100 Ekurhuleni Shining Stars - Inside Education Inspiring Minds

Page created by Ron Curtis
100 Ekurhuleni Shining Stars - Inside Education Inspiring Minds
Together we can grow our
                              City and build an inclusive
                               world-class metro where
                           young people can confidently
                                pursue their dreams and
                                 City of Ekurhuleni Executive
                                Mayor Cllr Mzwandile Masina

100 Ekurhuleni Shining Stars

a partnership that works
100 Ekurhuleni Shining Stars - Inside Education Inspiring Minds
2                                                                                                                                                          FEBRUARY 2019

 FOREWORD                                                                                                                                100 EKURHULENI SHINING STARS

Spotlight on young
community builders
MZWANDILE MASINA                                                                                                                    young people who have taken it upon

                                                                                                                                    themselves to build a brighter future
           he recognition of the City of                                                                                            within their communities.
           Ekurhuleni’s 100 Shining Stars                                                                                             These are young people excelling in
           is key to the future develop-                                                                                            the fields of education, health, justice
           ment of young leaders in our                                                                                             and law, arts and culture, science and
metro and the promotion of active                                                                                                   technology, business and entrepreneur-
citizenry within our communities.                                                                                                   ship, environmentalism, civil society,
  Ekurhuleni cannot afford to neglect its                                                                                           philanthropy, politics and governance.
rapidly growing youth population and
expect to exploit effectively its demo-                                                                                             BRIGHT MINDS ABOUND
graphic dividend without taking active                                                                                                Without a doubt, the City of Ekurhu-
participation in the development of the                                                                                             leni is bursting with bright minds.
youth and their future.                      City of Ekurhuleni                                                                       The Ekurhuleni shining stars have
  Despite the plethora of socio-econom-      Executive Mayor Cllr                                                                   made their parent’s proud, their com-
ic challenges we face as a City, we have     Mzwandile Masina                                                                       munity proud and the entire City
taken decisive steps in building a pro-                                                                                             proud. Together we can grow our City
poor government that seeks to empow-                                                                                                and build an inclusive world-class met-
er its citizens to become self-sufficient                                                                                           ro where young people can confidently
participants within our local economy.                                                                                              pursue their dreams and aspirations.
                                                                                                                                      On behalf of the City, we would like to
YOUTH SKILLS CENTRAL                                                                                                                thank the organisers of the 100 Shining
  Ekurhuleni cannot develop into Af-                                                                                                Stars Awards, the officials who made
rica’s First Aerotropolis City without      as the Fourth Industrial Revolution.       sadors of the future vision of the City of   the day possible and community mem-
skilled youth, as a result, we have de-       In tandem, to support this initiative    Ekurhuleni.                                  bers present here this afternoon.
cided to take practical steps in devel-     we have increased our Mayoral Bursary       Young people must aspire emulate              We wish all the nominees well in
oping the City’s first ever University of   Fund from R10 million to R100 million      these Shining Stars and display the val-     their future endeavours and we en-
Applied Sciences.                           in order to educate as many young peo-     ues of hard work, perseverance and the       courage them to continue their good
  The university will focus on the future   ple as possible within our City.           pursuit of excellence in their daily en-     work in building our beautiful city.
skills required to become productive in       The nominees of the 100 Shining Stars    deavours.                                    ■City of Ekurhuleni Executive Mayor
the age of the Industrial 4.0, also known   have the responsibility to act as ambas-    This afternoon we seek to honour            Cllr Mzwandile Masina
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100 EKURHULENI SHINING STARS                                                                                                                               EDUCATION

Providing educational solutions
LUNGILE MAILE                                                                                                                        these initiatives Xaka managed to bring
                                                                                                   Phelokazi Magewana
ALBERTON                                                                                                                             down the levels of crime and gender-
  LUNGILE MAILE (32) is the founder                                                                                                  based violence in the areas he operates.
of the Nubian Smart, an edtech start-
up based in the East of Johannesburg.                                                                                                SBEKEZELO NXUMALO
Nubian Smart specialises in creating                                                                                                 VOSLOORUS
mobile educational games aimed at                                                                                                      SBEKEZELO NXUMALO(31) was
making learning fun. A true believer                                                                                                 born in KwaZulu-Natal but lives in Vo-
in the power of education, Maile is                                                                                                  sloorus. After obtaining a diploma in
determined to create innovative and                                                                                                  marketing from Boston Media House,
engaging educational solutions that                                                                                                  he struggled to find a job but never lost
empower the African child. Shortly                                                                                                   hope. He joined community organisa-
after she founded her company, Maile                                                                                                 tions such as Lovelife SA, SANCA and
received several accolades including                                                                                                 the ANC Youth League to keep him-
featuring in the top 20 of the first Cell                                                                                            self busy but also to learn as much as
C Hangman Reality Show, 2017 Google                                                                                                  he could. Through his involvement in
Developers Launchpad, alumni of the                                                                                                  these organisations Nxumalo learned
Tony Elumelo Entrepreneurship Pro-                                                                                                   about community of development. He
gramme and recently her company ex-                                                                                                  and his friend subsequently launched
hibited at the prestigious South African                                                                                             his own initiative, a journal called Sta-
Innovation Summit. To crown it all, in       Belusi Mahlangu                                                                         root. The journal is online-based and
2018 she was among 50 most inspiring                                                                                                 an interactive platform that publishes
woman in South Africa and also won           also hosts Master classes to promote        volved in a number of worthy causes         content aimed at the youth. It provides
Pioneer Foods Community Champion.            environmental education in Ekurhuleni       in the communities of Katlehong and         them with the latest information on
Maile used her extensive background in       by planting trees at schools. An excel-     Duduza. She is particularly interested      jobs, bursaries and scholarship. It is
FMCG as a basis to explore innovative        lent public speaker, this talent saw him    in the development of the youth espe-       popular with youth as it provides them
solutions to improve the standard of         address high profile events such as the     cially girls. She has established a proj-   with updates. It is easy to use, easily ac-
education in the country.                    African Union and the British Parlia-       ect called ‘Basetsana Girls Mentorship      cessible and easy to share via other so-
                                             ment. Sikhosana has also won several        Programme’. Sishi strongly believes that    cial platforms such as WhatsApp and
LEBOGANG DAVID MOLAPO                        prestigious awards, among them the          educating and training women is a long      Facebook.
KATLEHONG                                    Gauteng Premier Excellence Awards,          term investment and that an empow-
  LEBOGANG DAVID MOLAPO (22)                 Mail & Guardian Top 200 Young South         ered girl is able to withstand the pres-    SIPHO NGCOBO
is not only an inspiration to the youth      Africans and 100 Young Mandelas. He         sures and challenges that most of them      TSAKANE
but a role model with drive and a never-     was the youth ambassador of the Kudu        face in the townships. She teaches and        SIPHO NGCOBO (23) is a smart
say-die attitude. He is a perfect example    Green initiative that teaches young kids    teaches them essential skills that enable   young man, a goal-oriented and aspir-
who defied the odds to achieve great         about environmental conservation in         them to cope with challenging life situ-    ing entrepreneur. While growing up he
things. Through his LD Molapo Foun-          partnership with the South African Na-      ations. As a gym instructor, Sishi pro-     realised the socio-economic challenges
dation, he set up several social initia-     tional Parks and the city of Ekurhuleni’s   vides fitness classes for free at Amanxu-   his community of Tsakane faced and felt
tives including motivational tours to        OR Tambo Narrative Centre.                  ba Community Church. She encourages         that he needed to get involved to resolve
schools and prisons where more than                                                      girls to keep fit and to make sure they     them. The high level of crime among
8,000 learners and 100 prisoners ben-        PHELOKAZI MAGEWANA                          are always engaged in regular physical      the youth bothered him. Because of
efited; Festive Care through which he        TSAKANE                                     and extra-mural activities.                 his foresight and leadership qualities
donates food and clothes to disability         PHELOKAZI MAGEWANA (26) is                                                            he was elected into the top five struc-
centres; an annual soccer and netball        a selfless and passionate educator at       THOKOZANI XAKA                              ture of the Local Community Policing
Grand 16 Tournament in which four            Dalpark Secondary School. She is an         DUDUZA                                      Forum and he made sure he mobilised
soccer and seven netball teams take          admirable role model and a mentor for        THOKOZANI XAKA (29) is an avid             the youth to be actively involved in the
part. The tournament also promotes           young girls at her school. The Tsakane-     community builder who drives skills         forum. He regularly engaged the youth
the township economy where youth-            born educator goes out of her way to        development under the banner of             through mentoring and providing
owned businesses are allowed to sell         ensure the needs of every learner, par-     Mastergucci National Youth Builder          guidance. Ngcobo is a selfless and car-
their products. An academic support          ticularly girls, are met.                   Programme. To date, Xaka has trained        ing person who uses his own resources
programme called One Education for             She formed study groups to help im-       thousands of youth around Duduza,           to help others, especially the youth. As
All helps learners achieve better results.   prove the academic performance of           Tsakane and Kwa-Thema in partner-           an orphan, he uses his personal circum-
He encourages learners from grades 10        the learners around her area. Every         ship with the National Home Builders        stances to motivate other youths so they
to 12 to take up STEM subjects.              year Magewana she raises funds to help      Registration Council (NHBRC) and
                                             needy girls to buy school uniforms,         Construction Education Training Au-
KWANDILE MHLABA SIKHOSANA                    shoes as well as take part in the matric    thority (CETA). The programme also            PRODUCTION TEAM
DAVEYTON                                     dance. She is also actively involved in     promotes entrepreneurship among the
                                                                                                                                       Editor: Charles Molele
   KWANDILE MHLABA SIKHOSA-                  netball as a coach.                         youth. Xaka is also credited with the
                                                                                                                                       Associate Editor: Phindile Xaba
NA (27) is a driven and an inspiring         THANDIWE SISHI                              successful implementation of the De-
                                             DUDUZA                                                                                    Writers: Doreen Zimbizi, Jobe Sithole,
young man. He established 14 libraries                                                   partment of Correctional Services Skills
                                                                                                                                       Siza Mthimkhulu and Thabo Mohlala
across South Africa, seven of them in         THANDIWE SISHI (27) is a moti-             Development Programme. Such is his
                                                                                                                                       Graphic designer: Lefokopele Media
Ekurhuleni. He is eager to help youths       vated and energetic single-mother and       commitment that he uses his own mon-
                                                                                                                                       Photographer: Raymond Mokoena
around him and to date he has trained        a committed community builder in-           ey to train the youth in prison. Through
more than 500 in
strategic areas
such as proj-
ect manage-                                                                                                                                                      Lebohang
ment and                                                                                                                                                         David Molapo
Sikhosana                                                                           Nsizwa Ndaba

