Inside: FRAUD! - Fall 2016 - BC Notaries

Page created by Catherine Day
Inside: FRAUD! - Fall 2016 - BC Notaries
Fall 2016                                  Volume 25 Number 3

                                           Published Quarterly by The Society of Notaries Public of British Columbia

                                                                                                                            Inside: FRAUD!

                                                                                                                       Publications Mail Agreement: 40010827
Inside: FRAUD! - Fall 2016 - BC Notaries
Inside: FRAUD! - Fall 2016 - BC Notaries
Inside: FRAUD! - Fall 2016 - BC Notaries
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                  P U B L I S H E D BY T H E S O C I E T Y O F N OTA R I E S P U B L I C O F B C

    HISTORY OF NOTARIES                                                                                 Steering Clear of Fraud
    BC Notaries:                                                                                        When Buying a Used Car                              32
    Celebrating Our 90th Year of Incorporation                                                     6    Drew Jackson
                                                                                                        Editor’s                                            33
           FEATURES: FRAUD!                                                                             BE A SAVVY SENIOR!
                                                                                                        Fraud Protection Strategies for Seniors             34
    KEYNOTE                                                                                             Krista James
    FYI                                                                                            7    Protecting Your Data and Your Client’s Data
    Val Wilson                                                                                          through Better Computer Security                    36
    THE CEO/SECRETARY OF THE SOCIETY                                                                    John Macnaughton
    Fraud is Nothing New                                                                           8    TORRENS & TECHNOLOGY
    Wayne Braid                                                                                         An Update from the Front Lines!                    38
    THE PRESIDENT OF THE SOCIETY                                                                        Rudy Nielsen
    We Can All Be Victims of Fraud                                                                 9    Fraud and the Ownership of Land                     40
    Tammy Morin Nakashima                                                                               Chuck Salmon
    On Intellectual Fraud                                                                      10       Who Are You?                                        42
    Nigel Atkin                                                                                         Filip de Sagher

    Where There is Fraud,                                                                               Business to Business                            45, 48
    There is Always Money Laundering!                                                          12
    Sandra Gail Walker
    Deterring Money Laundering
    and Terrorist Financing                                                                        17
    Julie Rozon
    AND REGULATORY OBLIGATIONS                                                                          The Scrivener: What’s in a Name?                      5
    Protecting Money from Theft                                                               18       EDUCATION
    Brian Trainor                                                                                       Planning, Money, and CSIL                           46
    It Takes a Savvy Senior to Avoid Financial Fraud 21                                                 Lisa Berry Vander Heide
    Barb Kirby                                                                                          Tracy Skates to Bronze!                             48
    THE HOTEL SEMINAR SCAM                                                                              Fall Conference 2016                                49
    The “Confidence Game” Updated for Our Times 22                                                      Marny Morin
    Ron Usher                                                                                           Services a BC Notary Can Provide                    58
    Examples of Some of the Slang
    Associated with Confidence Games                                                           23
    Don’t Flip for “Free” Real Estate
    Investment Seminars                                                                        24
    What Counts as a Fraudulent Conveyance
    in British Columbia?                                                                       25
    Kaila Dotten                                                                                        Building Better Communities, One Grant at a Time
    NEWS FROM THE BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU                                                                The Board of Governors                             53
    Scams Never Seem to Go Away                                                                28
                                                                                                        SPOTLIGHT ON GOOD WORKS
    Evan Kelly
                                                                                                        British Columbia:
    Consumers Aren’t the Only Victims of Scams.                                                         In the Midst of a Rental Housing Crisis            54
    Businesses are Targets, Too.                                                                   31   Andrew Sakamoto

                                                              The Society of Notaries Public of British Columbia                     Volume 25 Number 3 Fall 2016
Inside: FRAUD! - Fall 2016 - BC Notaries
    Beauty is Where You Find It	                                              56
    Marylee Stephenson                                                                                      Published by
    ORIGINAL RECIPE                                                                                 The Society of Notaries Public
    Pistachio Crusted Halibut	 59                                                                       of British Columbia
    LETTERS	59
    Divorcing Peacefully . . . It Is Possible!	                               60               Editor-in-Chief   Val Wilson
    Zahra Jimale                                                                                Legal Editors     Wayne Braid, Ken Sherk
    ASTTBC At a Glance	                                                       62               Administration    Amber Rooke
    ALLIED PROFESSIONALS                                                                        Courier 		        Lightspeed Courier & Logistics
    Committed to Making the World a Better Place 	                            62               Photographer      Gary Wildman
    John Leech, AScT, CAE, Chief Executive Director
    Builder’s Lien Holdbacks for Strata Corporations		                        65                            The Scrivener
    Elaine McCormack                                                                             email:
    STRATAS / SMALL CLAIMS DISPUTES                                                              website:
    Early Intake at the Civil Resolution Tribunal	                            68
    Richard Rogers
                                                                                                    The Society of Notaries Public of BC
                                                                                                               604 681-4516
    Welcome, Christina Dhesi	                                                 69
    TAXES                                                                                                  To send photographs
    The Bank of Mom and Pop                                                                            to The Scrivener, please see
    Buying the First Home	                                                    70
    Andréa Agnoloni                                                                                  the Editor's column on page 33.
    The Bank of Mom and Dad Is Doomed	                                        72               All rights reserved. Contents may not be
    Trevor Todd                                                                                 reprinted or reproduced without written
                                                                                                permission from the publisher.
    Is Authenticity Authentic?	                                               74               This journal is a forum for discussion,
    Rhonda Latreille                                                                            not a medium of official pronouncement.
    TECHNOLOGY                                                                                  The Society does not, in any sense, endorse
    Fun Before the Holidays	                                                  76               or accept responsibility for opinions
    Akash Sablok                                                                                expressed by contributors.
    The Future of Land Surveying in BC	                                       77
    PEOPLE	78
    Where in the World Has The Scrivener Been?	 78

                                                                                                  CANADA POST: PUBLICATIONS MAIL
                                                                                                  AGREEMENT No. 40010827
                The Scrivener: What’s in a Name?                                                  Postage Paid at Vancouver, BC
“A professional penman, a copyist, a scribe . . . a Notary.” Thus the
Oxford English Dictionary describes a Scrivener, the craftsman charged                            RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN
with ensuring that the written affairs of others flow smoothly, seamlessly,                       ADDRESSES TO CIRCULATION DEPT.
and accurately. Where a Scrivener must record the files accurately,                               THE SOCIETY OF NOTARIES
it’s the Notary whose Seal is bond.                                                               PUBLIC OF BC
      We chose The Scrivener as the name of our magazine to celebrate the                         BOX 44
Notary’s role in drafting, communicating, authenticating, and getting the                         SUITE 700 – 625 HOWE STREET
facts straight. We strive to publish articles about points of law and the Notary                  VANCOUVER, BC V6C 2T6
profession for the education and enjoyment of our members, our allied                             SCRIVENER@SOCIETY.NOTARIES.BC.CA
professionals in business, and the public in British Columbia.

