TheGossip Bowl - PRIOR PARK ALUMNI A Community for Life

TheGossip Bowl - PRIOR PARK ALUMNI A Community for Life
Issue 18, 2017


                The Alumni Magazine

                                              P R I O R PA R K A L U M N I
‘And sometimes lurk I in a gossip’s bowl’ *   A Community for Life
TheGossip Bowl - PRIOR PARK ALUMNI A Community for Life
President’s Letter                                                                                                                                                                                              From The Headmaster

          IN THIS ISSUE:                                                                         Credit where it’s due
      2      President’s Letter                                                                  Most of my professional life has been devoted to the
                                                                                                 film industry, where the success that reconciles the
                                                                                                 competing claims of talent, investors and audiences is a
      3      From The Headmaster                                                                 rare occurrence. Mostly we deal in failure.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           The brave schools will
                                                                                               This throws up interesting challenges for management,
  4-5        School News                                                                       whose task is not made easier by the intricate equations
                                                                                               of film financing and distribution. But since taking on the
  6-7        Prior Park Alumni Update                                                          role of president of the PPA and thereby getting somewhat
                                                                       TERRY ILOTT             closer  to the machinery of Prior, I have been impressed
                                                                                               by just how much more complicated is the business of
  8-9        Development Focus                                          Class of 1968
                                                                                               running a school, where the customers are the product;
                                                                                               where the investors are looking for a manifold return that
    10       From The Archives                                   even they would find hard to define (they know it when they see it and complain when
                                                                 they don’t); and where the bottom line isn’t just the surplus of income over expenditure
                                                                 but of performance over expectation.
     11      Weddings At Prior
                                                                 What expectation? That the customers (the students) will not just do well but will excel,
                                                                 and not just in one aspect of their school lives but in every aspect to which they have
12 - 13      Staff Farewells                                     chosen to make a serious commitment. Moreover, that every impediment to their progress
                                                                 will be addressed and if possible removed. The more the school is able to deliver this

14 - 16      People                                              level of performance, the higher the expectation of the investors (the parents) will be: it
                                                                 is an upwards-only ratchet. On top of all this, there is a belief – shared, I think, by staff,
                                                                 students and parents alike – that the school should be some kind of ideal community,             It is possible to provide                         As the cold economic winds swirl around
17 - 18      Headmaster’s Academic Society                                                                                                                                                                          the independent education sector, I believe
                                                                 judged by higher standards than life outside. With 600 students from a wide range of
                                                                                                                                                                  more choice without                               it will be the brave schools that prosper.                   Even more pathways
                                                                 backgrounds at what is arguably the most challenging time of their lives, delivering on
19 - 21      Alumni Sports/Gap Year Report                       that promise is a tall order.
                                                                                                                                                                  increasing costs.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    We are certainly one of them. An important,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           for our students
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    if initially relatively low-key, initiative reflects
                                                                 Sometimes it is achieved with seeming ease: at Speech Day perhaps or the Christmas                                                                 our desire to engage even more closely with
22 - 24      Reunions                                            Carol Concert. But most of the time, the complexity of expectation can only be met by            At Speech Day this year, I introduced Vision      local schools and other Bath educational
                                                                 an at least equal complexity of effort, by the students, the teaching staff, the admin and                                                         providers, especially in fulfilment of aims            The new A-level courses are more content-
                                                                                                                                                                  2025 to current parents. Vision 2025, like
                                                                 domestic staff, the management team, the parents and the other stakeholders, including                                                             3 and 5. We have always maintained positive            heavy and more demanding than they were,
                                                                                                                                                                  its predecessor Vision 2020, has been
    25       Veterans’ Lunch                                     alumni. The miracle is that, most of the time, that’s exactly how it                                                                               relationships with our local schools and               as they will be linear courses with end
                                                                                                                                                                  crafted by the headmasters of the Prior Park
                                                                 plays out. It is both an astonishingly complicated operation and,                                                                                  colleges but now we plan to formalise these            exams. Some Prior students, including those,
                                                                                                                                                                  schools and sets out our vision and purpose
                                                                 while not perfect, an astonishingly successful one. By comparison,                                                                                 with real educational partnerships.                    for example, who might make important
26 - 34      All The Gossip                                                                                                                                       for the future. In particular, it challenges us
                                                                 making and distributing films is a walk in the park. Hat’s off, I say.                                                                                                                                    contributions to our music, drama and
                                                                                                                                                                  to achieve five key aims:                         In September 2017, we will share some                  sport, might be better served by taking
35 - 37      Obituaries                                                                                                                                                                                             A-Level choices with the local Roman Catholic          fewer A-level options with us and blending
                                                                                                                     Terry Ilott                                   1   To preserve and to enhance our values
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    state school, St Gregory’s. This will enable           these with a vocational qualification at Bath
                                                                                                                                                                       as individuals and as a community;
                                                                                                        Prior Park Alumni President                                                                                 both schools to preserve and protect some              College, which has an outstanding reputation.
    38       Prior Park Alumni Notice Board                                                                                                                                                                         vital yet marginal subjects. For example, we
                                                                                                                                                                   2   To safeguard and develop our pastoral
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    will offer music whilst St Gregory’s will offer        This is an arrangement I established in
                                                                                                                                                                       systems and education;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    politics. We expect students to go between             my previous headship in Hampshire and it
    39       Calendar                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      worked very well. These arrangements truly
                                                                   Staff                           Alumni                           All the
                                                                                                                                                                   3   To offer the most creative and innovative    our schools for lessons; obviously, we hope
                                                                                                                                                                       teaching and learning curriculum and         that each side will make a positive impact             confirm our involvement in, and contribution

                                                                   Farewells                       Sports                           Gossip
  Cover image: Darren Crawford (1988) purchased this                                                                                                                   environment;                                 and contribution to the other. A reciprocal            to, Bath education. As importantly, they open
  medal on eBay. 51mm in diameter, in copper and white                                                                                                                                                              fee arrangement has been put in place. I am            up even more pathways for our students.
  metal, it was made in 1839 by F. Halliday (c.1780 - c.1854),
                                                                                                                                                                   4   To continue to invest in our facilities;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    particularly pleased that Catholic education
  an English coin and medal engraver associated with the                      Pages 12 - 13                   Pages 19 - 21                   Pages 26 - 34            and,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    in Bath can be enhanced in this way. We
  Royal Birmingham Society of Artists. The face shows the
  front elevation of the college and the reverse shows SS                                                                                                          5   To continue to scan the horizon for new      are also in early negotiations to agree a                  James Murphy-O’Connor
  Peter and Paul flanking a coat of arms, with the inscription                                                                                                         opportunities for our schools and for        partnership with Bath College, starting in                         Prior Park College Headmaster
  Sicut cervus desiderat ad fontes aquarum, ita desiderat                                                                                                              our students.                                September 2018.
  anima mea ad te Deus (As the deer longs for springs
  of water, so my soul longs for thee, O God). The text
  is adapted from Psalm 41:2, from the Clementine Latin                                                                                                                            For more details of Vision 2025 go to:
  Vulgate Bible. The medal was awarded to students at Prior
  Park for industry, courtesy and integrity.

