HERizons THE MANITOBA WOMEN'S NEWS MAGAZINE - June 1983 Vol. 1 No. 4 Price: $1.00 - Yuck Boys Live

Page created by Karl Curry
HERizons THE MANITOBA WOMEN'S NEWS MAGAZINE - June 1983 Vol. 1 No. 4 Price: .00 - Yuck Boys Live
HERizons   June 1983 Vol. 1 No. 4 Price: $1.00

HERizons THE MANITOBA WOMEN'S NEWS MAGAZINE - June 1983 Vol. 1 No. 4 Price: .00 - Yuck Boys Live
                                                       FOLK FESTIVAL

                                                                                                                    Good to see
Peter Alsop               Sandy Counts            Tim Harrison               Geoff Panting             Star & Mehalick
America Libre
Apple Chill Cloggers
                          Vassar Clements
                          Don Cullen
                                                  John Hartford
                                                                             John Pattison and
                                                                                                       Bruce Steele
                                                                                                       Curly Boy Stubbs
                                                                                                                                  JULY 7, 8, 9 & 10
Artis the Spoonman        Danseurs de la Rivere   Dakota Dave Hull & Sean    Tom Paxton                Sukay
John Ashton
Avnet The Eccentric
                          Darcie Deauville
                                                  Queen Ida & The Bon
                                                                             Jim Payne
                                                                             Fred Penner
                                                                                                       Taj Mahal
                                                                                                       Koko Taylor                BIRD'S HILL PARK
Grupo Aymara              The Doug Dillard Band   TempsZydecoBand            Colleen Peterson          Richard Thompson
Barde                     The Dillards            Connie Kaldor              Faith Petric              Doc Tibbles

Bayou Seco                Duck Donald             Bob King                   Jim Post                  Brent Titcomb              Tickets:
Jarvis Benoit Quartet     Elias, Schritt & Bell   Leo Kottke                 Red Clay Ramblers         Touchstone
Anita Best                David Essig             Ladies Choice              Really and Maloney        Twelve Moons
                                                                                                                                  In Winnipeg:
Bim                       Finjan                  Bluegrass Band             J.P Ringwort & The        Storytellers               ATO
Tony Bird                 Cathy Fink              Alain Lamontagne           Heartbreak of Psoriasis   Valdy
Blowzabella               Folle Avoine            Don Lange                  John Roberts & Tony       Peter Paul Van Camp
                                                                                                                                  BTO (all locations)
Blue Flame                Bob Franke              Gerald Laroche             Barrand                   Dave Van Ronk              Home-Made Music

Stringband                Don Freed               Rick & Lorraine Lee        The Roches                Jane Voss & Hoyle
Eric Bogle & John Munro   The Free Hot Lunch      Denis Lepage               Stan Rogers               Osborne
                                                                                                                                  Mary Scorer Books
Brian Bowers              Band                    Richard Lepage             Rosselson, Bailey &       Loudon Wainwright III      Maison du Disque
Jim Brewer                Bill Garett             Walt Lysack                Armstrong                 Sneezy Waters
Ann Hills Burda           Bob Gibson              Mac Lean & Mac Lean        George Russell            Chris Whiteley & Caitlin
                                                                                                                                  Country Music Centre
Jethro Burns              Professor Gizmo         David Mallet               Kelly Russell             Hanford                    Hamerton’s Music
John Allan Cameron        Steve Goodman           Debby McClatchy            Claudia Schmidt           Robin and Linda
                                                                                                                                  Books and Volumes

Bob Carpenter             Sandy Greenberg         Don McLean                 Son Seals                 Williams
Margaret Christi          David Grisman Quartet   Charlie Murphy with Jami   Mike Seeger               Daniel Womack
Andy Cohen                George Gritzbach        Seber                      Sharon, Lois & Bram       Winston Wuttunee
Conrad Flaps              Rufus Guinchard         Eric Nagler                Corky Siegel
Beverly Cotten            Peter Gzowski           Natch Gloria               Al Simmons                           And More
                          Larry Hanks             Richard Nevell             Lem Snow
HERizons THE MANITOBA WOMEN'S NEWS MAGAZINE - June 1983 Vol. 1 No. 4 Price: .00 - Yuck Boys Live
in this issue
   Board of Directors
   Elizabeth Dotremont
   Debbie Halmberg-Schwartz

   Penni Mitchell

   Managing Editor
   Debbie Halmberg-Schwartz                                      4 & 5 Letters to the Editor
                                                                 6 Calendar of Events and Bulletins
                                                                 7 Abortion Issue Update
   Office Manager
   Patricia Rawson
                                                                 9 Elizabeth Fry Gains Independence
   Advertising Manager                                                  by Adeena Franz
   Joyce Culbertson
                                                                 Jane Rule — Writer in Residence
   Writers/Editors                                                      by Katherine Szadkowska
   Penni Mitchell                                                Technology threatens Women’s Future
   Brigitte Sutherland
                                                                        by Tanya Lester

   Art and Production
   Montage Design:
   Libby Danyluk
   Joanne Johnson
   Gladys Stoesz-Hammond                                          FEATURES
                                                                  17 Linking Past and Present
                                                                          Manitoba women's struggle for equality has been
                                                                  going on for over 100 years. In this photo         essay we
   Columnists                                                     take a look at our setbacks and gains.
   Paula Gardner, C.A.,                                                   by Penni Mitchell
   Jennifer Cooper LL.B.                                          20 A Bevy of Firsts
                                                                  A look at women's accomplishments in former male bastions.
   Tanya Lester
                                                                          by Tanya Lester

   Elaine Martyn
   Adena Franz                                                    31 A Monumental Tribute to Nellie McClung
   Janick Belleau                                                        Suffragist's house restored by Winnipeg feminist
   Giselle Thibault                                                      Leslie Campbell.
   Katherine Szadkowska                                           35 Travelling Prairie Doctor
   Sheila Spence                                                  Neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet, nor mud could stop
   Heather Kilbrai                                                Margaret Owens from tending to the pioneers.
HERIzOnS iS available at newsstands and:                                 by Gerrl Thorsteinson
Co-op Bookstore
Deter's Confectionery (The Pas)
Home-Made Music
Liberation Books
                                                                  39 The Future of Women
Mary Scorer Books
                                                                          Reviewer pans this Marxist interpretation of
Northern Options for Women (Thompson)
Prairie Sky Books
                                                                          by Giselle Thibault
Red River Books
                                                                  42 Legaleyes
McNally-Robinson Booksellers
                                                                  A retrospective account of Canadian Divorce Laws
Manitoba Action Committee on the Status
                                                                  43 Breadwinning
of Women
                                                                  Capitalism for Beginners: How to start your own business
Women's Employment Counselling
                                                                  part II
                                                                  44 Notions and Potions
Y.W.C.A. Resource Centre
                                                                  A charting of "natural" birth control
and other women's organizations
                                                                  45 Editorial
                                                                  Putting a perspective on the Manitoba Women's Movement
The aim of this magazine is to provide an alternative means
of communications with a feminist perspective in order to
stimulate, to inform, to effect change, and to unify women’s
strengths, serving as a forum for the women of Manitoba.

H£Rizons is currently Operating out of 125 Osborne St. S.,
Winnipeg. For further information, cull 477-1730.
Views expressed in this publication are those of the writer
and do not necessarily reflect HERIzons policy.
Submissions are welcome. Editing rights are reserved and
submission does not guarantee publication. A self-
addressed stamped envelope will ensure that submissions
will be returned to the writer. Published 12 times a year.
Price $10.00 per year. $1.00 per issue. For institution or
business. $24.00 per year.

