Inca 18 - Before we were so rudely interrupted -

Page created by Corey Harrison
Inca 18 - Before we were so rudely interrupted -
Inca 18

Before we were so rudely interrupted...
Inca 18 - Before we were so rudely interrupted -
                          Incantations 18, colophon, Corflu info – Rob Jackson

                                                                    Incantations 18
       Inca 18                                                                   Rob Jackson
      December 2020
                                                                     Silver linings in the
                 Contents                                                COVID cloud
Colophon; Incantations 18; Corflu info                          Fannish fun from far away
                               Rob Jackson              2
When Bubble Gum Was a Nickel
                              Taral Wayne               4       You didn’t open this fanzine to read about the
The Baby-sitter’s Club                                          tribulations, tragedies and travails of the world
                               Curt Phillips           11       under the COVID pandemic, so I won’t rehearse
The Fanhistorical Bum                                           them now, though Ghu knows I could fill the whole
                              Sandra Bond              12       fanzine with them if I hadn’t got better things to
Fun in the Shadow of the Plague                                 do. What I want to do is pick out the positives that
Murray Moore, Rob Jackson, John Purcell,                        we in fandom can take with us into the future.
                Joe Pumilia, Sandra Bond               13       Yes, there are some.
                       Letters of comment             28        The first one is the mushrooming growth of video
                                                                conferencing to keep us all in touch with each
                                                                other. I have a horse in this particular race, as for
         Artwork & photos                                       the last 6 years or so (with the exception of
                                                                Tynecon III, where I was doing Other Things to
Front cover photo                  Rob Jackson 1                run the convention) I have run a video stream
Concorde                                Clip art 3              from Corflu, with at least four goals: live watching
Bubble Gum header                 Taral Wayne 4                 of the programme from afar; a chat stream for
Bubble gum cards                       Clip art 5-11            both those at the con and remote viewers; remote
Trip report photos           Rob Jackson 13-23, 27              auction bids where practical; and recording the
App screenshot             24                programme for posterity.
Photos                       Michael Dobson 29-31
Photos                               Kim Huett 43               It’s no secret that running these has steadily
Back cover:                    Venetia Jackson 48               become easier and more successful as the video
                                                                streaming technology has improved, with more
Published by Rob Jackson, Chinthay, Nightingale                 user-friendly controls and less delay. The last
Lane, Hambrook, Chichester, West Sussex PO18                    three years have been a lot better with a transfer to
8UH. Email or                            YouTube, and the links in my Corflu Heatwave All rights                         report later this issue give a good view of what
returned to the authors/artists upon publication.               went on. But there was still a delay to the chat,
                                                                and the remote participation is limited to just that
Availability: Paper version available for                       – chat, with no remote video.
substantial & relevant paper fanzines in trade;
significant letters of comment; contributions;                  The advent of multi-user input in apps like Zoom,
other big favours; or friendship! PDF version                   MS Teams, Google Meet, Facebook Messenger,
online soon via through the                   Skype, or FaceTime has totally changed all that.
kind offices of Bill Burns. If you prefer the PDF               With a half-decent moderate speed internet
for space reasons, trade a small zine, an e-zine, loc           connection, you can now all see each other and
occasionally, or are simply interested, let me know.            talk in real time. And the need and demand for
This version is sent by email a few days ahead of               that technology has suddenly burgeoned as we
the eFanzines upload.                                           have all been cocooned indoors for weeks at a
                                                                time. Cometh the hour, cometh the tech.
Front and back covers: Front: taken outbound
from Heathrow to Austin on 10 March 2020, over                  Once we meet again in real life, do we need to stop
Kitaa, Greenland.                                               doing that? I say no, we don’t. The pluses in
Back: Odin’s Ravens, by Venetia Jackson. Artwork                Zoom, for example, are huge. Real-time video
for part of forthcoming range of pins based on                  conferencing allows us to try all sorts of New Stuff
Norse mythology.                                                if we want, such as showing a screenful of remote
                                                   Inca 18 – page 2
Inca 18 - Before we were so rudely interrupted -
                          Incantations 18, colophon, Corflu info – Rob Jackson
audience members on the projector screen of the                  had a lot of difficulty really relaxing and enjoying
Corflu convention hall. Online viewers may                       it.
perhaps – with suitable control by a moderator or
meeting host – ask questions and generally                       First, they rescheduled for November 15th. I had
interact with the real-life event in the hall. It                mixed feelings about that date as it meant I would
would make auction bidding as easy for faraway                   have had to miss Novacon 50. But they had to
viewers as for those in the hall. There would of                 cancel that too as the risks from the virus were just
course be a need for careful control, but at its best            as great. (And Novacon 50 was postponed by a
this could be memorably good fun for all                         year anyway.)
concerned. We can also record all the Zoom calls
for posterity just as we do the YouTube videos.                  Now rebooked for June 17th next year – a
                                                                 Thursday, as there are so many postponed
Done properly, this could turn future Corflus into               weddings that the venue’s weekends were all
even more of a fanzine fans’ Worldcon than it is                 booked up already! But at least we should be able
now. In English only so far, though – video                      to relax, worry about the virus a bit less and have
conferencing is pretty good nowadays, but we                     fun. A more relaxed wedding, even if a belated
haven’t yet quite got as far as real-time verbal                 one, is another silver lining.
translation software….
Lockdown magnum opus
                                                                 Corflu Concorde
While we’ve been stuck at home, some of us have
been Doing Stuff. It is possible to be creative,
                                                                 New date – 5-7 Nov 2021
rather than just binge-watching, turning into click-
bait or obsessively doing Joe Wicks exercises. (I
prefer Lucy Wyndham-Read myself anyway.)
                                                                    Mercure Holland Hotel,
                                                                         Bristol, UK.
The greatest fannish example of that must be what
Pat Virzi, Jeanne Bowman, Alan Rosenthal and
Rich Coad dreamed up at Corflu Heatwave. A                        Visit for Progress
mass of material Bill Bowers had got nearly ready                  Reports 1 & 2, and more details
for Outworlds 71 before he died in 2005 was
merely the seed-corn for a quite stupendous
publication, Outworlds 71/Afterworlds. Though                    Con chair Rob Jackson; Memberships and
Pat had the highest profile role with the layout, I               treasurer Keith Freeman; US Agent Pat
know Jeanne, Alan and Rich did a load of behind-
the-scenes work gathering material – they got me                  Virzi; FAAn Awards Administrator Nic
to take a walk-on part, as well as contacting many                                 Farey.
long-gafiated fans whose work was in Bill’s files.
                                                                   FAAn Awards Ceremony and Business
At over 500 beautifully laid-out pages, it is surely                    Meeting to be held by Zoom
second only to Warhoon 28 in the superfanzine
pantheon. The layout is as neat as Bill would have                 videoconference on Sunday March 28th
done, with a stunning Ditmar front cover, and it is                2021 – time to be announced. Awards
a well-bound US letter-sized paperback and                                compere Jerry Kaufman.
distributed professionally using Amazon’s POD
services. You just must see it.                                   Attending memberships £50 or $60 till
                                                                   further notice, but an increase likely
Better late than never                                              spring or summer 2021. Supporting
                                                                         membership £15 or $20.
Last issue I said my daughter Venetia (cover artist              PayPal to
last issue, and back cover this) was to become                   (UK) or (US).
Venetia Easton in March. This was to be a week
after Corflu Heatwave, just as lockdown was
approaching. Sadly, with only 24 hours’ notice,                        49 memberships to beginning of
the venue told Venetia and Simon they had been                         December 2020 (38 attending, 11
pretty much ordered to cancel. As we were frantic                              supporting).
about the risks from the virus, the cancellation was
probably a blessing in disguise as we would have
                                                   Inca 18 – page 3
Inca 18 - Before we were so rudely interrupted -
                             When Bubble Gum Was A Nickel – Taral Wayne

