Vatican names Bishop-elect Michael F. Olson fourth Bishop of Fort Worth

Page created by Brent Rivera
Vatican names Bishop-elect Michael F. Olson fourth Bishop of Fort Worth
Bringing the Good News to the Diocese of Fort Worth   Vol. 26 No. 1   January / February 2014

Vatican names
Michael F. Olson
fourth Bishop
of Fort Worth

                                                                         Join thousands of Catholics
                                                                         taking part in the ordination
                                                                         of Bishop Olson and his
                                                                         installation as the Bishop
                                                                         of Fort Worth at 2 p.m.,
                                                                         Wednesday January 29 at the
                                                                         Fort Worth Convention Center
                                                                                See Story Page 34
Vatican names Bishop-elect Michael F. Olson fourth Bishop of Fort Worth
                                                                                                       Bill and Tessy Ross, who chaired the
In This Issue...                                                                                       October meeting of nearly 1,000
                                                                                                       members of the Southwest Lieutenancy
                                                                                                       of the Equestrian Order of the Holy
                                                                                                       Sepulchre of Jerusalem, process
              WHEN WAS YOUR EPIPHANY? 15                                                               into Vietnamese Martyrs Church. At
         Columnist Jeff Hedglen calls on each                                                          the Mass there, new members were

      of us to use Epiphany to recall just how                                                         invested into the papal order. (NTC
          we were led to discover Jesus in our                                                         Photo / Donna Ryckaert)
       lives, as the wise men were led to Him
                          by the Christmas star.
                                                                                                  24 CHANGING LIVES THROUGH
                                                                                       24            EDUCATION IN BOLIVIA
                                                                                                       When Fr. Robert Thames began Nuestra
              CATHOLIC PRESS DIFFERENCE 19                                                             Señora del Carmen School in Bolivia in
          Columnist Denise Bossert moves us                                                            2004, he was expecting 100 students,
         all the way to February and Catholic                                                          but 250 showed up. Now its vocational
       Press Month when she recalls how her                                                            program is a model for Bolivia. (Photo
      local diocesan newspaper was the only                                                            courtesy of Henry del Castillo, Jr.)
        means of communication that could
        non-threateningly enter her home to
                        evangelize her family.
                                                                                                  26 SSMNS  CELEBRATE 150 YEARS
                                                                                                     When the Sisters of St. Mary of Namur
                                                                                                        gathered at St. Patrick's to celebrate
                                                                                                        150 years in the U.S., they brought
               MOTHER MARIA OF JESUS 32                                                                 their heritage as educators, healthcare
          Friends of Carmel, family members,
                                                                                      26                workers, and ministers to the poor.
                                                                                                        (NTC Photo / Joan Kurkowski-Gillen)
       and supporters gathered at Arlington’s
              Carmelite Monastery of the Holy                                                    28     OUR LADY OF LEBANON MARONITE
                                                                                                        CATHOLIC CHURCH
       Trinity to honor Mother Maria of Jesus
        Crucified Oct. 12 as she observed the                                                           WELCOMES TWO EPARCHS HOME
           50th anniversary of her profession                                                           Bishop Abdallah Zaidan, MLM, and
              of final vows as a Carmelite. She                                                         Bishop Paul Tabet, MLM, visited Our
       entered the order when it was located                                                            Lady of Lebanon Maronite Catholic
              on Sunset Terrace in a secluded
               neighborhood in the shadow of                        28                                  Church in Lewisville recently. Both had
                                                                                                        major roles in establishing the local
                                                                                                        church. (NTC Photo / Jerry Circelli)
                         downtown Fort Worth.

                                                                                                  30 GUADALUPANOS FROM ACROSS
                                                                                                       DIOCESE CELEBRATE AT CATHEDRAL
                                                                                                       They gathered before dawn, braving
                                                                                                       the winter chill to sing and dance
COVER PHOTO: Bishop-elect Michael F. Olson addresses                                                   and honor Our Lady of Guadalupe,
the press and members of the diocesan staff in the                                                     Patroness of the Americas, on her feast
Conference Room of The Catholic Center Nov. 19. Earlier                                                day, December 12. (NTC Photo / Joan
that day Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, Apostolic Nuncio to
the United States, had announced in Washington that Pope
Francis had named Msgr. Olson the fourth Bishop of the

Diocese of Fort Worth. (NTC Photo / Donna Ryckaert)
                 See Page 34 for full story.

                                                      PAGE 2   NORTH TEXAS CATHOLIC JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2014
Vatican names Bishop-elect Michael F. Olson fourth Bishop of Fort Worth
We have a bishop-elect,
                                                                        and he's from among us...
                                                                        O       ne of the perks of being the editor is that I get to see all
                                                                                the photos, not just the ones that make it onto the pages of
                                                                        the magazine, or even just the ones that make their way into a
                           Editorial Office: 800 West                     SmugMug album on the North Texas Catholic website
                           Loop 820 S., Fort Worth,
                           Texas 76108, (817) 560-3300;
Monsignor Stephen Berg     FAX (817) 244-8839.                                                                     And that’s why the Juan
                           Circulation Office: Rita                                                            Guajardo photo here is mak-
DIRECTOR OF                Garber, 800 West Loop 820
COMMUNICATIONS:            S., Fort Worth, Texas 76108,                                                         ing its way onto the page.
Pat Svacina                (817) 560-3300.                                                                            Juan was one of three
                           NORTH TEXAS CATHOLIC                                                                  photographers we had cov-
EDITOR:                    Newsmagazine (USPS
                           751-370) (ISSN 0899-7020)                                                              ering the news conference
Jeff Hensley               is published six times a year                                                          where our new Bishop-
                           (bi-monthly) by the Diocesan
ASSOCIATE EDITOR:          Administrator of the Diocese                                                          elect Michael F. Olson was
Tony Gutiérrez             of Fort Worth, Msgr. Stephen
                                                                                           announced publicly Nov. 19.
                           Berg, 800 W. Loop 820 S.,
ADMINISTRATIVE             Fort Worth, Texas 76108. For                      And later in the day, there was the joy of a family reunion
ASSOCIATE:                 those who are not registered
                           parishioners in the Diocese of               following the first public Mass he celebrated at St. Patrick Cathe-
Judy Russeau
                           Fort Worth, subscription rates               dral. Bishop-elect Olson beamed as he greeted old friends and
WEB DESIGNER:              are $18 for one year, $35
                                                                        new, in familiar surroundings, sharing the moment with many of
                           for two years, $50 for three
Chris Kastner              years. Periodical postage                    his family members present, as well as with friends he’d known
                           paid at Fort Worth, Texas.
                           POSTMASTER: Send address                     for decades, people who had been in parishes he had served in,
WRITERS AND                changes to North Texas
PHOTOGRAPHERS:                                                          people who had come to the noon Mass simply to meet the priest
                           Catholic, 800 W. Loop 820 S.,
   Michele Baker           Fort Worth, Texas 76108.                     who was to become their new bishop.
                           Deadline for information for                      It was a joyous occasion. We had been without a bishop to
   Crystal Brown
                           the North Texas Catholic is
   Jenara Kocks Burgess    noon of the Wednesday two                    lead our diocese for more than a year, and we, as the people of
   Jaqueline Burkepile     weeks before the magazine                    God in this place were hungry to have someone to move the lo-
                           is published. The NTC is pub-
   Jerry Circelli          lished bi-monthly, the third                 cal Church forward. You could feel it.
   Juan Guajardo           Friday of the month, with                         But as we prepared to go to press, just a month before
                           the following two months as
   Kathy Cribari Hamer     the date of each issue.                      Bishop-elect Olson becomes Bishop Olson on Jan. 29 at the Fort
   Joan Kurkowski-Gillen   To access current news and                   Worth Convention Center, I got to look at all of the pictures, and
   Mike McGee              information, find us at www.
                                        once all the choices were made about which to use to convey the
   Nicki Prevou
                           The appearance of advertis-                  events of the day, I looked again at Juan’s photos and realized he
   Donna Ryckaert          ing in these pages does not
                           imply endorsement of busi-
                                                                        had taken the position of third photographer Nov. 19, yielding
                           nesses, services, or products.               the best spots for each photo to the other two photographers, so
COLUMNISTS:                Readers must exercise
                                                                        his photos had a quality of snapshots to them, photos not taken
                           prudence in responding to
   Denise Bossert          advertising in all media.                    from the most advantageous angle, but conveying the warmth
   Jean Denton
                                                                        and feeling of what was going on. That’s why this picture is here.
   Kathy Cribari Hamer
                                                                        I wanted you to feel a bit of what it felt like to be there at this joy-
   Jeff Hedglen
   Jeff Hensley                                                         ous time in our shared history.
   Father David Mercer                                                  P.S. — Thank you Monsignor Berg for shepherding the Diocese
   David Mills                                                          through this time of transition as diocesan administrator.
   Mary Regina Morrell
   Sharon K. Perkins                                                                                                           Jeff Hensley