Typesetting done by TRIAD Graphics Limited: printing of
cover by Premier Printing: other printing by Web Graphics
West Ltd.

Second Class Mail Registration No. 5899.
Special thanks this issue to Jan D’Arcy, Margaret Robson,
Carol Ann Buchan.

HERizons THE MANITOBA WOMEN'S NEWS MAGAZINE - June 1983 Vol. 1 No. 4 Price: .00 - Yuck Boys Live
                    FINANCIAL                          To all groups which support             Just thought I would drop a note with
                    PLANNING                           freedom of choice on abortion.
                                                       You are undoubtedly aware that
                                                                                               my sub. I have been reading your
                                                                                               magazine at the Status of Women
                    for the WOMAN                      the case of Browoski vs. the
                                                       Minister of Justice and the
                                                                                               office here in Calgary. I think you are
                                                                                               doing a great job. It is great to see
                    ON THE GO                          Minister of Finance is currently
                                                       before the Court of Queen's
                                                                                               feminist news magazines in Canada.
                                                                                               You have been covering a great many
                                                       Bench in Regina, Saskatchewan.          issues of interest to me, as a lesbian
                                                                                               mother, a fat feminist, etc.
                                                                                               Keep up the good work. I will try to
                                                          Borowski claims that fertil-
                                                                                               write again when I have more time.
                                                       ized eggs deserve the protec-
                                                       tion of the Charter of Rights           There have been many issues I
                                                       and Freedoms and is bringing            would like to respond to in the past,
                                                       "expert" witnesses to prove             and are sure to be in the future as
                                                       that personhood begins at               well.
                                                       conception. The federal
                                                       Government is a reluctant                                   Name Withheld
                                                       defendant and will not be
                                                       presenting evidence to counter
                                                       Borowski's witnesses.
                                                          The Canadian Abortion                Just saw a copy of the new and
                                                       Rights Action League sought             improved Herizons and boy, was I
                                                       and was denied intervenor               impressed! Like, really impressed. Don’t
                                                       status in the trial. The result         get me wrong — I don’t write fan letters
                                                                                               to just anyone. As a matter of fact, the
                                                       is that the interests of women          only one i ever wrote in my life was to
                                                       are not being presented and             Fireweed, so I’d say we’re all in good
                                                       the federal Government is ap-           company.
                                                       parently unwilling to defend            Unfortunately, someone tore the little
                                                                                               form off of the back cover so will this
                                                       its own legislation.                    do?? I have enclosed a cheque for
                                                          If Borowski wins, abortion           $10.00. If it’s not enough, I’ll send more.
                                                       will once again be illegal in
                                                       this country.
                                                           I T I S I M P E R AT I V E T H AT
                                                                                               Martha Elliot,
                                                        ALL GROUPS WHICH HAVE
                                                       TAKEN A PRO-CHOICE POSI-

                                                        T I O N I M M E D I AT E LY
                                                        REITERATE THEIR POSITION               Ottawa, Ontario.
                                                           The Canadian Labour Con-
                                                        gress for example has publicly
     What woman doesn't want her own house? A           restated its position that abor-
home to furnish and decorate and landscape just         tion should be removed from
                                                        the Criminal Code and that
as she pleases. A place which will be uniquely her      women should have equal ac-
own.                                                    cess to abortion.
                                                        You can do the following:
                                                        1) Issue a press release
    But all this takes money; you'll probably           2) Send copies to the federal
need a mortgage. And that's where we come in.           Minister of Justice, the Hon. Mark
                                                        MacGuigan. Send copies to the
      If you are thinking about a mortgage, drop        Prime Minister, the leaders of the
                                                        opposition parties, your local
in at any Commerce branch and talk to us. We'll         media and to us at CARAL.
answer all your questions and we'll do our best to      or
help you make your dream home a reality.                3) Write a letter to MacGuigan
                                                        with copies to the above
                                                        4) Send a telegram to MacGuigan
                                                        and copies to the above
                                                        5) Monitor the trial and be ready
                                                        to respond to the media about the
                                                        Call CARAL (416 961 - 1507) for
                                                        more information if you need it.
                                                        Act Now —time is of the essence
         CANADIAN        IMPERIAL                       (the trial may be over in 1 to 5
       BANK OF COMMERCE                                 Norma Scarborough,

We picked the winner!                                                                We
                  Susan Scott, of Roslyn Road in
                  Winnipeg was the winner of HERIZONS
                  “Taking off in ’83 Contest.” Pacific
                  Western Airlines will take Susan and a
                  friend to Vancouver this year.

                                                                                                past in
                                                                                                order to
                                                                                                and the
                                                                                                & the
Premier of Manitoba
Legislative Building
Winnipeg. Manitoba
Dear Mr. Pawley:
I support a woman's right to choose
therapeutic abortion. I urge you and
your government to:
1) lobby the Federal government to
                                                                                                 Nellie McClung
repeal Section 251 of the Criminal
Code because It is unjust.
2) not prosecute Dr. Henry                                 RECORDS
Morgentaler under Section 251 of the                               BOOKS
Criminal Code.
3) approve Dr. Morgentaler’s clinic so                     INSTRUMENTS              HOME-MADE
that abortions performed there will be
insured services under medicare.

                                                           A FOLK MUSIC CENTRE
_____________________________                              Fine Selection of Women’s Records
                                                           218 Osborne St. S.
Address                                                    Winnipeg, Manitoba R3L 1Z3
_____________________________                              Telephone (204) 284-5150
_________                                                  We’ll see you at
                                                           THE WINNIPEG FOLK FESTIVAL
                                                           July 7-10 Bird’s Hill Park

                                                                     JUNE 5
LE REUNION ANNUELLE de                        T H E C O M PA S S I O N AT E
                                                                 Pluri-elles aura. lieu DIMANCHE,              FRIENDS

         Calendar                                                LE 12 JUIN 1983 au Colle0e
                                                                 Saint-Boniface. Le journée se
                                                                 compose de la réunion d'affaire,
                                                                 diner, divers ateliers comme I.
                                                                                                               is an international self-help
                                                                                                               group offering friendship and
                                                                                                               understanding to bereaved
                                                                                                               parents. The Winnipeg chapter
                                                                                                               meets the third Thursday of
                                                                 Démystifions le feminsme. 2. Se
JUNE                                                                                                           each month at 8:00 PM at the
                                                                 val riser par son travail 5. PrenIre          Community Service Bldg.. 685
1 SANDINISTA!                                                    soin de soi, 4~. Vivre sa relloion,
a moving, imaginative portrait of people and events of the                                                     W i l l i a m Av e . N o m e m b e r s h i p
                                                                 5. La femme et la survivance.                 fees are charged and, a
new Nicaragua by The Great Canadian Theatre Company,             Le tout commence à lOhSO pour                 monthly newsletter and a list
Performances till June 5 at the Gas Station theatre, River       se terminer vers 16h30.                       of "telephone friends" enables
and Osborne. Tickets $7.50; Students and seniors $5.00.          Pre-lnscription: membres $6.00,               members to keep in touch. For
Call 284-8488/453-6231 for info or reservations.                 t]on membre $10.00.                           more information call
                                                                 $12.00 a la porte.                            787-2460 or Edith Fraser
6 SECTION ON WOMEN AND                                           Pour plus d'information composer              338-5038.
Psychology 1983 Institute will meet at the Holiday Inn           le 2:53 1735.                                 SISTERFIRE — The 2nd annual
(downtown) June 6 and 7. Registration $25.00, Students                                                         celebration of women in the arts