    Kwandile Mhlaba Sikhosana

   a partnership that works
100 Ekurhuleni Shining Stars - Inside Education Inspiring Minds
4                                                                                                                                                                FEBRUARY 2019

 EDUCATION                                                                                                                                     100 EKURHULENI SHINING STARS

too can overcome their own adversities.                                                                                                   preciate the significance of education.
                                                                                                                                          She helps them with homework, proj-
BAFANA PHILLEMON TSHILI                                                                                                                   ects and assignments. She goes around
TSAKANE                                                                                                                                   local schools to hold talks and address
  BAFANA PHILEMON TSHILI (22) is                                                                                                          learners about a range of issues that can
an enthusiastic and self-motivated per-                                                                                                   potentially curtail their education such
son who is generous and always will-                                                                                                      as engaging in unprotected sex, alcohol
ing to help other people, particularly                                                                                                    and drug abuse.
his peers. He prioritises education and
would go an extra mile to help learn-                                                                                                     SARAH MADINGWANA
ers to do well at school. As part of this,                                                                                                DAVEYTON
he founded #HelloMatric, a campaign                                                                                                         SARAH MADINGWANA (24) is
through which he seeks to motivate and                                                                                                    a true ambassador of literacy as part
ensure Grade 12 learners are adequately                                                                                                   of a group of young people that advo-
prepared for their final examination.                                                                                                     cate for literacy. As the Department
This involves organising extra classes;                                                                                                   of Basic Education grapples with the
inviting motivational speakers, peer                                                                                                      poor literacy levels among the children
teaching and other forms of assistance.                                                                                                   in the lower grades, it should tap into
Consistent with his generosity to date       Tebogo Maselasela                               Bafana Phillemon Tshili                      the passion and skills of people such as
the campaign has impacted hundreds                                                                                                        Madingwana. She has displayed an in-
of learner in more than 11 secondary         across the country. Kethwa says she             especially to get them school uniforms,      credible natural connection with chil-
schools in Ekurhuleni. Tshili is also in-    launched the magazine after she re-             shoes, books and food. So selfless is        dren and also believes in the power of
volved in another project called #Let-       alised that a lot of “amazing positive          he that to date he has volunteered for       reading. The results of the recent stud-
sAskThem, whose aim is to help net-          things are happening in schools and             nearly a year. She has since decided to      ies by the global body that administers
work the youth with influential people       colleges and yet do not get reported            pursue teaching as a career.                 literacy tests among foundation phase
for mentorship. Others initiatives in-       about by the mainstream media”. So the                                                       learners show that South African learn-
clude #DressAnOrphan This Christmas          magazine is meant to fill in this void.         NSIZWA NDABA                                 ers performed badly. The majority fail
and Activate 2018 Change Driver.             One of its distinctive features is that it      TEMBISA                                      to read for meaning or comprehen-
                                             is easily accessible to learners who can          NSIZWA NDABA (33)enjoys working            sion, compared to their peers in other
TSIETSI SEANE                                write and record their own stories and          with the youth and he goes out of his        countries. Madingwana co-founded the
GERMISTON                                    experiences.                                    way to ensure they are adequately taken      Daveyton Book Club as a platform to
  TSIETSI SEANE (20) is passionate                                                           care of. He believes education is the        fulfil this mission. She is also a project
about youth development and his mis-         TEBOGO OWEN MASELASELA                          most powerful tool to empower young          manager of the Share Your Story Africa
sion is to inspire young people to do        DUDUZA                                          people and always leads by example. He       programme, created to promote similar
something positive about their lives.          TEBOGO OWEN MASELASE-                         also believes that for the youth to have a   objectives.
He provides mentorship and guidance          LA(33) is a good and dependable team            smooth academic journey, they should
to the youth to ensure they are able to      leader, one who the community can rely          receive effective support, particularly in   MELUSI MAHLANGU
cope with the challenges associated          on. He is a born leader and possesses           pure maths and accounting and physi-         IVORY PARK
with adolescence as most of them end         excellent communication and business            cal sciences. He feels these subjects are     MELUSI MAHLANGU (32) believes
up involved in crime and drugs. He be-       skills. He is also an ethical leader, a crit-   critical as they equip learners with vital  in the power of education and that with
lieves education is the key priority and     ical value that most leaders in politics        analytical and problem-solving skills.      education any person is guaranteed a
he is always keen to help the youth to       and business lack. He relates well to the       These, he reckons, are the necessary for    secure future regardless of their back-
access the necessary information re-         youth and is an influential leader and a        them to cope with the challenges relat-     ground. His wish is to see more young
lated to education. This includes how        good teacher who is always willing to           ed to the Fourth Industrial Revolution.     people sharing this vision. And to ac-
to apply or register for college, how to     assist. Several youths in the community         Ndaba is also very vocal and critical       complish this dream as well as inspire
secure a bursary and any other relevant      have benefited from his kindness and            about gender-based violence which af-       more youth to study, Mahlangu has
information. He is also involved in an       unselfishness. Maselasela loves educa-          fects mainly young and vulnerable chil-     dedicated the past two years to teaching
important social project which involves      tion and he will not hesitate to do any-        dren, especially girls.                     maths and business studies to under-
collecting food parcels, clothing, shelter   thing related to it. For instance, most                                                     privileged children in Ivory Park. This
and other basic necessities for the needy    children struggle to access information         BUSIE LUBISI                                is a voluntary gesture fuelled by his pas-
in the impoverished communities such         of where to study and how to apply af-          THOKOZA                                     sion for education and the generosity of
as Buhle Park near Germiston. He also        ter they complete Grade 12 and that is            BUSIE LUBISI (28) believes that to                    the corporates in the area.
raises health awareness to help reduce       where Maselasela comes in. He is able           ensure children become responsible                         Through this initiative
and prevent teenage pregnancy as well        to simplify complex processes and pro-          adults, society needs to intervene early                     has he succeeded to
as educate the youth about HIV/AIDS.         cedures required by tertiary institutions       on when their minds are still malleable.                     take the kids from the
                                             regarding registration, bursaries and           She says raising children with love,                         streets and given hope
MONICA KETHWA                                scholarships, learnerships and job op-          care and sincerity is a worth-                              and a sense of purpose
KEMPTON PARK                                 portunities.                                    while long-term investment                                  to them – to have goals
  MONICA KETHWA (33) founded                                                                 that will produce upright                                  and ambition.
a magazine, one of the few that caters       LINDOKUHLE MPUNGOSE                             and grounded leaders to                                    Mahlangu is also mentor-
for schools and colleges in the urban        DUDUZA                                          build a better tomorrow.                                  ing young kids to become
and rural areas. The idea behind the           LINDOKUHLE MPUNGOSE (19) is                   Lubisi dedicates most of                                  entrepreneurs. Some of
publication is to provide a platform for     a hard-working person always willing            her time and resources                                   them run their own busi-
students and educators to, among oth-        to help others, particularly the needy.         to working closely                     Sipho Ngcobo      nesses and they donate part
ers, share ideas and perspec-                                  He is currently vol-          with children help-                                     of their profits to poor and
tives, promote interaction                                           unteering at a          ing them to ap-                                         vulnerable children.
among peers, showcase                                                 local Com-
their      achievements                                               munity Cen-
and more importantly                                                  tre in Du-
to promote the cul-                                                    duza. He has
ture of learning and                                                   a soft spot
teaching in                                                            for children
the schools                                                            and would
                                                                       do whatever
                                                                       it takes to
                                                                      help     them