                                             PAGE 3         NORTH TEXAS CATHOLIC JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2014
Vatican names Bishop-elect Michael F. Olson fourth Bishop of Fort Worth
The toddler in the sunbonnet with the calf is
Sharon Perkins at age three.

                                        This is ‘The Farm Wall’ at Sharon’s mom’s house after ‘reframing’

             Reframing the
            Christmas Season
                                                            by Sharon K. Perkins

                                 ’ve been engaged in some delightfully creative work for my mother
                                 lately — although it’s been far from easy. After my Dad went to be
                                 with the Lord a few years ago, my parents’ house pretty much re-
                                 mained as it had looked for the last twenty years, except for the
                          gradual acquisition of even more family photos and mementos as the chil-
                          dren and grandchildren got older and lives changed. When Mom decided to
                          remodel the house last fall, the task of emptying shelves and readying the
                          walls for painting made her realize just how many items had accumulated.
                          That’s where I came in.

                                                PAGE 4   NORTH TEXAS CATHOLIC JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2014
Vatican names Bishop-elect Michael F. Olson fourth Bishop of Fort Worth
My threefold mission was this: help
Mom sort through the items that were most
important to display, purge those things to
                                                        T     he story of the Holy Fam-
                                                        ily is my story, the account of
                                                                                                          heard so many times that I don’t really grasp
                                                                                                          their beautiful connection to each other and to
                                                                                                          my own life today?
which she had no lasting emotional ties, and                                                                   For me, the first step is to read the Gos-
incorporate her selections in such a way that           a newborn King whose par-                         pels for those feasts — I mean, really read
they complemented the home’s new décor and                                                                them — with new eyes, and to hear their proc-
color scheme. Simple? Hardly. Although I tried
                                                        ents must flee those who wish                     lamation with new ears. The story of the Holy
to repurpose as much as possible the things             to thwart his mission before                      Family is my story, the account of a newborn
she already owned, I still found myself making                                                            King whose parents must flee those who wish
numerous shopping trips to buy new picture              it even begins. How often do I                    to thwart his mission before it even begins.
frames.                                                                                                   How often do I vow to fully trust the Lord in
     I was most apprehensive about what I               vow to fully trust the Lord in                    a situation, only to take back control of my life
called “The Farm Wall”: an 8x4 foot space                                                                 before He even has an opportunity to work
previously decorated with a magazine cover
                                                        a situation, only to take back                    things out for his glory and my highest good?
and a jumble of photos about our farming                control of my life before He                           Jesus’ mother Mary, whose title “Mother
family’s history — varied in size, brilliantly                                                            of God” was decreed at the Council of Ephesus
colored or faded black and white, some recent,          even has an opportunity to                        in 431 because her Son’s two natures, both
some old—most of which were not framed at                                                                 fully human and fully divine, are united in one
all or which sported dented metal frames that           work things out for his glory                     person — is my mother, too. She is the mother
were probably picked up in a dime store some                                                              of all who receive “second birth” through
30 years ago. They may have been related
                                                        and my highest good?                              water and the Spirit. She will always be our
thematically, but visually the photos had little                                                          mother “in the order of grace,” according
connection with each other. I decided that                                                                to Vatican II’s Dogmatic Constitution on the
an overhaul was in order. Mom was adamant            tive, and the more I ponder the Old Testa-           Church (#61). So why did I all but ignore her
about not taking up precious wall space with         ment, the more I realize that the four weeks         maternal role in my life for so many years? If
more frames; I convinced her to trust me while       of Advent compress liturgically the experience       Jesus saw fit to bestow his mother to each of
I juxtaposed photos that belonged together,          of hundreds of years of waiting for a Messiah.       us from the Cross, why did I not try to get to
omitted or cropped some, supplemented with           Those beautiful, hope-filled passages from the       know her as personally as I tried to know her
a few new ones, and found a frame for every          prophet Isaiah and the Psalms all tell the story     Son? (I’m happy to relate that my relationship
single one, arranging everything into one large      of human longing for deliverance from the rav-       with Mary, and her Son, is deepening dramati-
grouping that told a story. The final effect was     ages of sin and death, and it’s my story, a narra-   cally as I’ve consecrated myself to her care in
a pleasant surprise, even to me. The photos          tive that continues long after the Baby Jesus is     recent months).
hadn’t changed at all — but the new frames           packed away in tissue paper.                              The feasts of the Epiphany, the Baptism,
had done their magic. The jumble now made                 And what about those feasts that come           and the Presentation of the Lord are really
sense, and the story, once easily missed, came       after December 25? In different Christian            about the importance of seeking Him with all
alive again.                                         churches, the Christmas season might end on          my heart and honoring Him with all I have, to
     The seasons of Advent and Christmas             January 6 (the traditional date of the Feast of      see beyond mere appearances and to discover
are sort of like that — a jumble — if we’re          the Epiphany), or it might last until the Feast      that Jesus is nearer to me than I ever imagined.
really honest with ourselves. No matter how          of the Baptism of the Lord (traditionally eight      They’re about taking seriously the promises of
many years I’ve vowed to slow down the pace          days or the Sunday after Epiphany), or might         my own Baptism. Many of Isaiah’s descen-
of Christmas preparations, celebrate Advent          even culminate on February 2 (the Feast of           dants didn’t recognize Him when He came —
properly, and enter prayerfully into the mystery     the Presentation of the Lord, forty days after       maybe because they stopped looking? — and
of Christ’s birth and its significance for my life   December 25). Tucked in during that week we          I’m reminded that too often I’m either looking
personally, it always rushes by in a blur. I leave   call the “Octave of Christmas” are the Feast of      in all the wrong places, or in my self-righteous
up my holiday decorations until the end of Jan-      the Holy Family and the Solemnity of Mary,           conceit I’ve simply stopped looking for Him
uary, joking that I’m resisting the secular cul-     the Mother of God (known by many as a day            altogether.
tural tendency to have Christmas over and done       for nursing a hangover, watching football, and            Taking the “long view” of Christmas isn’t
with, when it’s really because I simply haven’t      eating black-eyed peas). Truthfully, except for      merely about prolonging the season on the cal-
had the time to retrieve the boxes from storage      the familiar story of the three Magi bringing        endar. That’s the easy part. It’s the recognition
and put things away (but of course, that’s just      gifts to the Christ Child, those feasts barely       that these ancient stories, dusted off, reframed,
me!). I needed to reframe the whole Christmas        receive our attention (except at Mass), so           and considered together, are powerfully con-
thing, and I think I’ve discovered how to do it.     quickly are they overtaken by New Year’s Eve         nected, timelessly fresh, and relevant not only
I call it taking the “long view” of Christmas.       and Super Bowl parties and Valentine’s Day           for me but for all those who came before and
     The past few years I’ve been doing more         merchandise in the stores. What’s the “long          those who will come after me. And they’re
group Bible studies from a Catholic perspec-         view” of those? How do I reframe stories I’ve        your story, too.

