ROAD TRANSPORT NEWS - Road Transport Association NZ

Page created by Debbie Schwartz
ROAD TRANSPORT NEWS - Road Transport Association NZ
Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                               October 2021


Floods and severe weather are just some of the risks the road transport industry constantly faces.
                                                                               PHOTO: Laszlo Bartucz, Pixabay

Coping with disaster
SEVERE WEATHER ADVICE                                   As COVID-19 restrictions continue,
                                                        road transport businesses need a new
COVID AND RESILIENCE                                    road map. But the pandemic is only
                                                        one of many potential risks they face.
IA ARA AOTEAROA                                         How best to plan ahead?

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Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                         October 2021

                         Principal Road Transport Associa1on NZ Inc. Sponsor




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Announcing a major restructure
Ia Ara Aotearoa Transporting NZ Chief Executive Nick Leggett and RTANZ Chief
Operating Officer Simon Carson update members on changes to the industry body.

Cover story
Road transport operators need to stay sharp to cope with possible disasters on the
road that could happen at any time.

Getting a COVID test
Lawyer Amanda Douglas, of Wynn Williams, has the latest advice on COVID testing

Workplace jargon
Touching base? Reaching for the low-hanging fruit? What does it all mean? Charlaine
Barnfather unravels the buzzwords.

Around the regions
RTANZ Senior Industry Advisors round up news and developments from around New

Events                                                Contact Us
October 9: TFHBCC—Ride in a Truck Day, Hastings       Website:
Show Grounds—postponed until October 2022.            0800 367 782
November 12 Mobil 1 NZ Road Transport Hall of         Chief Operating Officer: Simon Carson,
Fame awards dinner, Bill Richardson Transport, 027 55 66 099
World, Invercargill. (lRescheduled from September     Editor: David Killick, Communications Manager,
24.)                                        , 027 55 44 272
November 27: Eastland Truck Show & Shine,             Administration: Victoria Higgs,
Gisborne Show Grounds—cancelled             , 027 365 2075
February 20: The Great Wellington Truck & Transport   Membership Benefits Coordinator: Vicki Harris,
Show, Trentham Memorial Park, Upper Hutt    , 027 534 3848
                                                      We welcome contributions and feedback for this

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Send us your best trucking picture and be in to win!

  t has been a rough 18 months for transport businesses across New Zealand, and to show RTANZ
  support we will be running a best truck picture competition this month.

  Whether it’s your best truck, or an action shot of your drivers as they go about their day-to-day
essential work, send your photos in to us along with a few words and go in the draw to win a loaded
prize pack courtesy of RTANZ commercial partner Mobilcard.

All pictures will go into the draw to win.

To enter send your name, mobile number, picture, and a few words to, with
“RTANZ Truck Picture Competition” in the subject line.

Winners will be drawn on October 22.

Your company’s truck picture will be published in this e-magazine in November and on the RTANZ
website and social media pages.

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Transporting NZ—a new name and structure

  a Ara Aotearoa Transporting
  New Zealand (formerly the
  Road Transport Forum) has
announced changes to its
    Transporting New Zealand
chief executive Nick Leggett
says the regional associations
National Road Carriers (NRC),
based in Auckland, and NZ
Trucking Association, based in
Christchurch, will no longer be
represented by the national
    “Transporting New Zealand
had five members and now
there are four,” Leggett says.
“Road Transport Association
New Zealand (RTANZ) is made          Ia Ara Aotearoa Transporting New Zealand chief executive Nick Leggett
up of four regional groups           says the new organisation remains committed to getting the best possible
giving nationwide                    results for the road freight transport industry.
representation to members
and holding five spots on the
Transporting New Zealand Board.                              the advocacy work of Transporting New Zealand.
    “NRC and NZ Trucking are part of one                     They proposed a new structure to OCANZ
organisation, Owner Carriers Association of New              members NRC and NZ Trucking.
Zealand (OCANZ), which held four spots on the                   “In the end, those two organisations have
Transporting New Zealand board. These board                  decided to stick to their local areas and that
positions have relinquished as part of OCANZ’s               presents an opportunity to refresh how services
desire to go its own way.                                                           and advocacy are delivered
    “Transporting New                                                               to the rest of the road freight
Zealand remains the national       “Transporting New Zealand                        transport industry, via
organisation in Wellington,       remains the national                              RTANZ and Transporting
representing the bulk of the      organisation in Wellington,                       New Zealand.
industry by meeting with                                                                “We expect an interim
government officials and            representing          the   bulk    of the        board will be set up to
elected representatives in        industry.”                                        determine the details of our
Parliament and advocating         —Nick Leggett, CEO                                future direction and we
for the best results as rules,                                                      remain committed to getting
regulations and laws that                                                           the best possible results for
affect road freight transport are developed and               the road freight transport industry, which faces
put into practice.                                           many challenges right now, and in the months
    “Transporting New Zealand also holds the                 and years ahead as New Zealand grapples with
ownership of Te ara ki tua Road to success and               both Covid-19 and disruption in the global
will continue operating this essential industry              supply chain,” Leggett says.
traineeship in partnership with the government.
    “As a national organisation, the RTANZ board
were conscious of a desire from the road freight
industry to have one voice and to avoid
duplication between the three associations and

