UNESCO Biosphere Reserves - International Journal of - Volume 5 Issue 1 April 2021
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DOI: 10.25316/IR-15604 ISSN 2731-7890 (Online) International Journal of UNESCO Biosphere Reserves www.biospherejournal.org Published by VIU Press Volume 5 Issue 1 April 2021
TABLE OF CONTENTS Getting to Know the SDGs in the Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Region 1 Wetland Mapping and Monitoring in the Regional District of Nanaimo 5 Plant Phenology Research and Monitoring Pilot Project at Milner Gardens & 10 Woodland The Spotlight on Youth: Young People as Key Stakeholders in Biosphere Reserves 17 and the Man and the Biosphere Programme Public Opinion on Designation of Korea DMZ as UNESCO Biosphere Reserve 29
Getting to Know the SDGs in the Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Region Courtney Vaugeois, Mandy Hobkirk*, Brad Vince, Victoria Gould, & Graham Sakaki Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Region Research Institute, Vancouver Island University, Building 305-442, 900 Fifth Street, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9R 5S5, Canada (Mandy.Hobkirk@viu.ca) ABSTRACT: This pilot project worked to re- aim to transform the world by 2030 through a ho- view how the Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Re- listic approach to sustainable development gion (MABR) is contributing to the United Na- (United Nations, 2020). The SDGs call all world tions Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at nations to action - regardless of their economic the local level. It is crucial that the SDGs are met status - to achieve a more sustainable future for locally, nationally, and internationally to achieve all, leaving no one behind (United Nations, a sustainable future for all. Through a qualitative 2020). SDG progress can be tracked by the tar- approach, this study explored the how groups gets and indicators for each Goal, which act as within the region are contributing to each Goal. measurement tools (United Nations, 2020). Results found that each of the 17 SDGs are being contributed to in the MABR, though some Goals, including Goal 15, receive more support than others. Keywords: UNESCO, Biosphere Reserve, Sus- tainable Development Goals INTRODUCTION Figure 1. The United Nations 17 Sustainable De- velopment Goals (United Nations, 2020). Adopted in 2015 by the United Nations, the Sus- tainable Development Goals (SDGs) (Figure 1) 1 DOI: 10.25316/IR-15904 ISSN 2731-7890
semi-structured interviews, and qualitative data Although the SDGs were developed for nations, analysis. First, online websites and resources of their achievement requires collaboration and so- 36 community groups (non-profits, charities, lutions from all levels, including the local level non-governmental organizations, and businesses) (United Nations, 2016). As a United Nations Ed- in the MABR were reviewed to determine how ucational, Scientific and Cultural Organization their work contributes to the SDGs. Second, the (UNESCO) Biosphere Reserve, the Mount Ar- semi-structured interviews allowed for a stronger rowsmith Biosphere Region (MABR) plays a sig- connection to be made between the community nificant role in promoting and contributing to the groups and the SDGs. Questions were drafted SDGs locally. Biosphere Reserves are areas that based on data collected in the preliminary review. model solutions for a sustainable future, celebrate In total, 36 groups were invited to participate in cultural and biological diversity, and empower interviews and 11 groups accepted. All inter- positive relationships between humans and nature views were held virtually via Zoom, or by phone. (UNESCO, 2019). Located on eastern Vancouver The interviews were transcribed using Otterly.ai. Island, British Columbia, Canada, the MABR in- Last, the qualitative analysis for the project was volves partnerships between community mem- conducted using NVivo. Using the SDGs as bers, stakeholders, and organizations (Mount Ar- nodes and SDG clusters (groups of similarly rowsmith Biosphere Region, 2021). Through themed targets) as sub nodes, data was coded to these partnerships and its role as a UNESCO Bio- the associated SDGs. Once coded, each SDG was sphere Reserve, the MABR is situated to make analyzed to determine the level of contribution meaningful local contributions to the SDGs. across the MABR. RESULTS Through a bottom-up approach, this project’s ob- jectives were to raise awareness of the SDGs, and All 17 SDGs are currently being contributed to determine how community groups in the MABR within the MABR; however, some receive more are currently contributing to the SDGs. Ideally support and contributions than others (Figure 2). this approach will initiate momentum within the Goal 15 is the SDG most contributed to, with 18 community for the future SDG project work. groups engaging in initiatives to support and pro- tect ecosystems and biodiversity. For example, METHODS four groups engage in invasive species removal. Other groups contribute to SDG 15 through sus- Through a qualitative approach, methods for this tainable and regenerative forest management. project included preliminary data collection, 2 DOI: 10.25316/IR-15904 ISSN 2731-7890
Mosaic Forest Management, for example, is com- one group, the Haven House, offers programs ad- mitted to sustainable forest management prac- dressing violence and discrimination against tices, which are ensured through their Sustainable women and children, which contributes to SDG Forestry Initiative certification. 5. Two groups contributing to SDG 7 are focused on changing their operational practices to feature renewable energy technologies. For example, Morningstar Farm plans to capture waste prod- ucts from their cattle, such as methane, to convert into usable energy. DISCUSSION Through a review of online resources and inter- Figure 2. SDG code hierarchy chart showing con- views, this study found that initiatives taking tributions to each Goal. place within the MABR are contributing to each of the SDGs. These initiatives were not devel- oped for the SDGs, but rather they inherently Following SDG 15, the Goals most contributed to contribute to them. Local initiatives are devel- in the MABR include SDGs 8, 4, 3, and 6, re- oped to address issues that may be overlooked or spectively. Contributing to SDGs 8 and 4, many under prioritized by other sectors. Awareness of groups in the MABR offer educational program- the SDGs is also crucial for their implementation ming for youth as well as job opportunities. For (United Nations, 2016). By connecting local initi- example, Oceanside Building Learning To- atives to the Goals, this project increased aware- gether’s Words on Wheels (WOW) bus offers ness of the SDGs. transportable educational materials to communi- ties around Parksville. A handful of groups in the MABR promote healthy lifestyles and wellness Rationalizing why the level of contribution varies through community programs, advancing SDG 3. for each SDG was not the focus of this project. Many groups within the MABR are contributing However, it could be speculated that Goal 15 was to SDG 6 by lobbying and working towards the the most contributed to due to the social climate protection of ecologically important freshwater of the MABR and Vancouver Island. Passion for ecosystems. the environment is evident through communities across the island. This dates back to the early 1900s as there were many environmental groups SDGs 5 and 7 were the least contributed to. Only 3 DOI: 10.25316/IR-15904 ISSN 2731-7890
