SYDNEY AS A 24-HOUR CITY - MARCH 2018 - Committee for Sydney

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SYDNEY AS A 24-HOUR CITY - MARCH 2018 - Committee for Sydney
    AS A
     MARCH 2018
SYDNEY AS A 24-HOUR CITY - MARCH 2018 - Committee for Sydney
                                In May 2017, the Committee for Sydney
                                established a Commission on the Night-time
                                Economy in Greater Sydney. The Commission
                                was co-chaired by the Hon. Peter Collins
                                and Michael Rose, Chair of the Committee
                                for Sydney. Membership of the Commission
                                included representatives from state and local
                                governments, businesses, cultural institutions
                                and peak bodies (a full list of organisations
                                involved in the Commission can be found at
                                the back of the document).
                                The primary objective of the Commission was to explore
                                and define the economic, social, cultural and civic potential
                                of Greater Sydney as a 24-hour city. Our focus has been
                                on Greater Sydney, not just the harbourside CBD. Our work
                                reflects the fact that a successful night-time economy requires
                                the coordination of multiple agencies and actors, effective
                                planning and good governance and regulation. As such the
                                Commission’s recommendations are grouped in four areas:

                                   Expanding the diversity of night-time activities

                                   Effective Governance and Regulation

                                   An integrated approach to Planning and Transport

                                   Promoting Greater Sydney as a 24-hour city

                                Our contribution to this debate builds upon an extensive body
                                of work from universities, state and local governments and
                                other organisations. We recognise that there is no ‘silver bullet’
                                in creating a diverse, accessible and vibrant 24-hour city,
                                however our report contains recommendations and examples of
                                global best practice, which we feel will help Sydney achieve its
                                potential as a 24-hour city.

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 1      Expanding the diversity
        of night-time activities                     2   Effective governance
                                                         and regulation                                       3   An integrated approach
                                                                                                                  to planning and transport                          4   Promoting Sydney
                                                                                                                                                                         as a global 24-hour city
     Arts and cultural institutions should build     NSW Department for Premier and Cabinet should            Local Councils responsible for major night-time        NSW Government, in partnership with
     upon the success of Culture Up Late to          lead the development of a night-time economy             precincts should pilot ‘Night-time Business            other agencies, should extend existing
     offer late-night access on certain days,        strategy for Greater Sydney.                             Improvement Districts’ as a genuine partnership        promotional guides to produce a guide
     all year round.                                                                                          between councils and local businesses involved in      to night-time activities, including a digital
                                                     NSW Government should introduce a coordinating
                                                                                                              the 24-hour economy.                                   version, to market and promote Sydney
     This could also include the development         figure to bring together different agencies and actors
                                                                                                                                                                     to regional and international visitors.
     of a ‘First Thursdays’ style scheme in          in the night-time economy. Options include a ‘Night      Options for funding raised through Business
     Greater Sydney for smaller galleries and        Czar/Mayor’ or Minister for the Night-Time Economy.      Improvement Districts might include upgrading of       Councils across Greater Sydney could
     museums to stay open until at least 9pm.                                                                 CCTV networks where relevant, better lighting and      consider introducing a scheme similar
                                                     There should be ongoing evaluation by NSW
                                                                                                              streetscape upgrades.                                  to the ‘Purple Flag’ project in the UK, an
     Cultural institutions should consider           Government into the impact of ‘relaxations’ of
                                                                                                                                                                     accreditation process that allows members
     collaborating to offer a discounted pass        the lockout laws in Sydney’s night-time precincts        A Night Zone – Safer Transport Initiative should
                                                                                                                                                                     of the public to quickly identify town and
     to visit a number of cultural institutions at   following the recent law changes, prompted by the        be piloted, potentially in Business Improvement
                                                                                                                                                                     city centres that offer an entertaining,
     night over a weekly or monthly period.          Callinan Review.                                         Districts.
                                                                                                                                                                     diverse, safe and enjoyable night out.
     The property and arts and culture               NSW Government should examine the introduction           Transport for NSW should work with councils            Councils should also work on cross-
     sectors should develop new                      of Amsterdam-style ‘planned districts’ for areas with    to develop an integrated transport strategy for        boundary night-time economy strategies.
     partnerships to showcase temporary              dense and diverse night-time activities, such as Kings   major night-time employment and entertainment
                                                                                                                                                                     NSW Government should work with
     public exhibitions and activate                 Cross. A voluntary, community-led approach, such         precincts.
                                                                                                                                                                     councils and the Greater Sydney
     underused land or buildings.                    as implemented in Newtown, is also a model worth
                                                                                                              In conjunction with the development of this            Commission, as well as relevant agencies,
     In major urban centres, late-night                                                                       strategy, TfNSW should pilot extra public transport    to develop an integrated wayfinding
     shopping should be extended to Friday           Businesses that are participants in the night-time       services for major night-time precincts.               standard for Greater Sydney, with an
     and Saturday. Councils should allow             economy should establish a Night-time Industries                                                                appropriate focus on night-time activities.
                                                                                                              The Commission supports the establishment of
     shops to open until at least 10pm               Association in NSW to drive coordination and
                                                                                                              a neon grid, a series of identified entertainment
     without formal development approval.            collaboration and ensure that business has strong
                                                                                                              precincts across the city, connected by an efficient
                                                     voice in this policy area.
     State government departments and                                                                         and accessible late-night transportation system.
     councils should review opening hours of
                                                                                                              Planning controls should be amended so that any
     services such as libraries and gyms to
                                                                                                              new development with a residential component
     assess demand for night-time services.
                                                                                                              within 100 metres of an entertainment venue will
                                                                                                              have to assess the noise from that venue and
                                                                                                              design and build to manage the noise.
                                                                                                              Amend the SEPP Exempt and Complying
                                                                                                              Codes 2008 to allow for small scale arts venues
                                                                                                              as a temporary use under all zonings except

