QUEENSLAND'S ECONOMIC RECOVERY PLAN - Protecting our health Creating jobs Working together - Queensland COVID-19

Page created by Marc Becker
QUEENSLAND'S ECONOMIC RECOVERY PLAN - Protecting our health Creating jobs Working together - Queensland COVID-19
                       RECOVERY PLAN
                           Protecting our health
                           Creating jobs
                           Working together

QUEENSLAND'S ECONOMIC RECOVERY PLAN - Protecting our health Creating jobs Working together - Queensland COVID-19
© The State of Queensland 2020                                      Attribution
                                                                    Content from the Queensland's Economic Recovery Plan should be
Copyright                                                           attributed to: © The State of Queensland, Queensland's Economic
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QUEENSLAND'S ECONOMIC RECOVERY PLAN - Protecting our health Creating jobs Working together - Queensland COVID-19
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY               03

TOWARDS RECOVERY                05

STRONG FOUNDATIONS              06

COVID-19 TIMELINE               08

HIGHLIGHTS                      10

  GROWING OUR REGIONS           34
  INVESTING IN SKILLS           42

IMMEDIATE RESPONSE              46


                                      20 AUGUST 2020   1
QUEENSLAND'S ECONOMIC RECOVERY PLAN - Protecting our health Creating jobs Working together - Queensland COVID-19
MESSAGE FROM                                                          MESSAGE FROM
                      THE PREMIER                                                          THE TREASURER
             The Honourable Annastacia Palaszczuk MP                                      The Honourable Cameron Dick MP

    This year we have faced a challenge like no other.                      The COVID-19 pandemic has tested Queenslanders
    As Premier, I am proud of the way we have collectively responded        like never before.
    to this crisis but there is a long road ahead.                          Together, the Queensland Government has worked with
    We were the first to act with a package of measures now totalling       communities across our state, with companies large and small,
    over $7 billion, focusing support where it is needed most.              to protect Queensland jobs and support Queensland businesses.

    From providing Queensland households with bill relief to payroll        Queensland is currently in a strong position thanks to the early
    tax relief for businesses and accelerating projects to unlock           actions taken to address the health and economic impacts of the
    development and increase construction activity, the breadth of          pandemic.
    our response is reflective of the scale of the challenge we face.       Across Australia, governments are grappling with the serious fiscal
    We have a lot to be proud of:                                           and economic impact of COVID-19. In June 2020, a record 645,000
                                                                            Australians lost their jobs.
    • health workers who are making huge sacrifices and putting
      others before themselves                                              While the Queensland Government’s actions have cushioned the
                                                                            blow for many working families and businesses, the pandemic has
    • businesses constantly adapting and innovating
                                                                            driven a sharp rise in the state’s unemployment rate, as well as the
    • t eachers and workers in our schools providing a safe place          numbers of underemployed Queenslanders.
       for our children to learn
                                                                            Behind every statistic there is a Queensland worker, family or
    • e
       very single Queenslander playing their role in stopping             business enduring the real impacts of COVID-19.
      the spread of COVID-19.
                                                                            The sooner we can get more Queenslanders working again, the
    There are so many more examples and I know in this                      sooner our economy can recover.
    unprecedented environment there are people in our state who
    are doing it incredibly tough.                                          We will continue to stimulate and support the economy now,
                                                                            while investing in the skills, infrastructure and industries to
    As a government, it is our job to not only respond to the immediate     support growth and build back better than ever.
    challenges but work at every level and across every sector with an
    eye on the horizon.                                                     While we plan for the future, we also stand ready to act in the
                                                                            face of continued uncertainty. That’s why our ongoing work
    This plan underlines our commitment to work in partnership on           with industry and the community, together with our continued
    a long-term response.                                                   investment in safeguarding Queenslanders’ health is so critical
    I want to assure Queenslanders that we will not take our eye off the    to the economy.
    ball. We will stay the course and not only see this through but build   I am confident we can unite and recover for the benefit of all
    back better.                                                            Queenslanders now and into the future.
    We need to make more in Queensland.
    We will continue to respond quickly in the short term but always
    have our eye on the long term.
    We will continue to put Queensland first.

2   20 AUGUST 2020
QUEENSLAND'S ECONOMIC RECOVERY PLAN - Protecting our health Creating jobs Working together - Queensland COVID-19

Recovering from COVID-19 is a long-term challenge
that requires a long-term response.
We are reminded daily that the world          This sound economic and fiscal position        keep the economy moving while also
around us has changed. The threat             enabled the Queensland Government              positioning the state for the 'new normal'.
posed by this pandemic will not ease          to be the first to act in Australia. To        This approach has been about protecting
soon. This is a plan for Queensland’s         date, Queensland has responded with a          Queenslanders now and focusing on
long-term future.                             package now totalling over $7 billion to       the future:
The COVID-19 pandemic has ravaged             support businesses, workers and families
                                                                                             • fast-tracking capital projects to
economies and communities globally and        during the COVID-19 pandemic.
                                                                                               immediately support construction
our state is not immune from its effects.     The immediate stimulus has been quickly          jobs, while also investing in productive
It has taken lives and livelihoods, created   targeted to where it is needed most –            economic infrastructure to improve the
global and local economic challenges and      from boosting health capacity, such              economic resilience of our regions and
compromised community wellbeing.              as expanding fever clinics, to targeted          position our state for future success
Our state economy will never be the same.     support for Queensland businesses and
                                                                                             • providing timely support for our
                                              workers such as payroll tax relief, industry
That is why this plan recognises the need                                                      traditional sectors like tourism,
                                              support, relief for workers and businesses
to respond to and recover from COVID-19,                                                       while simultaneously exploring
                                              who lost their income, concessional jobs
but also that a long-term response is                                                          new opportunities for future jobs
                                              support loans and bill relief on utilities
needed to the continuing changes the                                                           in emerging sectors such as
                                              and electricity.
pandemic is creating.                                                                          hydrogen energy
                                              The government has also invested in
Queensland has had a swift and                shovel-ready job-creating local and
sustained response to the crisis – from       regional works initiatives supporting
both health and economic perspectives.        essential services, economic development
Protecting community health and ensuring      and community well-being.
our economic wellbeing are inextricably       In addition to the immediate stimulus,
linked and will continue to remain so as      investment in sustained and staged
we navigate through this crisis.              measures in recent months has
Queensland’s world-leading health             underlined the government’s commitment
response to the COVID-19 pandemic and         to work in partnership with industry to
strong economic foundation has put us in
an advantageous position for recovery.
As we entered the pandemic this
• an economy growing faster than the
  nation at 2.4 per cent
• five years of budget surpluses
• a lower debt position than 2015
• over $19 billion health budget
• the largest four-year infrastructure
  spend in nearly a decade.

