I will greatly rejoice in the Lord - Isaiah 61:10

Page created by Rene Patel
I will greatly rejoice in the Lord - Isaiah 61:10
Vol. 76, #5                              May 2021

                             I will greatly
                             rejoice in the
                                Lord, ...
                              Isaiah 61:10

Becoming Like Jesus
page 3
Monthly Sermon page 4
Marianna Rebuilding
Ministry page 6
"Enlarge my Coast" page 6
ACCFS: Craving for
Quenching page 8
Guiding Principles at
Work page 50
Remembering Our
Spiritual Heritage page 66
The Light of Hope page 67
I will greatly rejoice in the Lord - Isaiah 61:10
                                                                                             For June issue
                                                                                             (news from Apr 16-May 15)
To Our Readers                                                                               Due: May 20, 2021

    Having just passed through the Easter season, many writers                               The Silver Lining
referenced sharing Communion with their church family. Most also                             (USPS 496780)
noted that it was so appreciated after missing the opportunity in 2020
due to the circumstances. That act of sharing together after a period of                     Published Monthly for the Apostolic
absense was so refreshing as love and unity knit hearts together.                            Christian Church of America by:
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    As we remember the words that Jesus uttered as he shared this                            651 E. Peoria St.
holy act with his disciples, we can't help but think of what it will be                      Goodfield, IL 61742.
like when he shares it with the faithful in heaven. While we commune
with him through the Spirit, we desire for that time of sharing it                           Periodicals Postage Paid at Goodfield, IL
with him in our eternal home. May the longing for that home and                              and at additional mailing offices.
heavenly table provoke our hearts to an even deep longing to share
Communion with our Lord.                                                                     Counselors:
                                                                                             Jeff Grimm, Greg Lehman
     In Christian love,
     Rick and Michelle Kaisner, Silver Lining Editors                                        Official Apostolic Christian Church
                                                                                             Website: www.apostolicchristian.org

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Front Cover: Sis. Heather Knapp, Chicago, IL
Back Cover: Sis. Denise Romersberger, Washington, IL

2   SILVER LINING May 2021
I will greatly rejoice in the Lord - Isaiah 61:10
Writings based on God’s Word

Light from the Word
Becoming Like                             ordinary and ‘unrefined’ men,            increasing understanding of Jesus’
Jesus                                     including fishermen from Galilee
                                          and a despised tax collector. In
                                                                                   teachings and their application
                                                                                   to daily living. The apostle Peter
   “But as many as received him, to       Jesus’ ministry, although there were     describes how spiritual growth
them gave he power to become the          personal encounters with ranking         proceeds: “… giving all diligence,
sons of God, even to them that believe    Jewish leaders (Jairus, Nicodemus),      add to your faith virtue, and to
on his name: Which were born, not         much of his time and teachings were      virtue knowledge, and to knowledge
of blood, nor of the will of the flesh,   directed to “the common people (who)     temperance, and to temperance
nor of the will of man, but of God.”1     heard him gladly.”2 He preached to       patience, and to patience godliness,
     Our church’s second Guiding          large crowds, but also took time         and to godliness brotherly kindness,
Principle states, “We seek to             for one-on-one interactions with         and to brotherly kindness charity.”4
be like Jesus in thought, action          ordinary people who needed help –        After faith comes virtue, uprightness
and character, and to live the            the Samaritan woman at the well, the     or moral excellence, resolving to
entire counsel of his Word.” The          disabled man at the pool of Bethesda,    “do what’s right.” Then knowledge,
three main aspects of this are 1)         the woman caught in adultery and         spiritual discernment of what is right
progressively knowing him more            the man born blind. The apostle          or wrong in the light of the Word.
intimately through prayer, reading        Paul reiterates this principle – that    Then temperance – moderation,
his word, seeking the Holy Spirit’s       in our relationships with others to      self-control which governs our
guidance, and sharing experiences         “mind not high things, but condescend    actions and reactions to people and
and encouragements with others, 2)        to men of low estate”3 – avoid being     circumstances. Temperance enables
modeling Christ’s example of self-        haughty or exclusive, but readily        patience, which implies restraint
sacrificial love and humble service,      associate with people regardless of      and long endurance – not merely a
and 3) forgiving others as he has         status and be willing to perform self-   stoic or resigned endurance, but a
forgiven us. This guiding principle       sacrificing, ordinary acts of service.   conscious submission of our human
is perhaps most clearly expressed in           Becoming like Christ is a           will to God’s holy and sovereign
Philippians 2:5-8 which states in         lifelong learning and growing            will, trusting that he will make “all
part, “Let this mind be in you, which     process that begins with repentance      things work together for good.”5 This
also was in Christ Jesus: Who, being      and conversion. Whether the              encourages godliness, reverence
in the form of God … made Himself         initial experience is dramatic and       or holiness, as both Old and New
of no reputation, and took upon           emotional or a gradual realization of    Testament verses urge us to “be
Himself the form of a servant … and       the soul’s lost condition and need for   holy, for I the Lord your God am
being found in fashion as a man, he       salvation, it begins with a spiritual    holy.”6 Then brotherly kindness,
humbled himself (still further) and       rebirth. By God’s graciousness, the      warm affection and concern for
became obedient unto death, even the      Holy Spirit enters the repentant         fellow Christians as members of the
death of the cross.”                      heart and begins his transformative      church family. The final, crowning
     The mind of Christ was evident       work by prompting more earnest           virtue is charity, agape or sacrificial
in the choice of his first disciples.     prayer, regular reading and study        love: “because he (Christ) laid down
Rather than men of high position,         of Scripture, and association with       his life for us … we ought to lay
influence, or power, he chose             other believers, all leading to an                   — Please turn to pg. 61