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SYDNEY AS A 24-HOUR CITY - MARCH 2018 - Committee for Sydney
                                                                                                                    policy work has already been undertaken on the
                                                                                                                    night-time economy, in Sydney, in other Australian
                                                                                                                    cities and internationally. We have sought to build
THE HON. PETER COLLINS, CHAIR – NIGHT TIME ECONOMY COMMISSION                                                       upon the extensive work by pioneering councils such
MICHAEL ROSE AM, EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN – COMMITTEE FOR SYDNEY                                                          as the City of Sydney and City of Parramatta and by
                                                                                                                    the NSW Government, particularly Create NSW.
Sydney has a well-earned reputation as a liveable global city.                                                      We also acknowledge the work undertaken by
In a range of benchmarking studies, including the Committee for                                                     Local Government NSW in conjunction with the
                                                                                                                    councils of Wollongong City, City of Sydney, City of
Sydney’s most recent, Joining the Top Table: Benchmarking Sydney’s                                                  Newcastle, City of Parramatta, and Waverley Council,
                                                                                                                    who formed the Night Time Economy working
Performance, Sydney scores well against other global cities on                                                      group in 2016 and hosted the inaugural Night Time
metrics of liveability, image, culture and diversity.                                                               Economy Councils’ Committee in 2017, working to
                                                                                                                    share information on best practice and establish a
                                                                                                                    consistent approach to the night-time economy.
We are a city blessed with an outstanding natural          Night-Time Economy in Greater Sydney, to examine
                                                           the broad economic, social and cultural impacts of a     We recognise that the private sector has a key role
environment, a pleasant climate and a diverse, multi-
                                                           vibrant and diverse 24-hour economy.                     to play in the promotion and coordination of the
cultural community that has enriched our cultural
                                                                                                                    24-hour economy. Whilst many of the Commission’s
                                                           The Commission’s terms of reference have been            recommendations relate directly or indirectly to state
An excellent quality of life is underpinned by access      deliberately broad. Whilst we do not discount the        or local government, the business community must
to the kind of amenities associated with a vibrant city:   importance of the debate over the lockout laws, our      be a central part of this discussion.
excellent cultural and entertainment infrastructure;       aim has been to examine some of the wider potential
                                                           of, not just the night-time economy, but of the 24-      Our task was not to reinvent the wheel, but to
outstanding restaurants and bars; diverse and
                                                           hour economy more generally. Our primary question,       bring together a group representing key sectors in
contemporary retail and safe environments for the
                                                           in short, is how can Sydney best achieve its potential   the night-time economy to develop innovative and
community to enjoy.
                                                           as a genuine 24-hour city?                               integrated ideas to ensure that Sydney has a vibrant
However, in recent years there has been considerable                                                                24-hour economy.
public debate in Sydney about our potential as             The Commission has also sought to examine
                                                           international best-practice, as well as highlighting     Secondly, our Commission is clear that there is
a night-time city, the type of services available
                                                           where Sydney already has great night-time activities.    no simple one answer to solve every challenge
during the night and the attitude of state and local
                                                           Our focus has been on Greater Sydney, reflecting         associated with the night-time economy. It is a
government agencies to night-time activities. This is
                                                           the fact that our city is growing rapidly westward and   diverse and complex ecosystem and one that
not a debate unique to Sydney; many other global
                                                           that a vibrant 24-hour economy should be priority        sometimes creates conflict within itself. For example,
cities are focused on how to maximise the impact
                                                           for many areas of the city, not just the harbourside     our investigations highlighted an existing and growing
and potential of their night-time economy.
                                                           CBD.                                                     division between the desire for more outdoor activities
Much of the recent debate has focused on the NSW                                                                    at night, such as outdoor dining, night markets and
Government’s introduction of “lockout” style laws in       Maximising the economic and social potential of the      live music, and an ever-increasing number of inner-
some areas in 2014. These laws were introduced in          night-time economy is a key challenge for global         city dwellers resistant to potentially loud activities
response to a number of violent incidents within the       cities. A number, most notably Amsterdam, Berlin,        taking place outside their residences.
Sydney CBD, some of which tragically ended in the          London and San Francisco, have arguably set the
                                                           benchmark in terms of creating, investing in, and        The Committee is grateful to the people who
loss of life. Discussions concerning the merits and
                                                           promoting vibrant and diverse 24-hour cities. Other      participated in our Commission and provided their
effectiveness of these laws have taken place since
                                                                                                                    personal views and input from their organisations. It     Since the Commission’s inception, there has been a
their introduction and have involved a significant         Australian cities have also been proactive, not least
                                                                                                                    has been a true ‘group effort’. Whilst the focus of the   change in the terms of debate around the night-time
number of Committee for Sydney members. The                Melbourne, in extending late night public transport,
                                                                                                                    Commission has been to build as much consensus            economy in Sydney. There is now a greater focus on
Committee has welcomed this discussion but is also         and Adelaide, in encouraging smaller bars and cafes
                                                                                                                    as possible, it should be stressed that members           collaboration and consensus. We hope that the work
keen to ensure that consideration of Sydney’s night-       in its CBD and Perth, where many retailers stay open
                                                                                                                    are not bound to support every recommendation             of the Commission has helped, and will continue to
time life and economy takes into account a wider           until 9pm during the week.
                                                                                                                    made in the Commission’s final report. However, the       help in debates around these issues, and that these
range of social, cultural, business and community
                                                           Two important factors have underpinned our work.         Committee for Sydney endorses all recommendations         debates will drive changes that ensure that Greater
activities across Greater Sydney. For this reason,
                                                           Firstly, a recognition that a substantial amount of      made in the report.                                       Sydney can become a true 24-hour city.
the Committee established a Commission into the

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                                     OF THE
                                IN GREATER
SYDNEY AS A 24-HOUR CITY - MARCH 2018 - Committee for Sydney
The central focus of the Commission’s work has been                                                                         Why then, with so much good going on, should we
                                                                                                                            worry about the night-time offer in Sydney? We do so
                                                                                                                                                                                       Greater Sydney is also entering a new era of spatial
                                                                                                                                                                                       planning. The Greater Sydney Commission’s Draft
unashamedly economic. Put simply, we believe that Greater                                                                   because we believe that there is significant untapped      Regional and District Plans, aligned and coordinated
                                                                                                                            potential for a more integrated and diverse night-         with Transport for NSW’s Future Transport Strategy,
Sydney is losing out economically and financially by having                                                                 time offer in Sydney. In some areas, regulatory or         have the potential to enhance the wider city’s
an underperforming night-time economy.                                                                                      governance frameworks might not allow this potential       accessibility and liveability. Creating vibrant evening
                                                                                                                            to flourish, and more could be done to brand and           precincts must be a key part of this planning, an area
                                                                                                                            promote Sydney as a major global night-time city.          that we explore later in the report.

