PALM GREENS PULSE to all palm greeners happy holidays & a healthy new year - december 2020

Page created by Kathleen Hudson
PALM GREENS PULSE to all palm greeners happy holidays & a healthy new year - december 2020
december 2020   		Delray Beach, Florida

  to all palm greeners
    h a p p y h o l i d ay s &
   a h e a lt h y n e w y e a r
PALM GREENS PULSE to all palm greeners happy holidays & a healthy new year - december 2020
2         Palm Greens Pulse

                      Palm Greens Pulse
                                                                   IN THIS ISSUE
                                                                   PAGE NO.    ARTICLES
                                                                     3		       Recreation Board & From the Editor
                                                                     4		       Condo 1 & Condo 2
                                                                     5		       Alliance of Delray & Women’s Club

       V.P./Managing Editor           Production Manager
                                                                     6		       Tennis Committee & Four Seasons
            Mel Clapman                  Beth Villanova              7		       Men’s Club & Entertainment Committee
                                                                    8		 Points of Interest & AUM “No
                                                                    9		 Tennis Pro & He Said She Said
                                                                    10		       APOLOGY WITH PHOTO - THE
    Advertising Manager/Secretary                                  		          SIGMANS & Nobody Asked Me &
           Rhoda Misikoff                                          		          Tennis Social Club

                             Officers                                              AFTER PAGE 10
    		             Mel Clapman, Vice-President                       The Health Room
    		             Rhoda Misikoff, Vice-President
    					                                                            We Care
    Gloria Kostrzecha     Cele Fagan          Beth Villanova
    Sharon Mossovitz      Rachel Rodgers      Rhoda Bermon

    Channel 63
    Mel Clapman

    The Unit Owners Association of Palm Greens (UOAPG) and
    its publication, The Palm Greens Pulse, are not responsible
    for the services, products and/or claims made by our adver-

    We welcome articles of interest pertaining to Palm Greens as
    well as black and white photos. All submissions are subject
    to approval by the editor.                                      Follow the arrows in the parking
    Please address all correspondence to: The Palm Greens
    Pulse – 5801 Via Delray – Delray Beach FL 33484. We            lot and make sure you are driving
    request all articles be sent to The Pulse via email –
                                                                         in the right direction.

PALM GREENS PULSE to all palm greeners happy holidays & a healthy new year - december 2020
December 2020              3

    RECREATION BOARD                                                 FROM THE MANAGING
           by David LeVine                                                 EDITOR
                                                                             by Mel Clapman
     Welcome back Snowbirds and
Happy Holidays to all. Here is where                                  This being our December issue,
things stand Recreation Association-                              we want to wish everyone a happy
wise as we near the end of 2020.                                  holiday and a healthy New Year. Lots of
     Outdoor Facilities - The Recreation Association’s            holidays this month. Christmas. Chanukah. Kwanza.
Pool, Spa, and Tennis and Shuffle Board courts have               Boxing Day (look it up).
been opened 7 days a week. The Association is also                    So, I want to share a holiday story with you that
in the process of upgrading the pool deck lighting with           took place when I was 17 years old. I was living with
an eye towards allowing some evening outdoor group                my parents in the Bronx. Hung out with mostly Gentile
activities, as Covid circumstances permit. Our Tennis             guys…and because of that, got indoctrinated into the
Pro, Jim Boardman, is back. Inter-condo play has                  “Catholic lifestyle”. Every Saturday afternoon, no matter
been cancelled by the league for the 2020-21 season.              what we were doing (stickball, Ring-A- Leevio, War),
However, tennis rotations are expected to resume, and             we would stop promptly at 4pm and walk over to Sacred
Jim will also be conducting clinics and be available              Heart church and my friends got holy water and checked
for private lessons. Jim can be contacted at the Tennis           out the current list of movies forbidden by the church
Office at 561-303-1101.                                           (you remember those days, right?). We also helped set
     Café - The café remains closed, but may be re-               up the church meeting room for Bingo and were assisted
opened as conditions improve. In the interim, this                by the nuns who taught at the school.
year’s café cards may be used at Ruvens for dining in                 I quickly got a serious crush on Sister Angelica but
and take out.                                                     was too shy to talk to her. As the Bingo season ended
     Clubhouse - The Clubhouse remains closed to                  and we said goodbye, Sister Angelica came up to me
resident use. The Board is in the process of evaluating           and said, “Melvin, you are a very sweet boy but you
whether modifications can and should be made to the               will grow up to become a man who always gets into
clubhouse’s ventilation system to improve its indoor              trouble.” Go know!
air quality once it reopens. Our maintenance staff have               One December, as we approached Christmas, my
also spiffed up the place. You will notice the difference.        guys decided they would go to St. Patrick’s Cathedral
     Resident notification- Recreation Association                for midnight mass and they asked me to join them.
announcements are posted on the Recreation                            Growing up in an orthodox Jewish house, this offer
Association’s website at and                   had me thinking hard. How would my father handle
Channel 63. The Association is also in the process of             this? Would I get into trouble? Would I be punished?
establishing its own email alert capability which will                So, I said yes.
initially be utilized to notify facility users of weather-            We arrived at St. Patrick’s at 11pm and got back-row
related facility closures.                                        seating. Even now, almost 70 years later, I still remember
     Budget - A special assessment will not be necessary          it. Overwhelming would be an understatement. The
to cover this year’s unbudgeted Covid-19 costs which are          music, the choir, the pageantry was almost too much
being paid for out of the Association’s 2020 budgeted             to absorb. We stayed until the end and I got home after
reserve. The Board is also pleased to announce that the           1am, opened the door and found my father sitting in the
Recreation’s Association’s assessment, which works out            living room…wide awake.
to $59 per month per condo unit, will not be increased                And we got into it. Quietly, as mom was asleep, but
in 2021. Our 2021 budgeted Covid-19 related expenses              pretty tense. Where was I (he knew)? Why did I go?
will be paid for via funds that would otherwise have been         What was I thinking? I answered the questions as best
allocated to reserve. A summary of our 2021 Budget                I could and hoped I would finish our conversation with
is posted on the Recreation’s Association’s web site.             my rear-end and my allowance still intact.
     Finally, perhaps the best news of all is that despite            After what seemed eons, my father stood up and
                                         (continued on page 19)                                            (continued on page 19)
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4       Palm Greens Pulse

            CONDO 1                                                               CONDO 2
         by Marge Kurinsky                                                      by Tirtzah Israel