                                                                                            May 2021 SILVER LINING      3
Monthly Sermon
Sermon by Bro. Brent                                       fruitful. In this chapter, we read about the treasures of
Walder, Rockville, CT                                      wisdom and knowledge. The treasures of wisdom and
                                                           knowledge: where are they found?
May 22, 2019                                                    We live in a world that’s just full of wisdom
                                                           and knowledge and the philosophies of people. As
Colossians 2:1 - 3:3                                       we gain more and more knowledge, we become
                                                           more “wise”, and we understand more and more
The New Testament scriptures are opened here to            about the human mind and body. We have more
Colossians 2. Just before we start, I want to make         and more resources at our disposal. I just read an
a short expression of gratitude and thanksgiving.          article, maybe quoting a survey, that was talking
We’ve felt an outpouring of love and support in            about the percentage of people who go to church
the last days. We truly are blessed to be part of a        and the percentage of people who view religion as
congregation that is filled with God’s love, and our       being important in their regular living. The younger
hearts’ desire is that every person here, every child,     you get the lower that percentage goes, and it’s
every family, every single person, the friends, each       barely 50% for folks under 40 years old. It’s just an
one of us would feel that same love.                       illustration of really looking at philosophy, and –
     We’re going to read in this scripture a little bit    depending where your philosophy is rooted – it’s a
about being rooted in Christ and walking and being         way of using logic to explain various things in this
knit together in love. Let’s see what the Lord has in      “higher-order” thinking that sometimes looks at
store for us even as we read from Colossians 2.            religion as “the poor man’s opium”. It was considered
     I’ve read through the third verse of Chapter 3.       a way of making yourself feel good, and that thought
It’s a scripture that if you end with Chapter 2, it just   process is out there.
doesn’t really feel like it closes on a note of clarity,        We’re probably exposed to it more than we
but when you read a little bit further, it completes       realize, but maybe I’m just speaking to myself. It can
the thought of what he’s saying here. The message          cause us to start questioning the existence of God
that he has is one of being complete in Christ: Christ     and the existence of spirituality, and our very faith is
being the head of the body, all of us together finding     questioned. Yet, there’s an emptiness there. Something
nourishment in Jesus Christ, and that we not be            is missing. Paul was writing to these folks living in
confused by the doctrines or traditions around us or       Colossae, which I think was in Greece, who lived
the rudiments – thought processes – of the world or        amongst a pretty similar area. In Corinth, it certainly
of the flesh. So, let’s just go through this and think     would’ve been that way; the philosophy of the Greeks
about it together.                                         was very well advanced, probably very similar to many
     As Paul wrote to this church at Colossae, it seems    of the philosophies that we run into today. When Paul
the church was in reasonably good health. It was           went there and preached, he had to ground them in
a church for which he gave thanks. I guess for any         truth, ground them in the unknown God they didn’t
church that he wrote to he gave thanks, and his desire     really understand, teach them that they needed to
was that they would be filled with the knowledge           be rooted and grounded in Jesus Christ, and teach
of God’s will. They would understand God’s desires         them that in him were hid the treasures of wisdom
for them, and that through that, they would then be        and knowledge. If you can’t relate to wrestling with

4   SILVER LINING May 2021
philosophies of others, that’s good, but if we here          wouldn’t be by faith. He’s acknowledging that it is
are part of those that think a lot and process a lot,        a mystery to understand God, to try to comprehend
those philosophies can have an impact on us, and it’s        everything about God. God is sovereign; we are
good for us to just ground ourselves first in this basic     human. Our perspective is so small compared to
knowledge that in Jesus Christ are hid all the treasures     his. We shouldn’t expect to comprehend all of
of wisdom and knowledge.                                     that, but he reveals to us enough through his Holy
      Why is that? That last song that we sang says he       Spirit. He reveals it to us in so many different ways,
is the creator. He is the one that lives outside of time     sometimes through our own personal experiences. If
and outside of light. God is the source of all of those      we think back – those of us that are converted – to
things. Therefore, in him as the creator, the one who        the feeling in our heart when we had the faith to
understands all things from the greatest to the very         fully grasp and believe that we were forgiven and
smallest, who understands everything that’s ever             that our sins were wiped away and thrown in the
going to be discovered by people, are hid wisdom             sea of forgetfulness. We were new creatures, and we
and knowledge. Where do we go when we look for               did not have to be afraid to die.
wisdom and knowledge? Where do we go when we’re                   Some of us were at the gathering last night, and
struggling? One of the places needs to be the Bible          it was all about earthly things you do to prepare
and also to our knees in prayer, isn’t it?                   to die. It was well worthwhile. All of those things
      He goes on here, saying he had this conflict, or       are certainly extremely useful and important, but
desire, within. He talks here in the previous chapter,       I’m sure most everyone there had the thought “are
saying, “Whom we preach, warning every man, and              we prepared ourselves for death?” Death itself is a
teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may present        mystery. How thankful we can be if we have that
every man perfect in Christ Jesus” (Col 1:28). So, he        knowledge and we’ve been through that experience
wants us to be perfect. I think we heard this over           of feeling the forgiveness of God and knowing in our
the weekend that “perfect” is moving towards a               hearts. That’s evidence that we know we are his when
completed work of salvation, and our completeness            we feel his Spirit in our hearts, isn’t it? It strengthens
comes because Jesus Christ is the fullness and fills         our faith. Then, we might go through life, and
all in all. Our sufficiency, our resting of our salvation    sometime later, maybe weeks, months, years later,
and the source of strength we rely on, is not ourselves      we might question that. We need to go back to those
or in the thought process of other people, but it’s in       Ebenezers and remember.
Jesus Christ. It’s in his righteousness. It’s in his love.        There’re other things that he gives us, and he
It’s in him that we find this nurturing.                     describes those here. A lot of this chapter is about
      So, he’s praying for them, “That their hearts might    being part of this body that is rooted in Christ,
be comforted, being knit together in love, and unto all      built up in him, and also knit together in love. Knit
riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the        together in love and not just when everything’s
acknowledgement of the mystery of God, and of the            going well. We think about the test of love. It’s a lot
Father, and of Christ” (v 2). He’s acknowledging here        easier to love when we’re all unified, we all think
that there is a mystery. When we seek to understand          the same way, we feel the spirit among us, and
something by faith, there’s going to be a measure            things are going really well. That’s a great time to
of doubt. It’s by faith. If there wasn’t uncertainty, it                                     — Please turn to pg. 62

                                                                                          May 2021 SILVER LINING     5
And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus...
                                – Colossians 3:17

Ministry Program Updates
Marianna Rebuilding Ministry
Trusting God Through Uncertain Times                                                USA Committee

On October 18, 2018, Hurricane Michael made                      relationships to be established. Meetings were held
landfall near Mexico Beach, Florida as a powerful                with two Long-Term Recovery Organizations whose
Category 5 storm with sustained winds of 160 mph.                responsibility is to connect resources with those who
Moving inland, the storm inflicted major damage                  have demonstrated inability to recover on their own.
across Jackson and Calhoun counties and the city of              These are the families we want to help. Additionally,
Marianna as it continued north over the panhandle                we needed to find a facility to house our volunteers
into Alabama and Georgia where it weakened. Wind                 and leadership team – always a major challenge.
was the primary destructive force causing an endless                  God’s hand was evident in
number of trees to be uprooted or snapped off high               leading us to the North Florida
above the ground. This resulted in damage to roofs               Inland Long Term Recovery
allowing rainwater to inundate homes causing                     Group and to Blue Springs
damage to walls, floors and contents followed by                 Christian Camp in Marianna.
mold and mildew making occupancy very unhealthy.                 Following our meeting with
For many, there was no choice but to continue living             the recovery group, we were
in these deplorable conditions.                                  confident they understood our
    In July of 2020, a HarvestCall leadership team               goals and they assured us there
made its first visit to Marianna to investigate the              would be plenty of work to keep
needs and explore the opportunity to serve in this               us busy. The following day, we
location. Trusting in God to direct this process, we             toured Blue Springs which had
go in faith seeking clear direction – doors to open and          been vacant since the hurricane