                                                                                                                            The city is currently undergoing major redevelopment       In order to better understand some of the primary
A night-time economy must be seen as more than               visit at night. In particular, a city that offers late-night   and redesign, partly due to the substantial investment     issues relating to the night-time economy in Sydney,
just a question of entertainment or licensing. It is         or 24-hour transportation, as well as restaurants and          being made by the NSW Government into our                  the Commission undertook polling in partnership with
about creating the amenity of a genuine 24-hour              shops that open late, is more attractive to those who          infrastructure and built environment. George Street        Ipsos. The Commission conducted a survey of 1000
city, where normal day-to-day activities such as             come to visit.                                                 in the Sydney CBD is being transformed from a              Greater Sydney residents. The data was weighted to
shopping, visiting a museum, going to the gym or                                                                            congested conga-line of buses and cars to allow for        ensure it was representative of the greater Sydney
                                                             Our work also builds upon the notable night-time
a public library become as normal at 10pm as they                                                                           greater pedestrianised areas, wider footpaths and          population by age and gender. It found that less than
                                                             activities already taking place in Greater Sydney.
would at 10am.                                                                                                              greater space for outdoor dining and entertainment.        half (46%) of people were satisfied with Sydney’s
                                                             There is an irony in that, whilst there is a perception
                                                                                                                            Circular Quay will undergo a revamp of its own in          night-time leisure and entertainment offering and that
We believe that there are substantial potential benefits     that Sydney’s night-time offer could improve, the
                                                                                                                            the near future, improving transport amenities and         there is an appetite for greater diversity of activities,
to Sydneysiders having access to 24-hour services            city still offers some of the most high-profile evening
                                                                                                                            retail and entertainment options. Parramatta CBD is        particularly from 18-24 year olds. The results also
and amenities. There is potential for more night-time        activities in the world.
                                                                                                                            also changing, with a new urban centre created at          included an aspiration for more night-time shopping,
activities to become a source of jobs and new income
                                                             The New Year’s Eve fireworks are a brilliant                   Parramatta Square offering new options for work,           dining, cultural and sporting options:
for the city, particularly in Western Sydney. There is
                                                             combination of creative excellence and logistical              study and entertainment.
also an opportunity to revitalise public space and
                                                             skill: over 3 million people venture into the city to
buildings, particularly those that are not used after a
                                                             watch one of the great New Year shows in the
certain hour of the day.
                                                             word. Our Lunar New Year festivities are the largest           With only 46% satisfied with Sydney’s current night
The City of Sydney’s night-time economy employs              outside Asia1 and events such as Vivid use the                 time offering, there is an appetite for more options
around 113,847 people and generates sales turnover           night fantastically, while also bringing in millions of
of $19.3bn, making up 27% of total employment and            domestic and international visitors every year. Mardi
                                                                                                                               18 to 34 year olds              Rest of population
contributing 22% of total turnover.                          Gras is a Sydney institution, including globally famous
                                                             night-time parades. Open air activities make use of
The Core night-time economy has grown since 2009
                                                                                                                                                               45%                                                 48%                  46%
with increases in the number of establishments
                                                             Sydney’s enviable warm climate to stage breathtaking
                                                             music, theatre and cinema across the city. Our major                                                              42%           38% 36%
(16%), employment (14%) and sales turnover
                                                             sporting venues play host to tens of thousands of
                                                                                                                            24% 31% 31%                                                                                       29%
(28%). Food makes up the majority of the Sydney
                                                             sports fans watching night-time games.
core night-time economy in terms of establishment                                                                                                                                     23%
numbers (71%), employment (62%) and sales                    The City of Parramatta is host to an annual program
turnover (52%), whilst Entertainment contributes             of vibrant events and festivals. Winter in Parramatta
18%, 22% and 31% respectively.                               is highlighted with the Winterlight festival, a 17-day
                                                             event and home to the largest ice-rink in Greater
There is also a key workforce element, particularly for
                                                             Sydney. The Parramatta Lanes festival in October
night-time employees. As flexible working becomes
                                                             welcomes over 100,000 visitors to experience four
more prevalent, the number of employees working
                                                             nights of food, art and music across a number
outside the traditional hours of 9 to 5 is likely to grow.
                                                             of locations in the Parramatta CBD. Summer
How does the city cater for these people? What are
                                                             festival highlights include the 15-hour Australia
their options for travelling to and from work at night,
                                                             Day celebrations as well as Tropfest, the world’s
particularly using public transport? Can they access
                                                             largest short film festival, the Crescent Summer                Live Sport               Movies           Live Theatre   Go to Pub            Dine out             shopping
services during or after their shift?
                                                             concert series in Parramatta Park, and the annual                                                           or Music
                                                             Parramasala festival, the largest multicultural festival

We can also further enhance Sydney’s tourism offer,
by diversifying activities and locations for tourists to     in Western Sydney and a signature event as part of                             Which of the following activities would you do more of if there
                                                             Multicultural March.                                                           were more options available to you at night time across Sydney?
                                                                                                                            (BASE: ALL RESPONDENTS N =1,000)

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The survey also identified support for more late night public transport options, with over half (51%) of respondents
saying that they would stay out later if they had more public transport options.
                                                                                                                       Mastercard data on global cities
                                                                                                                       Given the demand for more night-time options             categories such as finance & communications

There is a desire for more late night transport options,                                                               in Greater Sydney, the Commission worked with
                                                                                                                       Mastercard to review night-time spending in Sydney
                                                                                                                                                                                contributing to its overall spend performance.
                                                                                                                                                                                Sydney’s ‘destination’ postcodes for socialising
which is particularly strong among 18-34s                                                                              and benchmark it against eight other global cities.
                                                                                                                                                                                have comparatively strong night time percentage
                                                                                                                       The data relates to the use of Mastercard payments       of spend, whereas more suburban areas in the
                                                                                                                       in person, not online, and is not intended to be an      Greater Sydney area bring down the overall
                                                                                                                       exhaustive guide to consumer spending during the         percentage significantly.
                    Half (51%) say                          63% say they                         72% would             night. However, the figures do offer a snapshot of the
                                                                                                                                                                                There are postcodes in Sydney, within strong
                    they would stay                         would go out                         like more late        current state of the night-time economy in Greater
                                                                                                                                                                                performing regions, showing little night spend
                    out later if they                       more often                           night public          Sydney and also identifies where there is additional
                                                                                                                                                                                activity at present, which have potential to grow
                    had 24-hour                                                                                        unmet demand. Key insights include:
                                                            if they had                          transport                                                                      their night-time economy.
                    public transport                        24-hour public                       options.                 Sydney has room to grow in comparison to
                                                                                                                                                                                Whilst Greater Sydney’s spend is larger than that
                    options.                                transport                                                     other key global cities. 36% of spending in Berlin
                                                                                                                                                                                of Greater Melbourne, Melbournians spend more
                                                            options.                                                      happened after 6pm compared to 23% in Sydney.
                                                                                                                                                                                at night on restaurants and bars; apparel and
                                                                                                                          Sydney’s night spend comes predominantly from         general merchandise.
                                                                                                                          grocery spending with other ‘non-communal’

                                                                                                                       DAY, NIGHT % OF SPEND
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Day             Night

                                                                                                                                           BERLIN                               64%                              36%

                                                                                                                                         LONDON                                 66%                              34%

                                                                                                                             SAN FRANCISCO                                      67%                              33%

                                                                                                                                    HONG KONG                                   67%                              33%

                                                                                                                                        TEL AVIV                                72%                              28%

                                                                                                                                          SYDNEY                                77%                              23%

                                                                                                                                     MONTREAL                                   79%                              21%

                                                                                                                                  MELBOURNE                                     82%                              18%

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Sydney by region

     37%                                                                                                27%      DAY, NIGHT % OF SPEND                                     Day      Night
                                 12%                           14%
     Hong   12%                                                           6%                 14%                         Lower North Shore          76%                             24%
                                 London      2%                London
                                                                         sydney              London
                                                                                                        sydney                   Sydney CBD         79%                             21%
                                            sydney                                                                 Parramatta-Hills District        80%                             20%
                                                                                                                 Gladesville-Ryde-Eastwood          80%                             20%
                                                                                                                            Eastern Suburbs         82%                             18%
                                                                                                                           Western Suburbs          84%                             16%
                                                                                                                                   St George        85%                             15%
                                                                                                                                 Inner West         85%                             15%
     restaurants                        Apparel                      General                      Grocery &
        & bars                                                     merchandise                   food stores              Macarthur Region          85%                             15%
                                                                                                                     South Western Suburbs          87%                             13%
                   3.8%                                                                                              Outer Western Suburbs          87%                             13%
                                                            2.5%                                                          Upper North Shore         89%                             11%
                   London   0.1%                             Berlin
                                                                      1.1%                                                 Sutherland Shire         89%                             11%
                            sydney                                    sydney                                              Northern Beaches          90%                             10%