                                               PAGE 5   NORTH TEXAS CATHOLIC JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2014
Vatican names Bishop-elect Michael F. Olson fourth Bishop of Fort Worth
Vatican names Bishop-elect Michael F. Olson fourth Bishop of Fort Worth
Judge says employer objections to HHS                                                   Archbishop Joseph Kurtz, new USCCB
mandate based on religious rights                                                       president, is rooted in simple values
                                                                                        BALTIMORE (CNS) — The newly
NEW YORK (CNS) — A spokesman                   But Catholic entities, including         elected president of the U.S. Conference
for the New York Archdiocese said the      those in the New York Archdiocese            of Catholic Bishops has been a bishop
archdiocese “welcomes and applauds”        and Rockville Centre Diocese, say            for nearly 14 years, but it's as priest,
a Dec. 13 ruling by a federal judge        the exemption is too narrowly drawn          family member, and social worker that
granting Catholic organizations in the     and the accommodation still does not         he describes himself.
archdiocese and the neighboring Dio-       solve their problem over being involved           By way of introduction to American
cese of Rockville Centre a permanent       in providing coverage they reject for        Catholics, Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz
injunction on having to comply with        moral reasons.                               of Louisville, Ky., talked about his up-
the federal contraceptive mandate in                                                                                                   Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz, new
                                               “The court has correctly cut through     bringing in northeastern Pennsylvania, of
the health care law.                                                                                                                   president of the U.S. Conference
                                           the artificial construct which essentially   spending most of his priesthood as a social
     Adele Keim, counsel at the Becket                                                                                                 of Catholic Bishops (CNS photo/
                                           made faith-based organizations other         worker, and of caring for his older brother,
Fund for Religious Liberty, which tracks                                                                                               Nancy Phelan Wiechec)
                                           than churches and other houses of wor-       George, who had Down syndrome, for
suits challenging the mandate, said it     ship second-class citizens with second-      12 years after their mother died.              moving in to high gear.”
was “we believe, the first permanent       class First Amendment protections,”said           He takes obvious pride in his identity         Asked about his long-term plans
injunction that has been issued against    Joseph Zwilling, a spokesman for the         as a coal-town native and a transplanted       for the conference, he suggested there
the HHS mandate in any case.”              New York Archdiocese, in a Dec. 16           southerner, after serving as bishop of         might be a thread to consider in his
     The 41-page ruling issued by Judge    statement.                                   Knoxville, Tenn., from 1999 to 2007,           intervention in October 2012 at the
Brian Cogan of the U.S. District Court         Cogan ruled that the HHS contra-         when he became archbishop of Louisville.       world Synod of Bishops on the new
for the Eastern District of New York in    ceptive mandate violates the Religious            Archbishop Kurtz, 67, was elected         evangelization.
Brooklyn said the Affordable Care Act      Freedom Restoration Act and said that        to serve a three-year term as president             There, he used his allotted five
mandate violates the religious freedom     even the third-party accommodation to        of the conference, succeeding New              minutes to focus on parish observances,
of the four nonprofit plaintiffs — two     provide the coverage violate the groups'     York Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan in              particularly the Rite for the Blessing of
Catholic high schools and two health       religious rights.                            the post. He has been vice president of        a Child in the Womb.
care systems, one of which is ArchCare,        The judge said the plaintiffs con-       the USCCB for the past three years and              The ceremony is a “pastoral moment
an umbrella group of nonprofits based      sider complying with the mandate “an         was elected with a 125-vote win on the         of first evangelization of the child and
in New York that provide health care       endorsement of such coverage,” which         first ballot Nov. 12.                          new evangelization of the family,” Arch-
to the poor and disabled.                  also “compels affirmation of a repug-             Shortly after his election, Archbish-     bishop Kurtz told the synod.
     Under final rules issued in June to   nant belief.”                                op Kurtz spoke of seeing the example of             He told CNS Nov. 12 that he sees the
implement the mandate, there is an             “It is not for this court to say oth-    Pope Francis as a model for outreach,          rite as a way of “reaching out to people
exemption for some religious employers     erwise,” he added.                           listening and collegiality. “He’s asking       on the margins, especially a woman who
that fit its criteria.                                                                  us to go beyond what we've been doing,”        is pregnant, especially if they're distant
                                                                                        he said. “If it was a car, I guess we're       from Christ, distant from the church.”

