Highlight Business in the - MSB Solicitors presents

Page created by Florence Chang
Highlight Business in the - MSB Solicitors presents
Issue 1 Spring 2021

MSB Solicitors presents

Highlight                                                                    Business in the
                                                                             community of Liverpool

     Communities in action                 Home is where the heart is                  Spotlight
Showcasing the charities across our city   The vibrant independent culture   Discussing the impact of mental
 region doing incredible things in their      making our city what it is.        health in the workplace
             communities.                                                         with business leaders.
Highlight Business in the - MSB Solicitors presents
Issue 1 Spring 2021

            04                                  07
          Welcome                           Making waves
     Emma Carey, Managing               An interview with Jordan
    Partner at MSB Solicitors          Wright, Managing Director at
                                           Little League Sports

            10                                  14
 Communities in action                 Delivering excellence
    Showcasing the Anthony               The impact of Brexit on
      Walker Foundation                        Family Law

            16                                  22
Home is where the heart is           Kickstarting careers and
 The vibrant independent culture    helping businesses recover
    making our city what it is
                                   Boosting employment prospects during
                                       the challenges of a pandemic

            24                                  26
 Buying a house needs a                    Spotlight on...
    bespoke service                       Mental health in the
  Providing safe places during
        uncertain times

Highlight Business in the - MSB Solicitors presents
MSB Solicitors - Highlight                                                                                                   Issue 1 Spring 2021

                                                                                                   ‘‘It has been humbling
                                                                                                   and heart-warming to
                                                                                                   see communities coming
                                                                                                   together to support one

                    To the first edition of Highlight – a magazine created
                       to showcase the very best of our communities.

                   As we started this year, it’s safe to   Highlight has been designed to
                   say we have all been hoping for a       provide our city region’s individuals
                   better one. The past 12 months have     and businesses who have done just
                   brought with them challenges that       that with a platform to showcase
                   none of us could have predicted         the fantastic work they are
                   and lives have been impacted in         doing, and to shine a light on the
                   ways that we could never have           incredible things happening on our
                   imagined.                               doorstep.

                   Despite facing unprecedented            We’ll hear from businesses large
                   adversity, so many have proven          and small across a whole host
                   themselves to be unbelievably           of sectors, as well as amazing
                   resilient, adapting wherever            charities that do so much for their
                   possible and coming out of the          communities and have been so
                   other side stronger than ever. It has   pivotal not just over the past year,
                   been humbling and heart-warming         but always.
                   to see communities coming together
                   to support one another, whether         We hope you enjoy the first edition
                   through lending a hand to a             of Highlight magazine. If you want
                   neighbour, choosing to shop locally,    to find out more about anything
                   signing petitions or supporting         featured in this edition, or if you’d
                   independent businesses.                 like to be part of the next one,
                                                           please get in touch. We would love
                                                           to hear from you.

                                                    Thank you.

                                              Emma Carey,
                                             Managing Partner
                                              MSB Solicitors

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Highlight Business in the - MSB Solicitors presents
Issue 1 Spring 2021

                       Making waves
                                       An Interview with Jordan Wright

We’re fortunate to have a huge number of incredible          The pair started with one coaching class with 30
people in our city region, who are having a significant      children, and soon became a market leading sixth form
impact on their communities and are making a                 education provider.
                                                             Over the past twelve years, LLS had an impact on
Jordan Wright is one of these people. The 33-year-old        thousands of young people, many whom have gone on
has built an incredible career as Managing Director at       to have incredibly successful careers.
Little League Sports (LLS) and Your Tour, Director of the
Steven Gerrard Academy and Fellow of Liverpool Hope          We spoke to Jordan about his journey so far and what is
University Business School.                                  next for LLS...

It all started in 2008, when Jordan and his school friend,
Joe Mulhearn invested their student loans into making
their dream of creating a sports coaching company a

Highlight Business in the - MSB Solicitors presents
MSB Solicitors - Highlight                                                                                                                                                                                           Issue 1 Spring 2021

What is your background?                 What is your role at LLS?             What are some of your most
                                                                               significant milestones?
I graduated from Liverpool Hope          As Managing Director and co-
University in 2009 with a degree         founder I’m in charge of overseeing   Collaborating with LFC Foundation
in Childhood, Youth & Education          certain LLS programmes and            in 2012 was a big step for us as it
and was very proud to be made an         constantly try to add value to        allowed us to expand to over 100
Honorary Fellow of the university’s      different parts of the business.      primary schools in the region.
Business School in 2018. I’ve always     It is important to be innovative
been really passionate about             and that is exactly what we are as    In 2015, we were named Business
sport and business and enjoy             a team. This has been especially      of the Year at the Liverpool Echo
supporting the next generation of        important throughout the pandemic     Regional Awards, which was a proud
entrepreneurs.                           to keep our students and the team     moment for the team. In 2016, we
                                         motivated – we’ve needed to be        created Your Tour, the dynamic
                                         fully focused. I spend every day      tourism arm of the business
What does LLS do?                        speaking to the teams across the      which organises trips for sports
                                         country, catching up with students    teams across the world and so far,
LLS trains the next generation of        and working closely with the senior   we’ve welcomed over 180 tours to
sports industry professionals –          team members who lead their areas.    Liverpool.
global coaches, physiotherapists,
teachers and sports analysts to                                                In the same year we launched LLS in
name a few. Through its sixth            What has the organisation’s           Qatar and have grown considerably     How has the pandemic                    Do you feel positive about the         What’s next for LLS?
form courses, young people learn         journey been like so far?             across the UK and Northern Ireland    impacted LLS?                           future?
everything they need to know about                                             since then.                                                                                                          We have many exciting plans for
the industry, and at the end of the      Our journey so far has been an                                              The pandemic was a big challenge        2020 was a hugely challenging year     2021 including the launch of our
two-year course, students are able       exciting and adventurous one: our                                           and had an instant impact on us.        for most, but it’s made us more        first site in the capital, which will
to choose between continuing their       staff and graduates have taught                                             As schools closed and travel was        determined and optimistic than         see our sixth form programme start
education at university, entering full   children around the world, we                                               discouraged, our sixth form courses     ever. We feel reenergised and ready    in schools in London. We also can’t
time employment or becoming a            became Guinness World Record                                                moved to online, and our Your Tour      to enter 2021 with a clear direction   wait to get our tours back running in
coach in one of the LLS destinations     holders for the longest ever non-                                           tourism branch came to an abrupt        of where we’re heading and what we     2021, bigger and better than before.
across the world.                        stop football match, our services                                           halt. Despite the challenges though,    want to achieve.
                                         have been utilised by Premier                                               we took the opportunity to pause                                               As a team, we constantly want to
                                         League Football Clubs and we now                                            and reflect on our work and use the     Joe has grown the sixth form           improve all student experiences
                                         deliver our sixth form courses                                              time to make our programmes even        education programme throughout         and we are passionate about
                                         across England, Wales, Northern                                             stronger for the future. We’re really   the whole of Wales, and we have        making our programmes and their
                                         Ireland, Tenerife and Qatar.                                                proud of the spirit and leadership of   gained more education partners         destinations very successful. There’s
                                                                                                                     our team throughout the pandemic.       across England and Northern            nothing better than seeing students
                                         Joe and I have built an incredible                                                                                  Ireland during the pandemic.           grow and develop into successful
                                         team of over 40 likeminded staff.                                           We also joined forces with the                                                 employment or university-ready
                                         We have created a positive work                                             Steven Gerrard Academy and have         Schools and communities                young adults.
                                         environment and a culture of hard                                           already grown and developed             nationwide need these courses
                                         work and professionalism. We’re                                             programmes with them on                 for young people, and we won’t         We have lots of incredible alumni
                                         really proud of everything we’ve                                            a national and international            let anything get in the way of our     working in all corners of the world
                                         achieved so far.                                                            scale. Watch this space for more        development which is so beneficial     who represent us and themselves
                                                                                                                     developments!                           to participants. We currently have     incredibly well. We are looking
                                                                                                                                                             over 600 full time students and will   forward to moving forward and will
                                                                                                                                                             grow to over 1,000 students in the     continue to help shape the sports
                                                                                                                                                             next 18 months.                        industry professionals of the future.