                                               Sarah Madingwana

                                                                                             Jabulani Thabethe
    a partnership that works
100 Ekurhuleni Shining Stars - Inside Education Inspiring Minds
FEBRUARY 2019                                                                                                                                                                 5

100 EKURHULENI SHINING STARS                                                                                                                                       HEALTH

A Healthy Nation, Brighter Future
  GENEVA KUYPERS (34) is passion-
ate about youth and women. She started
her company, Geneva Projects and Sup-
plies, in 2016 to offer cost-effective oc-
cupational health and safety services
to SMME businesses. She gets them
legally compliant with the OHS ACT
85 of 1993, which ensures compliance
and enhancing quality of life. Kuypers
worked hard amid trying circumstanc-
es to get accreditation but never gae up.
  Today she has 16 girls and young
women she is taking through health
and safety courses at no cost. Because of
this initiative, she has been nominated
as an ambassador for the #womenoffor-
titude campaign to continue continue
the work in South Africa, especially in
rural areas. She also has a foundation
called #worthyisshe through which she
encourages young girls from Reiger
Park, Geluksdal, Daveyton, Roode-
poort, Pretoria and Midrand to start
their own companies in occupational
health and safety. #endgirlhate

TSAKANE                                         Knowledge Themba Biyels
  PULENG MOFOKENG (22) works
with an organisation called Brave               He had been looking for a job for a long       KNOWLEDGE THEMBA BIYELA
Queen, which she started with other             time. They were familiar with Khumalo          DUDUZA
young women to help girls with sani-            as his mother had worked there as a              KNOWLEDGE THEMBA BIYELA
tary towels. They have adopted 10               cleaner in the in-patient unit before it       (28)
girls whom they mentor and educate              closed. Once employed at the hospice,            has committed his life to helping his
in health issues. She also has a passion        he quickly became a ray of sunshine,           community in Duduza Township since
for assisting drug addicts and convicts         helping nurses and family of patients to       he was in high school. He is more pas-
so that they can have a second chance.          carry equipment. He is always selfless.        sionate about working towards the re-
As a writer, she inspires peo-                     He tends the garden and although it         habilitation of those hooked on drugs
ple through her written                                was never part of his job descrip-      and supporting them back to good
word. She is inspired                                    tion he does this dutifully and       health. Biyela has a natural gift of en-
by those who never                                         with a passion seldom seen.         gaging with different stakeholders with
give up in life.                                            He has great energy, always        ease and this has endeared him to the
                                                            volunteering to help with a        people of Duduza.
SABELO                                                       smile. While the hospice            He encourages young people to stay
KHUMALO                                                       is a place where families        away from drugs, occupying their time
BENONI                                                        bring their loved ones to        with constructive activities and sup-
  S A B E L O                                                be cared for as they face         porting those who are already addicted     Sabelo Khumalo
KHUMALO (30)                                                 their final days in life, visi-   back to good health. He does this as a
was offered a job as                                        tors often comment that Sa-        board member in various non-gov-
a security guard at the                                                belo’s gentle spirit    ernment organisations (NGOs) and
Benoni Hospice                                                            and happy face       non-profit organisations (NPOs), al-           Communities and
in 2017.                                                                     make it feel      ways willing to add value to the com-      countries and ultimately
                                                                               better.         munity. Biyela’s organisation Duduza
                                                                                               Stars of Tomorrow has been running          the world, are only as
                                                                                               since 2006, and at one point he was the     strong as the health of
                                                                                               youngest chairperson of Erase Duduza
                                                                                               working with Local Drug Action Com-             their women.”
                                                                                               mittee (LDAC) to tackle the scourge of              Michelle Obama
                                         Geneva Kuypers-Tobi                                   drug abuse.                                     Former first lady of the USA

Being of service
PHUMLANI LEPHOTO                                structure of shacks for our kitchen and        hire out the system as well on weekends.     NEO MAEPA (30) has been fight-
GERMISTON                                       we also use stretch tents and wooden           We have 18 young people working with       ing for the emancipation of women, a
  PHUMLANI LEPHOTO (26) has                     tables for our client to chill and eat,”       us daily.” Lephoto says they also feed     dedicated member of the ANC. She is
been running Chilla Nathi ko Lapeng             says Lephoto.                                  locals.                                    a VD co-ordinator in our area. Maepa
for two years in Buhle Park.                      Clients listen to their favourite music        “Ours is a community oriented busi-      also organises games for youth to keep
  Despite its name, there’s nothing laid        as they eat.                                   ness aimed at keeping youths off the       them out of trouble. A hard worker and
back about the place which sells food to          “The aim is for our clients to enjoy         streets by empowering them with busi-      go-getter of the highest note, who is
locals.                                         their food while we attract more people        ness and cooking skills.                   now studying LLB however manages to
  Situated opposite the Green Valley            with our music vibes. We also use our            He says they are facing challenges but   give herself time to do community and
Shopping Centre, it’s a hive of activity        place as a venue for public meetings as        he is determined to resolve them to en-    organisational work with the youth in
as clients buy everything from ox liver,        we have hosted the ANC leadership of           sure that the project succeeds.            Crystal Park.
skopo, ox hearts and chicken.                   our area.
  It’s a perfect spot as it’s situated at the     Most importantly, we use our sound           NEO MAEPA
entrance to Buhle Park. “We have a              system to teach young people to DJ. We         CRYSTAL PARK

    a partnership that works
100 Ekurhuleni Shining Stars - Inside Education Inspiring Minds
6                                                                                                                                                           FEBRUARY 2019

 ARTS AND CULTURE                                                                                                                         100 EKURHULENI SHINING STARS

