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NORDIC HEDGE FUND INDUSTRY REPORT 2021 - HedgeNordic – March 2021 – March 2021


                                                                                                                                                           HedgeNordic is the leading media
                                                                                                                                                           covering     the    Nordic      alternative
                                                                                                                                                           investment and hedge fund universe.
                                                                                                                                                           The website brings daily news, research,
                NORDIC HEDGE                                                                                                                               analysis and background that is relevant
                                                                                                                                                           to Nordic hedge fund professionals from

                FUND INDUSTRY                                                                                                                              the sell and buy side from all tiers.

                                                                                                                                                           HedgeNordic        publishes   monthly,
                REPORT 2021                                                                                                                                quarterly and annual reports on recent
                                                                                                                                                           developments in her core market as
                                                                                                                                                           well as special, indepth reports on “hot

                                                                                                                                                           HedgeNordic also calculates and
                                                                                                                                                           publishes the Nordic Hedge Index
                                                                                                                                                           (NHX) and is host to the Nordic Hedge
                                                                                                                                                           Award and organizes round tables and

    Contents   4     Editor's Note... Nothing to Write Home About.
                                                                               38                        Lynx Wins 20 Year Award – But is Not Relaxing
                                                                                                                                                           PUBLICATION PLAN 2021:

                                                                                                                                                                            Finding Alpha in Equities
                                                                                                                                                                            Illiquid Strategies

               6                    2020: A Tale of Two Extremes
                                                                               44                                            2020 Nordic Hedge Award
                                                                                                                                                                            Private Markets
                                                                                                                                                                            Quant Strategies
                                                                                                                                                           September: Value / Quality Investing

               10                                  The White Crow
                                                                               48                                   Secrets of Long Livers: Crisis Alpha
                                                                                                                                                                            Multi Asset
                                                                                                                                                                            Alternative Fixed Income
                                                                                                                                                                            ESG and Alternatives

               14                           Fundamentally Driven
                                                                               54                                           Where Are the Diversifiers?

               18                      Truly Nordic Hidden Gems
                                                                               58                                                      SuperStrategies     Kamran George Ghalitschi
                                                                                                                                                           Nordic Business Media AB
                                                                                                                                                           Kungsgatan 8

               22                   Capitalising on Nordic Market
                                       Inefficiencies and Volatility           62                                                      DNB’s All-in-One    SE-103 89 Stockholm, Sweden
                                                                                                                                                           Corporate Number: 556838-6170
                                                                                                                                                           VAT Number: SE-556838617001

               26                           "Small" Compounders                66                                         You Can’t Eat a Sharpe Ratio
                                                                                                                                                           Direct: +46 (0) 8 5333 8688
                                                                                                                                                           Mobile: +46 (0) 706566688

               30           Understanding and Capturing Change                 70                                            The Multi-Strategy Appeal

               34                                   Boring is Good             74                                           The Hedge Fund Pandemic        Picture Index: Drazen Zigic--shutterstock, Fer
                                                                                                                                                           Gregory--shutterstock, Dirk Ercken--shutterstock,

                                                                             PROMOTION. FOR INVESTMENT PROFESSIONALS ONLY. NOT FOR PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION     Design & Layout: Sara Ahlström

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NORDIC HEDGE FUND INDUSTRY REPORT 2021 - HedgeNordic – March 2021 – March 2021

                                                                                                an all-time high. We recorded ten new fund launches,       One of the newer additions to the NHX, St. Petri
                                                                                                and unfortunately many more closures.                      Capital describes how “Understanding and Capturing
                                                                                                                                                           Change” leads to the Danish manager’s success.
                                                                                                One of the most exciting things I find, is when we         Fredrik Sjöstrand is convinced that “Boring is Good”
                                                                                                “discover” new funds. We received an e-mail for            when it comes to the strategies used by their factoring
                                                                                                instance from Jonathan Copplestone in the weeks            fund or Scandinavian Credit Fund.
                                                                                                running up to Christmas inquiring whether his fund,
                                                                                                Lucerne Nordic Fund, would meet the criteria to be         “Lynx wins 20 Year Award – but it is not relaxing” tells
                                                                                                listed in the Nordic Hedge Index. By experience,           the tale of the journey behind, and also ahead of one
                                                                                                when the manager asks for index inclusion, we have         of the Nordic’s oldest hedge funds.
                                                                                                learned that the track-record typically did not look all
                                                                                                that bad.                                                  For a PhD dissertation, Danielius Kolisovas dissects
                                                                                                                                                           the equity sub-index to the Nordic Hedge Index and
                                                                                                Then there are those funds which we happen to find         discovers “The Secrets of Long Livers – Crisis Alpha.”
                                                                                                by knocking on doors, turning over stones or hearing       The CIO of Veritas Pension Insurance, Kari Vatanen
                                                                                                of elsewhere. More often than not there are hedge          asks the all-important question “Where Are the
                                                                                                fund strategies and funds buried deep in the big           Diversifiers?” while the head of Nordea’s multi-asset
                                                                                                banks, SEB and Nordea being prime candidates for           team is turning to “SuperStrategies.”
                                                                                                such hiding places. They are hard to bring to surface,
                                                                                                get access to or even identify the right people or get     It has become a tradition that we highlight three new
                                                                                                a hold of the required information. Now, this does not     launches in the Nordic Hedge Fund Industry report,
                                                                                                happen all too often, but just last week, we unearthed     and 2021 shall be no different in that aspect and
                                                                                                two new index constituents falling into that category.     Feature “DNB´s All-in-one,” Coeli’s Multi-Asset Fund
                                                                                                                                                           insisting “You Can’t Eat a Sharpe Ratio” and Anna
                                                                                                On the one hand, it is quite a frustration to learn that   Svahn and Martin Sandquist, portfolio managers at
                                                                                                there are funds and managers out there that we do          Antiloop Hedge, explain “The Multi-Strategy Appeal.”
                                                                                                not know of, or cannot access or who, for whatever

    Editor´s Note...
                                                                                                reason, choose not to be listed in the Nordic Hedge        The Nordic hedge fund universe now for many years
                                                                                                Index. At HedgeNordic, we do want to claim to know         in a row has seen more graves than cradles, with
                                                                                                every Nordic fund and manager and have good,               more funds going out of business than are being
                                                                                                established relations to them.                             launched. Reason enough for our very own Eugeniu
                                                                                                                                                           Guzun to investigate “The Hedge Fund Pandemic.”

         Nothing to Write Home About.                                                           On the other hand, it is part of the fuel that drives
                                                                                                us. It is like a treasure hunt, knowing there are some
                                                                                                hidden few out there still to be discovered by us.
                                                                                                These random e-mails or calls that come pointing
                                                                                                                                                                                     KAMRAN GHALITSCHI
                                                                                                out a new fund. And some of them turn out to be

                                                                                                                                                                                CEO & PUBLISHER HEDGENORDIC
                        ooking back at this last year since publishing                          gems we will be looking at in this publication, too.
                        our last Nordic Hedge Fund Industry Report in
                        March of 2020, there is really very little to write                     The 2021 Nordic Hedge Fund Industry Report kicks off
                  home about. Not that it was not an eventful year, on                          with a review of 2020, a tale of two extremes before
                  the contrary, this one will sure stick in our minds and                       we turn to “The White Crow,” interviewing Jonathan
                  we will be discussing it for decades to come. It is                           Copplestone who manages the Lucerence Nordic
                  just, most of us have spent more time than enough                             Fund out of New York. In “Fundamentally Driven,” we
                  at home, so there is probably really not much news to                         visit Volt Capital Management, a CTA using not price,
                  spread in our own four walls.                                                 but fundamental data in their trading models. Staffan
                                                                                                Östlin of Adrigo lets us in on how to find “Truly Nordic
                  For the Nordic hedge fund universe however, there are                         Hidden Gems” and SEB’s team managing Eureka
                  stories to tell a plenty – entire sagas were written and                      describes how they are “Capitalising on Nordic
                  will be sung. As a whole, the industry recorded the                           Market Inefficiencies and Volatility,” while Andreas
                  best annual performance in a decade and closed at                             Aaen at Symmetry bets on “Small Compounders.”