                                                                                                                                                                                                    To find out more about LLS, visit:

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MSB Solicitors - Highlight                                                                                                                                                                Issue 1 Spring 2021

Communities in action
                             In this feature, we showcase the charities across our
                                                                                                            How do you engage with local
                             city region who are doing incredible things in their                           communities to spread the
                             communities.                                                                   message and educate people?

                             For our first edition, we are focusing on the Anthony Walker Foundation,       The Foundation delivers a number
                             an incredible organisation which tackles racism, hate crime and                of activities to spread the message.
                             discrimination by providing educational opportunities, victim support          We deliver a lot of educational
                             services and by promoting equity and inclusion for all.                        programmes in schools and
                                                                                                            colleges. In 2019 we engaged with
                             We recently spoke to Ben Osu, the Anthony Walker Foundation’s Strategy &       around 10,000 young people in
                             Communications Lead, about the Foundation’s ambitions and how the past         schools and colleges delivering
                             year’s events have impacted their work.                                        education programmes around anti-
                                                                                                            racism, hate crime awareness and
                                                                                                            diversity and inclusion. We support
                                                                    The year 2020 marked the 15th           those who have experienced hate
  Ben Osu,                   How did the Anthony Walker             anniversary of Anthony’s murder         crime through a dedicated helpline/
  Strategic &                Foundation come to be and              and our work is as important now        support service.
  Communications Lead,       what is its ambition?                  as it’s ever been. Last year, the BBC   We have a focus on race and
                                                                    in partnership with local production    religious based hate crimes but
  Anthony Walker             The Anthony Walker Foundation          company, LA Productions, produced       work with partners who specialise in
  Foundation                 was established after the racially     and aired a primetime drama called      offering support to those from the
                             motivated murder of Anthony            ‘Anthony’, which looked at the life     LGBT+ community and those who
                             Walker in Huyton, 2005. The family     he could’ve had – marriage, kids,       experience hate crimes because of
                             didn’t want Anthony’s murder to be     career success – in a bid to show       a disability.
                             just another statistic or for anyone   the real harms of hate.
                             else or another family to go through                                           Anthony had ambitions of being a       We are also currently working in
                             what they have been through, so set                                            lawyer and wanted to go to the US      partnership with social enterprise
                             up the Foundation to help tackle                                               and work in human rights law.          Agent Academy to develop and
                             racism, support those who have                                                 The Foundation, in partnership with    launch a digital hate crime
                             experienced hate crimes and work                                               LJMU and the Crown Prosecution         reporting system and create a
                             with young people and communities                                              Service, set up the Anthony Walker     youth-led hate crime awareness
                             on a number of education                                                       Law Bursary to support those           campaign. The digital platform will
                             initiatives.                                                                   from Black and minority ethnic         allow us to understand the needs
                                                                                                            communities who wanted to enter        of the community and give us a
                                                                                                            the profession. Currently, only        real time look at the situation with
                                                                                                            around 14% of the legal profession     regards to hate crime and allow us
                                                                                                            are made up of people from Black       to provide effective interventions.
                                                                                                            or minority ethnic communities.

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MSB Solicitors - Highlight                                                                                                                                                                                Issue 1 Spring 2021

                                                                                                                                                   from the BAME, LGBT+ or gender         We have some new projects that
‘‘If you witness racism      How has the Black Lives                How do you hope to keep this           What can businesses and                 spectrum communities? Could            we’ll be onboarding in the next year
or any other type of         Matter (BLM) movement                  momentum going?                        individuals in be doing to              you be doing more to increase          or so and have the ambition to help
injustice, call it out.      impacted the Foundation?                                                      make sure our city region is            representation in your organisation?   us have an impact and change lives.
Let people know it’s not                                            We plan to keep our name in            inclusive as possible?                  If your organisation supports local
                             BLM has shone a new light on the       the spotlight and on the tip of                                                charities, maybe look to support       To find out more about the
acceptable and is not        work we do at the Foundation and       people’s tongues by creating           We all have a responsibility to         charity that works in the equalities   Anthony Walker Foundation,
something that will be       brought a new wave of interest.        effective and impactful partnerships   make sure that our city region is       space.                                 its work and how you can show
tolerated in our city        For a long time, we felt like it was   with businesses and employers          an inclusive and safe place to live,                                           your support, visit:
                             struggle to get our voice heard and    across the region. Our work with       work and play. Individuals can do
region.’’                    I know others who work in the same     businesses like MSB is vital to        more by standing up and speaking        What does the future look like
                             field did too.                         keeping Anthony’s legacy alive and     out. If you witness racism or any       for AWF?
                                                                    ensuring our message reaches a         other type of injustice, call it out.
                             BLM, as a movement, has made           wider audience. We’re also looking     Let people know it’s not acceptable     The future for the Anthony
                             me feel like we’re not out there on    into developing some key insight       and is not something that will be       Walker Foundation is very bright.
                             our own anymore. I feel like there     and engagement projects which          tolerated in our city region. Reading   We’re going from strength to
                             is now an army of people from          will enable us to get out into         more and understanding other            strength and the opportunities
                             all backgrounds calling for action     communities to understand what is      cultures is key – pick up a book and    and possibilities ahead of us are
                             against racism. There has been a       going on and let people know we’re     explore opinions and cultures that      very exciting.
                             tremendous amount of interest in       here to support them if they           are different to your own.
                             our Corporate Partnership work         need it.
                             which has opened doors to us                                                  Businesses can play their part
                             working with employers to help                                                by ensuring their teams are
                             create safer and more supportive                                              representative of society. Take
                             workplaces and more and more                                                  a step back and look at your
                             schools are contacting us to run                                              business; are you lacking people
                             educational programmes.

