PAST EVENTS 2015/16 - Swedish Swiss Chamber of Commerce

Page created by Florence Simpson
PAST EVENTS 2015/16 - Swedish Swiss Chamber of Commerce


                      Photos: SSCC, Nordea Bank S.A., Courtesy Art Basel, Andaleeb Lilley Photography, Müller-Möhl Group

PAST EVENTS 2015/16 - Swedish Swiss Chamber of Commerce

September 2015                             December 2015                            Oil seminar with Thina Saltvedt, Nor-
SSCC Traditional Crayfish Party - Zurich   Glögg evening in cooperation with SEB    dea Private Bank - Lugano
                                           Private Bank - Geneva
SSCC Golf Competition - Lugano Golf                                                 SSCC After Work - Zurich
Club                                       Glögg evening in cooperation with SEB
                                           Private Bank - Zurich                    Opening of the new Swedish Consula-
Nordea Private Bank event, Presentati-                                              te in Lugano. Presentation by Christian
on by Carl Bildt - Zurich                  Lucia Celebrations - Lugano              Vitta, State Councillor, Canton Ticino
                                                                                    - Lugano
“A Green Race is on”, presentation by      January 2016
Prof. Björn Stigson - Zurich               SSCC After Work - Zurich                 SSCC After Work - Geneva

SSCC After Work - Zurich                   SSCC After Work - Geneva                 May 2016
                                                                                    Nordea Golf Competition - Lugano
“Traceability and Transparency for a       February 2016
Responsible” Economy by Robin Cor-         Presentation by Peter Voser, Chairman    SSCC After Work - Zurich
nelius - Geneva                            of ABB, “Innovate to compete” - Zurich
                                           Presentation by Klas Petersson, Swe-     SSCC After Work - Geneva
SSCC After Work - Geneva                   dish Defence Attaché - Geneva

October 2015                               Ski World Cup, joint event with          June 2016
Presentation with Dr. Percy Barnevik,      SwissCham and SSCC - Stockholm           Nordic Drink, joint event with Finnish
Hand in Hand - Geneva                                                               Chamber, Danish Chamber, Norwegian
                                           After Work - Zurich                      Club and SSCC - Zurich
SSCC After Work - Zurich
                                           March 2016                               Art Basel, private event and guided
3rd Lugano Philanthropy Day, “Empo-        SSCC Annual General Meeting - Bern       tour for SSCC - Basel
wering Communities to Lead Change”
- Lugano                                   SSCC After Work - Geneva

Dinner in conjunction with the Lugano      Motor Show with Volvo Cars - Geneva
Philanthropy Day
                                           Presentation by Kerstin af Jochnick,
SSCC After Work - Geneva                   First Deputy Governor, Riksbanken -
November 2015
SWEA Business Forum - Zurich               SEB Skiing Competition - Klosters

SSCC After Work - Zurich                   April 2016
                                           Workshop with Prosensit, “Change
Presentation by Carolina Müller-Möhl,      Management - Closing the Gap
“Another Perspective on Investing:         between Strategy and Execution” -
Social Responsibility” - Zurich            Geneva

SSCC After Work - Geneva

PAST EVENTS 2015/16 - Swedish Swiss Chamber of Commerce

                                              Presentation by Dr. Percy Barnevik,
                                              Hand in Hand International

                                              Geneva, 20 October 2015
                                              Dr. Percy Barnevik, former CEO/Chairman of ABB, Astra
                                              Zeneca, Skanska, Sandvik and Investor held a presentation
                                              giving us an insight to the important work of “Hand in Hand
                                              ”. Dr. Barnevik is the Co-founder and Honorary Chairman of
                                              Hand in Hand.

                                              Hand in Hand focuses on poverty reduction through job
                                              creation. Women are mobilized into “Self-Help groups”,
                                              empowered by business training and access to credit. Hand
                                              in Hand has so far helped almost 1,7 million women entre-
                                              preneurs and created 1,75 million enterprises; the goal is
                                              to create 10 million jobs. Furthermore, more than 260,000
                                              children have been taken out of child labour and moved into
                          Photo: Kim Norman   schools.