It may well have begun with the honorable                       Why did I keep them? I couldn’t have said, then or
intention to sell tobacco to minors.                            now.

In the late 19th century, cigarettes were sold with             Yet I had treasured them, shuffling the pasteboard
cardboard stiffeners in the packages. To appeal to              cards in my hand, regarding each one carefully,
the smoker, colourful pictures were often printed               examining them for hidden meaning, memorizing
on the inserts, which soon grew popular in their                their order and anxiously seeking missing cards to
own right. At first these were simple                           fill gaps in my collection as soon as I had the nickel
advertisements for the cigarette brand, associating             to buy another pack. Every card had its own
it with manly interests – such as soldering,                    mystique. Who was the Toronto Argonaut
warships, locomotives, big game hunting, Indian                 football player with the outlandish name,
chiefs, sports figures or famous stage actors. In               Rountree? Why did the jersey of the Boston
time, the subject matter became truly                           Bruins have a wagon wheel emblazoned on the
encyclopedic, with thousands of examples, and                   front? What meaning hid in the rows of
attracted serious collectors.                                   meaningless statistics there were on the back of
                                                                every baseball player’s card? It would be a few
The practice spread to other products than                      more years more before I had all the answers.
tobacco, the most prolific being collectible cards
promoting brands in the highly competitive field of             Although I’m still a little unclear about the wagon
English tea. These too attracted enthusiastic and               wheel…
well-heeled collectors, but the focus of collectible
tea cards was much the same as it was for tobacco.              Collecting sports cards never appealed to me very
                                                                strongly, however. There were far more
In the years leading into the Second World War,                 interesting subjects – that could be printed on a
cigarette cards disappeared, a casualty of paper                three-and-a-half by two-and-a-half inch card –
shortages. But for one reason or another, a                     than Tim Horten on ice skates! From very modest
number of tea companies kept up the practice of                 beginnings, I began to hoard cards of every
including one or more cards with their product.                 description. Some genres were so obscure that I
Even before then, however, an even more                         can’t adequately describe them anymore, and
noteworthy form of collectible had appeared: the                others are so famous that they have been reissued
Bubble Gum card!                                                as inexpensive reprint sets from a comics shop.

Bubble gum cards had been around for years                      Almost any card collector would know about Mars
before I was born. They had been preserved                      Attacks, and probably has a set in his own
mainly by the collecting mania of youngsters,                   collection. That’s why I won’t talk about it. Even if
whose hero-worship at the temples of baseball,                  they barely know Mickey Mantle from Joe
football, and hockey had a long pedigree. Even I                Namath, millions of Boomers have a set of Mars
owned an assortment of sports cards … although I                Attacks as the sole example of a nostalgic
had even less interest in sporting events than I had            touchstone of their vanished youth. In my
in my school lessons.                                           opinion, those cards were merely gaudy, poorly
                                                                executed and never deserved their iconic status. I
                                                   Inca 18 – page 4
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                             When Bubble Gum Was A Nickel – Taral Wayne
don’t recall seeing them at the neighborhood store
where I bought my comic books, and only learned
of their existence many years later.

                                    My first serious
                                    effort to collect
                                    bubble gum
                                    cards were a
                                    series called
                                    Moon, were
                                                                internet search suggests that I might have to spend
                                    printed by
                                                                three or four thousand dollars for the complete set
                                    Topps in 1957.
                                    Card by card,
                                    the set
                                    illustrates the
                                    very early days
                                    of the space
                                    race, beginning
with Sputnik 1, and rapidly enlarging on the
ambitious schemes of Verner von Braun and Willy
Ley. In barely a dozen of the first cards, the first
manned expedition to the Moon was launched and
the first lunar colony established. I resist the
temptation to quip that from Earth orbit to the
moon was all downhill…

                                                                “Outgrowing” things is false wisdom, not only
                                                                because old childhood collections are valuable
                                                                today, but because it is foolish to pretend to be
                                                                “mature” … even if you are.

Nevertheless, the plan to establish a permanent
scientific base on the moon was quickly followed
by the colonization of Mars, then in rapid order the
exploration of the outer planets. The culmination
of the 88-card set was the discovery of sentient life
in another solar system.

