Touchdown! Perseverance rover successfully lands on Mars

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Touchdown! Perseverance rover successfully lands on Mars
National Aeronautics and Space Administration

                                                                                          Volume 63 Number 3             March 2021

      Perseverance rover successfully lands on Mars

                           				                                                                                                           NASA/Bill Ingalls

   Members of NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover team watch in mission control at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory as the first images arrive moments
   after the spacecraft successfully touched down on Mars Feb. 18. A key objective for Perseverance’s mission on Mars is astrobiology, including the search
   for signs of ancient microbial life. The rover will characterize the planet’s geology and past climate, pave the way for human exploration of the Red
   Planet, and be the first mission to collect and cache Martian rock and regolith. See story, page 4-7.
Touchdown! Perseverance rover successfully lands on Mars
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A perfect landing
Armstrong-managed program helped mature technology
By Nicole Quennelle
NASA Flight Opportunities
   After a nearly seven-
month journey to Mars,
NASA’s Perseverance rover
landed Feb. 18 at the Red
Planet’s Jezero Crater, a rugged
expanse chosen for its scientific
research and sample collection
   But the very features that
make the site fascinating to
scientists also made it a relatively
dangerous place to land – a
challenge       that    motivated
rigorous testing on Earth for the
lander vision system (LVS) the
rover counted on to safely touch
   “There were some large
areas in the landing elipse that		                                                                                                         NASA/JPL
were fairly safe, but during the The Mars 2020 Perseverance rover is equipped with a lander vision system based on terrain-relative navigation, an
actual landing the spacecraft advanced method of autonomously comparing real-time images to preloaded maps that determine the rover’s position
drifted away from those into relative to hazards in the landing area. Divert guidance algorithms and software can then direct the rover around
terrain with numerous rocks those obstacles.
and dunes,” said Andrew
                                                                                                                    Johnson was confident that LVS
Johnson, principal robotics
                                                                                                                 would work to land Perseverance
systems engineer at NASA’s Jet
                                                                                                                 safely because the system allows
Propulsion Laboratory.
                                                                                                                 the rover to determine its position
   “If Perseverance had landed
                                                                                                                 relative to the ground with
on one of those hazards, it
                                                                                                                 an accuracy of about 200 feet or
could have been catastrophic
                                                                                                                 less. That low margin of error and
to the mission,” he added. “But
                                                                                                                 high degree of assurance are by
the LVS estimated the rover’s
                                                                                                                 design, and the result of extensive
position correctly and the safe
                                                                                                                 testing in the lab and in the field.
target selection feature picked a
                                                                                                                    “We have what we call the
landing site that was surrounded
                                                                                                                 trifecta of testing,” explained
by hazzards but very safe. The
                                                                                                                 JPL’s Swati Mohan, guidance,
lander touched down around five
                                                                                                                 navigation, and control operations
meters from this targeted site.”
                                                                                                                 lead for Mars 2020.
   Te r r a i n - R e l a t i v e
                                                                                                                    Mohan said that the first two
Navigation (TRN), a mission-                                                                Masten Space Systems
                                                                                                                 testing areas – hardware and
critical technology at the heart Masten’s Xombie VTVL system sits on a launchpad in Mojave, California in
                                                                                                                 simulation – were done in a lab.
of the LVS, captured photos of December 2014, prepared for a flight test that would help prove lander vision
                                                                                                                    “That’s where we test every
the Mars terrain in real time and system capabilities for the Mars 2020 Perseverance rover mission.
                                                                                                                 condition and variable we can.
compared them with onboard
                                                                                                                 Vacuum, vibration, temperature,
maps of the landing area, hazards and obstacles as needed.                 out where the rover was relative to
                                                                                                                 electrical compatibility – we put the
autonomously directing the           “The LVS used the position safe spots between those hazards,”
rover to divert around known information from the TRN to figure explained Johnson.                                Landing technology, page 7
Touchdown! Perseverance rover successfully lands on Mars
March 2021                                                                                                                                                  3

