Oral Health Research Congress Brussels, Belgium - MANUAL FOR SPONSORS September 16-18, 2021

Page created by Judith Wheeler
Oral Health Research Congress Brussels, Belgium - MANUAL FOR SPONSORS September 16-18, 2021

Oral Health Research Congress
      Brussels, Belgium
        September 16-18, 2021

Oral Health Research Congress Brussels, Belgium - MANUAL FOR SPONSORS September 16-18, 2021

Table of Content

1.     WELCOME ....................................................................................................................................... 3
     1.1      CONGRESS HIGHLIGHTS .......................................................................................................... 3
     1.2      ADVANTAGES OF THE VIRTUAL PLATFORM............................................................................. 4
2.     GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................................. 4
     2.1      CONGRESS SOCIAL EVENTS ..................................................................................................... 4
     2.2      EXHIBITOR REGISTRATION ....................................................................................................... 5
3.     ARTWORK FOR VIRTUAL PLATFORM ............................................................................................... 5
     3.1      SPONSOR PAGE ....................................................................................................................... 5
     3.3      SPONSORED SYMPOSIUM OR KEYNOTE SESSION (Only for Gold and Silver Sponsors) ........... 6
4.     ARTWORK FOR OTHER PURPOSES ................................................................................................... 7
     4.1      ADVERTISEMENT IN PRINTED PROGRAMME BOOK ................................................................. 7
     4.2      PRE-CONGRESS MAILING (ONLY FOR GOLD AND SILVER SPONSORS) ..................................... 7
     4.3.     CONGRESS BAG INSERT ........................................................................................................... 7
5.     OVERALL OVERVIEW ARTWORK - DEADLINES ................................................................................. 8
Oral Health Research Congress Brussels, Belgium - MANUAL FOR SPONSORS September 16-18, 2021

1.        Welcome
     Due to the worldwide Covid-19 pandemic, the organising committee has opted for a hybrid congress
     set-up. An online platform will be integrated in our in-person event, making it possible for those
     who are unable to travel to attend the congress. Though, it might be in a different way, we believe
     that sponsors can also benefit from new opportunities. What we consider so far:
        • Live-streaming all symposia. Upon the speakers´ authorisation, they will be recorded and
            available afterwards during a limited time for congress-registered participants. The sponsors
            will have the possibility of virtual interaction with participants.
        • Pre-recording oral presentations, and a selection of oral presentations live-streamed and
            made available on the virtual platform.
        • Virtual Exhibition (no on-site exhibition).
     Be aware that, as a health organisation, we are closely monitoring the evolving regulations to
     guarantee that all protocols in force at the time of the congress will be followed strictly.

 The Continental European Division (CED-IADR), together with the Scandinavian Division (NOF), of the
 International Association for Dental Research (IADR) continue the long-lasting fruitful tradition of
 organising a two-and-half day Oral Health Research congress in Europe, this time organised in the
 form of a HYBRID congress.

 Contact info:
 CED-IADR Secretariat at KU Leuven
 Mrs. Rosa Ciloglu & Ms. Suzanna Monard
 Kapucijnenvoer 7, Block A – box 7001
 3000 Leuven, Belgium

 PCO – Conference Office KU Leuven
 Hanne Van den Keybus & Liesbeth Michiels
 Naamsestraat 22, box 5004
 3000 Leuven, Belgium

      o   Largest multi-disciplinary scientific dental congress in Europe, organised by CED-IADR and NOF
          under the umbrella of IADR (over 1,500 members).
      o   A two-and-a-half day parallel-session programme including oral & poster presentations,
          keynote and symposium lectures with key speakers on various hot topics in the scientific field.
      o   The modern and excellent congress venue ‘Square Convention Centre’ is located in the heart
          of Brussels, the capital of Europe.
Oral Health Research Congress Brussels, Belgium - MANUAL FOR SPONSORS September 16-18, 2021

      o    CED-IADR/NOF is expanding its reach through an online platform integrated in the in-person
           event. CED-IADR/NOF hopes to be inclusive towards those who are unable to attend the
           congress physically or prefer to attend virtually.
      o    Both in-person and virtual attendees will experience unique networking opportunities.
           Whether you live in Belgium or outside of Europe, this congress is open to anyone interested
           in oral health research!

      o    Participants will be able to view all presentations whenever it suits them by logging onto the
           easy-to-navigate and straightforward virtual platform, set up for both in-person and virtual
      o    Participants will be able to log onto the virtual platform a few weeks before the start of the
           congress. Virtual sponsor artwork will be visible for a much longer time.
      o    Participants will be able to view lectures online for a certain time after the congress by logging
           onto the virtual platform. This feature will also increase your company visibility.
      o    Posters will be upgraded to short pre-recorded oral presentations and will be made available
           on the virtual platform throughout the entire duration of the congress and after the congress.
           This will also be applicable for clinical case reports.
      o    Increased chances of interaction and networking with participants thanks to an intuitive chat
           function in our virtual platform.
      o    Sponsors have the opportunity to organise online round-table meetings and moderated
           sessions, depending on the sponsorship level (see Sponsor Guide). Introduce your company to
           oral health stakeholders from all over Europe and beyond!
      o    Virtual ONLY exhibition of major oral health companies.