Enlightening society
  FANYANA MKHIZE (31) is a com-
munity activist from Vosloorus. Mkh-
ize is the founder of White’lupine (Pty),
a media and entertainment company.
  In 2008 he was appointed as a Davey-
ton programme leader for the loveLife
Trust. The following year headed the
youth desk at the Daveyton Police Sta-
tion which organised an awareness
event, Sports Against Crime. In the
same year he served as a volunteer for a
NGO Lifeline which assists child-head-
ed homes in his area.
  Mkhize is an event planner for the
Kasi Rhythm Fashion Show, a platform
that seeks to empower aspiring fashion
designers and models.
  He has been featured on SABC 1’s
Big Up programme on which he spoke
about his journey. A Boston City Cam-
pus project management graduate,
Mkhize was part of the Brics Business
Council in 2018. In the same year his
life story appeared in the widely read
Daily Sun.
  His work revolves around young peo-       Happy Charles Sebeko
ple and his daughter. His hope is for her
to grow up in a caring and safe society.    gramme.                                       in their areas, on issues such as service   an NGO based in KwaThema. She has
                                              In 2015 he founded Generation 2050,         delivery.                                   worked tirelessly in developing projects
OBETT MOTAUNG                               an NPO championing sport, recreation,         NELLY NHLAPO                                for aspiring young artists in Kwa Tsa-
TEMBISA                                     art, culture, education and training in       DAVEYTON                                    duza, finding sponsors to fund these
  OBETT MOTAUNG (25) is an emerg-           the community.                                  NELLY NHLAPO (27) is the founder          projects and engaging parents to be
ing filmmaker and theatre director.           Nxumalo is part of the management           of NN Branding Casting Agency. She          involved to support their talented chil-
  Armed with an MA in Film and TV           team of the Thembisile Development            has partnered with Phatsimo Produc-         dren.
from the University of Witwa-               Forum, the National Youth Develop-            tion Projects where she is employed as        Thaba also launched the Fun Arts &
tersrand, he has won mul-                      ment Agency capacity building pro-         a PR coordinator. The companies have        Fun Play Children’s School Holiday
tiple awards for his creative                  gramme and Young Communist                 partnered with the East Rand School         programme to keep children off the
work. He is a judge for the                   League branch secretary in Ward 99.         of the Arts to nurture young talent         streets by having them actively engage
Naledi Awards, the most                         Currently he leads the Youth Devel-       and help the youth to be the best they      with art activities, infotainment games
prestigious theatre awards                            opment Centre in Windmill           can be. Nhlapo and her business part-       and educational tours.
in South Africa.                                          Park.                           ner Maseko run dancing and life skills        She recently joined Kwa-TsaDuza
  Motaung       has    di-                                   He says growing up he        classes at Chris Hani Sports Park on        Times, an online news site as a senior
rected       numerous                                       had role models who           weekends.                                   editor. Here she mentors young jour-
ground-breaking,                                            sacrificed    everything        Nhlapo’s passion is youth in the arts.    nalists. Passion for young people and
award-winning the-                                           to assist him and his        For her arts and culture are more than a    making a difference in creative arts is
atre works. His re-                                           peers. It is now his        hobby but a fulfilling career.              what drives her.
cent film Diphiri Le                                          turn to step up and           Acting inspired him while growing           As a writer her community inspires
Makunutu won an                                               empower the youth.          up. When he left school he was involved     her a lot. Her passion about children
award at the Ekurhu-                                                                      in drama. Now he is all about giving        pushes her to help them to realise their
leni International Film                                       ESAU DLAMINI                back to the community, using personal       dreams.
Festival and was selected                                   DUDUZA                        experience as a stepping stone for oth-
for the acclaimed Cape                                        ESAU DLAMINI                ers who have not been given exposure.       MANDLA SIPHIWE MASEKO
Town International Film                                       (30) is the founder         NOBUHLE THABA                               DUDUZA
Festival.                                                      and editor of the          KWA-THEMA                                     MANDLA SIPHIWE MASEKO (26)
  He believes in making the                                    Community Wit-               NOBUHLE THABA (23) is the co-             is a dance maestro. He was introduced
world a better place through                                    ness newspaper            founder of Iso Lembongi Creations,          to the arts in 2005 at an organisation
art and is inspired by the                                      which was estab-
beauty in human nature.                                         lished to increase
People crazy enough to be-                                       the      readership
lieve in their dreams and brave                                  levels in Duduza
enough to chase them are his                                      and surrounding
reason for living.                                                areas. It is distrib-
                                                                  uted in schools,
THABANG NXUMALO                                                  clinics, commu-
BOKSBURG                                                        nity centres, shop-
  THABANG NXUMALO (25)                                         ping malls and taxi
started his youth activism at                                  ranks. The publica-
Dawn Park Clinic as a founder                                  tion is the first of its
and team leader of youth friendly                              kind in Dlamini’s
service in 2007. He was tasked                                   community.
with launching the youth friendly                                   He        believes
service at Reiger Park and Dan                                     that an informed
Khubeka Clinics by the Ekurhule-                                  nation is a read-
ni Department of Health. In 2011              ing nation. He wants the community
he joined an Extra School Support             to be updated on what is happening
Programme at Windmill Park Pri-
mary School. He recruited young
people to volunteer in the pro-               Mandla Simphiwe Maseko                       Nkosana Tshuma

    a partnership that works
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100 EKURHULENI SHINING STARS                                                                       ARTS AND CULTURE

called Intuthuko Art Production where
his skills in dance, choreography and
performance were honed.
  As an experienced dancer he has been
with Sibikoza Art Centre Dance, an ini-
tiative of the Department of Arts and
Culture. Maseko has worked with Esi-
bonisiwe, Via Duduza and Via Simunye
schools and community organisations
promoting the arts.
  In 2014 Maseko and his group were
selected to represent SA in a prestigious
dance competition in Europe. They
were crowned Dance Star World Cham-
pions in Croatia.
  Dancing is Maseko’s life and it has
opened a lot of doors for him. In return
he pays it forward by empowering the

social activist of note. He has served for
four years in the social development of-
fice of Duduza youth.
  S’khosana founded the Duduza Youth
Forum in 2015 but was dissolved due to
lack of participation by young people.
  An inspiration to those around him,
he encourages others to punch above
their weight. He is now involved with
the Ubuhle Bamadoda Men’s Forum
based at the old Tsakane Clinic. The
forum seeks to address issues such as
men’s health and also assists those as-          Nelly Nhlapo
piring to start their own businesses.
  SA’s history, particularly the painful
apartheid past, inspires his.
  Visionary leaders such as Robert So-
bukwe and his mother have been the
shining examples of resilience and he
uses the lessons learnt to inspire the        community especially the youth, is the
youth.                                        group’s top priority. The sky is not the      Lazaros Sumbane
                                              limit for Duduza’s most wanted dancers
HAPPY CHARLES SEBEKO                          who thrill and educate at the same time.
DUDUZA                                        With youth on his side, there is no stop-
  HAPPY CHARLES SEBEKO (34) is                ping Mokoena and his crew.
an artist from iknow 2006. Here he dis-
covered his passion for music and dra-        J STONE EMINENT
ma. He is also a conductor at an old age      GERMISTON
home in Duduza.                                 J STONE EMINENT (28) is an emerg-
  He loves senior citizens and spends his     ing musician from Germiston. He is
spare time with them. They are a wealth       also a poet and Public speaker. Eminent
of information and young people can           was recently nominated for the Gordon
learn a lot from the elders who have          Art and Media Awards. The young art-
walked the journey of life and have ex-       ist proudly flies Ekurhuleni’s flag wher-
perienced its trials and tribulations.        ever he goes.
                                                Music is his life and it inspires because
S’PHIWE MOKOENA                               it has power to unite people of all races
DUDUZA                                        and creed. The songs he composes tell a
  S’PHIWE MOKOENA (19) is deeply              story about my community and region.
involved with uplifting young people in         He also tells stories through poetry.
his community. He leads a group called        For him it is important that his music
                                              and poetry deeply reflect communities                     Rourke Lyte-Mason
Duduza Most Wanted that prides itself
as a leader in pantsula dance.                where he comes from. And his duty is
  Started ten years ago, the group has        to tell those stories, on his people’s be-
seven members. Bringing change to the         half.

