Page created by Jack Perez
June 2018
 CEO’s Foreword                                                                                                      2            3: HEDGE FUNDS
 Smoothing the Path: Managing the Risks in Private Asset                                                             3            Beat the Index, Don’t Beat the Market - Harold de Boer,                                                          26
 Investing - Pedro Arias, Amundi                                                                                                  Transtrend
                                                                                                                                  Hedge Funds in a Regulated Europe - Amy Bensted, Preqin                                                          28
 1: ALTERNATIVE ASSETS                                                                                                            Key Hedge Fund Charts                                                                                            30
 Europe: In Numbers                                                                                                  6
 The Alternative Assets Industry in Europe                                                                           7            4: REAL ESTATE
 Beginning of the End for Beta Cruising - David Riley,                                                               9            Real Estate: How to Cope with Converging European Rates                                                          32
 BlueBay Asset Management                                                                                                         of Return? - Jean-Marc Coly, Amundi
 Alternatives in the UK                                                                                            11             Now Is the Time for Listed Real Estate - Matthew Fletcher,                                                       34
 Alternatives in Switzerland                                                                                       12             EPRA
 Alternatives in Germany                                                                                           13             Interregional Capital Flows in Europe - Oliver Senchal,                                                          36
 Alternatives in the Netherlands                                                                                   14
                                                                                                                                  Key Real Estate Charts                                                                                           40
 Alternatives in Italy                                                                                             15
 Alternatives in France                                                                                            16
                                                                                                                                  5: REAL ASSETS
 Alternatives in Sweden                                                                                            17
                                                                                                                                  Renewable Energy: Europe’s Transition towards A Cleaner                                                          42
 Alternatives in Spain                                                                                             18
                                                                                                                                  Future - Patrick Adefuye, Preqin
 Alternatives in Norway                                                                                            19
                                                                                                                                  Key Real Assets Charts                                                                                           46
 Alternatives in Denmark                                                                                           20

                                                                                                                                  6: PRIVATE DEBT
                                                                                                                                  Diversity and Credit Cycles: What Is the Best Strategy to                                                        48
 Private Equity in Europe: Record Activity in Uncertain                                                            22             Invest in European Private Debt? - Thierry Vallière, Amundi
 Times - Christopher Elvin, Preqin
                                                                                                                                  The European Private Debt Opportunity - Tom Carr, Preqin                                                         50
 Key Private Equity & Venture Capital Charts                                                                       24
                                                                                                                                  Key Private Debt Charts                                                                                          52


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  - Mark O’Hare

W     elcome to Preqin’s first report focused on alternative assets in Europe. As most of our customers will know, Preqin’s databases and
      strategic focus are resolutely global, so why Europe, and why now?

Outside North America, Europe is the next most significant hub for the industry globally, and plays a key role in its global evolution:
■■ Europe-based alternative assets fund managers have combined assets under management of €1.48tn, approximately 20% of the
    global total;
■■ Europe has a rich and evolving alternative assets ecosystem, with over 5,700 fund management organizations and over 2,800
    significant institutional investors active across the various constituent private capital and hedge fund asset classes;
■■ With a mix of mature and emerging economies, and an evolving social, political and regulatory environment, the alternative assets
    industry in Europe has its own dynamics, opportunities and challenges that are shaping the environment for investors and fund

This report draws on Preqin’s unrivalled data resources, and aims to provide some context behind the numbers and facts that you
already use on our online databases, and it also benefits from perspectives and commentary from our partners in the industry who have
contributed to its creation and publication; so our thanks must go in particular to Amundi, BlueBay, Transtrend and EPRA for sharing their
perspectives with us. Thank you.

It would be counterproductive for me to dwell too long on individual areas within the report – far better for you to go directly to the
content that follows – however, I would like to comment briefly on just a handful of important themes:
■■ Private equity can only be described as being in ‘robust good health’ across Europe, with positive news for fundraising, deal activity
     and returns for LPs (including of course cash distributions.) This despite the undoubted political turmoil across Europe: strong
     evidence for the robustness of the asset class for the future?
■■ Hedge funds have had a remarkably positive past year across Europe, with strong cash inflows (notably more so than for the
     industry globally).
■■ Real estate has had a remarkably strong run in recent years, with European opportunities attracting LP capital and GP interest from
     around the world (please see page 36 for a new ‘funds flow’ analysis). Having said this, the challenge for European real estate mirrors
     that in other regions: how to maintain momentum and attractive returns starting from the current position of high valuations?
■■ Real assets have seen strong growth in both infrastructure and natural resources funds, and the development and growth of
     renewables has been of particular note – an area where Europe leads the world.
■■ Private credit has seen remarkable growth globally, and especially in Europe, where the market penetration of non-bank lenders has
     a long way to go to reach levels seen in the US. Opportunities for continued growth?

I have already thanked our partners Amundi, BlueBay, Transtrend and EPRA for sharing their perspectives in the pages that follow. To this
I should add my thanks to my colleagues at Preqin for preparing and publishing this report – a real team effort. And of course to you, our
customers around the globe, for your continuing support and engagement.

Thank you,

Mark O’Hare

 2                                                                                                   © Preqin Ltd. 2018 /

                        RISKS IN PRIVATE ASSET INVESTING
                                                                                                - Pedro Arias, Amundi

