Outreach The Magazine of Boise Bible College | Winter 2023

Page created by Jonathan Bradley
Outreach The Magazine of Boise Bible College | Winter 2023
The Magazine of Boise Bible College | Winter 2023
Outreach The Magazine of Boise Bible College | Winter 2023
             WITH A

     Only 89 spots available
         for Fall 2023!

Outreach The Magazine of Boise Bible College | Winter 2023
IN THIS                                                      WINTER 2023 ISSUE

                                                             OUTREACH MAGAZINE

04             PRESIDENT’S PERSPECTIVE - Making an Eternal Impression
		             Dr. Derek Voorhees, President

06 		          DEPARTMENT HIGHLIGHT - Christian Teaching Degree
		             Amber Grove, Professor

07             HIGH SCHOOL PREVIEW


12 		          SPRING CONFERENCE

14             IT’S Ἑλληνιστί
                    		         TO ME - A Greek Word Study
		             Vance Russell, Professor

15             DEAN’S LIST/HONOR ROLL

16 		          GIVING CLUBS

                                                                  Boise Bible College is accredited by
                       OUR MISSION                                the Association for Biblical Higher
                                                                  Education Commission on Accreditation
            Boise Bible College GLORIFIES GOD                     (5850 T. G. Lee Blvd., Ste. 130,
                                                                  Orlando, FL 32822, 407.207.0808) to
                                                                  grant certificates and degrees at the
  by equipping servant leaders who build up the church to         Associate and Baccalaureate levels.
              advance the gospel worldwide.                       Telephone: 407-207-0808
                                                                  Email: info@abhe.org

PRESIDENT                                                           MANAGING EDITOR
Dr. Derek Voorhees                                                        Scott Lerwick

CABINET                                                                 COPY EDITOR
Charles Faber                                                              Traber Cass
Dr. Cody Christensen
Russell Grove                                                           DESIGN EDITOR
Scott Lerwick                      CONNECT WITH US...
                                      boisebible.edu                    Bethany Canada
Steven Marshall
                                 boisebible@boisebible.edu        Outreach is published three
HONORARY CHANCELLOR                                               times a year to tell the story
Dr. Charles Crane                                                 of Boise Bible College by
                                                                  informing, encouraging, and
                                                                  inspiring our Donors, Alumni,
                                                                  and Friends.                   3
Outreach The Magazine of Boise Bible College | Winter 2023
                                                   The college is blessed to come
    MAKING AN                                      alongside students as they
    ETERNAL IMPRESSION                             navigate life in spiritual inversions
                                                   of our world.
      Idaho life means enjoying a beautifully
      diverse landscape. Within a few hours         up the air. Pollution even builds up if it
      of Boise, you can drive to forests and        stays in place for a week or more.
      farmland, rivers and lakes, mountains
      and plains. Boise itself experiences          What do folks do around here when an
      something unique. Because it sits in          inversion sets in? Many will escape to
      a broad valley known as the Treasure          the higher elevations—the mountains—
      Valley, Boise experiences inversions          to ski or snowshoe. The view is amazing,
      annually. What’s an inversion, you ask?       warm, and sunny as you look down on
                                                    the inversion in the valley.
      An inversion happens when the warmer
      air mass at ground level gets flipped         I’d like to process with you how
      upside down with a colder air mass being      this analogy serves to highlight our
      deposited closer to the ground. You           graduates at Boise Bible. The college is
      would normally expect to experience           being blessed by God to equip students
      colder temps at higher elevation, but an      who are called to some form of ministry
      inversion can make it warmer in higher        for Jesus. Boise Bible is honored to
      elevations and colder in the valley below.    encourage students who have accepted
      It’s definitely a unique experience.          Christ Jesus “to walk in him, rooted and
                                                    built up in him and established in the
      An inversion produces thick clouds,           faith” with an abundance of thanksgiving
      heavy fog, and moisture. It will stay that    (Col. 2:6-7).
      way until a cold front blows in and stirs
Outreach The Magazine of Boise Bible College | Winter 2023
Our staff enjoy being witnesses to a           •   Have been prayed over by staff,
   student’s calling as it takes shape. As            parents, and pastors, that they may
   they near graduation, we watch in awe              be filled with the knowledge of
   while they steward their passion as a              God’s will for their life in spiritual
   servant leader caring for people afflicted         wisdom and understanding (Col. 1:9).
   with hopelessness.                             •   Step into a life of ministry, able to
                                                      walk in a manner worthy of the Lord
   It’s awesome when graduating students              and pleasing to Him (Col. 1:10).
   develop into ambassadors of Jesus in           •   Are equipped, by God’s redemptive
   the spiritual inversion of the world, for          power, to bear fruit in their work as
   “He has delivered us from the domain               they grow in God’s knowledge, are
   of darkness and transferred us to the              strengthened with His power, endure
   kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom                with joy, and give Him all thanks.
   we have redemption, the forgiveness of
   sins” (Col. 1:13-14).                          Our graduates this May will include a
                                                  wide range of ministry expressions:

