A PASSION AND A VISION - for the Arab world - UFM Worldwide

Page created by Pamela Reid
A PASSION AND A VISION - for the Arab world - UFM Worldwide

for the Arab world

PAGE 6               IN KURDISTAN       DISCIPLES
                     PAGE 10            PAGE 16
A PASSION AND A VISION - for the Arab world - UFM Worldwide
 02    Gospel ambition
 04    A passion and a vision
       for the Arab world

 06    The 1881 Project
                                If the gospel is to be preached
 08    Caring for widows        where Christ is not known, we need
       and orphans              to see some gospel ambition.

 10    Great gospel
       opportunities in

       Kurdistan                      wo thousand years          ambition to preach the
                                      after Jesus looked         gospel where Christ is not
12     An open door and               out on the crowds          known, so that I would not
       many adversaries         and saw people lost like         be building on someone
                                sheep without a shepherd,        else’s foundation.”
                                we look around the world         Of course, this pioneering
14     I know the plans         today and see that the           work is not the only valid
       I have for you           harvest is still plentiful and   ministry to be involved
                                the workers are still few.       in. Elsewhere Paul makes
                                In the Republic of Ireland,      it clear that there’s a vital
                                the least-reached English-       place to continue the work
                                speaking nation in the           of those who started it
                                world, there are 50 towns        (see 1 Corinthians 3:5-15).
 16    Making disciples who     with no evangelical              Taking the gospel where
       make disciples           church. In Northern              it’s never been before,
                                Yemen, where the                 proclaiming the good
                                population is 8 million,         news where there is no
18     Planting healthy,
                                there are perhaps only 20        church, is not, to use the
                                or 30 believers. And down        words of Christopher Ash,
       churches in French-      the road from many of            compulsory for everyone.
       speaking Europe          our churches, there are          But it is necessary for
                                countless communities            some. And Paul is saying
                                who are still waiting for        that if the gospel is to be
 20    Serving short-
                                the opportunity to hear          preached where Christ is
       term at LIFE
                                the good news about              not known, we need to
                                Jesus.                           see some gospel ambition.
       Burkina Faso
                                With these sobering              This isn’t the ambition
                                realities in mind, it’s          caricatured by programmes
 22    New to UFM               helpful to come back to          like The Apprentice and
                                Paul’s words in Romans           personified by so many
 24    News Bites               15:20 where he writes,
                                “It has always been my
                                                                 of our lives – a raw, self-
                                                                 centred drive to succeed
A PASSION AND A VISION - for the Arab world - UFM Worldwide
                                                                                UFM DIRECTOR

that, too often, turns into       So, what drove these            taking the van to the market
selfish ambition. No, the         missionaries to do              in France. Unless…
ambition Paul speaks of and       something that to many          Unless we see the motivation
lives out is about something      would have looked so weak?      for gospel ambition. Unless
else, it’s about someone          What lay behind Paul’s own      we grasp the joy of seeing
else. It’s an ambition to see     ambition to take the gospel     people saved. “Those who
churches planted where            where Christ had never          were not told about him will
they’ve never been planted        been named? Well it wasn’t      see, and those who have not
before, to see Christ’s name      so that he could plant his      heard will understand.”
honoured where it’s never         flag before anyone else.
been honoured before.             He wasn’t trying to corner      Friends, isn’t this an ambition
                                  the market. No, it was          that’s worth living for? Isn’t
When I first saw ambition                                         this something worth devoting
                                  something else that drove
like this I didn’t even notice.                                   ourselves to, giving ourselves
                                  him. The same thing that no
I was about 10 years old                                          to? That dead people might
                                  doubt got those missionaries
and we went to visit some                                         come to life; that lost people
                                  in France back in their van
missionaries in a small town                                      might be found; that sinners
                                  every week.
in France. It felt like we were                                   might be set free. That those
in the middle of nowhere. It      And Paul tells us what it was   who have never seen and
was a market day and in the       in Romans 15:21. Here is        never understood might call
midst of that beautiful French    the motivation behind the       on the name of the Lord and
scene, with its cheeses and       ambition. Here is the dream,    be saved.
wines, its breads and pastries,   the goal, the great desire:
the missionaries had set up       “Rather, those who were not     MICHAEL
their van. They did it every      told about him will see and
week. The side of the van         those who have not heard
opened up to reveal a mini        will understand.” Isn’t that
Christian bookshop and they       incredible?
spent the next few hours          The latest fast car, or
trying to speak to passers-       riverside Penthouse
by about the gospel. It           apartment in the back of the
didn’t seem to be screaming       weekend papers, will always
ambition to me.                   seem more appealing than
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A PASSION AND A VISION - for the Arab world - UFM Worldwide