A    quiet revolution is happening in
     Europe. It is no longer just banks and
governments that are providing funding
                                                For example, the legal framework makes
                                                it easier for insurance companies to buy
                                                these assets. The Solvency II directive
                                                                                                 to traditional asset classes. It is impossible
                                                                                                 to achieve the same level of diversification
                                                                                                 in a private equity portfolio that has 15
for the real economy: insurance companies       requires these investors to consider the         investments as an MSCI World tracker
and pension schemes are also playing their      risk-adjusted return relative to the capital     covering 1,600 shares!
part.                                           cost of an investment. This is known as
                                                the solvency capital ratio (SCR). Under this     The risks associated with private markets
The transformation might be silent but          metric, the regulator has made a secured         and real assets are broader than those
it is powerful. Investment in real and          real estate debt yielding 2% more attractive     associated with equities and bonds.
alternative assets – which include private      than a high-yield portfolio yielding 6%.         Political and sector-specific risks are more
equity, real estate, infrastructure and         In addition, the SCR of a private debt           important considerations. In addition,
private debt – reached another all-time         portfolio is equivalent to BBB – irrespective    as these investments are illiquid, it is
high of €7.2tn as of June 2017. And new         of its specific credit rating. And the SCR       much harder to accurately measure
capital raised hit a record of €596bn in the    of an infrastructure fund can be reduced         performance of the assets. The opacity of
same year.                                      to 30% from 49% in certain eligibility           many investments and the lack of robust
                                                circumstances.                                   statistical and historical data make the task
The popularity of these investments among                                                        even more difficult.
pension schemes and insurance companies         The European regulator is now
is well understood: the unconventional          encouraging wealth managers and high-
monetary policies developed in response         net-worth individuals to invest in this asset            The European
to the Global Financial Crisis had a            class. European long-term investment                     market remains
significant impact on all asset classes.        funds (ELTIF) were created to increase the         highly fragmented
                                                pool of capital available, in particular, to       where local knowledge
Long-term low bond yields and expensive         infrastructure projects as well as small and
                                                                                                   and contacts are vital
yet volatile equities made investors look to    medium-sized enterprises. These funds
other assets for better sources of return.      must invest in alternative long-term assets
Real assets are appealing to long-term          and should hold around 70% in those              Take private equity. It can often take four
investors for three reasons: they allow         assets. The remainder of the fund can be         to five years to source the right deals
such investors to capture an illiquidity        invested in listed securities to provide a       and once deployed, it is another eight to
premium, enhance income through a               liquidity buffer which aims at managing the      10 years to create the target value so it
source of predictable returns and create        asset-to-liability ratio of the portfolio.       is often more than a decade before the
diversification, as they have low correlation                                                    return is realized – assuming the right exit
to traditional asset classes.                   While the ELTIF regime was established to        strategy is in place.
                                                provide access for institutional investors
Stricter regulation of banks is also driving    to a long-term investment product, it can        LEGITIMATE CONCERNS OVER FEE
the demand for alternative sources              also be marketed to retail investors. In         STRUCTURE
of finance for the real economy. This           particular, these funds can be included in       Locking capital up for 12-15 years is a
disintermediation of banking is a rapidly       pension products.                                tough liquidity constraint. Investors’
growing trend. It is estimated that the                                                          concerns about the fee structure in this
move away from bank financing represents        ASSET MANAGERS MUST EDUCATE THEIR                scenario are understandable: if they are
between 75% and 80% of funding volumes          CLIENTS                                          too high, they could erode the potential
in the US market and about 20% to 25%           Although the European regulator is taking        return. Investors need to know if they
of all funding in Europe, where growth is       the steps necessary to encourage both            are paying fees on the capital they have
faster.                                         institutional and retail investors into these    committed or on the capital which has
                                                asset classes, this is unfamiliar terrain.       been invested. Is it fair for investors to pay
ENCOURAGEMENT FROM EUROPEAN                     Investors are reliant on fund managers           fees on capital that is languishing in a bank
POLICYMAKERS                                    not only to provide access to these asset        account, waiting to be deployed?
It is less well appreciated that European       classes but also to educate them.
regulators are also playing an important                                                         Amundi believes it is better for fees to
role to encourage investors to invest           It is important for investors to understand      be paid on invested capital. This trend is
directly in real economy.                       that alternatives have different risk metrics    gaining popularity and we think it should


become standard practice in private and                 with strong resources, which ensure they        regulatory conditions which require the
real assets.                                            will still be around in a decade when the       investment to be held for years. Technical
                                                        profit on the investment is realized. These     expertise is required to evaluate both
Charging fees on invested capital might                 organizations can also generate economies       industrial and maintenance risk.
encourage a faster deployment of capital.               of scale by centralizing risk controls.
This might also improve the rates of                                                                    It is, however, possible for large financial
return on investments as managers will                  There can also be useful pooling of             organizations to reduce the complexity
be incentivized to shorten the ramp-up                  knowledge across different specializations      of investing in these real assets and
period and therefore the J-curve effect is              such as real estate debt and property           to increase access to a strong source
alleviated.                                             management which creates insights a             of high-quality deal flow by working
                                                        specialist player cannot access.                in partnership with industrial groups.
But charging on invested rather than                                                                    Working in combination helps to mix the
committed capital would not necessarily                 Amundi believes successful real and             respective talents of the fund manager and
improve an organization’s ability to                    private asset managers have to combine          the industrial partner. The manager can
access good-quality deals at fair value.                the best of both worlds: they need to           provide its financial knowledge while the
This is a key concern frequently voiced by              be strong global players who can access         partner understands how to, for example,
institutional investors when considering                the right deal flow, and understand the         manage a solar energy farm.
investing in private markets. It would be               specific complexities of an individual asset
reasonable for an investor to be concerned              class and of a local market. For example,       BALANCING TWO COMPETING CONCERNS
with such a high level of dry powder, which             the European market remains highly              Regulators want to encourage investors
mounts ever higher. Over the last five                  fragmented where local knowledge and            to allocate capital to the real economy but
years, the global level of dry powder kept              contacts are vital. Long-term business          they also want to ensure investors’ lack of
reaching a new record high – last year it               and banking connections are needed to           familiarity with these assets does not result
was €1.5tn. This could encourage funds                  gain access to assets. Boutique specialist      in them taking unnecessary risk.
to take less care when selecting their next             managers often lack these connections and
project.                                                struggle to find these potential deals.         As regulators continue to encourage both
                                                                                                        institutional and retail investors to invest
A NEW BREED OF ALTERNATIVE                              Infrastructure illustrates the intricacies of   in the real economy of Europe, demand
MANAGER IS NEEDED                                       an individual asset class. This is a highly     will increase for asset managers that
Alternative asset managers have tended to               complex and technical asset class. The          understand the complexities of each asset
pursue one of two business models. There                due diligence required to assess the            class and that are able to access high-
are boutique firms with deep expertise in               operational and investment risk takes both      quality deal flow.
a specific market but lack financial clout.             time and considerable resources.
There is a danger these smaller players
do not have sufficient financial strength to            Determining how to exit the investment
ensure they will survive for the full length            is equally complex: some investments
of an investment project of one to two                  can be easily divested in a few months
decades. Or there are large global players              while others benefit from special tax or

    Amundi is Europe’s largest asset manager by assets under management and ranks in the top 10 globally1. Following the integration
    of Pioneer Investments, it now manages over €1.45tn2 of assets across six investment hubs based in 37 countries. In 2016, Amundi
    launched a platform dedicated to real and alternative assets to provide easier access to unlisted investments. Bringing together
    capabilities in real estate, private debt, private equity, and infrastructure (green energy), this platform has a headcount of 200
    people for AUM of €41.6bn2, and offers solutions through funds, club deals, and multi-management funds, including two innovative
    and ambitious partnerships with EDF and CEA.

    Pedro joined Amundi in 2013 to manage the alternative assets business line. He was previously Deputy CEO in charge of
    international development and real estate at the Casino group, the French retail Group. He served as board member of Casino’s
    major subsidiaries in Colombia, Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Thailand, Hong-Kong and Vietnam. Pedro started his career in a law
    firm before moving to corporate and investment banking in various leading institutions. Pedro was notably involved in mergers and
    acquisitions across Europe and Latin America and eventually in co-head of the restructuring practice at Rothschild & Cie for Europe.
    Pedro graduated from ESSEC business school and Paris-Descartes University (Law degree).

Source IPE “Top 400 asset managers” published in June 2017 and based on AUM as of end December 2016.

Figures as of 31 March 2018. Source: Amundi Asset Management

    4                                                                                                        © Preqin Ltd. 2018 /


       European alternative assets under
                                                       Hedge funds represent the largest share
                                                                                                       Aggregate value of European private
      management (as at September 2017).                 (41%) of the alternatives market in            capital** deals in 2017, the highest
                                                                      Europe*.                                annual total on record.