in the MABR (QB Museum, personal communi- Columbia, V9R 5S5, Canada (Mandy.Hob- cation, January 19, 2021). Additionally, factors kirk@viu.ca) that may restrict contribution to other SDGs may Author Contributions include a lack of financial resources, limited Courtney Vaugeois (MABRRI), Mandy Hobkirk work force, existing expectations of governmen- (MABR), Brad Vince (MABRRI), Victoria Gould tal action, and limited awareness or knowledge of (MABRRI), & Graham Sakaki (MABRRI). the SDGs. Funding Sources Colleges & Institutes Canada Moving forward we intend to continue this re- view and expand the research, as a limitation to this study was sample size. Not all groups within ACKNOWLEDGMENT the MABR were interviewed due to limited re- We would like to thank Colleges & Institutes sources, time, and a low response rate within the Canada for funding this project and all commu- project timeframe. More interviews could shift nity groups who participated in the interviews. the SDG hierarchy in the region. REFERENCES Groups that participated in interviews are opti- Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Region. (2021). mistic for the future development of the SDGs Team. https://www.mabr.ca/team within the MABR, which shows potential for fur- ther promotion and contribution to the Goals UNESCO. (2019). Biosphere reserves. moving forward. https://en.unesco.org/biosphere/about United Nations. (2016). SDG implementation: AUTHOR INFORMATION Strategic Plan of the Office of the presi- dent of the general assembly. Retrieved Corresponding Author from https://www.un.org/pga/71/wp-con- Mandy Hobkirk tent/uploads/sites/40/2016/11/2_SDG- Present Addresses IMPLEMENTATION_external.pdf Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Region Research United Nations. (2020). The 17 goals. Institute, Vancouver Island University, Building https://sdgs.un.org/goals 305-442, 900 Fifth Street, Nanaimo, British 4 DOI: 10.25316/IR-15904 ISSN 2731-7890
Wetland Mapping and Monitoring in the Regional District of Nanaimo Haley Tomlin, Jenica Ng-Cornish*, Jessica Pyett, Alanna Vivani, & Alan Gilchrist Vancouver Island University, 900 Fifth Street, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9R 5S5, Canada (Jenica.Ng-Cor- nish@viu.ca) ABSTRACT: Wetlands play a pivotal role within confidently conclude the role these selected wet- the Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN), includ- lands have with regards to their connection to the ing the Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Region underlying aquifers of the region. (MABR), providing ecosystem services and sig- Keywords: wetlands; groundwater; aquifer re- nificant value to the region. Wetlands in this re- charge gion face threats including climate change, hy- drological changes, urban development, and re- source extraction; therefore, it is important that Introduction we have a more in-depth understanding of their Within the Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Region local roles. This study looks at what part wet- (MABR), the Regional District of Nanaimo lands play in groundwater recharge or discharge. (RDN) exhibits diverse climatic conditions, plant Instrumentation was installed at three sites within communities, and ecosystems, including a variety the MABR, collecting water levels in three pie- of wetland types (MacKenzie & Moran, 2004). It zometers installed at different depths, precipita- has been recognized that there are significant data tion, and daily site photos, with data downloaded gaps regarding where wetlands in the RDN are every three months and compared to data from located, how they are classified, and what role the nearest climate, hydrometric, and observation they play in groundwater recharge. All types of well stations. Data interpretation is still in the ini- wetlands provide ecosystem services, including tial stages and more data is required in order to both physical goods and services, as well as criti- cal regulating services like flood mitigation and 5 DOI: 10.25316/IR-15905 ISSN 2731-7890
carbon sequestration (International Union for observation wells monitoring surficial aquifers; Conservation of Nature, 2020; Were et al., 2019). existing climate and hydrometric stations; and Additionally, wetlands are a vital habitat for nu- fish-bearing streams. The concentration of merous species and hold important regional cul- groundwater wells and concentration of water tural, spiritual, educational, scientific, and recrea- rights licenses were incorporated in the analysis, tional values (Olewiler, 2004). as well. To begin the pilot project, one priority site was selected to install instrumentation and Wetlands in the RDN face a variety of threats, in- assess the proposed methods. The research team (a) (b) cluding impacts from climate change, hydrologi- installed three piezometers, a rain gauge, and cal changes, urban development, and resource ex- three trail cameras. The piezometers measure traction. Thus, it is important to gain a better un- subsurface water level fluctuations, recording derstanding of the local wetlands in order to pri- every hour. Each piezometer was installed at dif- oritize wetlands for future monitoring, enhance- ferent depths to help indicate (a) if water is moving (b) ment, and restoration activities. The Wetland vertically, either recharging (a) or discharging the aq-(b) Mapping in the RDN project was brought to frui- uifer system. To correct for topographic variation, tion in response to the need to fill these data gaps. the absolute heights of the piezometers relative to The project was facilitated by the Mount Ar- one another was measured using a handheld laser rowsmith Biosphere Region Research Institute range finder and the horizontal distance between (MABRRI), in partnership with the RDN’s each piezometer. From these measurements, a Drinking Water and Watershed Protection Pro- corrected value was applied to each piezometer’s gram. Initially, the project focused on where wet- collected data. The rain gauge collects on-site lands were located and their classification. Now, precipitation values. HOBOware software and the project and this study is focused on the role data loggers were used in the piezometers and wetlands play in groundwater recharge. rain gauges. The trail cameras provide visuals for the data collected, with photos taken 4 times a Methods day at 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, and 14:00. In order to identify priority sites for the pilot pro- ject, which would work to evaluate what role wetlands play in groundwater recharge, an analy- sis was run using Esri’s ArcMap 10.5.1 Model- builder tool. This analysis identified wetlands that were previously mapped in the initial stages of this project that were in close proximity to: 6 DOI: 10.25316/IR-15905 ISSN 2731-7890