                                         London                                       Berlin
                                       spend has                                 spend growth
                                      grown 12x in                               2:1 of Sydney
                                        the past
                                         3 years
                                                                                   in the past
                                                                                     3 years
                                                                                                                 Sydney by postcode
                   Live Performance                        Misc entertainment
                    & entertainment                           & recreation
                                                                                                                 DAY, NIGHT % OF SPEND                           Day    twilight    Night
                                                                                                                          2011 - Kings Cross

 SYDNEY VERSUS MELBOURNE                                                                                                    2042 - Newtown
 HOW DOES OUR NIGHT-TIME ECONOMY COMPARE?                                                                                       2026 - Bondi
                                                                                                        47%                     2037 - Glebe

     18%                                                                27%                                             2060 - North Sydney
            9%              9% 6%                 1.4% 0.2%                       14%        13%        sydney
                                                                                                                          2010 - Surry Hills
     Melb                                                                Melb
            sydney          Melb sydney           Melb sydney                     sydney         Melb
                                                                                                                          2000 - Sydney City
                                                                                                                               2095 - Manly
                                                                                                                             2041 - Balmain
                                                                                                                          2021 - Paddington

     restaurants              Apparel              Movie & other           General                Grocery &             2204 - Marrickville
        & bars                                      Theatrical           merchandise             food stores                                   0%   20%   40%   60%        80%         100%

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SYDNEY AS A 24-HOUR CITY - MARCH 2018 - Committee for Sydney
Truly great global cities offer                             to run but generated €30 million.3 Sydney’s Vivid
                                                                                                      Festival is estimated to contribute around $110m
…the most attractive destinations         a wide choice of leisure and                                into the state economy.4 Hobart’s Dark Mofo festival         the International Convention Centre
are those that offer an array of                                                                      attracted over 400,000 visitors in 2017 and has been         Sydney (ICC Sydney)
                                          entertainment across day and                                described as single-handedly boosting Hobart’s mid-          is providing entertainment options for all
entertainment options for different
                                          night; with public and private                              winter dead tourist spot.5                                   ages and interests and helping to boost
ages, cultures and lifestyles,                                                                                                                                     both visitation and business outcomes.

including families. This requires
                                          attractions suitable for a range                            The Commission has been encouraged by work                   People attending business events are joined
                                                                                                      undertaken by Property NSW, on behalf of NSW                 by Sydneysiders and interstate travellers
private as well as public attractions,    of ages, cultures and lifestyles.                           Government, to encourage greater diversity of                in attending performances, dining within
                                                                                                      night-time activities across Greater Sydney. This has        the precinct, and enjoying the beautiful
and night-time leisure activities not                                                                 included:
                                          Diverse night-time activation creates a viable transition                                                                waterside surrounds. In 2017, the ICC held
associated to the consumption of          from day-time to night-time economies, and this                Partnering with the Museum of Contemporary Art            755 events, attracting 1.3 million people to the
alcohol. Tourism is a huge source of      economic diversity is critical to fostering a more             to activate sites within The Rocks precinct.              venue and broader precinct. Through public
                                          inclusive and safe night-time environment and attracting                                                                 art and twenty-one digital screens along
revenue and most local governments                                                                       Working with retailers on after hours shopping            the boardwalk (and the length of the venue),
                                          a mixture of people. This mixture of users naturally
are looking for new measures to help      creates a calmer environment on the streets and makes          events.                                                   the venue is both passively and actively
increase global tourism. By failing to    unsociable behaviour seem less acceptable.                     Extending The Rocks markets at peak times of              engaged with the community into the evening.
                                                                                                         the year.                                                 Delegates at ICC Sydney events generated
foster a healthy and vibrant late-night   Sydney already offers a range of evening activities                                                                      $785 million in direct expenditure in 2017.
                                          that don’t directly relate to alcohol, including
entertainment economy, the city                                                                          Partnering with external theatre providers to
                                          cinemas, theatres, live music, sporting events,                activate areas within the precinct.
jeopardizes its aspirations to            festivals, restaurants and cafes. Late-night shopping
                                          is sometimes available, although a sizable number              Providing night-time entertainment over the
become a global city.                                                                                    Christmas period such as bands, carollers and
                                          of retailers operate the traditional business hours of
                                                                                                         outdoor movies.                                           PARRAMATTA AT NIGHT
                                          9-5. Similarly, many museums, galleries and public
ANDREINA SEIJAS,                          amenities close before 5 or 6pm.
                                                                                                                                                                   In 2008, a Western Sydney University study for
                                                                                                                                                                   City of Parramatta Council noted a disconnect
                                          In some parts of Sydney after 11pm, 74% of visitors         Twilight and after dark //                                   between daytime activities and the night-
                                          are aged 15-30 years,2 and options are often limited                                                                     time economy. However, since 2008 the city’s
                                                                                                      In the growth of a 24-hour economy, it’s important to
                                          to drinking, takeaway food or convenience stores.                                                                        night-time economy has evolved, and in 2013
                                                                                                      differentiate between the twilight economy (6-9pm)
                                          Typically, only 6% of people in the city after 11pm                                                                      was said to be the fastest growing night-time
                                                                                                      and after dark (9pm onwards). The Commission
                                          are over 40 and other options must be provided to                                                                        economy in Australia.
                                                                                                      believes that there is significant scope to expand the
                                          attract different demographics.
                                                                                                      twilight economy in Greater Sydney, particularly to          City of Parramatta Council suggested the
                                          Greater diversity would also reflect the                    make use of a time when public transport is running          success came from an activation of key
                                          multiculturalism of Greater Sydney. Areas like              regularly. In particular, there is greater opportunity for   areas in the city by providing a more diverse
                                          Little Korea in Strathfield or the multitude of Indian      early evening dining and more diverse retail activities,     range of experiences including food trucks,
                                          restaurants in Harris Park, reflect the fact that           plus more options for families and older people.             row boats by the River and the Parramatta
                                          different community groups will want to engage in                                                                        Lanes event. In addition to a large array of
                                          different night-time activities. The benefits can also                                                                   restaurants, cafes, eateries and bars open
                                          be found throughout the wider community. For                                                                             at night, the city hosts Farmers Markets
                                          example, the Parramasala festival in Parramatta is a           The North Sydney Twilight Food Fair                       each Friday night and a range of drama and
                                          free public celebration of the diverse and rich cultures       has been in operation since 1990 and is a                 musical events at the Riverside Theatre.
                                          in Sydney’s west, including music, dance, parade,              firm favourite with locals and visitors to the
                                                                                                                                                                   The city also enjoys sporting events
                                          theatre, food, film and heritage. It attracts around           area who bring their families and friends
                                                                                                                                                                   throughout the year at Parramatta Stadium
                                          30,000 people of which over 70% were born in                   to make the most of Summer evenings
                                                                                                                                                                   as well as annual festivals such as the Sydney
                                          countries other than Australia.                                and unwind for the weekend. The vibrant,
                                                                                                                                                                   Festival, Winterlight Festival, Loy Krathong,
                                                                                                         exciting, multicultural outdoor night market
                                          Diversity of activities and crowds can also often have                                                                   New Year’s Eve, Australia Day and Lunar New
                                                                                                         features a range of international cuisine,
                                          a clear economic benefit. Nuit Blanche in Toronto                                                                        Year. Council reports revenue from the city’s
                                                                                                         live music and entertainment.
                                          generates $9m and attracts over 800,000 visitors to                                                                      night-time economy to be $909 million.
                                          the city, while the Italian Notte Bianca cost €3 million