    W RLD

               hat do a gifted       “YOU ARE MY                        in touch with believers in
               artist living in      CHURCH!”                           her country, but her longing
               North Africa, a                                          to know Christ and grow in
   theologian from the early         You may wonder why Arab            her commitment to him is a
   church and the founder of         Focus Media places such an         recurring theme in the many
   an orphanage in Egypt have        emphasis on communicating          email responses we receive on
   in common? They all lived         the Good News through              the Shabibah website from
                                     radio, television and the          across the world.
   out their Christian faith with
                                     internet? A primary reason
   a passion and commitment
   that left a lasting legacy for
                                     is that media can reach            AN OPEN DOOR
                                     people and places that would       THROUGH MEDIA
   future generations. Ten such
                                     otherwise be untouched by
   characters were chosen to                                            “My story with Christ goes like
                                     a gospel witness. Amina* is
   form a panoply of “heroes                                            this: while I was reading the
                                     a young woman living in a
   and heroines” of the Christian                                       Qur’an, I discovered that Christ
                                     remote area of Jordan, who
   faith, the subject of Arab                                           is great, greater even than
                                     first wrote to our Arabic
   Focus Media’s latest television                                      all. He is the Spirit of God. He
                                     website www.shabibah.org
   production. The aim of this                                          performed amazing miracles
                                     a few months ago (shabibah
   documentary series is to                                             and He is the One who will
                                     means youth in Arabic).
   show that change must begin                                          come at the end of time. I
                                     She began by affirming her
   with personal transformation                                         want you to tell me of the
                                     faith in the Lord Jesus Christ
   through a dynamic                                                    steps I need to take to believe
                                     and asking questions about
   relationship with Jesus Christ.                                      in Him with all my might.”
                                     baptism. She maintained a
   The story of each character                                          Abdulrahman* Saudi Arabia
                                     steady exchange of emails
   portrays the gospel in action     with us and responded to           We launched the Shabibah
   across boundaries of culture,     articles and programmes on         website in January 2013 in
   status and nationality. The       the Shabibah website. When         partnership with UFM. The
   new series will be broadcast      she was asked to consider          web portal is accessed by
   on our Arabic website and         joining a church, she replied      people in all 21 countries of
   on satellite television, in       that there were no Christians      the Arabic-speaking world,
   partnership with SAT-7,           at all in her area as far as she   which are located in the
   one of the largest Christian      knew and said, “You are my         10/40 window, home to
   television broadcasters in the    church!” Of course, we will        some of the largest unreached
   Middle East.                      do our utmost to put Amina         people groups in the world.
A PASSION AND A VISION - for the Arab world - UFM Worldwide
To give an idea of the potential   excited to see so much hard         as a base to raise up the next
reach of this media, over the      work coming to fruition.            generation of leaders to reach
past year, there have been over                                        the communities they serve
                                   “I don’t want to follow my father’s
100,000 unique visits to the                                           with the gospel of grace.
                                   religion just because I inherited
website, 35,671 downloads
                                   it from him. I want to know the     We have already experienced
of the entire Bible or a portion
                                   truth – the true path to worship    God’s wonderful provision
of Scripture and 521 people
                                   the Almighty God, whatever that and have now reached 84%
who responded directly via
                                   path may be! Could you help         of the deposit required to
the site to express their desire
                                   me?” Ashraf* Egypt                  launch the project. Please
to become a Christian. We
have also received hundreds                                            pray with us that the Lord will
                                   NEW MEDIA CENTRE                    direct us to the right location
of email responses from those
who wish to grow in their          Organising and facilitating a       and property for future media
walk with God as well as some      film shoot for a production         ministry. The centre will also
who ask searching questions        team of around 20 people            provide opportunities for
or seek spiritual counsel and      has significant resourcing          people to come to assist us in
help. Visitors to the site can     implications. In 2016, we           all sorts of areas.
also listen to audio broadcasts    approached our church and
                                                                       Lilias Trotter, the pioneering
and watch our television           the UFM leadership with a
                                                                       missionary to Algeria, wrote of
productions.                       proposal to establish a local
                                                                       a heart which is “bursting with
                                   media centre that can serve
                                                                       a passion for the impossible.”
GENERATION Z                       as a hub for media ministry as
                                                                       May we be inspired by the
Our most recent television         well as a centre for equipping
                                                                       longing for life in Christ
series is called The Rock and      others. The centre will include
                                                                       expressed by so many people
was developed in response          offices, an audio recording
to the pressing need for           studio, an on-site editing suite in the Arab world and infused
                                   and sufficient space to store       with a vision to reach them
Christian discipleship in the                                          through the open door of
churches in North Africa.          equipment. The centre could
                                   also host training seminars         media! For more about the
The programme covers key                                               ministry of AFM, please contact
foundations of biblical truth in   for discipling local believers
                                   and training ministry leaders.      us at info@afmedia.org
a discussion format. Themes
relate to the early stages of      Our long-term aim is to use         M AND J
Christian growth, including        the Arab Focus Media Centre         *Names have been changed

assurance of eternal life, the
importance of studying God’s
Word and of prayer, the need
to experience forgiveness
and the relevance of a good
testimony. We filmed in
several beautiful locations in
the Mediterranean, including
among Roman ruins, in the
mountains and beside the
cliffs on the seashore. The
film crew, who were mainly
volunteers, had a high level
of expertise and some had
travelled a long distance
to contribute their gifts to
this ministry. According to
believers in Algeria, this is
the first teaching series of
this genre and people were

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A PASSION AND A VISION - for the Arab world - UFM Worldwide

    THE                                                   PROJECT

       n recent days, and              The effects following         average, we have 200 new
       especially over the past        this have been immense,       enquiries each week and,
       two years, Turkey has           including decline in          recently, we have pushed
    been in the world news due         tourism and growing           for more outreaches to take
    to the changing political          unemployment. However,        place in addition to our
    climate and its implications.      despite these things, this    regular activities.
    This country is still in a state   is still a place of amazing
    of emergency commencing            gospel opportunity. Is it     Let me tell you some of the
    after a coup d’état attempt        challenging here? Yes it      stories of this year alone. An
    on 15 July 2016. This              is, but we believe our God    atheist recently professed
    resulted in a huge political       sent us to proclaim the       faith who’d read 2000
    change, a presidential             good news and that is what    books then had a dream
    system, and the subsequent         we are committed to doing.    and believed. He called
    purge of those considered          The Bible Correspondence      the BCC and requested
    to be part of the Gulen            Course, for example, has      another 5 New Testaments.
    movement, which was                seen people become more       Apparently, he had
    accused of being responsible       interested and more are       gathered about 40 of his
    for the coup d’état.               now coming to faith. On       atheist friends and shared

