline development, ing military aircraft and supervising all the the Department of Defense (DoD) was placed subcontractors under the authority of the U.S. "front and center" in leading SE development. Air Force. As a result, there was a scarcity of World War II was arguably the first time resources to produce the military weapons for practitioners realized the importance of man- the U.S. Air Force. In the early 1950’s, when aging and synchronizing various complex sys- further development of an ICBM capability be- tems to achieve long-term objectives. As came necessary, the Air Force again looked to an outcome, "quantitative management" tech- enlist the services of the airframe manufactur- niques were developed out of World War II. ers. Subsequently, the Strategic Missile Eval- In the post-war era, many perceived that the uation Committee (codenamed Teapot Com- techniques developed during the war could be mittee) was formed to assess various missile extrapolated and applied to other fields as well. development projects all over the U.S (Hallam For instance, after World War II, the scientists 2001). The primary charge of this committee and researchers from RAND (research and de- was to track the duplication of implementa- velopment) corporation, Bell Telephone Labo- tion strategy and to appraise the competence ratories and RCA capitalized on the war-time of airframe prime contractors in order to de- experiences in advancement and expanded the velop a system requiring substantial electronic technology of modern telecom and electrical and computational capabilities. Several thou- power systems (Tolk et al. 2011). The RAND sand skilled engineers, scientists, contractors, Corporation, originated in 1946 by the United subcontractors and specialists were involved States Air Force, developed a "systems anal- in the Atlas program. The Teapot commit- ysis" methodology which is still considered to tee (lead by Simon Ramo) contributed to the be one of the fundamental concepts of SE. RCA establishment of SE as a discipline by devel- also deployed the "systems approach" for the oping an administration responsible for mon- advancement of electronically scanned, black itoring and coordinating all the necessary ac- and white television (Engstrom 1957). In 1943, tivities for subcontractor design,development to further advance the Aircraft Warning Com- test, integration, verification and validations munication Service, the National Defense Re- (Hallam 2001). Following the success of the search Committee (NDRC) formed a systems Atlas program, scholars from different disci- committee in conjunction with Bell Laborato- plines extrapolated the technique followed in ries to conduct a project named C-79 (Buede the military program to management science, and Miller 2016).Bell Laboratories was com- and SE evolved as a budding discipline at that
6 time. - To encourage the harmony of science After World War II, MIT Radiation Labo- through enhancing the communication ratory, known as Rad Lab, published a series among the practitioners (Checkland, of books, which discussed the application and 1993:93) evolution of radar systems during the war. Al- There are some other theories, such as though the series did not cite the term "sys- Game Theory and Information Theory (Shan- tems engineering" they did highlight how a non and Weaver 1949) that somewhat re- holistic approach could be applied to an en- semble or are related to the themes of gen- gineering system (Ferris 2007c). In 1950, the eral system theory, and these theories were first formal endeavour to teach SE was made widely adopted during this period of time. by G. W. Gilman who was the Director of sys- During and after World War II, a number of tems engineering at Bell Laboratories at Mas- projects were undertaken in the U.S. to defend sachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) (Hall its people and protect its borders such as the 1962). In 1955, the biologist Ludwig Von Berta- Analyze air defense system (1937) and Nike- lanffy along with economist K.E. Boulding, line-of-sight -anti-aircraft missile system (1945- physiologist R.W. Gerard, and the mathemati- 1953). The complexity and stochastic nature of cian A. Rappoport developed the idea of gener- the projects necessitated a systemic holistic ap- alizing ’Systems Thinking’ or ’Holistic Think- proach to successfully accomplish the project ing’ to any kind of system; their ideas became goals. known as "General Systems Theory (GST)" Schlager (1956) was the first person to for- (Bertalanffy 1968). This theory emerged due to malize a brief outline of the SE process encom- the inadequacies of science alone to offset the passing planning, analysis, optimization, in- challenges of complexity and confronted the tegration and testing. He also suggested the effectiveness of reductionist based approaches adaptation of different types of systems analy- for increasingly complex systems. They pre- sis methods such as game theory, decision