18    SYDNEY AS A 24-HOUR CITY                                                                                                                                                 SYDNEY AS A 24-HOUR CITY            19
As we have noted, Sydney has a competitive                                                                             in a Culture Up Late initiative to open late every       but we urge state government departments and
advantage over many world cities in that its climate                                                                   Wednesday night during the summer months of              local councils to review whether there is demand
allows outdoor evening activities throughout much of
                                                              The Fashionably Late fashion                             January and February. To build on this success, the      for the later opening of services as part of a broad
the year. We already make use of the warm weather             market is held every Thursday evening in                 Commission suggests that institutions continue to        night-time economy strategy.
through activities like outdoor cinema, opera on              Dizengoff Square, Tel Aviv, starting at 4pm              examine opportunities to extend evening activities
                                                              and running until around 11pm. The market                                                                         The City of Sydney is already investigating the
the harbour, food markets, evening horse racing at                                                                     throughout the year, not just the summer months.
                                                              is sponsored by the Tel Aviv Municipality,                                                                        development of Australia’s first 24-hour library at
Randwick and Canterbury and night-time Big Bash                                                                        Late night openings are not unusual in other
                                                              who in addition have organised a number                                                                           Customs House9 and will increase use of its halls
cricket at the SCG and Homebush.                                                                                       global cities. For example, the Louvre in Paris, the
                                                              of big street parties and events to coincide                                                                      and centres, as well as increase access to public
                                                                                                                       world’s largest museum, is open until 9.45pm on
However, we have identified two areas that could be           with the market.                                                                                                  and commercial recreation facilities such as gyms,
                                                                                                                       Wednesdays. An additional option could be offering
improved: retail options and public amenities.                                                                                                                                  basketball courts, skate parks and pools.
                                                                                                                       a discounted pass to visit a number of cultural
                                                                                                                       institutions during the evening over a weekly or         Public buildings have an important role to play in
Shopping and services //                                   Dining, food trucks                                         monthly period.                                          this. A number of community assets, particularly
                                                                                                                                                                                school buildings, can sometimes be left empty
At the end of the working day, traffic and public          and night markets //                                                                                                 during the evening. These facilities could be used
transport hit their peak as people exit the CBD and                                                                                                                             for evening activities such as sports and exercise
                                                           In some parts of Greater Sydney, it can be difficult to
other employment centres. However, more could
                                                           get a restaurant meal later than 10pm, or even non-            First Thursdays in London see                         classes, adult learning, community meetings
be done to encourage people to stay in precincts
                                                           alcoholic refreshments after the theatre or cinema.            medium to smaller scale arts                          or practice spaces for arts and culture. NSW
after work and enjoy twilight activities. Research by
                                                           We believe that there is a clear need for greater              organisations arrange late night                      Government has made progress in developing
the City of Sydney has shown a lack of adequate
                                                           late-night dining options, particularly offering sit-down      openings and programs                                 schools as community hubs, however we feel there
after-hours pharmacies, grocers, medical centres,                                                                         on the first Thursday of the month,                   is even greater scope to utilise school space for
                                                           casual meals near key attractions and events. More
gyms and other services, which if available would                                                                         typically as an extension of existing                 night-time activities.
                                                           smaller scale venues provide a space to talk, drink
allow more people to perform ‘routine’ activities6 after                                                                  programming. The strength of the program
                                                           and eat in an intimate setting and draw a broader
work. Night-time workers would also benefit from                                                                          is in regular programming and awareness
                                                           demographic. There is also a desire for more outdoor
the availability of services at the beginning or end of
                                                           seating in dining areas to better realise the benefits         in the community. In particular, the Natural          Live music //
a shift. For example, in Sweden, 24-hour childcare                                                                        History Museum in London successfully
                                                           of Sydney’s climate. The city is blessed with weather                                                                The Commission identified significant concerns
services are available to parents working at night.7                                                                      offers diverse late-night activities
                                                           that allows patrons to sit alfresco late into the night,                                                             that the live music offer in Sydney is limited, in
                                                           but the inability to create a Mediterranean-style café         throughout the year.
Late-night retail can particularly capitalise on high-                                                                                                                          some cases due to noise restrictions or lack of
spend but time-poor tourists and business guests.          culture in Greater Sydney is a great frustration.                                                                    venues. In particular, it was felt that more could be
In Adelaide, over 700 retailers operate until 7pm                                                                                                                               done in Sydney to encourage live music through
                                                           The popularity of food trucks is increasing, combining
on Thursdays and 9pm on Fridays and the Central                                                                                                                                 temporary programming in public spaces and parks.
                                                           diverse outdoor casual dining with the flexibility of
Market is also open until 9pm on Fridays.                                                                                                                                       In addition, concern was raised that the separate
                                                           take-away meals. Night markets such as those at
                                                                                                                          Shakespeare’s Globe                                   processes for liquor licensing and development
In many Asian cities, shopping is available until at       Carriageworks, Bondi and Chatswood also work
                                                                                                                          in London has a long-held tradition of                approvals creates significant uncertainty, as
least 10pm. For example, in Singapore, shopping            well with a mixed offer for a range of demographics.
                                                                                                                          midnight matinees that start at 11.59pm.              overlapping functions add greatly to cost and time
hours for shopping malls are usually from 10.00am          Activities such as these should have the flexibility
                                                                                                                          It’s an irreverent atmosphere, and actors             involved in establishing and operating businesses.
to 10.00pm from Monday to Sunday, and some                 to operate in underused spaces in the city, such as
supermarkets are open twenty-four hours.                   laneways and parks.                                            often say these performances are among                With certain planning policies, small-scale venues
                                                                                                                          their favourite and most memorable.                   not in use at night could be utilised to host live
Polling also shows that Sydneysiders have a desire                                                                        There’s even a special early breakfast at             music and arts. Government, private and education
to shop after 6pm.8                                        Cultural institutions //                                       the Swan restaurant after the show.                   sector building stock that is under-utilised or in
The Commission highlighted proposals from the              Late-night opening hours in museums, art galleries                                                                   transition could also make a significant contribution
City of Sydney to encourage later trading retail,          and other institutions offers the experience of art and                                                              to the cultural fabric of the city’s independent
allowing retailers to trade later without coming back      culture in new circumstances to more people, and                                                                     dramatic arts.
for council approval. Combined with the Night Time         ensures the city’s workers, residents and visitors can      Public amenities //                                      For example, a proposal presented to Sydney’s Inner
Diversification business support grant, this will          engage in a creative and cultural nightlife.
                                                                                                                       With greater retail, dining and cultural options comes   West Council in early 2017 proposed every type of
encourage later trading retail, create more leisure
                                                           This in an area where the cultural sector is                an opportunity for opening public amenities at night.    property zoning, excluding residential, to be allowed
options and encourage people to remain in the
                                                           demonstrating great innovation. Some of Sydney’s            The Commission appreciates that there are cost           to be converted into a small-scale arts venue
city longer, taking the pressure off of peak
                                                           major arts and cultural venues have participated            implications to opening services for longer and later,   without the need for a development application.10
transport services.