Figure 1. The three types of instrumentation in- (a) stalled: (a) piezometer, (b) rain gauge, and (c) (a) trail camera. All data from each piezometer and the rain gauge were downloaded during periodic field visits, in addition to data from the nearest climate station, hydrometric station, and observation well. Based on the initial analysis of this data, it was decided that the instrumentation set-up would not change. However, there were minor modifications to the piezometer installation methods used and which wetlands were selected for instrumentation. In- strumentation was installed in two more priority sites. All priority sites fall within two of the (b) MABR’s five watersheds. Every three months, data is downloaded from the instrumentation at all three sites, corrected for errors, graphically represented, and analyzed in comparison to nearby climate station, hydrometric station, and observation well data to determine if there is a correlation between what is occurring in the wet- land and what is being observed in these other data sets. Preliminary Interpretations (c) To account for sources of error introduced by var- iation in the vertical and horizontal distances be- tween each piezometer, the data analysis method was adjusted. After initial review, data analysis focused on how water levels respond to rainfall events in combination with patterns and trends seen between piezometers rather than looking 7 DOI: 10.25316/IR-15905 ISSN 2731-7890
explicitly at the water level values within each pi- more precisely say if water is moving vertically ezometer. Based on initial interpretations, it is in the system, either recharging or discharging likely that two of the sites have minimal to no the underlying aquifer. connection to groundwater, while the other site may be connected, with variation across the wet- AUTHOR INFORMATION land. However, further data collection and inter- pretation is required in order to make conclusive Corresponding Author interpretations. Jenica Ng-Cornish Present Addresses Next Steps Vancouver Island University, 900 Fifth Street, There are three main next steps that will be un- Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9R 5S5, Canada dertaken over the next two years, including data (Jenica.Ng-Cornish@viu.ca) collection, trialing a new method to determine the Funding Sources absolute height difference between piezometers, Regional District of Nanaimo, Real Estate Foun- and refining the data interpretation process. Data dation of British Columbia, and Vancouver Island collection will continue to occur every three University months at each of the sites, ensuring that the equipment is maintained and working appropri- ately. This portion of the project will now be con- REFERENCES ducted with the help of local volunteers, accom- International Union for the Conservation of Na- panying the MABRRI team to download data and ture. (2020). World Wetlands Day 2021. Re- record site characteristics. Instrumentation data trieved from https://www.worldwet- collection will continue until at least two years of landsday.org/about data has been collected and analyzed, as current data trends should be compared to another sea- MacKenzie, W.H. & Moran, J.R. (2004). Wet- sonal cycle. Additionally, the research team will lands of British Columbia: A guide to identifi- be trialing a new method of measuring the abso- cation. Retrieved from lute height difference of piezometers relative to https://www.for.gov.bc.ca/hfd/pubs/Docs/Lmh one another to provide more accurate values to /Lmh52.htm correct water levels in the piezometers to the same datum. By establishing more accurate cor- Olewiler, N. (2004). The value of natural capital rection values, the interpretation process will be- in settled areas of Canada. Retrieved from come refined, making it possible for the team to 8 DOI: 10.25316/IR-15905 ISSN 2731-7890
http://www.cmnbc.ca/sites/default/files/natu- Were, D., Kansiime, F., Fetahi, T., Cooper, A. & ral%2520capital_0.pdf Jjuuko, C. (2019). Carbon sequestration by wetlands: A critical review of enhancement measures for climate change mitigation. 9 DOI: 10.25316/IR-15905 ISSN 2731-7890
Plant phenology research and monitoring pilot project at Milner Gardens & Woodland Jessica R. Pyett*, Heather A. Klassen & Larissa C. Thelin Vancouver Island University, 900 Fifth Street, Nanaimo, British Columbia, V9R 5S5, Canada (Jessica.Py- ett@viu.ca) ABSTRACT: Global climate is changing and its Island, as well as shifts in climatic trends in the impacts can be seen throughout Vancouver Is- study area. Increased understanding of species land. This research studies the relationships be- and ecosystem shifts will contribute to land man- tween climate and coastal plant phenological de- agement and ecosystem conservation in the fu- velopment in order to build our understanding of ture. how individual species and ecosystems on Van- Keywords: phenology; climate change; conserva- couver Island are currently responding to climate. tion In 2016, a pilot project was initiated at Milner Gardens & Woodland in the Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Region to establish field data collec- INTRODUCTION tion and management protocols contributing to Studying plant phenology, the timing of cyclic plant phenology research and monitoring on biological changes, and the relationships between southeastern Vancouver Island. Data collection climate and phenological development builds our methods included both in-person and field cam- understanding of how individual species and eco- era observations of phenophases throughout the systems respond to climate. Climate, photoper- growing season. Data management tasks included iod, and other seasonal changes trigger the initia- the development of a photo observation database tion of species’ phenophases, but they are also and contribution to an international online phe- controlled by each species’ sensitivity to environ- nology observation network. Over time, we ex- mental factors (Ide & Oguma, 2010). Numerous pect that the data collected will illustrate shifts in studies have shown that increasing global tem- the timing of both the growing season and plant perature is advancing the overall initiation of development phases on southeastern Vancouver spring phenophases and delaying autumn 10 DOI: 10.25316/IR-15906 ISSN 2731-7890
phenophases (Cleland et al., 2007). Large spatial observation database and contribution to an inter- scale green-up and senescence patterns can be national online phenology observation network demonstrated using satellite imagery and corre- (USA National Phenology Network, n.d.). Data lated with homogenous climate averages; how- collection and management protocols were devel- ever, remote sensing can only represent the phe- oped and piloted at Milner Gardens & Woodland nology of vegetation communities (Studer et al., (Milner G&W) forested sites within the Mount 2007). Arrowsmith Biosphere Region. This study was initiated to evaluate the vulnera- Staff and volunteers at Milner G&W, staff from bility of plant species and ecosystems on Van- the Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Region Re- couver Island to climate change. It aims to fill the search Institute (MABRRI), and a research ecol- site-level knowledge gap to assist site and stand ogist from the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural level management planning. Additionally, it is Resource Operations and Rural Development understood that mid-latitude, highly seasonal, (MFLNRORD) initiated a phenology research temperate regions like British Columbia have the and monitoring project strategy combining most potential for “long-term shifts in phenol- MFLNRORD research and Milner G&W moni- ogy” due to climate variability (Fitchett et al., toring goals. Work completed to date at Milner 2015). Therefore, conducting phenology research G&W includes the selection of 44 observable na- in this area is necessary to better understand the tive specimens (12 different species in total), potential effects of climate change on our local which are distributed throughout three forested ecosystems. study sites (Figure 1). The project was piloted in 2016 to establish field data collection and management protocols con- tributing to plant phenology research and moni- toring on southeastern Vancouver Island. Data collection methods included both in-person ob- servations and field camera observations of vari- ous phenophases throughout the growing season (including bud break, leaf, flower, and fruit de- velopment, and fall senescence). Data manage- ment tasks include the development of a photo 11 DOI: 10.25316/IR-15906 ISSN 2731-7890
