Him Spring 2018 Serving - Serving in Mission

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Him Spring 2018 Serving - Serving in Mission
Serving Him
Spring 2018

                           125th anniversary
                             special edition

 Convinced that no one should live and die without hearing God’s good news
Him Spring 2018 Serving - Serving in Mission
By the                                                           We must
numbers                                                          reality of

                                                                I recently visited the SIM
                                                                  Bangladesh team, where
                                                                eight different mission
                                                                organisations work together
                                                                under the same vision.
                                                                  They long to see thousands
                                                                of healthy churches
                                                                composed of disciples of
                                                                Jesus coming from the
                                                                majority established faith.
                                                                  Opening up Matthew 5–7
                                                                together, we sat at Jesus’
                                                                feet as disciples first and
                                                                missionaries second.
                                                                  Our father God led us to
                                                                marvel afresh at his son’s
                                                                perfection, to repent of our
                                                                hypocrisy and ask God to pour
                                                                his grace by his spirit into our
                                                                hearts for building our lives
                                                                daily on Jesus and his words.
                                                                There is no other way to make
                                                                disciples in communities
                                                                where Christ is least-known.
                                                                  This year Serving In
                                                                Mission celebrates 125
                                                                years of pioneering mission,
                                                                and with this our enduring
                                                                commitment to spread the
                Sources: SIM International, joshuaproject.org   gospel where people neither
2   Cover photo: Joshua Bogunjoko, SIM International Director
Him Spring 2018 Serving - Serving in Mission
Serving Him
embrace the new                                                         4 Why it’s right to celebrate
                                                                          our big birthday

pioneer mission
                                                                          By Joshua Bogunjoko
                                                                        6 There’s still gospel work to
                                                                          do in Nigeria
                                                                          By Tim Allan
                                                                        8 Bangladesh Bible School is
                                                                          doing it write
                                                                          By Tim Allan
                                                                       10 #HowWillTheyHear makes
                                                                          global impact
                                                                          By Sarah James
                                                                       12 Answers to prayer
                                                                       13 10 mission mistakes
                                                                          By Steve Smith
                                                                       17 By Prayer — more than just
                                                                          a slogan
                                                                          By Linda Hunt
                                                                       18 God is helping me build
                                                                          good relationships in a
                                                                          tough place
                                                                       20 One sugar cube helps the
 know or name the messiah           service but we don’t shy away         gospel taste sweet
 Jesus as their sovereign Lord.     from our mistakes (see page        22 Jonny speaks up for Jesus in
    The opportunities of            13). Crossing barriers with the       South America
                                                                          By Tim Allan
 multi-ethnic ministry and the      gospel requires that we view
                                                                       24 Mission:Secure for SIM
 impact of changing economic,       failures as friends to learn          By Tim Allan
 technological and political        from, not foes to fear.            25 Welcome new SIM workers
 environments, the growth              The grace of God liberates      26 Do you want to serve?
 of the church in the global        us to serve without fear           28 Join our 125th birthday
 south and the reduction in         of failure and to view our            celebrations
 size of the church in the west     mistakes as opportunities to       Editor: Tim Allan
                                                                       ©2018. Spring 2018
 and north are all important        learn how to make disciples        ISSN 2398-1296           Printed by CPO
                                                                       UK/Europe Headquarters
 realities to embrace.              with greater understanding         Serving In Mission, Wetheringsett Manor,
    Add to this the fact that       and wisdom.                        Wetheringsett, Stowmarket, Suffolk IP14 5QX
                                                                       t: 01449 766464 | e: info@sim.co.uk
 more and more people are on           How can each one of us          w: www.sim.co.uk
 the move like never before.        respond to Christ’s gospel         285a Woodstock Road, Belfast BT6 8PR
                                                                       t: 028 90 451451 | e: info@simireland.co.uk
    It is imperative mission        call? There’s plenty of            For further Information, contact the Serving
 agencies enable ‘everyone          information in this magazine       In Mission office, or your nearest regional
 to everywhere’ in how we           to help with that choice.
 respond to declare Jesus’              Whatever we decide, let’s
                                                                       ‘Serving Him’ is an official publication of Serving
 name among all nations.            depend on God, since all life      In Mission, the UK branch of SIM. SIM is an
    In this edition of Serving      and ministry comes from him        interdenominational, evangelical, Protestant
                                                                       mission agency founded in 1893. Serving In
 Him we celebrate the 125           and the glory will return to       Mission is a member of the Evangelical Alliance
                                                                       and Global Connections and is a charity,
 years of sacrificial Christ-like   him. Serve well in his strength.   registered in the name of SIM International
                                                                       (UK). Registered Charity No. 219763. Charity
                                                                       Registered in Scotland No. SC040432. Company
                                                                       Limited by Guarantee No. 611250.
                                                                       Permission to reprint material must be obtained
                                                                       from: Serving In Mission, Wetheringsett Manor,
                                                                       Wetheringsett, Stowmarket, Suffolk IP14 5QX
                           Steve Smith, UK Director                    t: 01449 766464 | e: info@sim.co.uk
                                                                       Data Protection Act: Serving In Mission holds
 PS: I’d love you to sign up for our weekly prayer email, SIMpray.     names and addresses on computer for mailing
                                                                       and other internal purposes. Please contact us if
 Just go to sim.co.uk/simpray or email linda@sim.co.uk                 you do not want your details held on computer.

Him Spring 2018 Serving - Serving in Mission

    Let’s celebrate God and
    all he does through us
    By Joshua Bogunjoko, SIM International Director

    C     elebration is part of what
          it means to follow Christ
    so let’s look forward as a
                                         be a memorial to you, and
                                         you shall celebrate it as a
                                         feast to the LORD; throughout
                                                                             celebrate baptism and the
                                                                             Lord’s supper.
                                                                                We are a people who
    global mission family to this,       your generations you                should be known for our
    our 125th anniversary year.          are to celebrate it as a            capacity and readiness to
       In the very moments when          permanent ordinance.”               celebrate because we serve
    we lose ourselves in joy at             Jesus described the              a God who makes a habit of
    what God has done, we are            response in heaven to one           giving us great joy.
    experiencing worship as              sinner’s repentance on earth           So, why do we celebrate?
    image-bearers of God and we          using words that convey a           Like the Israelites and the
    are a gospel witness to those        great celebration: “In the          early church, we celebrate to
    who observe us.                      same way, I tell you, there         acknowledge as a community
       In Exodus 5:1, we find the        is joy in the presence of the       that God is performing
    By  Tim
    first    Allan
          indication that God wants      angels of God over one sinner       amazing acts in and for us,
    his people to celebrate and          who repents.” (Luke 15:10)          bringing life and love in place
    hold festivals.                         Untold numbers of people         of death and disease.
       God spoke through Moses           have repented of their sins            We celebrate because God
    to Pharaoh saying: “Thus says        and turned to Jesus directly        answers prayers, removing
    the LORD, the God of Israel,         and indirectly because of the       barriers to places where many
    ‘Let my people go that they          work of SIM.                        still live and die without his
    may celebrate a feast to me in          Celebration is a natural         good news, bringing lush fruit
    the wilderness.’”                    rhythm in the life to which         out of the dry ground.
       Later, the very first             God has invited us, both in            We celebrate because
    command from the Lord the            the Old and New Testaments.         over the past 125 years,
    night he delivered them from         Jesus’ very first miracle was       at times when all was
    Egypt was to stop and hold           performed at, and on behalf         dark and uncertain; when
    a festival before they took          of, a wedding celebration.          bombs fell or earthquakes
    another step and this was to            While we no longer               shook; when floods rose or
    be done for ever. In Exodus          observe the Passover, we            famine spread; when mobs
    12:14, God commands the              still rejoice and celebrate the     approached or friends fled;
4   Israelites: “Now this day will       resurrection of our Lord. We        when persecution deepened

