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Diversity on Film - see page 23 Capital City Film Fest Program inside - Project1_Layout 1 4/1/19 10:44 AM Page 1 - City Pulse
APRIL 10-16, 2019

                                           Diversity on
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                                           Capital City Film Fest
                                           Program inside
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     Favorite Things
    Paul Titov and his flat skewer

                                                                  Dennis Burck/City Pulse
   Titov uses his skewer to cook lulah kabobs every summer weekend.

   When I was a child, this skewer         We call this a lula kabob. It takes
 was all around me. It was the only        skill to put ground beef on that will
 thing we ever used. It was primitive      stay on the skewer when cooked.
 cooking — some days we would just         You have to form it in a proper way.
 BBQ around a fire with a pile of          If there are any air pockets, the                              April 11th –13th | MSU Campus | 39th Annual
 bricks. We put meat on this, chick-       meat will fall off.                                                                            Generously sponsored by Leonard and Sharon Tabaka

 en or whatever we wanted.                    Mostly, I learned how to do this
                                                                                                  4/11 THURSDAY, 7:30 pm                                                                     Jazz at Lincoln Center
   This skewer isn’t just the story of     from seeing other people doing it.                                                                                                           Essentially Ellington High School
 my people as Armenian, but most           My father did it. My grandfather
                                                                                                         Jazz Octets
                                                                                                Four jazz octets, conducted by                                                            Regional Festival
 Middle Eastern people as well.            did it. My uncles did it. They could               jazz faculty and graduate students,                                                       High school jazz bands compete
                                                                                               blend the sounds of big band with                                                        and perform the music of Duke
 People always say “My grandfather         only teach me so much. Practice is                 small-group performance. Fairchild                                                          Ellington and other big band
 used to do it this way.” There are a      what makes perfect.                                  Theatre, MSU Auditorium. General                                                       composers before Jazz at Lincoln
                                                                                                                                                                                        Center clinicians and other jazz
 lot of arguments on what is the best         BBQ grills are fun and every-                   admission: $12 adults, $10 seniors, students free.
                                                                                                                                                                                        professionals. Fairchild Theatre,
 way to cook with it.                      thing, but this cooks the meat like                       4/12 FRIDAY, 8:00 pm                                                                     MSU Auditorium. Free
   Originally this was a sword.            nothing else does.                                     Swing Dance with                                                                            4/13 SATURDAY, 8 pm
                                                                                                   Jazz Orchestras                                                                            Jazz Spectacular
 Soldiers would go into battle, and           I agree it probably isn’t as con-                Two jazz orchestras, conducted
 between battles, they would take          venient as a grill, but it gives you                by Rodney Whitaker and Etienne                                                                  Finale Concert
                                                                                              Charles, perform the repertoire of                                                          Opening performance by the
 pieces of meat and put it on their        a feeling that you are doing exactly                the great jazz masters as well as                      spectacular                     Outstanding High School Jazz Band
 swords to cook. Little by little, these   what your grandfather and ances-                   swing for an audience who cannot                                                          of the Day, including the Be-Bop
                                                                                                     keep from dancing.                                                                Spartans, MSU jazz musicians and
 evolved into more of a home-ori-          tors did. It gives you a little more                    MSU Demonstration Hall.                                                               guests Lewis Nash, jazz drums
 ented item.                               flavor to your food with the love                     General admission: $12 adults, $10 seniors,                                           and Sachal Vasandani, jazz vocals.
                                                                                                              students free.                                                          Fairchild Theatre, MSU Auditorium.
   These come in all shapes and            and history behind it.                                                                                                                              Reserved seating: $25 adults,
 forms, but this one is my favorite           Just looking at it brings back so                4/13 SATURDAY, 9 Am–6 pm                                                                         $20 seniors, $15 students.

 one. I probably have 40 of these at       many memories from back in my
 my house. I have a special bucket         childhood. Every moment I cook
 to keep it in at my house I made to       with it, I can cherish those.
 store it. If we are going to a picnic,       Food is not so much what is on
 I pick up my bucket and it goes           your tongue, but in your mind as
 with me wherever I go.                    well. When those two combine, it
   I can’t wait till the weather           makes one hell of a flavor.
 breaks for a little bit. For the next        (This interview was edited and
 six months, this will be the only         condensed by Dennis Burck. If
                                                                                                         TiCkETS & iNFO: MUSiC.MSU.EDU/JAzz-SpEC
 thing I will cook with. There is not      you have a recommendation for
 a weekend that goes by where I            “Favorite Things,” please email
 don’t use this.                           dennis@lansingcitypulse.com.)
   I like to use ground beef with it.
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4                   www.lansingcitypulse.com                                                                      City Pulse • April 10, 2019

                                                                                                                             VOL. 18
                                                                                                                           ISSUE 36
                                (517) 371-5600 • Fax: (517) 999-6061 • 1905 E. Michigan Ave. • Lansing, MI 48912 • www.lansingcitypulse.com
                                                                                         ADVERTISING INQUIRIES:    (517) 999-5061
                                                                                         or email citypulse@lansingcitypulse.com
                                                                           PAGE          CLASSIFIEDS: (517) 999-6704

                                                                             13              EDITOR AND PUBLISHER • Berl Schwartz
                                                                                               publisher@lansingcitypulse.com • (517) 999-5061
                                                                                             ARTS & CULTURE EDITOR • Audrey Matusz
                                                        Check out our Summer Camp Guide! skyler@lansingcitypulse.com • (517) 999-5068
                                                                                             EVENTS EDITOR/OFFICE MANAGER • Suzi Smith
                                                                                                suzi@lansingcitypulse.com • (517) 999-6704
                                                                                             DIGITAL CONTENT/PRODUCTION MANAGER • Skyler Ashley
                                                                           PAGE                production@lansingcitypulse.com
                                                                                               (517) 999-5066
                                                                             26              STAFF WRITERS • Lawrence Cosentino
                                                                                             lawrence@lansingcitypulse.com • (517) 999-5065
                                       Peppermint Creek's new play gives a voice to refugees Kyle Kaminski • kyle@lansingcitypulse.com
                                                                                               (517) 999-6715
                                                                                               Dennis Burck • dennis@lansingcitypulse.com
                                                                                               (517) 999-6705
                                                                           PAGE              SALES EXECUTIVE
                                                                                               Lee Purdy • lee@lansingcitypulse.com • (517) 999-5064
                                                                             32               Contributors: Andy Balaskovitz, Justin Bilicki, Daniel
                                                                                              E. Bollman, Jeffrey Billman, Capital News Service,
                                       Music coming to town as part of Capital City Film Fest Bill Castanier, Ryan Claytor, Mary C. Cusack, Tom
                                                                                              Helma, Gabrielle Lawrence Johnson, Eve Kucharski,
                                                                                              Terry Link, Andy McGlashen, Kyle Melinn, Mark Nixon,
                                                                                              Shawn Parker, Stefanie Pohl, Dennis Preston, Allan
                                                                          Cover               I. Ross, Nevin Speerbrecker, Dylan Tarr, Rich Tupica,
                                                                                              Ute Von Der Heyden, David Winkelstern, Paul Wozniak
                                                                            Art          Distribution manager: Paul Shore • (517) 999-6704
                                                                                         Delivery drivers: Dave Fisher, Dale Gartner,
                                                               Art by Nevin Speerbrecker Thomas Scott Jr., Jack Dowd, Gavin Smith,

NOW AT 10:00 A.M.
SUNDAYS       on
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  PULSE                                                                                                                                           NEWS & OPINION                        OF THE WEEK

                           ‘Blue-collar chief’                                                                                                                             C            OF THE WEEK