Pope Francis calls for action against scandal of hunger in a world of plenty
VATICAN CITY (CNS) — People                Catholic charities, a global “wave of        to feed everyone, he said, but only “if        a roar which can shake the world.”
must stand united against the scandal      prayer” was to begin at noon Dec. 10 on      there is the will” to respect the "God-            The Caritas campaign is also a way
of hunger while avoiding food waste        the South Pacific island of Samoa and        given rights of everyone to have access        to invite people to pay attention to their
and irresponsible use of the world's       head west across the world's time zones.     to adequate food.”                             own food choices, “which often lead to
resources, Pope Francis said.                  Pope Francis offered his blessing            By sharing in Christian charity with       waste and a poor use of the resources
    People should “stop thinking that      and support for the “One Human               those “who face numerous obstacles,”           available to us,” the pope said.
our daily actions do not have an impact    Family, Food For All” campaign in a          the pope said, “we promote an authen-              Caritas Internationalis invited its
on the lives of those who suffer from      video message released on the eve of         tic cooperation with the poor so that,         164 member organizations and local
hunger firsthand,” he said in a video      the global launch.                           through the fruits of their and our work,      churches to pray for an end to hunger
message Dec. 9, launching a global             With about 1 billion people still        they can live a dignified life.”               and malnutrition, by acting on a local,
campaign of prayer and action against      suffering from hunger today, “we can-            Pope Francis invited all people to act     national or global level against food
hunger.                                    not look the other way and pretend this      “as one single human family, to give a         waste and in favor of food access and
    Organized by Caritas Internatio-       does not exist,” he said in the message.     voice to all of those who suffer silently      security worldwide.
nalis, the Vatican-based federation of         There is enough food in the world        from hunger, so that this voice becomes
                                                   PAGE 7     NORTH TEXAS CATHOLIC JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2014
Vatican names Bishop-elect Michael F. Olson fourth Bishop of Fort Worth
Bishop Deshotel encourages                                          DIOCESAN, LOCAL & STATE
youth to ‘persevere in                                                     NEWSBRIEFS
prayer’ at annual WYD Mass                                                            Speaker discusses
         By Jacqueline Burkepile          phasized the importance of prayer in        vocation of being
                                          everyday life. He discussed prayers of
                                                                                      male, female at YA
                                          petition, repentance, and thanksgiv-
ARLINGTON — More than 6,000
youth from the dioceses of Fort Worth,
                                          ing, and encouraged youth to “always
                                          persevere in prayer.”
                                                                                      ToB conference
Dallas, and Tyler filled Six Flags Over       “God sees all eternity and He knows                       By Juan Guajardo
Texas Oct. 20 for the annual World        what is good for us, what will help us to                         Correspondent
Youth Day. In addition to being cel-      grow in our relationship with Him, and
                                                                                                                                              Photo by Michael McGee / NTC
ebrated internationally by the Church     also what will separate us from Him,”       KELLER — Nearly 60 young adults              Sister Jane Dominic Laurel, OP,
every few years, many dioceses across     said Bishop Deshotel. “When we think        from around the diocese attended a           was the keynote speaker at a young
the world hold their own annual           about true prayer, we have to remember      Theology of the Body conference at St.       adult Theology of the Body confer-
celebrations. Since the 1990s, World      what the goals of our prayer must be.”      Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish Nov. 23,          ence held at St. Elizabeth Ann Se-
Youth Day at Six Flags has provided           At the end of the Mass, Msgr. Berg      which featured two keynote speakers          ton Parish in Keller Nov. 23.
community and fellowship for thou-        thanked the youth for participating in      and guy and girl gender sessions.
sands of Catholic youth in North Texas.   World Youth Day, and for being wit-              Using examples from Scripture,          strong families, and strong families
    The day began with amusement          nesses of Jesus Christ to the world. He     religious artwork, medicine, science,        create strong societies. But Sr. Laurel
park attractions before youth gathered    humbly expressed his pride in the youth,    and everyday life, keynote speaker Sister    reminded her audience that there is
in the park’s Music Mill amphitheater     and asked them to remember God’s            Jane Dominic Laurel, OP, broke down          a vocation that is being attacked and
for community-building and faith-         presence in their everyday challenges.      one of the more complex and heavier          mocked in society today that is key to
enriching activities. Dallas Auxiliary        He asked the assembly to be ready       theological works of our time, Blessed       creating those strong marriages, fami-
Bishop Douglas Deshotel celebrated the    to respond to the surprises God offers      John Paul II’s 129-part Theology of the      lies, and societies.
closing Mass at 5 p.m. with Fort Worth    them in their lives, and encouraged         Body, into more relatable terms for her           “We have an even more fundamen-
Diocesan Administrator Monsignor          them, as they re-entered their daily        young adult audience.                        tal vocation,” Sr. Laurel said. “The vo-
Stephen Berg concelebrating.              lives, to “show up for Jesus, show up for        Sr. Laurel, a 17-year theology pro-     cation to masculinity and femininity.”
    Bishop Deshotel’s homily em-          the poor, and show up for each other.”      fessor at Aquinas College, used many              She went on to outline some of the
                                                                                      examples to explain the differences be-      archetypes surrounding femininity and
                                                                                      tween men and women and how those            masculinity and explained that one of
             Diocesan RCIA Conference                                                 differences — biological and psycho-
                                                                                      logical — were instilled by God into our
                                                                                                                                   the ways the devil attacks us is by using
                                                                                                                                   fear — which can lead to perversions of
                 to be held Jan. 25                                                   bodies and souls to inform us of what        masculinity and femininity.
                                                                                      it means to be masculine or feminine.             “God did not intend for man and
       I m m a c u l ate C onc e pt ion       Workshops will cover areas in           She discussed how the entire female          woman to hold their fears against one
   Church in Denton will host the         catechetical, liturgical, and pas-          body says “active receptivity” and how       another,” Sr. Laurel said. “He intended
   2014 Diocesan RCIA Conference,         toral ministry. A detailed list of          the entire male body says “life giving       for man and woman to hold each other
   “Spreading the Joy of the Gospel”      workshops and presenters will be            initiative” and how the designs of our       in their fear — he protecting and pro-
   Saturday, Jan. 25 from 8:30 a.m.       available Jan. 15.                          bodies communicate this to us. One of        viding, and she encouraging, nurturing,
   to 3:30 p.m.                               Special activities at the confer-       those key differences is in the brain, Sr.   and supporting.”
       Keynote speakers will include      ence are designed to accent and             Laurel said. More white matter in the             She added, “The joy and love be-
   Jack Mooney in English and Marlon      ritualize the RCIA team members’            female brain makes them better at un-        tween them and their children reflects
   De La Torre in Spanish. Mooney         roles as “priest, prophet, and king.”       derstanding emotions, and at commu-          the love between the Father, Son, and
   is the former director of adult re-    There will also be a special track for      nicating, nurturing, and relationships.      Holy Spirit.”
   ligious formation for the Diocese      RCIA adapted for children.                  Men’s brains, meanwhile, contain more             St. Elizabeth youth minister Gabe
   of El Paso, and currently serves as        The registration fee is $20 and         gray matter, which makes them better         Gutiérrez, who coordinated the confer-
   an adjunct faculty member with         includes lunch, if paid by Friday,          at finding order and working toward a        ence, was pleased with the conference
   that diocese’s Tepyac Institute, a     Jan. 17. The fee will increase to           common goal.                                 and hopes to do it again next year.
   lay ministry formation program.        $25 for any payment made after                   “Our bodies say we came from love            “I think people are hungry for
   De La Torre currently serves as the    that date, or at the door. To pre-          but our bodies also say we came for love,”   truth,” he said. “When you offer them,
   director of Children’s Catechesis      register, contact Melissa Loza 817-         Sr. Laurel said.                             ‘Hey let me tell you something differ-
   and Catechist Formation for the        560-2452, ext. 255, or by e-mail at              She explained to the young people       ent. Let me tell you something real.’ It
   Diocese of Fort Worth.                                  in the audience, many of whom were           resonates. That hits to the core of who
                                                                                      couples, that strong marriages create        we are as people.”
                                                 PAGE 8     NORTH TEXAS CATHOLIC          JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2014
Vatican names Bishop-elect Michael F. Olson fourth Bishop of Fort Worth
Austin VG, former A&M pastor, DIOCESAN, LOCAL & STATE Renowned researcher
named bishop of San Angelo        NEWSBRIEFS          discusses Shroud of Turin
EDITOR’S NOTE : This story is adapted

                                           CNS Photo Courtesy of Diocese of Austin
from press releases from the Austin and
San Angelo dioceses.