 Median net IRR of vintage 2011 and 2015
                                                            of Europe-based hedge funds
                                                                                                      Within Europe, private sector pension
 private capital funds, the highest in the              experienced net inflows over Q1 2018.         funds form the largest proportion of
              past 10 years.                                                                             investors active in alternatives.

No. of Alternative Assets Fund Managers and Investors Active in Alternatives in Europe by Region:




                                                                                              CENTRAL &
                                                                                           EASTERN EUROPE
                                                     WESTERN EUROPE

                                                               4,109                             460

                                                               2,170                             68

                                                                       SOUTHERN EUROPE


  X         No. of Fund Managers
  Y         No. of Investors

                                                                                                                                    Source: Preqin
*As at September 2017 for the purposes of comparing with private capital AUM data.
**Excluding private debt and natural resources.

 6                                                                                                        © Preqin Ltd. 2018 /

                     THE ALTERNATIVE ASSETS
                        INDUSTRY IN EUROPE
E  uropean alternative assets under
   management (AUM) at the end of Q3
2017 reached €1.48tn* (Fig. 1.1). This is
                                                             Fig. 1.1: Europe-Based Alternative Assets under Management by Asset Class,
                                                             2015 - 2017*
9% higher than in December 2016, with
notable increases in hedge fund AUM                                                    1,400                                         10                 Private Debt
                                                       Assets under Management (€bn)
                                                                                                        85         10                 131
driven by two quarters of net inflows in                                                              7
                                                                                       1,200           94           113              126
the hedge fund industry, Europe’s largest                                                                                                               Natural Resources
                                                                                                      123           119
alternative asset market, in Q2 and Q3.                                                1,000
However, Europe represents only 20% of                                                                                                                  Infrastructure
the global industry, in a distant second                                                800                                          601
                                                                                                      574           559
place to North America (66%, Fig. 1.2).                                                                                                                 Real Estate

Within Europe, the more developed                                                       400                                                             Hedge Funds
economies of Western Europe dominate
                                                                                                      449           465              507
the alternatives landscape, with the                                                    200                                                             Private Equity
sub-region accounting for 72% and 85%
of the number of fund managers and
                                                                                                     Dec-15        Dec-16           Sep-17
institutional investors located in Europe
                                                                                                                                                               Source: Preqin

                                                             Fig. 1.2: Alternative Assets under Management by Region (As at September 2017)*
Fifty-two percent of hedge funds in Europe
saw net inflows over Q1 2018, noticeably
higher than any other region globally (Fig.
1.3). The proportion of funds that saw no                                                             11%
change in asset flows over Q1 2018 was
similar across all regions except for Rest of                                                                                                    North America
World: only 8% of hedge funds remained
stagnant.                                                                                                                                        Europe

Encouragingly, Europe-focused fundraising                                                                                                        Asia

has surpassed the pre-Global Financial
                                                                                                                          66%                    Rest of World
Crisis (GFC) high of €132bn for two
consecutive years since 2015, achieving a
new peak in 2017 with 363 funds reaching
a final close and securing an aggregate
€184bn in capital commitments (Fig. 1.4).
While the number of funds closed over the                                                                                                                      Source: Preqin
past four years has remained relatively
stable, there has been an average year-on-                   behind. Since 2014, the trend appears to                       The number of private capital deals
year increase of 16% in aggregate capital                    be reversing once again. Funds focused on                      completed in Europe each year has
raised in the same period.                                   Europe have outperformed North America-                        increased steadily since 2010, reaching a
                                                             focused private capital funds in nine of                       new peak at the end of 2017, with deals in
Furthermore, Europe-focused private                          the 16 vintages examined. The risk/return                      each asset class examined having grown in
capital performance has remained strong                      profile of Europe-focused private capital                      number from 2016 (Fig. 1.7). However, the
across all vintages, with the median net                     funds is illustrated in Fig. 1.6, with real                    number of venture capital deals completed
IRR never dipping below 7.4% (Fig. 1.5).                     estate funds demonstrating the highest                         in 2017 did not exceed its previous record
Pre-GFC, Europe-focused private capital                      standard deviation (19.0%) of all private                      of 2,312 in 2014 and 2016.
funds consistently performed better than                     capital asset classes, while infrastructure
their North American counterparts up until                   funds have the highest median net IRR
2007, when Europe-focused funds lagged                       (+11.3%).

*Based on the most recent available figure for private capital. Hedge fund assets under management (AUM) is shown for the same period for the purposes of fair
comparison. AUM data is calculated in USD and has been converted to EUR using the 30 September 2017 USD:EUR exchange rate in all places.


      Fig. 1.3: Hedge Fund Asset Flows over Q1 2018 by Fund Manager                                                                                                               Fig. 1.4: Annual Europe-Focused Private Capital Fundraising,
      Headquarters                                                                                                                                                                2007 - 2018 YTD (As at March 2018)
              North America                                                 42%                                15%                                43%                                     450                                     423
                                                                                                                                                                                          400                                                                                    376             386
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       355               363
                                                                                                                                                                                          350                                                                              327
                                     Europe                                       52%                                       16%                         32%                                                                                                      292
                                                                                                                                                                                          300                                            275              274
                                                                                                                                                                                          200                                                                                                      181     184
                                 Asia-Pacific                         34%                             16%                                       50%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            132                                                           145
                                                                                                                                                                                          150                                                                                      125
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    113                                      101
                                                                                                                                                                                          100                                                                         89
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              68                                                                 72
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     50     56                                                        53
                          Rest of World                                    42%                               8%                                 51%                                                      50
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
                                                     0%                    20%                    40%                       60%                        80%        100%
                                                                                                Proportion of Funds                                                                                                                          Year of Final Close
                                                                             Inflows                    No Change                             Outflows                                                                            No. of Funds Closed                 Aggregate Capital Raised (€bn)
                                                                                                                                                          Source: Preqin                                                                                                                               Source: Preqin

      Fig. 1.5: Private Capital: Median Net IRRs by Primary Geographic                                                                                                            Fig. 1.6: Europe-Focused Private Capital Funds: Risk/Return by
      Focus and Vintage Year                                                                                                                                                      Asset Class (Vintage 2005-2015)
                                 25%                                                                                                                                                                                  25%
                                                                                                                                                                           Risk - Standard Deviation of Net IRR
Median Net IRR since Inception

                                 20%                                                                                                                                                                                  20%
                                                                                                                                                         North America                                                                                                                           Private Equity

                                 15%                                                                                                                                                                                  15%                                                                        Real Estate

                                 10%                                                                                                                     Asia
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Natural Resources
                                  5%                                                                                                                     Rest of World
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      5%                                                                         Private Debt


                                                                                                                                                                                                                            8%           9%         10%          11%        12%        13%
                                                                                 Vintage Year                                                                                                                                                 Return - Median Net IRR
                                                                                                                                                          Source: Preqin                                                                                                                               Source: Preqin

