The Public Eye SPRING/SUMMER 2021 - Political Research Associates

Page created by Jane Meyer
The Public Eye SPRING/SUMMER 2021 - Political Research Associates

              The Public Eye

The Mainstream Pill: How Media and Academia Help Incels Rebrand • Why Are Gen Z Girls Attracted to the Tradwives Lifestyle?
             A Storm Is Coming: Horror and Hope in QAnon Apocalypticism • Excerpt: “Prisons Make Us Safer”
             Book Review: Global White Nationalism: From Apartheid to Trump • Author Q&A: Red Pill, Blue Pill
The Public Eye SPRING/SUMMER 2021 - Political Research Associates
editor’s letter

    As this issue was going to print, a young Ohio man was charged with a federal hate
  crime for plotting to carry out a mass shooting of women, inspired by an earlier mi-
  sogynist massacre in 2014 that left six dead and 14 injured. As M. Kelly writes in “The                     THE PUBLIC EYE
  Mainstream Pill” (page 3), the Ohio man was quickly identified as a member of the                             QUARTERLY
  largest online forum for the misogynist incel, or “involuntary celibate” movement—a
  vile corner of the internet where men stoke each other’s rage, revel in stories of wom-                   Tarso Luís Ramos
  en murdered by male partners, and glorify mass killers. And yet, over the last two                              EDITOR
  years, the founder of the very same forum has been elevated by media and academic                           Kathryn Joyce
  institutions in the name of understanding, aiding the movement’s larger effort to re-                         COVER ART
  brand its toxic ideology for the mainstream.                                                               Eva Redamonti
                                                                                                           Park Press Printers
    In our next feature, Mariel Cooksey investigates how young women and girls are
  being drawn into another online anti-feminist movement: tradwifery (page 10). Part
  aesthetic, part ideology, “trad life” encourages women to trade empowerment for                     The Public Eye is published by
  a patriarchal vision of gender norms. Since its debut around the 2016 election, the                  Political Research Associates
  movement has appealed to—and targeted—increasingly younger women, lured by
                                                                                                   Tarso Luís Ramos, Executive Director
  promises of domestic bliss as well as one of the only accessible roles for women in the
  White nationalist Right. Just as young men have been recruited into far-right politics        Frederick Clarkson, Senior Research Analyst
  by edgy meme culture and red pill rhetoric, “trad girls” are crafting their own wing of             Cloee Cooper, Research Analyst
  the movement, one like at a time.
                                                                                                       Ethan Fauré, Research Analyst
    Over the last several years, the conspiracist QAnon movement has grown increas-             Steven Gardiner, Assistant Research Director
  ingly bizarre, even as it’s become so widely embraced that numerous politicians now
                                                                                                Heron Greenesmith, Senior Research Analyst
  echo its false claims at the state and federal levels. But as Damon Berry writes (page
  15), the enduring appeal of QAnon is how it taps into not just religious feeling, but an-    Amanda Hukanovic, HR & Operations Manager
  cient apocalyptic narratives of horror and hope, where visions of atrocities only serve     Olivia Lawrence-Weilmann, Program Coordinator
  to enhance the promise of a glorious new world to come. As Berry warns, nonbelievers
  must not underestimate the power of these narratives.                                          Isabelle H. Leighton, Development Director
                                                                                                       Ben Lorber, Research Analyst
     The specter of private prisons amassing billions of dollars by incarcerating people in
                                                                                                   Koki Mendis, Communications Manager
  for-profit detention facilities has inspired significant and successful divestment cam-
  paigns. But as Victoria Law writes (page 22), in an exclusive excerpt from her new                  Anne Murphy, Finance Director
  book Prisons Make Us Safer, private prisons are only a small part of mass incarceration
                                                                                                   Greeley O’Connor, Managing Director
  in the U.S. Tackling the larger problem requires confronting the financial incentives
  driving public prisons and their workers’ unions, which have lobbied for years against            Aidan Orly, Donor Program Manager
  bills that would make a saner, fairer legal system, but which could harm their bottom       Harini Rajagopalan, Communications Coordinator
                                                                                              Felicia Arriaga • Zoé Samudzi • Tina Vasquez
    We also look at two recent books in this issue. Shane Burley reviews the recent an-
  thology Global White Nationalism: From Apartheid to Trump (page 24), considering                                Interns
                                                                                                       Emma Cohn • Asia Korkmaz
  how, in the years after World War II, a new transnational fascist movement emerged,                       Yasmeen Mir
  united by demographic panic about the end of a “pure” White race. And Deyanira
                                                                                                            Board of Directors
  Marte speaks with David Neiwert (page 26) about his new book Red Pill, Blue Pill, a                     Jeyn Levison, Chair
  sharply perceived guide through the origins and implications of the growing world of        Fatema Ahmad • Cathy Albisa • Saqib Bhatti
  right-wing conspiracy theories.                                                                    Ginna Green • Ellen Gurzinsky
                                                                                                  Orson Moon • Mandisa Moore-O’Neal
                                                                                                     Charles Orcitti • Mohan Sikka
    In between our print issues, PRA is publishing frequently online, so be sure to visit            Carla Wallace • Susan Wefald
  us at                                                                                    Founder
                                                                                                         Jean V. Hardisty, Ph.D.
     Kathryn Joyce

                                                                                                           1310 Broadway, Suite 201
                                                                                                          Somerville, MA 02144-1837
                                                                                                               Tel: 617.666.5300
                                                                                                    © Political Research Associates, 2021
                                                                                                     All rights reserved. ISN 0275-9322
                                                                                                                   ISSUE 105


2 • The Public Eye                                                                                                          FALL 2020
The Public Eye SPRING/SUMMER 2021 - Political Research Associates

                                                                The Mainstream Pill
                                                 How Media and Academia Help Incels Rebrand

An image of Pink Clouds. #PinkCloudsForBianca was used to share original artwork and photos of pink clouds to combat the spread of the images containing Bianca Devins’ corpse. (Credit: Arjun/Wikimedia commons)

          n July 13, 2019, in Utica, New                                   The day after the murder, on the larg-                                and top five most commented-on threads
          York, 17-year-old Bianca Devins                               est online forum for the misogynist incel,                               in the forum’s main discussion section.
          was murdered. Her alleged killer,                             or “involuntary celibate” movement,* the                                 While this thread is now closed to further
a 21-year-old man named Brandon Clark,                                  picture of Devins’ dead body was posted                                  replies, others discussing Bianca Devins
was charged with second-degree murder                                   on a thread titled “E-girl beheaded by her                               continue to draw degrading new com-
after he posted a photo of her body and                                 boyfriend.” Two years later, this thread is                              ments today. While a few forum mem-
nearly decapitated head on Discord and                                  still in the top five most-viewed threads                                bers express disgust at the image, many
Instagram. The photo later circulated on                                * I distinguish between individuals of all genders who per-              others cheered: “cunts get exactly what
                                                                        sonally identify with the term “incel” and do not hold world-
Twitter, 4chan, 8chan and other platforms.1                             views that are rooted in misogyny, and misogynist incels:
                                                                                                                                                 they deserve for choosing wrong,” “good
According to a report from Rolling Stone,2                              those who participate in misogynist, male-only incel spaces              riddance to another dirty hypergamous
                                                                        and adhere to a male supremacist ideology marked by de-
one of Clark’s likely motives was that “he                              humanizing women and glorifying violence against them.
                                                                                                                                                 whore who drove the wrong guy crazy,”
was incensed [Devins] would not agree to a                              More information on this distinction can be found here:                  “Thot Status: Patrolled. Rest in shit, foid.”
                                                               For the
monogamous relationship with him.”                                      purposes of this article, when I refer to incel, it is referring to        Horrifying as these conversations are,
                                                                        the misogynist incel movement unless otherwise noted.

