Our Lady of Knock - Division 7, East Islip, NY January/February 2022

Page created by Maurice Shaw
Our Lady of Knock - Division 7, East Islip, NY January/February 2022
Our Lady of Knock - Division 7, East Islip, NY                                        January/February 2022

     President’s Message                       such a great group of officers to help lead   many hours down here volunteering
Hello brothers,                                this division. The work and time they put     and lending a good ear to everyone.
  Happy New Year brothers, I hope              in is often not seen by the membership,         Tom is a great Hibernian and is
everyone had a great Christmas with            but I know, and I thank them from the         committed to our motto of
family and friends and that the new year       bottom of my heart.                           Friendship, Unity and Christian
will bring you continued health and              I want to thank our corporation             Charity. I know even though his
happiness.                                     officers; Gene, Danny, Dave and John for      tenure is over he will still be looking
  Our next meeting will be held on Wed.        leading us through these past 2 years of      out to make sure this division stays
Jan. 5, 2022, it will be the last meeting      great uncertainty. This team will stay on     the best!!
that I will have the privilege to preside      to run our building and grounds for             Please come down for the
over as the President of the best AOH          another two years. I truly hope we get a      “Installation of Officers” on Saturday
Division in the country. I’m thankful to all   break from these COVID issues and             January 22, 2022 starting at 6:30 PM.
the members that supported our division        mandates so that they can return to           We will start with Jr. Girls, then the
over      these     past     two     years.    running the building as they have in the      LAOH Ladies and ending with the AOH
Unfortunately, the COVID issues forced         past and we will again be the vibrant,        Men. After installing all officers, there
us to close our building for several           active facility for everyone to enjoy.        will be food, music and dancing for
months, cancel some meetings and many            I can’t conclude without thanking all       your enjoyment.
other events that we all look forward to       the committee chairmen that stepped up          Our Grand Marshal’s Ball is on
every year.                                    and volunteered to lead a committee.          Saturday Feb. 26th at the Irish Coffee
  I want to thank Tom Davis for all the        These are important and required              Pub, see John Davis for tickets and
hard work and dedication he has                elements of an AOH division and I thank       Jason Holm for Journal and TV Ads.
contributed to this organization. TD           you for your support. I hope you will         Remember to support our local
finished his final 2 years on our board as     consider staying on and helping Shawn         businesses that support us.
the Jr. Past President. This concludes 16      O’Neill run the division for another two        March 6, 2022 we will be walking
continuous years as a member of the            years.                                        behind William (Bill) LePage our
board of officers for Division 7. TD lead             Wishing you “All the Best” in          (2021) 2022 Grand Marshal.
by example and always kept the welfare          Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity          Yours in Friendship, Unity and
of our division as his top priority and I                      Tom McHugh                               Christian Charity.
thank him for a job well done.                                                                       President Elect Shawn
  The rest of the slate of officers will               President Elect’s Message:
remain on the board for the next 2 years         I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas
lead by our new President Shawn O’Neill.       and I wish everyone a Happy and Healthy
I’ve known Shawn since we were in high         New Year! On behalf of my elected board
school together and our division couldn’t      members and myself we are looking
be in better hands. Shawn has held every       forward to leading the best Division in
position on our board from Sentinel on         the AOH. We look forward to continuing
up to now President. He is also a long         the job of keeping this division the best
time member of the Roisin Dubh Pipe            just like all the previous past Presidents
Band and has been the chairman of the          have.
Finance Committee for many years.                I would like to thank Tom McHugh for
Shawn’s board will include our new             his leadership during these trying times
Sentinel Anthony Pizzo and we know he          the last two years. He has always had
will be a great addition to the team as he     the Division’s interest at heart. Tom was
has already had a major impact on our          instrumental in reducing costs          by
division.                                      bringing the newsletter inhouse among
  I have been incredibly lucky to have had     other cost saving ideas. He has spent
Our Lady of Knock - Division 7, East Islip, NY January/February 2022
L.A.O.H.                       commitment to her faith, church and her         Twelve Days of Christmas!
Dear Sisters,                                community. Please join us in recognizing           Our Junior Girls partnered with St.
  I hope that you and your families had      Corrine at the St. Brigid’s Mass on             Christopher Ottilie of Brentwood
a wonderful and blessed Christmas. I         Saturday, January 29th at 11:00 am at           collecting children’s pajamas as a
wish you all a very Happy and Healthy        Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, 495 N. Ocean            fundraiser, asking those who attended
New Year!!! Praying and hopeful that         Ave, Patchogue.                                 the Tree Lighting to donate pajamas. In
this new year brings good health and           Sisters, as my term as president comes        all, 70+ pairs of pajamas were collected.
good times for us all.                       to a close, I would love to thank you all,      Afterwards, we went inside and cozied
  Thank you to Chris Brogan and Alie         for the friendship and the support over         up to hot chocolate, mulled apple cider,
Gray-Barba for spearheading our very         the course of years I have served on the        and hot coffee graciously made and
successful 300 Club Fundraiser. This is      Division 7 LAOH board. It has been a great      donated by Cindy Haugland and John
one of our bigger fundraisers each year,     honor for me and I have truly loved and         Gravina. The delicious desserts were
                                                                                             provided by our always supportive
we use the monies raised to make our         appreciated the experience. Although
                                                                                             Division 7 ladies. The Junior Girls would
