ROAD TRANSPORT NEWS - Dedicated drivers - Road Transport Association NZ

Page created by Jim Porter
ROAD TRANSPORT NEWS - Dedicated drivers - Road Transport Association NZ
Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                June 2020


Dedicated drivers
                                     While New Zealand remained in
                                     lockdown, drivers throughout the
MEET THE NEW RTANZ COO               country kept up a steady schedule,
                                     clocking up the kilometres and
HARNESSING TECHNOLOGY                keeping the economy ticking over.

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ROAD TRANSPORT NEWS - Dedicated drivers - Road Transport Association NZ
Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                               June 2020

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Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                              June 2020

Clocking up the kilometres

TDJ Trucking’s Milk Maid carries Meadowfresh Milk between Christchurch and
Invercargill 363 days of the year.

Meet the Chief

Simon Carson has stepped into the role of Chief Operating Officer (COO) for RTANZ.
He shares his vision for the future.

A century in transport

Wairarapa’s Pinfolds Transport has serviced its community for a century. It still remains
a family-run business.

Health & Safety

The COVID-19 threat is not over yet and transport companies must still follow careful
guidelines. Safe Business Solutions details the latest requirements.

Around the regions

RTANZ Area Executives round up news and developments from around New Zealand.

Events                                                  Contact Us
The RTANZ combined seminars for Regions Two and         Website:
Three and Four and Five have been cancelled             0800 367 782
because of COVID-19.                                    Chief Operating Officer: Simon Carson,
The RTF Transport Summit in Wellington has also, 027 55 66 099
been cancelled.                                         Editor: David Killick, Communications Manager,
                                              , 027 55 44 272
August 19: Heavy Haulage Association Conference,
                                                        Administration: Victoria Higgs,
                                              , 027 365 2075
August 28: Region Two and Three AGMs—TBC                Membership Benefits Coordinator: Vicki Harris,
                                              , 027 534 3848
                                                        We welcome contributions and feedback for this

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Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                                  June 2020

Cover story

Milk Maid clocks up the kilometres
By David Killick

       he Milk Maid is a busy
       girl who leads a very
       active life. The Volvo
600 Globetrotter clocks up an
incredible 420,000km a year,
carrying Meadowfresh Milk
from Christchurch to
    To put that another way,
that’s more than 11 times
around the globe!
    She operates seven days a
week, all year, except for
Christmas Day and Easter
Friday. In two-and-a half
years, the Milk Maid clocked
up 1.2 million kilometres.
    Owner-operator John
Craigie, of TDJ Trucking, is
based in Waikouaiti, north of
Dunedin. The women’s team
—John’s wife, Marj, and fellow
                                     Marj Craigie, left, and Caz Moore, drive the Milk Maid—complete with Betty
driver Caz Moore—do the run          Boop logo—between Waikouaiti and Christchurch for TDJ Trucking. Abbie,
up to Christchurch and back,         the Bichon-Shih Tzu, looks on.
starting at about 4:30 a.m. The
men’s team—John and Wayne
Court—do the night run, to Invercargill and back, finishing at 2:00 a.m.
    John, who set up the business 10 years ago, has spent his whole career in the south
                                    apart from a stint in Australia. “I always wanted to be an
                                    owner-driver,” he says.
“ When he started the                   When he started the milk run, the annual distance
milk run, the annual                was a record. The other big challenge is the major
distance was a                      investment required to buy a truck and
record.”                            trailer.
                                        John is a big fan of Volvo. “The
                                    Volvos have been incredible trucks;
they’ve never let us down.”
    He says the Level 4 lockdown didn’t cause too many problems and all
the drivers liked the lower traffic volumes. Now, under Level 2, traffic is
getting heavier again.
   Another reason for more government investment in southern roads,

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Simon Carson says COVID-19 has shown that technology and keeping members informed are vital.

Communication with members is critical
Newly appointed RTANZ Chief Operating Officer (COO) Simon Carson discusses his role.

          ow do you see your role as the new            We will be working on strategies with the board
          COO?                                          and with the association itself through its
          Membership contact is still going to be       members—there will definitely be some change
critical. It’s not a role that is going to be entirely  seen in the future.
office-based. Regional visits are going to be             How do you think the industry has coped so
quite important to the success of this role and         far with COVID-19 and how has RTANZ been
staying in contact with key members to address                      able to help members?
issues that affect the whole                                          The industry has come out of it OK.
industry. The other thing that
                                          “We like to think the As far as I’m aware, there’s been no
I’ve attempted to do in this short                                   cases of COVID within the industry.
time is make a better                     association offers
                                                                     It’s not something that we could
connection with the Road                  peace of mind to           have prepared for and it’s
Transport Forum to make sure              members.”                  something we were dealt at very
we’re both working as two                                            short notice and adapted to. The
organisations that are on a                                         adaptability of the industry has
single page.                                            actually been commendable at all levels—from
Are there going to be major changes?                  management level right down to driver level, so
Change is inevitable; change needs to happen          we have seen a certain level of adaptability and
to keep up with what the membership wants.            innovation.