      2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        The Gossip Bowl             3
TheGossip Bowl - PRIOR PARK ALUMNI A Community for Life
School News

    COLLEGE                                                                                                                                                  GIBRALTAR
                                                                                                          Changes at the top

    Confident, happy                                                                                                                                         Upon This Rock
                                                                                                          Finance and Business Director, Tony McNiff,
                                                                                                          who has made a major impact on the
                                                                                                          operations of the Prior schools in the last five

    and distinctive
                                                                                                          years, has taken a post at the Royal Hospital
                                                                                                          School, Ipswich. He is replaced by Gerard          Opening a new school is not something you         It seemed an impossible task.”                    Third, the surpluses we generate in Gibraltar,
                                                                                                          Hickie, who will be chief operating officer.       do every day. In 2012, a small delegation                                                           together with the surpluses we make in the
                                                                                                          At the same time, James Murphy-O’Connor                                                              A major component of the funding came
                                                                                                                                                             from Prior visited Gibraltar to find out why                                                        other schools in our group, will make us more
                                                                                                          will combine his duties as headmaster of                                                             from the parents, led by Julian Jarvis, founder
                                                                                                                                                             the school wasn’t getting boarders as it used                                                       financially secure.”
    The year began with a record school roll         neighbouring universities and industrial             College with the new role of principal of the                                                        of the Gibraltar School Parents’ Group and
                                                                                                                                                             to back in the 1960s and 1970s.
    of just over 600 students. Given the             workplaces. The language department is               Prior Park Schools.                                                                                  now a governor of both Prior Park Gibraltar        Bury recognises that Prior alumni will have
    excellence of local competition, this is         also introducing changes, with German                                                                    They discovered that the two state schools       and the Prior Park Schools.                        affection for Bath but he hopes they will take
    testament to the first-class reputation of       being replaced by Mandarin as a time-                                                                    in Gibraltar had improved markedly over                                                             real interest in the new school in Gibraltar.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               “We devised a very attractive fee structure, to
    College. The visiting inspector from The         tabled subject. Entrepreneurship is                                                                      the years and local parents were mostly
                                                                                                                                                                                                                ensure the new school was affordable,” says “We want local alumni to offer internships
    Good Schools Guide agreed: “Confident            now part of the curriculum with the                                                                      happy with the choice they had. That might
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Bury. “It was refreshing to start with a market and careers advice, attend school events and
                                                                                                                                                              have been the end of the matter had James
                                                                                                          Open events
    in its Catholic values, happy in its own         inaugural Enterprise Challenge Day                                                                                                                         price and work backwards from that, rather provide bursarial support,” he says.
    skin and distinctive in its commitment           (a cross between Dragons Den and The                                                                     Murphy-O’Connor, PPC headmaster, not
                                                                                                                                                                                                                than, as is usually the case, inheriting a given
    to a genuinely all-round education, this         Apprentice) held last November.                                                                          gone to visit the head of Loreto School, which                                                     “We want them to be involved in our journey.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                level of costs and worrying about the level of
    is a school which inspires esteem and                                                                 Tuesday 19 September                                caters for children up to the age of eleven,                                                        Gibraltar is a small place, word gets around.
                                                     A number of staff departed at the end of                                                                                                                   fees needed to cover them.”
    affection in equal measure.”                                                                          Prior Park School Gibraltar Open Day                including children of Prior alumni.                                                                 I would also invite other alumni to get behind
                                                     the year, including Tom Simons after 25                                                                                                                    Despite the scepticism of some prospective the new school and to support it in whatever
    St Paul’s and St Mary’s are undergoing           years (see page 13). The departures have             Saturday 23 September, 9.30am                       The head of Loreto mentioned her sometime
                                                                                                                                                                                                                parents (they didn’t believe the school could way they can: it is now a crucial piece in the
    renovation work to reintroduce junior            enabled the recruitment of a fresh roster            Prior Park College Open Morning                     desire to open a senior school and this got
                                                                                                                                                                                                                open in September and so sent their children jig-saw of the Prior Park schools.”
    boarding. The sports department has              of teachers in maths, geography, business                                                                James thinking. He returned to Gibraltar
                                                                                                          Friday 13 October, 9.30 - 11.30am                                                                     elsewhere) Prior Gibraltar hit its target
    acquired new cricket nets and an artificial      & economics, PE and other subjects. It                                                                   some weeks later, looked into the matter
                                                                                                          The Paragon Open Morning                                                                              numbers for 2016 and is ahead of forecast
    pitch and, in response to the success            has also enabled a reorganisation of                                                                     further and found a suitable property: the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                for 2017/18.
    of design technology, a new senior DT            the senior team, with Laura Stotesbury,              Friday 13 October, 9.30 - 11.30am                   old Sacred Heart School. He also met a
    workshop has been established in the Old         head of business & economics since 2015,             Prior Park Prep School Open Morning                 group of interested parents who wanted “We have introduced 40 co-curricular
    Ball Court, providing facilities on a par with   replacing Tom as deputy head, academic.                                                                  to be their own founders, or co-founders, subjects for our students and brought with
                                                                                                                                                              of the proposed school. Anxious to secure us a very high level of pastoral care,” Bury
                                                                                                                                                              the best possible educational provider, they continues. “The Gibraltar government and
           To see the Good Schools Guide report on Prior Park College go to
                                                                                                                                                              invited tenders from other interested parties. other schools have taken notice and we
                                                                                                                                                              Prior was selected out of a group of eight are already sharing with them some of our
                                                                                                                                                              bidders. Prior recruited a great head teacher, resources and expertise.”
                                                                                                                                                              Peter Watts from Sherborne, and it was
                                                                                                                                                                                                                The new sixth-form opens in September and

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    The Paragon
                                                                                                                                                              announced that the new school would open
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Watts and his team are now working on a
                                                                                                                                                              in September 2016.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Mind and Motion Centre, combining sports
                                                                                                                                                             “The Sacred Heart property is owned by facilities, performing arts and a creative pod.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      The Paragon continues to develop.
                                                                                                                                                              the Catholic Church, which leases it to the It’s a £2.5million project and the school is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      It has an excellent reputation as a
                                                                                                                                                              Gibraltar Government which, in turn, leases talking to people in Gibraltar to fund it.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      forward-thinking, co-educational
                                                                                                                                                              it to us,” explains PPC governor, Tony Bury. Prior alumni might ask: why open a school
    2017 has been a year of announcements for           curricular activities, as well as trips, visits   Simon Cane-Hardy, deputy head pastoral at                                                                                                                   school for 3-11 year olds.
                                                                                                                                                             “But no sooner had we worked up our plans for in Gibraltar at all? Isn’t it difficult enough
    Prior Park Prep.                                    and special days. In order to attract more        College since 2016 and previously head of           the building - the fabric was basically sound running schools in Bath and Cricklade?                    Pupils enjoy an exciting curriculum
                                                        local families, especially from the Swindon       boarding at Pangbourne College, has been            but we had to gut the whole place - then According to Bury, there are three answers:                    and a school life that is broad-based,
    In January, the governors and leadership
                                                        area, the governors took the bold decision to     appointed to replace him on an interim              we encountered difficulties on the terms of “First, it is part of our mission, to provide               giving them the opportunity to
    team decided that, with national demand for
                                                        reduce school fees by as much as 15%. At the      basis.                                              the lease. Negotiations went back and forth. education. Second, it gives us a chance to                 develop their skills and talents and
    junior boarding in decline, Cricklade would
                                                        same time, they have committed to invest                                                              The result was that we weren’t able to start re-think how we deliver education that is                  to experience the joy of discovery
    convert to a day-only school. Henceforth,                                                             This summer, the school also bade farewell
                                                        more than £500,000 in facilities.                                                                     work until February 2016. Yet we were still affordable. With luck, we’ll be able to bring               and creativity. The Paragon enriches
    boarding for children aged 11-18 years will                                                           to Vaughan Jelley, deputy head, who retired
    be located at College in Bath. As a day school,     In April, headmaster Mark Pearce announced        after 34 years of service (see interview page       committed to an opening date of September. the lessons we have learned back to the UK.                  everyday teaching with a packed
    Cricklade’s core operation will be Monday to        that he had accepted the position of vice-        12). Known for his wisdom and wit, he will be                                                                                                               programme of school trips, visiting
    Friday, providing high quality academic work        principal at the GEMS Wellington Academy          much missed. As was said at his retirement                                                                                                                  speakers, workshops and special
                                                                                                                                                                                   For a short film on the opening of Prior Park Gibraltar,
    with an enriching programme of sport, music,        in Dubai. He left Cricklade having served the     party: “When they made this particular Jelley,                                                                                                              days.
                                                                                                                                                                                    go to
    drama, art, outdoor learning and extra-             school with distinction for the last six years.   they broke the mould”.