the- sented the applicability of general system the- ory, linear and dynamic programming, prob- ory for any kind of systems and suggested a ability and statistics, information theory, sym- universal language and laws that could be used bolic logic in system analysis and optimiza- in different areas with the objective of global tion process. Ramo, Engstrom, and Schlager acceptance. GST also engender the concept of portrayed SE as a significant method to deal systems thinking (ST) that facilitated higher with challenges in identifying and satisfying levels of cognitive skills to better understand customer needs. The principle behind their of the context of complex problems. Some of proposition was that the integration of satis- the GST objectives included: factory components does not always produce a - To formulate a theory that represents un- satisfactory system to achieve the desired goal. derlying principles for all systems, irre- Engstrom (1957) provided a basic definition spective of the context of the system. of SE writing that "This method is best de- - To explore the identical principles, laws scribed by stating the two major requirements and models in many disparate fields, and for its success: first, a determination of the to aid successful transformation of these objective that is to be reached; and second, axioms from one field to another, and as- a thorough consideration of all factors that similate these understandings to avoid bear upon the possibility of reaching the ob- unnecessary duplication and ambigui- jective, and the relationships among these fac- ties between fields. tors(p.1)." Although Engstrom first introduced
7 the concept of "interdisciplinary approach" in the need for a systemic holistic approach to the SE process, he did not explicitly use the elicit the design requirement and necessary so- phrase "interdisciplinary approach" but rather lutions for Boeing commercial aircraft. coined the term "collaborative work." He am- The first book on SE was written by Goode plified the idea of "interdisciplinary approach" and Machol in 1957 (Goode and Machol 1959) by mentioning that a system project needs a and was titled Systems Engineering – An Intro- wide range of expertise from disparate fields duction to the Design of Large-Scale Systems. This so that the system can be adequately assessed book follows a theme that shows how systems from different perspectives. thinking and approaches facilitate the design of equipment. The overlap between manage- Olthuis (1954) probably was one of the ment and engineering was also acknowledged early advocates, who introduced the idea of by Goode and Machol in early 1959 when they holistic perspective of top down approach to wrote: "Management has a design and op- design, emphasizing the need to draft the con- eration function, as does engineering Goode ceptual design of the entire system prior to ex- and Machol (1959, p.514)." The commonal- plicit details or knowledge of the constituent ity and dissimilarity between the roles of SE elements. For instance, most of the commu- and project management have also been dis- nications missile subsystems of military sys- cussed in various publications, which will be tems were designed from a holistic perspec- discussed in the third interval (SE Revolution). tive (Spanke 1954). Likewise, in the area of A survey of the literature from (1926-1960) acoustics, the necessity for a holistic approach shows that: (1) World War II and several pre- was recognized for the proper dissemination war government projects had a significant im- of acoustic energy in the audible space to have pact on the inception of SE, (2) late in the 1950s, a better performance of audio reproduction. the focus toward holistic approaches to deal By the same token, a holistic view of acous- tic communication was also identified in the with increasingly complex systems and their development of voice communication devices fundamental problems became apparent and (3) several pervasive concepts pertaining to for incorporating in aircraft system, where the SE such as "system analysis" techniques, "sys- all the necessary components and comminuca- tems engineering process" and "system think- tion channels were integrated together (Haw- ing" were introduced. Figure 2 highlights the ley 1956). In another case, the invention of jet main themes in interval I. aircraft challenging air traffic control systems emerged in response to the need for complex 2.1.2 Interval II (1961-1989): Exploration of SE system versatility (Kirshner 1956). This versa- In the 1960s-1990s, SE had significant growth tility created a need for a holistic approach to along with widespread application. During integrate ground to ground, ground to air, and this interval, the diversified characteristics of air to air communication systems to enable a this discipline encountered some successes as trouble-free air traffic channel. In this SE devel- well as failures and gave rise to debates based opment interval, a number of articles (Speaks on subjective application of the discipline. Var- 1956, Okress et al. 1957) were published that ious aspects of SE and its process can be better illustrated the necessity of considering the en- understood from the literature of Arthur Hall. gineering work in a holistic technical manner In 1962, Hall introduced a concept of "sys- (i.e., consider the technical environment of the tems engineering methodology" or "process operating system as a whole instead of focus- of systems engineering" through three funda- ing on particulars). Steiner (1959) described mental principles. First, SE definition is com-