      Mackey takes reins at Lansing Fire Department
   Before Mike Mackey started as chief
of the Lansing Fire Department last
week, he oversaw a department that
covered nearly 1.5 million residents
over 1,800 square miles in Palm Beach
County, Florida.
   The city of Lansing is a much small-                                                                                                                     Greater Love Apostolic Temple
er pond: about 116,000 residents over
                                                                                                                                                              505 Seymour Ave., Lansing
37 square miles. So, how did Lansing
                                                                                                                                                           This former Christian Science
attract him?
                                                                                                                                                        church built in 1952 —now for sale —
   “When you get into larger organiza-
                                                                                                                                                        bears all the marks of a Mid-century
tions, you tend to lose contact with the
                                                                                                                                                        Modern building, incorporating
firefighters, the men and women in the
                                                                                                                                                        small scale details with its crisp,
field,” Mackey said. “I’ve always enjoyed
                                                                                                                                                        modern appearance. The brick, lime-
that. Coming here, I’m going to be able
                                                                                                                                                        stone and randomly coursed ashlar
to hit all the stations, train with the men
                                                                                                                                                        are solid and enduring, capped with
and women and go on calls with them.
                                                                                                                                                        a sky-piercing copper clad steeple
Professionally, I think it’ll be a great fit.”
                                                                                                                                                           Approaching the main entrance
   Mackey, 50, is a self-described
                                                                                                                                                        from the east, visitors ascend the
“blue-collar chief.” He follows two inter-
                                                                                                                                                        main plinth to find sculpted conifers
im chiefs appointed by Mayor Andy
                                                                                                                        Lawrence Cosentino/City Pulse   before the solemn main entrance.
Schor after Randy Talifarro resigned
                                                 Mike Mackey, who started April 1, plans to spend his first 90 days as Lansing fire                     Hints of decorative themes repeated
last year.
                                                 chief listening to his staff and the community.                                                        throughout the interior and exterior
   Mackey, who was one of nine candi-
                                                                                                                                                        are expressed within this entrance:
dates, is paid $124,471 annually.
                                                    Jerauld’s successor, Jeff Collins,        crimination lawsuit levied against the                    flattened squares form the door glaz-
    “I haven’t met a single person that
                                                 stepped down in January 2018 amid            department continues. Solutions are                       ing; concentric rectangles located
I haven’t liked here,” Mackey said in
                                                 accusations that the department fos-         still a work in progress.                                 above those doors; and the fluted col-
an exclusive interview with City Pulse.
                                                 tered a culture of sexual harassment            Mackey noted his earlier post as divi-                 umns and the egg and dart mould-
“There really is a truth about this
                                                 and racism. Mackey, who came up              sion chief of operations kept him large-                  ings hint of other classical details.
Midwestern charm. People are just so
                                                 through the ranks over 31 years before       ly away from department leadership.                          The concentric rectangles continue
nice. I couldn’t get over it."
                                                 retiring last month, was selected as the     “It was just about being more open,                       around the building as carved lime-
   "This is a blue-collar, working-class
                                                 interim chief to help guide a “period of     transparent, honest, broad-minded and                     stone window lintels, while inside,
department. That’s who I am. I’m not
                                                 healing” and take the department in a        really bringing in people from various                    the detail repeats on interior doors
afraid to roll up my sleeves and get
                                                 “different direction,” explained Nancy       backgrounds.”                                             and the sanctuary’s coffered ceiling.
                                                 Bolton, a Palm Beach County govern-             Mackey played a role in hiring as his                  Stacks of flattened squares make up
   Shifting from a department as large
                                                 ment executive.                              successor the first African American                      other interior doors and in the choir
as Palm Beach County’s should be a
                                                    “I’ve heard through the grapevine         in that post, Bolton said. She also                       screen behind the altar.
simple transition, Mackey explained.
                                                 that Lansing is facing some of the same      described Mackey as a “clean-cut, per-                       Classical metopes and triglyphs
The entire Lansing department is com-
                                                 diversity issues — which is not unusual      son of faith” and “just a terrific human                  divide the entablature in the main
parable in size to a single battalion at
                                                 in this field,” Bolton added. “He was able   being” with a spotless disciplinary                       entrance foyer. The traditional spi-
his old job. And that’s the work that
                                                 to negotiate diversity language and sup-     record after decades on the job.                          raling square known as a Greek Key
Mackey seems to enjoys the most. His
                                                 port some affirmative action measures           “He really doesn’t consider race or                    is expressed at the ends of sanctuary
leadership is best on the ground floor.
                                                 with the union. He promoted a number         gender, but rather the character and the                  pews and in the choir loft railing.
   “We had gone through some difficult
                                                 of African Americans and women in his        qualifications,” Bolton added.                            Outside, the same motif is found in
times,” said Steve Jerauld, a former fire
                                                 short tenure.                                   Why Lansing?                                           the ends of the railings at the front
chief there. “Mike came in with just the
                                                    “Mackey really was a champion for            “My wife wanted the four seasons,”                     porch steps and decorative stone caps
right temperament and brought this
                                                 diversity, and I think he’ll bring some      Mackey said. “Growing up in Miami, I                      nearby.
sense of humility to the job. It was nev-
                                                 positive change to Lansing.”                 didn’t know anything about that, but I                    — Daniel E. Bollman, AIA
er about him at all, and you could really
see that in the way he handled himself.             Lansing’s department has dealt with       promised her that when I retired, we’d                    “Eye Candy of the Week” is our look at some
His focus was always on doing the right          its own racial tensions. Last year’s class   do that. She wanted to move some-                         of the nicer properties in Lansing. It rotates each
                                                 of firefighters lacked any women or          where where it was colder. This was a                     with Eyesore of the Week. If you have a suggestion,
thing.”                                                                                                                                                 please e-mail eye@lansingcitypulse.com or call Berl
                                                 African Americans. A federal racial dis-                              See Mackey, Page 6               Schwartz at 999-5061.
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6                                                                                             www.lansingcitypulse.com                                                                      City Pulse • April 10, 2019

                                                                                                                    and understanding his new role, he
                                                                                                                    said. He wants to engage not only his                Mayor brings back
                                                                                                                    staff, but also the community he looks
                                                                                                                    to set priorities for the department
                                                                                                                                                                         former city treasurer
from page 5                                                                                                                                                                 Lansing Mayor Andy Schor has
                                                                                                                    for the next decade. The first step:
perfect fit for us. When you line up your                                                                           Transforming the Fire Department                     appointed Judy Kehler to serve as
personal and professional life together,                                                                            into the “heart” of Lansing.                         the city’s treasurer and income tax
that’s a slam dunk.”                                                                                                   “We should be interacting in all                  administrator beginning later this
  Mackey is living downtown while                                                                                   aspects of the community,” Mackey                    month.
he waits for his youngest daughter                                                                                  added, noting he’d like to park fire                    Kehler was
to finish high school in Florida. His                                                                               engines outside the Cooley Law School                the first wom-
wife, Holly, and their three daughters                                                                              Stadium during baseball and soccer                   an and African
plan to move up this summer. While                                                                                  games for public outreach. “I want to                American to
many would opt for a tropical retire-                                                                               make sure we’re meeting the public’s                 serve in that
ment in Florida, Mackey is ready for                                                                                expectations of this department and                  position under
the change. And he’s not ready to stop                                                                              that we’re always adding value to the                former Mayor
working.                                                                                                            staff.”                                              David Hollister from 1993 to 1996.
  “I think the fire service is such a                                                                                  Earlier this year, Schor outlined                    “Kehler is an exceptional talent
great opportunity to help others,”                                                                                  plans to attract more people of color                and it is an honor to welcome her
                                                                                    Lawrence Cosentino/City Pulse
Mackey said. “It just gives you a sense                                                                             to the Fire Department, but officials                back,” Schor said in a release.
of satisfaction to turn around and                   beans in the food line,” McGlynn not-                          recognize those recruitment efforts —                   The mayor’s announcement said
help people who really need the help.                ed. “It’s who he was made to be, to                            particularly among qualified minority                Kehler, director of corporate part-
There’s this sense of comraderie and                 serve others in any capacity.”                                 candidates — can be a challenge. The                 nership for WKAR, brings more
fellowship in the fire department. It’s                 Former Deputy Chief of Operations                           applicant pool doesn’t always reflect a              than 20 years of public and private
about this whole team concept. I just                Mark Anderson, who helped train                                melting pot of diversity, Schor said.                sector experience with budgeting,
love it. I really love the work.”                    Mackey as a recruit, labeled him as a                              “There is room, like in any organiza-            taxation, public policy and execu-
  And the work seemed to love Mackey                 “standout” in his class. While others                          tion, to improve on all levels,” Mackey              tive management.
in return. Doug McGlynn, deputy chief                kept their heads down and did what                             added. “An employer would like to                       Finance Director Angie Bennett
of operations in Palm Beach County,                  they needed to do, Mackey excelled.                            have a bigger applicant pool. It gives               has been doubling as acting trea-
said Mackey always arrived early and                    “We might not ever sit in the shade                         you options. Options are our friends.                surer and income tax administrator
always stayed late. He also routinely                of the trees we plant, but Mike under-                         Having that larger applicant pool                    since Schor took office. The posi-
sent his non-essential employees home                stood that very much,” Anderson add-                           gives you more opportunities to bring                tion, however, has been vacant since
early ahead of the weekend to spend                  ed. “He always understood that people                          in diversity and to bring in real talent.            Jan. 1. Kehler is the first to assume
time with their families. His shoes                  are the strength of any organization. It                       Why limit yourself at the onset?”                    the permanent role under Schor.
won’t be easily filled.                              isn’t the buildings and the vehicles and                          Mackey said a cadet program Schor                    “Schor has a great plan and vision
  “He would mop floors, vacuum car-                  the processes that make an organiza-                           has announced, paired with general                   for the capital city and I am thrilled
pets, and whenever we had picnic and                 tion great. It’s the people. Mike always                       outreach, will help residents discover               to be a part of his team,” Kehler said.
barbeque celebrations for our employ-                invested in the people.”                                       the “hidden gem” of employment with                     Kehler starts April 22. A University
ees and their families, he would always                 Mackey’s first 90 days on the job will                      his department.                                      of Michigan graduate, she is com-
be seen serving potato salad or baked                primarily be about listening to others                            “We need to make sure the faces of                pleting her business process man-
                                                                                                                    the Lansing Fire Department match                    agement certificate through a pro-
                                                                                                                    our community,” Mackey emphasized.                   gram at Michigan State University’s
                                NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING
                         EAST LANSING ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS                                                       — KYLE KAMINSKI                                      College of Business.
                                                                                                                    kyle@lansingcitypulse.com                            — KYLE KAMINSKI
    Notice is hereby given of the following public hearing to be held by the East Lansing Zoning                                                                         kyle@lansingcitypulse.com
    Board of Appeals on Wednesday, May 1, 2019 at 7:00 p.m., in the 54-B District Court,
    Courtroom 1, 101 Linden Street, East Lansing:

     A public hearing will be held to consider an application from Fresh Coast Provisioning,                                                            CITY OF EAST LANSING
     LLC for the property located at 1108 E. Grand River Ave., in the East Village zoning district                                                      NOTICE OF ADOPTION
     for a variance from the following requirements of Chapter 50 – Zoning Code of the City of                                                           ORDINANCE NO. 1455
     East Lansing:
                                                                                                                        AN ORDINANCE TO ADD A PROVISION TO THE CITY’S MICHIGAN UNIFORM
      1. 816(4) – side yard setback – “In no case shall a parking space or driveway be placed                           CITY INCOME TAX ORDINANCE BY ADDING SECTION 41-6 TO CHAPTER
      closer than eight feet from a rear lot line or three feet from any other property line…”.                         41- TAXATION - OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF EAST LANSING TO REQUIRE
                                                                                                                        BUSINESSES TO REGISTER WITH THE CITY OF EAST LANSING FOR THE
      The applicant is proposing zero setback from the east property line for parking at the rear                       PURPOSE OF WITHHOLDING THE REQUIRED INCOME TAX.
      of the building and a nine inch setback from the west property line for parking in front of
      the building.                                                                                                   THE CITY OF EAST LANSING ORDAINS:

      2. 812(2)r.2 – parking space ratio – “one per 300 square feet of gross floor area”.                             Section 41-6 is hereby added to Chapter 41 of the East Lansing City Code to read as
      Nine parking spaces are required. The applicant is proposing four parking spaces.                               follows:

    Call (517) 319-6930, the Department of Planning, Building and Development, East Lansing                           Sec. 41-6. Registration Requirement.
    City Hall, 410 Abbot Road, East Lansing, for additional information. All interested persons will
    be given an opportunity to be heard.                                                                              Every employer that has a business location within the City of East Lansing, is doing
                                                                                                                      business within the City of East Lansing or has a business location within the City of
    The City of East Lansing will provide reasonable auxiliary aids and services, such as                             East Lansing pursuant to a PA 425 Agreement or any other land transfer or economic
    interpreters for the hearing impaired and audio tapes of printed materials being considered                       development agreement, shall register with the City of East Lansing by filing a fully and
    at the meeting, to individuals with disabilities upon request received by the City seven (7)                      accurately completed EL-SS-4 form with the City’s Income Tax Department.
    calendar days prior to the meeting. Individuals with disabilities requiring aids or services
    should write or call the Planning Department, 410 Abbot Road, East Lansing, MI 48823.                             A violation of this provision is a civil infraction and is punishable as provided in section 1-13
    Phone: (517) 319-6930. TDD Number: 1-800-649-3777.                                                                of this code.
    						Jennifer Shuster                                                                                            						Jennifer Shuster
    						City Clerk                                                                                                  						City Clerk
                                     			                                             CP#19-111                                                            			                                               CP#19-108
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Go karts, axe throwing coming to Meridian Mall
   Nearly 80,000 square feet of the for-                “There are not a lot of entertain-             domestics.                                             “The ultimate business metric for us
mer Younkers space at Meridian Mall                 ment opportunities for adults,” he add-               “We want to offer high-quality sim-              is to share the joy we feel when we get
will become go-kart tracks, axe throw-              ed. “Not everybody wants to go to a bar            ple food that won’t make you feel like              together as a group. If we made mil-
ing lanes, an arcade, bar and bistro this           or movie. People need a place to get               you’re going to die after eating it. The            lions of dollars but didn’t create an
August.                                             together to have fun.”                             main offering is pizza with an upscale              environment to make joy, we would’ve
   Started by area entrepreneurs                       The space will feature two go-kart              push. We will specialize in our glu-                failed.”
Connor Tracy, Jordan Munsters and                   tracks with up to 12 go karts racing on            ten-free flatbread pizza dough.”                       Tracy estimates the business will
Kevin Biesbrock, High Caliber Karting               each track.                                           Besides single admissions, there will            bring 40 to 50 new jobs. After safety is
and Entertainment is a project 10 years                There will also be eight axe-throwing           be VIP rooms for special events such as             secured, you can’t take go-karting and
in the making.                                      lanes with league options available.               birthdays and bachelor parties. Tracy               axe throwing business too seriously,
   “We are living within a society where               Axe throwing seems simple but is                also plans to install a conference facili-          Tracy said.
people are isolated by a 7-inch screen              very stress relieving, Tracy said.                 ty for company outings.                                “I mean, come on: We own a busi-
in their pocket,” Tracy said. “The goal                “Most people are a little scared the               The group plans to test out the new              ness with miniature cars in a building
of our company all the way around                   first time, but as soon as they throw the          venue in Lansing then see if it is lucra-           and people throwing stuff at a wall.”
is to get groups of people together to              first axe and see it stick in the wall, you        tive to expand with the same model.                    — DENNIS BURCK
compete and interact with each other.               can’t chisel the smile off their face.”
There is so much joy and fulfillment in                The food will be pub fare and the bar
that.                                               will feature local beers on tap as well as                                          STATE OF MICHIGAN
                                                                                                                        OFFICE OF THE INGHAM COUNTY DRAIN COMMISSIONER