Volume 25 Number 3 Fall 2016                    The Scrivener |
                                                                                                                  TABLE OF CONTENTS                5
Inside: FRAUD! - Fall 2016 - BC Notaries

                          BC Notaries:
            Celebrating Our 90th Year of Incorporation

          here have been Notaries             he was elected Social Credit MLA                     Society would discontinue their
                                              for Vancouver Centre, soon serving                   automatic protest against all Notarial
          in British Columbia since           as Chair of the important Private Bill               applications and The Society agreed
          Colonial times.                     Committee and becoming Deputy                        not to increase its membership.
                                              Speaker of the House.
    On August 12, 1926, The Notaries                                                               When Alex Matthew died in 1969,
    Public Association of British Columbia                                                         the Directors chose as provisional
    held its first annual meeting and on                                                           Secretary Bernard Hoeter, PhD, a
    November 2, 1926, The Society of                  On August 12, 1926,                          German-born multilingual academic,
                                                                                                   former Director, and practising Notary.
    Notaries Public of British Columbia               The Notaries Public
    was officially registered in Victoria.                                                         The Directors appointed him pro
                                                     Association of British                        tem until they could find a proper
    Eades Ward was the first full-time
                                                     Columbia held its first                       replacement. Dr. Hoeter remained
    Secretary of the new Society. His                                                              Secretary until his retirement in
    handwritten ledger entries show the                annual meeting…
                                                                                                   1986. An Honourary Life Member,
    membership fee from 1926 to 1932                                                               he continued practising until 1993,
    was $3 per year. In 1933, during the                                                           returning his Seal to The Society rather
    Great Depression, the fee was reduced                                                          than selling it.
    to $2. Ward’s priority was to build the
    membership of The Society. His 1927                                                            Stan Nicol, a former Society President
    membership register showed 626                                                                 (1983 to 1984) took over from Hoeter.
    Notaries enrolled. They practised in                                                           For details, please see Scrivener Vol. 9
    118 BC communities—in places long                                                              No. 2, July 2000.
    forgotten such as Anyox, Beaverdell,
    Jubilee, Nahun, and Renata—but                                                                 BC Notary G. W. Wayne Braid is
    the bulk of the members worked                                                                 the current Chief Executive Officer
    in Vancouver. Ward’s also focused on                                                           and Secretary of The Society of
    educating the members, arranging for                                                           Notaries Public of BC. His diverse
    sessions on law, often with solicitors                                                         responsibilities include guiding
    as lecturers, and had textbooks printed        Society Secretaries Stan Nicol,                 The Society and its member Notaries
                                              Bernard Hoeter, and Wayne Braid in 2002              to fully embrace the wonders of
    and distributed. Ward retired in 1939
    after 13 years of service.                                                                     technology. ProSuite—The Society’s
                                              Under populist Premier W. A. C.                      own legal services software—was
    He was followed by H. E. Warburton,       Bennett, the political scene in Victoria             created through his vision. Wayne
    President of The Society from 1935 to     had changed and Alex Matthew had                     also serves as Executive Officer
    1939. He led The Society through the      considerable political clout. Matthew                of The Notary Foundation.
    World War II years, retiring in 1953.     moved the office of The Society
    That same year, Alexander Matthew,        downtown “to a more reputable                        ACHIEVEMENTS
    a Director of The Society, was            district,” he said.
    appointed Secretary by his fellow         To prevent a clash with the now
    Directors, becoming a Managing-           (politically) strong Notaries, the Law               1926 – 1939
    Director and ruling The Society in        Society, under its Treasurer Elmore                  Actively promoted the incorporation
    true CEO style. This strong-willed        Meredith, and Matthew came to an                     of The Society and started the first
    Scotsman and successful insurance         understanding. In 1955, they shook                   office of The Society and, together
    agent had come to Canada in 1908          hands on an unwritten accord later                   with President Loutet, succeeded
    and moved to Vancouver in 1910,           to be known as the “Gentlemen’s                      in giving early Notaries respectability
    becoming a Notary in 1917. In 1953        Agreement” that provided the Law                     and basic security.

                                              The Society of Notaries Public of British Columbia                  Volume 25 Number 3 Fall 2016
Inside: FRAUD! - Fall 2016 - BC Notaries
WARBURTON                                               KEYNOTE
1940 – 1952
Started the education program
for Notarial Candidates and arranged                                                     Val Wilson
for lectures and had textbooks printed                                               Editor-in-Chief

and distributed.
1953 – 1969
Through his political clout and
finesse, he reached the “Gentlemen’s
Agreement” of 1955. The Law Society
stopped automatically challenging all
Notarial applications.                   Plagiarism
HOETER                                   With today’s technology and
1969 – 1986                              software, words copied verbatim
His background and negotiating           from published works—for example,
skills made him an acceptable            plagiarized text inserted into a postgrad
partner to the Law Society and to        thesis—are much easier to expose.
the BC Government. He steered the        The consequences can be grim.                                               Photo credit: Wallace Studios

Notaries Amendment Act of 1981
                                               A business student caught using
                                                                                             It Was Joyce!
that eliminated the “need” clause and                                                        The Summer 2016 issue of
                                         an author’s words as his own was forced
opened the future for The Society.                                                           The Scrivener (on page 21) featured
                                         to withdraw from the school and was
He instilled an exceptional esprit de                                                        an article by retired BC Notary Joyce
                                         banned for a year. He was fortunate they
corps into the membership. Members                                                           Helweg. The only clues about who
                                         let him return at all. He was disgraced
no longer considered themselves real                                                         wrote the piece are her photo and the
                                         and lost a year of postgraduate studies.
estate or insurance brokers but proud,                                                       fact that her name is part of her URL.
                                         There was no refund of the tuition he
full-time Notaries.                                                                
                                         had paid. He said the mistake cost
NICOL                                    him about $20,000 cash. The year’s                      We would like to acknowledge
1986 – 2000                              delay in being able to start earning                Joyce as the writer. She is
                                         a living amounted to a lot more                     currently working on her third book
He computerized the administration
                                         money than that.                                    of nonfiction! s
of The Society, established the Notary
Foundation, and materially extended           Many people think it is just fine
                                         to copy images—pictures/photos/
the education program for candidates
                                         drawings—from the Internet. Some
                                                                                                Take The Scrivener Survey
and existing Notaries, as well.
He worked tirelessly to promote the      sites say you may use their material                  Dear Readers:
Representation Agreement Act, which      but those sites may or may not own                    BC Notaries are always looking
came into force February 28, 2000.       those images or have the legal right                  for ways to better serve our
                                         to use them. Alert: Copyright law                     public. We would appreciate
BRAID                                    is alive and well on the Internet.                    your feedback on The Scrivener
2000 – Present                               Jennifer Dove ably addressed                      magazine. Please complete the
Wayne Braid has literally taken          “Beware Using Other People’s                          short survey below by Tuesday,
The Society into the 21st century        Pictures” in the Fall 2013 issue                      November 1.
through leading-edge technology and      of The Scrivener on page 70.                               Here is the link to the
an increased focus on education,                                                               survey.
insurance, public and government         Archives:
relations, and many other areas of                                                                  One lucky respondent will
business for The Society and its                                                               be chosen at random to receive
members. He is CEO and Secretary             Why We Say “BC Notaries”
                                                                                               a $250.00 Visa gift card. We’ll
of The Society and Executive Officer       A BC Notary Public can provide                      contact the winner by email on
of the Notary Foundation of BC.                                                                Friday, November 4.
                                           significantly more legal services than
Through his leadership and direction,
                                           Notaries in other provinces, Québec                      Thank you for your input!
The Foundation has broadened the
scope and delivery of services and         excepted. Please see page 58 for a list             Wayne Braid, CEO/Secretary
funding to legal support groups across     of the ways a BC Notary can assist you.             The Society of Notaries Public of BC
British Columbia. s

Volume 25 Number 3 Fall 2016              The Scrivener |
                                                                                                             TABLE OF CONTENTS                                        7
Inside: FRAUD! - Fall 2016 - BC Notaries

