Onnect #SGUNITED: BUSINESS RESILIENCE - HIGHLIGHTS - Singapore Manufacturing Federation

Page created by Stephanie Ramos
Onnect #SGUNITED: BUSINESS RESILIENCE - HIGHLIGHTS - Singapore Manufacturing Federation
         a publication of the SMF \ MICA (P) 113/03/2020


                                   SMF Commemorates SAF Day

                                     Adapt. Transform. Resilience

                                            The Packaging Times

Onnect #SGUNITED: BUSINESS RESILIENCE - HIGHLIGHTS - Singapore Manufacturing Federation
Onnect #SGUNITED: BUSINESS RESILIENCE - HIGHLIGHTS - Singapore Manufacturing Federation

Secretary General’s
Foreword and
          hat a year 2020 is shaping up to be! I reckon none of us would
          have envisioned it to kick-off the new decade with such an
          unprecedented degree of turbulence!

It is my fervent hope that as members of the SMF, you would
have found within your respective industry group, a support
network that has been useful and effective in these past months
since the on-set of COVID-19. Owing to the nature of the                                         Editorial Advisors           Editorial Team
pandemic, advisories and information were constantly updated                                     John Kong                    Nicholas Ngoh
as the government has had to very quickly implement evolving                                     Zhang Jia Lin                Jessica Loo
measures to ensure the safety of our citizens, while also                                        Betty Tan                    Jane Lee
cushioning the detrimental impact on our economy. As a result,                                   Birch Sio                    Ng Wee Kok
we have had four budgets announced in less than a hundred                                        Ahmad Magad
days, each of which brought about a deluge of information for
our enterprises. The SMF secretariat swiftly implemented the SMF                                 For editorial contributions, write to
ACTS initiative that included a COVID-19 microsite to collate and                                contact@smfederation.org.sg
update members with the latest announcements, EDMs, webinars
and other activities to assist our members through these trying times.
                                                                                                 Singapore Manufacturing Federation (SMF)
Much has been said by now on the challenges we face. We are all well aware that we
need to brace ourselves for more difficult situations that lie ahead of us, calling for tough    2985 Jalan Bukit Merah
choices and decisions to be made. The key takeaway in the current context is ‘Resilience.’       Singapore 159457
                                                                                                 Tel: +65 6826 3000
At the SMF, we have talked about business model innovation for many years. In this               Fax: +65 6826 3008
current crisis, it is even more crucial that we innovate to build resilience. How do we ensure   Email: contact@smfederation.org.sg
survivability and business continuity of our enterprises and get through the challenges          Website: www.smfederation.org.sg
together with our workforce and re-lay the foundation for a more sustainable future?
How do we ensure that jobs, livelihoods and skills are protected so that the economic            SMF Connect is a quarterly magazine by the
engine continues to fire and the economy could grow sustainably? We are fortunate                Singapore Manufacturing Federation (SMF).
in Singapore to have a well-nurtured tripartite alliance built on the foundation of trust,
which is one of the key pillars of our economy. Only with true open communication                The SMF takes every reasonable care to ensure
within the organisations, and within the tripartite partners encompassing the Trade              that the information in this publication is
Union, the Enterprises and the Government can there be sincere and open discussions              accurate at time of print. The opinions expressed
leading to good new measures and win-win solutions being crafted for the benefit of              in this publication rest solely with their
all parties and our nation, and thereby, enabling us to better prepare ourselves for the         contributors/writers and do not constitute an
                                                                                                 endorsement by the SMF.
upturn. And when the upturn comes, we must be ready to seize opportunities and
preferably be the first off the block compared to the rest.
                                                                                                 The SMF reserves the right to accept or reject
                                                                                                 all editorial or advertising material, and assumes
At the SMF we strive to regularly reinvent, fit and flex ourselves not only to remain            no responsibility for the return of unsolicited
relevant and deliver value to our members but also to ensure that we are an effective            artwork or manuscripts.
multiplier to the many government programmes that are entrusted to be disseminated
and managed through us. Together with our many partners and stakeholders, we                     No portion of this publication may be
believe that we are contributing in building resiliency within the ecosystem.                    reproduced without the permission of the SMF.

To ensure seamless continuity of leadership of the SMF Secretariat, it is coincident             Distributed to more than 3,000 organisations.
that I stated my intent to step down as Secretary General and retire to our key
office bearers at the beginning of the year so that sufficient notice period is given
to recruit my successor. I am delighted that one has been found in Lawrence Pek, an
experienced corporate man and a seasoned entrepreneur.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my colleagues at SMF who have
strongly supported me over the past almost 2-years of my tenure in the execution                 Publishing Consultant
of my day-to-day responsibilities at the SMF, the SMF Council for the guidance
on strategic matters, various government agencies such as Enterprise Singapore,
Workforce Singapore (WSG), Skillsfuture Singapore (SSG) and Infocomm and Media
Development Authority (IMDA) for their strong support to the many schemes and
programme, various TAC partners, including SBF, SGTech, SIAA, SPETA and the                      MultiNine Corporation Pte Ltd
ethnic chambers, and not forgetting our loyal SMF members who have given much                    Company Registration No. 200408623H
support to the myriad of SMF programmes and activities.                                          GST Registration No. 20-0408623-H
                                                                                                 2 Jalan Rajah #02-06/08
I wish everyone good business success, good health and stay safe as we continue to
confront the COVID-19 pandemic.                                                                  Golden Wall Flatted Factory
                                                                                                 Singapore 329134
Ahmad Magad (Dr)                                                                                 Tel : (65) 6281 8888, (65) 6254 5995
                                                                                                 Fax : (65) 6256 6681, (65) 6254 8468
                                                                                                 Email: sales@multinine.com.sg
Secretary General
                                                                                                 Website: www.multinine.com.sg
October 2018 to July 2020

Onnect #SGUNITED: BUSINESS RESILIENCE - HIGHLIGHTS - Singapore Manufacturing Federation
HIGHLIGHTS                                                                          Go Global
The SMF in the News                                                             5   COVID-19 PIVOT Transformation Programme                                      20
SMF Commemorates SAF Day                                                        6   SMF Buyers’ Market 2020                                                      21
The SMF ACTS!                                                                   7   Indonesia: Your Next Manufacturing Federation                                23
SMF – ITAP Academy Web Dialogue                                                 8   Appreciating Our COO Staff                                                   23
Lifestyle Industry Group: Fireside Chats!                                       9
Smart Automation Industry Group: Engineering TV                                 9
                                                                                    GS1 Singapore                                                                24
SMF ACTS: Overcoming Series                                                   10
                                                                                    “Business Continuity Practices for Food Industry for
The Packaging Times                                                            12   COVID-19” Webinar                                                            26
                                                                                    SME Capability Workshop @ SMF                                                27
WSH                                                                                 SMF CCL’s Webinars on Digitalisation during
Safe Hands Campaign 2020                                                       14   COVID-19                                                                     28
Manufacturing Sector: Amputations in Singapore                                 15
                                                                                    SMF CCL Goes Virtual for Training and Mentorship
                                                                                    during COVID-19                                                              29
Insights                                                                            Enhanced Work-Life Grant                                                     30
Adapt. Transform. Resilience                                                   16
                                                                                    Global Ready Talent                                                          31
SMEs Go Digital Programme Success Story -
York Launch Service cruises at top speed with
first-of-its-kind mobile application                                           18   Spotlight                                                                    32
COVID-19 Business Collaboration Guidance Note                                  19