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MSB Solicitors - Highlight                                                                                                                                                                      Issue 1 Spring 2021

Delivering excellence
                             The impact of Brexit on Family Law

                             The world of Family Law is sensitive      In all areas of family law, EU law has   with which other place you have         Just like divorce, the actual law
                             and often complex. No more so             made the greatest difference in the      significant connections. Following      on how financial settlements are
                             have we seen these complexities           area of jurisdiction. That is, setting   Brexit, the main change is the          determined has been a matter for
                             come to the forefront and multiply        the grounds on which a particular        promotion of sole domicile from a       individual member states. Again,
                             than during the past year, with the       country’s courts have power to deal      ground of jurisdiction available only   just like divorce, EU member
                             impact of the Covid-19 pandemic           with a dispute. For cases about          when no other court of a member         states, including the UK, agreed
                             and Brexit causing a huge amount          the upbringing of children, the key      state has jurisdiction. Domicile        a common framework for dealing
                             of change, for people personally          concept is habitual residence. This      is a technical term referring to        with jurisdiction to decide and
                             and in legislation.                       means that the courts in the place       an individual’s connection to a         enforce “maintenance”, or financial
                                                                       where the child has their current        particular legal system. Even if you    provision.
                             Brexit is already having an impact        home will usually settle questions       live and work overseas, a person
                             on people with multinational and          relating to that child’s upbringing.     born in England and Wales may           For the last nine years, we have
                             multi-jurisdictional lifestyles,                                                   retain their domicile here until        used a piece of EU legislation
                             business, family and property             In most cases, deciding on a             they can be considered to be            known as the Maintenance
  Emma Palmer,               interests and with around 3.8             child’s habitual residence is            permanently living in a new country.    Regulation to establish jurisdiction
  Partner and                million EU citizens living in the UK,     straightforward. However, for            Before Brexit, starting divorce         and handle mutual recognition and
                             family law and in particular divorces     those families who split their           proceedings on the basis of one         enforcement of orders made in each
  Emma Carey,                and child arrangement issues, are         time between different locations         party’s domicile alone could carry      member state (except Denmark).
  Managing Partner at        impacted significantly.                   internationally or are in the process    significant disadvantages for the       Now, this is no longer a part of
  MSB Solicitors                                                       of relocating, it can be more            financial settlement they are able      UK law.
                             From divorce and separation with          complicated. This is no more the         to secure. Now, these disadvantages
                             regards to financial settlements,         case than when a parent has taken        are reduced.                            The changes will make financial
                             to the movement of children upon          a child across an international                                                  orders made in the UK more
                             separation, Brexit has affected it all.   boarder against the wishes of or         In some cases, both parties who         complex to enforce and there may
                                                                       without permission from the other.       are eligible to get divorced in         be particular local issues around
                             Before Brexit, the international          This is known as international           different EU member states may          recognition of divorces.
                             agreements that were in place             abduction.                               decide to start proceedings in a
                             to carry out divorces or child                                                     different country. This can cause       What is clear is that both Brexit and
                             arrangements were much more               Up until the end of the Brexit           complications and can lead to a         the resulting effects of the Covid-19
                             co-operative. Now, working with           transition period, EU law largely        jurisdiction “race”. Prior to Brexit    pandemic are causing significant
                             legislation in other countries has        made its presence felt in the area       whoever submitted their application     changes across all aspects of
                             become more complex.                      of jurisdiction. EU member states        first ‘wins’, and the divorce           life, and the law is no exception.
                                                                       including the UK, decided on a           proceedings are carried out in that     Regardless of the changes that will
                             However, although the trade               common framework for deciding            country, post-Brexit it is no longer    come next, Family Law matters are,
                             agreement went right down to the          which territories’ court should          this simple and divorce proceedings     for some people, the hardest time
                             wire, the family law implications         handle certain cases.                    can potentially take place in both      of their lives. Whatever happens,
                             were worked out further in advance                                                 countries with a race to the            we’ll be here to offer guidance and
                             and the shape of things to come           When it comes to divorce, that           finish line.                            support for those who need it.
                             had been known for a few months.          decision would frequently be based
                                                                       on where you live and, sometimes,

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MSB Solicitors - Highlight                                                                                                                                                                        Issue 1 Spring 2021

              Home is where the                                                                    Alpha Cars
                                                                                                   Alpha Cars Liverpool Ltd, launched in the 1980’s, is a private hire and
                                                                                                   taxi operator based across Merseyside. The firm has recently expanded
                                                                                                                                                                                 Do you feel positive about
                                                                                                                                                                                 the future?

                 heart is                                                                          into the delivery market, partnering with other local businesses through
                                                                                                   its new app, Alpha Grab.