8 Figure 2 Main Themes for the 1926-1960 SE Development Timeline. posed of diverse paradigms such as manage- nut emphasized that to explicate the problem, ment technology, process-oriented approach systems requirements must be derived from and problem-solving methodology. Second, the user specified need. While Shinners offered to have a better understanding of complex sys- a set of seven general strategies in conjunction tem problems, a systems engineer has to ap- with the concept of a feedback loop to explore praise a system from three different perspec- a large complex system, Chestnut proposed an tives: the physical or technical, the business optional feedback process to compare results or economic, and the social (Gorod et al. 2008, being attained to meeting the customer’s re- Hall 1962). Third, SE is designed specifically quirements. to fulfill customer requirements in the most Jenkins (1969) provided a basic definition effective way based on available information. of SE that somewhat refers to the system inte- Hall’s SE methodology consists of five phases: gration or holistic perspective of a system. He 1) system studies or program planning; 2) ex- defined SE as "the science of designing com- ploratory planning, which embodies problem plex systems in their totality to ensure that the definition, determining the objectives, synthe- component subsystems making up the system sizing and analyzing the system followed by are designed, fitted together, checked and op- selecting the best system and communicating erated in the most efficient way." Jenkins ex- the output; 3) development planning, which is plained that the SE approach deals with local replications of phase 2 in a more comprehen- authorities, organizational norms, whole orga- sive way; 4) studying the development, inte- nizations and hardware systems to weave to- gration, and testing of the system; 5) current gether. His definition served as a grounded engineering which refers to the operational ac- reference for further advancement regarding tivities while the system is functioning and be- all aspects of SE. ing refined (Buede and Miller 2016, p.7). In the 1970s, several SE theories and mod- Shinners (1967) recommended that to solve els were introduced in the SE literature. Fol- a system-oriented problem, a systems engi- lowing Von Bertalanffy’s work on GST, Ackoff neer must grasp the fundamentals of the sys- (1971) opposed the idea of analyzing systems tem problem, elicit the overall requirements by segregating the systems into sub-elements. and objectives of the system, and understand Rather, he proposed that the entire system the comprehensive knowledge concerning the should be treated as a whole. He asserted that constraints inherent in the system. Shinner’s the interdependencies among the elements problem formulation and solving methodol- within systems shoulde be considered aggre- ogy are somewhat aligned with the earlier ad- gately. Thus, he concluded that reductionist- vice recommended by Chestnut (1965). Chest- based approaches are not adequate for under-
9 standing these overall interactions and inter- A year later, Chase (1974) emphasized the dependencies. In addition, Ackoff addressed importance of the development of proper se- several caveats and limitations in reductionist mantics and lexicology for the systems con- approaches whenever they are applied to real cept. He asserted that language difficulties life complex situations. Similarly, Beer (1972) might cause barriers to effectively communi- introduced the term "meta-system" to desig- cate on topics pertaining to the system con- nate the integration of systems by means of a cept and that work was needed in this area. cybernetic perspective. He developed the A remarkable contribution came from Blan- viable system model (VSM) which consisted chard and Fabrycky (1981) who introduced of five main functions including the produc- the concept of "System Development Life Cy- tive function, coordination function, operation cle (SLDC)." The concept is based on Hall’s function, development function and identity (1962) methodology (problem identification; function. Beer felt these functions were indis- problem definition; planning and designing of pensable when ascertaining the viability (con- a system; construction and disposal).They de- tinued existence) of