Welcomes You We are beloved disciples of Our mission is to know, love Jesus Christ. and serve the Lord - e-churchbulletins.com

Page created by Joe Jimenez
Welcomes You We are beloved disciples of Our mission is to know, love Jesus Christ. and serve the Lord - e-churchbulletins.com
Welcomes You

    We are beloved disciples of
          Jesus Christ.
    Our mission is to know, love
        and serve the Lord.
Welcomes You We are beloved disciples of Our mission is to know, love Jesus Christ. and serve the Lord - e-churchbulletins.com
January 23, 2022 – 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

       Welcome to SJBD Parish                                            Contact Information
         Welcome to St. John the Beloved Disciple             Parish Office Phone 636-296-8061, ext. 4
(SJBD) Parish and Church. We are pleased and honored Parish Fax Phone                  636-296-8067
to have you pray and worship with us today.                   Email  address office@stjohnimperial.org
         We hope you feel welcome and we invite you to        Website:        www.saintjohnimperial.org
share in our worship and prayers. To make your visit com- Twitter:            http://twitter.comstjohnimperial
fortable please visit our Welcome Table in the Church Lob- Facebook:          https://www.facebook.com/St.John-the-
by, just to the right of the main Church doors as you enter                   Beloved-Disciple-100354655113698/
the building. A member of our parish Hospitality Team         YouTube:        https://www.youtube.com/channel/
will be there to greet you and to answer any of your ques-                    UCqKMa02MJyTNstSPYS10tlwg?
tions.                                                                        view_as=subscriber
         If you have recently moved into this area, or if you
are looking to become members of St. John the Beloved
Disciple Church, please mention that to the parish repre-
                                                                   Mass/Devotions Schedule
                                                              Weekend Masses
sentative at the Welcome Table, or see me, Fr. Rich. We               Saturday Vigil 4:00 pm
will answer your questions and address your needs.                    Sunday           8:00 am & 10:30 am
         Thank you for praying with us today. Fr. Rich                (Both Saturday 4:00 pm Mass and Sunday 8:00am
                                                              Mass are streamed on You Tube, Facebook, and the Parish
            Parish Information                                Website.)
            St. John the Beloved Disciple Parish              Weekday Masses
                   4614 Blue Springs Drive                            Mon/Wed/Friday           8:00 am
               Imperial, Missouri, 63052-1237                         Tuesday/Thursday         6:15 pm
                      Parish Office Hours                             (Live Stream on Facebook & Parish Website)
      Monday/Tuesday/Thursday – 9:00 am-2:00 pm               Reconciliation (Confessions)
               Friday—9:00 am—12:00 noon.                             Tuesday                  5:00-6:00 pm
                                                                      Wednesday                5:00-6:00 pm
                                                                      Saturday                 3:00-3:45 pm
                     About Us                                 Eucharistic Exposition & Adoration
         Our Parish has been part of this region of Jefferson         Wednesdays               12:00-6:30 pm
County since 1861. Our Parish is under the patronage of               Prayers/Benediction 6:30 pm
St. John the Beloved Disciple. Our patronal feast day of      Perpetual Help Devotions
our parish is December 27th.                                          Wednesdays – after 8:00 am Mass
         This is our third parish location. From1861-1954
the Church was on West Rock Creek Road, adjacent to the
Parish Cemetery. The Parish relocated to a site about one-                    Parish Staff
half mile north of its present location on Old Highway 21     Pastor                   Rev. Richard V. Coerver
in 1954. In 2011 our new Church was erected at this loca-             Email:  rcoerver@stjohnimperial.org
tion. This Church was dedicated on July 31, 2011. The old             Phone (Office): 636-296-8061, ext. 1
parish property was sold in 2015.                                     Phone (Cell): 314-775-7713
         St. John the Beloved Disciple Parish has approxi- Deacon (Retired)            Rev. Mr. Larry Nava
mately 380 households with slightly more than 835 mem- Adm. Assistant                  Mrs. Lisa Reilmann
bers. Some have been members for generations. From ear-               Email: office@stjohnimperial.org
ly days in the mid-19 Century till 2007, the Parish had a             Phone (Office): 636-296-8061, ext. 4
Catholic Grade School. The school closed in 2007 due to       Office Volunteer         Ms. Donna Siebenmorgen
declining enrollment. Today we have a PSR (Parish             PSR  Director            Ms. Teresa Zweiner
School of Religion) program with around 40 students who               Email:  taz40@sbcglobal.net
attend public schools.                                                Phone (Cell): 314-277-2601
         We have spiritual opportunities and faith deepen-    Parish Musicians         Ms. Judy Kauzlarich
ing programs for all parishioners, such as Bible Study, re-                            Mr. Larry Buechel
treats etc. We have an active St. Vincent de Paul Society     Communications           Mrs.  Karen Weber
dedicated to assisting the needy of our community.                    Phone (Office) 636-296-8061, ext. 4
         We are proud of our heritage and intend to actively          Email: office@stjohnimperial.org
witness to Jesus Christ today and in the future, through      Maintenance              Mr. Gary Boyer
spiritual growth and active service. We look forward to       Parish Council           Mr. Tom Ahearn
growing spiritually and in numbers in the future.             Finance  Commission      Mr.  Dennis Gearon
         We hope you join us in worship, prayer and mis-      Worship   Team           Mr.  Rich Horst
sion again and again. We look forward to you becoming a       Parish Cemetery          Mr.  Ron Buchheit
member of St. John the Beloved Disciple Parish.               Music  Ministry          Ms.  Judy Kauzlarich
Welcomes You We are beloved disciples of Our mission is to know, love Jesus Christ. and serve the Lord - e-churchbulletins.com
January 23, 2022—3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