                                                                                                                          20 AUGUST 2020   3
QUEENSLAND'S ECONOMIC RECOVERY PLAN - Protecting our health Creating jobs Working together - Queensland COVID-19
    • providing grants to impacted                                                               The clear aim of this plan is to deliver on
      businesses, while also ensuring the                                                        the vision – safeguarding community
      workforce and our future job seekers                                                       health, maintaining our focus on local jobs
      gain the digital skills that will be        Building Queensland                            and working in partnership to get results.
      needed as our economy changes               Driving investment in the infrastructure       It will be measured by the success of our
    • assisting our major iconic private sector   that supports our recovery, resilience         economy benefitting all Queenslanders
      employers to survive the challenge           and future prosperity.                        with access to job opportunities,
      of shutdown, while also using the                                                          health care, education, housing and
      state’s purchasing power to buy local
      and strengthen our manufacturing            5                                              infrastructure.
                                                                                                 It will be measured by our regionally
      capability and local supply chains.         Growing our regions                            based industries of tourism, resources,
    As Queenslanders we should feel proud of      Helping Queensland’s regions grow by           manufacturing, construction and
    what we have collectively achieved since      attracting people, talent and investment,      agriculture continuing to be the
    COVID-19 first struck our shores. However,    and driving sustainable economic               foundations of the state’s economy
    there is also a common understanding          prosperity.                                    while also opening up new opportunities
    that complacency is not an option,                                                           through innovative thinking and

    and while the investment and effort in                                                       emerging sectors.
    recent months has been unprecedented,
                                                                                                 It will be measured on our ability to
    maintaining the momentum is critical.
                                                  Investing in skills                            not just secure the jobs of today but
                                                                                                 for emerging industries to thrive in our
                                                  Ensuring Queenslanders have the skills         regions, with a skilled workforce equipped
    Focus on the future                           they need to find meaningful jobs and set      for the jobs of the future, providing a
    There is no doubt that the challenge          up pathways for the future.                    sense of confidence and optimism.
    before us is immense. We must
                                                  These priorities have been identified
    continue to rapidly respond to emerging
                                                  following wide-ranging consultation. This
    threats, but also innovate to seize the
                                                  has included the Premier’s Queensland
    opportunities to build a stronger future.
                                                  Industry Recovery Alliance, a partnership
    This plan outlines six key areas of focus     formed between the Queensland
    over the next two to five years:              Government and 24 peak industry, union
                                                  and community bodies with the single

    1                                             focus of creating and saving jobs across
                                                  the state.
    Safeguarding our health                       Industry-specific forums, together with
    Safeguarding our health and jobs by           consultation with regional leaders across
    keeping Queensland pandemic ready.            the state, have provided invaluable
                                                  insights into the unique challenges faced

                                                  by Queensland industries and regions,
                                                  and the actions needed to support
                                                  workforces and businesses through
    Backing small business                        COVID-19.
    Helping small business, the backbone          This plan allows for a staged, adaptable
    of our economy, thrive in a changing          approach to economic recovery.
                                                  It builds on the immediate actions over
                                                  the past months to get Queenslanders
    3                                             back to work and kick start our economy.
                                                  It lays the foundations for our future
    Making it for Queensland                      success: creating jobs, investing in skills,
                                                  restoring confidence, and establishing
    Growing manufacturing across traditional
                                                  the right conditions for a diverse and
    and new industries, making new products
                                                  resilient economy.
    in new ways and creating new jobs.
                                                  The strong focus on partnerships
                                                  continues because we know that to not
                                                  just recover but recover better requires
                                                  collaboration at all levels. Collaboration
                                                  between federal, state and local
                                                  governments and with businesses,
                                                  industry, our workforce and
4   20 AUGUST 2020                                communities is vital.
QUEENSLAND'S ECONOMIC RECOVERY PLAN - Protecting our health Creating jobs Working together - Queensland COVID-19

With our ambition being to not just                                 Our vision:
build back but build back better,
the vision for recovery is three-fold.                               Protecting our health
                                                                     Creating jobs
Firstly, given the nature of the crisis – a global pandemic with
a vaccine yet to be developed – we must continue to focus on
protecting Queenslanders’ health. This is and will continue to be
a foundation of our economic recovery.
Secondly, while Queensland entered the pandemic in a strong
                                                                     Working together
economic position, the global nature of the crisis has challenged
industries and business, large and small, in ways that we have
never experienced. Having an agile and adaptable approach
to job creation which not only supports traditional sectors
but capitalises on emerging opportunities is key to our future
Thirdly, partnerships will be paramount on the road to recovery.
The magnitude of this crisis means that a collaborative approach
across all levels of government and the private sector is vital.

                                                                                      20 AUGUST 2020   5
QUEENSLAND'S ECONOMIC RECOVERY PLAN - Protecting our health Creating jobs Working together - Queensland COVID-19

    As we came together to flatten the curve      Queensland businesses, workers and            The number of Queenslanders in a job
    and save lives, Queensland’s strong           communities to respond to COVID-19.           increased by 250,000 since January 2015,
    disaster management framework – borne         The Queensland Government was only            and we recorded a population growth
    of necessity from cyclones, floods and        able to provide this support because we       rate of 1.6 per cent in the 12 months
    fires – meant we were well prepared to        were in a strong budget position well         to December 2019, above the national
    face the pandemic.                            ahead of the virus, with lower debt than in   average of 1.4 per cent.
    The Queensland Government has led             2015 and five years of budget surpluses.      So, while COVID-19 has hit the
    Australian states in protecting its people    The Queensland economy is also built          Queensland economy hard, we know that
    and businesses.                               on strong foundations.                        if we can restore business confidence
    Queensland was the first state in Australia                                                 and get people back in jobs, the
                                                  We have made record investments in            economic fundamentals are there to drive
    to declare a health emergency and             health, education and training, and
    provide financial assistance.                                                               investment and growth as we come back
                                                  infrastructure.                               stronger than before.
    Through our staged approach, we have          Prior to the onset of COVID-19, the
    provided over $7 billion to support           Queensland economy was growing
                                                  faster than the national average.