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 One issue at the start of the lockdown was a        have expired during the period right through to
 lack of toilet stops for drivers. How were you      roading. There have been some good wins that
 able to help?                                       have been achieved so that’s been beneficial.
                                                     It’s proven to us that open communication,
 It was probably a more difficult challenge than       encompassing all relevant parties, is critical
 people realize, as councils, local bodies, and      when we’re put in a position like this. It’s a good
 private entities wanted to keep their facilities    lesson learnt.
 closed. However, we did work with all of these
 entities and managed to get a good network of       The driver shortage has been a big issue. Is
 toilet and food facilities up as quickly as         this still the case?
 possible. The Road Transport Forum did a great      The driver shortage has actually fallen off the
 job as well, getting Civil Defence to recognize     radar right now and the reason is COVID-19.
 the urgency for these facilities to be opened for   Before COVID-19, the driver shortage was
 drivers. There was an updated list available        probably our number one concern. We received
 every day available on the website and              some kind of communication from members
 communicated to members through email as            most days about how they weren’t properly
 well.                                               staffed, how they were finding it hard to get
 What do you see as the main challenges              drivers, and some sectors found it harder than
 now?                                                others to get drivers. The stock sector is one
                                                     that has seen some changes over the past year
 The main challenges now will be the speed that      or two, enabling them to have a relatively good
 businesses can get back up to full operation.       driver retention program. But the COVID-19
 One of the other challenges I see is people         pandemic has released people from other
 being match fit to come back into industry.         industries—tourism’s a great example where
 Some people have been sitting at home through       they’ve made a lot of redundancies, and other
 no choice of their own for four to six weeks and    industries as well, which have enabled some of
 for them to come back into the industry and be      those people to drop back into transport, should
 expected to perform at 100 per cent is              they choose. So the driver shortage has actually
 something that is going to take some close          addressed itself over this time.
 managing from businesses.
 How can RTANZ help members?
 RTANZ will continue to help members through
 the communication channels that we have, so
 our Facebook page, our newsletter, and
                                                           Improve cashflow
 obviously we’ll start to have more face-to-face
 in the coming weeks, and also electronic means.
                                                           with regular
 There’s a lot of information going out at the             off-road refunds
 moment but it is all critical. We do try to             ####################################
 sectorize the information as it comes to hand,          ####################################
 but a lot of it does go out to the entire                 Is your money sitting with
 membership and we expect if there’s any                 ####################################
                                                           the NZ Transport Agency,
 questions or concerns, that they address those          ####################################
 with their association or their regional                  waiting for you
 representatives or head office.                             to claim it?
 You believe there needs to be a good                    ####################################
 relationship with NZTA. What are the                    ####################################
 benefits?                                                 CONTACT US NOW
                                                           0800 437 623
 NZTA as a whole have embraced COVID
 relatively well and supported the industry. We’ve       ################
 worked with NZTA as part of a driver and freight
 forum over the past six to eight weeks where we
 had representatives from different sectors
 coming together once a week to discuss the
 problems that we’re seeing—from the COFs that

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What role does technology play and how can         critical that everyone is being kept up to date.
it be harnessed?                                   We like to think the association offers peace of
                                                   mind to members. We don’t want anyone to feel
Transport’s been historically a manual industry
                                                   stranded, we want them to be informed and
where only recently people have started to adapt
                                                   supported. Right through the COVID-19
to the technology that’s available. Technology
                                                   pandemic we’ve had many non-members
comes in all shapes and forms—through
                                                   approach us for assistance, and that has shown
telematic systems for in-vehicle monitoring and
                                                   us that there really is a need out there for a
business reporting right through to
                                                   network support system, and that can be found
communication, how we get information out to
                                                   through the association. Also, there are many
members and also the speed that we get it out to
                                                   membership benefits—you’ve got buying
members. Communication is now critical. People
                                                   privileges and a network of discounts and
rely on that communication and we’ve seen that
                                                   suppliers to work with so there’s that as well. Our
through things like branch meetings, for example
                                                   commercial sponsors and associates bring a lot
—you don’t need to go to those, you don’t need
                                                   of benefits.
to go to gatherings to get the information that
maybe 10 years ago you had to do. It’s fed to      Tell us a bit more about yourself? How do you
you real time, it’s fed to you regularly, and it   like to relax?
works the other way as well—through members        Relax? I don’t even know what that is these
communicating with us we can address some of       days! I do like to get out and about with my wife,
the issues that we have seen, especially through   Helena, and my two-and-a-half-year-old German
COVID-19, at a speed we haven’t seen before.       Shepherd, Esko. I like to spend time down in the
Why else is it worth being a member of             Mackenzie Country and spend a bit of time
RTANZ?                                             fishing and tramping. I don’t get a lot of
                                                   downtime but just to sit at home with maybe a
We run a national association so we’ve got staff
                                                   glass of wine and a nice meal, watching a movie,
based all over the country. Transport is a
                                                   maybe on a Friday night with my wife is quite
complex game and people often get into
                                                   enjoyable, too.
transport without really knowing all the
complexities—like what that truck will and won’t
do, knowing how to correctly assess what RUC       Call Simon Carson on 027 55 66 099,
bands they should be paying, what weights they     0800 367 782, or email
can carry. So compliance is a huge thing that
RTANZ can assist members with. I think through
COVID-19 and the changing environment that it’s

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Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                                 June 2020


Carterton-based Pinfolds Transport has been part of the Wairarapa rural community since 1920. It has a
longstanding association with Golden Shears, the top shearing and wool-handling championship.

Pinfolds Transport celebrates 100 years

        he first of May was a special date for
        Carterton-based Pinfolds Transport,
        marking 100 years in business. However,
celebrations that were to take place at the
Carterton Rugby Club had to be postponed
due to COVID-19.
    Owners Steve and Karen Pinfold had the
venue booked, the caterers and the cake
organised, and the invitations had just arrived
back from the printers, but with COVID-19 just
starting to rear its ugly head, they decided to
postpone the celebrations. They weren’t
prepared to put people’s lives at risk, especially
with elderly people due to attend. It turned out
to be the right decision as a week later the
country was in lockdown.                           Business owners Steve and Karen Pinfold carry on
    Business manager Karen Pinfold says the        the family business.
company hopes to commemorate the occasion
later in the year. She says a special supplement       of Carterton. It was a business that carted
in the local newspaper generated a huge amount         anything and everything.
of feedback and goodwill. The company has                  Walter oversaw the transformation from horse
always been a family business and part of the          and cart to motorised vehicles. They purchased
local community.                                       their first truck, a Leyland with solid tyres. Later
    Steve’s grandfather, Walter Pinfold, founded       trucks included Leylands and Austins, which
the company after returning from World War 1           were used for everything from fertiliser spreading
when he and his brother in-law, Edgar (Ted)            to shovelling coal, carting hay and carrying
Follows, purchased Cornwell Mew, Shaw                  livestock.
Carriers & Livery Stables. The business became             Walter’s wife Molly, whom he had met and
Follows and Pinfold.                                   married in London and brought back on a troop
    Steve and Ted inherited four or five horses,       ship in 1919, was very much a part of the
carts and rigs, as well as a stable in the middle      business.