    As 2020 comes to an end, we realize                          Welcome back home to all of our seasonal residents
what a difficult year it has been for each                  returning to Palm Greens for the winter. It is always
and every one of us. Looking on the                         good to see friends again, some of whom are thought of
bright side; there have been a few good                     as being extended family. As usual at this time of year,
things that has happened. We added our newest Board         we are getting lots of rain left over from the hurricane
Member Bill Bozza. We stayed within our budget for          season. But with each day, the temperature is balmy with
2020. We received our first installment from 13th floor     swaying trees and blue skies dotted with fluffy clouds
and we remained a fairly healthy and happy community.
                                                            visible on walks throughout our community.
    With the Holidays coming up, we hope everyone will
                                                                 However, some things are different for us here in
enjoy and have a good time during this season. We will
                                                            Palm Greens. This year has forced us to endure and cope
miss our community gatherings and hope next year we
will all celebrate together.                                with the impact of Covid-19 to the best of our ability.
    Four candidates for Condo1 Board as well as two         Specifically, we struggle to maintain the balance between
candidates for the Recreation Board, will be elected this   “normalcy” and the effects of the unseen stress and strain
year for a two-year term on January 20, 2021. PLEASE,       of COVID-19. We swing between individualism and that
those interested submit your resume to Joel Neulight by     which is good for the entire community as protocols are
December 14, 2020. You can drop your resume off to          set in place that restrict movement and play time. We
the board office. We are looking forward to adding two      are asked to wear masks, stand six feet apart from one
great people to our Board and two people to represent us    another and wash our hands, frequently. Yes, these are
on the Rec Board. PLEASE REMEMBER TO VOTE                   challenging times, but not insurmountable times.
ON JANUARY 20, 2021.                                             When we allow ourselves to think outside-the-box
    On December 3, 2020 we will be conducting a budget      for just a moment we may be able to see the opportunity
meeting where only budget issues will be discussed. This    that Covid-19 has created for us. COVID-19 does not
will be a virtual budget meeting. We will be sending        discriminate. Whether young or old, rich or poor we
information on how to register etc. via your email. So      are all equally vulnerable to the impact of COVID-19
please send in your emails to Debbie in the office if you   depending upon your lifestyle.
haven’t already done so. We will be sending out letters          Covid-19, demands to some degree, for us to
to those who don’t have an email.                           cooperate with one another. In other words, Covid-19
    At this time, we would like to thank Doug and his       has shown us that we need each other, and we cannot
whole staff for the excellent job they have done all year
                                                            control it without the cooperation of others. We depend
in keeping our community safe, working and looking
                                                            upon the life-giving help from our first responders,
beautiful. Debbie and Theresa have kept up a friendly
                                                            nurses, doctors, police, fire departments, grocery store
atmosphere and support to all of our residents. It hasn’t
been easy this year but everyone has shown a willingness    workers, neighbors, friends and our family members,
to reach out and help.                                      and many, many more. Covid-19 is teaching us we have
    A Healthy and Happy New Year is wished for all!!!!!!!   to function as a team and to look out for one another;
Bring it on 2021, we can handle anything.                   especially those who are homebound.
                                                                 In our otherwise hectic and fast-paced lives, even as
                                                            retirees, we are now forced to slow down and pause in
                                                            order to appreciate the important things in life oftentimes
                                                            small and simple.
                                                                 Covid-19 has granted us an opportunity to teach
                                                            ourselves to stop for a moment and to give ourselves
                                                            a rest by resisting the stressors of modern life. We do
                                                            not have to challenge every moment by filling it with
                                                            a task or activity. Sometimes by not doing, allows us
                                                                                                      (continued on page 20)
PALM GREENS PULSE to all palm greeners happy holidays & a healthy new year - december 2020
December 2020               5

 ALLIANCE OF DELRAY                                                        WOMEN’S CLUB
RESIDENT ASSOCIATIONS                                                         by Edie Reich
           by Judy Goldberg                                              Adele Reinstein President

    Oh…Ho! Ho! December is Holiday                                      MILAGRO CENTER-HOLIDAY
Time. This year it will be Zoom-mas and                            DRIVE
Zoom-akah! Festivities will continue                                    “The meaning of life is to find your
from afar with gifts and sharing holiday on line with              gift. The purpose of life is to give it away,” Pablo Picasso.
family. For those of you with family close by…enjoy,                    I have on my desk a thank you letter from Milagro
and for the rest of us it is going to be virtual hugs and          thanking Women’s Club for our generous donation
kisses!!!!! This may be the year to decorate our homes             to help them to continue to facilitate their wonderful
with lights & menorahs or whatever makes you smile                 mission to help disadvantaged children. It is a beautiful
to keep our community spirit going! Hope that all is               letter and now we are asking membership to participate
well. Mask it in public and hopefully 2021 will bring              in our annual Holiday Drive to provide gifts for the
us a vaccine and peace of mind. Happy Everything to                children of Milagro at Holiday time. This is a message
our Palm Greens Family!                                            from Marcia Davis our liaison between Milagro and
    This month’s topic was Protecting the Community                Women’s Club:
during Emergency Calls through the Covid Pandemic.                      The Women’s Club will be organizing a holiday
Also, tips on keeping yourself and your community safe             drive for the children at the Milagro Center. They are
in the challenging time. We had updates from Palm                  in desperate need of school supplies for the coming
Beach Sheriff’s Office District 4.                                 year. We are asking for donations of school supplies in
    The first part of the Zoom meeting, Dr Lori Vinokoor           the amount of $10. If you would prefer to donate a $10
provided an update on the roadway plans at Lake Ida and            check payable to the Women’s Club that too would be
Hagen Ranch Road. The Alliance’s recommendation of                 most appreciated. During this difficult time of COVID
a much-needed sidewalk to be added at that point was               we realize that it is difficult for many to go shopping. We
accepted and will be a part of the roadway plans. The              will be more than happy to shop for you. Drop-off site
Alliance also facilitated the donation of 20 mattresses to         for the donations will be at Marcia Davis’ home 13690
the not-for-profit South County Mental Health Center in            Via Flora Apt D (Condo 1 Court 7). Checks may be sent
Delray Beach. Then we heard from PB County Sheriff                 to Marcia Davis at the above address. We thank you in
Ric Bradshaw, newly re-elected winner of the recent                advance for your generous support! Deadline Tuesday
election. He thanked the audience for their support and            December 15th.
assured us that his office is ready to assist if or when                Any questions, please contact Marcia at 857-204-4764.
needed, be it hurricanes, Covid 19 or any emergency!                    I also want to thank Mel Clapman for doing a
    EMS Division Chief Charlie Coyle explained that                wonderful spread on Milagro in the November Pulse.
lately, they are following the progression of Covid19 and          Thank You Mel!
taking protective measures, as well as educating the EMS                One couple who were longtime residents of Palm
on proper precautions. He demonstrated a “timeline”                Greens have moved East permanently-They are Barbara
of the progress of the disease from the first known case           and Henry Liss. Good Luck on your move.
in Wuhan, China to a worldwide pandemic. There is                       We have a new President-Elect! Congratulations!
a dispatch system in place to help firefighters describe                I like to collect cute little sayings. If anyone has
symptoms which may lead to a medical alert and the need            some to share please e-mail them to me along with your
for protective gear. Early treatment is beneficial to a good       recipes.
recovery. High on their list of priorities are protecting               “I will do anything-but my body won’t let me”
patients in skilled nursing facilities. There are currently             From Donald Denber “During the Middle Ages they
3000 coronavirus patients in Palm Beach County. Chief              celebrated the end of the plague with wine and orgies-
Doyle urged everyone to take all necessary precautions.            Does anyone know if there is anything planned when
An uncovered sneeze can travel as much as 20 to 23 ft! A           this one ends?”
                                          (continued on page 20)                                              (continued on page 20)
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6       Palm Greens Pulse