A PASSION AND A VISION - for the Arab world - UFM Worldwide
the gospel with them, and       past year the goal was to       leader, will prayerfully
several of them also now        reach out to 18 provinces in    decide how they are going
want to read the New            12 months. We have seen         to do it. We already have
Testament. Praise God!          our Father work throughout      several teams planned from
                                the 5 years. People have        different nations; Korea,
Another guy who believed
                                been called to plant churches   Germany and Albania. We
said he could reach all
                                in new areas; we have seen      long to see and urgently
the students in his area.
                                people come to work long-       need more. Please check
Others from Universities
                                term here; New Testaments       out the website for more
and libraries have requested
                                and other literature has        information or email us at
books for their students
                                been distributed all over the   info@the1881project.org
because they are studying
                                country and people have
Christianity. Some church                                        The dates are:
                                heard the good news and
leaders reported recently
                                believed.                        Arrival:     14 July
that our BCC office staff
had put them in touch with      In 2018 the project itself       Orientation: 15-16 July
seekers and these have          will conclude with an            Outreach: 17-26 July
now come to faith and are       outreach that has never          Debrief:     27 July
attending their churches        been attempted before – all
regularly. Praise God! We       81 provinces in 2 weeks! We      Departure: 28 July
have every reason to be         are praying and believing
                                                                If you cannot come please
encouraged about what our       for around 150 people to
                                                                pray that the Lord will bless
God is doing here!              join us both from inside the
                                                                this project and all those
                                country and outside. Are
The 1881 Project started                                        who will be involved in it.
                                you interested in joining?
approximately 5 years ago                                       D
                                Please consider coming over
with a vision to undertake
                                the help us!
outreach to all 81 provinces
in an 18-month period.          We are searching for people
Initially it was a project to   to join 24 teams. Each team
commemorate 50 years of         will have an experienced
the Bible Correspondence        leader and will provide
Course but the project has      orientation, training and
continued. The focus of         support. Each team will do
the second phase was on         evangelism in 3-4 provinces,
reaching students, then we      and, depending on the
had a prayer year, and this     gifts of the team and the

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A PASSION AND A VISION - for the Arab world - UFM Worldwide


     Religion that God our Father
     accepts as pure and faultless
     is this: to look after widows
     and orphans in their distress.
     James 1:27

               ho are the widows   quality health care. Kiwoko       Hospital of Wales in Cardiff!
               and orphans in      is a beacon of hope and has       With 30 nurses and 1 doctor
               our communities     a reputation for care and         we are very busy! There can
   and cultures? Who are those     compassion.                       be up to 50 babies on the
   who are vulnerable, lacking                                       unit at times so the ward
   security and in need of care                                      round alone can take over
   and protection? Refugees?                                         4 hours, then with new
   The homeless? Those with                                          admissions, sick babies to
   disabilities? The list could                                      review, and procedures to
   go on.                                                            complete there is rarely a dull
   James tells us to care of
   such people.                                                      The commonest reason for
                                                                     admission is prematurity.
   Kiwoko hospital, in rural                                         Our smallest babies weigh
   Uganda, is a mission hospital                                     less than a bag of sugar
   that was set up to do this by   Most of my work is in the         (1kg, 2.2 ounces), have skin
   providing holistic care in an   hospital’s neonatal unit.         that is almost transparent,
   area ravaged by civil war.      The unit admitted over            forget to breathe, and are
   The population are mainly       1200 babies last year. That’s     very susceptible to infection.
   peasant farmers, living hand    twice the number of annual        There is no doubt these
   to mouth, with no other         admissions to the regional        tiny babies are vulnerable
   means of accessing good         referral unit in the University   and totally dependent.
A PASSION AND A VISION - for the Arab world - UFM Worldwide
Yet they are also precious
souls, made in God’s image
and melt my heart! Each
has their own personality
and from that very early
age can make their wants
known – usually to be fed.
They, and their families, face
many challenges during
their NICU stay. As staff,
we have the privilege and
sometimes heartbreak of
walking that journey with
them. We rejoice when
they don’t need the CPAP
to help them breathe any
longer, celebrate every extra
ml of milk they manage,
congratulate them when
they reach 1kg, or are big
enough to move from an
incubator to a cot and praise
God when discharge day
We also feel anxious
when they are struggling
to breathe, hope with
every feed that they will
stop vomiting, share the
disappointment when their        praise God for significant       tetanus, all surviving despite
weight has decreased and         improvements in the              the challenges they faced.
dread seeing an infection        outcomes for the very small      Nothing is impossible with
overwhelm them. It’s during      babies, but we lack many         our God!
these times that I most          of the resources available in
often feel prompted to pray                                       As we seek to offer the best
                                 wealthier countries. At times    care we can, we also commit
with the parents. What           this contributes to the death
a privilege to be able to                                         each baby into the care of a
                                 of a baby who would likely       loving heavenly Father who
commit these tiny lives into     have survived elsewhere.
the hands of our good and                                         does all things well. We ask
                                 After working in well-           him to comfort those whose
compassionate God. One           resourced settings in the
mother reminded me as                                             babies don’t survive and give
                                 UK, I find this particularly     him the praise and glory for
she was discharged that we       hard, however, the hospital
had prayed together for her                                       each baby who goes home
                                 motto is a great reminder,       well. Our prayer is that the
baby, and was full of praise     “We treat, Jesus heals”.
to God. Others have named                                         families and friends of these
                                 He is all-powerful and is        babies will see something
their babies Kisakya (Grace),    not limited by our lack of
or similarly significant                                          of God’s love through us
                                 resources. Each of the NICU      and that they, too, will
names, glorifying God for        nurses has amazing/unlikely
the lives of their babies.                                        experience his love in Jesus
                                 survival stories to tell, from   and come to know him as
Sometimes the ending is          800g premature babies, to        their loving heavenly Father.
not so happy. The death          fitting babies, to those with
rate on NICU is low and we       deadly infections such as        DR BECCA JONES

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A PASSION AND A VISION - for the Arab world - UFM Worldwide

    KURDISTAN                                                         TURKEY


              e’ve been in        to language learning. Pray        that many women do not
              Kurdistan for       for their endurance and joy       have much of a life outside
              nearly 8 years      in this great and necessary       the home and so a visit
   now and are grateful to        marathon.                         filled with Bible stories,
   God for blessing our private                                     arts & crafts and sincere,
   language consultancy where     It is difficult to explain to     compassionate friendship –
   we are transparently doing     Westerners quite what             with the ever-handy blood
   useful work and have a lot     Anna spends much of her           pressure reader – is an
   of freedom. For example,       week doing, although those        holistic Christian outreach
   this year another family       who follow her blog can           of great importance. It
   with UFM have been able        picture it quite well! Yes,       feels unimpressive because
   to come on board and           we call it ‘visiting families’,   it’s done home-by-home
   devote themselves full-time    but you have to remember          not in a grand building.