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Pert resigns from National Road Carriers Association

        igh profile road transport industry leader
        and Director of Tranzliquid, Greg Pert, has
        resigned his membership of the National
Road Carriers Association.
    This move is part of a wider split within the
road transport industry, with NZ Trucking
Association and National Road Carriers breaking
away from the industry national voice, Ia Ara
Aotearoa Transporting NZ (formerly known as the
Road Transport Forum).
    Pert will be joining Transporting NZ as a full
member, as it refashions itself into a national
organisation, working with the Road Transport
                                                       Former RTF board chairman and National Road
Association. It is understood that merger talks
                                                       Carriers Association member Greg Pert will be joining
are underway.                                          Transporting NZ as a full member.
    Pert chaired the RTF Board until recently,
when he was removed by National Road Carriers
                                                      transport operators to join a new national
as a board member to RTF because of his belief
                                                      organisation that will have the ear of government
in one united industry organisation.
                                                      and officials.”
    “I really believe in this industry, so to get the
                                                          Pert has said that it is unlikely most NRC
best deal for trucking operators, we strongly
                                                                            members would have been
need one organisation, not
                                                                            adequately consulted
four. It’s a duplication of
                                      “To get the best deal for             regarding the proposal that
effort, unstable
                                      trucking operators, we                was offered and rejected by
competitiveness and a
                                                                            their board for one national
financial cost to members,            strongly need one                     management structure.
which dilutes the overall             organisation, not four.”              Similarly, they may be taken
value to the transport
                                                                            by surprise by the fact that
industry. We lose so much
                                                                           the resources and efforts of Ia
because of the predominate voices of some
                                                      Ara Aotearoa Transporting NZ may no longer be
industry members that are stalled by an old way
                                                      at their disposal as members of NRC.
of thinking—the world is changing rapidly and we
                                                          NRC has had reasonable disruption recently
need to get ahead of the times,” Pert said.
                                                      with some board members being replaced at the
    “The successful advocacy to government and
                                                      recent AGM or resigning, along with a high staff
in the media secured by Transporting NZ over
                                                      turnover in the last year, including the departure
many years, can now be combined with a top-
                                                      of long-term CEO, David Aitken.
notch membership offering and fresh leadership.
I am excited to be part of that and invite all

AutoSense seminars scheduled for October
Seminars have already taken place in Christchurch,     You can register at
Dunedin, Auckland, and Hamilton. Events are            More information:
scheduled for the following locations:       
October 19: Wellington;                      
October 21: Palmerston North

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Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                         October 2021


New name better reflects nature of industry
By David Killick, Communications and Media Manager

  a Ara Aotearoa Transporting New Zealand is              The word “Ia” is also translated as a vessel or
  the new name for the Road Transport Forum,          vein, likening the transporter or vehicles used to
  and RTANZ is delighted to be part of it.            transport the “goods” across Aotearoa to the
    The name change was announced last month          very important role of the veins of a human
by Ia Ara Aotearoa Transporting New Zealand           body, which are used to transport what is
Chief Executive Nick Leggett, who says it better      needed for us to survive. ‘“Ia” can also mean to
reflects road freight transport’s vital role in the   flow, like the flow of movement of a river likening
New Zealand economy.                                  this to the flow of freight being moved around
    “The new name and logo better embrace the         the country.
mood and culture in Aotearoa New Zealand                  Unfortunately, the new name sparked a
today,” Leggett says.                                 backlash from some in the industry, with staff
    “The Ia Ara Aotearoa                                                   members being subjected to
Transporting New Zealand                                                    racist and offensive abuse via
logo has been designed as a         “RTANZ welcomes                         emails and social media. Nick
modern, dynamic brand               working more closely with               Leggett expressed his
reflecting the role of the road                                             disappointment at that
freight transport industry. The     Ia Ara Aotearoa                         reaction and called for a
arrows represent the North          Transporting    New                     “return to manners” and a
and South Islands and the           Zealand.”                               rejection of “outdated cultural
vital road links that the                                                   attitudes” that would only
industry provides for the                                                  serve to turn people off joining
economy and commerce in New Zealand…                  the industry.
    “The name conveys what the industry does              In this issue, RTANZ Chief Operating Officer
for the public and business in Aotearoa New           Simon Carson calls out “a shocking racial,
Zealand – transporting their goods, to their door,    bigoted, and mostly misinformed view” and says
when they need them; or their food, medicines         “RTANZ is also committed to nil tolerance of any
and other essentials to the stores they shop at,      racial slur and the undermining of any culture
so it is always there when they want it.              that we share our country with.”
    Ia Ara Aotearoa can be translated as “each            On a positive note, RTANZ welcomes working
and every road of Aotearoa”—claiming that             more closely with Ia Ara Aotearoa Transporting
every road that etches the land across our            New Zealand. We’ll also be looking at enhancing
country will be driven on by one of the freight       our communications strategy and ways of better
vehicles of Transporting New Zealand—Ia Ara           supporting Maori values and identity and
Aotearoa.                                             encouraging greater cultural awareness.

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Chief Operating Officer

Association is committed to new brand
By Simon Carson

                                                      “RTANZ is also committed to nil
                                                      tolerance of any racial slur and
                                                      the undermining of any culture
                                                      that we share our country with.”

