Our Town Our Town St James

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Our Town Our Town St James
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Our Town
S •T   •   J •A •M •E •S
                                                                          & PEOPLE
                                                                                     Volume 34
                                                                                     Number 11

                                                                          Keeping you up to date on
                                                                          SALES, HAPPENINGS

                                                                          In Our Town - St. James
                                                                          PUBLISHED MONTHLY
Our Town Our Town St James

                                 Good luck
                                 & teachers!
                             Have a great
                             school year!

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                                      OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2021
Our Town Our Town St James

Our Town
S• T • J •A •M •E •S
                                                                            I N           T H I S               I S S U E

                                                                                               MERCHANT SPOTLIGHT
                                                                                                Fresh Catch Seafood .................... 4
                                                                                         AROUND TOWN
                                                                                           Celebrate St. James:
                    STAFF                                                                    The Time is Now
Ruth Garthe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Editor                                               to Create Our Future............ 6 & 12
                                                            Deepwells Haunted Mansion ...................................... 14 & 88
Robin Clark . . . . . . Associate Editor
                                                            Zach Spiegel, Eagle Scout Candidate .............................. 16
Debbi Spiegel . . . . . Feature Writer                      Dr. Semente ReceiveS Prestigious Award ............................18
William Garthe . . . . . . . Advertising                    Eagle Scout Court of Honor ................................................ 20
                                  Sales                     A Gift to Our Veterans ..........................................................22
                                                            Michael Brescia Joins Prestigious Financial Planning Firm 26

         OUR TOWN                                          IN THE NEWS
                                                            Blood Drive Set for September 22 ...................................... 28
          – ST. JAMES –                                     Three Village Garden Club Flower Show ...................... 30-31
 is a monthly publication produced
                                                            Hazardous Household Waste Disposal Event ......................32
     exclusively for the people of                          Smithtown Paper Shredding Event ...................................... 34
     St. James, Nissequogue and                             Smithtown Library Budget Vote & Trustee Election ............34
     Head of the Harbor, L.I., N.Y.                        HISTORICALLY SPEAKING ................................................ 36-42
       Call 631-862-9849 for                               ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT
    Advertising & Copy Deadline                             Gallery North Exhibition: Recent Work by Jeremy Dennis 44
                                                            On Stage at Smithtown Performing Arts Center ................46
   OUR TOWN is mailed directly to                           The Atelier at Flowerfield Happenings .......................... 48-50
  every residence & business in the                         Long Island Museum Calendar ...................................... 52-54
        11780 zip code area                                 The Jazz Loft Happenings ................................................ 55-56
     (6559 total copies mailed)                             Programs Offered at Your Library.................................... 57-63
     St. James Post Office Permit #10
                                                           SHORT STORY: Don’t Get My Goat ...................................... 64
           St. James, NY 11780
                                                           FINANCIAL FOCUS:
           Published by                                     Start Thinking About Your Retirement Income Plan .... 66-67
       Graphics du jour, Ltd.
359 Lake Ave., St. James, NY 11780
                                                           DESIGN IDEAS: A Summer of Change .................................. 68
 631-862-9849 / Fax: 631-862-9839                          NATURE PAGES: Fascinating Science & Nature ................ 70
  email: ourtown@optonline.net                             HEALTH NOTES
website: www.ourtownstjames.com                             Return On Your Investment .................................................. 72
      Not responsible for typographical errors.
                                                            Ask Ron Villano ...................................................................... 74
 We reserve the right at our sole discretion to edit or     Back to School Success.................................................... 76-77
   refuse to print editorial or advertising material
 deemed detrimental to Our Town’s public image             CELEBRATIONS ........................................................................ 78
             or unsuitable for its readers.
                                                           POET’S CORNER ...................................................................... 78
          Copyright © 2021                                 ST. JAMES DAY INFORMATION ........................................ 80-81
         Graphics du jour, Ltd.
                                                           OBITUARIES .............................................................................. 82
          All Rights Reserved
                                                           CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ................................................ 84-85
                                                           DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS .......................................... 86-87
                                                           DEEPWELLS SANITARIUM HAUNTED HOUSE ...................... 88

                                                           PLEASE NOTE:
                                                           Advertising & Editorial Deadline
                                                           for the OCTOBER edition of OUR TOWN • ST. JAMES is
                                                           THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2021 - 12 NOON.
                                                           Distribution takes place on Wednesday, October 20, 2021.
                                                          OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2021
Our Town Our Town St James
                          M E R C H A N T                S P O T L I G H T

Fresh Catch                           caught from our waters and goes
                                      from the boats to your table the
Seafood                               same day. There is no artificial
American Legion Hall                  coloring or ice and re-ice
95 Lake Avenue, St. James             methods here. Just the freshest
631-335-6439                          caught seafood.
                                         Fresh Catch Seafood’s mission
by Debbi Spiegel                      is to provide the freshest seafood
   Fresh Catch Seafood is the         available backed by great cus-
brainchild of proprietor/ fisher-     tomer service. Ryan says, “You
man Ryan Medwig. Fresh Catch          can get low-quality fish any-
is stocked daily with the freshest,   where, people deserve quality.” It
local restaurant-quality seafood      is not worth it to him to sell any-
sourced from Long Island’s own        thing else. He also shares recipe
fishermen including fluke,            ideas and cooking instructions
striped bass, blackfish, porgies,     with his customers. Call ahead if
ling, black sea bass, skate wings,    you would like to order shucked
monkfish, bluefish, squid, sea        platters or pre-order lobsters.
scallops, and more. This is water-    Fresh Catch’s Facebook page is
to-plate seafood at its best.         updated daily with availability.
   Ryan is a fourth-generation           Some of Fresh Catch’s pre-
bayman. His family has over 100       pared items include colossal          gets its name from its color? It
years as commercial fishermen,        shrimp cocktails with cocktail        eats shrimp which makes it
harvesting fresh seafood from our     sauce, baked clams and clams,         beautiful and delicious.
local Long Island waters. Ryan        and oysters on the half shell. His       The Fresh Catch Seafood
has an inherited passion to bring     scallops are affectionately called    trailer has been inspected and li-
the absolute freshest seafood         “sea candy.” They are shucked         censed by the Town of Smith-
from the boat to our town.            on the boat and are firm, sweet       town and the Department of
   Ryan takes great pride in giv-     and delicious. The crabs that         Agriculture and Markets. It took
ing customers fresh, locally          come in on Fridays are caught by      four months to build out the
sourced quality fish directly from    a family member on the Great          three-compartment sink, refrig-
the fishing vessels on Long Is-       South Bay and are an hour old         eration and freezers. Fresh Catch
land. He is happy to educate his      when they arrive.                     has come a long way from sell-
customers about what is in his           The Cornell Cooperative Ex-        ing clams out of the back of
cases daily.                          tension Fisheries Team has re-        Ryan’s pick-up truck with an um-
   Rest assured that the fish you     cently featured Fresh Catch           brella.
get from Fresh Catch is just that –   Seafood as part of their “Choose         Fresh Catch is open Wednes-
Fresh. Supermarket seafood is         Local FISH” initiative. It is very    day to Friday from 12-6 p.m.;
often farm-raised and packaged        healthy and environmentally           Saturday 10:30 a.m.-6 p.m. and
for shipment on ice – re-frozen       friendly to eat wild-caught fish      Sunday from 10:30 a.m-5 p.m.
and injected with dyes and so-        really close to home. Shopping        Hours subject to change. Ryan
dium solution to make the fish        at an outdoor green market takes      can be found in Stony Brook
look good and last longer in their    this to the next level.               Harbor on Mondays and Tues-
display cases.                           Did you know that rare Mon-        days, doing what he loves –
   Fresh Catch Seafood is locally     tauk caught pumpkin swordfish         catching fresh seafood.
                                         OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2021
Our Town Our Town St James