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NORDIC HEDGE FUND INDUSTRY REPORT 2021 - HedgeNordic – March 2021 – March 2021

                                                                                                                                         Figure 1. A Tale of Two Extremes for Nordic Hedge Funds.

    2020: A Tale of Two
                                                                                By Eugeniu Guzun – HedgeNordic

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Source: HedgeNordic.

                                                                                                                                         fund industry lost 6.8 percent in the first quarter of   THE NORDIC HEDGE INDEX
                                                                                                                                         last year, its worst quarterly decline on record. The    OVERCOMES THE SURVIVORSHIP BIAS
                                                                                                                                         quarterly decline was mainly attributable to the 5.4
                                                                                                                                         percent-loss in March, which was the industry’s          Hedge fund indices are often (perhaps wrongfully)
                                                                                                                                         worst month on record.                                   associated with exhibiting “survivorship bias,” which
                                                                                                                                                                                                  reflects the tendency of certain data providers to
                                                                                                                                         Starting with a loss of 1.8 percent in February and      solely reflect the returns only generated by existing
                                                                                                                                         then enduring an additional decline of 5.4 percent in    funds – thereby, ignoring the performance of already-

           020 was a year of extremes for markets,           the first quarter, the Nordic hedge fund industry went                      March, the Nordic hedge fund industry experienced        defunct funds. With no less than 30 Nordic hedge
           investors and hedge funds managers alike.         on to enjoy its best three-quarter performance since                        its second-worst drawdown on record in the first         funds delisted from the Nordic Hedge Index last year
           For the Nordic hedge fund industry, 2020          2005.                                                                       quarter of last year. Drawdowns are peak to trough,      – funds either closed down or merged into other
    could be summed up as a tale of two extremes. The                                                                                    what about climbing out from the trough back to          funds, an inappropriate calculation methodology
    first quarter of last year was exceptionally difficult   The Nordic hedge fund industry, as reflected by the                         a new peak? How long did it take for the Nordic          for the Nordic Hedge Index could have resulted in
    for Nordic hedge funds, which recorded their worst       Nordic Hedge Index, advanced 8.5 percent last year,                         hedge fund industry to recover from its second-          significant survivorship bias.
    quarterly decline since HedgeNordic started tracking     its strongest annual performance since 2009. Viewed                         worst drawdown? The recovery from the valley of the
    the industry back in 2005. The industry’s sizeable       on a standalone basis, 2020 was an exceptionally                            index to a new high lasted only four months. In the      The Nordic Hedge Index tackles this bias by reflecting
    drawdown was quickly offset by strong performance        strong year for Nordic hedge funds. When looking                            final three quarters of 2020, the Nordic hedge fund      the aggregate performance of both defunct and up-
    when markets bounced back starting in April.             beneath the surface, last year was indeed a tale of                         industry enjoyed a cumulative return of 16.4 percent,    and-running funds. The index was up 8.5 percent last
    Following the worst quarterly decline on record in       two extremes for the industry. The Nordic hedge                             its best three-quarter performance on record.            year, but the 138 active Nordic hedge funds returned

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NORDIC HEDGE FUND INDUSTRY REPORT 2021 - HedgeNordic – March 2021 – March 2021

    10.9 percent on average last year. The 240 percentage                 in the NHX Equities. The 50 up-and-running equity                                             In the graph below, the grey boxes show that the                               hedge fund in the Nordic Hedge Index was up 16.1
    points-difference reflects the performance detraction                 hedge funds within the Nordic Hedge Index gained                                              Nordic hedge funds that were not in the top and                                percent last year, but, again, the average hides wide
    from the funds that closed during 2020 (which,                        19.9 percent on average in 2020, while the NHX                                                bottom 30 percent in terms of performance returned                             disparities.
    unsurprisingly, performed worse than the up-and-                      Equities was up 16.1 percent as 13 members of this                                            between 1.8 percent and 16.9 percent last year. About
    running funds).                                                       sub-index closed down last year.                                                              one in every five members of the Nordic Hedge Index                            The top 20 percent of performers in the NHX Equites
                                                                                                                                                                        achieved a return higher than 16.9 percent in 2020,                            returned 63.1 percent on average last year, while
    The most noticeable difference between the                            Up-and-running Nordic multi-strategy hedge funds                                              while eight percent returned above 30 percent. A little                        the bottom 20 percent were down 6.5 percent on
    performance of a sub-index and the performance of                     returned 6.8 percent on average last year, whereas                                            more than seven percent of all members returned                                average. The equity hedge funds that were neither
    active funds underlying that sub-index is observed                    the NHX Multi-Strategy was up 4.0 percent. This 280                                           above 40 percent last year.                                                    in the top 30 percent nor in the bottom 30 percent
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       returned between 3.6 percent and 33.4 percent. In
                                                                                                                                                                        About 47 percent of Nordic equity hedge funds                                  a similar fashion, the great majority of fixed-income
                                                                                                                                                                        outperformed the MSCI World’s 16.5 percent-return                              hedge funds returned between 1.6 percent and 9.7
                                                                                                                                                                        last year, but one should not forget that most                                 percent last year. The top 20 percent, meanwhile,
    Figure 2. Lack of Survivorship Bias in the Nordic Hedge Index.                                                                                                      Nordic equity hedge fund maintain a net market                                 were up 13.8 percent on average, whereas the bottom
                                                                                                                                                                        exposure below 100 percent. Some members of the                                20 percent lost 3.0 percent on average. The majority
                                                                                                                                                                        NHX Equities employ a market-neutral approach                                  of multi-strategy hedge funds returned between 1.1
                                                                                                                                                                        to investing, and some even maintain negative                                  percent and 10.0 percent.
                                                                                                                                                                        net exposure to the market. The average equity




    10,00           2,41                                                                                                                                                Figure 3. 2020 Performance Statistics on the Nordic Hedge Index and NHX Sub-Indices.