                                                  •   Mentoring neglected teenagers
Boise Bible helps students                        •   Leading within a turn-around church
prepare for serving in the valley.                •   Graduate studies through a church
                                                  •   Preaching, evangelizing, and
   Our faculty instruct our students how              discipling young adults
   to rise above the spiritual inversion of       •   Elementary-age teaching
   today, lest they get lost in a spiritual fog   •   Musical worship and creative arts
   of secularism and are taken “captive by        •   Cross-cultural ministry in a foreign
   philosophy and empty deceit, according             land
   to human tradition, according to the           •   Outdoor experiences with men’s
   elemental spirits of the world, and not            discipleship
   according to Christ” (Col. 2:8).               •   Caring for the marginalized via a
                                                      Kingdom-oriented non-profit
                                                  •   Discipling infants & their parents
                                                  •   And more
Our students are equipped to
encounter the God of Scripture,                   You can play a spiritually significant
evaluate themselves by His                        role with our upcoming graduates. I’ve
standard, and execute godly                       adapted Paul’s request of the believers
                                                  in Colossae. Would you apply this to our
leadership in society. Boise Bible                students? “Continue steadfastly in prayer,
graduates will have experienced                   being watchful in it with thanksgiving. At
meeting with God in a vibrant way.                the same time, pray also for our students,
                                                  that God may open to them a door for
                                                  the word, to declare the mystery of Christ
   Boise Bible is satisfied in seeing this        . . . that they may make it clear, which is
   tandem lived out in our students: The          how they ought to speak. Pray they walk
   ability to lead with empathy in giving care    in wisdom toward outsiders, making the
   to folks affected by spiritual inversions      best use of the time, that their speech is
   of the world and the ability to set their      always gracious, seasoned with salt, so
   minds above where Christ is, seated at         that they may know how they ought to
   the right hand of God (Col. 3:1).              answer each person” (Col. 4:2-6, italics
                                                  and adaptations mine).
   Can you tell how proud we are of students
   who walk our halls and graduate to make
   a gospel impact?! Our graduates:

   •   Grow in their understanding of the
       word of grace in truth (Col. 1:6) as
       they have learned it from fellow           Dr. Derek Voorhees, President
       servants, mentors, and professors.

Outreach The Magazine of Boise Bible College | Winter 2023
    by Amber Grove, Christian Teaching Department Head

       Some may think that a Christian teacher         The teaching students at Boise Bible
       working in a local school system has            College learn how to prepare and
       little to no impact on their students. The      implement      lessons,     manage     the
       truth is, a Christian teacher can have a        classroom, and rise to the expectations
       significant impact on the lives of their        of the administration. The opportunity
       students, the culture of their school, and      to observe and teach in public or private
       their community. An impact that begins in       schools increases the student’s awareness
       the classroom and ripples out far beyond        of what a career in teaching looks like. A
       the school walls. A teacher who follows         full semester of Student Teaching allows
       Christ views their role differently than        the student to get real-life experience in
       most others. Looking at students with the       the day-to-day running of a classroom and
       love of God changes everything about            the expectations placed on the teacher.
       everything they do. Looking beyond the          Woven throughout the entire degree
       behavior to see the student, teaching more      program is the thread of ministry, the
       than just academics but character as well,      ministry of teaching.
       when a student opens the conversation
       we can share our faith, and most powerful       Our teaching program is for those who
       of all the ability to demonstrate the love of   are interested in teaching elementary
       God every day. Christian teachers make          students, secondary students, and those
       a positive impact on their peers and the        who desire to equip themselves well to
       families of the students they work with.        homeschool their children. Our program
       They shine a light that attracts those who      has graduates who are doing just that;
       need it. It is an amazing ministry.             they are teaching in either public or private
                                                       elementary schools, secondary schools,
       The Christian Teaching program at Boise         or homeschooling their children. Boise
       Bible College prepares future teachers to       Bible College lays a strong foundation for
       step into the profession, ready to engage       those interested in a career in teaching, a
       their students in academics as well as          lifetime of making a positive impact in the
       to make a positive impact in their life.        lives of others.

Outreach The Magazine of Boise Bible College | Winter 2023
APRIL 13-15 | PREVIEW 2023
                           BECOMING THE INFLUENCE

•   Registration Deadline:
       Early Rate $60 (January 1-April 1)
       Regular Rate $70 (April 7-April 13)
•   $10 for Youth Sponsors
•   Free for Youth Ministers and Spouses
•   Free for Applicants!

Included: housing, meals, t-shirt, and activities

                                                    Keynote Speaker
Contact the Admissions Office at                    Isaac Stephanus
admissions@boisebible.edu                                      Youth Minister
or 208-376-7731                                      Clifton Christian Church
                                                          Grand Junction, CO
Outreach The Magazine of Boise Bible College | Winter 2023
BOISE BIBLE                       MINISTRY & FAMILY

    I recently sat on a panel interview of a Boise Bible College student who will one day be an alum. All of
    us on the panel discussed afterwards the quality of the answers and interview as a whole; we were all
    pleased and impressed. Boise Bible continues its quest to raise up educated and impactful leaders for the
    Kingdom. I am so very glad because the benefits are far reaching. I am glad for the churches, missions,
    and nonprofits. I am glad for the marriages, communities, and workplaces. I am glad for each and every
    corner of the kingdom or the world that will be blessed by another graduate of Boise Bible who loves God,
    loves people, and is equipped with Bible knowledge but clothed in humility. These types of graduates are
    lights wherever they go, brightening the world around them. They are a benefit to whatever team they
    belong to, raising the average. They are what gives me hope and encouragement to continue to send and
    support students to attend Boise Bible College.
    If you missed the Alumni & Family Panda Express Dinner in January, we missed you too. Don’t miss out on
    our next opportunity to reconnect: The Alumni Dinner and Dessert Auction in May! It’s always better when
    you are there.
    Martin Flaherty
    Alumni President