SAN ANGELO — Pope Francis named
Monsignor Michael Sis, vicar general of
the Austin Diocese, to succeed Bishop
Michael Pfeifer as the sixth bishop of
San Angelo. He will be ordained and
installed as bishop Jan. 27.                                                              Bishop-elect Michael Sis
    Msgr. Sis was born Jan. 9, 1960, in
Mount Holly, New Jersey, and ordained                                                tive Catholic campus ministries in the                                                                  Photo by Jerry Circelli / NTC
to the priesthood for the Diocese of                                                 country, according to campus minister        Renowned Shroud of Turin expert Dr. John Jackson shared his knowledge
Austin July 19, 1986.                                                                Marcel LeJeune’s “Aggie Catholic” blog.      and some theories about the Shroud Nov. 23 with more than 1,000 people
    Since ordination, he has served as                                               On the blog, LeJeune added that the          at St. Maria Goretti Church in Arlington.
associate pastor of Christo Rey Church                                               parish averages 10 students entering
in Austin and St. Mary’s Cathedral in                                                formation or seminary annually, a “wave                          By Jerry Circelli        emerges from a special 3-D mapping
Austin; associate pastor and pastor of                                               started when [Msgr. Sis] was pastor.”                             Correspondent           device when it analyzes a photograph of
St. Mary’s Student Center at Texas                                                       At a Dec. 12 press conference Msgr.                                                   the Shroud, providing additional proof
A&M University in College Station;                                                   Sis discussed Pope Francis’ recent apos-     ARLINGTON — Dr. John Jackson,                to scientific studies that the Shroud is
pastor of St. Thomas More Church                                                     tolic exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium.        the physicist who led a 40-person team       not a painting or photograph. Scientists
in Austin; Austin diocesan vocations                                                     “As a diocese we will discern how        of international scientists to examine the   determined that this detailed 3-D imag-
director; and vicar general.                                                         best to respond to that exhortation ... in   Shroud of Turin in 1978, addressed a         ery could not be derived from paintings
    While pastor of St. Mary’s Student                                               our circumstances here in San Angelo,”       crowd of more than 1,000 at St. Maria        and photographs.
Center 1993-2006, he oversaw a capital                                               he said. “I look forward to coming to        Goretti Parish in Arlington Nov. 23.         • Blood depicted on the Shroud was
campaign to build a new student center,                                              serve you here in our diocese. I will             Jackson and his research team           determined to be real: The Shroud
chapel, and activity center, and led the                                             love you and I will walk with you in         were granted access to the cloth and         shows evidence of a crown of thorns, a
parish to become one of the most ac-                                                 our pilgrimage of faith.”                    conducted exhaustive examinations.           laceration on the side of the body, wrist
                                                                                                                                  Now as director of the Turin Shroud          and foot wounds, and scourge marks
Catholic Schools Office announces free                                                                                            Center of Colorado, Jackson is dedicated
                                                                                                                                  to continuing research on the Shroud,
                                                                                                                                                                               on the back.
                                                                                                                                                                                    Jackson and the Shroud Center of
/ reduced-price lunch and milk programs                                                                                           publishing his findings, and educating       Colorado have also developed one of
                                                                                                                                  the public on scientific data and forensic   the most fascinating hypotheses on how
    The diocesan Office of Catholic Schools has announced its policy for free                                                     evidence about the cloth. The Church         the Shroud was formed, and one that
and reduced-price meals for children who are unable to pay for meals served un-                                                   has not authenticated the Shroud.            underscores the death and Resurrection
der the National School Breakfast, Free Milk, or Commodity School programs.                                                            Jackson began his discussion with       narratives in the Bible.
    The following parochial schools will participate in the National School Lunch                                                 a reference to Scripture that describes           Named the “R adiation Fall-
Program: All Saints, St. George, Our Mother of Mercy, and Our Lady of Victory,                                                    apostles arriving at Jesus’ tomb and         Through Hypothesis,” it suggests that
St. Rita, and St. Peter the Apostle, all in Fort Worth; Sacred Heart, Muenster;                                                   discovering no body, but finding             the body wrapped in the Shroud became
Notre Dame Elementary, Wichita Falls; St. Mary’s, Gainesville.                                                                    burial cloths.                               instantaneously radiant and mechani-
    St. Maria Goretti School in Arlington will participate in the free and reduced-                                                    “Here, at the tomb of Christ, sci-      cally transparent, with no resistance
price milk program.                                                                                                               ence and religion are being blended          to the cloth. This could have allowed
    Under current guidelines, applicants for the free and reduced-price lunch                                                     together,” Jackson said. “In Scripture,      the Shroud cloth to collapse and fall
program must list the Social Security numbers of all adults living in the house-                                                  we see that they can be united. Science      through the radiant body space under
hold. All incomes must also be listed by source, such as Social Security, wages,                                                  can serve faith.”                            the influence of gravity. The irradi-
child support, and pension.                                                                                                            Through scientific research, it was     ated cloth aged and the image later
    Everyone wanting to participate in the program must apply again this year                                                     discovered that:                             developed.
at their respective schools, including children who had tickets for the last school                                               • The Shroud itself is actually a nega-           Jackson left his audience with facts
year. A child must be registered in school before an application will be accepted.                                                tive image: the best way to view it is on    and hypotheses to ponder and predicted,
Participants will be notified within one week after applying if their children                                                    a photographic negative from a picture       “I think that as time goes on, the Shroud
qualify for free or reduced-price lunches or milk.                                                                                taken of the Shroud, where a natural         is going to be something that is going
    In the operation of child-feeding programs, no child will be discriminated                                                    looking image appears.                       to be more and more important to
against because of race, color, sex, national origin, age, or handicap.                                                           • A 3-dimensional image of the Shroud        Christianity and the Church.”
                                                                                            PAGE 9     NORTH TEXAS CATHOLIC           JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2014
Vatican names Bishop-elect Michael F. Olson fourth Bishop of Fort Worth
Respect Life Office encourages Catholics to attend events surrounding Roe anniversary
                  By Michele Baker              “The reason that the Mass is         for Life and Rally Jan. 18 at the Kay           “Right now we have about 100
                    Correspondent          so important,” Demma explained,           Bailey Hutchison Convention Center        youth and chaperones signed up to
                                           “is that prayer is the foundation of      in downtown Dallas and culminate          make the trip,” Laux said. That num-
     “We want people to know that          everything we do. It supports us and      in a march to the Earle Cabell Federal    ber represents participants from at
Respect Life in our diocese is alive and   gives witness to the fact that we are     Courthouse where the original Roe v.      least 12 parishes. Laux, who has made
well; vibrant and ongoing,” said Mike      of one mind and one heart.”               Wade case was filed in 1971. A youth      the trip with Fort Worth youth many
Demma, director of the diocesan                 The Mass includes a special can-     rally kicks off the event at 12:30 p.m.   times, talked about the impact the
Respect Life Office, in a recent inter-    dlelight procession and presentation      followed by Mass celebrated at 1 p.m.     experience has on those who attend.
view. With Jan. 22 marking 41 years        of the Book of the Innocents. Rachel      by Bishop Kevin Farell of Dallas.               “The kids are always moved by
since Roe v. Wade legalized abortion       Ministries Coordinator Betsy Kopor        The march will begin after the Mass.      the sheer number of people there,”
in the U.S., the office is encouraging     explains: “Each candle represents 1             “Marches like this are an im-       she said. Last year’s National March
pro-lifers throughout the diocese to       million children killed by abortion.      portant witness to the larger secular     drew about 600,000 participants,
participate in a number of events,         This year we will light 55 candles for    community,” said Demma, adding            about 75 percent of whom were 25
including the Dallas March for Life        the 55 million children killed in the     that one of the biggest problems          years old or younger.
and Rally Jan. 18, the Annual Respect      U.S. since Roe v.Wade.”                   facing pro-life programs is that most           “So often the youth feel alone
Life Mass to be celebrated 7:30 p.m.            The Book of the Innocents con-       people in the general public do not       at home,” Laux explained. “So when
Jan. 24 at St. Patrick Cathedral in        tains the names of all the children       understand the scope of this tragedy.     they see that there are other young
Fort Worth, and the Texas Rally for        memorialized on a Rachel’s Vineyard             According to Demma, “1.2 mil-       people who are willing to stand
Life in Austin Jan. 25.                    retreat and represents all the children   lion — that’s one million two hundred     up and speak out for life, they are
                                           aborted in the diocese, said Kopor,       thousand — children are killed each       overwhelmed by a sense of one-ness
A NNUAL R ESPECT LIFE MASS                 adding, to reassure past retreatants,     year in the United States alone,” he      and joy.”
     At the center of the activities       that the book remains closed and its      said, adding that of these children,            In addition to the marches,
being promoted by the Respect Life         contents are kept confidential.           a disproportionate number of them         Masses, and rallies being held
Office is the Annual Respect Life                                                    (64 percent in Texas) are Black or        throughout January, Rachel Minis-
Mass. It will be celebrated at 7:30        PRO-LIFE MARCHES IN                       Hispanic. “We must get across that        tries will present a Rachel’s Vineyard
p.m. at St. Patrick Cathedral, 1206        DALLAS AND AUSTIN                         this is a wrong being perpetuated in      Weekend Retreat for Healing after
Throckmorton St., in downtown                   Pro-lifers throughout the Dio-       our country and by our culture —          Abortion Jan. 17-19 in Fort Worth.
Fort Worth. A reception will follow        cese of Fort Worth are encouraged         that we accept the death of another             Rachel Ministries will also spon-
in the cathedral’s Pastoral Center.        to participate in the Dallas March        human being as a right. This is a fal-    sor a number of training sessions for
                                                                                     lacy that must be remedied.”              clergy, licensed mental health profes-
                                                                                     The Texas Rally for Life will take        sionals, and social workers Feb. 7-8.
                                                                                     place at the State Capitol in Austin,           “Abortion trauma is a very spe-