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Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                   June 2020

    Ted sold his share to Walter and in
1928 the business became W. A. R.
Pinfold—General Carrier.
    The great depression of the early
1930s was the most shattering
economic experience ever recorded.
The Government introduced five-mile
cartage restrictions, which were later
increased to 30 miles in 1936.
    Pinfold trucks and their distinctive
livery—in the colours of the New
Zealand flag after World War 2—have
been as much a part of the Wairarapa
landscape as the rolling hills that
Walter would drive over to the coast,
together with his young son Alan
    When Podge and his wife June took
over in 1954, the business became Pinfolds
Transport. The triangle around the “P” in the
business’s logo was designed by Podge to
represent the three generations of Pinfolds in the
    Alison Pinfold recalls one of everyone’s
favourite memories is June providing the drivers
with morning tea every day, brought across the
paddock from the family home next door –
scones, pikelets, sandwiches, muffins, and
currant loaf among the delicacies. It was a
tradition June inherited from Molly who
continued it for more than 57 years.
    Alison remembers that “all the workers would
materialize around the same time.”
    Another tradition was the Pinfold’s Christmas
BBQs, which were a huge affair.
    Today, the company runs a modern fleet,
including Volvos and Isuzus, and focuses solely
on livestock cartage anywhere within the lower
North Island.
    Steve and Karen, who took over Pinfolds
Transport in 2008, have kept alive the Pinfolds
philosophy of being a “family orientated
business.” [continued on Page 10]

     FROM TOP RIGHT: Company
     founder Walter Pinfold holds baby
     Alan (Podge), next to a Leyland
     truck, sometime in the 1920s;
     Pinfolds have been part of the
     Wairarapa branch of the RTA since
     1946; Wooden sheep crates in the

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Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                                June 2020

     Steve started as a driver and then
dispatcher, while his sister Alison first worked
on the family dairy farm and then in financial
administration for Pinfolds. She was later
joined by younger sister Maureen. Third sister,
Christine, also returned to work on one of the
two farms the business used to own in Chester
     Podge and June’s grandson, Scott Brady,
started as a mechanic and then became a
driver, in 2007 buying his own Kenworth and
working as an owner-driver for the company.
Grandson Alan Brady worked on the dairy
farm. Steve and Karen’s boys, Troy and Adam,
worked after school as wash boys. Troy later
became a driver and their youngest boy, Ethan
(also known as Podge), now drives for the
                                A sense of family
                            runs right through
“We’re                      the business—from
dedicated to                the Pinfold family
                            members, to its
providing a                 drivers and admin
high-quality                staff, to the farmers
service every               who are its
step of the way.” customers.
                            Many of the staff
                            have almost become       Ethan (Podge) Pinfold represents the fourth generation.
family through their long service. Warren
(Caddy) Cadwallader started in 1976 and Mike                 Steve and Karen would like to thank all the
Rzoska in 1981. Toddy started in 1988. Chuck             businesses present and past staff for being part
Hausman, 93, a driver who worked for Walter,             of the Pinfolds story, and all their loyal
still drops in and says hello to the family.             customers, agents, and staff for their support
     Getting livestock from A to B is only part of       over the years.
the job, Steve says.
     “We’re dedicated to providing a high-quality
service every step of the way so our loyal
farmers know their stock is in good hands.”

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Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                                                            June 2020

Essential information for members

       he Road Transport Forum (RTF) is the central                                for Level 3, and signed off by WorkSafe, should
       point of communication for the road freight                                 continue to be the guidance for Level 2, unless there
       transport industry on COVID-19. For details,                                are good reasons why certain practices are no longer
see:                                                                       relevant. The Centers for Disease Control and
Alert Level 2—what you need to know                                                Prevention has updated its Covid-19 advice,
                                                                                   available here.
New Zealand moved to Alert Level 2 on 14 May. The
movement of all freight is permitted at Alert Level 2,                             Other information
including the ability of business and customers to                                 The Government has a number of websites with
send, distribute and receive freight. All freight can                              information about COVID-19 and operating under
enter and leave the country.                                                       Alert Level 2. You can find business information,
On 13 May, RTF CEO Nick Leggett issued                                             including the Government support available to
this Advisory.                                                                     businesses, here.
Information is available on the Government’s                                       RUC increases for 2020
Covid-19 website here.                                                             New RUC rates will commence on 1 July, advises
From 29 May, gatherings can be held with up to 100                                 RTF technical manager Kerry Arnold.
people. When holding a gathering, play it safe—                                    “The increase is 5.3 per cent and is applied
maintain hygiene standards and meet existing                                       unilaterally across all current RUC rates. The
record-keeping requirements for contact tracing.                                   increase exacerbates the calibration issues that arose
Cabinet will review the settings of Alert Level 2 this                             from last year’s increase where only some vehicle
month.                                                                             types received an increase,” says Arnold.
Guidance and protocols                                                             The delay in posting this information is because in
                                                                                   part, the Ministry of Transport (MOT) delayed
It is important the industry maintains the high
                                                                                   notifying NZTA until mid-May 2020.
standards that have been set as there is still
                                                                                   The RUC handbook will be available closer to 1 July,
considerable     riskofofL&F
         A division       COVID-19
                             Limited having another                                             
                                                                                   once NZTA has published      it.
outbreak. The RTF guidance document developed

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RTANZ NEWS                                                                                                                             11
Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                                June 2020

