28 28 inside: Leadership - The BC Notaries ...

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28 28 inside: Leadership - The BC Notaries ...
Spring 2020 | Volume 29 Number 1

     Published Quarterly by the BC Notaries Association


                   Rachelle Lee                           Tammy Morin Nakashima

                                                          inside:      Leadership
                                                              Publications Mail Agreement: 40010827
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28 28 inside: Leadership - The BC Notaries ...
A special invitation…

                           during this time of isolation!
West Coast Reach Association (REACH!) is now offering the benefits of group singing free of
charge, for those who would like to sing along with us from home using their computer or
phone. No singing experience is necessary and songs are popular standards and musical
favourites chosen to touch hearts and raise people’s spirits. It’s a great source of relief during
the COVID-19 crisis.

We have been providing dynamic programs in Victoria for the last three years, bringing diverse
groups of people together through music. Our programs celebrate inclusion and diversity of
ages, cultures and abilities, and we have now started REACH! WITH SONG, enabling
participants to connect and sing together each week through virtual group singing sessions.

These are for one hour on Monday evenings, 7:00-8:00 p.m. using “Zoom” on computer,
smart phone, or even regular phone. Zoom is a live video or phone-in service that allows for
two-way communication among the presenters and participants (and at no charge to
participants). We provide contact information for you to use it.

The sessions are led by Anne-Marie Brimacombe, an award-winning singer, teacher and
producer with help from husband Peter who handles the instrumental accompaniments and
technical aspects of the sessions. Guest presenters may also be featured in the future.

Singing connects people socially, intellectually, spiritually and emotionally. It can also help
relieve anxiety through deep breathing, positive mental focus, and by activating feel-good
chemicals in the brain…all especially important during the COVID-19 crisis.

More information can be obtained by emailing westcoastreach@gmail.com or by phoning
250-889-0871 or 250-882-4339. More information on REACH! as an organization can also be
found on our website: www.westcoastreach.org/

                                     - REACH ! -
                                       West Coast Reach Association
                        Celebrating inclusion and diversity through the performing arts
                            Email: westcoastreach@gmail.com Tel. 250.889.0871
                      www.westcoastreach.org/ Charitable registration #735134124 RR0001
28 28 inside: Leadership - The BC Notaries ...
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                                           P U B L I S H E D BY T H E S O C I E T Y O F N OTA R I E S P U B L I C O F B C

                                                                                     THEME: LEADERSHIP
                         PRESIDENT, BC NOTARIES ASSOCIATION                                                                                        A Feminist Governance Framework Recipe               26
                         Leaders6                                                                                                                 Raji Mangat
                         Daniel Boisvert
                                                                                                                                                   Transforming Leaders                                 28
                         INTERIM CEO, BC NOTARIES ASSOCIATION                                                                                      Ken Keis
                         Leading Ladies                                                                          8
                         Wayne Braid                                                                                                               Internal Leaders                                     29
                                                                                                                                                   Deanna McRae
                         The Changing of the Guard                                                               9                                Hit the Road, Jack!                                  30
                         Val Wilson                                                                                                                Stephanie Butler
                         EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR,                                                                                                       Leadership Vignettes                                 32
                         THE SOCIETY OF NOTARIES PUBLIC OF BC                                                                                      Rudy Nielsen, Jeff Tisdale
                         Moving Forward                                                                        10
                         John Mayr
                         Business to Business                                                                  11

                                                                                                                                                   The Scrivener: What’s in a Name?                      5
                                                                                                                                                   BC Notary Jackie Tait, Chilliwack
                                                                                                                                                   a Director of the BC Notaries Association            33
                                                                                                                                                   Jackie Tait
                                                                                                                                                   BC Notary Kate Roome, Duncan
                                                                                                                                                   a Director of the BC Notaries Association            34

                                                                                                                                                   Kate Roome
                                                                                                                                                   PROFILE OF A BC NOTARY

                                                                                                                                                   SHOWCASING THE WINNERS
                                                                                                                                                   OF THE PRESTIGIOUS DR. BERNARD W. HOETER AWARD
                                                                                                                                                   Cheryl Kwok, 2016
                                                                                                                                                   I Cannot Let Myself Fail!                            36
                                                                                                                                                   BC Notaries in the Community                         38
                         A Leader’s Journey:                                                                                                       PERSONAL GROWTH
                         Five Unexpected Lessons Along the Way                                                 12                                 My Road to Winter World Masters Games 2020
                         Rachelle Lee                                                                                                              Innsbruck, Austria: Figure Skating                   40
                         Services a BC Notary Can Provide                                               15, 39                                    Tracy Parker

                         The Leader’s Chair                                                                    16                                 Spring into Fall!                                    42
                         Tammy Morin Nakashima                                                                                                     Conference Sponsors                                  43
                         Leadership and Hope                                                                   18
                         Nigel Atkin
                         Leadership: It’s in You!                                                              20
                         Filip de Sagher
                         If by Rudyard Kipling                                                                 21                                  The Board of Governors                               44
                         The Speed of the Captain is the Speed of the Crew 22                                                                      CANADIAN CENTRE FOR ELDER LAW
                         Roy Cammack                                                                                                                Spotlight on Good Works
                         Young Women’s Leadership                                                              23                                  Health Care Consent Tools                            45
                         Savanah Norman