                                                                                          Wayne Braid

                   Fraud is Nothing New
                                                                                                                        © Wynn

         electing a theme for each                The messages are becoming more                       It is 1537, a time of revolution
                                              and more sophisticated, so we need                   that sees the greatest changes in
         issue of The Scrivener               to be more and more discerning.                      England. Henry VIII has thrown out the
         is always a challenge                     We receive email that looks exactly
                                                                                                   Catholic Church and the Pope and he
                                                                                                   has proclaimed himself head of the
    and a decision not made lightly.          like a message from our bank or our                  Church of England.
                                              hydro company or one of our online
        Our Fraud theme was no                vendor accounts.                                          As King of England, Henry VIII
    exception. Although Fraud is a                                                                 is fraudulently taking over the
    negative subject, we wanted to provide                                                         monasteries and the churches.
    timely and educational information                 Fraudulent people                           Matthew Shardlake, a lawyer by
    to our readers.                                   and schemes of all                           profession and a man with a physical
                                                                                                   disability, is hired by Cromwell to carry
         As we developed this issue,                 descriptions permeate                         out some of the dissolution. During
    and as the articles and ideas came                   our daily life.                           his work, Shardlake discovers many
    in, I am satisfied that we have done                                                           fraudulent schemes, many rigged
    that. Our editor Val Wilson does an                                                            trials, and many deeds conducted
    exceptional job of choosing articles           Once you look at the origin of
                                                                                                   in a fraudulent and deceitful manner.
    that reflect what is happening in our     the email, however, you immediately
    communities and farther afield.           recognize it is not from iTunes or                        I highly recommend the series
                                              Apple or Amazon; it is an attempt by                 if you like novels with a high degree
         Fraud is a word that immediately     the fraudulent sender to have you click              of intrigue and that are based on
    triggers our inner fears and wariness.    on the link (that of course takes you                historical events with accurate
    Fraudulent people and schemes of all      to their site) and enter your account                descriptions of life during the period.
    descriptions permeate our daily life.     information. Once you do that, they
                                                                                                        My conclusion is that fraud in its
                                              have your credit card information and
         Every day we must be careful,                                                             myriad forms has always been with us
                                              away they go!
    whether we are making a major                                                                  and is simply a fact of life. Others will
    purchase or a small one. Our minds             Each day, newspapers and                        try to take advantage of us in some way.
    immediately ask, Am I being taken?        television reports are full of the latest
                                              scam or fraud that has been inflicted on                 We need to be ever watchful;
    Is this the right price to pay? Does
                                              some unsuspecting consumer or group.                 we also need to teach our children
    this item really do all the things the
                                                                                                   and the vulnerable people in our lives
    salesperson has told me or what the            It’s a difficult task to always be              to be aware of what lurks out there.
    advertising says it will do?              watchful, to always be on the lookout
                                              for the person who might be attempting                   BC Notaries conduct many
         We have good reason to be                                                                 transactions in our province that
    suspect and cautious. I am certain        to get at your money or assets.
                                                                                                   require us to make certain we
    your email inbox and trash bin                The interesting thing about
                                                                                                   determine the authenticity of the
    look like mine—with a multitude           fraud and dishonest behaviour is
                                                                                                   documents before us and the true
    of fraudulent enquiries and offers.       that it has always been with us.
                                                                                                   identity of the individuals before us.
    I receive far more of those unsolicited   I am currently reading a series
    messages than I do regular email—         of books by C. J. Sansom and his                         Our BC Notaries are trained
    everything from selling fake watches      Shardlake series—historical crime                    professionals who have the skills and
    to offers of a sexual nature to free      novels that take us into the darkness                the abilities to carry out the role of
    money and free travel.                    of Tudor life in the 1500s.                          gatekeepers here in British Columbia. s

                                              The Society of Notaries Public of British Columbia                  Volume 25 Number 3 Fall 2016
Inside: FRAUD! - Fall 2016 - BC Notaries

                                                                        Tammy Morin Nakashima

                            We Can All Be
                           Victims of Fraud

       raud is both confounding             but she was away and had asked the                    We are apprised of technologies
                                            nephew to sell the property for her.             for the transfer of funds and the risks
       and frightening.                                                                      of using various techniques.
                                                The nephew’s best intentions
     How can intelligent people be          to help his vacationing aunt                          We have protocols in place
duped? That’s the confounding part.         notwithstanding, signing the                     to ensure the appropriate steps
                                            documents as if he were his aunt                 are followed when real estate is
    The frightening part is that it does
                                            would have constituted fraud.                    being sold or refinanced and money
happen, notwithstanding education
                                            You cannot sign the name of another              changes hands. People are asked
and modern technology.
                                            person on a legal document.                      to seek independent legal advice to
    Of utmost importance is a                                                                protect the integrity of a transaction
watchful eye and the realization that                                                        and ensure that a fraud—a duping—
regardless of the fact that YOU would             How can intelligent                        is not being committed.
never commit a fraud, there are people             people be duped?                              Fraud and trust are at the opposite
out there who would.
                                              That’s the confounding part.                   end of the spectrum. My advice?
    Sometimes a person’s intent may                                                          Educate yourself about electronic
be innocent—innocuous, neutral,                                                              safeguards, computer virus protection,
well-meaning.                                    Legal authorization such as a               and insurance options to protect your
                                            Power of Attorney is needed to manage            portfolio.
     I recall a file long ago where I was
                                            affairs lawfully for another individual.
instructed in the usual manner through                                                           My advice to people like my client
the real estate office to act for the       In the above case, I would not accept
                                                                                             the travelling aunt and her well-
seller of a property. We phoned the         the man’s signature on the house
                                                                                             meaning nephew? Before travelling
seller’s telephone number and asked         transaction. An extension was obtained
                                                                                             or entering into a contract of sale,
for the seller by name—a name that          and the aunt returned to handle her
                                                                                             arrange a personal consultation with
was not gender-specific; we wanted          own sale.
                                                                                             your BC Notary.
to verify that our Notary office was             True fraudsters are experts in their
                                                                                                 Help prevent fraud by appointing
indeed to act for that transaction.         field. They devise means to hack into
                                                                                             someone you trust under a Power
    The person who answered the             your cyber wallet. They steal credit             of Attorney to lawfully sign on your
phone identified himself as the property    cards and bank cards, jeopardizing               behalf for your house sale, your
owner and confirmed that our office was     your finances.                                   insurance, or your tax return, in case
to do the conveyance for the sale.                Because the reality of fraud exists,       you become ill, detained, or otherwise
     We duly prepared the documents         it is important to identify the safety           unable to handle your affairs.
and made an appointment for the             measures you can implement to avoid                   Designate a decision-maker
seller to come to the Notary office         becoming a victim. Working with                  through your Representation
to sign the papers.                         accredited professionals is a good start.        Agreement so you have the right
     To follow the usual security               BC Notaries are educated about               person protecting your best interests.
protocols, at our meeting I asked to        the current risks and the techniques             In that legal document, you can
see the seller’s identification. The ID     fraudsters use. We follow FINTRAC                specify the way you wish your health
presented did not match the name            compliance rules as a precautionary              care to be maintained and managed.
of the registered owner of the property.    means of protecting our clients’                      And when you suspect you are
When I probed, the man before me            identity in their real estate and                at risk, seek advice from your Trusted
explained that his aunt was the owner       financial transactions.                          Professional. s

Volume 25 Number 3 Fall 2016                 The Scrivener |
                                                                                                            TABLE OF CONTENTS          9
Inside: FRAUD! - Fall 2016 - BC Notaries
                                                                                                  Nigel Atkin