Road Transport Forum

Budget sets the right priorities for NZ
By Nick Leggett
                                                        —Pathway to Success—we hope that the
                                                        Budget allocation to trades training ($1.6 billion
                                                        for a Trades and Apprenticeships Training
                                                        Package to help workplaces retain their
                                                        trainees) will have some capacity for our
                                                        industry. We have, after all, demonstrated
                                                        ourselves as a critical industry to our country’s
                                                        economy, particularly in the minds of the public.
                                                            Infrastructure is a tried and true lever to
                                                        create jobs, both as an economic stimulant and
                                                        to enhance capacity for greater productivity
                                                        over the long term. So it is not surprising to see
                                                        a further $3 billion to fund infrastructure
                                                        projects. This comes from the $50 billion the
                                                        Government has set aside in this Budget to

                                                        recover from COVID-19.
           hat a difference a year and a global
                                                            This infrastructure spend is in addition to the
           pandemic make. The 2019 Budget
                                                        previously announced $12 billion New Zealand
           delivered a $7 billion surplus, the 2020
                                                        Upgrade Programme. The Government’s
Budget, a $28 billion deficit.
                                                        Infrastructure Industry Reference Group is giving
    Quite rightly, the 2020 Budget focuses on
                                                        advice to Ministers on which projects should
jobs as we look at about 1,000 people a day
                                                        progress. As always, we advocate for spending
joining the unemployment queue. Many of these
                                                        on roads to ensure freight can move efficiently
are people who have never been unemployed,
                                                        and more safely around New Zealand to the
and have not previously experienced poverty.
                                                                              ports and airports that take it
    Some commentators have
                                                                                to our export markets.
remarked that it borrows big,
                                         “The industry will be                  Exports will be a massive
splashes the cash and hopes for
                                                                                contributor to our economic
the best, rather than delivering a       very pleased to read                   recovery.
strategy to get New Zealand out          about significantly more                   We are disappointed to
of one of the deepest economic
holes it has ever been in. You only      support    to trades                   see New Zealand First grab
                                                                                more money for rail projects
need to look at the $32 million the      training and a greater
                                                                                that don’t stack up, to the
Budget allocates to food banks to        infrastructure spend.”                 tune of $4.6 billion. KiwiRail
realise what’s ahead.
                                                                                has already ruled out two
Our net debt will be 53 percent of
                                                                               rail lines as uneconomic: the
GDP—that’s some borrowing.
                                                        Gisborne to Wairoa freight line and a passenger
    Two aspects of the job creation interest us—
                                                        line from Hokitika to Westport. We support
the industry will be very pleased to read about
                                                        spend on rail to ease city congestion and
significantly more support to trades training and
                                                        improve public transport, but there has to be a
a greater infrastructure spend.
                                                        realistic cost-benefit ratio to any future rail
    We are also pleased to see an extension of
the wage subsidy. Although, the threshold for
the further eight weeks of wage subsidy is a 50            We support this Budget’s goal to create jobs
per cent year-on-year reduction in the                  at a  time many New Zealanders are facing
business’s income, as opposed to the original           unemployment. We support training and re-
30 per cent reduction. For businesses in that           training as one path to employment and we
situation, you have to wonder about their               believe road freight transport can make a strong
viability going forward.                                contribution to this.
 As the RTF hopes to embark on a road freight            •   Nick Leggett is the CEO of the Road
transport specific training scheme later this year           Transport Forum.

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Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                            June 2020

Ask a lawyer

Seek advice before starting major change
By Amanda Douglas

                                                      Government has announced an extension to the
                                                      existing wage subsidy scheme. This will be
                                                      available from 10 June until 1 September 2020.
                                                      However, not all employers currently receiving
                                                      the subsidy will be entitled to receive the
                                                      extension. To qualify, employers must
                                                      demonstrate a 50 per cent reduction for the 30
                                                      days before an application is made, when
                                                      compared to the closest period for the previous
                                                      year. Employers receiving the extension will
                                                      remain subject to their existing obligations to
                                                      retain employees for the subsidy period, and to
                                                      pay employees 80 per cent of their ordinary
                                                      income, where reasonably possible, among
                                                      other requirements.
                                                          The extension eligibility criteria leave little

                                                      question that this phase of the scheme is
            elcome to Level 2. Following weeks of
                                                      focused on businesses affected by the enduring
            significant restriction on economic
                                                      consequences of the crisis, including those
            activity, we are now seeing more and
                                                      operating in the tourism and hospitality sectors.
more businesses reopening and economic
activity progressively resuming.                          Many businesses will continue to be affected
                                                      by this crisis, but not necessarily at the levels
     However, it would not be unjustified for us to
                                                      required to become eligible for the extension. To
say that things are certainly not as
                                                                         ensure the ongoing viability of
they were. We are operating in
                                                                         such businesses, consideration
a very different environment to           “How will employers             may need to be given about
that which we enjoyed at the
beginning of the year. There are         navigate and absorb             how operational and financial
                                                                         efficiencies may be created
still, undoubtedly, tough times          the difficult economic
                                                                         within the workforce.
ahead for many employers and             conditions?”
employees.                                                               Restructuring
     In this month’s edition, we                                            During the wage subsidy,
discuss some issues that we are seeing as                               employers  have generally been
businesses begin to consider the effect that           unable   to undertake   business  restructuring
COVID-19 is likely to have on operations over         which would see employees let go. That
the short to medium term.                             restriction is consistent with the wage subsidy’s
Wage Subsidy                                          purpose, which has been to support businesses
     Employers who have taken advantage of the        to keep people employed while many were
wage subsidy scheme received funding for the          unable to undertake work due to, or work
original 12-week period. This means that for a        volumes were affected by, the COVID-19 Alert
number of employers, the subsidy will come to         Levels.
an end in June 2020.                                      The hope is that, as we return to some
     Many will be considering what comes next.        semblance     of ordinary economic activity,
How will employers navigate and absorb the            employers will be in a position to retain their
difficult economic conditions which are widely          employees without the support of the wage
anticipated to remain well beyond the 12-week         subsidy. However, that will not be possible in all
subsidy period?                                       cases and structural changes will be necessary
                                                      for some businesses to ensure their ongoing
     On 14 May 2020, the Government released
                                                      viability in the “new normal”.
the 2020-2021 budget. As a part of this, the

