OTTER TRAIL - Gerrie Pretorius

Page created by Roberto Howell
OTTER TRAIL - Gerrie Pretorius
Tour 1  01 February 2022 - 05 February 2022 (Sold Out)   Tour 4   01 March 2022 - 05 March 2022
Tour 2  02 February 2022 - 06 February 2022              Tour 5   02 March 2022 - 06 March 2022
Tour 3  03 February 2022 - 07 February 2022
OTTER TRAIL - Gerrie Pretorius
PRICE: R5500* per person

HIKE TIME: 2 Hours

Start the hike by winding along the edge of the coastal forest. Taking you over rocks to Twee Riviere. The waterfall is the start of your adventure. It is an
easy and beautiful walk with many places that you can stop and admire the never-ending view over the seas. Once you are at the waterfall, you can take
a good break and explore the surrounds, have a picnic and swim in the natural pool.

After the waterfall, there is a short climb through the indigenous forest, followed by a descent to a valley. Be welcomed by Ngubu Hut, the first overnight
stop of the trail. This first day is quite mild and is a nice introduction to what the trail has got to offer. Once at the huts, you can put your feet up, relax
and enjoy the surrounds around a lovely sociable braai. A little stroll down the path leads you to the rock pools.

•   Guano Caves
•   The Waterfall, situated just before the 3km mark
•   Ngubu Hut
OTTER TRAIL - Gerrie Pretorius

DAY 2: NGUBU HUT TO SCOTT HUT                                                DAY 3: SCOTT HUT TO OAKHURST HUT
HIKE TIME: 4 Hours                                                           HIKE TIME: 4 Hours
DISTANCE: 7,9km                                                              DISTANCE: 7.7km

Day 2 of the Otter Trail is perhaps the most diverse and beautiful of the    The 3rd day of the trail starts with the crossing of Geelhoutbos River at
entire trail. The hike begins with a steep climb away from the Ngubu Hut     Scott Hut. The trail follows the rocky coastline, with the usual boulder
and up onto a plateau. When you reach the 2km mark, take the short           hopping found on the Otter Trail, until the Elandsbos River comes into
detour to Skilderkrans to see the magnificent quartz outcrops. From this     view.
scenic vantage point over the sea, look out for dolphins and whales. After
Skilderkrans, take care when descending into the Kleinbos River crossing.    You will be crossing this river which is not too difficult, but make sure
Another detour off the trail will take you to the picturesque Blue Bay, of   that all your valuables and bags are kept dry with survival bags or plastic.
which a very steep climb awaits you. The Scott Hut are situated at the       The trail continues, varying between the shore and the cliff top, with many
Geelhoutbos River mouth, and are nestled amongst the Arum Lilies.            ascents and descents. You will walk through unique fynbos, and then
                                                                             come to the edge of steep descent to the Lottering River. The climb down
DAY 2 HIGHLIGHTS:                                                            to the river crossing is quite steep, so take it slow here.
•   Skilderkrans quartz outcrops
•   Kleinbos River                                                           Prepare yourself for a swim at the Lottering Rover during high tide or after
•   The picturesque Blue Bay                                                 heavy rains. Your 3rd night will be spent at Oakhurst Hut, which is situated
•   The Geelhoutbos River mouth                                              on the far banks of the Lottering River.

                                                                             DAY 3 HIGHLIGHTS:
                                                                             •   Elandsbos River
                                                                             •   Knysna Tauraco
                                                                             •   Cape Clawless Otter
                                                                             •   Fynbos