4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      The Gossip Bowl              5
TheGossip Bowl - PRIOR PARK ALUMNI A Community for Life
Prior Park Alumni Update

    A good year
                                                                                                               In the last year:

                                                                                                                                      AROPS Annual
    This has been a good
                                                                                                                   1,612              Conference
    year for your alumni                                                                                         alumni have been
                                                                                                                   contacted via      In May 2017, the PPA hosted the annual
                                                   Rory Dinwoodie
    association.                                                                                                    social media      conference for AROPS (Association of

                                                   Prizes and Awards
                                                                                                                                      Representatives of Old Pupils’ Societies) at
                                                                                                                                      College and welcomed 100 representatives

    We have clarified our legal status,
                                                                                                                                      from 60 schools. The day was filled with
    revamped our constitution and redefined
                                                                                                                                      activities and seminars.
    our purpose so as, we hope, to make our        William Genders Art Prize
    work more relevant in the era of social                                                                        have signed up     The keynote speaker, Mark Coote from
                                                    The William Genders Art Prize was awarded to                                      Wells Cathedral School, talked about the
    media.                                                                                                          for the digital
                                                    Jemima Adams and Mary Kelley, both of whom have                                   symbiotic relationship between alumni and
                                                                                                                       archive                                                                                                               Photo courtesy of Anthony O’Callaghan
    At the same time, we have negotiated           “demonstrated technical aptitude and understanding                                 development, showing how they can work
    a memorandum of understanding with              towards their work which has resulted in dynamic and                              together to make both the school and the

    the school that recognises our mutual           highly mature outcomes”.                                                          alumni association more successful.
    interdependence while preserving the

                                                                                                                                                                                             South Africa 2016
    PPA’s freedom of action. We are now            Prior Park Alumni Music Prize                                                      The breakout sessions were buzzing with the
    drafting a rolling, five-year action plan,                                                                                        hot topic of the conference: the change in
                                                   The PPA Music Prize was awarded to Rory Dinwoodie,              sets of alumni
    with key performance indicators by which                                                                                          the data protection laws. It would be fair to
                                                   described as “a fine clarinettist and sax player, an             visitors have
    to measure our performance. We have                                                                                               say that nobody felt they really had a good
                                                   excellent drummer, a leading choral, rock and pop                 returned to
    again finished the year within budget.                                                                                            grasp not just of the law but of how best to           The 2016 South Africa sports tour provided the PPA with a fabulous opportunity
                                                   singer, a talented composer and a successful academic               College
                                                                                                                                      live with it.                                          to connect with some of the alumni community in Cape Town, Johannesburg
    One conundrum has long needed to be            musician”.
                                                                                                                                       There were also sessions on living archives,          and Durban.
    settled: what do we call ourselves?
                                                   Prior Park Alumni Gap Year Awards
                                                                                                                                       alumni contributions to current and recent            There was a reception in Cape Town and we had a great evening with Alan Hall,
    Old Prior Parkians is too much of a mouthful
                                                                                                                                       students, social media and networking. PPA            John Mason (1982), Martin Pike (1986) and David Grant (1980). David also came
    and Priorians has already been bagged by       This year, the PPA Gap Year Awards went to Esme Ivory-                              president Terry Ilott and College headmaster          to watch us “get a whooping” at his daughter’s school – but we actually played
    St Benedicts, Ealing. We asked the school      Peters (2017) and Sam Quick (2017), who were awarded            participated at     James Murphy-O’Connor addressed the                   rather well and won. Later, the boys on the tour met up with Roland Mazery (1960).
    to help and the students participated in       £1000 and £500 respectively. Esme will be working and            the Veterans’      plenary session of the conference during the          Sadly, in the vastness of South Africa it was difficult to see everyone, but it was
    the exercise with enthusiasm, coming up        living for five weeks on a Guatemalan rubbish dump                  Lunch           day and Terry spoke again at the conference           a privilege to meet up with those past pupils who are living in that beautiful but
    with, among other suggestions, Paladins,       helping recycle waste and create something new that                                 dinner in the evening, on the theme of                still troubled land.
    Palladians, Cardinals, Psalters, Papists,      can be sold. Sam is going to work for Bolivia Digna. This                          “keeping the door open, offering a warm

    Phoenixes, Penny Blacks, Bretheren,            grassroots charity has been set up with the objective                               welcome and being inclusive”.
    Abbots, Priors, Priorquarians, Ralphonians     to promote and defend the rights of vulnerable social
    and Combe Downians.                            groups living in exclusion and poverty in some of the
                                                   poorest communities in Latin America. (See Gap Year             have spoken at
    Alas, none seemed to fit the bill. We
                                                   Report, page 21)                                                school events
    decided instead to go for PPA (Prior Park

    There are plenty of examples of the use
    of initials - OE (Eton), OM (Malborough)
    and OS (Stonyhurst) – and there is nothing
    to stop alumni using other nomenclature
                                                    Sign up for the digital archive                              year groups have
    should they wish. Initials have the virtue     The online digital archive is a great resource that makes       held reunions
    of simplicity. Moreover, we already use        photos and documents, including school magazines,
    PPA as the name of the association. So         easily and freely accessible. It can be searched by

    PPA it is, or you are.                         name, year, subject or key word and you can browse
                                                   at random. But to get access you first have to sign up,                            James Murphy-O’Connor at AROPS                            Jason Mason, Alan Hall, Martin Pike and David Grant
    Next year will see the centenary of the
    end of World War I. We will be planning        as nearly 250 PPAs have done so far. Once you’re on
                                                   board, you can help us fill gaps in the record. Go to          alumni sporting
    a service in the college chapel to which all
                                                           fixtures have                             If you would like to see the revised constitution or get involved in the work of the PPA
    alumni and relatives of alumni servicemen
                                                                                                                  been contested                                            contact Carole Laverick at
    are invited. We hope you can come.

6                                                                                                                                                                                                                        The Gossip Bowl              7
TheGossip Bowl - PRIOR PARK ALUMNI A Community for Life
Development Focus
                                                                                                                                                          CHAPEL APPEAL

    Bursaries are a social investment                                                                                                                                                                                                               Alumni support
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    changed Sam’s life
    The need to create
                                                      And while schools such as Prior are
                                                      charities, they are still subject to the
                                                                                                        14% (£2.3million) in respect of bursaries,
                                                                                                        scholarships, and staff and sibling discounts.
                                                                                                                                                          We sing together
    a bursary fund.                                   increased “costs of doing business”. King
                                                      cites the apprenticeship levy as the most
                                                                                                        The bursary portion, 4% of gross income,
                                                                                                        needs to grow, according to King.
                                                                                                                                                          Isobel Burton (2005) was a pupil at         I daren’t open my mouth. I shuffled and
                                                                                                                                                          Prior, is married to a fellow alumnus,      kept my head down. Quickly realising
                                                      recent addition to the cost base.
                                                                                                        He would love to see either a £25million          sends her children to the Paragon and       that this would not do, I successfully
     Ensuring pupil numbers is always a concern,
                                                        Fees at two of the Prior Park schools are fund, returning sufficient annual income to             now teaches at College. The chapel, for     managed to mime for a while. This
     even if this year College has waiting lists at
                                                        going up in September, by about 2.5%. King meet a portion of the current level of                 which funds are currently being raised      worked only as long as I didn’t sit next
     every entry level. However, to be true to its
                                                        says it is important to keep within the limits remissions, or a £2.5million pot that is           for much-needed refurbishment, is           to a teacher. I don’t remember when I
     social mission, Prior does need to reach out
                                                        of the Consumer Price Index. The financial spent each year and continually refreshed.             close to her heart:                         started to sing. I suppose it was organic,
     further to those for whom, in the words of
                                                        projections for next year anticipate better                                                                                                   but at some point over those four years         Sam Quick with Olivia Matthews
     chairman Michael King, the school can really                                                      “If the school is able to share the burden         Our Lady of the Snows means a great

