$1.50 - Shire of Carnamah

Page created by Jonathan Murphy
.50 - Shire of Carnamah
$1.50   21 July 2021
.50 - Shire of Carnamah
Full Page—Black & White         $28.50        Full Page—Colour          $105.50

 Half Page—Black & White         $15.00        Half Page—Colour          $53.00

 Quarter Page—Black & White      $8.50         Quarter Page—Colour       $26.50

 Non Business

 Full Page—Black & White         $25.50        Full Page—Colour          $90.00

 Half Page—Black & White         $12.75        Half Page—Colour          $45.00

 Quarter Page—Black & White      $6.50         Quarter Page—Colour       $22. 50

From the Editor

What a great start to the season, I
don’t think I ever recall a winter
with so much rain. As I type I am
listening to the sweet sound of
water hitting the roof. With the first
everlastings appearing and fields
full of Canola I can’t wait for the
landscape to come to life in the
next few months.

The cover of this edition of the
Carnamah Mat and Eneabba
celebrates the feel of the area at
this time of the year. Thanks to          URGENT NOTICE
Nigel Robins and Sandie Wallace for       Don’t forget to take your
the wonderful photography.                Carnamah Mat and Eneabba
                                          News to the loo for a better
If you would like to contribute to        experience.
your local paper contact us:

.50 - Shire of Carnamah
Thursday                    Friday                       Saturday
22 July 2021              23 July 2021                     24 July 2021
10.30—Free Technology     6pm—Badminton
Classes at The Exchange
                          6.30pm Siobhan Kelley
1pm—Men’s Shed
Football Training
                          7pm Stand Up—Council
Power Outage

         Sunday                  Monday                          Tuesday
  25 July . 2021          26 July 2021                     27 July 2021
 10am Trinity Church                                       9am Indoor Bowling
 Three Springs            1pm Seniors Activities

                                                           Football Training
                                                           Auskick Training

                                                           Mens Shed AGM

       Wednesday           29 July Power Outage Carnamah
                           31 July Mosquito Fuzz
28 July 2021
Power Outage

10am Patchwork Group
10.30 Create in Company

Netball Training
Hockey Training

Chase The Ace—Carnamah

.50 - Shire of Carnamah
Community Group                     Location             Contact                 Information

Astrotourism                        Macpherson           The Shire of
                                    Homestead            Carnamah 99517000
                                                                                 Astrotourism site.
Carnamah Golf Club                  Golf Course          Warren Isbister

                                                         0447 511 600
Carnamah Lions Club                 Old Police Station   Dot Camerer             Looking for new members. Give back to the
                                                         0407 955 440
Carnamah Lions Op Shop              Old Police Station   Dot Camerer             Second hand clothing, furniture and more

                                                         0407 955 440
Carnamah Netball Club                                    Tegan Dewar

                                                         0421 393 024
Carnamah Perenjori Football Club                         Bruce Chisholm

                                                         042 8591 318

Carnamah Women’s Hockey Club                             Sandy Rayner

                                                         0499 060 116
Create in Company                   The Exchange         Vicki Allen             Meets Wednesday 10.30 am All welcome

Friends of North Midlands Health                         Brenda Bowman
                                                         0427 511 339

Indoor Bowls                        Carnamah Rec Centre Joseph Gray              All welcome. Tuesdays 9—11am

                                                         0427 933 434

Mens Shed                           10 Forrester Ave     Lindsay Isbister

North Midlands Project              The Exchange         Andrew Bowman-

North Midlands Project Technology   The Exchange         Richelle Essers         Thursday Mornings

Patchwork and Craft Group           Old Waltons          Maxine Philbey          Wednesday 10am

Scribes of North Midlands           The Exchange         Marcelle Billinghurst   Writers Group

                                                                                 Every 2nd Thursday

Seniors Activities                  Old Waltons          Maxine Philbey          Monday 1pm


St Johns Ambulance                                       Merle Isbister          Looking for Volunteers, Don’t forget to pay
                                                                                 your membership.