     5,00                                                  1,59                           0,80                 2,77
                                                                                                                                            1,73                          105
                                                                                          4,62                                                                                      St. Petri L/S, 98.3%     St. Petri L/S, 98.3%
                                                           4,18                                                4,03                                                       100
       -                                                                                                                                                                   95
             Nordic Hedge Index   Equity Funds            CTAs                    Fixed-Income Funds   Multi-Strategy Funds            Funds of Funds                      90
                                                 Index Performance   Detraction from Defunct Funds                                                                         85
                                                                                                                               Source: HedgeNordic.                        75
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Average (10.9%)
    percentage points-difference stems from the worse-                    disparities. With a return of 98.3 percent, thematic-                                                                                                                                                         Volt Diversified Alpha Fund, 41%
    than-average performance of the 13 multi-strategy                     focused long/short equity fund St. Petri L/S was last                                            35
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Nordic Cross Stable Return, 27.3%
    hedge funds that closed down last year. Similarly, the                year’s best-performing member of the Nordic Hedge                                                30
    existing funds of hedge funds in the Nordic Hedge                     Index. The worst performing fund that is still part
                                                                                                                                                                           20      70th percentile (16.9%)
    Index were up 4.3 percent last year, while the NHX                    of the index, meanwhile, was down 17.4 percent.                                                                                                     Asgard Fixed Income Fund, 16.2%          Brummer Multi-Strategy, 12.5%
    Funds of Funds, which reflects the performance of                     The dispersion between last year’s best- and worst-                                              10
    defunct funds too, gained only 2.6 percent.                           performing hedge fund was wide, very wide in fact.                                                5
                                                                                                                                                                           -5     30th percentile (1.8%)
                                                                          The top 30 percent of all members of the Nordic                                                 -10
    AVERAGES HIDE DISPARITIES                                             Hedge Index gained 30.2 percent on average, whereas                                             -15
                                                                          the bottom 30 percent was down slightly over two                                                -20
    The Nordic hedge fund industry gained 8.5 percent                     percent. The top 20 percent, meanwhile, gained 37.9
                                                                                                                                                                                         NHX                     Equities            Fixed Income          Multi-Strategy         Fund of Funds             CTA
    net-of-fees last year and active Nordic hedge funds                   percent last year and the bottom 20 percent lost 3.9
    were up 10.9 percent on average. While these average                  percent on average.
    figures are useful for comparison, averages do hide                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Source: HedgeNordic.

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NORDIC HEDGE FUND INDUSTRY REPORT 2021 - HedgeNordic – March 2021 – March 2021

     The White Crow
                                                                       By Eugeniu Guzun – HedgeNordic

                                                                                                                                                          Jonathan Copplestone, Portfolio Manager – Lucerne Capital Management.

             he term “White Crow” is a Russian language-                                                                      Hedge Index has a different claim to being listed. The         in the Nordic region. “One of the most frequent
             originating metaphor for a person who is
                                                                “I have never seen                                            Lucerne Nordic Fund is a Cayman Islands-domiciled              questions that comes up when talking with potential
             different from others, one variant of the “black
     sheep” metaphor used for someone with exceptional
                                                                any correlation                                               hedge fund run by a Brit out of New York but runs a
                                                                                                                              strictly Nordic investment theme.
                                                                                                                                                                                             investors is how can you have an investing edge
                                                                                                                                                                                             sitting in New York?” Copplestone tells HedgeNordic.
     ability and an outsider who does not fit in somewhere.     between managers’
     One new member of the Nordic Hedge Index appears                                                                         Warren Buffett famously said that allocating money             “Part of my answer is that we have better access
     to be epitomizing this concept.                            location and their                                            out of Omaha, far away from Wall Street, helped him            to management than we would have by sitting in
                                                                                                                              achieve investing success by being “undisturbed by             London, Stockholm or other cities because every
     The funds included in the Nordic Hedge Index               performance.”                                                 irrelevant factors and the noise generally of business         Nordic company, large or small, comes to New
     have typically either been managed by Nordic-born                                                                        investments.” While Jonathan Copplestone of                    York and we get to talk to them,” says Copplestone.
     managers, have been domiciled in one of the Nordic                                                                       Lucerne Capital Management lives in New York City              Since Lucerne Capital Management is a unique
     countries, or have been run by teams out of the                                                                          in the heart of Wall Street, he is an ocean away from          organization in New York because of its pure focus
     Nordic countries. The latest addition to the Nordic                                                                      his hunting ground: small- and mid-sized companies             on small- and mid-sized European companies, “we

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NORDIC HEDGE FUND INDUSTRY REPORT 2021 - HedgeNordic – March 2021 – March 2021

                                get to see Nordic companies one-on-one when they                             Copplestone regards return on invested capital as            but it is so much harder to make money on shorts,” he
                                are in town,” according to Copplestone, who was a                            one of the best measures of financial success for            acknowledges. “If you try to make money by shorting,
                                founding member of Enskilda Securities in London                             a business, sharing the same opinion with the likes          the window of opportunity is very narrow unless you
                                in 1982. “The other part of the answer is that I have                        of Charlie Munger or Terry Smith. “When looking at           are able to short the right stocks at the exact right
                                never seen any correlation between managers’                                 individual companies, we focus on what they can              time.”
                                location and their performance,” he continues. “One                          make on the capital reinvested in the business,”
                                of best fund shops investing globally that I knew was                        Copplestone tells HedgeNordic. “If businesses are            “I haven’t come across better corporate governance
                                based in Alaska, and they were absolutely spectacular                        deploying a lot of capital now because they are              anywhere, including the United States, which is one
                                investors.”                                                                  growing and are generating negative cash flows as            of the reasons the Nordic markets are so fantastic
                                                                                                             a result, that’s fine,” he continues. “I don’t need to see   for investors,” says Copplestone. “It is not only the
                    “We have    Copplestone relies on a bottom-up investment
                                process to build a concentrated portfolio between 20
                                                                                                             cash flows straight away, but I do have to see that
                                                                                                             in the next few years the companies can get good
                                                                                                                                                                          laws but also the culture that supports the laws,”
                                                                                                                                                                          he continues. This environment makes shorting
             better access to   to 50 names from a universe of around 400 Nordic                             returns on that capital invested.”                           in Scandinavia harder than elsewhere, “because
                                companies with market capitalizations between                                                                                             underperforming management teams are identified
         management than        $200 million and $5 billion. A fund manager’s                                “We are fixated on how much capital a business               and replaced much more quickly,” according to
                                investing success “is all about the process,” considers                      needs, and the potential returns on that capital,”           Copplestone. “You don’t see those long-lingering
          we would have by      Copplestone. And his proven and repeatable research                          elaborates Copplestone. “That doesn’t put us in the          decaying businesses where the shareholders are not
                                process has borne fruit despite him being thousands                          corner of value investors or cash flow-obsessed              taking responsibility and not making management
         sitting in London,     of kilometers away from the Nordic region. Lucerne                           investors,” he emphasizes. “In a nutshell, we are            changes. It is a smaller pool of opportunities to short
        Stockholm or other      Nordic Fund has delivered an annualized return
                                of about 33 percent since Copplestone started
                                                                                                             very much bottom-up focused, return on capital-
                                                                                                             obsessed,” says Copplestone. “If I were to highlight
                                                                                                                                                                          in the Nordics.” For that reason, Copplestone spends
                                                                                                                                                                          “the vast majority of my limited mental bandwidth
       cities because every     managing the fund in early 2015.                                             a style preference, I definitely have a skew towards         looking for longs.”
                                                                                                             growth, but at the moment, I equally own low-growth
     Nordic company, large                                                                                   businesses because the returns on capital are so
                                BOTTOM-UP FOCUSED, RETURN                                                    good. Adaptability and flexibility are very important,
         or small, comes to     ON CAPITAL-OBSESSED                                                          they have served us very well.”