       he recent announcement relating to the         gauge the performance of the association as
       rebranding of the Road Transport Forum         well as the Road Transport Forum. The
       to Ia Ara Aotearoa Transporting New            information that we sought and received back
Zealand was met with various comments from a          will be of interest to most.
mixed audience, most showing a shocking                   “Seventy per cent of members felt their
racial, bigoted, and mostly misinformed view of       connection to RTF was not strong enough and
the rebrand that had taken place. Social media        wanted to see improvement; 94 per cent of
can be a valuable tool to get messages out            members wanted RTANZ and RTF to work closer
quickly to the wider audience, but it can also        together under a single voice; and 85%
give individuals licence to be hurtful which we       supported in principle a proposal for RTF to
saw in spades over a two-week period in late
                                                      manage RTANZ to lift the performance of both
    Road Transport staff received hundreds of
                                                          The rebranding of RTF to Ia Ara Aotearoa
comments that were not just inappropriate and
                                                      Transporting New Zealand was the first part in
misguided, but also incorrect. It was not RTANZ
                                                      this process, and it was driven by members of
that had rebranded, but still, people seemed to
                                                      the association reinforcing to us what it was they
think it was OK to take out their anger and
                                                      had been asking for over a period of time.
frustration on us during what was already a
challenging time as most of the country               Border testing continues
experienced the lasting effects of the latest              Testing people crossing between lockdown
lockdown. RTANZ is committed to supporting            borders continues and the statistics being
the rebrand as it illustrates, as the first part of   received indicate the compliance rate has risen
the process, the organisation better aligning and     to around 90 per cent as of September 19,
advocating for the sector. RTANZ is also              higher that the 85 per cent that we saw on the
committed to nil tolerance of any racial slur and     first day of compliance checking only two days
the undermining of any culture that we share our      prior. A shout out to industry recognising your
country with. In March 2020, shortly after the        efforts to do the right thing keeping drivers
Christchurch terrorist attacks, our nation            checked twice a week using the supplied saliva
became united with cultural messages that we          kit. RTANZ received around 1,500 kits the same
saw everywhere we went, “We are one, and Kia          day as they became available and most of these
Kaha, stay strong New Zealand.” Some people           were distributed to members inside the first 24
can have very short memories.                         hours. Thanks needs to go to Asia Pacific Health
    In 2020, RTANZ released a survey to every         Group, its people, and its labs across New Zea-
member of the association, its purpose being to       land for giving RTANZ priority access to test kits.

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Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                 October 2021

   We understand there is still a level of
sensitivity we are hearing from some relating to
COVID-19. RTANZ staff continue to service the
membership and offer to meet mostly via Zoom
until it is safe for face-to-face meetings to
resume once again under the freedom we
anxiously await. It is pleasing for me to inform
members that all RTANZ staff have been
vaccinated, for their own safety as well as the
safety of others.

• Call Simon Carson on 027 55 66
  099, or email:

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Road Transport Forum

We don’t want to end up running on empty
By Nick Leggett, Ia Ara Aotearoa Transporting NZ chief executive

                                                      “Watch and learn New Zealand,
                                                      this could be us before long.”

  n Britain, we have watched mayhem at the                But when you cross your friends off the list,
  petrol pumps as they ran out of fuel due to a       and then try and say you didn’t mean to, well,
  shortage of truck drivers. Watch and learn New      no one is buying that either.
Zealand, this could be us before long.                    Edwin Atema, of the Dutch FNV union,
    There are a number of lessons to learn from       which represents truck drivers in the
the situation in Britain. It is not just a shortage   Netherlands, told the Brits in no uncertain
of fuel they face, there are empty shop shelves       terms what EU drivers think of them and their
everywhere, including in supermarkets.                temporary work visas.
Christmas is looking bleak. People are getting            He stunned the conservative listeners of
angry and violent. The army are standing by.          BBC Radio 4 by swearing live on air. He made
    That’s what happens when you think it is a        it clear that there are major issues with the
good idea to separate yourself from your              freight haulage industry throughout Europe, but
closest friends—as per Brexit—and you have a          also warned Britain that “the EU workers we
shortage of 100,000 truck drivers (as estimated       speak to will not go to the UK for a short-term
by the UK’s Road Haulage Association).                visa to help UK out of the sh*t they created
    Also, when the government says “don’t             themselves.”
panic”, well, everyone is going to panic. No              Pre-Brexit, most of the truck drivers in
one believed there was enough fuel to go              Britain were from elsewhere in Europe and a lot
around and panic buying ensued, resulting in          of them went home because of both the
queues, frayed tempers, and disappointment.           pandemic, and Brexit. So there just aren’t
    Worker shortages are a growing problem in         enough people to drive the trucks that
Britain, which has a record 1 million job             distribute the fuel across Britain.
vacancies. The shortage of truck drivers has              According to the Petrol Retailers
been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic             Association, which represents about 60 per
and Brexit, which resulted in tens of thousands       cent of the UK’s fuel sellers, between 50 and
of EU nationals leaving trucking jobs and other       90 per cent of pumps ran dry in some areas.
occupations in the United Kingdom.                        So where are the similarities and what do
    Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s government         we need to watch for? We already have a
has announced a series of emergency                   shortage of truck drivers. We are a small island
measures to address the fuel crisis, including        nation reliant on trade that has shut ourselves
issuing temporary work visas for 5,000 foreign        off from the world for 20 months and counting,
truck drivers and suspending competition law          with no end in sight.
to allow suppliers to deliver fuel to rival               Business experts interviewed on RNZ this
operators.                                            week said our closed borders have become a

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problem and the rest of
the world is bemused by
our stance as other
countries open up.
    Business people
report their customers
referring to New Zealand
as a “totalitarian state”.
The workers they have
sent offshore because
they cannot travel back
and forth have customers
joking that if they go
home, they have to “go
into prison”. And the
tales of the many flaws in    A truck driver shortage, compounded by Brexit, has led to a fuel crisis in Britain
our MIQ system flood          with many petrol stations being closed.
media and social media.
    Business people say
small businesses are likely                               path. For these reasons we started up our Te ara
to move offshore, at least to Australia, which will        ki tua Road to success traineeship this year. It’s
be open by December.                                      going well and some quality people have
    It won’t be just businesses moving offshore.           entered the industry via this traineeship. We
There are driver shortages everywhere and after           need to retain them and offer them that
a couple of years of being locked up, the                 rewarding career. But we can’t do that on our
pastures will be looking greener for our truck            own.
drivers anywhere but here. If the Brits were                  The government needs to be clear with
smart, they’d be looking here to recruit drivers,         business what their plan is to open up New
not in the EU where their cold shoulder is being          Zealand so freight and people can flow in and
returned in double.                                       out, and so we don’t have a country running on
    To keep our drivers and recruit new ones, we          empty.
need to offer inclusive workplaces, good
conditions, support and mentoring, and a career

Essential information

 a Ara Aotearoa Transporting New Zealand is the central point of communication for the
 road freight transport industry. Visit the Transporting New Zealand website here to keep
 up to date on media releases, Nick’s blog, submissions, and advisories.
General information
The COVID-19 website: has general information including
Government support available to businesses.
Transporting New Zealand has a dedicated page covering all information on COVID-19
relevant to road transport, including the latest advice and links.
WorkSafe—COVID-19 safety plan
WorkSafe has developed a template to help develop a COVID-19 safety plan, which you
can find here.

