Page created by Wendy Wood
Goole College


     Welcome                      5
     Student Support              6-7
     How Do I Apply?              8-9
     Advanced Learner Loan        10
     Opportunities at Goole       11
     Core Subjects                12
     Health & Care                13
     Access to Higher Education   13

2                                       3
Thank you for picking up our part-
time prospectus and for considering
Goole College for your studies.
Goole College has a variety of courses for you
to choose from which are all suitable for a wide
range of learners. So, whether you’re looking
to boost your CV, get back into employment or
simply to meet new people and gain new skills,
we are sure to have a course to suit you.

If you choose to study with us you will be taught
by experienced and skilled tutors and have access
to our dedicated support services, including
funding support, counselling and careers advice
and guidance to support you and your future
aspirations. I look forward to welcoming you to
our college and being part of our family.

Caron Wright
Principal, Goole College

STUDENT SUPPORT                                                                       Equality & Diversity                         The Group expects all staff, students
                                                                                      Goole college is committed to a policy       and visitors and on site contractors/
Enrol Now, Pay Later                        Financial Help                            of equal opportunities for all and           temporary staff to do the same. We
If you enrol before the 16th August you     If you are studying on a part-time        to providing an environment that             strive to achieve excellence with our
will not need to pay anything at the time   course you may be eligible for help       promotes equality for all and celebrates     diverse student community and our
of enrolment. Your deposit will be taken    towards the cost of your course from      its diverse community. We value              own staff, recognising that people have
on 4th September automatically and          the Learner Support Fund or the           everyone equally and do not treat            different needs, culture, experience and
then any future instalments will be taken   Advanced Learner Loan. Application        anyone less favourably on the basis          expectations. We expect and encourage
either weekly, monthly or termly. This      forms are available from the College      of gender, disability, race/ethnicity,       staff and students to work together to
can be done via Direct Debit or Credit/     reception and our Student Finance         sexual orientation, age, religion/           overcome all forms of discrimination
Debit card payment plan.                    Team are available to provide further     faith/belief, gender reassignment,           and harassment. Through our shared
In order for instalments to be an           information and advice. You can           pregnancy/maternity or marriage or           Group values every individual is
option the course cost has to be over       telephone the team on: (01482) 598942.    civil partnership status. These are the      respected as of right and this should
£100 and running for 10 weeks or more.      The support funds are means tested,       protected characteristics as defined in      always be reflected in our language,
                                            eligibility criteria may apply and an     the Equality Act 2010.                       behaviours and actions.
                                            early application is advised.

OPEN EVENTS                                 No Fees to Pay
2018/19                                     If you are aged 19+ you may not have to   Student Support
                                            pay fees on funded Further Education      A wide range of additional student support is available, including:
Sat 13th Oct 2018         10am-2pm          courses if you meet certain criteria.
                                                                                      •   Support for literacy, numeracy and study skills to help students successfully
Wed 7 Nov 2018
                          5pm-7pm                                                         complete their course
Wed 5th Dec 2018          5pm-7pm                      For more information           •   A Learning Resource Centre providing a wide range of resources, including
                                                       regarding course fees              computer and internet access as well as reading materials
Wed 23rd Jan 2019         5pm-7pm
                                                       and to see if you qualify      •   A student welfare and counselling service to support you
Thur 21st Mar 2019        5pm-7pm                      for a fee waiver please
                                                       call 01482 598744              •   The SEND Additional Support team offer educational support to students to
Thur 2   nd
              May 2019    5pm-7pm                                                         remove barriers to learning whilst encouraging independence
Sat 15th June 2019        10am-2pm
                                           PICK YOUR COURSE
                         Look through this prospectus or our website and find the course(s) for you.

do I apply
                   NOT SURE                                                    YOU’VE MADE
                  WHAT TO DO?                                                  YOUR CHOICE
             Contact our Course Information Team                                 Great, if the course you’ve
              for some advice on (01405) 762420,                           chosen states you need an interview
             email or                            then you need to complete an

for my
             visit one of our Open Events to speak                           application form. you can do this
                       to our friendly tutors                               online at

                                                  WHAT NEXT?
             Depending on the course, you may be invited to; An interview, Take a literacy or numeracy test OR

             A meet and greet to find out who else will be on your course. If any of the above is relevant to your
                           course choice we’ll be in touch to arrange a suitable date and time.


                                 You can enrol in person at Goole College, Boothferry Road.

                                           ENROLMENT DATES
                                            Enrol from Sat 9th June - 10am - 2pm
                                     Then: Mon-Thu 8.30am - 4.30pm, Fri 8.30am - 4pm
                           Look out for extended enrolment opening hours from w/c 3 September