                               Esau Dlamini (Art and Culture)

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 ARTS AND CULTURE                                                                                                                      100 EKURHULENI SHINING STARS

  TLOTLISANG LEHLWESA (24) has              Nobuhle Thaba
been working in photography and has
used a combination of his skilful art as
well as his business acumen to start a
multi-media enterprise called Square
Media Production. It offers filming and
photography services.
  He works with other young creatives
who produce innovative films, and
curate conscious exhibitions. He com-
pleted his Management Assistant N6
and N5 national certificate in Informa-
tion Technology: System support at the
Ekurhuleni East College.
  It was after attending a mentorship
programme that he felt he had a ca-
reer that speaks to his soul. In 2017 he
launched his business in photography/
videography which works on big special
events such as weddings, conferences,
birthday parties and church ceremo-
nies, among others.

aka “Thabslow/The Photographic Poet”
was introduced to photography by a
friend who has since passed on. He took
what was a past time and turned it into
a profession.                                                                                                                      “A nation without artists
  In 2013 he enrolled in a one-year
photography programme, where he                                                                                                      is like a boat without
was mentored by Raymond Mokoena                                                                                                              radar.”
a photography facilitator. This is where
he learned his skills and was soon estab-                                                                                                       - Lefifi Tladi -
lished as a photographer.                                                                                                           Internationally-acclaimed poet, visual
                                                                                                                                             artist and jazz singer
  In 2016, his photographs that carried a
socially conscious message were exhib-
ited three times. He was part of a docu-
mentary filmmaking crew, Harambee                                                                                                 up teaching as Visual Art at the Ben-
BRT Buses, where he started doing his                                                                                             hale Academy, Christian private school
own photo shoots to expose his skills                                                                                             where he still works.
more to the world.
  He has covered a couple of events in-                                                                                           NKOSANA TSHUMA
cluding the launch of a local newspaper                                                                                           BENONI
(Community Witness), performed as                                                                                                   NKOSANA TSHUMA (18) was born
a poet and recently an event called In-                                                                                           on a farm in Benoni and grew up sur-
goma The Musical.                                                                                                                 rounded by nature.
  He is always willing to take along oth-                                                                                           This environment influenced his love
ers who are thirsty for knowledge, giv-                                                                                           for the outdoors and influenced his fas-
ing them platforms where opportuni-                                                                                               cination with images.
ties are available.                                                                                                                 His interest is in how the world is rep-
                                                                                                                                  resented through the eyes of others. He
ROURKE LYTE-MASON                                                                                                                 was drawn to painting at an early age
BRAKPAN                                     to empower youngsters. He has been       on a volunteer basis. The funds raised       and during his teenage years he ex-
 ROURKE LYTE-MASON (24)is a fine            curating exhibitions to aid the Rotary   by Rotary Club helps educate young           plored it further.
artist and art teacher who uses his art     Club of Benoni Aurora, help he offers    people who are disadvantaged.                  That resulted in him enrolling for art
                                                                                       When Lyte-Mason completed matric           classes.
                                                                                     and took a gap year from 2012-2013 he          After completing his course at Art
                                                                                     tried out art at the Art Alive Art School    Alive in Benoni, Tshuma delved even
                                                                                     in Benoni, this is where he realised he      more into painting. He plays with tex-
                                                                                     wanted to become an artist.                  tures by using a palette knife and water-
                                                                                       He started studying fine art at the Uni-   ing down his paint. It is a collaboration
                                                                                     versity of Johannesburg in 2014 and in       between the artist and the canvas.
                                                                                     2015 won the Painting Merit Award at           Tshuma mostly uses oil paint. He has
                                                                                     the Ekurhuleni Thami Mnyele Fine Arts        turned art into a cash enterprise, and
                                                                                     awards.                                      sells most of his artworks at exhibitions.
                                                                                       In 2016 he made the Top 100 for Sasol      He is able to be a part of the industry
                                                                                     New Signatures Art competition as well       while he volunteers to help the Rotary
                                                                                     the Top 100 for the Ekurhuleni Thami         Club of Benoni Aurora where he cu-
                                                                                     Mnyele Fine Arts award.                      rates an exhibition.
                                                                                       He was chosen to represent the Uni-          Proceeds from that are donated to the
                                                                                     versity of Johannesburg in 2016 and          organisation which uses the money he
                                                                                     2017 for the Association of Arts Preto-      gets to run programmes that benefit
                                                                                     ria Student Exhibition.                      young people in need.
                                                                                       In 2017 he achieved the Top 100 for
                                                                                     the Sasol New Signatures again and also
                                                                                     graduated with a National Diploma in
                                                                                     the Arts.
                                                                                       The same year he completed his BA
                                                                                     in Fine Art degree. He so loves sharing
                                                                                     his knowledge of the art that he took

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100 EKURHULENI SHINING STARS                                                                                                                        ART AND CULTURE

Readying communities for
4th Industrial Revolution
a qualified scientist and the Ekurhuleni
Expo for Young Scientists organizer.
He promotes young researchers and
scientists in City of Ekurhuleni and the
province. He is also the provincial co-
ordinator of Gauteng. He recruited 25
TUT scientists to volunteer in the City
of Ekurhuleni Expo and also be judges
of the innovation from Ekurhuleni Sci-
entists. Mamabolo was a finalist in the
National Science and Technology Fo-
rum Awards 2010/2011, in the category
of Individual Contribution towards sci-
ence, technology, engineering, mathe-
matics and innovation. He is also a trea-
surer for Cornet M Foundation where
he managed to fundraise R1,4m worth
of Maths, Science and Technology text-
books for underprivileged students in
rural communities. Mamabolo is the
founder of Kolobe Science, Technology
and Arts Academy. He is also involved
in the Prison Visits Campaign where
he organizes youth development pro-
grammes for juvenile inmates, assist-
ing inmates to be able to integrate with
the society on their release from prison.
He is also involved in the science, tech-
nology, engineering and mathematics
community outreach programme of
University of Bristol (UK) Department
of Chemistry as a science communica-
tor. Mamabolo fundraised on a large
scale for various projects among them,
over R1m for SET graduate develop-
ment programmes, e.g., driver’s license,
soft skills training, etc. and curriculum
textbooks worth over R1,5m for disad-
vantaged students and learners.

  IAN MANGENA (25) is a social en-
trepreneur, young African leader and
creative activist. She is also the founder
of Digital Girl Africa, a digital hub that
accelerates women towards entrepre-
neurship and employment in digital
technology. It was founded in April
2018 and since its founding she has
hosted a digital storytelling workshop
in Magagula, Ekurhuleni for young                                                                                                     Bongani Solly Mbonani
unemployed women. She has hosted
coding bootcamp for teenage girls and          AMANDA NOMNQA (21) is an IT              providing unlimited Wi-Fi connectivity           be better positioned to take part the
also various masterclasses for women in      graduate, motivational speaker, founder    for them to study online.                        Fourth Industrial Revolution.
business. Mangena has over three years       and chairperson of the ShelsBrave Em-                                                         Thela is currently running a career
working experience in civil society          powerment project. Her organisation        VUSI THELA [ PICTURE IN EDICATION]               development programme jointly with
where she has represented the country        focuses on learners in primary and high    TSAKANE                                          Ikwezi Community Development Or-
in Colombia, United Kingdom, Namib-          schools and teaches them to be resilient     VUSI THELA (29) is a highly moti-              ganisation and a number of youths have
ia and Zimbabwe through her various          and to be able bounce back especially in   vated person who is involved in numer-           already benefited from this initiative.
involvements. She is also a working          the face of adversity. She works closely   ous community development organisa-              Thela has also started #HelloMatric-
group member of the Civil BRICS              with schools where she gives motiva-       tions in Tsakane, especially the youth.          MotivationSpeaker project which helps
Youth Group. She holds a BSc degree          tional talks.                                One such organisation he is involved           Grade 12 learners to prepare for their
from Wits University and has also been         She mentors about 80 school girls        with is iThemba Foundation, where he             final exams. He also chairs the Tsakane
accepted to complete her masters in          through her monthly empowerment            facilitates computer literacy and life           Community Choir.
Landscape Architecture in the United         sessions that focus on issues that con-    skills programmes.
Kingdom. She continues to be an inspi-       front girl learners.                         The programmes address specific
ration to her peers in Ekurhuleni.             Nomnqa also runs her own com-            needs of the community, particularly
                                             pany e-Connect where she employs15         the youth. For instance, IT and com-
AMANDA NOMNQA                                young people from her area. Through        puter skills are very vital given the rapid
IVORY PARK                                   her community initiative, Nomnqa has       advancement of technology.
                                             transformed many lives of the youth by       Equipped with IT skills, the youth will