    Starting from a strong position:
    An economy growing                            Population growing                            250,000 new jobs
    faster than the nation                        faster than the nation                        since 2015
    at 2.4 per cent                               at 1.6 per cent

    $84.2 billion goods                           Retail trade up                               Lower debt position
    exports in 2019, more                         4.7 per cent in 2019,                         than 2015
    than NSW, Victoria and                        strongest in the nation
    Tasmania combined

    The largest 4 year                            Over $19 billion                              A record $14.9 billion
    infrastructure spend in                       health budget                                 education and
    nearly a decade at                                                                          training budget
    $51.8 billion

6   20 AUGUST 2020
QUEENSLAND'S ECONOMIC RECOVERY PLAN - Protecting our health Creating jobs Working together - Queensland COVID-19
Queensland – a great place
                                               Agriculture and resources
to invest and do business
                                               continuing to power our regions
                                               While other sectors were under significant
                                               restrictions, our resources and agricultural
                                               sectors have helped Queensland’s economy
                                               to keep going.
                                               Our agriculture and food industries continue to employ over 80,000 Queenslanders
                                               to produce high-quality products for domestic and international consumers. Our
                                               major commodities such as beef, sugar and bulk commodities have continued
                                               exporting through the pandemic, and were worth nearly
                                               $10 billion to the Queensland economy in 2019-20.
                                               Domestically, the sector has pivoted to maintain supply of goods to consumers.
The Queensland Government will continue        Fresh produce has been diverted from the accommodation and food service sector
to create an environment to attract and        and export markets to meet increased retail demand. While the livestock and
support business investment.                   seafood industry has pursued frozen products, and the horticulture sector has
                                               transformed fresh products into value-added and long-life alternatives.
Maintaining our competitiveness and
leveraging the State’s economic strengths      Also powering regional Queensland through COVID-19 is our traditional strength
and natural advantages will be critical to     in resources. The resources industry employs around 65,000 Queenslanders and
our future growth.                             is the largest employer in the Mackay-Isaac-Whitsunday region and the second
                                               largest employer in Outback Queensland.
Queensland’s business environment is
already highly competitive:                    Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, our mines have kept Queenslanders
                                               employed by exporting high-quality metallurgical and thermal coal, gas,
• Taxation per capita in Queensland is
                                               aluminium, zinc and other mineral resource endowments. In 2019-20, export
  expected to be $690 lower than the
                                               revenue for these commodities exceeded $63 billion. The sector also continues to
  average of other states and territories in
                                               be an important source of royalties, with $5.2 billion being contributed in 2018-19.
  2019-20 (based on the latest estimates
  published by other jurisdictions).           Into the future, Queensland’s resources sector will be the source of important
• Queensland has, on average, the              raw materials for economic recovery, including metallurgical coal for steel used in
  lowest wholesale electricity prices on       infrastructure and new economy minerals for renewable energy products.
  the eastern seaboard.
• Our relatively affordable property
  market and enviable lifestyle helps
  businesses attract skilled staff.
Our plan will drive Queensland’s
competitiveness so that the state remains
an attractive investment destination for
global and domestic businesses.
The priorities in the plan will help to
reduce red tape and minimise costs
for businesses, provide reliable and
affordable energy, encourage skills,
foster exports and build the productivity-
enhancing infrastructure needed to
support business investment, economic
growth and jobs across Queensland.

                                                                                                                    20 AUGUST 2020    7
QUEENSLAND'S ECONOMIC RECOVERY PLAN - Protecting our health Creating jobs Working together - Queensland COVID-19

                 9 Jan
                 World Health Organization
                 (WHO)confirms outbreak of
                 novel coronavirus in China
                                                                                                      20 Mar
                                                                                                      Australian international borders closed
                                                                                                      and social distancing introduced
                            25 Jan
                           case of                                                                       24 Mar
                         COVID-19                                                                        Restrictions introduced across Australia
                        in Victoria                                              11 Mar
                                          29 Jan
                                                                     COVID-19 declared a                    26 Mar
                                          Public health
                                                                        global pandemic
                                          emergency                                                         Queensland state
                            25 Jan                                               by WHO
                                          declared by                                                       border restrictions
                       Queensland         Queensland                                                        commence
                      State Health        Government
                        Emergency                                                                                              20 Apr
                      Coordination                                                                                Queensland schools
                            Centre                                                                                  commence home
                         activated                                                                                     based learning

                     JANUARY                         FEBRUARY                                MARCH                                  APRIL

    INITIATIVES                                          18 Feb
                                       Queensland announces
                                       first industry assistance
                                                                         2 Mar
                                                                                                          24 Mar
                                                Queensland announces payroll
                                                         tax deferral for SMEs                            Queensland announces
                                                                                                          $4 billion support package
                                                                                        17 Mar
                                                            Queensland announces first round of
                                                                $1 billion business loan facility
                                                                                                        22 Mar
                                                                                                        Queensland provides
                                                                                                        $10 million to fast-track
                                                                                                        vaccine project

                                                                                            18 Mar
                                                                 Queensland announces emergency
                                                               planning reforms to support business

8   20 AUGUST 2020
16 May                                                    3 Jul
            Pubs, clubs,                                              Major lifting of
            restaurants and                                           restrictions – larger
            cafes permitted                                           events and workers
            to reopen                                                 can return to offices
            (Stage 1 easing                                           (Stage 3 easing
            of restrictions)                                          of restrictions)


                               1 Jun
                               Increased size of gatherings
                                                                              10 Jul                       8 Aug
                               and resumption of travel                       Queensland’s state           Queensland
                               (Stage 2 easing of restrictions)               border restrictions eased    state border
                                                                                                           restrictions resume

      MAY                                    JUNE                                 JULY                           AUGUST

                                    16 Jun                                   15 Jul
                                   Stage 2                              $90 million
8 May                             industry                               skills and
                                assistance                        training package
                                 provided                            announced by
Roadmap for
released          19 May
                  economic recovery
                  strategy and stage 1
                  support package released

                                                                                                                          20 AUGUST 2020   9
     Through our staged assistance package, the Queensland Government
     has supported businesses, households and communities through the
     start of the COVID-19 pandemic.