    The First                          1893
                                       Walter Gowans, Thomas Kent and
                                       Rowland Bingham arrive in Lagos and
                                       found the Soudan Interior Mission.

Him Spring 2018 Serving - Serving in Mission
PSALM 145:7

    or imprisonment lengthened;      celebrate because celebration     to the Lord and to sing
    when falsehood dazzled or        restores, revives and prepares    praises to your name, O Most
    the truth dimmed, when           us. We celebrate because          High; To declare your loving
    seasons of discomfort            the work itself is not the        kindness in the morning and
    tempted us to doubt; in all of   highest goal, and we remind       your faithfulness by night,
    these, God did not fail us.      ourselves of this when we set     with the ten-stringed lute
       Today, the church thrives     it aside.                         and with the harp, with
    in countless places once            We celebrate not because       resounding music upon the
    considered hopeless.             our past is sacred, but           lyre. For you, O Lord, have
       With trust in God, our        because the God who was           made me glad by what you
    workers stand shoulder-to-       present and active with us in     have done, I will sing for joy
    shoulder today with believers    the past is sacred and is the     at the works of your hands.”
    in places where religious        same today and forever.           (Psalm 92: 1–4)
    extremists rampage.                 Like the psalmist, we can         SIM, let’s celebrate our
       Why do we celebrate? We       say: “It is good to give thanks   God in 2018!                          5

1894                          1898                                        1902
Gowans and Kent die of        An SIM Council                              Bingham returns to Africa for
malaria in Nigeria. Bingham   is formed in                                a third time and is finally able
recovers at home, returns     Canada.                                     to establish a mission base
to Lagos, suffers another                                                 500 miles up the Niger River in
fever and is unable to                                                    Pategi. Work expands into other
establish a mission base.                                                 parts of west Africa.
Him Spring 2018 Serving - Serving in Mission
125 Years NIGERIA
    M     ore than half the 180
          million people in
    Nigeria would today claim
                                             Even where
                                             we started,
    to be Christians — a fitting
    testament to the work of
    SIM’s founders and others.
       Walter Gowans, Thomas

                                             there’s still
    Kent and Rowland Bingham
    were among the first people
    to take the good news of
    Jesus into the heart of Africa

                                             a lot of work
    when they set up the Soudan
    Interior Mission.
       Gowans and Kent died
    within a year of first landing

                                             to be done
    in Lagos in 1893 and it took
    Bingham two more attempts
    before his team finally
    established a mission station
    500 miles up the Niger River              By Tim Allan
    in Pategi.
       From there, SIM and               Pategi church founded in 1903   Christians, who have been
    several other agencies sowed         has 208 members, while a        well-discipled and are growing
    the seeds of a huge gospel           neighbouring church founded     in their faith.
    growth across central Africa.        in 1991 has just 10 members.       “But the predominant faith
    SIM pioneered much of the               A senior SIM mission         in northern Nigeria is Islam
    gospel outreach in central and       worker in                                        and there have
    northern Nigeria.                    Nigeria, said:                                   been many
       Many churches are now             “Those three                                     instances
    firmly established in both           young men                                        of violence
    south and central Nigeria but        who arrived                                      being done to
    there is still much work to do.      in Lagos                                         Christians by
       There are 80-90 million           in 1893                                          Boko Haram.
    Muslims in Nigeria and               would,                                          There’s an
    the very people group our            I’m sure,                                    enormous amount
    founders were most interested        see much                          of poverty, a shortage
    in — the Hausa-Fulani — is still     today that                        of good, faithful Bible
    90 per cent Muslim.                  pleased them.                     teaching and a shortage of
       Pategi is still very much a       The gospel has spread across    mission workers.”
    Muslim town. According to            many parts of Africa and many      Mission work in Nigeria
6   the latest figures (2013), the       people here are committed       grew steadily through most of

                     1909                                                      1915
                     SIM establishes                                           Guy Playfair appointed SIM’s
                     its first church                                          first Field Director in what is now
                     in Egbe, Nigeria                                          Nigeria. He establishes SIM policy
                     after it baptised                                         of decisions being made as close
                     13 people.                                                as possible to those affected.
Him Spring 2018 Serving - Serving in Mission
Please pray
                                                                      ●●Give  thanks for the vision
                                                                         of our founding fathers,
                                                                         who wanted to share the
                                                                        gospel with those who had
                                                                        never heard of Jesus.
                                                                      ●●For all the mission workers,
                                                                        both with SIM and other
                                                                        agencies, seeking to carry
                                                                        on that work in Nigeria.
                                                                      ●●For the gospel to carry on
                                                                        spreading in central Africa
                                                                        so that all may come to
                                                                       faith in Jesus.

                                                                      “One example of that is our
                                                                      programme which brings
                                                                      together Christian and Muslim
                                                                      leaders for education and
                                                                      training programmes.
                                                                          “We’re doing trauma
the 20th century, expanding       church had developed to a           healing for victims of violence
both in terms of ministries and   point where it was able to take in the north and producing
geographic spread.                over all of SIM’s ministries and literature in both English
   SIM set up Bible colleges,     properties. It is now a huge        and Hausa. We also help in
which are now vital centres       church, with up to 10 million       theological education, orphan
of learning and teaching, and     members, and is very mission- care, widow care, looking after
started schools, hospitals,       minded. The church has more street children and trying to
leprosy treatment centres,        than 3,000 missionaries in          take the gospel to the Fulani.”
clinics, orphanages, training     Nigeria, along with another             Gowans, Kent and Bingham
centres as well as a literature   300 or so working                                 started SIM with
ministry producing high-          abroad, including SIM Want to
                                                                      serve         a vision to share
quality gospel resources.         international director in Afric  ges  26 -2 7      the good news of
   SIM’s work even produced a     Joshua Bogunjoko.          See pa                  Jesus with people
new denomination, originally         SIM is now involved in a         who had never heard it.
called the Evangelical            wide range of ministries, not           That work has made a great
Churches of West Africa,          so much in direct evangelism        start in the first 125 years but
now the Evangelical Church        but more in training and            it is far from finished.
Winning All, but known from       supporting other people in              SIM workers and others will
its inception in 1954 as ECWA.    their evangelism.                   continue until our founders’
   By the mid-1970s, the             The senior worker said:          vision has been fulfilled.         7