Bug-eyed monsters with disintegrator rays is B-
Movie claptrap by comparison.
                                                                Civil War News
Much as I wish that I had completed the set of                  To celebrate the centenary years of the American
Destination Moon that I had been collecting, I                  Civil War, Topps Bubble Gum issued an 88-card
failed. Even worse than never finishing the set, I              set of Civil War News. It was not an imaginative
was dumb enough to think I had outgrown such                    name, but the series was impressive in both the
childish interests, and let them go … and was only              quality of illustration and the factual accounts on
able to buy back a nearly complete set from a                   the reverse sides. The artist commissioned to
dealer some time in the late 1980s. A quick                     paint the illustrations was Norman Saunders, a

                                                   Inca 18 – page 5
Inca 18 - Before we were so rudely interrupted -
                             When Bubble Gum Was A Nickel – Taral Wayne

veteran of pulp magazines and trading cards, who
also created the paintings for the controversial
Mars Attacks series. Without question, the 1963                 I had most of a complete set when I was young. As
cards exceeded even Mars Attacks for bloodlust                  with the Destination Moon cards, I allowed myself
and gore … but were grounded in historical fact. It             to think I was too grown up to keep such things.
is easy to gloss over a demonic-looking Martian                 Some years later, I managed to buy a handful of
disintegrating a victim with a death ray, but a                 the now-precious keepsakes, but I despaired of
troop of Federal soldiers torn into bloody shreds               every owning a complete set again.
on a dynamited bridge had the ring of truth to it
that I reveled in!

                                                                However, sometimes all things come to those who
Not every card featured such nauseating detail.                 wait. At the Montreal Worldcon in 2009, I found a
Many depicted peaceful enough scenes, such a                    card dealer who had a complete set in excellent
meeting between President Abraham Lincoln and                   condition. By scrimping and borrowing money, I
General Grant. Or another, in which two injured                 managed to acquire the set before any other
soldiers – one Reb, one Union – who ministered to               collectors discovered it. Because it was the
                                                                Worldcon, they were probably too excited by
                                                                moth-eaten old pulps and dog-eared paperbacks,
                                                                to notice the treasures I sought! I’m embarrassed
                                                                by the princely sum I paid for those 88 pasteboard
                                                                cards, but it might have been a shrewd investment.
                                                                Out of curiosity, I browsed some web sites for Civil
                                                                War News, and found that my set would likely cost
                                                                me three-or-four-thousand dollars today!

                                                                Along with the ubiquitous stick of gum, Civil War
                                                                News came with a series of reproductions of
                                                                Confederate bank notes. They were only three-
                                                                fourths of the original size, but the reproduction
                                                                was superb! The reverse side was generic, but
                                                                resembled authentic bills … that is, except where
each other’s wounds. But there was little left to the
imagination about the horrors reproduced on most                the actual Confederate bills were printed on one
of the other cards ... such as one that showed                  side only. In those cases, the imitation was better
                                                                than the original! There were seventeen different
hunkered down soldiers who used the corpses of
their own fallen comrades as a shield to stop the               types, with one folded in half and included in every
bullets! Every card had a short, factual summary                package of five cards.
of the events on the reverse; none were made up.
                                                   Inca 18 – page 6
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                             When Bubble Gum Was A Nickel – Taral Wayne
                                                                 buccaneers during the great days of piracy on the
                                                                 high seas. Each card illustrated cut-throats such
                                                                 Blackbeard or Black Bart, in portrait, with added
                                                                 scenes from their exciting (if often short and
                                                                 sordid) careers. On the other side was a short
                                                                 summary of their crimes, and their usually violent
                                                                 ends. The cards were well researched, and the
                                                                 real-life portraits of sadists, canny captains and
                                                                 simple brutes endlessly fascinated me.
Over the years, I’ve looked for surviving imitation             One almost has to admire Major Stede Bonnet, a
Confederate bills, but have only found a single one             gentleman of good breeding, whose life of
to replace those I once owned. They would have                  boredom led him to join Blackbeard for adventure.
made a hefty total of around $3,500 in various                  He was hanged in Charlestown in 1718.
denominations. I have occasionally thought about
buying more from eBay, or some dealer online, but
it would be a waste of money at this point. Today,
I have a dozen of the genuine articles in my
collection. It would be absurd to spend so much
money on reproductions now.

                                                                Bartholomew Portuguese, on the other hand, was a
                                                                coward, terrified that his crew and other pirates
                                                                would recognize him as a poltroon! To belie his
                                                                reputation, he took risks that no one else would
                                                                dare, was fabulously successful in his piracy and –
                                                                on one notable occasion – stole millions in gold
Pirates Bold (Fleer)                                            and silver from under the nose of the governor at
Once again, I took leave of my senses when I                    Port-au-Prince.
became a young man, and assumed that – because
I had turned 18 or 19 – I was all grown up. As Bob              Consider Li Fong, a Chinese pirate who operated
Dylan sang, “I was so much older then, I'm                      off Taiwan in the 1860s, and at one time
younger than that now.”                                         commanded over forty ships in his fleet! His
                                                                secret weapon was a sort of grenade, made from
The Fleer company was the other, great competitor               powder and a fuse, and thrown by hand. He
to Topps. Between them, they dominated the                      disappeared abruptly in 1864, his ultimate fate

                                                                Chief Tom, a South Seas pirate of the Malay
                                                                Peninsula, was also highly successful using native
                                                                canoes, spears and krises … until he encountered
                                                                the overwhelming power of the British Navy.

                                                                 Nor should any study of high-seas piracy overlook
                                                                 Anne Bonny and Mary Reid, the “Harley Quinne
                                                                 and Poison Ivy” of buccaneers. Although they had
                                                                 teamed up together, these were two very different
                                                                 women: despite speculation that they might have
                                                                 been lesbians, they eventually had a falling out.
                                                                 Mary met a young man, with whom she fell in love.
candy shelves in my youth, and produced one of                   Unfortunately, she was later
the more remarkable card series. Pirates Bold                    captured, then sentenced by a British judge to be
chronicled the exploits and personalities of                     hanged. She cheated the gallows by dying instead
                                                                 of the fever in prison. Anne Bonny, was also
                                                   Inca 18 – page 7
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                             When Bubble Gum Was A Nickel – Taral Wayne

sentenced to hang, but – as far as history knows –
she was able to escape and was never heard from
again. Despite the comely good looks on the cards,
there are unfortunately no accurate depictions of
either woman, and we are free to imagine what a
pair of hard-boiled seadogs really looked like after
weeks at sea!