Tourist Information Centre          The Exchange         Sue Sivyer              Looking for Volunteers

                                                         0427 099 913                                                          3
.50 - Shire of Carnamah
               BE AWARE OF                                     READY TO ROCK
In the wake of Cyclone Seroja, Western                Who are Mosquito Fuzz? They consist of a
Power will need to conduct some work on the           combination of Three Springs and Carnamah
existing electricity system. This means there         locals. Playing cover music from the 70’s
will be some disruptions to power supplies            through to today the Mozzies add their own
over the next month.                                  Fuzz to their music.
Currently the 22nd , 28th and 29th of July are        “We take a song and make it our own”, lead
scheduled dates for power disruptions in              singer Adam Fawkes states. “We keep true to
Carnamah. This will happen between 7.30am             the sound, we just add a little more Fuzz.”
and 5.30pm.
                                                      Lead Guitarist, David Whait and Drummer,
        SCAM NIGHT A SUCCESS                          Ben “Curry” Taylor from Three Springs are
Westpac held a Scam information night at the          joined by Bass Guitarist, Terry Allen and Lead
Bowling Club to a good sized crowd. They              Singer Adam Fawkes from Carnamah. They
talked about recent scams that have been              make up Mosquito Fuzz.
utilising online, websites and phone services.        When asked about the name, the band are
Along with Westpac, the police from Perenjori         quick to recall the day the police turned up at
and Richelle from the North Midlands Project          their practice shed with a noise complaint.
also gave some advice.                                “We were practicing and being eaten alive by
It was a great night for those in the community       mosquitoes next minute the fuzz turned up.
to get a good understanding of what a scam            Apparently we were too loud for the tourists in
looks like and how to report a scam.                  town staying at the Caravan Park. The locals
                                                      are another story. It is great to hear all the
If you do feel you have been scammed the first
                                                      stories of them tuning into our practice
thing to do is contact your bank. After that you
                                                      sessions by standing in their back yards.”
can talk to the police and report the scam to
Scamwatch at:                                         Their first gig in Carnamah was well received
                                                      and on the 31st of July they will give back to
                                                      their Three Springs fans with a gig at the local
SIOBHAN KELLEY EXHIBITION AT                          pub.
THE BANK SPACE                                        “We’re all looking forward to the experience
                                                      and we know that Three Springs can rock so
This Friday the newest Artist in Residence
                                                      expect a great night.”
hosted by the North Midlands Project will have
an exhibition at the Bank Space in Carnamah
at 6.30pm.                                                      BADMINTON NOTES
Siobhan resides in Port Hedland and also the       Badminton continues with good numbers of people
Mornington Peninsula. She has a passion for
painting Australian landscapes.                    Anyone interested in playing is always welcome to
                                                   come along and join in for an enjoyable night. You
It will be great to see what art she can inspire   don’t need experience as all games are very
with the wonderful landscapes we have here in      sociable.
Carnamah and Eneabba.                              Racquets are available and there is no cost at this
                                                   A good way to start a new sport or to refresh previ-
                                                   ous experience.
                                                   Some people finish the evening with meals at the
                                                   Bowling Club or the Hotel.
                                                   Friday Night at the Sports Complex 6pm—8pm
                                                   Ken Watson
.50 - Shire of Carnamah
.50 - Shire of Carnamah
.50 - Shire of Carnamah
.50 - Shire of Carnamah
.50 - Shire of Carnamah
A great weekend was had by many in
Eneabba learning the skills of
Locals, tourist and participants all
made their way to Eneabba for a day
full of skill development.
Local businesses noted the interest by
visitors to town as they enjoyed some
of the best Eneabba had to offer.
As with many events it was the
community and support by others
which helped achieve such a great
weekend. It was great to see such a
successful outcome. Special thanks to
the Eneabba Dart Club for cooking the
The Eneabba Campdraft will be held
on the 16th and 17th of October 2021.
Put it in your calendar.