          1918                     1922
          Bingham becomes          An SIM council is established in
          SIM’s General            the UK. John and Edith Hall open
          Director.                SIM’s first school in Kaltungo,
Him Spring 2018 Serving - Serving in Mission

      Bible school is trying
      hard to do it write!
     By Tim Allan

     M     odern Bangladesh
           has many similarities
     with the country Serving In
                                          accept the reality of God,
                                          very few are Christians; the
                                          gospel can produce hostility;
                                                                           Thomas Kent and Rowland
                                                                           Bingham were not deterred
                                                                           by those problems in Africa,
     Mission’s founding fathers           the climate is tough and the     so today’s SIM workers in
     encountered in 1893.                 culture is hard to understand.   Bangladesh are pushing
       While most Bangladeshis              But, just as Walter Gowans,    forward with the good news
                                                                           of Jesus.
                                                                              One key part of that
        Tahmina’s story                                                    strategy is the Bangladesh
                                                                           Bible Correspondence School,
        Married mother Tahmina has a living faith                          which has played a vital role in
         in Jesus thanks to the Bangladesh Bible                           distributing gospel materials
         Correspondence School — and in the face of                        to people across the country
         hostility from her family.                                        since it was founded in 1958.
                                                                              Less than one per cent
        Tahmina, who lives in the north of Bangladesh                      of the country’s 160 million
          and heard the gospel at a BBCS workshop,                         people are Christian but BBCS
                                                                           has helped many of them
          said: “I can now understand God in a personal
                                                                           come to faith and then stay
          way, not like in Hinduism.”                                      strong in their faith.
        She lives with her loving husband but they                            BBCS has just four local staff
                                                                           and operates from a small
          were forced to leave the family home after                       office in Dhaka but still teaches
          her mother-in-law discovered a hidden Bible.                     up to 500 students a year.
          Heartbreakingly, the mother-in-law refused to                       Much of the material is
          let their six-year-old son go with them for fear                 posted out but there are also
          he too would become a Christian.                                 three and five-day workshops
                                                                           and seminars, which help
        A BBCS worker said: “In a decade of ministry, I                    equip students to handle
          have never met a woman with such hunger                          God’s word and become Bible
                                                                           teachers themselves.
          and commitment for God.”
8                                                                             Around 120 students a year

    1924                                                                     1925
    An SIM council is established in                                         SIM merges with Abyssinian
    the USA. SIM bookshop opens in                                           Frontiers Mission, opening
    Jos, starting a chain of shops that                                      up work in Ethiopia.
    becomes ubiquitous in Nigeria.
Him Spring 2018 Serving - Serving in Mission
complete the full course —
 roughly 25 per cent of the           Please pray
 intake, up from just 10 per cent     ●●Give thanks that the gospel seed is being planted daily
 five years ago. An increasing          in Bangladesh and for the devotion of BBCS staff.
 number of graduates are going        ●●For the students to take God’s word seriously as they
 into ministry.                         study and put their knowledge into practice.
    The school is desperately
                                      ●●Forgenerous donors to be raised up so the work of
 short of money, as it seeks
                                        BBCS can continue for years to come.
 to fund staff, an office, travel
 and the production and
 distribution of the materials.     £195,000. A set of books for         donate and quote project
    By the grace of God, the        one student is £8, a Bible is £5     number 98026.
 school has been granted a five-    and a three-day workshop for           Just as those first SIM
 year government licence to         several students is £250.            workers were beacons for
 operate but needs to reprint          There is an urgent appeal         Christ in a country which did
 all the teaching material.         for project funding in order to      not know him, so BBCS is a
    The budget for the 2016–17      keep the BBCS going — if you         beacon in a predominantly
 financial year has been set        would like to donate please fill     Muslim country where hardly
 at the equivalent of £35,000       in the form at the back of this      anyone has heard the good
 and for the next five years at     magazine or go to sim.co.uk/         news of Jesus.                         9

1932                                                                   1933
SIM mission workers                                                    Newton Kapp and other missionaries
divert a river to form                                                 open SIM’s first station in Kano,
a pond and perform                                                     Nigeria. The missionaries initially
their first baptisms                                                   “lived above a canteen” until they had
in Ethiopia.                                                           built the station.
Him Spring 2018 Serving - Serving in Mission
125 Years #HowWillTheyHear

    Thousands signing up
    for our campaign to
    share the gospel with
    refugees and migrants
    By Sarah James

    T   housands of people
        across the world are now
   actively engaged in the global
                                       trip to Greece in the summer,
                                       which would be suitable for
                                       individuals, families or teams;
                                                                          #HWTH Advent journey
                                                                          The next stage was an
                                                                          innovative online advent
   #HowWillTheyHear campaign           a short-term trip to Lebanon       journey, which told the
   to take the gospel to migrants      to help teach the children         Christmas story through the
   and refugees.                       of refugees from the Syrian        eyes of refugees and migrants.
     The campaign, which               conflict; and a longer-term        This included a series of Bible
   brings together more than 10        opportunity for an Arabic          reflections, activities, powerful
   mission agencies in a unique        speaker to manage Egyptian         refugee stories and some
   collaboration, is inspired by       missionaries working among         campaign giveaways.
   the very things which inspired      refugees near Athens.
   the earliest SIM workers —                                             #HWTH campaign packs
   sharing the good news of Jesus      10:14 Prayer campaign              Many packs have already gone
   Christ with people who have         The campaign launched back         out to churches and people
   never heard it.                     in October with 14 days of         across the country. Containing
     There are now more than           prayer, which encouraged           headphones, a wristband,
   50 opportunities to share that      people to seek God’s help for      a button badge and other
   good news with refugees and         the task of helping migrants       resources, they promote
   migrants across Europe and          and refugees in the UK, Europe     awareness of the campaign
   the Middle East.                    and the Middle East come to a      — to get yours, just sign up at
10   They include a short-term         living faith in Jesus.             info@howwilltheyhear.net.

1935                                                        1937
SIM workers hold first baptism                              SIM mission workers expelled from Ethiopia
ceremony among the Wariji people                            after Italian invasion. Cliff Mitchell and Tom
of Nigeria. Mai-Gari is first person                        Devers are killed by bandits in Ethiopia.
baptised. SIM starts using ‘By                              They are first members of SIM to die on
Prayer’ as its public tagline.                              active service.
Please pray
                                                          ●●For the #HowWillTheyHear campaign
                                                            to have a powerful impact for Christ
                                                            among refugees and migrants.
                                                          ●●For UK churches to understand and
                                                            grasp the great gospel opportunity
                                                            that lies on the doorstep.
                                                          ●●For more workers to take the gospel
                                                            to refugees and migrants in Europe
                                                            and the Middle East.