                                                                                                   We spoke to Operations Manager, Anthony Bradley.
                                                                                                                                                                                 Honestly, yes, we feel we have
                                                                                                                                                                                 likely been through the worst now
                                                                                                                                                                                 with vaccine announcements and
                                                                                                                                                                                 improving hospital treatments. We
                                                                                                                                                                                 have been able to stay active and
                                                                                                                                                                                 even make improvements to our
                                                                                                                                         We were able to set up all the call     platform during a difficult time and
                      Liverpool is a city that is incredibly proud of its                        How has the pandemic                    centre staff with no associated         have not sat idle or accepted defeat.
                   vibrant culture, with independent businesses, shops,                          impacted your business and              downtime even before the                Our customer app for example
                                                                                                 how have you adapted?                   restrictions took effect so that        was competitive enough to leave
                   cafes, restaurants, florists and everything in between                                                                services could flow as normal, in       as it was, but rather than cut back
                                 making our city what it is.                                     It has been significant, but not        hindsight this was a particular         we’ve invested in it further, allowing
                                                                                                 insurmountable, both during and         comfort to our customers who            customers to select screen fitted
                                                                                                 between lockdowns. The lockdown         are not confident with technology       vehicles for example and made it
                     The past year has been incredibly difficult for so many businesses which    periods restricted movement to          or prefer human interaction as          more card friendly with estimate
                      have been severely impacted by the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.       essential travel only and the other     they did not need to change their       fares. We have renewed confidence
                    We have seen some of our favourite local small businesses invest in health   restrictions during non-lockdown        behaviour when booking. In fact, it’s   that we can push on stronger – not
                    and safety equipment, carry out risk assessments and put social distancing   phases certainly changed the nature     fair to say we have made an extra       only is our customer base is larger
                      measures in place, only to be forced to close a mere few weeks later, in   of business for the majority of 2020.   effort this year to not miss a call.    than ever we are now better suited
                       many cases resulting in job losses and tragically, permanent closure.                                                                                     to meet their requirements.
                                                                                                 We planned an initial response in       The other adaptation we have
                     More than ever, we need to be supporting the businesses and the people      early February once it became clear     utilised well has been with regular
                      who continue to make us proud of the city region we call home. Here,       the virus was easily spread. This       communication. A particular             What’s next for your business?
                          we share just a few businesses who have adapted during this            initial plan involved reducing driver   area of success was with the
                                                challenging time…                                fees to provide financial assistance,   implementation of a web-based           We can’t say too much just now as
                                                                                                 acquiring masks, sanitisers and         driver portal, allowing drivers to      we don’t want to jinx what we have
                                                                                                 temporary screens. Other areas of       engage with the driver liaison          in store! We certainly don’t plan to
                                                                                                 successful adaptations were with        team from the safety of their own       stay quiet. The past has allowed
                                                                                                 utilising our cloud-based dispatch      home. We have to mention MSB’s          us to analyse each layer of the
                                                                                                 system and keeping communication        support here as well, as we have        business and we’ve made notable
                                                                                                 regular and coherent. We invested       taken up their advisory retainer        improvements. We always plan to
                                                                                                 heavily in the past in remote           model, meaning we have a mutually       improve and expand our service.
                                                                                                 capabilities as a possible crisis       beneficial relationship. Chris Hayes
                                                                                                 management tool, hoping it would        and his team have been a steady
                                                                                                 never be needed to a great extent       source of knowledge and have
                                                                                                 but thankfully when we needed it        helped us to adapt even when the
                                                                                                 the system was ready to go.             rules seemed to be evolving daily at
                                                                                                                                         times. Having a communicative and
                                                                                                                                         knowledgeable partner in the MSB
                                                                                                                                         team has been invaluable.

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MSB Solicitors - Highlight                                                                                                                                                                         Issue 1 Spring 2021

‘‘Appreciating this year
has been catastrophic for
some businesses, we are
grateful our customers have
remained loyal to us.’’

                                                                                                       We introduced conference calls
                              Empire Retail Group                How has the pandemic                  for the Store Managers twice           Do you feel positive about the        What’s next for your business?
                              Established in 2005, Empire        impacted your business and            weekly initially, so that we could     future?
                              Retail Group has grown to over     how have you adapted?                 communicate swiftly with them                                                We will continue to stay focused
                              40 stores across the North                                               on any changes to our working          The wider context of “the future”     on ensuring a safe working and
                              West and the East of the UK.       The pandemic has had a significant    practices, the Government’s latest     is starting to become somewhat        shopping environment as we move
                              The organisation is comprised      impact on our business. In            advice and the impact it would have    easier to think about as more         forward. We are pleased to share
                              of Bargain Booze off licences,     anticipation, we started to plan      on us, and also, so we could keep      is understood about the virus         that we are opening two new stores
                              Select Convenience stores          in January 2020 for the potential     them up to date with what we as a      and we are seeing positive news       in early 2021 and moving to new
                              and a Winerack bar and store,      impact of staying open and trading    company were doing to keep them        about vaccines. We do feel very       office premises to support the
                              providing affordable necessities   through, and so as we entered         and our customers safe. To-date, we    positive about the future of Empire   growth and expansion of the group.
                              to the local community 365 days    March and the imminent lockdown,      have spent over £100,000 on PPE to     Retail Group. We have performed       We have also been working in the
                              a year. We heard from People       we had already carried out risk       protect our teams and customers.       well despite the unprecedented        background on a new business
                              Director, Emma Sheridan            assessments on all our stores         We have also sent home face masks      adversity faced, and this is down     venture and our new brand will
                                                                 and established Covid-19 secure       and sanitiser to our teams’ families   to the amazing team we have who       launch online early next year.
                                                                 practices that included mandatory     in the early phase of the pandemic     showed up for us when we and our
                                                                 wearing of face masks or visors. In   (when it was difficult to source       customers needed them to.
                                                                 the early stages of the pandemic,     these items as they were out of
                                                                 we closed two of our more at-risk     stock), to support them maintaining
                                                                 stores for a period of time, whilst   a safe environment for their
                                                                 we learnt to manage the risk before   families too.
                                                                 re-opening both in the summer.
                                                                                                       Appreciating this year has been
                                                                                                       catastrophic for some businesses,
                                                                                                       we are grateful our customers have
                                                                                                       remained loyal to us, with new
                                                                                                       customers being established as
                                                                                                       shopping locally in the community
                                                                                                       has increased, which has helped
                                                                                                       our business stay afloat and
                                                                                                       perform well.