Executive Committee                         Chairman, Health, Safety,               Energy & Chemicals                      COUNCIL MEMBERS
President, SMF                              Security & Environment                  Mr Simon Li                             Ms Angeline Suparto
Mr Douglas Foo, BBM                         Mr Bernard Esselinckx                   Feoso Oil (Singapore) Pte. Ltd          Angeline Suparto Law Corporation
Sakae Holdings Ltd                          Senoko Energy Supply Pte Ltd                                                    Mr Low Beng Tin, BBM
                                                                                    Food & Beverage                         Assimilated Technologies (S) Pte Ltd
Deputy President /                          Chairman, ICT & New                     Mr Cheong Chung Kin                     Mr Birch Sio
Chairman, Global Business                   Technologies                            Win Sin Pte Ltd                         Concord Associates Pte Ltd
Groups Function Group                       Mr Darren Lee
                                            Metrohm Singapore Pte Ltd               Lifestyle                               Mr Vincent Wong
Dr Bicky Bhangu                                                                                                             Continental Automotive Singapore
Rolls-Royce Singapore Pte Ltd                                                       Mr Kimming Yap
                                                                                                                            Pte Ltd
                                            Chairman, Innovation &                  Creativeans Pte Ltd
                                            Productivity                                                                    Mr Lee Tiong Heng
Honorary Secretary                                                                                                          Deloitte & Touche LLP
Mr Ryan Chioh, PBM                          Mr Alessandro Perrotta                  Life Sciences
FarEastFlora.com Pte Ltd                    Interplex Holdings Pte Ltd              SMF Secretariat                         Mr Yeo Cheong Guan
                                                                                                                            Eng Bee Paper Merchant Pte Ltd
Honorary Treasurer                          Chairman, Membership &                  Medical Technology                      Mr Chua Chee Seong
Mr Saw Ken Wye                              Industry Groups                         Ms Margareta Laminto                    Infineon Technologies Asia Pacific
CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd                        Mr Patrick Chang                        Johnson & Johnson Pte Ltd               Pte Ltd
                                            Paclin Office Products Pte Ltd                                                  Ms Zhang Jia Lin
Vice President                                                                      Metal, Machinery & Engineering          Inflo Health Sciences Pte Ltd
Mr Poh Choon Ann, PBM                       Chairman, Youth Network                 Mr James Wong
                                                                                    O. E. Manufacturing Pte Ltd             Mr. Neo Eng Chong
Poh Tiong Choon Logistics Limited           Ms May Ng                                                                       Makino Asia Pte Ltd
Mr Teo Eng Cheong                           ARQon Pte Ltd
                                                                                    Packaging Council of Singapore          Mr Adam Hamid
Surbana Jurong Pte Ltd                                                                                                      Naina Mohamed & Sons Pte Ltd
                                                                                    Ms Betty Tan, PBM
                                            Industry Group Chairmen                 Sin Cheong Containers Mtg Co Pte Ltd    Mr Lim Meng Wee
Emeritus President                          Building Products &                                                             SP Consulting (International) Pte Ltd
Mr Renny Yeo, BBM                           Construction Materials                  Smart Automation
                                            Mr Jason Kurek                          Mr Brandon Lee                          NB: In alphabetical order by company
Chairman, Ethics & Corporate                Allegion (Asia) Pte Ltd                 Intech APAC Pte Ltd
Governance / Public Relations &
Corporate Communications                                                                                                    SMF Secretariat
                                            Electrical, Electronics and Allied      NB: In alphabetical order by industry   Dr Ahmad Magad, JP
Mr John Kong                                Industries                              group                                   Secretary-General
M Metal Pte Ltd                             Ms Joyce Seow
                                            Watson E.P. Industries Pte Ltd (Asia)

Information is accurate as of August 2020
Onnect #SGUNITED: BUSINESS RESILIENCE - HIGHLIGHTS - Singapore Manufacturing Federation
Onnect #SGUNITED: BUSINESS RESILIENCE - HIGHLIGHTS - Singapore Manufacturing Federation
Fight Against
In light of the challenges presented by the COVID-19 outbreak, the SMF is
stepping up outreach efforts on behalf of our members.

Be it feedback on business concerns or queries on government grants and
exemptions in relation to COVID-19, submit them here via the SMF ACTS
Feedback/Enquiry form.

We will forward these on to the relevant agencies and do our best to get an
answer for you.

                                  Scan the QR code
                                  to SUBMIT NOW!

             ? ?                                         ?
Onnect #SGUNITED: BUSINESS RESILIENCE - HIGHLIGHTS - Singapore Manufacturing Federation

The SMF in the News
“The Singapore Manufacturing Federation has           “This is an opportune time to innovate work
a Covid-19 micro-site. We always advise our           processes, undergo training and upgrade
members to use government relief fairly. Workers      equipment towards a digitalised business model,
must also recognise and appreciate the constraints    to be ready to seize opportunities when Covid-19
and difficulties which employers have.”               recedes and the world embraces a new way of
                                                      doing business.”

                                                                         SMF President Mr Douglas Foo,
                 SMF President Mr Douglas Foo,
                                                                         Some manufacturing firms face
               Employees, bosses flood business
                                                                     double whammy of rising expenses
                        associations for advice,
                                                                        and lower revenues, as Covid-19
                The Straits Times (11 May 2020)
                                                                      hits, TODAY Online (18 May 2020)

“The manufacturing sector accounts for about 20
per cent of Singapore’s GDP, with a large number of   “Accelerating the digital transformation of the
those involved in the manufacturing process, from     factory into a smart factory has to be moved up
movement of material, stock-taking, and logistics     the priority list. Deploying robots into the work
fulfilment, being supported by migrant workers. To    space is no longer just a feasibility study. Instead, it
keep up with the production capacity as a key         has become a necessity.”
contributor to the nation’s GDP, manufacturers
are grateful for the access to the pool of foreign                    SMF Member Mr Leow Yong Peng,
labour.”                                                                             Akribis Systems
                  SMF President Mr Douglas Foo,
                     Coronavirus: Migrant workers     “We have been already looking at going towards
                    important to S’pore economy,      automation, so we can upgrade our products and
                 say business and trade groups in     technicians and they can do more value-added
               response to calls to limit numbers,    jobs.”
                 The Straits Times (27 May 2020)
                                                                      SMF Member Mr Goh Khoon Seng,

                                                                                     Pandemic prompts
                                                                          manufacturers to rejig supply
                                                                        chains, operations, The Business
                                                                                  Times (02 June 2020)

Onnect #SGUNITED: BUSINESS RESILIENCE - HIGHLIGHTS - Singapore Manufacturing Federation

    SMF Commemorates
              SAF Day
                                                                                                     Diving Unit (NDU), were allowed to
                                                                                                     attend the ceremony at the SMF’s
                                                                                                     concourse auditorium on 1 July
                                                                                                     2020. During the ceremony, SMF
                                                                                                     and NDU representatives viewed the
                                                                                                     live virtual ceremony held at SAFTI
                                                                                                     Military Institute. Singapore Armed
                                                                                                     Forces (SAF) personnel also pledged
                                                                                                     and reaffirmed their commitment to
                                                                                                     upholding our nation’s defence. A
                                                                                                     one minute of silence was then held
    (front row from left): SMF President Mr Douglas Foo and SLTC Francis Goh, (second row
       from left): SMF Hon. Secretary Mr Ryan Chioh, SMF Hon. Treasurer Mr Saw Ken Wye,              after the pledge to remember SAF
      and LTC Alvin Choo. (last row from left): SMF Council member Mr Lim Meng Wee and               personnel who lost their lives during
                            SMF Secretary-General Dr Ahmad Magad.                                    their service in the SAF.

