Page created by Grace Lloyd

                        SPRING NEWSLETTER

                             SINCE 1954

                                                     Image: Richard McKinsey, Alumnus

      "they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength. "
                           ~ Isaiah 40:31

                      It's a time of renewal.
Winter has transformed into spring and the flowers are starting
to bloom. We have some amazing transformations inside.
                            Take a look!


                                      Tommy Thompson

   Is God using the world’s confusion to jolt us out of our    CHANGE HAPPENS WHEN WE HIRE OUR
   comfort zone? How we are living can be confusing and        GRADUATES
   outright depressing if we let it.
   This world is changing so fast; and not always for the      This new logo was imagined and created by two of our
   better. Collectively, we have been facing some difficult    graduates who are now employed at the Mission. What I
   times, to say the least. In our support groups we say,      am most proud of is the ownership they took in this
   “nothing changes if nothing changes.” At ODM, things        project. They have made the ODM investment in their
   are always changing to make life better for those who       lives to change, and they are succeeding. And they are
   need it most, our clients. You can never say “but we’ve     bringing more change to the Mission. Who is better at
   always done it this way.” Not at ODM. It was time to look   making suggestions than someone who has lived our
   at rebranding. The result was revealed at our 2022          program? We are open to it, and I love it.
   Annual Gala on October 7.
                                                               Please, for us to serve our clients, I ask for your
                                                               support. If you are a long-standing supporter, I thank
   As Christians, our God is the original change artist. As    you for believing in what we do. I know that you are
   we read our Bible, how many names of people did God         experiencing the cost of living increases, just as the
   change when he wanted to get their attention and use        Mission is, and that promises to be with us into 2023.
   them to communicate a new purpose or tell a bigger          Our dedicated professional staff represents half of our
   story? He renamed Abram Abraham, Sarai became               annual budget, which is typical of nonprofits. To retain
   Sarah, Jacob became Israel, Simon to Peter, and Saul        these wonderful people, we must make adjustments in
   became the apostle Paul. So, when you think about it,       this difficult economy. I ask that you show your support
   rebranding is a way to reimagine and reengage on a          for their serving with your gifts as you are able. This will
   higher level.                                               go toward our programs and operating expenses.
   Several years ago, there was a discussion at the board
   level to drop “Mission” from our name. Perhaps it           I thank you in advance for your consideration to help.
   sounded too soup kitchen-like. We aren’t changing our
   name, but we are changing our image from the
   silhouette of a mission to a huge HEART.                    God bless you, Tommy

“God is not the author of confusion but of peace and whenever you feel confused,
                    you can be sure that God is not part of it.”
                               (1 Corinthians 14:33).
                  High School

McKinsey Method
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                                      Our Heart for Open Door                                                           @opendoormissionhouston