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                          OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2021
Our Town Our Town St James
                                   A R O U N D             T O W N

                     The Time is Now to Create Our Future
by Patricia Clark                                                               Willie Collier vacationed
   When I wrote the article                                                     here in St. James to escape
for the June 2021 edition of                                                    the summer heat in the
OUR TOWN, I included a                                                          New York City Broadway
sub-title that stated, “It’s be-                                                theatres – and St. James
ginning to feel a lot like…                                                     was the happening place of
...normal.” But that was then                                                   the day.
and now is now. It seemed                                                         Celebrate St. James will
like we were all set to re-                                                     bring this iconic building
sume the lives we used to                                                       back to life as a modern-
know and love, Celebrate                                                        day cultural arts center and
St. James was in full swing                                                     small theatre for our com-
planning upcoming events,                                                       munity – and beyond. The
including summer concerts,                                                      new center will be an in-
art gallery shows, and a Roaring    major fundraising campaign to         door venue to perfectly comple-
20’s Gala that promised to be       “Save The Theatre.” Celebrate St.     ment the outdoor venue of
fabulous – when along came          James is planning to purchase         Celebrate Park, currently under
“delta.” Over these past few        and undertake the renovation of       construction in the heart of the
months, we have been busy           the former St. James Calderone        Lake Avenue business district. A
postponing many of the things       Theatre located at 176 Second         community cultural arts center is
we had hoped to accomplish          Street, St. James. The building is    a big dream and a lofty goal of
over the summer and into the        over 100 years old and it’s an im-    unprecedented proportion – and
fall, most notably the gala.        portant part of our town’s history    we will make it happen. Grant
   The Roaring 20’s Gala was        dating back to the days of vaude-     applications have been
going to be the kick-off for a      ville when friends of celebrity                   continued on page 12

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                                       OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2021
Our Town Our Town St James

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                    SERVING THE COMMUNITY SINCE 1974
                                              OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2021
Our Town Our Town St James
A Crown Jewel of Long Island’s North Shore

2 Wallis Lane | Nissequogue | $10,600,000
Inspired by the Governor’s Palace in Williamsburg, VA, this notable estate was completed in 1935. Commanding nearly 11 level,
waterfront acres overlooking Long Island Sound, Somerset enjoys an unassuming approach that leads to the end of a long, private
road adjacent to the lush David Weld Sanctuary; a tranquil, wooded nature preserve. The property, with its specimen plantings and
exceptional privacy, boasts a staggering span of nearly 700-feet of unobstructed waterfrontage along the shoreline. An adjacent
approx. 4 acre waterfront parcel is available separately. Web# 3262013

Our Town Our Town St James
“They are among the most notable sellers at Douglas Elliman,
 with cumulative property deals in the billions.”
  — The New York Times

Tom Postilio                                                    Mickey Conlon
Lic. Assoc. R.E. Broker                                         Lic. Assoc. R.E. Broker
Licensed as Thomas Postilio                                     Licensed as Walter Conlon
O 631.858.6958                                                  O 631.858.6958
M 917.543.0005                                                  M 917.224.7177
tom.postilio@elliman.com                                        mickey.conlon@elliman.com

Our Town Our Town St James
Turnkey Home in Centerport

Contract Signed | 7 Cotswold Drive | Centerport | $899,000
Move-in ready, 4-bedroom, 2.5-bath home in highly desirable Centerport. Web# 3323506

Mid-Century Modern Gem

269 Sachem Hill Place | St. James | $849,000
Custom-built in 1960, this mid-century, modern gem has been lovingly maintained, and nearly all its original details remain intact. Web# 3323878

                                                             Tom Postilio                                        Mickey Conlon
                                                             Lic. Assoc. R.E. Broker                             Lic. Assoc. R.E. Broker
                                                             Licensed as Thomas Postilio                         Licensed as Walter Conlon
                                                             O 631.858.6958                                      O 631.858.6958
                                                             M 917.543.0005                                      M 917.224.7177
                                                             tom.postilio@elliman.com                            mickey.conlon@elliman.com

– 12 –
                                          A R O U N D              T O W N

                          The Time is Now to Create Our Future
continued from page 6                                                             selected for recognition at the
submitted – fingers crossed as                                                    gala and we will schedule the
we anxiously await the results                                                    festivities when family, friends,
and a fundraising website has                                                     and colleagues – and everyone –
been created to present this vi-                                                  can feel comfortable once again
sion and to accept donations.                                                     to celebrate together. The honor-
The original tin ceiling, stage and                                               ees, Suffolk County Executive
changing rooms are still there –                                                  Steven Bellone; Roseann Cousin
as well as the potential to create                                                (In Memoriam) Founder of
a viable center – with a bit of             recording studio. There will also     Chorus Line Dance Studio;
planning and a lot of heart (we             be an outdoor plaza and sculp-        George Desmarais, Senior VP
have that!). A small theatre                ture garden for gatherings as         with H2M architects + engineers;
venue will host a variety of per-           well. Ultimately, the center will     Thomas Donohue, St. James Fire
formances including historic rec-           bring to the community intergen-      Commissioner; and New York
reations, live presentations and            erational, diverse cultural enrich-   State Senator Mario Mattera,
one-person shows, and classic               ment as well as social and            have all been strong supporters
movies. The cabaret style lobby             emotional wellness through the        of St. James and the cultural arts
will become the new home for                cultural arts.                        and we will honor them at a
the Historic Movie Museum                      As stated earlier, the Roaring     Roaring 20’s Save the Theatre
which is currently located up-              20’s Gala, originally planned for     Gala at Flowerfield Celebrations
stairs. Plans for the upstairs of           October 2020 and then for Oc-         when the time is right. For now,
the center include rooms de-                tober 2021, has been postponed        though, we cannot sit back and
signed for both art and music               once again by a unanimous vote        rest.
therapy and classes, workshops,             of our Executive Board. Five             Please continue to support
community meetings, and a                   wonderful honorees have been                       continued on page 63

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                                               OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2021
– 13 –