          very year, the SMF organises              Ceremony was held online and the                 The virtual SAF Day ceremony may
          the SAF Day Combined                      SMF was one of five selected civilian            still be viewed on the MINDEF’s
          Rededication Ceremony for the             organisations to conduct the virtual             Facebook page. Scan the QR code
    East Zone to commemorate and pay                ceremony on site.                                to watch the ceremony. n
    tribute to all SAF servicemen and
    women who played a part in making               Due to social distancing measures,                Scan the QR code to view the
    Singapore a safer home. However,                only   eight    people,  including                   SAF Day virtual ceremony.
    due to the COVID-19 pandemic,                   representatives from the Republic                        https://www.facebook.
    for the first-time ever, the SAF Day            Singapore of Navy (RSN) Naval                      videos/307502660628068/

                                                    Attendees stood in attention when Minister for   A one minute of silence was held to remember
                                                     Defence Dr Ng Eng Hen was about to deliver      SAF personnel who lost their lives during their
                                                               the SAF Day message.                               service in the SAF.

    Senior Lieutenant Colonel (SLTC) Francis Goh        The SAF Pledge was recited to reaffirm       Singing of the National Anthem together with
     (left) presented a Token of Appreciation to      the commitment to upholding our nation’s         other organisations and SAF personnel all
            SMF President Mr Douglas Foo.                            defence.                                       over Singapore.

Onnect #SGUNITED: BUSINESS RESILIENCE - HIGHLIGHTS - Singapore Manufacturing Federation
Onnect #SGUNITED: BUSINESS RESILIENCE - HIGHLIGHTS - Singapore Manufacturing Federation

    SMF – ITap Academy
      web dialogue
         he SMF joined the team at Industrial Transformation         The over-subscribed session then broke into two break
         ASIA-PACIFIC (ITAP) for the inaugural episode               out rooms. Ms Margareta Laminto chaired the dialogue
         of the ITAP Academy Connect Series on 20 May                in Break Out Room #1 on the topic, Agility & What It
    2020. Titled “Surviving the Great Disruption: How                Takes to Pivot Manufacturing Production – Insights from
    Manufacturers are Facing the Storm”, this episode was            Johnson & Johnson. Mr James Wong led Break Out
    attended by more than 500 like-minded people to                  Room #2 Survival Lessons from Past Crises & Steps
    discuss how they may survive the disruption caused by            SMEs Can Take Now – Insights from O.E. Manufacturing.
    the pandemic.                                                    The sessions addressed key questions like: How are
                                                                     companies responding to the challenges arising from
    Unlike the usual webinar style, this session allowed             the pandemic? What shifts and trade-offs are they
    attendees to have “face-to-face” engagements with the            dealing with? How are they pivoting to new business
    panel – Dr Ahmad Magad (Secretary-General, SMF),                 opportunities even in this difficult time? Now, more than
    Mr Glen Tan (Group Managing Partner, FT Consulting),             ever, is there an urgent need to fully embrace Industry 4.0
    Ms Margareta Laminto (Chairperson, SMF Medical                   solutions and what does it take? Is there an opportunity
    Technology Industry Group and Country Director -                 for new forms of collaboration with suppliers, partners
    Hospital Group, Johnson & Johnson Singapore) and Mr              and customers? Who are the likely survivors in the long
    James Wong (Chairman of SMF Metal, Machinery and                 run?
    Engineering Industry Group and Managing Director
    of OE Manufacturing) – which encouraged lively                   At the end of the session, attendees took home many
    interactions amongst attendees and panelists alike.              nuggets of wisdom from the panelists. There will be
                                                                     more such webinars as we ease into a new normal. Keep
    The session kicked off with a dialogue between the               yourself updated on upcoming webinars on the SMF
    panelists with discussions on disruptions caused by the          website and SMF-ACTS microsite. n
    current pandemic that have forced many businesses
    across manufacturing to confront unprecedented
    challenges and stark choices. The panel also discussed
    the support options available for manufacturers in                                        Scan the QR code to catch a
    Singapore.                                                                                     glimpse of the webinar.

                           Dr Ahmad Magad (Secretary-General, SMF), Mr Glen Tan (Group Managing Partner, FT
                          Consulting), Ms Margareta Laminto (Chairperson, SMF Medical Technology Industry Group
                         and Country Director - Hospital Group, Johnson & Johnson Singapore) and Mr James Wong
                         (Chairman of SMF Metal, Machinery and Engineering Industry Group and Managing Director
                            of OE Manufacturing) formed the panel in the inaugural episode of the ITAP Academy
                                                              Connect Series.


                         Lifestyle Industry Group:
                   Fireside Chats!
      o continue engaging and helping the SMF’s Lifestyle               Singapore, presented a new initiative – LIG Fireside Chats! First
      Industry Group (LIG) members to cope with the COVID-19            broadcasted on 22 April 2020, the initiative spanned three
      outbreak, the industry group, in partnership with RHB             episodes, with over 300 viewers till date.

                                                                        In each episode, the SMF’s LIG Chairman and head of the
                                                                        education sub-workgroup of the SMF’s LIG, Mr Kimming Yap,
                                                                        interviewed industry experts in the retail industry, to exchange
                                                                        ideas and identify new opportunities for companies amidst the
                                                                        pandemic. Participants gained insights on how physical brick
                                                                        n mortar brands can make a comeback by capitalising on new
                                                                        opportunities, by adopting digital concepts and strategies to
                                                                        create a seamless shopping experience both online and offline.

                                                                        The interviews are now available on the SMF Youtube channel.
                                                                        Watch it now to kickstart your retail business to achieve growth
                                                                        in this ever-shifting situation. n

    The SMF’s LIG Chairman Mr Kimming Yap (top left) interviewed
   industry experts in Fireside Chats! - Ms Yuet Whey Siah, Founder
   & CEO of SKALE in episode one (top right), Mr David Lee, Digital
Commerce Lead of Singapore Institute of Retail Studies in episode two
 (bottom left), and Mr Steven Nebel, Founder and Managing Principal                                 Scan the QR code to watch
             of LABHaus in episode three (bottom right).                                                           the videos.

      Smart Automation Industry Group:
                  Engineering TV
      ogether with HP and Arcstone, the SMF’s Smart                     This inaugural webinar is available on the SMF’s Youtube
      Automation Industry Group (SAIG) presented its                    channel. Watch the videos now to take your first step towards
      inaugural YouTube Live engineering-themed webinar                 your digitalisation journey! n
on 29 June 2020. This webinar series was initiated to update
participants with the changes that will occur to develop the
manufacturing sector due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

During his opening address, SAIG Chairman Mr Brandon Lee
shared the concept of Manufacturing Digitalisation as a Service.
He further shared how two new digital solutions, offered by
HP inc. and Arcstone Pte Ltd respectively, can benefit the
Engineering cluster. These digital solutions were then shared
by the speakers.