RTANZ NEWS                                                                                             13
Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                         June 2020

    In order to make employees redundant or to            Our team has considerable experience in
change roles (including reducing hours and pay),      restructuring and organisational change. We are
a restructure process will be needed. There are a     on hand to assist members to navigate their
raft of options available to make savings on          obligations during this uncertain time and to
employee costs, which often form a large              assist them to achieve commercial solutions to
proportion of fixed costs.                            all employment-related matters.
    Those falling into this category need to
carefully consider their legal obligations in         Please contact Amanda Douglas, at Wynn
proposing organisational change, as well as any       Williams,
obligations that may persist as a result of the       for any inquiries. Members are able to access 15
wage subsidy scheme. It is important to review        minutes free with Wynn Williams to triage your
these matters and to get advice before
                                                      issue and to find a way forward. Please do not
embarking on a restructure process.
                                                      hesitate to get in touch to discuss your
    A robust restructuring proposal which
                                                      employment needs.
outlines sound commercial reasoning will be
key, as is the need to carry out a sound and fair
consultation process. If members are unsure
about such matters, they should seek
professional advice. Incorrectly introducing
changes may result in a business being exposed
to liability, from personal grievances, that it may
well not be able to shoulder at this time.

         Transport law
       Keeping you on the right road
                                                                  CONTACT US
     Employment | Health & Safety | Insurance | Prosecutions | +more
                 Call now for your first 15 minutes free
       South Island: 03 379 7622 | North Island: 09 300 2600

RTANZ NEWS                                                                                          14
Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                                  June 2020

Health & Safety

Physical distancing and strict hygiene protocols are still essential under Level 2.

COVID-19 is still out there. Play it safe.
Safe Business Solutions advises what businesses need to do under Alert Level 2.

        ew Zealand has been fortunate that, due to            being under various forms of strict lockdown, as
        our geography and our collective resolve to           these restrictions are lowered many countries are
        lock ourselves away and restrict our                  seeing an increase in new cases and deaths.
movements, we have been able to bring the
                                                              After New Zealand moved to Alert Level 2 on May
COVID-19 outbreak under control.
                                                              14, most businesses are getting back to work
    This has only been possible with the hard
                                                              which is great news for our economy, jobs, and
work and selfless dedication of those essential
workers and businesses who have kept our                      sanity; however, after only two days there was
exports and supply chains open and our                        already a big difference in approaches that
supermarkets shelves stocked.                                 businesses and individuals were taking to how
    If the COVID-19 virus has shown us anything,              Level 2 restrictions are applied.
particularly overseas, it is that you take the virus             In order to avoid following the rest of the world
lightly at your own peril. From an outbreak in a              with heavy casualties, massive unemployment,
city in China in January, COVID-19 has spread to              and further restrictions, we need to ensure that
every corner of the Earth. As at May 15, there                everyone in New Zealand is doing their part to
were over 4.5 million cases and the virus had                 ensure this doesn’t happen here. The best place
caused more than 300,000 deaths worldwide. Of                 to make sure that happens starts in your
further concern, and despite much of the world                workplace.

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These are the most important things you can do:        Additional access to sites and site deliveries
• COVID-19 is still out there. Play it safe.               Moving to Alert Level 2 means that more
• Keep your distance from other people in public.      businesses will be operational and will be visiting
• If you’re sick, stay home. Don’t go to work. Don’t   your site. This includes increased deliveries along
socialise.                                             with engineers, client reps, and the like.
                                                           All visitors to site must:
• If you have symptoms of cold or flu, call your
                                                       • Sign in and out using the register for contact
doctor or Healthline and get tested.
                                                       tracing purposes;
• Wash your hands. Wash your hands. Wash your
                                                       • Follow the handwashing protocols for site entry
                                                       and exit;
• Sneeze and cough into your elbow, regularly          • Follow the physical distancing protocols for the
disinfect surfaces.                                    site at all times.
• If you have been told to self-isolate you must do    Zero tolerance for any COVID-19 symptoms
so immediately.
                                                          If you or any of your team are feeling unwell or
• Keep a track of where you’ve been and who            have any COVID-19 symptoms (fever, cough,
you’ve seen.                                           shortness of breath, sneezing, or a runny nose)
COVID-19 Safety Plan                                   ensure they do not come to work or visit other
    To ensure everyone is on the same page and         workplaces.
you have considered all the COVID risks in your           If you have symptoms of cold or flu, call your
workplace, make sure you have a good COVID-19          doctor or Healthline and get tested.
Safety Plan in place that is well communicated with    Transportation protocol and travel
all workers and reviewed regularly as alert levels     arrangements
alter or other announcements are made by
                                                           When travelling for work or using a vehicle
                                                       under Level 2, limit the number of people per
    This is a new Worksafe requirement applicable
                                                       vehicle to maintain one metre spacing.
to all businesses in New Zealand.
                                                           Delivery drivers must sign in and out using the
Physical Distancing                                    register and follow the physical distancing protocols
    New direction from government states that          for the site at all times.
“people should keep their distance from people             Regional travel restrictions have been lifted and
they don’t know in public (ideally two metres), with   you can now travel around the country for work if
one metre physical distancing in other                 you follow good personal health measures.
environments unless other mitigating measures are      Contact tracing
in place.”
                                                          Have a contact tracing system in place to record
    People working together should keep one metre
                                                       everyone who you interact with on your premises
physical distancing unless other mitigating
                                                       and ensure that all drivers, reps, or other workers
measures are in place and greater separation
                                                       who are visiting other workplaces are doing the
where it is reasonably practicable to do so.
    In situations where it is believed work can only
be done safely and effectively within one metre           COVID-19 is still out there, it hasn’t been
physical distancing, find ways to manage the added     eradicated from New Zealand. The virus will remain
risks by adding additional controls such as physical   a serious threat to our health, to our businesses,
barriers, increased hygiene and cleanliness, short     and to our country until such time as it is. Be
duration of works, and wearing additional PPE.         vigilant, keep your distance and stay safe.
                                                          Kia Kaha New Zealand!
Strict hygiene protocols
    Enforce strict cleaning and hygiene protocols in   For advice or support on Health and Safety, Human
all areas of your workplace. This includes offices,    Resources, Employment, Recruitment, and
vehicles, smoko rooms, and toilets.                    Business Continuity planning matters, call the SBS
    Wash your hands, wash your hands, wash your        team on 0508 424 723.