– 14 –
                                     A R O U N D            T O W N

                   Be Sure to Visit
   at Deepwells Farm County Park
   Get ready, get set... to scream    This is a rain or shine             and food vendors.
when the Deepwells Haunted            event – NO Refunds –
Mansion beckons you to visit          NO Exchanges on pre-sale               Proceeds go to the refurbish-
their “DEEPWELLS SANI-                tickets.                            ing of the Deepwells property.
TARIUM – HOME FOR THE                    This is not for the faint of     The house is located at the inter-
CRIMINALLY INSANE.”                   heart. Children under 12 not per-   section of Route 25A and Mo-
   The mansion and property will      mitted without an adult. The        riches Road in St. James.
be transformed into a Really          house will be open for 6 HORRI-        The event, sponsored by the
Really Creepy Facility – Grab a       FYING NIGHTS FROM 7-10              Deepwells Farm Historical Soci-
Visitor’s Pass and Mix with the       P.M.                                ety, with a little help from the St.
criminally insane while Touring              CARVE THESE DATES            James Chamber of Commerce, is
16 Rooms of Horror and a                     INTO YOUR BRAIN:             sure to be a lot of fun. So get
Wooded Trail of Terror. It is $25     Friday & Saturday Oct. 15 & 16      ready for a spook-talaur time.
per person to ENTER IF YOU            Friday & Saturday Oct. 22 & 23         For additional information call
DARE!                                 Friday & Saturday Oct. 29 & 30      Scott (Edward Jones) at 631-862-
   Pre-Sale Advance On-Line              Be sure to hear about the real   2020 or Denise (Artpix Studio) at
Only tickets at $20 per person        ghosts of Deepwells, from the       631-862-2808 or visit
are available at (www.deepwell-       paranormal investigator on site.    www.DeepwellsHauntedMan-
shauntedmansion.com). Note:           There will be photo-ops, t-shirts   sion.com

                                                                            Jill Motta

Roof Replacement Attic Insulation                                            $
                                                                                  500 OFF
 KlausRoofingbyTripleH.com                                      50 YEAR
                                                                                WHEN YOU BOOK YOUR
                                                                                 PROJECT AT TIME OF

                                                                                Must be present at time of appointment,
                                                               WARRANTY          cannot be combined with other offers.

  Nassau H1901670000 Suffolk 47109-H NYC 1351564-DCA

                                         OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2021
– 15 –


                                                  Rowena Nedvin
                                                 David Nedvin, LAREBS
          Cathy Jusino,                        Rowena’s Cell: 631.767.5221                     Thomas Aurrichio,
                 LRESP                          David’s Cell: 631.767.5220                                 LRESP

          FOR SALE                                     FOR SALE                                     FOR SALE

BR, 3 bath home. Open plan country
kitchen, beautiful MBR suite. Set on pri-    ST. JAMES. Fairfield Condo. 3 BR, 2.5
vate 2 acres oasis with IG pool. This cus-   bath Townhouse with a garage. Totally up-    MANORVILLE. Country Point 55 plus
tom 4,300 sq. ft. home is a designer         dated with newer eat in kitchen and bath-    Condo. 2 BRs, 2 1/2 bathrooms, loft, I car
showplace inside and out.    $1,295,000.     rooms.                         $520,000.     garage, basement.            $349,990.

          PENDING                                           SOLD                                    PENDING
                                                 SOLD FOR OVER
                                                  ASKING PRICE

                                             ST. JAMES. 9 Greenwood Lane, Mills
SMITHTOWN. Point of Woods. Traditional       Pond Estates. Magnificent updated 6 BR
5 BR, 4,000 sq. ft. Colonial with possible   Versailles Colonial with finished basement
guest quarters. Set on a cul-de-sac with     and 3 car garage. Gorgeous parklike acre
above grade finished basement.Set on 1/2                                                                ST. JAMES.
                                             property with IG pool. Located on quiet
acre.                           $799,990.                                                          3 BR Ranch. $405,000.
                                             side street.

                                                                     7 W. Main Street, Smithtown, NY 11787
                                                                     rnedvin@gmail.com • davidnedvin@gmail.com
                                                 OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2021
– 16 –
                                     A R O U N D               T O W N

                                                                        ZACH SPIEGEL
                                                                        EAGLE SCOUT CANDIDATE...

St. James resident, Zach Spiegel, of Boy Scout Troop 7, while work-
ing towards the rank of Eagle Scout, has taken on the job of purchas-
ing the flagpole for Celebrate Park on Lake Avenue in St. James. Zach
took the initiative in planning the project, completing the paperwork
and raised almost $2,000 to purchase the materials for the project.
He showed great leadership skills and on August 13, 2021 the flag-
pole was set and the flag was raised with a well attended ceremony
by Town Officials. Zach’s proud parents are Debbi and Jon Spiegel.

                              FRESH CATCH SEAFOOD
                                           95 Lake Avenue, St. James, NY
                               CALL           631-335-6439                             CALL
           Look for the Fresh Catch Seafood Stand
                                        95 Lake Avenue, St. James
                        Wed.-Fri. 12-6 pm • Sat. 10:30 am-6 pm • Sun. 10:30 am-5 pm
                                          Hours Subject to Change
                                     PLEASE CALL AHEAD
  FRESH FISH                          TO PLACE ORDERS                             SHELLFISH
  Fluke                    • Prepared Platters - All Sizes •                      Little Necks
  Bluefish                                                                        Oysters by the Doz.
                          • Live Lobsters • Lobster Tails •                       Colossal Shrimp
  Striped Bass                      • Baked Clams                                 Mussels
  Blackfish                  • Colossal Shrimp Cocktail •                         Live Lobster
  Porgies                     • Clams on the Half Shell •                         Lobster Tails
  Ling                       • Oysters on the Half Shell •                        Scallops
  Salmon Fillet                                                                   Crab
  Chilean Sea Bass Filet Contact Us On      For Updates                           Squid

                                           OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2021
– 17 –

                  COMPUTER IMAGING

                    OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2021
– 18 –
                                      A R O U N D              T O W N

                       Dr. Semente Receives Prestigious
                      Back and Neck Pain Treatment Award
   Local doctor, Dr. Raymond Se-                                                certification and have demon-
mente, D.C., was recently recog-                                                strated an exemplary level of ex-
nized by the International                                                      cellence in the diagnosis and
Medical Advisory Board on Spi-                                                  treatment of Spinal Disc Dis-
nal Decompression. This ad-                                                     orders.
vanced training and presentation                                                   This advanced certification is
took place at the National Spinal                                               provided in conjunction with
Disc Disorders training facilities                                              DISC Centers of America which
in North Palm Beach, Florida.                                                   sets the gold standard in training
The certification was presented                                                 and research of the latest and
by the co-chairman of the Inter-                                                most effective options for the al-
national Medical Advisory Board                                                 leviation and treatment of Spinal
on Spinal Decompression                                                         Disc Disorders which often
{I.M.A.B.S.D.}, Dr. Eric Kaplan.                                                cause low back pain, neck pain,
   Dr. Kaplan is one of the lead-                                               sciatica, numbness, tingling, pins
ing experts in the field of spinal                                              & needles and more.
disc disorders and is the creator                                                  Dr. Semente continues to pro-
and lead instructor of the only                                                 vide the latest and most cost-ef-
university-based certification                                                  fective options for the treatment
program known as the National                                                   of Spinal Disc Disorders. His fa-
Spinal Decompression Certificat-                                                cilities are considered state-of-
ion program held annually in          Dr. Raymond Semente, D.C. (right) was     the-art and Dr. Semente is
South Florida.                        recently recognized by Dr. Eric Kaplan,   committed to providing first class
   The International Medical Ad-      Co-Chairman of the International Med-     care to patients who often travel
visory Board on Spinal Decom-         ical Advisory Board on Spinal Decom-      from long distances to seek out
pression is constituted by 10         pression.                                 doctors who have made a com-
medical physicians and 10 chiro-                                                mitment to help their patients
practic physicians, including or-       gists who have obtained Na-             avoid narcotics, epidural injec-
thopedic surgeons,                      tional Non-Surgical Spinal De-          tions and unnecessary surgeries.
neurosurgeons and neuroradiolo-         compression University based            Non-surgical spinal decompres-
                                                                                sion provides safe, gentle and ef-
                                                                                fective relief for upwards of 90%
                                                                                of patients that qualify for care.
  ITCHENS    &M    ATHS              ORE,    LLC               NKBA
                                                                                   Dr. Semente’s office is located
                                                                                at 265 Lake Avenue in St. James;
DESIGNED & INSTALLED                                           Designer         call the office at 631-584-7722
                                                                                or visit his website at www.StJa-
                                     Enjoy a                                       He is presently accepting new
                                                                                patients on a limited basis and if
                                     Dinner for 2                               you contact the office within the
                                     on us,                                     next 7 days you will be given a
                                     while we are creating                      priority appointment for a FREE
                                     your new kitchen.