                                                                                                                                               In the Matter of:
                              CITY OF EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN                                                                               Green Consolidated Drain
                                     NOTICE OF ADOPTION                                                                         NOTICE OF MEETING OF BOARD OF DETERMINATION
                                     ORDINANCE NO. 1426
                                                                                                              Notice Is Hereby Given to you as a property owner or municipality who may be liable
      AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE ZONING USE DISTRICT                                                       for an assessment for benefits, that the Board of Determination, composed of Kay Bodell,
      MAP OF CHAPTER 50 -- ZONING -- OF THE CODE OF THE                                                   Paulette Hatchett, John Leonard, and alternate Jennie Nerkowski, will meet on Tuesday,
      CITY OF EAST LANSING                                                                                April 23, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. at the Sam Corey Senior Center, 2108 Cedar Street, Holt, MI
                                                                                                          48842 to hear all interested persons and evidence and to determine whether it is necessary
  Please take notice that Ordinance No. 1426 was adopted by the Joint Legislative Body of the             and conducive to the public health, convenience or welfare to consolidate the following Drains
  City of East Lansing and Meridian Charter Township at their meeting held on March 27, 2019,             and Drainage Districts, all of which are located and established within Delhi Charter Township
  and will become effective upon the expiration of seven (7) days after the publication of the            and the City of Lansing, Ingham County, Michigan:
  following summary of ordinance.
                                                                                                           • Green Drain and Green Drain Drainage District
                              SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO. 1426                                                • Schoolcraft Drain and Schoolcraft Drain Drainage District
                                                                                                           • Green #4 Consolidated Drain and Green #4 Consolidated Drain Drainage District
  THE CITY OF EAST LANSING ORDAINS:                                                                        • Green, NE Delhi Branch Drain and Green, NE Delhi Branch Drain Drainage District
                                                                                                           • Green, Three Lakes Branch Drain and Green, Three Lakes Branch Drain Drainage District
  Ordinance 1426 amends the Zoning Use District Map by conditionally rezoning 24.36 acres                  • Jackson Drain and Jackson Drain Drainage District
  of land on the east side of Abbot Road south of the City of East Lansing Aquatic Center                  • Stimson Drain and Stimson Drain Drainage District
  from Meridian Charter Township zoning district RDD, Multiple-Family Low Density, to City                 • Wooded Valley Drain and Wooded Valley Drain Drainage District
  of East Lansing zoning district RM-8, Planned Unit Development. The conditional rezoning
  agreement restricts the development to senior housing with up to 337 total residential units,           Said drainage districts once consolidated to be known collectively as the Green Consolidated
  requiring 100 percent of the residential units in the project to have at least one resident that        Drain Drainage District, and the Drain to be known as the Green Consolidated Drain, as
  is 55 years or older. The proposed development is proposed to have a mix of assisted and                prayed for in the Petitions filed with the Ingham County Drain Commissioner, in accordance
  independent housing options.                                                                            with Section 441 of 1956 PA 40, as amended.
  A true copy of Ordinance No. 1426 can be inspected or obtained at the Office of the City                    And further, the Board of Determination is to determine whether the actions prayed for in
  Clerk at City Hall, 410 Abbot Road, East Lansing, Michigan during normal business hours.                the Petition dated March 5, 2019, to relocate, extend, and add branches to the drain to be
                                                                                                          known and designated as the Green Consolidated Drain, are necessary and conducive to
  					Jennifer Shuster                                                                                   the public health, convenience or welfare of Delhi Charter Township and the City of Lansing
  					City Clerk                                                                                         in accordance with Sections 72 and 191 of 1956 PA 40, as amended, and for the protection
  							                                                                              CP#19-109          of the public health of Delhi Charter Township and the City of Lansing. And finally, the Board
                                                                                                          of Determination is to determine whether it is necessary to add lands to and/or delete lands
                                                                                                          from the Green Consolidated Drain Drainage District pursuant to Section 197 of 1956 PA 40,
                                     CITY OF LANSING                                                      as amended.
                                       SUMMARY OF
                                 ADOPTED ORDINANCE # 1248                                                    Proceedings conducted at this public hearing will be subject to the provision of the Michigan
                                                                                                          Open Meetings Act and you are further notified that information regarding this meeting may
  Lansing City Council adopted an Ordinance of the City of Lansing, Michigan, to amend                    be obtained from the Ingham County Drain Commissioner. Persons with disabilities needing
  the Lansing codified ordinances by amending Chapter 292, Sections 292.14(G) and (H),                    accommodations for effective participation in the meeting should contact the Ingham County
  to provide that an employee who, between October 30, 1990 and September 30, 2003,                       Drain Commissioner at the number noted below (voice) or through the Michigan Relay Center
  transferred from a full –time City UAW Union position into a full-time City Teamsters 580               at 711 (TTY) at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting to request mobility, visual, hearing
  Union position, but was not vested in the Employees’ Retirement System (ERS) at the time                or other assistance. Minutes of the meeting will be on file in the following office: Patrick E.
  of transfer, may use the accrued UAW time for calculation of the employee’s Teamsters                   Lindemann, Ingham County Drain Commissioner, 707 Buhl Avenue, P.O. Box 220, Mason,
  Union service credit vesting but not for pension benefit multiplier purpose; and to renumber            MI 48854-0220.
  the existing Subsection 292.14(G) to 292.14(H) without text change.
                                                                                                               You Are Further Notified that persons aggrieved by the decisions of the Board of
  Effective date:       Upon publication                                                                  Determination may seek judicial review in the Ingham County Circuit Court within ten (10)
                                                                                                          days of the determination. If the actions prayed for in the Petition are determined to be
  Notice:    The full text of this Ordinance is available for review at the City Clerk’s Office, 9th      necessary and conducive to the public health, convenience or welfare, a special assessment
             Floor, City Hall, Lansing, Michigan. A copy of the full text of this Ordinance may           may be levied against properties and municipalities that benefit. An owner or party having an
             be obtained from the City Clerk’s Office, 9th Floor, City Hall, Lansing, Michigan at         interest in property to be assessed, or his or her agent, may appear in person to comment on
             a fee determined by City Council.                                                            the necessity of the project.

  Chris Swope, Lansing City Clerk, MMC/CMMC                                                               Date: March 21, 2019			 Patrick E. Lindemann
  www.lansingmi.gov/Clerk                                                                                 					Ingham County Drain Commissioner
  www.facebook.com/LansingClerkSwope 					                                                                					(517) 676-8395
  	                                        CP#19-113                                                     							                                      CP#19-106
Diversity on Film - see page 23 Capital City Film Fest Program inside - Project1_Layout 1 4/1/19 10:44 AM Page 1 - City Pulse
8                                                                                                                     www.lansingcitypulse.com                                                                           City Pulse • April 10, 2019