(Sometimes, sadly, Christian      Development.” You can             in the hands of individuals
‘centres’ expect locals to        read a report and listen to       and churches can work okay,
meet us on our terms) I’m         a podcast about this. We’re       but it gets stuck in the mud
grateful to God that a flexible   hoping the approach may           somewhat when an individual
schedule allows me to help        work in other countries too.      ventures into a project that
with the never-ending home                                          requires greater funding.
tasks and, so, free Anna up for
                                                                    Of course, we are grateful
the rigours of home-schooling
                                                                    for the individuals and
four children. Please pray for
                                                                    churches that support us but,
us, “a family trying to witness
                                                                    now that we are employing
to other families for Christ,
                                                                    local editors, I have found
longing to see whole families
                                                                    myself drawn away from
come to Christ.”
                                                                    great opportunities to teach
Spiritually, our city is still                                      the Bible in order to do
a wilderness. The New                                               fundraising. Please pray that
Testament in the local dialect                                      God provides the funds so that
has still not been published,                                       this dictionary (up & running
although we make good                                               on ku.wiktionary.org) will be
use of an app which puts                                            developed and will continue
the drafts at our disposal                                          to aid Bible translation and
on family visits, in taxis and                                      preaching.
in shops. In the last couple
                                                                    Distraction is a time-honoured
of years we have seen a
                                    Please pray for us,             strategy our Enemy uses
Kurdish-speaking fellowship
                                                                    against the church! Just read
emerge and it has been a            “a family trying to             Acts 6. We now have so many
great joy to help one or            witness to other                opportunities to spread the
two believers start to teach
the Bible for themselves.
                                    families for Christ,            Good News and to train
                                    longing to see                  believers and potential church
However, the work feels very
                                                                    planters. Pray that fundraising
weak, not least because none        whole families                  does not crowd out Word
of those who attend the             come to Christ.”                ministry.
fellowship are actually from
this province; they are Kurds                                       These are very uncertain days
who have been displaced           A recent trial we’ve faced is     for the Kurdistan Region in
from Syria or the Mosul           due to modern missionary          Iraq. We do not know how
region to the south.              funding methods. In               the central government will
                                  Victorian times, if a pioneer     deal with this Region that,
We thank God that a               needed to commission a            like Catalonia, tried to gain
regional economic collapse        dictionary, he could write to     independence. We hope
forced our language               the home committee and            that anyone in power will
consultancy to move from          they would raise the funds        see we are doing good for
teaching English to focusing      for him, since it would be        families, for education and
more on the mother tongue.        seen as a “mission-wide           for language development.
We have gained a lot of           project.” For example, in         And above all, whether we
positive media coverage           1891 the American Mission         are praised or persecuted, we
for our development of the        Board funded Sir James            ask God to continue to build
wonderful online Kurdish          Redhouse’s classic Turkish-       his church here.
dictionary and we make a          English dictionary; his work
priority of inputting Bible       endures today and is available    F or more information,
vocabulary. We call this          through Amazon. Today’s            please email
“Bible-Driven Language            practice of leaving fundraising    robwarnerzeph39@gmail.com
                                                                            SPRING 2018 I 4 CORNERS 11

     For a great door
     and effectual is
     opened unto me,
     and there are
     many adversaries.
     I Corinthians 6:9

         ince the start of         worked so well for digital       Gospel Choir, to come and
         OneHundredFold we         Bible delivery in 2016 was       share. In the end, the event
         have experienced what     broken and we could not          was better than anything we
   the apostle Paul was talking    figure out how to repair it.     had planned. Thanks to Jonny
   about when he said that he      Our family was preparing a       Sanlon, we have a video of
   was seeing great opportunity    time of gratitude to share       the whole event and would
   and many adversaries at the     what the Lord had done           invite you to see it and rejoice
   same time. This year has        for us during Joseph’s           with us at prayforjoseph.org
   been like that. In 2016, we     treatment. We invited
                                                                    After the time of gratitude,
   had found ways to safely        many people who were not
                                                                    we took a family holiday
   distribute digital Bibles to    believers to come but then
                                                                    for the first time in 4 years,
   people in closed countries      we had a venue change
                                                                    looking forward to a time
   and were able to do that        at the last minute and lost      of rest and recovery after
   for more than 200,000           our planned programme.           Joseph’s long treatment.
   people. Also in December        Then Jerry Jones, our Chief      But the adversaries arrived
   of 2016 Joseph successfully     Operations Officer, began to     and Ezra, our 3-year-old,
   completed 3 years for           see his heath decline rapidly.   acquired a very aggressive
   treatment for leukaemia.        Soon he was placed on a          fungal infection of his scalp.
   So, going into 2017 we were     dialysis list and was having     Weeks of seeking medical
   excited to see what might       congestive heart failure.        treatment were not helping
   be possible in our family       THEN WE PRAYED                   and Ezra was having horrible
   and in the ministry. But then                                    symptoms and pain. On
   the adversaries arrived. In     Joseph’s event looked            the team, we still could not
   the Spring, we were having      hopeless but, then, the Lord     figure out how to solve our
   major technical problems        provided an amazing choir,       technical problems and Jerry
   and the same method that        the Belfast Community            appeared to be near death.
THEN WE PRAYED                     so severe that it might be a    for OneHundredFold in
                                   year before we would find       2017 and we see even
Ezra was admitted to the           out if his hair would grow      more opportunities before
hospital with one of the most      back, we are seeing a slow,     us in 2018. We expect the
advanced cases of fungal           but steady, recovery and tiny   adversaries will show up again,
scalp infection seen at the        hairs everywhere. And Jerry     so we would ask you to pray
Children’s Hospital. That week     survived his surgery but, not   with and for us. One way
we launched our first attempt      just survived, because he has   you can do that is sign up for
to overcome our technical          now been told he is cancer      Prayer Flare – a text message
problems in delivering digital     free! During all of this we     service that we use to share
scriptures. During the time        launched a second major         prayer needs and answers to
Ezra was in the hospital we        digital Scripture campaign      prayer delivered right to your
would see more than 10,000         and have seen more that         phone. You can sign up to
Scriptures go out to hard          130,000 digital Bibles          Prayer Flare by sending a text
places. Then on the team,          delivered.                      to 075 20 63 11. Please join
Jerry made an amazing                                              with us.
recovery and to the shock of       After a summer of visitation
his doctors actually saw his       from the adversaries we have    ED
kidney function improve and        had an autumn of harvest.
so that he was removed from        The graphic shows some
the dialysis list.                 of the ministry outcomes
But the adversaries were not
done with us yet. Just after our
holiday Kate’s foot was injured      MINISTRY IN 2017
and it was baffling all the
doctors as to what exactly was
wrong. She was in great pain                    91,000+                         200,000+
and on crutches all summer.                     Mustard Seed                    Digital Scripture
While Ezra was being cared
for in the hospital a deeply
embedded hematoma worked
its way out of Kate’s foot and
burst open the top of her
                                                5,650+                          950+
                                                Gospel                          Spiritual
foot. So, the day I brought
                                                Presented                       Conversations
Ezra home from the hospital,
I took Kate to the A&E with
a nasty looking open wound
on her foot. And on the team                    220+                            8,000+
Jerry did not get to enjoy his                  Profession                      Theological
improved health for long as                     of Faith                        Training
he was diagnosed with colon
cancer and was scheduled for
surgery that he was only given
a 50/50 chance of surviving.                    400+                            500,000+
                                                Helping House                   People Served
THEN WE PRAYED                                  Churches
While progress was slow,
Kate’s foot began to improve
and now she is walking                          30+                             30+
normally and her foot is fully                  Ministry                        Staff
healed. Though told that the                    Partners                        Members
damage to Ezra’s scalp was
                                                                           SPRING 2018 I 4 CORNERS 13