Pray for God to “Enlarge my Coast” Rural Gospel and Medical Missions of India
India, like the rest of the world, experienced many              and counsel those who needed encouragement and
challenges as a result of the Covid outbreak. Despite            someone to listen.
these hindrances, the RGMMI ministry continued.                      In recent months, regular services at RGMMI
Houses of worship were forced to close for months,               churches have resumed. In recognition of their sins
but church leaders kept in touch with their members              and need for the Savior, a number of people have
by phone and personal home visits. As the country                repented and have been baptized: praise God! As we
began to open up, small group meetings were held                 pray for God to “enlarge my coast” (I Chronicles 4:9),
to share God’s word. RGMMI staff distributed                     one of our rural churches is sponsoring a “creche for
food packages to very poor sections of Nashik                    kids”; an activity program for preschool children that
where RGMMI is headquartered; In some rural                      creates an opportunity for many youngsters to hear
areas, recipients walked 8-10 kilometers for the                 about Jesus at an early age. In addition, RGMMI
relief packages! A helpline was also set up to mentor            evangelists have reached into a new community that

6   SILVER LINING May 2021
and was recently sold to new owners. The timing of               In a “normal” year, the decision would have
this exchange was key to our opportunity to use this        been simple. God had surely opened doors and led
facility – Only God! The vacant facilities were still       us in amazing ways. Praise God for His faithful
without electrical power. Despite that, our tour revealed   and clear direction! But, we were in a pandemic!
that this facility had all the components needed to         Is it wise to proceed with plans that will bring
accommodate our teams. A large commercial kitchen           volunteers together from across the country into
with dining room adjacent; multiple dormitories with        accommodations where shared facilities and meals
showers and bathrooms; housing for many of the long-        are the expectation? Big questions remained!
term staff as well as RV hook-ups. Nothing was lacking!          Believing the scriptural directive that “in the
Clearly, God had opened doors in a big way!                 multitude of counsellors, there is safety,” (Prov. 24:6) the
                                                            USA Committee sought counsel from the HarvestCall
                                                            Management Team, Medical Committee and
                                                            church leadership – the Elder Committee. Through
                                                            this counsel and the guidance of the Holy Spirit,
                                                            the decision was made to move forward with the
                                                            rebuilding ministry. Trusting God for His provision
                                                            and protection above any risk-mitigation protocols we
                                                            could implement; the rebuilding ministry began on
                                                            January 10th and continued through March 30th.
                                                            In that period, 489 volunteers from 51 congregations
                                                            came to serve. Thankfully, we are not aware of any
                                                            COVID transmission resulting from this ministry.
                                                            Praise God!! – by Les Schambach

has expressed a desire to learn more about the Savior.      is an experienced educator and instantly became
Please pray that God will continue to open doors for        a valuable addition to the RGMMI educational
the proliferation of the gospel through RGMMI’s             ministry upon her arrival. Even though schools
ministry (Acts 1:8). With a desire to grow in their         were shut down, on-line instruction was provided
understanding of the Word of God, all RGMMI                 through extensive effort and innovation. Earlier this
spiritual staff are presently enrolled in a Bible           year, the schools were reopened. However, in Mid-
training course. (II Pet. 1:5; II Tim. 2:15)                March, the Indian government closed the schools
    The employment of our new Director/                     once again. In person worship services have also
Administrator of RGMMI has been a rich blessing             been temporarily suspended.
to the entire organization. Dr. Nitin Joseph, who               We are so thankful for modern technology
previously served as a volunteer board member               and communication that has enabled RGMMI to
of the RGMMI India board, felt a calling to                 continue to its mission despite the pandemic. “To
serve as the full-time Director/Administrator of            God be the glory, great things He has done!”
the RGMMI organization. His wife, Manisha,                  – by John Lehman

                                                                                         May  2016 SILVER LINING
                                                                                              2021                    3
Craving for Quenching: 4 Refreshing

  “O satisfy us early with thy mercy; that we may rejoice   world will never satisfy” not only because it cannot
and be glad all our days.” Psalm 90:14                      but because it does not want to.
                                                                 Secondly, Moses writes “O satisfy us early…” It is
They met at a well because they both were thirsty.          refreshing to learn that God’s satisfaction happens
They each had a physical need that needed to be met.        at the beginning and not at the ending. No earthly
“Give me to drink...”, Jesus requests of the woman          satisfaction comes in this manner. Rather, satisfaction
(John 4:7). This craving for quenching was the              comes at the end of the meal, at the end of slumber,
backdrop Jesus needed to help the Samaritan woman           at the end of a hard day’s work. Furthermore, it
understand the satisfaction God offers. And to her          is good for satisfaction to come in this way. Every
surprise, and ours also, it is very satisfying.             employer wants her employee motivated by the
      We understand very well the concept of
satisfaction. Every time we draw a breath, drink a
glass of water, eat a meal, achieve a goal, or collapse
exhausted into bed at the end of a hard day’s work,
we enjoy satisfaction. It is the quenching of an
appetite. The satiation of a need. Satisfaction comes
in different shapes and sizes and can be applied to
any real or perceived physical, emotional or relational
need. Moses, the author of Psalm 90:14, provides
four refreshing facts about the satisfaction that comes
from God. We will take them one at a time and in
the order they appear.
      First the psalmist writes “O satisfy…” This
introduction suggests the pursuit of satisfaction is
not the prize but satisfaction itself is the prize. At
first glance this is not remarkable at all. Yet, with
more careful personal inspection, I must confess
that very often I glory in the pursuit of satisfying        carrot of satisfaction. A dozen character qualities
rather than the satisfaction itself. Which one of us        have grown in us because of this cause-and-effect
would forgo the meal and skip to the satisfaction?          relationship between preceding effort and following
Not too many. No, we love the eating. We love               satisfaction. God offers something different — very
the drinking. We love the sleeping. We love the             different. He offers a satisfaction that comes early and
pursuit. It then comes as no surprise to learn much         by it we live and have our being from the standpoint
of what we consume in this life has never been              of contented, finished achievement. The believer can
engineered to fully satisfy. If social media satisfied      start their day with a finishing satisfaction.
me, I would shut if off having had my satisfying                 What is the nature of this satisfaction? Moses tells
fill. That’s not good for business. If the Lay’s potato     us this also. “O satisfy us early with thy mercy”. The
chip satisfied me, I would not finish the bag and           third refreshing fact about the satisfaction of God is it
go buy another-with a belly ache to boot. “This             is not earned. The satisfaction of God is realized. It is