                  Today’s Gospel                                                 Luke’s Testimony
         We start a systematic reading of the Gospel of                   “I too have decided, after investigating every-
Luke for most of 2022 today. We begin with the first vers-      thing accurately anew, to write it down in an orderly
es of the Gospel where Luke stated his purpose for his writ-    sequence for you.’”
ings.                                                                     This passage from the Gospel of Luke centers us in
         Theophilus (God Lover), who is addressed in verse      the context of this story. Luke informs us that these are
3, was probably a significant Christian and patron of Luke.     stories that go back to the eyewitnesses of Christ. This
Luke reminds Theophilus and us, there is always more            framing at the beginning of his Gospel helps us understand
truth to be discovered, a greater commitment to be made, a      how to approach the “reality” of the life of Christ. Luke
new excitement about the tradition that has been handed         tells us this isn’t a magnificent fairy tale, but tells us “I too
down by those who were both eyewitnesses and servants of        have decided, after investigating everything accurately
the Word. Luke is not an eyewitness to Jesus, but he has        anew, to write it down in an orderly sequence for you.”
received testimony from eyewitnesses. Using his own hu-                   This week’s Gospel also gives us a daring scene
man gifts and guided by the Holy Spirit, he is eager to rec-    that could fit in any modern-day film. Jesus goes to his
ord, order, and interpret the Jesus tradition for the sake of   hometown synagogue, where we can assume everyone
his patron and the wider community of believers. “Today”        knows him, walks up to read, is handed the scroll with the
we are among those believers, gathered into the Liturgy of      exact prophecy of this coming, and then he reads it out
the Word, into the presence of Christ.                          loud, to his friends and neighbors. “Rolling up the scroll,
         In the reading, Jesus is called up to the reading      he handed it back to the attendant and sat down, and
desk in the Nazareth synagogue. The people are expectant;       the eyes of all in the synagogue looked intently at him.
here is the home-town boy made good, with a teaching rep-       He said to them, ‘Today this Scripture passage is ful-
utation already established throughout Galilee. They think      filled in your hearing’” Imagine the wonder that every-
they know him, but Jesus is the Messiah, the anointed One,      one seated must have felt. It reads like a movie script.
with the fullness of the Spirit upon him. Born, baptized,
proved the faithful Israelite par excellence in the wilder-                    Unexpected Message
ness,                                                                     In the first reading from Ezra, he leads what seems
         Jesus speaks forth as the prophet the words of Isai-   like a normal liturgy. He stands at a podium and reads
ah as a summary of his mission that he is about to begin.       from the Torah. However, the Israelites in this story have
The prophet, he proclaims, is called to announce the good       just returned from the Babylonian exile to find Jerusalem
news to the poor—their liberty, healing, freedom from all       destroyed. This isn’t a normal Sabbath for them: this is a
oppression—as in the Jubilee year of release described in       moment to take a deep breath after realizing the destruction
Leviticus 25 and Deuteronomy 15. Whether jubilee years          that has happened in their homeland. Giving this moment
were ever celebrated in Israel is uncertain, but it persisted   even more weight is the fact that the audience is specifical-
as a symbol of the possibilities found in a new era of em-      ly mentioned, twice: men, women, and children old enough
powerment for the disadvantaged.                                to understand. There’s a universal aspect to this narrative,
         Then comes the climax, the moment of interpreta-       because the writer of this passage went out of the way to
tion of the Word of God: “Today this scripture passage is       describe all the ages and genders in a scene in which Ezra’s
fulfilled in your hearing,” says Jesus. That Jesus is the       shell-shocked community comes together to pray.
Word in our human flesh is what we have so recently cele-                 Both the first reading and the Gospel are moments
brated in our Christmas festivities. In the weeks of Ordi-      when a community, gathered in prayer together, received
nary Time, what will the “Amen, amen!” in the first read-       an unexpected message. In the Gospel, Jesus shows Him-
ing mean for us in our lives? Will the tears and joy of Ez-     self as the Messiah. In the first reading, Ezra, looks at his
ra’s and Nehemiah’s community, the amazement of the             community of fellow refugees, who’ve finally returned
Nazareth synagogue in response to the Word of God, be           home, and tells them to stop weeping and start celebrating.
reflected in our responses to what we hear proclaimed in                  These scenes occur during a religious service.
the Liturgy of the Word? (Next Sunday we will hear how          These are community religious events, gatherings of the
fickle and fleeting the response to Jesus can be.)              faithful.
         Around the time of the Jubilee year 2000, there
were some great initiatives related to remitting debts of the
poorest nations and adopting compassionate policies to-                               Community
ward those detained as asylum seekers. More than two                      There is power and strength in community. If we
decades later, have we, as people baptized into prophecy,       are willing to accept help from others during our difficult
retained the urgency in advocation that our politicians con-    times, we must be ready to assist others when they are chal-
tinue this work?                                                lenged and endure hardship.
         What local church initiative for justice and peace              We cannot opt to be in community when it is con-
will keep Jubilee dreams alive through the decades of the       venient. Part of living and working in communion with
Third Millennium? And what do we as individuals do in           others is recognizing that we all succeed or fail together.
order to be “Good News” to the poor.
Welcomes You We are beloved disciples of Our mission is to know, love Jesus Christ. and serve the Lord - e-churchbulletins.com
January 23, 2022 3rd Sunday in ordinary Time