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Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                              June 2020


EROAD Contact Tracing service ready to help

         nder Alert Level 3, there are restrictions to   telematics solution, which utilises the
         keep workers safe, limit interaction with       Ehubo hardware unit fitted into company
         customers, and help prevent the spread of       vehicles.
COVID-19. Businesses need to operate safely                  The EROAD Contact Tracing Service can
and self-assess their ability to meet these              be called on in the case of a suspected infection,
restrictions.                                            and this report can be used to help demonstrate
    Under Alert Level 2, it is not life as normal,       to authorities your capability to record whom
and there are some restrictions and other                your employees came into contact with.
measures in place to reduce the risk of                  How this on-request service works
transmission. We need to maintain physical
                                                         • Contact EROAD with your employee's details,
distancing, self-isolate anyone who is unwell,
continue hygiene standards and contact                   the vehicle(s) which they were in charge of and
registers. One area that EROAD can help you              the time period to be traced
and your business operate under Alert Level 3 is         • For each stop we provide Latitude/Longitude
by using EROAD’s GPS vehicle tracking                    location, a geocoded address, the geofence
capability.                                              name if within a geofence, and the stop duration
    If in the unfortunate circumstance one of your       • For each stop we cross reference other
drivers comes into contact with a person who             vehicles in your organisation which were stopped
has a suspected COVID-19 infection, EROAD                in the same location in order to provide a list of
can assist with wider contact tracing efforts. This      vehicles (and therefore other employees) who
is due to the GPS capabilities of the EROAD              may have been in contact

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Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                                 June 2020

• To receive this free report, contact EROAD              given time. The GPS vehicle tracking monitors
Customer Support 0800 437 623, and press 2                the location of every vehicle in your fleet. Data is
and this data will be provided to you to support          then collected and stored, encrypted, and then
your wider contact tracing efforts                        transmitted to EROAD’s central database.
EROAD’s GPS vehicle tracking capability                   EROAD’s cloud-based portal provides you with
provides instant visibility across your fleet             easy-to-understand visualisations of your fleet’s
    Knowing the location of your vehicles in real
time, and also retrospectively, provides peace of         Monitor your fleet’s productivity on one
mind and helps to keep drivers safe and                   telematics platform
businesses profitable.                                         Telematics technology provides you with an
    Your vehicles produce a huge amount of                accurate view of where your fleet is, the exact
valuable data every day. EROAD’s telematics               routes taken and how your vehicles and drivers
solution captures that data and combines it               are performing at any time.
together to provide powerful insights about your               You can also see jobs completed, which driver
fleet to help you make better, more informed,             was in the vehicle and for how long, as well as
data-based fleet                                                                 monitor stops made, and
management decisions.                                                            time spent at customer sites.
EROAD’s highly intuitive            “Knowing      the  location      of          EROAD’s telematics
platform does a lot more            your vehicles … provides                     provides you with visibility so
than simply monitor your            peace of mind and helps to                   you can schedule jobs
fleet’s GPS location and the        keep drivers safe and                        effectively based on the
distance your vehicles
                                    businesses profitable.”                      location of each vehicle in
travel. It provides                                                              your fleet. Your dispatchers
sophisticated data to help                                                       can also make constant
you make better decisions                                                       route adjustments based on
about your fleet as well as automating a range of         traffic conditions, vehicle availability, and weather
tasks to free up your staff to do other things.           conditions. You can also switch resources around
    Everything from route planning and                    to ensure deliveries reach your customers when
optimisation, driver and vehicle performance, fuel        they need to.
usage through to safety, productivity, RUC                     At the same time as improving dispatch, you
compliance, maintenance scheduling, and cost              can keep your clients informed of estimated
management can now be monitored to ensure                 arrival times, which helps build trust and
efficiencies are being achieved across all parts of       customer satisfaction along the way. In addition,
your business.                                            you can also analyse and use the data from
    In effect, it provides you with a 360-degree          completed jobs to make decisions that better
view of your entire operation and displays the            serve your customers in the future.
data in such a way that helps you make critical                EROAD’s data insights then allow you to
business decisions with a continual improvement           better allocate resources, optimise routes, reduce
mindset. You can see trends that are impacting            turn-around times, and plan schedules more
your bottom line or productivity, including visibility    accurately. This can also help lower operating
at an individual level, from a driver to a single         costs, such as fuel and labour, at the same time
vehicle or piece of equipment, to a high-level            lifting the bar when it comes to providing a high
view of your entire fleet.                                standard of customer service.
How does GPS telematics work?
    EROAD's telematics technology comprises
four key components, which all work together to
tell a story about the performance of your
vehicles. The vehicle connection captures key
data about what your vehicles are doing at any

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Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                              June 2020