               On Intellectual Fraud

       raud has many roots,                                                                          on all continents in three broad
                                                   …a consumptive diet                               categories—mobsters, warlords,
       but one of them stems                    of propaganda, distraction,                          and oligarchs.
       from weakened minds                     and inconsistent information                              Those enemies of democracy
 nurtured by the fraudulent use                 can damage public intellect                          have many long-term goals for eroding
                                                                                                     strong democratic states that are duty
 of information.                                   and erode a nation’s                              bound to control and regulate their
                                                       democracy.                                    actions.
     Just as high levels of lead can
 damage the intellectual development                                                                      The distortion and erosion is in their
 of children, a consumptive diet                 But, while pursuing the ideals of                   interests in the same way that terror and
 of propaganda, distraction, and             democracy has given tangible hope                       chaos are in the interests of ideologues
 inconsistent information can damage         to millions more people, the chaotic                    who are challenged by the “order” hard
 public intellect and erode a nation’s       transitions from former totalitarian                    won, leading to the obedience to the
 democracy.                                  systems are not always immediately                      rule and the spirit of law.
     Buying-in to fraudulent facts,          free of fraud and corruption.                           Democracy Erodes
 data, and reason at any level has dire          And, at the same time,                              To understand what institutions can
 consequences.                               in established, apparently stable                       be eroded, consider some of the more
                                             democracies, people empowered by the                    common ideals of democracy.
 Taking Fraud to Extremes
                                             evolving possibilities of communication                  •	Government is based on the
 It’s not difficult to imagine the extreme   technology can also threaten our                            consent of the governed and the
 manifestations of fraud.                    highest ideals of government.                               ultimate sovereignty in government
      Internationally, there are many        As Oligarchs Rise                                           belongs to the people. People
 examples where small groups of                                                                          elect government representatives.
 powerful people, usually men, govern        With ever-expanding global
                                             opportunities for accumulating wealth                    •	While the majority rules, minorities
 societies through conspiracy, crime,
                                             through unbridled capitalism and                            have rights and human rights are
 violence, and the manipulative devices
                                             other means, some individuals have                          guaranteed.
 of propaganda.
                                             embraced greed to secure power and                       •	There is individual equality before
     In recent history, following the        profit by exploiting new markets in                         the Courts. That is sacrosanct
 decline of Communism and the                home countries and abroad.                                  and along with due process must
 breakup of its totalitarian flagship,
                                                  Without the institutions and the                       be delivered by justices, again
 the Soviet Union, and many of its
                                             individuals to deliver the many aspects                     following the rule of law.
 surrogates ruled by dictators, the
 concept and practice of democracy           of democracy, metaphorical weeds                         •	There are constitutional limits
 has actually expanded in places such        will grow.                                                  on government that conform
 as Poland and Ukraine and in many               Within traditional and new                              to governance initiated by
 other countries—in Africa, Asia, and        “freedoms,” some old and new                                pluralistic social, political,
 elsewhere.                                  enemies of democracy have arisen                            and economic forces.

                                             The Society of Notaries Public of British Columbia                      Volume 25 Number 3 Fall 2016
“There’s a sucker
                                                    born every minute.”
 •	Democracy is often visually                                                                 When fewer people participate
    depicted as being held up                                                               in democracy, vested interests—
    by four pillars—the judiciary,         Name Calling                                     many of them corrupt—benefit.
    the executive, the legislative,        Commonly known as talking trash,                      It is our duty to stay awake
    and the media.                         simplistically denigrating or belittling         to the accuracy of the information
 •	Democracy is predicated                a rival                                          we consume. Society swims in a sea
    on an informed electorate.             Testimonials                                     of propaganda. In that rising deluge,
     Concepts that we promote—             A respected and otherwise famous                 by consuming vast quantities of
critical thinking, transparency, and an    person associated with the product               deliberate distraction, public ability
informed electorate—are antithesis to      or person (The opposite would be guilt           to discern is quickly eroding.
those who thrive in an anti-intellectual   by association.)                                      As well, when the values associated
theatre of fraud.                                                                           with greed are sold to people and
                                           Plain Folks                                      become dominant in a society, rights
Aspects of Propaganda
                                           Appealing to normal folk, the regular            and regulations governed through
History is unfortunately replete with      people with common values of family,             democratic institutions corrode,
examples of political campaigns that       health, and service                              thereby making the road ahead easier
used some and all of the techniques
                                           Bandwagon                                        for mobsters, warlords, and oligarchs.
of propaganda to not so jokingly
                                                                                            They hate the voice of an educated,
answer the old cartoon question,           Get on board and be part of the group.
                                                                                            well-informed, and reasoned people,
“What’s Democracy?” And the student        Who wouldn’t want to be part of that
                                                                                            just as they do a functioning democracy.
raises her hand. “Democracy is the         movement?
freedom to elect our own Dictators.”                                                        An Antidote to Fraud
In history, that is not uncommon.          Card-Stacking
                                           Overt information manipulation                   It pays to be vigilant, suspicious
     Students of mass communication                                                         of vested interests, to question
                                           to embellish a product or person
and propaganda know that “the brain                                                         everything and to be aware of the
                                           by unfair comparison or distorting
follows the eye” and that public                                                            consequences of losing the values
                                           or omitting facts
relations practitioners managing the                                                        and traditions we hold dear.
consumption of messages are ethically      Distraction
responsible for the consequences of                                                              Education and experience can
                                           Diverting attention away from                    thwart those who thrive in the imagery
changing a population’s attitudes,         a critically important issue by imposing
beliefs, and behaviours.                                                                    of manufactured intellectual fraud.
                                           an interesting yet trivial concept for           It pays to teach our children how to
    Some other people using the            public focus. Exploiting a population            spot a scoundrel in their midst, as well
same communication tools can exploit       self-enamored by the latest technology           as on an international stage.
human nature with manipulative             can also be considered an effective
intent, the open gullibility of people     use of distraction.                                   Intellectual discernment through
a constant target.                                                                          critical thinking, applying the tools
                                                All the above and many more                 for determining the moral fitness
    People want to believe and often       techniques of propaganda are used                of a decision, the ongoing study
accept what they hear and see.             daily in the blending international              and practice of ethics, professional
The phrase attributed to conmen,           realms of marketing, advertising,                development in our chosen fields,
gamblers, and specifically the great       business, and politics.                          and becoming more widely read
American showman of the mid-19th                                                            in the classics, and participating
                                                Distraction alone does not bode
Century, P. T. Barnum, sums it up:                                                          in community events are all part
                                           well for an institution reliant on an
“There’s a sucker born every minute.”                                                       of fighting fraud, all part of nurturing
                                           informed electorate.
    Knowing some of the techniques                                                          our great democracies. s
is part of the antidote. Here are the           What might seem an innocent
                                           misstatement by an academic,                     Nigel Atkin teaches the Evolution
more common forms of propaganda
used in advertising and in political       economic, religious, or political leader         of Public Relations course online at UVic.
campaigns.                                 at first can be accepted or dismissed            He offers on-site communication
                                           by a naïve public unaware of that                workshops to leverage human capital
Glittering Generalities                    leader’s desired consequences.                   and exploit the multiplier effect
High praises for people or                 A politician’s goal may not be to                of becoming better communicators.
products, wrapping them with               win the election but to weaken the
words of patriotism, love, and other       voters’ resolve to even participate    
emotive imagery                            in democracy.                                    Telephone: 250 889-3349

Volume 25 Number 3 Fall 2016                The Scrivener |
                                                                                                           TABLE OF CONTENTS           11
                                                                                     Sandra Gail Walker

                   Where There is Fraud,
                     There is Always
                    Money Laundering!

       raud is a type of                         A money laundering offence may                       Not every one of those elements
                                             also extend to property or proceeds                  must be present to suggest that fraud
       criminal activity defined             derived from illegal activities that took            has been committed. If, however,
       as abuse of position                  place outside Canada.                                the first element (intent) is present,
                                                                                                  together with one or more of those
 or false representation or                                                                       elements, it is very probable that
 prejudicing someone’s rights                    Put simply, fraud is an act                      criminal activity has occurred.