a complex system, and that scribed the steps of system life-cycle as "start- together they deliver a broad understanding of ing with the initial identification of a need the mutual interdependencies among the ele- and encompassing the phases (or functions) ments of the systems. The insights drawn from of: planning; research; design; production or Beer’s concept provided a noteworthy contri- construction; evaluation; consumer use; field bution to realize the structure of a complex support; and ultimate product phase out (Blan- system. chard and Fabrycky 1981, p.19)." This concept is still upheld as one of the underlying princi- At the beginning of 1971, a series of ten ples of SE. lectures titled "Systems Concepts for the Pri- vate and Public Sectors" was presented at the In 1974, The Defense Standard of the United California Institute of Technology by several States (Military Standard), introduced the con- scholars, with a primary purpose to criticize cept of "Systems Engineering Management the many perspectives of the reductionist ap- Plan (SEMP)." They described SE as a practi- proach(Ramo 1971). Ramo articulated that the cal use of scientific effort that incorporates all systems approach focuses on analyzing and the "ilities" to meet the technical objectives of designing a system from a holistic perspective the system. This observation can be mapped while considering all possible parameters from into the management oriented paradigm. Ac- both societal and technological standpoints cording to MILSTD499A (1974), SE is defined rather than dealing with different individual as "engineering efforts to:(1) transform an op- elements or parts. Miles (1971) stated that sys- erational need into a description of system per- tem approaches work well when the objectives formance parameters and a system configu- of the system are clearly defined and the nec- ration through the use of an iterative process essary technologies are adequately developed. of definition, synthesis, analysis, design, test, The lectures were later edited and published and evaluation; (2) integrate related technical by Miles (1973). Miles identified the follow- parameters and ensure compatibility of all re- ing steps needed for the systems approach: (1) lated, functional, and program interfaces in a goal definition or problem statement (2) objec- manner that optimizes the total system defini- tives and criteria development (3)systems syn- tion and design; (3) integrate reliability, main- thesis (4) systems analysis (5)systems selection tainability, safety, survivability, human, and (6)systems implementation(Brown 1953). other such factors into the total technical en-
10 Figure 3 Main Themes for the 1961-1989 Timeline. gineering effort to meet cost, schedule, and system methodologies and operation research technical performance objectives (Buede and techniques can be applied. However, pluralis- Miller 2016, p.9)." tic problems are more dynamic, uncertain and complex in nature, and thus new techniques Wymore (1976) indicated that an inter- are needed. Clemson (1991) writings in the disciplinary approach is an essential com- same year underscored the importance of ex- ponent of the SE discipline which is gov- ploring complex system problems from differ- erned by three fundamental attributes "mod- ent standpoints that are mutually supportive elling human behaviour, dealing with com- to the axioms dervied from the cybernatics. In plexity and largeness-of-scale, and managing 1986, Perrow (1984) made a contribution to dynamic technology"(Wymore 1976, p.78). the SE field by exploring the stochastic nature Wymore also extended the application of SE by of failure in large complex systems. adding the education, health, and legislative systems to the paradigm along with the exist- A survey of the literature within this in- ing systems of communication and construc- terval (1961-1989) indicates that: (1) there was tion(Checkland 1981). In 1984, M’Pherson a clearly recognized need and corresponding (1986) brought another dimension to the shift in paradigms to holistic-based thinking SE definition by proposing the term "hybrid and approaches to address complex system methodology." He stated that SE is "a hybrid problems, (2) several definitions were pro- methodology that combines policy analysis, posed that embodied numerous characteristics design, and management. It aims to ensure of SE, (3) some fundamental models were de- that a complex man-made system, selected veloped recognizing SE life-cycle and manage- from the range of options on offer, is the one ment oriented concepts, and (4) several prob- most likely to satisfy the owner’s objectives lem solving methodologies were developed to in the context of long-term future operational address the SE problem domain. The timeline or market environments" (IEEE P1220 1994, in Figure 3 shows the main themes in interval p.130-133). II. In 1984, Jackson and Keys (1984) made 2.1.3 Interval III (1990-2017): Revolution of