Once a technology which required massive investment, Mr
Mitchell Beness and Mr Richard SK Ng, the speakers from HP inc,
explained how 3D printing is now an affordable option readily
available to manufacturers. From manufacturing obsolete parts
to full-on production, they are now equipped to support even                A panel discussion was held after the presentations to answer
large-scale manufacturing within Singapore.                             questions from participants. (from top left to bottom right): Mr Willson
                                                                         Deng (CEO, Arcstone Pte Ltd), Mr Mitchell Beness (Head of Category,
                                                                          3D Printing & Digital Manufacturing, HP inc.), Mr Brandon Lee (SAIG
With a focus on this zero barrier-to-entry, Mr Andre Klaus                 Chairman, SMF), and Mr Richard SK Ng (SMARC Manager, Smart
from Arcstone Pte Ltd shared how they envisioned themselves                              Manufacturing & Innovation, HP inc.)
becoming the catalyst in introducing radical digitisation within
the economy. Participants were also invited to leverage on
its free platform to get started on their digital transformation
journey without the high overhead costs.                                                           Scan the QR code to watch
                                                                                                                  the videos.


                                                   Overcoming Challenges
                                                   29 May 2020
                                                   Mr Nicholas Ngoh from the SMF moderated
                                                   a lively discussion with panelists Mr Linus
                                                   Ng from Donaldson & Burkinshaw LLP, Dr
                                                   Daniel Chan from Fullerton Health, Mr Kee
                                                   Chia Choon from the Singapore National
                                                   Employers Federation and Mr Hao Shuo
                                                   from the Ministry of Manpower. The panel
     Overcoming Uncertainties                      discussed a wide range of topics from safe
     8 May 2020                                    management steps for businesses to the
                                                   recommended approach for businesses
     Members joined the webinar aimed at           to manage their workforce amidst these
     helping companies resolve their legal and     challenging times. The panel also fielded
     business concerns arising from COVID-19.      questions from the audience.
     During the session, Mr Lincoln Tan from the
     SMF CCL spoke on the Enhanced Work Life
     Grant for salary relief, Mr Kelvin Kek from
     Allen & Gledhill detailed the impact of the        Scan QR Code to watch this series.
     COVID-19 Temporary Act for businesses
     and Mr Daniel Elegent from Euler Hermes
     Singapore advised members on the way
     they are able to grow confidence in their
     business in turbulent times.

          Scan QR Code to watch this series.


The SMF ACTS initiative was launched to help our members navigate
the many different government regulations and relief measures in
relation to the Covid-19 pandemic. The ‘Overcoming’ series of webinars
were organised by the SMF as part of SMF ACTS to provide members
with crucial information on labour solutions, legal obligations, and
even business matching.
The Overcoming Series is made possible in partnership with RHB

 Overcoming Risks
 24 June 2020
 As companies readied to enter Phase 2 of our re-opening post circuit breaker,
 the Overcoming Risks webinar served as an important resource towards assisting
 member companies with their reopening needs. Dr Morrison Loh from Raffles
 Health Insurance spoke at length on good practices for the workplace and Ms Ong
 Peh Woon from Workplace Safety and Health Council advised companies on how
 they may build up capabilities in addressing workplace safety, health and security.

 Recognising that companies may not have the resources to comply with the
 new safe management regulations, the webinar concluded with a LIVE sharing
 session from solution providers with technology solutions addressing a number
 of business needs.

                                            Scan QR Code to watch this series.


     A newsletter of the Packaging Partnership Programme
                                                   Singapore’s Zero Waste Masterplan

                                                              ith Singapore’s only landfill, Semakau Landfill, projected to run out of
                                                              space by 2035, there is an urgent need for Singapore to adopt a more
                                                              circular economy approach in reducing waste, recovering resources
                                                   and shifting towards greater sustainability in both production and consumption.

                                                   Businesses globally are now developing a growing consciousness of the need
                                                   to do their part for the environment. In Singapore, the inaugural Zero Waste
                                                   Masterplan was launched on 30 August 2019 which focuses on three priority
                                                   waste streams: food waste and packaging waste (including plastics), both of
                                                   which are generated in large quantities, as well as electrical and electronic waste
                                                   (e-waste), which has a detrimental effect on the environment if not properly

                                                   The Government is supporting the sustainable management of these three
                                                   priority waste streams through a regulatory framework to promote resource

                                                  Focusing on Packaging Waste
     Packaging can be made from any
     material and is used to contain, protect,
     handle, deliver or present goods.
     However, it also makes up about one-
     third by weight of Singapore’s domestic
     waste disposed of. As packaging is so
     commonly used, we need to find ways
     to reduce and consume them more

                              Mandatory Packaging Reporting (MPR) Framework
     In 2019, the landmark Resource                collect data on the types and amounts     plastics, to ensure companies take greater
     Sustainability Act (RSA) was legislated to    of packaging that they placed on the      responsibility for the management of
     give effect to the Mandatory Packaging        Singapore market starting from 2021 for   packaging waste from their products.
     Reporting (MPR) framework. Through the        annual submission to NEA together with    A Deposit Refund Scheme (DRS) for
     RSA, the Government has mandated the          their 3R plans.                           beverage containers will be implemented
     reporting of packaging data and plans to                                                by 2022 as the first phase of an EPR
     reduce, reuse or recycle (3R) packaging.      The MPR aims to spur companies to         framework       for   packaging     waste
     For a start, this applies to manufacturers    take action to reduce the amount of       management.
     and importers of packaged products, as        packaging used and packaging waste
     well as retailers such as supermarkets        disposed of. The MPR will also lay the
     with an annual turnover of more than          foundation for the Extended Producer               Scan this QR code for
     $10 million. Under the MPR framework,         Responsibility (EPR) framework for               more information on the
     obligated companies will be required to       managing packaging waste, including                        RSA and MPR.

                      Introduction to the Packaging Partnership Programme (PPP)
     To continue the support to companies          Agency (NEA) to introduce the Packaging   of the various relevant industries (e.g.
     in their sustainable packaging waste          Partnership Programme (PPP).              manufacturers,    importers,     service
     management journey after the end of                                                     providers) in Singapore, to familiarise
     the Singapore Packaging Agreement             This Programme aims to implement          companies with the MPR requirements
     (SPA) on 30 June 2020, the Singapore          outreach initiatives, share knowledge     and to build industry capability
     Manufacturing Federation (SMF) is in          and industry best practices through       in   sustainable    packaging     waste
     partnership with the National Environment     workshops and trainings to stakeholders   management.


                                   Logo for Products with Reduced
                                          Packaging (LPRP)

                                        companies that have made the effort       join, simply scan the QR Code below
                                        to minimise packaging waste.              and complete the PPP Membership
                                                                                  Application Form. No membership fee
                                        Companies that have taken proactive       is required to join the PPP.
The Logo for Products with Reduced      steps in reducing packaging waste
Packaging (LPRP) is a voluntary eco-    may apply to have this logo on their      For more information about the
label to mark packaging of products     products, subject to approval. Contact    Packaging Partnership Programme,
that have undergone improvements        the PPP Secretariat to find out more.     please contact the PPP Secretariat at
to reduce the amount of packaging                                                 6826 3042. n
material used. Launched on 5 June       Join as a PPP member today to
2017 at the World Environment Day,      pledge your support to reduce
it was introduced under the SPA to      packaging waste in Singapore and
enable consumers to identify products   receive updates relating to sustainable      Scan this QR Code to sign
with reduced packaging and recognise    packaging waste management. To                   up as a PPP member.