8   SILVER LINING May 2021
Facts about the Satisfaction of God

His mercy that satiates our wants and needs. This is    early with thy mercy; that we may rejoice and be glad
remarkable. Typically the mechanisms of satisfaction    all our days.”
are grand, noteworthy, engineered and won. Yet the           “Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst
quiet, unassuming favor of God is enough to capture     again” (John 4:13), Jesus told the woman. “But
the heart of man and put him at rest. The hard work     whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him
required for our satisfaction has come by way of the    shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him
hard work of Christ. We enter into His work, into His   shall be in him a well of water springing up into
satisfying rest.                                        everlasting life.” (John 4:14) She believed him. After
     Finally, the satisfactions we experience here on   all, she left her water pot at the well and returned
earth expire and come up for renewal. How many          home to tell others of the only One who can truly

times do we push ourselves back from the dinner         satisfy. May we likewise seek satisfaction from the
table after a big meal to exclaim “I will never need    One who can truly quench our craving.
to eat again!” Hunger at this point is so forgotten
that it’s truly hard to imagine craving even another    ACCFS has a host of resources on various topics to
bite. And yet, in four short hours our appetite will    encourage a believer in their walk and growth in the
return and make demands for satisfaction. And so,       Lord. They range from adapted Bible studies and
it is with every other desire we experience. We are     discussion aids for groups to papers and handouts for
thirsty again, tired again, in need of affirmation      individual study to presentations and seminars for the
again and the cycle of satisfaction and expiration      entire church family. These resources can be found at
continue. But the satisfaction of God is different.     www.accounseling.org/category/spiritualgrowth. If you
The fourth surprising fact of God’s satisfaction is     would like more information, please contact ACCFS at
that it endures and does not expire. “O satisfy us      (309)263-5536 or info@accounseling.org.

                                                                                    May 2021 SILVER LINING    9
Congregation Updates
Apostolic Christian                       but we know that they will be          Gateway Woods Foster Care
LifePoints                                made new in heaven. There is so        program. They have been foster
www.aclifepoints.org                      much for them to look forward to       parents for several years now and
@aclifepoints on Facebook or              in this new season of true, eternal    have had numerous children come
Instagram                                 life. They have finished the race      through their home who have
Ashlyn Gramm-Mission                      and have won the victory!              all felt the stability, security, and
Communication Coordinator                      As residents move on to           love the McGuires have to offer.
   “For to me to live is Christ,          eternal life, their impact here does   While they have blessed and loved
and to die is gain.” Philip. 1:21         not end at death. At LifePoints,       each child that has come into
     This past fall, we experienced the   we see God redeem death by             their home, they’ve also taken it
deaths of a few deeply loved residents    allowing one resident’s passing        a step further at times, extending
at LifePoints. We once again had          to bring new life for others. This     the same love, grace, and patience
to say good-bye this past April to        season of loss is transformed into     to the biological families of their
another beloved individual who had        a season of increase as we seek        foster children as well.
lived with us for thirty years. Each      to fill these new openings at our           One particular summer, a
time a resident passes, our hearts        homes. We first make sure we are       sibling duo, Truitt* and Trinity*,
must stop to reflect and process their    best serving our current residents’    were placed with the McGuires.
absence. Death is an interesting          needs, moving them to different        They were there until reunification
thing to reflect on, especially           locations if that is what will bring   with their biological family, so it
when we look at it with a heavenly        fullness to their lives. After that,   was a relatively short stay in foster
perspective. We are so grateful for       we get to turn to those on the         care terms, lasting less than four
the time each of our residents had        waiting list and offer to serve        months. This short amount of
here on earth, and we feel so blessed     them. It’s powerful to see God         time did not stop them; Shannon
to have been invited into their lives     orchestrate these seasons, allowing    especially, from loving on and
as they lived with us at LifePoints.      each resident and family we serve      pouring into Truitt and Trinity,
     Just as Paul writes in               at LifePoints to live a beautiful      their biological mother Tasha*,
Philippians, we all have the desire       and full life while on this earth.     and their other siblings.
to bring glory to God as we live          And what a joy it will be when we           What started as a bit of an
and to fully experience God’s             are all reunited together with our     uncomfortable relationship with
glory when we die. While our              Lord in heaven!                        Tasha, some smiles at visitation
residents live here on earth, we                                                 drop-offs, and occasional texts to
see Christ at work through their          Gateway Woods Apostolic                share how the children were doing,
lives – they impact all whom they         Christian Children’s Home              soon turned into a beautiful
come into contact with. Staff,            Samantha Ericksom — Foster             friendship. Shannon made a point
family members, friends, and the          Care Supervisor                        to reach out to Tasha, checking in
community are all transformed by               Jarrod and Shannon McGuire        on her to see how she was doing,
the love they give and the lessons        followed the calling God placed        and would go above and beyond
they teach. It is difficult for each      on their lives by fostering and        at the few scheduled drop-offs by
one of us when a resident passes,         caring for children through the        continually praying over her.

10   SILVER LINING May 2021
Soon, Truitt and Trinity          was in turn able to receive the           schambach@gatewaywoods.
returned home with their mother        support and resources she needed          org for more information.
and siblings. Things were difficult    to keep all of her children in her        This is a great opportunity to
at first, which is not uncommon.       home and continue working to              impact the lives of the chil-
Many families struggle when their      provide income for her family.            dren on our campus!
children return home from foster            To this day, Jarrod and            • We are also searching for our
care, but it is often scary to reach   Shannon choose to walk through            Summer Education Intern.
out and ask for help, the main         life alongside many biological            Please contact Bro. Brock Wil-
reason being the fear of system        families, sharing grace and love          liamson at brock.williamson@
involvement again. Rather than         through difficult times in their          gatewaywoods.org for more in-
trying to push through on her          lives. While they love the children       formation. This is a great oppor-
own, Tasha chose to reach out to       placed in their home, they never          tunity to gain some experience
Shannon. And Shannon chose             stop there. They see the real             while impacting our residents!
to come around her and support         purpose of foster care: loving the      • We also are looking for our
her through the difficulties. She      entire family unit.                       GW Farms Summer Intern.
spent a couple of days a month            *Name changed for confidentiality.     This is a great opportunity to
with Tasha and her family, helping     News:                                     work directly with residents as
with babysitting and doing life        • If you want to make a Kingdom           you plant and harvest boun-
alongside her. She continued to          impact by sowing seeds of hope for      tiful gifts from the garden.
invite her to church and pray over       an eternal harvest, visit gateway-      Please contact Bro. Eric Bahler
their family struggles.                  woods.org/sowers-of-hope to learn       at gwfarms@gatewaywoods.org
     This friendship really came         more about our newly launched           for more information.
into play when Tasha feared that         monthly giving program. Sign up            You are an important advocate
her children would be removed            today to receive a special gift as    to help us spread the word about
from her home again. Her first           a reminder to be praying for the      God’s work at Gateway Woods.
call was to Shannon. She asked           youth you are impacting.              Please continue to lift us up
Shannon to step in and help care       • We currently are looking for          in prayer, check our website
for her children and Shannon was         a WillowBridge Community              gatewaywoods.org and our
quick to come to her aid through         Advocate Support Couple and           Facebook page at facebook.com/
a painful situation, clearly seeing      an Assistant Houseparent. For         gatewaywoods often for updates,
that she just needed the support of      more information, please see          and make sure that you are on
a friend and not the removal of her      our ad in this month’s edition        our mailing list. If you would
children again.                          of The Silver Lining or visit the     like be added to our mailing list,
     Not feeling fully equipped          Careers page on our website at        please contact us at 888.443.4283
herself, Shannon reached out             gatewaywoods.org/careers.             or send an email to info@
to Gateway to gain insight and         • We are searching for a Sum-           gatewaywoods.org. Finally, if you
resources that could support her         mer Volunteer Coordinator             would like to receive a monthly
through this. With Shannon as a          for 2021. Please contact Bro.         email detailing how the work
support person in her life, Tasha        Keith Schambach at keith.             at Gateway Woods is bringing