$15 payable to CPA-SWAP SEND TO: Katherine Schultz,               LESBIAN MOTHERS                              in all our diversity. In Washington.
Dept. of Psychology, U. of W., 515 Portage Ave., Wpg. R3B         ORGANIZATION being formed.                   D.C. on June 25 — Tickets $14,
2E9. Topics: Sex Roles and Sex Differences; Politics of           Lesbian mothers interested in                available from Roadwork, Inc,
Motherhood; Self with Others; Evolving Views of Abuse.            forming a support group and to               Box S, 1475 Harvard St. N.W..
                                                                  develop a resource list of                   Washington, D.C. 20009.
9 WOMEN HEALERS AND                                               lawyers, social workers to assist            Telephone (202) 234-9508.
Activists Conference on Grindstone Island Centre June 9-12.       with custody cases call Gays for
Only for women already actively involved in the healing arts,     Equality 786-3976.                           WOMEN'S PEACE MOVEMENT
allopathic health care workers and feminist health activities.                                                 at Seneca Falls. N.Y. The Seneca
                                                                   ANTHOLOGY being compiled                    Army Depot stores nuclear
Limited to 45; fee from $150-$175. For further lnfo call           entitled: "A Maternal Maze:                 weapons and is the East Coast
Grindstone (near Portland, Ont.) Office (416) 923-4215.            What Mothers Experience                     "transshipment point" receiving
11 WALK FOR PEACE                                                  When Their Child(ren) is                    nuclear weapons for deployment
"Celebration of Hope" sponsored by the Winnipeg                    Sexually Abused". Send journal              in Europe. The July 16-24 week is

Coordinating Committee for Disarmament. Last year more             excerpts, poetry, essays, letters           being organized by Women
                                                                   and short stories to Ms. J.                 Against Military Madness from
than 15,000 Manitobans walked for peace. Meet at11 AM at
                                                                                                               Minneapolis (857-5562/ 827-4277
the Legislative Bldgs. Following the walk there will be            Hamilton, 46-810 W. Broadway,
                                                                                                               or 870-1858). The encampment
music, dance, displays, a special children's stage; a festive      Vancouver V5Z 4C9 (SASE).
                                                                                                               modelled after the European
atmosphere to envision a joyous, peaceful future world.                                                        peace camps will hold on-going
                                                                                                               workshops on women and
 12 La reunion annuelle de Pluri-elles aura lieu                                                               political action;, rural organizing:
 DIMANCHE. le 12 juin 1983 au College Saint-Boniface.                                                          conversion of weapons facilities:
 La journée se compose de reunion d’affaire, diner et                                                          and racism in the peace
 divers ateliers. Pour plus d’information, composer le                                                         movement.
 233-1735. Voir bulletin ci contre pour details.
 9 SUNDAY BRUNCH WITH                                             FEMINIST YOUTH
 Karen Howe, Ian Young, Et Al. at the Women’s Bldg., 730          STUDYING TOGETHER (F.Y.S.T)                   BLACK WOMEN'S ' HEALTH
 Alexander AVE. from 11:30-5 PM (brunch $5). Poetry/music/        is looking to increase its                    ISSUES — First National
 entertainment by local writers/singers/artists. From 5:30-10     membership base and can be                    Conference-"I'm Sick and Tired of
                                                                  contacted through the Manitoba                Being Sick and Tired" (Fanny Lou
 PM wine and cheese reception as well as buffet supper ($5)
                                                                  Action Committee on the Status of             Hamer). June 24-26 at Spelman
 and entertainment at the Winnipeg Gay Community Centre.                                                        College, Atlanta, GA.
                                                                  Women office 942-2000. Topics for
                                                                  discussion that the young women               to promote health education,
 FRE FILM NITE —                                                  have expressed interest in are                health advocacy, and health
 “Spy in the House”, film about Winnipeg artist Esther            consciousness raising: abortion;              activism among Black women.
 Warkow; “Footbinding”; a short; “See What I Say”, Holy           family planning: and career                   Also concert featuring concert
 Near in concert for the deaf. Program starts at 7:30 PM at       planning. One member has written              with "Sweet Honey In The Rock".
 the Women’s Building, 730 Alexander Ave.,                        a play about sex-stereotyping in              Registration $35 to Black
 783-7889/475-9265.                                               the high schools and they are now             Women's Health Project, P.O.
                                                                  putting together a performance.               Box 89067. Atlanta, GA 30312.
  30 WOMEN AND SPIRIT GATHERING                                   The symbol of a fist in their
  to focus on exploring and experiencing our, personal            acronym portrays unity and                     WRITERS AND POETS — 7th
  energies and powers. Body Awareness: Healing. Spiritual         strength, rather than aggression.              annual Women’s Voices Creative
  Awareness; Playing: Herstory of Women — sharing our                                                            Writing Workshop in Santa Cruz,
  knowledge and skills. Gathering on Grinstone Island from                                                       CA with Susan Griffin, author of
  June 530-July 3. Fee range from $90-$125; for info call                                                        Woman and Nature, Pornography
                                                                     PEACE FAST/VIGIL                            and Silence and Audre Lorde,
  (416) 92~4215.                                                     at the Legislative Grounds                  poet of Collected Poems, Zami: A
  WOMEN AND WORDS/ les femmes et les mots a bilingual,               sponsored by the Winnipeg                   New Spelling of My Name.
  country-wide conference bringing together women working            Coordinating Committee for                  Workshop runs from June 26 to
  with the written word. From June 30-July 3 in Vancouver            Disarmament from midnight June              July 19. Information: WOmen’s
  B.C., cost $45 — make cheque payable to West Coast                 3rd to noon June 10th.                      Voices. Box M, c/o Marcy
  Women and Words Society. Box 65563, Station F.                     To participate in this rotating fast in     Alancraig, paula Ross, 1312
  Vancouver, B.C. V5N 4B0.                                           support of peace and disarmament            Addison St., Berkeley. CA 94702.
                                                                     call WCCD 786-1555.