      Fig. 1.7: Private Capital Deals Completed in Europe by Asset
      Class, 2010 - 2018 YTD (As at March 2018)                                                                                                                                   Fig. 1.8: Europe-Based Institutional Investors by Type
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Private Sector Pension Fund

                                 6,000                                                                                                                                                                                                        5%                                         Fund of Funds Manager***
                                                                                                                                                   Infrastructure                                                                                                22%                     Public Pension Fund
                                 5,000                                                                                                                                                                                            5%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Family Office
No. of Deals

                                                                                                                                                   Real Estate                                                              5%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Asset Manager

                                 3,000                                                                                                             Venture Capital*                                                    6%                                                                Insurance Company

                                 2,000                                                                                                             Private Equity-                                                      6%                                                 14%
                                                                                                                                                   Backed Buyout**                                                                                                                       Bank/Investment Bank
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             7%                                                          Investment Company/Trust

                                     0                                                                                                                                                                                                                          11%                      Wealth Manager








                                                                                                                                   2018 YTD

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   8%                                    Corporate Investor


                                                                                                                                                          Source: Preqin                                                                                                                               Source: Preqin

      *Excludes add-ons, grants, mergers, venture debt and secondary stock purchases.
      **Includes announced and completed private equity-backed buyout deals.
      ***Includes private equity, secondary, real estate, real assets, infrastructure, private debt, listed, hybrid fund of funds managers and hedge fund of funds managers.

                            8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   © Preqin Ltd. 2018 /

                                                                  BEGINNING OF THE END
                                                                     FOR BETA CRUISING
                                                   - David Riley, BlueBay Asset Management
With the QE regime coming to an end, so is    environment. Stock correlations across           measuring the difference between the best
the suppression of asset price dispersion.    the S&P 500 Index fell throughout 2017           and worst performers in any group – in
BlueBay’s head of credit strategy and asset   and dispersion in stock performance is           this context asset classes. For the past few
allocation David Riley looks at capturing     rising, helping active equity managers to        years as developed market government
alpha as the economic environment turns on    outperform passive investment vehicles.          debt has yielded so little, high-yield and
the beta trade.                               Similarly, dispersion in credit, especially      non-investment-grade bonds have done
                                              in high yield, is also moving higher as          well. Investors have chased yields into
20 September 2017 marked a watershed          investors recognize greater differentiation      more risky areas of the fixed income
moment for global financial markets – the     in borrowers’ credit profiles.                   market, accepting higher levels of default
beginning of the end of quantitative easing                                                    in anticipation of higher returns. While we
(QE). The world’s most influential central    THREE POST-QE SHIFTS                             believe there are attractive investments
bank – the US Federal Reserve (Fed) –         We believe the new investment regime will        across the asset class spectrum,
announced that from October it would          result in three shifts:                          subscriptions for high-yield and non-
start to shrink its balance sheet, bloated    ■■   Lower asset correlation                     investment-grade bond issues have risen,
by more than $4.2tn of Treasury- and          ■■   Greater dispersion in asset                 influenced by somewhat inflated issuer
mortgage-backed securities amassed since           performance                                 company valuations.
the 2007-2008 financial crisis in an effort   ■■   Lower beta (market) returns
to forestall a depression and stimulate                                                        Fortunately, in line with falling correlation
economic recovery.                            1. Lower asset correlation                       levels, we are starting to see greater
                                              Asset correlations measure how                   differentiation within sectors. This should
The European Central Bank (ECB) and Bank      investments move in relation to one              pave the way for active managers to put
of Japan (BoJ) are also gradually reducing    another. For much of the post-crisis period,     their selection powers to work, scrutinizing
the scale of their asset purchases. The       markets moved in lockstep, signalling high       underlying fundamentals to select the
peak in QE has passed with important          correlation. This defies classical financial     best quality positions, rather than any
implications for asset markets and            theory, which tells us that when equities        issuer doing well on a combination
investment strategies.                        rise then bonds should fall, and vice versa.     of hype, overblown equity prices and
                                              Instead, in the QE era, there was often          guaranteed market security as QE flows
QE AND THE INVESTMENT REGIME                  a positive relationship between the two.         were indiscriminate in the companies
The wash of stimulus money that flooded       Looking within the fixed income universe,        they ultimately supported. To paraphrase
markets from 2007 suppressed asset            regional differences in the performance          Mario Draghi, central banks did “whatever
price dispersion and elevated cross-asset     of government bonds and credit have              it took” to bolster markets. One result was
correlations as the ebb and flow of central   become less pronounced as the ebb                very low dispersion. As this support is now
bank liquidity became the overwhelming        and flow of central bank liquidity has           being withdrawn, we expect dispersion to
common macro factor driving global asset      overwhelmed divergences in economic              increase.
prices. Correlations across sectors within    and credit fundamentals. While this ‘rising
asset classes and between the individual      tide lifts all boats’ environment benefitted     3. Lower beta (market) returns
asset classes themselves rose along with      passive index-tracking strategies, active        QE flows supported markets and drove
markets. Yields were pushed artificially      managers were thwarted as low-quality            up performance through the two factors
low, valuations moved upward and the          companies followed markets upwards               discussed above. As the global bulk bond
classic negatively correlated relationship    without the fundamentals to back their           buying campaign is unwound, overall
between bonds and equities became             inflated valuations. However, we are now         market performance (market beta) will
distorted. In such an environment, the        seeing early signs that correlation levels are   likely ease off, reflecting the fact that
rewards from asset and security selections    beginning to ease, with the 2017 numbers         post-crisis return levels have been held
were much more limited with investment        similar to those recorded pre-2008. We           artificially high. Declining market values will
returns dominated by the QE-induced ‘beta’    expect this shift to continue as QE is           likely cause alarm for investors following
rally which favoured passive benchmark        withdrawn.                                       broad-brush passive approaches, as they
tracking over active investment strategies.                                                    hold all index constituents indiscriminately
                                              2. Greater dispersion in asset                   and are therefore exposed to all of the
But as the QE-era investment regime           performance                                      downside. But any good active manager
begins to unwind, we are witnessing the       Falling correlation levels provide a proxy       will have cherry picked the best of the
first signs of a shift in the investment      for increased dispersion. Essentially            universe for their clients’ portfolios,


