ROAD TRANSPORT NEWS - Transmission Gully - Road Transport Association NZ

Page created by Hector Miles
ROAD TRANSPORT NEWS - Transmission Gully - Road Transport Association NZ
Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                   July 2020


Transmission Gully
INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT            Wellington’s ambitious motorway
                                     project is a massive engineering
NEW IN-CAB TECHNOLOGY                undertaking that will fulfil a decades-
                                     old dream to improve road
                                     connections in and out of the capital.

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ROAD TRANSPORT NEWS - Transmission Gully - Road Transport Association NZ
Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                               July 2020

                            Principal Road Transport Associa1on NZ Inc. Sponsor



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Transmission Gully project

Wellington’s massive Transmission Gully highway project is back at full strength after
COVID-19 restrictions.

Green Freight future

Road Transport Forum CEO Nick Leggett looks at the Ministry of Transport’s 2020
Green Freight Working Paper.

Going paperless

New app-based systems from EROAD and MyTrucking improve efficiency and boost
business for road transport operators.

Health & Safety

Regular meetings are essential under the Health and Safety at Work Act—but how can
you make them more effective? Safe Business Solutions has some practical advice.

Around the regions

RTANZ Area Executives round up news and developments from around New Zealand.

Events                                                 Contact Us
The RTANZ combined seminars for Regions Two and        Website:
Three and Four and Five have been cancelled            0800 367 782
because of COVID-19.                                   Chief Operating Officer: Simon Carson,
August 19: Heavy Haulage Association Conference,, 027 55 66 099
Hamilton—TBC                                           Editor: David Killick, Communications Manager,
                                             , 027 55 44 272
August 28: Region Two and Three AGMs—TBC
                                                       Administration: Victoria Higgs,
                                             , 027 365 2075
                                                       Membership Benefits Coordinator: Vicki Harris,
                                             , 027 534 3848
                                                       We welcome contributions and feedback for this

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Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                                 July 2020

Cover story

Drone footage from May shows construction work on the northern approach to Transmission Gully. The existing
SH1, on the right, will become a local road.

Transmission Gully back on track

       he Transmission Gully project is once          “I am exceptionally proud of the
       again in full swing after the COVID-19      commitment and resilience the Transmission
       lockdown, with an estimated completion      Gully project team has shown over these
date at the end of 2020 or early next year.        unprecedented times.”
    “Without doubt this has been an                   Construction works are now back up and
extraordinarily challenging period for the         running five days a week in most areas.
Transmission Gully Project,” says                                       With the lifting of Level 4
Sergio Mejia, Chief Executive of                                     lockdown restrictions for
the Wellington Gateway                 “Construction works           construction activities on April
Partnership.                           are now back up and           28, the project was able to
    “Closing down a 27km               running five days a           begin a staged
construction site at short notice,                                   recommencement of
maintaining site safety and
                                       week in most areas.”          construction works operating
environmental controls for five                                      within strict new COVID-19
weeks, and then planning a                                          requirements. The move to
staged site remobilisation under restricted        Alert Level 2 on May 14 and to Alert Level 1 on
workplace rules, is not something any of us        June 9 meant that construction activities could
could ever have adequately prepared for.           step up, while maintaining necessary health
  “Add to this the complexities of an              and safety requirements.
international workforce, a nationwide supply          Drainage and earthworks are now underway
chain, and a tightly programmed schedule of        between the new motorway’s connection to
works, impacted by loss of the crucial pre-        SH1 at Paekākāriki and the Wainui Saddle area,
winter period—and the operational issues           and to the north of the SH58 interchange at
come into even sharper focus.                      Pauhatanui.

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TOP: Looking down the Te Puka Valley from the Wainui Saddle Transmission, the steepest part of the new
motorway. LEFT: Now complete, Bridge 20 over Cannons Creek stands 60m above the stream below, and is the
largest structure in the motorway project. RIGHT: The James Cook Interchange will be one of four interchanges.