                       Welcome                                             Prayers for the Sick
        Participation in Sunday Mass weekly is expected              Please pray for the sick and suffering of SJBD par-
for Catholics. For most, this can be safely done. There     ish and the beloved of our parishioners: Jimilee Agnew,
are exceptions. These exceptions include:                   Rachel Allen, Kenny Allgeyer, Angela Alt, Ashley Alt,
•Those who are homebound and seriously ill are exempt       Bea Arnold, Ross Augustin, Edward Baczyanski, Abby
    from this obligation.                                   Bader, Barbara Bader, Joey Bader, Olivia Baese, Judy
•Those immunocompromised & gravely concerned for            Barton, Gary Battles, Millie Baumann, Barbara
    their health are exempt from this obligation.           Bequette, Mary Bequette, Teresa Biehler, Shirley
        Those who have not been vaccinated should           Blecha, Sharon Boyer, Wayne Brewer, Barb Buchheit,
wear masks. This is on the “Honor System”.                  Ron Buchheit, Alvera Byrne, Richard Byrne, Cathy
        We support one another through Jesus Christ.        Castro, Ed Chott, Gwen Chott, Mary Cibulka, Marsha
This is what we do by participation in Sunday Mass.         Downey, Sondra Dunn, Linda Eagle, Jason Eastman,
        Welcome! We are glad to see you!       Fr. Rich     Angela Eaton, Marvin Eaton, Frank Egbert, Christy
                                                            Elfrank, Agnes Farrar, Mike Fischer, Tina Gearon, Ed
          In Service to our Country                         Gordon, Marjorie Gordon, Stephen Gossett, Betty
                                                            Gunter, Gary Harvey, Mary Jane Heilich, Cory Hicks,
        The following are on active duty in the Military:
                                                            Austin Hill, Catherine Hornsey, Wayne Huff, Paula
Andrew Bornholdt, David Brandt, Jack Dawson, Chris
                                                            Hyrnik, Mary Huff, Ruth Jensen, Ron Jordan, Colleen
Degenhardt, Ryan Fischer, Richard Frisch III, Justin
                                                            Khoury, Stephanie Kohler, Rose Korando, Lisette
Moffitt, Mathew Rigden, Andrew Roussin, Daniel Rous-
                                                            Kruep, Patsy Lang, Ava Laposha, Ellie Laposha, Kim
sin, Matthew Roussin, Blake Sikes, Brett Vennemann,
                                                            Lawrence, Jeanne Mason, John Mason, Bob McGregor,
Aaron Vogt and Joshua Vogt.
                                                            Francine McGraw, Robert Miller, Ann Moreland,
        Contact the Parish Office to add those entering the
                                                            Michael Nichols, Mary Odenhal, Heather Patterson,
Military or to delete those whose service has ended.
                                                            Mike Patterson, Chris Peters, Jerry Pratt, Bill
                                                            Ragsdale, Bruce Revelle, Randy Rickermann, Kathleen
                  Parish Cemetery                           Schneider, Ollie Schneider, Colin Schultheis, the
        St. John the Beloved Disciple Parish Cemetery is    Schultheis family, Jean Schwartz, Art Seyer, Clarence
managed by the Parish Cemetery Board. Generations of        Smith, Wilbert Swaller, Brittany Sweat, Margie
parishioners are interred in our Parish Cemetery.           Thomas, Paul Vandeven, Addie Wade, Edward Wade
        For information, contact either Ron Buchheit        Zoe Wade, Claudia Weiler, Christina Weiners, Audrey
(636-677-4450) or Stan Gross (314-809-0407).                Wiemer, and the residents of nursing care facilities.
                                                                     Please contact the Parish Office to add names
                 Mass Attendance                            and   inform us when prayers are no longer needed.
        This is the count of Mass attendance for last week-
end. Comparison with last year is provided.                              Stewardship Reflection
        Church capacity – 325                                        “Go, eat rich foods and drink sweet drinks, and
Saturday, January 1st             January 8th               allot portions to those who had nothing pre-
        4:00 pm           74      4:00 pm         77        pared.” (Nehemiah 8: 10))
Sunday, January 2nd               January 9th                         Ezra’s instructions to the people show us that
        8:00 am           57      8:00 am         78        God does not forbid us from enjoying the good things in
        10:30 am          48      10:30 am        87        life. He wants us to be happy! However, God expects
Total                     179                     242       us to be grateful for all that He has given us and to gen-
        Sunday Mass is the highlight of our week. Begin erously share our blessing with those who are in need.
each week with the Lord at Sunday Mass.                     Now here’s the hard part—to share all we have without
                                                            expecting anything in return.
        St. Vincent de Paul Thought
         In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus reads the words of       Parish Collection Goal 2021-2022
Scripture: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because            The fiscal year for SJBD runs from July 1, 2021
he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor.”    through June 30, 2022. This marks our progress toward
         We can be messengers of glad tidings to the poor achieving our Parish’s Sunday Collection goal.
and needy by our contributions to the St. Vincent de Paul         July 1, 2021-January 2, 2022—Week 27
Society.                                                          Collection Goal                 $232,520.49
                                                                  Contributions Received           $226,213.44
         Pastoral Council Meeting                                 Difference                       ($6,307.05)
        The next meeting of SJBD Pastoral Council will be This week marks the half-way mark of our parish’s fis-
on Tuesday, February 1, 2022 at 7:00 pm in the Parish Of- cal year. Our weekly collection goal is $8,611.87. Then
fice Lobby. All members should plan to be in attendance. we achieve our goal of $447,817.34 for 2021-2022. We
                                                          are slightly behind our goal at this point.
Welcomes You We are beloved disciples of Our mission is to know, love Jesus Christ. and serve the Lord - e-churchbulletins.com
January 23, 2022—3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