                     TENNIS                                               FOUR SEASONS
                   COMMITTEE                                                   by Sherry Stein
                   by Steffi Carmel
                  and Mark Melnick,                                     I was thinking that it’s December
                      Co-Chairs                                     and the Four Seasons Club is in
                                                                    full swing with an array of planned
                       T h e Te n n i s                             activities. Welcome back to our
Committee hopes that everyone had a safe, healthy,                  returning members from parts up North. Hoping that
and tasty Thanksgiving with a small group of family or              your Thanksgiving was a good one filled with the warmth
friends.                                                            of family and friends! And then flash! Like Bobby Ewing
    What a crazy year this has been. While many of our              on “Dallas”, I woke up to find I had been dreaming! Like
snowbirds delayed their annual trek south, by now many              all of you, I am longing for days of the past – welcome
of us have or will be returning. Our Rec Board (different           back brunches, Halloween costume parties, Greek Nites
from the Tennis Committee) is in charge of our access               with Belly Dancing, and Bingo with pizza and prizes!
to the Tennis Courts and their primary concern has been             As social beings we crave the interaction of friends and
the health of our staff and residents.                              idle chatter, girl talk, mahjongg, guy’s card nights, and
    Our new normalcy for Tennis will be a constant state            lengthy conversations at the pool while walking in the
of flux based on the current situation. Please try to be            water or basking in the sun. Instead, many of us find we
patient as our rules and schedule will be modified as the           keep busy rushing through Publix, CVS, and the drive-up
season progresses. Information will be posted at the                window at the bank. An actual “in person” doctor’s visit
tennis office. We will also be sending email updates as             warrants dressing up, a touch of makeup, a big smile,
needed. If you haven’t been receiving our emails and                and some much-needed conversation.
would like to be included please send your email with a                 To help combat the homebound blues, I suggest
request to                                    getting out for a walk at Green Cay, being at one
    While the inter-condo tennis league has been                    with nature; going for lunch at Deck 84 where social
cancelled for this season, we will be planning some                 distancing is well adhered to while enjoying the vistas of
competitions and events within our community. Our                   passing boats on the intracoastal; or take a stroll through
regular rotation should be ramping up as you read this              the Delray Marketplace, culminating in an outdoor meal
issue of the Pulse.                                                 at Burt & Max’s.
    Jim Boardman, our tennis pro, is back and available                 The holidays will be different this year. Celebrations
for clinics and lessons, as well as restringing your                will be smaller in size and separate locations are almost
racquets. Please see Jim to set up your lessons when you            a certainty. Let us not despair! It’s a time to be grateful
arrive as well as throughout the season. Remember, all              for our health, our family and friends (although we might
of us can benefit from lessons whether you are a beginner           be celebrating by Zoom), and living here in the warmth
or an advanced player. On a personal note, my game                  and sunshine of Palm Greens and not the cold and wintry
has improved dramatically since my weekly lessons with              mix of the North.
Jim last winter.                                                        By buying items online and shipping gifts to the
    While tennis is one of the safest sports to play during         kids, we serve an important purpose in helping to keep
Covid19, here are the current TOP TEN Palm Greens                   the economy going.
safety guidelines:                                                      Wishing everyone an especially happy and merry
    1) Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm                Holiday Season!
water before leaving home.                                              Be safe and stay well!
    2) Plan to arrive at the courts as close to your playing
time as possible to avoid having too many people in one                          PLEASE
    3) Bring your own water bottle as our drinking                              PATRONIZE
fountains are shut off.
                                                                             OUR ADVERTISERS
                                           (continued on page 21)
PALM GREENS PULSE to all palm greeners happy holidays & a healthy new year - december 2020
December 2020              7

                MEN’S CLUB                                                             ENTERTAINMENT
                 by Morty Teisch                                                         COMMITTEE
                                                                                          by Walter Jacobson
    The last few months have been a
period of isolation. Many of us did
                                                                                     It is December 2020, and we
not see our families nor friends. We
                                                                                 continue the Covid19 pandemic in
did not go to shows, nor eating out, no
                                                                                 America. We may not like to wear
parties nor socials. We did not have swim, tennis, nor
                                                                                 face masks, but it is probably more comfortable than a
shuffle board, too. Our Clubhouse is closed and that
                                                                                 ventilator, or the ravages of this virus, whose long-term
brought a lot of sadness. The following Clubs did not
                                                                                 consequences are not fully known. Please stay home
meet: Women’s Club, Men’s Club, Four Seasons, etc.
                                                                                 when possible or wear a mask when near people and
We missed socializing and interacting with our relatives,
friends and neighbors.                                                           keep six feet apart.
    When the Men’s Club was actively functioning, our                                As mentioned in the October 2020 & November
meetings were held on the 1st Sunday of every month                              2020 articles we will have no monthly shows this entire
from November to May. In the Lobby we had several                                season (Nov 2020 to Apr 2021) in the Palm Greens
active members we could count on to collect $5 for the                           clubhouse (or anywhere else for that matter). The
breakfast, such as Vice-President Peter Dreifus along                            presidential election and the count of the ballots finally
with Lew Comen and Bob Atchnick (whom we miss                                    ended. Mr. Biden is the President-Elect.
greatly).                                                                            Happy holidays to all, Merry Christmas, Happy
    We had a wonderful group of men, who set up tables                           Hanukkah, etc. And Happy New Year!
and served such as Phil Hager, Barry Gerofsky, Monroe                                We are all staying home mostly, except for trips out
Nair and Dave Saffer. Herman Rosenbaum, monthly                                  to Publix, Costco, drugstores, etc. We need an excuse
would purchase the Bagels, Lox & Pastries. It was a                              to go somewhere. This isn’t much, but it is something.
wonderful feeling to be able to rely on our workers in                               We continue to stay in touch via Facetime, Duo,
the kitchen, Saul Spindel and Herman.                                            Skype, WhatsApp and/or Zoom. We continue to find
    Unfortunately, this summer we mourned the demise                             entertainment electronically by way of TV, Netflix,
of two wonderful men whom will be missed, David                                  Amazon Prime, etc. We can watch movies, plays, TV
Katzelnick and Jerry Glazier.                                                    series, etc. We can binge watch TV series (watching
    December is the time of year many of us celebrate                            several at a time).
Chanukah or Christmas or even both holidays We can                                   With the money we save on shows and movies
only hope with the New Year 2021 arriving we can have                            we no longer attend, we can easily spend money on
a vaccine that will help us all and we can eventually                            various streaming services, which may help support
shed our masks, see our families and friends and party                           the performers. (More likely it will make Jeff Bezos
once again.                                                                      et al richer.) The cost of Amazon Prime is $119 a year
    I would be very happy to hear from you and have a                            or $12.99 a month (which comes to $155 a year if paid
few laughs together to cheer up our day. Do call!                                monthly). The cost of a basic Netflix plan is about $108
                                                                                 a year or $9 a month.
                                                               Visit Ou              Number one on the list of shows to consider watching
                       COMPUTER EXPERTS Computer r                               has to be Schitt’s Creek on Netflix, which won 7
                         YOU CAN TRUST!     in the
                                                                                 Emmys this year (September 2020). Netflix also has the
                                                          Oriole Plaz
             100% WORK GUARANTEED                           Delray Beach a       following to consider: West Wing (We binge watched the
                                                                                 entire 7 years x 22 episodes a year, which took us weeks
  10%       OFF FREE COMPUTER                                                    – amazing stuff,) Hannah Gadsby’s Nanette, Sherlock
  Your next service
   of $50 or more.* CHECK-UP                                                     (with Benedict Cumberbach), Comedians in Cars Getting
                                                                                 Coffee with Jerry Seinfeld, Spy (based a true story In
   * Certain restrictions apply.        Let us protect your device
    Labor only. Present this ad.
   1 per client. Exp: 05/05/2020     from viruses & make it faster!              Israel), Unorthodox, Good Girls, Grease, Sinatra, John
                                                                                 Leguizamo, Chris Rock, Springsteen on Broadway,          561-880-5678 7431 W. Atlantic Ave. #44, Delray Bch.                                            (continued on page 22)
PALM GREENS PULSE to all palm greeners happy holidays & a healthy new year - december 2020
8       Palm Greens Pulse