                                 "After several drinks, I noticed everyone would
                                 gravitate toward me and I liked who I was at that point. "
                                                                                                                      Lt. Commander
                                                     My wife begged me to change. I stopped for six                    Bucky Farrow
                    The                              months with no help, and it was horrendous. I
                                                     didn't know how to deal with old emotions,
                    McKinsey Method                  process things, or feel without alcohol. I'm super
                                                     stressed out and taking way more medication
                                                     than I should. People are starting to tell me,
Life growing up...was a little different.            "you're not as fun" or funny, "why can't we go do
                                                     this?" and I have a hard time saying no. Drinking
My father was always away being a pastor. My         numbs the feelings of insecurities and lets me be
mom was busy supporting dad. He rarely came          more outgoing, so that's what I wanted. So I tell
to games or spent time with us, saying, "I have      myself, I'll have just one drink, and the domino
to go. Someone needs me." I was the second           effect starts again. The next thing I know, 3 years
oldest, so I cared for my siblings. This made me     have passed, and to this day, I still can't tell you
very affectionate towards others growing up. My      much about what happened during that time.
grandfather played a big part in my life. He was
the reason I dress the way I do. He was a banker     At the age of 27, there was a family intervention. I
                                                     went to one of those high-end rehabs that were
who always presented his best. He was what you
                                                     basically just a vacation from drinking. Full-on spa
call a functional drinker. I come from a long line
of alcoholics. My grandfather always said, "It's
                                                     experience 30-day program. So again, I stopped             Physician,
                                                     drinking, but it only made me change substances.
not what you have but what you do with what                                                                     Surgeon,
                                                     I did that for a while, but liquor was more cost-
you have." Eventually, I lost sight of that by not                                                              Military man, &
                                                     effective. At 28 yrs old, I got my first DUI. After
helping those in need but giving to those just
                                                     two weeks of sobriety, I found ways to skip the            Proud ODM Board Member
because they're friends, and I would think, "oh,
                                                     drug and alcohol tests. By 30yrs old, I was
they needed me." I realized much later that was      separated from my wife, and I had made tons of             I heard about Open Door Mission,
always a way of trying to chase that affection.      bad business deals. The drinking got to the point I        over ten years ago, through a United
So, I became outgoing to make sure everyone                                                                     Way Book of Charities. As I read
                                                     no longer knew my cutoff, and I was blacking out.          more about Open Door Mission, I was
around me was happy at the sacrifice of myself.
                                                     I woke up in the hospital after having my second           amazed by the things they are able
At 21 years old, I finished an internship and was    stroke. By then, I was broke, and my family was            to accomplish. Their name kept
accepted. My siblings invited me out to              out of town. I was given a case worker who called          coming up throughout the years and
celebrate. I didn't like the taste of liquor, so                                                                I continued to think about them. My
                                                     Ricardo Hernandez, the intake manager here at
someone recommended a hurricane. I said wow,                                                                    church was a supporter of Open Door
                                                     Open Door Mission. Ricardo was instrumental in             Mission as well.
this is great! After several drinks, I started to    me coming to ODM. If he wasn't here, then I
lose up. I was no longer my shy, reserved version    wouldn't have stayed. He made me feel so                   On a whim, I decided to visit the
of myself. I noticed how everyone would              comfortable. Telling me, "Just take it one day at a        campus. I arrived on a Thursday
gravitate toward me, they were laughing, and I       time, my brother."                                         during "Lunch With A Mission," and I
liked who I was then. Soon every time I went out                                                                was immediately introduced to
                                                     After that, I fell in love with this place. Everything     Tommy Thompson, President and
to eat, I would have a beer. Then 1 beer would
                                                     just clicked. Open Door Mission has a real sense of        CEO. We had a private discussion,
turn into 2 beers, then 2 beers would turn into 6
                                                     community. No matter your socio-economic                   after the luncheon. The next thing I
beers, then a six-pack turned into cases.            status, everyone is on the same level. You talk to         know, two hours have passed and I
Eventually, I said, man, this isn't working for me   people who have been through a program multiple            was invited to join the Board of
anymore. I would go by the liquor store and          times and say, "Ok, this is your chance to get it          Directors.
move up to pints. Pints turned into bottles, then,   right." I formed many close relationships here
before I knew it, I was stopping by the liquor                                                                  This was another example of God
                                                     because it became like a brotherhood. This is              nudging me to participate and