8                                                                                                                    9
ADVANCED                                                       CHANGING FUTURES
  LEARNER LOAN                                                   WITH GOOLE COLLEGE
                                                                 AND JOBCENTRE PLUS
If you’re 19 or older, you can apply for
the Advanced Learner Loan to help                                100’s of jobseekers visit Goole College
with the costs of a College course.                              to discover their new career at the 4th
                                                                 annual Changing Futures Event.
Loans are available to help you with the costs of studying a
qualification from Level 3 up to Level 6. This does not affect
your legal entitlement to full funding for your course
if you are aged 19 to 23 and do not already hold a full
Level 3 qualification or above. However, the course or
qualification you wish to study must be listed by the ESFA       GREEN TEAM HELPS
as eligible for full funding entitlement. Those who already
hold a Level 3 qualification or above and all those aged 24
                                                                 VOLUNTEERS GROW
and over will need to either self-fund or apply for a loan.      WITH GOOLE COLLEGE
You can apply for a loan to pay the tuition fees towards         Goole College helps volunteers
your course, which will be paid directly to the college on
your behalf.
                                                                 achieve City & Guilds qualification in
                                                                 partnership with The Green Team.
Unlike a bank loan, your monthly repayment will be based
in your income and repayments will then only start once
you are earning over £21,000 per year. Repayments
start at as little as £7 per month (based on an income of
£22,000 per year before tax) meaning that this is a great
way to access courses that previously, for financial reasons,    BBC VISITS GOOLE COLLEGE
may have been out of your reach.                                 BBC Radio picks Goole College as
                                                                 live broadcast location to promote
Apply online or download an application form
                                                                 the excellent opportunities for Adult
                                                                 Learners in the region.
                                                                 These are just some of the exciting opportunities
                                                                 at Goole College and you can see more by visiting
CORE SUBJECTS                                                                                          HEALTH & CARE
Course Name & Code                    Days         Duration     Start Date(s)     Times    Interview   Course Name & Code                Days          Duration      Start Date(s)        Times         Interview
                                                     (weeks)                                                                                             (weeks)

ENGLISH & MATHS                                                                                        HEALTH & CARE
GPEMTHS1-1                                                                                             GPESTL21-1CCL21
GCSE Mathematics                       Wed             32          05/09/18      6pm-9pm       Y       CACHE Level 2 Certificate
Package                                                                                                in Supporting Teaching &           Wed               35           05/09/18        6pm-9pm              Y
                                                                                                       Learning in Schools
                                       Wed             32          05/09/18      6pm-9pm       Y
GCSE English                                                                                           GPESTL21-1CCL21 (ONLINE)
                                                                                                       CACHE Level 3 Diploma                                                            5:30pm-6pm
English & Maths                                                                                        in Specialist Support for          Wed               35           05/09/18        plus online          Y
                                       Wed             30          05/09/18      6pm-8pm      N
Workshop                                                                                               Teaching and Learning                                                              learning
                                                                                                       in Schools
                                                                                                       GPESTL31-1CCL31 (ONLINE)
English & Maths                        Wed             15          09/01/19      6pm-8pm      N                                                                                         5:30pm-6pm
                                                                                                       CACHE Level 3 Certificate
Workshop                                                                                                                                  Wed               35           05/09/18        plus online          Y
                                                                                                       in Supporting Teaching &
GPEESOL1-1                                                                                             Learning in Schools (QCF)                                                          learning
English for speakers of                Wed             35          05/09/18      6pm-9pm       Y
other languages (ESOL)                                                                                 GPESTL31-1CCL31 (ONLINE)
                                                                                                       Level 3 NEBOSH National
GPEESOL1-S                                                                                             General Certificate in             Var               14             Var              Var               Y
English for speakers of                Wed             20          09/01/19      6pm-9pm       Y       Occupational Health
other languages (ESOL)                                                                                 and Safety

                                                                                                       ACCESS TO HIGHER EDUCATION
Pathway - Entry 3                   Mon - Wed          20          07/01/19         TBC        Y
/Level 1 - January Start                                                                               An Access to Higher Education (Health and Science) course at Goole College can provide you with an entry
                                                                                                       qualification valued by universities if you do not hold traditional A Levels. Assessment of work is varied,
                                                                                                       including exams, essays, debates and presentations, all of which prepare you for the experience that you can
                                                                                                       expect when you progress to a degree at Goole College or elsewhere. Within the College there is a strong
                                                                                                       community of Access students, who all support one another to ensure that you can succeed on our course.
                                                                                                       For more information on entry requirements and fees please visit

                           For information on all courses visit                                         If your chosen course requires an interview, you’ll need
  12                                                                                                                                                                                                              13
                                     or contact                                                  to complete an application form at
£5 off
                                                                                                                                     Goole College has taken reasonable care to ensure that the information contained in this prospectus is correct at the time of going

                                                                                                                                     to press. Prospective students should be aware that it is sometimes necessary to cancel or modify courses prior to commencement

                                                                                                                                     due to low enrolment or funding changes, including (but not limited to) course content, dates, times, fees and entry requirements.

                                                                                 W I TH THI S                                         Prospective students should confirm all details with our Course Information Team prior to enrolment and commencement on a

                                                                                                                                                                           course or entering into any other financial commitment.

                                                                                 VO UCHER                                            You may also request a copy of the Goole College Fee Policy 2018/2019. If a student or prospective student has outstanding fees from

                                                                                                                                                                                 a previous course, enrolment will be refused.

                                                                                                                                      If a course is cancelled by the college prior to commencement, Goole College will use reasonable endeavours to offer a suitable

                                                                                                                                      alternative course. If a student does not wish to accept, or Goole College is not able to offer an alternative course, the student will

                                                                                                                                     be entitled to withdraw and may receive an appropriate refund. Where a student is unable to continue, refunds will be made only

       Name:                                                                                  DOB:                                    in exceptional circumstances and at the discretion of the college. All requests for refunds should be submitted in writing. Goole

                                                                                                                                                                                  College shall not have any further liability.


     *One voucher per customer. Voucher can be used for one treatment only. You must be over 16 to use. Valid until 31st July 2019

                      To make an appointment, please call 01482 312131
14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              15
Goole College
                          Boothferry Road,
                           Goole, DN14 6SR

     For information on all courses visit
       or contact / 01405 762420
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