                 Know Your Faith                                 Eucharistic Exposition Participators
         These excerpts, from the Catechism of the Catholic             Participation for the last few weeks at Eucharis-
Church, serve to enlighten aspects of Catholic Beliefs. We tic Adoration has been:
need to constantly grow in our knowledge of our Faith.                  December 29th            -       25
                                                                        January 5th              -       31
“The Revelation of God as Trinity: The Father re-                       January 12th             -       34
vealed by the Son.”                                            Give 30-60 minutes to God. This will change your life.
         Many religions invoke God as “Father.” The deity
is often considered the “father of gods and of men.” In Is-
rael, God is called “Father” inasmuch as he is Creator of
                                                                            Basket Raffle Revenues
                                                                        This is the revenues from the Basket Raffles
the world. Even more, God is Father because of the cove- through January 18, 2022.
nant and the gift of the law to Israel, “his first-born son.”           Round # 21-30            -       $6,066.00
God is also called the Father of the king of Israel. Most               Round # 32               -       $378.00
especially he is “the Father of the poor,” of the orphaned Total Revenue to date                 -       $6.444.00
and the widowed, who are under his loving protection.                   We are grateful for your support.
         By calling God “Father,” the language of faith
indicates two main things: that God is the first origin of
everything and transcendent authority; and that he is at the     Basket Raffle Winners—Round # 31
same time goodness and loving care of all his children.                 These are the winners of the Baskets in Round #
God’s parental tenderness can also be expressed by the im-     31  of our  Basket Raffles.
age of motherhood, which emphasizes God’s immanence,                    Star  Wars Basket        Daniel Bullington
the intimacy between Creator and creature. The language                 Apple Pie Basket         Vicki Calloway
of faith thus draws on the human experience of parents,                 Baby/Toddler Basket Geraldine Little
who are in a way the first representatives of God for man.              Game Basket              Laura Ludwig
But this experience also tells us that human parents are fal-  Congratulations!     Thank  you  for your support!
lible and can disfigure the face of fatherhood and mother-
hood. We ought therefore to recall that God transcends the                      Basket Raffles # 32
human distinction between the sexes. He is neither man                  Round # 32 of our Basket Raffles is underway.
nor woman: he is God. He also transcends human father-         The winners drawing for Basket Round # 32 will be on
hood and motherhood, although he is their origin and stand- Monday, January 24, 2022, at 10:00 am.
ard; no one is father as God is Father.                                 These are four baskets in Round # 32:
         Jesus revealed that God is Father in an unheard-of •Wine Basket: Four Bottles of Wine (2017 Cabernet—2
sense: he is Father not only in being Creator; he is eternally      Bottles of 2017 Red Cabernet—2017 Shiraz); Two
father in relation to his only Son, who is eternally Son only       (2) Wine Glasses; One (1) Pilsner Hand Painted
in relation to his father: “No one knows the Son except             Beer Glass; Kitchen Towel; Pizza Pan.
the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son •Gift Card Board: $25.00 Applebees; $25.00 Amazon;
and any one to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.”                 $60.00 Google Play; $25.00 Marcus Theatres; $25.00
         For this reason, the apostles confess Jesus to be the      54th Street Grill.
Word: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word             •Budweiser Limited Edition Bottle: Budweiser Limited
was with God, and the Word was God”; as “the image of               Edition Bottle of Budweiser Beer (1 quart); Four (4)
the invisible God”; as the “radiance of the glory of God            glasses; AB Eagle Logo.
and the very stamp of his nature.”                             •Kitchen Basket: George Forman Grill; Brownie Bar
         Following this apostolic tradition, the Church con-        Maker; Kitchen Magnet Board; Kitchen Towel;
fessed at the first ecumenical council at Nicaea (325) that         Food Processor; Cutting Board with Knife; Coast-
the Son is “consubstantial” with the Father, that is, one only      ers; Spatula; Mug; Set of Bowls..
God with him. The second ecumenical council, held at           We are grateful to all who have contributed these prizes
Constantinople in 381, kept this expression in its formula- for our Basket Raffles.
tion of the Nicene Creed and confessed “the only-begotten
Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, light from
light, true God from true God, begotten not made, con-
                                                                                   Parish Council News
substantial with the Father.”                                           The Parish Council decided to make copies of the
         Next week, we will examine the section, “The Fa-      minutes   of Parish Council meetings available to parishion-
ther and the Son revealed by the Spirit.”                      ers month by month.
                                                                        We have initiated this practice with the inclusion of
                     Evangelization                            the minutes   from the November Parish Council meeting
                                                               with last week’s bulletin. There was not a Parish Council
         What is Evangelization? Evangelization is bring-
                                                               meeting in December. January’s minutes will be available
ing the good News of Jesus into every situation and seeking
                                                               in February.
to convert others by the power of the Gospel.
Welcomes You We are beloved disciples of Our mission is to know, love Jesus Christ. and serve the Lord - e-churchbulletins.com
January 23, 2022—3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