                                                                                                     BC Notaries Association                                                    Volume 29 Number 1 Spring 2020
28 28 inside: Leadership - The BC Notaries ...
    Care Facility Admission and Capacity                                                46
    Sara Pon and Krista James
                                                                                                                Published by
                                                                                                         the BC Notaries Association
    Children Born after Death                                                           48
    Trevor Todd
                                                                                                    Editor-in-Chief   Val Wilson
    Owners Reimbursing Strata Corporations
    for High Insurance Deductibles                                                      51         Interim CEO	G. W. Wayne Braid
    Elaine McCormack
    STRATAS                                                                                         Assistant		       Christina Tang
    Life in the Strata Bubble COVID-19                                                  54
    Ian Callaway                                                                                    Courier 		Lightspeed Courier & Logistics
    CONDO INSURANCE                                                                                 Photographer      Wildman Photography
    Is “The Sky Is Falling” in the Current Strata Insurance Marketplace? 56
    Ian Callaway
                                                                                                               The Scrivener
    Water Flumes Across Southern British Columbia                                       60          email: scrivener@bcnotaryassociation.ca
    Robert Allen
                                                                                                     website: 	https://www.bcnotary
    NATURE                                                                                                      association.ca/resources/
    Another New Hobby                                                                   63                     scrivener/
    Robert Allen
                                                                                                     call:      604 681-4516
    Lifting Spirits and Staying Fit                                                     66
    Marji Wallace
    WHY IT’S IMPORTANT TO HAVE A WILL                                                                           Send photographs
    In Memory of My Sister Cathy Grant                                                  68            to scrivener@bcnotaryassociation.ca
    Thora Rogers
    ORIGINAL RECIPE                                                                                 All rights reserved. Contents may not be
    Potato-Leek Soup                                                                    69         reprinted or reproduced without written
    Kim McLandress                                                                                  permission from the publisher.
    WORLD ELDER ABUSE AWARENESS                                                                     This journal is a forum for discussion,
    Seniors First BC                                                                    70         not a medium of official pronouncement.
    Rick Gambrel                                                                                    The BC Notaries Association does not, in any
    BC Notaries Speak Your Language                                                     71         sense, endorse or accept responsibility
                                                                                                    for opinions expressed by contributors.
    The Bank of British Columbia in the Gold Rush Days                                  72
    Ron Hyde
    The Future of Land Surveying in British Columbia                                    75
    Spring Tech!                                                                        76
    Akash Sablok                                                                                      CANADA POST: PUBLICATIONS MAIL
    PEOPLE                                                                                            AGREEMENT No. 40010827
    Where in the World Has The Scrivener Been?                                          78
                                                                                                      Postage Paid at Vancouver, BC
                                                                                                      RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN
                       The Scrivener: What’s in a Name?                                               ADDRESSES TO CIRCULATION DEPT.
“A professional penman, a copyist, a scribe . . . a Notary.” Thus the Oxford English Dictionary
describes a Scrivener, the craftsman charged with ensuring that the written affairs of others         BC NOTARIES ASSOCIATION
flow smoothly, seamlessly, and accurately. Where a Scrivener must record the files accurately,        BOX 44
it’s the Notary whose Seal is bond.                                                                   SUITE 700 – 625 HOWE STREET
      We chose The Scrivener as the name of our magazine to celebrate the Notary’s                    VANCOUVER, BC V6C 2T6
role in drafting, communicating, authenticating, and getting the facts straight. We strive
to publish articles about points of law and the Notary profession for the education and enjoyment     SCRIVENER@BCNOTARYASSOCIATION.CA
of our members, our allied professionals in business, and the public in British Columbia.

Volume 29 Number 1 Spring 2020                  The Scrivener | https://www.bcnotaryassociation.ca/resources/scrivener/ TABLE OF CONTENTS
28 28 inside: Leadership - The BC Notaries ...
              BC NOTARIES
                                                                                          Daniel Boisvert

                                                 Leaders                                                            ©iStockphoto.com/Sezeryadigar

           eople often think the                We would get together for a kids-only          equipment business. The pressure
                                                meeting once a week at their home              to close sales every month was intense
           leaders are those we see             and then again on Sundays. At a time           and I was a rookie who had never sold
           most often in the media.             in my life when I just needed a solid          a thing in my life.
                                                foundation and some gentle tips on
                                                how to succeed in life, they were                   Although I was excited when
    •	World leaders such as Justin
                                                there for me and dozens of other kids.         I got the job, it didn’t take long
       Trudeau, Angela Merkel, and
                                                They were outstanding leaders when             before felt I was under the gun.
       Donald Trump
                                                I needed them.                                 Fortunately Andrew Graham, a very
    •	Corporate leaders such as                                                               successful salesperson, was sitting
       Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and                                                             at the desk next to me. Over the next
       Sam Walton                                   Leaders may not always                     few months, he gave me all sorts of
    •	Entertainment leaders such as              be where you would expect                    great tips . . . how to communicate
       Ted Turner, Bob Iger, and Rupert                                                        over the phone, what was important
                                                  to find them. They are often                 to clients, and when to close on the
                                                    right next to you hiding                   deal. He also told me one of the
         They have all found success in
    politics, business, or entertainment.
                                                          in plain sight.                      most important rules about selling:
                                                                                               “Daniel, being successful in sales
    We look to them as leaders in their                                                        is pretty much all luck.”
    respective fields. Certainly a President         Nearing the end of Grade 10,
    and a Prime Minister and a CEO are          I was a little lost, probably like most             I was perplexed; it didn’t look like
    often called “Leaders”. . . but are they?   teens. I still wasn’t sure why I was           that to me. He rolled his chair over
                                                in school and I certainly had no idea          to me, looked me straight in the eye,
        Leadership is the art of moving         what I wanted to do after school.              and said “and the harder you work,
    a person or a group of people toward
                                                     When it was time to select courses        the luckier you will get.” I have never
    achieving a singular or common goal.
                                                for Grade 11, I met with the Marketing         forgotten that lesson or anything else
    We forget to look to the leaders that
                                                11 teacher Mr. McDonald. He told me            Andrew taught me.
    actually impact our lives . . . those
    close to us that may sometimes go           his course was a lot of fun and it could            I think you get my point.
    unnoticed.                                  help me decide on a career path. He            Leaders may not always be where
                                                was certainly right; the course steered        you would expect to find them.
       When I was 12 as an up and               me to many of the other business-type
    coming teenager, I was going through                                                       They are often right next to you
                                                electives in high school and helped            hiding in plain sight. They are church
    many challenges.
                                                forge my path to my current calling.           members, teachers, colleagues,
    •	Who was I, who should I be,                   Mr. McDonald was always                   friends, and family. Take some time
       where is life going, do I have           available to talk outside of class.            to figure out who they are today and
       friends, why does school suck?           He was a true leader inside the                which individuals have been the
        I was fortunate to get involved         classroom and his efforts had such             leaders in your life. You might be
    with my church’s youth group, led by a      positive influence on my life during           surprised by what you discover.
    wonderful couple, John and Alice Close.     my senior high school years.                       And one last thing . . . take
        They spent their free time working           My first job out of university was        some time to thank them for making
    with kids who were just like me.            straight-commission sales in the office        a positive influence on your life. s

                                                          BC Notaries Association                      Volume 29 Number 1 Spring 2020
28 28 inside: Leadership - The BC Notaries ...
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28 28 inside: Leadership - The BC Notaries ...
             BC NOTARIES
             ASSOCIATION                                                               Wayne Braid