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                                                                                                                                                           How has the pandemic                     As well as having more time to
                                                                                                                                                           impacted your business and               reflect, I have also increased my
                                                                                                                                                           how have you adapted?                    voluntary work. I’ve re-engaged with
                                                                                                                                                                                                    the Princes Trust, am mentoring
                                                                                                                                                           The business is split between            businesses and have joined the
                                                                                                                                                           training, consulting and reporting.      Liverpool City Region Combined
                                                                                                                                                           All of our training is done face-to-     Authority Race Equality Board. That
                                                                                                                                                           face in a training room environment,     has been a really positive outcome
                                                                                                                                                           so when the pandemic hit, it was         from the past year. While I’m
                                                                                                                                                           the first side of the business to be     experiencing a quieter time, it gives
                                                                                                                                                           impacted. Unfortunately, I lost 40-      me more opportunity to use my
                                                                                                                                                           50% of my business straight away.        experience to help others to achieve
                                                                                                                                                           Following that, many of my clients       their business aspirations and share
                                                                              Laura’s Little Bakery                   Maximum Impact                       were impacted, which meant that I        my experiences.
                                                                                                                                                           lost a further large amount of the
                                                                              Founded in 2010, Laura’s Little         Solutions
                                                                              Bakery is a cake maker and                                                   business that was left.
                                                                                                                      Julia Emelogu founded her IT
                                                                              decorator service based in South                                                                                      Do you feel positive about the
                                                                                                                      consultancy, Maximum Impact
                                                                              Liverpool, supplying cakes,                                                  I modified my website to explain         future?
                                                                                                                      Solutions in 2001. Specialising in
                                                                              cupcakes and baked goodies for                                               that while I wasn’t able to offer
                                                                                                                      business intelligence and based
                                                                              corporates, cafes, restaurants,                                              the face-to-face training, I could       The business has been going for
                                                                                                                      in Liverpool, Maximum Impact
                                                                              weddings, birthdays and every                                                still offer the report writing and       almost 20 years and I’m used to it
                                                                                                                      Solutions helps businesses to
                                                                              other event imaginable.                                                      consultancy services. Fortunately,       running in peaks and troughs. As
                                                                                                                      understand and utilise their
                                                                                                                                                           I was able to secure a new client        a freelancer it can change day to
                                                                                                                      data, provides software training,
                                                                              We spoke to Founder, Laura                                                   which made a huge difference to          day – when I work, I work hard, and
                                                                                                                      report development and
                                                                              Worthington.                                                                 the survival of the business.            when it’s quiet I’m able to do other
                                                                                                                      consultancy to its clients across
                                                                                                                                                                                                    things. I don’t worry about where
                                                                                                                      the voluntary, private and
                                                                                                                                                           As a freelancer, I have always put       my next job is because that is the
                                                                                                                      public sectors.
                                                                                                                                                           money aside as a cushion as it can       nature of my business.
                                                                                                                                                           be unpredictable and uncertain at
How has the pandemic                 What’s next for your business?          Do you feel positive about the                                                the best of times. This meant that       I tend to take time off at the end of
impacted your business and                                                   future?                                                                       there was enough money in the            each year to make plans and reflect.
how have you adapted?                I think during these very                                                                                             business to remain sustainable.          This year, I’ve taken the decision
                                     unpredictable times it’s difficult to   I do feel very positive, I’m very                                             Having that contingency was a            that it will be a year of self-care and
Thankfully, the pandemic has in      plan anything really, but honestly,     passionate about my business and                                              lifeline.                                I will be focusing on my health, both
many ways had a positive impact      I’m happy just to evolve organically    that’s the best driving force to have!                                                                                 mental and physical. There are too
on the business. I have never been   for the time being and to carry on                                                                                                                             many unknown parameters that are
busier, partly because I ensured     creating delicious cakes.                                                                                             What’s next for your business?           out of my control at the moment,
the business remained accessible                                                                                                                                                                    so it’s a good time to take my foot
by keeping payments contactless,     Here’s to another year of supporting                                                                                  I’m hitting a huge milestone this        off the gas. I also know that it isn’t
creating a delivery service and      Liverpool’s brilliant independent                                                                                     year so it’s important to reflect on     realistic to make long term plans, so
keeping prices affordable.           businesses.                                                                                                           that. I think that it will be a matter   I’m not planning further than three
                                                                                                                                                           of being patient this year to see        months ahead.
                                                                                                                                                           what happens in the future. I am
                                                                                                                                                           still planning to add additional
                                                                                                                                                           software to my training offer, but
                                                                                                                                                           I’m not looking too far ahead at
                                                                                                                                                           this stage.

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MSB Solicitors - Highlight                                                                                                                                                                                Issue 1 Spring 2021

Kickstarting careers and helping businesses recover
                                                                   With Kickstart, the Government         We are working closely with all        Kickstart has the potential to           If you would like to find out how
                              Elaine Bowker,                       will subsidise new placement           employers who sign up to develop       launch the careers of hundreds of        your business could benefit from
                              Principal and Chief                  employees’ wages for up to six         and deliver a pre-employment           thousands of young people. While         partnering with The City of Liverpool
                              Executive at The City of             months, as well as awarding a £1,500   training plan, ensuring that           the future youth labour market will      College and take advantage of
                                                                   incentive payment to employers for     candidates joining you via the         undoubtedly be very different to         the Kickstart Scheme, contact
                              Liverpool College
                                                                   each Kickstart employee taken on.      Kickstart scheme are equipped with     what we are used to, if Kickstart can    workforceskills@liv-coll.ac.uk.
                                                                                                          the skills required by your business   give young people the opportunities
                             Never before has it been so           These work placements will give        from day one. Following completion     and skills to adapt and thrive,
                             important for businesses and          young people (16-24) – who are         of the Kickstart programme,            business and the economy will
                             educational providers to come         in receipt of Universal credit,        individuals will be perfectly placed   benefit from the unique talent,
                             together to boost employment          with many working in sectors           to progress onto an Apprenticeship     energy and creativity that young
                             prospects and bridge the skills       disproportionately hit by the          or full-time employment.               people bring.
                             gap, as we face the challenges        pandemic – the opportunity to build
                             brought about by the COVID-19         their skills in the workplace and to   By working closely with the            Never before has it been so
                             pandemic. Last year, to combat        gain experience to improve their       employers involved, we can ensure      important for businesses and
                             these challenges, the Government      chances of finding long-term work.     businesses attract and retain the      educational providers to come
                             launched the Kickstart Scheme,                                               individuals with the skills and        together to boost employment
                             which aims to help people who         In short, the scheme is designed       expertise that are most relevant       prospects and bridge the skills gap.
                             have lost their jobs to retrain and   to help unemployed people gain         to them, ultimately helping            Now is the time for us to join forces.
                             upskill in order to re-enter the      experience and gives businesses the    organisations to thrive.
                             workforce.                            means to rebuild their workforce
                                                                   without causing financial hardship.
                             The announcement came as
                             unemployment levels hit a             At The City of Liverpool College,
                             three-year high. The headline UK      we want to help businesses and
                             unemployment rate increased to        young people access Kickstart. We
                             4.5% in the three months leading      know that some businesses can’t
                             up to August 2020 – representing      meet the minimum number of 30
                             1.5 million people out of work – up   placements on their own, so we’ve
                             from 4.1% in July.                    come up with a way to help.

                             What’s more, The Resolution           By bringing together groups of
                             Foundation has recently warned        small businesses looking to take
                             that youth unemployment could         on one or more Kickstart candidate,
                             rise to around 17%, the same          we will facilitate the recruitment
                             level as the early 1980s peak. We     and onboarding of new team
                             therefore urgently need to do more    members, taking away the logistics
                             to help young people.                 and overcoming the obstacle of
                                                                   minimum numbers.