     sn’t it interesting how        the change in the Bulgarians      After 4 years teaching at
     God works out his plans;       we had counselling and            the International School
     we expect one thing and        suggested we become part          here, Nora joined me in the
   he is doing something else.      of their Mission team, SEND       Counselling Service and
   We didn’t plan to become         international (an American        has also been working with
   missionaries in Bulgaria but     Organisation). This meant         2 different ladies on two
   that is what happened!           we needed a sending               different projects. The first is at
   We are both born again           organisation from Europe to       a secular orphanage in an area
   believers, Nora, from Ireland    be part of SEND, and that is      with high sex-trafficking and
   was converted when she           where we got to know and          prostitution with 11-18 year
   was 18, and I, Gisli from        joined UFM.                       old girls because at 18 they
   Iceland, in 1999. We met on                                        must leave the orphanage and
                                    We can say we came in the
   a Christian counselling course                                     often end up in prostitution.
                                    backdoor because we have
   in 2008, got married in 2009                                       In a secular organisation we
                                    never been able to raise the
   and 2 days later we landed in                                      have to be careful we are not
                                    full support necessary to
   Bulgaria to work on a project                                      accused of proselytizing so
                                    serve on the field. So, we are
   with trafficked victims. This                                      the goal is to build up their
                                    tentmakers, selling part of
   didn’t take off so we both                                         awareness, self-value and
                                    our counselling service to the
   sought the Lord’s guidance.                                        self-esteem and to teach them
                                    International Community,
   We decided that Nora would                                         to set boundaries and have
                                    who actually subsidise those
   stay teaching to provide us                                        choices. Their understanding
                                    we came to initially work
   with finance and I would                                           on life and expectation of
                                    with, vulnerable people like
   start a Christian Counselling                                      their role in the future is quite
                                    prostitutes, trafficked victims
   Service.                                                           broken. For example, they
                                    and children in the Roma
                                                                      generally identify love and
   In the first 2 years we worked   community.
                                                                      falling in love with having
   a lot with Christians here in
   Sofia, including missionaries.
   One couple who had been
   serving here for almost
   10 years were
   impressed with

sex, and nothing to do with
mutual respect and values.
The second project is working
with a Roma woman who
came for counselling to
Gisli for a few years, she is
uneducated, an ex-drug
addict who supported herself
through prostitution. This is
how amazing God is and how
you can never predict his plans
for your life. Jeremiah 29:11      The leader of the project and    church leaders, Christians and
“For I know the plans I have       the pastor of our church here    Non-Christians, homosexuals
for you,” declares the Lord,       are looking to buy land to       and lesbians. One homosexual
“plans to prosper you and          continue the work with an        is now married and has a
not to harm you, plans to          even bigger vision of trying     little daughter. We thank the
give you hope and a future.”       to get the children to stay in   Lord that he has given much
This lady feels the Lord has       education and training the       wisdom in the Counselling
led her to work with Roma          parents to pay taxes and pay     Room!
children using education. She      for utilities.
                                                                    And what about the future?
has spent 4 years building up      Gisli has been counselling up    He let us know at one point
a relationship with a particular   to 40 different nationalities,   when we were very close
Christian Roma camp here in        individuals and couples          to giving up, Exodus 23:20
Sofia and asked Nora to use all    with issues ranging from         “See, I am sending an angel
her teaching and counselling       relationship problems,           ahead of you to guard
experience to help her to          depression, anxiety and the      you along the way and to
get the kids motivated. In         effects of abuse. Some have      bring you to the place I
the weekly work there has          been severely traumatized but
                                                                    have prepared!” We plan to
been much joy, and also            one of the biggest challenges
                                                                    train Bulgarians in Christian
disappointment, but everyone       was counselling trafficked
                                                                    Counselling so basically,
agrees in both projects the        victims for 4 years who have
                                                                    we will work our way out
hand of the Lord has been          been rescued. His goal with
seen and that the kids have                                         of our roles here! It will be
                                   all has been to demonstrate
changed. Sadly, late this          the love and compassion of       interesting what the Lord has
summer the camp was torn           God to anyone who seeks          in mind!
down by the government.            help, including men, women,      GISLI AND NORA
                                                                            SPRING 2018 I 4 CORNERS 15