SPRING/SUMMER 2021                                                                                                                                                       Political Research Associates • 3
The Public Eye SPRING/SUMMER 2021 - Political Research Associates
they’re not an anomaly for the misogy-         the main root of their violence, and ar-      argued in a recent public panel (echoing,
  nist incel movement, which is defined by       guing that at least one of them “wouldn’t     not so incidentally, the justification used
  a sense of entitlement to women’s bodies,      be considered unattractive by most stan-      by former President Donald Trump to ex-
  justification of violence against them,3       dards,” as though to suggest he couldn’t      cuse his own clear misogyny).
  and reverence for both self-proclaimed         be a real incel after all.                      That a movement best known for pro-
  incel men and other misogynist killers            And yet just this July, an Ohio man who    moting violence against women wants to
  who perpetrate mass violence as “saints”       appears to have been an active member         overhaul its image is unsurprising. But
  and “heroes.”4 Within these forums, con-       of Ash’s forum was charged with a fed-        recently, incels’ attempts to reframe their
  versations about murdered women and            eral hate crime for plotting to carry out a   identity have also been helped along by
  girls are a regular topic, usually framed as   mass shooting targeting women. On July        researchers, journalists, and “counter-vi-
  violence women brought on themselves           21, a 21-year-old man in Ohio was charged     olent extremism” experts, who, in their
  for choosing “the wrong guy.” Mean-            with a federal hate crime for an attempt-     attempts to investigate and understand
  while, the women’s killers are celebrated      ed mass shooting of women. From July          incels, have given them larger, more
  for “sav[ing] many men the trouble” and        2019 through his arrest in the spring of      mainstream platforms. These new plat-
  preventing “decades of thotdom” (a refer-      2020, the would-be attacker had been “a       forms have allowed incels to reframe the
  ence to the misogynist online slur “thot,”     frequent poster” on “a popular incel web-     public narrative about them; minimize
  or “that ho over there”).                      site,” according to a statement from the      the threat their community poses; and
     But what was more unusual is that           Department of Justice.7 The day the hate      have amplified—or even endorsed—

  These new platforms have allowed incels to reframe the public narrative about them;
  minimize the threat their community poses; and have amplified—or even endorsed—
  their hate-laced grievances, centering their self-perceived victimhood at the hands of
  women who deny them sex.

  several months before Devins’ brutal           crime charges were announced, people          their hate-laced grievances, centering
  murder became fodder for the incel             on Ash’s forum identified the would-be        their self-perceived victimhood at the
  commenters, the forum’s founder and            attacker as a fellow member, matching         hands of women who deny them sex.
  administrator, who uses the pseudonym          descriptions of his posts in the indict-
  Alexander Ash,5 penned an appeal for           ment with those posted on the site. The
  greater public understanding of what           posts in question detailed the attempted      FROM SUPPORT GROUP TO HATE GROUP
  he said was a frequently misunderstood         attacker emulating actions of the Santa          Today’s misogynist incels are a radical
  community.6 In his essay, “Incels,” pub-       Barbara attacker prior to his 2014 attack,    evolution of where the term and com-
  lished in February 2019, Ash argues that       including spraying women and couples          munity came from 24 years ago, when a
  inceldom is neither a movement nor a           with orange juice through a water gun.        bisexual Canadian woman named Alana
  political subculture but merely “a [life]      And like the Santa Barbara attacker, the      created an online mailing list and web-
  situation,” and sets out to create an “ob-     thwarted attacker also seemed intent on       site to serve as a peer-support network
  jective” and “realistic portrayal” of incels   targeting sororities.8                        for people who “had difficulty starting
  by addressing what he perceives as the           Ash’s essay, with all its misrepresen-      relationships or finding partners.”12 In
  “often sensationalist overtones” in media      tations, was one of the first of several      the early 2000s, “involuntary celibate”
  coverage of incels. He tries to distance       recent attempts to rebrand the misogy-        was used as an academic survey term, but
  incels from the violent and misogynistic       nist incel movement and present a more        the name “incel” was coined on Alana’s
  ideology its most prominent members            palatable version of their online forums,     forum and quickly adapted as a self-iden-
  have expressed. And he attempts to ab-         where—as ample documentation has              tity. Unlike contemporary misogynist in-
  solve the community of any connection          shown—dehumanizing misogyny and               cel forums—which only allow cis-gender
  to “incel criminals,” like the perpetrators    glorification of violence are the norm.9 In   heterosexual men to join,13 and are united
  of mass casualty attacks that took place       this new narrative, incels aren’t violent     in their adherence to a male supremacist
  in 2014 in Santa Barbara and in 2018 in        misogynists so much as misunderstood,         ideology14—early incel and shyness fo-
  Toronto, which together left 16 people         lonely men being persecuted because of        rums such as Alana’s welcomed both men
  dead. He did this by misrepresenting the       their lack of sexual contact with wom-        and women, and people of varied sexual
  perpetrators’ involvement in online incel      en. The hateful rhetoric they’ve become       orientations and histories. On these early
  spaces prior to their attacks, suggesting      known for online is recast as just “con-      forums, being an incel was not presented
  mental health or autism diagnoses were         troversial”10 “locker room talk,”11 as Ash    as a permanent, unchangeable identity,