Figure 1. Study sites at Milner G&W, highlight- observations, but studies have found that fort- ing specimen distribution at Study Site 1 (inset nightly observation sessions will generate reason- map). ably accurate results (Crimmins & Crimmins, 2008; Morellato et al., 2009). In-person observa- Milner G&W is located within the Coastal Doug- tions are scheduled based on the seasonal magni- las-fir moist maritime (CDFmm) biogeoclimatic tude of activity observed; sessions are conducted (BEC) subzone (Green & Klinka, 1994). BEC is weekly in spring and summer, fortnightly in au- a hierarchical system that describes sites within a tumn, and monthly in winter. Observations are subzone using relative soil moisture and soil nu- made collaboratively in order to reduce bias and trients. The three sites at Milner G&W span a inconsistencies (Benton, 2009). Data collection range of site conditions: from the zonal site type guides and detailed definitions derived from the (i.e., average soil moisture and nutrients for that National Phenology Network’s Nature’s Note- BEC unit) to the we-rich soil site type. Species at book (USA National Phenology Network, n.d.) the study sites were chosen to be representative were created for each phenophase and species, of the CDFmm BEC subzone plant association, and corresponding photographs were taken as ex- as well as of the non-timber forest product values amples of each phenophase identified to guaran- of the site (e.g., wildlife foraging and cultural tee correct identification. Nature’s Notebook’s values). The research team also installed a in-situ monitoring protocols are standardized weather station at the site to collect baseline mi- across taxonomic groups to facilitate collabora- croclimate data and to research the relationship tive research by using consistent definitions for between forest microclimate and plant phenol- phenophase status (Denny et al., 2013). Site spe- ogy. cific data collection forms were developed based on Nature’s Notebook tablet app and are used to METHODOLOGY monitor not only the date of initiation of each phenophase, but also the intensity and abun- In-Person Observations dance. Phenophase statuses are tracked individu- At Milner G&W, in-person observations have ally to allow simultaneous measurement of sev- been collected since the project was initiated in eral stages. Every observation is recorded using 2016 by a group of citizen scientists, Vancouver either a data collection form or the Nature’s Island University students, and staff of both Notebook tablet app (USA National Phenology MABRRI and MFLNRORD. Capturing the exact Network, n.d.). All field observations are submit- date of phenophase initiation requires daily ted to Nature’s Notebook’s open online database. 12 DOI: 10.25316/IR-15906 ISSN 2731-7890
Field Camera Observations To date, we have tested three different camera Since 2017, the research team has trialed field models. A published study by Xie, Civo, and Si- camera observation techniques at Milner G&W. lander (2018), recommends using Moultrie Field cameras are deployed and directed at each Wingscape trail cameras (Moultrie, moultriefeed- specimen to capture daily phenophase develop- ers.com) and had positive results utilizing these ment. The time-lapse field cameras are set to face cameras for phenology analysis. Wingscape cam- each specimen at the optimal focal distance (ap- eras are designed to take gallery quality photos proximately one metre) (Figure 2). They are pro- using time lapse technology for bird enthusiasts, grammed to capture multiple photos every day whereas other cameras we have tested, such as during optimal light times, to ensure a backup Reconyx HyperfireTM (Reconyx, reconyx.com) photo would be available if one was impacted by and Bushnell Trophy Cam (Bushnell, bush- poor lighting or other quality issues. As opposed nell.com), designed for wildlife research, primar- to the coarse in-person data collected, the field ily to locate game for hunting. Due to their focus cameras provide continuous daily phenophase de- on time lapse and high-resolution imagery, we velopment data throughout the growing season. found that Wingscape cameras are better suited for this project. Each camera hosts an SD card that stores the se- ries of photos and their accompanying metadata. All data captured during the growing season are entered into a photo data capture database. Stu- dent researchers from Vancouver Island Univer- sity are hired to manually assess each photo and identify all visible phenophases using the same definitions and abundance or intensity measures as are used for the in-person observations. During this process some gaps in the image database might occur due to missing or poor-quality pho- tos on those days. Missing photos can occur if camera batteries die, and poor-quality photos can Figure 2. Wingscape timelapse field camera cap- occur during poor weather (e.g., cloud cover, turing data on a red huckleberry specimen. heavy rain). 13 DOI: 10.25316/IR-15906 ISSN 2731-7890
Microclimate Station A microclimate station was installed to establish baseline microclimate data at the study site (Fig- ure 3). The Onset HOBO (Onset, onset- comp.com) station measures ground surface and air temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation, wind speed and direction, and precipitation, in addition to both soil moisture and temperature at 30cm below surface. This will allow us to exam- ine relationships between microclimate and plant phenological development at our study site. Tem- perature influences the timing of phenophase de- velopment (Allstadt et al., 2015; Cleland et al., Figure 3. Microclimate station at the Milner 2007) while soil moisture functions as a proxy G&W study site. variable for understanding the interaction be- tween land surface and atmospheric conditions NEXT STEPS and evaluating patterns of climate change (Entin As a result of the pilot project, the team was able et al., 2000). The dynamics of soil moisture play to determine the feasibility and scope of this a dominant role in vegetation stress and suitabil- long-term research project, including evaluation ity of vegetation to climate and soil conditions of the utility of field cameras to capture plant (Guswa, 2002), though this is not as well linked phenophase on remote research sites. Staff of with phenophase development in current litera- MABRRI and MFLNRORD developed a re- ture. We are exploring air and soil temperature, search program to expand the study of microcli- as well as soil moisture as potential triggers to mate and plant phenology across elevational and developmental and reproductive plant phenopha- latitudinal transects on southeastern Vancouver ses, such as bud break and berry production. Island, from the Bowser to Victoria area. After testing both in-person and field camera tech- The microclimate data will later be coupled with niques, we decided to move forward with the modelled climate change projections, allowing us field camera observation technique for all subse- to examine potential future impacts to species quent sites. In 2017, we established two more productivity and ecosystem composition over study sites distributed within two BEC subzones: time. Thetis Lake Regional Park (CDFmm) and Mount 14 DOI: 10.25316/IR-15906 ISSN 2731-7890