                                                                                     Jan. 25, from 1 to 3 p.m. Demma said      cific type of trauma,” explained Ko-
                                                                                     the Respect Life Office is organizing     por. “Most often clergy are among the
                                                                                     bus transportation to Austin for those    first to hear about past abortions. We
                                                                                     from the diocese who wish to attend.      want to provide them with training to
                                                                                     Volunteers are needed to facilitate       know how to talk to those who come
                                                                                     the operations and can contact Mike       to them and to educate them about
                                                                                     Demma at 817-560-2452 ext. 257 or         Rachel Ministries so that they are
                                                                                     by e-mail at            comfortable referring people to us.”
                                                                                     for additional information.
                                                                                           “This is a great opportunity for    For information about the events
                                                                                     people to get involved,” Demma said.      memorializing the lives lost since
                                                                                                                               ROE V. WADE, or for the ministries of
                                                                                     OTHER EVENTS                              the Respect Life Office, visit www.
                                                                                          Youth for Life Coordinator Sue
                                                                                     Laux is once again coordinating           For information about the Dallas
                                                                                     with youth ministers throughout           March for Life and Rally, visit www.
                                                                                     the diocese to bring a contingency For information
                                                                                     youth to the National March for           about the Texas Rally for Life in Austin,
                                                                                     Life in Washington, D.C., Jan. 22.        visit
                                                 PAGE 10    NORTH TEXAS CATHOLIC         JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2014
        Sister Magdalen Hession, CCVI, humble servant and ‘baseball nun’ dies at 85
       By Joan Kurkowski-Gillen            Texas Rangers baseball started when
                 Correspondent             both were working at the now-closed
                                           St. Joseph Hospital. When the Wash-
      They were both members of the        ington Senators relocated to Texas
Congregation of Sisters of Charity of      and scheduled their first home game
the Incarnate Word and longtime            for April 21, 1972 in Arlington, Sr.
friends. But it’s the baseball reference   Frances had a friend who worked near
Sister Frances Evans used that best        the stadium’s box office pick up a $10
describes the death of Sister Mag-         ticket for her. She was instantly smit-
dalen (Maggie) Hession, CCVI, on           ten by the excitement of big league
Nov. 20 from Alzheimer’s Disease.          baseball and coaxed Sr. Maggie into
      “Maggie crossed home plate and       coming to the games with her.
is now with Jesus,” Sr. Frances said of          “Sr. Maggie didn’t know any-
her cherished companion and fellow         thing about baseball and Sr. Frances,
Texas Ranger baseball enthusiast.          who grew up a tomboy, taught her all
      Born on Oct. 20, 1928, in            about the game,” said Patrice Parks,
County Galway, Ireland, Bridget            one of many volunteers who drove
Hession entered the Congregation           the sisters to the baseball stadium
of Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate     for games. “They knew all about
Word on Aug. 15, 1948, and was             the Texas Rangers pitching, line-up,                                                            Photo courtesy of Patrice Parks
given the religious name of Magda-         and injuries.”                            Sister Maggie Hession, CCVI, one half of the famous “baseball nuns” duo, sits
len. She professed her first vows Aug.           Parks formed a friendship with      in a movie theater with her trademark Texas Rangers T-shirt during a World
15, 1951, and perpetual vows Aug. 15,      the sisters after they helped her get a   Series watching party. Sr. Maggie passed away Nov. 20 at 85.
1956. Mass of Christian Burial was         baseball signed for a little boy dying
held Monday, Nov. 25, at St. Andrew        from a brain tumor. The four-year-        and Sr. Francis 45 years ago dur-           the noise and heat. But her room in
Church in Fort Worth.                      old, the son of a friend, caught the      ing a Christmas party at St. Joseph         the assisted living center continued to
      After earning a degree in nursing    foul ball during a Rangers game and       Hospital.                                   reflect her love of the Texas Rangers.
from Incarnate Word College (now           wanted the player who hit the ball,             “I would call Sr. Maggie a                 “She had a Texas Rangers bed-
University of the Incarnate Word)          Julio Franco, to sign it.                 humble servant. She would do any-           spread, tablecloth, and pictures of
in San Antonio, Sr. Maggie began a               Sr. Frances and Sr. Maggie          thing anyone asked of her,” the St.         the coaches and players everywhere,”
career in healthcare and worked at         not only got the baseball signed by       Andrew parishioner said. “I never           Parks explained. “Even the bath-
Santa Rosa Hospital in San Antonio,        Franco, they brought a treasure chest     saw her without a smile on her face.”       room had baseball mitts and bats
Incarnate Word Hospital in St. Louis,      full of bats, caps, t-shirts, and other         When Clarkin’s son was being          on the wall.”
and St. Joseph Hospital and Plaza          special items for the sick youngster.     treated for ALS, both sisters would              Sr. Maggie was preceded in
Medical Center, both in Fort Worth.              “During his last few days at        visit him, “and I’m grateful for that,”     death by her parents, Bridget and
Her longest period of service was 31       Cook Children’s Hospital, Sr. Fran-       she said.                                   Patrick Hession; siblings, Michael
years at St. Joseph Hospital where         ces and Sr. Maggie went to see him              After St. Joseph closed its chapel,   Hession, Mary Connell, James Hes-
she was in charge of the surgical unit.    and prayed with the family,” Parks        Sr. Maggie and Sr. Frances began            sion, and Patrick Hession. Survivors
      Known throughout the Fort            recalls. “They felt a connection to       attending daily Mass at St. Andrew          include her sister, Nora Murphy of
Worth/Dallas Metroplex as the              the little boy.”                          Church.                                     Hudson, New Hampshire; nieces and
“Rangers Nuns,” the sisters gained               Two years ago, Parks started a            “St. Andrew became their parish       nephews in the United States and
widespread renown for their fan            Facebook page titled the “Ranger          home, and the whole congregation            Ireland; longtime friend, Sr. Frances
loyalty. They sat in the same seats at     Nuns” to honor the pair. The picture-     became their family,” Clarkin added.        Evans; and the Sisters of Charity of
every Rangers home game, and when          filled site now includes tributes to            After retirement Sr. Maggie           the Incarnate Word.
the Ballpark at Arlington opened in        Sr. Maggie.                               continued to volunteer wherever she
1994, they were the first fans through           One part of the “dynamic duo,”      perceived a physical or spiritual need.     Memorials can be made to the Sisters
the turnstiles. Former owner Tom           Sr. Maggie was known for her quiet        She frequently ministered to nursing        of Charity of the Incarnate Word
Schieffer and Hall-of-Fame pitcher         presence and constant smile.              home residents and shut-ins.                Retirement Fund, 4530 Broadway,
and former owner Nolan Ryan are                  “She had the sweetest-sounding            After her Alzheimer’s Disease         San Antonio, Texas 78209 or the
among their friends.                       giggle. I’ll miss that,” Parks said.      diagnosis, Sr. Maggie stopped at-           Alzheimer’s Association, 2630 West
      The sisters’ fascination with              Barbara Clarkin met Sr. Maggie      tending baseball games because of           Freeway, Fort Worth, Texas 76102.
                                                 PAGE 11    NORTH TEXAS CATHOLIC         JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2014
     Catholic Charities plans service hub in Wichita Falls to serve Northwest region
        By Jenara Kocks Burgess         the North Texas Catholic that CCFW       Falls,” she said.                                CCFW currently offers limited
                 Correspondent          formed this committee of parish and           Sotelo said the organization’s         services in the Northwest region in-
                                        community leaders to help develop a      vision for the location is a “one stop,     cluding clinical counseling, the St.
     Catholic parishes in the nine-     business plan for its future location.   Catholic shop” that will provide a          Joseph Health Care Trust Program,
county Northwest region of the                “We have pastors, deacons, and     Catholic response to help people            TXU Energy Aid, and immigration
Diocese of Fort Worth are working       community leaders from Wichita           in need.                                    consultations through a video site.
with Catholic Charities Fort Worth      Falls and Young County, who have                “The permanent facility will         Since Catholic Charities doesn’t cur-
(CCFW) to establish a permanent         helped us identify gaps in services      include Catholic Charities’ offices,        rently have Wichita Falls area offices,
facility or “service hub” in Wichita    within the Northwest region so we        which will offer an array of services       it partners with various parishes in
Falls in the next few years.            can truly focus on coming in and         aimed at moving families toward             the deanery using their space.
     “This expansion is necessary       filling those gaps,” she said.           self-sufficiency and our ultimate                “We take advantage now of the
because the rural counties are                The Northwest region includes      goal of ending poverty within our           St. Joseph Healthcare Trust Fund,
underserved, usually due to their       the eight counties in the Northwest      diocese,” she said, adding that it will     which works through Catholic
remoteness and relatively sparse        Deanery plus Young County, which         also include a St. Vincent de Paul          Charities. That’s been going on a
populations,” said Father Jack          is in the Southwest Deanery of the       Thrift Store.                               good while,” said Deacon Jim No-
McKone, pastor of Sacred Heart          diocese.                                      Father Richard Kirkham, pas-           vak, parochial administrator for
Church in Wichita Falls.                      Planning committee member          tor of St. Jude Thaddeus Church             Sacred Heart Parish in Seymour,
     For the past few months, rep-      Liliana Samuelson said she is very       in Burkburnett, Christ the King             St. Mary of the Assumption Parish
resentatives of several parishes in     excited about CCFW establishing a        Church in Iowa Park, and St. Paul           in Megargel, Santa Rosa Parish in
the area have participated in the       service hub in Wichita Falls. “I had     Church in Electra, said the new             Knox City, and St. Joseph Parish in
Northwest Services Strategic Plan-      the dream of a center for the needy      offices would better help meet the          Rhineland.
ning Committee. CCFW Director           and the immigrant that would bring       needs of the people in his parishes.             Dcn. Novak added that he is
of Parish Relations Laura Sotelo told   the Catholic presence into Wichita            Though CCFW serves the en-             excited that Hispanics in his parishes
                                                                                 tire diocese, Fr. Kirkham said it’s a       will have a closer location allowing
                                                                                 challenge for the people in the area to     them to take advantage of Catholic
                                                                                 make the two-hour drive for services.       Charities’ immigration services.
                                                                                      Sotelo added that Catholic                  Once they are able to establish a
                                                                                 Charities serves anyone regardless of       permanent location in Wichita Falls,
                                                                                 faith tradition. “We serve because of       CCFW hopes to expand services
                                                                                 our Gospel call to do so and are privi-     already offered to the region to in-
                                                                                 leged to be able to serve anyone who        clude Financial Stability/Education,
                                                                                 comes through our doors,” she said.         Community Connections (general