     1960’s                                1990’s
     Rick (’65) and Della Deighton         Randy Bourn (’92) is celebrating    Nick Parker (’02) is in his 18th
     celebrated 60 years of marriage       ten years of ministry at Eagle      year as Children’s Minister at
     in December.                          Christian  Church      (Surprise    Bridgetown Church of Christ
                                           Valley campus, Boise, ID).          (Cincinnati, OH). Kate (’02) is
     Diane Miller (’68) is set to retire                                       enrolled in a Clinical Pastoral
     in March after 37 years with          Al Cinnamon (’92) is celebrating    Education program at Christ
     Pioneer Bible Translators.            twelve years as Minister of         Hospital and interning as a
                                           Heritage    Christian    Church     chaplain there.
     1970’s                                (Emmett, ID). The church has
                                           doubled in size in the past two     Nick Duffel (’04) has started
     Bruce Wheeler (’78) celebrated        years after a move to a new         his 5th year as Senior Pastor
     his 80th birthday in December.        facility.                           at Canyon Springs Christian
     He teaches at Eagle Christian                                             Church (Middleton, ID).
     Church (Boise, ID, Surprise           2000’s
     Valley campus) and serves as                                              Marty Solomon (’05) continues
     funeral coordinator at Central        Jeremy Dotson (’00) began his       to serve as President of Impact
     Valley campus.                        7th year as Sr. Pastor at Trent     Campus Ministries, a role he has
                                           Church of Christ (Dexter, OR). He   served in since 2016.
     1980’s                                and wife Esther were blessed
                                           with two grandchildren in 2022.     Doug Reed (’06) retired after
     Bob (’82) and Sheri Wood have         He has begun PhD studies in         13 years with Literature and
     started their 20th year directing     historical theology at Columbia     Teaching Ministries (Joplin, MO).
     Oregon Christian Evangelistic         University.
     Fellowship (Grants Pass, OR).                                             Zayne (’07) and Jillian (’07)
                                           Kevin Bates (’01) has been          Mayfield moved to Wichita Falls,
     Dale Phipps (’87) started a           Pastor of Resonate Christian        TX, and have become involved
     new position as a chaplain with       Church (Sherwood, OR) for 13        with the children’s ministry at
     Serenity Hospice (Salem, OR).         years. He and Amanda (’02)          City Hope Church.
                                           have been married 21 years.
Outreach The Magazine of Boise Bible College | Winter 2023
Steve Naglak (’09) recently           has begun DMin studies at             Jacob Hartman (’19) has started
started as Young Adults Pastor        Talbot.                               his 4th year as Youth Pastor
at Gateway Christian Church (St.                                            at    Mini-Cassia   Community
Louis, MO).                           Janica Nowak (’12) volunteers         Christian Church (Heyburn, ID).
                                      in the tech ministry at Keno
2010’s                                Christian Church (Keno, OR).          2020’s
Conner Hall (’10) is in his           Lloyd Pounds (‘12) is in his eighth   Ashley (Barber) (’20) recently
sixth year as a chaplain at St.       year as Lead Pastor at Myrtle         married Marcus Brokaw and
Alphonsus (Boise, ID).                Point First Christian Church.         started a new position in the
                                                                            Boise Bible College library.
Cassie (’10) is celebrating           Matt Phipps (’13) is celebrating
ten years with Wycliffe Bible         ten years as Pastor at Valley
Translators. She works with deaf      Christian Church (Fruitland, ID).
translation teams in Asia who
are translating the Bible for their   Connor Southerton (’17) is in            We’d love to
communities. She was recently
named as a Consultant in this
                                      his fourth year as Middle School
                                      Minister at Eagle Christian
                                                                              hear from you!
work.                                 Church (Central Valley campus,         Submit your ministry or family
                                      Eagle, ID).                                update or milestone
Mark    Thometz    (’12)   just                                                        by emailing
completed his 8th year as             Silas (’17) and Katie (’18) are          alumni@boisebible.edu.
Lead Pastor at First Christian        “on the other side of the world”
Church (Yucca Valley, CA). He         and will soon be starting Bible         We’ll print your news in the
also completed an MA in New           translation with an unreached              next available issue.
Testament from Johnson and            people group.

TUESDAY, MAY 9 - Alumni Gathering and Dessert Auction
Chapel, Boise Bible College

WEDNESDAY, MAY 10 - Legacy Golf Scramble

TUESDAY, JUNE 20 - Alumni and Friends Dinner
Turner, OR

                        Watch for more details!

Outreach The Magazine of Boise Bible College | Winter 2023
College Am
10   Coming to a camp n
near you Summer 2023   11
     MAY 11-12 2023

                 Jesus wants His followers to be known, recognizable
                 to the world. May our minds, hearts, souls and

                 strength be obvious that we are followers of Jesus.

                                 Keynote Speaker: Mark Scott
                                 Mark Scott, D.Min., serves as Lead
                                 Minister of Park Plaza Christian Church
                                 in Joplin, MO, and as Online and
                                 Graduate Studies Professor at Ozark
                                 Christian College. He holds degrees
                                 from Denver Seminary, Lincoln Christian
                                 Seminary, Ozark Christian College, and
                                 has studied at Trinity Evangelical Divinity

                                       REGISTER HERE

                             REGISTRATION: $25 EACH

                             Registration fee is replacing the love offering.

                             No childcare provided during conference.

                             Email: advancement@boisebible.edu

“The Ins and Outs of Doing a Turn Around Church”     “Church Growth by the Numbers”
- Bob Wood, OCEF                                     - Dr. Steve Crane, Eagle Christian Church

“What Church Planting Looks Like in 2023 and         “Lessons Learned: Spiritual Practices From the
Beyond”                                              Desert Fathers”
- Derek Murphy, ICPA                                 - Ross Knudsen, Church History Professor
- Toney Salva, CEA
- Sean Thome, Expand Northwest                       “How Your Influence Can Impact Future
“The Reality of Sex Trafficking In Our World and     - Amber Grove, Christian Education Professor
What I Can Do About It”
 - Adam Meyer, Pastor & Sex Trafficking Rescue       “Apologetics for Today: The Pressing ‘-isms’
Worker                                               Against Our Faith”
                                                     - Russell Grove, Apologetics Professor
“Family Ministry That Connects”
- Scott & Kim Bryant, Journey Up Ministries          “Is America Still the Largest Sending Nation? If
                                                     Not, Who Is?
“The Challenges & Blessings of Being Married &       - Danny Harrod, Missions Professor
Working On Staff Together”
- Henry & Michaela Boyd, Ten Mile Christian Church   “Engaging the Community Around You”
                                                     - Tim Nay & Mike Maglish, LifeSpring Christian
“Understanding the Value a Living Trust Can Have     Church
for Your Ministry”
- Philip Marley, Financial Planning Ministry         “Engaging Your Mormon Neighbors With Grace
                                                     and Truth”
“Practical Ways to Encourage Students to Pursue      - Matthew & Chandra Anderson, Plant Utah
- Dr. Cody Christensen & Roy Meyer, Boise Bible      “A Crash Course in How to Write and Deliver a
Admissions Staff                                     Sermon”
                                                     - Mark Scott, Keynote Speaker
“Resources for Protecting Your Church Legally”
- Christ Troupis, Retired Attorney                   “Jesus and the Women in His Life” (2 Parts)
                                                     - Carla Scott, Leader in Women’s Ministry
“How the Book of Revelation Calls Us to Stand
Firm Against Satan’s Schemes Until Jesus Returns”
- Vance Russell, New Testament Professor             MORE STILL BEING CONFIRMED!
“How to Deal with Grief & Trauma in Your Church”
- Tammy Christensen, Licensed Counselor