      New York and we get       “The investment process starts with the companies,”
            to talk to them.”   says Copplestone, who has more than 30 years of                              UNATTRACTIVE RISK-REWARD
                                experience working in Nordic capital markets. “I
                                                                                                             FOR NORDIC SHORTS
                                work very comfortably with the broking community
                                in the Nordics, which is of a very high standard,” he                        Despite running the Lucerne Nordic Fund with a net
                                emphasizes. “But the key aspect of my process is                             market exposure in the range of 29 percent to 106
                                meeting with the company management and meeting                              percent over the last five years, Copplestone mostly
                                with the other stakeholders such as board members                            runs a long-biased portfolio. Partly because profitable
                                to discuss strategic priorities,” adds Copplestone.                          short ideas are more difficult to uncover but mostly
                                “Those things you don’t read in a research report.”                          because Copplestone is an “optimist, equity guy” who
                                Regular discussions and meetings with corporate                              believes equity markets will continue to rise over
                                management help Copplestone avoid surprises in                               time, “I am skewed very long,” says Copplestone. “I
                                the portfolio.                                                               run a hedge fund and I do short stocks occasionally,

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NORDIC HEDGE FUND INDUSTRY REPORT 2021 - HedgeNordic – March 2021 – March 2021

                                                                                                                        Fundamentally Driven

                                                                                                                                                                                                    By Kamran Ghalitschi – HedgeNordic

                                                                                    Patrik Säfvenblad
                                                                             Volt Capital Management

             fter a period of drought, 2020 was a good                                                                  into the volatile period that initially saw global equity   Säfvenblad, Volt’s CIO explains. Market volatility
             year for CTAs. CTA indices advanced broadly,
                                                              "We are not actively                                      indices sharply declining, with strong, long positions.     often means that fundamentals have changed, and
             with the CTA sub-index for the Nordic Hedge
     Index, for instance, advancing by 4.2 percent during
                                                              basing our positions                                      Whereas many funds, hedge funds, and CTAs were
                                                                                                                        caught flat-footed by the coronavirus-fueled market
                                                                                                                                                                                    that markets are searching for a new equilibrium.

     the year. In this heterogeneous space with many          on market prices,                                         sell-off, Volt Diversified Alpha successfully captured      In contrast to many other commodity trading
     different approaches, styles, and strategies, some                                                                 trends triggered by the deteriorating sentiment.            advisors, price data is not the key driver for entering
     stars shone brighter than others, and some appeared      fundamentals are a                                                                                                    or exiting positions for Volt. “We observe market
     in the sky as high voltage bolts of lightning.                                                                                                                                 prices, and they help determine things such as timing
                                                              far superior indicator                                    FUNDAMENTAL EDGE                                            or stop losses. However, we are not actively basing
     Volt Diversified Alpha Fund returned beyond 40
     percent in 2020, over 22 percent in the first quarter,
                                                              to predict market                                         “When volatility picked up in late February and onward,
                                                                                                                                                                                    our positions on market prices,” explains Säfvenblad
                                                                                                                                                                                    and continues, “fundamentals are a far superior
     and 11.5 percent alone in March, when many other         developments.”                                            there were a lot of noisy signals from market prices.       indicator to predict market developments.”
     CTAs struggled. The average CTA would have gone                                                                    If you are price-based, volatility is your enemy,” Patrik

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NORDIC HEDGE FUND INDUSTRY REPORT 2021 - HedgeNordic – March 2021 – March 2021

                               “In the two major market moves of 2020, the initial                          Well over 8000 independent, bottom-up signals feed        risk management in mind, maybe more than anything
                               crash triggered by the pandemic and the following                            200 different fundamental models weighted by their        else. “Risk management is inherent in our DNA,”
                               rally supported by economic stimulus, fundamentals                           expected contribution in the current market regime.       Lindeman explains. “Risk management stretches
                               behaved largely normally and we were able to predict                                                                                   from a model level, to portfolio construction, trade
                               moves early, ahead of the curve,” Tommi Lindeman,                                                                                      execution to operation. It covers all areas; from
                               Volt’s Head of Business Development observes. Volt,                          MACHINE LEARNING AND                                      investing in diversified, liquid markets, having a
                               therefore, relies on fundamental data for its trading                                                                                  bottom-up view rather than having a biased in-house
                                                                                                            SMOOTH OPERATIONS
                               signals.                                                                                                                               view, not making use of high leverage, working a
                                                                                                            Machine learning supports areas such as data              disciplined reduction of losing positions with stop-
                               The manager’s models are classified in five main                             collection, signal generation, and real-time execution.   loss in every market and more.”
             "Getting your     groups: market fundamentals, economic data,                                  Machine learning also evaluates each model and
          stop-losses right,   market sentiment, relative value and calendar effects.
                               Market fundamentals host the highest risk allocation
                                                                                                            market based on expected contributions in the
                                                                                                            current environment. “We have an open architecture,
                                                                                                                                                                      “Getting your stop-losses right, determining which
                                                                                                                                                                      positions to keep or cut is one of the hardest achieved,
       determining which       based on expected returns and the low correlation                            and new models coming up from research are                but most crucial part of the secret sauce to a good
                               to other models. They could include mining output,                           straightforward to plug in. However, our machine          risk-return profile,” explains Säfvenblad. “Getting
          positions to keep    shipping activity or weather data. An especially wet                         learning framework will determine if and when these       stopped out too often can be costly, and then, when
                               or hot period in the American Midwest, for instance,                         new models will be allocated to, and to what extent,”     do you get back in? The period of March to April was
        or cut is one of the   during harvesting or planting season may give good                           Säfvenblad explains.                                      a perfect example of there being no point in getting

     hardest achieved, but     indications on the future pricing of wheat, or other
                               grains.                                                                      Säfvenblad is pleased that operations worked
                                                                                                                                                                      back in too early.”

       most crucial part of                                                                                 smoothly and uninterrupted even in the volatile
                               “You can see Volt as a conglomerate of many market                           markets of last spring and under work-from-home           VIRTUAL PROCESS, REAL
        the secret sauce to    specialists. There are many specialist ideas, and key                        conditions. “It gave us the opportunity to stress
                               market factors driving individual markets,” explains                         test the entire system in a real-life environment, and
         a good risk-return    Lindeman. “Some of our modeling would be looking                             every part of it worked to perfection,” he says. There    Volt Diversified Alpha Fund, launched in March of
                               at a market just as a discretionary trader in a specific                     were also no hiccups with external service providers      2017, reached its three-year track record last year.
                   profile."   market might. Weather data is crucial for someone                            such as the fund’s administrator, Northern Trust, and     This, in combination with the strong performance
                               trading grains but largely irrelevant for a metals                           clearing broker Goldman Sachs. “Here, our investment      shown during 2020, has enabled Volt to attract
                               trader.”                                                                     in a robust infrastructure and an institutional quality   new investors with fresh capital to the fund. “We
                                                                                                            operational setup really paid off.”                       onboarded new investors and managed to grow
                               The portfolio breakdown, too, shows a sector                                                                                           assets under management during the year. The
                               diversification that is distinct from most peers.                                                                                      entire process from due diligence to investment was
                               Exposure to equity indices, for example, only account                        RISK MANAGEMENT IN DNA                                    done remotely through digital channels,” Lindeman
                               for 11 percent of the portfolio, whereas metals, softs,                                                                                explains.
                               and energy combined account for more than half the                           Säfvenblad stressed that 2020 was the year of
                               portfolio, the remainder falling to fixed income and                         risk management where all could be won or lost,
                               FX.                                                                          showing that Volt Diversified Alpha was built with

16                                                                                                                                                                                                                               17
NORDIC HEDGE FUND INDUSTRY REPORT 2021 - HedgeNordic – March 2021 – March 2021