20       SYDNEY AS A 24-HOUR CITY                                                                                                                                                            SYDNEY AS A 24-HOUR CITY              21
Policy changes such as
                                   these would allow greater
                                   growth and diversity in the
                                   arts and live music sectors
                                   across Sydney precincts. In
                                   2016/17 the South Australian
                                   Government introduced a
                                   small arts venue category
                                   state variation to the National
                                   Construction Code as well as
                                   exempt development status
                                   for low impact entertainment.

                                   As well as cultural and
                                   social benefits, live music
                                   contributes significantly to
                                   the economy; the Live Music
                                   Office estimates NSW is the
                                   largest contributor to the
                                   Australian live music industry
                                   at $3,623m and 23,207 jobs.

                                   Interstate, the live music
                                   sector is supported by
                                   development funding:
                                   Victoria offers a $12.2m
                                   Music Works package while
                                   Western Australia offers its
                                   $3m Creative Music Fund.
                                   The establishment of a live
                                   music community benefit
                                   fund in NSW along the lines
                                   of the South Australian model
                                   is endorsed by the Live
                                   Music Office, City of Sydney
                                   Live Music and Performance
                                   Action Plan with in-principle
                                   support from the Australian
                                   Hotels Association NSW.

22   SYDNEY AS A 24-HOUR CITY   SYDNEY AS A 24-HOUR CITY             23

                                                                                                                               for expanding the
                                                                                                                               diversity of night-time
                                                                                                                               activities –
                                                                                                                                 Arts and cultural
                                                                                                                                 institutions should build
                                                                                                                                 upon the success of
                                                                                                                                 Culture Up Late to offer
                                                                                                                                 late-night access on
                                                                                                                                 certain days, all year
                                                                                                                                 This could also include
                                                                                                                                 the development of a
                                                                                                                                 ‘First Thursdays’ style
                                                                                                                                 scheme in Greater Sydney
                                                                                                                                 for smaller galleries and
                                                                                                                                 museums to stay open
                                                                                                                                 until at least 9pm.
                                                                                                                                 Cultural institutions should
 City Sounds Brisbane is Australia’s largest free live music program, presenting local and touring                               consider collaborating to
 bands and artists in the Queens Street Mall, Post Office Square, South Bank and other locations around                          offer a discounted pass to
 Brisbane each week. During Melbourne Music Week’s Live Music Safari, musicians perform across                                   visit a number of cultural
 sixteen Melbourne venues unticketed and free of charge.                                                                         institutions at night over a
                                                                                                                                 weekly or monthly period.
                                                                                                                                 The property and arts and
                                                                                                                                 culture sectors should
 Create NSW and the Live Music Office’s Live and Local micro-music festivals                                                     develop new partnerships
 showcase local musicians across free family-friendly events. Following hugely successful events                                 to showcase temporary
 in Parramatta, Camden and Wollondilly, the program has now been further expanded in Western                                     public exhibitions and
 Sydney and Regional NSW, with 18 Councils presenting Live and Local Micro Festival events in 2018.                              activate underused land
 It’s proved to be a great way of showcasing some of the best local acts on offer and brings together                            or buildings.
 multigenerational groups. The festivals have created new jobs, brought increased custom for local
                                                                                                                                 In major urban centres,
 cafes and restaurants and increased footfall and sales for local retailers. For example, the Camden
                                                                                                                                 late-night shopping should
 festival brought thousands of people to Argyle Street to see more than 30 local performers.
                                                                                                                                 be extended to Friday and
                                                                                                                                 Saturday. Councils should
                                                                                                                                 allow shops to open until
                                                                                                                                 at least 10pm without
                                                                                                                                 formal development
 The district Chamber of Commerce in Nashville supports the thriving live music scene                                            approval.
 in Lower Broadway. The District is a private, non-profit organisation dedicated to economic and
 community revitalisation of three historic districts and their contiguous areas in downtown Nashville;                          State government
 Broadway, 2nd Avenue/Riverfront and Printers Alley, collectively known as The DISTRICT. Its programs                            departments and councils
 seek to foster and stimulate growth of a district identity, community spirit, civic pride and unity while                       should review opening
 promoting the people in the area and to further retain downtown Nashville’s historic character.                                 hours of services such
                                                                                                                                 as libraries and gyms to
                                                                                                                                 assess demand for night-
                                                                                                                                 time services.

24    SYDNEY AS A 24-HOUR CITY                                                                                                                                  SYDNEY AS A 24-HOUR CITY   25

26   SYDNEY AS A 24-HOUR CITY          SYDNEY AS A 24-HOUR CITY   27
Currently, multiple agencies at state and local level work together                                                 further and to develop cross-boundary strategies
                                                                                                                    with other councils where they share geographical or
                                                                                                                                                                               the fees assessed. BIDs can encompass economic,
                                                                                                                                                                               business, local, political and social elements of a
in managing aspects of the night-time economy. However, we                                                          economic interests.                                        place and strategically bring them together to build
                                                                                                                                                                               revenue to support an area’s different aspects ­—
believe that more can be done to both create a broad vision for                                                     The private sector also has a role to play in promoting
                                                                                                                                                                               such as aesthetics, security and commerce. They are
                                                                                                                    good governance. We believe that there is merit in
the night-time economy in Greater Sydney and to coordinate                                                          the establishment of a NSW Night-time Industries
                                                                                                                                                                               developed, managed, financed and delivered locally.