         POINTS OF INTEREST FOR                                     Fake or Real Online Content?
             PALM GREENERS                                                       by Murji Rabadia
                    by Mel Clapman                                        AUM Computers (In the Oriole Plaza)

     So, we all know it’s December. And I was thinking                The internet is a great tool to keep you informed.
about sending you to Christmas Florida…can you                    With so much content online, it can be a challenge to
believe that?! But no, I have a better place for you. It’s        weed out legit content from fake.
Apalachicola and it requires an overnighter.                          Before the technology days, written material was
     Apalachicola is a 2-1/2 hour drive from Delray Beach         easy to trust with the signature of a person who took
and a nice, welcoming small town that you will find on            responsibility of the legitimacy of the content and it
the southern tip of the Florida Panhandle. The name               was also easier to track the person if it wasn’t. Online
of the town says it all since it is an Indian name which          content is not the same. It’s easy to write anything
means “friendly people”. Currently, the most important            online without taking ownership of it or be able to
industry in this town is seafood harvesting. Apalachicola         track the writer. Fake information can spread very
is most famous for its excellent quality oysters and so           quickly with the click of a button. Believable photo
it is known as the oyster capital of the world. This is           shopped images and edited videos online can easily
the place where most of Florida’s oysters are harvested.          lure readers into scams or misleading information.
Also, part of the thriving local fishing industry are blue            Below are some tips on how to steer away from
crab, shrimp and various types of fish. Check out the             fake content.
top things to do in Apalachicola.                                     1. Ensure the URL of the website you’re accessing
     Apalachicola Maritime Museum - This is a                     is genuine eg. vs
history museum that was founded with the intention to             You may think you are on the same website but they
celebrate and preserve the maritime history of the town           are two completely different websites.
of Apalachicola. What you will find at this place is a                2. Most website URLs based in the US end in
hands-on learning environment with active sailing and             either .com or .net. Any characters following those
adventure programs, boat building and restoration, and            (ex. should raise questions on the genuinity
educational programs. Address: 103 Water Street.                  of the site.
     St. Vincent National Wildlife Refuge – A wildlife                3. A padlock symbol next to the URL shows that
refuge established in 1968 for waterfowl, now also                the site is secure. While it doesn’t necessarily ensure
provides protection for such endangered species like red          the content is trustworthy, the lack of security should
wolves. The refuge has two islands and two mainland               raise a red flag.
regions. Some popular things to do here are fishing,                  4. Familiarize yourself with the website brand/
hunting, wildlife viewing, hiking, bicycling, kayaking,           publication name by researching the company or
and nature photography. Address: 479 Market Street.               author. Read the ‘About Us’ section, or search for
     13 Mile Seafood Market –Get ready to walk around             contact information. Addresses and phone numbers
this family-owned-and-operated fresh seafood market.              aren’t a hard and fast proof that the content is legit
Some of the delicious seafood you will find here includes         but it does confirm an existence of a writer that is
oysters, shrimp, blue crabs, clams as well as homemade            responsible for the content.
seafood dips. There is also a gift shop onsite where you              5. Be mindful of spelling errors in the content.
can find a variety of souvenirs. A unique thing about             Having no spelling errors does not make content legit
this place is that you can book a charter tour and catch          but errors should make you question the content.
some mouthwatering seafood yourself. Address: 227                     6. Labels next to the content like AD or Sponsored
Water Street.                                                     means that it’s advertising content aiming to sell you
     Apalachicola Chocolate & Coffee Company – If                 something.
you have the self-control not to drool, here is a place to            7. Research topics of interest from multiple
stop in and enjoy handmade chocolate, gelato and coffee.          trusted sources. A lot of information online can be
Also served is homemade lunch, pastries, pie, cookies,            of individual opinions rather than true facts. Its your
                                         (continued on page 23)
                                                                  job to do your research thoroughly and accurately.
PALM GREENS PULSE to all palm greeners happy holidays & a healthy new year - december 2020
December 2020              9