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MSB Solicitors - Highlight                                                                                                                                                                                       Issue 1 Spring 2021

Buying a house needs a bespoke service
                                                                                                                        Property transactions can often        It is our aim to guide you through
                                                                                                                                                                                                      ‘‘Never before have our
                                                                                                                        be stressful, and the conveyancing     the process and make it as trouble-
                                                                                                                        process can seem somewhat              free as possible by providing a        homes felt more important,
                                                                                                                        bewildering and daunting to anyone     high quality, bespoke, personal        providing us with a safe
                                                                                                                        who is unfamiliar with it. Your        and friendly service dealing with      place during these
                                                                                                                        solicitor’s job is to ensure that      any issues in a manner you can
                                                                                                                        both your purchase and your sale       understand rather than legal jargon.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      uncertain times.’’
                                                                                                                        is fully legal and that there are no
                                                                                                                        nasty surprises for you – such as      So, whether you’re buying now
                                                                                                                        finding that your new property is on   to take advantage of the Stamp
                                                                                                                        a short lease, or that your buyers     Duty holiday, or you’re considering
                                                                                                                        are complaining that you misled or     making a move, get in touch to find
                                                                                                                        deceived them somehow.                 out how we can make the process a
                                                                                                                                                               smooth one.
                                        Tracey Quirk,                                                                   That’s why, at MSB, we work closely
                Partner and Head of Residential Conveyancing at MSB Solicitors                                          with our clients to guide them
                                                                                                                        through the process and ensure a
                                                                                                                        smooth and efficient transaction.

Has your vision of your ideal home changed since            As a result, Rightmove reports it’s been the busiest time   Our expert residential conveyancing
the pandemic started? You’re not alone. According to        for sales in 10 years, with home movers putting more        team provides sector-leading
research by Your Money, Covid-19 has brought about          property on the market and saying ‘yes’ to more sales.      services and advice, guiding our
significant changes in the areas and types of properties                                                                clients through the very best
people are looking to buy. Nearly a fifth (18%) of buyers   Homes are also selling quickly. Property site Zoopla said   solutions for their ventures. It’s
are now planning to purchase homes in more rural            in mid-August 2020, three-bedroom homes were selling        often the biggest single transaction
areas than before the crisis, with another 17% intending    in 24 days on average, which is 12 days faster than the     people will make, so it’s important
to buy further away from their place of work.               same period last year.                                      to get it right.

While there’s normally a seasonal slowdown in               Many people appear to be reprioritising where they live,    Every transaction is different, and
housing market activity over the summer months, the         with some recognising that if they can work from home       the timescale can depend on a
coronavirus pandemic and subsequent lockdown meant          for such long periods, they no longer need to live in       number of factors, such as the time
the market experienced a mini-boom as restrictions          crowded and expensive cities and can take advantage         taken to obtain mortgage offers,
eased and people reassessed their priorities in life.       of a more laid-back lifestyle in or beyond the commuter     conveyancing searches, and if the
                                                            belts or nearer national parks or the coast. Never before   lender has any special conditions in
Not forgetting the stamp duty relief, which has given       have our homes felt more important, providing us with       the mortgage offer which need to be
plenty of people the impetus to crack on and move. The      a safe place during these uncertain times. So, taking       dealt with. For this reason, we work
stamp duty holiday, which lasts until the end of March,     the next step on the ladder can feel like a daunting        with our clients on a case-by-case
means it’s obviously cheaper to move now rather than        decision.                                                   basis, taking the pressure off them
in a year’s time – it could mean savings of up to £15,000                                                               to complete the transaction quickly
on properties worth up to £500,000 in England and           Whichever route you’re thinking of taking, this really is   and effectively.
Northern Ireland, and £250,000 in Wales and Scotland.       the moment to seek out professional advice if you’re
                                                            planning on stepping onto or up the housing ladder.

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Spotlight on...                                                                                                                                      Asif Hamid, Chair of Liverpool’s Local Enterprise

                                                                                                                                                   Asif says his business had to quickly    “In the first lockdown, we found that
                                                                                                                                                   adapt to the changes brought about       many people weren’t able to work

                             Mental health in the workplace                                                                                        by the pandemic: “Mental health          from home or simply worked better
                                                                                                                                                   and wellbeing is one of our driving      in an office environment, so we
                                                                                                                                                   factors. We deal in call centre          prioritised making this accessible,
Not in recent years has      With millions of UK workers forced    This is in addition to the country’s                                            environments so recognise that our       by securing the office and putting
the nation collectively      to work from home due to the          mental health “explosion” which,                                                teams need support, which we’ve          social distancing measures in place.
                             restrictions put in place by the      according to ONS data, saw people                                               always provided. Pre-pandemic,           We’ve now moved to a flexible
experienced the              Government, employers have faced      experiencing a form of depression                                               we had a number of initiatives           working model, allowing people
challenges to mental         many unique challenges that come      double from March to June 2020,                                                 already in place such as Wellbeing       to work from home – investing in
health and wellbeing         with managing remote workforces.      as the impact of the first national                                             Champions for people to talk to,         technology for them do to so – or
                                                                   lockdown was felt.                                                              a helpline and an intranet with          to come into the office, depending
brought about by the         Despite the unplanned nature                                                                                          resources for people to access.          on what works best for them. It
current pandemic.            of this transition, businesses        Now that the aftershocks of                                                                                              has worked really well for us and is
                             adapted quickly to the change,        lockdown, furlough and remote                                                                                            something we’ll take forward, but it
                             with some indictors suggesting the    working will continue to be felt                                                                                         is very different for each business.”
                             transition was, initially at least,   in the workplace, there is a need
                             more successful than could have       more than ever for those at the very
                                                                                                             Paul Corcoran, CEO of Agent
                             previously been anticipated.          top to shape and lead on mental
                                                                   wellbeing within their organisations.
                             However, emerging from a                                                      Paul has always put a focus             It isn’t just about adding to the list
                             tumultuous year, research by          We spoke to some of our city            on the wellbeing of his team:           of corporate social responsibility
                             Hiscox suggests that businesses       region’s most influential leaders,      “Mental health has been a major         initiatives, it’s about doing what you
                             are concerned about the toll 2020     about how they have supported           cornerstone at Agent for around         can to support each other, in any
                             has had on their workforce, where     their employees through the             10 years, in terms of the initiatives   way possible.
                             remote working, concerns about        pandemic and just why taking            we’ve had in place. We’ve always
                             livelihoods, and juggling work and    care of our mental health is            placed a focus on workplace             “In 2020, we offered more regular
                             parenting has affected the majority   so important.                           wellbeing, with regular “keep           check ins as teams as we haven’t
                             of the UK.                                                                    in touch” meetings as well as           been able to have that physical,
                                                                                                           mindfulness training, monthly           face-to-face contact. My message
                                                                                                           massages, and yoga for people to        to the senior leadership team has
                                                                                                           take part in. They’ve been good         been to be really aware and look
                                                                                                           ways of providing breaks and            out for signs that someone might
                                                                                                           opportunities for people to step        need additional support or might
                                                                                                           away and have a moment of calm.         be struggling. We’ve had regular
                                                                                                                                                   briefings with the team to make
                                                                                                           “Our culture is also really important   sure we’re communicating as much
                                                                                                           to us. We have a really open and        as possible and have brought in
                                                                                                           honest environment which in turn        Counsellors for those who wanted
                                                                                                           means people are able to share          to talk to someone outside of the
                                                                                                           their challenges. Over the years        organisation. Sometimes you just
                                                                                                           it’s been amazing how much the          need someone to listen, objectively.”
                                                                                                           business has been able to step in to
                                                                                                           support our team, in ways you might
                                                                                                           not expect.