businesses, governments, residents and other agencies as                                                            Association, as has been created in Greater London.        We suggest that councils in Greater Sydney should
                                                                                                                                                                               pilot at least three ‘Night-time Business Improvement
Sydney’s night-time economy develops.                                                                                                                                          Districts’ as a genuine partnership between councils
                                                                                                                                                                               and local businesses involved in the 24-hour economy.
                                                                                                                       Several cities have established
An important starting place would be the formulation       effective individual who is invested with the power
                                                                                                                       independent champions for the                           Penalty rates //
of an overarching strategy for the night-time              and authority to bring parties together to develop a        night-time economy. Amsterdam has
                                                                                                                       a “night mayor”, London a “night czar”                  One area identified as a barrier to late-night retail is
economy, led by the NSW Department for Premier             vision and drive towards it. These roles and functions
                                                                                                                       and New York City Council has voted to                  the penalty rates associated with ‘after-hours’ trading.
and Cabinet (DPC). The strategy should look at many        can better foster collaboration, integration and
                                                                                                                       create the Office of Nightlife, which will              The cost associated with providing services at night is
of the broad and interlocking components discussed         ultimately success in the balanced growth of a night-
                                                                                                                       tackle issues such as improving conditions              obviously a key issue when creating a vibrant night-
in this report, particularly on the potential economic     time economy, as seen in Amsterdam, London, Paris,
                                                                                                                       for nightlife workers, investigating the                time economy. The issue has been examined as part
benefits of a 24-hour economy for the city. Key issues     Toulouse and Zurich.
                                                                                                                       effects of zoning laws, managing noise and              of a review by the Fair Work Commission, which has
would include diversifying the range of night-time
                                                           We are, however, keen that this debate does not             nuisance, and making conditions easier for              found that a reduction in Sunday and Public Holiday
activities, particularly during the twilight period; the
                                                           become obsessed with structures. There is merit             artists and smaller-scale night businesses.             penalty rates would allow retailers to extend trading
role of transport and planning; providing more late-
                                                           in having a single person tasked with implementing                                                                  hours. The Australian Retailers Association has also
night public services and streamlining regulations
                                                           a strategy on the night-time economy, but different                                                                 argued that a reduction in penalty rates would reduce
relating to entertainment and retail. As the public
                                                           models work for different cities. The Commission has,                                                               the strain on retailers and increase trading hours.
sector agency tasked with ensuring the delivery on
                                                           however, identified some following options:
the Government’s commitments and priorities, DPC                                                                       The UK Night-time Industries                            The Commission feels that it is too early to judge
is ideally placed to lead this initiative. The strategy       Appoint an independent Night Czar/Night Mayor/           Association is the voice for the night-                 whether the reduction in penalty rates over this period
could be developed by the existing Economic Policy            Advocate for the Night-time Economy, who would           time sector and works to increase                       will have a marked change on retail behaviour but
Group, which examines economic development,                   report directly to the Premier.                          awareness and understanding of its                      do believe that extending trading hours will have a
infrastructure, planning land use and resources                                                                        contribution and benefits. It seeks to                  decisive impact on creating a more enhanced 24-
issues.                                                       Create a portfolio of Minister for the Night-time
                                                                                                                       influence the decisions of policymakers                 hour economy. In the lead-up to Christmas 2017,
                                                              Economy within the NSW Government Cabinet.
                                                                                                                       and ensure that the night-time economy                  the recently pedestrianised areas of George Street
The NSW Government has established a Night-time
                                                              Appoint a Commissioner for the Night-time                continues to flourish, supporting                       between King and Market Street were full of crowds
Economy Taskforce, led by Create NSW, which
                                                              Economy, in a similar role to the Small Business         regeneration, creating jobs and enhancing               taking advantage of late-night shopping in the area. It
includes sixteen NSW Government agencies and the
                                                              Commissioner.                                            the UK’s international reputation.                      offered a glimpse of what might be possible once the
City of Sydney. The Commission notes the important
                                                                                                                                                                               Light Rail is running on George Street and the great
work of the Taskforce and the role of Create NSW              Task a senior public servant in NSW Government
                                                                                                                                                                               opportunities for late-night activities in the CBD and
in championing the night-time economy within                  with leading the implementation of the NSW
                                                                                                                                                                               other centres.
governments, both state and local. However, we feel           Government’s night-time economy strategy. This        Business Improvement Districts //
that a broader strategy led by DPC would help to              role could be fulfilled by the Secretary or Deputy
                                                                                                                    Several cities have used a ‘Business Improvement
establish a more whole-of-government approach to              Secretary at DPC.                                                                                                Licensing //
                                                                                                                    District (BID)’ model, a public-private partnership
the night-time economy.
                                                           Whatever form the role takes, the person tasked with     often involving councils and businesses in a               The regulation of licensed premises at night has been
Whilst an overarching strategy should be a first step,     the job must have the ability to shape and coordinate    local authority area. Private sector members can           a subject of considerable debate, both within the
the Commission also recommends establishing                whole-of-government policy on the night-time             contribute a special tax or levy to cover the expense      Commission and more broadly. Much of this debate
a champion — either inside or outside of state             economy. However, the responsibility must not lie        of providing their BID with services beyond what the       has centred around the continued use of lockout law
government — for the night-time economy in Greater         solely with state government. Councils are currently     local government offers in their area. The legalities of   restrictions in Kings Cross, Darlinghurst, Cockle Bay,
Sydney. In some cities, the model has been the             free to establish their own champions for the night-     forming a BID vary but can be created simply by the        The Rocks and Haymarket. Lockout laws are not
establishment of a Night Mayor or Night Czar. In           time economy, and a number, including the City of        approval by a majority of local business and property      unique to Sydney and indeed similar arrangements
others, there exists a night-time economy taskforce        Sydney and City of Parramatta, have produced highly      owners, by those who control a majority of the land        are in place in other areas of NSW, as well as parts of
commission. Sometimes there may simply be a highly         detailed strategies. We encourage councils to go         area, or by owners responsible for the majority of         Queensland and Western Australia.