4 • The Public Eye                                                                                                 SPRING/SUMMER 2021
The Public Eye SPRING/SUMMER 2021 - Political Research Associates
but rather a situation that could be expe-     In May 2014, a member of PUAHate,             the New World Order.26 The core red pill
rienced by anyone. Although they were        who identified as an incel on the forum,        for male supremacists is the belief that
not devoid of negativity, they offered       killed six people and injured 14 more           men do not, in fact, hold systemic power
emotional support, and according to a        before killing himself in Santa Barbara,        and privilege in the world, but rather they
former member, also “dating advice and       California. The perpetrator left behind         are socially, economically, and sexually at
coping strategies.”15 The fatalistic and     a manifesto and several YouTube vid-            the mercy of women’s power and desires.
misogynist sensibility that defines incel    eos describing his hatred of women he           And the architects of this oppression are
spaces today was kept in check by atten-     thought should be attracted to him and          feminists, whose advocacy for gender
tive moderators.16                           his desire to seek revenge.23 (Specifically,    equality has led to men becoming the
   But over time, some incel forums be-      the perpetrator fixated on White, blonde        sole victims of sexist discrimination.27
came increasingly toxic and insular.         sorority women, reflecting the broader             The red pill also awakens men to the
Members banned from highly moderated         incel movement’s emphasis on gaining            notion that they exist within a “sexu-
forums for sharing misogynistic content      sexual access to attractive White wom-          al marketplace” where everyone has a
flocked to forums where it was allowed.17    en.) In short order, the manifesto and vid-     “sexual market value” determined by
Those forums then started to change, be-     eos became an inspiration to incels,24 and      various characteristics, from physical
coming, as a 2020 study found, “increas-     the perpetrator became a martyr celebrat-       features and status to their wealth and
ingly militant and hostile to women,         ed on new forums that were popping up           charm. And within this marketplace,
                                                                                             argue members of the “manosphere”—
                                                                                             an online network of male supremacist
They began to believe that their personal issues were                                        groups—women always seek out men
systemic, and so women’s “hypergamous nature,”                                               who have a higher sexual market val-
                                                                                             ue than their own. This concept, often
and the society that supports it, must be addressed                                          referred to as “female hypergamy,” was
systemically—either through the reinstitution of social                                      popularized among the manosphere by
                                                                                             White supremacist and men’s right activ-
norms that limit women’s choices, or through mass                                            ist Roger Devlin in his 2006 essay “Sexu-
violence and suicide.                                                                        al Utopia in Power.”28 Devlin argues that
                                                                                             hypergamy “is an irrational instinct” that
                                                                                             “implies the rejection of most males”;
expressing offensive biologically deter-     across the web—on Reddit, 4chan, and            that the feminist-driven “sexual revolu-
ministic memes and openly advocating         elsewhere. It was also around this time         tion in America was an attempt by women
violence.”18 Today, the most prominent in-   that a new facet of misogynist incel ide-       to realize their own utopia”; and that this
cel forums are defined more by shared mi-    ology, the black pill, began to take form.      utopia is a consequence of women’s “nat-
sogyny than by celibacy, allowing as mem-                                                    ural” hypergamous instinct. Marriage,
bers men who don’t fit any definition of                                                     Devlin asserts, is a way to “[channel] fe-
“incel” but who do echo the forums’ viru-    FROM RED PILL TO BLACK                          male hypergamy in a socially useful way”
lent misogyny. Eventually, the forums that     Since the early 2000s male suprema-           as “sex is too important a matter to be left
had emphasized support and moderation        cist movements, namely pick-up artists,         to the independent judgment of young
dissolved, leaving only the increasingly     Men Going Their Own Way, men’s rights           women, because young women rarely
militant misogynist forums, which then,      activists, and members of the r/TheRed-         possess good judgment.” “Heterosexual
according to Vox journalist Zack Beau-       Pill subreddit,25 have embraced what they       monogamy,” he argues, “is incompatible
champ, “cross-pollinated with members        call the “red pill.” The term—now ubiq-         with equality of the sexes” and therefore
of other, similar online subcultures.”19     uitous across the Far Right—comes from          a “husband’s leadership” is “necessary to
  One of them was the “anti-PUA” com-        the 1999 film The Matrix, where the pro-        accommodate female hypergamy.”
munity, composed of men angry that the       tagonist Neo is given the choice to take a         Within the worldview of the red pill,
dating and seduction techniques suggest-     blue pill or a red pill, representing the de-   some adherents feel they must increase
ed by so-called pick-up artists—a booming    cision to remain in a comfortable illusion      their marketplace “value”—a desire pick-
online industry in the mid-2000s that gave   or confront the hidden reality of how           up artists responded to with books and
men dubious advice on how to “pick up”       the world truly operates. Today far-right       tutorials on strategies for “picking-up”
women20—had failed to get them either        groups use the term to describe how they        women or becoming the kind of man
girlfriends or sex.21 Although anti-PUA      learned and accepted their various ide-         they believe women want. But some red
communities, like the PUAHate forum,         ologies. For White supremacists and the         pill adherents, like members of PUA-
claimed to hate PUA gurus and their ad-      Alt Right, the red pill denotes accepting       Hate, came to distrust these promises as
vice, they shared a common perspective       a variety of beliefs, ranging from White        a “blue pill” illusion, and argue that there
on women—as a target or prize22 that some    genocide and Great Replacement theory           exist no individual strategies that can
men could win while others were denied.      to antisemitic conspiracism and fears of        help them improve enough to have sex-

SPRING/SUMMER 2021                                                                                          Political Research Associates • 5
The Public Eye SPRING/SUMMER 2021 - Political Research Associates
ual relationships with the women they         by fellow forum members33—or they can          forum, where Ash is the administrator,
  desire. Rather they began to believe that     try to change society, through policy or       officially defines incels as any “Person
  their personal issues were systemic, and      violence. In some cases, forum mem-            who desires a romantic relationship but
  so women’s “hypergamous nature,” and          bers who express suicidal ideation are         is unable to enter one,”41 in reality fo-
  the society that supports it, must be ad-     encouraged to commit mass murder be-           rum members are frequently challenged
  dressed systemically—either through the       fore they kill themselves, emulating per-      about their legitimacy as incels. Until
  reinstitution of social norms that limit      petrators of other incel massacres34 and       sometime in late 2018 the forum grant-
  women’s choices, or through mass vio-         thus drawing attention to incels’ plight.35    ed “conditional” membership to people
  lence and suicide.29                          Others advocate for changes to the legal       who weren’t incels but who did express
    These ideas became the cornerstone          system, ranging from re-establishing           a “blackpilled mentality,”42 suggesting
  of the “black pill” ideology: a term that     “patriarchy,” to removing women’s rights,      that the acceptance of a political ideolo-
  seems to have been coined by anti-fem-        or compulsory monogamy and “state-is-          gy, and not one’s relationship status, was
  inist bloggers in the early 2010s to de-      sued girlfriends.”36                           the actual uniting factor for membership.
  scribe incels’ fatalistic embrace of a bio-     These solutions are just the tip of the      Further, members who post content that
  logical determinism30 under which they        iceberg when it comes to normalizing vio-      doesn’t align with the black pill are often
  are destined to always remain alone, and      lence against women. Self-identified incels    labeled “LARPers,” fakecels, noncels, or
  wherein their isolation and lack of access    who have committed mass murder, oth-           volcels (voluntary celibates). And while
  to women renders them—in their own            er mass murderers, and violence against        content that expresses “blue pill” ideolo-
  words—“subhuman.” Since blackpillers          women are regularly memorialized or cel-       gy is no longer explicitly banned from the
  believe women choose sexual partners          ebrated in the forums. Dehumanization of       forum,43 members seen as offering “blue
  based almost solely on physical charac-       women is so deeply embedded in misog-          pill” advice—such as “take a shower,”
  teristics, they also believe that means       ynist incel communities that women are         “work on your personality,” or “don’t be
                                                                                               misogynist”—are still likely to be banned
                                                                                               or ostracized by other members.
  While leaders like Ash have tried to publicly distance                                         While both Ash’s essay and the incels
                                                                                               wiki note that some women identify as
  themselves from overtly misogynistic rhetoric, the                                           incels, or “femcels,” most forum members
  misogyny of their arguments and terminology is so                                            don’t accept them,44 and women are barred
  deeply rooted that it can only be understood as a                                            from most incel forums, including Ash’s.
                                                                                               For the most part, femcels are only ac-
  fundamental feature of incel identity.                                                       knowledged insofar as they can serve as a
                                                                                               defense against accusations of misogyny.45
                                                                                                 And while leaders like Ash have tried to
  some men are doomed by their geneti-          frequently referred to with both animal-       publicly distance themselves from overt-
  cally predetermined looks to never find       istic slurs—such as beasts, holes, or roast-   ly misogynistic rhetoric—even as their
  a mate. Under this philosophy, incels are     ie—and mechanistic37 ones, like femoid or      forums remain as misogynistic as ever—
  seen as intensely victimized—by wom-          foid (which are abbreviations for “Female      the core arguments remain the same. In
  en, by society at large, and particularly     Humanoid Organism”).38                         Ash’s case, his “Incels” essay still blames
  by feminism, since they blame women’s                                                        “social behavior” like “hypergamy” and
  increased agency for their situation.31                                                      feminism for “oppress[ing]” and “dis-
  And what follows from this sense of vic-      REFRAMING MISOGYNY                             advantaging men.”46 It may come with
  timhood is an escalation of the misogyny         Over the last two years, incels have        fewer explicit threats, but the misogyny
  common among most incels, graduating          tried to reframe and normalize their be-       of these arguments and terminology is so
  from considering women targets or re-         liefs by disavowing—on blogs, wikis,39         deeply rooted that it can only be under-
  wards to dehumanizing and glorifying          and articles—the most obvious or overt         stood as a fundamental feature of incels
  violence against them.32                      expressions of misogyny and emphasiz-          and other male supremacist identities.
    Accepting the black pill leaves incels      ing the heterogeneity of their members.
  with limited options on how to proceed.       Part of the reframing involves casting
  While some still aim for “ascension”—         inceldom as a “situation,” rather than         A FRIENDLY EAR
  the movement term for leaving inceldom        a movement or subculture, which is               In 2018, a man drove a rented van into a
  by having sex with a woman—it has             shared by many, whether or not they            crowd of people in Toronto, killing 10 and
  many caveats and is rarely viewed as a re-    claim the incel label.40 But this effort to    injuring 16 others. Shortly before his at-
  alistic possibility. Therefore, most argue    rhetorically draw the movement under a         tack, the perpetrator posted on Facebook
  they can either resign themselves to their    larger, more mainstream tent is at odds        that the “Incel Rebellion has already be-
  fate—which, for many, leads to a suicidal     with how the community identifies and          gun,” paying homage to the Santa Bar-
  ideation that is sometimes encouraged         regulates itself. While the largest incel      bara perpetrator in his post. After the