Bridge 20 over Cannons Creek has now been                  multiple power lines including the Benmore to
completed. Standing 60m above the stream                   Haywards inter-island DC link; relocation of the
below, Bridge 20 is the largest structure in the           Kapuni high pressure gas line, which ran under
entire motorway project. The finished bridge is            one of the bridge piers; excavation of the bridge
four lanes wide, 226 metres long, and 24.5                 pier foundations in a steep narrow gorge; and
metres wide. A total of 44 steel girders, each             getting heavy cranes and machinery and
1.8m wide and 3m deep, make up the                         materials to the remote site.
framework of the bridge deck, which is                         The Kenepuru and Linden Interchange is one
supported by two abutments and two piers.                  of the most complex sections of the project. The
Over 10,000 cubic metres of concrete were used             interchange will provide Porirua safe access to
to build the bridge and all of its components.             the new motorway, via a new connector road
   According to NZTA Senior Manager Project                that travels over the existing SH1 and the main
Delivery, Chris Hunt, Bridge 20 is a showcase of           railway line at Kenepuru. A big challenge was
technical design and innovation. “The technical            how to build a new motorway around an older
challenges associated with designing and                   one, while keeping SH1 open to traffic.
building a long, high, curving bridge that is                  Environmental work includes diverting a
aesthetically pleasing yet able to withstand a             stream near the Willowbank Quarry, fencing, and
one-in-2,500 year seismic event, in an area of             planting. The quarry is due to reopen to deliver
high seismicity, require an innovative approach.”          aggregate for pavement work.
   Further challenges were minimising the                      Finishing work will include ducting for
environmental effects while working within a                services, retaining walls, and safety barriers.
DOC reserve, working in close proximity to
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The new Transmission Gully SH1 motorway will replace the existing coastal highway, removing bottlenecks
through small towns and speeding up travel times for both trucks and cars.

New motorway will be faster and safer

        otorists and the road transport industry        partnership between Wellington Gateway
        have long clamoured for a replacement           Partnership and the government.
        for SH1 out of Wellington. The existing             The project is highly complex, with difficult
state highway passes through the communities            and steep terrain requiring large-scale
of Plimmerton and Paremata, causing significant         earthworks during construction. Twenty-five new
bottlenecks. The Transmission Gully route will          structures with a total length of more than a
make the trip faster and safer. It is also designed     kilometre will be constructed along the route.
to be resilient, and able to withstand the risks        • A drone video during May captures the latest
from earthquakes and storms.                               work on the project.
   Once complete, the 27-kilometre four-lane            • For more information, see or for
motorway will run from Mackays Crossing in the             urgent ma
ROAD TRANSPORT NEWS - Transmission Gully - Road Transport Association NZ
Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                              July 2020

Road Transport Forum

Looking to a green freight future for NZ
By Nick Leggett
                                                       how they are running and measuring sustainable
                                                       business practices.
                                                           We are all aware of the current limitations,
                                                       but we also need to look at the opportunities.
                                                       Another thing COVID-19 has taught us is you
                                                       simply don’t know what’s ahead and global
                                                       shocks have a way of changing things.
                                                           The MoT working paper looks at the three
                                                       existing options as alternative fuels—electricity,
                                                       green hydrogen and biofuels—but
                                                       acknowledges a lot more work needs to be
                                                       done for any of these to be viable at scale. It
                                                       also notes that there is no one-size-fits-all
                                                       solution and other options could emerge.
                                                           Alternative green fuels are a growing area of

                                                       interest and investment globally but the
         ne of the positive outcomes of the
                                                       passenger vehicle market has developed more
         COVID-19 lockdown in New Zealand
                                                       than truck manufacturing. So, choices that can
         was it initiated a greater understanding
                                                       be made in New Zealand will be constrained by
by government of both the necessity and the
                                                       what is available. There also has to be the
many inter-connected parts of moving freight.
                                                       appropriate infrastructure to support alternative
    Road freight transport presents a conundrum
                                                       fuel options. Freight companies are unlikely to
for this government. They don’t like fossil-
                                                       invest in vehicles that cannot be easily
fuelled trucks on roads, but they
                                                                         recharged/refuelled throughout
need them. We have an economy
                                                                          the country.
based on exports and imports and            “There has to be                 There is a lot more work to
93 per cent of the total tonnes of
freight moved in New Zealand goes
                                            appropriate                   do  before finding viable green
                                            infrastructure to             freight solutions. The paper
by road. This has possibly never
                                                                          notes there are sustainability
been more important to the                  support alternative           concerns with batteries for
economy than it is now.                     fuel options.”                electric vehicles, in particular
    To the uninitiated, trucks don’t fit
                                                                          their production and disposal.
with the climate change narrative.
                                                                         In the rush to endorse electric
But the government can’t tax and regulate
                                                       vehicles, this has been somewhat overlooked.
trucks off the road until there is some viable
                                                          The working paper says: “The government
alternative to fuelling them and the infrastructure    should consider options that provide the freight
to support that.                                       industry with flexibility to transition to the
    The Ministry of Transport (MoT) has put its        alternative green fuels that are best suited to
toe in the water to explore transitioning road         their organisations.”
freight to alternative green fuels in its recently         We think that is sound advice. If the
released 2020 Green Freight Working Paper. The         government really wants to go big on green
Road Transport Forum engaged with MoT as               freight, the opportunity is there to back
they gathered information for this project and it      ourselves as a smart, clean, green country and
was an extremely worthwhile experience. It is          come up with the solutions ourselves. We are
always good to plan for the future and we can’t        known for our problem-solving and innovation,
put our head in the sand and pretend we can            so let’s lead the way here if we can.
run on diesel forever.                                 I recommend reading the MoT’s 2020 Green
    It’s not just the government calling for           Freight Working Paper, which you can find here.
greener solutions across all aspects of our lives.
Many road freight transport operators will be          • Nick Leggett is the CEO of the Road
finding customers wanting to deep dive into                Transport Forum.