SE a notable contribution by classifying the This interval witnessed the widespread ad- problem- solving methodologies of SE based vancement of SE. Several perspectives and con- on unitary (pursuit of a definite set of objec- cepts were articulated, and the field was in full tives) and pluralist (pursuit of multiple, poten- progress during this period. Many studies and tially diversified goals) approaches. Unitary investigations tempted to synthesize the defi- approaches are applicable for simple systems nitions of SE from different standpoints and where the context of the problem is static and tried to establish the objectives of SE. Another can be solved by a predetermined set of tech- stream of research focused on developing a niques. For unitary problems, SE tools, hard SE body of knowledge encompassing different
11 SE methodologies, unifying the systems the- tion of the consumers’ operational need, man- ories, developing various models/processes agement processes coordinate different design and building standardized frameworks. A sig- and configuration control groups and encom- nificant number of presentations, conferences, passes handling risk, schedule, and budget as- articles, symposium and journals pertaining to sociated with the task. Similar to Sage’s defini- SE were also made available. To disseminate tion of SE, the Department of Defense used the the SE principles and practices and to provide term "management" in their SE definition, but better solutions to complex societal and techni- they also incorporated the concepts of "inter- cal challenges, a non-profit organization, The disciplinary approach" and "life cycle process." International Council on Systems Engineering Theme II: Requirement driven process (INCOSE), was established in 1990. In 1998, a and SE process (life-cycle) dedicated SE journal titled "Systems Engineer- Forsberg and Mooz (1992) described SE ing" started its proceedings to cover the full as "The application of the system analysis and spectrum of research germane to SE and Sys- design process and the integration and verifi- tem of Systems (SoS). The following themes cation process to the logical sequence of the can be derived for SE during this period: technical aspect of the project life-cycle." In - Management grounded technology 1994, Shenhar (1994) introduced the ideas of - Requirement driven process and SE "management" and "interdisciplinary" in the process(life-cycle) definition of SE. He mentioned that SE is a - Interdisciplinary approaches technology oriented management process that - Problem solving encompasses a sequential order of activities in- Theme I: Management grounded technol- cluding: 1) identifying the customer need and ogy convert it into system performance parameters Although many works have been published and ultimate system design, 2) tracing and allo- that brought about a sense of management cating the functional requirements, 3) selecting technology in SE processes, Sage (1995) was the appropriate system concept and design, 4) the first who explicitly incorporated the term integrating and testing the system architecture "management technology" in the definition of and finally 5) evaluating the system’s perfor- SE. Based on his definition "SE is the manage- mance. Another process-oriented SE defini- ment technology that controls a total life-cycle tion came from Shishko (1995), who wrote process, which involves and which results in that SE is "iterative" in nature. The iterative the definition, development, and deployment nature assists in compensating for undesirable of a system that is of high quality, trustwor- consequences and ensuring higher level quali- thy, and cost effective in meeting user needs" ties of the system (Shishko 1995, p.4).’Iterative (Sage 1995, p.3). His definition was based process’ is used in many SE definition (ECSS-E- on three fundamental levels: SE management, 10-01 1996). Martin (1996) called SE a system SE methodology, and SE methods and tools. development process that works to achieve op- The three fundamental levels involved three timal system balance among all sub-elements. key points: structure, objective and function. Skyttner (1996) defined "SE as a method by Sailor (1990) stated that SE comprises which the orderly evolution of man-made sys- both technical and management processes that tems can be achieved." Gardy (2000) described transform the customer’s need into the desired SE as a process-oriented approach that trans- system design. In distinction, whereas techni- forms a set of intricate technical needs into fea- cal processes involve the systemic transforma- sible solutions via detail design and manufac-