   T                                                                       I love being part of IFES.
          his week I got a little      Having been part of this
          card in the post. On         ministry more or less since         I love its vision of seeing
          the front was a group        I started as a student nearly
   of smiling students standing        17 years ago I’ve been so           students built into
   on top of a hill in Cyprus. On      encouraged seeing God at            communities of disciples,
   the back was this message,          work in my own life and in          transformed by the
   “Thank you for walking              the lives of students all across    gospel and impacting
   alongside me this year and          Europe. What a privilege!
   sharing your insight and
                                                                           the university, the
                                       But being involved in this          church and society for
   life-with-Jesus with me! It was     ministry can also sometimes
   a great idea for you guys to        be lonely. I’ve felt that and       the glory of Christ.
   start the Young Staff Network.      I’m from a well-resourced
   Here are a few of the smiling       church and student                 can be really isolating and
   faces that continue to benefit      movement and am well               that isolation can lead to
   from the time you spent             supported. So, imagine             discouragement, lack of
   discipling me. That’s the thing     what it’s like to be the only      perspective, burnout… You
   with discipleship. It ripples to    staff worker in a pioneering       might be able to survive for
   the end of the earth!”              movement in Macedonia, or          a while, but eventually it
   I love being part of IFES. I love   one of two staff in Croatia        takes its toll.
   its vision of seeing students       in a student movement that         It’s interesting that Jesus
   built into communities of           basically collapsed and lost       never sent out his disciples
   disciples, transformed by the       all its students 4 years ago       alone. He always sent
   gospel and impacting the            and having only become             them in teams and I think,
   university, the church and          a Christian fairly recently.       like everything Jesus did,
   society for the glory of Christ.    Being an IFES staff worker         that was deliberate. In
life, and in ministry we          he knows it would be more        could also recognise
need relationships, we need       in line with what God has        that same temptation in
community. That is one of the     called him to do to spend        themselves and ask for God’s
reasons why in IFES Europe        more time with less people,      grace to help.
we have started the Young         showing and teaching them        That’s ultimately what the
Staff Network (YSN). This is      what it means to follow Jesus,   YSN is about. Helping IFES
a group of new staff from         but he’d rather do other         staff to see that we are
all over Europe who come          things because it means he       disciples of Jesus, called by
together for a year to learn,     gets more recognition. This      him to make him known so
grow and support each other       is a heart issue. I love that    that others can become his
as a community through            God was helping him to see       disciples too. Please pray for
meetings together in person       that, and that he was able to    us as we seek to do that.
and over Skype and a study        express that honestly so that
programme. We want to help        others in that community         HELEDD JOB
these staff lay down good
foundations and help them
apply the gospel to the way
they think about themselves
and their ministry. We want
it to be a place where they
can celebrate each other’s
successes and encourage
each other in their struggles.
And we hope that what they
experience and learn in this
community, they can then
take to their own contexts
and home communities to
bless others.
As I have journeyed with this
last year’s group of young
staff there has been one
challenge that these staff face
that has particularly struck
me. That is the challenge
to be missional. This might
sound strange. Surely full-time
gospel workers find it easy
to spend their time making
disciples of Jesus?! No, they
don’t. There is so much
temptation to be driven by
other people’s expectations,
maintaining programmes
and structures, doing things
that others can see, rather
than simply sharing their lives
and the gospel with others
who don’t yet know Jesus. In
one of our recent gatherings
one of the staff shared that
                                                                           SPRING 2018 I 4 CORNERS 17


             od has been at work    planting in French-speaking     A THREE-PART MINISTRY
             in wonderful ways      Europe. We had been
             in French-speaking     praying and planning for an     Our ministry is comprised
    Europe over the past 70         opportunity to open up in       essentially of three parts. First,
    years. Hundreds of churches     France since 2001, and were     we’ve been adapting as a
    have been planted and           so grateful when the Lord       family to living and ministering
    many saved. But there is        finally opened the door two     in France, and ministering the
    much work left to be done:      years ago for us to come and    gospel in our local area. Laura
    his sure promise is that “the   get involved with what he’s     and the kids had very little
    earth (and even French-         doing here.                     French when we came and God
    speaking Europe) will be                                        has been so kind in helping
                                    We were sent with UFM           them all make great progress.
    filled with the knowledge
                                    by our home network of          We’re thankful, too, for all the
    of the glory of the Lord as
                                    churches, The Crowded           opportunities we’ve had to build
    the waters cover the sea.”
                                    House, and by Acts 29,          relationships through schools,
    Habakkuk 2:14
                                    with this big vision: “to       clubs and our neighbourhood
    We are the de la Hoyde          help to see French-speaking     to share the gospel and to
    family, and we moved to         Europe littered with healthy,   introduce local folk to our
    the Paris Region in 2015 to     gospel-centred church for       church family.
    get involved with church-       the glory of Jesus.”

Second, we’re involved in
a church-plant to the east
of Paris in our town, Val
d’Europe. This is a town of
30,000 people with no other
evangelical church and the
church started its weekly
services just a few months
before we arrived. Del has      to be leaving the school                           The centrality of
been serving as an elder, and   community we’d invested in                         the gospel: how
it’s been great to get stuck    missionally and where we felt        can we help planters and
in with leading, preaching,     at home; but the Lord has            planting teams to grasp and
discipling young adults and     been kind in working good            enjoy the length, breadth,
running evangelistic events.    things through all of it. It’s not   depth and height of the
The church is now 80-100 on     been easy adjusting to a new         gospel, and to have the
a Sunday and Del is coaching    church culture with different        confidence that the gospel
a young man who we hope         values and priorities either         really is all we need and the
to send out in the next year    – but we’ve learned plenty           answer to every question?
to plant a new church in        through that too!
                                                                               Growing a family,
Villeparisis, another nearby                                                   not a meeting: our
town of 30,000 with no
                                THE ENCOURAGEMENTS
                                                                     churches are finding it’s easy
gospel church.                  Encouragements have been             to grow a Sunday meeting
                                many, as outlined above, but         in the major cities, but not
Third, Del works for half
                                one is to see how France in          so easy to grow a family of
the week as Director and
                                particular is a springboard to       disciple-making disciples. How
Assessment Coordinator of
                                mission among unreached              can we plant churches which
Acts 29 French-speaking
                                people groups all over the           display the glory of God in the
Europe, a church-planting
                                globe. Del travels to the            gospel through the everyday
network which aims to help
                                Ivory Coast in February as           community life of sinners saved
French-speaking churches
                                we build a partnership with          and being restored by grace?
and denominations to plant
                                a French planter working in
healthy, gospel-centred,                                                      Mission through
                                an unreached people group
church-planting churches by                                                   community: how can
                                there; and the major cities
assessing, coaching, training                                                 we grow a culture of
                                such as Paris and Marseille
and supporting planters                                              doing mission together as a
                                are simply full of refugees and
and planting teams. It has                                           church community, taking not
                                folks from otherwise difficult-
been a joy to assess, coach                                          just the gospel message but
                                to-access countries. The Lord
and support planters in very    in his sovereign purposes            also the community created
different contexts and to see   is bringing the nations to           by the gospel into the darkest
the Lord gathering together     French-speaking Europe!              parts of our countries?
churches and saving people
                                                                We’re delighted to be prayerfully
in such diverse places as       THE NEEDS
central Paris, rural Corrèze,                                   working out the answer to these
Switzerland and Belgium.        Here are the needs that are on questions and to be following the
                                our hearts as we look to the    Lord wherever he leads. Do get
THE CHALLENGES                  future:                         in touch if you’d like to join us on
                                                                God’s glorious mission in French-
Our boys faced some bullying                 Training: how
                                                                speaking Europe in prayer, in
at their school last year,                   can we effectively
                                                                finances or in person. And check
leading to our putting the                   and rapidly train
                                                                out www.acts29.com and
oldest ones in a new school     up planters and teams to
and home-schooling the          plant healthy, gospel-centred
                                                                to find out more!
smallest one this year. Not     churches to reach both French
what we planned, and painful    people and the nations?         DEL DE LA HOYDE
                                                                              SPRING 2018 I 4 CORNERS 19