                                         Conversations at the
                                                                              Outside the Corydon Avenue             drove by.
                                                                              Clinic, pictures of dead fetuses       Yet another, from the same mould
                                                                              plastered on signs litter the lawn     chants. "If you don't want babies,
                                                                              with ever less tact than a yard        take the pill or keep your pants
                                                                              filled with plastic flamingoes.        on." Moments later, someone tells
                                                                              Slanderous slogans like 'baby          him that men have something to
                                                                              killer' further reflect the violent    do with women becoming
                                                                              tone of the protesters. Ironically.    pregnant. (He looks surprised.)
                                                                              they call themselves "pro-life."       A pro-choice supporter suggests
                                                                              One man pointedly demands of a         that men should be more
                                                                              woman and her two year old             accountable for their sperm.
                                                                              daughter,                              She asks him if mandatory child
                                                                              "Why do you have to kill babies        support for all men who father
                                                                              just so you can have an orgasm?        children and don't stick around
                                                                              You can have an orgasm by              would be a better option than
                                                                              yourself, you don't have to kill       abortion.
                                                                              babies just for an orgasm."            "You gotta be kidding." Moments
                                                                              If she hadn't been so stunned by       later, another man demonstrates
                                                                              the comment, she would have            the level of compassion indicative
                                                                              pointed out the intellectual depth     of the antiabortion faction when
                                                                              of his argument by responding,         he yells,
                                                                              "Why do you have to impregnate         "No more welfare for women!"
                                                                              your wife just to have an orgasm       The level of humanity reaches its
                                                                              when you can just as easily            peak when yet another male
                                                                              masturbate in the bathroom?"           picketer wishes herpes on a
                                                                              instead, she shakes her head and       woman entering the clinic. At the
                                                                              turns away The women and two or        same time a woman "pro-lifer" is
                                                                              three male supports of the pro-        harassing a woman who carries a
                                                                              choice element sit near by with        sign saying "Children by Choice".
                                                                              their signs and children.              She tells the woman her son has
                                                                              Those who demand to close the          been waiting to adopt for 2 years
                                                                              clinic are almost entirely men who     and suggests that the demand for
                                                                              will never experience an               children should be met by
                                                                              unwanted pregnancy. Their              mandatory production of babies.
                                                                              rhetoric is devoid of compassion.      "What kind of baby does your son
      Sex Abuse Project Piloted                                               Another man. boastfully "pro-life".
                                                                              threatens to kill a passing motorist
                                                                                                                     want?" the woman asks.
                                                                                                                     "Well, a white one" snaps the
A psychiatrist in a sexual abuse       sponsored by Actors' Showcase          who yelled "Deport Borowskl" as        woman.
treatment team at Toronto's            and the Junior League of               he
Hospital for Sick Children             Winnipeg, children are taught how
estimates that close to one in         to say no to the kind of touching
every five North American girls will   that makes them feel bad.
be sexually assaulted before they      Artistic director of the project
become adults. Clearly half will be    Leslee Silverman says 85 per
assaulted by a father or stepfather.   cent of children who are sexually           PRE-PAID COURIER SERVICE*
The head of a Toronto police           abused are involved in longterm             $3.50
committee investigating the sexual     trust situations with their abusers.        ANYWHERE IN THE CITY
abuse of children says the father's    Children's Aid reported a 22 per            BISON COURIER
affection becomes abuse when the       cent increase in child abuse
                                                                                   *Sold in pkgs of 10
behaviour must stay a secret.          cases of all kinds last year and a
A sexual abuse awareness project       further 70 per cent increase since
                                                                                   Pick up or delivery of:
currently piloted in three Winnipeg    1980.                                       - time sensitive material
elementary schools will be             The program has three                       - parcels/letters
extended to 10 schools next fall if    components — a workshop for                 -jewellery repairs
It is received favourably. In the      parents; a workshop for teachers            - groceries/dry-cleaning
form of a theatre project, jointly     and a two-part presentation for             - small appliance repairs
                                       students.                                   CALL 452-1449

lower court which convicted a              The three judge-appeal court said
                                                                                 doctor of negligent homicide               that the association did not advise
                                                                                 following his treatment of a               or pressure clients to seek
    JUDGE DEFENDS HIMSELF                                                        pregnant woman.                            abortions, but provided women
                                                                                                                            with information on all options,
                                                                                 The high court ruled that an unborn
    ON ABORTION STAND                                                            child becomes a 'legal' human
                                                                                 being when its mother enters
                                                                                                                            A court is expected to decide
                                                                                 labour.                                    sometime this month whether a
The shit's hit the fan about Chief       whether Morgentaler is guilty.                                                     woman who stabbed a six-month
Justice A.M. Mormon’s anti-              Meanwhile in Toronto, The                                                          pregnant woman is guilty of
                                                                                 In Saskatchewan. where anti-
abortion sympathies, after we            Canadian Abortion Rights Action                                                    manslaughter for causing the
                                                                                 abortion crusader Joe Borowski's
reported last month that he signed       League (CARAL) has filed a suit in                                                 premature labour which led to the
                                                                                 trial on fetus' right to life is heating
a 'pro-life' petition published in The   the Supreme Court of Ontario                                                       fetus' death.
                                                                                 up, reports of abortions becoming
Free Press.                              contending that an unborn child is                                                 Although the woman has already
                                                                                 increasingly difficult to obtain are
The reverberations made it all the       not a person and that the present                                                  served six months in jail for
                                                                                 surfacing. Women's groups report
way to the House of Commons,             federal abortion law is                                                            wounding the pregnant woman, a
                                                                                 that because the issue has
where Justice Minister Mark              "unworkable, unjust and unfair."                                                   County Clerk judge decided last
                                                                                 become "hot', doctors and abortion
McGuigan has refused to pass             Morris Manning, CARAL's lawyer                                                     month that a fetus is a separate
                                                                                 committees in hospitals may be
judgement on Monnin’s anti-choice        said the suit will use the Charter of                                              being and therefore someone who
                                                                                 'running scared' in efforts to cover
sympathies.                              Rights to seek a declaration that                                                  injures a pregnant woman can be
                                                                                 their asses.
The Coalition for Reproductive           Section 251 of the Criminal Code                                                   tried for injuring two people.
Choice has written the Canadian          is inconsistent with the Charter.                                                  While the outcome of the trial
                                                                                 Next door in Alberta, the Foothills
Judicial Council demanding that          While abortions are a crime, under                                                 could arguably have ramifications
                                                                                 Hospital in Calgary has increased
Judge Monnin's conduct be                Sec. 251, unless performed in an                                                   on the 'legal stares' of a fetus, it
                                                                                 the number of abortions performed,
investigated.                            accredited hospital after an                                                       could also open the door for a
                                                                                 from 55 to 50 per week because of
Monnin maintains his antiabortion        abortion committee has approved                                                    barrage of charges against men
                                                                                 demand for the operation. The
sympathies don't conflict with his       the operation,                                                                     who beat their pregnant partners
                                                                                 Alberta Court of Appeal also
job as head of the Appeals Court in      hospitals don't have to have                                                       and cause fetal damage.
                                                                                 unanimously backed a lower court
Manitoba, even though he would           committees at all if they don't                                                    Canadian statistics report that one
                                                                                 ruling that helping women get
be directly involved in deciding the     want. No other medical operation                                                   in three of the ten per cent of
                                                                                 abortions isn't illegal. Arguing
outcome of any abortion case             subjects a patient to be                                                           Canadian women who are beaten
                                                                                 abortion is battery against a fetus,
which was tried in his Court.            scrutinized by a decision-making                                                   by male partners, were beaten for
                                                                                 a local lawyer launched a suit on
 The fear of pro-choice supporters       committee.                                                                         the first time during a pregnancy.
                                                                                 behalf of himself to stop the city
in Manitoba is that if Dr. Henry         AROUND THE WORLD A high                                                            Statistics linking spousal abuse to
                                                                                 from giving money to the Calgary
Morgantaler is prosecuted, Monnin        court in West Germany recently                                                     fetal injury haven't yet been
                                                                                 Birth Control Association, a pro-
may sit on the appeal himself, or        ruled that a nine-month fetus was                                                  undertaken.
                                                                                 choice organization.
choose judges that will decide           not a legal person, overruling a

                                         LEGAL SERVICES SLASHED in
                                         B.C. — Failure by the provincial
      Religion                           government to provide $2.4 million
                                         for 83/84 has resulted in drastic
    Pre-requisite                        cutbacks,
                                         — no one charged with a summary

    For Justice?                         conviction offence or an offence
                                         under the Juvenile Delinquents Act
                                         will be provided with a lawyer;
A sixty-four year old man was
found not guilty of sexually
assaulting his 12-year-old
granddaughter because the judge
presiding in the case wasn't
convinced the victim understood
                                         — From May 15 to Aug. 15 no
                                         lawyers at all will be appointed to
                                         act for people unable to pay for the
                                         — Sept. 1 lawyers advising
                                         accused before first appearance
the significance of taking an oath       and speaking to bail on their behalf
on a bible.                              will cease.                                Broadway Office 956-0480 Money Workshops
In London, Ontario, a Middlesex          These cuts, along with previously          Call Marya or Lynn to arrange a free money
County Court judge questioned            eliminated cuts in Family Court
the victim at length on her              Assistance, are particularly severe
                                                                                    management workshop. They are professional
religious background in an attempt       for women.                                 financial planners and can offer you sound
to disqualify her from being sworn       User fees were introduced even for         advice for a personal financial plan. (Minimum

in. He was successful.                   those on social assistance.
The victim, of course, was the           Closing up shop for the summer
                                                                                    of eight people required for a workshop).
Crown's only witness and because         months will result in women unable         Do you manage your money as well as you
the judge determined she could           to get a lawyer if they are being          manage your career or household? Your future
not be sworn in, there was no            beaten, if they require a divorce on
evidence to corroborate her              grounds of cruelty, if a husband is
                                                                                    depends on it. Learn proven ways to achieve
                                                                                    security and growth for your money.