6 • The Public Eye                                                                                                 SPRING/SUMMER 2021
The Public Eye SPRING/SUMMER 2021 - Political Research Associates
attack, The New York Times published an          the normies, the listeners would actually      that reject and object, that taunt and be-
article by Ross Douthat titled “The Re-          be open to engaging in an empathetic dia-      tray, that exploit both the beta males and
distribution of Sex,” arguing that “recent       logue with them.”51 And, as she hopefully      their own sexuality for profit.” And she
Western history” teaches us that “some-          notes in the podcast’s first episode, “when    goes on to compare such “femoids” with
times the extremists and radicals and            people feel heard, they stop hating.”52        what she calls “actual women,” whom
weirdos see the world more clearly than             But giving a platform to people who         she says “represent something good or
the respectable and moderate and sane.”          participate in a bigoted and misogynis-        at least neutral” for incels in that they are
In this case, the extremists and radicals        tic community also risks validating that       “coveted, as is actual intimacy.”
Douthat meant were incels, and he used           rhetoric and spreading it to new audienc-        Incels’ use of the term “femoid,” and
the massacre as a springboard to consider        es, particularly given the podcast’s for-      Kates’ interpretation of the term as ap-
a question subsequently posed by econo-          mat, wherein Kates rarely pushes back or       plying only to “imposter” women with-
                                                                                                out “soul[s] or humanity,” is textbook de-
                                                                                                humanization, and such a categorization
Giving a platform to people who participate in a bigoted                                        can have dangerous consequences. The
                                                                                                Dangerous Speech Project, a U.S. organi-
and misogynistic community also risks validating that                                           zation that monitors the effects of violent
rhetoric and spreading it to new audiences.                                                     and bigoted rhetoric, explains that lan-
                                                                                                guage casting people as subhuman is not
                                                                                                metaphorical or harmless,59 but rather is
mist Robin Hanson: “If we are concerned          challenges the beliefs of the incel forum      often a preparatory step to condition au-
about the just distribution of property          members she interviews.53 While Kates          diences “to condone or commit violence,
and money, why do we assume that the             sometimes voices her disagreement, she         by making their targets’ death and suf-
desire for some sort of sexual redistribu-       rarely offers a different perspective or       fering seem less significant.” That’s ex-
tion is inherently ridiculous?”47 Douthat        fact checks her guests as they describe        actly how it’s used by incels, as terms like
ultimately concluded that society may            themselves, their beliefs, and commu-          “femoid” and “foid” are commonly in-
soon “address the unhappiness of incels”         nities in palatable, whitewashed terms.        terspersed with celebrations of violence
through the “logic of commerce and tech-         In an episode where Kates addresses            against women on incel forums: “Thot
nology,” likely in the form of sex workers       criticism that she is platforming and le-      Status: Patrolled. Rest in shit, foid.”
or robots. But Douthat completely failed         gitimizing a violent male supremacist            Shocking as it is for Kates to justify
to recognize or challenge the misogynist         community, she asserts that she is a “free-    incels’ dehumanizing rhetoric, she also
rhetoric underlying Hanson’s question,           speech person” who doesn’t “believe that       seems to defend black pill ideology as
and instead he helped legitimize some of         censorship works as well as compassion,        being, “like most philosophy, a broad
the “solutions” incels suggest. As several       and listening and engagement.”54               critique of modern society.” In April, she
published critiques of the article pointed          In this regard, Kates seems to have re-     even described a woman interviewee,
out, Douthat ignored the impact a “redis-        capitulated a now-common pattern in            confoundingly, as a “fellow femoid black-
tribution of sex” would have on women,48         initially defending racist, misogynist,        pill-adjacent content creator.”60
and equated incels with marginalized             or other bigoted speech out of professed         While Kates began her podcast claim-
groups instead of addressing the violent         concern about censorship, but in time,         ing she was just trying to hold the door
misogyny they have unleashed.49                  repeating and spreading that speech her-       open for incels to rejoin society—argu-
   More recently, incels have been given         self. On both her own and the podcast’s        ing that an empathetic ear could defuse
several direct platforms, allowing them          Twitter accounts, she has occasionally         incels’ combustible rage—it increasing-
to reframe their image as unhappy but            shared tweets from the largest incel fo-       ly seems that Kates has instead walked
not hateful.                                     rums55 as well as blog posts that promote      through that door herself, no longer just
   In August 2019, The New York Times            black pill ideology.56 In 2020, she contrib-   reporting on incels’ misogyny, but justi-
named a new podcast, “The Incel Project”         uted an article to the incel blog “The Mi-     fying and sharing it with the world.
(often shorted to just “Incel”), as one of its   sogynist Spectrum,”57 in which she down-
summer recommendations.50 The show’s             plays the dehumanizing terms that incels
host, Naama Kates, presents her podcast          call women, namely “femoid” or “foid.”58       AN ACADEMIC WELCOME
as a journey of empathy and listening,           Specifically, she tries to reframe the           In 2021, incels’ quest for mainstream
giving incels “a chance to tell their own        terms’ meaning, claiming they are “not         representation received another boost
story in their own words,” as she put it in      an indictment of women themselves, but         from the International Center for Study of
a 2020 video from the “counter-violent           rather of these women, these cheap im-         Violent Extremism (ICSVE), a Washing-
extremism” organization Light Upon               itations, these imposters, that look and       ton, D.C.-based research center known
Light. She hypothesizes that doing so            act like the real deal but lack any soul       for providing research, training, and
might impact the incel community “by             or humanity.” She identifies these “fem-       counsel to government and intelligence
making them realize that the outsiders,          oids” as “Modern women, the women              leaders around the world.61 The group,