                                                                                      May 2021 SILVER LINING   11
help and healing to those in            sweet reunion it will be, especially       on with the women whose stories
need, please consider joining our       after the past year of isolation! Please   are included in Scripture. There
Restoring Hope email list. You          pray for an uplifting weekend and          are many examples of a mother’s
can do so at gatewaywoods.org/          health/safety for all attending.           sacrificial love. Some we know
newsletter or by emailing jon.               We ask for your continued             better than others. We know of
ringger@gatewaywoods.org.               prayers for Sis. Carolyn Lewis and         the mother of the living infant
                                        Sis. Clarann Lynn, and their families      who would have given him up
Alabama, Athens                         as they continue to battle cancer.         to save his life; the mother of
Lisa Aschliman , Kristy Moore                As always, we would love              Moses, who gave her son up to the
   “And Jesus said unto them,           to have y’all visit, even if you’re        Egyptians and was allowed to help
Because of your unbelief: for verily    traveling through for the                  raise him; Hannah, who “lent”
I say unto you, If ye have faith as     evening! For our guest house               her son to God in fulfillment of
a grain of mustard seed, ye shall       accommodations, please call Sis.           her promise to God; Rebekah’s
say unto this mountain, Remove          Rebekah Klaus at 815.674.5411.             mother who allowed her daughter
hence to yonder place; and it shall                                                to move to a far-off land to marry
remove; and nothing shall be            Arizona, Phoenix                           a stranger. Then there is Mary,
impossible unto you.” Matt. 17:20       Marge Lindenbaum                           who sacrificed her reputation, her
     Doubt. Isn’t this a tool of          “Bath-sheba therefore went unto          lifestyle, and gave her son first to
Satan that likes to creep into          king Solomon, to speak unto him for        the people who followed him, and
our minds? The disciples had            Adonijah. And the king rose up to          then to the world. Motherhood
attempted to heal a little boy, but     meet her, and bowed himself unto           is sacrifice. But God graciously
were unsuccessful. They were            her, and sat down on his throne,           repays everything we willingly
perplexed. Why were they unable         and caused a seat to be set for the        offer, and more.
to heal this little boy? Jesus called   king’s mother; and she sat on his               A mother’s love is a unique
them out… they doubted. After           right hand.” 1 Kings 2:19                  and wonderful thing. There is no
witnessing the countless miracles           In Hebrew society, and                 love that can compare to the love
and power of Christ, they still         throughout Scripture, mothers are          of a mother for her child, or to a
doubted. Did they realize they          held in high esteem. Certainly,            child for its mother. No matter
were doubting?                          Solomon – the wisest man who               how old we grow, our mother will
     Oh, how I can relate. I know       ever lived – treated his mother            have a place in our heart that can
God has power and control over          with honor. It does not seem she           be occupied by no one else. This
everything, but from time to time,      had any reason to believe she              is by design. God meant for us
that little thought of doubt makes      would not be well-received when            to understand his love for us by
its ugly way into my mind. Thank        she wanted to speak with her son,          referencing the love of a parent
goodness we only need a mustard         the king. And when she presented           for its child. While we are not all
seed of faith! May Christ help          a request that would potentially           mothers, we all have a mother, and
us overcome our unbelief (Mark          make a way for someone else to             she fills a unique spot. Even those
9:25), so that he will be glorified.    overthrow his claim to the throne,         whose mothers are not good parents
     It’s here!! All the preparation    he did not admonish or punish              have that same love for them. Sadly,
has come to fruition as we are          her for it. It seems these two had a       when the place is not filled with a
finally able to host ALive over         good relationship, as there should         loving parent, there can be damage,
Memorial Day Weekend!! We are           be between a mother and her son.           because we are designed for such a
looking forward to this weekend             We are not given many details          relationship. Yet, in his mercy, God
of fellowship and worship. What a       about the mothering that went              can fill those voids when they exist.

12   SILVER LINING May 2021
When my mother passed, she          Arizona, Prescott                       California, Los Angeles/
left an unfillable hole. Thankfully,     Autumn Rokey                            Altadena
I have many wonderful memories              “And in the morning, rising up a     Kali Sauder
and can still experience her love        great while before day, he went out,       “…this do in remembrance of me.
in them. I think of her often and        and departed into a solitary place,     ... For as often as ye eat this bread, and
am so grateful for the sacrificial       and there prayed.” Mark 1:35            drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord’s
love that my mother had for me!               As the sun is starting to rise     death till he come.” 1 Cor. 11:24,26
Even though I miss her, I can look       early and spring has set upon us, it         The two-part purpose of our
forward to meeting her again one         is much easier to get out of bed and    Holy Communion service held
day. What a blessing!                    start the day. The light draws us       powerful meaning this year in
  “As one whom his mother                out of our slumber and invigorates      light of all that’s happened since
comforteth, so will I comfort you; and   us to get moving. But Jesus got up      we last gathered to remember and
ye shall be comforted…” Isa. 66:13       before the sun rose. Partially to not   proclaim. We remember Jesus’
     Once again, our congregation        be followed by all those seeking        love for us, his sacrifice, how
was blessed with several visiting        him but also by the need to spend       God “spared not his own Son, but
ministers, including Bro. Mitch          time alone with God. Do we let          delivered him up for us all,” Rom.
Fehr (Sis. Abbie, Morris, MN),           Jesus be the light that draws us out    8:32. And we proclaim his death
Elder Bro. Wayne Hartzler (Sis.          of bed and into communion with          till he comes again. We are re-
Camille, Rittman, OH), Bro. Jeff         him before the busy day starts?         commissioned to proclaim the
Fischer (Sis. Gloria, Fort Scott,             Thankful for visiting ministers    good news we’ve received:
KS), and Elder Bro. Nick Gutwein         Bro. Kirk Plattner (Sis. Keri, West        “…how that Christ died for our
(Sis. Suzanne, West Lafayette, IN).      Lafayette, IN) and Bro. Brent           sins according to the scriptures; and
We appreciate their willingness to       Walder (Sis. Naomi, Rockville, CT).     that he was buried, and that he
stand before us and allow the Spirit                                             rose again the third day according
to use them to bring us the Word.        Arizona, Tucson                         to the scriptures” 1 Cor. 15:3-4
     We celebrate the success            Dean and Jackie Knobloch                     On the heels of this special
of our young folks who are                    This month Bro. Mitch Fehr         occasion, we were also able to
graduating this Spring. These            (Sis. Abbie, Morris, MN) visited        celebrate Easter with the familiar
include, from college: Fredric           and brought us the Word. We are         tradition of meeting early on
Hoerr and Adrienne Waibel;               thankful for all our visitors.          Resurrection Morning on a
from high school: Josiah                 Bro. Gene Denick has been               mountaintop overlooking the city
Baum and Kayla Witzig; from              dealing with health issues and          to sing and worship the risen Lord.
8th grade: Odin Ebert, Matz              we are praying he can feel God’s             We held another Buy
Hinrichsen and Josie Labudde.            healing hand in time.                   Nothing event in the church
Congratulations to each of you!               We rejoice with Marshall           parking lot, gathering donations
     We rejoice that souls are           Wulf, son of Bro. Duane and             from both the church and local
turning to the Lord, and welcome         Sis. Ann, as he is ready to give        communities, organizing the
Josie Labudde, Portia Virkler,           his testimony on how God has            items, and offering them for free
Ava Hinrichsen and Jared and             changed his life.                       to anyone who needed them
Mackenzie Wuethrich to our                    We also extend our sympathy        over the course of a Saturday
fellowship. There is much joy in         to Sis. Michelle Wiegand (Elder         morning. Just like last fall, we
Heaven, among the angels and             Bro. Ben, Philadelphia, PA) as she      were blown away to see God’s
the saints and, of course, our           mourns the loss of her mother, Sis.     tangible provision as unique
loving Lord!                             Jaunita Walter (Fairbury, IL).          items were claimed with story