                                                                                                                                at NASA
                                                                                                                               First drive
                                                                                                                               a success
                                                                                                                                 NASA’s         Mars         2020
                                                                                                                              Perseverance rover performed
                                                                                                                              its first drive on Mars March 4,
                                                                                                                              covering 21.3 feet (6.5 meters)
                                                                                                                              across the Martian landscape.
                                                                                                                              The drive served as a mobility
                                                                                                                              test that marks just one of many
                                                                                                                              milestones as team members
                                                                                                                              check out and calibrate every
                                                                                                                              system, subsystem and instrument
                                                                                                                              on Perseverance. Once the rover
                                                                                                                              begins pursuing its science goals,
AFRC2019-0277-176                                                                                    NASA/Lauren Hughes       regular commutes extending 656
NASA’s all-electric X-57 Maxwell prepares for ground vibration testing, or GVT, at NASA Armstrong. Accomplished               feet (200 meters) or more are
in parallel with cruise motor controller testing, the GVT tested the vehicle at various vibration levels, helping engineers   expected.
examine and validate the integrity of the vehicle for flight conditions. A goal of X-57 is to help the Federal Aviation          “When it comes to wheeled
Administration set certification standards for emerging electric aircraft markets.                                            vehicles on other planets, there
                                                                                                                              are few first-time events that

X-57 progresses
                                                                                                                              measure up in significance to
                                                                                                                              that of the first drive,” said Anais
                                                                                                                              Zarifian, Mars 2020 Perseverance
                                                                                                                              rover mobility test bed engineer
                                                                                                                              at NASA’s Jet Propulsion
                                                                                                                              Laboratory. “This was our first
High-voltage ground testing set to begin                                                                                      chance to ‘kick the tires’ and take
                                                                                                                              Perseverance out for a spin. The
for all-electric experimental aircraft                                                                                        rover’s six-wheel drive responded
                                                                                                                              superbly. We are now confident
By Matt Kamlet                           as an integrated aircraft, taking a        recently redesigned based on              our drive system is good to go,
NASA Armstrong Public Affairs            critical step closer toward taxi tests     lessons learned from previous             capable of taking us wherever the
   NASA is set to start high-            and first flight.                          testing by the project’s prime            science leads us over the next two
voltage functional ground testing           The X-57, currently in its first        contractor, Empirical Systems             years.”
of the agency’s first all-electric       configuration as an electric aircraft      Aerospace, or ESAero, of San                 The drive, which lasted about
X-plane, the X-57 Maxwell,               called Mod 2, will use a battery           Luis Obispo, California.                  33 minutes, propelled the rover
which will perform flights to help       support system for this phase of              These tests will include higher-       forward 13 feet (4 meters),
develop certification standards for      testing. It will be drawing power          power operation of the vehicle.           where it then turned in place 150
emerging electric aircraft. NASA is      from a large, high-voltage power           The first pair of electric cruise         degrees to the left and backed
also supporting these new electric       supply as development on the               motors to fly on the X-57, which          up 8 feet (2.5 meters) into its
aircraft by developing quiet,            X-plane’s battery control system           were delivered by ESAero, will            new temporary parking space.
efficient, reliable technology these     nears completion.                          be powered up and activated,              To help better understand the
vehicles will need in routine use.          Testing is expected to start with       allowing engineers to ensure              dynamics of a retrorocket landing
   The testing will take place at        low power, checking the startup            the vehicle’s propellers spin as          on the Red Planet, engineers used
NASA Armstrong, marking a                and shutdown sequences and                 designed.                                 Perseverance’s Navigation and
pivotal milestone for the project        verifying the new motor control               This will be followed by               Hazard Avoidance Cameras to
as NASA proceeds from the                software boots up and controls the         throttling up the motors to make          image the spot where Perseverance
component design and prototype           motors as expected. This software                                                    touched       down,       dispersing
phase to operation of the vehicle        and other major components were            X-57, page 7                              Martian dust with plumes from
                                                                                                                              its engines.
Touchdown! Perseverance rover successfully lands on Mars
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Members of NASA’s Mars 2020 Perseverance rover mission were jubilant on Feb. 18 after the spacecraft successfully touched down on Mars. They are in Mis-
sion Control at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