                              in relief and support


     jobs supported
     through capital works and other key initiatives

                                 Supporting businesses
                                 to help keep 334,000
                                 Queenslanders in jobs
10   20 AUGUST 2020
$196 million
grants for up to 20,000 small businesses

  $950 million             $400 million
     payroll tax relief   land tax relief and deferrals


$1 billion
job loans to 7,000 businesses
                                                  20 AUGUST 2020   11

                      2.1 million
                                         households to receive
                                         utility rebates

                      $1.2 billion                 28,000
                       health response      registered for the Care Army

                       123,000                 $10 million
                  completed COVID Work               Seniors &
                      Safe Training           Accessibility Assistance

                            $70 million extension
                            Back to Work
12   20 AUGUST 2020
$51.8 billion
          Infrastructure guarantee

               $13.9 billion capital
               program in 2020-21

  $200 million                     $250 million
                                        to local councils
 Building Acceleration Fund         for construction works

 Over   1,200 jobs               Around   $220 million
     from road stimulus             for housing construction

   $50 million                      $50 million
to fast track tourism projects     Making it for Queensland
  and assist tourism icons
                                                         20 AUGUST 2020   13
     Queensland’s recovery will be driven
     by actions to encourage growth,
     competitiveness and job creation
     across our state. We will learn from
     COVID-19, adapt and prosper in
     a changed world.
     Our vision is three-fold: protecting
     Queenslanders’ health, creating
     jobs and working together.
     Our plan sets out the Queensland
     Government’s approach to achieve
     our vision and put Queensland on a
     recovery pathway to build back better
     and create the conditions for
     future success.
     As we adapt to new ways of working,
     and identify new solutions to old and
     emerging challenges, we will focus
     our attention on the opportunities
     that will improve Queensland’s
     competitiveness, productivity
     and resilience.

14   20 AUGUST 2020
six priority areas

1                                            2                                            3
Safeguarding our health                      Backing small business                       Making it for Queensland
The most important part of our recovery to   Small businesses are the backbone            We will build on our proud manufacturing
date has been Queensland’s strong health     of the Queensland economy and                tradition and diversify into new industries
response, together with a clear pathway to   have been among the hardest hit by           to create more jobs for Queenslanders.
easing restrictions. That’s why our number   COVID-19. By prioritising the recovery       We will foster growth precincts across the
one priority continues to be safeguarding    of small businesses, we are prioritising     state by bringing manufacturers, skilled
the health of all Queenslanders and          Queensland’s recovery as we shift to         workers and supply chains together to
building resilience by ensuring we are       the 'new normal.'                            power regional development. We will
ready for future outbreaks and supporting                                                 work with industry to adopt innovative
the wellbeing of our diverse communities.                                                 manufacturing techniques to enhance
                                                                                          global competitiveness.

4                                            5                                            6
Building Queensland                          Growing our Regions                          Investing in skills
Our infrastructure guarantee provides        Our plan will help Queensland’s regions      Now is the time to equip Queenslanders
industry with the confidence needed to       grow from a strong and stable base           with the skills needed in our future
invest in Queensland, protecting and         in agriculture and resource sectors          economy. We will build workforce
creating jobs within the construction        to attract talent and investment and         resilience and adaptability through
industry and supply chains. To drive         drive sustainable economic prosperity.       facilitating upskilling and lifelong
recovery and future prosperity, we will      We will provide more opportunities           learning to support job opportunities
encourage investment in Queensland and       and connection by enhancing digital          for Queenslanders.
support industry by streamlining planning    connectivity in our regions. We will
approvals to unlock growth opportunities     continue to invest in clean energy and
across the state.                            water which are critical resources for the
                                             competitiveness of our regions.

                                                                                                                       20 AUGUST 2020   15

     The COVID-19 pandemic may be one of the greatest challenges       Throughout Queensland’s history, we have been confronted by
     we have ever faced. Queenslanders have told us about how it has   and rebuilt from many disasters. When a bridge floods, we rebuild
     changed how we live and work, where we can go, what we can do     it higher, so it won’t flood next time. Our response to COVID-19
     and our place in the world. While uncertain, further change may   should be similar. This plan is about building back better.
     still lie ahead.                                                  The plan responds to the challenges of COVID-19 and seeks to
                                                                       create opportunities from it to best position Queensland in a
                                                                       world where COVID-19 remains a threat.

16   20 AUGUST 2020
Queenslanders have told                                   How we will respond                              Priority
               us COVID-19 means                                         and recover

Threats to     COVID-19 will be with us for years to come…and            We will make protecting our health a             Protect health
               there may be other threats to our health in the           centrepiece of our recovery, ensuring we
our health     future.                                                   maintain our preparedness.

Social         Even though we have had to maintain social                We will focus on supporting our                  Protect health
               distance during the pandemic, we have relied on           communities and capturing the spirit of the
distance       each other more than ever before. In some ways            Care Army to ensure we support each other
               we have become closer.                                    going forward.

Isolation      Isolation and financial uncertainty have been             We will increase support for mental health       Protect health
               tough on many people and coping can be hard.              so people can get the help they need to be
                                                                         resilient in tough times.

Change         During COVID-19, we’ve been able to “change the           We will work to streamline small business        Back small
               rules” quickly to make things happen – how can            regulation, making it easier to do business      business
the rules      we make this the “future normal”.                         in Queensland.

Going online   More and more people are going online –                   We will prioritise building Queensland’s         Back small
               for work, for study and, to keep in touch.                digital connectivity in regional communities     business
               Consumers are changing their behaviour –                  and providing Queenslanders with the             Grow regions
               shopping online instead of instore.                       digital skills they need for the future.

Local          Australia has long relied on getting many things          We will encourage making more in                 Making it for
               we need from overseas, but that is harder now.            Queensland, reshoring manufacturing              Queensland
suppliers      For some things, like medical supplies, we can’t          currently undertaken overseas and
               afford not to be able to have local suppliers.            supporting local businesses to be
                                                                         globally competitive.

Come           Australians have come together like never before          We will partner with industry, businesses,       Building
               to fight the virus – leaving aside our differences        unions, conservation groups, researchers         Queensland
together       for the common good. The impacts of COVID-19              and local government to unite and recover
               are going to last a long time and we need to work         and provide long-term certainty around
               and plan together.                                        infrastructure.

Queensland     Queensland has never looked better as a place             We will encourage people to consider             Grow regions
               to live and with more and more going online, you          moving to regional Queensland by driving
never looked   don’t need to live in the capital city to do your work.   regional growth opportunities, and
better                                                                   connecting our regions digitally.

Queensland     Around the world, so many countries have struggled We will build on Queensland’s reputation as             Grow regions
               to combat the virus – Australia and Queensland     a safe, clean and green location to attract
stands out     stand out for our success to date.                 new investment and promote our exports
                                                                  to the world.