#HWTH on the road                   gospel contact between              among UK churches to inspire
We took the campaign to             Christians and migrants in the      people to pray for the work
university Christian Union          UK as well as overseas.             and people to go into mission.
mission roadshows in the              We are keen to inspire the           We already have many
autumn. The students were           UK church to reach out to local     opportunities to work with
very engaged with the migrant       migrant communities, as well        churches in Italy, Greece,
crisis and we are following up      as to send people to Europe         Germany and the Middle
several good inquiries from         and the Middle East.                East and would love to move
those keen to reach migrants                                            workers into those roles.
with the gospel.                    #HWTH what next?                       If you’d like to find out
   The campaign has also gone       The next phase of the               more, please contact
to several UK churches.             campaign will see us build          Sarah James, UK campaign
   To take just one example,        relationships with our partner      coordinator, on info@
a #HowWillTheyHear                  organisations, including the        howwilltheyhear.net.
presentation by SIM UK              wider SIM community, GEM,              You can also check out the
director Steve Smith has led        ECMI, TEAM, DMG, EMF,               #HowWillTheyHear website
to a Farsi-speaking member          Wycliffe and UWM, under             — howwilltheyhear.net —
of that church making contact       the leadership of Simon             for prayer materials, to get
with refugee Iranian families.      Barrington, former director of      a campaign pack or to find
   That shows the reach of          Samaritan’s Purse.                  out more about the available
the campaign as it promotes            We will also be working          opportunities to serve.                11

  1940                               1941                             1948
  SIM mission hospital in Doro,      Igbaja Theological College       African Missionary Society formed
  Sudan is bombed by Italian air     opens in Nigeria, SIM’s first    by SIM missionaries and Nigerian
  force, killing Dr Robert Grieve    formal training institution.     pastors. Later becomes the Evangelical
  and his wife Claire.                                                Missionary Society.
Give thanks for Walter                                                Mission workers
                                            Praise God for 150
            Gowans, Rowland                                                   sent from the UK are
                                          mission workers sent
          Bingham and Thomas                                                involved in 96 different
                                          from the UK who are
         Kent, SIM founders who                                             ministries and God is at
                                        serving in 31 countries.
        had the pioneering vision                                           work! Pray for spiritual
                                        It’s the highest number
           to take the gospel to                                             breakthroughs in 2018
                                         of UK workers in eight
        sub-Saharan Africa. Pray                                           that will see many more
                                         years! Pray with us for
        with us for more pioneer                                           coming to a living faith in
                                            still more in 2018.
               missionaries.                                                      Jesus Christ.

          45 per cent of                                                            God has opened
        new workers sent                                                          the door for short-

         by UK churches                                                             term SIM teams
         in the last year                                                           to go to the Silk
           are engaged                                                             Road, Greece and

         with ministries                                                             Ghana in 2018.
          that focus on                                                              Pray these will
          communities                                                              be full of people
         where Christ is                                                           ready to seek his
          least-known.                                                               call to mission.

        Give thanks for our three Immerse mission        Kenyan Daphne is with Niddrie Church,
          interns — Emily, Claire and Eleanor —          Edinburgh on our Engage programme.
         who are now well into their mentored              Give thanks for this partnership and
           placements. Pray for interested and            pray for six more overseas workers to
        enthusiastic applicants for Immerse 2018.             serve the UK church in 2018.

          Give thanks for the          Our #HowWillTheyHear                 Praise God for all the
        300 churches that have          campaign has reached                mission workers who
         connected with us in             200,000 people. Give             have shared the gospel
        the last year, either by         thanks and pray some              over the last 125 years,
         sending a worker or           would be willing to serve           whether through SIM or
        supporting SIM’s work.          refugees and migrants.                 other agencies.


     1949                                           1952
     SIM International                              SIM starts work in Eritrea and stays
     Council formed.                                until 1975. There was a return from
                                                    1991–2006 and radio ministry still
                                                    continues from nearby countries.

                                      10 mission
                                                     (and what we can
                                                      learn from them)

                                                                        By Steve Smith, UK Director

T    his year we not only want to celebrate
     125 years of pioneering mission, we
want to recognise and confess that we have
                                                 ministries to give us their views on where they
                                                 think this has been the case.
                                                   Looking at their responses through the lens
made mistakes.                                   of scripture, I’ve picked out 10 major mistakes
   There have been times when we’ve failed       — detailed on the next three pages — which
to live up to our vision, purpose, mission and   have, on occasions, rendered our ministries
core values.                                     ineffective and which we must guard against.
   As I thought about our birthday, I asked a       I don’t want these to discourage any of
number of our members involved in church         us, but rather inspire us to keep Christ at the
planting teams and church-strengthening          centre of all we do and trust in him.           13

1958                                                            1964
Americans Howard and Wanda                                      Salim Tannous from Lebanon
Jones are first non-white people to                             is SIM’s first Arab missionary,
become SIM associate members.                                   serving as an Arabic broadcaster
They serve for 10 years.                                        at Radio ELWA
      Mistake 1
      Depending on our resources
      instead of God
                                                   el in
       Whether we’ve been sharing the gosp
            mun  ities whe re Chri st is least-kno wn for
                                      by  chur ches , the
       decades or are newly sent
                         ys  to lean  first on our  own
       tendency is alwa
       resources, education or experience.
                                                      of the
       All us missionaries believe in our need
                                            to rely on  him.
        Spirit’s work, yet we often fail
                                                us we
        Without Christ’s Spirit at work among
                                      . We need  to
        will not see the glory of God
                          s and our team s repe ated ly
        remind ourselve
                   t from the bran ch, we can do
        that, apar
        nothing of any worth.

      Mistake 2
      When we stop using God’s
      word as our means of mission
      Since we’re committed to Biblical truth
                                              , it              Mistake 3
      may seem strange that teams can try
      disciples without depending on God
                                            to make             When we follow Christ
                                                                through mono-cultural eyes
                                          ’s Spirit
      through his word.
      But that happens if our multi-skilled
                                             teams               Our primary concern is to introduce
      give time to good activities, without
                                             making              communities to the person of Jesus but
                                                                                                   see   the worl d
      clear our intention to share the good
                                              news of            must always be aware that we
      Jesus in a language people can unde                        through a particula r cultu ral lens.
                                                                                                           al identity
      We’ve even been guilty of assumin
                                          g people               To discover a multi-ethnic evangelic
                                                                                mus  t listen to  God  ’s word   and
     don’t want to hear Biblical truth, whe
                                               n that            in mission we
     is the very thing they most need to                                the brea dth of  cultu ral dive rsity  to
                                           hear.                  allow
                                                                  contribute to our disciple-making.
     If our disciple-making is to be effe
                                          ctive, we                                                        always
     must learn that communicating the
                                             Biblical             An open heart, with an open Bible, will
                                                                                      in the love of Christ
     gospel goes hand-in-hand with lear
                                            ning a                be open to growing
     new culture and language.                                    through the eyes of those we live amo