367A Lake Ave., St. James, NY 11780
631.584.5312 • 631.942.9636 mobile
insideout2@ymail.com          Licensed & Insured • Suffolk #54246-H
                                            OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2021
– 19 –

H ea d of H a r b o r, N Y – Wa te r f ro n t Est a te
Tranquility abounds at this magnificent waterfront Estate graced with a stately Federal-style Colonial, 3-bedroom guest house,
cabana with screened porch, dock, and views of Stony Brook Harbor. The Manor home originally designed by William Laurence
Bottomley. MLS# 3319839. $3,200,000.

N i sse q u o g u e, N Y – U p d a t e d Fa r m Ra n c h             S m i t h t ow n , N Y – Tra n q u i l Ac re
Enjoy magnificent sunsets from this updated Farm Ranch.               Tranquil acre of property in North Smithtown. Beautiful
The L.I. Sound is your backdrop to this luxurious waterfront         setting to build the home of your dreams. Department of
home. This warm and welcoming 4-bedroom, 6-bath home is              Environmental Conservation permit approved.
located on a private cul-de-sac on 5.5 acres in the pastoral         MLS# 3293736. $399,000.
Village of Nissequogue. MLS# 3298208. $1,799,000.

St . J a m es, N Y – N ew Co n st r u c t i o n                      S m i t h t ow n , N Y – H i g h l y Vi s i b l e Fre e S t a n d i n g B u i l d i n g
Exquisite new construction of 5-bedroom, 4.5-bath                    3,600 plus sq. ft. with 25 ft. on East Main Street located in
Post-Modern home on a private court. Talented high-end               main shopping district of Smithtown. Second entrance at
builder has a fresh approach which delivers a finished                back. Municipal parking in front and back. Space can be
product that goes beyond "cookie cutter" design. Perfectly           divided. Ideal location for bar, retail, or o ce.
sited on a flat half acre. MLS# 3322648. $1,399,000.                  MLS# 3281304. $828,000.

                      M a r i a n n e Ko k e , C B R
                      Associate Real Estate Broker                                 Whether you are taking
                      Gold Circle of Excellence
                      Sm ithtown Office
                                                                                   root or branching out...
                      81 Route 111 Smithtown, NY
                      631.584.6600, c.631.335.7 111
                      m ariannekoke@danielgale.com                                                                                    danielgale.com
                      m ariannekoke.danielgale.com                                                       Each o ce is independently owned and operated.

                                                       OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2021
– 20 –
                                      A R O U N D              T O W N

     Court of Honor Held for Four Eagle Scouts from Troop 7
   Legislator Rob Trotta recently
recognized four Eagle Scouts at a
group Eagle Scout Court of
Honor. They all earned this dis-
tinguished rank through their
consistent commitment and ded-
ication to scouting, and the suc-
cessful completion of their Eagle
Scout Leadership Project.
   Legislator Trotta said, “I con-
gratulate these young men for
their preservation and landscap-
ing efforts to restore and main-
tain some of our wonderful
community institutions, which
will benefit so many people for
years to come.”                       Pictured at the Eagle Scout Court of Honor are Suffolk County Legislator
   The following scouts earned        Rob Trotta (center) and the Eagle Scouts Matthew Schepis, Skyler Bazer,
the rank of Eagle:                    Braden Condon and Aidan Giordano.
   Matthew J. Schepis of St.            did a total restoration of the       in Smithtown.
James, refurbished the flow-            bathroom at Caleb Smith State           Aiden R. Giordan of Lake
erbeds and enhanced the ap-             Park in Smithtown.                   Grove, constructed an outdoor
pearance of the area at Sts. Philip       Braden M. Condon of Smith-         classroom at the Sweetbriar Na-
and James Bethany Center.               town, built and stained a fence at   ture Center in Smithtown.
   Skyler M. Bazer of St. James,        the Smithtown Historical Society

                                           OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2021
– 21 –

                     autonomousdesign, ltd.
                             specializing in green design since 1973
design          new homes               constr. management         kitchens         bathrooms
development     alterations             historical restorations    roofing          siding
construction    landscape design        swimming pools             decks • patios   office interiors

stephen cinco                    22 stonegate, st. james, new york 11780              (631) 724-7726
                   email: scinco5@yahoo.com • web: www.autonomousdesignltd.com
                                   OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2021
– 22 –
                          I N      T H E        N E W S

                       A Gift to Our Veterans

                  “The Maher family and the St. James Funeral Home
                  are fortunate and deeply thankful to be given this
                  opportunity to gather with the Commander and
                  members of the St. James Sgt. John W. Cook VFW
                  Post #395. We are happy to present a donation both
                  in recognition of the members and as a loving me-
                  morial to Deacon Kenneth J. Maher, attesting to
                  Ken’s and the Maher family’s unwavering devotion
                  to the Post. This donation is given in recognition of
                  the past sacrifices of these American Veterans and
                  of their continuing presence in, and service to, our
                  St. James Hamlet and our “Grateful Nation.” These
                  members are walking reminders of the sacrifices of
                  all our Veterans! The Maher family always considers
                  it a deep privilege to be in the presence of these
                  great, inspirational members and their stories
                  which are valuable and precious to us all.”
                              Thank you, Veterans;
                             You are APPRECIATED!
                            God bless all our Veterans
                             and God bless America!


– 23 –

Exceptional homes.
Exceptional clients.
Exceptional results.

Maria Orlandi
Licensed Associate RE Broker
M: 631.697.0474
O: 631.629.7719

                                As a Founding Agent and a member of the Luxury
                                Division, let Maria Orlandi welcome you home!

                                Maria Orlandi is a Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker af昀liated with Compass. Compass is a
                                Licensed Real Estate Broker and abides by Equal Housing Opportunity Laws.