                                         Leading Ladies

       t has been some time                                                             to be the same; that expectation has
                                                                                        often led her into conflict with others and
       since we have focused on                                                         in her being seen in an inaccurate light.
       the subject of Leadership                                                            I have learned many things
    in an issue of The Scrivener.                                                       about Marny that most people do not
                                                                                        understand. It is those things that
         We felt this was a good time to                                                have led Marny into the leadership
    revisit the subject and to canvas some                                              position she now holds.
    of our members, our sponsors, and                                                        Marny Morin was born in Ottawa,
    our regular readers to have them share                                              the second-oldest of four sisters.
    their thoughts and their experiences                                                Her father Ken was a Colonel in
    on the subject.                                                                     the Canadian military. Marny was
                        The two women                                                   a self-described “army brat” and her
                   that grace our front                                                 family moved often. She attended
                   cover are examples of                                                13 different schools over 12 years,
                   tremendous leaders in                                                living in Ontario, Newfoundland,
                   their respective fields                                              Manitoba, and even Sussex, England.
                   of endeavour. I have                                                     After high school, she lived briefly
                                                            Marny Morin
                   worked with both                                                     in Yellowknife while working for the
    Rachelle Lee
                   Rachelle and Tammy         is very appropriate for my colleague      Department of Indian Affairs and
                   and can tell you that      Marny who has worked behind the           Northern Development. That job was
                   both are extremely         scenes for most of my tenure as CEO       her first exposure to the field of real
                   motivated, talented,       and my time with her.                     property law. She eventually performed
                   and gracious leaders.                                                conveyancing work for law firms in
                                                  Often misunderstood, Marny’s
                        Being a leader        personality is such that she does         Ottawa, spending her days doing title
                    takes many forms.         not suffer fools lightly (or more         searches in the Land Title Office.
    Tammy Morin As I prepared for this
                                              appropriately, “gladly”). Marny is a           When her father retired and her
                    issue of The Scrivener,   perfectionist and often expects others    parents moved out west to British
    my colleague Marny Morin also came                                                  Columbia, Marny followed and worked
    to mind. I have worked with Marny for                                               for law firms in the Kelowna area.
    the better part of 20 years and over
                                                 I have learned many things             There she became familiar with the
    the years learned of Marny’s work                                                   British Columbia Torrens land title
    ethic, experience, and knowledge                about Marny that most               system.
    of all things BC Notary.                      people do not understand.
                                                                                             While living in the Okanagan,
        I have taken many Leadership                 It is those things that            Marny started a family and had two
    courses and read myriad books on the              have led Marny into               sons, Matthew and Mark. Shortly after
    subject and have always been struck                                                 their births, she decided to become
    by the famous statement of Chinese              the leadership position
                                                                                        a Notary. She began her career as a
    Philosopher Lao Tzu: “To lead the                    she now holds.                 Notary in Richmond, taking over Linda
    people, walk behind them.” That adage                                               Bruce’s Notary Seal.

                                                       BC Notaries Association                  Volume 29 Number 1 Spring 2020
28 28 inside: Leadership - The BC Notaries ...
Shortly after becoming a
BC Notary, Marny volunteered to assist                     KEYNOTE
the profession. At that time, Notary
education was managed by UBC                                                                     Val Wilson

through a program largely prepared
     Marny became a tutor/marker
for that program. She continued
in that role and it wasn’t long
                                                         The Changing
before her abilities and enthusiasm
for the profession came to be
appreciated by Stan Nicol, then-
                                                         of the Guard
Secretary of The Society, and various

Notary Presidents.
                                                          ayne Braid, Interim CEO of the BC Notaries Association,
    Marny was heavily involved in the
major re-write of the Notary education
                                                          retired in mid-April. Chad Rintoul has assumed
program in 1995, writing several of                       the position.
the units. She also served as Acting
Secretary for Stan when he was away.              Chad is a proven consensus-builder, facilitator, and communicator
In 1998, Marny received the first             experienced in association leadership, Board governance, and stakeholder and
of what was intended to be a regular          government relations.
President’s Award for Notaries who                                             From 2012, Chad served as Chief Administrative
contributed significantly to The Society.                                  Officer at the Association of British Columbia Land
     The new Notary course was                                             Surveyors where he significantly developed the
delivered by The Society until the                                         areas of Professional Competency and Continuing
MA ALS (Master of Arts in Applied                                          Professional Development.
Legal Studies) program was introduced                                          Over his varied career, Chad lived in many
in 2008. Throughout that period, she                                       countries where his work focused on the energy
played an active role in BC Notary                                         sector in the areas of business development, project
education. When Rick Evans retired from                                    management, and negotiating with clients. The
his position as Education Coordinator,                                     countries include England; Libya; the United Arab
Marny capably filled that role.                      Chad Rintoul          Emirates, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia.
    In addition to the area of                    He also served as Customer Service Manager for the Regional Commercial
education, Marny’s efforts have               Banking Centre for the Toronto Dominion Bank and completed the Securities
improved and maintained the                   Sales Licence program for the Investment Funds Institute of Canada.
insurance and discipline programs.                Chad lives with his wife and family in Sidney, BC. He is a Municipal Councilor
Though she generally laboured in              and liaison to Committees for the Town of Sidney; a member of the Land Title and
the background, often in-less-than-           Survey Authority of British Columbia Stakeholder Advisory Committee; and past
glamorous roles, those involved in            member of the Advisory Planning Commission for the District of North Saanich.
The Society have known how valuable
her contributions have been.                       He is a past member of the Fellows Council of Royal Roads University;
                                              he served as Director and Chair of the Planning & Development Committee;
     Today, Marny has two                     was a member of the Steering Committee, the Community Consultative
granddaughters, Jane and Aurora.              Committee, Governance Committee and the Runway Extension Task Force for
She’ll tell you that if she had known         the Victoria Airport Authority; and was Chair of the Resident Liaison Committee
how much fun it would be, she would           for the sewer system extension project for the District of North Saanich.
have skipped having children and gone
straight to having grandkids.                     Chad is very active in his community. He is Appeal Commissioner for
                                              Peninsula Minor Hockey Association (BC Hockey) and a member of the Saanich
    Though very shy herself, she has          Peninsula Hospital & Healthcare Foundation.
never shied away from a challenge.
                                                  His education includes the Rothman School of Business Institute of Corporate
From interested practitioner to tutor
                                              Directors, Governance Essentials; Royal Roads University Continuing Studies,
to Staff Notary to Secretary of The
                                              Senior Management Skills, Negotiations Program; University of Western Ontario
Society, Marny’s devotion and energy
                                              Diploma in Honours Standing, Political Economy; and University of Windsor
have been vital to making The Society
                                              Bachelor of Arts, Political Science (minor Classical Civilizations).
what it is. Her continued efforts are
a testament to how effective Notaries            On behalf of all the members of the BC Notaries Association and staff,
at work can be. s                             Welcome, Chad! s

Volume 29 Number 1 Spring 2020          The Scrivener | https://www.bcnotaryassociation.ca/resources/scrivener/ TABLE OF CONTENTS
28 28 inside: Leadership - The BC Notaries ...
         THE SOCIETY
                                                                                          John Mayr
            OF BC