  Success on Mars
  By DC Agle
  NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory                                                                                              This high-resolution
     The largest, most advanced rover                                                                                         still image is part of a
  NASA has sent to another world                                                                                              video taken by several
  touched down on Mars Feb. 18,                                                                                               cameras as NASA’s
  after a 203-day journey traversing                                                                                          Perseverance rover
  293 million miles (472 million                                                                                              touched down on Mars
  kilometers). Confirmation of the                                                                                            on Feb. 18. A camera
  successful touchdown was announced                                                                                          aboard the descent
  in mission control at NASA’s Jet                                                                                            stage captured this
  Propulsion Laboratory.                                                                                                      shot.
     Packed     with     groundbreaking
  technology,     the     Mars    2020
  mission launched July 30, 2020, from
  Cape Canaveral Space Force Station
  in Florida. The Perseverance rover
  mission marks an ambitious first step
  in the effort to collect Mars samples
Touchdown! Perseverance rover successfully lands on Mars
March 2021                                     					                                                                                                     5


This is the first high-resolution, color image to be sent back by the hazard cameras (Hazcams) on the underside of NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover after its
landing on Feb. 18.

   and return them to Earth.            Planet.”                                 life using instruments too large and    Martian equator. Scientists have
      “This landing is one of those        About the size of a car, the          complex to send to the Red Planet.      determined that 3.5 billion years
   pivotal moments for NASA,            2,263-pound        (1,026-kilogram)         “The mission will enable the         ago the crater had its own river
   the United States, and space         robotic geologist and astrobiologist     first pristine samples from carefully   delta and was filled with water.
   exploration globally – when          will undergo several weeks of testing    documented locations on another            The power system that provides
   we know we are on the cusp           before it begins its two-year science    planet to take another step closer      electricity and heat for Perseverance
   of discovery and sharpening          investigation of Mars’ Jezero Crater.    to being returned to Earth,” said       through its exploration of
   our pencils, so to speak, to         While the rover will investigate         Thomas Zurbuchen, associate             Jezero Crater is a Multi-Mission
   rewrite the textbooks,” said         the rock and sediment of Jezero’s        administrator for science at NASA.      Radioisotope          Thermoelectric
   acting NASA Administrator            ancient lakebed and river delta to       “Perseverance is the first step in      Generator, or MMRTG. The U.S.
   Steve Jurczyk. “The Mars 2020        characterize the region’s geology        bringing back rock and regolith         Department of Energy (DOE)
   Perseverance mission embodies        and past climate, a fundamental          from Mars. We don’t know what           provided it to NASA through an
   our nation’s spirit of persevering   part of its mission is astrobiology,     these pristine samples from Mars        ongoing partnership to develop
   even in the most challenging         including the search for signs of        will tell us. But what they could       power systems for civil space
   of     situations,      inspiring,   ancient microbial life. To that end      tell us is monumental – including       applications.
   and advancing science and            the Mars Sample Return campaign,         that life might have once existed          Equipped with seven primary
   exploration. The mission itself      being planned by NASA and ESA            beyond Earth.”                          science       instruments,        the
   personifies the human ideal of       (European Space Agency), will               Some 28 miles (45 kilometers)        most cameras ever sent to Mars,
   persevering toward the future        allow scientists on Earth to study       wide, Jezero Crater sits on the         and its exquisitely complex sample
   and will help us prepare for         samples collected by Perseverance        western edge of Isidis Planitia, a
   human exploration of the Red         to search for definitive signs of past   giant impact basin just north of the    Mars, page 6
Touchdown! Perseverance rover successfully lands on Mars
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Mars... from page 5
caching system – the first                                                                                           will they deploy the helicopter
of its kind sent into space –                                                                                        to the surface for the flight test
Perseverance will scour the Jezero                                                                                   phase. If successful, Ingenuity
region for fossilized remains of                                                                                     could add an aerial dimension to
ancient microscopic Martian                                                                                          exploration of the Red Planet in
life, taking samples along the                                                                                       which such helicopters serve as a
way.                                                                                                                 scouts or make deliveries for future
   “Perseverance is the most                                                                                         astronauts away from their base.
sophisticated robotic geologist                                                                                         Once Ingenuity’s test flights are
ever made, but verifying that                                                                                        complete, the rover’s search for
microscopic life once existed                                                                                        evidence of ancient microbial life