                                                        than break even (but only just) on a gross                                                                                                    I grew in confidence and started to enjoy
    “add value”.                                                                                        (of the current level of remissions),” he says.   deal to our family. Michael, my husband,
                                                        turnover of about £17million. Except in                                                                                                       the singing in the chapel.                    Sam Quick joined Prior in 2010. He and his
                                                                                                       “It will significantly help us in our aim of       left Prior in 2001 and I left in 2005 but
    “As a charity, we should try to do it at less than Gibraltar, Prior owns its own properties but                                                                                                                                                 sister were part of a one-parent family and
                                                                                                        keeping fees lower for all our children:          we both distinctly remember the feel of
     full cost,” he says. “There are many children it has no substantial endowments and can                                                                                                                                                         their life was not easy.
                                                                                                        a genuine social investment.”                     the place, the crisp mornings, the balmy
                                                                                                                                                                                                            The chapel is a             “
     who would benefit from the education we only spend what it earns in fees and, to a very
                                                                                                                                                          sense of quiet.                                                                           Sam welcomed the stability he found at
     provide but whose parents cannot afford our small extent, in commercial income.                    King is grateful that alumni have always
     significant fees.                                                                                  been generous contributors, especially to         Whatever their denominations, their         place of alone and                            school. His mother was diagnosed with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Huntington’s disease and was soon unable
    “Affordability is a clear worry for those whom
                                                                                                        bursaries, and he hopes this will continue.       results, their chosen pathways, all my
                                                                                                                                                                                                      togetherness.                                 to continue with her career. The family
     we sometimes call our ‘bread and butter
     parents’ – doctors, lawyers, accountants
     and so on - particularly following the 2008
     banking crisis. That is not going to change difference.
                                                                    All contributions,
                                                        large or small, make a
                                                                                             “          The  governors, having recently funded the
                                                                                                        opening of the new school in Gibraltar in part
                                                                                                        by using financial instruments supported
                                                                                                        by parents and Prior alumni, are currently
                                                                                                                                                          friends from Prior comment that the
                                                                                                                                                          chapel is the absolute beating heart of
                                                                                                                                                          the school. It is where we come together,
                                                                                                                                                          it is where we laugh together and most
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Michael’s parents were military. Moving
                                                                                                                                                                                                      around the country whenever his father
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    downsized to make ends meet. Sam’s place
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    at Prior was in jeopardy. Alumni support
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    allowed him to complete his GCSEs, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    a further 100% bursary, partly sponsored
                                                                                                        mulling various schemes that could appeal         importantly it is where we sing. For ex-
     any time soon.”                                                                                                                                                                                  was asked to re-locate, he had an in-         by an external source, saw him not only
                                                                                                        at every level: from small, monthly donations     students, the unique and harmonious
                                                                                                                                                                                                      depth knowledge of a good number of           successfully complete the sixth form but
     Among the problems all independent                                                                 to big-ticket investments in an externally-       nature of the college is reflected in our
                                                       “Ideally, all our education would be provided                                                                                                  the country’s state and independent           to serve as an outstanding head boy. At
     schools have had to face in recent years                                                           managed fund where capital is preserved and       singing. It is what we do.
                                                        free but that is not going to happen,” King                                                                                                   primary schools by the time he turned 11.     Speech Day this year he vowed that, in
     are the increases in salaries, pension                                                             the income donated to the school.
                                                        says. How, then, can Prior help parents who                                                       I often wonder what visiting students                                                     years to come, he would return the favour
     and NIC contributions, greatly enhanced                                                                                                                                                          Despite being initially convinced that
                                                        are seeking a quality Catholic-Christian Addressing alumni directly, King concludes:              make of the “mash-ups”, the “beat-                                                        by supporting a needy student.
     staff-student ratios to ensure pupils are                                                                                                                                                        the chapel was haunted, Michael soon
                                                        education but who can’t afford it?             “You have gained in so many ways from your         boxing”, the rhythms and the harmonies;
     properly supported outside the classroom                                                                                                                                                         found the Friday assemblies offered him
                                                                                                        education at Prior. Consider whether you          but, in truth, the singing is a microcosm
     as well as in, and the upgrade in facilities Of Prior’s projected £17million gross
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Mel moves on
                                                                                                                                                                                                      a similar sense of belonging. For ex-
                                                                                                        can help future children receive the same         for the cohesion of the college. We sing
     needed to meet parental aspirations. turnover there is a remission of about                                                                                                                      students, the chapel is a special place
                                                                                                        advantages that gave you your start in life.      together because we are together. We
                                                                                                                                                                                                      of ‘alone and togetherness’.
                                                                                                        All contributions, large or small, make a         are stronger and louder as one voice
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Melanie Tiley (formerly Ball), Prior’s first
                                                                                                        difference.”                                      than we will ever be on our own. If you     I remember in 2011 when re-visiting for a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    director of development, has left after
                                                                                                                                                          look around in chapel you will see that     wedding; after all the guests had left the
                                                                                                        Michael King has been a board member                                                                                                        five years to become director of external
                                                                                                                                                          all of Prior’s students - many of whom,     building we snuck back in to the chapel,
                                                                                                        at Prior Park Schools for nine years and                                                                                                    relations at Badminton School.
                                                                                                                                                          as teenagers, have their own insecurities   only to find half of our school friends had
                                                                                                        chairman for the last three.                                                                                                                Mel joined Prior from the Save the Children
                                                                                                                                                          and anxieties - feel supported and valued   done the same thing. It was a strange
                                                                                                        Now a consultant specialising in charities        enough to form a chorus, to chant and       moment.                                       charity in December 2011 and did a great
                                                                                                        and social enterprise at law firm Stone King,     to croon along to Roland Robertson’s                                                      job in setting up the new development
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Distinctly aware of the passage of time,
                                                                                                        of which he was formerly the chairman,            wonderful musical assemblies.                                                             department from scratch. We wish her
                                                                                                                                                                                                      we all purposefully sat in the pews like
                                                                                                        he is an alumnus of Stonyhurst and a                                                                                                        every success in her new role.
                                                                                                                                                          This sense of familial security was         schoolboys and girls. Perhaps, as adults,
                                                                                                        keen advocate of independent Catholic
                                                                                                                                                          something that, without knowing it,         fraught with the responsibilities and
                                                                                                                                                          my husband and I both desperately           concerns of work, family and business,
                                                                                                                                                          craved on arriving at Prior. When I first   we all just wanted to feel that familial
                                                                                                               For contributions to the bursary           experienced the Friday assemblies,          sense of cohesion, to be together again.
                                                                                                              fund or the chapel appeal please
                                                                                                                    contact Kate Harris at                                For a short video on the school chapel appeal go to
       Tony Bury and Michael King                                                                                         

8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      The Gossip Bowl             9
TheGossip Bowl - PRIOR PARK ALUMNI A Community for Life
From The Archives                                                                                                                                                                                       Weddings At Prior
                                                                                                Buried in Burma
                                                                                                                 Prompted by the research
                                                                                                                 that PPA rep Carole Laverick
                                                                                                                 has undertaken into Prior

     Under the floor boards                                                                                      alumni lost in WW2, Simon
                                                                                                                 Beck (1969) travelled to
                                                                                                                 Burma earlier this year to
     Letter sent from Guildford on 23 November 1963, to Richard Sharpe (1967) from his                           visit the Commonwealth
     mother: “My darling Richard, I am still stunned by the terrible shock of President                           War Graves Cemetery at
     Kennedy’s cruel death and I feel I must write to you about it. I know you thought                           Taukkyan, near Yangon.
     him a great fellow and admired him so much, didn’t you? To think of him being
     shot down like a mad dog is unbearable and shocking - one moment he is upright              There he found the last resting place
     and smiling and the next moment - gone. Do pray for him, as I do, although I am             of Prior alumnus Major James Douglas
     sure he was always as near as possible in a state of grace. I wonder if you are             Williams (PPA 1935). The cemetery
     down town today - I do hope so. Very much love and a big hug. From Mum xxx”                 contains the remains of 6,374 members of
                                                                                                 the Commonwealth Land Forces who died
     Mrs Sharpe sent the letter because Richard had already lost his father and,                 during WW2, a memorial of names to the
     knowing how much he admired Kennedy, she didn’t want him to be upset.                       nearly 27,000 who died and have no known
     Richard remembers the day and the letter vividly. Bro Keegan, housemaster of                grave, a memorial to the 1,000 who were
     St Pauls, came into Prep and informed the boys of the events and then led them              cremated for religious reasons and the 46
     straight through to the chapel to pray for the president’s soul.