testimony.                               about to abduct with children, and
She was unable to remember               so on.                                     Investors
when she was last in church and
when asked what would happen if
                                                                                    "Profit from our experience"
she lied under oath replied: "I
believe God would be mad."               Kinesis

Calwood Adds Humour
             and Wit to
         Woman of the Year
                                                                                          Elizabeth Fry
                                                                                  gains independence.
                                                                                                               operation, would advocate
                                                                          Of the 15 Elizabeth Fry societies    prevention and community
                                                                          of Canada, the organization in       awareness.
                                                                          Winnipeg is the last to establish    "We are hoping to build a large
                                                                          its own offices. The recent split    volunteer program to look at
                                                                          from its brother organization The    alternatives and find out what
                                                                          John Howard Society is described     rights women have of other
                                                                          as nonadversarlal and                agencies." Executive Director of
                                                                          consensual, and fills the need for   the Canadian Association of
                                                                          a separate group dealing with        Elizabeth Fry Societies Christie
                                                                          female offenders.                    Jefferson said that other
                                                                          The Society is a non-profit          connections for women through
                                                                          agency which provides                career counselling and
                                                                          counselling services to women in     nontraditional job training need to
                                                                          the justice system, concentrating    be researched.
                                                                          in the areas of court remand,        "There is an unbelievable lack of
                                                                          probation, jail and release.         information." she said.
                                                                          The Society has in the last month,   "Women have been dealt with
                                                                          set up offices at 222 Osborne St.,   according to the assumptions that
                                                                          operating with two staff and a       sewing and cooking programs
                                                                          pool of volunteers. At present, it   were all they needed.
                                                                          operates in a transitional stage,    We are looking at ways of dealing
                                                                          but as Chairperson Betty Hopkins     with their other needs, such as
                                                                          explained, has extensive plans to    emotional support. alcohol and
      June Calwood was guest speaker at the YMCA-sponsored Woman          bridge the large information gap     drug problems.
      of the Year awards evening.                                         that exists regarding resources      Someone needs to look after their
                                                                          for women in 'the system'.           children as well. The Winnipeg
                                                                          "There has been a. tendency to       Elizabeth Fry Society has an
Although the crowd may have           In reference to the issue of        focus on the aftercare of women
                                      reproductive choice, Calwood                                             excellent footing because they
been somewhat unappreciative of                                           in the system." Hopkins said.
                                      expressed her disappointment                                             have had this composite picture of
her rebel spirit, June Calwood                                            "The Elizabeth Fry Society has
                                      that women in Manitoba couldn't                                          women since they began." The
was a welcome radical element to                                          wanted to develop a lot of
                                      "get together" on an issue as                                            Society is currently busy setting
this year's Y.W.C.A.-sponsored                                            services for women but
                                      basic as reproductive choice.                                            up a volunteer staff and hopes to
Woman of the Year banquet. As                                             something has always been more
                                      Calwood noted that if men could                                          be able to hire short term staff
guest speaker, her feminist                                               important.
                                      have ovaries for five weeks,                                             personnel to organize its research
perspective went a long way to                                            Women are desperately in need
                                      abortion wouldn't be such a                                              capabilities. Future plans include
outshine the more dismal events                                           of assistance at all levels of the
                                      controversy — winning her                                                conferences on women in the
of an evening characterized by a                                          justice system." The large number
                                      applause from the 800-member                                             criminal justice system and the
toast to the Queen of England                                             of men In prisons has tended to
                                      audience.                                                                establishment of the first halfway
and chastising remarks by                                                 over.
                                      Calwood also alluded to the                                              house for women on the Praries.
Winnipeg Mayor Bill Norrie.                                               shadow the needs of the smaller
                                      'winners versus losers'                                                  Long range plans Include spin-off
In her pointed, humorous                                                  group of women, she says.
                                      atmosphere at awards events,                                             societies in rural and northern
address, Calwood encouraged                                               "we are not only dealinog ith
                                      which not only make distinctions                                         Manitoba.
women to break their                                                      women who have been
                                      between nominees and those                                               The Canadian Association of
'dependency' tradition and                                                Incarcerated," said Hopkins.
                                      awarded titles, but make winners                                         Elizabeth Fry Societies has
become economically                                                       "We are researching the needs of
                                      out of the privileged women who                                          applied to the Solicitor-General for
independent. She cautioned                                                women whose children or
                                      can attend and losers of those                                           funding. The Saskatoon chapter
women against just emulating                                              husbands may be in prison.
                                      who cannot, and will likely never                                        was recently refused provincial
male tactics to get ahead, as                                             We are concerned with native
                                      be able to attend. Women should                                          core funding.
Margaret Thatcher has done,                                               women and those living outside
                                      help each other overcome their                                           Melalnie Laute, a founding
because women can't help one                                              Winnipeg as well. Hopkins
                                      oppression, she encouraged,                                              member, says this only
another to end women's                                                    emphasized that the Society.
                                      rather than make distInctions and                                        exacerbates the "basic inequality
oppression if they're too busy                                            through a network
                                      encourage divisive competition                                           between resources for male and
copying men.
                                      between them.                                                            female offenders."
"But she's (Margaret Thatcher) a
transvestite anyhow".
the often comical Calwood                                                                           Adena Franz