                                     Moving Forward
                                                                                                              ©iStockphoto.com/Vasif Bagirov

              ho, in your opinion,             the latter part of the 20th century,       defining their roles and separating
                                               commonwealth governments deepened          the functions.
              were great leaders?              the self-regulatory framework.                 The Society selects and educates
              Who would be on your list?            Research might suggest that some      applicants to become Notaries, sets
 Churchill, Kennedy, Gandhi, King, Riel,       professions struggled with acting in       standards of practice, establishes
 Sinclair? Maybe the better question           the public interest and, as the century    requirements for professional
 is “what made them great leaders?”            came to a close, governments began         development, delivers courses and
 Was it the time, the events, their            to recognize that there remained           programs that are of a regulatory
 actions, the clarity of their vision, their   an oversight duty and they began           nature, investigates complaints,
 focus on outcomes or an altered reality       to retract the delegation of authority.    and conducts discipline processes
 and a plan or road map to get there?                                                     as are set out in the Notaries Act.
                                                                                              Conferences, continuing
      For close to a decade, the                    For close to a decade,
 leadership of The Society has been                                                       education, lobbying government,
                                                        the leadership                    promoting the profession, and
 moving the organization to an altered
 reality from what it once was.                    of The Society has been                publishing The Scrivener magazine
                                                                                          are now all the domain of the
 The genesis of almost every regulated             moving the organization
 profession is rooted in an advocacy                                                      Association.
                                                     to an altered reality
 organization which, through an act                                                            Over the past while, it has been
 of government, is granted the privilege           from what it once was.                 brought to my attention that having
 of regulating the profession. Self-                                                      the regulatory body write an article
 regulation took off in the 1970s in                Notable failures in self-regulation   in the Association’s magazine may
 Ontario when the government granted           include the College of Teachers of         cloud the minds of readers regarding
 status to a wide range of professions.        British Columbia and most recently the     the separations of function.
                                               regulation of real estate professionals.        This therefore will be my last
      Commonwealth governments were
 familiar with specialized tribunals.              It was into this milieu that the       article in The Scrivener magazine
 They recognized that highly specialized       Board of The Society set out upon          as Executive Director of the regulating
 professions required knowledge that           a path that would see the advocacy         body. It has been a pleasure to write
 was not found within government               functions separated from the               for such an esteemed and respected
 or the Courts. The deal looked like           regulatory functions. The Society          publication.
 this: Government would delegate               of Notaries Public has assumed the              The leaders on the Board had
 certain quasi judicial-like functions         regulation of the profession and the       a vision. That vision is the pathway
 to associations who in turn would             BC Notaries Association has grasped        to a stronger profession with
 hold their members accountable.               the mantel of advocating for the           increased scope in the provision
 The function of advocacy would                profession.                                of noncontentious legal services
 replace the altruistic “acting in                 Over the past 2 years, the Boards      through the effective advocacy of
 the public interest.” Throughout              of each organization have set about        a strong professional Association. s

                                                        BC Notaries Association                  Volume 29 Number 1 Spring 2020
                                                                                 Margot R. Rutherford*
                                                                                 Notary Public
                                                                                 A Member of The Society
                                                                                 of Notaries Public of British Columbia
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                                                                                 *Denotes Professional Notarial Corporation
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  Recovery is Possible.You can help.
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                               Coast Mental Health Foundation                                              CammackHepner.ca
                                Registration Number: 86150 8018 RR0001
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                              For more information, please visit
                                   coastmentalhealth.com                         Roy Cammack                 Surrey, BC V4A 6E7               Gordon G. Hepner
                                                                                 MBA, CSA, Notary Public                                    MA(ALS), Notary Public
                            or contact us directly at 604-675-2317.              roy@CammackHepner.ca                                  gordon@CammackHepner.ca

         Seeking to Add to Your Business Career?

         There are business opportunities for Notaries in various communities throughout British Columbia.
                                        Some of the Requisites for Becoming a BC Notary
                        •   5 years’ related experience                     • Undergrad degree: 3.0 GPA
                        •   Strong entrepreneurial and people skills        • Fluency in English; other languages an asset
                        •   Highest degree of honesty and integrity         • Financial stability
                        •   Dedication to serving the public

                              For more information, please contact The Society of Notaries Public of BC
                              1-800-663-0343 or visit our website, www.notaries.bc.ca.

Volume 29 Number 1 Spring 2020                  The Scrivener | https://www.bcnotaryassociation.ca/resources/scrivener/ TABLE OF CONTENTS

                                                                                   Rachelle Lee

                      A Leader’s Journey:
                   Five Unexpected Lessons
                        Along the Way

       here are countless                   Here are five good examples.               was that I never consulted with the
                                                                                       end users. They actively resisted my
       articles, videos, books,                                                        approach. I re-established trust with
                                              1.	It’s only lonely at the top
       and “they who know                         when we think we have
                                                                                       them, but It took time and effort.

 everything” advice-givers                        to make all the decisions.           Considerations
                                                                                        •	Are you afraid of revealing
 who preach what it takes                   New leaders can feel driven to establish       the extent of your knowledge
 to be a good leader.                       authority and gain respect as quickly          (or lack thereof)?
                                            as possible. They will sometimes
                                                                                        •	Do you think asking for input
     They all sound great but I find        isolate themselves from the team,              makes you look indecisive
 that the reality of the journey is often   unwilling to ask for input for fear of         or unqualified?
 missing. You know, the bumps in the        appearing unprepared, disorganized, or      •	Do you believe that authority
 road, the roadkill along the way, and      inexperienced. In such cases, the D.A.D.       comes from having all the
 the seemingly endless trek toward          management style is in full bloom,             answers?   
 “successful leadership.”                   which isn’t good for anyone. That’s when        Asking for input makes you look
     Reflecting on my own career            leaders: DECIDE what to do, ANNOUNCE       more confident, not less. Problem-
 through corporate leadership               the decision, then find themselves in a    solving through collaboration
 positions, 23 years of consulting          position to have to DEFEND the approach.   builds solid working relationships,
                                                                                       streamlines implementation, and
 practice, and time spent in non-               For example . . .                      deepens everyone’s investment in the
 profit Board governance, the most          As a new manager, I wanted to              success of the project. It also expands
 important lessons I learned were           make my mark by solving frontline          resources by taking full advantage
 from reality-based unexpected              productivity problems. After burning       of the team skill-base and saves
 sources. Those lessons grew out            a lot of midnight oil, I found a           time in the long run. Plus, your staff
 of mistakes I didn’t know I was            technical solution I knew would            members feel good when you think
 making at the time.                        make a big difference. My mistake          their input matters!