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Essential information for members
The Road Transport Forum (RTF) is the central                                     2019 Operator Cost Comparison Report—
point of communication for the road freight                                       how to get your copy
transport industry. Visit the RTF website here to
                                                                                  The latest operator cost comparison report is
keep up to date on media releases, Nick’s blog,
                                                                                  now available for purchase from RTF. The report
submissions, and advisories.
                                                                                  presents the results of a confidential cost survey
COVID-19                                                                          of trucking businesses across New Zealand
WorkSafe signed off road freight transport                                         conducted for the RTF by the New Zealand
specific guidance and protocols developed by                                      Institute for Business Research (NZIBR),
the RTF to help businesses be safe during the                                     University of Waikato.
COVID-19 alert levels. These remain best                                          The latest survey covers the financial year of
practice at this time, even though they were                                      2019. The cost of copies of the report are:
focused on Alert Level 3.                                                         $250+GST for members of RTF and $400+GST
WorkSafe—COVID-19 safety plan                                                     for non-members. To purchase, please email
                                                                         or call (04) 472 3877.
WorkSafe has developed a template to help
develop a COVID-19 safety plan, which you can
find here.
General information
The COVID-19 website:
has general information including Government
support available to businesses.
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Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                                July 2020


EROAD improves efficiency and safety

       ow fleet managers can easily find
       out which driver is behind the wheel
       of their vehicles with just one piece
of hardware in the cab. Keeping on top of
fleet management has many
variables, so you need technology that
makes life easy.
    One of the biggest headaches is
having incorrect data about which drivers
are behind the wheel of your vehicles,
and ending up with incomplete journey
logs. Drivers require an easy way to be
able to get into a vehicle, log in to a
device, and get on with driving. EROAD’s
Ehubo2 eliminates multiple pieces of
hardware. The Ehubo2 in-vehicle                EROAD’s Ehubo2 has a driver-facing touch screen,
technology has a driver-facing touch           offering multiple easy-to-use applications.
screen, offering multiple easy-to-use
applications on a single device.

Driver Login
   Driver Login uses a simple PIN driver identification system to identify drivers and vehicles—It’s a
quick, intuitive, and secure way to identify the driver and incentivise good driving. Correct driver
identification enhances visibility of driver location and driving times, and unlocks valuable insights on
driver performance.
    Easy-to-understand visual reports and feedback can help you boost driver performance and
improve health and safety outcomes. Driver Login ensures you know who’s behind the wheel and
where they are at all times, eliminating unauthorised use.
   “We proudly use New Zealand-developed technology, to keep our units working on-time safely to
manage our customer’s orders,” says Aaron Bonner, the general manger of LongChill Limited, which
operates nationwide. “With EROAD, I am able to view the fleet anywhere in New Zealand at any time
and keep on top of what’s happening. It provides me with all the up-to-date information I need to run
a compliant, efficient, and profitable fleet.”

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    Messaging is a two-way messaging system that connects head office and the driver. Staying
connected with your fleet in the field allows you to assign jobs, reorganise routes, and quickly react to
current traffic flow incidents and short-term changes.
    EROAD’s innovative Messaging allows you to exchange messages with drivers in the field in a
cost-effective way, on the Ehubo2 screen.
    “The less time a driver has to spend on the phone, the safer their driving and the more they can
get done, says Bill O’Loughlin, the general manager of Roadex. “EROAD Messaging has been great
for letting drivers know where and when their next job is and keeping a full record of all instructions
and acknowledgements.”