                          TIPS FROM OUR                                   HE SAID – SHE SAID
                            TENNIS PRO                                          by Joan Engleman
                      by Jim Boardman (USTPA Pro)
                                                                 Jeanette and Stanley Shapiro - Married July 21,
                        A painted line or an invisible       2002 - Both previously married.
                    line, when we serve and volley,              She 2 boys - He 1 son 1 daughter.
                    or return serve, and come in. We             She said (SS): I am a proud Acadian from New
tend to think that we must run in and split step on          Brunswick, Canada who went to English school
that painted white line no matter what. Rain sleet or        until I decided to get a French education to honor my
snow will not stop us from reaching that white line,         parents heritage, ending up with a minor in educational
no matter how fast our serve, or our return of serve.        psychology at the University of Quebec in Montreal,
If that line were not there, would we try and reach          NB (Acadian history is unique and worth googling,)
that same spot on the court each time? I doubt it. So             He said (HS): I was born in Baltimore, Maryland,
split step and check it out right before your opponent       where I attended Arlington Elementary school. I
makes contact with the ball. It will give you a little bit   graduated from Baltimore City College high school,
of extra time. Then split step and check it out when         where I was a proud member of MU SIG. I went
the ball bounces in your opponent’s court. Don’t be          to the University of MD, where I was part of the
concerned with the visible line, but try to make your        ZBT fraternity, to finally graduate in business and
final volley goal the invisible line half way between        management at the University of Baltimore. I was a
the service line and the net. Remember, the harder           manufacturer salesman. I did most of my business in
you hit, the sooner your opponent will make contact          Florida. After I retired, I went to the Swap Shop in
with the ball, so your initial volley or half-volley will    Ft. Lauderdale, Florida to buy and sell musical and
most likely be behind the service line.                      electronic instruments.
                                                                 SS - I went to the Swap Shop in Ft. Lauderdale to
                                                             buy a microphone, that’s where I met Stanley. There
                                                             he was known as the music man.
                                                                 HS - Little did I know that Jeanette was a seasoned
                                                             vocalist when she asked me if I sold microphones. I
                                                             said sure “if you buy one you have to sing a song”. To
                                                             my surprise and profit when she started to sing, people
                                                             surrounded my booth. One lady danced around and
                                                             started to collect tips in her hat.
                                                                 SS - Stanley told me that until I left for Canada, I
                                                             could sing at his booth any time, which I did since I
                                                             had nearly 6 months left in my stay. This gave me time
                                                             to get to know him as a friend, while having a place
                                                             to practice my songs. It seemed like a good deal for
                                                             both parties.
                                                                 HS - I was immediately attracted to her and her
                                                             voice. A fact that I did not hide very well, and attracted
                                                             new clients.
                                                                 SS - I felt like he was hitting on me. At the time
                                                             I was not looking for a new relationship. I went back
                                                             to Canada. He called me every day, and invited me to
                                                             visit him in Florida. When I arrived in Florida my life
                                                             took a turn for the best.
                                                                 HS - I fell in love with her. I was determined to
                                                                                                      (continued on page 23)
PALM GREENS PULSE to all palm greeners happy holidays & a healthy new year - december 2020
10      Palm Greens Pulse

        NOBODY ASKED ME BUT…                                              AN APOLOGY
                   by Mel Clapman
                                                               The staff of The Pulse wishes to apologize to
     …The dumbest thing I ever bought was a 2020 Barbara and Bernie Sigman for omitting their photo in
planner.                                                   the “He Said-She Said” article in the November issue.
     …2019: Stay away from negative people. 2020: Stay         Here they are.
away from positive people.
     …The world has turned upside down. Old folks are
sneaking out of the house and their kids are yelling at
them to stay indoors!
     …This morning I saw a neighbor talking to her dog.
It was obvious she thought her dog understood her. I
came into my house and told my cat. We laughed a lot.
     ….Does anyone know if we can take showers yet or
should we just keep washing our hands?
     …This virus has done what no woman has been able
to do. Cancel sports, shut down all bars and keep men
at home!
     …I need to practice social-distancing from the
     …Appropriate analogy. “The curve is flattening so
we can start lifting restrictions now” is like saying “The
parachute has slowed our rate of descent, so we can take
it off now.”
     …Never in a million years could I have imagined
I would go up to a bank teller wearing a mask and ask
for money.

          by Sharon Dorfman

    Hello fellow Palm Greeners.
    As we all approach the beautiful
holidays, the greatest gift you can give
someone is the gift of love and acceptance. As human
beings we all need to be loved and accepted. With
someone in our corner we feel that nothing is impossible.
    No matter how you participate in the holiday
celebrations, a kind word is always needed. You can
criticize someone but always in a gentle, kind and
politely positive manner.
    In closing I wish you all a very healthy holiday
season and a joyous new year.
December 2020   11

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12   Palm Greens Pulse
December 2020              13

              THE HEALTH ROOM                                 conversations. Being connected to family and/or friends
                    by Mel Clapman                            is a powerful aspect of a healthy life.
                                                                   • Smile and laugh out loud several times a day. It
    It’s time to talk about habits…the ones you do            keeps you grounded, and helps you cope with situations
unconsciously and the ones you think out on a timely          that would otherwise make you crazy. Read the comics,
basis.                                                        watch a sitcom, or tell jokes to bring out those happy
    Now more than ever, good health habits can make           feelings.
a dramatic effect on your well-being, if not your life.            • Meditate, pray, or otherwise find solace for at
    Listed below are a number of suggestions that could       least 10-20 minutes each day. Contemplation is good for
lead you to a healthier and happier life. Finding and         your soul, helps you cope with the demands of daily life,
adopting the right daily routine will re-energize you         and may even help lower your blood pressure.
and help you regain wasted time. Your mind and body                • Get a pedometer and let it motivate you to walk,
will thank you for the decreased anxiety and extra care       walk, walk. Forget about how many minutes of activity
you’ve given it. Here’s to a healthier, calmer, and higher-   you need; just do everything you can to fit more steps into
achieving you.                                                your day. No matter how you get it, physical activity can
    • Brush and floss daily to keep your teeth and gums       help defuse stress, burn calories, and boost self-esteem.
healthy and free of disease.                                       • Stand up straight. You’ll look 5 pounds lighter
    • Get a good night’s rest. Well-rested people not         if you stand tall and tighten your abdominal muscles.
only cope better with stress, but may also have better        Whenever you walk, think “tall and tight” to get the most
control of their appetites. Research has shown that a lack    out of the movement.
of sleep can put our “hunger hormones” out of balance              • Power up the protein. This nutrient is an essential
-- and possibly trigger overeating.                           part of your eating plan, and can make up anywhere from
    • Enjoy regular family meals. This can promote            10%-35% of your total calories. Protein lasts a long
more nutritious eating, and sets the stage for lively                                                   (continued on page 25)