2.        General information
      o    The CED-IADR/NOF Opening Ceremony & Reception will take place on Thursday (September
           16, 2021) inside the historical Brussels Town Hall at the ‘Grote Markt’ or ‘Grand Place’
           between 19:00 hr and 21:30 hr. Registration is free but mandatory.
      o    The CED-IADR/NOF Friday Get-Together will take place on Friday (September 17, 2021) in the
           Panoramic Hall of the congress venue between 19:30 hr and 22:30 hr. Registration is

           NOTE: Due to the ongoing pandemic, speakers and congress participants receive priority to
           register for the social events, CED-IADR/NOF Opening Ceremony & Reception and CED-
           IADR/NOF Friday Get-together (ticketed events).

           Please note that these events may be suspended at any time depending on the pandemic

    o   According to your sponsorship level, you are entitled to register virtual exhibitor(s) at no
        cost: Gold sponsors: 3 registrations; Silver sponsor: 2 registrations; Bronze sponsor: 1
        registration (please consult the Sponsor Guide for further information). Sponsors may opt for
        in-person or virtual registration.
    o   The company contact person will be contacted by the PCO (info@ced-iadr2021.com) before
        July 22, 2022 and will receive (a) personal registration code(s) (to be entered in Step 2 of the
        Registration process by the company representative). Badges for in-person representatives
        can be collected at the Registration Desk of the congress venue Square. The Desk is open half
        an hour before and after the congress timetable.

    NOTE: All invited speakers will be approached individually and directly by the PCO (info@ced-
    iadr2021.com). They will receive a different personal registration code.

3. Artwork for virtual platform

 Use this page to spotlight your company. Features include clickable banners, background & logos, a
 slideshow, an overview of your representatives, texts and links to other pages or external websites.

   Necessary artwork for this page (according to own preferences):

   o    Company logo in JPG or PNG, with a size of 600x600px
   o    Company description – a text with all relevant information about your company - in text
        format (Word file)
   o    Representatives for the company:
            o First name + name

         o Pictures: size 600x600px
         o Max. 5 representative
o    Background photo (displayed behind the company logo) in JPG or PGN, with a size of 1920 x
     384 px
o    Links to other pages according to own preference: send us the name of the link + the link.
     (Word file)
o    Documents relevant to your company that participants can download: please send us your
     documents in PDF
o    Slideshow of various interesting products, …: please send us the different pictures you want
     to show in the slideshow + the order of the pictures (max. 5 pictures).
o    Only for gold sponsors: Large logo of your company for the sponsor overview. This image
     should be PNG or JPG, with a size of 1200x600px. For the Silver and Bronze sponsors the
     normal logo (600x600px) will be used.

3.2 SPONSORED SYMPOSIUM OR KEYNOTE SESSION (only for Gold and Silver Sponsors)

    Promote your company before and after sessions. You can also add company images to a
    session page: a logo above the session in the list, and/or a banner on the session detail page.

Necessary artwork for this page (according to own preferences):

o     One slide in 16:9 format
o     Company logo in JPG or PNG, with a size of 900x150px
o     Session banner: It is also possible to place a clickable banner at the top of a session detail
      page. The banner image should be PNG or JPG, and have a size of 1200x600px.
o     OR a video: you can add a video at the top of a session detail page. Please provide us with an
      open URL-link (via YouTube/Vimeo) to this video.

 4. Artwork for other purposes

           o       Company logo in .AI- or .EPS-version (colour)
           o       Full-colour page advert: A5-size in colour
                     o Gold Sponsor: 2 full-colour insides-pages advertisement
                     o Silver Sponsor: 1 full-colour inside-page advertisement
                     o Bronze Sponsor: ½ full-colour inside-page advertisement

       Please email these files to info@ced-iadr2021.com no later than June 15, 2021.

    4.2 PRE-CONGRESS MAILING (PDF) (only for Gold and Silver Sponsors)

       o       Gold Sponsor: 2 page PDF-document to promote your symposium (e.g. mention title,
               speakers, speaker title, etc.to attract participants to your session)
       o       Silver Sponsor: 1 page PDF-document to promote your keynote lecture (e.g. mention title
               of the keynote lecture, speaker, short summary etc. to attract participants to your

       The PDF document will be linked to the congress newsletter where your session will be
       promoted. It will also be linked to the congress website at ‘programme at a glance’.

       Tip: Save time by sending us the same advertisement you provided for the printed
       programme book.

       Please email these files no later than July 15, 2021 to info@ced-iadr2021.com


       We need your congress bag insert no later than August 10, 2021.

               o     For Gold Sponsor: 2 inserts.
               o     For Silver + Bronze Sponsor: 1 insert.

       The insert may be a document and/or small sample of 100 ml/gr).

       We will inform you by July 20, 2021 about the number of expected in-person participants in

Make sure that your company name is highly visible on the outside of your shipment!

        Please send your inserts to:

         Dienst Publiekswerking, Congressen en Evenementen
         External relations, Conferences and Events Office
         T.A.V. Hanne Van den Keybus – Liesbeth Michiels
         Naamsestraat 22, bus 5004
         3000 Leuven

        If your shipment has been sent, please send a notification of this shipment to info@ced-
        iadr2021.com. This way we know that we can expect your shipment in the following weeks.

 5. Overall overview Artwork - Deadlines

 Artwork Virtual Platform                           May 15, 2021 at the latest
 Artwork Programme Book                             June 15, 2021 at the latest
 Artwork Pre-congress mailing (pdf)                 July 15, 2021 at the latest
 Congress bag insert                                August 10, 2021 at the latest

Please keep these deadlines in mind as they are crucial for a timely and good organisation of the
hybrid congress.

If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at info@ced-iadr2021.com.
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