                 Mass Intentions                                         Arranging Sacraments
Saturday, January 22, 2022                                             Infant/Young Children Baptisms
        4:00 pm       Don Luaders                                    For infants and young children, contact Fr. Rich
Sunday, January 23, 2022                                     (636-296-8061, ext. 1) to schedule preparations for Bap-
        8:00 am       James Reilmann                         tisms. Baptisms are held during one of the weekend Mass-
        10:30 am      our Parishioners                       es (family choice of Mass) to show this is a parish event.
Monday, January 24, 2022                                                             Marriage
        8:00 am       Doris Schneider                                 Contact Fr. Rich (636-296-8061, ext. 1). Prepara-
Tuesday, January 25, 2022                                    tions start six months before the intended Wedding date.
        6:15 pm       Presider’s Intention                            Funerals and/or Gravesite Services
Wednesday, January 26, 2022                                          Contact Fr. Rich (636-296-8061, ext. 1) to arrange
        8:00 am       Donna Siebenmorgen                     for a Funeral/Memorial Mass, Chapel Prayer Service, or
Thursday, January 27, 2022                                   Funeral/ Gravesite Service.
        6:15 pm       Peter Stonecypher                                        Sacrament of the Sick
Friday, January 28, 2022                                             We offer the Sacrament of the Sick on weekend
        8:00 am       Steve Hyrnik                           Masses the third weekend of February, May, August and
Saturday, January 29, 2022                                   November. Those who are seriously ill, disabled, etc., can
        4:00 pm       Jack, Bob & Tom Byrne                  request the Sacrament of the Sick. Contact Fr. Rich (636-
Sunday, January 30, 2022                                     296-8061, ext. # 1) to make arrangements.
        8:00 am       KC Deceased Members                            Holy Communion to the Homebound
        10:30 am      our Parishioners                               Home Ministers bring Holy Communion to home-
                                                             bound members. These visits are done following the week-
              Needing Assistance?                            end Masses. To request Holy Communion for the Home-
         The SJBD St. Vincent de Paul Society helps those    bound, call the Parish Office, (636-296-8061, ext. 4)
who need food, clothing, utility assistance or counseling,
etc. They respond to calls for assistance from our commu-                  Donations Received
nity in need of immediate/short term assistance.                   Week of December 27, 2021-January 2, 2022
         To contact our St. Vincent de Paul Society, call                                                    Donors
314-289-6101, and enter Box # 3332.                         Offertory Donations (On Line) $3,693.00          51
                                                            Offertory Donations               $4,238.00      37
           SVdP Food Pantry Needs                           Loose Offertory Donations         $615.00
         Community families depend on food from the Food Capital Campaign (on Line)           $250.00        2
Pantry sponsored by the SJBD chapter of the St. Vincent de Capital Campaign Donations $150.00                2
Paul Society.                                               Debt Reduction                    $50.00         1
         We need the following items for the food pantry:   Votive Candles                    $81.00
Jellies (different kinds). canned chili. Jiffy muffin mix, St. Vincent de Paul (On Line) $660.00             10
boxed cereals, and canned fruits, etc.                      Christmas   Flowers               $50.00         1
                                                            Christmas Offering                $250.00        6
                                                            Immac. Conception                 $50.00         1
               Birthdays this Week                          Solemnity of Mary (On Line) $25.00               1
These are our parishioner’s birthdays this week:            Solemnity of Mary                 $170.00        8
         January 24th: Anthony Long, Jonathan Moore,        Seminary                          $120.00        4
Ray Sanders                                                 First Offering                    $430.00        19
         January 25th: Rick Hollenbeck, Margaret Kerr       Cemetery Donations (On Line) $60.00              2
         January 26th: Cameron Adams, Nick Morrison, Cemetery Donations                       $40.00         1
Michele Tosie                                                        Thank you for your support of our parish!
         January 27th: Judy Burke, Ed Gordon, Howard
Mattingly, Micah Sanders
         January 28th: Diane Scott                                             Feeling Stressed
         January 29th: Lori Clancy, Kathy Politte                    Take  time  on Wednesdays, between 12:00 noon
         January 30th: Ron Buchheit, Kathy Hopfer, Ryan     and  6:30  pm  to come   to Church and share in the pres-
James                                                       ence  of God,  visible in the body of Jesus Christ, during
May God’s blessings be yours on your special day!           Eucharistic   Adoration.
                                                                     This quiet time, in the presence of Jesus Christ,
                                                            visible in the Host in the Monstrance on the altar is a
                 Spiritual Thought                          source of peace and comfort for us during these trying
         To accept everything as a gift from God can trans- and unsettling times. The presence of Jesus provides us
form our life right down to its roots.                      hope and consolation in these stressful times.
Welcomes You We are beloved disciples of Our mission is to know, love Jesus Christ. and serve the Lord - e-churchbulletins.com
January 23, 2022—3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