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14      Palm Greens Pulse

    As you drive around our community and see all of        shopping. Residents can also visit the Wakodahatchee
the many license plates from around the country, you        Wetlands, Green Cay Nature Center or Morikami
get the feeling that in spite of the horrendous situation   Museum and Japanese Garden that are all an easy
we have been living through, there is a need to be at       drive to get to.
Palm Greens for the peace of mind it gives you.                 For farther travel, Palm Beach International
    And why not peace of mind? We are a well-               Airport is 20 miles away. With so much to do in this
established 55+ community, offering affordable              established 55+ community, with its great amenities as
condos and villas. And with the 13th Floor Project          well as a great location in Palm Beach County, active
approved and awaiting its start, we will be blessed         adults will love to call Palm Greens their home. And
with a well-appointed clubhouse full of amenities to        let’s remember, there’s no place like home!
keep our social calendars busy as well as a central
location that’s close to downtown Delray Beach and
plenty of shopping centers.
    As residents of Palm Greens, we have access
to great amenities. The central hub of social and
physical recreation is held at the clubhouse. The new
clubhouse will feature an exercise room equipped
with cardiovascular and weight-training machines as
well as a ballroom, arts and crafts room, snack bar,
multi-purpose room, card room, library, and billiards
room. We also enjoy a low-maintenance lifestyle. A
homeowners’ association (HOA) fee includes water,
basic cable, trash pickup, lawn care, and common
area and exterior-home maintenance. Aren’t we
so lucky that as “Palm Greeners” we can pursue a
variety of hobbies and activities that fill our days and
keep us busy? We can join a writer’s club, women’s
or men’s club, a game of cards, bocce ball, billiards,
or shuffleboard. Residents can attend community
events, day trips, tennis social, concerts or seasonal
parties. Outdoor amenities include a swimming pool,
adjacent spa, and spacious patio for relaxing under the
Florida sunshine. A tennis center has all of the latest
equipment and residents can play on one of our great
Har-Tru tennis courts. Homeowners can also play
friendly games of bocce ball and shuffleboard, and
there is a satellite pool and two tennis courts on the
northern edge of our community. Beautiful walking
and biking trails, plenty of natural space and scenic
ponds can also be found in Palm Greens, rounding out
what is a comfortable lifestyle for us all.
    Palm Greens is conveniently located in Delray
Beach with easy access to downtown’s restaurants and
December 2020   15

16     Palm Greens Pulse


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December 2020   17

                 FINALLY….IT’S HERE!
                   Introducing the
 Wool Ball Car Diffuser
                                    You probably know that conventional car diffusers
                                    contain chemicals that can give you a headache,
                                    make you cough or cause a runny nose. But not
                                    Say hello to the car diffuser that gives your vehicle
                 Concrete Jungle    a clean, fresh smell and say good-bye to those
                                    harmful, toxic chemicals.
                                    Wool Ball Car Diffusers come in a little drawstring
                                    bag (great for gift-giving) and include a dropper
                                    bottle to fill with your favorite essential oil.
                                    Take advantage now of one of
                                    three colors – Concrete Jungle,
                                    Rockaway Beach and Atlantic. Just
Rockaway Beach
                                    put the attached alligator clip onto
                                    your car’s ventilation duct, and get
                        Atlantic    ready to breathe fresh, safe air. A
                                    definite improvement to your drive.
                                    Each wool ball car diffuser is $15, which includes
                                    free shipping within the Continental U.S. To
                                    order, send an e-mail to

                                   © 2020 SHERI SILVER | DISCLOSURE | PRIVACY POLICY
18   Palm Greens Pulse

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                                                                                You Pay

                                                                            *We Bill Insurance

December 2020         19
REC BOARD... (continued from page 3)                       FROM THE EDITOR... (continued from page 3)
the ongoing prevalence of the Covid-19 virus in Palm       headed toward the bedroom, stopped and looked at me
Beach County, to the best of our knowledge there have      and said, “Try not to do it again, and do not ever mention
not been any incidents of exposure to the Covid-19 virus   this to Grandpa (his father)…promise me!” I promised.
at our Recreation Association facilities. Kudos in that        Moral of this story? Who knows? But every
regard to our paid facility monitors (Charles Medina       Christmas I think about it and always end up smiling.
and Jermaine Baker) who have been diligently ensuring      So much for “Christmas Tales”.
resident compliance with the Association’s Covid-19            As we get ready to enter the New Year, I think it’s safe
related rules and procedures, and our maintenance staff    to say we all hope it’s a quantum leap forward from 2020.
who have been cleaning and disinfecting touchpoints
before, between and after each and every pool, tennis
and shuffleboard session.
                                                             the el clair ranch rd.
    And thank you Heather Laetano and Chris Sadej for
your management of our pool reservation phone line and
                                                              bridge is now open!
the myriad other extra administrative duties that have
arisen. The past 6 months has certainly been difficult
and challenging for all, and we are looking forward to
better times ahead with a vaccine on the horizon. In the
interim, please remain vigilant and stay safe.