carries an enormous burden of                                                                                        will begin in earnest.
proof,” said Lori Glaze, director                                                                                       “Perseverance is more than a
of NASA’s Planetary Science                                                                                          rover, and more than this amazing
Division. “While we’ll learn a                                                                  NASA/JPL-Caltech
                                                                                                                     collection of men and women
lot with the great instruments                                                                                       that built it and got us here,” said
we have aboard the rover, it         In this illustration, NASA’s Ingenuity Mars Helicopter stands on the Red        John McNamee, project manager
may very well require the far        Planet’s surface as NASA’s Perseverance rover (partially visible) rolls away.   of the Mars 2020 Perseverance
more      capable    laboratories                                                                                    rover mission at JPL. “It is even
and instruments back here on            On the surface of Mars,                 The rover chassis is home to three   more than the 10.9 million
Earth to tell us whether our         Perseverance’s science instruments      science instruments, as well. The       people who signed up to be part
samples carry evidence that Mars     will have an opportunity to             Radar Imager for Mars’ Subsurface       of our mission. This mission is
once harbored life.”                 scientifically shine. Mastcam-Z is      Experiment (RIMFAX) is the first        about what humans can achieve
                                     a pair of zoomable science cameras      ground-penetrating radar on the         when they persevere. We made it
Paving the Way for Human             on Perseverance’s remote sensing        surface of Mars and will be used        this far. Now, watch us go.”
Missions                             mast, or head, that creates high-       to determine how different layers
   “Landing on Mars is always an     resolution, color 3D panoramas of       of the Martian surface formed over      More About the Mission
incredibly difficult task and we     the Martian landscape. Also located     time. The data could help pave the         A primary objective for
are proud to continue building       on the mast, the SuperCam uses a        way for future sensors that hunt        Perseverance’s mission on Mars
on our past success,” said JPL       pulsed laser to study the chemistry     for subsurface water ice deposits.      is astrobiology research, including
Director Michael Watkins. “But,      of rocks and sediment and has its          Also with an eye on future           the search for signs of ancient
while Perseverance advances          own microphone to help scientists       Red Planet explorations, the            microbial life. The rover will
that success, this rover is also     better understand the property of       Mars Oxygen In-Situ Resource            characterize the planet’s geology
blazing its own path and daring      the rocks, including their hardness.    Utilization Experiment (MOXIE)          and past climate and be the first
new challenges in the surface           Located on a turret at the           technology demonstration will           mission to collect and cache
mission. We built the rover          end of the rover’s robotic arm,         attempt to manufacture oxygen           Martian rock and regolith, paving
not just to land but to find         the Planetary Instrument for            out of thin air – the Red Planet’s      the way for human exploration of
and collect the best scientific      X-ray Lithochemistry (PIXL)             tenuous and mostly carbon               the Red Planet.
samples for return to Earth, and     and the Scanning Habitable              dioxide atmosphere. The rover’s            Subsequent NASA missions, in
its incredibly complex sampling      Environments with Raman &               Mars Environmental Dynamics             cooperation with ESA, will send
system and autonomy not only         Luminescence        for    Organics     Analyzer (MEDA) instrument,             spacecraft to Mars to collect these
enable that mission, they set        &      Chemicals       (SHERLOC)        which has sensors on the mast           cached samples from the surface
the stage for future robotic and     instruments will work together          and chassis, will provide key           and return them to Earth for in-
crewed missions.”                    to collect data on Mars’ geology        information about present-day           depth analysis.
   The Mars Entry, Descent,          close-up. PIXL will use an X-ray        Mars weather, climate, and dust.           The Mars 2020 Perseverance
and Landing Instrumentation 2        beam and suite of sensors to delve         Currently attached to the            mission is part of NASA’s Moon
(MEDLI2) sensor suite collected      into a rock’s elemental chemistry.      belly of Perseverance, the              to Mars exploration approach,
data about Mars’ atmosphere          SHERLOC’s ultraviolet laser             diminutive       Ingenuity      Mars    which includes Artemis missions
during entry, and the Terrain-       and spectrometer, along with its        Helicopter is a technology              to the Moon that will help
Relative Navigation system           Wide Angle Topographic Sensor           demonstration that will attempt         prepare for human exploration of
autonomously       guided     the    for Operations and eNgineering          the first powered, controlled flight    the Red Planet.
spacecraft during final descent.     (WATSON) imager, will study             on another planet.                         JPL, a division of Caltech in
The data from both are               rock surfaces, mapping out the             Project engineers and scientists     Pasadena, manages the Mars
expected to help future human        presence of certain minerals and        will now put Perseverance through       2020 Perseverance mission and
missions land on other worlds        organic molecules, which are the        its paces, testing every instrument,    the Ingenuity Mars Helicopter
more safely and with larger          carbon-based building blocks of         subsystem, and subroutine over          technology demonstration for
payloads.                            life on Earth.                          the next month or two. Only then        NASA.
Touchdown! Perseverance rover successfully lands on Mars
March 2021                                   					                                                                                                   7