As vote nears on Red Cedar, public chimes in
  A proposal to develop the old Red                                       structure, a senior care facility, an                             mix of “luxury” one- and two-bed-                            ing, vocal opposition, some have also
Cedar Golf Course garnered mixed                                          amphitheater, various business spac-                              room units. That point didn’t seem                           voiced their support for the project
reviews from local residents as the                                       es and a public park.                                             to register with a number of local                           — including Terry Terry, the CEO of
Lansing City Council prepares to                                              Recently proposed changes to the                              residents.                                                   MessageMakers in Old Town. He was
decide whether to green light the                                         development proposal have met                                       Developers aim to use tax-incre-                           hired by Ferguson Development to
project.                                                                  resistance from at least half of the                              ment financing to collect more than                          handle branding and design for the
  About a dozen residents voiced                                          eight-member Council — where the                                  $120 million in eventual property                            project Tuesday.
concerns to the Council at a hear-                                        plan needs six votes to pass.                                     taxes on the site as a reimbursement                           But he said he spoke as a private
ing Monday over the proposed $250                                             Those concerns, much like what                                for about $54 million in environ-                            citizen, not a representative of the
million development on Michigan                                           was echoed Monday, centered on the                                mental remediation work.                                     developers.
Avenue. Several others — some with                                        spread of student housing and uncer-                                “We’re giving huge giveaways to                              Terry said the project will trans-
business ties to the developers —                                         tainties about market-rate housing.                               benefit the developers,” Bob Ruigh                           form an under-realized corridor
offered support. The Council plans                                            Among the changes: Two sep-                                   said. “This is basically city tax mon-                       at the edge of the city, create new
to vote as April 22.                                                      arate hotels would now be in the                                  ey. It seems every development proj-                         multi-generational living spaces and
  “I look forward to the the day that                                     same building. Student housing was                                ect is expecting huge tax incentives                         catalyze economic activity for the
we have no green space left in the                                        spread further across the property.                               to even get off the ground.”                                 entire region. He pointed to more
city,” Cole Spaldine said sarcastically.                                      “Active senior” housing had disap-                              The developers argue that theo-                            jobs, new businesses, an enhanced
“Me and my fellow podunk citizens                                         peared entirely, along with a promise                             retical tax revenues wouldn’t exist                          economy and “connections” that help
will no longer have to burden our eyes                                    from the developers for 115 two-bed-                              but for the millions of dollars in pri-                      lend to a sense of place in the com-
with nature’s beauty. We can focus on                                     room units.                                                       vate cash. This particular deal also                         munity.
what’s truly beautiful: Concrete and                                          Brian Doyle said he was initialy                              absolves the city of any financial                             Attorney Jack Davis, an adviser
plaster, much like what’s across the                                      “thrilled” by the plans. But he and                               exposure should the construction                             to Ferguson Development, said any
street at the SkyVue development.”                                        others said plans for 1,100 student                               plans head south.                                            concerns about the environmen-
  Spaldine was referring to co-devel-                                     housing beds in three buildings                                     Local resident Abby Clark said                             tal impact should be eliminated
oper Frank Kass’ characterization of                                      would oversaturate the local market.                              she’d rather see tax-increment                               after garnering support from Drain
Lansing as “podunk” when it comes                                         The overarching concern: The devel-                               financing reserved for more blighted                         Commissioner Pat Lindemann. The
to what he said it offers developers                                      opment could have too much empha-                                 properties.                                                  Chamber of Commerce along with
compared to bigger cities.                                                sis on single students over families.                               “It just raises concerns that the                          multiple local labor unions have also
  Kass, of Columbus, Ohio, and                                                “We’ve got plenty of other junked-                            story has changed,” Clark added.                             endorsed the deal, Davis said.
partner Joel Ferguson want to trans-                                      over properties left by big corpora-                              “The numbers have changed. Are we                              Jeff Hanes, who owns a local clean-
form the floodplain on the edge of                                        tions,” added Joseph Ladd. “That’s                                at the final numbers now? Are we at                          ing company, said the development
Michigan State University into a                                          premium real estate. We need to work                              the final plan now? I just think that’s                      will also create a ripple effect of job
combination of market-rate and stu-                                       on wastewater management to clean                                 too open of a question at this point.”                       creation for his company. Without
dent housing, two hotels, a parking                                       up the river. We shouldn’t be build-                                Added east-side resident Sam                               more projects, his employees will
                                                                                                        ing more things                     Inglot: “Constantly changing plans                           be forced to leave town for work, he
                                       NOTICE OF MORTGAGE
                                         FORECLOSURE SALE
                                                                                                        on top of it. We                    should give you pause. The develop-                          said.
                                                                                                        shouldn’t be con-                   er has consistently downgraded and                             “I believe the positives outweigh
                                                                                                        cerned with East                    changed this project over the years.”                        the negatives,” Hanes said. “It
 ATTENTION PURCHASERS: This sale may be rescinded by the foreclosing mortgagee. In that
                                                                                                        Lansing’s apart-                      Mitch Rice asked City Council: “It                         appeals to people of all ages. It has
 event, your damages, if any, shall be limited solely to the return of the bid amount tendered at sale,
 plus interest.
                                                                                                        ment issue.”                        this truly going to be a viable devel-                       the ability to create hundreds of jobs
 MORTGAGE SALE – Default has been made in the conditions of a mortgage made by the original               The developers                    opment? Will this really be a tax                            through several trades and profes-
 mortgagors, Pablo J. Pido III, to Manufacturers Hanover Mortgage Corporation, dated and recorded
 September 21, 1984 in book 1484 page 129, in Ingham County records, Michigan and then assigned         have  contended                     producer? Will it viable? Will it be                         sions. For my employees, we rely on
 to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, recorded January 29, 2013 in Document Number 2013-004877,
 on which mortgage there is claimed to be due at the date hereof the sum of $3,288.20, including        that non-student                    creative? Will it be used? Or will it be                     projects like this.”
 interest on the applicable indebtedness at the rate of 3.875% per annum. This sum will increase
 as additional interest, costs, expenses and attorney fees accrue under the Mortgage and its related    housing will a                      something that comes on the scene                              Theresa Lark, executive director
 note and which are permitted under Michigan Law after the date of this Notice. No legal or equitable
 proceedings have been instituted to recover the debt secured by the Mortgage, and the power of sale                                                 and fizzles?”                                       of the Mid-Michigan Environmental
 in the Mortgage has become operable by reason of default.
                                                                                                                   STATE OF MICHIGAN                   But in the face of grow-                          Action Council, also voiced her sup-
 NOTICE is now given that on May 16, 2019 at 10:00 A.M. at that place where Circuit Court is held                   PROBATE COURT
 in Ingham ¬-County, Michigan the Mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the property herein                     COUNTY OF INGHAM                                                                      port. “Miles of trails” will be included
 described, or some part of them, at public auction, the highest bidder, for the purpose of satisfying            NOTICE TO CREDITORS
 the amount due and unpaid on the Mortgage, along with interest due, the legal costs and charges of                 Decedent's Estate                               STATE OF MICHIGAN
                                                                                                                                                                      PROBATE COURT
                                                                                                                                                                                                         and will help promote connections to
 the sale as allowed by statute and/or the Mortgage, and any taxes and insurance that the Mortgagee                 File No. 15-852-DE
 pays on or prior to the date of said sale.                                                                                                                         COUNTY OF INGHAM
                                                                                                                                                                  NOTICE TO CREDITORS
                                                                                                                                                                                                         non-motorized travel. A simultane-
                                                                                                         Estate of Joshua J. VanSickle. Date of birth:
 Said premises are situated in the city of Lansing, County of Ingham, and state of Michigan, and
 particularly described as:
                                                                                                         02/16/1991. TO ALL CREDITORS* NOTICE                         Decedent's Estate
                                                                                                                                                                     File No. 18-1499-DE
                                                                                                                                                                                                         ous drain project will also help mit-
                                                                                                         TO CREDITORS: The decedent, Joshua
                                                                                                         J. VanSickle died 9/11/2014. Creditors of       Estate of Jane Arlene Welsh. Date of
                                                                                                                                                         birth: 08/23/1925. TO ALL CREDITORS:*
                                                                                                                                                                                                         igate pollution into the Red Cedar
                                                                                                         the decedent are notified that all claims
 AS RECORDED IN LIBER 6 OF PLATS, PAGE 14, INGHAM COUNTY RECORDS.                                        against the estate will be forever barred       NOTICE TO CREDITORS: The decedent,
                                                                                                                                                         Jane Arlene Welsh, died 07/02/2018.             River.
                                                                                                         unless presented to Robert L. Renfior II.
 More Commonly Known As: 1111 Greenwood Avenue, Lansing, MI 48915                                        Esq., personal representative, or to both
                                                                                                         the probate court at 313 W. Kalamazoo
                                                                                                                                                         Creditors of the decedent are notified that
                                                                                                                                                         all claims against the estate will be forever     “This project can deliver the wel-
                                                                                                                                                         barred unless presented to Cathy S. Welsh,
 The redemption period shall be 6 months from the date of such sale, unless determined abandoned
 in accordance with MCLA 600.3241a, in which case the redemption period shall be 30 days from
                                                                                                         St., Lansing MI 48933 and the personal
                                                                                                         representative within 4 months after the        personal representative, or to both the         coming, vibrant, urban landscape
                                                                                                                                                         probate court at 313 W. Kalamazoo St.,
 the date of such sale.                                                                                  date of publication of this notice.
                                                                                                                                                         Lansing, Michigan 48909 and the personal        residents envisioned for the Lansing-
                                                                                                                                                         representative within 4 months after the
 If the property is sold at foreclosure sale under Chapter 32 of the Revised Judicature Act of 1961,
 pursuant to MCL 600.3278 the borrower will be held responsible to the person who buys the property
                                                                                                         Date: 4/2/2019
                                                                                                                                                         date of publication of this notice.             East Lansing gateway,” Lark said.
 at the mortgage foreclosure sale or to the mortgage holder for damaging the property during the
 redemption period.
                                                                                                         Robert L. Refior II P43374
                                                                                                         1515 W. Mt. Hope Ave., Ste. 5                   Kimberly L. Savage P68267                       “This is a quarter-billion-dollar proj-
                                                                                                                                                         1483 Haslett Rd.
 Dated: March 22, 2019
                                                                                                         Lansing, MI 48910
                                                                                                         517-374-8890                                    Haslett, MI 48840                               ect, ready to go forward in the city of
 For more information, please call:                                                                      Robert L. Refior II. Esq.                                                                       Lansing.”
 (630) 453-6960                                                                                                                                          Cathy S. Welsh
 Anselmo Lindberg & Associates PLLC
                                                                                                         1515 W. Mt. Hope Ave., Ste. 5
                                                                                                         Lansing, MI 48910                               PO Box 24051                                    — KYLE KAMINSKI
 Attorneys for Servicer                                                                                  517-374-8890                                    Lansing, MI 48909
 1771 West Diehl Road, Suite 120                                                                                                          CP#19-104      989-277-4216
 Naperville, IL 60563
 File MF180600001