Drive Buddy
    Drive Buddy gives immediate driver behaviour reporting and Posted Speed displays the actual
driving speed compared with the road network speed. It empowers drivers to make better choices
on the road by reducing the number of speeding and harsh braking events. Drive Buddy’s real time
feedback and alerts provide drivers with valuable insights that enable them to develop and maintain
good driving habits, helping you to protect your drivers and business.
    EROAD attributes an impressive 47 per cent reduction in customer over-speed events directly to
the company’s products and services. (See graph on following page.) These commercial vehicle
fleets are experiencing greater than 80 per cent reductions in speeding events after installing
EROAD’s Ehubo2.

RTANZ NEWS                                                                                             10
Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                                  July 2020

    Total impact of EROAD’s products and services. Data sourced from all EROAD NZ customers.

EROAD Inspect                                          this way,” says Ian Emmerson, Managing
    EROAD Inspect lets you carry out pre- and          Director of Emmerson Transport.
post-trip vehicle inspections on a mobile app or       • Information: here or call 0800 437 623.
the Ehubo2 device in the vehicle cab. You can
record any defects and maintenance                        ##################################
                                                            Get rid of paper
required. Defects are captured on the spot,
using customisable templates, and are uploaded
to the EROAD Defect Board on Depot.
Electronic RUC licence display                            ##################################
    EROAD’s electronic RUC solution                       ##################################
revolutionises the way you manage Road User               ##################################
Charges. The system automatically records                 ##################################
distance travelled and locations, and calculates
off-road distance travelled. You can buy RUC               ##################################
licences online, 24/7, using EROAD’s secure,              ##################################
bank-grade payment gateway, and you can                   ##################################
choose to automatically purchase RUC in legally           ##################################
minimum increments—virtually pay-as-you-go.               ##################################
    The system automatically sends the RUC                ##################################
licence information to your Ehubo2 single in-cab          ##################################
device for display as an approved electronic              ##################################
RUC licence—no paper labels required.                     ##################################
                                                           EROAD Inspect removes all paperwork, enabling
EROAD’s NZTA-approved platform ensures that                pre and post inspections using the mobile app.
you do not overpay RUC and that you receive                The status of a vehicle can be easily viewed,
the RUC refunds you are entitled to. You also              increasing fleet efficiencies and maximising
                                                           vehicle road times.
have full visibility around RUC status and                ##################################
purchases for your entire fleet.                          ##################################
    “We’ve been with EROAD since the early                ##################################
days and find with the ease of off-road recovery           ##################################
                                                                        • 0800 437 623
the system pays for itself—it’s so much easier,           ##################################
manageable and more cost-efficient to buy it

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Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                                July 2020


MyTrucking boosts business for operators

        arterton business
        MyTrucking is
        helping transporters
in New Zealand and
around the world go
contactless in response to
    MyTrucking is an online
job management system
that was designed—
together with truck drivers
—to replace the paper
diary with minimal fuss.
Sam and Sara Orsborn
started the business six
years ago, when a friend
approached them looking
for help to run their new
                                MyTrucking is a proudly local business with national and international reach.
transport business more
efficiently. Together they
focused on building a product that keeps things           that focus has been on the range of things that
simple for everyone in the transport business             transport operators can do with MyTrucking to
workflow—the owner, the dispatcher, the driver,           stay contactless during the COVID-19
accounts, and admin.                                      pandemic.
    In 2020, Sam and Sara are still involved in               “It’s great to be at Level 1 and see things
MyTrucking, while also running the family stock           settle  down just a little bit more, week by week,
feed business and a farm. They recently brought           says Szikszai. “With our borders slowly opening
in General Manager Gabor Szikszai to run and              up now, the transport sector needs to lock-in the
grow the business. With 20 years of experience            Level 4 changes and maintain really good
in the tech sector, most recently running part of         contactless practices.
Trade Me marketplace, Carterton local Szikszai                “With MyTrucking, the entire job creation and
is helping MyTrucking focus on being even more            delivery   system can be done without person-to-
relevant to the transport sector. Most recently,          person    contact  just by using our web
                                                          application, and a mobile phone. And any
                                                          business that has a transportation component
                                                          can get complete visibility and control of what’s
                                                          going where, and when.”
                                                              In response to a call from the transport
                                                          industry, MyTrucking adapted to focus helping
                                                          existing users move to contactless job dispatch
                                                          and delivery.
                                                              This ranges from the start of the process—
                                                          replacing the paperwork that is handed to
                                                          drivers with digital copies that are shared via its
                                                          mobile app—right through to the ability to use
                                                          SMS or email so delivery sites can be set up in
                                                          advance of a truck arriving. And going paperless
                                                          means that drivers don’t have to return to the
 MyTrucking manages a variety of applications.            office at the end of the day.