                                                                                         May 2021 SILVER LINING        13
after story of needs being met. It               We are thankful that Andrew        effort given the distance between
was such a beautiful way to bless           Grimm (Bro. Mike and Sis.               many members’ homes, but this
the community and point to                  Amber) and Brandon Petrovic             effort is always richly repaid in
the One who meets us all in our             (Bro. Phillip and Sis. Tasha) have      time together. The Sunday school
deepest needs.                              sought the kingdom and will             held a special service on April 4 to
     Once again, we can gather              be publicly committing their            celebrate Easter. We listened as the
inside church, and due to some              hearts to Jesus in a water baptism      children told the story of Christ’s
recent upgrades, the sanctuary              on May 2. Praise God that his           resurrection and enjoyed both
feels refreshed and renewed. We             mercies are endless, and his grace      congregational and student singing.
are so grateful and rejoice in God’s        is sufficient to cover our every sin.       We said goodbye to Sis.
faithfulness in all circumstances as             With the freshness of spring       Mallory Blunier this month, who
we continue to learn contentment            and continuous roll out of              has moved back to Princeville, IL
whether abased or abounding, in             vaccines, San Diego’s COVID-19          after 5 years with us in Denver.
want or in plenty.                          restrictions are softening, and         We hope she will visit us often.
                                            churches are free to open their             One of the ways in which we
California, San Diego                       doors as before. Praise God! We         have been provoked to love and
Sarah Fulop                                 will be transitioning back to two       good works has been in the request
     April has always been my               services and lunch with continued       by our trustees and ministers to
favorite month of the year. The             precautions to ensure safety of         honor our government and care for
whispers of winter are quieted by           our members and visitors. While         our weaker brethren by obeying
the endless chirping of blue jays and       the future is still uncertain, we       the various governmental mandates
the fragrance of blossoming trees. In       are thankful to worship and eat         regarding the pandemic. We are
San Diego, locals are flocking to the       corporately once again. We are          grateful to be returning to nearly
beaches before the summer crowds            also excited as Justin Michal will      normal functioning at this time and
steal all the parking spaces. Just          be returning from a two-month           welcome all to come visit Colorado!
like spring is a breath of fresh air, I     work transfer in Amman, Jordan.
trust all of us are feeling rejuvenated          More fellowship is on the          Connecticut, Rockville
spiritually. May the hope of Easter         horizon as we look forward to a         Heidi Beutel, Kim Schneider
flood our souls and remind us               beach gathering with our Altadena            We rejoice with Wade
that we are redeemed and beloved            congregation. This next month,          Luginbuhl (Bro. Andrew and
children of God. For those knee             may we all strive to draw closer        Sis. Colleen) as he begins his
deep in seasons of pain, may you            to Christ and stand secure in his       repentance. We wish him much
look to the cross and the promise           unfathomable love.                      grace as he strives to seek out his
that the victory has already been                                                   soul’s salvation.
won. In the sermon on the mount             Colorado, Denver                             We extend our sympathy
Jesus reminds us:                           Jenna Hartter, Rebekah Stoller          and support to Bro. Phil and Sis.
     "Wherefore, if God so clothe             “And let us consider one              Michelle Bahler and their family
the grass of the field, which to day        another to provoke unto love and        circle in the passing of Michelle’s
is, and to morrow is cast into the          to good works:” Heb. 10:24              mom, Lorraine Behling (Richard).
oven, shall he not much more clothe              Our Denver church body             May God be their comfort in this
you, O ye of little faith?... But seek      has been blessed with extra             time of loss.
ye first the kingdom of God, and his        fellowship in rotating potluck               Over the past month we have
righteousness; and all these things shall   groups throughout March and             been blessed in the relaxing of
be added unto to you." Matt. 6:30,33        April. It can take extra time and       our state’s COVID-19 restrictions