“Crossing Cultural Boundaries Between
- Dr. Ben Williams, Preaching Professor

It’s Ἑλληνιστί to Me
                                                        In testifying before King Agrippa of his
     A GREEK WORD STUDY                                 encounter with the risen Jesus, Paul quotes that
       VANCE RUSSELL | NT & Greek Professor             Jesus told him, “I am sending (ἀποστέλλω,
                                                        a-po-STEL-lō) you to them [Jews and
     Epictetus wrote extensively to explain what        Gentiles] to open their eyes and turn them
     a genuine Cynic philosopher is and is not.         from darkness to light, and from the power
     Cynics got their names from their “dog-like”       of Satan to God, so that they may receive
     lifestyles, rejecting the conventions of society   forgiveness of sins and a place among those
     and embracing the shamelessness of living in       who are sanctified by faith in me” (Acts 26:17-
     accordance with nature. A true Cynic, writes       18, NIV). In His prayer for His disciples, Jesus
     Epictetus, knows that he is sent (ἀπέσταλται,      prayed, “As you sent (ἀπέστειλας, a-PE-stei-
     a-PE-stal-tai) as a messenger from Zeus to         las) me into the world, I have sent (ἀπέστειλα,
     mankind to show them the difference between        a-PE-stei-la) them into the world” (John 17:18,
     good and evil (Epect 3.22.23). Being sent from     NIV). Being “sent” entrusts the messenger with
     such a divine authority as Zeus meant that the     the authority of the sender to accomplish the
     Cynic functioned as a representative of the        purpose of the sender.
     one who sent him, for to hear from the Cynic
     was to hear from Zeus himself.                     Every spring, graduates go out from Boise
                                                        Bible College. Every summer, enrolled students
     In 1 Kings 19, King Hezekiah sent (ἀπέστειλεν,     embark on internships to serve the kingdom
     a-PE-stei-len) his palace administrator, his       and learn skills for ministry, but our students
     secretary, and the leading priests to Isaiah       are not merely sent out to get jobs and
     to let him know that the King of Assyria had       fulfill degree requirements. Our students are
     sent (ἀπέστειλεν, a-PE-stei-len) his field         commissioned and dispatched to proclaim the
     commander to ridicule the living God. Both         message that Jesus is King of kings and Lord
     the King of Judah and the King of Assyria          of lords. How will they proclaim the good news
     entrusted their messengers to represent them       if they are not sent (ἀποσταλῶσιν, a-po-sta-
     with their messages.                               LŌ-sin) (Romans 10:15)?
                  a Congratulations!
Serene Adams.......................Chinhoyi, Zimbabwe
Trent Adams..........................Chinhoyi, Zimbabwe
                                                             Gracie Myers..........................Boise, ID
                                                             Hunter Nicolai.......................McMinnville, OR
Emilee Alderete.....................Meridian, ID             McKenna Olson.....................Richland, OR
Michael Ansley......................Blacksburg, VA           Tyler Osborn..........................Tumwater, WA
Ryker Bull...............................Caldwell, ID        Shaylee Rappe......................Midvale, ID
Darrell Byrd............................Meridian, ID         Finlay Riehl.............................Salem, OR
Hailey Cass............................Eagle, ID             Andreal Risko........................Boise, ID
Alethea Chapman.................Riggins, ID                  Kayla Simpson.......................Fowlerville, MI
Bralyn Decker........................Deer Park, WA           Allyson Sinclair......................Beaverton, OR
Evan Drayton.........................Star, ID                Dennis Smith.........................Nampa, ID
Nathan Echols.......................Eagle, ID                Micah Sturgeon.....................Fruitland, ID
Jill Fanning.............................Boise, ID           Elizabeth Tooke.....................Ekalaka, MT
Conner Galgan......................Meridian, ID              Ethan Tweedy-Lawrence.....Fruitland, ID
Taylor Hewitt..........................Vernonia, OR          Briston Vahsholtz..................Nampa, ID
Kiersten Jenkins....................Hayden, ID               Patience Vahsholtz...............Nampa, ID
Ashlynn Kerekffy...................Oregon City, OR           Lindsay Vandenburgh..........Boise, ID
Lindsey Leion........................Portland, OR            Joy Williams...........................Ibadan, Nigeria
Dexter Macauley...................Marcola, OR                Theanna Wing.......................Sacramento, CA
Jillian Micak...........................Kuna, ID             Seth Wright............................Rathdrum, ID
Kerri Michaels........................Edmonds, WA

                                                                    We Are
Jason Andrews......................Las Vegas, NV

                                                                 Proud of You!
Gabriel Bacon........................Boise, ID
Angy Clersaint.......................Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Joseph Hassman..................Springfield, OR
Janard Jobes.........................Boise, ID
Laurel Kotts............................Nampa, ID
Josiah Logue.........................Nampa, ID
Seth Philipps..........................Seaside, OR
Gracie Riggall........................Carlsbad, NM
David Rowe............................Marcola, OR
Anthony Simpson.................Fruitland, ID
Jaden Snyder........................Boise, ID
Danika Stevens.....................Merced, CA
Jacob Taron...........................Emmett, ID
Heather Zwygart...................Nampa, ID
     A NEW