Travel         The resumption of international travel is                 We are confident that in the future              Grow regions
               uncertain, making it difficult for industries like        international travel will again become
uncertain      tourism and international education that rely             possible and visitors will again come to
                                                                                                                          Invest in skills

               on visitors to recover.                                   Queensland. We will work with impacted           Back small
                                                                         sectors to prepare for the future.               business

Jobs will      Some jobs will change as a result of COVID-19,            We will help ensure Queenslanders have the       Invest in skills
               but we will still need people to do the skilled work      skills they need to get a good job in this new
change         that underpins our economy. People are uncertain          world and to reskill if their job changes. And
               about what the future holds. This particularly affects    we will work to ensure young people are not
               young people and we don’t want them left behind.          left behind as we get out of COVID-19.
                                                                                                                           20 AUGUST 2020    17
Our plan for Queensland’s future
     Priority area 1


     Our plan will safeguard your health – and your job –                                       SUPPORTING
     by keeping Queensland pandemic ready                                                       QUEENSLANDERS’
                                                                                                MENTAL HEALTH
     The government responded quickly to the       It also means developing our own             The pandemic has taken a toll on many
     early impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.       capacity to fight the virus by harnessing    Queenslanders and supporting mental
     We committed $1.2 billion to the health       Queensland medical research and              health is a key part of the recovery process.
     sector to expand fever clinics, emergency     producing more PPE and medical               We know that we need to do more to support
     department capacity, acute care services      equipment locally.                           Queenslanders experiencing mental illness
     and regional aeromedical services for                                                      and mental health challenges due to the
     remote communities.                                                                        impacts of COVID-19.
     We built strong contact tracing and testing
                                                                                                To truly respond to mental health challenges
     capability to underpin our immediate          COMMUNITY                                    requires a localised, community-led
     and ongoing response to the pandemic
     and mobilised resources from across the
                                                   RESILIENCE                                   approach.

                                                   Supporting the health, wellbeing and         That is why, as a key part of this plan, the
     public sector to back our health effort.
                                                   resilience of Queenslanders is a key         government has announced $46.5 million
     As the pandemic impacts continued to                                                       for localised mental health community
                                                   priority of this government.
     unfold, the Queensland Government                                                          treatment and support services.
     worked with local manufacturers to            Demands for social services support
                                                   have increased as a result of the            These local responses are designed to
     address gaps in the supply chain,
                                                   pandemic. We recognise the impact the        be flexible and will be stood up rapidly to
     encouraging Queensland firms able to
                                                   current situation has had on the wellbeing   meet the needs of individuals, families and
     support our health response by pivoting
                                                   of individuals, families and communities.    communities.
     to produce essential personal protective
     equipment (PPE).                              Working in partnership with the              This initiative will help to reduce the strain
                                                   community services sector, we will           on our emergency departments and provide
                                                   build on a range of existing programs to     additional support across the state for those
     PANDEMIC                                      improve public health and help those in      Queenslanders doing it tough.
     READY                                         our communities who need support.            It will also build on existing partnerships
                                                   Investing in community infrastructure        between the public, private and non-
     This pandemic has shown that our
                                                   and critical services will lead to new       government sectors to help respond quickly
     long-term economic success will depend
                                                   opportunities and improved social            and effectively to people in need.
     on our ability to protect the health and
     wellbeing of Queenslanders. We will           and economic inclusion for many
     ensure Queensland is ready for any future     Queenslanders. We are already mandating
     outbreaks by further investing in our         planning requirements to support healthy
     capacity to respond.                          and active Queensland communities,
                                                   ensuring walkable residential
     This means continuing to invest in
                                                   neighbourhoods and access to local
     preparedness planning and building our
                                                   parks and open spaces.
     critical supply reserve of medicines and
     medical devices for future public health
     emergencies or natural disasters.

18   20 AUGUST 2020

Protecting our health workers
in uncertain times

The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted global stock               This will ensure a steady supply of key PPE items if the
shortages of PPE, supply chain challenges and the            need arises - including more than 900 days of surgical
importance of having access to sufficient stock.             masks, more than 200 days of medical gowns, and
While Queensland has not experienced the critical            close to 300 days of gloves.
stock shortages realised by other healthcare providers       The original site is currently holding approximately
across the world, good planning and ongoing vigilance        120 million pieces of PPE across 9,500 pallet spaces,
to protect our frontline workers is key.                     including those all-important items such as surgical
Queensland’s stockpiles of supplies of PPE will be           masks, gloves and protective eyewear.
increased by tens of millions of pieces, with a newly        From early September the facility will span 15,500m2
expanded bulk storage site at Inala in Brisbane.             – adding an extra 4,500 pallet spaces – and based on
The Inala storage site facility will expand by 50 per cent   current stock storage is set to increase to around
and add to existing distribution centres and regional        180 million pieces of PPE.
warehouses across the state.                                 Having this expanded site ensures Queensland will
                                                             continue to have enough critical supplies of PPE for
                                                             our healthcare workers who play an essential role in
                                                             keeping Queensland communities safe.

                                                                                                                    20 AUGUST 2020   19
Our plan for Queensland’s future
     Priority area 1


     STRONG                                             HIGHLIGHTED ACTION
     HEALTH SYSTEM                                      TO DATE
     Over the past three years, the Queensland          The Queensland Government has taken                  Critical to this work was the establishment
     Government has delivered record health             key actions as part of the Queensland                of the Essential Goods Supply Committee
     budgets to enhance health services,                Health COVID-19 Response Plan, including:            in March 2020. The committee brought
     facilities and health promotion programs           • expanding fever clinics, contact                   together a wide range of industry and
     to keep Queenslanders of all ages healthy            tracing, intensive care and emergency              government stakeholders to share
     and active.                                          department capacity, and acute care                important information, address supply
     With planned expenditure of over                     services for remote communities                    blockages caused by unprecedented
     $3 billion from 2020-21 to 2023-24,                • fast-tracking the development of                   consumer demand for staple food
     Queenslanders across the state will see              a COVID-19 vaccine by supporting                   and grocery products, and enable
     expansions and upgrades to their local               University of Queensland researchers               manufacturers and suppliers to connect
     health infrastructure.                                                                                  directly to address emerging challenges.
                                                        • providing grants to 130 community-
     COVID-19 has strengthened the                        based health service groups – including            This included changes to operating hours
     collaboration and cooperation between                community mental health groups – to                of loading docks and distribution centres
     the primary care and hospital sectors.               ensure vital services can continue                 to keep our supermarket shelves stocked
     We will leverage our success in managing           • providing over $21 million to combat               and temporary use licences that have
     the pandemic to grow job opportunities,              the spread of COVID-19 amongst First               allowed a brewer to pivot to the production
     improve liveability, attract investment              Nations Queenslanders.                             of hand sanitiser. Necessary changes to
     and maintain our local capacity to meet                                                                 the planning framework were made in
                                                        We also delivered a range of initiatives to
     healthcare needs, including emerging                                                                    March 2020 to support business transition
                                                        ensure continued distribution of essential
     mental health issues.                                                                                   and innovation and ensure access to
                                                        supplies, such as PPE and food and
                                                                                                             critical supplies.
                                                        grocery products.