14   SILVER LINING May 2021
and we can now gather in much              We pray that God will               Columbus, OH). We appreciate
larger numbers. In mid-April, we       continue to be with Elder               their service and pray they will be
were able to partake of a noon         Bro. Kevin and Sis. Cheryl,             blessed for it.
meal together for the first time in    as he continues his duties and              We are happy to announce
over a year. The routines we once      responsibilities in shepherding the     that Ft. Lauderdale sermons are
took for granted now stir within       Vermont congregation.                   now on AC Central. When you
us a surge of appreciation and                                                 simply can’t attend, it’s wonderful
thankfulness as we once again          District of Columbia,                   to tune out the world and hear
share a meal and spend sweet           Washington                              God’s word from home, hospital,
fellowship with those we love.         Henrietta Meyer                         wherever you may be.
     We look out of our windows,            We are still enjoying the              Bro. Kenny Baum led a
step outside, breathe in the fresh     Lord’s beautiful creation as we         kickoff meeting for our Friendship
air, and observe the changing          view the flowering trees and            Report; a time of sharing,
of the season from winter to           bushes of spring.                       accountability and prayer to be
spring all around us. Here in our           This month our visiting            more intentional about making
Rockville congregation, we step        (virtual) ministers were Bro. Rick      friends and sharing the Gospel
inside our church pews, open our       Kaisner (Chicago, IL) and Bro.          through those relationships. The
hearts doors, and we too observe       Chad Gerber (Bluffton, IN).             Friendship Report is another
the changing of the seasons of              As more and more folks get         outgrowth from our recent church
life. On Easter Sunday, our dear       their COVID-19 vaccinations, we         assessment process.
and beloved Elder Bro. Kevin           are starting to investigate locations       Sis. Ilene Haefli, (Peoria, IL)
Ryan ministered his last sermon        for assembling in person. Lord          passed away on April 12. Sis. Ilene,
as elder and minister of our local     willing, we will have news for you      along with her late husband Bro.
congregation. It is impossible to      next month.                             Bob Haefli, spent many winters as
put into words, but we wish to              If you are planning to visit       part of our Ft. Lauderdale church
thank him, his dear wife, Sis.         Washington, D.C. area for vacation      family. We have great memories
Cheryl, and their children and         or business, please contact Sis.        of sweet fellowship with them and
grandchildren for the sacrifices       Henrietta Meyer at 703.904.8301         their children over the years. Our
and love given to each one of us       or hmeyer2831@gmail.com for             prayers for their family for comfort
throughout his service as our          assistance, to let us know how          and peace during their time of loss.
minister for the past thirty-eight     many to expect for Sunday services      While we grieve when our loved
years and as our shepherd for the      and to find out if, when and where      ones pass, we rejoice that they are
past thirty years. Our hearts wish     services are to be held.                now with our heavenly father.
to extend the same blessing to him
and his family as he shared and        Florida, Fort Lauderdale                Florida, Fort Myers
wished for each of us in his closing   Renee Mangold                           Addison Steidinger, Carrie
comments: “May the road rise up             We were blessed to have            Steidinger
to meet you. May the wind always       visiting ministers this past month.         We finished up our Ladies
be at your back. May the sun           Visiting were Bro. Dan Beer (Sis.       Winter Bible Study of Elijah.
shine warm upon your face; the         Deb, Milford, IN); Bro. Tom             Together we saw that finishing
rains fall soft upon your fields and   Bolliger (Sis. Jane, Tremont,           well was Elijah’s greatest legacy,
until we meet again, may God           IL); Bro. Matthew Steffen               and we explored how to make that
hold you in the palm of his hand.”     (Sis. Deanna, Princeville, IL)          our legacy also. Our prayer would
(Traditional Irish Blessing)           and Bro. John Grimm (Sis. Julie,        be that we develop perseverance

                                                                                      May 2021 SILVER LINING    15
and hold on to our faith regardless       the joy he gives                        and breakfast, we listened to the
of our feelings or circumstances.         But greater still the calm assurance    Sunday school children sing. Due
     In April we gathered for a           This child can face uncertain           to the pandemic canceling our
potluck to remember the years             days because he lives                   sunrise service last year, this year’s
of ministry Bro. Marvin and Sis.          And then one day I’ll cross the river   Easter sunrise service tradition
Rhea Steffen gave to our faith            I’ll fight life’s final war with pain   was long-awaited. It was a blessing
family. He began his service in           And then, as death gives                to have Elder Bro. John Jackson
1997, and has sacrificially served        way to vict’ry                          (Sis. Peggy, Bay City, MI) to share
us through the years.                     I’ll see the lights of glory            a Good Friday message with us.
     Visiting ministers this past         and I’ll know he reigns                 On Easter Sunday, following our
month were: Bro. Ryan Bertsch (Sis.       Because he lives                        morning at Lake McIntosh, we
Jessica, Bluffton North, IN), Bro.        I can face tomorrow                     returned to the church where
Matt Knapp (Sis. Dana, Peachtree          Because he lives                        Bro. Neil Stoller (Sis. Luann,
City, GA), Bro. George Gal (Sis.          All fear is gone                        Princeville, IL) shared an Easter
Tina, Akron, OH), and Bro. Mike           Because I know he holds the future      message with us.
Kaisner (Sis. Mindy, Peoria, IL).         And life is worth the living                 We rejoice with Drew
Note of Thanks:                           Just because he lives                   Waldbeser (Elder Bro. Tom and Sis.
     For all the love, encouragement,     Because He Lives, Written by            Sue) in his marriage to Elizabeth
gifts, and prayers shown us over          William and Gloria Gaither              Penland (Tom and Joy Penland) on
the years of my ministry, we                 Slowly our winter residents          April 3. May the Lord bless them
thank you from our hearts. The          are starting to return to their           as they serve him together!
love and kindness poured out on         northern homes. The fellowship                 Our thoughts and prayers are
us at the appreciation dinner was       we had together will remain as            with Bro. Derek and Sis. Naomi
overwhelming. May God bless each        a fond memory. We wish them               Stoller and their little daughter
one of you.                             a beautiful summer as we look             Miriam and Bro. Rudy Steidinger
     Marvin and Rhea Steffen            forward to their return in the fall.      as they spend the month of April
                                             In the busyness and fast pace        serving the Lord in Brazil! We
Florida, Sarasota                       of our lives, it is good, at times, to    miss their presence here but are so
Sandra Kaeb                             get away. Several of our families         thankful they have an opportunity
  "God sent his son, they               went camping on March 19 and              to share their giftings there.
  called him Jesus                      enjoyed God’s beautiful nature                 Like so many others, we had
  He came to love, heal and forgive     and quiet peacefulness.                   not shared Communion together
  He lived and died to buy my pardon         We were blessed to have Bro.         as a church since 2019 due to the
  An empty grave is there to            Todd Stoller (Sis. Pamela, Latty          safety precautions surrounding the
  prove my savior lives                 OH.) and Elder Bro. Vic Bauman            pandemic. This month, it was a
  Because he lives                      (Sis. Brenda, Smithville OH.)             privilege to share Communion as a
  I can face tomorrow                   share God’s word with us.                 church. Elder Bro. Jeff Streitmatter
  Because he lives                                                                (Sis. Lynne, Sarasota, FL), traveled
  All fear is gone                      Georgia, Peachtree City                   here to help serve.
  Because I know he holds the future    Elise Funk, Brenda Stoller                     This summer we look
  And life is worth the living              On Easter Sunday, we                  forward to our third Center for
  Just because he lives                 gathered around Lake McIntosh             Discipleship program! The Center
  How sweet to hold a newborn baby      to enjoy the quiet of the morning         for Discipleship (CFD) was
  And feel the pride and                as a church family. Over coffee           started in 2019 out of a desire to