Landing technology... from page 2
hardware through its paces,” said      met       by     NASA’s      Flight   descent typical of Mars landings.”     over six-years of multiple field
Mohan. “Then with simulation,          Opportunities program, which              Johnson added that the             tests.
we model various scenarios that        facilitated two 2014 flights in the   suborbital testing in fact increased      But Mohan pointed out
the software algorithms may            Mojave Desert on Masten Space         the technology readiness level to      that even with these successful
encounter on Mars – a too-sunny        Systems’ Xombie – a vertical          get the final green light of           demonstrations, there was more
day, very dark day, windy day –        takeoff and vertical landing          acceptance into the Mars 2020          work to do to ensure a safe landing.
and we make sure the system            (VTVL) system that functions          mission.                               She was at Mission Control for the
behaves as expected regardless of      similarly to a lander. The flight         “The testing that Flight           landing, monitoring the health of
those conditions.”                     tests demonstrated LVS’s ability to   Opportunities is set up to provide     the system every step of the way.
   But the third piece of the          direct Xombie to autonomously         was really unprecedented within           “Real life can always throw you
trifecta – the field tests – require   change course and avoid hazards       NASA at the time,” said Johnson.       curve balls. So, we monitored
actual flights to put the lab          on descent by adopting a newly        “But it’s proven so valuable that      everything during the cruise phase,
results through further rigor and      calculated path to a safe landing     it’s now becoming expected to          checked power to the camera and
provide a high level of technical      site. Earlier flights on Masten’s     do these types of flight tests. For    made sure the data was flowing as
readiness for NASA missions.           VTVL system also helped validate      LVS, those rocket flights were         expected,” Mohan said. “And once
For LVS’s early flight tests,          algorithms and software used to       the capstone of our technology         we got the signal from the rover that
Johnson and team mounted the           calculate fuel-optimal trajectories   development effort.”                   said, ‘I’ve landed and I’m on stable
LVS to a helicopter and used it        for planetary landings.                   With the technology accepted       ground,’ then we could celebrate.”
to estimate the vehicle’s position        “Testing on the rocket laid        for Mars 2020, the mission
automatically as it was flying.        pretty much all remaining doubts      team began to build the final          About Flight Opportunities
   “That got us to a certain level     to rest and answered a critical       version of LVS that would fly            The     Flight    Opportunities
of technical readiness because         question for the LVS operation        on Perseverance. In 2019, a            program is funded by NASA’s Space
the system could monitor a wide        affirmatively,” said JPL’s Nikolas    copy of that system flew on one        Technology Mission Directorate
range of terrain, but it didn’t have   Trawny, a payload and pointing        more helicopter demonstration          and managed at NASA Armstrong.
the same kind of descent that          control systems engineer who          in Death Valley, California,           NASA Ames Research Center
Perseverance would have,” said         worked closely with Masten on         facilitated by NASA’s Technology       manages the solicitation and
Johnson. “There was also a need        the 2014 field tests. “It was then    D e m o n s t r a t i o n              evaluation of technologies to
to demonstrate LVS on a rocket.”       that we knew LVS would work           Missions program. The helicopter       be tested and demonstrated on
   That           need           was   during the high-speed vertical        flight provided a final check on       commercial flight vehicles.
Touchdown! Perseverance rover successfully lands on Mars
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 Here’s a look at NASA’s AAM helicopter
 By Teresa Whiting                                                                                                       tests,” said Starr Ginn, AAM
 NASA Armstrong Public Affairs                                                                                           National Campaign lead.
    NASA’s        Advanced         Air                                                                                      The data collected during
 Mobility (AAM) National                                                                                                 these flights will be used in
 Campaign, referred to as NC                                                                                             developing lessons learned in
 for short, is one step closer to                                                                                        operational procedures.
 its vision of a new type of air                                                                                            The final round of dry run
 transportation system. NASA                                                                                             testing will collect even more
 and the Federal Aviation                                                                                                flight characteristics data and
 Administration or FAA are                                                                                               finalize the National Campaign
 working together to make this a                                                                                         flight     test    infrastructure
 reality.                                                                                                                development         prior       to
    The NC Integrated Dry                                                                                                deployment and flights with
 Run tests, having completed                                                                                             industry partners.
 their first phase Dec. 2-4, 2020,                                                                                          This will also prepare the
 will continue with the next                                                                                             National Campaign for the
 phase in March with a Bell                                                                                              next step in the process – the
 OH-58C Kiowa helicopter,                 AFRC2020-0128-05                                          NASA/Ken Ulbrich     developmental test with partner
 provided by Flight Research                                                                                             Joby Aviation planned for
 Inc. in Mojave, California, to           A Bell OH-58C Kiowa helicopter provided by Flight Research Inc. of Mo-         spring 2021.
 act as a stand-in advanced air           jave, California, flies at NASA Armstrong the first week of December 2020.        Testing with Joby’s AAM
 mobility vehicle.                        The Advanced Air Mobility National Campaign project used the helicopter        vehicle will include activities to
    The FAA and Flight Research           as a stand-in advanced air mobility vehicle to develop a data baseline for     prepare for NC-1 in 2022, such
 Inc. test pilots are flying different    future flight testing.                                                         as designing flight scenarios for
 types of maneuvers with the                                                                                             the NC-1 participants to fly,
 helicopter at NASA Armstrong             future industry partnership flight      Air Mobility operations: pilot         exercising range deployment,
 to help assess procedures                testing.                                feedback on UAM approach               and data collection protocols
 and infrastructure while also               “These initial flights enabled       procedures and helipad markings        across operational safety use
 developing a data baseline for           feedback in two key areas of Urban      that will support research flight      cases.