 for personal gain.                              of deception intended for                        Common Elements of Fraud
                                                 personal gain or to cause                        While it is not possible or even
      Put simply, fraud is an act of              a loss to another party.                        necessary to list all the types of fraud,
 deception intended for personal gain                                                             all have five common elements.
 or to cause a loss to another party.
                                                  BC Notaries and British Columbia                1. Intent (to knowingly commit a
     Fraud, like other crimes, can best                                                               wrongful act or achieve a purpose
 be explained by three factors.              Notary Corporations are subject to
                                                                                                      inconsistent with law or public
                                             the obligations under the Proceeds
     1.	A supply of motivated offenders                                                              policy)
                                             of Crime (Money Laundering) and
 2.	The availability of suitable targets    Terrorist Financing Act, when they                   		 Intent must be shown in fraud
                                             engage in any of the following activities                 matters. Intent is rarely self-
 3.	The absence of capable guardians                                                                  evident and must be demonstrated
                                             on behalf of any individual or entity
     or a control system to “mind the                                                                  by showing a pattern of activity.
                                             (other than their employer) or give
     store”                                                                                            Some of the most common ways
                                             instructions on behalf of any individual
     Under Canadian law, a money             or entity (other than their employer).                    to show intent include proving
 laundering offence involves various                                                                   that the accused
                                              •	Receiving or paying funds (other
 acts committed with the intent to                                                                		•	had no legitimate motive
                                                 than those received or paid for
 conceal or convert property or the                                                                    for the activities;
                                                 professional fees, disbursements,
 proceeds of property (such as money),
                                                 expenses, or bail)                               		•	repeatedly engaged in the
 knowing or believing they were derived
 from the commission of a designated          •	Purchasing or selling securities,                     same or similar activity of
 offence.                                        real estate, or business assets                       an apparent wrongful nature;
                                                 or entities                                      		•	made conflicting statements;
     In this context, a designated
 offence means most serious offences          •	Transferring funds or securities                 		•	made admissions;
 under the Criminal Code or any other            by any means
                                                                                                  		•	acted to impede the
 federal Act.                                     Fraud against a company can                          investigation of the offence;
      Money-laundering includes, but         be committed either internally by
                                                                                                  		•	made statements he or she
 is not limited to, activities relating to   employees, managers, officers, or
                                                                                                       clearly knew to be false.
 illegal drug trafficking, bribery, fraud,   owners of the company, or externally
 forgery, murder, robbery, counterfeit       by customers, vendors, and other                     2. D
                                                                                                      isguise of purpose (falsities
 money, stock manipulation, tax              parties. Other schemes defraud                          and misrepresentations employed
 evasion, and copyright infringement.        individuals, rather than organizations.                 to accomplish the scheme)

                                             The Society of Notaries Public of British Columbia                  Volume 25 Number 3 Fall 2016
Disguise of purpose refers to the
  concealment or misrepresentation
  of the goal or purpose in the
                                             #101 – 5701 Granville Street   MERCEDES WONG, ccim, fri, ri
  transaction.                               Vancouver, BC V6M 4J7          Personal Real Estate Corporation
                                             Office: 778-379-7570           President, Commercial Division
		•	Misrepresentation is usually
     shown by the fact that a               Direct: 604-734-3816
     representation was made                                      
     and that it was false, either
     by omission or commission.           Remember: You have a friend in Real Estate. For all your needs, Call Mercedes!   604-808-2571
		•	Overt activities of threats
     or violence can be avoided.
     If successful, the victim may
     never realize that he or she has
     been defrauded.
		•	Disguise of purpose is in
     keeping with the calculated
     fraudulent crime, rather than
     the spontaneous nature of other
     types of criminal activities.
3. R
    eliance by the offender on the
   ignorance or carelessness of the
   victim is often necessary for the
   fraud to occur.
		•	Usually, the criminal will
     not go forward with the
     fraud unless he or she feels
     confident that the victim will
     not discover the crime.
4. Voluntary victim cooperation
     to assist the offender merely
     highlights the fact that the               TheWESA                                    Trevor Todd is an old hat (and trusted
                                                                                           expert) at estate litigation who believes
     success of the fraudulent scheme           changed.
     often depends on the cooperative                                                      the new law is a game-changer- for
     assistance of those who are                And it's a                                 his business and for your inheritance.
     victimized by it (a company and/or         sweeping
     individual). Unlike street crimes,                                                    Call Trevor to get a jumpstart on
     most fraud victims are persuaded           change.                                    the changes. He knows them inside
     to assist in some manner.                                                             and out. Plus he loves to listen and
		•	Proof that the victim assisted                                                        to talk- a lot.
     the offender is usually not
     difficult to obtain from the
		•	It is important to ascertain the
     exact circumstances regarding
     the fraud from the victim,
     clearly drawing out what made
     the fraud possible.
    In the case of employee thefts,
the victim company entrusted the care
of assets to the subject.

Volume 25 Number 3 Fall 2016             The Scrivener |
                                                                                                                  TABLE OF CONTENTS       13
Identity Theft
      One way to conceal a fraud                     Identity theft is the                         Identity theft is the appropriation
         scheme is to commit an                   appropriation of another’s                        of another’s personal information
         offence that is too small                   personal information                           without his or her knowledge to
                                                                                                    commit crime as that person.
        to be recognized as fraud                 without their knowledge to                        For example, money laundering allows
              by the victim.                     commit crime as that person.                       criminals to conceal the proceeds of
                                                                                                    profit-based illicit activity, while stolen
                                                                                                    or false identities conceal the true
 5. C
     oncealment of the offence. It is the      •	Worldwide, the vast majority                     identity of the perpetrator of crime.
    cornerstone of fraud. As opposed to            of fraudsters are male. Instances
    traditional criminals, who make no             of fraud involving males versus                  Identity Theft Includes the Following.
    effort to conceal their crimes, fraud          females are more evenly                           •	Theft of personal identity
    perpetrators take steps to keep their                                                               information and related financial
                                                   distributed in the United States
    victims ignorant.                                                                                   information, such as their name,
                                                   and Canada, while in Asia, the
         ne way to conceal a fraud scheme
        O                                          Middle East, and Africa there are                    date of birth, current or previous
        is to commit an offence that is too                                                             addresses
                                                   more male fraudsters than female
        small to be recognized as fraud            fraudsters.                                       •	Assuming another identity
        by the victim. In embezzlement                                                                  for fraudulent purposes
        cases, for example, the amount          •	Before committing a crime, more
                                                   than 50 percent of fraudsters work                •	Producing false identities and
        of money taken at any one time is
                                                   for their organization for 3 to 10                   financial documents to enable
        usually small, relative to the total
                                                   years and about 25 percent work                      other crimes
        company assets. By demonstrating
        a continuing pattern of thefts, the        for their organization for more than             Three Ways Personal Information
        concealment aspect can be shown.           10 years. On average, it takes 1 to              is Appropriated
         o hide their actions, fraud
        T                                          2 years before a fraudulent act is                • Forged Documents
        perpetrators often create complex          discovered.                                      		Documents that are genuine but
        financial trails. The more obscure     Personal Characteristics of Fraudsters                  have been altered in some way,
        the act, the greater the likelihood                                                            for example, photograph substitute
        it will not be detected. Some fraud     •	Living beyond their means
                                                                                                     • Counterfeit Documents
        cases involve fraudulent invoices       •	Overwhelming desire for                          		Documents where no part has
        and journal entries. Concealment           personal gain                                       been produced legitimately, for
        in those types of cases can often                                                              example, counterfeit passports,
                                                •	High amount of personal debt
        be proven by the fact that the                                                                 driver’s licences, and credit cards
        entries had no purpose other than       •	Closely associated with customers
        to conceal.                                                                                    Fraudulently obtained genuine
                                                •	Feeling their pay is not                            documents
 Understanding Fraud Perpetrators:                 commensurate with their job                      		Genuine documents that have
 Typical Profile                                   duties                                              been improperly obtained or
     •	They are usually very educated          •	Wheeler-dealer attitude                             obtained through legitimate
        and intelligent, have a high                                                                   channels but using improper
                                                •	Strong challenge/urge to beat the                   details
        social status, and are respected
        members in their community                 system
                                                                                                         Identity theft is a key enabler for
     •	Half of fraudsters are between the      •	Excessive gambling habits                        serious and organized crime groups
        ages of 31 and 45. The majority         •	Feeling pressure from family                     and facilitates offences in nearly all
        work in the accounting, finance,           or peers                                         crime markets. It undermines the
        executive/upper management,                                                                 integrity of the economy, financial
                                                •	Feeling a lack of recognition                    and banking institutions, and the
        operations, or sales sectors of
        an organization.                           for job performance                              immigration and welfare systems.
     •	Individuals in those roles often            Restricting opportunity is the key                   Organized criminals capitalize on
        have authorized access to sensitive    to preventing all fraud, be it internal or           every opportunity to exploit technology
        information and assets. Those in       external. Creating opportunity creates               to commit identity theft/crime. They
        management roles usually have the      risk, whether that’s from fraud, theft,              will use professionals or facilitators
        power of management override.          or robbery.                                          to help them commit their crimes,