12 turing processes. In his work, Arnold (2000) isfied throughout the life-cycles of the sys- mentioned that every organization must fol- tems." To support his argument, Wymore illus- low a standard SE process and SE is tradition- trated the definition of SE discipline provided ally associated with a single process, standard- by Kline (1995, p.3): "a discipline possesses a ized objectives and a course of development specific area of study, a literature, and a work- actions. A simple definition of SE came from ing community of paid scholars and/or paid Hitchins (2003, p.309) "the art and science of practitioners." Hazelrigg (1996) provided a creating systems." NASA handbook described more specific definition of systems engineering SE as a decomposition (design), recomposition and introduced the term "information-based (creation/integration) and operation of a sys- approach." He emphasized that mathematical tem. intensity in the systems engineering approach A somewhat different SE definition came fostered better decisions pertaining to system from Hallam (2001) who used the term "pull design and synthesis. The general threads run- process" and mentioned that SE is a customer ning through these definitions are that SE is requirement driven "pull process" where a cus- a top-down approach that encompasses both tomer demands influence the flow of system technical and managerial efforts to integrate development activities. In the updated ver- the diversified processes to optimize system sion of military standard handbook MIL-STD- performance. Additionally, SE is a require- 499B, SE was defined in terms of standard pro- ments driven process where a customer’s need cesses, system analysis and control. Accord- is transferred into a requirements statement in ing to MIL 499B systems engineering is an in- order to develop the fundamental attributes of terdisciplinary approach including the set of a functional physical design. technical endeavor to develop and verify an Theme III: Interdisciplinary approach integrated set of system people, product, and Several other SE definitions developed in process solutions in order to meet customer this interval that echo the theme of "interdis- need." Kossiakoff et al. (2011, p.3) used the ciplinary approach." IEEE P1220 (1994, p.12) term "guide" in his definition: "The function defined SE as “an interdisciplinary collabora- of SE is to guide the engineering of complex tive approach to derive, evolve, and verify a systems," where "to guide" means direct and life-cycle balanced system solution that satis- lead towards achieving the best solution. This fies customer expectations and meets public definition stresses the aim of SE as a process acceptability.” The Capability Maturity Model of selecting the optimal solution out of many Integration (CMMI, 2001) described SE as an possible alternatives. interdisciplinary collaborative approach that Wymore brought a new terminology in the encompasses technical and managerial efforts definition of SE. He defined SE as a "disci- to transfer the customer requirement into prod- pline" instead of process. Wymore (1994, uct solutions. Jerome Lake asserted that "sys- p.5) argued that SE is not only a process tems engineering is an interdisciplinary, com- but also a distinctive discipline, where exist- prehensive approach to solving complex prob- ing recognized SE processes are only applica- lems and satisfying stakeholder requirements tions of the SE discipline. His definition in- (Martin 1997, p.244)." Abdallah et al. (2014) cluded "the intellectual, academic, and pro- provided a more contemporary definition of fessional discipline, the principal concern of SE mentioning that SE integrates all the dis- which is to ensure that all requirements for ciplines to pursue a well-structured technical bioware/hardware/software systems are sat- effort and governs design, development and
13 verification of a system to satisfy the customer tem life-cycle. Activities are grouped based need. Grasler and Yang (2014) also pointed on the corresponding vertical layer and hor- out the attribute of an interdisciplinary ap- izontal life-cycle to represent the role of the proach in the SE process to satisfy the stake- systems engineer. The third dimension is still holder need. Shenhar (1994) added another under development which describes the prob- layer to the definition of SE by including the lem solving activity. concept of interdisciplinary approach, holis- Literature shows that there is an over-lap tic perspective, and management process. SE and correlation between systems engineering deals with identifying operational needs of processes (SEP) and the generic problem- customers, forecasting operational and tech- solving processes. However, the set of activ- nological processes, developing new concepts ities of SEP and problem-solving process are and design by considering the overall system fairly distinct in nature. For instance, the steps life cycle. Rechtin and Maier (2000) empha- involved in the generic problem-solving pro- sized that there is close link between SE and cesses (OVAE 2005, GDRC 2009) are differ- decision making, suggesting that SE is a mul- ent in contrast to the general SEP approaches tidisciplinary design-oriented process where such as EIA 632 (1994), generic V-model