                      This Week                                        Weekly Mass Opportunities
Saturday, January 22, 2022                                              Participate in daily Mass. Masses are offered daily
        Confessions 3:00-3:45 pm (Church                       at St. John the Beloved Disciple Church. Monday/
        Sunday Vigil—4:00 pm Mass                              Wednesday/Friday Mass is at 8:00 am. On Tuesday/
        Basket Raffle Round # 32 Tickets                       Thursday Mass is at 6:15 pm.
Sunday, January 23, 2022                                                Why not make the effort to enrich your life by par-
        Mass 8:00 am & 10:30 am (Church)                       ticipating in weekday Mass once or twice or more each
        PSR Classes—9:15-10:15 am                              week. You will be blessed and spiritually enriched.
        Basket Raffle Round # 32 Tickets
Monday, January 24, 2022                                                Growing Beloved Disciples
        Mass—8:00 am (Church)
        Patriot Rosary—6:00 pm—Church                                    Our Parish Mission Statement says: “We are be-
        Mass Warm-Up Presentation—7:00 pm (LBY)                loved disciples of Jesus Christ. Our mission is to know,
Tuesday, January 25, 2022                                      love and serve the Lord.”
        Quilters—9:00 am—(Parish Office Lobby)                           St. John the Beloved Disciple parish exists to grow
        Men’s Bible Study—9:00 am (Sacristy)                   Beloved Disciples. Like our patron, St. John the Beloved
        Confessions—5:00-6:00 pm (Church)                      Disciple, we are called to be disciples of Jesus, people who
        Mass—6:15 pm—(Church)                                  know, love and serve Jesus, our Lord.
Wednesday, January 26, 2022                                              Every member of our parish is important. Every
        Mass—8:00 am (Church)                                  one’s participation and contribution is vital as we strive to
        Eucharistic Adoration Begins—12:00 pm (CH)             assist others to become Beloved Disciples of Jesus Christ.
        Confessions—5:00-6:00 pm                                         Every baptized Catholic is blessed and gifted by
        Closing Benediction—6:30 pm (CH)                       the Holy Spirit. Our parish needs everyone to share their
        KC Officers Meeting—7:00 pm (Sacristy)                 gifts of the Holy Spirit by:
Thursday, January 27, 2022                                     •Praying daily for our parish and our parishioners.
        Women’s Bible Study—9:30 am (Church)                   •Participating in the life of our parish by being actively
        Texas Roadhouse Benefit—3:30 pm—                            present and involved in some way or ways.
        Mass—6:15 pm (Church)                                  •Contributing to the life of our parish—by sharing our
Friday, January 28, 2021                                            gifts, talents and skills, and financial resources.
        Mass– 8:00 am (Church)                                           God has gifted us and placed us here to make a dif-
Saturday, January 29, 2022                                     ference. Our purpose is to invite others to be beloved disci-
        Confessions—3:00-3:45 pm                               ples of Jesus Christ. This is especially important in this
        Vigil Mass—4:00 pm                                     stressful and unsettling times.
        Basket Raffle—Round # 33 Tickets
Sunday, January 30, 2022                                                   Wedding Anniversaries
        Masses 8:00 am & 10:30 am (Church)
        KC Fifth Sunday Council Mass—8:00 am                           Congratulations to our parishioners who are
        PSR Classes—9:15-10:15 am                              celebrating wedding anniversaries this week.
        Basket Raffle—Round # 33 Tickets                       Bryan & Adair McGraw          -       January 24th
                                                               Phillip & Barbara Zerillo     -       January 24th
                                                               John Robert & Marge Bohrer -          January 28th
          Antique Appraisal & Tea                              David & Tina Schaffer         -       January 30th
         An Antique Appraisal & Tea will be held at Our        Benjamin & Samantha Stevens           January 30th
Lady Queen of Peace Church, House Springs, Saturday,           God’s blessing be yours on your special day!!!
February 5, 2022, from 11:30-1:30pm.
         The appraisal will be done by Joan Komlos. You                      Quilt Raffle Tickets
are limited to two or three appraisals. Reservations are re-            St. John the Beloved Disciple Parish Ladies Quilt
quired and there is a $15.00 fee per person. A light lunch-    Raffle Tickets are now available for the 2022 monthly
eon will be served. This is sponsored by the St. Gerard        drawings. The first drawing for 2022 will be on Mon-
Majella Circle—Daughters of Isabella.                          day, January 25, 2022.
         For reservations call Angie (636-671-8874, or                  We have mailed out the Quilt Raffle tickets to our
Kathy (314-795-0143).                                          past subscribers. Additional Quilt Raffle tickets are availa-
                                                               ble in the Parish Office through the week, and are also
          Texas Roadhouse Benefit                              available at the Quilt Stand in the Church Lobby.
        Our next benefit night at Texas Roadhouse                       The cost of a Quilt Raffle ticket is $12.00 and
will be this Thursday, January 27th, beginning at              this enters you in for all twelve monthly drawings dur-
3:30 pm at the Arnold location. Coupons for this               ing 2022.
benefit are available in the Church Lobby.                              Our parish Quilters and the St. Anne Ladies Sodali-
                                                               ty thanks you for your support.
Welcomes You We are beloved disciples of Our mission is to know, love Jesus Christ. and serve the Lord - e-churchbulletins.com
January 23, 2022—3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