                                               The Society of Notaries Public of British Columbia                    Volume 25 Number 3 Fall 2016
Additionally, credit application            Top Methods Fraudsters
       Any account could be                 processes are increasingly vulnerable            Use to take over an Account
     taken over by fraudsters,              to third-party application fraud                 1.	Notification of a change
                                            because personal information                         of physical address
          including bank,                   commonly used for passwords and
                                                                                             2.	Adding his or her name as a
      credit card, email, and               identity verification is no longer
                                                                                                 registered user on the account
      other service providers.              concealed. Much of this information is
                                            easily accessible on the Internet or via         3.	Changing the email address
                                            social media; sophisticated fraudsters               on an account
including information technology            abuse it to commit application fraud.            4.	Obtaining a debit or credit card
experts, individuals who specialize in                                                           with his or her name
identity theft, or those who can steal                                                       5. Changing the phone number
credit card numbers and hand them                    Application fraud                       6.	Changing the password
off to someone who makes fake cards.               is a rapidly growing                          to an online account
Identity Fraud                                 problem around the world.                     7.	Changing the PIN on a card
Identity Fraud can be described as               Economic hardship has                       8.	Obtaining cheques
the use of that stolen identity (identity      driven increasing numbers                     Mortgage Fraud
theft) in criminal activity to obtain                                                        Defined by the Canadian Institute
goods or services by deception. It             of overindebted individuals
                                                                                             of Mortgage Brokers & Lenders
is the actual deceptive use of the                to misrepresent their                      as “The material misstatement,
identity information of another person           qualifications for credit.                  misrepresentation or omission relied
(living or dead) in connection with                                                          upon by an underwriter or lender to
various frauds.                                                                              fund, purchase or insure a mortgage
                                                 Financial institutions are further
It is divided into two broad categories.    vulnerable to fraud attacks since                loan,” mortgage fraud occurs when
                                            customers expect a rapid response                individuals defraud a Financial
1. Application Fraud                                                                         Institution or private lender through
                                            to credit applications, even via those
2. Account Takeover                         channels that don’t require face-                the mortgage process.

Fraudsters can use the stolen identity      to-face proof of applicant identity.             Two Main Types
details to do the following.                Those factors, combined with                     1.	Opportunistic Mortgage Fraud
                                            other emerging trends, undermine                     is referred to a fraud for shelter.
 •	Open bank accounts.                     the security of credit application                •	Individual purchasers attempt
 •	Obtain credit cards, loans, and         processes.                                           to obtain a higher mortgage than
    government benefits.                                                                         they are entitled/qualified to have.
                                                 At the same time, advances such
 •	Order goods in the victim’s name.       as chip and PIN technology have made              •	People may provide untrue or
                                            it harder to commit transactional                    misleading information or fail
 •	Take over existing accounts.                                                                 to disclose required information.
                                            fraud, so fraudsters are increasingly
 •	Take out mobile phone contracts.        turning to application fraud attacks.             •	They are usually determined
                                                                                                 to meet monthly repayments.
 •	Obtain genuine documents, such              Account takeover can happen
    as passports and driver’s licences,                                                       •	Scheme begins to crack
                                            when a fraudster or computer criminal
    in the victim’s name.                                                                        between 12 and 24 months.
                                            poses as a genuine customer, gains
                                            control of an account, then makes                2.	Organized Mortgage Fraud is
    Stealing an individual’s identity                                                            referred to as fraud for profit.
details does not, on its own, constitute    unauthorized transactions.
                                                                                              •	Fraud committed to further
identity fraud. Using that identity for     •	Any account could be taken over                   other criminal activities
any of the above activities does.              by fraudsters, including bank,                 •	More sophisticated and can
Application Fraud                              credit card, email, and other                     involve several properties
                                               service providers.
Application fraud is a rapidly growing                                                        •	Committed by criminal groups
problem around the world. Economic          •	Online banking accounts are                       or individuals
hardship has driven increasing                 usually taken over as a result of              •	Usually requires the assistance of
numbers of overindebted individuals            phishing, spyware, or malware                     “dirty” industry professionals, such
to misrepresent their qualifications           scams. That is a form of Internet                 as brokers, lawyers, appraisers,
for credit.                                    crime or computer crime.                          real estate agents, and so on

Volume 25 Number 3 Fall 2016                 The Scrivener |
                                                                                                           TABLE OF CONTENTS         15
We are excited to announce our partnership
                 with Emergent to bring you a Wills solution                                     Examples
                        integrated with                                                          • Flip Fraud
                                                                                                 • Fraudulent Mortgage Discharge

                 BC ESTATE PLANNING                                                              • Title Theft

                                          by                                                     • Condo Conversion
                                                                                                 • Appraisal Fraud
                                                                                                 •	Foreclosure Fraud/Mortgage
        Enjoy time-saving features like importing client information                                Rescue
        from ProSuite and creating mirrored documents with a                                     • Reverse Mortgage Fraud
        single click.
                                                                                                 • Mortgage Servicing Fraud
        Put the power of two innovative programs to work for you!
                                                                                                      Be aware of the customer who
        SUPPORTING YOUR SUCCESS.                                                                 tries to engage you in conversation
                                                                                                 when you are examining their
                                                                                                 identity documents, cheques, and
                                                                                                 so on. That is a tactic to disrupt
                                                                                                 your concentration.
                                                                                                     If you are interested in learning
                                   DOPROCESS.COM                                                 more about fraud, ABCsolutions has a
                                                                                                 detailed fraud training program. Please
                                                                                                 email s
                                                                                                 Sandra Gail Walker has been in the
                                                                                                 business of social science research and
                                                                                                 program evaluation since 1987. She has
                                          You and your clients                                   undertaken a wide variety of empirical
                                                                                                 research studies, impact evaluations,
                                          can always be there                                    mid-term reviews, feasibility studies,
                                               for them.                                         and needs analyses in the criminal
                                                                                                 justice, policing, finance, money
                                                                                                 laundering, and human resources fields.
                                                                                                 Gail has an MA (Educational Psychology,
                                                                                                 Honours) and a BSN (Honours with
                                                                                                 Distinction), both from the University
                                                                                                 of Victoria, BC.
                                                                                                 Since 2000 she has been in charge
                                                                                                 of subscriber and education services
                                                                                                 for About Business Crime Solutions.
                                                                                                 ABCsolutions has become the
     Give a second chance at a happy life. . . there is no better gift you can                   recognized information and training
     make to an animal in need. Include a gift in your Will or designate a life                  resource assisting those sectors
     insurance policy to the BC SPCA to set tails wagging!                                       impacted by Canada’s Proceeds of
                                                                                                 Crime (Money Laundering) and
     Visit us today at or contact                                             Terrorist Financing Act, including
     Yolanda Benoit                                                                              BC Notaries. Gail is the lead developer                                                                          on all courses for the Canadian Anti-
     1.800.665.1868                                                                              Money Laundering Institute (CAMLI).
                                        Charitable Registration # 11881 9036 RR0001