                                              3rd Lugano Philanthropy Day
                                              “Empowering Communities to Lead

                                              Lugano, 22 October 2015
                                              SSCC and UBS had the pleasure of inviting members and
                                              friends of the Chamber to the 3rd Philanthropy Day in Luga-
                                              no. The forum had the focus on the conceptual and practical
                                              issues in building empowered communities. The discussion
                                              was led through examples and case studies from the field.
                                              Speakers were: Percy Barnevik, Co-founder and Honorary
                                              Chairman of Hand in Hand; Riccardo Braglia, Founder of the
                                              Foundation New Flower in Africa; Ann-Marie Sevcsik, Pro-
                                              gram Director at UBS Optimus Foundation; and Rajesh Panja-
                                              bi, MD, MPH - Co-Founder and CEO of Last Mile Health. This
                                              was a highly appreciated event and was followed by an ex-
                                              ceptional dinner with top Chef Tommy Myllymäki combining
                                              the Swedish and Ticino food cultures.

                                              The dinner was taking place at the renowed Michelin Star
                                              restaurant Arté in Lugano headed by Frank Oertle.

                                Photos: UBS

PAST EVENTS 2015/16 - Swedish Swiss Chamber of Commerce

                                                                                                               Photos: SSCC

THE SSCC OFFErS A WIDE rANgE OF EVENTS                          the Chamber to its annual skiing competition. As in previous
SUCH AS BUSINESS EVENTS, WOrKSHOPS AS                           years, the event took place in Klosters with a fun ski com-
WELL AS SOCIAL EVENTS.                                          petition along with instructions by Nina Öqvist from Skiers
                                                                Accredited. After the competitive race we all enjoyed a
HErE IS A SELECTION OF SOME OF THE SOCIAL                       lunch at the Alte Schwendi restaurant on the slopes. In the
EVENTS OrgANISED DUrINg 2016.                                   evening more guests joined the party for a dinner at the
                                                                Chesa grischuna restaurant. As well as SEB, Scott Sports and
SwissCham and SSCC World Cup Ski event                          Skiers Accredited sponsored with prizes for the winners and
Stockholm, 23 February 2016                                     the runner-up. Destination Davos Klosters also presented
The first joint event between SSCC and the Swiss Chamber        during the evening.
of Commerce in Sweden was organised around the first
World Cup Ski event in Hammarbybacken in Stockholm. Anja        nordic Drinks
Pärson joined us while watching the world champions com-        Zurich, 2 June 2016
peting in parallel slalom and was the key note speaker in the   The SSCC in cooperation with the Danish-Swiss Chamber
evening during our dinner in Hammarby Sjöstad.                  of Commerce, Handelskammer Finnland-Schweiz and
                                                                Norgesklubben Sveits organized the first joint Nordic event
The event was hosted by Magnus Hartog Holm, Ambassador          with a Nordic Drinks event at the Blaue Ente in Zurich. Two
to Sweden in Switzerland, and gérald Délèze, Counsellor/        joint events per year will be organised following the success
Deputy Head of Mission of the Swiss Embassy in Sweden.          of this event.

The event was a huge success and will be followed by more
joint events in both Sweden and Switzerland. And as “icing
on the cake” Sweden got 3 podiums (2 silver and 1 bronze)
and Switzerland 1 gold.

SEB Annual Ski Competition
Klosters, 12 March 2016
For the sixth year running, the SSCC in cooperation with
SEB had the pleasure of inviting members and friends of

PAST EVENTS 2015/16 - Swedish Swiss Chamber of Commerce

                                                                                  Photos: Andaleeb Lilley Photography

Peter Voser, Chairman of ABB
“Innovate to compete”

Zurich, 3 February 2016
The Swedish Swiss Chamber of Commerce (SSCC) in co-         Widder, and members and friends of the respective
operation with the British-Swiss Chamber of Commerce        Chambers enjoyed the increased networking opportunities
(BSCC) had the pleasure of welcoming Peter Voser for a      across the “borders” as well as listening to a highly in-
presentation on the topic “Innovate to compete”. Given      teresting and inspiring speech by Peter Voser.
the increasingly competitive international environment,
companies that wants to remain successful in the future
must boost their capacity for innovation. This was a
very successful event. We filled the Widder Saal at Hotel

Editor in Chief: Eva Fiorenzoni, Swedish Swiss Chamber of Commerce
Cover Photo: ABB
Print & Grahic Design: B. Blöchlinger AG, 6015 Luzern
Distribution: 1000 copies and digitally on
Advertising: Eva Fiorenzoni,, +41 43 343 10 51

SSCC YEARBOOK no. 7, 2016/2017

PAST EVENTS 2015/16 - Swedish Swiss Chamber of Commerce
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