     Boost your Healthy
     In addition to the launch of an online resource hub, Queenslanders were
     encouraged to participate in a series of challenges, commencing with The Billion
     Steps Challenge. Achieved in just 32 days, residents from over 300 postcodes
     participated in the challenge, delivered in partnership with 10,000 Steps.
     With the help of our Principal Partner, Sport and Recreation Queensland,
     professional athletes also issued daily challenges to support Queenslanders
     to stay active while staying at home.
     To support healthy home cooking The Queensland Country Women’s Association
     (QCWA) Cook at Home Challenge was delivered with The QCWA Country Kitchens
     program and the My Health for Life Wellbeing Series empowered Queenslanders
     to make positive changes for their physical and mental wellbeing.
     “The challenges were designed for people of all ages and abilities to take part,”
     said Dr Robyn Littlewood, Chief Executive, Health and Wellbeing Queensland.
     “We will continue to leverage Boost your Healthy to deliver innovative activities
     to support recovery.”                                                                 Gretel Bueta and Jeff Horn at the Boost your Healthy launch

20   20 AUGUST 2020
“During the current
unprecedented health crisis,
the constructive working
relationship between
AMA Queensland and the
Queensland Government
has enabled us to bring forth
issues and collaboratively
develop practical solutions
quickly - in the best interests
of our frontline health
workers and the public.”
Jane Schmitt
CEO, Australian Medical Association Queensland

                                                 20 AUGUST 2020   21
Our plan for Queensland’s future
     Priority area 2


     Our plan will help small business – the backbone of
     our economy – thrive in a changing environment

     Small businesses are the backbone of
     the Queensland economy and have been
                                                   INCREASING SKILLS                             MAKING IT
     among the hardest hit by COVID-19.            AND CAPABILITY                                EASIER TO DO
     They are in every community in every
                                                   COVID-19 has highlighted that business        BUSINESS IN
     region. They represent over 97 per cent of
     businesses state wide and employ
                                                   management capability and digital skills      QUEENSLAND
                                                   are critically important in connecting
     42 per cent of all private sector workers.                                                  Traditional ways of doing business
                                                   Queensland businesses to new
     Small businesses are particularly             opportunities in Australia and                have changed to adapt to COVID-19
     vulnerable to the impacts of extreme          around the world.                             restrictions. The Queensland Government
     events and disruptions. While many small                                                    moved swiftly and implemented
                                                   While COVID-19 has accelerated many
     businesses have shown their adaptability,                                                   regulatory reforms to respond to emerging
                                                   of the transitions already underway
     the immediate challenges of COVID-19                                                        issues and support innovative business
                                                   in relation to digital technologies, the
     have been felt in every industry sector,                                                    practices, for example allowing licenced
                                                   capabilities and confidence of small
     from construction, agriculture, fishing and                                                 venues such as restaurants and cafes to
                                                   businesses to capitalise on these
     tourism, to retail, education and health                                                    sell takeaway alcohol.
                                                   technologies is mixed.
     care, and in every local community.                                                         Making it easier to do business in
                                                   Small businesses will need to be ready
     We want small business to come back                                                         Queensland will not only support our
                                                   to take advantage of opportunities as
     better than before and will be providing                                                    recovery now, but encourage businesses
                                                   the economy evolves and successfully
     further support for business to increase                                                    to be more innovative, adaptive and
                                                   innovate and adapt to digital and
     its capacity to innovate, grow and create                                                   competitive in the longer term.
                                                   technological change.
     more jobs for Queenslanders.                                                                In doing so, it will be important to take a
                                                   That’s why the Queensland Government
                                                                                                 partnership approach as regulatory reform
                                                   wants to see small business build their
                                                                                                 is a shared issue between state, federal
     BUYING                                        skills in areas such as financial literacy,
                                                                                                 and local governments.
     LOCAL                                         cash flow management, marketing,
                                                   leadership, management and digital.           The government is currently consulting
     It’s never been more important to                                                           on proposed amendments to the
                                                   The Small Business Digital Grants scheme
     buy local.                                                                                  planning framework to better support
                                                   has provided small businesses with
                                                                                                 low-risk, economic value-adding uses
     A key step to recovery will be encouraging    access to digital technologies or services
                                                                                                 in appropriate zones. For example, a
     customers to show their support for           so they can work smarter and make the
                                                                                                 newsagent changing to a hairdresser,
     small businesses by shopping locally.         most of online business opportunities
                                                                                                 a new warehouse looking to establish
     By doing so, small businesses can grow        arising from digital technologies.
                                                                                                 in an industrial area, or a rural property
     their business, create local jobs and help
                                                                                                 owner looking to provide farm stay
     their community.
     The Queensland Government is also
     stepping up to support Queensland’s
     small businesses. We are implementing
     new measures, like procurement targets
     and faster payment times, to support
     more small and medium enterprises
     to secure work from Queensland
     Government procurement.

22   20 AUGUST 2020
“To get onto a solid recovery
path we will need to
develop and apply the best
skills possible, equipping
businesses and the workforce
with the capacity to adapt and
innovate like never before.”
Daniel Gschwind,
CEO, Queensland Tourism Industry Council

                                    20 AUGUST 2020   23

                Business is blooming
                When COVID-19 restrictions meant Artisan Florals            “We’ve just hired a new delivery driver with support
                closed their doors, the team moved to increase their        from the Queensland Government’s Back to Work
                online presence and ensure their website could handle       program and we’re hoping this will give us more
                higher volumes of online sales and deliveries.              control over our deliveries, reduce our external courier
                “We created and marketed home craft kits and a              expenses and serve as great local advertising too.
                new ‘at home’ bunch with longer lasting florals for         “We have experienced an increase in daily flower
                customers to enjoy,” Shannon Hawkes explains.               sales that more than made up for the six months of
                “We used the resources from the Business Queensland         postponed weddings,” Shannon says with a sigh
                website to apply for the payroll tax relief refund, learn   of relief.
                about the $500 electricity rebate, and attend the Small
                Business Resilience webinars with TAFE Queensland to
                redevelop our business plan and the payroll tax relief
                was great for boosting our cash flow,” she says.