                                 Football Booster Winners—Week # 17
        Weekly Prize                     Payout           Code      Card # Score     Winner                   Seller

        1st Highest 3 Teams              $400.00          CKV       1086    138      Gary Dierks              SJBD

        2nd Highest 3 Teams              $200.00          KPV       3500    135      Brandon Schlechter       SJBD

TIE     3rd/4th/5th Highest 3 Teams      $75.00           DKV       1464    130      Greg Dostal              Oakville Elks

TIE     3rd/4th/5th Highest 3 Teams      $75.00           AKV       245     130      Lauren Dierker           SJBD

TIE     3rd/4th/5th Highest 3 Teams      $75.00           IKV       2969    130      Matt Sesti               SJBD

TIE     1st/2ns Lowest 3 Teams           $60.00           Q15       4494    16       Dan Hearn                SJBD

TIE     1st/2nd Lowest 3 Teams           $60.00           QT1       4434    16       Tom Anibas               St. Paul

        3rd Lowest 3 Teams               $30.00           JQ1       3310    19       Mary Cibulka             SJBD

TIE     4th Lowest 3 Teams               $9.00            Q12       4491    20       Judy Kauzlarich          SJBD

TIE     4th Lowest 3 Teams               $9.00            U15       4784    20       David Politte            SJBD

TIE     4th Lowest 3 Teams               $9.00            OQV       4164    20       Thomas Rapley            SJBD

        Total Payout this week           $1,002.00

                          Study                                               Electronic Offertory
         In today’s Gospel we hear from St. Luke who is                  Through the first half of the fiscal year, July
writing about Jesus and His teachings so that he can get to     through December, we noticed there is nearly an equal
know Jesus better and help to share His message. We can’t       number of donors contributing to the parish by electronic
give what we don’t have, and we can’t grow closer in our        offertory versus regular Church envelopes. The ratio is
relationship with Jesus unless we communicate with Him          about 51% using Church envelopes, 48% using electronic
and study His teachings and His life.                           donations and the remainder loose cash donations.
         We can do this through the Scriptures, through                  I have utilized electronic offertory for several
reading the lives of the saints, and through conversations of   years. I have had no problems, and the convenience and
a spiritual nature with others.                                 the security it provides for my donations is very important
         “Please, Holy Spirit, inspire all of us to hunger      for me. I have chosen to use a credit card for my donations
for increased knowledge of Christ! Amen.”                       and am totally comfortable with this system.
                                                                         Electronic offertory is also a better system for the
             Care for Homebound                                 Parish as it reduces the possibility of human error and the
        We bring Holy Communion to those unable to              risk of misplaced envelopes.
come to Church and participate in Mass.                                  To sign up for Electronic Offertory, go to the Par-
        If you are homebound and want to receive Holy           ish Website: scroll down to Links & Resources; go to
Communion, contact the Parish Office and we will arrange        Online Giving Website. Additional information can be
to have our Home Ministers see to your spiritual needs.         found at Online Giving Details and Information.
        If you are seriously ill and would benefit from                  If you need assistance, contact the Parish Office
receiving the Sacrament of the Sick, contact Fr. Rich to        (636-296-8061, ext. 4). Office hours are Monday, Tues-
arrange a time for you to receive this sacrament.               day, Thursday, 9am-2pm, and Fridays, 9am-12:00 noon.
        Call the Parish Office at 636-296-8061, ext. # 4.
Parish Office hours are Monday/Tuesday/Thursday, 9:00                      Parish Contribution Statements
am-2:00 pm, and Friday, 9:00 am—12:00 noon.                         Parish Contribution statements for 2021 are now
                                                            available to pick up in the Parish Office. Office hours are
                    Be A Quilter                            from 9:00 am till 2:00 pm, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday,
        SJBD Quilters welcome all interested in quilting to and 9am till noon on Fridays.
join them on Tuesdays to quilt from 9:00 am—1:00 pm in              These can also be picked up on weekends, before
the Parish Office Lobby. If interested0 come and visit.     and after Masses in the Parish Office.
Welcomes You We are beloved disciples of Our mission is to know, love Jesus Christ. and serve the Lord - e-churchbulletins.com
January 23, 2022—3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

