Pillars Press - The Pillars | Senior Living

Page created by Carlos Chambers
Pillars Press - The Pillars | Senior Living
ISSUE 3: MARCH 2021                                                VOLUME 2

       Pillars Press
In This Issue
Message From Activities Team

March Dining Programs

Welcome New Employees                 Greetings,

March Birthdays                       If you are new to our community, welcome to the
                                      Pillars! We look forward to getting to know you
Pillars Peace Project                 and are excited you've joined this great
Birthdays at The Pillars
                                      As part of our Peace Project this month, we will be
Get-To-Know Your Neighbor             hosting a food drive from March 15th - 25th. Our
                                      collection will be donated to The Twin Cities
Southeast Seniors Events              Salvation Army. For the first time, the nonprofit is
                                      holding what it hopes will be the largest single
Cooking With Jeremy
                                      food drive ever in the Twin Cities, restocking its
                                      seven food pantries as they continue to serve more
Updates From The Executive Director
                                      Minnesotans in need during the pandemic. The
                                      organization aims to collect 2 million pounds of
Pillars Photo Gallery
                                      canned goods and other nonperishable items —
                                      enough food to fill its pantries until summer.
                                      Please bring your goods to the front desk before
                                      the 25th. Thank you in advance!

                                      If you have feedback or suggestions on the
                                      calendar and events at The Pillars, please let us
                                      know. Have a great month!

                                      Thank you,
  01                                  Erin, Lara & Megan        PILLARS PRESS | ISSUE 3
Pillars Press - The Pillars | Senior Living
New Dining Programs in March
  Movie Date Night - Friday, March 5
  Sign up for the meal and movie separate
  Waffle Breakfast - Friday, March 5
  International Women's Day Lunch - Monday, March 8
  Men's Lunch - Monday, March 15
  Omelet Breakfast - Friday, March 19
  Surf & Turf Dinner - Wednesday, March 31

Join us in welcoming our new employees
                       Mindy Keskinen: RA Full Time - Bio & Picture
                       Coming Soon!

                       Luke Solheid: RA Casual- I am from
                       Maplewood Minnesota but currently live in
                       Dinkytown. I am a sophomore at the University
                       of Minnesota pursuing a degree in Kinesiology.
                       I plan to go on to graduate school after I
                       graduate to become a physician assistant. A fun
                       fact about me is that I enjoy running and I am
                       currently training to complete my first

                       Bronwyn Boyce-Erikson: RA Casual- Hi all! I
                       am from Chanhassen, MN but currently living
                       in Dinkytown, MPLS. I am a nursing student at
                       the University of Minnesota and I have
                       previously worked as a CNA. A fun fact about
                       me is that I love to rock climb and I frequently
                       go to the Minneapolis Bouldering Project! I am
                       so excited to be working at the Pillars!

  02                                               PILLARS PRESS | ISSUE 3
Pillars Press - The Pillars | Senior Living
Pillars Peace Project

March Birthdays
 March 2 Bob Thomasson
 March 2 Bob Steller                       This month's Peace Project will

 March 4 Elaine Frankowski              celebrate Ireland! We are so honored

 March 5 Roxanne Markoff                 to have talented staff and residents

 March 6 Richard Poppele                 share their gifts and traditions from

 March 12 Samantha Vang                    their homeland with us. We will

 March 23 Marie Abear                    celebrate with our community meal
                                        on March 17th! On April 28th, we will
                                                be celebrating Finland!