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Victoria Hill & Sam Crudge
                                                                                                 who are buried elsewhere in Burma but
     We are hoping to welcome Richard back to College for the Veterans’ Lunch and to             whose graves cannot be maintained. Simon
     see the refurbishments of the junior boarding, which is where this letter, recently         reports that the cemetery is a “haven of
     discovered, had lain undisturbed for 50 years.                                              peace and tranquility well used by locals
                                                                                                                                                                                                            It was a real Prior Park family affair as Victoria Hill (2008) married Sam
                                                                                                 as somewhere to sit, read and talk. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Crudge on 27 August 2016. Victoria and Sam met at Prior while she was
                                                                                                 gardeners keep the place to a standard even

     Prior’s saviour
                                                                                                                                                                                                            working on reception for a few months. Sam is on the grounds team. His father,

                                                                                                                                                Lucy Whittington &
                                                                                                 the most fussy Sgt. Major would approve”.
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Mike, is estates manager and Victoria’s mother, Margaret, has been a school
                                                                                                 From The Gossip Bowl 1945: In January                                                                      receptionist for 16 years, having started on the same day as Victoria entered

                                                                                                                                                Henry Winckworth
                                                                                                 1928 James Douglas Williams entered                                                                        L3. The four bridesmaids were all Prior Park alumni: Stephanie Barclay, Emily
                      In January, Dr Giles Mercer, former headmaster of Prior and
                                                                                                 Prior Park. He was son of Major C S                                                                        Forrester (nee Jackson), Naomi Hawes and Lucy Harding.
                      Stonyhurst, launched his new book, William Brownlow: Convert,
                                                                                                 Williams, head of the brakes department of
                      Scholar, Bishop (1830-1901), writes Gerald Walker (1948).                                                                                                                             Other alumni present included Victoria’s brother Benjamin (2003), Natalie
                                                                                                 Westinghouse Works, Chippenham. “Jim”          Lucy Whittington (2006) married Henry Winckworth            Cordon, Neyna Bartlett and Ada Ventzke. The bride made her own pink silk
                      In recent years Brownlow, Bishop of Clifton, has been little more          had a distinguished course at school. He       (2006) on 17 December 2016 in the Chapel of Our Lady        dress and prepared all the food (with a bit of help from Margaret) including a
                      than a name, but he has been retrieved from the shadows of time            was Captain of the School in his last year,    of the Snows. Father Malcolm Smeaton officiated. Many       stunning naked wedding cake. Victoria and Sam “tied the knot” in the Mansion
                       by Mercer’s scholarship in a lavish biography running to more             a member of the Sodality, Captain of the       Prior Park alumni attended, including Lucy’s two sisters,   Hall, wined and dined in the Academy Hall and played giant twister in the
                       than 600 pages. The volume itself exudes quality, which is fitting        Rugby XV in 1934 and of Hockey XI in 1935.     Catherine (1998) and Sarah (2000), who both acted as        John Wood Chapel. It was an utterly joyful, colourful and emotional occasion.
                       for the story it has to tell: of the conversion of this gentle but                                                       bridesmaids, and Henry’s sister Lucinda (1998).
                                                                                                 He passed into Woolwich in 1935 and was
                       formidable man from the dedicated life of an Anglican clergyman
                                                                                                 commissioned in the Royal Artillery, went
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Looking for a wedding venue?
                                                                                                                                                Another bridesmaid was Lucy Howe (2006), who also
                       to a Catholic bishop, embracing a newly nuanced faith and coping
                                                                                                 to France on the outbreak of the war, and      sang. Harvey McGivern (2006) was the best man. Eight
     with accusations of betrayal. Brownlow’s life was essentially one of scholarship,
                                                                                                 was evacuated from Dunkirk. He was made        of the couple’s nephews and nieces were page boys and
     service and decisive action. His links with Prior Park once he became Bishop of
                                                                                                 Captain and in about June 1943 he went         flower girls. The organist was Andrew Johnson (2005)
     Clifton were relatively short-lived but they were crucial. He put an end to its role
                                                                                                 overseas to Burma and then was appointed       with Zoe Bristow (2006) and Jamie Bird (2006) as                     If you would like more information on holding weddings at
     as a seminary, reduced in 1895 to a mere six theological students, and introduced
                                                                                                 Major. Just a few weeks before his 28th        singers. Lucy and Henry live in London with their two                 Prior contact Gill Mead at
     the Christian Brothers.
                                                                                                 birthday he was killed. He was married         black Labradors.
     By this act alone he turned Prior from a failing diocesan school into a thriving            but left no family. To his parents, wife and
     boarding school. Prior figures only on the fringe of the biography, but in this respect     brother we tender our very sincere sympathy.
     it is a blessing that Dr Mercer opted for Brownlow rather than the probably more
     distinguished Baines, Clifford or Iron George Errington.
     Published by the Downside Abbey Press at £30, the book is an engrossing work
     of pure scholarship with excellent illustrations. William Brownlow and his more
     leisurely but challenging age come back to life. Without his intervention Prior
     might well have failed to survive. Dr Mercer has now ensured that the role of              For the booklet on alumni who died in WW2,
     Bishop Brownlow will survive also.                                                        go to

                                       We will be adding more material to the online digital archive this autumn.
                   To sign up, go to If you would like to make a financial contribution
                            to the digitisation of more material contact Carole Laverick at

10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                The Gossip Bowl             11
TheGossip Bowl - PRIOR PARK ALUMNI A Community for Life
Staff Farewells                                                                                                                     Former staff
                                                                                                                                                             - Rory Fox reports that, having started in 2015,
                                                                                                                                                            he and his colleagues in Edlumino Education
                                                                                                                                                            Aid provided education to refugee children in
                                                                                                                                                            Calais and Dunkirk. In 2016, they moved to

     Dusting off the clubs                                                                                                                                                                                      No regrets
                                                                                                                                                            support children in Greece. They are currently
                                                                                                                                                            setting up in Kurdistan. They combine the
                                                                                                                                                            teaching of children with the training of
                                                                                                                                                            local teachers, so that they can try to bring
                                                                                                                                                            about a long-term sustainable improvement
                                                                                                                                                            to the educational situation in the country.
     Deputy head Vaughan
                                                       Vaughan thinks that, as well as the obvious                                                                                                              Tom Simons has been a hugely valued            that “Tom is the best negotiator I have
                                                                                                                                                            Visit for more details.
                                                       challenge of transitioning to a day-only                                                              - Having been a visiting                           colleague and we will all miss him, writes     ever seen”. In short, Tom is respected, liked

     Jelley has retired after                          school, Cricklade, even though it is a prep
                                                       rather than secondary school, has to play
                                                                                                                                                            professor at University
                                                                                                                                                            College London since
                                                                                                                                                                                                                James Murphy-O’Connor.                         and seen as a man of integrity and gravitas.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               He has had a significant career at
     34 years at Cricklade                                                                                                                                  2009, Gerard Kilroy                                 Tom has been a long-standing member of
                                                       its part in equipping the new generation for                                                                                                                                                            PPC, marked by exemplary service and
                                                                                                                                                            (pictured right) has now                            PPC with 26 years of service, 17 of those
                                                       adult life.                                                                                                                                                                                             commitment. He has made a profound
     and a total of 43                                “Too many students are pessimistic rather
                                                                                                                                                            been appointed a professor
                                                                                                                                                            in the department of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                as academic deputy head. Born in 1960,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                his ancestors were Polish immigrants who
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               difference to the students and to the lives