While I once had a large number of cards from
Pirates Bold, I was unable to collect the entire set.
Worse, I failed to keep them. A number of years
ago, I had a chance to buy back at least a few of the
cards from a dealer in Los Angeles. There were
more available, and I am fervently wish that I had
spent the money for more of them … but, even in
                                                                giants from when the world was young? They were
the 1990s, they had become pricey. A mere ten
                                                                meticulously recreated from the best scientific
them were as far as my money would go at the
                                                                knowledge of the time, and described briefly on
time. I’ve since seen them quoted online for $10 to
                                                                the reverse sides. It is somewhat regrettable,
$20 apiece!
                                                                however, that a few years later there was a
                                                                revolution in our understanding of the extinct
Brooke Bond Dinosaurs & Space Age                               giants – including dinosaurs, marine creatures and
A little different were the cards produced by the               pterosaurs – which largely left the Brooke Bond
Brooke Bond tea company! They were small, only                  cards obsolete. For instance, the classic T. Rex in
1 ½ by 2 ¾ inches, and they were included in                    the Brooke Bond collection depicts a tail-dragging,
boxes of tea bags. Mainly depicting wildflowers,                upright-walking monster that we now know
trees, insects, various wildlife and marine                     walked like a ballerina on tip-toes, tail rigid and
creatures, most of the albums produced by Brooke                head upright! But never mind … those cards were
Bond held no attraction for me. Fortunately, my                 evocative of an unknowable, ancient world,
mother liked tea well enough that I was able to                 regardless of how our knowledge of it has changed
collect one entire set of both the Dinosaurs, album             since…
5, and The Space Age, album 12.
                                                                 Perhaps because they were “educational,” I kept
But dinosaurs! What boy could not be entranced                   my original set from the 1960s, and sent away to
by these gorgeous full-colour paintings of vanished              the tea company’s branch office in Montreal for an
                                                   Inca 18 – page 8
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                             When Bubble Gum Was A Nickel – Taral Wayne
“official” album. I don’t have a copy of the order               pack at a time. I was apparently lucky, and bought
form for the album, but I do have one for                        almost the entire set without duplications. The
additional sets of cards. They were a modest fifty               maker was neither Topps nor Fleer, who were
cents each in 1963. It would be fair to guess that               known to every gum-chewing kid in most of the
the album I had sent for was a similarly modest                  world. In fact, I had no idea who printed these
cost.                                                            cards. I threw them away, along with most of my
                                                                 old collection! Now all that is left is a vivid
The album was organized with blank spaces for                    memory of what they had been.
mounting the cards, two to a page, and opposite
each card was a reproduction of the reverse side on
which a text described the image. After days of
agonizing over whether I should keep the cards
loose, or paste them in place, I dutifully mounted
them in the album permanently … but not without
much backsliding over the decision, and useless
remorse afterward.

In 1969, Brooke Bond released a new series of
collectable cards. Unlike previous series, which
had always been about the natural world, The
Space Age was about space travel, planets and
stars. Naturally, I collected this series as well,              The cards represented the year-by-year winners of
sent for the album and pasted the cards into their              the Indianapolis 500 race, beginning with the
proper spots. I have my original set, snug in a                 victory of the Marmon Wasp in 1911. The Wasp
mylar comic book bag along with the bag in which                was a tea-crate on four wheels, winning the race in
my Dinosaur album is kept.                                      six hours and forty-two minutes, at an average
                                                                speed of 74.56 m.p.h. Slightly slower than the
It was once a point of pride for Toronto that the               average driver on a U.S. interstate, I should
city had a planetarium. Unfortunately, the city                 imagine.
also has a reputation for its philistine character,
and it is true that Toronto has allowed many                    The racers gradually picked up speed over the
important cultural attractions to vanish. To list               years, the winning car averaging over 100 mph by
them is heartbreaking, and not really relevant.                 1932, and imperceptibly gaining a more
However, the loss of the McLaughlin Planetarium                 streamlined and slinkier appearance along the
also entailed the loss of the original paintings of             way. By 1953, the cars were looking somewhat
the art from The Space Age, which hung in a                     modern, and speeds averaged over 120 mph.
special gallery. No doubt that art has another                  However, the final year celebrated by the cards
home now, but where? Down the memory hole                       was the 1959 winner … which clocked just shy of
along, with other discarded treasures.                          136 m.p.h. What happened at the Indianapolis
                                                                500 in future years, I have only a general idea –
                                                                cars such as the lovely, rear-engine Lotus-Ford
                                                                revolutionized the race in the ‘60s, but that’s
                                                                outside the scope of my interest. Progress marches
                                                                on, however. Today’s Indy 500 racer looks more
                                                                or less like all the rest, resembling an oversize lawn
                                                                mower covered with sponsor’s decals.

                                                                Although I lost my original cards, I recently
                                                                discovered online images of the entire set. It
                                                                would be nice to have my own again, but in the
                                                                grand scheme of things, that isn’t high in my
                                                                priorities. I was satisfied to simply download the
Indianapolis Speedway Winners                                   images, and reflect on memories that had nearly
How it came to be that I had a nearly complete                  been forgotten. I was also able to solve a minor
collection of cards depicting the Indianapolis 500              mystery about who printed the Indianapolis
winners, I no longer quite remember. I certainly                Speedway Winners cards. Even so, there are
never attended the Indianapolis race. I don’t recall            almost as many questions about why they were
ever witnessing a race of any sort, whether drag or             created by anyone as unlikely as a manufacturer of
sulky. But I have a memory of having been                       floor waxes and polishes, whose motto was “Hey,
someplace where an unfamiliar brand of bubble                   Mom – don’t forget to buy Hawe’s, the finest in
gum was available, and I started buying it, one                 paste and liquid waxes.”
                                                   Inca 18 – page 9
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                             When Bubble Gum Was A Nickel – Taral Wayne
                                                                The Endless Shuffle
                                                                Articles come to an end, sooner or later – but with
                                                                a subject as inexhaustible as bubble-gum cards,
                                                                you literally cannot come to an end. Every year,
                                                                dozens of brand new card sets are created by
                                                                leading publishers like Topps and Fleer, and
                                                                others whose numbers change constantly. With all
                                                                the will in the world, you could not list them all …
                                                                much less collect them.

                                                                Nor do I want to.