          Sunday Mass Attendance                                            Serious Roofing Issue
          Since 2015 we have recorded the Mass attendance               Earlier in January, when we had an extended peri-
at all weekend Masses at St. John the Beloved Disciple         od of moderate rain, we discovered two leaks in the ceiling,
Church. During that time, the weekend Mass times have          one in the Sacristy of Church and the other in the Parish
changed, so the best way to offer comparison is to use the     Office Lobby. So, we called a roofer to evaluate the situa-
total attendance at all Masses on a given weekend as our       tion and arrange to have these fixed. It turned out that
guide. With that in mind, this is what we see:                 things would not be that simple.
          Year                      Total Average Attendees             The leak in the Parish Office Lobby can likely
          2015                             375.5               be repaired with some expense, but a minimum of ef-
          2016                             346.7               fort. However, the leak in the Sacristy, as part of the
          2017                             341.3               roof over the whole Church building was an indicator of
          2018                             337.5               a far more extensive problem.
          2019                             322.1                        Upon examining the exterior of the Church roof,
          2020 (Prior to Covid)            311.7               the roofer noticed a number of problem areas. There are
          2020 (Covid impacted)            166.6               areas where the shingles have buckled; there are other
          2021 (Covid impacted)            208.7               areas where the nails in the shingles are working loose.
          2022 (first 3 weeks)             196.3               It was quickly obvious that this leak would not be a simple
          Three observations are important.                    fix and was a warning of much more extensive troubles.
1.We have just begun 2022. Two of these weeks had low                   The roofer next removed a small section of the roof
     attendance perhaps impacted by weather. This data is      for determine the extent of the problem. Once the shingles
     insufficient to have a solid sense of what is average     were removed, it was observed that the plywood sheet-
     attendance for this year.                                 ing had been damaged by water and had in that place
2.The impact of the Covid epidemic on Mass attendance          rotted. Then we knew we had major problems.
     was and continues to be severe, When we compare                    We will address this situation aggressively. We
     the average attendance of 2021 (208.7) with 2019          are in contact with Building and Real Estate Office of
     (311.7) which was the last full year prior to the Covid   the Archdiocese, the Insurance Office, and several roof-
     epidemic we see on the average we have only two-          ers for their evaluation and recommendations. Once we
     thirds of those participating in Mass now. This is a      have a clear plan what to do, we will act.
     severe decline, and when better times may return re-               We do not at this time know for sure the extent and
     mains uncertain.                                          expense of these repairs. Watch for updates on this issue.
3.A more worrisome trend can be seen in the steady de-                                                           Fr. Rich
     cline in weekend Mass attendance from 2015
     through the present. Even in the years, 2015-2019                Rachel’s Vineyard Ministries
     we saw a 15% decline in weekly Mass attendance.                 Men, women and couples wounded by abortion are
     Naturally, the Covid epidemic made this much worse,     invited to attend the third Archdiocesan Rachel’s Vine-
     but even before that participation in Sunday Mass was   yard weekend retreat, February 18-20, 2022. Rachel’s
     seriously declining                                     Vineyard, offered through the Archdiocese of St. Louis
          When we understand that participation in Sunday    Abortion Healing Ministry, has helped 320,000-plus
Mass is the most important and fundamental expression of     women and men globally since its founding in 1993 by
Catholicism, these trends are very worrisome. We have a      psychologist Dr. Theresa Burke (see https://
lot of work to do rebuilding the Catholic Church here at St. rachelsvineyard.org/).
John the Beloved Disciple Parish.                   Fr. Rich         The retreat will be held in a comfortable and
                                                             prayerful setting in the St. Louis area, with proper
       New Church Final/Total Costs                          COVID-19 precautions in place (exact location shared
                                                             at registration). The cost is $100.00 to attend which in-
        With the final payment of the Parish Loan for the
                                                             cludes two night’s lodging, all meals and materials. To
construction of the new Church, we can determine the com- register by February 7th, or for more information, con-
plete cost of our Church.                                    tact 314-406-0815 or hopehealign@archstl.org.
        A summary of costs is provided with the bulletin             All information and inquiries are kept confidential.
today. This does not go into deep detail, as that is an ex-
treme amount of information. What this report does do is
give you an insight into the cost of this project, beginning                         Formed
with land acquisition in 2005 through all the preparations           Have you enrolled in Formed, the source of
and planning, the construction and furnishing, and finally   great materials to enrich your Faith and Catholic Un-
the financing of the parish loan and interest.               derstanding? You can do this for free as parishioners
        This was a massive and expensive undertaking, but on our parish account.
we have a Church of which we can be truly proud.                     Contact the Parish Office regarding how to en-
                                                    Fr. Rich roll and we will guide you through the step to register.
Welcomes You We are beloved disciples of Our mission is to know, love Jesus Christ. and serve the Lord - e-churchbulletins.com
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