                                                      BC Notaries Association                 Volume 29 Number 1 Spring 2020
Options                                            In truth, I was avoiding a much-          Keep in mind that you’re not
If you’re not used to asking for               needed confrontation about her toxic          criticizing, making sweeping
help or if the topic of discussion             behaviour. Leadership Researcher              judgments, or assigning blame.
is especially sensitive, then start            Dr. Christine Porath recently surveyed        You’re simply confronting a specific
small. Meet with just one individual.          the effect that dismissive, curt              problem with the goal of performance
Do it in your office or over lunch but         exchanges can have on those who               and/or attitude improvement, which
don’t try to talk in a hallway or during       encounter them:                               is good for the entire team!
a short break. Approach it as a good            •	66% of survey participants
conversation and allow no less than                cut back work efforts,                      3.	Staff will never offer
30 minutes. (You can always end
                                                •	80% lost time worrying                          honest feedback
                                                   about what happened, and                        to your face.
Here’s an easy structure to follow.
                                                •	12% left their job, most
1.	Explain the purpose of your                    of those who left were the good           To be a great leader, you need
    conversation. (Otherwise it                    performers!                               forthright, comprehensive feedback
    might be misconstrued as
                                                   Cisco Corporation applied                 about how you conduct yourself
    corrective feedback.)
                                               Porath’s numbers to the company               at work. Unfortunately, no matter how
2.	Summarize what you know                    bottom line and concluded that
    of the situation, problem,                                                               friendly, small, or upfront the group,
                                               working around incivility was costing
    concern, or project.                       Cisco $12 million a year.                     you can never expect them to provide
    (Be honest but brief.)                                                                   you with direct, honest feedback
3.	Ask for his or her opinion, input,                                                       during a face-to-face conversation.
                                                •	Do you believe an employee’s
    observations.                                                                            They simply won’t risk losing their jobs.
                                                   skillset entitles him or her
4.	Listen. Take notes or record                   to special allowances?                    Disgruntled employees may speak up,
    it if necessary.                                                                         but their comments are often neutral
                                                •	How do you justify the unequal
5.	Be sincerely appreciative.                     distribution of allowances and            and vague.
                                                   favours to those team members                 During my career, I’ve worked
                                                   who never receive them?                   with a number of companies that
  2.	Making allowances                         •	Are you making allowances                 meet the mandated need for annual
      for poor behaviour and                       for a poor performer, so you avoid        feedback by distributing lacklustre
      performance has a high                       having a corrective feedback              questionnaires to everyone on staff.
      cost. Our superstars end                     conversation with a difficult             Results were rarely clear and seldom
                                                   person?                                   shared with the people who provided
      up leaving.                                                                            input.
                                                    Leaders need to look long and
                                               hard at the tendency to favour one                The good news is that feedback
We’ve all been in workplaces where                                                           science has vastly improved in the last
                                               person or another because it seems
leadership turns the other cheek when          like the easier road to travel. We now        decade. Industrial psychologists know
an employee behaves poorly. Allowances         know that favouritism and allowances          better how to collect and aggregate
are made because we can’t imagine              can seriously damage morale and               useful feedback by properly targeting
having to find a replacement or we don’t       productivity and lead to the superstars       desired information. There are also
want to look like the “bad cop.”               on our team self-selecting out to other       smarter ways to interpret the data,
                                               companies.                                    resulting in comprehensive results
    While rank-and-file team                        If the underlying concern is             that inspire immediate action.
members are expected to tow the                about fear of confrontation, then the         Considerations
corporate line, poor performers are            following options should help.                 •	Have you ever received employee
granted behavioural leniency and
                                               Options                                           feedback on your leadership?
appeased with selecting only the work
                                                                                                 Does the thought of it worry you?
assignments they want. Even leaders                Everything starts with preparation
who pride themselves in meeting                and practice. By covering details with         •	Feedback and response science
problems head-on will avoid tough              a supportive colleague or business                has come a long way, with highly
conversations with “problem children.”         coach, you’ll streamline the message              valid and reliable information
                                               and defuse your anxiety. Remember                 to gain perspective.
    As a new manager, I convinced
myself that my poor performer merited          to keep it problem-oriented with               •	Would you consider bringing in
special treatment because her skills           a positive eye toward change.                     third-party expertise to help build,
were too difficult to replace. “She isn’t           Preparing for a conversation                 standardize, and interpret a truly
perfect,” I reasoned, “but who is?”            of this nature can be daunting.                   effective feedback program?

Volume 29 Number 1 Spring 2020           The Scrivener | https://www.bcnotaryassociation.ca/resources/scrivener/ TABLE OF CONTENTS
Options                                     tools. Each type of assessment has its     for deserving staff members. I gave
 Take steps to make feedback an              own language and purpose, depending        my youngest employee a 3-day pass
 important part of your development          on what feedback you are seeking.          allowing him to arrive late for work; he
 as a leader. There are excellent                 If you’re interested in conducting    loved clubbing at night. I purchased
 assessment tools that provide rich          an online staff feedback survey, my        grocery cards for my staff person who
 insight into your leadership strengths      advice is to take the time and spend       was a single parent and had to feed
 and can help you determine which            the money to develop a customized          two hungry teenage boys. I arranged
 strengths need further development.         tool. Avoid general surveys and one-       for my most ambitious employee to
 Consider using a good 360-degree            size-fits-all questions gleaned from       have a seat during an important, high-
 assessment designed to provide input        the Internet. Not only will the results    level meeting with senior management.
 from a full circle of work associates       be less valuable, the quality of the            Imagine my surprise when, instead of
 including superior(s), peers, staff, and    product will disappoint and alienate       thinking I was the best manager ever, my
 possibly someone who previously held        the staff who participate in it.           staff thought I was a thoughtless, unfair
 your position.                                                                         person. They were upset because I didn’t
      For you as a leader, helpful            4.	Customizing staff rewards             give everyone the same gift. Each person
 assessments will target the driving              can lead to hurt feelings.            wanted what someone else received!
 forces underlying your behaviour, the                                                  Considerations
 soft-skills competencies you need to        Many management textbooks and
                                                                                        •	People will always compare and
 be an effective communicator, and the       courses advise leaders to thank
                                                                                           rank themselves against their
 degree of emotional intelligence you        employees and occasionally reward with        peers. It’s a given.
 display and employ in your work life.       gifts. They advise making sure gifts are
                                                                                        •	Are you sure that customizing your
      Just a word of caution . . . when it   tailored to the individual being              rewards is the best way to show
 comes to assessments, buyer beware.         recognized and that a unique, customized      your appreciation?
 Unless you’re already an expert in this
                                             reward will communicate to the recipient
 area of study, it’s best to work with                                                  •	Wouldn’t it be smarter to extend
 a certified professional—someone            how much you truly care. But, does it?        the same show of appreciation
 skilled in selecting, administering, and        I was once very proud of the time         to everyone equally so there’s
 interpreting a variety of assessment        I spent customizing thank-you gifts           nothing to compare against?