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 ENVIRONMENT                                                                                                                         100 EKURHULENI SHINING STARS

Preserving the Environment

   THABISO THEJANE (24) is a very
active and inspired young man. Al-
though he takes part in a number of
community-based programmes, his
passion lies in environment. He uses
every opportunity to promote environ-
mental awareness among his peers and
the community.
  He is worried by the deteriorating
state and degradation of the environ-
ment in his area.
  To make concrete contribution, he has
joined the Daveyton Environmental
Youth Council to encourage youth par-
ticipation and educate his peers about
what practical steps they can take to
save the environment.
  He works closely with schools on how
to integrate environmental studies into
the curriculum. Youths who are not at
schools are also trained and given infor-
mation on how they can become part of
the action.

ETWATWA                                     Marks Montsha
  LUCKY SEELA (28) is a facilitator
in turning waste into assets. He is a       than 10 people. “Food security is very    courage the community to conserve
member of the Daveyton Environment          important to sustain people. If many      their environment. “ A hygiene con-
Youth Council and trains communities        people were trained to understand that    scious environment is healthier and
                                                                                                                                   “We all share one
on how to use domestic waste material       their role is not only to consume but     reduces stress on the public health sys-     planet and are one
to generate income. In his personal ca-     contribute towards growing food, the      tem, as it encourages people to take re-
pacity he uses waste to create jewellery.   world would be healthier, more sustain-   sponsibility for their own cleanliness.”    humanity, there is no
“Nothing is waste,” he says.                able and self-sufficient.”                                                            escaping this reality.”
                                                                                      JABULILE MKHIZE [NO PICTURE]
                                                                                      KEMPTON PARK                                 - Wangari Maathai (1940 -
MARKS MONTSHA                               CHARLOTTE MALATSI
TEMBISA                                     WATTVILLE                                   JABULILE MKHIZE (29) is a horti-                    2011) -
                                              CHARLOTTE MALATSI (31) is a             culturalist who goes beyond the call of    Kenyan environmental political activist
  MARKS MONTSHA (29) has estab-
                                                                                                                                         and Nobel laureate
lished himself as a leader in his com-      young leader in her area who is pursu-    duty with her vocation. She is very pas-
munity. He is currently one of the          ing eco-guinea. She was trained by the    sionate about preserving nature. When
trainees at the Daveyton Environment        Daveyton Environment Youth Counsel        she is not performing her regular duties
Youth Council in agriculture. He runs a     and now runs her own company while        she dedicates her weekends to teaching
cooperative to promote food security in     also engaging in community clean up       the youth about gardening and caring
his area, in which he works with more       campaigns in Wattville. This is to en-    for the environment.

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100 EKURHULENI SHINING STARS                                                                                                                      CIVIL SOCIETY

Rising above the mundane
(24) holds a degree in Political Studies
 from the University of Pretoria and is
currently pursuing an LLB at the same
 She is passionate about improving
herself and those around her through
the work she does in the community of
Ekhuruleni. At Edenglen High School
she held leadership positions as head
girl and SRC chairperson.
 That was then when her passion for
empowering youth and her involve-
ment in feminism started. She founded
an NGO called Ubuhlebendalo with
her friends which empowered young
people in Tembisa.
 She was also involved in Cancer aware-
ness campaigns, while helping at local
orphanages. While at UP in Tshwane
she continued her activism through the
#FeesMustFall and #AfrikaansMustFall
movements and paid dearly for it.
 She was arrested for protesting against
the language policy at UP.
 Her various leadership positions in
SASCO Tukkies branch, the Young
Communist League at UP and now the           MPHO SALIMINAH MOFOKENG                manitarian who emulates the great            also believes that education is the basis
ANCYL chairperson at the university,       (28) is a natural born leader and com-   likes of Nelson Mandela and Mother           for progress. She collects and provides
she has been able to continue the stu-     munity builder who loves supporting      Theresa. Life 4 U Foundation provides        vulnerable children and orphans with
dents’ struggle for a better future. BET   the poor and the marginalised. Mofo-     much needed after-school care and            educational toys to give them a better
under the campaign #BlackGirlsRock,        keng has helped many people in fight-    support to needy children in Tembisa         chance at life.
honoured her for her community work.       ing poverty and providing sanitation     – through homework support, reading            He after school programmes include
Follow her on Twitter and Instagram @      products in schools. South Africa is     programmes and numeracy activities,          homework supervision. An activist at
Tholi_tee                                  blessed to have young leaders such as    physical stimulation and recreation ac-      heart, she is working on campaigns to
                                           Mofokeng who volunteer daily to build    tivities in a safe environment.              raise awareness on teenage pregnancy
MPHO SALMINAH MOFOKENG                     a prosperous nation.                       L4U feeding scheme feeds 20,000 chil-      and drug abuse.
TEMBISA                                      She is a visionary and a young hu-     dren annually; supports 1,300 widows
                                                                                    and orphans around SA with food par-         THANDOLWETHU MBALO
                                                                                    cels and clothes.                            BOKSBURG
          Melissa Lynes
                                                                                      Between 150 and 200 needy learners           THANDOLWETHU MBALO (33)
                                                                                    from Ivory Park and Tembisa receive          has been involved in Youthzone since
                                                                                    school uniforms annually while Wash          2012 across as a youth co-ordinator.
                                                                                    4 Life Schools Hygiene programme               Youthzone is a peer to peer network
                                                                                    reaches more than 6,000 learners.            through which youth from 45 disad-
                                                                                                                                 vantage communities across South Af-
                                                                                    MELISSA LYNES                                rica, Mozamibique and Zimbabwe use
                                                                                    BENONI                                       sports, life skills, enterprise develop-
                                                                                      MELISSA LYNES (32) is a member of          ment and indigenous games to improve
                                                                                    the Rotary Club of Benoni Aurora.            their lives.
                                                                                      She is involved in numerous commu-           Mbalo is an outstanding young leader
                                                                                    nity projects and charitable causes, in-     who goes above and beyond. He is an
                                                                                    cluding helping the John Wesley Com-         extremely positive and dependable
                                                                                    munity Centre to build a playground in       leader.
                                                                                    Etwatwa. A wife and a new mom, she is
                                                                                    passionate about creativity and believes
                                                                                    in the transformative power of design.
                                                                                    Through her design business, Lyne De-
                                                                                    sign, she assists charities by creating         “I will not allow the
                                                                                    communication pieces that help them
                                                                                    get their message out and inspire oth-        selfless efforts of my
                                                                                    ers to take action. She believes in people
                                                                                    uniting to create lasting change not just
                                                                                                                                 husband and his friends
                                                                                    in their own community, but across the       to be abandoned. I will
                                                                                                                                  continue the struggle
                                                                                    SELINA NKOMONDE
                                                                                                                                   for a free and equal
                                                                                      SELINA NKOMONDE (33) is a social                 South Africa.”
                                                                                    auxiliary worker in the Nigel Carling        - Winnie Madikizela-Mandela -
                                                                                    community where she helps orphans                (First Black Social worker, anti-
                                                                                    and vulnerable children by distribut-           apartheid activist and politician)
                                                                                    ing food parcels, helping hem get birth
                                                                                    certificates and through the process of
                                                                                    applying for social grants.
                                                                                      Nkomonde is also invested in the girl
                                                                                    child and raises funds to supply sanitary
                                                                                    towels in five schools in Duduza. She

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                                                                                                                Mpho Salaminah Mofokeng