minimizing downside exposure. Lower                          exploiting news bias and effectively                         ALTERNATIVE APPROACHES
beta returns lead the way for true alpha                     utilizing social media. The rise of unreliable               With the traditional favourites no longer
generation, where manager performance                        news sources and ‘fake news’ means that                      delivering palatable yields, investors
is ahead of the market as a result of                        investors have to be smart and selective in                  are increasingly looking for alternative
intelligent issuer selection.                                what they consume.                                           solutions in order to meet their
                                                                                                                          income and return targets. The liquid
BOTTOM LINE: DISPERSION IS KEY                               NOT SO SAFE – TRADITIONAL DEBT NOW                           alternatives universe – which is typically
Active fixed income managers do not                          VULNERABLE                                                   unconstrained by benchmarks – spans a
need high volatility to outperform passive                   The purpose of traditional core fixed                        range of strategies designed to provide
strategies, but they do require greater                      income – high-grade and government                           diversification away from traditional
dispersion. Markets must differentiate                       bonds – in many investor portfolios is to                    asset classes, either by trading the same
between sectors and issuers for                              provide predictable income and safety,                       underlying securities in a non-traditional
intelligent credit selection to be rewarded.                 including low levels of asset price volatility.              manner, or by investing in non-traditional
Interestingly, greater dispersion levels                     The legacy of QE and ultra-low policy                        and new asset classes.
combined with lower cross-correlation                        interest rates is that traditional fixed
levels often result in lower, not higher,                    income offers very little in the way of                      Both approaches reduce correlation levels
levels of relative volatility.                               income and is increasingly vulnerable to                     within a traditional portfolio, increasing
                                                             episodes of market volatility. The interest-                 genuine diversification, providing downside
POLITICAL NOISE AND ACTIVIST POLICIES                        rate sensitivity of fixed income benchmarks                  protection when traditional allocations
One factor driving the increase in                           – their duration – has increased                             weaken and ultimately generating superior
dispersion is the rise of populist politics                  dramatically during the QE era.                              risk-adjusted returns.
and more interventionist governments,
a trend we expect to continue as central                     With duration levels at record highs, many                   Selecting the right fixed income allocations
banks wind down QE. Voter allegiances                        traditional holdings have become portfolio                   to ensure performance in a post-QE world
have become more fluid, rendering                            dead weights: they offer record-low yields                   comes down to discipline and expertise in
traditional sources of political insight less                (negative in some cases including Germany,                   managing interest rate, currency and credit
reliable.                                                    Switzerland and Japan) and will be hit hard                  risks. Manager skill, a global opportunity
                                                             by higher interest rates and volatility. In                  set and a commitment to active portfolio
Greater political and policy uncertainty                     the space of just six weeks from the end                     management are the factors that will
requires investors to have access to a                       of April 2015, a mere 50 basis points rise                   separate those who will succeed from
broader range of intelligence sources.                       in German bund yields led to a negative                      those afraid to trail blaze.
These include the need for proprietary                       return of more than 6% for investors
research through direct communication                        passively holding a portfolio of German
with key influencers, recognizing and                        government bonds.

  BlueBay is a specialist fixed income manager. Headquartered in London with a strong European presence, we invest over $59bn for
  institutional investors and financial institutions, from active benchmarked portfolios to alternative strategies and private debt.

  As a firm, we seek to deliver optimal outcomes for clients and promote a culture of strong performance, coupled with innovation
  and collaboration. Our purpose is to be a respected, leading asset manager for our clients. We do this by embracing our values of
  integrity, transparency and respect that have been the backbone of our firm since inception in 2001.

  BlueBay has offices in the UK, Switzerland, Germany, Luxembourg, Stamford (US), Japan and Australia. BlueBay Asset Management
  LLP is wholly-owned by Royal Bank of Canada and part of RBC Global Asset Management. BlueBay Asset Management LLP is
  authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

Issued in the United Kingdom (UK) by BlueBay Asset Management LLP (BlueBay), which is authorised and regulated by the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). BlueBay is also
registered with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and is a member of the National Futures Association (NFA) as authorised by the US Commodity Futures Trading
Commission (CFTC). In the United States it may be issued by BlueBay Asset Management USA LLC which is registered with the SEC and NFA. In Japan by BlueBay Asset Management
International Limited which is registered with the Kanto Local Finance Bureau of Ministry of Finance, Japan. In Switzerland by BlueBay Asset Management AG where the
Representative and Paying Agent is BNP Paribas Securities Services, Paris, succursale de Zurich, Selnaustrasse 16, 8002 Zurich, Switzerland. In Germany BlueBay is operating under
a branch passport pursuant to the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (Directive 2011/61/EU). The registrations and memberships noted should not be interpreted
as an endorsement or approval of any of the BlueBay entities identified by the respective licensing or registering authorities. Information herein is believed to be reliable but
BlueBay does not warrant its completeness or accuracy. Opinions and estimates constitute our judgment and are subject to change without notice. No part of this document
may be reproduced in any manner without the prior written permission of BlueBay Asset Management LLP. ® Registered trademark of Royal Bank of Canada. RBC Global Asset
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partnership registered in England and Wales number OC370085. All rights reserved.

 10                                                                                                                              © Preqin Ltd. 2018 /

   AUM: €768bn                                                                         IN THE UK
                        NO. OF FUND MANAGERS*                                                       NO. OF INSTITUTIONAL INVESTORS*
2,189                                                                           UK                                   696

         1,864                                                               LONDON                           346

                                                            33           EDINBURGH                   22

                                                             21         MANCHESTER                   6

           UK-BASED AUM BY ASSET CLASS (€bn)                                                                 INVESTOR APPETITE

 Private Equity                                      224                                                     Private sector pension funds make up the
                                                                                             29%             largest proportion of UK-based investors.
  Hedge Funds                                                          355

     Real Estate                 64
                                                                                                             Average number of funds UK-based
 Infrastructure                  64
                                                                                                3            investors plan to allocate to in the next 12

   Private Debt                57

                                                                                       M&G UK COMPANIES FINANCING
  UNILEVER SPREADS                                                                     FUND
  In December 2017, KKR acquired Unilever’s margarine and                              The largest UK-focused private capital fund to close in the past
  spreads business for €6.8bn, the largest UK-based private                            10 years, the private debt fund reached a final close on £1.5bn
  capital deal announced since the start of 2017. Unilever                             (€1.8bn) in December 2014. The fund, managed by M&G
  Spreads is based in London and the buyout transaction is                             Investments, provides financing to mid-cap companies in the
  expected to be completed in mid-2018.                                                UK by investing in newly created senior debt positions.

  GREATER MANCHESTER PENSION                                                           JAPAN SYNTHETIC WARRANT
  FUND                                                                                 FUND - USD CLASS
  The Manchester-based public pension fund will commit to                              Dejima Asset Management’s Japan Synthetic Warrant Fund is
  between four and eight private equity funds in the next 12                           the top performing UK-based hedge fund with a three-year
  months on an opportunistic basis, targeting balanced, buyout                         annualized return of 34.21% (as at March 2018). The Guernsey-
  and secondaries strategies across the European and North                             domiciled vehicle, launched in 2005, employs a long/short
  American markets.                                                                    strategy and gains exposure to the Japanese equity market
                                                                                       by asset swapping convertible bonds on companies that are
                                                                                       quoted on the Japanese Stock Exchanges.

*Includes fund of funds managers.
**Some assets double-counted in other private capital asset classes due to the nature of underlying investments.