The                                                                                                    "Jane Rule explores with delicate
                                                                                                       precision the interpersonal and
                                                                                                       sexual relationships between men
Women’s                                                                                                and women, men and men,
                                                                                                       women and women. She takes as
Men’s Room                                                                                             her difficult theme the many
                                                                                                       meanings and manifestations of
for gifts for                                                                                          love and friendship, their hazards,
                                                                                                       their sometime grace.
                                                                                                       and she realizes this theme
Dads,                                                                                                  splendidly. A beautiful, ironic.
                                                                                                       and civilized novel." Two of Rule's
Grandfathers                                                                                           novels "Against the
                                                                                                       Season" (1971) and "The Young in
, Husbands,                                                                                            One Another's Arms" (1977) are
                                                                                                       published in typical
                                                                                                       "romance" novel covers that would
Partners,                                                                                              have kept me from considering
                                                                                                       them a potential “good read".
Fathers-to-                                                                                            However. I think it is safe to
                                                                                                       assume that no work of Rule's will
be,                                                                                                    be formalistic, conventional, or
                                                                                                       superficial. One of the novels,
                                                                                                       "'The Young In One Another's
Godparents,                                                                                            Arms", is a contender for TV
and anyone
else who is                                                                                            In a book reviewing women writers
                                                                                                       of the past. Rule focuses on
                                                                                                       twelve who were especially
“just like”            In June, the Winnipeg Women's Cultural and Education Centre will sponsor a
                                                                                                       concerned with women's
                                                                                                       relationships with women. A
Dad!                   Writer-In Residence Program featuring Canadian writer, Jane Rule. The events
                       planned Include book signings, a reception, a writers' workshop, and a brunch
                                                                                                       critique of women's literature is of
                                                                                                       course invaluable, as is the
                       with entertainment at the Women's Building.
                                                                                                       biographical information on such
                       The Canadian Library Association and the Manitoba Writers Guild will sponsor
                                                                                                       greats as Colette, Elizabeth
                       workshops with Ms. Rule, on the 20th and 21st of June respectively.
                                                                                                       Bowen. and Gertrude Stein. A
Excellent                                                                                              number of essays included in the
                                                                                                       two story collections also offer
Selection    Rule's essays reminded me of
             those of Virginia Woolf, with the
                                                 retired from teaching to write full-
                                                                                                       information on writers such as
                                                                                                       George Sand and Carson
                                                 Ms. Rule's roots in America are
Free         same qualities of practical
             wisdom, clarity of perception, and  evident in her writing, as are her
                                                                                                       McCullers, and cover topical
                                                                                                       issues such as teaching children
             the observations that are so        world travels.                                        about sexuality.
Browsing     entertaining and instructive, Just  Rule's first novel, "The Desert of
                                                 the Heart", was published in
                                                                                                       The difficulties encountered by
             as Woolf wrote many of her                                                                such renowned Canadian writers
Free Gift-   essays   as articles for various
             magazines and periodicals, so
                                                 1964. The controversial nature of
                                                 the novel's concern with women's
                                                                                                       as Margaret Laurence and Alice
                                                                                                       Munro in attempts to get into a
                                                 loving relationships to each other
wrapping     too does Rule. The fact that both
             women write so sincerely on         met with a great deal of obstinacy
                                                                                                       high school curriculum are
                                                                                                       multiplied for Rule, whose work is
             matters both literary and social,   and prejudice from critics. Rule's                    labelled by her determination to
128 Osborne makes their absence from             next novel "This Is Not For You".
                                                 was published in 1970. A new
                                                                                                       include and discuss the
             mainstream critical literature a                                                          ambiguities of sexuality.
Wpg.,        saddening   surprise.
             American by birth, Jane Rule has
                                                 1981 edition from Naiad Press
                                                 has brought the novel back into
                                                                                                       Although Rule does not do
                                                                                                       "readings’” of her own work, she is
                                                 circulation. This Florida press has
452-9446     lived in Canada since she moved
             to Vancouver in the 50's, For the   also released another novel and
                                                                                                       prepared to share her expertise
                                                                                                       with other writers.
             past seven years, she has lived     two of Rule's story/essay                             Anyone interested in attending the
Mon-Tours. & on Galiano Island, off the coast of collections.
                                                 In reference to "This Is Not For
                                                                                                       writers’ workshop on ]une 18th
             British Columbia, and has                                                                 should call Margie at 783-9432.
Sat. 10-6                                        You", Margaret Laurence says

Fri. 10-9
                                           Katherine Szadkowska
Women Exec's No Help
                                                   To Struggling                                                       Nelliegram
Nelliegram                             A lot of women have been ‘”bought       convinced that a woman's
                                                                                                                       THREE MILE ISLAND is not
                                                                                                                       over. Decontamination of the
                                       off" with directorships and high-       perspective has no place in the         damaged Unit 2 reactor could
MANITOBA LEGAL AID eligibility         paying executive jobs, effectively      boardroom.                              continue until the end of the
criteria broadened. While the          isolating them from the struggling      Things may be beginning to              decade — with ratepayers.
single person category remains         majority of women who still face        change, however, as more male           picking up the estimated $600
the same, gross allowable annual       barriers of sexual workplace            executives become appreciative of       million tab for cleanup
incomes for other family-size          practices.                              women's contributions. The              operations. To add insult to injury.
categories have been increased         The associate editor of Working         chairman and chief executive officer    General Public Utilities (GPU)
by six to eight per cent.              Papers, a public affairs magazine       of General Motors said recently in a    also intends to start up the
As well, Attorney-General Roland       published in Cambridge, Mass.,          Los Angeles Times article that          undamaged Unit 1 reactor — a
Penner, said legal assistance will     Suzanne Gordon, says women              women "add something in terms of        move that would be met with civil
continue to those whose incomes        struggling to "make it” in a male-      their personal knowledge and            disobedience.
exceed the criteria to the extent      dominated system aren't interested      perspective as women" and that "we      Shelly Anderson
they cannot meet all of the legal      in fighting for those women not in      benefit from having them on the         Northern Sun News
expenses: "I wish to emphasize         their position. Perhaps because         board."
that the eligibility criteria are      they were encouraged subtly by          Jean Allard. a lawyer and director in
sufficiently flexible to ensure that   men to deny their womanhood in          four major corporations herself says
an individual or family need not       order to be 'equal’, women              that "women make a tremendous
sell modest and necessary              directors on corporate boards           contribution because they are willing
                                                                                                                       Classified Ad
possessions to pay part or all of      identify with their peer majority who   to ask questions without fear of        Moving? Need boxes? Herlzons has
their legal bills."                    are male, rather than women.            losing face."                           cardboard boxes, approx.
                                       Gordon says women must mimic            Three per cent of directors in the      11”x 10”x 17". Give a call or drop by 125
                                                                                                                       Osborne St.
                                       the traits of men in order to           U.S. boardrooms are women,              during office hours.
                                       permeate the male-oriented              according to U.S. Statistics.
                                       corporate world, and are often

                  Trial By Media —
                  Verdict Guilty
The B.C. Law Union joined the          armoured car robbers in
parade of groups who have              Edmonton.
condemned the B.C. media for           The Globe and Mail reported the
rendering guilty five people           five had been charged in the
charged with firebombing 5 porn        October 14 bombing at the Litton
shops and sabotaging a nuclear         Plant in Rexdale, Ontario, when
power station, The union said          they in fact hadn't been charged
"Both the Attorney-General's           yet. A CBC television reporter
ministry and certain of the media      used footage of him sifting
have commenced upon a course           through the garbage at the house
which has already jeopardized a        where the five live.
fair trial… the Attorney General       A law union spokesperson,
continues to wiretap, follow,          Richard Brall, says "the outright
search, question and otherwise         errors are "deliberately
harass persons engaged in              provocative" and have
legitimate work around the issues      "inflammatory slants, descriptions
such as nuclear disarmament, the       and angles and the use of
environment, women's and native        conspirational and irrational terms
groups."                               — such as terrorists and anarchist
Stories which appeared in the          cell." The B.C. Wimmen's Fire
B.C. media labelled the five           Brigade, which claimed
people as "anarchists", although       responsibility for the firebombing
none of them refer to themselves       of porn stores late last year,
as "anarchist," and makes              denied that the group of five
unproven statements like "the          (three of them men) was involved
group Is one of a number of            in the bombings.
loosely knit anarchist cells across    The Crown has since moved to
Canada." One headline read             proceed by direct indictment,
"Round up nets anarchist cell"         which means the individuals'
following their arrest and the         preliminary hearing was
Vancouver Sun called them              cancelled. The trial is expected to
"accused terrorists", and made         start in mid-September in New
vague references to                    Westminster.

                                                                          June 11
Technology Threatens
                    Women's Future.