     PRESIDENT’S CLUB ($10,000+)          Mrs. Myrtlemay Crane             Mr. and Mrs. John M. Tevis
     Mr. Greg Gleason                     Mr. Steven Harris                Dr. and Mrs. Cody Christensen
     Mr. Caleb Roope                      Mr. and Mrs. Harold Triplett     Mr. Jerry Orban
     Mr. and Mrs. Dick Steckler           Mr. and Mrs. James Soesbe        Mr. Richard Cook
     Mr. Don Kimball                      Mr. Arthur S. Mell               Mr. John A. Kelner
     Joe and Mary Lou Weatherford Trust   Linda J Studer                   Dr. and Mrs. Glenn C Sackett
     Mr. James Rice                       Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Henderer    Mr. and Mrs. David Humphreys
     Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tinker             Mr. Bert C. Nordhielm            Dorothy Grover
     Mr. and Mrs. Cook                    Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Schuerman    Mr. and Mrs. Russell Grove
     Kenneth and Martha Beckman Trust     Mr. and Mrs. Randy Knudsen       Mr. and Mrs. Greg Bullock
     Mr. Michael Hoff                     Mr. and Mrs. Russell Galbreath   Metzger Joint Trust
     Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hodge               Mr. and Mrs. Scott Lerwick       Mr. and Mrs. Stephen LaFontaine
     Anonymous (total)                    Mr. John R. Brenner              Mr. and Mrs. Gary Anderson
     Constance Brown                                                       Mr. & Mrs. William B. Roquemore Jr.
     Mr. Jeffrey Mathias                  SILVER CLUB ($1,000-$2,499)      Dr. and Mrs. Ben Williams
     Mr. and Mrs. David Rogge             Mrs. Sheryl Fox                  Traber and Linda Cass
                                          Mrs. Shirley Harrod              Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Bullock
     PLATINUM CLUB ($5,000-$9,999)        Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hutton      Mr. and Mrs. Delbert L. Durfee
     Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Sleasman        Mrs. Velma Stewart               Mr. and Mrs. Valgene Hart
     Mr. and Mrs. Gary Brooten            Mr. and Mrs. Steve Overlin       Mr. and Mrs. Bill Herrick
     Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller            Ms. Patricia Naglak              Mr. and Mrs. Brad Hewlett
     Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brown           Mr. and Mrs. Mark Peterson       Mr. and Mrs. Dale Newberry
     CH and Mrs. William B. Robinson      Mr. Donald Whitford              Mr. and Mrs. Leon Simmons
     Mr. and Mrs. David Davolt            Mr. and Mrs. Larry Thomas        Mr. and Mrs. Roland Terrell
     Dr. Charles A. Crane                 Dr. and Mrs. Timothy Perkins     Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Voorhees
     Mr. Stanley E. Henderer Jr.          Colleen Abrams                   Mr. Milton Bunzey
     Dr. and Mrs. Richard Green           Mr. and Mrs. Bill Owens          Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Duffel
     Georgia LeAnn Patterson              Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Banta      Mrs. Linda Barnett
                                          Gloria Borschowa                 Mr. and Mrs. Lee Barton
     GOLD CLUB ($2,500-$4,999)            Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gott         Justin and Natalie Jordan
     Mr. and Mrs. Dan LeRoy               Mr. and Mrs. Charles Guy         Ms. Lila Mosier
     Dr. and Mrs. Derek Voorhees          Mr. Charles Ingalls              Mr. and Mrs. Steven Naglak
     Ms. Shasta Lee Hutton                Barb Modugno                     Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearson
     Mr. Douglas Callahan                 Mr. and Mrs. James Quick         Mrs. Pam Williams
     Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hargrove           Beverly J. Schlottman            SILVER CLUB (continued)
     Mrs. Audrey Larsson                  Mr. and Mrs. James R. Swanson
                                                                           (Continued on Page 18 & 19)
2022 Church Giving Clubs
PRESIDENT'S CLUB ($10,000 AND ABOVE)                                Richland CC...................................Richland, OR
Westside CC..................................Roseburg, OR           Roseburg First CC........................Roseburg, OR
Eagle CC........................................Eagle, ID           High Plains CC..............................Twin Falls, ID
Valley CC.......................................Bullhead City, AZ   Willamina CC.................................Willamina, OR
Highline CC...................................Burien, WA            Academy CC..................................Colorado Springs, CO
Grangeville CC..............................Grangeville, ID         Nezperce CC.................................Nezperce, ID
Ten Mile CC...................................Meridian, ID          Burns CC........................................Burns, OR
Crabtree CC...................................Crabtree, OR          First CC of Buhl.............................Buhl, ID
Christ's Church of Mt Spokane....Mead, WA                           Christ's Church of Deer Park.......Deer Park, WA
Myrtle Point First CC....................Myrtle Point, OR           Fifth Ave CC..................................Havre, MT
                                                                    Singing Hills CC............................Hillsboro, OR
PLATINUM CLUB ($5,000 - $9,999)                                     North Plains CC............................North Plains, OR
First CoC of Oakland....................Oakland, OR                 Madras CC.....................................Madras., OR
Warrenton CC................................Warrenton, OR           First CC..........................................Milton Freewater, OR
Rocky Mountain CC......................Niwot, CO                    Caldwell CC...................................Caldwell, ID
Baker City CC................................Baker City, OR         First CC of John Day....................John Day, OR
Anacortes CC................................Anacortes, WA           Kenai CC........................................Kenai, AK
Clifton CC......................................Clifton, CO         Chehalis CC...................................Chehalis, WA
Canyon Springs CC......................Middleton, ID                Deer Flat Church..........................Caldwell, ID
Coquille CCC.................................Coquille, OR
Southeast CC................................Salt Lake City, UT      BRONZE CLUB ($500 - $999)
Vale CC..........................................Vale, OR           First CC of Lewistown..................Lewistown, MT
First CC..........................................Tillamook, OR     Yoncalla CoC.................................Yoncalla, OR
                                                                    Reedsport CC................................Reedsport, OR
GOLD CLUB ($2,500 - $4,999)                                         First CC..........................................Orland, CA
Drain CoC......................................Drain, OR            Heppner CC...................................Heppner, OR