     Truly Nordic Hidden

                                                                                  By Eugeniu Guzun – HedgeNordic

              aking money in the stock market sometimes        the fund’s portfolio over time, with each Core position                                    Staffan Östlin
                                                                                                                                                      Portfolio Manager
              involves going places everybody else is          usually accounting between eight and 11 percent
              neglecting or outright avoiding. Places          of the entire portfolio. These four to six positions
     such as an unloved company getting its house              represent core, high-conviction investment ideas
     back in order or a small, little-known company with       in companies undergoing some form of long-term
     significant upside potential. Staffan Östlin and his      change. “That is really where we take a very long-
     co-portfolio manager Johan Eriksson are focused           term view,” explains Östlin, adding that “we look for
     on finding undiscovered and unloved gems among            significant change within a company or an industry.”
     smaller companies in the Nordics for Adrigo Small &
     Midcap L/S. Since launching the stock-picking hedge       “We like to invest in low expectations, and low
     fund back in late 2017, Östlin has found plenty of        expectations could involve a share price that has gone
     such gems.                                                South, a company run by mistrusted management, a
                                                               company experiencing some problems in a division, or
                                                               a business with a long history of underperformance,
     THE CORE                                                  but a new management coming in,” Östlin explains
                                                               the most common traits of the Core holdings. Östlin
     Adrigo Small & Midcap L/S maintains a truly Nordic        also emphasizes the importance of aligning his
     concentrated, high-conviction portfolio that houses       fund’s interests with the ones of management teams
     between 25 to 30 long positions allocated across          and other owners in these long-term investments. “It
     three building blocks: Core Five, Dynamic, and High-      is very important that we have the right owners and
     Potential. The Core Five block, which “can essentially    also the right management in the sort of long-term
     be called Core Four to Six,” accounts for about half of   cases, really transformation cases, that tend to have

18                                                                                                                                                                         19 – March 2021 – March 2021

     an investment horizon between two to five years,”                                                                   space, considers Östlin. “Investors should expect         overall annual return we have managed to deliver,”
     says the fund manager, who has a little more than 30                                                                us to continue to find undiscovered stocks and they       says Östlin. “We are also pleased to have avoided
     years of investing experience.                                                                                      should expect us to continue to be very curious,” says    a down year so far, and we are very happy that we
                                                                                                                         the fund manager. “We meet around 200 companies           produced a positive return in 2018, which was a
                                                                                                                         per year, and that gives us a very good view of the       difficult year for small caps,” he continues. However,
     DYNAMIC                                                                                                             overall market, of what is happening or changing in       Östlin and his co-portfolio manager, Johan Eriksson,
                                                                                                                         the market, and of all new business models coming         are not satisfied with the drawdowns incurred during
     The Dynamic block contains about 15 names and                                                                       to the market.”                                           a few separate months. “We had two relatively big
     accounts for around 35 percent of the entire portfolio,
                                                               “It is very important                                                                                               drawdowns,” acknowledges Östlin. “The focus for us
     investments with a shorter investment horizon
     between one and 12 months. “That is a more trading-
                                                               that we have the right                                    SHORT BOOK
                                                                                                                                                                                   now is bringing down the volatility, particularly on the
     intensive part of the portfolio,” says Östlin. “We have   owners and also the
     a good view and understanding of at least 400 stocks                                                                Since launching in late 2017, Adrigo Small & Midcap       With a full-year advance of 44.5 percent, 2020 was the
     from our Nordic universe and quite often we find that,    right management                                          L/S has maintained a net market exposure between          fund’s best year yet. “We had very good performance
     shorter term, the stock market is hammering down                                                                    40 and 50 percent, but “the net exposure varies quite a   from all of the building blocks in our portfolio,” says
     some stocks a little bit too much around quarterly        in the sort of long-                                      lot throughout the months,” according to Östlin. “The     Östlin. “We had good returns from high potentials
     earnings releases or other announcements,” explains                                                                 net exposure really depends on the opportunities we       such vertical farming company Kalera, for example,
     Östlin. “We might use these shorter-term price
                                                               term cases, really                                        find both on the long side and also on the short side,”   which was added in late March and started off as
     drifts as opportunities to generate returns,” says the
     architect of the strategy powering Adrigo Small &
                                                               transformation cases,                                     he continues. “The exposure doesn’t have too much
                                                                                                                         to do with our view of the overall market.” The fund
                                                                                                                                                                                   a very small position,” he points out. “Game-based
                                                                                                                                                                                   learning platform Kahoot was more of a dynamic
     Midcap L/S. “Our dynamic investments allow us to          that tend to have an                                      tends to maintain a concentrated portfolio of 25 to       position that started off as a high potential two and
     react when market conditions are changing.”                                                                         30 long positions, with roughly a similar number of       a half years ago and performed really well for us,”
                                                               investment horizon                                        short positions.                                          says Östlin. “But we also had good performance from
                                                                                                                                                                                   medical technology company Bonesupport, which is
     FINDING UNDISCOVERED STOCKS                               between two to five                                       The short candidates usually include market darlings      clearly among our core five ideas.”

     The High-Potential block includes long-term, high-
                                                               years.”                                                   near inflection points, companies hurt by structural
                                                                                                                         shifts in their industries, or companies using            Commenting on the fund’s strong rebound following
     return potential ideas that collectively account for                                                                aggressive accounting. “Like most hedge funds,            the turbulent market conditions in the first quarter of
     15 percent of the fund’s portfolio on average. “High-                                                               we look for aggressive accounting or businesses           last year, Östlin says that “in late March we decided
     potential investment ideas clearly involve much                                                                     in structural decline,” says Östlin. “We are very         to turn around both the short side and the dynamic
     higher risk levels compared to the Core Five,” points                                                               pragmatic in managing our short book,” he adds. “We       part of the portfolio.” The team “added more high beta
     out Östlin. “We usually make these investments                                                                      trade the short book every day, we are very active, but   stocks on the long side, which produced very good
     in very small companies that are below the radar                                                                    quite often, we are shorting the same names.” Östlin      returns in April and May, so we quickly recovered from
     screens of many investors and even many traditional                                                                 occasionally initiates short positions to hedge out       the drawdown experienced in February and March,”
     small-cap funds,” he continues. “Our high-potential                                                                 some sector risk stemming from the larger positions       according to Östlin. “We have also been successful in
     ideas have limited sell-side analyst coverage, strong                                                               and also makes use of index futures to adjust the net     holding on to the winners,” says the fund manager. “It
     management teams, and commercially viable                                                                           exposure over time.                                       is very easy to sell a stock when you are up a hundred
     products on the market.” Östlin expects much higher                                                                                                                           percent, but we managed to hold on to these winning
     returns from high-potential ideas than the core five                                                                                                                          stocks.” Overall, “It was really stock-picking that has
     holdings, which are expected to double during their                                                                 PERFORMANCE AND RETURN DRIVERS                            contributed to our performance both last year and
     holding periods.                                                                                                                                                              throughout our journey since inception.”
                                                                                                                         Adrigo Small & Midcap L/S has delivered an
     The ability to find high-potential, undiscovered stocks                                                             annualized return of 26 percent since launching in
     differentiates Adrigo Small & Midcap L/S from other                                                                 November 2017, accompanied by an inception-to-
     vehicles focusing on the Nordic small- and mid-cap                                                                  date Sharpe ratio of 1.36. “We are very happy with the

20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            21 – March 2021 – March 2021

     Capitalising on Nordic
     Market Inefficiencies
     and Volatility
                                                                                   By Hamlin Lovell – HedgeNordic

                                                                                                                                                                                         Tore Davidsen, Bo Andersen, Rasmus Dall-Hansen
                                                                                                                                                                           Portfolio Management Team – SEB Eureka Fixed Income Relative