Information Technology

Go paperless and let technology help
EROAD advises how members can make their business more efficient

  n this new world we find ourselves in,
  working smarter and safely has never
  been more important. Keeping your
business running smoothly and
efficiently, and at the same time
protecting staff, can be enhanced by
utilising technology.
    You can improve communication with
your drivers, the back-office staff, and
managers, all with the use of smart
technology. You can protect your drivers,
protect your time, and protect your
business by going paperless in your
vehicle’s cab.
    First, protect your drivers by reducing
the number of physical surfaces in the cab. The          depot. Information is then either typed into a
government recommends these simple but                   computer or simply put in a folder in a filing
effective steps to slow the spread of the virus:          cabinet. All this kind of duplicative effort will
                                                         vanish as soon as mobile devices replace paper
    Wash your hands often, cough or sneeze into
                                                         and all the valuable information is automatically
your elbow, and clean surfaces. You need to
                                                         stored in a single centralised system on a
clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces
and objects. COVID-19 can
remain on plastic                                                                 Protect your business by
and stainless steel surfaces         “It is  hard  to think   of               reducing  costs and creating
for up to about three days,                                                    efficient  workflows. Digital
                                     anything less efficient than records that include
and less than that for other
types of surfaces.                   a paper-based system.”                    photographs can make all
                                                                               the difference by reducing
    You can help to protect
                                                                               the time spent on maintaining
your drivers in their vehicles
                                                                              workflows. Having the right
by removing paper
                                                         information can help you to make smart
documentation in their cabs. Paper has the
                                                         decisions to boost the bottom line. Mobile
potential to come into contact with the
                                                         devices create information that is easy to
COVID-19 virus. EROAD’s paperless cab bundle
                                                         analyse and turn into best practices, allowing
removes some of this paper documentation and
                                                         you to easily spot issues and resolve problems,
replaces it with easy-to-use digital tools.
                                                         thus creating efficiencies in your business.
    Protect your time by reducing the admin
                                                             Switching to digital workflows and mobile
burden of processing paper and running Excel
                                                         devices will help to create efficiencies in your
spreadsheets. Removing paper-based and
                                                         business and help reduce costs, while
manual systems from your day will help to
                                                         generating real business insights. Don’t delay in
reduce the time you spend on admin, increase
                                                         having a safer, more productive business—go
your productivity, and reduce your lost
                                                         paperless today!
    It is hard to think of anything less efficient
than a paper-based system. For a vehicle                 Call EROAD on 0800 437 623 or go to https://
inspection, a driver fills in a form on a clipboard, to find out more
marking down everything that the sheet requires,         about EROAD’s paperless cab bundle.
and then delivers the form back to the vehicle

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Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                                       June 2020

Driver Training

Snow and ice are the obvious hazard in winter driving, but are your drivers prepared for fog, rain, sunstrike,
and high winds, too?

Tackling the risks of winter driving
Darren Cottingham describes the main dangers and what to do about them.

       here are three main risks for companies          These are all scenarios which drivers are
       that employ drivers:                          generally unprepared for as they don’t get much
                                                     practice at driving in them; they are the
       1. Compliance risk – drivers break the
                                                     scenarios that take us by surprise and can
    road rules or drive tired or distracted, so
                                                     exceed our skills to recover from them.
    they get a fine or they have
    an incident                                                         However, it is possible for
                                                                     drivers to learn how to deal with
    2. Low-speed manoeuvring “They are the                           these situations and drive within
    – bumps, scrapes and dents         scenarios that take           their abilities. The skills and
    that cause a                       us by surprise and            knowledge they require are:
    disproportionate amount of                                       • Reading the road ahead –
    cost to repair                     can exceed our
                                                                     being aware of upcoming signs
    3. Driving in difficult              skills to recover             and road markings, and potential
    situations – bad weather           from them.”                   changes in the road’s surface
    conditions that cause                                            • Braking and accelerating –
    incidents and delays.                                          staying within the limits of the
    As we’re coming into winter, bad weather                     vehicle being driven
driving becomes an issue for many in New                         • Following and stopping distances –
Zealand. We usually think of bad weather in
                                                                 understanding the dynamics of the vehicle
terms of snow and ice, but it includes torrential
                                                                 and the friction of the road in order to not
rain, slips, flooding, sunstrike, low-light, mud on
                                                                 put other road users at risk through being
the road, fog, and high winds.
                                                                 unable to stop in time

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Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                June 2020

• Cornering – understanding how different types of weather change the
  amount of grip or traction available on the road

• Route planning – knowing which parts of the route may be particularly
  challenging (for example, exposed plains where strong side winds could
  cause issues for high-sided vehicles), having a backup route

• Vehicle checks – in harsh weather, it pays to be more diligent with tyre
  pressures and fluid checks

• Emergency kit and clothing – when driving in snow, there’s always the
  chance that you may be stranded and therefore will need the right equipment
  to survive

• How to deal with an incident if it does happen
   Every panelbeater rubs their hands in glee when it’s rainy, foggy or icy
because business picks up. To avoid your vehicles becoming damaged, it’s
important to educate your drivers about the risks while driving for work in bad

   Of course, you should also make sure that your vehicle maintenance
program is adhered to and that you are not encouraging your drivers to drive in
clearly dangerous conditions.

• There is an online driving in difficult conditions course available on which covers the information drivers need to know.

• Darren Cottingham is the founder of DT Driving Tests, part of the TR Group.