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    Demand for MyTrucking increased after the           adapt to providing their services with less face-
first week or so of Level 4 lockdown, says              to-face and more contactless delivery.”
Szikszai, as many transporters realised they had            It’s not just domestic businesses either—
to change their practices to remain operational.        MyTrucking has more than 3500 active users
Now, those operators are also seeing the                every month, across New Zealand, Australia,
ongoing benefits of saving time, minimising             Samoa, and the UK and Ireland.
mistakes, and invoicing for all their jobs.                 Renowned for its customer service and
    Though MyTrucking initially focused on              support, the Wairarapa-based team works out of
livestock and rural transport providers, this has       a farmhouse-turned-office in rural Carterton, and
                             broadened to a host of     continues to grow as they enhance their product
“Moving away                 new types of               (a major release coming soon will help
                             customers. Some of         MyTrucking users provide even better service for
from paper is                that is due to             their customers) and support an ever-growing
great for                    COVID-19 but some of       customer base.
business.”                   it is just a realisation       If you’re still using a paper-based system, or
                             that moving away from      your current system is not easy to use, now’s a
                             paper is great for         great time to try MyTrucking.
business. Recent examples of new customers
include a honey business, metal recycler, civil         •   For a free two-week trial which gives you
engineering, and furniture mover.                           access to the full product and the world-
    “It has changed and moved to lots of different           famous support team, see:
types of transport since 2014,” Szikszai says.    
“We’re still rural. We’re also urban. And there are
new opportunities now, as retail businesses

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Ask a lawyer

Help on hand to negotiate legal landscape
By Amanda Douglas

                                                      these steps aren’t taken, then you will run the
                                                      risk of employees raising personal grievances
                                                      for unjustified disadvantage.
                                                          We recommend assessing your revenue
                                                      (current and forecasted) and any other cost-
                                                      saving methods before taking this step.
                                                          I’ve received a letter from the NZTA
                                                      proposing to revoke my TSL licence due to
                                                      some recent offences. Is it worth making
                                                      submissions in response, or have they
                                                      already made up their mind?
                                                          It is absolutely worth making submissions to
                                                      the NZTA in support of why your TSL should not
                                                      be revoked (or an application be declined), and
                                                      this is something that we have successfully
                                                      assisted many clients with. Generally, a

       ver the last month, we have had some           statement from you giving context to the
       questions come in regarding the post-          offences along with character references
       COVID-19 environment, the cannabis             attesting to your good character are helpful to
referendum, and TSL issues. These are                 support your submissions, together with a
important issues, and in this                                          carefully worded submission
month’s edition we answer                                               addressing the key points.
those questions, and would be       “Members are able          to         If cannabis becomes
happy to provide further advice
on these topics if needed.
                                    access 15 minutes                 legalised, will that mean that
                                    free with Wynn                    it is okay for the boys to
   How do I reduce                                                    smoke cannabis on smoko?
employees’ wages—can I just          Williams to triage their
                                                                         No, but this may require
give them written notice? I’ve       issue and to find a              some changes to your existing
heard of a lot of companies          way forward.”                    policies.
putting wages down to 80 per                                             If recreational use of
cent and I want to do the                                            cannabis is legalised following
same.                                              the referendum, it is useful to draw an analogy
   Generally, you should only be considering       with alcohol consumption now. While it is legal
reducing employees’ wages if you have suffered      for employees to drink alcohol in their own time,
a reduction in revenue and work, and as a way      that does not mean that it is okay for employees
to avoid taking more permanent steps (such as      to show up to work under the influence of
redundancies).                                     alcohol and/ or consume alcohol during the
   As a pay reduction amounts to a change to       work day. The same would apply in respect of
an employees’ terms and conditions of              (any legal) recreational consumption of
employment, this requires a formal process.        cannabis.
Ideally, you should get agreement to a change of       If recreational use is legalised, employers will
terms and conditions. Generally, this involves     need    to take care when enforcing drug and
putting a proposal to employees in writing to      alcohol policies and testing employees. All
reduce their pay (and the reasons to support       employers who drug test their employees will
that), giving them the time and opportunity to     need to look at their current policies and con-
provide feedback on the proposal, and then         sider their stance on both medicinal cannabis
issuing a decision on the proposal in writing. If  consumption and recreational cannabis