24   20 AUGUST 2020
Our plan for Queensland’s future
Priority area 2


HIGHLIGHTED                                        businesses of which small
                                                   businesses have been the main
                                                                                                  • $100 million in electricity bill rebates
                                                                                                    for eligible small-and medium-sized
ACTION                                             recipient (representing 87 per cent              businesses.
TO DATE                                            of successful applications)                    The Queensland Government has also
                                                 • providing up to $950 million in payroll        helped businesses build their capability
The Queensland Government moved
                                                   tax relief including refunds, payment          through a range of skills and training
swiftly to provide a range of financial,
                                                   holidays and deferrals for eligible            programs, most notably:
advisory and targeted assistance to
                                                   businesses as well as a tax exemption          • providing free online micro-credentials
small-to medium-sized businesses.
                                                   for JobKeeper payments                           in areas including digital literacy, as
A dedicated small business hotline was           • $196 million Small Business COVID-19             well as free online skill sets in priority
established to assist small business               Adaption Grants program is expected to           industry areas
navigate assistance and to direct small            assist up to 20,000 small businesses.
businesses to relevant support and                                                                • establishing the Queensland Small
                                                   It provides eligible business owners             Business Skills Hub, which provides
information. This was supported by                 and operators up to $10,000 to adapt,
regional staff across Queensland and                                                                small businesses and their employees
                                                   pivot and sustain their business. By             free access to a curated library of
regular access to up-to-date information           supporting these businesses, we
via the Business Queensland website.                                                                around 400 online courses in topics
                                                   are helping sustain the jobs of over             such as Leading a Successful Business,
We have provided immediate financial               200,000 Queenslanders                            Digital Skills and Foundation
support through key programs:                                                                       Business Skills.
• $1 billion COVID-19 Jobs Support Loan
  scheme, which provides concessional
  loans of up to $250,000 to eligible

A note from Queensland’s Small Business Commissioner
As the impact of the pandemic ramped up, the Queensland Government’s small business hotline and Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Queensland’s (CCIQ) business support line received unprecedented levels of calls for assistance.
The Government acted swiftly in supporting the CCIQ to run a proactive outreach to small business and appointed a Queensland Small
Business Commissioner (QSBC), Ms Maree Adshead, formerly Small Business Champion, until the
end of 2020 under the COVID-19 Emergency Response Act 2020.
“It was important to me that we hit the ground running and delivered immediate support, the
moment the regulation was enacted. In fact, we locked in two mediation conferences within just
24 hours.
“The first mediation conference we arranged was for a motel business situated in Townsville.
Coincidentally, this was one of the many businesses I had assisted through the North Queensland
monsoon flood event last year in my previous role of Small Business Champion.
“It was such a relief when the dispute was successfully resolved at mediation. The owners have since
told me that, due to the swift action of my office, they were saved from eviction and can now finally
see a way through the COVID-19 pandemic.”

                                                                                                                                20 AUGUST 2020   25
Our plan for Queensland’s future
     Priority area 3


     Our plan will grow manufacturing across Queensland in traditional and
     new industries, making new products in new ways, creating new jobs

     Queensland manufacturers are
     entrepreneurial, innovative, and globally
                                                   ATTRACTING                                     POWERING
     recognised. Our well-established              MANUFACTURERS                                  REGIONAL
     industries, highly developed supply           TO QUEENSLAND                                  DEVELOPMENT
     chains and globally significant research
     and development capability make               Through the pandemic Queensland's              The Queensland Government wants to lift
     Queensland an attractive place to             manufacturers stepped up and adapted           productivity and build the international
     do business.                                  to meet the challenges of the health crisis,   competitiveness of the manufacturing
                                                   quickly retooling to fill gaps in global       sector and emerging industries by
     As an industry, manufacturing contributes
                                                   supply chains for PPE and other essential      developing growth precincts to attract
     more than $20 billion a year to the
                                                   products for our front-line workers.           private investment, streamline approvals
     Queensland economy and supports
                                                   We want to maintain that momentum–             and drive growth.
     around 165,000 jobs. It reaches across
     different sectors, different regions and      encouraging Australian companies to            We will foster growth precincts across
     different markets.                            bring back manufacturing done overseas         the state where businesses, workers and
                                                   and invest in Queensland.                      technology can come together to build
     From rail manufacturing, food processing,
                                                   To do this, we will continue to support the    skills and innovate, access new market
     craft brewing, meat processing, aerospace
                                                   adoption of leading-edge technologies          opportunities, build on the individual
     and medicine–manufacturing is both
                                                   and practices. We’ll also work with            strengths of our regions and create jobs.
     an industry in its own right and a critical
                                                   manufacturers to place a greater focus         This includes partnering with industry to
     strength of Queensland's economy.
                                                   on local supply to reduce inputs from          create dedicated precincts to embrace
     Manufacturing is also an important part of
                                                   overseas and shorten supply chains.            emerging opportunities, as well as
     the supply chain of many industries such
                                                                                                  developing next generation regional plans
     as agriculture.                               Attracting new businesses to Queensland        that can support economic growth.
     With almost a third of manufacturing          will continue to strengthen our regional
                                                   manufacturing base – particularly in           This builds on our existing $13.5 million
     taking place in regional Queensland,
                                                   agriculture and food processing – creating     Manufacturing Hubs Grant Program
     prioritising this sector will deliver
                                                   new and diverse job opportunities across       to grow advanced manufacturing
     widespread benefits across our state.
                                                   the state.                                     capability in the Cairns, Townsville and
     Increasingly, economies around the world                                                     Rockhampton regions.
     are pursuing opportunities to harness         It also builds Queensland’s supply of
     research and innovation to generate new       high value goods and services,
     industries and new jobs. We want to see       strengthening our ability to respond           ADOPTING
                                                   to future pandemics.
     Queensland industry make and grow
     more products, add more value to existing
     products and compete in an increasingly                                                      TECHNOLOGIES
     complex world.                                                                               AND PRACTICES
                                                                                                  The manufacturing industry operates in a
                                                                                                  rapidly changing environment. Embracing
                                                                                                  new and emerging technologies is vital to
                                                                                                  improve productivity and competitveness.