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                                                       BC Notaries Association                  Volume 29 Number 1 Spring 2020
Options                                         •	Understanding the message
                                                   behind a behaviour becomes
                                                                                                   Services a BC Notary
Spread rewards consistently and
evenly. Vary the items by date and                 even more critical when working                     Can Provide
not by individual. For example, give               across cultures.                              Notarization/Documents
them all grocery cards during the Fall          •	Do you always know what your                   	Affidavits for All Documents required
giveaway. As the holidays approach,                body language and actions are                    at a Public Registry within BC
give them all 3 days to arrive later than          conveying?                                       Certified True Copies of Documents
usual. If highly valued privileges like                                                           	Execution/Authentications
sports tickets are available, conduct          Options                                              of International Documents
an equal-opportunity draw.                                                                          Notarizations/Attestations of Signatures
                                               People will always see your actions
    Always consider the optics of              through the lens of their strengths,                 Personal Property Security Agreements
rewards and shows of appreciation.             insecurities, and changing emotional                 Statutory Declarations
While our intentions can be well-              states. Consider the classic advice               Personal Planning
meaning, we also need to consider              about not making any big decisions                   Estate Planning
them from another’s viewpoint. Test            when you’re in an emotional crisis.                  Health Care Declarations
your ideas with a trusted confidant            The lens you’re wearing is distorted                 Powers of Attorney
before going ahead.                            by your own approach to the world,                   Representation Agreements
                                               which is often different than the                    Wills Preparation
                                               way other people approach things.                    Wills Searches
  5.	Nobody can truly                         That’s why it’s helpful to speak                  Travel
      understand the meaning                   out intent to others and see how                     Authorization of Minor Child Travel
      of your actions unless                   it resonates with them.                              Letters of Invitation for Foreign Travel
      you explain your intent.                                                                      Passport Application Documentation
                                                    In the example above, my
                                                                                                    Proof of Identity for Travel Purposes
                                               employee would have felt supported
                                               and empowered if I had pulled                     Business
Your actions speak for themselves;                                                                  Business Purchase/Sale
                                               her aside before the meeting and
they sometimes say things you don’t            respectfully told her my plans. It would           	Commercial Leases
actually mean, however. That’s because         have been even better if I’d asked                   and Assignment of Leases
behaviour is always interpreted through        whether she wanted to take on the                    Contracts and Agreements
the eye of the beholder. If someone            role. I should have gotten her buy-in             Property Matters
sees me eating alone in the coffee shop,       before taking action. Leaders cannot                  Easements and Rights of Way
                                               afford to assume anything.                            Insurance Loss Declarations
they may infer I’m lonely or sad when
                                                                                                     Manufactured Home Transfers
in fact I’m taking a quiet break from              Leadership is always a work
                                                                                                     Mortgage Refinancing Documentation
a stressful morning at the office.             in progress.
                                                                                                     Purchaser’s Side of Foreclosures
     Case in point: I decided to give              While there are plenty more                       Refinancing
one of my employees the opportunity            lessons to learn, the unexpected five               	Residential and Commercial
to take the lead in an important               are consistent heavy hitters.                         Real Estate Transfers
meeting. It was a chance to make                                                                   	Restrictive Covenants
a good impression with senior                      My last comment is just this:                     and Builder’s Liens
administrators. Great idea, right?!            The journey of a leader is worth every              	Subdivisions and
                                               bump in the road, every flat tire,                    Statutory Building
     At the start of the meeting,              and every glorious moment you drive                   Schemes
I announced I was stepping back                toward another day. Here’s to lessons                 Zoning Applications
to allow my employee to take the               learned! s
lead. While I proudly saw this as an                                                             Marine
opportunity, she felt blind-sided,             Rachelle Lee is President of Einblau               	Marine Bills of Sale and Mortgages
unprepared, and frankly, set up.               & Associates. She is an organization                 Marine Protests
She didn’t leave a positive impression         development and management                        Some BC Notaries provide these services.
with the group and it created a strain         consultant specializing in training and              Marriage Licences
in my relationship with a staff person         coaching, leadership assessments, and                Mediation
I valued.                                      facilitation of strategic conversations.             Real Estate Disclosure Statements
Considerations                                 Her work is focused on helping leaders             Over 400 BC Notaries to Serve You!
 •	Are you attempting to communicate          and managers create a motivating work
                                                                                                     For the BC Notary office nearest you,
    something specific with your               environment where staff members are
                                                                                                           please call 1-800-663-0343
    actions? If so, how do you know            inspired to reach their full potential
                                                                                                 or visit https://www.bcnotaryassociation.ca/
    it will be interpreted correctly?          and achieve great things together.

Volume 29 Number 1 Spring 2020           The Scrivener | https://www.bcnotaryassociation.ca/resources/scrivener/ TABLE OF CONTENTS
Tammy Morin Nakashima


                                        The Leader’s Chair

        ne day you look around                                                       myself sitting in the leadership chair.
                                               “Being a leader means                 And each came by its own evolution.
        and realize you are the                defining and exhibiting                    As a sole practitioner, I had
        one who is sitting in the             moral and ethical courage              a vision. I knew the direction I needed
 “Leader’s Chair.”                             and setting an example                to go and essentially how to navigate
                                                                                     that road. Growing to a staff roster
     It is reserved for people whose        for everyone in the company.             of 2 then 3 and eventually 5 brought
 responsibility it is to motivate                                                    about significant change.
 themselves and others to do the right    accountability, empathy, humility,
 thing, set the direction, and build an                                                   A one-person office had grown
                                          resilience, vision, influence, and
 exciting and inspiring vision to which                                              into a team. Forging along that journey
 others will be proud to contribute.                                                 meant embracing some vulnerability.
                                          Steve Jobs said,                           It mandated that I examine my
     It’s maybe because you’ve grown      “Management is about persuading            own strengths and weaknesses to
 your business to a size where you        people to do things they do not want       determine how to build an effective
 have more staff or your passion and      to do, while leadership is about           team. It required communication and
 dedication to an organization have led   inspiring people to do things they         a willingness to listen.
 you to take the next step.               never thought they could.”
                                                                                          It meant being courageous enough
      Assuming the role of leader         Brene Brown says,                          to trust others to do some of the jobs
 invites challenges and change,           “I define a leader as anyone who takes     that were once mine . . . it meant
 risk and reward.                         responsibility for finding the potential   relinquishing some control and
      There are myriad articles, books,   in people and processes and who has        embracing change.
 thoughts, and comments that define       the courage to develop that potential.”
                                                                                         Early on I implemented the
 a leader. They highlight traits,              Common to the many quips
                                                                                     practice of regular staff meetings.
 attributes, and pitfalls. The insights   I read (I have spared you from listing
                                                                                     I ask staff members to prepare
 and teachings seem endless.              them all!) was courage. That is easily
                                                                                     to share 3 things at the meeting that
                                          an embraceable trait. Who doesn’t
 I’ll share just a few such writings.                                                are working for them and 2 or 3 things
                                          want to be considered courageous,
 Adam Enfroy writes,                                                                 they would like to see changed.
                                          especially in leadership?
 “Being a leader means defining and       Ms. Brown goes on to note in her                That is a vulnerable moment
 exhibiting moral and ethical courage     book, Dare to Lead,                        for each speaker, for the colleagues,
 and setting an example for everyone      “The foundational skill of courage-        and for me. Initially, there was
 in the company.                          building is the willingness and ability    apprehension to speak . . . Fear.
     “Being a leader forces you           to rumble with vulnerability… .            I don’t want to offend anyone.
 to analyze your own strengths and        Our ability to be daring leaders will      Is the thing on my mind actually
 weaknesses, as well as those of the      never be greater than our capacity         important? How will it be received?
 company and enables you to develop       for vulnerability.”                        What will change look like?
 a good sense of reality.”                     In each of my experiences                 It is important to know the valued
      The most important qualities        in growing my BC Notary business           core-competencies that staff members
 of a good leader include integrity,      and as a Board member, I found             want to protect.