SWITZERLAND                                                                                                                              AUM: €52bn

                        NO. OF FUND MANAGERS*                                                      NO. OF INSTITUTIONAL INVESTORS*

   428                                                               SWITZERLAND                                                               367

                                           130                               ZURICH                                101

                                                 98                         GENEVA                             85

                                                      68                       ZUG                    10

  SWITZERLAND-BASED AUM BY ASSET CLASS (€bn)                                                                 INVESTOR APPETITE

 Private Equity                                    13                                                        of Switzerland-based investors allocate to
                                                                                             75%             real estate, the largest proportion allocating
                                                                                                             to any asset class.
  Hedge Funds                                                             24

      Real Estate          1.6
                                                                                                             Average number of funds Switzerland-based
 Infrastructure                          7.7                                                   6             investors plan to allocate to in the next 12
   Resources**                     5.4

   Private Debt                  4.7

  AKZO NOBEL’S SPECIALTY                                                               UBS CLEAN ENERGY
  CHEMICALS BUSINESS                                                                   INFRASTRUCTURE SWITZERLAND
  In March 2018, Carlyle Group and GIC acquired Akzo Nobel’s                           The largest Switzerland-focused private capital fund to close
  Specialty Chemicals Business for over €10bn, the largest                             in the past 10 years, the infrastructure fund reached a final
  Switzerland-based private capital deal announced since the                           close on CHF 397mn (€330mn) in October 2014. The vehicle,
  start of 2017. The buyout deal is expected to be completed                           managed by UBS Clean Energy Infrastructure Switzerland,
  before the end of 2018.                                                              invests solely in Swiss assets and targets clean and renewable
                                                                                       energy infrastructure projects.

                                                                                       TELEIOS GLOBAL OPPORTUNITIES
  PREVIS                                                                               FUND, LTD.
  The Bern-based public pension fund intends to maintain its                           Launched in 2014, Teleios Capital Partners’ fund is the top
  current allocation to real estate in the next 12 months and                          performing Switzerland-based hedge fund with a three-
  will therefore make new investments as current ones mature,                          year annualized return of 21.94% (as at March 2018). It is an
  seeking to commit CHF 100mn (€85mn). Previs will target core                         activist hedge fund focused primarily on European markets.
  strategies on a global basis, using a mix of new and existing                        The Cayman Islands-domiciled vehicle seeks to identify event
  managers.                                                                            driven opportunities in equities and distressed debt.

*Includes fund of funds managers.
**Some assets double-counted in other private capital asset classes due to the nature of underlying investments.

 12                                                                                                                      © Preqin Ltd. 2018 /

    AUM: €46bn                                                                      IN GERMANY
                        NO. OF FUND MANAGERS*                                                       NO. OF INSTITUTIONAL INVESTORS*
   692                                                                   GERMANY                                        269

                                             167                            MUNICH                     36

                                                   106                    FRANKFURT                   21

                                                    99                       BERLIN                  12

     GERMANY-BASED AUM BY ASSET CLASS (€bn)                                                                  INVESTOR APPETITE

 Private Equity                                                           18                                 Private sector pension funds account for
                                                                                             19%             the largest proportion of all Germany-based
                                                                                                             investors in alternatives.
  Hedge Funds                                            11

     Real Estate                                      11
                                                                                                             Average number of funds Germany-based
 Infrastructure                     4.1                                                         4            investors plan to allocate to in the next 12

   Private Debt               2.2

  STADA ARZNEIMITTEL AG                                                                PATRIZIA WOHNMODUL I
  In August 2017, Bain Capital and Cinven acquired 63.85%                              The largest Germany-focused private capital fund to close in
  of all outstanding shares of Stada Arzneimittel AG, valuing                          the past 10 years, the private real estate fund reached a final
  the deal at €5.2bn including debt. Stada Arzneimittel is a                           close on €2bn in September 2011. PATRIZIA Immobilien AG’s
  pharmaceutical company which specializes in the production                           vehicle targets residential assets in Germany, investing in a
  of generic and OTC (over-the-counter) drugs. Partners Group                          combination of existing and asset-repositioning properties as
  also participated in the PIPE deal – the largest Germany-based                       well as project developments.
  private capital deal announced since the start of 2017.

                                                                                       WERMUTH EASTERN EUROPE
  EXTOREL                                                                              LONG/SHORT STRATEGY
  The Munich-based family office plans to make between two                             The equity-focused Wermuth Eastern Europe Long/Short
  and three hedge fund investments in the next 12 months,                              Strategy is the top performing Germany-based hedge fund
  gaining exposure solely via single-manager vehicles. It will                         with a three-year annualized return of 11.77% (as at March
  invest in relative value arbitrage, long/short credit, multi-                        2018). It seeks to provide long-term capital growth with
  strategy, event driven and long/short equity strategies with                         controlled risk through a combination of equity focused sub-
  a global reach, focusing primarily on the US and emerging                            strategies. The systematic vehicle utilizes the firm’s proprietary
  markets.                                                                             software to identify, regularly review and invest in a universe
                                                                                       of what the software considers to be eligible stocks.

*Includes fund of funds managers.
**Some assets double-counted in other private capital asset classes due to the nature of underlying investments.


IN THE NETHERLANDS                                                                                                                      AUM: €28bn

                        NO. OF FUND MANAGERS*                                                       NO. OF INSTITUTIONAL INVESTORS*

   325                                                              NETHERLANDS                                                        225

                                  154                                    AMSTERDAM                           47

                                                        29                THE HAGUE                    13

                                                          19                UTRECHT                     18

 NETHERLANDS-BASED AUM BY ASSET CLASS (€bn)                                                                  INVESTOR APPETITE

 Private Equity                                                           17                                 Private sector pension funds account for the
                                                                                             57%             largest proportion of all Netherlands-based
  Hedge Funds                            4.9

      Real Estate         0.9
                                                                                                             Average number of funds Netherlands-
 Infrastructure                        3.9                                                      2            based investors plan to allocate to in the
                                                                                                             next 12 months.
   Resources**                   2.5

   Private Debt            1.1

  Q-PARK                                                                               BEDRIJFSLENINGENFONDS
  In May 2017, KKR acquired the Dutch parking operator Q-Park                          The largest Netherlands-focused private capital fund to
  for €2.95bn. The firm operates parking facilities across Europe,                     close in the past 10 years, the private debt fund reached a
  owning 830,000 parking spaces. The infrastructure deal is the                        final close on €960mn in March 2017. The vehicle, managed
  largest Netherlands-based private capital deal announced                             by Netherlands Investment Institution, targets senior debt,
  since the start of 2017.                                                             focusing on the education/training, energy and healthcare
                                                                                       industries in the Netherlands.

                                                                                       MINT TOWER ARBITRAGE FUND -
  PGB PENSIOENDIENSTEN BV                                                              CLASS I
  The Amsterdam-based asset manager will invest in at least                            Managed by Mint Tower Capital Management, Mint Tower
  two unlisted infrastructure funds in the next 12 months,                             Arbitrage Fund is the top performing Netherlands-based
  committing between €50mn and €200mn to each fund. It will                            hedge fund with a three-year annualized return of 6.50% (as
  target vehicles with a primary strategy, focusing on a variety of                    at March 2018). It is a convertible and volatility arbitrage-
  industries on a global basis.                                                        focused hedge fund which launched in 2010. By employing
                                                                                       a combination of the two strategies, the fund aims to deliver
                                                                                       positive returns irrespective of market conditions.