                                            The Society of Notaries Public of British Columbia                  Volume 25 Number 3 Fall 2016

        Deterring Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing

       he Financial Transactions            mitigate the risk of your business               The compliance program consists
                                            being used for money laundering                  of the following.
       and Reports Analysis                 or terrorist financing. The success              •	Appointing a compliance officer
       Centre of Canada,                    of Canada’s anti-money laundering                   who knows the business’s
                                            and anti-terrorism financing regime                 obligations and has access
known as FINTRAC, and                       is dependent on the collaboration                   to the necessary resources
31,000 businesses across the                between reporting entities and                      to implement the program
country have a role to play                                                                  •	Developing and maintaining
                                                 FINTRAC produces actionable                    a training program
in the detection, prevention,               financial intelligence relevant to
                                                                                             •	Assessing and mitigating money
and deterrence of money                     investigations of money laundering
                                                                                                laundering and terrorist financing
                                            (including in the context of fraud
laundering and the financing                                                                    risks by means of a risk-based
                                            offences), terrorism financing, and
                                                                                                approach (RBA)
of terrorist activities.                    threats to the security of Canada.
                                            Research and analysis identifies trends          •	Having in place up-to-date
Financial Intelligence                      and patterns in money laundering and                compliance policies and
                                            terrorist financing that are useful to              procedures
Criminals, including fraudsters, bring
illicit funds into the Canadian financial   domestic and international partners.             FINTRAC has designed an RBA Guide
system using methods and techniques                                                          to help businesses implement effective
                                            Recent Amendments to the Law
to disguise them as legitimate financial                                                     measures and monitor the money
                                            In June 2016, FINTRAC published                  laundering and terrorist financing risks
                                            a new guideline on how reporting                 that may be encountered as part of
     For example, in real estate            entities are to ascertain the identity           activities and business relationships.
transactions, common methods used           of clients to conform with the recent            For example, businesses can ask the
by criminals to launder illicit funds       amendments to the Proceeds of                    following questions.
include the undervaluing or overvaluing     Crime (Money Laundering) and
                                                                                             •	Do the services you provide allow
of property; rapid successive buying        Terrorist Financing Act (PCMLTFA).
                                                                                                your client to engage in high-risk
and selling; and the use of third           While businesses can continue to
parties or companies that distance          use the old methods to ascertain the
the transaction from the criminal           identity of clients during the transition        •	Could your own office location,
source of funds.                            period, the new methods are to be                   the countries to which you transfer
                                            implemented effective June 30, 2017.                funds, and the countries from
     Some professional services,
                                                                                                which you receive funds pose
including those of BC Notaries,                  In the amended regulations, there              a high risk for money laundering
accountants, real estate agents,            are three ways to ascertain the identity            and terrorism financing activities?
and financial advisors, may be used         of a client.
without those professionals knowing                                                          •	Do you provide services
                                            •	Photo identification:                            to foreign clients?
the cash may come from criminal
                                               Refer to photo identification
sources.                                                                                     •	Do you deal primarily with
                                               issued by government.
     Suspicious transaction reports                                                             high-end real estate purchased
                                            •	Credit file: Refer to a Canadian                 or sold by clients in countries
(for both completed and attempted
                                               credit file in existence for at least            with currency restrictions?
suspicious financial transactions)
                                               3 years.                                          A strong compliance program
submitted to FINTRAC by reporting
entities are a key part of the financial    •	Dual process: Refer to information            and risk-based approach provides
intelligence matrix.                           from two independent and reliable             a solid foundation for compliance
    The establishment of a strong              sources.                                      with the PCMLTFA obligations to keep
compliance program and the                                                                   records, ascertain identity, and report
                                                As of June 30, 2017, those will
implementation of an effective risk-                                                         to FINTRAC. s
                                            be the only acceptable methods to
based approach lead to effective            identify clients. Compliance programs            Julie Rozon is Senior Compliance
transaction reporting and can               must be updated accordingly.                     Officer with FINTRAC.

Volume 25 Number 3 Fall 2016                 The Scrivener |
                                                                                                            TABLE OF CONTENTS           17
                                                                                         Brian Trainor



                    Protecting Money from Theft
         uring my time with                       The teller, who knew the senior                      In the debriefing that followed the
                                             well, suspected undue influence on                   situation, I asked the branch manager
         a local credit union as             the part of the son toward his mother                to tell me what had taken place.
         a fraud educator in my              and approached her supervisor prior                  •	He advised that the teller had
                                             to handing over the cash.                               approached her supervisor
 post-policing career, I became
                                                 “He won’t let Agnes say a word                      with her concerns.
 involved in a case of suspected             and he answers all the questions                     •	The supervisor went to him
 financial abuse against a                   I asked her. She seems scared of him.                   with the same concerns.
                                             That’s not the Agnes I know,” the teller
 member of the credit union.                 whispered to her supervisor, eyeing                  •	He looked at the matter, felt there
                                             the pair standing at her wicket a short                 was nothing the branch could
     A teller was approached by a            distance away.                                          do since the son held a POA,
 woman in her 80s accompanied by her                                                                 gave the money to the son, then
 son, who did all the talking. The young                                                             simply reported the transaction to
 man demanded the withdrawal of                 The young man demanded                               FINTRAC, the federal government
 thousands of dollars from the mother’s        the withdrawal of thousands                           agency responsible for tracking all
 savings account, waving a Power of                                                                  financial dealings over the amount
                                               of dollars from the mother’s                          of $10,000, as directed by law.
 Attorney designation in the teller’s face
 as proof he was entitled to handle his          savings account, waving                              Based on Court decisions made
 mother’s financial transactions. He              a Power of Attorney…                            by the Supreme Court of Canada
 was the designated attorney.                                                                     in cases involving such incidents,

                                             The Society of Notaries Public of British Columbia                   Volume 25 Number 3 Fall 2016
The implied duty of care
                                                 in the banker-customer
I felt the branch manager had not              relationship encompasses
done enough to determine whether
the senior member was being taken              within it a duty of inquiry
advantage of financially. In essence,           where circumstances are
the branch manager had placed                   such that the suspicions
the credit union at the risk of being                         LLP                          MACKENZIE FUJISAWA LLP
financially liable for any losses                of a reasonable banker                    BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS
incurred by that member because                      would be raised.
he did not carry out due diligence.
Case Law                                        Those involved in the issuance of
Canadian Courts have tackled the issue     a Power of Attorney and the execution           Proud to be serving
                                           of financial transactions emanating
of what the responsibility should be of
those involved in handling the finances    from the POA—the transfer of                    The Society, BC Notaries,
of others. The execution of a Power of     land, stocks and bonds, Wills, and
                                           guardianship applications—should
                                                                                           and Their Clients with
Attorney designation by the attorney
can affect the businesses that deal with   be mindful of protecting themselves
                                           against future accusations of not
some aspect of the grantor’s personal
finances. Those businesses are all cogs    performing their duty to make enquiry           • Motor vehicle accident
                                           as the Courts have stated above.
in the wheel of that responsibility.
                                                In Selanger United Rubber Estates
    Though the cases described
below refer to the banking industry,       v. Craddock et al, Judge Ungoed-
they have general applications for all     Thomas, after reviewing the leading
businesses that deal with the public       cases, reiterated the proper principle          • Real estate litigation;
and specifically older adults.             at page 1117 as follows.