RTANZ NEWS                                                                                           14
Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                           July 2020

consumption (if it is legalised). It is safe to say   •   Please email Amanda Douglas, at Wynn
that most policies will need to be updated if the         Williams:
law changes. We note also that medicinal         for any
cannabis was legalised earlier this year and this         inquiries. Members are able to access 15
is something that you would expect would be               minutes free with Wynn Williams to triage
declared when undergoing a drug test.
                                                          their issue and to find a way forward. Please
Medicinal cannabis, by definition, does not
                                                          do not hesitate to get in touch to discuss
make someone “high”, so if an employee seems
to be impaired and claims they are taking                 your employment needs.
medicinal cannabis, a closer investigation would
be warranted.
Wage Subsidy Extension Update
    In our May edition, we advised that, to be
eligible for the wage subsidy extension, you
need to demonstrate a 50 per cent reduction in
revenue for the 30 days before an application is
made. The Government has now revised its
eligibility criteria to a 40 per cent reduction in
revenue for the 30 days before an application is
made. Employers may wish to assess their
situation against this new criteria.

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RTANZ NEWS                                                                                           15
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Health & Safety

How to run an effective safety meeting
Safe Business Solutions can help you make meetings more successful.

       usinesses have an
       opportunity to provide
       regular, useful, and effective
training by running safety meetings.
    However, many contractors fail
miserably at this valuable training
and communication opportunity,
simply because no one has ever
taught the presenter how to
effectively communicate.
    Common mistakes include:
• failure to plan a topic or prepare
   an outline;
• reading word for word, directly
  from a script;
• choosing the wrong person to          Employers can easily take steps to make meetings interesting
  facilitate the training;
                                        and effective. —Photo: 2018 AFGE NVAC National Health and
• not providing the training in a       Safety Conference, by AFGE.
  language that is understood by
  all workers;
                                                       meeting together or rotate the responsibility
• not encouraging two-way communication by             from meeting to meeting.
  asking leading questions such as “Give the
                                                       3. Ensure discussion topics are relevant and
  group an example of how you have
                                                       aren’t repeated too often.
  experienced this”;
                                                       4. Create a meeting outline limited to three or
• failing to properly document the training and        four key talking points.
  not requiring a legible printed name, signature
  and employer name for all attendees;                 5. Keep the safety meeting short and to the
                                                       point (don’t allow someone to waffle on about
• skipping a meeting because only a handful of
  workers were on the job or because the               unimportant or irrelevant information in the
  meeting wasn’t scheduled.                            conversation).

  Solutions                                            6. Create written handouts. The regulations and
                                                       best practices require that training be
These failures and others can be easily
                                                       conducted in a language that is clearly
corrected with a little coaching from an
                                                       understood by the target audience.
experienced and knowledgeable individual who
has patience, ingenuity, and communication             7. Foster two-way communication by asking
skills that he or she is willing to share with co-     safety meeting participants what is important to
workers.                                               them. Ask for the problem and the solution with
    Here are some effective techniques                  questions such as: “What are the two most
businesses can put into practice:                      dangerous conditions on this job and what can
                                                       we do to limit worker exposure to the hazard?”
1. Develop a Safety Committee and assign them
the task of determining relevant topics.               8. Have a thorough knowledge of the project
                                                       scope of work and current status such that
2. Use a “tag team” approach in that two or            relevant topics can be selected for any
more key individuals develop topics and                particular meeting.
outlines for each meeting and conduct the

RTANZ NEWS                                                                                               16
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9. Have a sign-in sheet available that includes       The most profitable companies are usually
date, topic, presenter name, company name,         the safest companies, and regular health and
and a place for each participant to print and      safety meetings help support a positive safety
sign their name and provide their employer’s       culture.
10. Maintain adequate and useful records by        For more information on Health & Safety or HR,
scanning each topic and sign-in sheet into an      phone SBS on 0508 424723 or email
electronic format and archiving according to
company record-keeping policy.
   Using company-specific Health and Safety
data as discussion topics is a good way to
make the discussions real and a good way to
have two-way communication during the
   Data may include the following:
•   Accident or near miss statistics
•   Sick leave days
•   Fleet management data
•   Safe driving reports
   Not only are regular health and safety
meetings required to meet a business’s duties to
engage with its workers under the HSWA 2015,
but they are a great investment of time.