                               OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2021
– 24 –

                               12 Spring Hollow Road, Nissequogue
                               5 BD • 4 BA • 1 HB • $1,199,000

                               Spectacular 5,300 SF colonial perched on top of a
                               hill in a private, secluded and natural setting in the
                               gorgeous hidden gem of Nissequogue Village.

Maria Orlandi
Licensed Associate RE Broker
M: 631.697.0474
O: 631.629.7719

                               OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2021
– 25 –

                               10 Mu ns Meadow Road,
                               Head of Harbor
                               8 BD • 5 BA • 2 HB • $1,849,000
                               Palatial Historical Manor Estate encompasses
                               the grand elegance of the Gatsby Era with large
                               principal rooms, 9 wood burning 昀replaces, library,
                               private gardens and fountains.

Maria Orlandi
Licensed Associate RE Broker
M: 631.697.0474
O: 631.629.7719

                               OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2021
– 26 –
                                     A R O U N D                          T O W N

St. James Resident Joins Prestigious Financial Planning Firm
    Michael J. Brescia, J.D. has joined                                       contests, accounting and kinship pro-
Branch Financial Services, Inc., a reg-                                       ceedings, discovery and turnover pro-
istered investment advisor, located in                                        ceedings, trust invalidation
Setauket, NY.                                                                 proceedings, and guardianship pro-
    Michael graduated from Providence                                         ceedings.
College in 1998 with a degree in Fi-                                             Michael has lectured professionals,
nance. While completing his studies,                                          as well as the general public, on var-
he was employed at PaineWebber &                                              ious aspects of trust and estate plan-
Co., an investment bank and broker-                                           ning. Aside from his passion for the
age firm where he worked to develop                                           practice of law and providing finan-
and implement financial and invest-                                           cial planning and investment advisory
ment strategies for high-net-worth                                            services, he currently serves on the
clients.                                                                      board of directors of the Suffolk
    Michael chose to further his educa-                                       County Columbian Lawyers’ Associa-
tion and attended the New England                                             tion, Inc. Michael is also actively en-
School of Law in Boston, Massachu-                                            gaged in his community and currently
setts, where he graduated in 2001 with            Michael J. Brescia        serves on the board of directors of the
a Juris Doctorate. He is admitted to practice in the          Laurel Hill Property Owners Association.
State of New York, the District of Columbia, and the             Michael is a Registered Representative and Invest-
United States District Court for the Southern and             ment Advisor Representative of Cetera Advisor Net-
Eastern Districts of New York. Michael is also an ac-         works, LLC and holds FINRA Series 7 and Series 66
tive member of the Nassau County, Suffolk County,             licenses. He is also an Investment Advisor Represen-
and New York State Bar Associations.                          tative of Branch Financial Services, Inc. Michael is a
    As an attorney, Michael is also able to provide           principled professional who exhibits true commit-
legal services to his clients. He is the founding             ment, loyalty, and devotion to his family, partners,
member of the Setauket, New York based Law Firm,              co-workers, and clients.
Michael J. Brescia, P.C., where he focuses his prac-             Michael, his wife Jennifer, and their children,
tice on a broad range of trusts and estate matters, in-       Samantha, and Michael Jr., reside in the Village of
cluding, trust and estate planning, elder law, probate        Nissequogue, New York. Michael also enjoys
and administration of trusts and estates, real estate,        golfing, skiing, woodworking, and fly fishing.
guardianships and trust and estate litigation. As a              Contact Michael at
litigator, Michael has vast experience in probate             mbrescia@branchfinancialsrvcs.com.

          Sons of Norway – Loyal Lodge #252 Viking Auction
  The Sons of Norway – Loyal                 Entrance fee is $15 for 25                    fle as well.
Lodge #252 will hold their Viking         numbers. Additional yellow                          Doors open at 6:30 p.m.
Auction on Friday, September 17,          cards are $10. Save money – buy                  Bring a friend. Complimentary
2021 at the Parish Hall of St.            ticket bundles of yellow, blue                   coffee and cake. For additional
James Lutheran Church, 230 Sec-           and red tickets for $50 (a $76                   information call Kirsten at
ond Avenue in St. James.                  value). There will be a 50/50 raf-               229-395-1036.

         bp            ST. JAMES                                      Head Instructor                           Family Discounts
                                                                      Sensei Mike Caiozzo                 Private/Group Lessons
           “Serving Your Community for Over 30 Years”
        Formerly St. James Gulf
      Same HONEST Ownership
        Same GREAT Service
                                      $5 OFF
                                      OIL CHANGE
             Shop Hours:               Expires 10/31/21.
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                                    when dropping off vehicle.
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            Sat. 7 AM-3 PM
525 N. Country Rd., St. James • 631-584-5798                                556-08 North Country Road • St. James, NY 11780
                www.stjamesBP.com                                              (631) 617-5148 • www.shaolinstjames.com
                                               OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2021
– 27 –

            Natalie Weinstein Design Associates
                        459 LAKE AVENUE • ST. JAMES, NY 11780 • 631.862.6198
                          FAX 631.862.7834 • WWW.NATALIEWEINSTEIN.COM

                                  From Montauk to Manhattan,
                               from renovation through decoration,
                        our firm has been the go-to destination since 1973.
                                         For a virtual or
                                in home consultation with Natalie
 Natalie Weinstein,
  Allied ASID, IDS.                 contact us at 631.862.6198.
  Interior Designer,
 Author, Columnist,
Motivational Speaker,                                                          Gift Certificates
 Media Personality      Integrity – Quality – Mindful of Your Time & Budget       available.

                                       OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2021
– 28 –
                                                                                          I N                  T H E                        N E W S

       Blood Drive to be Held at Smithtown Landing Country Club
    The Town of Smithtown Per-                                                              “Where to Donate”, then “Spon-                                                              parent’s permission; over 75
 sonnel Department, in collabo-                                                             sor Name Search” and type in                                                                with doctor’s permission
 ration with the New York Blood                                                             “Town of Smithtown”. Appoint-                                                             • Donor Card or ID required
 Center, will host a Blood Drive at                                                         ments are preferred but not re-
 the Smithtown Landing Country                                                              quired.
 Club on September 22, 2021
                                                                                            Donors Presenting:
 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
                                                                                            • Must wear a mask or face cov-
    “Donating blood is literally a
 life saving gift… ask anyone who                                                                                                                                                     Did You Know:
                                                                                            • Will have their temperature
 has been a recipient. Our com-                                                                                                                                                         Only 2% of the local eligible
 munity has a proud reputation of                                                                                                                                                     population donates blood each
                                                                                            • Must be 14 days symptom free
 coming together to help one                                                                                                                                                          year, and if only 1% more of
                                                                                              if recovered from COVID-19
 another in times of need. After                                                                                                                                                      Americans donated, blood short-
                                                                                            • May NOT donate if they have
 speaking with our friends at St.                                                                                                                                                     ages would disappear.
                                                                                              a positive diagnostic test or ex-
 Catherine of Siena Medical                                                                                                                                                             1 in 3 people will need a
                                                                                              perienced symptoms of
 Center last week, and learning of                                                                                                                                                    blood product in their lifetime.
                                                                                              COVID-19 in the last 14 days
 the blood shortage that is im-                                                                                                                                                       The donation process will take
                                                                                            • May NOT donate if they are
 pacting the area, I am confident                                                                                                                                                     an average of 10 minutes.
                                                                                              currently on self-quarantine re-
 that our notably selfless residents                                                                                                                                                    For more information on this
 will again step up to help.”                                                                                                                                                         event and how to register, con-
          - SUPERVISOR ED WEHRHEIM                                                          Eligibility Criteria:                                                                     tact Dineen Szczepanski at
    Anyone wishing to help make                                                             • Minimum Weight: 110 lbs                                                                 DSzczepanski@smithtownny.gov,
 a difference can schedule an ap-                                                           • No new tattoos for the past 12                                                          or at 631-360-7626. Refresh-
 pointment at www.nybc.org,                                                                   months                                                                                  ments and snacks will be pro-
 click on “Donate Blood”,                                                                   • Ages 16-75 - Under 16 with                                                              vided to all donors at the event.