     In 1975, in a decision by the         Selanger United Rubber Estates
BC Court of Appeal in the case of          v. Craddock et al                               • Probate of estates;
Groves-Raffin Construction Ltd. et         	The implied duty of care in the
al v. Bank of Nova Scotia et al, the         banker-customer relationship
following summary was written.               encompasses within it a duty
Groves-Raffin Construction Ltd. v. Bank      of inquiry where circumstances                • Estate litigation;
of Nova Scotia (1975) 64 D.L.R. (3d) 78      are such that the suspicions of a
(BCCA)                                       reasonable banker would be raised.

	A banker’s duty to his customers              o it seems to me that the
                                               S                                           • Contract disputes.
  involves not only the primary                standard of care is that which
  and axiomatic obligation to carry            bankers might reasonably be
  out its function as a banker to              expected to take according to the
  honour and pay its cheques                   ordinary practice of bankers. The
  when funds are on credit, but to             test thus seems clearly to be an
  exercise such care as a reasonable           objective test of reasonableness.
  banker would consider requisite              What intervention is appropriate
  to ensure that what is suspicious            in that exercise of reasonable
  or questionable is queried. So the           care and skill again depends
  duty of care may involve in some             on circumstances. Where it is
  circumstances a duty to make                 to enquire, then failure to make
                                                                                               QUANG T.          BRIAN C.
  enquiry. The test is an objective            enquiry is not excused by the                    DUONG            POSTON
  one—that of a reasonable banker.             conviction that the enquiry would
                                               be futile, or that the answer would
    The BC Court of Appeal is saying           be false.
that not only is a bank responsible                                                           1600 – 1095 West Pender Street
to carry out its day-to-day business       Imperial Bank (1936)                                   Vancouver, BC V6E 2M6
as a bank, it is also tasked with          A bank permitting withdrawals on                      Phone: (604) 689-3281
making enquiries where circumstances       a general power of attorney under                        Fax: (604) 685-6494
indicate a reasonable banker should        circumstances of knowledge and                 
do so.                                     suspicion by the bank that the holder

Volume 25 Number 3 Fall 2016               The Scrivener |
                                                                                                      TABLE OF CONTENTS        19
of power of attorney was committing        RCMP Economic Crime Unit, I never                        clear that neither party is willing
 a breach of trust, for the purposes of     once saw a FINTRAC report. FINTRAC                       to concede, 1 of 2 things happens
 enabling the latter to use the funds       is not concerned with a senior losing                    . . . the police are called in to
 to pay a debt he owed to the bank,         $10,000 or even $1,000,000 dollars.                      investigate the possibility of theft
 constitutes a misappropriation of the      If it doesn’t involve organized crime                    or fraud on the part of the attorney
 depositor’s money sufficient to make       and/or illegal drugs, it is duly noted                   or the grantor or the grantor’s
 the bank accountable to the aggrieved      and filed. Yes, you must report it, but                  family sues the attorney in Civil
 depositor.                                 that’s as far as it goes.                                Court for loses.
      Although those cases pertain          Fiduciary Responsibility                             •	The lawyer responsible for drawing
 to the banking industry, they are                                                                  up the POA may also be called
                                            I lecture financial planners across
 applicable to any industry that involves                                                           to task to explain how he or she
                                            this country on those matters from
 dealing with legal documents such as                                                               determined capacity at the time
                                            Vancouver to Ottawa, Toronto,                           of the signing of the POA.
 a Power of Attorney agreement. People
                                            Fredericton, Trail, and Swift Current.
 involved with the public must become                                                            •	The bank will definitely be
                                            I place emphasis on the Fiduciary
 aware of how their interactions and                                                                involved in the law suit as a party
                                            Responsibility area of the equation
 decisions can impact not only their                                                                to the offence as will any other
 clients and customers, but also their      rather than on the Regulatory
                                            Obligation.                                             businesses or professionals who
 own businesses.                                                                                    became involved in the matters
                                                 Not doing due diligence in                         before the Courts.
      The instructions provided can
                                            protecting senior clients’ money
 leave professionals open to legal action                                                        •	It will be up to those groups to
 if they fail to support their fiduciary    could be the end of a career and the
                                            beginning of a lot of grief through the                 prove they did their due diligence
 responsibility—to protect the client to                                                            in preventing the financial abuse.
 the best of their ability from financial   Civil Courts.
 loss due to fraud or theft or poor                                                                   Now here’s the crux of the matter.
                                                I’ve run into the following scenario
 financial decisions.                                                                            How do you defend yourself in Court
                                            in my time investigating POA abuse.
                                                                                                 when the notes made by some
 Regulatory Obligations                     •	Mom gives her son a POA through                   occupations, such as the legal and
                                               a lawyer. All seems on the up and                 medical professions, are regarded as
 FINTRAC’s main area of focus is on
 organized crime and the illegal drug          up until one day, the care facility               client-privileged? You cannot reveal
 trade.                                        where Mom is living notifies the                  what was said to you in private by
                                               family that her bills are not being               your client. To further complicate the
     FINTRAC regulations direct that           paid and haven’t been for several                 matter, what happens if your client has
 any transaction over $10,000 must be          months. The family contacts her                   Alzheimer’s and has lost capacity?
 reported to them. They in turn review         son and demands to know what’s
 such transactions looking for the                                                               The Privacy Act
                                               up with his mom’s finances. They
 possibility of illegal money laundering.      want to see copies of his mom’s                   The argument I hear most often
                                               monthly bank statements. “Where                   concerning engaging the police in
      Diligent professionals concerned
                                               has her money has been going?”                    matters concerning their client is that
 with the financial well-being of their
                                                                                                 according to the Privacy Act, you cannot
 clients report such transactions           •	As is his legal right, the son tells              disclose to anyone anything that was
 to FINTRAC, as is their regulatory            everyone to take a hike. He was                   discussed between you and your client
 obligation.                                   granted the authority to act as                   without the proper legal vehicle.
      Most people at that point                though he was the grantor in
                                                                                                     That is blatantly false and here’s
 assume they have fulfilled their legal        matters concerning finances and,
                                                                                                 why: You are not governed by the
 requirements. If anything suspicious          as such, he is in fact his mother.
                                                                                                 Privacy Act.
 is indicated by the FINTRAC                   Via the POA, he is her legal
 investigation regarding the $10,000           designated attorney. As such,                         The Privacy Act concerns only
 transaction the client made, FINTRAC          he has no legal obligation to                     those who are employees of the federal
 would notify the local police authority       tell anyone anything without the                  government such as postal workers,
 to have the matter investigated further       proper legal vehicle such as a                    Service Canada, RCMP, and the
 with an eye toward criminal charges.          search warrant.                                   Canadian Armed Forces.
     In the 27 years I policed, and         •	In come the lawyers. Letters are                  PIPEDA (Personal Information Protection
 specifically the 5 years I spent              fired across the bow of each ship                 and Electronic Documents Act)
 investigating Power of Attorney fraud         in an effort to scare the other                   The vast majority of Canadians are
 as a Fraud Detective Sergeant in the          into submitting. When it becomes                  covered under PIPEDA. A section

                                            The Society of Notaries Public of British Columbia                 Volume 25 Number 3 Fall 2016
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