16   SILVER LINING May 2021
provide a place for Christians in      Haiti, Bonne Fin -                    Haiti, Les Cayes
the Apostolic Christian Church         Hospital Lumiere                      Mike and Susie Walder
to come to a set apart place and       Rick and Komari Aberle                     Greetings from Les Cayes!
take time to be intentional in their        Greetings in Jesus’ name from    The days of dusty roads are mostly
walk with the Lord. Discipleship       Bonne Fin.                            behind us as the rainy season is
has become a more popular                   We extend a thank you to         here again. With the blessing of
word over the last few years,          Sis. Joan Schmidgall (Morris,         rain (and mud) came the blessing
but it can be a little confusing.      MN) for her service to the            of Easter this year. It rained all day
Is discipleship mentorship? Is it      hospital. Sis. Joan spent multiple    on Good Friday and then let up
evangelism? Is it sanctification?      months here at the hospital           enough by Sunday that we could
Simply put, discipleship is being      supporting the mission in many        enjoy a sunrise service on the
with someone learning to be like       ways. She has returned home           Child Care roof. God even joined
them. At the Peachtree Center for      this past month.                      in with a brief rainbow display!
Discipleship, we want to bring              For the first time in two        Many local missionaries and
you to Jesus himself in order to       years, we were able to partake        visitors enjoyed the special Easter
learn from him how to live your        of Communion as a body.               morning of worship followed by
unique life in his “easy yoke.”        Due to a variety of factors, our      breakfast and fellowship.
    This summer, our CFD               Communion services have been               Making this time extra
program is June 12 – July 9.           postponed for the past two            special were visitors among us.
The first week will be here in         years. We were so grateful to         We appreciated having Elder Bro.
Peachtree City. We will spend the      again remember the sacrifice and      Marvin Dotterer (Forrest, IL) and
week together studying scripture,      suffering of our Lord. Elder Bro.     Bro. Jon Zeller (Morton, IL) here.
recognizing/breaking off fleshly       Marvin Dotterer (Forrest, IL)         Bro. Marvin shared the Word
thought processes or actions,          was assisted by Bro. Jon Zeller       during the sunrise service as well
praying fervently, hearing biblical    (Morton, IL). The HarvestCall         as when he served Communion to
teaching, and spending one-on-         missionaries gathered in Cayes        our HarvestCall group later in the
one time with Jesus. The next          for this service and fellowship on    morning. Bro. Jon brought a small
three weeks, we will all return        Easter Sunday.                        maintenance team including Bro.
to our normal lives of working,             Bro. Rick Aberle traveled to     Garth Maibach and his daughter
school, etc. However, we will          the US for a short visit, and Sis.    Katrina (Sardis, OH), and Bro.
continue to meet online and have       Komari Aberle and their daughter      Ryan and Sis. Christy Schrock
video biblical teaching lessons to     Selah were able to return with him    (Tremont, IL).
further guide us in incorporating      for a couple weeks. Bro. Lucas and         We were thankful our
the things we have learned back        Sis. Raya Nussbaum also were able     Caribbean Director, Bro. Rick
into our “everyday life.” If you or    to visit the mission for a few days   Wuethrich (Francesville, IN) came
someone you know is 18 years or        this past month.                      with the group, as did Sis. Susie
older and seeking a deeper walk             We were also thankful to         Walder who returned after being in
with Jesus, we have spots still        receive Bro. Michael and Sis.         the U.S. for a few months.
open for you to come join us this      Jodi Schneider (Junction, OH).             For years several of our
summer! For more information,          Bro. Michael assisted with some       HarvestCall programs have
please visit our website at            work at the hospital and shared       worked under the umbrella of the
peachtreeministries.com or find        the word with us on one of our        Evangelical Baptist Mission of
us on Facebook or Instagram            Wednesday evening services.           South Haiti (MEBSH). MEBSH
at @peachtreeministries.                                                     has 488 churches and around

                                                                                    May 2021 SILVER LINING     17
60,000 members. As usual the             knowing that in the end and even       Illinois, Bloomington
annual MEBSH church convention           now, it will be and is worth it all.   Kinsey Dotterer, Lauren
was recently held in our local                The women in our                  Zimmerman
town of Simon because their              congregation have been learning           “…I am the resurrection,
largest church is located here. All      how to practically live this out. We   and the life: he that believeth
the families in town, as well as         started our next Bible study on the    in me, though he were dead,
our Guest House, host visitors in        “one anothers” of the Bible. Our       yet shall he live:” John 11:25
order to accommodate the many            first topic was “Love One Another.”         Although the details of our
thousands that attend. The local         We appreciate this time we have        sunrise service were still slightly
streets become like a fair or a street   together, growing closer to each       different this year; we were so
market with vendors of all sorts.        other and learning how God would       thankful to be able to be together
     There are four long services        have us treat each other.              as a church body for Good Friday
Wednesday through Saturday                    The men and boys also had         and Easter Sunday. It was also
and on Sunday morning there is           the opportunity this month to          a blessing to be able to hear the
a five-hour concluding service.          meet for breakfast, fellowship,        Easter story from our Sunday
The people don’t seem to have a          and a short devotion time. We          school children.
problem with long services at all.       are thankful for the opportunities          We are so thankful we were
They sit on hard wooden benches          to get together on a more regular      able to join together as a church
the whole time and they just love        basis again.                           family to partake in Communion
it. In contrast, we only went to              God has blessed two               this past weekend. We are grateful
one service and had to leave after a     couples in our congregation            for Elder Bro. Craig Martin (Sis
few hours, being stiff and sore and      with new grandchildren! We             Terri, Princeville, IL) who helped
afraid we would go deaf!                 rejoice with Bro. Rich and Sis.        to serve Communion for us.
                                         Amy Hanson on the birth of                  We mourn the loss of Sis. Nola
Illinois, Belvidere                      their new grandson, Zion King          Schrock (Bro. Mel), who passed
Darcy Steffen                            Genin, born to Chris and Kaye          away on Sunday, April 4. Our
  “Therefore, my beloved brethren,       Genin. Bro. Art and Sis. Marlene       sympathy and prayers are with
be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always       Mueller also welcomed a new            Bro. Mel and the entire family.
abounding in the work of the             granddaughter, Mabel Mueller.               Lydia Zimmerman (Bro.
Lord, forasmuch as ye know               She was born to Tristan and            Denny and Sis. Pam Zimmerman)
that your labor is not in vain           Jenny Mueller, and she has spent       is engaged to Evan Nestel of El
in the Lord.” 1 Cor. 15:58               the first weeks of her life in the     Paso (Dallas and Nancy Nestel).
     As we read this chapter on a        hospital. Please pray for her, her
recent Wednesday night, I was            family, and doctors, as they try       Illinois, Bradford
especially struck by this verse. So      to figure out why she can’t keep       Becky Endress, Lena Stoller
often we get weary of continual          her food down.                          “Thy anguish make us brave
service to others and our God,                Our Sunday school students         To face distress and sorrow,
and instead we would rather serve        gifted us with an Easter program        And in the throes of death
ourselves. We are reminded of the        this month. It is always so good        From Thy death strength to borrow;
beautiful promise that our labors        to hear the sweet story over            O let the bond of love
on the Lord’s behalf are not in          again, and we pray that the songs       Bind us in one accord
vain. Because we believe in the          and verses they memorized will          To crucify the flesh
resurrection, we should continue         be forever planted in their hearts      And world through Thee, O Lord!”
abounding in the Lord’s work,            and minds.                              Our Surety, Zion’s Harp #224

18   SILVER LINING May 2021
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