store before work meetings to take shots, then       where staff is not staff. They become like family. I       become part of the amazing work
rinsing with mouthwash, mints, and gum, and          see so many other people do this and heard                 being done at Open Door Mission.
perceiving life as if everything was fine.           everyone's story. No matter what problem or if I
I didn't realize my drinking was a problem until     was struggling that I could no longer do it.               Looking back on my time with the
my wife told me it was. As long as the bills were    Everyone would invite me to their offices, or              United States Navy, living in small
                                                     others would ask me to sit down and talk. Where            quarters with a dozen other men, I
paid, we still had money in the bank, and I wasn't                                                              realized how grateful I am for the
hurting anyone. It can't be a problem. So then       other places would dismiss it, Open Door Mission
                                                                                                                things that I have been blessed with.
came the hiding places. High shelves, toilet         was genuine and sincere in helping me resolve the          I wanted to give back.
tank, wheel well, flowerpots, next to my truck       problem.
battery, secret bank accounts, any place she         I knew then I wanted to work for ODM. So, I                When Open Door Mission created
couldn't see. My wife started calling all stores     decided to meet with the CEO and President,                their respite program, I was asked to
                                                                                                                serve as Board Chairperson. There
nearby and asking them not to sell to me. I had a    Tommy Thompson. I asked him, "why do you do
                                                                                                                was such a need for this program in
regular schedule with a store that knew every        this?" Tommy replied, "I have been in recovery             our community. I was able to make
day at 10am to have my order ready, and all I had    since 1987. God has given me a clear vision to see         some great connections and help get
to do was pick up and pay. I would make it up to     Open Door Mission become a place where men and             the respite program up and running.
her by buying all these lavish gifts and promising   their families are introduced to Jesus in positive         We are now the only respite facility
to slow the drinking. So I would only drink on the   ways. A relationship with Jesus is a way to                in Harris County helping men prep
weekends. That soon turned into getting so           maintain a life of sobriety." I said, "That's it. That's   for and recover from medical
                                                     what I want to do. I want to make a difference."           procedures.
intoxicated that I was ordering cabs to get
around. The holiday season came about. I wasn't      Open Door Mission is where I needed to be. I had           I encourage each and every one of
home anymore because I had passed out                everything I could ever want out of life, yet I still      you to visit the campus. Let the Holy
somewhere. I'd go out with buddies to a club or      wound up here. This is my calling from God that I          Spirit help you experience the love
take random trips because we had the money. A        had been missing all those years. Open Door                that is Open Door Mission.
family left at home, no bags packed, get up and      Mission helped me, and now I work for Open Door
go.                                                  Mission, helping others.
A Call Home
                          Board Member
                          and Member of
                          the ODM Family
                                                                     -Scot receiving the 2021 ODM Debakey Humanitarian Award
                             "I tell you the truth, if
                           anyone keeps my word, he
                             will never see death."      Marriott's Finest
                                    ~John 8:51
                                                         We are deeply saddened to share that Scot
                                                         Cotton, our 2021 “Michael E. DeBakey M.D.
                                                         Humanitarian Award.” recipient, passed away
Marvin passed away unexpectedly last year                Monday, August 22, 2022. Tragically, Scot
after a short illness.                                   sustained fatal injuries when he was hit by a car
                                                         during his morning run. A 37-year veteran of
Marvin had a deep love for helping his fellow            Marriott International, Scot served as General
man and a genuine heart. Marvin served on                Manager of the Houston Market and Houston
the board of directors of Open Door Mission              Marriott Marquis Hotel.
for a dozen years. Marvin served as board                We recognized Scot Cotton and the Houston
chairman in 2018 and was always an active                Marriott   Marquis      for   their consistent
servant doing God’s work to help our clients.            compassion to our Men needing second chance
                                                         employment. Our partnership began in 2017 for
Marvin had a deep passion for serving at the
                                                         the Houston Super Bowl. Since then, the
Mission and his church, St. Martin’s
                                                         Marriott Marquis has employed over 35 Open
Episcopal, where he was a life-long member.              Door Mission graduates providing medical and
                                                         retirement benefits and an engaging place to
He will be remembered for his love of his                work. Scot was an amazing leader and friend to
family, his wife Debbie, and children, Matt              the Mission. He will be missed.
and Kate, and his brother, Jay, and his wife             Our thoughts and prayers remain with Scot’s
Melinda.                                                 wife Stacye, his daughters Carolina and Casey,
                                                         his mother Beverly, and the entire Cotton
by : Tommy Thompson, President & CEO
                                                               by : Horace white, Controller & Open Door Mission alumnus