                                  1965                                          1967
                                  ELWA Hospital open in Liberia with 45         SIM’s first Asian missionary,
                                  beds. Liberian Clara Blaine Wilson is         Japanese Michika Aoba, serves
                                  the first African to become a member          in Nigeria.
                                  of SIM.
Mistake 5
                                                           When we fail to appreciate
                                                           the strength of diverse teams
                                                            As one SIM colleague put it: “We say
                                                           will be more effective in ministry as
                                                           incorporate the richness of cultural
                                                           in SIM and celebrate our oneness in
                                                                                                  Christ but
                                                           I’m not sure we really believe that.”
                                                          However, there is no doubt that strat
                                                          works — look at SIM’s team in South
                                                          where Ethiopians cycle 20km to reac
                                                                                                h out
                                                          to displaced people from Sudan, who
                                                         Muslims with no knowledge of Christ.
                                                         New churches have begun as a resu
                                                                                                 lt of this
                                                         witness but it takes the support of
                                                                                               the whole
                                                         team to persevere in the work.

                                                           Mistake 6
                                                           When we serve from strength,
                                                           rather than weakness
                                                                                                       e in
 Mistake 4                                                 Mission workers can sometimes arriv
                                                                  ign cultu  re and expe ct ever  ythin g to
                                                           a fore
 Showing Christ’s compassion                               work well, simply because      they   have  enou  gh
 without speaking of him                                                        been well -pre pare  d. The
                                                           money and have
 Just as Jesus cared for the sick, suffering               reality can be very different.
                                             and                                                       find a
 marginalised, so he commands his follo
                                            wers to        One family spent two years trying to
love our neighbours. Jesus calls us to                             to live, beca use they  did  not have   the
                                         act justly        plac e
                                                                                         ugh  that  they   were
and love mercy in communities where
                                           he is            right paperwork. But thro
least-known.                                                brought into contact with countless
                                                            who   had   not hear d the gosp  el.
Our good works of mercy must neve
                                     r replace                                                        lems was
telling people of God’s mercy to us in
                                       Jesus.               The way they dealt with their prob
Fruitful workers do not imagine peop                         a powerful witness.
                                     le will                                                       rly
become disciples simply by seeing or
                                     receiving               We must never forget that we are utte
                                                                                         er com es only
compassion — let us love people in
                                   Christ’s                  powerless and that the pow
name and speak about Christ’s gosp
                                    el truth.                from God’s Spirit at work within us.

                               1969                                               1975
                               Ken and Mervina Sharpe                             On June 3, 26-year-old Australian
                               are first people of African                        doctor Doug Hill is stabbed to
                               descent to join SIM as ‘career’                    death in Markan, Ethiopia. The
                               missionaries. From Jamaica,                        leader of SIM’s Emergency Relief
                               they become members in                             Team in the Ogaden, Hill was
                               Canada and serve in Nigeria.                       killed by a Somali.
      Mistake 7                                         Mistake 9
      When we think we know                             When we stop asking for
      more than we do                                   prayers of those at home
                                                       God’s mission cannot be accomplished
      We must always act with humility and                                                      by
                                                       just the relatively small number of peop
      never with arrogance.                                                                     le
                                                       sent by churches; it requires the who
      We must be quick to learn from the               Christian community to empower that
      people we are serving and slow to                work through prayer.
      presume we are qualified teachers.
                                                       Communicating prayer needs is vital
      One SIM worker thought if he learnt              effective ministry — how can peop
                                               e the
      enough language and culture to shar              pray if they do not know what they
                             g peop le to  Chri st.
       gospel he would brin                            should pray for?
                   whe n he liste ned to  peop  le’s
       It was only
                                                  t    Writing prayer requests can sometim
       problems that he learned how to poin                                                   es
                              Scripture .              feel like a chore or a burden, but build
       them to the Christ of                                                                    ing
                                                       and maintaining that relationship with
        As one experienced worker put it: “The         supporters is part of ministry.
        most productive thing I can do is have
                 post ure as I pres ent the word of
        God for consideration.”                         Mistake 10
                                                        When we put our ministry
      Mistake 8
                                                        above greater gospel need
      When we stop equipping                                                                    pe
                                                        The refugee and migrant crisis in Euro
      local churches                                    and the Mid dle  East has reve aled a huge
      The church is central to God’s mission            gospel need.
      strategy but sometimes we have wron
                                             gly        Until recently, SIM had few opportu
     prioritised our ministries over the cent                              and  refu gees and  it
                                              ral       to serve migrants
     work of gathered local believers.                  would have   been  easy  to say that  we
     We always need to ask ourselves: Doe                should leave such work to other peop
     the way we do mission serve the chur
                                             ch          Instead, we’ve put our full weight behi
     or limit the church?                                                               paig n, a glob  al
                                                         the #HowWillTheyHear cam
                                                                             een miss  ion  agen  cies  to
     In the Middle East, many of our work                collaboration betw
                                           ers                                                    gees.
     are serving as church members, offer                take the gospel to migrants and refu
     advice, training and assistance to deve
                                             lop          Unless we respond to our times, the
                                                                                                   t to
     the church.                                          ministries God gives us will not adap
                                                          serve the greater gosp el need  .

                       1976                                                    1978
                       SIM turns over its work in                              An SIM council is established
                       Nigeria to the Evangelical                              in France. First SIM
                       Church of West Africa. All                              conference on the use of
                       missionaries now report                                 computers within SIM.
                       to ECWA.
125 Years READING
By Prayer — more than
just a slogan for SIM
By Linda Hunt
                     R    etired missionary nurses Joan
                          Tresidder and Jan Matthews
                     know the power of prayerful people
                                                             Lord’s hand upon us; like when a plane
                                                             would turn up just as an emergency
                                                             patient needed to be taken to town,
                     supporting them as they serve.          or the provision of personnel. We
                        Prayer lies at the heart of          know it didn’t just happen.”
                     everything Serving In Mission does         Jan, who retired in 2013, is still
                     and that is just as true today as it    in contact with Mukinge Hospital,
                     was when we started in the 1890s.       Zambia, and regular updates from
                        During their combined 80 years of    there help fuel the group’s prayers.
                     service in Zambia and elsewhere, Joan      Joan said: “We pray for people with
                     and Jan often saw the Lord at work.     whom we have a close relationship
                        Joan, who now runs a prayer group    and who we can pray intelligently
                     in Reading, said: “When there were      for. We have prayer links to Zambia,
                     emergencies in Zambia, we knew the      Malawi, South Africa and south Asia.”
                                                                New members are always welcome
                                                             and a couple have joined only recently.
                                                                Joan said: “It’s been lovely getting
                                                             to know the parents of a missionary
                                                             family serving in south Asia. It’s
                                                             helpful to build a picture of an area
                                                             of ministry we don’t know so much
                                                             about and to pray into the joys and
                                                             the challenges.”
                                                                 If you’d like to join, or start, an SIM
                                                             prayer group email linda@sim.co.uk.