                                                                                                                                                                           Eureka needs to stay nimble to rapidly shift exposures

            he SEB Eureka strategy launched in January         The investment universe is mainly ‘AAA’ rated
                                                                                                                                                             "We do not    as relative valuations and pricings move around.
            2018 has delivered a double digit return in
            2020, including a positive month in March 2020,
                                                               government and covered bonds in the Nordic
                                                               countries of Denmark, Sweden and Norway, but also
                                                                                                                                                   automatically trade     The investment process starts with quantitative
                                                                                                                                                                           screens, but it is a discretionary process that includes
     with low single digit volatility, and has averaged high   includes interest rate swaps and cross currency                                      every two standard     qualitative judgement. “We do not automatically
     single digit returns since inception. This matches the    basis. The fact that these countries still have their                                                       trade every two standard deviation outlier. We need
     expectations of Copenhagen-based Senior Portfolio         own currencies adds to the opportunities.                                          deviation outlier. We    to observe why the market has moved. The “why” is
     Manager and CIO, Bo Michael Andersen, who began                                                                                                                       as important as the “what”. Then comes the “how” –
     preparing the launch in late 2016: “I came from a         Though Scandinavia does boast some of the largest                               need to observe why the     how we implement it to get exposure, and how it fits
     position in SEB Markets where I saw from first-
     hand experience how tougher bank regulations were
                                                               covered bonds markets in Europe, the strategy is
                                                               about alpha rather than asset gathering. It was seeded
                                                                                                                                                market has moved. The      into our existing portfolio. We are trying to construct
                                                                                                                                                                           a well-diversified portfolio,” says Andersen. For
     increasing volatility and mis-pricings, particularly
     in Scandinavian markets, which were already less
                                                               with around DKK 1.1 billion by tier one institutions in
                                                               Scandinavia, such as pension funds, insurers and
                                                                                                                                               “why” is as important as    instance in covered bonds, the Eureka team will form
                                                                                                                                                                           a view on variables such as mortgage bond issuance,
     efficient. We find the opportunities are better in our    foundations. Assets are currently DKK 2.5 billion and                                        the “what”.”   curvature, hedging instruments, investor demand,
     local markets than in global fixed income markets.”       nearly half of capacity has been taken, given the soft                                                      money market fixings and derivative flows, based on
                                                               capacity limit of DKK 5-6 billion.                                                                          their market intelligence and proprietary analytics.

22                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        23 – March 2021 – March 2021

     Eureka has delivered on its target to generate not only      found that market volatility creates better trading                           This illustrates one important feature of portfolio        spread on underlying instruments is typically 1 or 2
     absolute returns but also lowly correlated returns.          opportunities. For instance, the return in 2020 was                           construction: the sub-strategies are themselves lowly      basis points, which multiplies up to 50 or 80 basis
     “Our institutional investor base are focused on the          more than that in 2018 and 2019 taken together and                            correlated. That partly explains why the strategy          points at the fund level after applying leverage”.
     diversification benefit and want strong risk adjusted        a positive return was recorded in March 2020.                                 has undershot its volatility target of 4-8%, which the
     returns. We avoid directional exposure and correlation                                                                                     manager admits might be a bit too high.                    Some areas of the Nordic fixed income markets
     to interest rates, credit and equity,” says Portfolio        Yet very little of the performance has come from                                                                                         have occasionally experienced liquidity and valuation
     manager, Tore Davidsen. In volatile markets, there is        explicitly owning long volatility portfolio insurance,                        The strategy has also been less volatile because           issues, most recently in March 2020 when some
     no magic formula that will lead a portfolio to deliver       such as tail risk hedges. One possibly surprising                             it used moderate leverage, which also meant that           funds had to briefly suspend dealing. Andersen does
     these returns, so diversification, active management         aspect of the performance attribution is that the tail                        the manager had dry powder to take advantage of            not expect this is likely to happen in his markets: “we
     and rebalancing are required.                                risk hedges overlay contributed positively in 2019 -                          the March 2020 selloff and rebuild covered bond            are confident about the liquidity of the markets traded
                                                                  but registered a zero return in 2020. This is actually                        exposures at very attractive levels.                       – even under Lehman, the Danish market stayed open,
                                                                                                                                                                                                           and spreads didn’t widen that much in March 2020,”
     OPPORTUNISTIC SUB-STRATEGY                                                                                                                                                                            says Andersen. The Luxembourg RAIF structure fund
                                                                                                                                                LEVERAGE AND LIQUIDITY                                     offers monthly liquidity and publishes daily NAVs.
     There are three core return drivers: “on average, one                                                                                      In common with strategy and trade selection,
     third of returns should come from carry and roll down
                                                                   “We do not want to                                                           leverage is used very opportunistically and varies a
     on covered bonds, one third from active covered
     bond trading driven by valuation or shifting between
                                                                   be forced to unwind                                                          lot. Leverage adjusted to ten year bond equivalent has
                                                                                                                                                ranged between two times and seven or eight times in
     Swedish, Danish and Norwegian paper, and one third            positions in stressed                                                        gross terms, and net leverage has been much smaller,
     from the other strategies, including callable Danish                                                                                       often near zero.
     mortgage bonds, interest rate swaps and cross                 markets.”
     currency swaps,” says Andersen.                                                                                                            Leverage is obtained from multiple banks through
                                                                                                                                                repos of between two weeks and three months’
     Eureka is highly opportunistic however, so the strategy                                                                                    maturity. “They are not guaranteed but we want to be
     and performance attribution mix will vary from year to                                                                                     an attractive client to banks so they are reluctant to
     year - and in fact less than half of the 23.11% returns                                                                                    pull repos,” says Andersen.
     from inception to January 2021 have come from                quite easy to explain in the context of opportunistic
     covered bonds, both active management and passive            allocations amongst the sub-strategies: “we need tail                         Leverage is only one angle of multi-layered risk
     harvesting risk premia. This reflects the opportunity        risk hedges mainly when we have more covered bond                             management, which also includes real time monitoring
     set and also the investment philosophy.                      exposure. We entered 2020 with very low exposure                              of risks, limits and stress tests. “We do not want to be
                                                                  to covered bonds, because they were expensive, and                            forced to unwind positions in stressed markets,” says
     Some fixed income arbitrage hedge funds make the             so did not need to spend money on tail risk hedges,”                          portfolio manager, Rasmus Dall-Hansen. Independent
     majority of their returns from leveraged carry trades,       says Andersen.                                                                risk management and internal audit, both conducted
     that often demonstrate a “short volatility” return profile                                                                                 by the SEB Group, add to the controls.
     because they are either explicitly selling options such      Diversification and active trading delivered a positive
     as mortgage prepayment options, or perhaps implicitly        return in March 2020. Though the covered bond sleeve                          Leverage also influences the dealing costs of the
     selling options on liquidity or volatility or both. Eureka   unsurprisingly lost ground in March 2020, the overall                         fund, which has a variable bid/offer spread, based
     is sometimes earning a reward for liquidity provision,       return for the month was a positive 1.2% because                              on the costs of building or liquidating the portfolio
     and can have a meaningful sensitivity towards spread         the losses on covered bonds were outweighed by                                – essentially the bid/offer spreads on the underlying
     widening, which has so far peaked at 33 basis points         profits on the other strategies, including relative value                     assets. This protects investors from transaction
     of fund NAV per spread basis point. But viewing              strategies in interest rate derivatives and government                        costs of inflows and outflows, and clearly does not
     the overall strategy in big picture terms, Eureka has        bonds.                                                                        generate any profit for the manager. “The bid/offer

24                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   25 – March 2021 – March 2021

                                                                                                                                          “Small” Compounders

                                                                                                                                                                                               By Eugeniu Guzun - HedgeNordic

     Andreas Aaen
     CEO and Portfolio Manager
     Symmetry Invest.