                     WE CARE

       As the name of our organization implies
   we care for our friends and neighbors in Palm
   Greens to make sure that all their needs for
   being healthy are being taken care of.
       We transport our residents and their guests
   to medical facilities, and we provide walkers,
   canes, and wheelchairs when they are in need.
       To be able to do all that we have to do for
   our resident and their guests, we always are in
   need of volunteers. Without volunteers, any
   organization would have to hire people to do
   the job that is done now in Palm Greens.
       Palm Greens is very fortunate that there
   are many volunteer that staff all our clubs, and
   staff our boards and they do so without any
   compensation, otherwise if we have to pay for
   this kind of service that the volunteers do, our
   maintenance would be triple what it is today.
       In case any residents are in need of our
   servicers, please call 495-0878 which is
   monitored by one of our volunteers who gives
   the information to another volunteer.
       Please give us 24 hours and leave your
   name and a telephone number where we can
   reach you.
20      Palm Greens Pulse
CONDO 2... (continued from page 4)
to notice the pleasant things that surround us. By “not        Palm Beach County. Thank you from our newly elected
doing” does not have a negative connotation, quite the         officials, Congresswoman Lois Frankel, PB County
opposite. It grants us the opportunity to see the positive     Clerk Joe Abruzzo, re-elected State Senator Lori Berman,
standing right before us. Life is not perfect, and neither     Senator-Elect Tina Polsky, Representative-Elect Kelly
are we as human-beings.                                        Skidmore, and District 5 Commissioner-Elect Maria
     With each day, we are granted a new opportunity           Sachs.
towards gaining a renewed perspective for life. Our                The next Zoom meeting of the Delray Alliance will
community is beautiful! So, the next time you take a           be on Wednesday, December 2, 2020. The topic will be
stroll along our walking paths, listen to nature, look up      POWER! FPL: Delivering America’s Best Energy Value
at the sky and smell the aroma from the flora and trees;       and another distinguished guest speaker presentation
slow down your pace and enjoy!                                 along with updates from our first responders and elected
                                                               officials. Again, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah,
                                                               Happy Festivous or whatever you celebrate! Happy,
ALLIANCE OF DELRAY... (continued from page 5)                  healthy, peaceful, and good New Year 2021!
video showed this. 25 patients were tested every 20 mins           When we meet again, after Covid, meetings will
while wearing a mask. No change in oxygen saturation           take place at the South County Civic Center, 16700 Jog
in community settings. In other words, masks do not            Road, Delray Beach, across from Morikami. Doors open
hinder a wearer from getting enough oxygen even with           at 9AM when refreshments are served. The meeting
COPD! Get your FLU Shot, wear masks in public, wash            begins at 9:30 and always concludes by 11:30. All are
hands thoroughly and remember, just because a place is         welcome. See you there. Hopefully soon!
open, does not mean that you have to go there! Try to
eat outside when you do go out.
                                                               WOMEN’S CLUB... (continued from page 5)
     Fire Chief Anthony Tozzi spoke about the
management of the Medical Service Committee. They                   Report from Denise Arthur-Benvenutos. We will lose
train medical personnel and collaborate with experts on        our deposit if we don’t use their facility in the year 2021.
patient care, in addition to providing medical training        We have tabled going there until it is safe. We will keep
to new recruits. Fire Chief Reginald Duran provided            you posted. If we have to lose the deposit, we will, but
updates on his department. He proudly announced the            first, if we could make it happen toward the middle of
Palm Beach County Fire Rescue team was named the Top           next year, we will.
Life Support Unit in Florida! He explained the various              RECIPES
aspects of life saving that this encompasses. EMT’s                 Keep them coming. I have received delicious
train about 2000 hours a year on water/storm/fire and          recipes:
health issues. One valuable lesson is that a patient will           Baked Sea Scallops:
be placed in a lateral prone position when moved on a               16 scallops, 5 T butter, melted, 5 cloves garlic,
stretcher. This helps the patient breath better. If you feel   minced, 2 shallots, chopped, 3 pinches of ground
ill with signs of Covid, fever, sneezing, short of breath,     nutmeg-Salt and pepper to taste-1 C bread crumbs (GF)
lack of taste & or smell… call 911 immediately!                4 T olive oil, ¼ C chopped parsley, Lemon wedges for
     PBSO Lieutenant Morales told us that among some           garnish or squeeze some on. Preheat oven to 425. Rinse
of their major concerns are keeping the roads safe, so         and drain scallops. Place in bowl with shallots, garlic
they inspect large vehicles for violations. The large          and butter. Season with nutmeg, salt, pepper. Stir gently
landscaping, construction and large trucks that travel         to combine and transfer to baking dish. In separate bowl
through our area are checked to make sure that the CMV         combine breadcrumbs and olive oil. Sprinkle on top of
is current. This month alone they found 26 violations.         scallops. Bake until crumbs are brown and scallops are
Also, please Lock Your Cars, and do not leave anything         done, about 11-14 mins. Top with parsley and serve with
visible on seats! Car thefts are always a problem in all       lemon wedges. By Sharon Fradkin
communities.                                                        Turkey London Broil:
     Of course, The Alliance introduced our campaign-               Marinated 1/3 cup Honey -1/4 tsp salt, 1 Onion sliced
weary but excited winners of the local elections in                                                       (continued on page 21)
December 2020         21
WOMEN’S CLUB... (continued from page 20)                      TENNIS COMMITTEE... (continued from page 6)
into rings- 1 tsp onion powder, 1/2 cup Olive oil, 1 tsp          4) Wear your mask when you arrive at the tennis area
garlic powder 1/2 cup soy sauce 1/4 tsp ground black          and keep it on at all times when not actually playing.
pepper-Splash of wine adds more flavor! Optional but              5) Maintain social distance at all times, no hand
good, red or white. Combine marinade ingredients.             shaking or high fives. Consider foot or racquet taps.
Score both sides of Turkey London Broil, diagonally in            6) Use provided hand sanitizer when entering or
both directions. Shallow cuts about 1” apart. Rub the         leaving the courts.
skin with garlic and pepper. Put Turkey London Broil in           7) Avoid touching your face and please sneeze or
ziplock w/marinade. Refrigerate for 1 hour or overnight.      cough into a tissue or upper sleeve.
Turn the ziplock ever so often so that the marinade soaks         8) Please leave the courts and tennis area as soon as
in. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Place sliced onions on       you are finished playing. No congregating on the courts.
bottom of pan, cover with Turkey London Broil and pour            9) Clean and wipe down your racquets and
marinade over turkey. Bake covered for 40 minutes,            equipment, including water bottles before storing them
basting occasionally. Turn turkey over and cover. Return      in your home.
to oven and bake covered for 20 minutes longer. Take              10) Outdoor activity, especially tennis is great for our
out of oven and let it rest for 5 minutes. Slice and serve.   health, and our guidelines will be continually reviewed
(If you think that it needs more marinade..add it) This       and adjusted for our well-being.
freezes well.                                                     Important:
                                                                  As community members return to Palm Greens from

              PLEASE                                          Northern climates there are some considerations we
                                                              would like to recommend. If you have been following

                                                              social distancing guidelines, are not exhibiting any
                                                              symptoms, and have not been knowingly in contact with
                                                              someone with Covid 19 please consider a “modified
                                                              quarantine” upon your arrival. Please continue to be
                                                              prudent in your cautious activities. Wear a mask, maintain
                                                              social distancing, and wash your hands frequently. As
                                                              you may have been unknowingly exposed on your travels
                                                              on an airplane, train, or at a rest stop, consider limiting
                                                              community contact for the first week of your arrival
                                                              in Florida. If you currently have symptoms or have
                                                              knowingly been in contact with someone with Covid
                                                              19 then we would ask you to follow the current CDC
                                                              guidelines for quarantine. Please remember that most of
                                                              our community members fall in the at-risk category for
                                                              age and other conditions and we need to be especially
                                                              vigilant for the health of our friends.
                                                                  The Tennis Committee wishes everyone Happy
                                                              Holidays and a Happy and HEALTHY New Year!!