                                                                After sports cards, the vast majority of collectible
                                                                cards are without question published mainly for
Jazz Musicians                                                  younger collectors. These are the endless series of
While they are somewhat obscure, an internet                    photos showing how Luke Skywalker saved the
search will find numerous hits on the Indianapolis              universe, in seven or eight series from the original
Speedway Winners. Not so a set of bubble-gum                    movie alone … never mind the many sequels that
cards I collected in the early ‘60s, which featured             followed. Similar photo cards exist for every other
jazz musicians. I have looked high and low, and                 fantasy or science fiction series, from Star Trek to
have not yet found any mention of these black-                  Babylon Five. Similar cards in even more lavish
and-white cards. The odd thing is that I had no                 editions are collected by fans of superhero comics.
interest in jazz when I was twelve, but only bought             They are without question the most common type
the cards from curiosity, and then discovered that              of collectible cards. But they are not limited to
the gum was actually delicious! Normally, most                  such obvious fare.
bubble gum was sugary, stale and tasteless, and at
worst it would shatter like maybe even cut your                 There were cards for The Beatles. Cards for The
tongue like glass if you weren’t careful! But this              Munsters and The Addams Family. Cards even
gum was soft, and had a perfumey taste that I liked             for the Brady Bunch! Cards for Get Smart,
enough to end up with a considerable stack of                   Batman, Zorro, Davy Crockett, The Monkees, The
pasteboard. Once having chewed the gum,                         Twilight Zone, The Man From UNCLE, early jet
however, I began to wonder what this “jazz” stuff               fighters, drag racers and the history of World War
was all about…                                                  II. You’ll Die Laughing was a series of captioned
                                                                jokes from the endless Universal monster movies.
Much as I wish I could claim that I discovered a                In my original collection I once owned a series of
life-long love of jazz at that point, it would be a lie.        Basil Wolverton faces, and Believe it Or Nuts, that
The fact is, I didn’t develop even a remote interest            claimed to be amazing but true facts … but which
in the musical form until I was much older, and to              always turned out to be a corny gag on the back of
me jazz was what old people listened to. I heard it             the card.
everywhere, but it was a long while before I began
to appreciate it.                                               I have a new collection, that I built up after
                                                                discarding my first one, but I’m not actively
Still, the cards exercised a strange fascination over           collecting as I used to. Apart from the Civil War
me. Count Basie. Duke Ellington. Louis                          News and Destination Moon cards – which I
Armstrong. The performer who I most clearly                     wanted badly enough to spend serious money for
remember from the cards was Lionel Hampton …                    them – I have only a few oddities that I picked up
mostly because he was shown in performance with                 here and there. The Fifty-Three Stations of the
his xylophones! Other performers played sax,                    Tokaido, which may fall a little outside of being
trumpet, clarinet or perhaps drums, but the                     bubble-gum cards, but are identical in form and
xylophone? How could anything be cooler?                        function. Another of my contemporary
                                                                acquisitions includes Remember Pearl Harbour,
Unfortunately, I have never been able to discover a             and another is a collection of what I fondly think of
blessed thing about these enigmatic cards. I don't              as handgun porn. I'm a little embarrassed to
know who printed them, only that it was around                  admit that eventually I even acquired a reprint set
1962 or 1964, and they were sold for a nickel for               of Mars Attacks.
only one summer. Despite repeated attempts to
turn up information on the Internet, I’ve had no                With a pasteboard universe as wonderful and
luck whatsoever. Someday, perhaps, I’ll find a                  infinite as this, who would be content with
lead.                                                           basketball players or Wookies? Not for all the
                                                                bubble gum in the world!

                                                  Inca 18 – page 10
                                     The Baby-sitter’s Club – Curt Phillips

                      The Baby-sitter’s Club
                                            Curt Phillips
When I was in Nursing School I was given an                     Club”, of which she'd read the first 6 in Norwegian
assignment to go to a local elementary school and               back home, and those very 6 books were among
assist a 4th grade teacher for a while. I’m not sure            the books she’d brought with her to Virginia. I
the teacher was thrilled about having me there                  asked her to bring one of them to our next session.
because her assignment for me was to pass on a
problem that she hadn’t been able to solve herself.             I’d been a part time book scout for many years and
There was a new student who’d just moved to the                 knew where I could find copies of the Baby-sitter’s
school from Norway (her father was an Engineer                  Club books in English, so that afternoon I visited a
who’d been transferred by his company) and this                 couple of flea markets and picked up the first
child – a painfully shy 9 year old girl – could                 dozen or so for next to nothing. And at our next
barely speak or read English, and dropped into a                session, she showed me her Norwegian edition of
class full of rowdy Appalachian Americans as she’d              the first Baby-sitter’s Club book, whereupon I
been, she wasn't getting much out of her classroom              reached into my backpack and pulled out a copy of
experience and was falling behind. So my                        the same book in English. That was the first time I
assignment was to take this kid – named Kristen –               saw that child smile.
to the school library for a couple of hours a day
and help her with her English skills by talking to              So with both books open, she read that book aloud
her, encouraging her to talk back, and by having                to me and suddenly reading in English was no
her read aloud in English. Kristen was obviously                longer a chore for her. It had become an
very intelligent – probably more so than me – but               adventure. I gave her that book and all the others
her lack of communication skills was a huge                     to keep, and that’s what we read for the rest of our
impediment. However she was eager to try, and so                sessions. Kid learned to read pretty well, too, and
we spent part of the first session with her                     her teacher later told me that she’d perked up in
struggling through some forgettable book that her               class, showed much more confidence, and was
teacher had picked out until I finally realized that I          doing much better in school overall. I’ll call that a
needed to think outside the quite limiting box that             win.
the teacher had placed us both in. I called a halt to
her agonized reading, put that book aside, and we               When I was about the same age as my Norwegian
started talking about her life in Norway and the                student, I was reading my way through some of the
things she liked. This improved the session in an               “children’s classics”, and in doing so I read “Little
important way because where before I’d been                     Women” by Louisa May Alcott. I quite liked it, and
having to pronounce and explain certain English                 found the sequel, “Little Men” to read next. Also a
words in that dreadful book we’d been provided                  good book. A few days later in school our teacher
with, now Kristen would stop and mentally run                   had everyone tell what books they’d last read, and
into Norwegian words that she’d have to explain to              as you might expect, most of my classmates had
me in English. The student had – without her                    been reading works of rather limited substance.
realizing it – become the teacher, and suddenly                 When my turn came I began talking about “Little
she became much more invested in the process.                   Women”, and the class exploded in laughter. Even
                                                                the teacher was snickering. Astonished, I asked
Of course, being the reader that I am, I asked her if           what was so funny, and was told, “you read a girls’
she liked to read and she assured me that she loved             book!”, and the laughter came again.
her Norwegian books. I asked her to tell me about
her favourites and she discussed them with                      As I sat there listening to all that childish laughter,
increasing animation, and I began to recognize a                three thoughts came to me. One, that I was sitting
kindred soul. Kristen was indeed one of us, a                   in a classroom full of idiots, two, that it had never
reader who found herself surrounded by non-                     occurred to me that there were books that only
readers who believed that we were the odd ones.                 girls were supposed to read and books that only
                                                                boys were supposed to read, and three, that even if
Most of the books she mentioned among her                       that was so, I would still read whatever I wanted to
favourites were unknown to me, but then she told                read and to hell with anyone who didn't like it. I’ve
me that her favourite of all was “The Baby-sitter's             kept to that resolution ever since.