                        Marvin Chernosky                       Scot Cotton
                            1957 - 2022                        1962 - 2022
In Memorium
Marvin E. Chernosky                   Scot Cotton
Carl Simpson                                                                  Mike Smylie
Stephanie & Clinton Fox               Tony Kennedy                            Thomas Mooney
Charles T. McCord                     "Scot was a smart, heartfelt, driven,
Carter & Hatcher Consulting           generous, and kind person who
                                                                              Paula & Antione
Lucas/Eilers Design Associates, LLP   made a positive impression on
                                                                              Yvette Batiste
Joel Hayes                            everyone he worked with. God now
Daniel Ellwood                        has Scott wrapped in his arms
Melinda & Jay Chernosky               where he is eternally safe."            Nell B. Martin
Pamela Crocker                        Kristen Duncan                          Frances Blair
Sara Morse                                                NEW
                                      "With deepest sympathy  to PRODUCT
Ken Egalnick                          and the entire Cotton family."          Eddie Burg
Ellen Efsic                           Lars Danneberg                          Allison M. Pritchett
John Clarke                           Julie Colwell
Nan Franklin
                                      Thomas Gaughan
David Humphreys                                                               Cole Milne
                                      Kellie Newman
Mary Axelrad                                                                  Susan Myers
                                      Kyle Ariza
Bob & Cindy Haines
                                      Randy Schumacher
Mallory Moreton
                                      Pat McGasha                             J. Joy
Cindy & Kelley Parker
                                      Brad Maumann                            Judy J. Edgecomb
Wendy Burgower
Michael Smith                         Ashley Homrighaus
Taylor Sherwood                       Dexterra
                                                                              Kiersten Rios
Marcie & Bob Zlotnik                  "So many stories of Scot changing
                                      people's lives and making a             Paulette Barton
Tommy Chernosky
Jane Moore                            difference."                            Michael Izard
Carlos Hamilton                       David & Kim Clark                       "In Loving memory"
Ames Smith                            Stewart & Deborah Loewenstein
William D. McCullough                 Caribe Cottton Hourigan
Brenda P. Duncan                      Steve Heitzner                          Aaron Ghovayzi
Paul C. Salmonsen                     "We will miss this great man! May       Mike Smylie
Sherry Peterson                       Scot rest in peace and may his life
William H. Knull
                                      be a blessing."
Stephen K Tyring
                                      William Raisch                          Terry Palmer
Ronald W. Woliver
                                      "Given with love and prayers for        Helen E. Treacy
Chernosky, Smith, Ressling,
                                      Scot's family"
& Smith, PPLC
                                      Melinda Pachtner
Richard R. Nelson
                                      Sandy Yeh
Patricia Piland                                                               Christopher Milo
James D. Prappas                      Robert Ulmer
                                      Houston Marriott West Loop-Galleria     Valerie Milo
Simeon T. Lake III
Carolyn Lewis                         "Our thoughts remain with Stacye,       "For my brother, who loved
Michael Quillen                       his daughters, and mother, as well      Houston"
Rick & Roxanna Guyton                 as the entire family."                  David Adair
Kim D. Wheless                                                                Robert Brown
Mark Avery                            Harold & S. Galloway                    "Gonna miss you man, ride on
Carol & Frank Gruen
                                      Jeirenne Masterson                      brother"
Sarah Eilers
Robin Bruso                           "My parents nurtured                    Julie Palmer
Kathy Quinn                           my love of Bible study.                 Tracey Chapman
Douglas Conkling                      I would like to honor                   "In memory of your big brother"
Ray C. Fish Foundation                their memory with this                  Ron & Patty Masters
                                      gift."                                  "So sorry for your loss"
In Honor
Scot Cotton                               Alicia Buentello               Bill Clifford            Nell B. Martin
                                          AB Tutoring                    Ann & Don Nye            Frances Blair
Terry McAneney                                                           "Happy Birthday"
Jan Miller                                Scott Jones                                            Casey Crocker
Sheri Rinehart                            Jack & Candice Horn, Jr.       Bill Miller             Pamela Crocker
Shonda Isaac                              "Through Christ Jesus"         Eric Chan
Renaissance Dallas Marriott Uptown
                                                                                                  Connie K.A. Thrash
Doug Ridge
                                          Kelly Gerland                  Harry High               Brian C. Scully
                                          Brady, Chapman,                Ronald Milliken
Lindsy Wnorowski                                                                                  DHS
                                          Holland & Associates Inc.
"Carolina and the entire Cotton family,                                                           Brian C. Scully
                                          Marie CarlisleNEW PRODUCT
we are so deeply sorry for the loss of                          Richard D.
Scot. What an incredible man he is.
                                          Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Carman       Nelson                  Dok Nyok A. Dok
The Wnorowski Region is wrapping you                                                             Anger Dok
                                          "For all the incredible work   Angie Foster
all in our love. Deepest regards."
                                          she does."                     Karen Oglesby
Dallas Marriott Uptown                                                                           Robert S. Ochoa
                                                                         Vanessa Elledge         Blanca Bowden
JW Marriott Houston - Galleria
                                          Martin Hogan                                           "God Bless You!"
Houston Marriott Medical                  Joseph Sreshta
Center/Museum District                                                   ODM Staff
Marcia Nelson                                                            Cindy Ten Have          Kiersten Rios
                                          Walter P. Zivley                                       Paulette Barton
Kerri Robinson
Cheryl Dehler
                                          Richard Bays                   Brad G. Dusek
360 Destination Group
                                                                         Allen G. Dusek          Laura Marino
JW Marriott San Antonio Resport & Spa     Scot Cotton-cont.                                      Shannon Askew
"On behalf of the entire staff at JW,                                                            Kyria Askew
Scot Cotton will be dearly missed, our    Patrick Gaughan
                                          Lisa Rubino
deepest condolences to the Cotton                                                                Terrod Lewis
family on their loss."                    "Sending you and the girls love and light. We          Evelyn Lewis
Christine Faiman                          know Scot made an impact in many places                "Keep God by your side"
"Scot was a true gentleman and            but did good work wth Open Door Mission so
leader. My heart and prayers are with     this donation is made to them in his honor."           Tommy Thompson
the Scot family and team. Sincerely,      Kelli Semon                                            Richard R. Nelson
Christine, Marriott Global Sales."        "Casey & family, Iam thinking of you and               Arlo F. Weltge
IIBEC                                     sending many prayers your way. Love you!"              "Thank you for your
"To a wonderful leader who will be        McKenzie Price                                         years of service to the
sadly missed."                            Mark Moen                                              community."
Jacques D'Rovencourt                      Dallas Jackson                                         George S. Lowman