26   20 AUGUST 2020
“Queensland manufacturers
are diverse, resilient and
vitally important to the state’s
economy and our communities.
We have a great opportunity to
re-imagine the future for both
traditional and emerging
businesses, across all regions,
as we look to grow the
sector and employ
more Queenslanders.”
Rebecca Andrews
Head, Ai Group Queensland

                                   20 AUGUST 2020   27
Our plan for Queensland’s future
     Priority area 3


     By combining leading technologies and
     practices with our competitive strengths,
                                                      HIGHLIGHTED                                    Manufacturing 10-year Roadmap and
                                                                                                     Action Plan to support businesses in
     we will create high-skill employment             ACTION                                         adapting to Industry 4.0.
     opportunities and world leading                  TO DATE                                        Through the Queensland Government's
     businesses.                                                                                     existing $755 million Advance
                                                      Throughout the pandemic, the
     We are already working with industry                                                            Queensland program, we have identified
                                                      Queensland Government has continued
     to increase adoption of leading-edge                                                            several priority and emerging industries
                                                      to partner with industry to address critical
     technologies, develop a highly skilled                                                          and have developed a series of roadmaps
                                                      supply issues.
     workforce and improve access to domestic                                                        for each industry. Each roadmap will build
     and global markets.                              The Queensland Government has                  our competitive strengths, diversify our
                                                      worked closely with local suppliers and        economy and create the knowledge-based
     The Queensland Government will build
                                                      manufacturers to ensure Queensland can         jobs of the future.
     on this work by encouraging our key
                                                      readily scale-up to bolster supplies of PPE
     industries to innovate and adopt new                                                            For example, the Agtech and Logistics Hub
                                                      when required.
     technology and practices that makes us                                                          in Toowoomba will focus on the growth
     globally competitive.                            On 19 May 2020, the Queensland                 of the agricultural industry through the
                                                      Government announced up to $50 million         development and adoption of innovation
     Much of this new technology and
                                                      would be redirected to help Queensland         and technology. The Hub will provide a
     innovation can be sourced from local
                                                      manufacturers make essential goods such        central place for agribusiness, start-ups,
     start-ups, entrepreneurs and researches.
                                                      as PPE, health consumables and devices.        small businesses, training providers,
     Through the Advance Queensland
     initiative a strong network of innovation        This builds on strong foundations.             researchers and the supply chain to
     has been built across the state.                 Together with industry, we are                 collaborate on solutions to industry
                                                      already implementing the Advanced              challenges.


     Creating new defence manufacturing capability in Ipswich
     In a landmark deal for Queensland, we secured the
     $5.2 billion LAND 400 Phase 2 project with Rheinmetall
     Defence Australia to deliver new Boxer Combat
     Reconnaissance Vehicles for the Australian Army.
     Rheinmetall's new $170 million Australia-New Zealand
     Headquarters and Military Vehicle Centre of Excellence
     at Redbank, Ipswich provides a foundation to realise
     opportunities far beyond this project by positioning the region
     as a gateway to the growth markets of the Asia Pacific.
     The facility will be a regional hub with an expected program of
     continuous design, build and support for up to 5000 military
     vehicles in Australia and the Asia Pacific.
     Rheinmetall expects that over 450 jobs will be created for
     Queenslanders and $1 billion will be contributed to the
     Queensland economy in the first 10 years.

28   20 AUGUST 2020

Made in Queensland -
Dobinsons Spring and Suspension

North Rockhampton manufacturer Dobinsons Spring             respond to changing customer needs and rise to
and Suspension is positioned to step up and address         supply chain challenges resulting from COVID-19.
supply chain disruptions after a grant from the             Dobinsons Spring and Suspension Director Mr Glen
Queensland Government helped them acquire                   Dobinson said the grant has helped the company get
world-leading equipment.                                    through these trying economic times and become more
In October 2019, the company received over $581,000         cost effective while expanding their product range.
through a Made in Queensland Round 2 grant towards          “We were also able to put on three new full-time
a $1.2 million project to introduce state-of-the-art cold   workers and expect to create a total of 12 new jobs
coiling processing capability.                              in the region over the next five years,” he said.
This leading-edge equipment enabled the move to
agile manufacturing, supporting product diversification
that allowed Dobinsons to quickly and effectively

                                                                                                                  20 AUGUST 2020   29
Our plan for Queensland’s future
     Priority area 4


     Our plan will drive investment in the infrastructure that
     supports our recovery, resilience and future prosperity

     Infrastructure investment is a key driver
     of economic growth and job creation–
                                                 We’ve heard the clear message from
                                                 industry: government has an important
     powering the state’s economic recovery,     role in creating an environment of          GUARANTEE
     future prosperity and resilience.           business confidence – with greater
                                                                                             The $51.8 billion Queensland Government
     It supports our industries, regions and     certainty, simplified processes, and more
                                                                                             Infrastructure guarantee provides industry
     communities to improve productivity and     collaborative arrangements.
                                                                                             with confidence to invest and sustain jobs
     encourage private sector investment.        That’s why we released the Capital          across Queensland.
                                                 Program 2020 Update, which provides
                                                                                             Our four-year infrastructure investment
                                                 industry with a clear view of the
                                                                                             program is the largest in nearly a decade
                                                 government capital program over the
                                                                                             and will sustain activity in the state’s
                                                 coming year.
                                                                                             construction sector. In 2020-21, this will
                                                                                             mean a $13.9 billion investment, directly
                                                                                             supporting around 44,000 jobs.
                                                                                             As part of our infrastructure guarantee, the
                                                                                             Queensland Government is committed to
     “Ultimately infrastructure is for people                                                fast-tracking vital infrastructure projects to
                                                                                             stimulate economic recovery and sustain

     and this plan provides a clear pathway                                                  construction sector activity
                                                                                             across Queensland.

     to a brighter future for Queenslanders.                                                 We have already started this, with
                                                                                             significant investments in new
     IAQ is proud to be working in partnership                                               schools and upgrading existing school
                                                                                             infrastructure this year and into the future.
     with the public sector to deliver enabling
     infrastructure that will strengthen                                                     WITH INDUSTRY
     business confidence, attract private                                                    The Queensland Government will partner
                                                                                             with industry to encourage private sector
     investment, and support and create jobs.”                                               investment, make better decisions on
                                                                                             infrastructure and make it easier to
                                                                                             deliver projects.
     Priscilla Radice
     CEO, Infrastructure Association of Queensland Inc (IAQ)                                 One such example is the $200 million
                                                                                             Building Acceleration Fund through which
                                                                                             the Queensland Government will partner
                                                                                             with councils, developers and industry to
                                                                                             deliver catalytic infrastructure that unlocks
                                                                                             development and enables further private
                                                                                             sector investment helping to reinvigorate
                                                                                             our economy and creating resilient, secure
                                                                                             and sustainable jobs for Queenslanders.

30   20 AUGUST 2020
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