                                                         self in a professional environment.         continues to host school holiday youth
MAMOLOTSI REJOICE MOTAUNG                                                                            programmes addressing social commu-
DUDUZA                                                   LUCAS GUMEDE                                nity crimes such as drug abuse. He also
  MAMOLOTSI REJOICE MO-                                  BENONI                                      cares for the aged, a part of society that
TAUNG (24) is committed                                    LUCAS GUMEDE (35) uses soccer             is neglected.
to supporting orphans and                                to change young boy’s lives by making         Madonsela regularly runs free gym
vulnerable children in Du-                               sure they stay away from drugs and          sessions for the aged at Duduza based
duza through psychosocial                                crime. Members of his community say         home and rehabilitation centres. He is a
services in her capacity                                 before his intervention crime was high      worthy leader with more than 12 years
as a child and youth care                                in the area and once he started his regu-   of unreserved service to the community
worker. A team player of                                 lar training sessions which create space    of Duduza.
note, she is respectful a                                for much deeper conversations, they
person towards others, a                                 could see the difference in youngsters      THABANG GREGORY MORGAN
hard worker who is always                                 whose minds were no longer idle.                DUDUZA
dedicated to her tasks. This                                                                                    THABANG            GREGORY
is how her colleagues as de-                              MPHO EVANS MADONSELA                                  MORGAN (27) is known to
scribe her.                                                DUDUZA                                                be a pillar of his commu-
                                                              MPHO EVANS MA-                                      nity as he puts their safety
BHEKUMUZI GIFT DLAMINI                                      DONSELA (28) and                                       first. He is a volunteer in
TSAKANE                                                     name of organisation)                                  the South African Police
  BHEKUMUZI            GIFT                                 has volunteered to                                     Service (SAPS) as a mem-
DLAMINI (30) is a youth                                     serve his community                                   ber of the Community Po-
development practitioner                                    of Duduza and sur-                                    licing Forum’s youth desk
from Tsakane who helps                                       roundings areas for                                  social crime prevention.
graduates prepare for the                                    years. When he was                                   He is a good role model to
workplace in his non-                                        only 16, along with his                             the youth of Duduza as he
profit organisation called                                   like-minded     friends,                           often talks to them about
Inqaba Yokulinda.                                          they set up an organisa-                            crime prevention and staying
  The young people are for-                                tion while in Grade                                        out of trouble.
tunate to have a person such                               10.
as Dlamini who has their        Thabang Gregory Morgan        Today    he
best interests at heart as he
imparts the most needed
skills on how to handle one-                                                    Selinah Nkomonde

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100 EKURHULENI SHINING STARS                                                                      CIVIL SOCIETY

The law on your side
                                                                                     DUMISANI IAN MAHLANGU
                                                                                       DUMISANI MAHLANGU(35) is
                                                                                     a legal eagle who is passionate about
                                                                                     justice for the poor.
                                                                                       The former SA Police Services of-
                                                                                     ficer spent 12 years fighting crime
                                                                                     and ensuring that communities
                                                                                     were safe. Now as a member of Le-
                                                                                     gal Aid South Africa which employs
                                                                                     700 attorneys nationwide.
                                                                                       Now working at the Benoni Jus-
                                                                                     tice Centre, Mahlangu is part of a
                                                                                     17-member strong team of candi-
                                                                                     date attorneys which provides legal
                                                                                     services to people who cannot af-
                                                                                     ford legal representation.
                                                                                       In court he represents women in
                                                                                     domestic violence and divorce cas-
                                                                                     es, children in maintenance cases;
                                                                                     the indigent and elderly who cannot
                                                                                     afford legal fees.
                                                                                       Mahlangu has worked tirelessly to
                                                                                     make sure that victims of crime get
                                                                                     justice they deserve when criminals
                                                                                     are jailed.
                                                                                       While working as a cop, he read
                                                                                     for a law degree (LLB) through Uni-
                                                                                     sa and joined Legal Aid as a candi-
                                                                                     date attorney in 2018.

                                                                                     GRACE MJAJI
                                                                                       GRACE MJAJI (26) served in the
                                                                                     South African Police Service Com-
                                                                                     munity Crime Fighting Programme
                                                                                     (CPF) where she participated in the
                                                                                     street patrolling community out-
                                                                                     reach aimed at stopping crime and
                                                                                     ensuring community safety.
                                                                                       Her participation goes as far back
                                                                                     as 2002 when she started out as an
                                                                                     active member of the community in
                                                                                     the Crime Solving Campaign.
                                                                                       In 2010 she volunteered as a se-
                                                                                     curity guard at Zakithi Primary
 Grace Mjaji                                                                         School.
                                                                                       She is currently working as a per-
                                                                                     sonal assistant to the principal at
                                                                                     Mamosa Educational Institute.
                                                                                       She is a leader in her own right and
   “I stand for simple justice, equal opportunity and                                a committed advocate for public
                                                                                     safety and security.
    human rights. The indispensable elements in a                                      To this day Mjaji cares for the
                                                                                     learners and staff safety and secu-
   democratic society - and well worth fighting for.”                                rity.
                      - Helen Suzman (1917 - 2009) -
   Parliamentarian, Human Rights Activist, sole representative of opposition party
               (the Progressive Party) in parliament during apartheid

      Dumisani Ian Mahlangu

   a partnership that works
14                                                                                                                                                        FEBRUARY 2019

 PHILANTHROPY                                                                                                                           100 EKURHULENI SHINING STARS

 Dieketseng Pretty Twala

                                                                                                              is a gift
AYANDA HLUBI                                artists and event management. He is        “simply reminding people that to create     children busy. She tackles issues such as
TSAKANE                                     driving change across SA by showing        better societies we need to invest in the   peer pressure, anger management and
  AYANDA HLUBI (31) is a commu-             young artists the ropes. As the director   future of our children. Hope to Infinity    helps resolves conflicts.
nity leader, lecturer at Ekurhuleni East    of National Donate a School Bag Cam-       has been able to extend Madiba’s vision      She empowers children to realise a
TVET College and public speaker who         paign, they give school bags to disad-     to invest in children. Yaka also owns       better future.
is involved in a variety of projects –      vantaged children across SA. Together      Cebo Consulting, which helps young
winter uniform fundraising initiatives,     with his team they donated 556 school      people to start their own businesses.       DIEKETSENG PRETTY TWALA
mentorship and most recently part-          bags, 100 boxes of Kellogs cornflakes,     She is inspired Nelson Mandela’s words:     KATLEHONG
nered with Panties and Bras for a Pur-      and a laptop to a top student in Watt-     “There can be no keener revelation of         DIEKETSENG PRETTY TWALA
pose. She is passionate about women         ville.                                     society’s soul than through the way it      (24) has helped vulnerable kids by of-
equality and empowerment, hence the           Recently his team donated 400 sani-      treats its children.”                       fering them counselling at HWSETA
Whole Woman Conference. She has             tary towels to girls in Wattville.                                                     (Khaya Family Centre). As a child and
been hosting these conferences since          He has helped the local youths launch    THATO LOVENESS RAMALAMULA                   youth care worker, she ensures they are
2016 which has hosted influential wom-      a forum which recruited 10 youths to       VOSLOORUS                                   in safe homes. This also involves help-
en such as Connie Ferguson, Gail Ma-        be part of Activate! Change Driver Pro-      THATO LOVENESS RAMALAM-                   ing the children and at risk youth de-
balane, Pushie Watson and Dr Mamikie        gramme that equips youngsters with         ULA (26) is an agent of change in the       velop interpersonal relations with their
Molapo. These conferences empower           educational skills. Ngobozana and his      vulnerable communities of Duduza,           families. She provides information on
women in business and finance, rela-        team are collecting antiperspirant de-     Alma Park, Nigel and Dunnotar which         HIV/AIDS and treatment options in
tionships and family, health, and inspire   odorants and toothpaste for disadvan-      are affected by crime, violence, sub-       community care and support.
them to live purpose driven lives. The      taged boys and also driving a “No to       stance abuse, teenage pregnancy and
Whole Woman 2018 was attended by            drugs” campaign in schools. His efforts    school dropouts. She empowers young         NELISIWE MBATHA
500 women at Faranani Multipurpose          as a “kasipreneur”’ have earned him        children and the youth through vari-        VOSLOORUS
Centre.                                     several awards and citations.              ous programmes that keep them off            NELISIWE MBATHA (24) collects
                                                                                       the streets. She offers individual ses-     old clothes and food for needy families.
JABULANE THABETHE                           NOMCEBO YAKA                               sions with emotionally unstable             She also visits these families and helps
KATLEHONG                                   TEMBISA                                    youngsters and works with                   out in their homes. From an early age
  JABULANE HOPE THABETHE                      NOMCEBO YAKA (26) runs Hope to           at risk children who are                      she hated seeing people suffering,
(24) established Barefoot Walk (Walk        Infinity in Tembisa. They support poor     exposed to delinquent be-                      especially because of lack of basic
for change) under the Hope for Africa       children by donating school shoes,         haviour, crime and abuse.                       needs such as food, shelter and
Foundation in 2016. She set it up after     clothes and food. They also host free      She also does door-to-                           clothing. It broke her heart to see
feeling of hopeless following his moth-     school holiday programmes and give         door campaigns informing                         people suffer, especially because
er’s death.                                 sanitary pads to girls. Yaka works with    communities about avail-                        she did not have the means to make
  He thought of how many kids are go-       several primary schools around Tembi-      able interventions for them                      a difference. When she was able to
ing through hopelessness and loneli-        sa, among them Nyiko, Khulasizwe and       to cope. Ramalamula runs
ness without guidance or love.              Sedibeng. She has the drive to empower     three-day, school holiday                                   Xolani Gift Nkosi
  Barefoot Walk was founded to help         her community by using her own mon-        programmes to keep the
an increasing number of kids who walk       ey to help others. She is Ekurhuleni’s
long distances to school, sometimes         rising star, among our “amaqhawekazi”
barefoot or in improper school shoes.       because of the huge impact she has
They are teased as a result. His founda-    made in improving the lives of the
tion also helps children in                 youngsters through her NGO.
  Botswana, Lesotho and Kenya, restor-        She believes that Tata Madiba was
ing their human dignity. Since 2016
they have helped more than 3,000 chil-
dren, the majority in Ekurhuleni.