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founded in 2015, has another center in                         have the administrator of an incel forum       than 200 people from North America,
  Brussels, partially funded by the Euro-                        be listed as a co-author. While previous       Europe, and Southeast Asia registered. It
  pean Union,62 which has focused on ISIS,                       ICSVE reports have drawn from primary          seems to be the first time that ICSVE has
  “militant jihadis,” and more recently on                       data, including interviews and surveys         included a panelist still actively involved
  “those considered domestic extremists.”                        with members of the community being            in the community under study.
  In January 2021, ICSVE’s Washington                            studied, this seems to be the first time—         In his comments, Ash spoke about
  branch hosted a panel with Jeff Schoep,                        at ICSVE or in academic research more          supposed “misconceptions”69 about in-
  a purportedly former neonazi63 current-                        broadly—that someone actively involved         cels, mirroring the claims he made in
  ly being sued over his involvement in                          in a community that regularly expresses        his 2019 “Incels” essay. But this time his
  the deadly Unite the Right rally in 2017.64                    bigoted or violent ideology has co-au-         arguments were made to a public audi-
  This year, ICSVE also began to focus on                        thored the resulting study.                    ence, and backed up by other panelists.
  incels, hosting a panel discussion this                           While ICSVE and the similar “count-         One panelist affirmed Ash’s framing of
  January and publishing five reports on                         er-violent extremism” group Light Upon         the community as a life “situation” not
  the movement since January.†                                   Light seem to be the first two organiza-       a movement by arguing that, compared
    The first of ICSVE’s two full-length                         tions to actively include someone still in-    to other violent groups, “the most fun-
  “research reports” was published on Jan-                       volved in communities organized around         damental difference that we have found
  uary 21 and focuses on how or wheth-                           bigotry or promotion of violence, some         is that for incels it’s a circumstance, and
  er Covid-19 quarantine measures and                            past reporting and research66 on incels        as the name says it, it is an involuntary
  the Canadian government’s terrorism                            has expressed sympathy for their sup-          state of being.”70 But this claim fails to
  charges against a man allegedly inspired                       posed plight and offered solutions to ad-      accurately portray the group ICSVE had
  by “incel ideology” had increased incels’                      dressing incel violence that do not fully      actually studied: not anyone who is tem-
  isolation and resentment. The second re-                       consider the misogynist beliefs that bind      porarily celibate, but rather people who
  port, released on February 3, was titled,                      the misogynist incel movement together.        chose to join and associate themselves
  “Involuntary Celibates’ Experiences of                            But these aren’t the only concerns. In      with misogynist incel forums.
  and Grievance over Sexual Exclusion and                        one of ICSVE’s brief reports, the authors         The panel also addressed incel forums’

  Some mainstream researchers have dismissed incel forums’ misogyny and glorification of
  violence as mere “locker room talk” or “venting.”

  the Potential Threat of Violence Among                         argue that “incels seek understanding;         misogyny and glorification of violence
  Those Active in an Online Incel Forum.”                        they are willing to engage and interact        as another “misconception”—or what
  Both reports use survey data procured                          with nonjudgmental researchers, they           Ash framed as “locker room talk”71 and
  from Ash’s forum. The group also pub-                          are willing to convey their grievances to      “venting.”72 Kates agreed, claiming that
  lished three shorter “brief reports” on the                    broader society and most importantly           when “incels sort of worship or celebrate
  movement, which were cross-published                           they feel the threat of terrorist violence     the mass killers or... incel killers...usual-
  by the national security website Home-                         coming from their community is exag-           ly that stuff is said in irony or just vent-
  land Security Today.                                           gerated.” A few things about this depart       ing.”73 The initial research report from
     One obvious problem with this schol-                        from normal social science practices: the      ICSVE takes this argument one step fur-
  arly work though is that Ash is listed as                      sympathy extended to incels who don’t          ther by suggesting such “venting” might
  a co-author on four of the five reports                        want to be judged; the presumption that        serve a positive purpose, by deterring
  and Naama Kates is similarly credited                          incels publicly conveying misogynis-           individuals from committing violence.
  on three.65 Though Ash’s role in writing                       tic grievances is a productive endeavor;       The authors posit that if the 2018 Toron-
  the reports is unclear, it’s concerning to                     and allowing incels to assess whether          to perpetrator had “engaged in incel dis-
  † The panel with Schoep as well as the panels and reports      concerns about violence from their com-        cussions online, as opposed to passively
  on incels have involved one of the co-founders, Jesse Mor-
  ton, of the “counter-violent extremist” organization Light     munity are warranted. In terms of the          reading them, he may have found the in-
  Upon Light. On their website, Light Upon Light lists several   last point,67 it doesn’t seem that ICSVE       teractions to be a kind of venting and the
  “Shape Shifters,” whom they define as “those that can shift
  the paradigm and shape the Light Upon Light movement           researchers usually ask groups they are        community a psychosocial support that
  so that it can elevate consciousness and attack the problem
  of extremism at its root.” Light Upon Light’s Shape Shifters
                                                                 studying whether they agree with public        prevented his turn to terrorism.”74
  are composed of at least one CVE practitioner and several      concern over the threat they may pose,68         But there’s no reason to believe those
  “former extremists”; on their website, they include Schoep
  and Kates among their official “Shape Shifters.” Until late
                                                                 which begs the question: Why are incels        arguments are accurate. First, it’s unlike-
  June 2021, Ash was also listed among them, and he seems        seen as an exception?                          ly that misogynist incel forums, where
  to be the only Light Upon Light Shape Shifter who was still
  actively involved in a community that regularly expresses
                                                                    On January 27, ICSVE hosted a Zoom          members encourage other people to com-
  bigotry and violence. (“Shape Shifters,” Light Upon Light,     panel discussion to launch the first report,   mit suicide, can really be seen as a form
  archived page on June 23, 2021,
  web/20210623160903/          with Ash and Kates as panelists and more       of psychosocial support. Although incels