          Safe Hands
         Campaign 2020
          o raise awareness on machinery safety and                 loved ones, and our fellow workers at the workplace.
          preventive measures that can be put in place in,          This goes beyond hand and finger injuries, but also in
          the SMF launched the Safe Hands Campaign 2020,            the prevention of the formation of new virus clusters
     together with Workplace Safety and Health Council              and its potential spread at the workplaces. This is the
     (WSHC) on 19 May 2020. This campaign also serves as            objective of the WSH Council and its tripartite partners,
     a reminder on the importance of protecting our hands           especially during this period as we support the nation’s
     while at work.                                                 fight against COVID-19,” urged Mr Douglas Foo, SMF
                                                                    President and WSHC’s Chairman of the WSH Council
     Due to Circuit Breaker measures, the campaign was              (Manufacturing) Committee, during the campaign.
     launched virtually and streamed live on the SMF’s
     Facebook and Youtube channel. Almost 300 companies
     pledged their commitment to prevent hand injuries
     in the workplaces and were acknowledged during
     the campaign. During the campaign, SMF Secretary-
     General Dr Ahmad Magad announced the SMF as one
     of the BizSAFE Partners with WSHC. As one of the
     BizSafe Partners, the SMF is committed to “continue its
     work with the WSHC and look into how we may uplift
     and improve WSH standards in the manufacturing
     community,” said Dr Magad during his welcome remarks
     at the campaign.

                                                                    During his opening remarks, SMF President and WSHC’s Chairman for
                                                                    WSH Council (Manufacturing) Committee, encouraged employers and
                                                                    employees to observe personal cleanliness and be socially responsible
                                                                      to protect themselves, their loved ones and fellow workers in the
                                                                                         workplace from COVID-19.

                                                                    The loss of one finger, even a part of a finger, not
                                                                    only causes pain to a person. It is detrimental to one’s
                                                                    livelihood and causes physical and emotional turmoil
                                                                    to not just the victim, but also to his or her family.
                                                                    Therefore, continue to stay vigilant in protecting our
                                                                    hands and strive towards the goal of zero accidents.
       SMF Secretary-General Dr Ahmad Magad delivered the welcome   Lend a helping hand to one another by watching out for
        remarks where he announced the SMF as one of the BizSSAFE   potential dangers. Let us not let familiarity cause us to
                           Partners with WSHC.                      neglect the dangers in the workplace. n

     The health of the workforce goes hand-in-hand with
     safety in the workplaces. With the COVID-19 outbreak,
     it has brought the importance of a healthy workforce            Scan the QR code to watch the speeches and the list
     into sharp focus. Therefore, besides focusing on hand           of companies that have pledged their commitment in
                                                                             enforcing safer processes in the workplaces.
     and finger injuries, employers and employees alike were
     encouraged to observe personal cleanliness and be
     socially responsible. “We must protect ourselves, our


       and and finger injuries at the workplace are often      In 2017, 117 (94%) out of a total of 125 amputation cases
       overlooked as compared to other injury types.           resulted in the complete loss or partial loss of the use of
       Although seemingly minor, amputations, including        hands. Most of these incidents were due to either unsafe
those of the hand or finger(s) remained as the second          workplace conditions because of inadequate safety
highest contributor to workplace major injuries over the       provisions (e.g., failure to install machine guarding), or
last five years, with one occurring almost every three         unsafe acts carried out by workers. n
days. (See Graph 1)

               132                    123                                          143





             2013                   2014                  2015                    2016                     2017     Year
Graph 1: Workplace injuries that have resulted in amputations from 2013 to 2017
Source: Workplace Safety and Health Report – National Statistics 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017.
Source: Amputations at work: What do we know about it? WSHI Institute, WSH Institute Annual Report 2017.

  1. WSH Guidelines on Managing Safety and Health for SMEs in the Metalworking Industry
  2. WSH Guidelines on Safe Use of Machinery
  3. Case Studies for the Metalworking Industry
  4. Checklist for Working Safely with Machines
  5. 6 Handy Tips for Safe Hands
  6. Look. Think. Do. – 6 Basic WSH Rules for Working with Machines (English, Mandarin)


     Adapt. Transform.
       Shevron Pte Ltd – Transforming Textiles to Masks
     Managing Director                               Shevron adapted quickly to the changing        and helped to pave the way to rethink
     of Shevron                                      landscape and started shifting their           our winning aspiration in this new norm
     Ms Jade Yip.                                    business to online platforms. This gave        business landscape – our geographies,
     (Photo by
                                                     their products a greater visibility in a       product categories, consumer segments,
     Shevron Pte Ltd)
                                                     growing consumer market and they could         channels, vertical stages of production –
                                                     harness the advantages of e-commerce           so that we may compete and win in the
                                                     by keeping abreast with shifting               new norm, position Singapore globally
                                                     consumer market buying trends. Besides         and make the world a better place.” n
                                                     their website, they explored various
                                                     e-commerce platforms such as Lazada,
                                                     Qoo10 and Shopee, which allowed
                                                     them to grow their presence organically
                                                     online and leverage on the opportunity
                                                     to connect with more consumers online
                                                     during the circuit breaker.

           hevron is a Singapore design and          As the outbreak escalated, the country
           manufacturing company renowned            was facing a mask shortage as people
           for its product innovation, design,       scrambled to mask up to protect
     embroidery and print. The company’s             themselves from the virus. So using their
     product portfolio includes quality bags         expertise, Shevron designed and launched
     and accessories, clothing as well as home       ShieldMask+ on the online markets in
     décor products. When the COVID-19               February 2020. As the virus is spread
     outbreak hit, Shevron was not able to           through water droplets, Shevron designed
     conduct their business in the usual way of      the reusable cloth mask to contain four
     direct selling to their corporate and tourism   layers of protection to repel moisture
     customers. Their overseas production            particles, with two times more filter than
     house and local outsourced partners were        surgical masks. Shevron has also donated
     also closed due to the outbreak, which left     more than 10,000 of these masks to
     them having to rely solely on their own         foreign workers and frontline workers.
     local production capacity.
                                                     Managing Director of Shevron Ms Jade
     Realising that they could not continue          Yip commented, “These (changes made            Each ShieldMask+ was sewn by hand. (Photo
     their business in the conventional way,         to the business) were essential for survival                 by Shevron).

               ORIENT CROWN – From Singapore and Beyond

            RIENT CROWN, a homegrown                 set up their own e-commerce page on            ORIENT CROWN will continue to
            luxury brand, provides consumers         their website with customers’ support          strengthen their local business. Through
            with a range of high quality watch       and safe delivery to the client’s doorstep.    their expansion overseas, they hope to
     winders that can preserve the quality           However, to protect their brand image,         globalise the Singapore luxury brand
     of automatic watch pieces by winding            they could only display their mid-range        by providing the same experience that
     them while they are in storage. Though          products and were not able to provide          their clients had when they visit their
     a very niche market, they are one of the        customisation of the products online.          Singapore stores. n
     biggest providers in Southeast Asia for
     this market, with 60% of their clientele        Therefore, with majority of their clients
     made up of tourists.                            overseas, there was one way to ensure
                                                     business resilience – “we go to where
     When COVID-19 hit Singapore, the                our clients are based at,” said Mr Waleed
     company saw a sudden drop in tourists’          Abumazen, Managing Director and co-
     clientele. The Circuit Breaker further          founder of ORIENT CROWN. With their
     exacerbated the situation when they             overseas contacts, and countries’ borders
     had to close their outlets during the           opening up, ORIENT CROWN took the
     period. Moving the business to online           opportunity to step into Malaysia, where
     platforms was the only way for business         their second biggest overseas clientele
     survival. However, as a luxury brand in a       are based, and South Korea. Both store
     niche market, they could not hop onto           locations are in the pipeline to open            Mr Waleed Abumazen, Managing Director
     available e-commerce sites as this goes         within these few months.                        and co-founder of Orient Crown. (Photo by
     against their brand image. Hence, they                                                                     ORIENT CROWN).