*Includes fund of funds managers.
**Some assets double-counted in other private capital asset classes due to the nature of underlying investments.

 14                                                                                                                  © Preqin Ltd. 2018 /

    AUM: €17bn                                                                          IN ITALY
                        NO. OF FUND MANAGERS*                                                       NO. OF INSTITUTIONAL INVESTORS*
   219                                                                       ITALY                                                      155

                     147                                                     MILAN                          28

                                                         19                   ROME                                 51

                                                          13                  TURIN                   7

         ITALY-BASED AUM BY ASSET CLASS (€bn)                                                                INVESTOR APPETITE

 Private Equity                                                           8.5                                of Italy-based investors allocate to real
                                                                                             79%             estate, the largest proportion allocating to
                                                                                                             any asset class.
  Hedge Funds                                   4.1

     Real Estate               1.3
                                                                                                             Average number of funds Italy-based
 Infrastructure                      2.2                                                        2            investors plan to allocate to in the next 12
   Resources**                        2.5

   Private Debt                1.3

                                                                                       FONDO INVESTIMENTI PER
  FEDRIGONI SPA                                                                        L’ABITARE
  In December 2017, Bain Capital acquired Fedrigoni SpA, an                            The largest Italy-focused private capital fund to close in the
  international producer of paper, film, self-adhesive and related                     past 10 years, the private real estate fund of funds reached a
  products for a reported €650mn. The buyout deal is the                               final close on over €2bn in March 2012. The fund is managed
  largest Italy-based private capital deal announced since the                         by CDP Investimenti and targets opportunistic and value
  start of 2017.                                                                       added strategies, focusing its investments on the social
                                                                                       housing sector throughout Italy.

  ENPAM                                                                                FININT BOND FUND - CLASS A
  The Rome-based public pension fund will be committing to                             Finint Bond Fund is the top performing Italy-based hedge fund
  up to five new private equity funds in the next 12 months,                           with a three-year annualized return of 7.44% (as at March
  targeting distressed debt and secondaries on a global basis.                         2018). It is a fixed income arbitrage-focused hedge fund
                                                                                       managed by Enrico Marchi and Andrea de Vido’s Finanziaria
                                                                                       Internazionale Investments.

*Includes fund of funds managers.
**Some assets double-counted in other private capital asset classes due to the nature of underlying investments.


IN FRANCE                                                                                                                                 AUM: €128bn

                        NO. OF FUND MANAGERS*                                                      NO. OF INSTITUTIONAL INVESTORS*

   498                                                                     FRANCE                                       135

          431                                                                  PARIS                               98

                                                           12                  LYON                  5

                                                              3           TOULOUSE                  1

       FRANCE-BASED AUM BY ASSET CLASS (€bn)                                                                 INVESTOR APPETITE

 Private Equity                                                           49                                 of France-based investors allocate to private
                                                                                             81%             equity, the largest proportion allocating to
                                                                                                             any asset class.
  Hedge Funds                                        29

      Real Estate                     15
                                                                                                             Average number of funds France-based

 Infrastructure                              19
                                                                                               5             investors plan to allocate to in the next 12

   Resources**                 7.9

   Private Debt                         15

  DOMUSVI                                                                              FRANCE INVESTISSEMENT III
  In June 2017, Intermediate Capital Group and Sagesse Retraite                        The largest France-focused private capital fund to close in
  Santé acquired a majority stake in DomusVi from PAI Partners                         the past 10 years, the private equity fund of funds, managed
  for €2.4bn. The buyout deal for the healthcare company is the                        by Bpifrance Investissement, reached a final close on €2bn
  largest France-based private capital deal announced since the                        in April 2012. It will invest in both regionally and nationally
  start of 2017.                                                                       focused vehicles, targeting a range of fund types including
                                                                                       venture capital and turnaround.

                                                                                       ORSAY MERGER ARBITRAGE FUND
  BPIFRANCE                                                                            - USD SHARE CLASS 3
  The Maison-Alfort-based sovereign wealth fund will invest in                         Orsay Merger Arbitrage Fund is the top performing France-
  up to 40 funds across both private equity and private debt                           based hedge fund with a three-year annualized return of
  in the next 12 months, and will consider re-ups and new                              11.21% (as at March 2018). It is an Ireland-domiciled hedge
  managers. It focuses its investments primarily on France.                            fund focused on risk/merger arbitrage opportunities primarily
                                                                                       in the US. The fund launched in 2011 with €100mn in seed

*Includes fund of funds managers.
**Some assets double-counted in other private capital asset classes due to the nature of underlying investments.

 16                                                                                                                       © Preqin Ltd. 2018 /

    AUM: €78bn                                                                        IN SWEDEN
                        NO. OF FUND MANAGERS*                                                       NO. OF INSTITUTIONAL INVESTORS*
   238                                                                     SWEDEN                                       74

               188                                                         STOCKHOLM                               53

                                                          10           GOTHERNBURG                   4

                                                               3              LUND                  0

      SWEDEN-BASED AUM BY ASSET CLASS (€bn)                                                                  INVESTOR APPETITE

 Private Equity                                                       34                                     of Sweden-based investors allocate to real
                                                                                             74%             estate, the largest proportion allocating to
                                                                                                             any asset class.
  Hedge Funds                                                            36

     Real Estate               4.3
                                                                                                             Average number of funds Sweden-based
 Infrastructure         0.3
                                                                                                2            investors plan to allocate to in the next 12


   Private Debt               3.2

  MARKBYGDEN WIND FARM                                                                 AREIM FUND II
  In November 2017, GE and Green Investment Group (GIG)                                The largest Sweden-focused private capital fund to close in
  acquired the Markbygden Wind Farm from Svevind in an                                 the past 10 years, the private real estate fund reached a final
  infrastructure deal worth €800mn. The subject of the largest                         close on SEK 2.8bn (€320mn) in July 2013. The fund, managed
  Sweden-based private capital deal in 2017, the 650 MW facility                       by Andersson Real Estate Investment Management, pursues
  is currently under development.                                                      value added investments in Swedish residential development

  AP-FONDEN 2                                                                          GLADIATOR FUND
  The Gothenburg-based public pension fund will commit up to                           Focused primarily on Nordic states, Gladiator Fund is a
  SEK 3.5bn (€340mn) to up to 10 private equity funds, targeting                       Sweden-domiciled hedge fund managed by Max Mitteregger
  buyout, venture capital and growth strategies on a global basis                      Asset Management. Launched in 2005, the equity-focused
  in the next 12 months.                                                               vehicle is the top performing Sweden-based hedge fund with
                                                                                       a three-year annualized return of 13.99% (as at March 2018),
                                                                                       and invests in a range of market instruments to achieve its
                                                                                       investment objectives.

*Includes fund of funds managers.
**Some assets double-counted in other private capital asset classes due to the nature of underlying investments.