8 • The Public Eye                                                                                                                   SPRING/SUMMER 2021
The Public Eye SPRING/SUMMER 2021 - Political Research Associates
might call the forums a “second...or even      value of violence,”81 leading to a thresh-   the narratives they want heard, spread-
a first home,” as Ash put it,75 that doesn’t   old wherein “people no longer feel satis-    ing the message of male victimhood,
mean they aren’t violent and radicalizing      fied and begin to redefine venting as ‘in-   obscuring that narrative’s foundation in
spaces. Similar language has been used         action’ or not enough action.”82             male sexual entitlement and misogyny,
by White supremacists to describe their           Exactly that sentiment is clear in the    and erasing the very real violence and
online forums,76 but we don’t call those       manifesto of the 2014 Santa Barbara mass     dehumanization women suffer because
                                                                                            of incels’ ideology.88 As a landmark study
                                                                                            in 2020 found, comments that affirm this
While incels’ numbers may be limited, their misogyny                                        “feeling of ‘victimhood’ or persecution
and the violence they have committed is not                                                 among men not only undermine any po-
                                                                                            litical action on gendered violence, they
exceptional. It’s simply not possible to separate incels                                    actually encourage those who feel ‘perse-
from the wider spectrum of misogyny, which can be                                           cuted’ towards violence.”89
                                                                                               While it’s important to understand big-
witnessed in femicide, rape, domestic violence, and                                         oted and violent ideologies, especially
other violence against women.                                                               those that have led to violence, it’s also im-
                                                                                            portant to consider how that’s done. Mass
                                                                                            media and researchers can play a critical
                                                                                            role in whether and how far-right groups
support groups. Second, as studies of the      killer. In a section about fellow members    and other violent or bigoted actors spread
rise of the Alt Right made clear, irony        of the forum PUAHate, he writes, “many       their message.90 As Joan Donovan, direc-
has been deftly used by far-right groups       of them share my hatred of women,            tor of the Technology and Social Change
to spread and normalize bigoted views;         though unlike me they would be too cow-      Project, has pointed out, when journalists
far from negating potential harm, it           ardly to act on it.”83                       cover White supremacists and other vio-
has often served as a recruitment tool.77                                                   lent or bigoted actors, it’s critical to avoid
Third, this “venting” and irony frame-                                                      allowing them to “use their own terms to
work echoes incels’ existing efforts to        THE PROBLEM WITH PLATFORMING                 describe themselves,” as doing so can aid
distance themselves from accusations of          In his 2019 essay, Alexander Ash set       in the “soften[ing]” or “re-branding”91 of
promoting violence and misogyny, and           out to reframe misogynist incels as mis-     these movements. In some cases, research
so in platforming this rebranding effort,      understood men venting online. Clearly,      has shown,92 it’s helpful to include the in-
it also helps normalize the dehumaniza-        his efforts weren’t in vain, as the exam-    sights of current and former members of
tion of women.                                 ples above show, of mainstream figures       these groups, in order to have a full under-
   But perhaps most concerning is the          supporting this rebranding, and help-        standing of how the ideology and group
threat that this sort of “venting” can eas-    ing an active member of a misogynist         dynamics function.
ily lead to far more concrete action. In       community re-center incels’ narrative of        But that’s a far cry from simply hand-
2021, a report from the Dangerous Speech       male victimhood.                             ing people involved in bigoted and vi-
Project found that dehumanization is a           It’s hard to imagine the editor of the     olent ideologies a megaphone, so their
“hallmark” of speech that can “increase        Daily Stormer sitting on a panel along-      voices can travel farther.
the risk that its audience will condone or     side researchers on far-right White su-
commit violence against members of an-         premacy. So why was it done here? Is this
other group.”78 Dehumanizing rhetoric is       an example of what philosopher Kate          M. Kelly is a PhD candidate and researcher.
widely recognized as a necessary precur-       Manne calls “himpathy”84—situations
sor to genocide. Notably, in his manifes-      where men’s feelings are centered even
to, the Santa Barbara perpetrator called       after they have perpetrated violence or
for all women to be put in concentration       harm? Self-identified incels have surely
camps where “the vast majority of the          caused harm, and not just mass violence,
female population will be deliberately         but also revenge porn,85 cyberstalking,86
starved to death.”                             and harassment.87 While incels’ num-
   Dehumanizing language might also            bers may be limited, their misogyny and
be understood as what sociologist Pete         the violence they have committed is not
Simi and co-author criminologist Ste-          exceptional. It’s simply not possible to
ven Windisch call “violent talk.”79 While      separate incels from the wider spectrum
sometimes, they note, such “violent talk”      of misogyny, which can be witnessed in
can be a substitute for “overt acts of vio-    femicide, rape, domestic violence, and
lence,”80 other times, it’s the spark. Vio-    other violence against women.
lent talk, they write, can “reinforce the        Providing incels a platform amplifies

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The Public Eye SPRING/SUMMER 2021 - Political Research Associates

                              Why Are Gen Z Girls Attracted to the
                                    Tradwives Lifestyle?

  An advertisement from Ladies Home Journal in 1948, showing a woman with an apron and a refrigerator full of food. (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)

            t first glance, Sarah (not her real name) is your average, social-media-savvy, Generation Z girl.1 Her Instagram account is
            typical of a “Zoomer” feminine aesthetic: inspired by the alternative, colorful style of late 1990s/early 2000s countercul-
            ture fashion, her page is full of sparkles, Hello Kitties, black-painted nails, and a photo of her Nike Airs.
    What you wouldn’t be able to discern at first glance is Sarah’s far-right political leanings. Supported by a follower count of over
  17,000, her TikTok account provides her a substantial platform to spread her gospel of right-wing, anti-feminist, and anti–LGBTQ