     A                                                                                                                                          “We are mostly focused
            ccountant-turned-fund manager Andreas             have been able to find a lot of smaller-sized market                                                        is expanding, have an edge over the market and have
            Aaen is looking for so-called “compounding        leaders in smaller niches,” says the fund manager.                                                          none or reduced analyst coverage,” explains Aaen.
            machines” where few are looking: in the           “We are mostly focused on finding long-term                                              on finding long-   Such businesses tend to be founder-led companies
     universe of smaller-sized businesses across the          compounders among smaller-sized companies, and                                                              with a founder that acts as chief executive, president,
     Nordics, the rest of Europe and the United States. “We   these are normally founder-led companies.”                                            term compounders      board member or holds some other position of
     mostly look for what we call small market leaders                                                                                                                    significant influence.
     in expanding niches,” says Aaen, who launched his                                                                                            among smaller-sized
     long/short equity fund Symmetry Invest out of the        FOUNDER-LED COMPOUNDERS                                                                                     “There are two reasons our strategy focuses on
     region of Aalborg in Denmark back in early 2013.
                                                                                                                                                 companies, and these     founder-led companies,” says Aaen. “One is that

     “Sometimes investors ask how do we find market
                                                              Andreas Aaen and his co-portfolio manager Henrik
                                                              Abrahamson, who joined Symmetry Invest during the
                                                                                                                                                 are normally founder-    statistics show that investors get the best returns
                                                                                                                                                                          from investing in this segment,” points out the fund
     leaders by focusing on small-cap companies if            summer of last year, are predominantly looking for                                       led companies.”    manager. “The second reason, which I have come to
     market leaders are normally big companies with lots      smaller businesses with a sustainable competitive                                                           appreciate a lot, is that I just have more fund analyzing
     of resources,” Aaen tells HedgeNordic. “Although         advantage in a small yet expanding market niche.                                                            and looking at founder-led companies,” says Aaen.
     most market leaders are indeed large companies, we       “Most businesses we like operate in a small niche that                                                      “Running Symmetry Invest is a 24-hour-a-day job, so

26                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    27 – March 2021 – March 2021

     if I have to stay up late at night, I need to have fun                                                              who recommend staying small, concentrated, and           backward – in March of last year. With its long book
     doing it,” he continues. “Interacting with the founders                                                             invest for the long term,” says Aaen. Symmetry           housing founder-led companies characterized by
     that have a real passion for their companies and their                                                              Invest maintains a concentrated portfolio to limit the   low levels of free float, Symmetry Invest incurred a
     industries is just what I love to do.”                                                                              downside effects of over-diversification stemming        loss of 37 percent in March, but the fund still ended
                                                                                                                         from the dilution of portfolio manager’s attention,      the year up over 40 percent. “In retrospect, we did all
     By focusing on founder-led companies, Symmetry
     Invest tends to invest alongside people who often
                                                                “We just do what has                                     knowledge and time, with Aaen focusing on ten
                                                                                                                         names and his partner Abrahamson focusing on five
                                                                                                                                                                                  the right things from a stock selection perspective,”
                                                                                                                                                                                  says Aaen. “We found the right stocks, we bought
     have a long-term vision and a sense of legacy, have        worked so well in                                        names.                                                   more of them and we earned a lot of money after the
     significant “skin in the game,” and have incentives                                                                                                                          March period all the way through the end of the year.”
     aligned with the ones of shareholders. These               the past for famous                                      With Abrahamson joining Symmetry in the summer
     combined tend to lead to better capital allocation                                                                  of last year, “I have become more concentrated           “From a risk management perspective, I should have
     decisions, which is essential for long-term investors      investors such as                                        within my own portfolio because he takes five            done a little better on the hedging side,” acknowledges
     such as Symmetry Invest that are looking for                                                                        positions himself,” says Aaen. “I now concentrated       Aaen. “That was something we improved a lot on
     “compounding machines.” Long-term wealth creation
                                                                Warren Buffett,                                          on ten holdings instead of 20, which enables me to       during the course of last year,” he continues. “One
     for shareholders, after all, involves reinvesting
     internally-generated cash or borrowed capital at
                                                                Mohnish Pabrai and                                       concentrate more on my best ideas,” he adds. “I do
                                                                                                                         not think one can analyze too many companies, I
                                                                                                                                                                                  thing I believe we are really good at is constantly
                                                                                                                                                                                  learning, developing and adapting to the market
     attractive rates of return.                                other legends who                                        only have real conviction in a small number of ideas,”   environment,” argues Aaen. “We spent one day a
                                                                                                                         emphasizes Aaen. “If looking at my returns in the        week just reading books or letters instead of doing
     “Share buybacks, dividends, or merger and acquisition      recommend staying                                        past, one can see that my biggest investments have       pure investment work,” he adds. “We have been agile
     decisions are capital allocation decisions that can                                                                 been the best-performing ones.”                          around moving to where the opportunity set is, which
     create value over time,” says Aaen. “But one thing I       small, concentrated,                                                                                              involves a constant learning process.”
     have come to appreciate is management teams that                                                                    As bottom-up investors, Aaen and Abrahamson steer
     are really, really good at capital allocation within the
                                                                and invest for the                                       Symmetry Invest’s net market exposure depending          Symmetry Invest gained an additional 18 percent in
     company,” he emphasizes. Aaen and Abrahamson
     are increasingly focusing on internal capital
                                                                long term.”                                              on the opportunity set at a given point in time. “When
                                                                                                                         the market is quite overvalued, it is easier to find
                                                                                                                                                                                  the first two months of 2021, helping the fund keep
                                                                                                                                                                                  its status as one of the best-performing Nordic hedge
     allocation, which may involve allocating capital                                                                    short positions, but in a market environment such        funds in the universe. With an annualized return of
     towards marketing activities, training employees,                                                                   as the one in March of last year, I had an easier        over 23 percent, Symmetry Invest has delivered the
     better equipment, technology or user experience,                                                                    time finding longs,” explains Aaen. “We do not try to    second-highest annualized inception-to-date return
     among many others. “We spend a lot more time                                                                        time the market.” The lead generation on the short       among the funds with a track record exceeding five
     finding management teams that are really good at                                                                    side, however, is more automated. “We have a lot of      years. The strong performance in 2021 is “just a
     these internal capital allocation decisions, because it                                                             data tools and internally-developed systems to get       continuation of what worked towards the end of last
     is much easier to understand whether one should do                                                                  short candidates and then we do the due diligence        year,” says Aaen. “Of course, I will say that I am good
     buybacks or pay out dividends.”                                                                                     manually on those leads to decide what to short,”        at selecting stocks, but it was also a little luck from
                                                                                                                         says Aaen. “The shorting is more event-driven and        some positions that just went really well.”
                                                                                                                         the holding period is much shorter.”