     years in education.                                                                                                                                    English philology in the                                                                           of his colleagues. He has experienced times
                                                       than optimistic, because of the uncertain                                                                                                                moved to the UK at the turn of the 20th
                                                                                                                                                            Jesuit University Krakow and made a senior                                                         of great sadness with the loss of his wife
                                                       future they face regarding employment,                                                               research fellow at Campion Hall, Oxford. His        Century. They brought with them the desire
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               and his son Joseph (2012) but he would be
                                                       pensions and particularly housing,” he says.                                                         third book, a biography of the Jesuit martyr,       to work and to contribute, and plenty of
      He jokes that, since he first went to school “Some will have careers but a lot don’t know                                                                                                                                                                the first to say that the strength of our PPC
                                                                                                                                                            Edmund Campion: A Scholarly Life, will soon         strong Eastern European intellect. Tom’s
      at the age of five, he has actually never what they are going to go into or how long                                                                  be in paperback published by Routledge.                                                            community has helped him through the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                father was a professor at Oxford and his
      left. He started at Cricklade as head of they’ll be in it.”                                                                                            - David Wood saw his daughter get married                                                         dark days.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                brother is a professor at Cambridge.
      geography in September 1983, along with                                                                                                               at College last August.
                                                                                                                                                             - Below, Thomas Hansen and his wife Mary
      the first five girls as the school became The best thing about his time at Cricklade, he                                                                                                                  Tom grew up in the Midlands,
                                                                                                                                                            visited last summer. Tom now teaches at St.
      co-ed. This was only his second teaching says, was “being part of a caring community,                                                                 Croix, a private Lutheran school in the twin
                                                                                                                                                                                                                attended Warwick School, studied
      position, following nine years at a boys’ prep being able to work with inspirational students                                                         cities (Minneapolis-St.Paul). He visited former
                                                                                                                                                                                                                at Birmingham, took a PGCE at
      school in Worcestershire.                        (they keep you young and motivated) and                                                              deputy head Wilf Hammond and stayed with            Loughborough and took a further
                                                                                                         Vaughan Jelley
                                                       see their personalities develop, and the                                                             Denis and Jennie Clarke in Bath. He cruised         first-class honours at the Open
     “My expectation was that this would be a reward of gratitude from all the staff (of all                                                                back home on the Queen Mary.                        University.
      step in my career. After three years I was ages and times of career) that I have been
      appointed deputy head and then, after seven able to mentor, support and see develop.”                                                                                                                     He served first at King Edward’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Bath, followed by five years at
                                                                                                         Departing staff
      or eight more years, I did apply for some
      headships.” Family commitments, however, Peak experiences have included the great                                                                                                                         Abingdon. At both schools he
      meant he had to stay close to Swindon.           rugby sevens tournament wins in the 1980s                                                                                                                taught maths, ran ‘Ten Tors’, took
                                                       and 1990s (National Champions at Rosslyn            - Joanne Devine (nee Edgell) is leaving                                                              teams in cricket, golf, football and
      What has changed most over the years?            Park in 1991), the cricket tour to Hong Kong       College, having accepted a position as
                                                                                                                                                                                                                rugby and set up computer systems.
                                                                                                          housemistress at Wycombe Abbey.
       “The school resources are vastly superior to and Australia in 1990 and the mixed sports            Having joined Prior in September 2009                                                                 At Abingdon, he was also the master
      the 1980s and the whole approach is more tour of South Africa in 2004. But, a keen                  as a music teacher, Jo assumed the role of         - Below, Peggy Mahon visited College with          in charge of stationery!
      professional,” he says.                          cricket fan, his favourite memories are of the     housemistress of St Mary’s in September           her daughter Eileen in October 2016. Peggy
                                                                                                          2011. She married Dominic Devine (teacher         was one of Prior’s many Irish maids. She            In 1991 he arrived at PPC as head
                                                       cricket tours of Barbados in 2006, 2009 and
     “In education in general, however, there is 2012. As to the worst experiences, he claims             of history at PPC). They have a beautiful         arrived in 1953 at the tender age of 17 with        of maths. He came with his wife
      now far too much paperwork. Staff have far to have blocked them from his memory, but                daughter, Ella, and they will all be greatly      her two sisters. In the course of an hilarious      Brenda and young son Robbie. Two           Tom Simons with James Murphy-O’Connor
                                                                                                          missed by the school community.                   tour of College, Peggy emphatically denied the      further children were to come along,
      less time to sit and talk with pupils during then notes that many parents today have
                                                                                                           - Mark Pearce, headmaster of Cricklade,          rumour that there was ever any fraternisation
      break times: everyone has to input on their unrealistic expectations of their offspring and                                                                                                               Joseph (2012) and Laura (2017).
                                                                                                          left at the end of the summer term to work        between the maids and the boys.                                                                 He wrote in an appraisal a few years ago
      laptops or answer emails. This has eroded blame teachers when their children fall short.            in Dubai.                                                                                             At Prior, Tom set about rebuilding the “I always thought that I would move on from
      pastoral care. We just don’t get to spend time That is one of the things he will not miss.           - Patricia Vowles, teacher of modern
                                                                                                                                                                                                                maths department whilst also holding Prior but the opportunities kept coming
      with the children: sitting on a bench watching                                                      languages, retired this summer.
                                                                                                           - Naomi Gay, who has been head of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                down the position of second master with thick and fast…so I stayed to serve the
      them play, or joining in.”                       The plan now is to have a two-month
                                                                                                          girls’ hockey since 2015, is off to work at                                                           responsibility for the timetable, rooming, community…and I have no regrets”. Well,
                                                       holiday in Australia (“my tickets for the first
     “On the other hand,” he adds, “much of the two days of the Brisbane test have already                the British School of Bahrain starting this                                                           reports and special projects. By 2000, he neither do we. Denis Clarke, a long-time
                                                                                                          September.                                                                                            was deputy head academic.                   colleague and friend, once told me that
      education is better now. Pupils do not waste arrived and I’m hoping to take in some of the
                                                                                                           - Elizabeth Hjelm left this summer to go to
      time laboriously copying notes. The emphasis third test in Perth as well”) and re-locate to                                                                                                               Tom is a man of many talents and interests, Tom  is “just a thoroughly good person”.
                                                                                                          Corsham School.
      is on the acquisition of skills – including the Devon. But he is not severing his ties with          - Cath Giles, teacher of English as additional                                                       including golf, hiking, camping, swimming,  No  one could say it any better.
      soft skills of communication and teamwork. education completely. He will continue to                language, leaves this summer for new                                                                  cycling, computing, house renovations and
                                                                                                                                                             - Jeremy Goulding, his wife, son and                                                              We wish Tom, Fiona, Robbie and Laura
      Sports coaching has hugely improved.                                                                adventures.
                                                       work as a lead (reporting) inspector for the        - Vicki McConaghie, who has been in
                                                                                                                                                            daughter-in-law toured the Mansion and              gardening. To the staff here he is known       every success in the future.
                                                                                                                                                            Chapel in July 2016.                                to be reliable, approachable, professional,
     “In the 1980s the school invested time and Independent Schools Inspectorate.                         the college geography department for five
                                                                                                                                                             - Steve Capon has a new job at King Henry
      effort in a handful of outstanding athletes. “The diary for 2018 is nice and empty at the           years and who has thrown herself fully into                                                           hard-working and wise.
                                                                                                                                                            VIII College, Cyberjaya, Malaysia. It’s a new
      These days, all pupils reap the benefits of moment but I am sure there will be a number             the Prior life with CCF, Duke of Edinburgh,                                                                                                             Alumni wishing to contact Vaughan
                                                                                                                                                            school, opening in September 2018 and is a          He is an excellent listener, superb creative
      quality coaching; all represent the school in of projects to keep me busy,” he says. “And
                                                                                                          New York Trip organiser etc, is leaving to
                                                                                                                                                            sister school of Christ’s College, Brecon, which                                                          Jelley or Tom Simons should
                                                                                                          get married and start a new life with her                                                             thinker, solution-seeker and innovator.                 email Carole Laverick at
      teams; and all have access to the marvellous I am looking forward to dusting off the golf                                                             was founded in 1541. Like its Welsh sibling,
                                                                                                          husband in Nottingham.
                                                                                                                                                            it will be a co-educational boarding and day        He is also a brilliant interviewer. One    
      facilities. The emphasis is on inclusion.”       clubs.”                                                                                                                                                  headmaster noted (and I would agree)
                                                                                                                                                            school with pupils from 7-18 years of age.