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 Reward Card. Additional limitations may apply. Ask participating dealer for details and rebate form. ©2021 Hunter Douglas. All rights reserved. All trademarks used herein are the property of Hunter Douglas or their respective owners.

                                                                                                   OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2021
– 29 –

– 30 –
                                           I N          T H E                N E W S

  You’re Invited to the Three Village Garden Club Flower Show
 by Martina Matkovic,                                 Award-winning designs from “June Celebrations” 2017
 member T.V.G.C.
    The Three Village Garden Club
 will welcome you as their guest
 on Friday, September 17, 2021,
 when members will have an op-
 portunity to display their creative
 talents in floral design and horti-
    Many hours of careful prepara-
 tion and planning will culminate
 in a Small Standard Flower Show
 at the Neighborhood House,
 Main Street, Setauket. No charge
 to the public, doors will be open
 from 2-6 p.m.
    The following quotation from
 Sandra H. Robinson, past Pres-
 ident of the National Garden
 Club, eloquently states the pur-                  “At the Beach,”
 pose of executing a flower show:               a multi-rhythmic design
    “One of the basic urges of
 mankind is the desire to create.          opportunity for floral designers,
 Creative flower arranging is an           horticulturists, judges and the
 art form in which the artist’s vi-        viewing public to become an in-
 sion is expressed through the use         tegral part of the creative pro-
 of plant materials. Using the ele-        cess.”                                      “Wedding" Bride,” a duo design
 ments and principles of design,              The show promises to be a
 the artist strives to achieve the         spectacular visual experience. It            sis on the importance of the use
 following attributes – beauty, har-       is an opportunity to find out                of native plantings and gardening
 mony, distinction and expression.         about the club’s contributions to            techniques that help to protect
 Flower shows provide a unique             the community, with its empha-                         continued on page page

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                                                OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2021
– 31 –
                                       I N         T H E                 N E W S

continued                              judged for their entries, receive                                  Please come and enjoy the
the environment. Guests are en-        points and be awarded ribbons                                    beauty of the show, see what
couraged to take a short walk to       according to the National Gar-                                   your neighbors and friends in the
The Frank Melville Memorial            den Club System of Awarding.                                     garden club are doing, and per-
Park where they may access the         The judging will be done in ad-                                  haps be inspired to join us.
Arboretum, acquired by the gar-        vance of the opening to the pub-                                 Membership is open to all.
den club in 1985 and main-             lic and ribbons will be on                                         For additional information call
tained for the past 36 years. A        display.                                                         Martina at 631-751-2743.
map of the Arboretum will be
   As guests arrive they will re-
ceive a printed guide to help             EDDIE MAC’S
navigate through the three parts
of the show.
• Division 1, Horticulture, will
  display cut specimens from the
  garden, fruits and vegetables,
  cut specimens from fruiting or
  flowering trees and shrubs, and                 Autumn Car Care Specials
  container plants. See what a
  Blue Ribbon cucumber looks              FALL CARE CARE SPECIAL                                                  PROFESSIONAL
  like.                                  4 Spark Plug Replacement                                                 BRAKE SERVICE
                                         4 Oil Change & Filter including 10W30 Motor Oil Only           • Premium Brake Shoes $25 and up
                                           Other Types Additional                                       • Premium Front Disc Pads
• Division ll, comprised of four         4 4 Tire Rotation
                                                                                     4 Cylinder
                                                                                   STARTING AT
                                                                                                          $25 and up                      STARTING AT
  classes, will highlight members        4 Complete Vehicle Inspection

                                                                                                        • Resurface 2 Brake Drums

  creative talents in floral design.
  Class 2 of this division, aptly
                                         4 Check Thermostat
                                         4 Drain & Fill Radiator With
                                           Up to 1 Gallon Anti-Freeze
                                         4 Dexcool Additional
                                                                                Most American Cars
                                                                                                          or Disc Rotors
                                                                                                        • Check Complete Brake System
                                                                                                        • Any Metallic Application
                                                                                                          $25 and up
                                                                                                                                         FRONT DISC OR
  named “Reflections and Inspi-          4 Spec. Manuf. Anti-Freeze & Other Types of Antifreeze Add’l
                                         4 Platinum Plugs Additional
                                                                                                        • Rear Disc Brakes Additional
                                                                                                        • Foreign Cars $30 Additional
                                                                                                                                          REAR DRUMS
                                                                                                                                        Most American Cars
  rations,” will challenge those         COUPON CANNOT BE COMBINED WITH ANY OTHER OFFER                 • Trucks & Vans $45 Additional
                                                                                                        • Available at Participating
  members who choose to enter                       LIMITED TIME OFFER WITH THIS AD                       Locations Only. Call First.
  by creating a floral design that                                                                      COUPON CANNOT BE COMBINED WITH ANY OTHER OFFER

  interprets the subject of a                OIL CHANGE SPECIAL                                                  LIMITED TIME OFFER WITH THIS AD

  painting. The actual paintings          • DW20 Additional               Full Synthetic
  will be hung nearby the corre-          • Oil Filter Cartridge
                                            Additional                         starting at                    ALIGNMENT SPECIAL
                                                                                                        • Correct Alignment
  sponding design, inviting the
                                                  3495                     $
                                                                                                          Maintains Even Tire Tread-wear

  viewer to observe. The artists
  who have loaned their works             COUPON CANNOT BE COMBINED WITH ANY OTHER OFFER
                                                                                                        • Even Tire Tread-wear
                                                                                                          Helps Extend Tire Life,
                                                                                                          Improves Handling &
  for this class are; Patty Yantz,                  LIMITED TIME OFFER WITH THIS AD
                                                                                                          Decreases Rolling Resistance Most American Cars
                                                                                                        • Decreased Rolling Resistance
  The Sentinel; Renee Caine, Ap-                                                                          Helps Increase Fuel Economy

  proaching Storm; Eleanor                    FALL COOLING SYSTEM                                       • Better Fuel Economy Helps You Save Money