                 MiRXES Pte Ltd -
                                              swiftly, the team in MiRXES completed        test from the lab to the clinic, scaling up
                                              technology transfer within a week,           production to meet demands globally by
                                              repurposing their production lines           leveraging on capabilities which we have
                                              to manufacture 100,000 test kits per         built up since our founding in 2014.”
                                              week. They have since ramped up their
                                              production capacity to manufacture           MiRXES plans to continue to grow and
                                              more than 500,000 test kits a week.          enhance their diagnostic development,
                (Photo by MiRXES Pte Ltd)
                                              Their Singapore production site supplies     expanding from cancer to infectious
                                              the test kits to 13 hospitals and labs in    diseases, and later to chronic diseases.

      ingapore-based biotech company          Singapore, and to more than 20 countries     There are also plans to expanding and
      MiRXES specialises in developing        worldwide. They also supply other            building a new Industry 4.0 manufacturing
      RNA-focused research applications       essential supplies for COVID-19 testing,     site and looking to expand their presence
and diagnostic tests, such as GASTROClear,    which include swabs and tubes for            in new overseas markets such Central
the world’s first microRNA blood test for     sample collection, viral RNA extraction      and South America, which they had
early detection of stomach cancer. When       kits, and equipment for automated RNA        entered through the COVID-19 test kits. n
the COVID-19 outbreak spread, they faced      extraction. Besides manufacturing the
a drop in demand for their products           test kits, their R&D team started focusing
and services. People were holding back        on developing reagents and products
on going to clinics and hospitals for         that are related to COVID-19 and other
diagnostic tests, while hospitals worldwide   infectious diseases.
were concentrating resources on testing
and treating COVID-19 patients. Research      “The changes have allowed us to
laboratories also had to close as countries   emerge from the outbreak stronger, with
entered into lockdown, leading to a drop      enhanced capabilities in manufacturing,
in demand for research reagents.              with a wider global customer base and
                                              new diagnostic product users worldwide,”
In view of the escalation of the outbreak,    said Dr Zhou Lihan, the co-founder
their partners in the Agency for Science,     and CEO of MiRXES, “the experience in
Technology and Research (A*STAR)              carrying out these changes gives us the
approached them in early February to          confidence that, in situations such as a
mass produce the Fortitude Kit RT-PCR         viral pandemic, we can respond quickly        Co-Founder and CEO of MiRXES Pte Ltd Dr
diagnostic test for COVID-19. Moving          and act swiftly to bring a new diagnostic          Zhou Lihan (Photo by MiRXES)

          Osteopore International Pte Ltd –
   Business Continuity improves Business Resilience

       steopore International manufactures                                                 and efficacy of their 3D printers also
       implantable devices that regrows                                                    resulted in significant improvement of
       bone tissue for the human skeletal                                                  quality and doubled their production
system. By combining the science of                                                        output, even though they only had half
Tissue Engineering and Regenerative                                                        the workforce.
Medicine with 3D printing, they produce
a microarchitecture that enables the                                                       Osteopore International used to travel to
healing process.                                                                           different parts of the world to meet with
                                                                                           surgeons to drive product innovation.
Designated as an essential service during                                                  With border closed in many countries,
the COVID-19 outbreak, they continue           Osteopore CEO Mr Goh Khoon Seng (right)     they were unable to do so. However,
to provide implants for patients that            together with Chief Technology Officer    every crisis comes with opportunities.
                                                Mr Jing Lim (left). (Photo by Osteopore
require urgent surgeries such as trauma                      International).
                                                                                           The outbreak has compelled many to
and tumour removal. However, as they                                                       accept digital platforms such as video-
sent their products to Malaysia for           Safe distancing measures must still be       conferencing tools. This helps Osteopore
gamma sterilisation, with the Malaysia’s      adhered even as an essential service.        International to easily communicate with
Movement Control Order (MCO), their           Therefore, following business continuity     stakeholders overseas through digital
logistics was disrupted, with delays          guidelines, they implemented split teams     communications platforms. Without the
from five to 10 days. This affected their     operations for the production floor. They    need of a physical space for meetings,
products delivery to hospitals locally and    also signed up for SkillsFuture course       they are able to arrange webinars and
overseas. “Having gone through SARS,          on digital workplace for their staff         engaged surgeons to share their user
we did expect disruption in Singapore         so that they may learn to utilise data       experience with the global community.
and some Asian countries. We did not          and information effectively for higher
anticipate a global pandemic,” said Mr        productivity. This means increased data      The outbreak has created opportunities
Goh Khoon Seng, CEO of Osteopore              visibility and analytics on the production   for Osteopore International to improve
International. This has caused delays in      floor, helping the team to respond and       their business resilience. The outbreak may
finalising agreements with distributors in    troubleshoot problems immediately. The       end one day. Even so, they will continue to
the US and the EU.                            focused efforts to improve the efficiency    implement the changes they have made
                                                                                           during this pandemic period. n


     SMEs Go Digital Programme Success Story -
     York Launch Service cruises
      at top speed with first-of-
      its-kind mobile application
                                  An article by the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA)