                                                    2023 NEWSLETTER
  Yes! I want to give men a place of rest and help them find their purpose in life this spring.

Enclosed is my gift of:          $50      $100          $125          $200        $300         $_________________

Send me the latest news & stories via email: _____________________________________________________

                                                    THANK YOU!
                                                    YOUR GIFT IS TAX-DEDUCTIBLE AS ALLOWED BY LAW
                      P.O. Box 849
                                                    Please make checks payable to Open Door Mission.
                      Houston, TX 77001-0849
                                                    You can also give online at
                      (713) 921-7520                To ensure your privacy, we do not sell our donor information.
LUNCH                                                Need
       WITH A                                             Help?
                                                  Whether it's looking for a loved
                                                  one or for yourself. Please call us.
Would you like to see what we do?

                                                  We'll work with you to make sure
We hold a monthly luncheon with a
                                                  Open Door Mission is a good fit or
short tour to answer all questions
                                                  help point you in the right
you may have.

Simply r.s.v.p. with Stan at
                                                  An appointment can be setup
                                                  through our intake office. Email
so we can save your seat!
                                                  or call 832-962-4256

       Scan to Donate          5803 Harrisburg Blvd, Houston TX 77011 |

      Open Door Mission
     5803 Harrisburg Blvd
      Houston TX 77011
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