     Symmetry Invest is a long-biased long/short equity                                                                  PERFORMANCE IN FOCUS AND
     fund running with a net market exposure between 60                                                                  CONSTANT LEARNING
     to 80 percent, with the long portfolio housing between
     12 to 18 names and the short portfolio including                                                                    Symmetry Investing has generated an annualized
     from 15 and up to 40 names. “We just do what has                                                                    return of 23.3 percent since launching in March
     worked so well in the past for famous investors such                                                                of 2013 through February this year, but this
     as Warren Buffett, Mohnish Pabrai and other legends                                                                 “compounding machine” ground to a halt – and rolled

28                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          29 – March 2021 – March 2021

     Understanding and
     Capturing Change

                                                                                    By Eugeniu Guzun – HedgeNordic

           uropean stocks have returned an average of            on, we could face a similar scenario going forward,
           1.3 percent per annum since the end of 1998 in        where the overall market doesn’t do much, but there
           nominal terms, which amounts to nothing when          is massive disruption beneath,” argues Danielewicz.
     adjusting for inflation. On the surface, the universe of    “If you just focus on the index as a whole, you will
     public companies in Europe has been sleepwalking            not be able to capture the disruption,” warns the fund
     its way through two “lost decades,” but in reality, there   manager, who launched a thematic-focused long/
     was a breadth of changes afoot on the continent.            short equity fund – St. Petri L/S – in early 2018. “That
                                                                 is the motivation for us to focus on paradigm shifts.”
     “If you invested a hundred euros in a European                                                                                                                       Left: Michal Danielewicz and Jens Larsson, Portfolio Managers and Founders – St. Petri Capital.
     stock index 20 years ago, you would still have a
     hundred euros now,” says Michal Danielewicz, who            UNDERSTANDING AND
     co-founded thematic-focused asset manager St.
                                                                 CAPTURING CHANGE
     Petri Capital with Jens Larsson back in 2017. “But
     if you look beneath the surface, some very powerful
     seismic shifts have occurred,” he emphasizes. Some
                                                                 St. Petri L/S, which returned 98 percent during
                                                                 2020, represents “a thematic, unconstrained and
                                                                                                                                              “We invest in change, we invest in disruption.
     sectors, such as the European banking sector,               uncorrelated hedge fund,” according to Danielewicz.                          Our thematic investment process focuses
     have significantly underperformed, but many other           “We invest in change, we invest in disruption. Our
     industries have evolved, developed, and created             thematic investment process focuses on change,                               on change, on understanding change, and
     significant value over the years.                           on understanding change, and capturing change,”
                                                                 he continues. “Before we engage with and invest                              capturing change.”
     “Given where we are in the long-term debt cycle, the        in a company, we try to understand the seismic
     level of interest rates and the disruption that is going    shifts that are driving and will drive this company                          – Michal Danielewicz
30                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          31 – March 2021 – March 2021

     and its industry over a longer period of time.” At its                                                              The second block, expectations, involves assessing            each other that this is negative and you have to go
     core, St. Petri L/S is a European-focused long/short                                                                what market expectations are priced in a company’s            the other direction.”
     fundamental equity fund that utilizes a thematic                                                                    stock price. “When looking at valuations, you can see
     process for stock picking to capture CHANGE.                                                                        what is actually being priced in terms of expectations,”      “The second point is that many of the themes that
                                                                                                                         says Danielewicz. When analyzing a potential                  Covid had an impact on or accelerated had already
     At any moment in time, Danielewicz and Larsson                                                                      investment opportunity, Danielewicz and Larsson               been in our portfolio as they were initiated a few
     maintain a portfolio consisting of eight to 12
                                                               “Given where we                                           go through “a long list of checkpoints that every             years back,” continues Danielewicz. “Themes such
     investable themes, which collectively house between
     50 to 60 positions – half of which are on the long side
                                                               are in the long-term                                      fundamental equity analyst considers, which include
                                                                                                                         assessing management quality, scrutinizing the
                                                                                                                                                                                       as the online retail transition, all the online, stay-at-
                                                                                                                                                                                       home or work-from-home themes, had already been
     and the other half on the short side. “The number of      debt cycle, the level                                     balance sheet and income statements, conducting               part of our portfolio,” he adds. “On the short side, we
     names within each theme depends, first of all, on the                                                               ESG screening, Porter’s Forces and SWAT analysis,             had already shorted real estate companies before
     maturity of the theme,” explains Danielewicz. “We         of interest rates                                         all those types of things.”                                   the pandemic,” says Danielewicz. “Again, it was just
     believe every theme follows an S-curve and has its                                                                                                                                a question of adjusting the right knobs.”
     own maturity life cycle.”                                 and the disruption                                        The duo then adds a thematic overlay to their valuation

     “For younger, early-stage themes, where we do not
                                                               that is going on, we                                      process, which reflects their own expectations
                                                                                                                         about the impact of structural changes on the
                                                                                                                                                                                       Size was also a critical element that enabled
                                                                                                                                                                                       Danielewicz and Larsson to deliver a net return of
     have much data to build high conviction, we typically     could face a similar                                      analyzed business. “We model our own revenue                  over 98 percent during 2020. “It is quite important to
     have fewer names,” elaborates Danielewicz. “For                                                                     growth rates, margins, capital allocation, among              maintain agility and be nimble,” argues Danielewicz.
     the more mature, more widely-recognized themes,           scenario going                                            others,” explains Danielewicz. “If this process results       “Things that Jens and I can implement in our portfolio
     where we have higher conviction, we put both larger                                                                 in a big discrepancy between our own thematic                 is probably a question of days, sometimes just a day.
     positions and more names into them,” he continues.        forward, where the                                        expectations and what the market is currently pricing         When you work in a big organization and you have a
     “On average, there are five to six positions across                                                                 in, we will typically initiate a position.” The last block,   lot of assets, it is quite difficult to adjust.” The fund’s
     each theme, with the younger themes reflecting
                                                               overall market doesn’t                                    timing, relates to portfolio construction. “From idea         unconstrained mandate has also enabled the two
     one or two positions, and the more mature, higher-
     conviction themes containing between ten to 15
                                                               do much, but there                                        generation to stock selection and then portfolio
                                                                                                                         construction, the last part focuses around the
                                                                                                                                                                                       fund managers out of Copenhagen to achieve an
                                                                                                                                                                                       exceptional year. “We are also managing our own
     names,” says Danielewicz. “Some of the themes only        is massive disruption                                     maturity of a given theme,” explains Danielewicz. “We         money, which means that we are pretty unconstrained
     have short positions, and some of the themes will                                                                   go back to assess our conviction in a given theme,            to take what we deem necessary positions.”
     have a blend of both long and short exposures.”           beneath.”                                                 which decides how much we allocate to the theme
                                                                                                                         and the particular idea related to that theme.”               “We define change as a transformative force that
                                                               – Michal Danielewicz                                                                                                    will persist throughout many economic cycles,
     CHANGE, EXPECTATIONS, AND                                                                                                                                                         it is structural, not cyclical,” says Danielewicz.
                                                                                                                         EXCEPTIONAL YEAR                                              “These structural changes will transform our lives
                                                                                                                                                                                       permanently, so there is no mean reversion and there
     The idea generation for St. Petri L/S generally starts                                                              St. Petri L/S almost doubled investors’ money during          is no coming back,” he continues. “We at St. Petri
     with company meetings. “Meeting companies                                                                           the course of 2020, currently enjoying a 14-month             have dedicated our careers to trying to understand
     is a very good source of new ideas because you                                                                      string of consecutive positive monthly returns. The           and capture those paradigm shifts and the ripple
     can discuss with management teams about their                                                                       fund has now delivered an annualized return of close          effects of those paradigm shifts on company cash
     capital allocation priorities, strategic priorities,                                                                to 30 percent since launching in March of 2018. “Last         flows,” he adds. “Our process is very well-positioned
     and company- or industry-specific developments,”                                                                    year was a very exceptional year, and one of the key          to capture disruption and capitalize on disruption.
     explains Danielewicz. “That is an excellent source                                                                  factors was that going into 2020, Jens and I were not         Thematic thinking is not new to us because we have
     of understanding the background, understanding                                                                      particularly positive,” explains Danielewicz. “When           been thinking in thematic terms for more than 20
     structural change.” The process of understanding                                                                    you start with a little bit of a negative mindset and         years.”
     change is just one of the three blocks in St. Petri                                                                 something negative like the Covid pandemic occurs,
     Capital’s philosophy: change, expectations, and                                                                     you are already in a pole position to adjust faster
     timing.                                                                                                             to the Covid tsunami than first starting to convince

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