          usiness is brisk at York Launch           In May 2019, they got to work customising       Convinced of the benefits of digitalisation,
          Service. Functioning like a water         an online booking application for York          the team now frequently comes back
          taxi service for the Sea Transport        Launch Service, and piloted Book-               with suggestions on ways to improve the
     industry, the company makes more than          a-Launch in August with selected                application or new functions to include,
     100 boat trips per day, ferrying workers       customers. Today, over three quarters of        Mr Kieu jests.
     between Marina South Pier and bigger           their clients have converted to using the
     vessels in nearby anchorage waters.            application for boat charters.                  Book-a-Launch, now on version two, is
                                                                                                    still a work in progress. The company
     Despite the steady business, what had          After further assessment by the Infocomm        is currently test bedding and working
     been gnawing away at managing director         Media Development Authority under               on instant automated invoicing once
     Mr Kieu Kim Sen’s mind were the old            the SMEs Go Digital programme and               a trip is completed and a GPS function
     school manual processes in York Launch         MPA, Book-a-Launch became one of the            that shows the boatman only the target
     Service’s operations room – processes          first batch of solutions approved under         vessel for easier navigation.
     that had not evolved since the company         the Industry Digital Plan for the Harbour
     was founded in 1993.                           Craft sub-sector.                               Sharpening business edge
                                                                                                    As an early mover in the harbour craft
     “Orders were taken over the phone.             Book-a-Launch allows customers to key           sub-sector to digitalise, Mr Kieu estimates
     Booking details and acknowledgement            in their booking details (such as date,         at least a 10 percent increase in revenue
     of delivery completion by customers and        time and targeted vessel to reach),             within the first year of adopting the
     payments to boatmen were done with             eliminating erroneous note taking or            solution. Book-a-Launch also gives York
     paper and pen. There was minimal use           overlooked orders by more than 50               Launch Services a unique advantage
     of technology in our processes,” says the      percent. Customers will later receive a         when pitching to potential clients.
     42-year-old who took over the business         push notification on the details of their
     in 2003.                                       boat – not unlike getting the car plate         “We can now differentiate ourselves from
                                                    number of your hired ride.                      competitors. There’s no need to get into
     Manual processes inevitably led to                                                             a price war with this new angle,” says Mr
     mistakes and disputes. Sometimes the           Operations staff at York Launch Service         Kieu who admits they are not the cheapest
     team might forget to dispatch an order on      can view the list of bookings at a glance       operator in the market because their fleet
     time – it is crucial to get workers to their   and locations of their boats via a global       of 40-odd vessels are fitted with twin
     vessels punctually – as they simply had        positioning system (GPS) tracking               engines for better safety and reliability.
     too many things to manage, he shares.          function. Information on completed trips
                                                    is also automatically channelled to the         That’s not all however; the forward-
     Winds of change                                company’s accounts department for               thinking managing director hopes that
     From the early 2010s, the explosion            swift invoicing.                                digitalisation will start to attract more
     of mobile technology and disruption                                                            young talents to the fold.
     of whole industries (from media to             Strong employee approval
     retail) planted a seed in Mr Kieu’s mind.      “I have to salute and give credit to my         While most of the industry is still engaged
     However, he was held back by financial         team. Without their eager participation,        in manual processes, Mr Kieu insists that
     constraints and the taxing process of test     the adoption would not have been                digitalising is crucial. “Technology usage
     bedding and implementation.                    successful,” says Mr Kieu of his operations     is now a natural way of life. It’s only a
                                                    staff, of whom at least 80 percent are          matter of time before it becomes more
     By 2018 however, he was moved to               long-time mature employees. For many,           common in our industry,” he says.
     action, inspired by the results of on-land     this is the first time they are using digital
     transportation applications like Grab and      means for operations work.                      “We can choose to wait and watch
     Uber. “I saw something in that model. It                                                       other companies gain success with
     really eliminates a lot of paperwork,” he      “They were of course concerned at               digitalisation, or we can be in the
     says.                                          first that digitalisation would create          forefront as the first mover. The choice is
                                                    redundancies, but that’s not at all true.       obvious.” n
     Mr Kieu and his operations director Mr         Our intention was to make their job easier
     Vincent Choo sifted through multiple           and give them more time for rest by
     software vendors before landing on             simplifying their work process,” he recalls.
     a match with ShipsFocus Pte Ltd,                                                                    Scan this QR code to find
     which specialises in maritime shipping         Where in the past, a work shift required             out more about the SMEs
     digitalisation. The project received           three people, only two people are now                  Go Digital programme.
     financial support from the Maritime and        needed for booking operations. The third
     Port Authority of Singapore’s Maritime         person is now free to be redeployed to
     Cluster Fund - Productivity.                   other tasks, such as monitoring and boat


               COVID-19 PIVOT
               Transformation Programme
           he SMF understands your hardship and                      In May and June 2020, GBG conducted 6 exciting
           uncertainty as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.         webinars partnering with industry professionals
           Therefore, the SMF’s Global Business Group (GBG)          from various sectors covering a range of interesting
     arranged a series of webinars to discuss challenges             topics from digital tools, guidelines to Indonesia halal
     and share insights into the current market, as well as          certification, GST reserve charge to fundamental of data
     some strategies that help tackle the complex business           and internationalisation frameworks. In total, more than
     landscape. The programmes aim to help our businesses            1000 participants attended our virtual seminars. n
     to pivot from COVID-19 calamity to victory.

           NAVIGATING COVID-19                      GO DIGITAL GO GLOBAL                    INDONESIA AN OVERVIEW ON
                                                                                               HALAL CERTIFICATION

                                                WeChat has become one of the
     To help local SMEs in this pandemic
                                                biggest standalone applications in
     period, the SMF partnered Consulus to
                                                the world with 1.2 billion monthly         The Halal Assurance Law 33/2014
     provide an hour industry talk followed
                                                active users (MAUs) and 70 million         requires all products that meets halal
     by a complimentary 1-to-1 consultation
                                                registered accounts outside of China.      requirements, and are imported to,
     session to share a customised roadmap
                                                Attendees were given tips on tapping       distributed and traded in Indonesia
            for interested companies.
                                                into this leading digital marketing tool   to be halal certified within the next
           6 May | 2.30pm to 3.30pm             to reach out to the China Market and       five years. Invited speakers discussed
                                                                beyond.                    how this affects the future of the halal
                                                     27 May | 2.30pm to 3.30pm                    industry and local business.
       GST REVERSE CHARGE + GST                                                                  5 June | 2.30pm to 3.30pm
             COST SAVINGS

                                                   Scan the QR Code to                               INITIATE
                                                                watch                          INTERNATIONALISATION

                                                 THE POWER OF BIG + SMALL

      To keep people updated with
      the recent GST reverse charge
      implementation and how has the GST
      landscape changed in Singapore,
                                                                                           The SMF invited Ms Judy from
      the SMF partnered with Singapore
                                                                                           Singapore Management University
      Chartered    Tax     Professionals  to
                                                                                           (SMU) to share the fundamentals of
      provide participants with a better
                                                                                           internationlisation specially curated
      understanding of the reverse charge       In today’s digital world, data is even
                                                                                           to SMEs who are keen to venture
      regime to set their companies in order.   more necessary for businesses to
                                                                                           overseas, beginning with South East
          12 June | 2.30pm to 5.00pm            understand their customers and
                                                                                           Asia. Participants were also introduced
                                                use data to improve operations.
                                                                                           to some frameworks that help to assess
                                                Participated companies learnt how
                                                                                                 the desirability of a market.
                                                they can get ahead of their competitors
                                                by understanding the importance of              26 June | 3.00pm to 4.30pm
                                                          Big and Small Data.
                                                    19 June | 2.00pm to 4.00pm

             Look forward to more upcoming webinars and events that focus on business to business with our
                                              international partners.

SMF Buyers’
      Market 2020
   Marina Bay Sands Singapore
    Expo & Convention Centre
          Hall C , Level 1

1 1 – 1 3 December 2 0 2 0
       11-12 Dec: 11am –8pm
        13 Dec: 11am –7pm

        A part of SMF Buyers’ Market:
This December, the Singapore Manufacturing
Federation (SMF) will co-organise the inaugural
SMF Buyers’ Market, together with Conference &

Exhibition Management Services Pte Ltd.

Held at Marina Bay Sands Singapore from
11 –13 December 2020 , booths at the SMF                          to MANUFACTURERS
Buyers’ Market are open exclusively to
manufacturers, especially in four main sectors                   Be a part of a B2B-B2C
of F&B, consumer electronics, beauty and                           buying experience
healthcare products, and designer jewellery.
                                                                 Sell directly to your end
At this thematic shopping experience, you will                           consumers
be able to reach out to over 5,000 trade
professionals and end-consumers from all walks                  C o n n e c t with new agents,
of life – from high net-worth individuals to
                                                                 distributors a n d retailers
retailers, agents, distributors, representatives and

The SMF Buyers’ Market is held concurrently with the
Singapore International Jewelry Expo X’mas Edition
as part of a shopper’s wonderland that will satisfy
the gifting needs of the festive season.