 Out now! Our anniversary book
  We’ve published a wonderful history of Serving In Mission
  to celebrate our 125th birthday.
     Written by SIM worker Gary Corwin and filled with historic pictures,
  the 480-page By Prayer To All the Nations gives a fascinating insight into
  our work and some of the major turning points in our history. If you’d
  like a copy for just £15 plus p&p please email Tim Allan (tim@sim.co.uk).

      1982                                                         1989
      Andes Evangelical Mission                                    International Christian Fellowship
      merges with SIM. AEM began                                   merges with SIM. ICF was formed from
      as the Bolivia Indian Mission                                two missions which worked in Ceylon
      in 1907.                                                     (now Sri Lanka), south India and the
                                                                   Philippines from the 1890s.

     God is helping
     me build good
     relationships in
     a tough
     Title   place
     It’s very hard to share the gospel in places where no
     one has heard of Jesus. That was true for our founding
     fathers and it’s still true today. This story has been

     written by one of our workers in central Asia, who
     has been living there for a little over a year and is
     concentrating on slowly building relationships, while
     working out how best to tell people about Jesus.

                          I have many interesting
                            conversations with the people
                          we meet, especially the drivers
                                                                  tourists, we were approached by
                                                                  numerous people on the street.
                                                                     Eventually, one new acquaintance
                          who take us around the region.          insisted that we go to her home the
                            After peppering me with questions     next day, even though it was several
                          for hour after hour, one man finally    hours’ drive away. Her persistence
                          declared: “If everyone was like you,    was unmatched.
                          there would be no wars in the world!       By 10pm that night, less than two
                          There wouldn’t be the need for          hours after our first meeting, she
                          country borders or for wars.”           had become the fastest person to
                            On one journey, while I was taking    have told me she loved me!
18                        an evening walk in town with visiting      The following day, she had

     1993                                                                    1995
     The Evangelical Church of West Africa commissions Rev.                  An SIM council is established in
     Sunday and Mrs. Grace Bwanhot, Rev. Simon and Mrs.                      Indonesia, the largest Muslim
     Ruth Tako, and Dr. Joshua and Dr. Joanna Bogunjoko to                   country on earth, and fieldwork
     serve as missionaries. General Director Jim Plueddemann                 follows in 2011.
     and other SIM missionaries take part in this event.
Please pray
                                                                 ●●Give thanks for all the
                                                                   workers who have
                                                                   shared Jesus in Asia.
                                                                ●●For God’s word to
                                                                   spread among the huge
                                                                   numbers of people who
                                                                  have never heard of
                                                                  Jesus in central Asia.
                                                                ●●For many more
                                                                  courageous workers
                                                                  to be raised up for
                                                                  this challenging but
                                                                  rewarding long-term
                                                                  mission work.
                                                                ●●For all the workers in
                                                                  central Asia to build
                                                                  good, firm friendships
                                                                 with local people, who
                                                                 might then be inspired
                                                                 to ask questions about
                                                                 faith, about belief and
                                                                 about who God is.

assembled a houseful of people           and commented on by people living
milling about to throw us a feast. So    nearby, when some visiting tourists
many of them showed us great acts        who were concerned about my
of kindness, both in word and deed.      short-term lack of access to water,
   On walks to and from the              carried water to my home.
workplace, people continue to              This type of expression of love
stop me, asking if they can talk for     means something here, and I thank
a while. These are tremendous            the Lord for visiting folks like this,
blessings of love showered upon me.      ready to display it in action.             Want to serve
                                                                                    in Asia?
   I pray that I can reciprocate their     The bottom line is that I really          See pages 26-27
love through his God’s spirit in me.     can’t wait to see what God has
   One visible act of love was noticed   coming up next.                                               19

  1996                                                                 1997
  SIM International sends its                                          SIM starts work in China and
  first emailed prayer bulletin to                                     an SIM council is established
  sending offices.                                                     in Korea.
125 Years EGYPT
    The challenges of
    sharing the gospel
    with people who do
    not know Jesus have
    barely changed in 125
    years. Here, one of
                                            One sugar
    our gospel workers in
    Egypt shares what he
    has learned.
                                            cube helps
          When I first came to
          Egypt, I was passionate
                                            the gospel
                                            taste sweet
   for the salvation of Muslims
   and I still am.
      As soon as I rented my first
   flat in Cairo, I went looking for
   Muslims to befriend in order
   to give them the good news.
      I found it much easier than      giving mental assent to the          dependent culture. It was a
   I thought it would be and           truths of Christianity is many       local pastor who first tried to
   before I knew it I was part of a    times easier than taking             explain this to me.
   group of friends who met daily      the step to profess Jesus as            I met him on my second day
   outside the grocery store.          Lord and enter into Christian        in Cairo, many years ago. He
      In the evening, we went          fellowship with others —             asked me to attend the church
   to the coffee house to play         and neither of these are the         and when he learned of the
   backgammon and share meals.         biggest obstacle.                    burden to share my faith with
       Conversation flowed                The biggest obstacle does         Muslims, he was overjoyed.
   and religion was one of the         not even exist in the mind of a         Then he warned me: “A
   favourite topics. I heard           person from an independent           Muslim in Egypt who professes
   endless presentations about         culture, which makes it all the      faith in Jesus Christ as Saviour
   why I should be a Muslim and        more difficult to explain to         and God is like a box of sugar
   I had many opportunities to         most Western people.                 cubes. The sugar cubes are put
   share the message of eternal           The biggest obstacle is the       in his box by many different
   life through faith in Jesus.        sheer terror of finding oneself      Christians who, in one small
      In my many years of sharing      without a community, the             way after another, complete
   my faith here, I have observed      broader ‘family’ that is the air     the picture of the gospel, and
20 that, for an Egyptian Muslim,       a person breathes in an inter-       a full sugar cube box is his

    1998                                                                  2002
    Africa Evangelical Fellowship                                         Bryan Davidson
    merges with SIM. AEF was itself                                       and Tripp Johnston
    formed out of mergers of several                                      found Sports
    agencies dating back to 1889.                                         Friends in the USA.
Please pray
                                                                       ●●For Egyptian churches
                                                                         to provide a ‘family’ for
                                                                         new believers.
                                                                       ●●For more workers to
                                                                         be raised up to serve in
                                                                         the Middle East.
                                                                       ●●Forour workers to stay
                                                                        safe as they minister in
                                                                        dangerous places.