          hrough my links with   from all over the world,       When I heard of LIFE
          UFM and previous       but are taught through         Academy, I thought it was
          summer team to         their common language –        a wonderful opportunity
   Burkina Faso I heard of       English. The school started    to use my degree to serve
   LIFE Academy; a small         with just 14 pupils, but has   God – Primary Education
   school in the capital of      now grown to 25 students       with a specialism in
   Burkina Faso. The aim of      across 4 different classes.    Modern Languages
   the school is to provide a    Most of the students           (French). As my university
   Christian-based education     attend the school full-time,   term ended in April, I was
   for children, enabling        but a few participate on a     able to travel to Burkina
   their parents to refocus on   part-time basis, choosing      for 6 weeks across April
   their own mission projects    to take some courses           and May for the past two
   across Burkina. Children      online or at home to make      years. In 2017 I was joined
   attending the school come     up a full-time table.          by Fiona Boddington!

During both trips, my
main focus was teaching at
the school, which in turn
released parents from their
teaching responsibilities.
I also helped out with
practical tasks such as
re-organising the library
and major end-of-year
LIFE Academy is an absolute
joy to teach at. If anyone
is wondering about a new
way to use their teaching
qualifications (or interest in
teaching) and has a heart
to serve God, please do
consider serving at a school
for missionary children!
Both times I have come
away feeling like I have
learnt more than I have          help the ‘beggar boys’ in        Although very few people
taught! Different from           Ouagadougou. Every day a         have heard of Burkina Faso,
most schools in the UK, the      free meal is prepared and        it is a country that holds a
children have Bible class        offered to the boys who are      great piece of my heart, and
each day where they learn        between 6 and 18 years old.      I do hope I will get to return
from God’s word and pray         We went along to help on         to serve the Lord there in the
together, which is such a        a Saturday when the boys         future. As with every time
blessing to be part of. The      would play games, wash           I have served abroad (or at
children are not only full       their clothes, have lunch and    home!) I left knowing the
of knowledge and joy, but        most importantly hear about      people and the experience
have such a deep faith that      Jesus in their local language.   taught me far more than I
encourages my own.               Despite a major language         could ever think of teaching
                                 barrier, as these boys only      them. Serving abroad opens
A highlight for both of          spoke a local language, it       your eyes to a multitude of
us each week was the             was a pleasure to be able to     people who have not yet heard
opportunity to be involved       spend some time playing          about Jesus, across the world,
with ‘Kids of Hope’, a           games and sharing a meal         but also on our own doorstep.
programme was set up to          with them.                       LAUREN BIRNEY

                                                                         SPRING 2018 I 4 CORNERS 21

     Tom & Nerys King
     Tom and Nerys are from
     Highfields Church in Cardiff.
     Tom was a secondary school
     Chemistry teacher for 8 years
     before he and Nerys studied
     at Union School of Theology
     in South Wales. Nerys studied
     Psychology before taking
     further courses in Counselling
     and Mental health nursing and
     worked as a psychiatric nurse.         Middle East
     In 2007 Nerys had the                  M&L
     opportunity to go on a short-term      M and L were accepted to serve with UFM in 2011
     mission to Pattaya, Thailand,          after studying in South Wales. Their sending church
     working in a children’s home for       is Beeston Free Church in Nottingham. M is an
     6 weeks. Many of the children in       engineer and will be exploring the possibility of
     the home were a direct result of       engineering consultancy work. L is full-time mum to
     the sex industry and it was such a     their two daughters. They are serving in the Middle
     blessing to see them being raised      East alongside J & J, initially learning the local
     in a Christian setting. However,       language with a view to evangelism, discipleship
     visiting the city both day and         and church planting work.
     night revealed a spiritually dark
     place where people are trapped in
     the corruption and slavery of the
     sex industry. This ignited a deep      Ireland
     burden and yearning for Thailand.      Seth & Jessica Lewis
     Since then Tom & Nerys have            Seth and Jessica are
     visited Pattaya several times          from Daleville Baptist
     and linked with a Christian            Church, Virginia in
     organisation called Tamar Centre       the USA. They have
     that works directly with those         been working for 9
     involved in the sex industry. Nerys    years in Ireland as
     hopes primarily to work with girls     part of a church plant
     and is expecting to face issues of     in Youghal and have
     abuse, addiction, abortion and         dual Irish citizenship.
     hopelessness and Tom plans to          They have recently
     be involved in pastoral ministry.      relocated to work
     They both feel a deep longing          with Midleton Baptist
     to disciple those lost in that city,   Church in Cork
     sharing with them the gospel and       to plant a church in Carrigtwohill. They have 3
     the love of Christ.                    children, Daniel (10), David (8) and Rebekah (5).