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Cover story

During a flood, drivers drive on the crown of the road, away from the edges which are lower and may have
experienced washouts or other damage.                                           Photo: Laszlo Bartucz, Pixabay

Plan ahead to minimize risks on the roads
By Darren Cottingham

          hile we’ve come out of winter and we        example, high winds are a problem in exposed
          are over the worst of the bad weather,      areas, cold temperatures are a problem at
          according to climate scientists, we         higher altitudes, flooding can be a problem
should expect to see more weather extremes—           nearer rivers and in low-lying land, and landslips
flooding, high winds, heatwaves and more. Add         can be a problem on roads cut into valleys and
to that the ever-present threat of a serious          hills.
earthquake in certain parts of the country, and           If you are venturing out, someone else
you’ll see the need for                                                       should know your route
drivers to be prepared for                                                    and expected arrival time.
a wide variety of
                               “A bit of planning dramatically                You can use route
scenarios.                     reduces     the  risk a driver    will         planning software such as
                               get caught out on the road.”                   Google Maps, but if you
    What can you do to
                                                                              change the route, then let
reduce the risks if you’re
                                                                              other people know.
a driver or if you manage
                                                          Understand the communication options
drivers? Proper planning and checking means
                                                      between driver and dispatcher and agree a plan
you can avoid most of the risks of driving in
                                                      in case of a disruption. Dispatchers and drivers
challenging situations.
                                                      should work together to solve these problems.
Before you go                                         This plan should be kept in the glovebox and
    Road closures and hazards can be found on         also with the dispatcher. It will include backup
Waka Kotahi’s Journey Planner. When planning          options for routes, what to do in an emergency
your route, you may be able to choose                 and communicating with clients to address their
alternative roads that avoid risky areas. For         expectations around delayed deliveries.

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CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: Snow on SH1 the Desert Road can often close the road, even when it is not
winter; Floods wash away part of SH6 through the Buller Gorge in July; High winds topple a truck on the Auckland
Harbour Bridge; Sunstrike is a hazard through the year.

Ensure that you have emergency contacts easily             straight road, drive through a flood at slow
accessible in your cab so that you can deal with           speed on the crown of the road (i.e. straddling
mechanical breakdowns quickly.                             the white line) as this is the highest point of the
   Listen to chatter on the RT from other drivers          road. On a bend, drive around the outside of the
reporting conditions ahead.                                curve as this tends to be the highest point.
   Don’t ignore signs saying roads are closed or           There is more likely to be damage and washouts
impassable.                                                at the edge of the road, which is another reason
   Checking the weather forecast is the quickest           to avoid it.
way to understand the main risks for the day. An               To avoid landslips, you must be able to stop
app on your phone is a good way of checking                in the distance of clear road you can see in front
any potential issues ahead while you’re on your            of you (if the road has lanes). This is a legal
break. Look for high winds—if you’re looking at            requirement in the Road Code.
a weather map, the isobars will be close                       Temperature extremes will affect the road
together. High winds can blow a high-sided                 surface and your freight. Anything lower than 3
vehicle over, as we saw on Auckland’s Harbour              degrees Celsius could mean ice, especially on
Bridge in September 2020.                                  bridges and in shaded corners the morning after
Drive for conditions                                       a frost. Drivers should ensure they have enough
                                                           fuel and warm clothes in case they get stranded.
    Look for heavy rain that could cause flash                 Temperatures into the 30s and higher could
floods and landslips. Do not try to drive through          cause issues with chilled freight and livestock,
floodwaters that are moving as they can sweep              dehydration for the driver, and tar bleed that
your vehicle away. If you need to get through              makes roads slippery.
standing floodwaters, get a long pole for                      You can always turn back if the situation
balance and walk through it first, making sure             deteriorates. If you get stuck, emergency
you know where the road is at all times. On a              services might not be able to get to you.

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Get an emergency kit
    Prepared drivers have an
emergency kit. The contents may
vary throughout the year and will,
to some extent, be influenced by
where you drive and when. For
example, a snow shovel won’t be
needed in Northland, but it might
be on Desert Road. Common
contents of an emergency kit when
travelling in challenging conditions
are additional fluids, fuel line de-
icer, a blanket, gloves, torch,
snacks, warning flares or
emergency lights, towing strop,
tyre chains, ice scraper, traction
mats and a personal locator                 Storm force winds bring down trees and cut power in Canterbury in
beacon (important if you’re working September. Strong winds often affect New Zealand in spring but are a
alone remotely).                            risk any time of year.
    Warm clothing is essential if you
are travelling at high altitude or in                            If you are driving and an earthquake
cold weather. In winter, sunstrike is a big                  happens, be aware of the tsunami risk if you are
problem, so good sunglasses that are not                     on a coastal road. will have
scratched should be kept close to hand.                      earthquake information.
    A basic tool set, a first aid kit and a way of               After a natural disaster, there may be fewer
keeping your cellphone charged are important.                services en route, such as toilets, fuel stops and
    If you are getting in and out of your cab in             places to eat. Fences may have been damaged
wet conditions, a towel to clean and dry your                and livestock could be on the road.
shoes is a must otherwise you’re simply making                   There are many ways drivers have to deal
your mats a mess.                                            with the dangers of bad weather, earthquakes
After a disaster                                             and other emergencies. A bit of planning
    After earthquakes and flooding, the road’s               dramatically reduces the risk a driver will get
surface is likely to be degraded. Understanding              caught out on the road, and minimizes the
whether your route is passable is your priority.             chance of the truck or the load being damaged.
Roads may have huge potholes, even deeper
                                                             • Darren Cottingham is the General Manager of
sink holes, large cracks and large lifted sections.
Your pre-trip inspection of tyres and suspension               DT Driver Training (
becomes even more important because correct
inflation pressures and ensuring that the
suspension works will help reduce damage to
your truck and its load.