                                                                       which I have the joy of adding
                                                                       a sugar cube to their box.
                                                                          One day it is at work, on
                                                                       another with the grocer, or
                                                                       the barber, or the taxi driver,
                                                                       or with friends of friends.
                                                                          Sometimes we discover we
                                                                       agree about something, or I
 readiness to tell someone that     session. Just as that pastor       learn something from them, or
 he has put his trust in Christ.”   warned, giving the entire          I am led to explain something
    I continued to ‘make the        gospel in one go, when that        about the gospel. Then we
 most of every opportunity’         has not been requested, is         carry on with our lives, and I
 but a seed of discouragement       counter-productive.                trust the Holy Spirit.
 took root. Although we were          As God brings me across             I’ve been here long enough
 having amazing conversations,      someone’s path, I have             to realise and admit that my
 I had yet to see any personal      an opportunity to be and                      role is to support
 movement toward Jesus.             speak part of the                      in     and encourage my
    Eventually, I left the          message of his          Want to serve ?        Egyptian Christian
                                                            the M iddle Ea st
 neighbourhood but changed          love in Jesus Christ, See pages 26-27          friends, who
 my approach to evangelism.         but then it is best                            are wisely and
    The imam at a local mosque      to leave that person in his        compassionately gathering
 has been a supplier for our        hands to be brought across my former Muslim followers of
 business for more than 20          path again or that of another      Christ into robust fellowships.
 years. He has heard the            Christian, each of us led by the      I’m more and more content
 basics from us all but we          Holy Spirit.                       to be one part of this body
 have never explained to him          I now have many wonderful that Christ is using to build
 the gospel from A to Z in one      encounters with Muslims in         his church here.                21

2006                                                               2008
SIM establishes a sending office                                   Communications coordinator Steve
in South America, known as OCLA                                    Knight sends the first SIM International
(Oficina de Conexion de Latina                                     ‘tweet’.
125 Years BOLIVIA
    P   ioneering mission comes
        in all shapes and sizes —
   just ask Jonny Anderson, who
   has spent the last three years
   learning the South American
   language Quechua.
      Serving In Mission started
   by taking the gospel to those
   who had never heard it, but a
   key part of today’s strategy is
   helping those who have met
   Jesus become good disciples.
      Jonny, sent by St Nicholas
   Church, Tooting, knows
   there is a desperate need for                      speaks
                                                      up for
   Quechua churches to hear
   Christ-centred preaching in
   their own language.
      He explained: “Two million

   Bolivians have Quechua as
   their first language. To explain
   the gospel, you really need to
   do it Quechua.”
      Jonny (far right) lives with
   wife Olga, and two of their                        By Tim Allan
   three children — seven-year-
   old Joanna and six-year-old
   Jonah. Their nine-year-old
   son Joel is at boarding school      or preach in Spanish, you are      those with special knowledge.”
   in England, close to Jonny’s        using the language of the             Jonny ‘s two key preaching
   parents in Somerset.                education system, so people        techniques are the narrative
      Near Jonny’s home in Sucre,      feel they are being taught         sermon and the white board
   is a small Quechua church.          rather than discipled.             with stick men.
   Most of the 50 or so adult             “But the gospel is all about       In the sermon, Jonny goes
   members are aged around 30,         relationship with Jesus. By        through a Bible story and then
   with a slightly older leadership.   using the Quechua heart            applies it to the lives of those
      Several people have              language, I can emphasise that     in the congregation.
   recently been baptised but          and it is easier to show Christ       He also encourages others
   the continuing challenge is to      is part of everyday life, rather   to give their testimony and
   ensure they are well-discipled.     than just for Sunday; and that     helps them understand how
22    Jonny said: “If you teach        Christ is for everyone, not just   Jesus met people like them

                2013                                          2014
                Joshua Bogunjoko becomes International        Ebola outbreak in Liberia
                Director, the first African to hold the       infects SIM workers Rick
                position. Joshua was brought up in a          Sacra and Nancy Writebol,
                Nigerian SIM church and served as an          attracting worldwide
                EMS mission worker.                           media attention.
Please pray
                                                                            ●●For Jonny to be
                                                                              encouraged by the
                                                                              sermons he preaches
                                                                             and for those who hear
                                                                             them to be challenged
                                                                             by the word of God.
                                                                           ●●For Jonny to be diligent
                                                                             and persistent in
                                                                             learning the language
                                                                             and willing to take
                                                                             some risks for the sake
                                                                             of the gospel.
                                                                           ●●For the family, as they
                                                                             adjust to life with Joel
                                                                             now at boarding school
                                                                            in England.

(rich man, poor man, ill             repent and find forgiveness.”       you, he will enable you to get
person, etc).                           To do that effectively, Jonny    through the language-learning
   By using a white board and        knows he needs to improve his       and you’ll be motivated.”
stick men, he can go through         Quechua still further — and            Jonny’s Quechua preaching
a Bible story visually, which        longs for other people to join      is taking pioneering mission to
is especially effective in a         him in the work.                    new levels.
primarily oral culture.                 He said: “After three years         Our founding fathers would
   Jonny, who has just started       of learning the language, I’m       perhaps have been happy
preaching in Quechua, said:          just about able to preach in        to explain the gospel and
“The big challenge is to put         church but it is still tough. I’d   move on; now the aim is to
Christ at the centre of the          say I was a beginner in the         ensure people hear the gospel
Quechua church, so that              advanced class.                     and then build a lifelong
people understand the need to           “But if God is really calling    relationship with Jesus.        23

2015                                                          2018
SIM’s new governance structure gives                          The SIM family of more than 4,000
equal weight to all countries, not just                       workers celebrates 125 years of
the traditional sending countries.                            pioneering gospel mission across
                                                              the world.

How we’re
our teams
to stay safe
in a crisis
By Tim Allan

G    od’s global mission can
     sometimes expose our
workers to real risk but we
                                    today. Walter Gowans and
                                    Thomas Kent died of malaria
                                    soon after arriving in Africa;
                                                                      Key features
                                                                      ●● Online security training
are determined to do all we         our modern workers have              available to all SIM
can to minimise it with a           faced the ravages of ebola.          workers (including
project called Mission:Secure.         Our founding fathers faced        short-term and official
   The history of mission is full   hostile foes; last year mission      visitors). Allows us to
of people who gave their lives      workers were killed in Nigeria,      require security training
for the gospel, including two       not far from where Serving           for anyone functioning in
of the three founding fathers       In Mission was born, while           SIM capacity.
of Serving In Mission.              another is still being held       ●● Subsidised training in
   But none of them set out         captive in Burkina Faso.             crisis management.
with that intention, most of           Mission:Secure, which          ●● Training of trainers who
them were fully aware of the        is being run by SIM’s head           can carry lessons into
risks they faced and did not        of crisis management Nate            wider SIM community.
under-estimate those risks.         Killoren, is designed to equip    ●● Scholarships for SIM
   We want today’s mission          our workers with the tools           workers who need
workers to be in exactly the        they will need to stay safe in       training to provide better
same position.                      crisis situations.                   crisis care (including
   In many ways, the risks             The intention is to help          trauma first aid, family
faced by workers 125 years          those offices which send             liaison, debriefing and
ago are exactly the same as         mission workers carry out their      media training).
the risks our workers face          duty of care.
Welcome                                           Matt Stone
                                                 Church: Barnabas

new SIM                                          Community Church,
                                                 Where will you be serving?