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                                                                                                              To Report Misconduct
                                                                                    If you or someone you know is a victim of sexual misconduct by anyone who
                                                                                    serves the church, you may
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                                                                                    moderator of the curia, Msgr. Stephen Berg
                                                                                                                  To Report Abuse
                                                                                    Call the Texas Department of Family Protective Services (Child Protective
                                                                                    Services at (800) 252-5400

                                              PAGE 12    NORTH TEXAS CATHOLIC        JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2014
case management program), home-           able to pick up some school or work                            CATHOLIC CHARITIES
less services, Enrollment Solutions,      clothes at St. Vincent de Paul.… We
and potentially services aimed at
assisting veterans, as well as a voca-
                                          will have a very visible Catholic out-
                                          reach presence in our community.
                                                                                   Workshop helps LPRs work for citizenship
tions program, Sotelo said.               This is part of our Catholic mandate
      CCFW will need both volun-          to witness to the Gospel, in avenues
teers and people who can help pro-        far too great for any one parish to
vide financial resources to help make     tackle on their own.
the agency’s presence in Wichita                “Few of us will go to Africa
Falls a reality, she added.               or Central America…” he added.
      “We have been so excited by         But whether serving those, “across
the support and response we have          the street or across the ocean, we
received from people throughout the       are called to solidarity with all our
                                                                                                                            Photo courtesy of Catholic Charities
Northwest region of the diocese, as       brothers and sisters. In this sense      Approximately 300 Legal Permanent Residents (LPRs) attended the Mega
we have begun to share our vision         … the opportunities for service are      Citizenship Workshop held Nov. 2 in Arlington.
for this project,” said Sotelo.           not only for the benefit of the needy,
      Fr. McKone said there are many      the broken-hearted, the alien, or              Approximately 300 Legal          Fort Worth high school, she is
good reasons for parishioners of the      the sick, but they are also for our      Permanent Residents (LPRs)             now taking classes at Tarrant
Northwest region to get involved with     parishioners and clergy. Those op-       came to the Sam Houston High           County College with plans to be-
Catholic Charities’ new project, but      portunities are literally a gift to us   School in Arlington Nov. 2 to          come a nurse. The hardworking
the most important is that by virtue      from God, a way to make vibrant the      participate in the North Texas         young woman is typical of many
of the sacrament of baptism, every        faith that He has given us.”             Mega Citizenship Workshop,             of the LPRs in North Texas, said
Catholic is called to be a missionary.                                             an event designed to offer a           Xergio Chacin, program man-
      “The new project will offer         For more information on how to           variety of resources and to offer      ager for CCFW’s Immigration
our parishioners a much broader           help Catholic Charities establish a      free assistance to legal immi-         Services department.
spectrum of services and a central        permanent location in Wichita Falls,     grants in preparing citizenship             “As of 2012, Texas has the
location,” said Fr. McKone. “For          contact Laura Sotelo by phone at 817-    applications.                          third highest number of Legal
example, someone coming in to ap-         413-3904 or by e-mail at lsotelo@              The event, co-sponsored by       Permanent Residents in the
ply for help with utility bills will be                              Catholic Charities Fort Worth          nation, with approximately 1.2
                                                                                   (CCFW), Catholic Charities of          million living in the state,” he
                                                                                   Dallas, and the Proyecto Inmi-         said. Eligible immigrants face
                                                                                   grante organization, was part          barriers to citizenship, including
                                                                                   of the ongoing New Americans           high application fees, a complex
                                                                                   Campaign, a national, nonpar-          legal process, and unscrupulous
                                                                                   tisan effort to encourage and          attorneys who take advantage of
                                                                                   assist eligible LPRs on their path     individuals seeking assistance,
                                                                                   to citizenship.                        he explained. “This workshop
                                                                                         “Hser,” a 23 year-old par-       offered the opportunity to meet
                                                                                   ticipant at the event, said she        with trained caseworkers and
                                                                                   was eager to become a citizen          volunteers as [workshop partici-
                                                                                   as soon as possible, now that she      pants] prepare their paperwork,”
                                                                                   had met the first requirement:         he added. Eligible workshop
                                                                                   living in the U.S. for five years      participants who began their
                                                                                   as a legal resident. She and her       process at 8 a.m. had their forms,
                                                                                   22 year-old brother were born          completed and ready for them
                                                                                   and raised in a refugee camp in        to mail to the U.S. Citizenship
                                                                                   Thailand after her parents fled        and Immigration department,
                                                                                   Burma, she said. “It was terrible      by noon.
                                                                                   for them there, and then we spent           “It’s a great day for me and
                                                                                   those years in Thailand, hoping        my brother,” said Hser, beaming.
                                                                                   to come to America. Now we all         “I’m really thankful for the help.”
                                                                                   live here together, and there are so
                                                                                   many opportunities for a better        For more information about
                                                                                   life. We love America. We want         CCFW and its Refugee Services
                                                                                   to become citizens.”                   program, visit the website at www.
                                                                                         After graduating from a or call 817-534-0814.