Arrowsmith Massif Regional Park (Mountain Jessica R. Pyett (MABRRI), Heather A. Klassen Hemlock moist maritime (MHmm)). In 2020, we (MFLNRORD) & Larissa C. Thelin (former were awarded funding from the BC Parks Living MABRRI; University of Alberta) Lab for Climate Change and Conservation Pro- Funding Sources gram to establish additional zonal sites within the BC Parks Living Lab for Climate Change and Coastal Western Hemlock very dry maritime Conservation & Vancouver Island University Re- (CWHxm) subzone at Bowser Ecological Re- gional Initiatives Fund serve and Koksilah River Provincial Park. Sites within CWHxm provide us with data between the (c) REFERENCES low elevation (CDFmm) and high elevation Allstadt, A.J., Vavrus, S.J., Heglund, P.J., Pidg- (MHmm) study areas, which will allow an analy- eon, A.M., Thogmartin, W.E., and sis of shifts in plant survival and productivity Radeloff, V.C. (2015). Spring plant phe- across latitudinal and regional climatic gradients nology and false springs in the contermi- on the east coast of Vancouver Island. Findings nous US during the 21st century. Environ- from all sites will be integrated to contribute to mental Research Letters, 10. both site- and landscape- level understandings of doi:10.1088/1748-9326/10/10/104008 baseline plant phenology and microclimate rela- tionships and understanding of potential impacts Benton, L. M. L. (2009). Automated repeat digi- of climate change to the growth and productivity tal photography for continuous phenologi- of species and plant communities. cal monitoring: An analysis of flowering in a semiarid shrubland (Thesis). AUTHOR INFORMATION Crimmins, M. A., & Crimmins, T. M. (2008). Corresponding Author Monitoring plant phenology using digital repeat phenology. Environmental Man- Jessica R. Pyett agement. Present Addresses Cleland, E., Chuine, I., & Schwartz, M. (2007). Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Region Research Shifting plant phenology in response to Institute, Vancouver Island University, Building global change. New Phytologist, 162, 305-4, 900 Fifth Street, Nanaimo, British Colum- 295-309. bia, V9R 5S5, Canada (Jessica.Pyett@viu.ca) Denny, E. G., Gerst, K. L., Miller- Rushing, A. Author Contributions J., Tierney, G. L., Crimmins, T. M., Enquist, C. A. F., … Weltzin, J. F. 15 DOI: 10.25316/IR-15906 ISSN 2731-7890
(2013). Standardized phenology moni- Morellato, L. P., Camargo, M.G., Neves, F.F., toring methods to track plant and animal Luize, B.B., Mantovani, A. D., & Hud- activity for science and resource man- son, I.L. (2009). The influence of sam- agement applications. International pling method, sample size, and frequency Journal of Biometeorology, 58(4), 591- of observations on plant phenological pat- 601. terns and interpretation in tropical forest Entin, J.K., A.Robock, K.Y.Vinnikov, S.E.Hol- trees. In Hudson, I. L. & Keatley M.R. linger, S.Liu, and A.Namkhai. (2000). (Ed.), Phenological research: Methods Temporal and spatial scales of observed for environmental and climate change soil moisture variations in the extratrop- analysis (pp. 99-121). London: Springer. ics. Journal of Geophysical Research. USA National Phenology Network. (n.d.). Na- 105: 11865-11877. ture’s Notebook. Retrieved from the USA Fitchett, J. M., Grab, S. W., & Thompson, D. I. National (2015). Plant phenology and climate Phenology Network website: change: Progress in methodological ap- https://www.usanpn.org/natures_note- proaches and application. Progress in book Physical Geography, 39(4), 460-482. Studer, S., Stöckli, R., Appenzeller, C., & Vidale, Green, R.N. & Klinka, K. (1994). A field guide to P. L. (2007). A comparative study of sat- site identification and interpretation for ellite and ground-based phenology. Inter- the Vancouver Forest Region. Land Man- national Journal of Biometeorology, agement Handbook Number 28, Ministry 51(5), 405–414. of Forests Research Program, Victoria, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00484-006-0080- B.C. 5 Guswa, A.J. (2002). Models of soil moisture dy- Xie, Y., Civco, D., & Silander, J. (2018). Spe- namics in Ecohydrology: a comparative cies- specific spring and autumn leaf phe- study. Water Resources Research 38: 1- nology captured by time- lapse photog- 15. raphy. Ecosphere, 9(7). Ide, R., & Oguma, H. (2010). Use of digital cam- eras for phenological observations. Eco- logical Informatics, 5(5), 339-347. 16 DOI: 10.25316/IR-15906 ISSN 2731-7890
The spotlight on youth: Young people as key stakeholders in Bio- sphere Reserves and the Man and the Biosphere Programme Alicia Donnellan Barraclough1,2,3*, Inger Elisabeth Måren1,2,3 and MAB Youth Consortia4. 1 Department of Biological Sciences, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway. 2 UNESCO Chair on Sustainable development and Environmental Management, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway. 3 Centre for Sustainable Area Management, Uni- versity of Bergen, Bergen, Norway 4Participants of the MAB Youth Forum 2019 celebrated in Changbaishan Biosphere Re- serve, China. ABSTRACT: Sustainable development has at his during these events and the research that fol- heart the mission to make our planet a life-sus- lowed them. Firstly, we present a research note of taining place for future generations. Young stake- the first global-level study on young stake- holders are key to sustainability transformations, holder’s perspectives of BR implementation, dis- both as active participants that push them forward cussing a thematic analysis of the results gener- but also as actors vulnerable to being left behind. ated during the MAB-Youth Forum workshops As testing sites for sustainable development, Bio- and surveys. Secondly, we present an overview of sphere Reserves (BRs) are home to millions of the “MAB Youth Declaration”, a collaborative young people in over 124 countries. Very little re- text which was generated over the course of four search or knowledge exists on how young people days and which distils the main messages young experience living in BRs, how they contribute to- people living in BRs wish to convey to the MAB wards BRs’ goals, or how they see BRs moving community and beyond. Our paper highlights the forward under global change. To increase young important role young stakeholders play in BRs, stakeholder’s visibility and inclusion in the MAB whose understandings reflect the social, eco- programme, UNESCO-MAB has organized two nomic and ecological complexity in which BRs MAB Youth Forums attended by over 300 youth, are embedded. Their concerns span a diversity of one in Italy in 2017 and one in China in 2019. topics, from the relevance of fair conservation Here we present a short commentary on what we practices and respect for biocultural diversity, to believe were the main take-away’s generated the importance of sustainable livelihood 17 DOI: 10.25316/IR-15907 ISSN 2731-7890