Council Meeting Dates 2021
   21 July                                Carnamah Council Chambers

   18 August                              Carnamah Council Chambers

   15 September                           Eneabba Recreational or Sporting Club

   20 October                             Carnamah Council Chambers

   17 November                            Carnamah Council Chambers

                                          Carnamah Council Chambers
   15 December

  All meetings held at Eneabba commence at 3pm.
  All meetings held at Carnamah commence at 4pm.

                          Change to Service Delivery

With the recent departure of particular team members , the shire has been left with
one staff member able to perform Transport Licencing transactions. Until these
positions have been filled, licencing services will only be available in Carnamah on
Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays, 9am – 12pm and 1pm – 3pm.

The Shire apologises for any inconvenience and will endeavour to resume normal
services as soon as possible

One of the strategies contained in the Shire of Carnamah Strategic
Community Plan and Corporate Business Plan 2021 is to “Trial a
monthly email newsletter” to improve communication with the

If you are interested in receiving these emails, please provide your
name and email address to me at ceo@carnamah.wa.gov.au.

Vin Fordham Lamont
Chief Executive Officer

Indoor Bowling

Wednesday   21st July   Lamington Day

Thursday    22nd July   Hammock Day

Friday      23rd July   Gorgeous Grandma Day

Saturday    24th July   Tequila Day

Sunday      25th July   Wine and Cheese Day

Monday      26th July   Aunty and Uncle Day

Tuesday     27th July   Walk on Stilts Day

Last weeks answers— Body Building, Boxing, Cross Country, Kendo

Can you identify these Sports?
Maybe putting up ring lock

All Aussie Adventures star Russell might like this sport with rings

Squish a fizzy lemon drink

Chucking my mallet

  What breaks yet never falls, and what falls yet never breaks?

  What goes through cities and fields, but never moves?

  Last Weeks Answers: Footprints, A Key

Last Editions Answers– The Rolling Stones, Van Halen, The Pointer Sisters, Kris Kross, Ted Mulray, The Movement,
 Kylie Minogue, House of Pain, Destiny’s Child, Third Eye Blind.

                              Who sang these walking lyrics?
 1.    I’m walking away... from troubles in my life...I’m walking away
 2.    He do the walk...He do the walk of life...yeah do the walk of life
 3.    Walk this way, talk this way...Walk this way
 4.    When she walks by she brightens up the neighbourhood
 5.    I like the way you walk, you talk, your smile, your style
 6.    Walk on through the wind, walk on through the rain
 7.    These boots were made for walking and that’s just what they’ll do
 8.    When the buzzer rings oh weoh they’re walking like Egyptians
 9.    I’m walking on sunshine woah I’m walking on sunshine
 10. I was walking in Memphis, walking with my feet ten feet off of Beale
 11. Walk like a man, talk like a man, walk like a man my son
 12. Walk right in sit right down daddy let your mind roll on

Try to complete the lists. Complete game 1 then see if you can find a
                     different answer for game 2.
                                Letter L

                                   Game 1.                                    Game 2.
A Type of Meat                     __________________________________         __________________________________
A Country                          __________________________________         __________________________________
Farming Related                    __________________________________         __________________________________
Found at Circus                    __________________________________         __________________________________
Ocean Term                         __________________________________         __________________________________
Dessert                            __________________________________         __________________________________
Wine or Cheese                     __________________________________         __________________________________
A Sport                            ___________________________________        ___________________________________
Something Aussie                   ___________________________________        ___________________________________
Rock or Gem                        ___________________________________        ___________________________________