12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                The Gossip Bowl              13
TheGossip Bowl - PRIOR PARK ALUMNI A Community for Life
People                                                                  Mental health
     Documenting development                                                                                                                    International co-operation                                                                                FOOD
                                                                                               Adam Dearling (2014)

                                                                                              In June, Adam undertook a challenge for
      Rachael Canter (2001)                                                                   the charity PAPYRUS in memory of one               Geoff Cardozo (1968)
                                                                                              of his closest childhood friends, Brodie                                                                                                                    FLASHBACKS
                                               move, so the men had migrated to
                                               work in brick-making fields, leaving the      “Brodie was and will always be remembered                                                                                                                    I rather looked forward to the
                                               women and children behind. “We saw             as one of the kindest and most fun-loving                                                                                                                   porridge with added golden
                                               women wading, waist-deep through               souls ever to walk this earth,” wrote Adam.                                                                                                                 syrup.
                                               filthy water everyday carrying their          “But on Friday 11 November 2016 he took                                                                                                                      Martin Fowler (1983)
                                               children on their shoulders to take them       his own life.”
                                               to a makeshift school on higher land,”         PAPYRUS seeks to provide support, raise                                                                                                                     Sunday dinners were terrible,
                                               Rachael told us.                               awareness, and campaign on the leading                                                                                                                      so I took five or six orders,
                                              “They were forced to tie their babies and       cause of death among young people in                                                                                                                        sneaked out of St Paul’s and
                                               toddlers into bed at night to prevent          Britain today. Adam divided the money he                                                                                                                    jogged down town to the
                                               them from falling out into the water           raised between PAPYRUS and Brodie’s Bike                                                                                                                    Chinese take-away - a round
                                               below.”                                        Project at the University of West Scotland.                                                                                                                 trip of an hour. Word soon
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          got out and orders grew to
                                               Rachael and her team lived in the village      Adam rode from the University of West
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          15 or 20. I had to book a taxi
                                               while filming the episode, which also saw      Scotland (Brodie’s university) to the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          for the round trip. The driver
                                               members of the national cricket team -         University of Bath (Adam’s university)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          would drop me at the lower
                 Rachel Canter and family      superstars in Bangladesh - working             and from there to Luxembourg, the place
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          gate. I was negotiating the
                                               alongside the community to build a series      where they both grew up and where they
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          steep bank up to St Paul’s
                                              of bamboo bridges and a large communal          first met 16 years ago. Adam completed
     Rachael Canter                           fish pond.                                      the challenge within the target of ten days.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          one evening only to find Dr
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Walsh, our fantastic house
     has not chosen the                                                                                                                         Geoff left London and his work with Veterans Aid
                                                                                              At the end, he met with Brodie’s father in
                                              The already hard life in Bangladesh was                                                                                                                                                                     master, looking down at me.
                                                                                              Luxembourg. Adam admits that planning
                                              made considerably harder following a                                                                                                                                                                        The following Sunday, he
     easiest path in life.                    terrorist explosion last year.
                                                                                              the journey had been as much a way of
                                                                                              coping with the loss of his best friend as it
                                                                                                                                                a couple of years ago to become the Paris-based                                                           accompanied me to dinner
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          and agreed the Chinese
                                              “Twenty-two people were murdered in an          was an appeal to stop the stigma and raise        boss of the Franco-British Foundation (FFBS).                                                             takeaway was the better
     Rachael leads an all-Cambodian attack claimed by IS,” Rachael explained.                 awareness of such tragic events.
     production team currently making “It was in a restaurant that we went to
                                                                                             “Life’s crap sometimes,” noted Adam.               With a turnover of £26million, the foundation      Argentina last year to visit the soldiers’ families.   Adewale Onabanjo (1984)
     a reality TV series to help young frequently. It had a huge impact on our
                                                                                             “Mental health is complicated, and I would         employs 300 qualified staff to look after          He described it as “a low profile affair, just to
     Cambodians, particularly women, lives. Our movements were heavily
                                                                                              be here forever if I was just trying to list      800 people with various disabilities in eleven     reassure their parents and families, particularly,     The first Friday: stew and
     improve their chances of gaining restricted because of increased security.
                                                                                              every way it can manifest itself so I won’t.      training/care centres.                             but also those who had survived the conflict,          some awful rice pudding with
     employment (think The Apprentice
                                                                                              Instead I’ll just say don’t leave it, talk to
     meets Dragon’s Den for a Cambodian “Our daughter Sylvie could no longer go                                                                 Its aim is to help psychologically and
                                                                                                                                                                                                   that Britain at the time had looked after their        jam. The saved money went to
                                               to nursery and it wasn’t safe to travel        someone (close or who you’ve never met,                                                              boys properly”.                                        feed the starving.
     audience).                                                                                                                                 physically challenged youngsters through their
                                               anywhere on foot. It’s been such a sad         whichever works) and you’ll feel better for it,
                                                                                                                                                apprenticeships and into gainful employment.       His trip has given impetus to a plan of the            Martin Pike (1986)
     Executive producer for the international time for the country and for all of the         or at least figure out where to start. There’s
     development charity of the BBC, Rachael local friends we made there.” The move           nothing wrong with struggling or needing                                                             International Committee of the Red Cross
                                                                                                                                                Some - the more serious cases - will remain in
     moved with her husband James and to Cambodia came as something of a                                                                                                                           (ICRC) to identify all the Argentine soldiers          Boiled mince replete with little
                                                                                              help. It’s leaving it that’s the problem.”        care permanently, working in the foundation’s
     their two-year-old daughter, Sylvie, to relief.                                                                                                                                               buried in the Falklands.                               bone fragments, served with
                                                                                                                                                workshops and its food-packaging, laundry, and
     Cambodia last year.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  lumpy mashed potato three
                                                                                                                                                horticultural/landscaping training hubs.           He has also been asked to help out the ICRC in
                                              “It’s a really exciting time in Cambodia     Adam Dearling and Brodie Eaton                                                                                                                                 days in a row. It was “food”
     Before that they were in Bangladesh, right now because we’re just about to                                                                                                                    Geneva when they run their “Management of
                                                                                                                                                Founded in Knightsbridge during WW1, the                                                                  but it was seriously revolting.
     where she spent 18 months producing go into production of the new show,” she                                                                                                                  casualties in Armed Conflicts and Catastrophes”
                                                                                                                                                foundation has a board drawn from both sides                                                              Christopher James
     a TV show and digital content that said.                                                                                                                                                      programme, briefing international teams on
                                                                                                                                                of the Channel, thereby providing an example,                                                             Coelho (1986)
     looked at the effects of climate change                                                                                                                                                       aspects to be considered post-earthquake,
                                                                                                                                                at a particularly stressful time between the UK
     and encouraged communities to work “By far the most rewarding part of my                                                                   and its European partners, of Franco-British co-
                                                                                                                                                                                                   tsunami, natural disasters and conflicts.
                                               job is spending time travelling around                                                                                                                                                                     Sunday dinner was always
     together to find solutions.                                                                                                                operation at the human level.                      Multi-lingual Geoff, a former defence attaché
                                               these extraordinary countries, meeting                                                                                                                                                                     terrible. Didn’t matter what
     One of the programmes focused on a remarkable people and hearing their                                                                                                                        in Paris and intelligence officer in Brussels, has     was on the menu, nobody ate
                                                                                                                                                Geoff, a retired Colonel who was awarded the
     village that was completely flooded stories - and it’s great to be able to share                                                                                                              moved to Tours to be closer to Paris and Geneva        it. We did a roaring trade in
                                                                                                                                                MBE for his work in planning and supervising
     for up to nine months of the year. The these adventures with James and Sylvie                                                                                                                 for his work. He will keep his place in Brittany       pizza and Chinese takeaway.
                                                                                                                                                the burial of Argentine soldiers killed in
     families living there were too poor to too.”                                                                                                                                                  for summer holidays.
                                                                                                                                                the Falklands war, took a brief sabbatical in                                                             Andrew Clinick (1986)

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People                                                                                                                                                                                        Headmaster’s Academic Society