                                                                    PLEASE CARRY
                                                                      YOUR PALM
                                                                   GREENS ID CARD
                                                                     AT ALL TIMES
22      Palm Greens Pulse
ENTERTAINMENT... (continued from page 7)
                                                              Google, Yahoo or Duckduckgo search. Duckduckgo.
Crazy Ex-Girl Friend, Jersey Boys, WinterSun (with
                                                              com is the search engine that does not keep track of
subtitles, 50 episodes from Turkey, a soap opera and
                                                              your web surfing. The others do and then sell this info
yet fairly interesting), Away, The Irishman, Marriage
                                                              so you can get targeted advertising, or you may get some
Story, Spotlight, Dick Johnson is Dead, Enola Holmes
                                                              more Spam.
(16 year-old sister of Sherlock), Queens Gambit (about
                                                                  PBS has some marvelous Great Performances and
chess, but more about the young girl prodigy), The Trial
                                                              cool nature programs. Each of these streaming services
of the Chicago 7, The Last Resort (about Andy Sweet’s
                                                              periodically add and delete shows from their lists.
photos of 1970’s Miami Beach), etc.
                                                              So, you may have to watch something you pick soon,
     Available on Amazon Prime are: The Marvelous
                                                              before it disappears. Amazon Prime and Netflix delete
Mrs. Maisel, Kutshers, Knives Out, Fleabag, Kominsky
                                                              some movies as they add others. There is certainly an
Method, Four Seasons Lodge (Holocaust survivors
                                                              incredible amount of entertainment available in the
summers at a bungalow colony in the Catskills, an
                                                              comfort of your own home.
amazing documentary.) The Farewell (based on a
                                                                  If you want to find out what others think of possible
true story), Driving Miss Daisy, Late Night, Leonard
                                                              movies or TV show, two websites might be worth
Cohen, Mel Brooks, Mike Nichols, Modern Love, Judy,
                                                              exploring: and Shows
Quantum of Solace, Carousel (live from Lincoln Center),
                                                              are reviewed and rated by both reviewers and the public.
Cafe Society, the Departed, George Burns & Gracie Allen
                                                              Also, ask friends and relatives. Each person has seen
Show, Rushmore, Steve Jobs, etc.
                                                              something they consider worth recommending. You can
     Another subscription service (about $8 per month
                                                              also search for such info as “Top 10 Netflix or Amazon
through Amazon) is Broadway HD, which brings you
                                                              Prime, etc. shows.”
many wonderful plays from Broadway and the West End
                                                                   Please wear a mask when near people to help prevent
in London. You will find Eugene O’Neill, Shakespeare,
                                                              the spread of this deadly virus. Over 235,000 Americans
and Cirque de Soleil. Consider Look Back in Anger,
                                                              have died from the Covid19 virus. Also, keep a safe
Long Day’s Journey into Night, Present Laughter, Putting
                                                              distance away from people. Stay healthy. Stay home
it Together, the Portuguese Kid, Red, Billy Elliott, 42nd
                                                              if possible. As they used to say on “Hill Street Blues”,
Street, Kinky Boots, An American in Paris, The Last Five
                                                              “stay safe out there.”
Years, Les Miserables, Carole King, Janis Joplin – the
list goes on and on. They recently had a wonderful staged
performance of Showboat by the San Francisco Opera.
     Another subscription to consider @ about $7 or $8                     PLEASE
per month is Disney Plus. Subscribe for one month
if only to see the staged version of Hamilton, with the
original cast, including Lin Manual-Miranda. This is
an outstanding musical play filmed about 3 years ago.
Actually, it is one of the best plays available. If you
could have gotten a ticket to the show on Broadway, it
would have cost $300 or $400 a ticket. We saw a live
performance 2 years ago in Chicago, but this production
on Disney Plus is truly worth seeing. Of course, there
are other things to see with this subscription, including
Newsies and various Disney selections (not only for
     I have not actually watched all of these plays, movies
and TV shows listed, but the reviews and/or characters
look interesting or quirky.
     If you search for free streaming plays, movies,
performances, etc. you will find many available. Do a
December 2020       23
POI... (continued from page 8)                                HE SAID SHE SAID... (continued from page 9)
rolls and more. After a day of sightseeing, this is a great   win her heart.
place to relax and kick back. Enjoy the scenic view as            SS - And then I fell in love with him.
you savor the delicious sweets and other delicacies at            HS - When she came back to Florida I proposed.
this cool place. Address: 75 Market Street.                   Within days we had a casual wedding. We decided to
    AND MY ALL-TIME FAVORITE….                                get married on the beach. The neighbors threw us a
    Gorgeous Upscale Houseboat Moored on the                  wedding party.
River! We are talking HOUSEBOAT FOR RENT!                         SS - A friend of mine was a Justice of the Peace;
    The Southern Comfort is a 2 bedroom, 1.5 baths            she officiated the ceremony. After we got married
floating home with a cathedral ceiling in the living area,    Stanley stimulated my singing career. He became my
full-size kitchen and a covered patio on the river where      booking agent. He booked me in places like Kings
you can view spectacular sunrises, a variety of wildlife      Point, and Century Village. I played in nursing homes
and all types of fishing boats. This 55-foot floating home    and Alzheimer music therapy groups. I even sang for
with 2 bedrooms and 1.5 bathrooms which comfortably           the women’s club in Palm Greens. We lived in Stanley’s
accommodates 4 adults features high-end furnishings           bachelors pad for 2 years. It had an ocean view and
including leather furniture, hardwood floors, Corian          lake view in Boca across from the beach.
countertops and new full-size appliances. Other features          HS - We bought a house in Deerfield Beach,
include free Wi-Fi, 3 Flat screen TVs in the living room      Meadows of Crystal Lake. We lived there for 7 years.
and both bedrooms, cable TV with premium channels,                SS - Then 4 years in Cameo Woods.
DVD player with a good selection of movies, outdoor               HS - We lived in Palm Isles, a villa for 4 years.
grill and seating for 4 on the waterfront. You can fish out       SS - Due to health problems, we decided to
your front door. All linens and towels provided. Central      downsize.
heating and air conditioning guarantees that you will be          HS - Our friends said positive things about Palm
comfortable no matter what time of the year.                  Greens, so we came to look.
    Look, I know it’s a bit over the top but after getting        SS - We’ve lived here for almost 2 years now, and
through 2020, with all the restrictions and confinements,     plan on staying here.
maybe you deserve this. As always, please call ahead              HS - We love all of our neighbors. It is a warm
for latest prices.                                            community.
                                                                  SS - It’s very quaint here. The people are the key.
                                                                  HS - Plus the Thirteenth-Floor project in the making.

                 Merry                                              THE
                                                                  EL clair
                                                                ranch road
                                                                 bridge is
                                                                 now open!
24   Palm Greens Pulse
December 2020     25

HEALTH ROOM... (continued from page 13)
time in your belly; combine it with high-fiber foods and
you’ll feel full on fewer calories. Enjoy small portions
of nuts, low-fat dairy, beans, lean meat, poultry, or fish.
    • Last but not least, have a positive attitude. Do

your best to look at life as if “the glass is half full.” You
must believe in yourself, have good support systems,
and think. You might not agree with some of these
suggestions, but if you can select just a few of them, and
put them to work – get into the habit – you just might
see an improvement that will make you a happier and             Let’s Celebrate New Year
healthy person.

         SUPPORT THECan’t Wait To
                  See Everyone Next
                   Year! Stay Safe
  WHO SUPPORT US!    & Healthy!
          ¥   35 Professional Photographs - plus 20 other views of community + grounds
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                         LINDA KAGAN - REALTOR®, SRES, CNS, ABR, PSA
                           CELL: (561)914-0541 or HOME: (561)734-3031
                                EMAIL:                 Coldwell Banker
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