                                EXHIBITOR PROFILE
                    F&B • Consumer Electronics •
          Beauty & Healthcare Products • Designer Jewellery

                                  VISITOR PROFILE
          Agents • Distributors • F&B industry professionals • Representatives •
                Retailers • High net-worth individuals • End consumers

                                PARTICIPATING C O S T
                                              Bare Space S$450/sqm (min. 18sqm)
                                              Shell Scheme S$520/sqm (min.9sqm)
                                              *Singapore Pavilion Package S$590/sqm (min.9sqm)
                                              *Pending approval from Enterprise Singapore

                                                  A 9sqm Shell Scheme Package includes:
                                                  • Fascia board with company name and stand no.
                                                  • White partitions
                                                  • Needle-punched carpeting
                                                  • Single-phase electrical socket(220V)
                                                  • 2 fluorescent lights
                                                  • 2 folding chairs
                                                  • 1 information counter
                                                  • 1 waste paper basket

                      SECURE YO U R BOOTH TODAY!
                                Singapore Manufacturing Federation •
                                     Global Business Groups
                                          Katherine Heng •
                                            (65) 6826 3031

                                     2985 Jalan Bukit Merah
                                     Singapore 159457
                                     (65) 6826 3000 • www.smfederation.org.sg

Indonesia: Your
Next Manufacturing
      he SMF co-organised a webinar         This webinar was chaired by SMF
      titled “Indonesia: Your Next          President Mr Douglas Foo, with
      Manufacturing Federation” on          the keynote speech delivered by
17 June 2020. Held in partnership           Ambassdor of the Republic of
with the Embassy of Indonesia in            Indonesia to Singapore, His Excellency         SMF President Mr Douglas Foo chaired the
Singapore, this webinar aims to             Ngurah Swajaya. It also had speakers           webinar and delivered the opening speech.
highlight potentials in the East Java       from the public and private sectors
province for Singapore manufacturing        such as Vice Governor of East Java
companies, and the legal aspects of         Province Mr Emil Elestianto Dardak,
doing business in Indonesia.                and President (South East Asia, Pacific
                                            & South Korea) from Rolls-Royce,
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic,               Dr Bicky Bhangu, who is also SMF
companies are relooking their business      Deputy President. During the webinar,
model to make it resilient against          the speakers shared their insights into
future pandemics. One such way is           the Indonesian market and answered
to consider diversifying their supply       questions from the attendees during           Ambassdor of the Republic of Indonesia to
chains to ensure their supply chains        the panel discussion.                          Singapore, His Excellency Ngurah Swajaya
remain robust. Therefore, as countries                                                   shared some of the advantages of investing in
                                                                                              Indonesia during his keynote speech.
are reopening their borders, it is a good   The SMF is organising many of such
time to explore potential business and      webinars to help and encourage
                                                                                            Scan this QR code to follow
investments opportunities available in      local companies to expand into other
                                                                                           the SMF’s Telegram Group to
other countries.                            markets. To be updated on upcoming               keep updated on upcoming
                                            webinars from the SMF, follow the                   webinars from the SMF.
                                            SMF’s Telegram Group. n                               https://t.me/smfhelps

Appreciating Our
COO Staff
      uring Singapore’s Circuit Breaker period, the SMF’s
      Certificates of Origin Office (COO) remained open
      to continue serving the business community in their
trade documentations. Therefore, in appreciation of their
service rendered during this period, SMF Secretary-General
Dr Ahmad Magad presented certificates of appreciation to
the COO staff on 21 July 2020.

The SMF is authorised by the Singapore Customs to issue,
endorse and certify Certificates of Origin (CO) and other
supporting documents under Section 3 of the Exportation           SMF COO staff Mr Willie Lim (second from left), Mr Eddy Poon (third
(CO & Commonwealth Preference Cert.) Order ‘71. We have          from left) and Ms Christie Chua (third from right) received certificates
been endorsing CO’s for more than 20 years.                          of appreciation from SMF Secretary-General Dr Ahmad Magad
                                                                  (extreme right) for their service rendered during Singapore’s Circuit
                                                                  Breaker period. Also present at the presentation were SMF Secretary
For further enquires and assistance, please contact our           General (Designate) Mr Lawrence Pek (extreme left) and SMF Senior
friendly COO staff.                                                 Director for International Relations and COO Ms Emmeline Lam
                                                                                           (second from right).

Mr Willie Lim – DID: +65 (6826 3066)
Ms Christie Chua – DID: +65 (6826 3067)
Mr Eddy Poon – DID: +65 (6826 3091) n

GS1 Singapore

                                                            GS1 weCATALOG:
                                                            Bringing You an Enhanced Experience

                                                     Over the last 7 years, thousands of our members have been using National Electronic
          weCATALOG                                  Product Catalogue (NEPC), which is now called weCATALOG to create barcodes,
          One Data Source For All
                                                     store and share product information. This one-stop online platform allows retailers,
          create | store | share | source | verify
                                                     marketplaces and other users to collaborate, source for and verify their products.
As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance our services and members’ experience for weCATALOG, we incorporated
feedback from industry and have developed the following enhancements:

     Create up to 200 Barcodes                                      Maximum file size increased           Load time for a full load is less
          per batch upload                                          to 100MB per batch upload                    than 90 seconds
(Previous version: 50 barcodes only).                               (Previous version: 15MB only).      (4x faster than previous version).

                Members’ Testimony

    “At the past, I was having concerns over the safety of my product data which was stored locally in an excel file. I need
    to ensure my product data is accurate before submitting to relevant authorities. With GS1 weCATALOG, it does not only
    simplify the process of creating a barcode in less than 1 minute but it helps me to avoid mistakes such as duplication
    of product data. Moreover, the product management provides user-friendly interface for me to navigate and locate a
    specific barcode. Overall, GS1 weCATALOG is an excellent database that does exactly what we need”
    – David Garcia, Vice-President of Lotus International Pte Ltd

    “I would highly recommend all companies in Singapore to utilise GS1 weCATALOG as it has given us the privilege to
    further expose our products into the market and connect with other companies through business matching.”
    - Arlyn Fontanilla, Sales and Marketing Executive of Newstart Health Food Pte Ltd

weCATALOG Lucky Draw Season 2                                                                                                 Scan here to
                                                                                                                               read more
                                                                                                                              about the
                                    Due to overwhelming response in the first Lucky Draw season from April to June 2020, we
                                    have decided to have a Second Season of our Lucky Draw from July to September 2020!       Lucky Draw
      Seaso                         What you need to do:
                                    1. Simply log onto weCATALOG and start uploading your product information.
                                    2. Upload all product attributes, including product images, by 15 Sept 2020 for your
                                    chance to enter the lucky draw.

To facilitate trading collaborations, all GS1 Singapore members are required to create and upload your product information onto
weCATALOG. Incomplete and inaccurate product information can affect consumers’ trust and your brand image. This may result in a
loss of potential business opportunities and inefficient product recalls.

Enhance your trading experience and your customers’ journey with weCATALOG today!
                                                                                                                              Scan the QR
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 Why it is important to identify your product?
 In the wake of COVID-19's massive impact on various industries, demand for products is unpredictable while
 putting pressure on supplies. It is a challenge to plan and keep stock of food, medicines and other essential
 products. With the increasing need of supply chain visibility at this critical period, assignment of authorised GS1
 Barcode to your products is becoming more urgent than before.
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