     Catalytic capital                                                                                                                                        Lampreys are a good sign                                                                              FOOD
       Christine “Tine” Ward (1985)                                                                                                                                                                                         cabbage. Years of painstaking
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            eradication, much of it by hand, has    FLASHBACKS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            brought the problem more or less
                                                       The organisation works in Pakistan, South          surprises - the answer was most definitely
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            under control. Even more successful     Kippers and grapefruit for
                                                       Africa, Sri Lanka, Chad, Sudan and Haiti.          no: I was not in my integrity and I didn’t really
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            has been the elimination of rats on     breakfast. I couldn’t bear
                                                       Asked what she gained most from her time           know why yet.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            the island, leading to a ten-fold       either. I used to trade for
                                                       at Prior, she said “the moral obligation to live
                                                                                                          When she got home she realized that                                                                               increase in the bird population.
                                                       a life with purpose.”                                                                                                                                                                                        cereal or porridge.
                                                                                                          integrity was all that mattered.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           “Globally there are about 8.7 million    Darren Crawford (1988)
                                                        Working with the Duchess of York (“Fergie”),
                                                                                                        “No matter how much aid was being delivered,                                                                        species,” Max told his audience.
                                                        she spent time in Bosnian refugee camps
                                                                                                         or how many people were being helped,                                                                             “Many are not yet categorized. Some      I reckon I survived on tuck
                                                        with children “whose parents had been
                                                                                                         money raised, good I was supposedly doing,                                                                         are becoming extinct even before        shop chocolate.
                                                        murdered in front of them”.
                                                                                                         if I wasn’t being true to myself and my                                                                            they are properly identified.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Zuzka Herrero (1989)
                                                       “Over the years I’ve been to many camps, held purpose in my life, none of it would matter
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           The UK ranks a lowly 189 out of
                                                        the hands of women whose children had in the end.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           218 nations in the bio-diversity         Pot Noodles from the Chinese
                                                        died and yet they still had the resilience that
                                                                                                         This, she told her audience, “is where true                                                                        lists. 50% of our native species        and steak and kidney pies
                                                        allowed them to smile at me and thank me for
                                                                                                         happiness and fulfilment lies”.                                             Lampreys are making a comeback         have shown marked decline in            from the little shop in the
                                                        coming. You know you cannot do everything
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            recent years and 15% are at risk        village.
                                                        but certainly you can do something.”            “In the absence of fear there is strength and
                                                                                                         indeed there is gentleness. Strength and              In February, Max Hemmings (2008) addressed of disappearing forever. Hunting, shooting,               Dean Ammon (1989)
                                                        The “what to do” is the key. How do you                                                                the Headmaster’s Academic Society on the environmental pollution, urbanisation, changes
                                                                                                         gentleness are one, and this came to me
                                     Tine Ward          discover your purpose? Tine went to New                                                                subject of conservation and the environment. in land use, climate change: these are all
                                                                                                         in the symbol of Rockflower - a real flower                                                                                                                In those snowy winters there
                                                        York in 1994 to start Chances for Children,                                                                                                             contributing to the decline.
                                                                                                         that grew out of a rock in my home in Pound           Max described the different pathways into                                                            weren’t many trays left to
                                                        a not-for-profit that would assist children in
     Tine recently addressed the Lower Sixth and                                                         Ridge NY.”                                            careers in microbiology, ecology, genetics A big problem is agriculture, which occupies              serve food on, as they made
                                                        America. Then came her first-born, Francesca,
     held them spellbound. Her two messages                                                                                                                    and botany, and talked about the wide variety 75% of the UK land mass. This land is not              great sledges down the valley.
                                                        followed by Lulu, Isabella and Rex.              Sitting in a session of the Clinton Global
     came across loud and clear. First, it will all                                                      Initiative - the only woman at a table of nine        of specialisms on offer: from the study of retaining its nutrients and, in a constant effort         Kristian Price (1990)
     work out, even if not in the ways you expect.     “Four children under six! I had my hands full,                                                          ancient woodlands; through focusing on to make agricultural production more efficient,
                                                                                                         men – it came to her that she would start a
     Second, you must be whole and at peace             but the voice within was not quiet. I began                                                            individual species such as pine martens; to marginal habitats, like ponds and hedgerows,             Giant Yorkshire puddings
                                                                                                         fund for women and girls.
     with yourself. “Are you in your integrity?”        to realize how much more there was to                                                                  issues associated with introduced species like are disappearing.                                     filled with beans and sausages
     she asked.                                         do. I also saw how large-scale operations “I knew this would be my life’s work.”                       peacocks, which could not survive without                                                            or chilli!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                The subsidies for farmers need to be reviewed
                                                        can sometimes be fraught with red tape,                                                                human intervention, and American mink, which
     One of the second cohort of girls at Prior                                                          Rockflower addresses women’s inequality                                                                so as to reward them not just for owning land       Sarah Rowland (1998)
                                                        bureaucracy and inefficiency. I really wanted                                                          survive all too well on their own.
     and first-ever winner of the Rose Bowl                                                              through the “five keys”: education, financial                                                          but for farming in a way that preserves nature.
                                                        to find a better way, where targeted solutions
     Award, Tine went on to study English at                                                             independence, access to water and food,              “When fur coats went out of fashion,” Max         The  NFU and National Trust are struggling to       At Cricklade, the time when
                                                        and radical idealism could be practically
     Loughborough. She worked in the Royal                                                               peace and security, and health. She quoted            noted, “animal rights activists released mink    come  to agreement about this. But not all the      the cook and was replaced by
                                                        realized. But it would take a lot more work
     Household, became executive director then                                                           Khalid Malik, lead author of the 2014 UNDP            into the wild and that has caused destruction    portents  are bad, he added.                        the matron. She was very kind
                                                        and much more time.”
     president of Chances for Children in New                                                            Human Development Report: “The closest                to the ecosystem, notably to the population of                                                       but seemed to be on a quest
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Lampreys - a good indicator of the quality of the
     York, founded The Darfur Project, which has        The solution, she eventually realized, was to to a silver bullet in human development is               water voles.”                                                                                        to break the record for how
                                                                                                                                                                                                                fresh water habitat - are making a comeback.
     so far raised $17million for medical relief,       have much more targeted and direct delivery educating women, and particularly mothers.”                                                                                                                     many recipes could involve

                                                                                                                                                               After Prior, Max studied biochemistry at Also, DDT usage was eventually stopped and,
     and, in 2012, founded Rockflower.                  of aid on the ground. She then described “a                                                                                                                                                                 sugar puffs!
                                                                                                         Tine concluded by telling her audience to “be         Leeds followed by a masters in biodiversity although it has taken decades, there has been a
                                                        life-changing experience”.                                                                                                                                                                                  Andrew Clinick (1986)
                                                                                                         confident in where you are led, be gentle with        and conservation. He is now working at marked recovery in the affected species.

           I knew this would be
     my life’s work
                                           “           “I was in the back of a Toyota land cruiser, your fellow men and women” and “be in your
                                                        in 106-degree heat, having just landed in integrity”.
                                                        a small plane deep inside the conflict zone
                                                        on the Chad/Darfur border. We had been
                                                                                                                                                               Mott MacDonald in Bristol, a job he found
                                                                                                                                                               via alumna Kath Thorne (2009). There
                                                                                                                                                               his task is “to offer advice to construction
                                                                                                                                                               projects on their environmental impact”. He
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         In conclusion, he
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         advised his listeners
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         to volunteer for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Flat croissants, served with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    maple syrup, and eaten with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    a knife and fork. Very weird.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         conservation groups,
                                                        under rocket fire from the ground. I closed my                                                         cited the environmental damage done by                                                               Nicola Munro (2002)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         sign campaigns to
                                                        eyes and started to pray. I heard a loud voice                                                         the rhododendron. He quoted the example
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         preserve wildlife, take
     Rockflower connects global capital to              in my right ear, “Are you in your integrity?”                                                          of Lundy Island, to which the rhododendron                                                           I remember the weekly curries.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         a gap year working
     community-based social enterprises and             I looked at the driver and the colleague next                                                          was introduced in the 19th Century as an                                                             It’s only now that I’ve had
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         on environmental
     relief projects, including water and sanitation    to me, checking to see if they had spoken.                                                             ornamental plant.                                                                                    proper curry that I realise how
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         projects and keep
     programmes, public health initiatives,             They had not. The voice was coming from                                                                                                                                                                     bad they actually were.
                                                                                                                                   It quickly took over the east side of the island                          up to date with
     housing, education and humanitarian relief.        the deep recesses of my soul. And so - no                                                                                                                  Max Hemmings
                                                                                                                                                               and threatened to eliminate the rare Lundy                                environmental news.        Amina Jane Ishaq (2003)

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TheGossip Bowl - PRIOR PARK ALUMNI A Community for Life
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