10 • The Public Eye                                                                                                                               SPRING/SUMMER 2021
rhetoric. Mixed in with her lip-syncing        of followers on Instagram and YouTube.5        tion Z—those born after 199616 and collo-
videos about boys and her favorite bands,      These influencers use their platforms          quially known as “Zoomers”17—is a cohort
she comments frequently on the degen-          to guide “red pilled”6 women, teaching         of internet natives. Scarcely aware of a
eracy of feminism, repeats racist stereo-      them how to cast off the chains of modern      pre-internet reality, they were raised in
types about Black men, jokes about kill-       feminism and embrace traditionalism.7          the “Lean In” era of feminism and are im-
ing liberals, and shames White people          While traditionalist, gender restrictive       mersed in a constant stream of web infor-
who criticize their own race.                  roles for women have been prevalent in         mation. They also statistically skew more
  Sarah isn’t alone. She’s part of a grow-     right-wing religious groups for centuries,8    progressive, are less intent on fixed gender
ing group of teenage girls and young           the tradwife movement is a uniquely so-        roles,18 and are more ethnically diverse19
women who fully embrace the misogy-            cial-media-based movement, defined by          and queerer20 than most generations be-
                                                                                              fore them. But amid this overall trend of
                                                                                              greater progressivism, a subsection of far-
Mixed in with her lip-syncing videos about boys and                                           right Gen Z women is mounting its own
her favorite bands, she comments frequently on the                                            social media backlash. Within this world,
                                                                                              women and girls, sometimes as young
degeneracy of feminism, repeats racist stereotypes about                                      as 16, are amassing tens of thousands of
Black men, jokes about killing liberals, and shames                                           views on TikTok by presenting themselves
White people who criticize their own race.                                                    as aspiring tradwives, lip-syncing or danc-
                                                                                              ing to trending rap or pop music as they
                                                                                              disparage women’s rights, quote the Bible,
nistic talking points of the Far Right. On     contemporary marketing strategies and          and muse about the modest outfits they’ll
any given day you’ll find them on TikTok       social clout. Popular influencers will of-     wear and the meals they’ll cook once
preaching a “hip-to-be-square” lifestyle:      ten post YouTube videos giving advice on       they’ve married.21
modest, often zealously religious, and         how to make your husband happy,9 how to           Zoomers’ foray into tradwifery sig-
purposefully restricted. In their videos       express femininity in a “God Honoring”         nals a massive change in the movement.
and on their Twitter accounts, between         way,10 and general criticisms of feminism      Not only is this ideology becoming more
posting fashion inspiration and memes,         to their numerous subscribers.11               mainstream with younger, Right-leaning
they fantasize explicitly about the myth-         While not all tradwives associate with      female audiences, it’s becoming integrat-
ical post-war Americana of the mid-20th        White supremacist politics—and not             ed into Gen Z internet culture, taking on
century, which they envision as full of        all are Christian fundamentalists—the          timely cultural trends, political views,
Aryan nuclear families and blonde, Tup-        movement offers an elegant solution for        and concepts of gender. Tradwifery is a
perware-touting women who are submis-          women seeking acceptance in White na-          complicated movement, entangled in a
sive to their husbands.                        tionalist factions. Some popular tradwife      difficult history of patriarchal religiosity,
   The online trend Sarah is part of is        influencers are explicit in their connection   racism, and misogyny, but aspiring Zoom-
known as “tradwifery”: a movement              to far-right ideas, using their platforms to   er tradwives are actively simplifying it,
that’s part aesthetic and part ideology,       disseminate White supremacist propa-           transforming tradwife ideology into fun,
encouraging women to embrace sup-              ganda. Social media personalities Ayla         musical video bites, easily digested by
posedly feminine characteristics like          Stewart (aka “Wife With A Purpose”)12 and      their followers in 30 seconds or less.
chastity and submissiveness, and trade         Caitlin Huber (aka “Mrs. Midwest”)13 both         While much research into the Far Right
feminist empowerment for a patriarchal         follow and interact with White national-       has focused on young men’s radicaliza-
vision of gender norms.2 In some circles,      ist accounts online. Stewart in particular     tion into White supremacist and White
being a tradwife—short for “traditional        has spread White supremacist ideas such        nationalist groups, considerably less at-
wife”—also means being a fundamental-          as “replacement theory,” the conspira-         tention has been paid to the radicaliza-
ist Christian, and accepting that women        torial belief that White people are being      tion process of modern-day teenage girls.
shouldn’t work, shouldn’t have the right       systematically replaced by non-White im-       But just as young men have been lured
to vote, and should fully submit to their      migrants.14 More prominent influencers,        into the far-right pipeline by edgy meme
husbands and their faith to live a happy       including Huber, are more circumspect          culture and red pill rhetoric, trad girls
life of homemaking.3                           in their political associations, following     may be crafting their own domestic wing
   Emerging as an online movement              White supremacist and neonazi accounts         of the movement, one like at a time.
around the 2016 election and the rise of       on Instagram but not explicitly repeating
the Alt Right, the first generation of trad-   pro-White propaganda.15
wives, dominated by Millennial house-             But with the rise of new social platforms   THE GENERATIONAL BACKLASH TO FEMINISM
wives and mothers,4 is older than Sarah.       like TikTok, which generally appeal to a         Understanding the draw of tradwifery
The most popular tradwife influencers          younger demographic, the movement is           requires first understanding the histor-
have a large audience, with the largest        poised to spread as a new generation of        ical and cultural context in which Gen-
10-15 accounts having tens of thousands        girls are introduced to #tradlife. Genera-     eration Z has come of age, particularly in

SPRING/SUMMER 2021                                                                                           Political Research Associates • 11
regard to feminism and gender roles.                                      tives,” day-care centers, community kitch-    inism, warning that working women em-
     A certain strand of third wave femi-                                   ens, and dining halls that would be run by    powered by feminism are stunting their
  nism, which took hold in the U.S. in the                                  paid female domestic workers.26 In theory,    children’s growth and tearing the tradi-
  early 2010s, popularized “individualis-                                   employing collective or communal moth-        tional family structure apart.29 As aca-
  tic careerism feminism”22 or what we’ve                                   ering in order to give women working in       demic Angela Nagle explains in her book
  come to know as corporate feminism                                        other fields a chance to progress in their    Kill All Normies, this argument debuted
  or #girlboss culture.23 This version of                                   careers was a good idea. In practice, these   at the height of second wave feminism
  feminism was epitomized by works like                                     ideas were implemented in a system of         in the late 1960s and early '70s, when
  Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg’s 2013                                       racial capitalism, leading to the contra-     conservative anti-feminists like Phyllis
  book, Lean In, which focused more on                                      dictions of this ideology being resolved      Schlafly battled the Equal Rights Amend-
  individual women pursuing corporate                                       by employing (and underpaying) working        ment on the grounds that women’s equal-
  success over systemic critiques of gen-                                   class and poor women of color.27              ity would “destroy the US family, moral
  der bias at work.24 This style of corpo-                                     We are now in the fourth wave of U.S.      restraints and tradition.”30 Backlash lead-
  rate feminism was criticized for pri-                                     feminism—a movement progressively             ers in Schlafly’s era celebrated traditional
  oritizing capitalistic success for elite,                                 more focused on diversity, intersection-      gender roles for women as the backbone
  primarily White women intent on com-                                      alism, queerness, and openness about          of the nation, honoring domestic labor
  peting with male colleagues at the ex-                                    sexual violence and assault than earlier      and childbearing as vital work in the ser-
  pense of broader group solidarity, inter-                                 waves. But for all these positive steps,      vice of preserving tradition and a conser-
  sectionalism, and racial justice.25                                       many women have been failed by the            vative status quo. Fifty years later, the Far
     Corporate feminism also paid little                                    compromises of modern feminism and            Right has reaffirmed that message and
  attention to the first wave dream of do-                                  late-stage capitalism, unable to find         make explicit its racial agenda as well:
  mestic revolution. In pursuit of financial                                a workable solution for the quandary          that White women embracing #tradlife is
  independence and social equality, mate-                                   of work-life balance. Gen Z girls have        the key to saving the “White race.”31
  rial feminist leaders in the 19th and ear-                                watched their working mothers lean into          And so, today, young women trying to
  ly 20th centuries believed that women                                     unequal workplaces only to earn less          gain access to male-dominated far-right
  would need to socialize housework and                                     money in a capitalist system that also de-    circles encounter an endless stream of
  childcare in order to manage both work                                    values their domestic workload.28             anti-feminist rhetoric, and often proudly
  and domestic life and thus campaigned                                        At the same time, the Far Right has re-    embrace the label. On female-exclusive
  for the creation of “housewife coopera-                                   newed its old backlash fight against fem-     right-wing Reddit forums like r/Red-
                                                                                                                          PillWomen, they echo far-right talking
                                                                                                                          points about women’s sexual value or bio-
                                                                                                                          logical duties, and how feminism doesn’t
                                                                                                                          liberate women but diverts them from
                                                                                                                          their true calling as mothers and wives.32
                                                                                                                          In the mid-2010s, Alt Right social media
                                                                                                                          influencers Lauren Southern and Lana
                                                                                                                          Lokteff recruited women by framing their
                                                                                                                          choice to reject feminism and join the Far
                                                                                                                          Right as an act of empowerment, leaving
                                                                                                                          behind the “false consciousness” of liber-
                                                                                                                          alism, equal rights, and anti-racism.33
                                                                                                                             Perhaps affected by their own expe-
                                                                                                                          rience with working mothers or simply
                                                                                                                          influenced by far-right talking points,
                                                                                                                          aspiring Gen Z tradwives often echo
                                                                                                                          the same anti-feminist, anti-work, and
                                                                                                                          pro-family sentiments. Yet, despite these
                                                                                                                          claims, aspiring tradwives on TikTok
                                                                                                                          also unknowingly repeat feminist rhet-
                                                                                                                          oric: openly promoting gender equal-
                                                                                                                          ity in relationship decision-making;
                                                                                                                          pushing back against objectification
                                                                                                                          and over-sexualization of women, par-
                                                                                                                          ticularly of under-age girls; and criticiz-
                                                                                                                          ing the porn industry for normalizing
  A meme from the tradwife reddit forum on the differences between feminists and tradwives. Recreated by PRA.             sexual violence and aggression against