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MSB Solicitors - Highlight                                                                                                                                                                                               Issue 1 Spring 2021

                                                                                                                                                                “Three of our staff networks – our      “You can get into a position where
  Emma Degg, CEO of the North West Business
                                                                                                                                                                Mental Health Network, Women’s          you log on at 7am and don’t look
  Leadership Team (NWBLT)                                                                                                                                       Network and LGBTQ Network –             away from your screen until 7pm.
                                                                                                                                                                were also in the early stages when      It’s important to step away and
Emma says mental health is now         “All good businesses are now                                                                                             lockdown began. They have really        take a break, whatever level you’re
an essential part of every business:   seeing taking care of their                                                                                              developed and helped us shape the       at. Personal contact as a leader is
“Pre-pandemic, mental health was       employees’ mental health as                                                                                              support we offer. We’ve continued       so important, so it’s an incredibly
an issue that I was aware of and       a mandatory part of a manager’s                                                                                          with our plans to grow our networks     difficult transition for anyone,
as a team, we talked about it from     job. Mental health is now the                                                                                            and recently launched a Disability      especially when you run a business
time to time. Now, taking care of      number one issue people are                                                                                              network and a Race Equality             that deals with people.”
ourselves and the people who           talking about, not just in terms                                                                                         Network.
work for us is an essential part of    of looking after people, but about
running any business. I don’t have     keeping productivity and innovation                                                                                      “Since the pandemic, we have            Emma, added: “Yes looking after
a conversation with employees that     high. As much as it’s about taking                                                 Kim Healey, Director                  looked at new ways to communicate       employees’ mental health is
doesn’t include at some point, just    care of people, it’s also a business                                               of People, Culture and                and introduced activities that give     really important, but quite often
the question “how are you doing?”      issue.”                                                                                                                  people opportunities to socialise       business leaders forget to look
                                                                                                                          Workplace Wellbeing at
                                                                                                                                                                and connect aside from the working      after themselves and each other.
                                                                                                                          Everton Football Club                 day, as part of our staff-led Everton   We know that so much of our
                                                                                                                                                                Connect initiative which began at       productivity is about leadership,
                                                                                                                                                                the start of the first lockdown. We     so that’s a critical business
                                       For Anne, mental health has              “Since the pandemic struck, we          Before the pandemic Kim had             have offered yoga and exercise          issue, too.
                                       always been high on the agenda,          have communicated our Covid-19          just begun implementing a new           sessions, virtual lunchrooms, and
                                       but she has had to find ways to          protocols and given staff clear         wellbeing strategy across the           home-schooling advice.”                 “I’ve never in the past been very
                                       adapt: “As a women’s organisation,       guidance, so there are no unknowns,     Club and its charity, Everton in                                                good at taking the time for self-
                                       supporting mental health has been        ensuring we could remove any            the Community. Kim said: “We’re         The focus around mental health          care. Particularly during the most
                                       a constant focus for us as locally       anxiety when they were coming           passionate about promoting              is mostly placed on the wellbeing       recent lockdown, it has become a
                                       and nationally there are higher          into work. We have also scaled          positive mental health, and it is       of employees and what their             necessity, not a nice to have. I’ve got
                                       instances of women being affected.       up our offer to providing staff,        also a big focus for Everton in the     employers are doing to support          a dog, so I make sure I get outside
                                       Pre-pandemic, we had a number of         learners and clients with regular       Community – which is currently          them, and rightly so. But it’s          at least a couple of times a day
                                       initiatives available to staff such as   wellness check-ins and weekly           fundraising for The People’s Place, a   also important for business             to walk her and I’m much stricter
                                       trained Mental Health First Aiders,      newsletters highlighting wellness       new facility in L4 that will promote    leaders to take care of their own       about what I say yes to because it’s
                                       offering yoga and wellness activities    techniques and to advertise our         positive mental health and offer        mental health. This can often           easy to be on a computer screen for
                                       for staff, as well as a having a         initiatives. We’ve also scaled up our   support to the public.                  be a challenge. Asif said: “We          12 hours a day and not stand up.
                                       Counsellor available. We had also        counselling and wellness provision.                                             often neglect the leaders in            Now, things I’ve tried to do in the
                                       introduced ‘Wellbeing Wednesdays’,                                               “In pre-Covid-19 scenario planning,     business because we assume they         past, I’m quite religious about.
                                       which offered guided mindfulness         ‘‘We now have a team of Counsellors     we identified that supporting our       will be okay. It doesn’t matter
                                       sessions before work and also            and Wellness Practitioners that         people’s mental health would be         whether you’re the CEO of a large
                                       encouraged group lunchtime               offer 1-2-1 counselling, group          more important than ever. We            corporation and employ thousands
                                       walks to encourage staff and their       sessions and wellness sessions.         looked at the best way to deliver       of people, or if you’re a mid-level
                                       connection to the outdoors.              We also have Zoom ‘coffee and           and adapt our strategy, and what        manager – you’ve got to give the
  Anne McColl, CEO of                                                           chats’ each week, so staff can          we could prioritise – for example,      stability and support to everyone at
  Blackburne House                                                              dial in and see and speak to their      we accelerated our plans to train       all levels.
                                                                                friends and colleagues. This is not     and introduce staff Mental Health
                                                                                about work, it’s about that human       Ambassadors, and increased
                                                                                connection.”                            communication around free staff
                                                                                                                        counselling and wellbeing and
                                                                                                                        health benefits.