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Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                                 June 2020

Membership benefits

RTANZ delivers savings and benefits

      here are many reasons why it pays to                Crombie Lockwood—exclusive insurance
      become a member of the Road Transport               package
      Association (RTANZ), says Membership                Crombie Lockwood are our preferred insurance
Benefits Coordinator Vicki Harris.                        brokers and provide yearly assessments to best
NZI is RTANZ’s preferred insurance company                evaluate your insurance needs and to assist you with a
and main sponsor                                          structured cover and policy to meet all your transport
                                                          operator insurance requirements. They offer an
NZI’s Commercial Motor division offers more than
                                                          exclusive insurance package to RTANZ members with
just insurance. They also provide a unique suite of
                                                          increased benefits.
free and subsidised services that produce
meaningful business improvements regardless of            Wynn Williams—free legal advice
your size and circumstance.                               Wynn Williams provide a specialty RTANZ legal team
Discounted fuel pricing scheme with BP, Mobil,            offering a 15-minute free telephone consultation for
Z Business, and Allied Petroleum                          employment issues, agreements, health & safety, and
                                                          policy advice across the transport sector.
Fuel is the second largest cost to your business.
RTANZ has partnerships with several fuel providers        Gibson Sheat Lawyers
to provide members with substantial fuel price            Specialist legal advice for road transport operators
discounts through the RTANZ Fuel Scheme. If you           (compliance, prosecutions, limited licences,
would like a fuel analysis done so you know if you        employment, health and safety, RUC, commercial
are getting the best price for your fuel, then Vicki is   contracts and business acquisitions).
happy to help.                                            iCOS Live—transport management software
Bridgestone—premium discounts on new and                  provider discounts
re-tread tyres                                            iCOS LIVE is an online transport management software
Tyres are the third largest cost for truck operators.     provider for logistics and freight companies. They offer
Bridgestone NZ have entered into a key supply             a discount to members of $10 a month per truck for
agreement to assist all RTANZ members to receive          those who use their online transport and logistics
premium discounts on new tyres and re-treads.             management software.

RTANZ NEWS                                                                                                   22
Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                                                   June 2020

Safe Business Solutions—free one-hour                                     investments, credit cards, transaction accounts,
consultation tailored around health and safety                            insurance, advice, and support.
SBS offer affordable and tailored health & safety and                       Area Executives—advice from the experts
human resource solutions nationwide and are the                           Our Area Executives around the country all have
biggest provider to the transport industry. They                          extensive experience in the industry and knowledge of
provide a one-hour free no obligation consultation for                    the latest rules and regulations. Our AEs are available
RTANZ members along with special pricing.                                 on the end of a phone for instant advice or just for a
n3 provide access to discounts from over 60                               friendly chat.
leading suppliers                                                         Regular communications
n3 is a business network which provides you with                          Members get regular communications such as this
exclusive savings to over 55 leading suppliers by                         newsletter or Truck and Chat, a fortnightly email round-
linking accounts or using Trade Cards. This is one of                     up of the latest news concerning the road transport
our most popular member benefits that has proven to                       industry.
save our members millions of dollars. Members can
                                                                          EROAD—sponsorship to the Road Transport
also make big savings by signing up to business
network n3 and using their n3 discount card. In 2019,
members spent $5,028,335 and saved a staggering                           EROAD produce the most advanced telematics
$2,128,752.                                                               technology products to pay RUCs, monitor your fleet,
                                                                          and support you to better manage your drivers once
Vodafone—telecommunications benefit
                                                                          they leave the yard.
Vodafone provide members with a benefit for new or
existing Vodafone accounts—one month free every
                                                                          For more information, call Vicki Harris,
time you renew your 24-month business contract.
                                                                          027 534 3848 or 0800 367 782 or email:
BNZ—financial benefit                                           
BNZ provide members with a wide range of special
deals including asset finance, personal loans,

    Get help from
    15,000 mates.
   As part of your RTANZ membership, you can pay less for the things
   your business needs, from health and safety to electrical products
   and gas.
   RTANZ has partnered with n3 for the last 7 years. Last year, Members
   saved over $2.1 million* on their business costs.
   n3 draws on the combined buying power of over 15,000 Kiwi
   businesses to negotiate exclusive terms from New Zealand’s top Suppliers. That’s
   what makes n3 different – utilising our business buying power means more
   savings to your bottom line.

   Plus, RTANZ covers your membership fee with n3 -
   you can enjoy all the benefits with no cost.

   Get started with n3 today.
   Visit or call 0508 20 30 40
   to activate your n3 membership.
   *The savings shown are based on Member spend from Apr ‘19 - Mar ‘20.

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Intertruck’s assembly plant in Mt. Maunganui keeps New Zealanders employed manufacturing quality product.

Kiwi manufacturing will rebuild economy

  t’s up to Kiwis to support local manufacturing to         “Our newly released ECAS (Electronically
  rebuild New Zealand’s economy, says national          Controlled Air suspension) is unique on second
  vehicle assembly company Intertruck.                  steer axles and provides significant ride benefits,
    Local trailer manufacturers produce over 95         twin-steer load equalisation, improves traction,
per cent of the country’s trailers, so it is clear that and offers many other benefits. During the vehicle
Kiwi manufacturing is the preferred choice, says        design and production phase, our teams work
Intertruck owner, Comer Board.                          collectively with trailer engineers so we can build
    International granted a rare                                        the truck chassis exactly how they
opportunity for Intertruck to build its                                 want it. This type of production
own assembly plant, and 16 years            “We provide many            flexibility is not offered by overseas
later, Intertruck continues to              design solutions for plants.”
provide meaningful jobs to Kiwis,
                                            Kiwi operators.”                As a 25-year-old family-owned
demonstrating it can compete                                            Kiwi business, Intertruck engages
against large overseas assembly                                         with 50 Kiwi companies to supply
plants.                                                                components, employing hundreds of
    “Our business model reaches further than            Kiwis in the manufacturing supply chain. These
being just a regular importer,” says Board. “Aside      suppliers deliver high quality at competitive
from our production facility investment, we             pricing.
provide many design solutions for Kiwi operators.           “This new era is about looking after New
Smart design innovation has positioned                  Zealand first by investing in our people,” says
International as market leaders in tare and             Board. “We encourage businesses to reset their
vehicle design for New Zealand. Our R&D                 buying patterns and to adopt the ‘Buy NZ Made’
division optimises New Zealand’s unique                 culture for trucks, as they do with trailers. We
regulations, such as having a secondary twin-           have a loyal customer following and sincerely
steer axle spacing on 8x4 tractors to legally           thank these businesses as we participate in the
achieve 27-tonne axle group weights.                    immediate rebuild of our economy.”

RTANZ NEWS                                                                                                  24
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