Diversity on Film - see page 23 Capital City Film Fest Program inside - Project1_Layout 1 4/1/19 10:44 AM Page 1 - City Pulse
City Pulse • April 10, 2019                                                                                   www.lansingcitypulse.com                                                                                                                    9

                                                                                                                             ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE

                                                                                                                             What is Neurofeedback?
                                                                                                                             Neurofeedback is biofeedback for the brain. Biofeedback can
                                                                                                                             measure heart rate, skin temperature and also the electrical
                                                                                                                             rhythms of the brain. When brain waves are out of balance, we
                                                                                                                             can have a range of symptoms: too many fast frequencies can
                                                                                                                             produce trouble sleeping and anxious feelings. If the brain
                                                                                                                             waves are too slow, it can affect focus and mood issues.
                                                                                                                             In a session, sensors are placed on a client’s scalp to
                                                                                                                             monitor brain waves. The process is non-invasive, and can be
                                                                                                                             used to gather information into a brain map. Clients can then
                                                                                                                             learn how to slow down or speed up their brainwaves with                                     Gretchen Morse, DMA,
                                                                                                                             real time feedback during the follow-up sessions. Optimizing
                                                                                                                             and balancing brainwaves can impact a variety of symptoms.
                                                                                                                             A recent client had tried multiple interventions for traumatic                               NEUROFEEDBACK
                                                                                                                             stress, but had not seen the relief they desired. Neurofeedback
                                                                                                                             helped to settle down their brain and nervous system’s
                                                                                                                             response to triggers, providing relief, and allowing them to
                                                                                                                             utilize tools from other therapies more effectively, as well.                                2109 Hamilton Rd. Suite 100-C
                                                                                                                             Neurofeedback can help ease a wide range of cognitive,                                       Okemos, MI 48864
                                                                                                                             emotional, and physiological symptoms.

 HYDROTHERAPY & WELLNESS                                                                                                     BANKING

 Spring       Almost Covers
                        Here,bring privacy,
                                Time   for a                                                                                 Dart Advantages
                                                                                                                             The  Bank’s IQ mortgage  application
                                                                                                                                                of Using a
 Hot            and style to any hot tub
      Tub Checkup                                                                                                            saves time, eliminates
                                                                                                                             Community     Bank hassles
 We startedis anxious  for spring
              selling these       —and
                             a year  aftera all,
                                            halfit’s a great
                                                   ago and we’ve had cus-                                                    One oftechnology
                                                                                                                             New       the nice things  about amortgages
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                                                                                                                                                                                bank isand
                                                                                                                                                                                        all of your and
 time to use
 tomers  say your
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 comprehensive hot tub checkups. We’ll bring you a new filter,                                                               or business statistic no one knows. The people who make
 The Covana Cover is a great addition, and perfect for topping off Jessica Graham &                                          type    of application.
 change or check your water and refill your tub, if needed.                                                                  decisions    know who you are. We live, work, and play in the
 a nice hot tub purchase or sprucing up an older model. When Michelle Humes                                                  IQ
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                                                                                                                                                                              the technologyonline
                                                                                                                                                                                                of and
 We have fresh neck
 automatically   raisedpillows,
                         up, it new
                                      you anfloating
                                                          gazebospafully cus-
 scents and all the necessary chemicals needed to usher in the                HOTWATER                                       upload     all ofmany
                                                                                                                             bigger banks,     your community
                                                                                                                                                      loan documentation         from anywhere.
                                                                                                                                                                   banks are pushing     to keep up. It’s
 tomizable with LED lights, screen and speaker options designed                                                              intuitive
                                                                                                                             Many haveenough        to assist
                                                                                                                                            up-to-date         you inand
                                                                                                                                                        technology      determining      what
                                                                                                                                                                           digital banking      is need-
                                                                                                                                                                                             services  —
 new season.
 for a friendly atmosphere with relaxing ambiance.                            WORKS                                          it isto
                                                                                                                                   a lot
 Having  hot tub will
                 problems?  We acan                                                                                          ed       getdifferent than 1990.Dart
                                                                                                                                          your application            Bank has an app on both
 These covers         also last   lotdiagnose any issues
                                      longer than        and make
                                                   an average     a
                                                               cover,                                                        iPhone and Android, and a brand new website. Online banking
 plan to repair them. We’ve seen all kinds of issues and can                            (517) 364-8827                       You    can also pull your bank statements and digital payroll
 which has an approx three-year life span. Unlike traditional cov-                                                           allows you to pay person-to-person. We have a brand new IQ
 repair and maintain your tub. We are always fair and honest.                                                                information      right into    the application.     IQonline,
                                                                                                                                                                                             with areally
 ers, it is watertight as well, so it saves on electricity and heating                  2116 E Michigan Ave                  mortgage application      allowing   people to apply                                         Bryan  Clark,
                                                                                                                             does    streamline    thespecialist
                                                                                                                                                        process,whoandcanif you
                                                                                                                                                                            assistget stucktheanywhere
 bills. tubs are going to last between 10-18 years but our current Lansing, MI 48912                                         Dart Bank     mortgage                                during                                 Marketing
 tubs, Jacuzzi and Nordic, have extended warranties to consider
 For older clients who don’t want to deal with a heavier hot tub                                                             in   the application,
                                                                                                                             process.                  theresolutions
                                                                                                                                        We have business      is a co-pilot    feature which
                                                                                                                                                                        and consumer     solutionsallows
 before making any repairs. Nordic is even made in Michigan!
 cover, the Covana is a superb choice. It is operated with a key                                                             your    localIfDart
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 Some   think                                                                                                                ordermore
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 station   andhaving
               can bearaised
                        hot tubup
                                       down. a lot of maintenance,
                                                It only takes 20 seconds
 but it’s only about10 minutes a week. We want people to use
 to raise and is durable in all weather conditions.
                                                                                                                             by phone, a real person will answer. The person you talk to is
                                                                                                                             can    process your application!                                                             (517) 853-5100
 their tubs in the healthiest way. We can teach you to balance                                                               a resident of the Lansing area and a member of our community.
 Our technicians can install any Covana Cover to fit any hot tub                                                             For
                                                                                                                             You more
                                                                                                                                    might information      on iQ, visit
                                                                                                                                           even get the president    of the bank.                                         500
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          368 S.N.Park
 water chemistry and check the filter once a month to make
 sure it’s good Let usRelax
                to go. help you  createWorks!
                             Hotwater    your own backyard oasis. And                                                        dart.bank/mortgage                                                                           Lansing,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Mason, MI MI,
 remember — as always “Relax, Hotwater Works!"