                                                WHAT TO DO WITH TYRES
Here is an experiment to do...For
a week collect all the plastic       Tyres are tricky to deal with but there are many
wrapping you have in you rubbish     innovative ways people have managed to try and recycle
bin and separate. It will give you   them.
a good indication on how much        One thing about tyres are that they do contain
plastic wrap is used every week.     chemicals which can leach into soils. Many people use
Bread wrap, sandwich bags, meat      them for raised garden beds which sort of has a divided
trays, chip packets and other        opinion. While not idea for vegetables or edible produce,
various foods all rely on plastic    flowers and shrubs contained within tyres may have a
wrap. Gone are the days when you     benefit and constitute upcycling. There is still the
use to go to the baker with a        chemical aspect however. Do your research first and
bread bag and collect a loaf of      make up your own mind.
bread or get a paper bag full of     Playgrounds, motor tracks and other play uses are also
2cent lollies but this creates a     popular. The tyre swing was part of many of our
problem.                             childhood memories growing up and a few of you might
Plastics are notorious for taking    remember climbing onto large tractor tyres. Tyres still
time to break down and most are      have a use as a play object in the garden. Worth
thrown into the bin. Plastics also   considering as a way to re-purpose.
tend to blow in the wind and can     Calling all those artist, Yes, tyres can be used as art.
be found almost in any bushland.     Many have seen the tyres used to make minions and even
So what can be done with them.       some painted designs in backyard garden. Tyres can also
Well believe it or not even with     be made into larger statues through cutting and
plastic recycling these so called    manipulating them. I have looked at ways to do this and
“soft plastics” can not be           it is not the easiest thing however if you google tyre
collected. The only place they       statues, you will see some novel designs using old tyres.
can be recycled is through           All you need is a bit of imagination.
special collection points at some
                                     Got any tips of tyre recycling let us know.
supermarkets where they are
sent away to get mixed into
other recycled plastics. Not
great for anyone in Carnamah or
Can they be reused or
repurposed? We have all heard
the joke about people who wash
their cling wrap so they can
reuse it again. This is usually to
save money but maybe washing
soft plastics and using them
again as stuffing for teddy
bears, door snakes and other
crafts might not be a silly as it                                  Contact
sounds.                                                            onthemat@carnamah.wa.gov.au   23
Our thoughts go out to all those in New
                                      South Wales and Victoria who are in
                                      lockdown again. Hopefully they are able to
                                      get on top of the situation soon.
Well Carnamah has many clubs,
the Bowling Club, the Football
Club, the Hockey Club even the        A great evening was held by the Westpac
Lions Club but we got a new club      staff around Scams on Thursday night.
this week that many of us had
                                      Questions were encouraged or enticed
never heard of before. The Gold
Club, we were all wondering           through a box of Cadbury Favourites. It was
what a gold club was and what         observed that many participants might have
exactly it was doing in Carnamah.     gone over their daily sugar intake but it was
We then realised it was a spelling    definitely a well received tactic.
issue. Rather than a bullion or a
nugget it was more of a birdie
and an eagle. The Golf Club
sounded at little bit more feasible
in Carnamah.

Well the football Gods were not
shining on Carnamah on the
weekend as they went down to
Dongara. Might be time we rally
around the team and see if we
can cheer them on to their next
victory. In other news the Nippers
continued on their way with a
good win.

Well bird life seems to be alive
and well after the “Bin Chook”
sighting a few weeks ago some
Black Swans were observed this

          Scribes of North Midlands Writers Group
Well from cats, dogs and even giraffe’s the noise is often heard
But surprisingly not from an octopus or even from a bird
And though it might be contrary to what the missus she might think
When she lets one rips by heavens it sure does stink

Now in the morning I wake up early to grab a cup of tea
I take a walk around the garden observing nature around me
But while I wander around the roses to consider what life is about
I know that this is definitely the time to let a loud one out

I do this quite discreetly and outside must not be a sin
Because my fathers philosophy was always “It’s better out than in”
It is part of my daily ritual and by the time I get back inside
I feel that to maintain that sweet house aroma is something I’ve definitely tried

The missus I have found will be discrete with those smells that overpower
By making sure that she blows them out while washing in the shower
I guess the water and the steam might make them not seem wrong
But now I know what her morning bathing seems to take so long

Now when the son seems to let one slip he looks over at the cat
“Muffy” he yells angrily “Get outside if you are going to do that”
I guess he must be embarrassed because we grab our noses instead
While he seems to whistle a tune while his face is turning red