Shasta Way CC..............................Klamath Falls, OR        West Salem CC.............................Salem, OR
The Pursuit....................................Bozeman, MT          Trent CoC.......................................Dexter, OR
Creswell CoC.................................Eugene, OR             Keno CC.........................................Keno,OR
Northeast CC.................................Grand Junction, CO     Real Life Treasure Valley.............Meridian, ID
CC of Anchorage..........................Anchorage, AK              Sunrise CC.....................................Ontario, OR
Gooding First CC..........................Gooding, ID               Ascent CC......................................Prineville, OR
Woodburn CC................................Woodburn, OR             First CC of Orofino.......................Orofino, ID
Pasco CC........................................Pasco, WA           Brookings Harbor CC...................Brookings, OR
Culver CC.......................................Culver, OR          Westside CC..................................Evans, GA
First CC of Sierra Vista................Sierra Vista, AZ            First CC of Newport......................Newport, OR
Central Kitsap CC.........................Bremerton, WA             Noti CoC........................................Noti, OR
Roy CC...........................................Roy, UT            Sonrise CC.....................................Eugene, OR
Garden Way Church.....................Eugene, OR
Hill City Church.............................Boise, ID              UP TO $499
Thurston CC..................................Springfield, OR        Alvadore CC..................................Alvadore, OR
North Hill CC.................................Des Moines, WA        Kimberly CC-C.W.F........................Kimberly, ID
Enterprise CC................................Enterprise, OR         Prineville CC..................................Prineville, OR
Vernonia CC..................................Vernonia, OR           Payette CC.....................................Payette, ID
Real Life CC...................................Bend, OR             Sweet Home CC............................Sweet Home, OR
Bruneau CC...................................Bruneau, ID            First CC..........................................The Dalles, OR
Wasco CoC....................................Wasco, OR              Molalla CC.....................................Molalla, OR
New Hope CC................................Everett, WA              First CC..........................................Oakridge, OR
Kimberly CC..................................Kimberly, ID           Holley CC.......................................Sweet Home, OR
Community CC..............................Twin Falls, ID            First CC of Dayton........................Dayton, WA
6th & Gibbs Church......................Cottage Grove, OR
Foothills CC...................................Boise, ID            RESTRICTED GIVING
Lighthouse CCC............................Warrenton, OR             Eagle CC........................................Eagle, ID
Athena CC.....................................Athena, OR            Westside CC..................................Roseburg, OR
Fairfield CC....................................Fairfield, OH       Christ’s Church of Deer Park......Deer Park, WA
South Lakeshore CC....................Tacoma, WA                    Valley CC.......................................Bullhead City, AZ
                                                                    Marcola CC....................................Marcola, OR
SILVER CLUB ($1,000 - $2,499)                                       6th & Gibbs Church......................Cottage Grove, OR
Craig CC.........................................Craig, CO          Vale CC..........................................Vale, OR
Lifespring CC.................................Star, ID              Deer Flat Church..........................Caldwell, ID
Mini-Cassia CCC...........................Heyburn, ID               Puget Sound CC...........................Edmonds, WA
Weiser CC......................................Weiser, ID           Ten Mile CC...................................Meridian, ID
Dayton CC.....................................Dayton, OR            Baker City CC................................Baker City, OR
Mountlake Terrace CC.................Mountlake Terrace, WA          Oregon City CC.............................Oregon City, OR
Centralia CC..................................Centralia, WA         Polaris CC......................................Brunswick, OH
Norwood CC..................................Norwood, CO
Gates Community CoC................Gates, OR                        CC - Christian Church
Vernal CC.......................................Vernal, UT          CoC - Church of Christ
Harbor CC......................................Ogden, UT            CCC - Community Christian Church/Christian Community Church
                                                                    C.W.F. - Christian Women’s Fellowship                                    17
Donor Giving Clubs (Continued from Page 16)
     Mr. Sam Prosise                          Mr. and Mrs. Dan Raynor           Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Miller
     Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Chacon              Mr. and Mrs. John Sonntag         Silas and Katie Moe
     Mr. and Mrs. Dale Cornett                Mr. and Mrs. Christ Troupis       Mr. and Mrs. David Hamilton
     Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ducey                  Mr. and Mrs. John L. Wright       Mr. Darren Hamlin
     Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hardenbrook             Mr. and Mrs. David Nolte          Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ratzlaff
     Ms. Kathy Harrod                         Mr. and Mrs. Stacy Abernathy      Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Branson
     Mr. and Mrs. Sam Harsin                  Mrs. Beverly Smith                Jacob and Carly Burke
     Shirley Holcomb Duncan                   Mr. and Mrs. Glenn R. Haagenson   Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Canada
     Mr. and Mrs. Rowlie Hutton               Mrs. Susanne Pring                Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Clary
     Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson              Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Whisler       Mr. Knute Cotton
     Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Martin             Mr. and Mrs. Tim Nay              Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Haines
     Mr. Jim McMichael                        Mr. Tony Vahsholtz                Mr. and Mrs. Ken Harvey
     Mr. and Mrs. Tim Melville                Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Voss           Mrs. Geraldine Lasniewski
     Mr. and Mrs. Malcam Moberly              Mr. and Mrs. Michael Amick        Marilu Moreno-Jones
     Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ness                 Mr. and Mrs. Roger Arnold         Mrs. Sibyl Parks
     Mrs. Marjorie Priest                     Mr. Carl Ashmead                  Mr. and Mrs. David Svehaug
     Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Schell           Cris Baker                        Mr. and Mrs. M. Steven West
     Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Scott            Mr. and Mrs. David Benton         Mr. and Mrs. Samuel F. Woods
     Mr. and Mrs. DH Shearer                  Mrs. Linda Erlandson              Mr. Ron Woodward
     Mr. and Mrs. Gene Sonnenberg             Mrs. Bonnie George                Mrs. Mary Hopkins
     Mr. and Mrs. Steve Stroop                Mr. and Mrs. Dick Goff            Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Armstrong
     Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin J. Sunderland VI   Mr. and Mrs. Robert Haunschild    Mr. and Mrs. Gary Heikes
     Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Watson                Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Johnson       Mr. John Lanterman
     Mr. and Mrs. Gary Yarbrough              Mr. and Mrs. Ned Kent             Mr. Normie Marcum
                                              Chad Larson                       Mr. and Mrs. Bob A. Pfeifer
     BRONZE CLUB ($500-$999)                  Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lichlyter        Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Marshall
     Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Moffitt              Mrs. Phyllis Marsh                Mr. and Mrs. Terry Butler
     Mr. and Mrs. Hardenbrook                 Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Metzer    Mr. and Mrs. Derek Murphy
     Mr. and Mrs. James Fleming               Mr. and Mrs. Tom Purdy            Mr. and Mrs. Noel Gallegos
     Max and Elizabeth Peterson               Mr. and Mrs. Loren Rader          Mr. John Bigham
     Mr. and Mrs. David Roadcup               Mr. Kevin Schram                  Mr. and Mrs. Dale Canfield
     Nathan and Tami Wheeler                                                    Ltc Jerry Groover
     Mr. and Mrs. Ben Baker                   $100 - $499                       Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hanbey
     Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Newberry             Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Finney        Mrs. Pati Hubert
     Cory and Lori Gant                       Mr. and Mrs. Wes Whitley          Mr. and Mrs. Frank McKibben
     Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fleenor                 Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Bishop      Erik and Laura Neilson
     Mrs. Eleanor Green                       Mr. and Mrs. Charles Faber        Mr. and Mrs. Russ Orr
     Mrs. Gale Lakey                          Mr. and Mrs. John R. Herring      Mr. and Mrs. Larry Osborn
     Mr. Lloyd Whitford                       Mr. and Mrs. Walt Keepers         Mrs. Peggy Jones
     Mr. and Mrs. Zane Medlen                 Mr. and Mrs. Steven Moreland      Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Wall
     Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Landreth             Mr. and Mrs. Seth Thomas          Mr. and Mrs. David Christensen
     Mrs. Sharon Baimbridge                   Mr. and Mrs. Craig Woodard        D. Margaret Wakelee
     Mr. and Mrs. Rusty Emel                  Mr. and Mrs. Justin Sturgeon      Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wheeler
     Mr. and Mrs. Dick Halaas                 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Morris        Mr. and Mrs. Robert Steven Bailey
     Mr. and Mrs. Curtis W. Gant              Jane Brown                        Mr. and Mrs. Myron Wells
     Mr. and Mrs. Floyd P. DeWitt             Mr. and Mrs. Tom Helmick          Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pyle
     Ms. Laura Brown                          Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Lewis         Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Whitford
     Mr. and Mrs. Curt Nordhielm              Mr. Gayle Lowe                    Mr. and Mrs. Dave Daniel
     Mr. and Mrs. Chris DeWitt                Mrs. Barbara Morley               Mr. and Mrs. Walter L Hall
     Mr. and Mrs. Larry McGhee                Mrs. Pauline Thomas               Mr. Larry D. Lewis
     Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Davolt                Mr. and Mrs. Steve Wallace        Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Botsford
     Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Grove               Mr. and Mrs. Randy Bourn          Mr. and Mrs. Jerald Novak
     Mr. and Mrs. Terry Hutton                Mrs. Nancy Webb                   Mr. and Mrs. Sid Allsbury
     Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wood                    Ms. Linda Lanegan                 Mrs. Linda Bucy
     Mr. and Mrs. Marty Solomon               Mr. and Mrs. Steven Ray Bragg     Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hasegawa
     Mr. and Mrs. William Sabin               Ms. June Brown                    Mr. and Mrs. William R. Humphreys
     Mr. Bruce Gochnour                       Mrs. Gayle Rupp                   Dr. and Mrs. Richard Jenks
     Mr. and Mrs. Terry Allen                 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Toedtemier       Benne B. Miller
     Pastors Adrian and Evelyn Burd           Mr. Thomas A. Brattain            Mr. and Mrs. Les Odegard
     Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Crawford             Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blake Coones     Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pamer
     Mrs. Joan Hake                           Mr. Cameron Cryder                Mark Harris
     Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hansen              Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hill            Mr. and Mrs. Joel Fadel
     Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Hayden               Mr. and Mrs. Greg Jorgenson       Miss Samantha McCune
     Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hoover               Mr. George R. Swanson             Mr. and Mrs. Jim Osborn
     Gilbert Johnson                          Ms. Cloriece Townley              Mr. and Mrs. Edward Saunders
     Ms. Linda Kelpin                         Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wheeler         Mrs. Joanne Skelton
     Mr. and Mrs. David G. Ladd               Mr. and Mrs. Mark Imel            Mr. and Mrs. Edward Davis
     Mrs. Evelyn F. Marriott                  Ms. Nancy Waner                   Mr. and Mrs. Don DeArmond
     Mrs. Dale Marshall                       Mr. and Mrs. Craig Campbell       Mr. and Mrs. Cornell Lewis
     Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Marshall            Mr. and Mrs. Paul Clark           Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson
     Ms. Diane Miller                         Mr. and Mrs. Rick McMichael       Mr. and Mrs. Terry Bittner
Mr. and Mrs. Norm Bjarnson        Ms. Lynette Russell                 Shirley Hurst
Dr. and Mrs. James Byerly         Mr. and Mrs. Scott Schnackenberg    Keith Kelso
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Collver       Mrs. Charlene Simkins               Mr. and Mrs. Bob Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Cushing        Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Slabaugh        Mr. C. Thomas Robison