28       SYDNEY AS A 24-HOUR CITY                                                                                                                                                           SYDNEY AS A 24-HOUR CITY              29
The lockout laws are an important part — but by no         The Callinan Review has been enormously helpful to          potential conflicts before the police have to be called    Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (BOCSAR)
means the only important part — in our discussion          the Commission’s work. It does note a reduction in          in — a move that can escalate tensions and create          crime statistics have showed that in the twelve
about Sydney as a 24-hour city. The Commission             visitor numbers in the lockout law areas and that “the      the perception of nightlife causing trouble.               months to 30 June 2016, the number of non-
examined international evidence but found that it is       contribution that they previously made to the night-                                                                   domestic assaults occurring on licensed premises
                                                                                                                       Amsterdam has also spearheaded nightlife-specific
too ambiguous to prove either way that ‘lockout law’       time economy may have been reduced”, including                                                                         in Newtown reduced by 56.9%, from fifty-eight to
                                                                                                                       business improvement districts, such as the busy
style regulations significantly reduce alcohol-related     the loss of some jobs. It also highlights that similar                                                                 twenty-five, the lowest level in more than eight years,
                                                                                                                       downtown plaza Rembrandtplein, where bar owners
disorder over a broad geographical area (as opposed        lockout laws have been introduced in other cities in                                                                   made even more impressive by the reported increase
                                                                                                                       are required to pay into a fund to support branding,
to the defined areas to which they apply), and while       Australia.                                                                                                             in the number of people coming to Newtown.
                                                                                                                       signage, Square Hosts and “designing out crime”
there are suggestions that extended late-night                                                                                                                                    Interestingly, in that same period, the number of
                                                           The Commission supports the direction of travel led         improvements like back alley lighting.
trading hours lead to increased alcohol consumption                                                                                                                               assaults on licensed premises in the suburb of
                                                           by the Government following the Callinan Review.
and related harms, research is inconclusive on the                                                                     Amsterdam has also countered binge-drinking by             Sydney increased by 26%. Assaults on licensed
                                                           Relaxations have been welcomed and we urge the
effectiveness of ‘lockouts’ as a sole measure.                                                                         banning ‘happy hours’, preventing operators selling        premises in Newtown remain at levels comparable to
                                                           government to continue to monitor the number of
                                                                                                                       more alcohol in a shorter space of time. The city          those before the implementation of the Kings Cross
However, a cross-section of stakeholders involved in       businesses and visitors to the area. However, in
                                                                                                                       also offered 24-hour licences that venue operators         and Sydney CBD lockouts.
the Commission noted frustration at the inflexibility of   the view of the Commission, the status quo is not
                                                                                                                       could pitch for, but under strict rules. Venues had to
liquor regulations, particularly for live entertainment    sustainable. The vibrancy of the lockout areas, in                                                                     The Commission also supports moves by the City
                                                                                                                       be outside the city centre and had to be multi-use,
venues. Moreover, the Commission believes that             particular Kings Cross, has been diluted and we are                                                                    of Parramatta, City of Sydney and other councils
                                                                                                                       offering a restaurant, bar, theatre and gallery, as well
it is fair to conclude that the lockout laws have          concerned about the long-term impact on Sydney’s                                                                       to promote the expansion of small bars. We urge
                                                                                                                       as a club. The reforms have seen 25% decline of
contributed to perception that the vibrancy of the         reputation as a global city.                                                                                           NSW Government to examine the work undertaken
                                                                                                                       alcohol related violence in the city centre over the
night-time offer in Sydney has declined and, as a                                                                                                                                 by the South Australian Government and Adelaide
                                                           The Commission is grateful to NSW Police for their          past five years.
result, the reputation of Sydney as a global city has                                                                                                                             City Council to promote small bars in the Peel Street
                                                           engagement with our work. It should be noted and
been detrimentally impacted.                                                                                           The Commission also believes that there is merit in        precinct. Evidence suggests that this has helped to
                                                           reflected on that frontline police put themselves in
                                                                                                                       the “Newtown model”, which demonstrates what can           bring a more diverse audience to the CBD and foster
NSW Police have highlighted the substantial decline        harm’s way every day to keep the public safe, often
                                                                                                                       be achieved when local publicans work together with        a more mature drinking culture by promoting cultural
(almost 50%) in alcohol-related assaults in the            from individuals under the influence of alcohol and/
                                                                                                                       stakeholders on issues in their own areas.                 activities and food instead of binge drinking.
defined lockout areas since the laws were introduced.      or drugs. Cities across the world face the challenge
This figure has been contrasted with a 17% rise in         of dealing with the effects and impacts of public           In mid-2015, the Newtown entertainment precinct            It should also be recognised that NSW Government
assaults in suburbs such as Newtown, Bondi and             drunkenness. On this, Sydney is no different.               became a target for various elements of the media          has taken action to support small bars in Greater
Double Bay and a 12% increase in assaults in areas         However, we believe that there are lessons to learn         and others with claims crowd numbers, assaults and         Sydney. In December 2016, the Government
such as Pyrmont. Concern has also been raised              from other cities in creating safer areas for the public    anti-social behaviour was rising in the area. Some         increased the patron capacity of small bars from
about the impact on businesses within the lock out         to enjoy night-time activities responsibly.                 politicians and commentators suggested spreading           60 to 100 to support their viability. Further changes
areas. The Kings Cross Liquor Accord estimates                                                                         lockout conditions to the precinct Hoteliers and the       extended the trading times for small bars in the CBD
that at least 16 licensed premises have closed in the      Planned Districts //                                        Newtown Liquor Accord worked with police and               and Kings Cross precincts from midnight until 2am,
lock out area since the laws were introduced and the       As we have highlighted earlier in this paper, a diversity   stakeholders to develop a localised solution. The          in line with the rest of NSW. Small bars seeking to
Sydney Business Chamber have described the laws            of night-time options is important to create areas          cornerstone of the strategy was “no new patrons            trade later can still apply for extended trading up until
as “heavy handed”.                                         that are not necessarily focused on the consumption         after 3.00am” on Friday and Saturday nights.               5am. In addition, the Government has also removed
                                                           of alcohol. However, we must also recognise that                                                                       blanket drinks restrictions applying to small bars in
Whilst there is disagreement on both sides of the                                                                      Apart from the “No new patrons” concept, the six-
                                                           alcohol is often an important component of night-time                                                                  the precincts. These reforms support small bars in
argument, the NSW Government has attempted                                                                             month trial included restrictions of certain drink types
                                                           activities. We therefore suggest the consideration of                                                                  meeting the demand for sophisticated, diverse night-
to bring consensus to the debate. An independent                                                                       (including no shots) after 12.00am, the cease service
                                                           replicating Amsterdam-style ‘planned districts’ for                                                                    time entertainment, and recognise that these smaller
review into the impact of liquor law reforms was                                                                       of alcohol 30 minutes prior to close, a patron code
                                                           areas where significant alcohol consumption may be                                                                     venues typically have lower rates of violence and
conducted by the Hon. Ian Callinan AC, which                                                                           of conduct and the adoption of NSW Police Force
                                                           available.                                                                                                             fewer compliance issues.
looked at how to reduce alcohol-related violence                                                                       Crime Scene Preservation Guidelines.
while maintaining the vibrancy of Sydney’s precincts.      Amsterdam has introduced planned districts, which                                                                      The Commission also recognises the importance
                                                                                                                       The initiative was welcomed by the local community,        of pubs and bars in helping to shape the night-time
Following this, in December 2016, the NSW                  include 24-hour licenses that allow a number of             the liquor regulator and by NSW Deputy Premier             economy. We also recognise that venues such as
Government announced a range of changes to liquor          clubs located away from residential areas to operate        Troy Grant who congratulated the venues in State           these are often at the forefront of combatting anti-
laws, including exemptions to the 1.30am lockout           at any time day or night. In more densely populated         Parliament; “This is the sort of leadership we want to     social behaviour related to alcohol consumption
and 3am last drinks for live entertainment venues.         neighbourhoods where bars mingle with apartment             see in local areas through local liquor accords — local    and play a key role in promoting responsible
At least 23 venues have already applied for later          buildings, trained social workers are paid to help keep     solutions to local problems … It is a great example        consumption of alcohol. In addition, pubs often play
lockouts and last drinks.                                  the peace. Called Square Hosts, they encourage              of local people, who know their areas best, looking        a central role and function within local communities.
                                                           patrons to take loud voices inside and defuse               at the needs of their community and responding             The Commission noted concern from a number of

30       SYDNEY AS A 24-HOUR CITY                                                                                                                                                               SYDNEY AS A 24-HOUR CITY               31
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