We’ve got five new workers heading out into
                                                 Lima, Peru.
                                                 What will you be doing? I
                                                 will be working with Sports
                                                 Friends to further the name of Jesus in
global mission, so please keep them in your      the region. My role will be to work with
prayers as they settle into their new roles      the local church, discipling, mentoring and
and seek to make disciples of the Lord Jesus     teaching coaches.
Christ among people who do not know him.         Pray: For the provision of financial support
                                                 to enable me to go and for good language
   Johanna Fischer                               learning because all interaction with the
                                                 coaches is in Spanish!
  Church: EGHN Miehlen, Germany.
  Where will you be serving? Johannesburg,
  South Africa.                                   Joan Sanderson
  What will you be doing? Working at             Church: Duns and District
  an orphanage, supporting children and          Parishes.
  godparents and being a
  mentor and friend to young                     Where will you be
  adults from the surrounding                    serving? Namibia
                                                 Evangelical Theological
  informal settlements.
                                                 Seminary in Windhoek.
  Pray: That I will keep my
                                                 What will you be doing?
  eyes focused on Jesus in the
                                                 Six-month maternity cover
  midst of preparations. Pray
                                                 for the librarian.
  that all will come together
  for his glory.                                 Pray: That I will learn quickly, work hard
                                                 and be a blessing to many.

   Mark & Lorraine
   Armstrong                                      Ben Moore
                          Church: Bethany        Church: Christchurch, Southampton.
                          Baptist, Bangor,       Where will you be serving? Mukinge,
                           Northern Ireland.     Zambia.
                           Where will you be     What will you be doing? Serving in the
                           serving? Zimbabwe.    missionary hospital in Mukinge as part of
                           What will you be      my medical elective and also serving with
  doing? Initially based in the UK, we will      the missionary team in the village.
  travel regularly to Zimbabwe to be involved    Pray: That God will prepare
  in discipleship and leadership training.       my heart to serve him and
  Primarily, we will be focusing on a Pastor     share his gospel while in
  Book-set ministry.                             Zambia. That preparations
  Pray: That God will be glorified in all that   will go smoothly and that
  we do and give us patience and wisdom as       I’ll pass my finals exams so
  we raise support.                              I can actually go!

                                              two years plus
                                              People in the remote
                                              communities of the
                                              Cotahuasi Canyon
                                              region of the Andes
                                              are responding well
 Vet                                          to the gospel. We are
 Nigeria, two years plus                      looking for people
                                              to live and work in
 Could you use your veterinary skills to      these communities,
 help reach the largest nomadic people        nurturing and helping
 group in Nigeria? You would administer       disciple new Christians
 vaccination programmes, build a Christian    into churches. You
 veterinary network and train others while    would also share the
 building long-lasting relationships in the   gospel with those who
 wider community.                             have never heard it.

Do you want to
                   two years plus
                   Do you have Arabic,
                   Farsi or Dari language
                   skills? Are you able
                   to be sensitive and
                   show compassion?
                   Your skills are urgently
                   needed to minister to
                                              Project Coordinator
                   refugees and migrants,     South Asia, two years plus
                   sharing God’s love and     Help people around the world pray for
                   gospel hope in several     the work in south Asia and support
                   locations in Germany.      gospel-centred projects by writing reports
                   You would be working       and prayer letters to inform. You will visit,
                   alongside members of       evaluate and develop projects and train a
                   the local church.          local person to help you.

Aircraft maintenance
 South Sudan, two years
 Do you have the skills to keep our South
 Sudan team mobile as they share God’s
 word and build the church? You would
 have the opportunity to build into the
 lives of local people by passing on your
 skills and sharing your faith.

                                              Business entrepreneur
                                              Asia, two years plus
                                              Do you have the skills to establish and
                                              run an entrepreneurial business, as well
                                              as the desire to see communities who
                                              have never heard the name of Jesus hear
                                              and respond to the gospel message? If so,
                                              we’d love to hear from you!

                                            We have hundreds of opportunities and
                                            these are just a few. Go to sim.co.uk/
                                            opportunities to find more, or contact
                                            info@sim.co.uk to talk things through

 Language and culture                         Middle/
 learning                                     Upper
 Middle East, two years plus                  school
 Do you have a passion for learning new       teacher
 languages and for sharing the good           North Africa,
 news with friends? If God has placed the
 Middle East on your heart, this could be
                                              two years plus
 your first step to long-term ministry.       If you are qualified
                                              to teach English,
                                              history, maths or
                                              science, your skills
                                              could help mission
                                              workers stay on the
                                              field as you provide
                                              a quality Christian
                                              education for their
                                              children through
                                              a home-school

May 10, 2018
                         Join us at a special London event
                          to mark our 125th anniversary
W      e’re putting on a
       special celebration in
London on May 10 to mark
                                  alumni programme this year,
                                  designed to help our mission
                                  workers stay better connected
                                                                    to stay involved with SIM,
                                                                    whether you are a former
                                                                    worker or a long-term
our 125th birthday — and          with us, with each other and      supporter. We’ve picked out
we’d love you to be there.        with the places they served in    four below.
  We’ll have more details         when they return home.              If you’d like to know more
soon but put the date in your       We’ll put on more alumni        about our anniversary event
diary now — we’d like as          events later this year and give   on May 10 or our alumni
many SIM-connected people         updates about our work by         programme please email
as possible to be there.          email and on social media.        Amelia Catling (amelia@sim.
  We’re also starting a new         There are loads of ways         co.uk) for details.

  Laura gives                                        Sarah has a
  us her time                                        marathon task
  Laura McMaster, who served                         ‘God willing, I’m taking on
  in Nigeria as a nurse, is now                      the challenge of running the
  a mother of three and a                            blustery hills of Anglesey in
  a key member of Serving In Mission’s               a marathon this month (January) after
  Irish Council. She is a great advocate for         training for about four months. I’m running
  SIM within her church and has helped               to raise money for Sports Friends Malawi,
  recruit two nurses to go out short-term            a ministry of Serving In Mission, where I
  to Madagascar. She also helps with                 volunteered last year and saw the the huge
  interviews with prospective workers,               gospel impact the team is having.’
  debriefs and organising events.                                                  Sarah Haddow

  Jon’s a great                                      Brave Pat is
  People person                                      walking tall
  Jon Nurse did two associate                        Pat Morgan is a very
  trips to Burkina Faso and is                       determined woman — and
  now a communications officer                       a very good fund-raiser for
  at Southampton University. He is also a            Serving In Mission!
  key member of Serving In Mission’s People             She served as a nurse and midwife
  Committee, a sub-committee of our                  in Ethiopia and Niger for more than 25
  board of trustees which is responsible for         years. Despite suffering a stroke in 2008,
  ensuring we’ve got the right people and            she has walked to raise money for Serving
  policies in place so that we can take good         In Mission UK and Danja Hospital, Niger
  care of our workers.                               every year since 2010.

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