                                                PAGE 13    NORTH TEXAS CATHOLIC    JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2014

                                                                      Pope Francis talks with men who live on the streets near the Vatican.
                                                                      The pope celebrated Mass and had breakfast with the men as part of
                                                                    celebrating his 77th birthday. (CNS photo/L'OSSERVATORE ROMANO) via Reuters)

                                                                    Katherine Russell, dressed as                    Pope Francis holds a bronze
                                                                    an angel, tells 4-year-old Nori                reliquary containing the relics
                                                                    Bellucci-Mattice about the night               of St. Peter the Apostle during
                                                                    Christ was born during a living                    a Mass concluding the Year
                                                                    Nativity Dec. 7 at Sacred Heart                  of Faith in St. Peter's Square
                                                                    Cathedral in Rochester, N.Y. (CNS                 at the Vatican Nov. 24. (CNS
                                                                    photo/Mike Crupi, C ATHOLIC COURIER)                photo/L'OSSERVATORE ROMANO)

This Nativity set is one of 193 Verna Bechard displays in her New London, Wis., home.
She purchased her first set for her mother in 1950 to replace an older one. (CNS photo/
Sam Lucero, THE COMPASS)

                                                                                             A girl in St. Peter's Square holds
                                                                                                baby Jesus figurines for Pope
                                                                                          Francis to bless during his Angelus
                                                                                             at the Vatican Dec. 15. Children
                                                                                            observed an annual tradition by
                                                                                             bringing their Nativity figurines
                                                                                           for the pope to bless. (CNS photo/
                                                                                                                    Paul Haring)

                     By Mark Simeroth
                     Across & Down:                                                                                                         

     1. Hebrew warrior;          3. Airplane locator
        name means lightning     4. Astonish
     2. Famous Texas mission     5. Asian divided nation

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                                                               PAGE 14        NORTH TEXAS CATHOLIC JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2014
                     How was Jesus born in you?
                     When was your epiphany?
                                                      What led you to find
                                                                                                                               Jeff Hedglen is the Campus
DECEMBER YOU ARE DOING                                Jesus in your life; in                                                   Minister at UTA and associate
                                                                                                                               director of Young Adult Ministry for
      This is because Christmas,
as per the Liturgical Calendar
                                                       short, what is your                                                     the diocese. He is also the primary
                                                                                                                               convener of Camp Fort Worth’s
                                                                                                                               many editions.
(the schedule of the seasons of the
Church year) doesn’t begin until                       personal epiphany
                                                                                                                               cal point of our lives, even if we
Dec. 24 and lasts all the way to
the Feast of the Baptism of the                                                                                                do not consciously think about
Lord, which this year is not until                                                                                             it all that often. The season of
January 12.                                                                                                                    Christmas is the perfect time to
      Christmas is all about the                                                                                               seriously consider our relationship
birth of Jesus, in time, almost                                                                                                with the Lord.
2,000 years ago and in our lives             Catholic News Service file photo of a stained-glass window at St. Michael
                                                                                                                                      So, whether it is on the Feast
all the time. Because the secular          Cathedral in Toronto depicting the visit of the Magi bringing gifts to the infant   of the Mother of God (Jan. 1) or
                                                                Jesus. (CNS photo/Nancy Wiechec)                               Epiphany (Jan. 6) or the Baptism
observance of Christmas seems
to last until Dec. 26 when all        ing a star so they could find Jesus.           though it was close to 20 years           of the Lord (Jan. 12) or even
the stores re-open, so people can     He then asked the people in the                ago.                                      someplace in between, I encour-
return all the gifts they opened      church what was our “star,” what                    All of the decorating and            age you to take a few moments
the day before, we can lose sight     led us to find Jesus in our lives;             cooking, and wrapping and un-             to think about your “star.” What
of the opportunity to really cel-     in short what was our personal                 wrapping are important parts of           led you to find Jesus in your life;
ebrate, contemplate, and enjoy the    epiphany moment?                               celebrating Christmas, but if we          in short what is your personal
reality of God’s love for humanity         For the next 20 minutes                   are to successfully avoid the trap        epiphany moment?
revealed in the sending of his Son    Father Beaumont scurried all over              of kicking Christmas to the curb                 Then, once you know what
to save us for all eternity.          the church with the microphone                 along with our Christmas tree a           it is, share it with someone, post
      In the middle of the            as people shared about the people              few days after Dec. 25 we have to         it on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr,
Christmas Season is the Feast of      who helped them grow in faith,                 intentionally find ways to make           or find a way to Instagram it.
Epiphany, the remembrance of          or the retreat they attended that              Christmas about the Incarnation.          Knowing your story is one thing;
three visitors from the East who      changed their life, or the way the                  If God had not emptied               sharing it is what we are called to
came bearing gifts for the new-       Scriptures had impacted their                  himself to embrace humanity, life,        do. Like the great Christmas song
born King of the Jews. This feast     faith, or about a specific moment              not just Christmas, would lose its        says: “Go tell it on the mountain
is a perfect opportunity to more      in prayer, or at Mass or in nature             meaning. The Incarnation is the           that Jesus is Christ is born” (in
deeply reflect on the coming of       or in silence when they encoun-                seminal moment in creation. It            your life).
Jesus in our own lives.               tered the living God.                          simultaneously raised the dignity                But don’t stop there, be like
      Years ago on the Feast of            The stories were as varied as             of the human person, opened               Pope Francis, live the words you
Epiphany the homily at my par-        they were numerous. Each in their              the door for salvation, gave us a         speak. Put into action the love
ish was pretty much given by the      own way revealing the countless                mediator and direct connection to         you have received from God.
congregation. My pastor began         ways that God reveals himself to               the Father, and paved the way for         For when we do this, the truth
by reminding us that the Magi         humanity. I can remember that                  the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.        of Christmas impacts the world
traveled a great distance follow-     Mass like it was yesterday, even                    Jesus the God-man is the fo-         around us every day of the year.
                                            PAGE 15      NORTH TEXAS CATHOLIC JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2014
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