    Specialist supplier to the

    New Zealand Transport Industry
     Representing the worlds leading manufacturers of
     lifting & load restraint products
     Freephone: 0508 274 366

RTANZ NEWS                                                                                          17
Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                              July 2020

Employment Matters

Restructuring requires careful approach
Safe Business Solutions says employers must follow the correct procedures.

  n these unprecedented times, many employers         potentially impacted employees. It is not simply
  may now be in a situation where they need to        a case of a management decision that is then
  reduce costs and ensure that the structure of       communicated to those affected. The proposal
their business is appropriate as a result of the      needs to be presented by the employer
global pandemic and its impact on the economy.        representative meeting individually with
     The unfortunate reality of COVID-19 is that      potentially impacted employees, giving them
restructuring and redundancies become an              time to digest the proposal and to prepare their
option for businesses that find that the way they     feedback. Seven to 10 days is a reasonable
are structured is no longer sustainable, with         timeframe to give employees to submit their
resources exceeding the work available, or the        feedback, but it will depend on the proposed
business itself not being viable in future without    scale of change and employees’ reactions.
significant change.                                   Genuineness
     Restructures can often result in
                                                         There must be a genuine commercial
redundancies. Restructuring is the process by
                                                      reason for the restructure. It cannot be used as a
which the structure of a business is changed—
                                                      vehicle to address individual or group
by removing, replacing or varying positions
within that workplace. Redundancy is the
termination of an employee’s employment,              Consultation
attributable to the fact that the role filled by the     A full and fair consultation process (as part of
individual is superfluous to the needs of the         “good faith” employment provisions) must take
employer. It is important to                                              place with those employees
remember it is the position                                                potentially affected.
that is surplus, not the             “While it’s the employer’s            This requires a process to be
employee.                                                                  followed that allows for
     Conducting a successful
                                     business, it is the
                                                                           employee representation, time
restructure is not as simple as      employee’s livelihood.                to consider the proposal, time
it may appear and because of         Both are invested in it               to provide feedback, and the
the adverse consequences
experienced by affected
                                     together.”                            opportunity to suggest
                                                                           alternatives to a redundancy
employees, there is a high risk                                           or to the change itself, or other
that if not conducted well, a restructure could       feedback on any aspect of the proposal.
result in personal grievances being raised               Should the proposal result in a selection of
against the employer.                                 employees to be retained by the employer, then
     A restructure process has many elements          a proposed generic selection criteria also needs
that require careful consideration. It is important   to be presented for feedback by the employee.
to deliver a process that is procedurally correct        Employees must be made aware that they
and that each employee potentially impacted by        may bring a support person to any significant
the change should be treated with compassion,         meetings regarding their role, seek legal advice,
care, and fairness. Not only is it important to       and be allowed space and time to consider the
care for those potentially impacted but also          proposed restructure and provide feedback.
other employees who may not be directly
impacted, but are watching from the side-lines.       Feedback
It is important they are able to see the process        Once the feedback has been received, the
and approach taken by the employer is fair, so        employer is legally obligated to consider it and
that no lingering feelings of dissatisfaction exist   make a fair and reasonable decision. While the
after the process is complete.                        proposed changes may seem obvious to the
Proposal                                              employer, it is possible an employee could
                                                      identify a flaw in the proposal or present an
     The process of restructure must always           option the employer hadn’t considered. Should
commence with a written proposal given to             an employee present a valid idea that causes

RTANZ NEWS                                                                                              18
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changes to the proposed restructure, the               support such as counselling throughout the
employer would need to redo the proposal and           process.
consult on it again. The employer/employee                 Key elements of a successful restructuring
relationship is a two-way street and often             process are planning, paperwork, and
employees advance novel and innovative                 communication. Ultimately, a successful outcome
suggestions that might ultimately save a               is one that achieves necessary change required
business. While it’s the employer’s business, it is    for the business while being as fair and
the employee’s livelihood. Both are invested in it     compassionate as possible, with as little adverse
together.                                              consequence to those impacted, and the
Outcome Decision                                       business’s morale and reputation remaining
   The employer must communicate the decision
                                                           Instead of what could be a “knee-jerk”
to affected employees along with justification and
                                                       business reaction to a COVID-19 response,
how their feedback was considered. Relevant
                                                       ensure there is open communication with
processes set out in employment agreements
                                                       employees and allow time to ensure a genuine
must also be honoured.
                                                       restructure and any resulting redundancies are
Alternative Employment Options                         managed in a procedurally correct way. This will
   A restructure can be a stressful and uncertain      allow for a smooth transition to the new structure
time for employees. Once an outcome is decided,        with minimal distress to employees, lessening the
employers have an obligation to consider all the       risk of business disruption and personal
possibilities for an employee, particularly if their   grievances being raised.
role is being made redundant. Employers should         • If you are considering a restructure and are
consider redeployment into a new role or a               unsure if your employment obligations are
suitable alternative role, where their skillset can      being met, call the SBS Team on Freephone
be applied elsewhere in the new business model.          0508 424 723.
Implementing changes can take a while,
especially if there are redundancies or new
people being hired to new roles.
   Be mindful that employment and livelihoods
are important, so there will be a lot of scrutiny of
the proposal, the consultation process, and the
resulting decisions. There will likely be emotion
and distress. Offer impacted employees seek