and decisions are made based on their impact on SIMILAR (Bahill and Gissing 1998). This the system as a whole. A comprehensive def- common misunderstanding between problem- inition of SE came from INCOSE. "Systems solving and SEP can be resolved by under- Engineering is an interdisciplinary approach standing the SE emphasis on the holistic per- and means to enable the realization of suc- spective of generating a human-made system cessful systems. It focuses on defining cus- as a solution to a defined problem. A com- tomer needs and required functionality early in mon meta-SEP can be developed by uniting the the development cycle, documenting require- Hitchins (2007) and Mar B (2009) approaches ments, then proceeding with design synthesis into the following 10-step sequence. This se- and system validation while considering the quence combines the problem-solving process complete problem." The thrust of this move- and the solution recognition process together. ment was recognition of the interdisciplinary This 10-step sequence is feasible if we consider nature of the SE approach. the systems engineering activity as a project Theme IV: Problem solving (see Figure 4). Kasser (2007) developed a framework that In 2005, Hitchins (2005) pointed out clarifies the reasoning behind overlapping SE an interesting analogy between "soft system and management and offered a concept for methodology (Checkland 1981)" and the gen- planning fundamental problem-solving to off- eral problem-solving paradigm. For a bet- set the challenges associated with a complex ter solution to the ill structured problem, system. This framework also paved the way to Hitchins, in his model, combined two differ- having a broader understanding of the SE body ent paradigms: exploration of initial problem and of knowledge. The framework consists of three development of technological solution. The model dimensions. The vertical dimension encom- consists a set of activities that addresses the passes five layers: socioeconomic, industrial background of the problem and develops the systems engineering, business systems engi- technological solution by considering the sys- neering, project or system level and project or tems from a holistic perspective. system level, whereas the horizontal dimen- Another contribution came from Vencel sion signifies the sequential phases of the sys- and Cook (2005, p.8). They explore the
14 Figure 4 10-step Problem Solving Process. typology of complex system problems, de- For more in depth exploration of the fined the entire problem space and catego- problem-solving approach, interested readers rized it based on seven-dimensional problem are referred to study the nine-system model by attributes: problem of interest, the nature of Kasser et al. (2014) , seven principles for sys- the problem, level of the problem, phase of tems engineering solution system developed the problem, problem complexity, structured- by NASA and summarized by Hitchins (2007, ness and dynamicity (Vencel and Cook 2005, p.85). Another stream of research during this p.8). The importance of identification of the period, focused on investigating the similar- appropriate problem space also discussed in ities and dissimilarities between systems en- the literature by Stevens et al. (1998). Flood gineering and project management. In many and Jackson (1991) also made a noteworthy cases, Systems engineering and Project Man- contribution through development of a sys- agement are considered to be different disci- temic meta-methodology named as Total Sys- plines. Mooz and Forsberg (1997) recognized tems Intervention (TSI). TSI directs the stake- some significant reasons for this distinction: holder through a systemic process to select the appropriate problem-solving procedure based - INCOSE expertise is concerned with on the context and situation of the problem, technical solutions whereas PMI consul- following through phases of creativity, choice, tants are oriented towards schedule and and implementation. To address the formula- cost management. As a consequence, tion of the problem, Ford (2010) proposed a project managers are more concerned framework that traces the difference between about managing cost and schedule with- subjective and objective complexity and cate- out taking into account the technical as- gorizes the problem by pect while system specialists, who al- ways pursue the superior feasible solu- - Level of difficulty of the problem. (Easy, tions, rarely address budget and sched- medium, ugly, and hard) ule. - Structure of the problem. (well struc- - The nomenclature and terminology of tured, ill structured, wicked) INCOSE and PMI are different. - Level of complexity of the problem. (De- - INCOSE and PMI work autonomously pends on the number of variables and and rarely participate in each other’s con- the types of interdependency among the ferences. PMI members are seldom affil- variables associated with the problem) iated with INCOSE and vice versa.