opportunities and fair youth representation in de- efforts to move towards sustainable development, cision-making bodies. Thus, we highlight re- with few exceptions (Treude et al. 2017, Ruesga- search findings on the need to increase young Benito et al. 2018). stakeholder integration and participation within environmental governance. Finally, we urge the Biosphere Reserves (BRs) were conceived as BR research community to practice youth-inclu- sites for learning for sustainable development 50 sive research that helps generate knowledge to years ago, and the network currently counts 714 support evidence-based decision making in BRs. sites in 129 countries all over the world, at the front lines of sustainability practice (Reed and Young Stewards in Biosphere Reserves Matter Price 2019). Within the Man and the Biosphere (MAB) programme, efforts to account for young Biosphere stewardship has become a common stakeholders in BRs have been made to meet the term used to refer to relationships between people targets of the Lima Action Plan (2015–2025), and nature that are based on caring, knowledge which explicitly refers to consideration of young and action (Peçanha-Enqvist et al. 2018). As we people in “equitable and participatory planning enter the Anthropocene (Malhi 2017) the emer- for sustainable development in biosphere re- gence of biosphere stewardship is a key step to- serves” (UNESCO 2016). These efforts, spear- wards organizing action for sustainability trans- headed by the two MAB Youth Forums in 2017 formation (Chapin et al. 2010). Young stakehold- and 2019, have increased the visibility of young ers have an essential role to play in this transfor- people as important stakeholders in BRs mation. They have the capacity to be agents of (UNESCO 2019, Donnellan-Barraclough un- change in creating more sustainable societies. publ.). However, despite the focus on “future genera- tions” in sustainable development, young actors Over the course of three years the MAB Youth are at high risk of exclusion in sustainability Forums have brought together more than 300 challenges (Ruesga-Benito et al. 2018), and they young people from all around the world (in Delta continue to be strongly underrepresented in gov- Po BR in Italy 2017, and in Changbaishan BR in ernance bodies that make decisions about their China 2019). The Youth Forums are melting pots future (Sundström and Stockemer 2020). In addi- of exchange and learning, resulting in the crea- tion, young actors are rarely mentioned in the tion of youth networks in each of the five BR sustainability literature (Barraclough et al. 2021), World Regions (Africa, Arab States, Asia and the with very little research aimed at understanding Pacific, Europe and North America, and Latin how young people affect and are affected by our 18 DOI: 10.25316/IR-15907 ISSN 2731-7890
America and the Caribbean). The forums’ work- of BRs worldwide (UNESCO 2019, Donnellan- shops also generated vast amounts of information Barraclough et al. unpubl). This first insight into about how young stakeholders see BR implemen- young stakeholder’s perceptions of BR imple- tation, both now and going forward. These opin- mentation shows what factors are considered by ions and perceptions are a valuable source of youth to influence the successes and failures of knowledge that can inform a more inclusive man- BRs (UNESCO 2019, Donnellan-Barraclough et agement of BRs (Bennett 2016), whilst also in- al. unpubl). Some of these factors are novel and creasing recognition, opportunities and integra- some fit with the existing literature (Van Cuong tion of young actors. et al. 2017), showing that young stakeholders un- derstand the full social and ecological complexity Recent work on this topic (Donnellan-Barra- in which BRs are immersed. Thus, their realms of clough et al. unpubl.) has made steps towards action and knowledge go well beyond just “youth compiling this knowledge, filling a gap in the concerns”. Their reflections span topics which sustainability literature in which investigation of are at the forefront of environmental governance young stakeholder understandings and roles as research and practice, such as the adoption of biosphere stewards is notably absent (Donnellan- adaptive and participatory approaches to conser- Barraclough et al. 2021). In the following com- vation management (Mohedano Roldán et al. mentary we wish to close the gap between re- 2019) or the challenges of building BR resilience search and practice related to young stakeholders to global change (Schultz et al. 2018). The wide in BRs. To do this, we reflect on the main find- breadth of topics which arose during the MAB ings of the recent research on youth in BR con- Youth Forum workshops (Donnellan-Barraclough ducted by the main author, whilst also providing et al. unpubl) is shown in Figure 1. a platform for youth voices to speak for them- selves, by presenting the BR youth declaration A key novel finding is the significance of sustain- co-produced by young attendees during the latest able livelihood opportunities for BR communities MAB Youth Forum in 2019. and their younger members (Figure 1). MAB Youth thought generating sustainable livelihood Capturing the Opinions of Young Stewards options in BRs was key to help both avoid envi- A SWOT (Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities ronmental degradation and an unfavourable de- and Threats) analysis conducted during the par- mographic shift in their home territories due to a ticipatory workshops at the MAB Youth Forum lack of opportunities. Governance concerns (Fig- of 2019 has formed the basis of the first compre- ure 1) also dominated the youth conversation, hensive study of young people’s understandings showing participants were fully aware of the 19 DOI: 10.25316/IR-15907 ISSN 2731-7890
practical implementation challenges BRs face in years, where there has been a clear shift towards the real world. Thus, lack of legal or institutional a “People AND nature” conservation paradigm frameworks to implement the MAB goals was (Mace 2014). This paradigm places emphasis on considered an important obstacle for BRs, as well the conservation of ecological and biocultural bi- as difficulties in implementing management plans odiversity together, through, for example, in- that combine development and conservation ob- creased community participation within manage- jectives whilst involving local communities in a ment and sustainable use of natural resources fair and equitable way. Political instability, cor- (Schliep and Stoll-Kleemann 2010, Baird et al. ruption, and lack of political will were also some 2018, Winkler 2019). of the top threats to BRs identified during the workshops, together with major global change This research has also revealed the diverse ways drivers, such as land-use and climate change, and in which young stakeholders engage in BRs, overexploitation. Land use change was one of the spanning all levels of participation, from engag- top threats identified by young stakeholders, fit- ing in governing bodies and management, to ting within the evaluation of the importance of working with conservation, entrepreneurship or this threat by the Global Assessment (IPBES education (Donnellan-Barraclough et al. unpubl.). 