                                       More women will be pressured to       job the temptation to believe that   at shops downtown if no one is
                                                                                                                  going downtown to work.
   Red Tape                            leave the workforce because of
                                       jobs lost to technology than there
                                                                             you have chosen to remain in the
                                                                             home will be there," Benston         Voice messaging could also
                                       was after World War II.               explained.                           eliminate the work of travel
 Clouds Issue:                         Making this claim to 100 people       Stressing that the new technology
                                                                             Is not necessarily a "'liberating"
                                                                                                                  Tudiver said more computer
                                       attending The Effective Women
Indian Women                           and the ChangIng Technology
                                       conference is Dr. Margaret
                                                                             experience, Benston pointed out
                                                                             office automation will not change
                                                                                                                  technology does not always mean
                                                                                                                  massive layoffs, but new people
                                                                                                                  may not be hired when others
Apply To End                           Benston, a computing science a
                                       women's studies professor at
                                                                             the hierarchy in the workplace.
                                                                             "Mechanization has served to         retire, quit or are promoted or
                                       Simon Fraser University.              reinforce the (low) position of      transferred. She said a recent
  Sexist Laws                          Benston, the keynote speaker at       women both in the labour force
                                                                             and in the home," she said.
                                                                                                                  Business Week article predicted
                                                                                                                  the computer technology lobs
                                       the University of Winnipeg
                                       organized conference, cited mass      She explained computer               created will be less than half of
About 73 of 500 Indian bands
                                       unemployment as a negative            technology will undermine these      the two million jobs lost. "People
have applied for exemption from
                                       aspect of computer technology if it   women's control or power In their    are talking about a minimum of 20
a Federal law which robs Indian
                                       is "used out of our (women's)         workplaces as it will further        per cent job loss." Both women
women of their Indian benefits for
                                       control."                             specialize their work and isolate    urged women's unionization and
marrying a nonIndian.
                                       Most of these jobs will go first in   them from other workers.             support for organized work places
But a Commons committee ruled
                                       clerical and other 'job ghetto'       In a conference workshop, Sari       so women can negotiate for
last month that Indian Affairs
                                       areas which are mostly staffed by     Tudiver, a project officer for       "quality of life" contract clauses
Minister John Munro acted
                                       women, Benston said. She cited        Women and Development with the       which will deal with how layoffs
illegally by allowing the bands to
                                       an insurance company, in              Manitoba Council for International   will be handled and help curb the
apply for the exemption, saying it
                                       Vancouver, where the staff was        Co-operation, indicated that         health problems, related to the
could not accept Munro's
                                       reduced from 60 to 25 because         women in middle management will      new technology.
decision to permit bands to seek
                                       the computer is programmed to         also experience job loss as          Both cautioned women not to
permission to be exempt from the
                                       bill customers. A data center in      computers move into supervisory      regard technology as being
sexist laws because Indians
                                       her home city, Benston said, is       areas.                               beyond their control and urged
cannot ignore the Indian Act.
                                       already being operated on total       For other women workers,             women to get rid of the idea that
                                       part-time workers as a result of      computer monitoring already          management will, or should
                                       the new technology.                   means "someone listening in but      inevitably make all the decisions
    Abducted                           "This is a technology that is far
                                       beyond being like any other
                                                                             you don't know when" or a
                                                                             computer watching the number of
                                                                                                                  for the computer technology
                                                                                                                  entering the workplace. Worker-
     Prostitute                        machine," she said. The Jobs lost
                                       will not be replaced, as was first
                                                                             key strokes performed, Tudiver
                                                                                                                  management committees could
                                                                                                                  be useful in this decision making.
                                                                                                                  "Think of this whole thing as a sort
    Guilty Until                       thought, Benston pointed out,
                                       There are already computers
                                                                             Tudiver also pointed out factory
                                                                             workers, who are mostly              of logo set that we can put
                                       which can be programmed to            immigrant women or others in         together in any way we want to,"
      Proven                           write other computer programs,        Third World countries, are already
                                                                             having their jobs making computer
                                                                                                                  Benston said. If women "put
                                                                                                                  together'" computer technology as
                                       for instance.
     Innocent                          She referred to the leaked federal
                                       government document which
                                                                             chips displaced by computers. A
                                                                             robot can replace 50,000 workers,
                                                                                                                  it should operate, then the result
                                                                                                                  will be a valuable tool for
                                       predicts two million unemployed       Tidier said.                         information gathering, reducing
The Nova Scotia Supreme Court          over the next 10 years due to         Smaller business will be "beaten     boring tasks, increasing leisure
recently ruled that a prostitute has   increased computer technology.        out" by the big companies with       time and improving other aspects
the same right to crimInal             Economists already accept an          continuing computer technology,      of living.
compensation as anyone else.           eight per cent unemployment rate      Tudiver said.
overturning a decision by the          as total employment.                  If people shop via home
provInce's Criminal Injuries           "For younger women, in particular,    computers, there will be no need
Compensation Board.                    if you can't get a                    for so many women working
During a 2-day long abduction last
summer, a woman was beaten and                                                                                         Tanya Lester
sexually assaulted and applied to
the Board for compensation.
Because she was employed as a
prostitute, the Board members
decided that she was to blame for
her own abduction and was
therefore disqualified for
In striking down the Board
decision, the Supreme Court
awarded the woman $1,500.

Canadian Candu's Costly
                                                                        Number Seventeen opened in            when Canadian diplomats
                                                                        Embalse, Argentina. and while         attended the opening last month.
the Greenham Common peace
                                                                        politicians and diplomats greedily    Canadian Mines Minister Judy
camp have again been forcibly      Greenham Common and Upper
                                                                        count the number of Canadian          Erola told a crowd of about 1,500
dragged away and evicted from      Heyford, one sees, in part, what
                                                                        nuclear reactors throughout the       attending a ceremony that the
the site on May 12, reports the    the power and the passion of the
                                                                        world, environmentalists are still    station was a monument to
CBC national news in living        women's peace movement is all
                                                                        stinging from the news that Atomic    Canadian technology.
colour. This eviction follows      about. Of the 120 women on the
                                                                        Energy of Canada, Ltd., paid $2.5     Perhaps she meant a
closely the announcement by        original Peace Plane from New
                                                                        million to a "middleman" to secure    monumental disaster.
Margaret Thatcher of a general     York, six Americans and one
                                                                        the deal.                             Fear has already erupted once
election in Britain. "What's the   Canadian arrived in Greenham
                                                                        The government operation lost         that Argentina will use its new-
matter Maggie. have women          Common in the freezing hall and
                                                                        another $130 million on the           found technology to manufacture
making peace instead of war got    rain, We huddled under a few
                                                                        Argentine plant when the Argentine    nuclear weapons.
you worried?"                      umbrellas with five women,
                                                                        peso took a nosedive in the Middle    At that time, a year ago, delivery
In March, Betty Peterson of        around a sputterlng fire: we
                                                                        East off crisis of the mld-70s. But   of 5,000 fuel rods was suspended
Halifax and a member of the        struggled in the mud through the
                                                                        still, they called it a success       during the Falklands War.
Voice of Women, was in Europe      sway-backed tents, plastic thrown
for International Women's Day      over clotheslines. The place is
(as part of the Stop The Arms      dishevelled, how could it be
Race STAR campaign to make         otherwise: bulldozed again just a
representation to NATO at the      few days before (and evicted
Brussels headquarters) and she     again a few days later). They
reports the Day in Brussels was    were quiet, speaking when
highlighted by the march, an       spoken to and absorbed in their      HELP! JALNA HANMER, Diane             WOMEN AGAINST MILITARY
outpouring of songs, imaginative   own purposes. Canada was a           Hudson and Sheila Saunders (two       Madness (WAMM) leaflet
placards and costumes.             world away, even to me. They are     educators and a social worker)        Minneapolis Unemployment
"Convening the Bruise" was the     there as living models for us all.   who have been outspoken about         Offices. "During each hour you
highlight. At the concert,         About twenty women are               what they believe is a disregard      stand in line, our Government
messages came from Simone          contants, with many additions on     on the part of local police for       spends $55 million on the military
de Beauvoir and others, and        weekends, for the European-          domestic violence and its victims     budget. We can't eat bullets or
participation included Peggy       women support is remarkable.         are being harassed by the police,     drive tanks, but the cost of raw
Seegers, Julie Christie and our    You can write your support to:       Six members of the West               materials used in manufacturing
own Holly Near.                    Lynne Jones, ,78 Gloucester Ave.,    Yorkshire police force — entered      them is pushed up the production
On to East Berlin. where we        London NW1, UK (Lynn is a            and searched the women's homes        chain, increasing prices for all
girted part of the largest peace   doctor who now gives full time to    and interrogated them about their     goods and services."
delegation they have ever          the peace camp) or write to:         lifestyle, their political and        The 1.5 trillion dollars to be spent
received — 90 politically active   WOMEN'S PEACE CAMP,                  religious views; damaged some         by the Reagan government over
women. West Berlin, just after     Outside Main Gate, RAF/USAF,         personal property and seized          the next five years will create far
its elections, was a ferment of    Greenham Common, Newburry,           correspondence, The visit lasted      fewer jobs: only limited numbers
peace activities and strong        Bucks, UK.                           almost three hours. While the         of highly specialized jobs in a
women.                             FOR SURELY THE WOMEN                 police did have a warrant, they did   small number of geographical
Then, in England. at               WILL BE BACK.                        not need to prove probable cause      areas.
                                   Voice of Women Newsleffer            to obtain it. This lack of            "Even though you are
                                                                        accountability has reportedly         unemployed there are huge work
                                                                        allowed significant police            needs. For every one billion
                                                                        harassment of the black, Irish and    dollars spent on the military. Jobs
No Nukes In California                                                                                        could be created for 85,000
                                                                        feminist communities in Britain.
The nuclear power industry is                                           Most helpful would be brief letters   nurses: 76,000 teachers; 73,000
at a near standstill in                                                 protesting the invasion of privacy    police officers: 92,000 mass
California since the U.S.                                               and intimidation to which they and    transit workers: or 100,000
Supreme Court unanimously          SHARING AND CARING —                 their children were subject. Send     construction workers."
upheld a state ban on nuclear      A Way of Life is the theme of an     copies to: Superintendent Walter      We believe the federal
plants until a safe method for     upcoming conference organized        Cowman, Millgarth Police Station.     government should do more than
                                   by the Native Women's Society        Leeds 1, West Yorkshire, England      act as tax collector for the
storing nuclear waste is
                                   of Winnipeg Inc. Tentative dates     and: Start Cohen, M.P., Houses of     Pentagon. We believe peace is
discovered.                                                                                                   not built throughout the
                                   and place are: June 16-18 at St.     Parliament.
The 1976 California law                                                                                       stockpiling and production of ever
                                   Andrews Place. 425 Elgin             Westminster Bridge, London, S.W.
prohibiting construction of new                                         1. England: and Jalna Hanmer. 30      more frightening weapons of
                                   Avenue. The major topics will be
nuclear plants was challenged      Spirituality. Health and             Brudenell Avenue. Leeds 6. West       death and destruction. We
by two major energy                Education. For more details call     Yorkshire, England.                   believe people can and must put
companies, Pacific Gas and         Myrna at 957-1138.                                                         a stop to the madness. We are
Electric Co. and Southern                                                                                     WOMEN AGAINST MILITARY
California Edison Co.                                                                                         MADNESS. JOIN US.