                                                   Inca 18 – page 11
                                    The Fanhistorical Bum – Sandra Bond

             The Fanhistorical Bum
                                         Sandra Bond
                                   I was born ten thousand years ago
                              And there’s not a thing in fandom I don’t know
                            I saw Forry and Morojo sitting cozy in their dojo
                                And I’ll whoop the fan that says it isn’t so.

                           I’m just a travelin’ jiant, the fanhistorical bum.
                           Highly educated, through fanhist’ry I’ve come.
                          It was I invented FAPA, ’twas in the year oh-one,
                      And that's about the biggest thing that fan has ever done.

                        I went and joined the LASFS, ’twas in the year oh-two,
                      I helped keep up the clubroom and I always paid my due.
                         I drank with Burb and Laney and we had a lot of fun,
                      And that’s about the biggest thing that fan has ever done.

                                  I was right there in South Gate in ’58
                              I've seen Judy Merrill brought in on a plate
                     I've seen Willis, White and Shaw all contriving puns galore
                              That reduced me to a sad and broken state.

                           I'm just a travelin’ jiant, the fanhistorical bum.
                      Hitchin’ through the universe like Degler with his thumb.
                             I’ve got a file of Fouler including issue one,
                      And that’s about the biggest thing that fan has ever done.

                                 My finger is in every fan’s affairs.
                            I saw Hoffman take Bob Tucker unawares.
                  And I swear I saw complete Charles Platt jumping on that suite
                         And helped Ella kick his ass right down the stairs.

                         I saw Gretchen Schwenn bite Buechley on the knee,
                          And she called for help to old Redd Boggs and me.
                       But I snuck off with Ted White who had a date that night
                              To meet Lichtman on the Farm in Tennessee.

                          I’m just a travelin’ jiant, the fanhistorical bum.
                          Highly educated, through fanhist’ry I've come.
                  I’m older than First Fandom and I’m younger than Pete Young*
                     And that’s about the biggest thing that fan has ever done.

                                  I was born ten thousand years ago
                             And there’s not a thing in fandom I don’t know
                           I saw Nicholas and Dorey working on an SF story
                               And I’ll whoop the fan that says it isn’t so.

                                                                                           * this is true, fact fans

                                                  Inca 18 – page 12
                    Fun in the Shadow of the Plague – Murray Moore and others

      Fun in the Shadow of the
                – to Texas and Back for Corflu Heatwave
                                                                                      Poster on wall of
                                                                                  Fargo’s Pit BBQ diner
                                                                                     in College Station

                               Introduction by Rob Jackson
There was a time before COVID-19. Yes,                          our Corflu Fifty guest who was flying from Belfast,
really. In another age, back before we                          at Heathrow to start our trip to College Station, I
could only see our friends gazing back at                       had also booked to fly to Glasgow for a two-day
us from in front of cluttered bookshelves,                      conference about psychological trauma. Sounds
we were actually free to travel.                                appropriate, doesn’t it?
Amazingly, that was less than 8 months
ago as I write this, though it seems an eon.                    Justified but only partly informed fear about
                                                                coronavirus (as it was known before the specific
I know we may soon be freer again, but                          name of COVID-19 was chosen) was already
while we are here, let’s look back at how                       spreading, and 40% of the attendees had cried off.
we made the best of the transition, and had
fun while we were seeing this tunnel ahead                      Those who still turned up were roughly divided
of us but still looking up at the sky.                          into the obsessionally anxious who were already
                                                                wiping every available surface at every
At the beginning of March this year, less than a                opportunity, and those who hadn’t a care in the
week before I was due to meet Tommy Ferguson,                   world and merrily scrabbled with their fingers in
                                                  Inca 18 – page 13
                    Fun in the Shadow of the Plague – Murray Moore and others
bowls of cheesy nibbles at receptions without a                  whisky, so for some reason I am having to
single thought for what germs they might leave                   proofread especially carefully just now.”
behind on the other nibbles.
                                                                 However, I was mostly in the worrier category –
The fact that they still held a civic reception at City          here is what I wrote on the Friday during the
Hall for the conference at all, replete with canapes             return trip:
and whisky cocktail tasting, showed how slow
everyone was to adapt. That evening I wrote: “I                  Easyjet up to Glasgow on Wednesday afternoon
had a pleasant 20-minute walk back this evening                  was still packed, sadly. Am in Departures during a
from a drinks reception at the City Chambers with                long wait for the flight back – got here at 5 pm and
civic dignitaries. There were some tasters of malt               gate due to open around 7.55. Flight 8.40, back to
                                                                 Gatwick 10 pm, train into Chichester 11.50 pm? Be
                                                                 nice if there is a spare seat.