 ART SUPPLIES                                                                                                               Oh good heavens,
                                                                                                                             Nirvana,        don't
                                                                                                                                       Transcendent Insight, and
April     inGlass
      is Art style!Month – Art Glass Festival                                                                               buy insurance from me
Sometimes the widely recognized holidays just aren’t enough
                                                                                                                                     drive in   Michigan,
                                                                                                                                              are              you willtoneed
                                                                                                                                                   so enlightened           knowinsurance.        Whatever
                                                                                                                                                                                     of the insurance       guruyou do
—   my calendar
          about the needs     to begreen
                                      dotted   with   more    zany   and creative                                           though,
 Forget               over-priced           beer,  noisy   bars  or waiting                                                   who sitsDON’T
                                                                                                                                         atop the buy   it fromhighest
                                                                                                                                                     world’s      me! Seriously,
                                                                                                                                                                           mountain   there   are literally millions
                                                                                                                                                                                          of paperwork-
 in line totoget
               celebrate.   March
                  a drink during   thebrought
                                        annual St.usPaddy’s
                                                       “If Pets DayHadpub Thumbs                                            ofsomewhere
                                                                                                                                insurance agents
                                                                                                                                              beyondinthe   Michigan
                                                                                                                                                              Forest ofalone.
                                                                                                                                                                           Regret  Trust
                                                                                                                                                                                      andme the(orSeadon’t  trust me,
                                                                                                                                                                                                       of Dyspepsia.
 crawl -which
           stay inmade     me up
                    and serve   eternally    thankful
                                   your favorite   brew my      dogs don’t
                                                           or cocktail   in     have                                        actually):
                                                                                                                              The guruyou      can of
                                                                                                                                          speaks     dosimplicity,
                                                                                                                                                          better! Why? “an Well     …
                                                                                                                                                                             insurance      policy is nothing
 style.      after imagining all the mischief they’d get up to. Up                                                          I more
                                                                                                                               am fundamentally
                                                                                                                                      than a contract.  dishonest.    (I almost
                                                                                                                                                            It is a contract     thatalways
                                                                                                                                                                                                ‘if youatgive
 Just in Itime
            get for
                 to your
                     celebrate    EVERY
                          St. Patrick’s  DayDAY     of April,
                                               revelry,  you canalso known as           Delphi Glass                        I money
                                                                                                                              have a faulty
                                                                                                                                        to an memory.
                                                                                                                                                                probablyand  remember
                                                                                                                                                                                  something fewerlisted
                                                                                                                                                                                                              theof the
 customizeArt      Glass
              a mug,       Month!
                       pilsner  glass or piece of stemware at our                                                           characters    from “Game
                                                                                                                              contract comes       to pass,ofyouThrones.”)
                                                                                                                                                                    will be given money.’" Of course
 Sandblasted     Glassware    Art a the
                                     la Carte  class. It’s
                                                                                        DELPHI GLASS                        I the
                                                                                                                                         speaks (On of too   many occasions
                                                                                                                                                        deductibles                 to recount
                                                                                                                                                                        and conditions;        butIthehave
If you’re wondering        where         celebration    is,the  perfect
                                                             Delphi    is the place.
 time to get together with friends, make some mugs and                                                                      home    to my
                                                                                                                              actually       feline companions
                                                                                                                                         preaches     the importance   withofthe    scentan
                                                                                                                                                                                having     of insurance
                                                                                                                                                                                               “other” cats).agent
In honor of Art Glass Month, the Lansing Creativity Center                              (517) 394-4685                      My    health the
                                                                                                                              translate    should
                                                                                                                                                wordsbe into
                                                                                                                                                          a concern.
                                                                                                                                                               English.(I have been a vegan for 26 years.                 Scott Harris, LUTCF
 memories. Bring a beverage of your choice and begin your
becomes      a gallery   ofdrinking
                            gorgeous     glass art.  Stop    by toatcheck
                                                                     the out the                                            There
 pre-St. Patrick’s    Day             warm-up.    You’ll  leave                                                               OftenistheNOguru
                                                                                                                                             WAY  is that
                                                                                                                                                     asked, I have
                                                                                                                                                               “whyenough        protein
                                                                                                                                                                       is insurance      sogoing     on).
                                                                                                                                                                                             expensive?”       In
 end of the night with fun glassware to raise a glass on any to hand-
                creations    from     Tiffany-style    lampshades                       3380 E Jolly Rd
                                                                                        Lansing, MI 48910                   Competence?
                                                                                                                              the most disarmingReally?voiceBetween
                                                                                                                                                                 the gurudeductibles,
                                                                                                                                                                              responds, “is endorsement
                                                                                                                                                                                                 insurance forms,
made     jewelry, with many simply amazing projects in between.
 occasion.                                                                              www.delphiglass.com                 remembering
                                                                                                                              expensive when   passwords
                                                                                                                                                    you’ve beenand whom
                                                                                                                                                                      t-boned   to while
                                                                                                                                                                                    hold driving
                                                                                                                                                                                                       against, it’s a    INSURANCE
 Calladdition,     there or
      (517) 394-5364      arevisit
                               inspiring     classes scheduled
                                   DelphiGlass.com/Cheers              throughout
                                                                 to register                                                wonder
                                                                                                                              on Jollythat   thetotaling
                                                                                                                                         Road,    State ofyourMichigan
                                                                                                                                                                   Prius andallows    me ontoyour
                                                                                                                                                                                  lacerating       public  thorough-
                                                                                                                                                                                                        kidney,           GROUP, INC.
 or tomonth
       schedulewhere      you can     learn
                                          Jointechniques       for making
                                                                        for a your                                          fares,  let alone
                                                                                                                              and your          to practice
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Diversity on Film - see page 23 Capital City Film Fest Program inside - Project1_Layout 1 4/1/19 10:44 AM Page 1 - City Pulse
10                                                                      www.lansingcitypulse.com                                                        City Pulse • April 10, 2019

        Schuette, James and 2020                                                     a decision only he can make.
                                                                                       Trump is making it known through
                                                                                                                                campaign was not his most inspired
                                                                                                                                effort (to be charitable). But, in his
     Both Trumpies may be eyeing a race for Senate                                   back channels that he doesn’t want a
                                                                                     contested primary, so if James wants
                                                                                                                                defense, he was stuck in this half
                                                                                                                                world of simultaneously running with
                    against Peters.                                                  to run, the nomination is essentially
                                                                                                                                and away from Trump and Gov. Rick
                                                                                                                                Snyder in a bad year for Republicans.
   As President                            Peters, a freshman senator who isn’t        Meanwhile, Republicans do have             As a Senate candidate, Schuette can
Donald Trump                               all that well known.The last Morning      another option. It’s their other former    be a full-throated Trump disciple who

was rattling off                           Consult survey found 40 percent of        top-of-ticket nominee in 2018: for-        can push the Republican message
the names of                               likely Michigan voters either have no     mer Attorney General Bill Schuette.        of border security and low taxes in
congressional                              opinion of Peters or don’t know him.        The Midland career public official       a must-win state for the president.
critters and oth-                          Among the 100 U.S. senators, only         was working the suites and tailgates       Schuette excels at playing the loyal
er dignitaries at                          Arizona’s John Kyl has a higher num-      at Comerica Park last Thursday for         Republican lieutenant.
his March 28                               ber. Stabenow’s “no opinion/don’t         the Tigers’ opener, sparking new             Another option for Schuette is
rally in Grand                             know” number is 20 percent.               questions about his future.                Michigan Supreme Court. It’s a
Rapids, a few                                 March’s Emerson College poll             Schuette, 65, was asked at one           job former governors G. Mennen
voices yelled for                          found Peters and James with rough-        point about running for the U.S.           Williams and John Swainson held in
John James. James,                         ly the same name ID numbers. In           Senate against Peters — and did not        their later years.
the GOP candidate for U.S. Senate          a hypothetical head-to-head battle,       brush off the suggestion, one source         Because of the 70-year-old age
last year who came uncomfortably           Peters was at 44% to James’ 43%, a        said. The former AG lost to Gretchen       restriction, the former Court of
close to Debbie Stabenow in an             statistical tie. So back to the Trump     Whitmer by nearly 10 points, but he        Appeals judge could only serve one
expected blowout for the incumbent         rally. Smatterings of people called       has come back from a political loss        term, but Republicans will need to fill
Democrat, is a cause celebe for con-       for James, but he was nowhere to be       before. He’s also good with Trump,         two nomination slots. In a race where
servative grassroots types looking         found. Trump didn’t even mention          who supported him in the primary,          name ID is practically everything,
for a fresh face who speaks their          him. Will James get into the 2020         lest we forget.                            Schuette would have a leg up on any
language.The 37-year-old Marine            sweepstakes? One of James' top              Schuette could make sense for            opponent.
fits that bill. Now a regular FOX          advisers, Stu Sandler of Grand River      Republicans as a fallback option. He         It’s not definite Schuette will do
News commentator, James is being           Strategies, put the odds at 50-50. The    has strong name ID and political           either. But considering he’s been serv-
recruited to run against U.S. Sen.         Operation Iraqi Freedom veteran and       connections all over the place. His        ing in or seeking a public office for
Gary Peters in 2020.Trump loves the        his wife, Elizabeth, just celebrated      best friend is former U.S. Rep, Dave       the last 40 years, don’t rule it out.
guy. The president toyed with the          the birth of their third child. Whether   Camp, who has $2 million sitting in          (Kyle Melinn, of the Capitol news
idea of making him U.N. ambassador.        another taxing statewide run for          his campaign account.                      service MIRS, is at melinnky@gmail.
Maybe Trump wants him right here           public office with a young family is        Schuette's 2018 general election         com.)
to take the Senate seat away from          something James wants to do is only