                                 Latest information on roads and weather
                                 • For the latest on road conditions and to plan your journey, see Waka
                                 Kotahi’s travel and traffic information.
                                 • For severe weather advisories, see Met Service weather warnings.
                                 • Met Service rain radars and forecasts provide real-time information
                                 and help to plan ahead.

                                 LEFT: Check real-time information using Met Service’s weather radar.

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Ask a lawyer

The latest on COVID testing requirements
By Amanda Douglas

                                                   workers are not required to stand down or stay
                                                   at home while awaiting their results. Proof of
                                                   their test must be provided, in addition to
                                                   permission to travel documentation, which
                                                   includes their Business Travel Document that all
                                                   workers must carry to travel in and out of
                                                   Auckland. Otherwise, there is a chance that they
                                                   will be turned around at the border. As well as
                                                   ensuring that employees are tested and have
                                                   travel documentation, employers must also
                                                   ensure that they minimise the public health risks
                                                   to anyone travelling as much as possible and
                                                   have systems to ensure that the least number of
                                                   workers needing to travel do so.
                                                   Can an employee request a saliva test
                                                   instead of a nasal test?

           hat does the recent COVID-19                Yes. Although nasal testing is still the most
           Public Health Response (Required        common type of testing in New Zealand, saliva
           Testing) Amendment Order 2021           testing is now an option for permitted workers
                                                   who must receive a test within seven days of
mean for employers?
                                                   travel across Alert Level boundaries.
   From 11:59pm on September 16, permitted             If you have an employee who is reluctant to
workers who are crossing                                                 receive a nasal test, you
Alert Level boundaries                                                     should suggest saliva
must carry proof of              “Employers are responsible                testing to them to ensure
receiving a COVID-19 test                                                  they receive a test before
within the last seven days,      for enabling their employees              crossing any Alert Level
whether they have                to be tested and need to have boundaries.
symptoms or not.                 a process in place for that.”                 Saliva testing is self-
Permitted workers include                                                  administered and provides
truck drivers, as well as                                                  flexibility as to when and
other workers who need to cross Alert Level        where the test can be done. If an employee asks
boundaries to work at a permitted business.        about saliva testing, inform them that saliva
   Employers are responsible for enabling their    samples can be taken using a Saliva Sample Kit
employees to be tested and need to have a          and taken to collection drop-off boxes at
process in place for that. Employers should let    multiple collection sites (within 12 hours of
staff know that they can have the test done         taking the sample).
during working hours, that there is no cost            The following website provides detailed
involved, and they can get tested at a             instructions on how to complete the following
community testing centre or at their local GP. If  steps:
they require information on where to find a        1. Register and download the App
testing site, direct them to the Healthpoint       2. Get a Test Kit
                                                   3. Provide a Saliva Sample
   Current government instructions state that
affected workers do not have to wait for their      4. Drop off Saliva Kit
test results, they just have to provide evidence   5. Results will become available via the App
that they have had the test. This is because the       It is important that employers inform workers
new mandate is “surveillance testing”, meaning     that saliva testing is done as part of the Saliva

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Testing Programme and consists of two tests, at    not impact any other person in the workplace.
least two days apart, and must be done every       Customs and the Authority disagreed and stated
seven days. Therefore, it is a longer process      that an employee has a duty to take reasonable
than nasal testing and is not recommended if       care that his or her acts or omissions do not
they have a quick turnaround period.               adversely affect the health and safety of other
Is it true that the Employment Relations           persons.
Authority (ERA) upheld a decision to dismiss           Workplaces that are not subject to
                                                   government orders regarding vaccination need
an employee for refusing to be vaccinated?
                                                   to take a more cautious approach. There are
Does that mean I can require this now?
                                                   clear steps that an employer would need to take
    Yes, the ERA did uphold a decision to          to require its workers to be vaccinated, so get
dismiss for not getting a vaccination, but it      advice on those steps before attempting to
cannot necessarily be applied to all workplaces.   introduce any such requirement.
This case has limited applications as the
employee was an unvaccinated border worker,        • If you are a member of RTANZ and have an
subject to the government vaccination order,         employment, health and safety related or other
which at this stage only applies to border and       legal question, please submit it to Amanda
related workers. The ERA found that Customs          Douglas at Wynn Williams
New Zealand was justified in dismissing an  with the
unvaccinated border worker as Customs had            subject line: RTANZ Ask a Lawyer. Feel free to
undertaken the appropriate health and safety
                                                     also make use of Wynn Williams’ Legal
risk assessments and had every right to
                                                     Helpline, in which the first 15 minutes is free
determine the position could only be safely
undertaken by a vaccinated worker. (GF v New         for RTANZ members, by calling Amanda on
Zealand Customs Service [2021] NZERA 382.)           (03) 379 7622.
The employee argued her right to refuse medical
treatment under the New Zealand Bill of Rights
Act 1990 and said her stance on vaccination did


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Health & Safety

Expect the unexpected—be prepared
By Rob Thomson, Health & Safety Consultant, SBS