                                                                I have a pack of antibacterial baby wipes with
                                                                which to wipe any surfaces I am likely to touch. I
                                                                have already wiped down two bar tables which felt
                                                                suspiciously sticky, and seen my first paranoid
                                                                passenger with a mask. (Hundreds and hundreds
                                                                without.) Touching surfaces (in toilets, door
                                                                handles, loo flush handles etc) is a bigger risk than
                                                                breathing air shared with other basically healthy

                                                                (November 2020 postscript about routes of viral
                                                                transmission: We now know otherwise. Masks are
                                                                now good!)
    Picturesque arcade in Glasgow city centre

             Trip and convention report contributions by:
                                           Murray Moore
                                            John Purcell
                                            Joe Pumilia
                                            Rob Jackson
                                           Sandra Bond
                                                                Around 40 maximum at Corflu Heatwave, minus
               Expectations                                     any walk-ins, I conclude, looking at the Attending
                                                                members and subtracting Attending members who
                                                                I know are not attending.
Friday March 6:
Rob:                                                            I just received two more definite attendees, and
At this conference in Glasgow, 40% of attendees                 know of at least three people who will be at the
had cried off. I wonder how many no-shows there                 door registrations, maybe a handful more than
will be at Corflu Heatwave.                                     that. I am expecting a total on site headcount of
                                                                40 to 50 people.
                                                  Inca 18 – page 14
                    Fun in the Shadow of the Plague – Murray Moore and others
                                                                 Birmingham, Alabama through Mississippi to New
             Outward Bound                                       Orleans, Louisiana, for the first of two nights.

                                                                Tuesday March 11:
                 Murray Moore                                   We stayed in a Best Western on an edge of the
                                                                French Quarter, on N. Rampart Street. Cheap for
Summary:                                                        us – $112 – and expensive for our car – $39.

Mary Ellen and myself, in our 2004 Toyota Prius,                But you should stay within walking distance of the
Mar. 6-19, drove in 13 states. A boomerang curve                French Quarter. The streets are one-way, one
through New York state, Pennsylvania, West                      lane: street parking is minimal: off-street parking
Virginia, Virginia, Tennessee, Alabama,                         also minimal. And staying further away, you will
Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Missouri, Indiana,               waste time visiting and leaving the French
Ohio, and (a bit of) Michigan. Two nights with                  Quarter, a small part of a big city.
friends in Virginia, four nights with more friends
in Texas, and a second, half-day, visit with more               And If you too have only one day, take a guided
friends in Texas. We returned without symptoms                  two-hour small bus tour. Little of the two hours we
of coronavirus to find non-native snowbell in                   spent in the French Quarter. Our local
flower in our back yard.                                        driver/guide – she grew up in adjacent Treme –
                                                                drove us through adjacent neighbourhoods talking
Friday March 6:                                                 all the time. We stopped twice, in 1,300 acre City
Our shortest driving day, to Mars. Mars,                        Park and in the cemetery where the city's richest
Pennsylvania, near Pittsburgh. We stayed in the                 are buried in tombs.
Doubletree Hotel, the hotel in recent years used by
Pulpfest.                                                       I managed to visit three used book stores. In
                                                                Beckham's Bookshop I bought a bevy of used
Saturday March 7:                                               books, including four titles by Charles McCarry,
I like driving through West Virginia; the rolling               the U.S. equivalent of John Le Carre. Next, in
hills, the light traffic. Destination Abingdon,                 Crescent City Books, I found a reading copy of the
Virginia, and the first of two nights with Curt and             complete stories of 'Saki' (H. H. Munro). Last was
Liz Phillips and their two Westies and a cat named              Dauphine Street Books. The stock might have
Smudge.                                                         included one or more books I would have bought.
                                                                Small space, books floor to ceiling around three
Saturday March 8:                                               walls with an island of bookcases and stacks of
Conversation, food, a visit to a flea market,                   books in the middle. I am not wide but to walk
evening meal in a Japanese restaurant in nearby                 around the island of books at times I turned
Bristol. The four of us sat on two of the three sides           sideways. No room to crouch. Many books were
of the stove and watched the cook – Vietnamese –                horizontal, bottom facing outward, thus
cook our food while he talked to us. Flaming of                 anonymous.
liquid occurred.
                                                                In the French Quarter the buildings with their
Smudge and I got on well. The Westies were                      galleries and ironwork and the glimpses of gardens
Westie-like.                                                    are interesting. Tennessee William's cottage house
                                                                was around a corner from our hotel.
I brought to trade to Curt one photo-copy paper
box of books, a smaller box of 1950s and 1960s
issues of The Magazine of Fantasy & Science                                         Rob Jackson
Fiction, and a big bag of books. In trade for my
books and magazines plus $60 I received a photo-                Tuesday March 10:
copy paper box filled with early issues of the                  Tommy F and I were sitting waiting for take-off for
Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction plus half a               Austin (along with about 200 other people,
dozen 1950s issues of Galaxy magazine.                          including one worryingly bronchitic bloke in the
                                                                row behind) when a series of announcements
Sunday March 9:                                                 culminated in the news that the plane was not safe
Abingdon, Virginia through Tennessee to                         to fly due to a bird strike to a wing’s leading edge.
Birmingham, Alabama. We had to visit Curt – a                   They found a replacement plane, but the net result
surgical nurse – at his hospital to collect a GPS to            was a 5-hour delay. As John P said when we let
pass to Keith Freeman who will use it to visit them             him know, we shouldn’t have booked Hitchcock
after Corflu Heatwave. Curt thrust into my hands                Airways.
as we parted several face masks.

Monday March 10:
                                                  Inca 18 – page 15
                    Fun in the Shadow of the Plague – Murray Moore and others
                                                                 early, cancelling 1 night and finding a hotel in
                                                                 Austin. We kept people IntheBar posted. Some
                                                                 may also have heard via Tommy on FB.

                                                                Tried desperately to make sense of Budget’s
                                                                automated phone system, failed as I hadn’t got my
                                                                booking number to hand, so I dug out my booking
                                                                paperwork – where it said they are open 6 am right
                                                                through till 1 am. D’oh. I decided that as I went to
                                                                bed early the last night and got 9 hours’ sleep, I
                                                                should be able to cope with quiet Texan dual
                                                                carriageways between 11 pm and 1 am local time.
                                                                Pat Virzi warned me online that the road was more
                                                                undulating and hilly than we might expect for
                                                                Texas, but at least I was forewarned.