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“Employees need to see their             “For me, routine is very important,      Blackburne House is an example
leaders walking the walk. If you’re      as is exercise. I do online gym          of a business that has provided
not taking the time to look after        sessions three mornings a week           flexibility for its employees.
your own mental health and               before work, and I also have a           Anne said: “We ask our team
wellbeing, then they won’t believe       walking treadmill that I use –           members what they need and
you when you say that you want           people have got used to me walking       react accordingly. We offer flexible
them to act differently. We really are   and talking at meetings!”                hours if parents are having to home
all in this together.”                                                            school and we support with activity
                                         For some, working from home              packs from our Nursery for staff and
Paul says he has been having more        works, but for others, it can be         their children and offer mindfulness
open and honest conversations            incredibly challenging and adds a        provision. The key is communication
with his peers than ever before:         huge amount of stress. Emma said:        and actually listening to staff and
“Leadership fatigue is hard.             “We have a group of brilliant women      what they need. We have increased
Everyone comes to you for the            called our ‘Rising Stars’, who are the   levels of communications so we can
answers and when you’re in the           leaders of the future. Many of them      all support each other.”
middle of the wilderness not             are juggling senior jobs with home
knowing what’s going on, it can be       schooling and the overwhelming           For Paul, working from home is a
really challenging.                      majority of caring responsibilities      challenge for the creative industry:
                                         for their homes and families. Good       “We’re used to having noisy working
“I’ve had more vulnerable                employers are seeking to be as           sessions and sharing ideas, people
conversations this year than             flexible as possible because there       coming into the office, learners
probably ever before, both with          simply aren’t enough hours in the        coming in for Agent Academy. It’s
people who have been in my               day for people to look after their       an energetic place to be. We know
network for a long time and              mental health alongside those            that we can work from home, but
those who are relatively new.            responsibilities. I’m very worried       building relationships, camaraderie      “We understand that flexibility is the   When it comes to sharing advice         “In that same spirit of family, it is
Organisations like NWBLT have been       that we will see certain groups          and creativity is just different. That   key, and we’ll be looking at how we      with other business leaders around      important to listen to your people,
a lifeline. Talking to other senior      exiting the workforce because they       is the really important stuff, and       support people’s mental wellbeing        supporting the mental health and        really find out what you can do as
leaders about what they are going        simply – and quite understandably        it can’t be replicated over a Zoom       throughout that transition, as we        wellbeing of employees, Asif said:      a business to support them, and
through and feeling like you’re in a     – can’t cope with those challenges.      call.”                                   understand that people will have         “It’s the little changes that make a    create a culture of openness, where
safe space and you’re not alone has                                                                                        different thoughts about returning.      big difference. Real leadership is      everyone knows where to go with
been really valuable.”                   “Everyone has different needs            Kim says that supporting team            We will be engaging with staff about     about listening, as well as speaking.   any ideas, comments or concerns.
                                         and are experiencing different           members during the transition back       the return, acknowledging people’s       It’s so important to engage with        It is also vital that you equip
For Kim, she recognises that it’s        challenges. We’re in the same storm      into the working environment will        different circumstances, and we will     your employees, as well as having       managers with the tools to support
okay not to be okay. She said: “I        but not necessarily in the same          be really important: “We’ll be using     be ensuring everybody has a chance       conversations with other leaders.       their staff, as they are often the first
am a trained Counsellor, which           boat, and as a business community        what we have learned over the past       to have their say.                       It’s a difficult time period, so it’s   port of call.”
has been invaluable to me in             we need to be really serious about       year to inform the transition back to                                             important to consider what you
my role, and has given me a              that. We aren’t so much working          more site-based working, when that       “Through this experience, I have         have done differently to make a         Anne added: “Protect time to
real understanding of why it is          from home, as living at work at          time comes.                              learned just how resilient our           difference to your business.            focus on the wellbeing of your
so important to talk to others.          the moment. It’s a pressure for                                                   people are, and how eager they are                                               team, create safe spaces for
Understanding that it’s okay not to      everyone. Flexible working with                                                   to help support each other and use       Kim agrees that listening to            people to share how they are
be okay helps me with me with my         an element of working from home                                                   their talents to promote wellbeing,      employees is incredibly important:      feeling. Ask if the available
own wellbeing.                           is certainly going to be part of                                                  which will help inform our wellbeing     “We spend seven hours a day or          support is helpful and if there is
                                         the future, but in very different                                                 strategy going forward.”                 more at work, so it is vital that       any additional support for you to
                                         circumstances than those we’re                                                                                             people are happy, and, even better,     consider. Be mindful to reach out
                                         in now.”                                                                                                                   that they see their organisation as     to team members working remotely,
                                                                                                                                                                    a family.                               particularly those who don’t engage
                                                                                                                                                                                                            or stay connected in this current
                                                                                                                                                                                                            environment, as they may be
                                                                                                                                                                                                            quietly finding this tough.”

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For Paul, it comes down to trust.      As a result, we’ve seen a lot of
He said: “It needs to come from        presenteeism. Most managers will
a place of trust, for both parties.    say that they don’t expect that and
It’s important to ask yourself: are    don’t value people according to
you a trusted leader? Does your        time spent but if those managers
team trust you to make the right       and leaders are routinely putting
decisions and do the right thing by    in incredibly long hours, with
them? If yes, then have open and       emails flying in all of the time, then
honest conversations, sensitively.     employees won’t believe them that
                                       it’s okay to look after themselves
“If not, why not? Unpick and re-sew    as well.
those relationships and be aware
of the challenges everyone might       “We could write down what the
be facing. This situation impacts      tips are for working on your
everyone differently; people losing    mental health, but it doesn’t mean
loved ones, new parents, childcare,    anything if you don’t practice it and
being away from families. It’s so      demonstrate it. We believe what we
important to be sensitive to that      see other people do.
and do everything in your power to
support your team.”                    “This is a marathon and we’re going
                                       to be dealing with these issues for a
Emma believes business leaders         long time to come. If we don’t take
should practice what they preach.      the time to make sure we’re all as fit
She said: “People are worried about    as we possibly can be for when we
the security of their jobs and their   can really row behind the recovery,
families. They’re worried if they’re   then it’s not going to work. This isn’t
not seen to be online all day every    just hanging on until it stops. We’ve
day, then that will in some way        got to make sure we’re match fit.”
count against them.

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