charitable Christmas donations, and          the world turned upside down shortly
                                                                                             like to humbly thank Gene Hearl and the
with all your efforts it was a huge          after I was installed as president, I believe
                                                                                             Corporation for permitting Jay Holm to
success. Thank you to all who supported      it was a good two years, filled with some       ensure the Christmas lights once again
this fundraiser and congratulations to all   challenging times but also some new and         beautifully lit up the building and the
of the lucky winners!!!                      fun times. As a board, we learned new           trees surrounding the statue of our
  Our dues for the 2022 year are now         ways to do things, new ways to fundraise        Blessed Mother. Thanks to Leslie Lanigan
being accepted. By the end of                and conduct our business. It has been a         for the beautiful wreaths and fresh pine
December, you should have received an        blessing for me to serve with the ladies I      garland.
envelope in the mail from our Financial      have on our board. They are an amazing             It was truly a wonderful evening
Secretary Patty Kunzinger. We have           group of strong and talented women and          enjoyed by all. The girls know our
changed the dues process this year and       we had a successful term together. I also       members have been hit hard by the
ask that the dues be mailed in as            have so much gratitude for the AOH              pandemic the past two years and are
opposed to paying at our meetings. If        Division 7 President Tom McHugh and his         thrilled to provide them with a special
you would like to mail your dues card        board of officers. They were generous           and uplifting evening. The girls are
with your payment and have it signed         with their time and with their constant         already looking forward to next year.
and returned, please enclose a self-         support over the past two years. Thank              Speaking of next year, anyone who is
addressed stamped envelope with your         you to the Corporation of Division 7 for        involved in fundraising knows the
payment and the card will be updated         always being amazing to myself and the          pandemic has caused tough times. That
and mailed back to you. If you have any      Ladies of Division 7!!!                         said, the girls are once again collecting
                                                                                             the front covers of Christmas cards which
questions or concerns regarding your           Looking forward to continuing to be a
                                                                                             will be used to make Christmas gift tags
dues, please email our Financial             part of this amazing Division 7 for years
                                                                                             to sell in 2022 as a fundraiser. So, please
Secretary at LAOHDiv7FinSecy@gmail.com.      to come!!!
                                                                                             donate the front covers of any cards you
  Congratulations to the incoming LAOH        Yours in Friendship, Unity and Christian
                                                                                             have. You can leave them in the Pub
Board and AOH Board. Wishing our                  Charity, Cathie Norton Doherty             addressed to Becci Enders or Gina Holm.
incoming President’s Patty Fitzpatrick                LAOH Division 7 President                 The Junior Girls had a fun-filled
and AOH President Shawn O’Neill
successful terms during the next two
                                                             Juniors                         December meeting as they made Care
                                                Our Junior Girls sponsored their 2nd         Kits for Cody Enders’ platoon (Becci’s
years as we look forward to their                                                            son) who are currently deployed in
                                             Annual Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony
leadership                                                                                   Japan. They went on to enjoy decorating
                                             at Division 7. The girls love this event as
  All members are welcome to attend          it’s a way for our members to safely come       gingerbread houses while munching on
the installation of Officers to be held on   together outdoors staying socially              pizza and plenty of candy. The laughs
Saturday, January 22nd at 6:30 PM.           distanced while celebrating the upcoming        and chatter in the room were wonderful
Please come down and show your               Christmas season. The Junior Girls led the      to listen to. All the girls were in the
support for our new officers!!!!             countdown to the tree lighting, and then        Christmas spirit and it was a beautiful
  Division Seven’s 2021-22 honoree for       we all enjoyed beautiful Christmas tunes        ending to a great year.
the Walking in the Footsteps of St.          played on the bagpipes by our own Bill
Brigid is Corrine McKeown. A longtime        LePage.      Bill was followed by Mac                  In Friendship, Unity and
member of our Division, Corrine has          McFadden leading the group singing joyful                  Christian Charity
volunteered her time whenever help is        Christmas carols eventually ending the              Patty Fitzpatrick & Gina Holm
needed. She demonstrates a strong            evening with a fun-filled version of the             Junior Girls Co-Coordinators
Our Lady of Knock - Division 7, East Islip, NY January/February 2022
                                                                           Corporation Corner
                       Happening                                        Happy New Year everyone. We are holding
                                                                      off on scheduling any live music in our Pub until
                      Jan. & Feb.                                     the new COVID mandates are released and we
                                                                      know what the rules will be. Please keep an eye
                                                                      out for posters in the Pub that will let you know
                                                                      the up to date information and any future
                         JANUARY:                                     entertainment.
Jan 5 Wed        AOH Division Seven Meeting                   8:00 PM Please stay safe and follow the rules that we
Jan 10 Mon       Jr. Girls Meeting                            6:30 PM post, thank you.
Jan 12 Wed       LAOH Division 7 Meeting at Hall              7:30 PM                     Gene Hearl
Jan 21 Fri       March for Life in Washington DC                                   Corporation President
Jan 22 Sat       Installation of Division 7 Officers