Mr. and Mrs. Al Edmonds           Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Watkins        Don Bodewig
Mrs. Gail Garwick                 Ms. Susan Windell                   Mr. and Mrs. Tony Frost
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gundersen     Ms. Gwen Yeager                     Mr. and Mrs. Michael Poole
Mr. Robert Howe                                                       Chris Roth
Mr. Timothy Lapp                  UP TO $99                           Mr. and Mrs. Allen Stewart
Patrick Lolly                     Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Van Orsow        Taylor Joyner
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Mayhugh         Ona I. Cunningham                   Mr. Jerry Benisek
Mr. and Mrs. David Moerer         Martin and Paula Flaherty           Mrs. Jessica M. Davolt
Mr. Merlin Moon                   Mr. and Mrs. Paul Harmon            Mr. and Mrs. Walter Freestone
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Nichols         Mr. and Mrs. Donald Campbell        Mrs. Betty Jean Gazzolo
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Sabin         Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lamb             Mr. and Mrs. David Doyle
Mr. Bruce Swanson                 Mr. and Mrs. Victor Knowles         Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Sherard
Mr. Michael Thomas                Ms. Adrienne F. Sorensen-Affley     Mr. Jesse Vincent
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Warnock          Mrs. Carol Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Weber        Ms. Emily Chamberlain
Fred Wright                       Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bookout           Gifts Given in Memory of:
Mr. and Mrs. Robin Harrison       Mr. and Mrs. John Drew              Leta Whitford
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Russell        Mr. and Mrs. Duane Ferdinand        Orin and Oleta Hardenbrook
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Thometz         Ms. Sandra Gonzalez                 Wanda Haneline Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Shold         Mr. Ed Wessler                      Howard & Betty Neal
Mr. Steven Arnold                 Betty Ewing - Wigton                Charles Perry Thomas, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Baker          Elyse Grossaint                     Reggie Webb
Mr. and Mrs. James D Cass         Mr. Philip Evans                    Hank & Lou Hutton
Haley Garey                       Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Phipps           Sheila Adamson
Mr. Joe D. Hardenbrook            Jared Prickett                      Sharon Hoff
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hetherington     Ms. Diane Beason                    Dorothy & Herman Miller
Rita Nebeker                      Conner Hall                         Ernie & Zella Chamberlain
Thomas Santillanes                Dr. and Mrs. Kelvin Jones           Margaret Lucile Crane
Mr. Adrian Thomas                 Ms. Patti Mulcahy                   Ray & Sylvia Beans
Mr. and Mrs. Deryl Titus          Mrs. Gretchen Rowley                Rosalie LaFontaine
Paxton and April Tupper           Mr. and Mrs. Gary Adams             Brenda Ingalls
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Weston           Hugh D. Barton                      Eugene & Mary Prickett
Mr. and Mrs. Yan Wing Wong        Mr. and Mrs. Clayne Beck            Donna Krause
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Knudsen         Mr. and Mrs. Larry M. Brown         Ruth Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Victor L. Alich      Brian and Julie Carter              Jim & Mary Phillips
Marsha Ashburn                    Mr. Larry Case                      Chuck & Ruth Mackey
Ms. Patricia Baker                Mr. and Mrs. Gary Enzminger         Raymond & Pauline Sabin
Carole Beecher                    Mr. Ken Gaffke                      Dr. Kenneth Beckman
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bond           Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gobble         Patricia Farley
Ms. Glenda Clark                  Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Hale         Caleb Holderby
Mrs. Carrol Cochell               Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Hillis           Professor Dexter Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Ramon B. Conner      Kevan Karr                          Brad Erlandson
Dr. and Mrs. Jack Cottrell        Mr. and Mrs. Nathan P. Lacy         Rebecca Brenner
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Dickinson       Ms. Mary McFarland                  Dorothy Kimball
Mr. and Mrs. Don Dodson           Mr. and Mrs. Merle Miller           Dr. J. Richard & Carolee Ewing
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Duzik           Mr. and Mrs. James Nebeker          Henry Svehaug
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest D. Faber      Eileen Phillips                     Howard Garwick
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gerber          Mr. and Mrs. David Schaak           T. Claude & Richie E. Helmick
Dr. and Mrs. Terry Golter         Mr. and Mrs. Jim Shelburne          Bob & Bea Maxwell
Christian Gross                   Mr. and Mrs. Richard V. Stevenson   Conley & Carol Silby
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore A. Hadley   Dianna Thomas                       A. Richard & Helen L. Schell
Betty Hartman                     Mr. Clark Vandeventer               Bruce Bond
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Hawes           Chris and Sara Short                Marilyn Whitford
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Henrie        Mr. and Mrs. Vance Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Hill           Jamie Eastman                       Gifts Given in Honor of:
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jordan       Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Williams       In Memory & Honor of Jesus Christ
Janice Juve                       Mrs. Judy Farlow                    Mr. & Mrs. Claude (Jessie) Crane
Mr. Darrell Krause                Mr. Wayne Ford                      Jeff Nichols
Mr. and Mrs. Michael N. Lott      Mr. Mike Hanks                      David Davolt
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Luloff       Mr. and Mrs. Ron Lyon               Eric
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Macauley       Mr. and Mrs. Blaise McDaniel        Chuck Sackett
Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy          Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Teegarden        Don DeArmond
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley R. Olson     Mrs. Rosalie LaFontaine             Vance & Julie Russell
Mr. Larry O. Osborne              Dennis and Nichole Smith            Dana Williamson
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Perry            Mr. Lance Hanbey                    Kimberlee Dorough
Todd Ring                         Ms. Beverly Connolly                Richard & Eloise Carter
Mr. Lee Ross                      Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Hill
                                                                                                           Non-Profit Org.
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