  Meier, Winter Pears and Ki-                     MAINTENANCE                                           COUPON CANNOT BE COMBINED WITH ANY OTHER OFFER
                                                                                                                 LIMITED TIME OFFER WITH THIS AD
                                         • Drain & Fill Radiator with up to
  mono and Robert Roehrig,                 1 Gallon Anti-Freeze             STARTING AT

                                                                                      5995                FREE
                                         • Check & Tighten Belts
  Dock Reflections.                      • Check Thermostat
                                         • Dexcool Additional                                                                             $125 Value
                                         • Additional for Manufacturer’s Most American Cars
• Division lll – guests will enjoy         Spec. Anti-Freeze                                            CHECK ENGINE LIGHT
  an exhibit that displays the           COUPON CANNOT BE COMBINED WITH ANY OTHER OFFER
  club’s many contributions to                      LIMITED TIME OFFER WITH THIS AD
                                                                                                                        WITH REPAIRS
  the community with an em-                              NOW OFFERING...                                COUPON CANNOT BE COMBINED WITH ANY OTHER OFFER

  phasis on education and re-            ENDURANCE EXTENDED WARRANTY                                             LIMITED TIME OFFER WITH THIS AD

  spect for our environment. This              INSURANCE PLANS                                             COUPONS MUST PRESENTED AT TIME OF SERVICE

  section also includes invita-         Benefits Include: • A Personal Assistant with 24/7 Access • EDS Connect App • Vehicle Protection
                                        • Accepted Anywhere • Trip Interruption • Roadside Assistance • Rental Reimbursement
  tional exhibits solicited from        • FREE Towing • Increased Retail Value – CALL FOR PRICING! Plans Available from 1-7 Years
  florists and businesses in the
  community.                             805 MIDDLE COUNTRY RD., ST. JAMES                                                              WEDNESDAYS
                                                                                                                                       Ladies, Seniors

                                                                                                                                         & Veterans
                                                                                                                                      10% OFF
  A juried show, members who                                                                                                          Cannot be combined with
                                                                                                                                     any other offer. Limited time
decide to participate, will be           MONDAY-FRIDAY 7:30-5:30 • SATURDAY 7:30-3:30                                                     offer with coupon.

                                          OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2021
– 32 –
                                      I N      T H E         N E W S

                Hazardous Household Waste Disposal Event
                    Set for Saturday, October 2, 2021
   The Town of Smithtown is
holding a Household Hazardous
Waste Event on Saturday, Oc-
tober 2, 2021 from 7 a.m. to 3
p.m. at the Municipal Services
Facility, 85 Old Northport Road
in Kings Park, 631-269-6600
(rain or shine).
   Many common household
products have hazardous or even
toxic ingredients. If used or dis-
posed of improperly, they can be
harmful to your family and the
environment.                           materials in their original con-    port Road). Electronic Waste
   Adhesives, alcohols, anti-          tainers to the Municipal Services   such as computers, printers, TV’s,
freeze, brake fluid, lighter fluid,    Facility in Kings Park. You must    monitors, automotive and house-
cleaning solvent, degreasers, her-     be a Town of Smithtown resident     hold batteries can be dropped off
bicides, paint remover, pesti-         to participate and residency will   during regular hours: Tuesday
cides, photo chemicals, insect         be strictly enforced.               through Saturday from 7 a.m.-
spray, pool chemicals, solvents,          Residents can also dispose of    11:45 a.m. and 12:45 p.m.-3:15
stain or varnish and wood preser-      Electronic waste, free of charge,   p.m. for proper recycling. This is
vatives can be disposed of prop-       at the Town Recycling Center        a FREE service. Proof of res-
erly by bringing these unwanted        (also located at 85 Old North-      idency is required.

c    Security Alarms
c    Security Cameras
c    Fire Alarms
c    Automation Systems
c    Audio/Video
c    Landscape Lighting

                                Website: Surveilcoli.com
                                      • LOCATED IN ST. JAMES •

                                          OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2021
– 33 –

                P. DeBlasio Builders, Inc.
                F I N E    H O M E S           &       R E N O V A T I O N S
                Proudly Serving Nassau & Suffolk Counties for Over 30 Years

                            Residential         l   Commercial
        l New Construction                 l Construction Management
        l Renovations                      l Roofing, Siding, Windows
        l Design & Plans Services          l Kitchens & Baths
                             l Outdoor Living Spaces

                                   Silver Award Recipient
                                           for 2017
                                     Contractor of the Year

                          273 Lake Avenue, St. James, NY 11780
                                Tel: 631.584.5500
Member of the
  St. James
  Chamber                                 Licensed & Insured
of Commerce
                       Suffolk License 15543-H | Nassau License H18F6680000

                                     OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2021
– 34 –
                                        I N        T H E         N E W S

       Smithtown                                        Smithtown Library 2022
Paper Shredding Event                                Budget Vote and Trustee Election
 Set for September 25                                     Tuesday, October 12, 2021 • 9:30 a.m.-9:00 p.m.
                                                   The 2022 Budget                  Library Building.
   The Town of Smithtown Department of
                                                   The Library Board is review-     Absentee Voting
Environment and Waterways, in partner-
                                                   ing several budget proposals.    Smithtown Library Absentee
ship with the Municipal Services Facility
                                                   Their goal is to adopt a         Ballot Applications are avail-
and the Department of Public Safety, will
                                                   budget that is balanced with     able at all Smithtown Library
host a Paper Shredding Event on Sat-
                                                   an emphasis on service, re-      Buildings.
urday, September 25, 2021. This FREE
                                                   sources and fiscal prudence.     Library Trustee
event will be held at the Smithtown Mu-
                                                   As details become available,     Candidate Info
nicipal Services Facility, located at 85
                                                   they will be posted on the Li-   If interested in running for a
Old Northport Road in Kings Park, from
                                                   brary’s website.                 Library Trustee position, con-
9 a.m. through 3 p.m.
   Residents will be asked to wear face            Who Can Vote?                    tact the Administration Of-
masks and not to leave their cars, to pro-         Smithtown Special Library        fice at 631-360-2489 for
tect everyone’s wellbeing amid the coro-           District residents who are       details. Petitions are avail-
navirus. Proof of residency is required.           registered to vote with the      able in the Administration
There is a limit of three file boxes per ve-       Suffolk County Board of          Office Monday through Fri-
hicle. Papers, boxes, folders and bags are         Elections.                       day between 9:30 a.m. and 5
OK. No large metal clips please.                   Voter Registration               p.m.
   All personal documents are safely de-           Voter registration forms and         Please visit the Library’s
stroyed by Data Shredding Service, Inc.,           information can be obtained      website at www.smithlib.org
a full-service confidential shredding serv-        through the Suffolk County       or call the Administration of-
ice located on Corporate Drive in Haup-            Board of Elections, the post     fice at 631-360-2489 for
pauge.                                             office or any Smithtown          more details.