Jan 29 Sat
                 (6:30 Jr Girls, 7:00 LAOH, 7:30 AOH)
                 St. Brigid Mass at Our Lady of Mount Carmel
                                                                                    The Irish
                 in Patchogue on North Ocean Ave. 11:00 AM
                                                                English: Happy New Year (to 1 person)
                                                                Irish: Ave Athbhliain faoi mhaise dhuit!
                         FEBRUARY:                              Pronunciation: Ah-vleen fwee vosh-ah
Feb 2 Wed       AOH Division Seven Meeting             8:00 PM n 2
Feb 7 Mon       Jr Girls Meeting                       6:30 PM
                                                                English: Happy New Year (to more than
Feb 9 Wed       LAOH Division 7 Meeting at Hall       7:30 PM
                                                                          1 person)
Feb 13 Sun      Super Bowl Sunday
                                                                Irish: Athbhliain faoi mhaise dhaoibh!
Feb 26 Sat      Grand Marshal’s Ball -Irish Coffee Pub 7:00 PM
                                                                Pronunciation: Ah-vleen fwee gosh-ah

                    Veterans Appreciation Night                                         Jr. Girls Pajama drive

     Our Lady of Knock Statue and trees decorated for Christmas               Preparing for the tree lighting celebration
Our Lady of Knock - Division 7, East Islip, NY January/February 2022
Our Lady of Knock - Division 7, East Islip, NY January/February 2022
Our Lady of Knock - Division 7, East Islip, NY January/February 2022
Please Pray For…                        Ancient Order of Hibernians in America
                                                                                          Our Lady of Knock Div. 7
                                                                                            65 Champlin Avenue
                                       In the event of sickness or a death in the           East Islip, NY 11730
Dues for 2022 can be paid to our              family, please call the Hall at            website: www.aohdiv7.org • 631-581-9317
Financial Secretary Kevin Smith         581-9317 and leave a message for the        Editor–Tom McHugh
 Contact Kevin Smith at:                Chairman of the Committee of the Sick              tmchugh@opentext.com
     ksmith@aol.com                     or Bob Knockenhauer at 631-277-2872.        Advertising –Jason Holm,
Please remember to put your                For L.A.O.H., contact Missions and                     jasonholm@ymail.com
Membership # on all payments.          Charities Chairlady, Chris Brogan at 631-    Chaplain: Rev. John Crozier
                                         428-3085 or cmbrogan@optonline.net         President: Shawn O’Neill
Div. 7 Dues are $100 until 3/17/2022                                                Vice Pres.: John Owen
Our Lady of Knock - Division 7, East Islip, NY January/February 2022 Our Lady of Knock - Division 7, East Islip, NY January/February 2022 Our Lady of Knock - Division 7, East Islip, NY January/February 2022 Our Lady of Knock - Division 7, East Islip, NY January/February 2022
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