OPEN MINUTES Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Reserves Board - Auckland ...

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OPEN MINUTES Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Reserves Board - Auckland ...
Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Reserves Board
                               OPEN MINUTES

Minutes of a meeting of the Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Reserves Board held in the Ōrākei Marae, 59b
Kitemoana Street, Orakei, Auckland on Monday, 16 August 2021 at 4.41pm.


 Chairperson       Marama Royal
 Deputy            Cr Desley Simpson, JP
 Members           Member Alec Hawke
                   Member Scott Milne


                   Cr Linda Cooper, JP
                   Member Wyllis Maihi


                   Jamie Sinclair                  Chief Executive, Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Trust
                   Nicholas Turoa                  Kaiwhakahaere Te Waka Tai-ranga-
                                                   whenua, Auckland Council
                   Teri Davis                      Ngāti Whātua Trust
                   Dane Tumahai                    Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Whai Maia
                   Peter Jeffries                  Financial Advisor, Auckland Council
                   Sophie White                    Governance Advisor, Auckland Council
Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Reserves Board
16 August 2021

1     Apologies

          Resolution number NGA/2021/18
          MOVED by Deputy D Simpson, seconded by Member A Hawke:
          That the Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Reserves Board:
          a)   accept the apology from Cr Linda Cooper and Member Wyllis Maihi for

2     Declaration of Interest

      There were no declarations of interest.

3     Confirmation of Minutes

          Resolution number NGA/2021/19
          MOVED by Deputy D Simpson, seconded by Member A Hawke:
          That the Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Reserves Board:
          a)   confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Monday, 28 June 2021, as
               a true and correct record.

4     Extraordinary Business

      There was no extraordinary business.

5     Minutes of the Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Reserves Board meeting, Monday 28 July 2021

      The minutes were confirmed at Item 3: Confirmation of Minutes

Minutes                                                                              Page 3
Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Reserves Board
 16 August 2021

6      Operations Reports
       Sergeant Alfred Uluinayau and Tony Tatupu from NZ police presented to the board.
       Note: additional clauses b), c), d), e) and f) were added with the agreement of the meeting.
       Resolution number NGA/2021/20
       MOVED by Deputy D Simpson, seconded by Member A Hawke:
       That the Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Reserves Board:
       a)   note the operations update and reports
            •     Toi Taiao Operations
            •     Kaitiaki Service Operations
       b)   thank Sergeant Alfred Uluinayau and Tony Tatupu for their verbal presentation
            on crime in the area
       c)   endorse the work of the community police, Māori and Pacific wardens and
            Kaitiaki services working in our area
       d)   request community police and Neil Maihi to provide evidence of crime and
            disorder as a result of alcohol consumption to Auckland Transport, Councillor
            Desley Simpson, Ōrākei local board and the Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Trust.
       e)   support the police request for a 24/7 liquor ban from Okahu Bay, up Hapimana
            street, including Michael Joseph Savage and the whenua rangatira, and send a
            copy of this resolution to Ōrākei local board, Auckland Transport and Ngāti
            Whātua Ōrākei Trust.
       f)   note police support for Kaitiaki Services to oversee gate closure at Hapimana

Note: The chair acknowledged and thanked Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei trust staff that assisted with the
      Pourewa opening.

 Minutes                                                                                   Page 4
Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Reserves Board
16 August 2021

7     Projects Report
      Note: changes were made to the original motion with the amendment of clause a), b) and
            addition of new e), with the agreement of the meeting.
      Resolution number NGA/2021/21
      MOVED by Member S Milne, seconded by Member A Hawke:
      That the Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Reserves Board:
      a)   note the project reports:
           •     Combined Reserve Management Plan, noting amendments removal of
                 bullet point four under the heading ‘Overview of the draft Combined
                 Management Plan (CMP)’ and clarification of bullet point 4 under heading
                 ‘Process Matters.’
           •     Pourewa Activations
           •     Takaparawhau Pathways
           •     Urupā
      b)   approve the Draft Combined Reserve Management Plan for Whenua Rangatira
           and Pourewa Creek, incorporating any agreed amendments discussed, for
           public notification and submissions as required by the Reserves Act 1977
           including the Urupā.
      c)   approve delegation to the Chair of the Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Reserves Board the
           authority to approve the final text and design of the Draft Combined Reserve
           Management Plan prior to public notification.
      d)   approve the final Combined Reserve Management Plan to be presented online
           in a separate English and Te Reo Māori version and the final hardcopy be
           produced in a bilingual version.
      e)   approve final confirmation of the submission form and detailed timeline to be
           approved by the chair and deputy chair.
      f)   confirm consent to host the Te Matatini 2022 pōwhiri at Takaparawhau on the
           22 February 2022.
      g)   allow for the allocation of $100k as a provisional estimate to be included in the
           2021/22 budget, noting the final funding detail requirements of this event will be
           presented at the October 2021 meeting.

Minutes                                                                               Page 5
Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Reserves Board
 16 August 2021

8      Financial Update as at 30 June 2021
       Note: changes were made to the original motion amending clause a) with the agreement
             of the meeting.
       Resolution number NGA/2021/22
       MOVED by Member S Milne, seconded by Member AH Hawke:
       That the Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Reserves Board:
       a)   receive the financial report as of 30 June 2021, noting that this is draft subject
            to annual audit.
       b)   approve the allocation of the 2021/22 budget.

9      Consideration of Extraordinary Items
       There was no consideration of extraordinary items.


Dane Tumahai closed the meeting with a karakia.

       6.20 pm                            The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance
                                          and attention to business and declared the meeting

                                          CONFIRMED AS A TRUE AND CORRECT RECORD
                                          AT A MEETING OF THE NGĀTI WHĀTUA ŌRĀKEI
                                          RESERVES BOARD HELD ON



 Minutes                                                                                                        Page 6
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