IN SPAIN                                                                                                                                  AUM: €13bn

                        NO. OF FUND MANAGERS*                                                       NO. OF INSTITUTIONAL INVESTORS*

   295                                                                      SPAIN                                  72

                               157                                          MADRID                            33

                                               74                        BARCELONA                       15

                                                             6               BILBAO                  6

         SPAIN-BASED AUM BY ASSET CLASS (€bn)                                                                  INVESTOR APPETITE

 Private Equity                                                           8.6                                  of Spain-based investors allocate to private
                                                                                             89%               equity, the largest proportion allocating to
                                                                                                               any asset class.
  Hedge Funds                     1.5

      Real Estate        0.4
                                                                                                               Average number of funds Spain-based
                                                                                                1              investors plan to allocate to in the next 12
 Infrastructure             0.8                                                                                months.

   Resources**            0.5

   Private Debt                   1.4

  GAS NATURAL FENOSA                                                                   PORTOBELLO CAPITAL FUND IV
  In February 2018, CVC Capital Partners acquired a 20.07%                             The largest Spain-focused private capital fund to close in the
  stake in Gas Natural Fenosa, a natural resources energy                              past 10 years, the private real estate fund reached a final close
  company in Madrid. The PIPE deal, worth €3.8bn, was the                              on €600mn in February 2018. Portobello Capital’s fund will
  largest Spain-based private capital deal since the start of 2017.                    invest in growing Spanish businesses across a diverse range of

                                                                                       BEN OLDMAN SPECIAL
  VIDACAIXA                                                                            SITUATIONS FUND
  The Barcelona-based insurance company will commit up to                              Launched in 2013, the distressed-focused Ben Oldman Special
  €20mn to one or two private real estate funds over the next 12                       Situations Fund is the top performing Spain-based hedge
  months, targeting European and North American markets and                            fund with a three-year annualized return of 9.74% (as at
  all real estate strategies, excluding distressed debt.                               March 2018). Through its global reach and ability to consider
                                                                                       opportunities outside its core investment focus, the fund
                                                                                       targets an absolute return of 20% per annum.

*Includes fund of funds managers.
**Some assets double-counted in other private capital asset classes due to the nature of underlying investments.

 18                                                                                                                     © Preqin Ltd. 2018 /

    AUM: €12bn                                                                       IN NORWAY
                        NO. OF FUND MANAGERS*                                                      NO. OF INSTITUTIONAL INVESTORS*

   100                                                                   NORWAY                                                     63

                        66                                                      OSLO                                     41

                                                          8               STAVANGER                  2

                                                              5          TRONDHEIM                     4

      NORWAY-BASED AUM BY ASSET CLASS (€bn)                                                                  INVESTOR APPETITE

 Private Equity                                                           8.3                                of Norway-based investors allocate to real
                                                                                             76%             estate, the largest proportion allocating to
                                                                                                             any asset class.
  Hedge Funds                         2.4

     Real Estate          0.4
                                                                                                             Average number of funds Norway-based
                                                                                               3             investors plan to allocate to in the next 12
 Infrastructure           0.2                                                                                months.

   Resources**                                 3.8

   Private Debt       0

                                                                                       PARETO PROPERTY PARTNERSHIP
  VISMA CONSULTING                                                                     IS/AS
  In June 2017, an investor group led by Hg together with GIC,                         The largest Norway-focused private capital fund to close
  Montagu Private Equity and ICG acquired Visma Consulting                             in the past 10 years, the private real estate fund reached
  from KKR and Cinven. The buyout deal for the accountancy                             a final close on NOK 2.25bn (€245mn) in December 2014.
  software business servicing provider was valued at NOK                               The vehicle, managed by Pareto Securities, targets core and
  15.2bn (€1.6bn), making it the largest Norway-based private                          core-plus strategies, investing in logistic, retail and warehouse
  capital deal since the start of 2017.                                                properties in the greater Oslo region.

                                                                                       AAM ABSOLUTE RETURN FUND -
  FORMUESFORVALTNING                                                                   CLASS B (NOK)
  The Oslo-based wealth manager typically allocates 12% of its                         AAM Absolute Return Fund is a global long/short equity
  total assets to hedge funds and will invest across a range of                        hedge fund focused primarily on the natural resources and
  strategies on a global scale. In terms of first-time funds, the                      wider energy sector. The Ireland-domiciled fund is the top
  firm will consider providing seed capital, and will invest in                        performing Norway-based hedge fund with a three-year
  emerging managers and spin-offs.                                                     annualized return of 23.59% (as at March 2018), and seeks to
                                                                                       identify and exploit inefficiencies in publicly traded securities.

*Includes fund of funds managers.
**Some assets double-counted in other private capital asset classes due to the nature of underlying investments.


IN DENMARK                                                                                                                              AUM: €16bn

                        NO. OF FUND MANAGERS*                                                       NO. OF INSTITUTIONAL INVESTORS*

   103                                                                      DENMARK                                             54

                           66                                           COPENHAGEN                                 28

                                                           6                HELLERUP                  3

                                                            5                 AARHUS                  3

      DENMARK-BASED AUM BY ASSET CLASS (€bn)                                                                 INVESTOR APPETITE

 Private Equity                                                             5.4                              of Denmark-based investors allocate to
                                                                                             76%             private equity and real estate, the largest
                                                                                                             proportions allocating to any asset class.
  Hedge Funds                                                   4.2

      Real Estate               1.0
                                                                                                             Average number of funds Denmark-based
 Infrastructure                                                         5.1                     4            investors plan to allocate to in the next 12
   Resources**                                                        4.8

   Private Debt        0

  MAERSK OIL                                                                           SEED CAPITAL DENMARK III K/S
  In August 2017, Total acquired Maersk Oil, the oil division of                       The largest Denmark-focused private capital fund to close
  Danish shipping conglomerate AP Moller-Maersk, in a deal                             in the past 10 years, the venture capital fund reached a final
  worth $7.5bn (€6.3bn), the largest Denmark-based private                             close on €819mn in April 2016. SEED Capital Denmark’s early-
  capital deal since the start of 2017.                                                stage fund focuses on seed-stage investments within the IT
                                                                                       and med-tech sectors.

                                                                                       DANSKE INVEST HEDGE FIXED
  LÆRERNES PENSION                                                                     INCOME STRATEGIES FUND - EUR
  The Hellerup-based public pension fund plans to commit DKK                           Launched in 2005, Danske Invest Hedge Fixed Income
  1.1-1.8bn (€150-240mn) to five or six new private equity funds                       Strategies Fund is a US-, Europe- and Nordic-focused
  over the next 12 months. It will target buyout and growth                            hedge fund managed by Danske Invest. The fund is the top
  strategies in North America and Europe and typically allocates                       performing Denmark-based hedge fund with a three-year
  between €30mn and €40mn per fund.                                                    annualized return of 10.19% (as at March 2018). Its relative
                                                                                       value approach targets returns uncorrelated to other asset
                                                                                       classes, irrespective of market conditions.

*Includes fund of funds managers.
**Some assets double-counted in other private capital asset classes due to the nature of underlying investments.

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