Justin & Lisa Black
Justin and Lisa and their three children, Lucy (17),
Emma (15) and Thomas (14), live in Bangor, N. Ireland
and are members of Bethany Baptist Church. Justin
has been working as a self-employed IT consultant and
he and Lisa have had a strong interest in serving God
with their gifts. Justin’s parents trained with New Tribes
Mission in England and the USA before joining the staff
team at Matlock Bath in England. It was during their time
in the USA that Justin came to faith in Christ. Justin heard
Ed Underwood speak at Bangor Worldwide Missionary
Convention and went on to find out more about the
work of OneHundredFold. Their son Thomas has congenital conditions and is scheduled
to have major surgery this year and next which makes being based in N. Ireland a perfect
fit for the family.

France                       Peru                            Uganda
Gethin Jones                 Charles Hart                    Bosco & Heidi Bukeera
Gethin grew up in            Charles became a Christian      Bosco and Heidi are
Wales and is a member        at the age of 17 after          members of Three Bridges
of the International         getting to know a man           Free Church in Crawley.
Presbyterian Church          who came into his parents’      They have two sons,
in Ealing, London.           business carrying a Bible.      Ezekiel (2) and Eleazar,
After University he          This man later gave him a       born in September 2017.
spent two years with         New Testament and it was        Bosco grew up in Uganda,
IFES in Paris. Although      through reading it that         where he became a
this was intended to         Charles encountered Jesus       Christian while working in
be short-term service,       and was irresistibly drawn      the home of a missionary,
he began to feel very        to him, recognising his own     whose friend talked to him
strongly that the            need of a Saviour.              about the Lord. He has
churches in France are       Charles lived in Spain for      been training in the UK
not only small, with         7-8 years and, following his    for the past few years to
many lost people still       University studies, has been    be a Pastor. Before Heidi
to reach, but also weak      working as an apprentice        met Bosco she served
in their understanding       with Carey Baptist Church       in Uganda working and
and enjoyment of the         in Reading, working with        living with street kids and
riches of the gospel.        International students.         vulnerable children. During
He felt compelled to         Charles sensed God’s call to    those years she too became
commit to France for         Peru which was confirmed        aware of the great spiritual
the long-term. He has        while spending 5 weeks with     and humanitarian needs
studied at Westminster       David and Bertha Barnes last    in Uganda, and the great
Theological Seminary,        summer. Later this year he is   need for local Christ-centred
Philadelphia, for the        planning to begin studying      churches. They intend to
past 3 years.                theology in the USA for 2       return to Uganda to be
                             years before going to Peru.     involved in church planting.

                                                                    SPRING 2018 I 4 CORNERS 23

                                        SUMMER TEAMS
  WHAT’S ON                             21 June-9 July
                                        South Africa – holiday Bible
 Called to Serve                        club and Musawe Nkosi
 24 February                            1-10 July                      Michael Prest
 Carey Baptist Church, Reading          Greece – student ministry      Deputy Director
 A day conference for those Gearing     in English                     William Brown
 Up for Mission, considering mission    July                           Chairman of Council
 for the first time, seeking God’s      France – dates to be           Matthew Evans
 guidance or making the final steps     confirmed                      Magazine Editor
 before you go.                         Thailand – dates to be         Peter Milsom
 Irish Spring Conference                                               145 Faringdon Road
 13-15 April                            August                         Swindon, Wiltshire
                                        Moldova – team already full    SN1 5DL
 Seagoe Hotel, Portadown                                                 01793 610515
 Bible Ministry: Huw Williams, Turin.                                    admin@ufm.org.uk
 For more information email              COMINGS                         www.ufm.org.uk
 david.morrow@ufm.org.uk                 & GOINGS                      Regional Director
                                                                       based in Northern Ireland
 Scottish Conference                     February
                                                                       David Morrow
 20-22 April                             1-2 William to Amsterdam
                                                                       The Breda Centre
 Atholl Centre, Pitlochry, PH16 5BX      4-7 Iain to Paris             14 Glencregagh Court
 Bible Ministry: Michael Prest,          10-18 William & Rosalind      Belfast BT6 0PA
 UFM Director                            to Uganda                        028 9020 2222

 For more information email              March                         Regional Director
                                                                       based in Scotland
 iain@ufm.org.uk                         6-7 Michael to Barcelona      Iain Cameron
                                         12-16 Elinor to Ireland
 Family Conference                                                     11 Newton Place
                                         12-19 Michael and             (Sauchiehall Street)
 13-17 August (please note
                                         William to USA for            Charing Cross
 different dates for 2018)
                                         OneHundredFold                Glasgow G3 7PR
 Hothorpe Hall, near Market              Conference                       0141 353 0666
                                         April                         UFM Worldwide (USA)
 Bible Ministry: Michael Prest,                                        Suite 305,
 UFM Director                            1-22 Ruth McGarvey to UK      400 Office Park Drive
 For further information                 May                           Mountain Brook
                                         7-16 Michael to Brazil for    AL 35223. USA
 email rachel@ufm.org
                                         MICEB Conference                 (+1)205 802 5911
 Chosen – The Story David, who is serving short-term with UFM
 of Charlene Barr   in Thailand, has written this book about           Design and Production
                                                                       Adept Design
 by David Barr     his adopted sister Charlene who had cystic
                                                                       01603 340750
                    fibrosis. Before she died she asked David          www.adeptdesign.co.uk
               NEW to tell her story. After Charlene died
                       the Project opened Hidden Treasure
               BOOK School     in Uganda. CHOSEN tells a
                     story of faith, hope and healing because
                   sometimes the things we can’t change end
                   up changing us. Proceeds from the sale of
                   the book go to Charlene’s Project.
                        Available from Amazon on Kindle for 99p
                        and Paperback for £8.99 plus postage.          4 Corners is the magazine of UFM
                                                                       Worldwide, Registered Charity in
                                                                       England and Wales (No. 219946)
                                                                       and in Scotland (No. SC039343)
You can also read