We want to clarify the birthday program here at The
Pillars. When you move in there is a form you sign
that releases your birthday (month & day) if you'd like
us to celebrate. If your name isn't included at the front
desk or in our communications it's because that box
wasn't selected. If you'd like us to recognize your
birthday in that way, please let us know so we can add
you to our list. Each month, the birthdays of that
month will plan their own party or social. It's all
voluntary of course as we want you to celebrate in the
way you'd like to. We are currently planning the March
celebration. If you have a birthday in March and would
like to join us or if you have any questions, please let
Erin know.
  03                                                        PILLARS PRESS | ISSUE 3
Pillars Press - The Pillars | Senior Living
Get-To-Know Your Neighbors:
Judith Holtan
1. Where are you from?
I was born in St. Paul, Minnesota, and
grew up in a small town in Central
Minnesota. I attended the University of
Minnesota and the State University of
New York. The last 17 years, I lived in St.
Cloud. Between St. Paul and St. Cloud, I
lived and traveled the world.                 4. If you could travel anywhere in the
                                              world where would it be?
2. What do you consider one of your           I had planned a cruise on the Black Sea
greatest accomplishments?                     which was postponed due to my
I set out to live an interesting life- a      husband's illness- I would like to do this
promise I made to myself when I               someday, post-Covid.
graduated high school- and I have!
Through my academic career, and as a          5. If you could have dinner with 3
geographer, I traveled extensively and        people who would they be?
met interesting people from many              I just finished a biography of the
different backgrounds and countries.          director, Mike Nichols. I would have
                                              enjoyed meeting him, I think-
3. What are your favorite hobbies?            apparently, he was a great dinner host.
The things I have done beyond my              The Canadian philosopher, Charles
professional life- gardening (I have          Taylor; just because; and, the art critic
designed several gardens for myself,          for The New Yorker, Peter Schjeldahl,
friends, and family); writing music (I        who has written so exquisitely about my
play the piano); and working on my            favorite art museum, the Frick

creative writing (poems, novels, etc.).       Collection in New York City. (note: I

My favorite thing to do when I was            wrote my doctoral dissertation about art

younger was to bridge- walk in the            museums and the city!)

American Rockies for summer
vacations; or, take walking tours in
04                                                           PILLARS PRESS | ISSUE 3
Pillars Press - The Pillars | Senior Living
Lunch Bunch with Southeast Seniors

Safer Living Using Smart Home Technology & Adaptive Equipment
Wednesday, March 10th | 1:30-2:30pm

Staying in your home can sometimes be a matter of finding practical solutions. Learn about
adaptive equipment, smart home technology, and more that can help you with the activities
of daily living, maintaining your connections with others, and living well at home. Sue
Redepenning is the owner of LiveLife Therapy Solutions and the Program Director for
Technology for HOME, a state-funded program that provides assistive technology (AT) for
people with disabilities throughout Minnesota. Sue leads a team of twelve AT consultants
(Occupational Therapy, Speech-Language Pathology, Physical Therapy, Nursing, and
Engineering). Sue is an Occupational Therapist and has worked in the field of AT for over 20
years. She has presented at AT-related conferences locally and nationally.

Why Friendship Matters in a time of COVID-19
Wednesday, March 17th | 1:30-2:30 pm

This interactive presentation explores the value and importance of friendship in these
turbulent pandemic times and looks at why finding creative ways to engage with others is so
important to our well-being. Staying connected in the face of social distancing matters.
Nourishing meaningful relationships and investing in new ones provides a powerful antidote
to loneliness. Come connect with us. Together, we can harness the power of friendship and
be there for each other when it matters most. Georgia Afton takes her professional work in
elder services personally. She originally worked for her current employer – Little Brothers –
Friends of the Elderly (LBFE) –from 1999 to 2003 as the organization’s development and
communications director. To this day, she cherishes the memory of several Elder Friends
made during those years who added joy, meaning, and wisdom to her life. Those
friendships, coupled with navigating her own parents’ elder years from overseas, drew her
back to LBFE in 2015. She now serves as the organization’s community outreach director
and is happy to, once again, embrace the work of ending elder loneliness and isolation
through the power of friendship. Georgia’s previous nonprofit work has included
communications and development roles with Nonviolent Peaceforce and Clare Housing. She
earned a B.A. from the University of Minnesota and an M.F.A. from Hamline University.