15 Figure 5 Main Contributions of 1990-2017 Timeline. Further discussion of the above arguments The GTC application was comprised of three is illustrated by Roe (1995). He indicated that levels of coding : open coding (free form coding tech specialists observe the systems from the of ideas), axial coding (clustering of codes into a inside, and they are not concerned about other hierarchy of relationships), and selective coding systems elements unless they affect their own (reformulation of coding into higher level core design task. The project managers, on the categories) to derive the central theme from other hand, consider the system from outside large unstructured dataset. It is also impera- with a broader viewpoint acting as the advo- tive to mention that we collected the frequency cate for the system. Project managers deal with of the publication from "Scopus" database by all systems elements that would impact overall inserting input as "systems engineering" in the system performance/budget/schedule. They search field and filtered the number of publica- are also concerned about how to offset the tions based on the timeline. Scopus database is constraints of system elements to ensure that more comprehensive than any other databases projects reach their goals in an economic way as others include only ISI indexed documents within stipulated time limits. However, in re- (Yong-Hak 2013). The Scopus database covers ality, project management and systems engi- almost twelve million of different types of re- neering are not independent disciplines. search documents from variety of publication We have identified this interval as a "revo- houses. lutionary interval", acknowledging that there was significant generation of new concepts, 3. Histogram Analysis approaches, frameworks and formal organiza- Figure 6 shows the histogram analysis of SE. tions established with a view to disseminat- The horizontal axis in the histogram signifies ing the knowledge of SE. Several applied fields the time line of the study, and the vertical axis such as system of systems (SoS), and MBSE, displays the frequency of publications pertain- also evolved during the revolutionary inter- ing to SE for that time period. val. These fields are especially pertinent to It is evident from the histogram analysis most engineering-governed approaches. The that the final interval (1990-2017) possesses the main contributions of the 1990-2017 timeline highest frequency and the highest cumulative are shown in Figure 5. value signifying that this interval experienced The next section presents the histogram the peak of SE development. A larger number analysis of SE development through three of presentations, conferences, journals, sym- main intervals, with each interval represent- posiums, and research work related to SE was ing a particular stream in the development tra- published in this interval. One of the most jectory of SE. Following the histogram analysis, significant events was the establishment of the based on the Ground Theory Coding (GTC) ap- International Council on Systems Engineering proach, main characteristics of SE are derived. (INCOSE). INCOSE was founded in an effort
16 Figure 6 Histogram Analysis of SE. to unite the research germane to diversified the traditional engineering discipline to solve branches of SE under the same umbrella and complex problems and moved towards more to disseminate knowledge from the field of SE. holistic and integrated approaches. Many universities and schools introduced sys- 3.1 Co-Citation Analysis tems engineering into their academic curricu- Co-citation analysis visualizes the relation- lum as well. There will be many future oppor- ships between sources/documents based on tunities where the knowledge and information their citations Barnett (2004). This biblio- gained during this interval will be used to ex- graphic coupling is conducted based on the plore and solve various complex system chal- graph theory (Saukko 2014). A co-citation lenges. map comprises of a set of nodes representing The (1961-1989) interval is identified as an different research sources/documents (e.g., ar- exploratory interval. This interval is consid- ticles, conferences papers, letters, and techni- ered to be a transition from a discussion of cal report) and a set of edges signifying the co- fundamental theories to the development of occurrence of nodes listed in different sources real world applications, tools, processes and of the corresponding map (Barnett 2011). approaches. The advancement resulting from More precisely, co-cited sources/documents this interval set the foundation to support fur- appear together in the reference lists of other ther development of systems engineering. The documents (Fahimnia et al. 2015). concept of SE became the focus of attention In order to perform co-citation analysis, and achieved widespread acceptability across .NET file contained of 278 sources was devel- the world. The histogram shows that the fre- oped and imported in Gephi for the visual rep- quency of publications increased in this inter- resentation. The visual output didn’t show any val compared to interval 1; even though there is discernible pattern due to the random charac- some fluctuation, a strong growth trend is still teristics of the coordinate. To better represent obvious. The first interval (1926-1960) is recog- the map, we further ran a Fort Atlas driven nized as the introductory interval of SE. In this algorithm and adjust the values of repulsion interval, practitioners began thinking beyond strength, node size, gravity, speed, and other
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