                                  n a little over 10       business. These risks could include anything
                                  years, New               from building damage resulting from an
                                  Zealand has              earthquake to a major IT disruption or
                                experienced three          disruptions as a result of a failure by an
                                major earthquakes,         important supplier. By knowing what you could
                                two terrorist              potentially face, you can begin to take steps to
                                attacks, an eruption
                                                           prevent or mitigate the risk.
                                on Whakaari White
                                                               A robust plan will also use your business
                                Island, significant
                                floods, cyber-             impact   analysis to reveal the possible
                                attacks, and a             consequences       of disruption on your business.
                                global pandemic            This  will enable   you to anticipate its cost, the
                               which continues to          effect it could have on essential business
invade our shores. These events have been                  functions and the time needed to recover.
costly to people’s lives, their health and well-           Planning an effective response
being, and to our communities and businesses.
    Due to our geographic location sitting on top              Once you have an awareness of the type of
of a major tectonic plate boundary between the             risks and threats your business may be
Pacific and Australian plates, New Zealand is              vulnerable    to, you can begin to form an effective
exposed to a number of natural events with a               plan.
relatively high probability of these occurring in              A comprehensive BCP will take each risk
our lifetime. Natural event exposures include              identified  in the business impact analysis and
earthquakes along the                                                               develop an appropriate
Alpine Fault or Wellington                                                          response strategy to either
Fault, earthquakes or              “We      need   to ensure     we                 minimise it or prevent it
                                                                                    altogether. These detailed
tsunami along the Hikurangi        have robust plans in place                       plans will describe the
Subduction Zones (off the
East Coast of the North            to   manage       critical events                action needed and outline
Island), volcanic activity on      when they happen.”                               who needs to be involved
Mt Taranaki, Taupo Volcanic                                                         to implement it. Timeframes
Zone, Auckland Volcanic                                                             and  resources, such as
Zone, or increased likelihood of significant               laptops,   alternative  warehouse    space ,and
weather events due to climate change to name a             mobile phones, should also be laid out to ensure
few.                                                       a quick and relevant response.
    One of the learnings from recent events and            Roles and responsibilities
research from our science community suggests                   For a crisis or disruption to be managed
these significant events are likely to continue            confidently, the key people in your business
occurring in the future. As individuals and                need to know their roles and responsibilities. A
business owners, we need to ensure we have                 BCP will therefore document which key
robust plans in place to manage critical events            personnel need to be involved in the response to
when they happen.                                          the disruption. This will typically be more senior
    Ensuring your business has a comprehensive             staff members, but this depends on your
Business Continuity Plan (BCP) including                   business and the type of risk you are dealing
Disaster Recovery and Critical Event Plan                  with.
should be an essential part of your business.                  Once these people have been identified, their
This should include the following:                         roles and actions need to be clearly defined so
Risks and potential business impact                        they can react quickly and efficiently. The
    Any BCP should be based on a business                  resources they need following a disruption
impact analysis, which identifies potential risks          should also be clearly stated so that they can be
and vulnerabilities both within and outside the            prioritised ahead of the rest of the team.

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For instance, if a remote office needs to be set        be put into action. To check this, the final key
up following a disruption, critical personnel will    component of a BCP is testing and exercising.
need to be prioritised when it comes to                   Realistic scenarios can be used to test the
allocating resources such as laptops, vehicles,       plan and your team’s response. By doing so, you
and equipment.                                        can identify room for improvement and take
Communication                                         action to improve the plan before a real
                                                      disruption occurs. Testing and exercising BCPs
    Clear communication is vital during business
                                                      also helps to ensure that key personnel
disruptions. Effective communication across
                                                      understand the plan and their role in it. This
your business can reassure team members and
                                                      means that the company can respond quickly
give them confidence that the organisation is
                                                      and efficiently when a disruption occurs.
taking effective steps to respond and recover.
                                                          Raising awareness of the BCP among your
Outside of your company, good communication
                                                      wider staff will also help them to understand
is also necessary in order to liaise with suppliers
                                                      their role in responding to disruptions. Many
and customers and minimise dissatisfaction.
                                                      companies run regular awareness training
    To prepare for this, a BCP would normally
                                                      sessions and include business continuity as a
include a list of key contacts as well as
                                                      key topic during new staff inductions. This
templated press releases and social media
                                                      training can then improve the resilience of the
posts. Having these in place in advance can
                                                      company overall.
speed up communication in a crisis and ensure
that both your team and external contacts are         • For guidance in preparing a tailored Business
kept up to speed. In larger organisations, it may       Continuity Plan for your company (regardless
be necessary to have a separate communication           of the industry you are in), contact Safe
plan that provides a comprehensive approach to          Business Solutions (SBS) on 0508 424 723.
communication during a crisis.
Testing and training
   Business Continuity Plans are not just
theoretical—they need to be robust enough to


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MyEROAD technology gives the full picture
by Courtney Ayre