  XOLANE NGOBOZANA (33) is the
founder and CEO of Found Virus Em-
pire Media Global, a strategic market-
ing company that specialises in media,

    a partnership that works
FEBRUARY 2019                                                                                                                                                        15

100 EKURHULENI SHINING STARS                                                                                                                     PHILANTHROPY

she started collecting clothes and food
for donations.

  XOLANI GIFT NKOSI (25) is a very
talented young man who uses his gift
to help others. Since high school he
has been directing choirs, drama and
teaching dance through community
organisations such as Bonakala and
Untouchable Productions. Through his
involvement in the arts he was appoint-
ed as the leader of Life Changing Zone
under Healing Centre Family Church.
He ran multiple programmes to help
fight social issues such as addiction to
nyaope, crime, teenage pregnancy and
suicide, one of the leading causes of
death among SA’s youth. Nkosi founded
five choirs in Daveyton and is currently
involved with the Sharpkeys Music
  He and his worship team run an af-
terschool programme teaching ballet
to local children in his garage. Nkosi
is a hero among his peers. Growing up,
his mother worked at a day-care centre
for the disabled. With the low pay she
earned, she took him and his younger        Nelisiwe Mbatha
brother to work where he sang and
danced for the kids. His talents have                                                                                             drugs. Survivors of rape can also de-
been recognised overseas, he has been                                                                                             pend on her support. She works very
accepted to study at the New York Film                                                                                            closely with SANCA to assists families.
Academy in the US and is looking for a
sponsor.                                                                                                                          NELISIWE MBATHA
MALOSE CONDREY MOGOLANE                                                                                                            NELISIWE MBATHA (34) collects
TEMBISA                                                                                                                           new and old clothes and food to give to
  MALOSE CONDREY MOGOLANE                                                                                                         needy families in the township. She also
(31) inspires through his commit-                                                                                                 spends quality time with the families by
ment to giving without expecting. He                                                                                              visiting them at home and helping with
will jump at every opportunity to lend                                                                                            household chores.
a hand even when he might be chal-
lenged.                                                                                                                           DIEKETSENG PRETTY TWALA
  The community of Tembisa chose him                                                                                              KATLEHONG
as an ambassador for change. He does                                                                                                DIEKETSENG PRETTY TWALA
not believe in being pigeon holed, he                                                                                             (24) helps vulnerable children by offer-
will help an old lady to carry groceries,                                                                                         ing them free counselling at HWSETA’s
help a school child with homework. His                                                                                            Khaya Family Centre.
only fear is that people like him are not
appreciated enough.                                                                                                               MOGASIYA MATHEBA
KHAYA MNYANDA                                                                                                                       MAGASIYA MATHEBA (32) is a
  KHAYA MNYANDA (33) runs the               Nompumelelo Raolin Nhlapo                                                             humanitarian whose concern for girl
North Field Methodist Church Mis-                                                                                                 children has led her to collect sanitary
sionary and Outreach programme,              JABULANI SIMON MAKHUBU                     CYNTHIA MAGAGULA                          towels for girls who cannot afford them.
through which he feeds the homeless         (31) has been working for the City of       DAVEYTON                                  With research showing that feminine
and prays with them daily. A very ex-       Ekurhuleni since 2014 as an embasan-          CYNTHIA MAGAGULA (30) helps             hygiene, including menstruation, has
emplary leader, he helps prisoners re-      dor for the energy department in the        to feed the needy and is always on the    the potential to disadvantage them by
form through his prison ministry. He        Free Basic Electricity Awareness pro-       road asking for donations of clothes to   missing out on 50 days of school, his
also helps with food parcels and raises     gramme. Through door to door cam-           help the indigent. She also works hard    initiative has ensured that many of these
funds for child headed households           paigns he informs the community             to keep children from being hooked on     girls never miss school. This means get-
across Ekurhuleni. A generous spirit, he    about how to use electricity efficiently                                              ting an education which will ensure a
helps with skills development for young     and how they can access the free 100                                                    bright future for them and their fami-
people looking for work.                    units provided by the council. In 2016                                                lies.
                                            he was appointed in the city’s finance
MAHLAPE NALEDI MOLEKO                       department in the billing section as a                                                NOMPUMELELO RAOLIN NHLAPO
TEMBISA                                     billing clerk. Makhubu loves assisting                                                DUDUZA
  MAHLAPE NALEDI MOLEKO (19)                the community and living the Batho–                                                     NOMPUMELELO RAOLIN NHLA-
is a selfless philanthropist who feeds      Pele principles.                                                                      PO (26) works with a number of organ-
homeless people in the community.                                                                                                 isations that help youth, however she is
The businesswoman sells paintings and       NOMTHANDAZO RADEBE                                                                    most passionate about girls and young
braids people’s hair for extra income.      GERMISTON                                                                             women.
Her poetry and hard work inspire the          NOMTHANDAZO RADEBE (35)                                                               She has worked with organisations
youth of Tembisa. Local newspapers          is always helpful in the community of                                                 such as Ezase Duduza; Duduza Youth
have noticed her efforts and profiled       Germiston. The community members                                                      Forum, Boa Re O Thuse all of which
her. Together with the church elders        that nominated her attest to that.                                                    aim to empower youth. She is currently
and the youth they visit orphanages to        One of them says she had already                                                    the chairperson of Brave Queens, a
share their love. She is also part of a     given up in life when she met Radebe                                                  non-profit organisation that aims to
group that helps with community clean       who treated her with compassion. She                                                  help disadvantaged girls in getting sani-
ups.                                        has observed that she treats all equally                                              tary towels.
                                            with respect. By being humble she in-
JABULANI SIMON MAKHUBU                      spires others to want to live their lives
GERMISTON                                   fruitfully.                                 Thato Loveness Ramalamula

   a partnership that works
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