                           Architecture P.C.
             Architecture                               Planning                      Design

                                                                                      St. James, NY 11780
Joseph M. Neitzel, RA                                                                       (516) 672-2089
Principal                                                                  j.neitzel@jmn-architecture.com

                                               OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2021
– 35 –

              DeBarbieri Associates, Inc.
                            Your Real Estate Professionals Since 1960
       406 NO. COUNTRY RD.
       ST. JAMES, NY 11780                                                        631-862-7447
                            VIEW US AT: WWW.DEBARB.COM
                                  ST. JAMES “CIRCA 1840s”

North of 25A. This Farm Colonial originally built in 1840s has been renovated & updated. The Interior consists of 3 BRs, office, 1.5 baths, wood
burning frplc in LR, formal dining room, EIK, wide plank hardwood floors through out. Approx. 2.2 parklike acres. Large rocking chair front porch &
rear deck. Detached 3 car garage. Portion of home is gutted and ready to be finished. Full basement. Convenient to all. Must see!        $739,000.

                      SMITHTOWN                                                                    ST. JAMES
                   “NEW TO MARKET”                                                              “NEW TO MARKET”
Totally updated 2 BR                                                         Cute 2 BR, 1 bath
Ranch. Shaker style                                                          Ranch home on over-
cabinets w/granite tops                                                      sized level .86 acre
in EIK. Formal LR &                                                          level lot. Hardwood
DR, maple hardwood                                                           floors, living room, EIK,
floors, new skylights, &                                                     16’ x 24’ rear extension
arch. roof. Andersen                                                         unfinished with 9’ ceil-
thermopane windows,                                                          ings. Updated Oil HW
lower level walk out                                                         boiler & HW tank, 200
basement. Attached 1/2                                                       amp electric, New cess-
garage. BB lined blacktop driveway, .44 acre property zoned RM-7             pool 1998.
(legal 2 family). Convenient to town.                   $449,000.                            $409,000.

                      ST. JAMES                                                               ST. JAMES
                  “OUR NEW LISTING”                                                    “OPEN CONCEPT COLONIAL”
Diamond 4 BR Colonial                                                        Open airy floor plan in
totally updated. 2 full                                                      this 3 BR, 3 full bath
baths. Custom EIK cab-                                                       Colonial. Granite tops in
inets w/epoxy counter-                                                       EIK with breakfast bar.
tops & SS appliances.                                                        Great room, den with
Formal LR & DR, den                                                          vaulted ceilings, oak
with pellet stove. Archi-                                                    floors & w/w carpeting.
tectural roof, full base-                                                    Lovely private rear yard,
ment, 1 car attached                                                         large deck. .43 level
garage. Patio, fruit                                                         acre. 1 car detached garage.                                   $567,000.
trees, gardner’s delight.
Convenient to all.                                         $589,000.                           SMITHTOWN
                     RONKONKOMA                                                        “IDEAL FOR INVESTOR/USER”
                                                                             Zoned Office Business
                  “TOTALLY UPDATED”                                          (OB). 9,000 sq. ft. of of-
Diamond fully, updated                                                       fice buildings. Three
Ranch features 2 BRs,                                                        (3,000) sq. ft. buildings,
1 full bath, EIK with                                                        54 parking spaces.
marble tops, living                                                          Prime Rte. 111 expo-
room. (great room)                                                           sure. Ideal for Inves-
CAC, thermopane win-                                                         tor/User. Gas heat. 222
dows, detached 1 car                                                         ft. road frontage.
garage. .57 level acre.                                                                   $1,600,000.
Must see! $385,000.                                                          or 2 separate units for rent starting at $2,300 mo. + utils.

                              CALL FOR A FREE MARKET ANALYSIS
                                                        OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2021
– 36 –
                      H I S T O R I C A L L Y                     S P E A K I N G

                     Deepwells: A Crown Jewel in St. James
by Bradley Harris,
Smithtown Historian

 With this article, I am focusing
 on the history of the “Great Es-
 tates of St. James.” From its in-
 ception, St. James always had a
 number of large estates within
 its boundaries. That is still true
 today, especially when you re-
 member that the incorporated
 villages of Head of the Harbor
 and Nissequogue are within
 the postal district of St.James.
 The first of these large estates
 were located along North
 Country Road, and for that rea-
 son, I have chosen to write
 about Deepwells, a Smith
 family home that was built in
 1845. This article first appeared    Deepwells, the Georgian mansion built by George Curtis in 1845 for Joel
 in the Long Island Historical        L.G. Smith. The house stands on the north side of North Country Road, just
 Journal, Vol. 19, Nos.1-2, Fall of   west of Moriches Road. It is owned today by Suffolk County.
 2006/Spring of 2007.
                                        “came to Smithtown from New            of land that Smith purchased
   In 1992, the house today             Jersey before 1810, the year he        from Gamaliel Taylor, another
known as Deepwells and thir-            married Elizabeth, a daughter of       descendant of Richard Smythe.
teen acres of open land sur-            Charles Smith.” He lived on            The house was built on the north
rounding it, were purchased by          Three Sisters Road in St. James.       side of North Country Road on
Suffolk County and added to the         By the time Smith commissioned         the crest of a small hill that
Suffolk County parks system.            him, Curtis had become a               makes the house even more im-
Back in 1987, when the pur-             master-builder having built the        posing. The home that Curtis
chase of the property was a hotly       Presbyterian Church (1823-1825)        built for Smith is fancier and
contested issue in the Suffolk          and the Presbyterian Manse             more elegant than the Mills Pond
County Legislature, Legislator          (1835) in Smithtown Branch. Ac-        House, a fact that is easily seen
Steven Englebright suggested that       cording to local tradition, Smith      when the two houses are com-
the estate would become “a              asked that Curtis build “a fancier,    pared.
crown jewel” of Suffolk County’s        more elegant home than his                The differences between the
parks. Deepwells has always             cousin, William Wickham Mills,”        two houses can be found in the
been a gem because of its spar-         built in 1838 at Mills Pond in St.     finishing touches. The Smith
kling classic beauty and architec-      James. That house was designed         house has a one story veranda
tural style. It is a “crown jewel”      by a New York City architect           that runs completely across the
because of its rich history and         named Calvin Pollard and was           face of the house. The veranda
the fascinating story of the lives      built on a Georgian, five bay,         roof is supported by six fluted
of the people who made Deep-            center hall plan, with Greek re-       columns with “carved capitals”
wells their home.                       vival detailing. At the time it was    that rest on a “granite foundation
   Built between 1845 and 1847,         built in 1838, the Mills Pond           with flagstone flooring,” while
the house is a classic example of       House was the grandest house in        the Mills Pond House has only a
Greek Revival architecture. The         Smithtown. It was this house that      portico. The Smith house has a
house was built for Joel Louis          Smith wanted Curtis to emulate.        service wing that is set at right
Griffing Smith, a sixth generation      (Barbara Van Liew, “Deepwells,”        angles to the main house while
descendant of Richard Smythe,           Preservation Notes, Fall/Winter,       the Mills house has the wing ex-
the founder of Smithtown. In            1979, p. 9.)                           tending parallel to the main
1845, Joel L.G. Smith commis-              Construction of the Smith           block of the house. The place-
sioned the artisan George Curtis        house that we know as Deep-            ment of the service wing
to build a house for him. Curtis        wells began in 1845 on ten acres                    continued on page 38
                                            OUR TOWN • SEPTEMBER 2021
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