X-57... from page 3
sure they provide all the power              This high-voltage testing will       same ones who will be sitting in       turning it over to the NASA flight
intended, validating the vehicle’s        feed directly into final verification   the control room for flight, and       systems and operations engineers
instrumentation system and                and validation testing, a critical      that’s why I’m excited,” said Sean     to actually operate the vehicle.
verifying whether all the sensors         final step before taxi tests begin.     Clarke, NASA’s X-57 principal          What they’re learning in this test
installed across the aircraft are            “Many of the team members            investigator. “We’ve turned a corner   they’ll take with them into the
functional.                               operating this test will be the         from system design and lab tests, to   control room for first flight.”

 The X-Press is published the first Friday of            National Aeronautics and
 each month for civil servants, contractors              Space Administration
 and retirees of the NASA Armstrong Flight
 Research Center.                                        NASA Armstrong Flight
                                                         Research Center
           Address: P.O. Box 273,
           Building 4800, MS 1422
                                                         P.O. Box 273
        Edwards, California, 93523-0273                  Edwards, California, 93523-0273
            Phone: 661-276-3449
                                                         Official Business
             FAX: 661-276-3167
                                                         Penalty for Private Use, $300
              Editor: Jay Levine,
         Logical Innovations, ext. 3459

    Managing Editor: Steve Lighthill, NASA

      Chief, Strategic Communications:
              Kevin Rohrer, NASA
Touchdown! Perseverance rover successfully lands on Mars Touchdown! Perseverance rover successfully lands on Mars
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