                                                    BC Notaries Association                  Volume 29 Number 1 Spring 2020
•	What, if anything, might be                  pursue additional competencies                  “In this Presidency and the
    impeding their productivity?                 and traits to fill a future gap.          6 years leading up to it, I am proud of
                                              •	Individually we could identify what       the team we built. Trust and respect
 •	What changes are happening
                                                 areas we might gravitate toward           flowed so differences of opinion could
    in our industry or with technology
                                                 to more fully participate to achieve      be shared; that combination allowed
    that affects their work?
                                                 success.                                  for significant growth and achievement
 •	Are these issues impacting                                                             by the Board.”
    our targets and goals?                   This work took courage.                             Brene Brown notes in her work
                                              •	Courage to be vulnerable.                 (with more than 50 organizations
 •	What changes will we make
                                                                                           and 10,000 individuals!) that self-
    and when?                                 •	Courage to take personal inventory
                                                                                           awareness and self-love matter.
    As a result of staff trusting                and accept it without defence.
                                                                                           She says, “Who we are is how
and participating in this process,            •	And courage to trust in the leader        we lead.”
I was able to see that when the                  to help build an inspiring vision               I could say I gave my best. I looked
business grew, we had some                       and map out the direction.                up. I looked outward. I looked inward.
redundancies in procedures that new              Quite some time following that            I listened. I learned and I shared.
software could and did eliminate.            session, when I was President of                    I forged many new lifetime
     We were able to structure a more        The Society of Notaries Public,               friendships. I gave time and best
efficient staff schedule and implement       I had the benefit of drawing from             efforts. I sat in that chair respectful
staff cross-covering. Staff members now      that experience.                              of my colleagues, our cohorts, and
have a better understanding of each                                                        our clients.
                                                  I was mindful of industry,                     As a leader you will sit in a visible
other’s peak workload deadlines and          technological, and legislative changes.
how/where they can help each other.                                                        chair. Not everyone will agree with your
                                             In our planning session, it was               decisions, and that’s ok. That is true
     Those meetings allow me                 important to me that our Board                in many endeavours in life.
to receive feedback, listen, espouse         examine areas that would effect               Henry Ford said,
necessary changes, and know when             change to our beloved profession.
                                                                                           “Don’t find the fault.
and how to stand firm.                       I took inventory to assess how I could
                                                                                           Find the remedy.”
                                             best serve BC Notaries.
    The following is just one                                                              In Up From Slavery,
              competency that has                 Together with our leader,
                                                                                           Booker T. Washington said,
              helped me to become            Wayne Braid, I met with every
                                                                                           “Success is to be measured not so
              a more effective leader.       BC Notary Chapter in the province
                                                                                           much by the position that one has
                                             to talk about change and hear their
               In my years on The                                                          reached in life as by the obstacles
                                             concerns and collect their input for
               Society of Notaries                                                         one has overcome while trying
                                             the Board’s attention. That year took
               Public Board,                                                               to succeed.”
                                             me to over 26 other important events
 Rachelle Lee I remember a particular        involving BC Notaries.                            With humility, vulnerability,
               planning session where                                                      and courage, sitting in that chair
                                                  At the conclusion of my
our visionary CEO Wayne Braid hired                                                        is worth it all. s
                                             Presidency in 2017, I wrote that
Rachelle Lee of Einblau & Associates
                                             I look back having raced through              Tammy Morin Nakashima,
to facilitate.
                                             the 2 years, noting that I have               member of the Real Estate Institute,
     She conducted a Strength                challenged such obstacles as public           is proudly celebrating her 25th year
Deployment Inventory(“SDI”) on each          speaking and presenting on radio              as a BC Notary. She has served on
of us. The results for all the Board         and television; I gained education            numerous Boards including all those
members were graphed on the wall             on issues, challenges, and concerns           related to BC Notaries, as well as the
so we could collectively examine the         relevant solely to our purpose, and to
various strengths and differences
                                                                                           Richmond Chamber of Commerce,
                                             those of many stakeholders in British
of the Board Team.                           Columbia, Canada, and the world.
                                                                                           Rotary, and various church Boards.
                                                                                           With her over 43 years of experience
    It was from my perspective                                    “I’ve worked with        in real estate matters, conveyancing,
a very vulnerable moment.                                   confidence inside
                                                                                           mortgages, and subdivision work;
But it was also an excellent                                a well-oiled machine
                                                                                           Wills, Powers of Attorney and other
opportunity to build a stronger team                        . . . a Board of
and nurture leadership traits.                              dedicated, intelligent,        personal planning documents including
                                                            and committed                  Representation Agreements and Advance
     It allowed us to examine ourselves                                                    Health Care Directives; Tammy and her
                                                            professionals passionate
individually and collectively.                                                             staff are committed to Making a Difference
                                              Wayne Braid for BC Notaries and
 •	Collectively we could see as             I’ve had the great fortune to work            . . . through integrity, reliability, and
    a whole where the Board might            with Wayne Braid.”                            confidence you can count on!    

Volume 29 Number 1 Spring 2020         The Scrivener | https://www.bcnotaryassociation.ca/resources/scrivener/ TABLE OF CONTENTS