El Salvador Mothers

Two members of the Mothers'             "Our number amounts only to                      raped by 22 men of the Police         Front) talks about violation of
Committee from El Salvador              400 women mainly because                         Force and still bears burns of        rights. So does the 80% of the
recently visited Winnipeg on a          most women fear for their                        cigarettes on her body. She has       Salvadoran population.
tour of Canada through an               lives. We have no political af-                  not been killed mainly because of     We want peace in El Salvador. It's
invitation from World Peace             filiation. We fight peacefully                   pressure from Amnesty                 hard to see all this suffering.
                                        to stop repression".                             International and Mothers'            People are desperate to get rid of
Council of Costa Rica. Laura and
                                            In 1978 when the Red Cross                   Committee. They arrested her          the junta but Senor Reagan's
Hilda Diaz, are giving press
                                         in El Salvador was taken over,                  because she gave a press              economic and military help makes
conferences to de.nounce the             Mothers' Committee went on
denegration of human rights in El                                                        conference to plead for her son's     it impossible. Without the United
                                         strike for three months. "We                    release from jail, That's the way     States' support, this unbearable
Salvador.                                demanded that our prisoners
In 1977, the Comtte de madres                                                            we are denied human rights,"          life would have stopped a long
                                         be freed. We got support from
(Mother's Committee) was borne                                                           "Since 1979, E1 Salvador lives in     time ago.'" Laura and Hllda ask
                                         the Church. Colleges and In-
out of a concern for the increasing                                                      a state of siege; no one dares to     that "we support them by
                                         ternational Aid. Since 1977
number of captured university                                                            speak. 40% of the schools are         petitioning our Government to
                                         we have held sit-ins accom-
students in El Salvador.                 panied by hunger strikes, In                    closed, 60% of people are             boycott American military and
Hilda Diez says the U.S.backed            1979, the right-wing civilian                  unemployed (factories being           economic aid to El Salvador.
Salvadoran army has murdered             military regime released 39                     closed), 70% are illiterate, 80%      International pressures would
two of her sons since 1981. A            prisoners through pressures of                  are undernourished. Children beg      stop President Reagan providing
third was taken away in an army          Amnesty International and                       for food in buses. Old people die     our country with arms, military
jeep on his way to work and              Comlte de madres. In the                        into the garbage. The majority of     advisers and troops."
hasn't been seen since. Laura            same period of time, 177 per-                   people have no place to live,
                                          sons disappeared. Now, 5000                    They live in cardboard houses
Pinta's husband arrested after he
                                          have not been heard of.                        near the river. The military regime
led a sugar workers' strike in 1980
                                          Numbers increase because                       pretends that none of this is
and found later with his thumbs
                                          repression increases."                         happening, It talks about
tied together behind his back and
                                             "In 1981. one of the                        democracy. The FDR/FMLN
a bullet through his head.
                                         mothers was captured and                        (Democratic Revolutionary Front/
He wasn't involved in guerrilla          held for 15 days by the Na-                                                            Janick Belleau
activities, as the newspaper                                                             Farabundo Marti National
                                         tional Guard. She testified that                Liberation
alleged.                                 she was tortured. She was

                                                     The Pill Causes
                                                  Underresearch: Doctor
                                         More liability suits have been filed annually   and other more objective              PORN SHOPS SHUT — A NEW
                                         involving the oral contraceptive than any       institutions. A vaccine stimulating   Mexico feminist group has
A Minnesota judge is sentencing          other class of pharmaceutical product,
                                                                                         the production of antibiotics in a    managed to close down 11 porn
minor offenders to a life sentence       according to Dr. Carl Djerassi. a Sanford
                                                                                         woman's body which kill sperm is      shops by glueing shut the locks.
—marriage.                               University professor.
                                         This underlines not just the health problems    being explored at Northwestern        According to group members, their
For the past 20 years, Judge Noah
                                         associated with the pill, but indicates
                                                                                         University in Illinois. The vaccine   "attacks on private property are far
Rosenbloom has made marriage a           chemical and pharmaceutical companies
                                                                                         is a chemical version of a            less injurious than the attacks on
condition for probation. When he         are becoming more reluctant to research
                                         new birth control methods, Djerassi says.       naturally occurring enzyme            women by these pornography
learns an individual seeking
                                         Research is still being performed, however,     produced in animals and on the        shops." The group of protestors is
probation is living with a girlfriend    by universities
                                                                                         sperm surface and would prevent       known as The Greater
or boyfriend, he gives the
                                                                                         conception for up to six months.      Albuquerque Feminist Trash
probationer three choices — get
                                                                                         The researchers predict the           Collection and Disposal Agency.
married, move out or go to jail.
                                                                                         vaccine could be available by
                                                                                         1990 and say it would be              Big Mama Rag
Big Mama Rag

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