2020). The collaboration, outreach and learning func- tions of BRs were some of the areas where youth Ways forward identified by young stakeholders were most present, participating in educational or included adaptive and collaborative approaches exchange activities and networks. Young stake- to conservation management, with a focus on ed- holders were also active in conservation, such as ucation, capacity building, collaboration, and lo- in restoration or monitoring initiatives, and in cal community participation within all levels of sustainable livelihood projects, such as agrofor- governance, as well as opportunities for identify- estry. In addition, young people were active ad- ing sustainable directions of local livelihoods and vocates for increasing youth representation in de- tourism (Figure 1). Thus, many young stakehold- cision-making bodies at all scales, working for ers believed that biodiversity conservation should more meaningful and recognized forms of partic- be in synergy with local development, ensuring ipation within governance. fair benefit sharing and local community wellbe- ing, particularly of at-risk groups such as women and children. The key importance ascribed by youth to local communities fits within the trend observed in the MAB programme over the last 20 20 DOI: 10.25316/IR-15907 ISSN 2731-7890
Figure 1. Topics emerging from a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Threats and Opportu- nities) workshop conducted at the MAB Youth Forum in 2019 Changbaishan Biosphere Reserve, China. Workshop content was coded and analyzed in NVIVO Software and main themes are represented along the y-axis (Donnellan-Barraclough, unpubl). wish to transmit. In view of the Fifteenth meeting A Declaration from MAB Youth of the Conference of the Parties to the Conven- Over the course of four days, 171 young people tion on Biological Diversity (COP15) in Kun- gathered in the interactive workshops at the MAB ming (postponed to 2022 because of the SARS- Youth Forum 2019 in China. These sessions fo- CoV-2 crisis) the declaration also contains spe- cused on how BRs can reach their goals and be cific points addressed to the Conference of the arenas for implementing international environ- Parties. These we have included, in view of the mental agreements such as the Convention on Bi- role BRs are meant to play in the implementation ological Diversity (CBD) post-2020 biodiversity of multilateral environmental agreements. framework. In addition to the workshop SWOT analysis presented in the previous section, the The MAB Youth Declaration* discussions produced a collaborative text, “The Youth are an integral part of the MAB Pro- MAB Youth Declaration 2019”, meant to distil gramme and its World Network of Biosphere Re- the key messages which young BR stakeholders serves: 21 DOI: 10.25316/IR-15907 ISSN 2731-7890
We welcome the MAB Youth Forum Declara- restoration), involving local enterprises and coop- tions of 2017 and 2019 and the IberoMAB Youth erating with local stakeholders. Forum declaration (MAB Youth 2017) and are 3. Improve cooperation among youth, BRs, aware of the progress that is being made in the NGOs, private sector, and scientists at the local, inclusion of young people's voice in the MAB national and international levels. Create a plat- Programme and in the World Network of Bio- form for exchange among young people and BRs sphere Reserves, following the organization of and explore more possibilities of international the 1st and 2nd MAB Youth Forum. However, we networking of BRs to share best practices and are conscious that we must continue our hard build cooperation. work to ensure that the requests reflected in the 4. Increase the communication and visibility of previous declarations can come to reality, believ- the MAB Programme and develop accessible and ing in the importance to: comprehensible BR materials. 1. Ensure the participation of young people in the 5. Commit to a zero tolerance policy on all forms governance and management of BRs and MAB of harassment based on race, colour, religion, sex national committees, through the appointment of (including pregnancy), gender/gender identity, young representatives who can take part in deci- nationality, age or disability. sion-making processes at a local, national and in- 6. Refine certain terminologies of the MAB Pro- ternational level (e.g., International Coordinating gramme to the 21st century. The name ‘Man’ and Council of the MAB Programme, Regional Net- the Biosphere Programme and the term Bio- works). This should include fluent communica- sphere ‘Reserve’ should be adapted to avoid neg- tion of youth with the MAB Programme, receiv- ativity and gender discrimination. ing support, technical advice and the most up-to- 7. We commit to diversifying communication date information, in addition to facilitating the methods and promote BRs through the use of cre- access to financial support for the youth commu- ative, artistic and cultural means to engage all au- nity. diences. 2. Provide training and capacity building activi- 8. Advocate within the MAB and UNESCO com- ties to improve management abilities of BR, as munities for an effective implementation and as- tools for sustainable socio-economic develop- sessment of all existing and applicable non-har- ment of the local population, and request to cre- assment guidelines and policies. ate attractive and long-term employment opportu- nities linked to the values of BRs (in particular Youth in the Midst of the Biodiversity and Cli- conservation of biodiversity and habitat mate Change Crisis 22 DOI: 10.25316/IR-15907 ISSN 2731-7890
The MAB Youth Community recognize the abso- biodiversity protection is a major challenge for lute urgency to address both biodiversity loss and youth in the MAB community to address these is- climate change as issues of ultimate global im- sues. portance, both within and outside of BRs. We are 3. MAB Programme to increase efforts to effec- concerned about the lack of political will and cor- tively engage marginalised communities espe- ruption, particularly from decision makers within cially vulnerable to the impacts of climate the BRs, to implement concrete actions that ad- change, including women, indigenous people, dress climate change. The lack of climate action, youth and elderly. communication and networks among BRs and all 4. MAB Programme to promote incentives for stakeholders are of particular concern, as is the MAB Youth developing good practices in re- lack of understanding of the value of BRs to hu- sponse to the Climate Crisis. mans and other living organisms that we share 5. And we further commit to create a MAB Youth the planet with. We are worried about potential networking platform to foster collaborations and false solutions in impact mitigation such as car- dialogue on biodiversity conservation and climate bon offsetting, biodiversity offsetting and geo-en- change related issues. gineering, which we see as a threat to climate ac- 6. Participate in the decision-making processes at tion. We are also concerned by the lack of multi- the local, national and international levels. ple strategies such as concrete legislation, Envi- ronmental Impact Assessments (EIAs), Nature- 7. Promote the potential of BRs playing a key based Solutions (NBS), use of technology and the role in climate change adaptation, mitigation and Polluter Pays Principle (PPP) in response to the resilience. Climate Crisis. Youth are Actors of Change in the Post-2020 Bi- As MAB Youth Community, we demand: odiversity Framework: 1. Scientists, the private sector, governments, The theme of COP15 - "Ecological Civilization: NGOs and the communities to address climate Building a Shared Future for All Life on Earth" is change and its impacts on BRs. very closely aligned with the core values of the MAB Programme, and we recognize that BRs 2. UNESCO to take the MAB Youth into consid- and their actors play a key role in conserving bio- eration in all the MAB Program activities related diversity around the world and in achieving the to climate change and beyond. We recognize that objectives of the CBD. To achieve the objectives accessible funding for climate action and of the CBD, which are closely linked to the ob- jectives and vision of the MAB Programme, there 23 DOI: 10.25316/IR-15907 ISSN 2731-7890