                                                                        LiBrAry oF
                                                                        MichigAN FoUNDATioN’s

                      2019                                             niGhtfor
                      Presentation Gala The Night for Notables honoring the Michigan
                      Notable Book Authors is proudly presented by The Library of Michigan Foundation.
                                                                       Saturday, april 27, 2019
                                                                       5:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. • Library of Michigan - Lansing
                                                                       Keynote SpeaKer:
                                                                       Josh Malerman is a New York Times best-selling author and
                                                                       his 2015 Michigan Notable Books selection, Bird Box is the
                                                                       inspiration of the hit Netfflix film.
                                                                            • Hors d’oeuvres & Michigan Beer and Wine
                                                                            • Book signings by this year’s winning authors
                                                                       admittance by advanced regiStration only –
                                                                       for reservations please call (517) 335-1488 or visit:
                                                                       libraryofmichiganfoundation.org or
                                                                       michigan.gov/notable books.                       This space donated
                                                                                                                               in part by City Pulse.
City Pulse • April 10, 2019                                                        www.lansingcitypulse.com                                                                                            11

 Another week of D.C. absurdity
                                                                                                replacement for NAFTA, which he’s                    “tougher direction.” He also said at a
                                                                                                never bothered trying to get ratified                press conference last week that “we
                                                                                                by the Senate anyway.                                have to do something about asylum.
                Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump,                                                3. On Sunday, Trump announced                      And to be honest with you, you have
                                                                                                that Homeland Security Secretary                     to get rid of judges.” And while that’s
                    Trump, Trump — and Biden.                                                   Kirstjen Nielson — a woman who                       hardly a policy pronouncement — at
                                                                                                will have “threw children in cages” in               this same barely coherent press con-
   When I started writing this week’s                  aren’t. But that doesn’t mean they’re    the first line of her obituary — was                 ference, Trump said his father was
column, I realized there wasn’t one                    “invading.” Rather, they’re entering     out, apparently forced out because                   born in Germany (nope) and repeat-
thing I wanted to talk about. There                    U.S. soil, finding border agents and     the president didn’t believe that, the               edly said “oranges” when he meant
were lots of things, each worthy of                    claiming asylum. And they’re doing       children-in-cages thing notwith-                     “origins” – it is a sign of Trump’s
reflection for what they tell us about                 it because they have to: The Trump       standing, she was tough enough on                    authoritarian inclinations.
our society and                                        administration has intentional-          the people trying to escape pover-                      5. Trump vs. Rule of Law, part 2:
our politics,                                          ly created weeks-long backlogs by
                                    INFORMED DISSENT

                                                                                                ty and crime in Central America.                     on Sunday his acting chief of staff
many caught up                                         short-staffing legal ports of entry to   According to The New York Times,                     said Congress would “never” see
and amplified by                                       discourage them from coming. It is,      Trump urged her to simply stop                       Trump’s tax returns, despite there
the intensity of                                       in short, a crisis of the president’s    allowing people to claim asylum,                     being a law specifically entitling
our media cycle                                        own creation to justify a wall the       and when she pointed out that such                   Congress to subpoena the IRS for
and then spat                                          country doesn’t need.                    a move was, well, illegal, he became                 Trump’s tax returns. On the flip side:
out by its frenet-                                        2. I got something else wrong, too,   infuriated.                                          If progressives are going to rise up in
icism and chaos      JEFFERY C. BILLMAN                that it was a prediction rather than       4. A few days earlier, Trump                       righteous fury over Trump’s (should-
and forgotten                                          a fact. President Donald Trump did       withdrew his nominee to head ICE                     be-more-scandalous) refusal to turn
about. So consider this a grab bag:                    not close the U.S.-Mexico border, at     because he wanted to move in a
eight quick thoughts on stories from                   least not yet. Instead, he gave Mexico                                                                                       See Billman, Page 12
the past week. It’ll be fun, I promise.                a “one-year warning” to stop the flow
Ready? Here we go.                                     of drugs and migrants, and threat-                                       CITY OF LANSING
   1. I got something wrong last                       ened to slap tariffs on imports and                                 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING
                                                                                                                             ANNUAL ACTION PLAN
week, at least in the papers that went                 an absurd $500 billion fine to recoup                    COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG), HOME
to press before I corrected the mis-                   drug-related expenses — which, I                          AND EMERGENCY SOLUTIONS GRANT (ESG) PROGRAMS
                                                                                                                           FOR FISCAL YEAR 2019-2020
take. I said that nine in 10 migrants                  suppose, would sort of be like Mexico
who were part of the recent surge                      paying for the wall — if the country        The City Council of the City of Lansing will conduct a public hearing on Monday, April
were crossing the border at ports of                   failed to do so. This threat-by-tweet       22, 2019 at 7:00 P.M. in the City Council Chambers, 10th Floor Lansing City Hall, 124 W.
                                                                                                   Michigan Ave., Lansing, MI on the City’s proposed Annual Action Plan for 2019 which
entry; that’s backward — nine in 10                    undermined his own much-hyped               includes the budget for the use of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME
                                                                                                   Program and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funds for the Fiscal Year starting July 1,
                                                                                                   2019 and ending June 30, 2020.

                                                                                                   Copies of the proposed Annual Action Plan 2019 for the use of funds are available
                                                                                                   for review in the City Clerk’s Office, downtown Capital Area District Library and in the
                                                                                                   Development Office of the Department of Economic Development and Planning and will
                                                                                                   also be available for review at the public hearing.

                                                                                                   For more information, please call 517-483-4177. If you are interested in this matter, please
                                                                                                   attend the public hearing or send a representative. Written comments will be accepted
                                                                                                   between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. on City business days if received before 5 p.m., March 26, 2018,
                                                                                                   at the City Clerk’s Office, Ninth Floor, City Hall, 124 West Michigan Ave., Lansing, MI 48933
                                                                                                   or email city.clerk@lansingmi.gov.

                                                                                                   Chris Swope, Lansing City Clerk, MMC/CMMC

                                                                                                                         NOTICE OF BUDGET PUBLIC HEARING
                                                                                                                Downtown Development Authority of the City of East Lansing

                                                                                                   The Downtown Development Authority of the City of East Lansing will hold a public hearing
                                                                                                   on the proposed Fiscal Year 2020 Downtown Development Authority budget at the Second
                                                                                                   Floor, Conference Room A, at East Lansing City Hall, 410 Abbot Rd., East Lansing, MI on
                                                                                                   Thursday, April 25, 2019 at 12:00 PM. The property tax millage rate proposed to be levied to
                                                                                                   support the proposed budget will be a subject of this hearing. For the purposes of the hearing
                                                                                                   it shall be assumed that the tax rate will be 1.7007 mills. A copy of the budget is available
                                                                                                   for public inspection at the City Clerk’s Office located at 410 Abbot Rd., East Lansing, MI as
                                                                                                   of April 10, 2019.

                                                                                                   This notice is posted in compliance with PA 267 of 1976 as amended (Open Meetings Act)
                                                                                                   MCLA 41.72a (2)(3) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

                                                                                                   Call (517) 319-6930, the Department of Planning, Building and Development, East Lansing
                                                                                                   City Hall, 410 Abbot Road, East Lansing, for additional information. All interested persons will
                                                                                                   be given an opportunity to be heard.

                                                                                                   The Board will provide reasonable auxiliary aids and services, such as interpreters for the
                                                                                                   hearing impaired and audio tapes of printed materials being considered at the meeting, to
                                                                                                   individuals with disabilities upon request received by the City seven (7) calendar days prior
                                                                                                   to the meeting. Individuals with disabilities requiring aids or services should write or call the
                                                                                                   Planning Department, 410 Abbot Road, East Lansing, MI 48823. Phone: (517) 319-6930.
                                                                                                   TDD Number: 1-800-649-3777
                                                                                                   George Lahanas, Secretary
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