    05                                                             PILLARS PRESS | ISSUE 3
Pillars Press - The Pillars | Senior Living
Cooking With Jeremy: Butter Mochi
(Chinese Sticky Rice Cakes)
4 cups granulated sugar
8 eggs
2 cans evaporated milk
2 cans coconut cream
1 cups unsalted butter, melted
2 lbs sticky rice flour
1 T + 1 t baking powder
1/2 t allspice
2 t ginger
Zest from 2 oranges
1 t salt

    Preheat the oven to 350 F.
    Add the sugar and eggs to a large mixing bowl and whisk to combine. Whisk until
    the eggs are completely incorporated into the sugar.
    Add the evaporated milk, coconut cream, and vanilla to the sugar mixture. Then
    whisk in the melted butter.
    In a separate bowl, whisk the rice flour, baking powder, allspice, ginger, and salt
    Add dry ingredients and orange zest to wet ingredients. Whisk until well blended.
    Line a 9 by 13-inch baking pan with parchment paper. Leave enough paper
    around the edges so you can use them to lift the cake out of the pan. You can also
    butter the pan or grease it with non-stick cooking spray.
    Pour the mixture into the prepared pan and place it in the oven.
    Bake for about an hour. The baking time will vary based on your oven and
    climate. It will be golden brown on top and when you insert the toothpick in the
    middle it will come out mostly clean.
    Allow the cake to cool. Then remove it using the edges of the parchment paper.
    Cut it into squares and serve. Top with more shredded coconut if you wish.

  06                                                            PILLARS PRESS | ISSUE 3
Pillars Press - The Pillars | Senior Living
Message from Executive Director
We are so pleased our 2nd COVID clinic was another great success. We did
over 120 vaccines with over 95% of residents having received the 2nd
vaccination and over 67% of staff receiving their second dose. We have our
3rd clinic date set for mid-March. We have welcomed more and more visitors
into our building using the sign-up genius for those visits. While we are still
limiting the number of visits, we have been able to accommodate all requests.

We continue to ensure the safety of residents and staff by screening staff and
visitors daily. All staff and guests must wear masks and face shields while in
the building. It provides hope and excitement for the future that one day this
pandemic may be behind us.                                                             Becky,
                                                                                  Executive Director
In March, we look forward to opening our community up to entertainers and
practicum students who are working through the University of Minnesota
Physical Therapy and Dental programs. We have seen an increase in tours as
potential residents begin to make plans for spring moves into our building.

On March 1, our dining room is open for full service for all three meals. Our
Chef, Jeremy Switzer, will be featuring a made-to-order omelet and waffle
station for breakfast.

It gives me great pleasure to introduce our new Director of Health Services,
Sharon Divine to the Pillars of Prospect Park community. Sharon will be
joining us on March 8. Sharon has been a nurse for 13 years, primarily
working in assisted living, long-term care, and mental health. In her last
position, she led the charge in compliance management and was instrumental
in developing and implementing home care policies and procedures.
Sharon holds a master's degree in Nursing, emphasizing Leadership
Management and Nurse Executive specialization from Walden University.
She is a member of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing
and the National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS)
Sharon has been married for 14 years and has two sets of twins. Kellen &
                                                                                  Director of Health
Victor, 6 years old, and Kayden & Kayleigh, 4 years old. She says, “the kids
keep me busy and engaged, but I must admit that I look forward to them
welcoming me home every day after work and enjoy having the chance to see
the world through their eyes”. We look forward to Sharon joining our team!

07                                                                     PILLARS PRESS | ISSUE 3
Pillars Press - The Pillars | Senior Living
Pillars Photo Gallery

                                              Lunar New Year Parade

Special Social Hour

                                                 Bourbon Tasting
            Vaccination Day, Join the Herd!
   08                                                  PILLARS PRESS | ISSUE 3
Pillars Press - The Pillars | Senior Living Pillars Press - The Pillars | Senior Living
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