is a need to acknowledge the linkages between heard in decision-making processes on the envi- nature and culture and conserve biodiversity and ronment. Currently, support for youth participa- cultural diversity together (Box 1). We believe tion is still very limited, and that more substantial that for the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Frame- support is needed to ensure meaningful participa- work to be truly transformative, a fundamental tion. We as MAB Youth in the Post-2020 Frame- shift of values in society is of critical importance, work will have a crucial role in the implementa- including addressing our unsustainable consump- tion of the Post-2020 Framework at the local lev- tion and production habits and existing power in- els. As young people, we have the tools and equalities. Similarly, nature conservation is not means to raise awareness on the targets of the efficient without ensuring intergenerational eq- Post- 2020 Framework and to support with im- uity, gender equality, respect for human rights plementation, capacity building, and non-formal and the recognition of the rights of indigenous education. Thus, we want to be included in the peoples and local communities. Young actors consultation processes towards the COP15 and have a key place in the Post-2020 Biodiversity beyond at our local and national levels. Framework. Children and youth are among the most vulnerable groups to the effects of environ- We, the MAB Youth Community commit to mo- mental degradation and our voice needs to be bilize our networks to actively engage in the Box 1. MAB-Youth recommendations for the CBD post-2020 biodiversity framework. MAB-Youth call for a Post-2020 framework that: 1. Is binding, realistic, science-based, and puts a strong emphasis on implementation, ensuring efficient implemen- tation from the time of adoption. 2. Promotes biodiversity and heritage education, such as through the integration of biodiversity into school curricula at all levels, including informal education; including through the promotion of interdisciplinary collaboration and exchange. 3. Promotes resource mobilization, knowledge-sharing, and technology transfer especially from developed countries to developing countries, many of which contain genetic resources. 4. Promotes good and equitable governance and legal frameworks in place to implement at all levels. 5. Promotes capacity-building and support for revising and updating NBSAPs at all scales. 6. Ensures fair and equitable benefit-sharing. 7. Is inclusive and participatory and in particular, 8. Empowers and engages indigenous peoples and local communities, women and youth in all phases of the planning and decision-making process. 9. Raises local community awareness and capacity to participate. 10. Appropriately recognizes and secures ICCAs - territories of life, as they are existing opportunities for CBD im- plementation. Acknowledges and protects the key role of indigenous and local knowledge in achieving the objec- tives of the convention. 11. Recognizes the common but differentiated responsibilities of state and non-state actors, taking into account the different levels of impact and capacities of countries. 12. Scales up communication efforts and prioritizes inclusive and timely communication through both traditional and new media channels, recognizing the role of new media for young people. 13. Places a particular focus on gender mainstreaming and the empowerment of women and girls. 14. Takes effective measures to ensure mainstreaming across all departments of government, economy, and civil so- ciety. 24 DOI: 10.25316/IR-15907 ISSN 2731-7890
development and implementation of the Post- challenges of our times. However, young stake- 2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. We com- holders are clear that local community wellbeing, mit to raise awareness about the importance of especially of marginalized communities, should the Post-2020 Framework, and to take concrete not be compromised in this effort. Thus, BRs actions and lead by example in support of should strive to improve equity and fair benefit COP15's goals and working constructively to en- sharing, in addition to biodiversity conservation, sure that COP15 will be a success. We welcome and youth are clear that they should be given ac- the partnership between the MAB Youth and the cess to the decision-making table to help make Global Youth Biodiversity Network that came this happen. about during the MAB Youth Forum 2019, and request UNESCO to facilitate the continuous col- It is important that policy and knowledge go hand laboration, specifically with regard to enhance in hand, and we wish to highlight that young peo- the role of MAB Youth in the CBD process. For ple are conspicuously absent from sustainability the full set of demands on the Post-2020 frame- research agendas (Barraclough et al. 2021). work please see the online version of the MAB Young stakeholders are key to regenerative de- Youth Declaration (MAB Youth 2019). velopment and, although they constitute the “fu- ture generations” that sustainability is meant to Conclusion be for, there is much we don’t know about Young people are, quite literally, the future of youths’ roles in sustainable development initia- BRs. Thus, if we are to understand how BRs will tives like BRs. We propose that transdisciplinary move forward as model places for sustainable de- and interdisciplinary approaches are the way for- velopment into a future under global change, we ward to producing the knowledge necessary for need to shine a light on young stakeholders. The evidence-based decision making in BRs and MAB programme has already taken steps to in- other similar place-based conservation pro- crease participation of youth, in order to meet the grammes. Thus, we recommend increasing re- goals set by the Lima Action plan. This has gen- search co-production practices that include young erated considerable insight into how young actors stakeholders, in addition to other BR actors, at see themselves as active participants in BR im- different stages of the research process (Mauser plementation. In two Forums and two written et al. 2013). This will help complete the addi- declarations, youth have expressed their outlook tional research that is required to understand the on BRs and the MAB programme: BRs are key to diversity in young stakeholders’ perceptions and tackling the biodiversity and climate crises and opinions of BR implementation. Youth is not a urgent action is needed to ensure BRs meet the single political position and, therefore, closer 25 DOI: 10.25316/IR-15907 ISSN 2731-7890
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