12 • The Public Eye                                                                                                                            SPRING/SUMMER 2021
women.34 Much like Schlafly in the '70s,      sitting around the fire, eating dinner, or     attitude toward women can be summed
today’s anti-feminist tradwives use the       attending church. As Christou surmises,        up by America First leader Nick Fuentes’
victories of feminism to undermine the        these mythical portrayals also serve as        unofficial mantra: “no e-girls, never!”42
very movement that fought for them to         “coded language on demographic panics,”        (E-girls is a slang term for teenage girl
have such agency. And as young, mostly        harkening back to a time when the Amer-        influencers with a cute, anime-inspired
unmarried people in middle-class Amer-        ican identity was primarily White, conser-     aesthetic.43) Young far-right groups like
ica—where many aspects of basic gender        vative, and heterosexual, and making an        Fuentes’ base—commonly known as
equality are taken for granted—their ad-      implicit call to restore that status quo.37    Groypers44—typically exclude women
vocacy is mostly risk-free, allowing them        These videos paint a clear picture: tra-    and girls.45 Fuentes has also openly ar-
to push back against liberal convention       ditionalist Gen Z women are dreaming of        gued that “women cannot be red pilled,”46
and modernity without much threat of          a perfect marriage in a culturally conser-     and thus cannot be part of the move-
facing danger or oppression themselves.       vative world, untouched by queerness,          ment47; or, as he more succinctly put it,
Tradwifery, as the technologized, aesthet-    immigration, and progressivism. In these       “my ideology is fuck women.”48
icized movement it has become, offers a       fantasies they are adored homemakers,             While Fuentes’ sentiment cannot be
perfect gateway for teenage women to ex-      respected and cared for, financially and       applied to all young paleoconservatives,
periment with anti-feminist right-wing        emotionally, by traditionally mascu-           his viewpoint (and his popularity among
and far-right politics from the safety of     line men—men who are wealthy, fertile,         Gen Z White nationalists) could be indic-
their parents’ homes.                         handsome, and strong, but also tender,         ative of the Far Right’s evolving gender
                                              kind, and cognizant of their needs.38          relations. If women are no longer able to
                                                 In reality, gender dynamics are shifting    participate in the Far Right—even in gen-
INCREASINGLY COMPLICATED GENDER               quickly for Generation Z; particularly in      der segregated spheres like the r/RedPill-
ROLES AND RELATIONSHIPS                       liberal-leaning groups, more Gen Z men         Women forum—the traditional symbiot-
   Another important factor for aspir-        are ditching traditional notions of manli-     ic relationship between men and women
ing Gen Z tradwives is the promise of         ness in favor of a more empathetic vision      in White nationalist movements could
a fulfilling, traditionalist relationship.    of their gender identity,39 with about half    be changing. As Kathleen Belew, author
In response to their generational peers’      of the Gen Z population agreeing that tra-     of Bring the War Home, recounts in her
widespread acceptance of queerness and        ditional gender norms and gender labels        chapter “Race War and White Women,”
gender non-conformity, tradwife influ-        are outdated.40 This is in tandem with a       women’s activism has always been cru-
encers often conspicuously push back by       noticeable uptick in self-identified fluidi-   cial to the success of White supremacist
aggressively romanticizing heterosexu-        ty, with 41 percent of polled Zoomers from     groups, strengthening social and familial
ality and heteronormative gender roles.35     Western countries identifying as “neutral”     bonds within the movements and pro-
                                                                                             viding more attractive spokespeople for
                                                                                             White supremacist positions on female
These mythical portrayals also serve as “coded language                                      sexuality, “race-mixing,” and abortion.49
on demographic panics,” harkening back to a time                                             But if the Groypers’ female-exclusionary
                                                                                             trend continues or spreads, it may repre-
when the American identity was primarily White,                                              sent a pattern where both far-right men
conservative, and heterosexual, and making an implicit                                       and women share the same desire for a
call to restore that status quo.                                                             traditionalist, heteronormative relation-
                                                                                             ship, but have diametrically opposed ex-
                                                                                             pectations for what that looks like, leav-
As Miranda Christou, a senior fellow at       in terms of their position “on the spectrum    ing them unable to relate to one another.
the Centre for Analysis of the Radical        of masculinity and femininity.”41
Right, details in her article “#TradWives:       This evolving vision of masculinity has
Sexism as Gateway to White Supremacy,”        caused intense backlash among far-right        THE FEAR OF COLLAPSE
words like “tradition” and “traditional”      Gen Z men. Young male White national-            The last, and often underrepresented,
invoke notions of heritage and national-      ists have begun putting enormous stock         factor drawing Gen Z women to trad-
ism, even if, as she adds, these traditions   in supporting and identifying with male        wifery is the fear of imminent collapse.
are merely “frozen moments in history         chauvinism and aggressive heterosexu-          Collapse, as an all-encompassing term,
arbitrarily chosen from the cultural rep-     ality, attempting to distance themselves       includes mass displacement, economic
ertoire as ‘the’ authentic expression of      from what they perceive to be their gen-       depression, food scarcity as agricultur-
the national collective.”36 For tradwives,    eration’s degeneracy. Women-bashing            al production fails, political upheaval,
that means their depiction of tradition in    and slut-shaming as a way to assert dom-       the end of non-renewable resources,
TikTok videos tends to glamorize a myth-      inance is nearly ubiquitous in Zoomer          disease, war, and irremediable climate
ical post-war 1950s Americana, populated      Christian paleoconservative and White          change.50 Eco-anxiety in particular is
by White, often blonde, nuclear families      nationalist circles. There, the general        common, with many Zoomers and Mil-

SPRING/SUMMER 2021                                                                                         Political Research Associates • 13
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