                                                                Yet another hour’s delay, this time as the catering
                                                                for the plane wasn’t ready. I suppose there were
                                                                safety/hygiene reasons why they couldn’t just
                                                                reload the stuff aboard the original aircraft.
Tommy with his beer and my wine: free drink as
compensation for delay at Heathrow. (I excised                  Curt Phillips had an idea about this: If they’ve
 myself from the attempted selfie due to severe
                                                                suddenly added chicken to the menu, you’ll know
                                                                what became of that bird you hit earlier...
We knew we might either be arriving in College
Station 2 am, or if the hire car place closes too

                 Corflu Heatwave Memories
Wednesday March 11:
John:                                                           The May 2020 issue of Askance contained a fairly
As of 11:15 PM last night they were in Austin and               lengthy convention report from my perspective as
checking out the rental car to drive over. No word              the chair of Corflu Heatwave this past March, but
yet from either Rob or Tommy this morning, but                  it was not a truly comprehensive recollection of
knowing the roads they were taking and using                    what happened during that weekend. Naturally,
GPS, they should have reached the Hilton around                 there are many other memories that I did not
1:30 AM or so. They’re probably still asleep at                 share in that report. This will recap some of the
present.                                                        little things that made that convention memorable
                                                                for me.
Yes, made it safely, more or less! It was indeed
around 1.30 am that we got here. Currently doing                 Early in the year, Al Jackson reminded me that
battle with the Hilton basic wifi which is like                  Corflu was coming back to Texas. I was excited
treacle. Will see Tommy downstairs at around                     because    I had been unable to attend its visit to
9.20. The drive was moderately OK, middle of the                 Austin   years   back. At that time I had no idea
night as it was in our heads. Once or twice my lane              anything    like  Corflu existed. The Houston SF
discipline was imperfect and the car’s lane detector             Society   (i.e., HSFS,   founded 1969 by Lisa Tuttle,
said “Consider taking a break.” Bloody bossyboots                now   a writer   living in Scotland) only exists now in
hire cars. But it made me realise that as well as                the memory of a few old people. Despite the
tired I was utterly famished, and Tommy                          present plague, some of us still meet for Saturday
brilliantly produced one of two huge cookies he                  breakfast,    along with other SF fans (some in a park
had bought at the Starbucks at Heathrow with the                 under   a  large  ash tree, some in a restaurant when
munificent £10 vouchers we had been given for the                local regulations     permit).
bird strike delay. My driving distinctly improved
after that. Slept well, but I for one may still flake
out around 10 pm this evening.
                                                  Inca 18 – page 16
                    Fun in the Shadow of the Plague – Murray Moore and others
Three of us from the old HSFS planned to attend                  excursion set for that evening at BJ’s Restaurant
Corflu. In alphanumeric order they are:                          and Brewhouse (their in-house beers are good and
                                                                 varied) for the 16 people present. That was a
Dr. Albert A. Jackson IV, scheduled as a panelist.               deliciously fun gathering, which continued back at
Physicist and rocket scientist who trained Apollo                the consuite before everyone turned into
astronauts.                                                      pumpkins and crawled to their respective hotel
John Moffitt, astrophysicist and geologist, who
identified some of the fossils you found locally – in            Rob:
fact he has a very boring mollusk named after him,               I have some time this morning (10 am here now)
nattica moffitti.                                                in which to remind myself how it all works and
                                                                 find out if YouTube is working any differently from
Joe Pumilia (myself), panelist, retired small town               last year. Then with luck it will be similar to last
reporter, author of a double handful of sci fi and               year, with Bill distributing a link at the beginning
horror stories, and one-time publisher of one-                   of each session, and a chat alongside the
shots and official zines for the HSFS.                           stream. You will have seen Geri's question about
                                                                 online bidding.
A majority of Corflu attendees are regulars or                  In other news, Pat Virzi has kindly agreed to be the
semi-regulars. Then there are interesting local                 US Agent for Corflu Concorde next year. So $
attendees not met previously and likely met never               checks (not cheques, that's £) to her once the bid is
again. I do not expect to meet John Moffitt again.              ratified.

Moffitt also is a member of the 200-member-                     Online bidding is less time-critical for a paper
strong trilobite-collecting community. For photos,              bidding system than for a live auction. However I
search John Moffitt + geologist + trilobites.                   may have to give online bidders a Cook’s tour with
                                                                the webcam of any items of major interest. This
John:                                                           year I have a 12-foot USB extension flex, so should
The event started with the Fan Meet-Up at the                   be able to walk around more easily with the
World of Beer pub directly down University                      webcam.
Avenue from the Hilton Hotel, site of the
convention. Only a few out-of-towners had arrived,              As well as the Triodes, among the items I have
notably Tommy Ferguson (one of Heatwave’s two                   brought with me is a lengthy run of Vibrator series
Corflu 50 guests), Rob Jackson, and Pat Virzi, who              2, 2-39, missing 6, 15, 26, 32.
was part of the Hospitality Team with my wife
Valerie. We chatted and enjoyed drinks for a few                Good news on the YouTube front: the latest
hours before heading back to the Hilton, where we               version of the YouTube Studio Live Control Room
learned others had begun arriving, but it was too               seems easily understood even by a person of More
late to do anything, so Valerie and I went home to              Than A Certain Age like me, and it is easy enough
rest and build energy for Thursday.                             to decide that a Corflu stream is not “Made for
                                                                Kids” but won't need an age restriction. Also, it
                                                                recognised the webcam straight away. I think we'll
                                                                be good to go once there is something worth
Thursday March 12:                                              watching.

Murray:                                                         The controls from the live chat enable me (or
New Orleans to College Station, Texas, for the first            whoever else is monitoring things this end; it
of four nights. West through Cajun Louisiana, the               might be Bill B or Pat V or someone else reliable &
highway elevated for miles above swamp, into                    competent) to block any unwanted posts or
Texas, through Beaumont and its massive oil/gas                 posters.
processing plants to College Station, location of
Texas A & M University (1876).                                  Another bit of good news: the initial rubbish WiFi
                                                                has been replaced by a complimentary upgrade
Pandemic was declared this date.                                courtesy of one of the nice chaps at Reception.

John:                                                           Off out now to find some cash envelopes to store
Thursday was a full day: setting the hospitality                whatever anyone gives us for memberships for
suite (hereafter referred to as the consuite) was the           next year.
major Thing To Do, and I was pleasantly surprised
that this was achieved fairly quickly. A late
afternoon poolside discussion resulted in a dinner
                                                  Inca 18 – page 17
You can also read