                                                                                   Nigel Atkin

                         Leadership and Hope

       mpowered with                      being driven by migrant labour, or the            With Britain renegotiating mutually
                                          predicted tens of millions fleeing the       beneficial futures with the EU, it is
       advancing communication            consequences of climate change to            now also enabled to further reinforce
       technology, individuals            Europe’s south and southeast.                historical relations with its long-term
                                               While Britain will remain a strong      Commonwealth friends. That is true
 often seek context and                                                                in terms of trade and immigration
                                          ally to Europe, tied to it in terms of
 understanding of events                  geography, history, culture, commerce,       but also in terms of reconciling an
                                          and even outlook, migration and              economically and politically exploitive
 unfolding in their daily                                                              colonial past.
                                          international trade can now be
 news that in turn shape                  renegotiated with Europe and with                 The Commonwealth Charter
 their attitudes, beliefs,                many other countries.                        is a relatively modern and evolving
                                                                                       document of core values uniting
 and behaviours.                              While Britain will remain                member nations that aspire to the
                                                                                       following values.
     Today, two of the greatest issues      a strong ally to Europe, tied
 faced by the world are climate                                                         • Democracy
 change and how globalization treats
                                            to it in terms of geography,
                                                                                        • Human Rights
 indigenous people. As in most things,       history, culture, commerce,
                                                                                        • International Peace and Security
 those issues interconnect and demand       and even outlook, migration
 both leadership and hope.                                                              •	Tolerance, Respect and
                                               and international trade                     Understanding
      In the turmoil of a consistent
                                              can now be renegotiated                   • Freedom of Expression
 rise in global temperatures, resultant
 fires, floods, along with pandemics,           with Europe and with                    • Separation of Powers
 fear, and the constant threat of war,          many other countries.                   • Rule of Law
 countries in the world try to keep
 up to the never-ending effects of                                                      • Good Governance
                                          The Commonwealth of Nations
 accelerating change.                                                                   • Sustainable Development
                                          The Commonwealth, founded by the
 Brexit in Context                                                                      • Protecting the Environment
                                          United Kingdom Parliament in 1931,
 Britain has finally opted out of         is a volunteer political association          •	Access to Health, Education,
 the European Union’s hierarchical        of some 54 member states—most                    Food, and Shelter
 bureaucracy and gained control over      former territories of the former              •	Gender Equality
 its own migration policy. That means     British Empire, many populated with
                                                                                        •	Importance of Young People
 Britain can control migration not only   indigenous people.
                                                                                           in the Commonwealth
 from within the EU but from the rest          Countries in this association range
 of the world, as well.                                                                 •	Recognition of the Needs
                                          from what we commonly know as our                of Small States
     Britain can now move toward          Canada, New Zealand, and Australia
 welcoming more skilled and               but more than 50 others exist, most           •	Recognition of the Needs
 entrepreneurial migrants, modern         with their own native people, history,           of Vulnerable States
 automated production, and toward not     political, and social goals.                  •	The Role of Civil Society

                                                    BC Notaries Association                     Volume 29 Number 1 Spring 2020
As dramatic change engulfs                 warnings to nurture and not exploit           communities I remember the
the world, it is time to understand             the earth we call home, and even              birth of the modern environmental
and possibly embrace indigenous                 the architecture in which we reside.          movement, the first Earth Day in late
ways and wisdom. Theirs are the                      I learned of his time spent with         April 1970, (and how 1 week later
experiences that can help everyone              Indigenous people generally, of quietly       in May students were gunned down
find the solutions to wildfires and             supporting their right to hunt on             at Kent State and other campuses).
floods, find the antidotes perhaps              their historic lands, and many other          I fear similar events as youth rightfully
to shoreline disaster, to minimally             good works in the community. His              draw climate crisis to corporate,
develop preparedness, contingency               leadership was and is inspirational.          government, and civil society attention.
plans for the storms and rising
waters that threaten so many of our                                                               We witness the youth of today
collective Commonwealth Islands and                   Leadership is a process                 break what to us seem traditional
                                                                                              patterns, that to them no longer work.
homelands.                                            of social influence that
    Whether in Oceania, West Indies,                   maximizes the efforts                      Some actions mirror our human
Eurasia, or Asia, indeed all the land                                                         nature, but through new and evolving
                                                       of others toward the                   communication technology, what
we inhabit, including Canada, New
Zealand, Australia, and Britain itself,               achievement of a goal.                  some experienced decades ago in
we collectively face these imminent                                                           the anti war, environmental action,
challenges.                                         For instance, I have quoted HRH           the women’s movement and ongoing
                                                as he praised non-Western principles          quests for human and gender rights,
     The world needs strong leadership                                                        today the youth newly confront and
                                                regarding the environment, his words
in that regard.                                                                               wake us up in evolved ways.
                                                in 2010: “The Islamic world is the
Leadership                                      custodian of one of the greatest
                                                treasures of accumulated wisdom               And Hope
This new attitude toward the land
                                                and spiritual knowledge available             In that there is always hope, that
and native people, in many cases led
                                                to humanity.”                                 feeling of expectation and desire for
by Indigenous people themselves,
supported and understood by British                 To paraphrase, he said Muslims            certain things to happen in the future.
and Commonwealth leaders, would                 consider themselves more with nature,         Our children often champion some of
be a far greater sea change in                  as God wills, and less in dominance           their parents’ greatest attributes and
attitude from the previous “criminal            and control of the environment in             move goodness forward.
indifference” shown toward those                which we live.                                     As the Duke and Duchess of Sussex
colonized by dominant European
                                                    In 2010, in a speech titled Islam         grow in their human journeys, they
                                                and the Environment, HRH wrote,               too might take further the aspirations
     Leadership is a process of social                                                        of those before them in seeking
                                                     “Reverence is not science-
influence that maximizes the efforts                                                          Indigenous wisdom, practical solutions
                                                based knowledge. It is an experience
of others toward the achievement                                                              in tangible ways of serving the land, its
                                                always mediated by love, sometimes
of a goal.                                                                                    environment, and the people on it.
                                                induced by it; and love comes from
     Some say effective leaders are             relationship. If you take away reverence           Brexit connotes massive changes,
individuals with passion for a cause            and reduce our spiritual relationship         as does Harry and Meghan giving
that is larger than they are, people            with life, then you open yourself up          up their royal titles and apparently
with a dream and a vision for a better          to the idea that we can be little more        moving to Canada, where it is hoped
society.                                        than a chance group of isolated, self-        they will become more familiar with its
                                                obsessed individuals, disconnected            original people.
     There are many definitions
                                                from life’s innate presence and
of leadership; some have nothing to do                                                             The issues we face—climate
                                                un-anchored by any sense of duty
with seniority or a position in hierarchy                                                     change, how the world understands
                                                to the rest of the world. We are free to
or with titles or with certain personal                                                       and respects Indigenous people and
                                                act without responsibility. Thus we turn
attributes. Some leaders are unaware                                                          the members of the Commonwealth—
                                                a blind eye to those islands of plastic
they lead. Some are just intuitive, not                                                       all need their leadership, as does
                                                in the sea or to the treatment meted
intentional in their actions, but they                                                        Britain herself. s
                                                out to animals in factory farms.”
lead anyway. Leaders happen.
     When I was growing up,
                                                    I have always sensed in world             Nigel Atkin teaches the Evolution
                                                leaders that they emit hope in their          of Public Relations course online at
my mother told me about my
                                                words and in most cases in their              UVic. He offers onsite communication
contemporary, His Royal Highness
                                                motivating actions.                           workshops to leverage human capital
Charles, Prince of Wales, and his time
with the Bushmen of the Kalahari,                    Today, as climate crisis more            and exploit the multiplier effect of
his respect for the environment, his            seriously manifests in our global             becoming better communicators.

Volume 29 Number 1 Spring 2020            The Scrivener | https://www.bcnotaryassociation.ca/resources/scrivener/ TABLE OF CONTENTS
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