Now my daughter only seems to do it when engaging in a laugh
Twice they usually seem to appear but only by a half
It usually makes the rest of us continue with the laughter
We giggle and continue to smile a very very long time after

But there is nothing to test those senses that appear within the nose
Than travelling in a car with a dog while it is sufficiently enclosed
The say the speed of light is quick and also the speed of sound
But nothing like the speed of a dog fart when it is nasally inbound

There was that one time we had to call the RAC to have the old car towed
As the dog decided to drop a stinker while we were travelling down the road
Yes the insurance premiums have now gone up and of that moment we dare not speak
But the car had to remain sitting in the driveway as we aired it for a week         25
Word Play

A will is a dead giveaway.

A chicken crossing the road is poultry in motion.

If you don't pay your exorcist you get repossessed.

With her marriage she got a new name and a dress.

When a clock is hungry it goes back four seconds.

The man who fell into an upholstery machine is fully recovered.

You feel stuck with your debt if you can't budge it.

Every calendar's days are numbered.

A boiled egg in the morning is hard to beat.

Those who get too big for their britches will be exposed in the end.

When an actress saw her first strands of gray hair, she thought she'd dye.

Marathon runners with bad footwear suffer the agony of defeat.

  Can you name an Olympian?

    A               F                  K                   P                 U
    B               G                  L                   Q                 V
    C               H                  M                   R                 W
    D               I                  N                   S                 X/Y
    E               J                  O                   T                 Z

How many words can you make?
Mandy chose a number, multiplied it by 2, then
subtracted 138 from the result and got 102.
What was the number Mandy chose?

Nathan chose a number and divide it by 5. Then
he subtracted 154 from the result and got 6.
What was the number he chose?

The distance between two towns is 380 km. At
the same moment, a passenger car and a truck
start moving towards each other from different
towns. They meet 4 hours later. If the car drives
5 km/hr faster than the truck, what are their

Last weeks answers: 120kg in the morning and 240kg in the
afternoon, Peter 6kg, Mary 12kg and Lucy 18kg, One tractor
144 hectares.

Coorow/Latham            5.4      9.8       16.15    18.20     (128)
Morawa                   0.3      1.4       2.4      4.6       (30)
Coorow/Latham: J.Comley 6, G.O’Sullivan 3, F.Hudson 2, E.Gilbert 2,B.Axford 1,
S.Martin 1, C.Mitchell 1, B.Stone 1, M.Burley 1
Morawa: K.Egan 1, R.Simpson 1, G.Milloy 1, B.Porter 1
Coorow/Latham: F.Hudson, S.McLean, G.O’Sullivan, W.Jack, M.Burley
Morawa:    L.Pullbrook, R.Ward, A.Egan, B.Payne, K.Green

Dongara                  4.4      8.9       16.9     20.11     (131)
Carnamah/Perenjori       1.2      2.3       5.3      5.5       (35)
Dongara: D.McGuiness 5, K.Ryder 4, J. Giles 3, R.McGuiness 2, L.Drummond 1, J.
Sternick 1, B.Stewart 1, B.Philipps 1, D.Philipps 1, J.Lesson 1
Carnamah/Perenjori: K.Sellar 1, R.Sutherland 1, B. Stone 1, H.Toomey 1, B.Mauchline 1
Dongara: K.Ryder, R.McGuiness, B.Philipps, J.Leeson, D.Money
Carnamah/Perenjori: M.Hutton, B.Mauchline, A.Bone, F.Heberle, J.Tremlett

Three Springs v Mingenew: Mingenew won via Forfeit


Coorow/Latham            2.0      4.1       7.1      9.2       (56)
Morawa                   0.0      1.2       2.5      2.5       (17)

Carnamah/Perenjori       2.3      4.8       6.9      10.11     (71)
Dongara                  1.0      2.1       2.1      2.2       (14)

Mingenew                 6.3      9.4       10.6     10.8      (68)
Three Springs            0.0      0.3       1.3      3.3       (21)

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