      ROAD has integrated
      Seeing Machines’
      Guardian safety
technology into MyEROAD, to
provide operators with a
single interface for managing
video telematics.
The full picture. In one
    Seeing Machines’
Guardian technology is world
leading and utilises face and
eye tracking algorithms to
detect fatigue and distraction,
allowing proactive
intervention before a risky
driving incident
occurs. Guardian has seen
expanding global penetration
                                    EROAD has integrated Seeing Machines’ Guardian safety technology into
into long haul and heavy
                                    MyEROAD, providing operators with a single interface.
transport fleets. Fleet
operators in more than 26
countries have chosen to install Guardian in their       proactive intervention, before an incident caused
commercial vehicles, to protect drivers and their        by fatigue or distraction happens. It is the most
assets.                                                  advanced safety technology available for
    With 80 per cent of all Heavy Transport ERUC         commercial fleets. It is also a significant
(Electronic Road User Charges) in New Zealand            investment for a business, and many fleet
being purchased through                                                           managers choose to install it
EROAD, we have witnessed                                                           only in the highest risk
the growing adoption of           “By making it easier to see,                     vehicles. Installing it across
Guardian by this industry.                                                         entire fleets, including light
                                  users have a greater ability to                  vehicles, can sometimes be
Until now, detailed video
and event data from               understand       the risks.”                     viewed as a big challenge.
Guardian and fleet data and                                                           The MyEROAD Seeing
tracking from EROAD                                                                Machines Video Integration
technology was only available across two                 allows  operators   the  chance    to choose the right
separate platforms.                                      hardware,   for the  right vehicle.  Operators looking
    This integration delivers simplicity of access       to embrace    video   telematics,   and its benefits,
for customers, allowing users of both                    can install EROAD’s Clarity Dashcam across the
technologies to prioritise actionable insights from      remainder of their fleet as an affordable solution.
data, visible in one location. By making it easier       Regardless of what hardware is in which vehicle,
to see, users have a greater ability to understand       operators will be able to view all video events
the risks associated with their fleet and coach          together in their MyEROAD Replay.
drivers and work towards safer and more                      “Our customers have been asking for this
sustainable outcomes.                                    integration for years and we can now deliver on
                                                         this for them,” says EROAD general manger
Coverage across an entire fleet
                                                         Andrew Davies. “This integration is all about ease
    Tools and technology must be fit for purpose,        of use for the customer and prioritising
especially when mitigating risks on the road. The        actionable insights from data. By making it easier
primary advantage for fleets using Guardian is

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to see everything in one                                                         “We are very happy to be
place, the fleet manager                                                     partnering with EROAD,”
has a greater ability to                                                     says Paul McGlone, CEO of
coach drivers for safer                                                      Seeing Machines. “Our
and more productive                                                          Guardian technology has
outcomes.                                                                    seen expanding global
    “Clarity isn’t competing                                                 penetration into long haul
with Seeing Machines, it is                                                  and heavy transport fleets
complementing it. It                                                         and will be a huge benefit to
provides operators with                                                      EROAD users not only in
the affordable option to                                                      New Zealand, but Australia
adopt video telematics                                                       and America as well.
across more vehicles, to                                                         “The Seeing Machines’
reduce the risk on the total fleet rather than just   purpose is to get everyone home safely so we are
on the high-risk vehicles. This integration is        closely aligned with EROAD as both companies
critical to allowing fleet managers to see the full   take pride in helping make roads safer, knowing
picture.”                                             this integration will help achieve that.”
Seamless side-by-side video                               With strategic growth and partnerships like
    Operators may choose to install EROAD’s           this, EROAD continues to contribute to safer
Clarity forward-facing dashcam alongside the          roads through the delivery of products and
driver- facing Guardian camera in cab. Fleet          services to transport operators and drivers
managers will be able to view footage from the        throughout Australia and New Zealand.
separate cameras side-by-side in MyEROAD              Learn more about our dashcam solution
Replay for any events triggered by either, or both,
pieces of hardware.
Key features:
• One platform to access total fleet video and
  data if generated by a Guardian camera or
  EROAD hardware
• Guardian video footage and event data is
  available to view within MyEROAD Replay
• EROAD Clarity video footage and event data is
  available within the same screen
• Seamlessly move between vehicles to check
  video or event triggers, regardless of whether
  EROAD Clarity Dashcam or Guardian DMS
  cameras are installed
• Side-by-side video available if EROAD Clarity
  and Guardian DMS hardware exists in a single
• Simplified, clean, easy, user experience for all
  fleet insights
• EROAD Clarity Dashcam is a complementary
  product to allow affordable adoption of video         #####################################
  telematics across whole of fleet                     #####################################
• One platform to allow improved driver coaching       #####################################
  and recording utilizing video footage                #####################################
• Integration occurs through API key available         #####################################
  from Seeing Machines or distributor and              #####################################
  EROAD                                                #####################################
• Vehicles fitted with Guardian DMS hardware DO        #####################################
  NOT have to be fitted with EROAD hardware to
  be visible in MyEROAD

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Some of the MyTrucking family of developers out with a customer.

Why great business is like a great family
By Marie-Claire Andrews

     amily and business often go hand in hand.           are woven into their business story, and help
     The same core values that create a strong           create a reputation and legacy to be proud of.
     family unit (you know, those ones we all               Collectiveness, working together, supporting
admire and wish we were part of) can be applied          one another, and putting plans in place are just
to building a great business.                            some of the ways family values cross over to
   At MyTrucking, we’re big on family. We view           business. Great businesses should inspire you to
our team as a family, and our customers as an            do your best, just like a family.
extension of that family. Many of the businesses
we work alongside are family-owned and                      Here’s how to apply four key values we
operated, often inter-generational. The family ties      believe speak to both family, and business:

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Honouring the family
name is just like
striving to uphold the
name and brand of a
business. Word of
mouth is said to be
the highest form of
and reputation is key.
How do you make
sure your reputation
in the market is
positive? Do you
have values that you
expect of your
employees, or do
you have a referral
program that
incentivises word of
mouth or a rewards
program that values
                         MyTrucking Founder Sara Orsborn, left, with the Okaihau Transport team.
Leave no one
behind. We’re in it
                                                          MyTrucking Founder and Marketing Director,
together and support one another, in family and
                                                      Sara Orsborn, explains that MyTrucking is a
in business. This also means digging in when
                                                      values-based business. “Our origins are in a
the going gets tough (a recent pandemic comes
                                                      small set of values, and we use these values to
to mind) and being there for each other. This can
                                                      guide our decision-making. Together, our values
be as simple as checking in
                                                                           underpin our culture,” she
on your family or team
members, asking how they           “Together, our values                       One of those values is
are, or noticing someone is
struggling and offering to
                                   underpin our culture.”                  family.
                                   —Sara Orsborn, MyTrucking Founder           “Seems obvious to state
                                                                           but family is pretty big
LEGACY: Each generation of                                                 around here at MyTrucking,”
the family adds to the family                                              says Sara. “As part of the
story and history, similar to how a business          family value, caring and helping rates high for
does. Like family, many businesses have a long        us. Caring is not just limited to people, it also
and proud history. What is the legacy you want        includes the what, why, and how we do things
to leave? Do you go the extra mile to support         around here.”
your customers and ensure satisfaction with a             The MyTrucking software has been designed
job well done? If something goes wrong, how           as a family of elements, too—the customer
do you address this and fix it?                       portal, the driver’s app, the daysheet, and
                                                      reports are all unique elements that combine to
INNOVATION: In an ever-changing world, we
                                                      help customers.
have to adapt and flex with the challenges we’re
thrown, in life and in business. How we respond       • To join the MyTrucking family, click here. To
to these challenges, having an open mind and            find out who’s in the MyTrucking family, click
seeking to make the most of the opportunities           here.
they send our way, ultimately shapes our
success. In recent years this might be home
schooling your children, or figuring out how to
operate a contactless business.

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Human Resources

‘Touching Base’ on workplace jargon
By Charlaine Barnfather, HR Consultant, SBS

                               rom “touching           phrases. I would argue New Zealanders
                               base” to going after    would likely concur.
                               the “low-hanging            The top 10 most hated workplace jargon
                         fruit”, we’re all guilty of   in the research were:
                         using workplace jargon        1. Touch base
                         at some point. Office           2. No-brainer
                         jargon, corporate speak,      3. Outside the box
                         or email lingo—whatever       4. Go the extra mile
                         you call it, it is likely     5. Blue sky thinking
most people have heard it and probably used it.
                                                       6. Game changer
    In a recent poll conducted by Premier Inn
                                                       7. Brainstorm
America, “touch base” and “no-brainer” were
identified as the most hated expressions,              8. Flick you an email
with “outside the box” and “go the extra               9. E-meet you
mile” following closely behind. Almost one in          10. Thought shower (I had to look this up—it
five people said they can’t stand the four             means “brainstorm”, refer no 7!)

                                                                                     of jargon
                                                                                     can mean
                                                                                     from the

                                                        —Illustration: Janson Hews

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   Special mentions of annoying sayings                 and, in most cases, gradually others start to use
included "on my radar", “paradigm shift’, “get          it because they feel they’re an insider or “in the
the ball rolling", "reach out”, “moving forward”,       know”. If we start a new job and everyone is
and “design led philosophy with a customer              “pivoting” round their “robust and sustainable
centric focus” (what actually is that in human          customer centric strategy", it is possible we
speak)?! My personal pet hate is “an agile              might start using those words ourselves.
workplace”, meaning essentially a trendy way of         Questionable Trust
working fluidly (aka a constant change of
direction when there is no direction)!                      We tend to use jargon when we want to avoid
   Jargon is all around us. Everyone is “shifting       something, however when we overuse jargon,
the dial” and “pivoting" (thank you COVID-19            people trust us less and doubt our intentions.
pandemic for this contribution). Ironically, the            Richard Branson wrote an article in 2014
term “thinking outside the square’” was first           entitled “Why you should do away with jargon".
used in the 1970s, so if you are still using this       He writes:
metaphor, perhaps you are not demonstrating                 “Some people love speaking in jargon, using
the innovative and creative thinking qualities you      fancy words and turning everything into
are looking for in others. There can be hidden          acronyms. Personally, I find this simply slows
consequences to using jargon, however:                  things down, confuses people and causes them
                                                        to lose interest. It’s far better to use a simple
Avoidance                                                                   term and commonplace words
    This can be seen when                                                    that everyone will understand,
companies refer to                      “Jargon is all around us.            rather than showing off and
restructuring as “downsizing”                                                annoying your audience.”
or “rightsizing”. Larger                Everyone is ‘shifting the
                                                                                 “In summary, unless you are
companies might use softer              dial’ and ‘pivoting’.”               positive everyone understands
wording to cushion the blow of                                               the jargon term you are using,
what they really mean such as                                                you are potentially confusing
“closure”, “job loss”, or “redundancy”.                 them, annoying them or losing their trust.”
Importance                                                  Overuse of jargon can mean people
    Jargon can also be used for perceived               disconnect from the message and spend their
importance or credibility by the user. Have you         time trying to decipher what is actually being
ever found yourself trying to decipher what             said, ultimately leading to miscommunication
someone is saying when they use phrases that            and/or misunderstanding. If everyone
don’t compute?                                          understands the jargon, then it can be a very
    Job titles can also be an example of this           efficient way of communicating. While it always
when even the most mundane role can sound               pays to know the local lingo, remember the best
thrilling. What does a Sustainability Executive         communication is the kind that’s clear, to-the-
Officer do? While it may look important on a              point, and doesn't hide behind the safety of
resume, this role was apparently responsible for        buzzwords. Try using plain English and "give it
providing an ongoing evaluation of the                  110 per cent” (incidentally, this is bad maths),
company’s ecological outlook (ironically, noting        but if you find yourself slipping back into bad
the company’s operations had nothing to do              habits, then I guess "it is what it is”!
with ecology).
                                                        • For advice or support in team engagement,
Acceptance                                                Human Resources, Recruitment, Health &
    One of our greatest desires as humans is to           Safety, or Business Continuity planning
be connected and accepted, and without even
                                                          matters, call the SBS Team—Freephone 0508
realising it, we might act, dress, and talk in a
                                                          424 723.
certain way to fit in. All it takes is a leader/
business owner to start using a particular phrase

RTANZ NEWS                                                                                               24
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