                                                                             DELIVERY OF FRESH SUPPLIES; ICE, DRINKS AND MEAT
OTTER TRAIL - Gerrie Pretorius

DAY 4: OAKHURST HUT TO ANDRÉ HUT                                            GENERAL INFORMATION:
HIKE TIME: 7 Hours                                                          •   Due to the physical demands of the Otter Trail, the following age
DISTANCE: 13,8km                                                                restrictions are in place: Minimum 12 years of age; Maximum age: 65
                                                                                years of age.
Alternating between the coastline and the indigenous forest, the trail      •   Check in: Allow some time to weigh your bag and watch the
leads you to the Bloukrans River after about 10kms. This section of the         20-minute Otter Trail DVD at the Otter Room. The DVD provides a
teail is very well marked to help the hikers who may have had a pre-dawn        brief outline of changes recently made to the trail.
start to the day in order to make the low tide.                             •   This trail is a form of ‘slackpacking’. On arrival at Scott Hut your fresh
                                                                                supplies will be waiting for you. This will allow you to carry less of a
It is quite important to cross the river within half an hour of low tide,       load and enjoy the scenery to it’s fullest.
otherwise you are in for a difficult swim and subsequent rock scramble!     •   The hike demands a great deal of exertion due to the broken
                                                                                topography of terrain and fair degree of fitness is essential. You
Look out for the waves as you reach the other side of the river, they can       should begin the day’s hike before 09h00 to ensure that the next hut
wash you off the rocks. Rather wear your sandals to cross the river in          is reached before dark.
order to negotiate the rocks when you climb out. Beyond the river trail
climbs steeply to the coastal plateau from where there are superb views
over the coastline. The trail then descends steeply to André Hut, which
nestles in the indigenous forest alongside the Klip River.

•   Bloukrans River
•   Pebble cove adjacent to the estuary at Bloukrans
•   Coastal Plateau
•   André Hut
•   Bushbuck
OTTER TRAIL - Gerrie Pretorius

•   Take precautions against foraging baboons which may raid any type of          •   Carry water with you on those sections where no water points are
    food left unattended.                                                             shown on the maps – especially during the drier seasons (December –
•   Normal booking practices will apply, and no refunds will be made in               February)
    the event of trail being closed due to inclement weather conditions.          •   Cellular phone reception along the trail is intermittent
•   Take note that Otter Trail falls within an open access park and there are     •   Report any suspicious activity at your earliest convenience to the
    not always fences which can keep animals or unwanted persons from                 ranger on duty
    entering the area.                                                            •   Please do not leave any luggage unattended in the huts when moving
•   Check out: Compulsory check out at De Vasselot Rest Camp where                    on to the next set of overnight huts
    Otter Trail certificates will be issued.
•   When packing your rucksack, please remember the following
    necessities: raincoat, warm clothing, knife, a piece of string, plasters,     BANKING DETAILS:
    aspirin, hat, water bottle, torch, camp stove, cutlery, cooking utensils, a
    length of nylon rope (±30m) and a sleeping bag.                               The full amount of R5500 is payable to secure your booking. Please bear
•   Wear sturdy hiking shoes and thick woolen socks.                              in mind that this is non-refundable should you not be able to do the Otter.
•   Keep to the route. Short cuts are prohibited and you will only endanger
    yourself unnecessarily                                                        You are however welcome to send somebody else in your place.
•   Avoid hiking during the night, rather use the escape routes if rivers
    cannot be crossed safely                                                      GJ Pretorius
•   Ensure that all safety signage and recommendations are adhered to at          Bank: ABSA
    all times, especially at the Bloukrans River crossing                         Branch Code 632 005
•   Hikers must make sure of the time of high-tide before departure to            Account Number: 2078183449
    enable safe river crossing – especially the – Lottering and Bloukrans         Reference: Otter22 + Name and Surname
    Rivers. Plan your hike to enable you to reach the rivers at low tide. A
    large plastic bag is very handy for covering your equipment during the
    crossing of rivers. Carry and Inflatable mattress and a length of nylon
    (±30m) to cross rivers.
•   The hiking trail winds through valuable natural assets – please be
    careful with fire and cigarette-ends
OTTER TRAIL - Gerrie Pretorius
                   Mobile: +27 82 923 3626
Website: |

    Leef jou Reis Vriende            @GerrieOfficial         @Gerriepret

                        Leef jou Reis met Gerrie Pretorius
OTTER TRAIL - Gerrie Pretorius OTTER TRAIL - Gerrie Pretorius OTTER TRAIL - Gerrie Pretorius OTTER TRAIL - Gerrie Pretorius
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