RTANZ NEWS                                                                                              19
Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                                  July 2020

Membership benefits

RTANZ delivers savings and benefits

      here are many reasons why it pays to                Crombie Lockwood—exclusive insurance
      become a member of the Road Transport               package
      Association (RTANZ), says Membership                Crombie Lockwood are our preferred insurance
Benefits Coordinator Vicki Harris.                        brokers and provide yearly assessments to best
NZI is RTANZ’s preferred insurance company                evaluate your insurance needs and to assist you with a
and main sponsor                                          structured cover and policy to meet all your transport
                                                          operator insurance requirements. They offer an
NZI’s Commercial Motor division offers more than
                                                          exclusive insurance package to RTANZ members with
just insurance. They also provide a unique suite of
                                                          increased benefits.
free and subsidised services that produce
meaningful business improvements regardless of            Wynn Williams—free legal advice
your size and circumstance.                               Wynn Williams provide a specialty RTANZ legal team
Discounted fuel pricing scheme with BP, Mobil,            offering a 15-minute free telephone consultation for
Z Business, and Allied Petroleum                          employment issues, agreements, health & safety, and
                                                          policy advice across the transport sector.
Fuel is the second largest cost to your business.
RTANZ has partnerships with several fuel providers        Gibson Sheat Lawyers
to provide members with substantial fuel price            Specialist legal advice for road transport operators
discounts through the RTANZ Fuel Scheme. If you           (compliance, prosecutions, limited licences,
would like a fuel analysis done so you know if you        employment, health and safety, RUC, commercial
are getting the best price for your fuel, then Vicki is   contracts and business acquisitions).
happy to help.                                            iCOS Live—transport management software
Bridgestone—premium discounts on new and                  provider discounts
re-tread tyres                                            iCOS LIVE is an online transport management software
Tyres are the third largest cost for truck operators.     provider for logistics and freight companies. They offer
Bridgestone NZ have entered into a key supply             a discount to members of $10 a month per truck for
agreement to assist all RTANZ members to receive          those who use their online transport and logistics
premium discounts on new tyres and re-treads.             management software.

RTANZ NEWS                                                                                                   20
Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                                                   July 2020

Safe Business Solutions—free one-hour                                     investments, credit cards, transaction accounts,
consultation tailored around health and safety                            insurance, advice, and support.
SBS offer affordable and tailored health & safety and                       Area Executives—advice from the experts
human resource solutions nationwide and are the                           Our Area Executives around the country all have
biggest provider to the transport industry. They                          extensive experience in the industry and knowledge of
provide a one-hour free no obligation consultation for                    the latest rules and regulations. Our AEs are available
RTANZ members along with special pricing.                                 on the end of a phone for instant advice or just for a
n3 provide access to discounts from over 60                               friendly chat.
leading suppliers                                                         Regular communications
n3 is a business network which provides you with                          Members get regular communications such as this
exclusive savings to over 55 leading suppliers by                         newsletter or Truck and Chat, a fortnightly email round-
linking accounts or using Trade Cards. This is one of                     up of the latest news concerning the road transport
our most popular member benefits that has proven to                       industry.
save our members millions of dollars. Members can
                                                                          EROAD—sponsorship to the Road Transport
also make big savings by signing up to business
network n3 and using their n3 discount card. In 2019,
members spent $5,028,335 and saved a staggering                           EROAD produce the most advanced telematics
$2,128,752.                                                               technology products to pay RUCs, monitor your fleet,
                                                                          and support you to better manage your drivers once
Vodafone—telecommunications benefit
                                                                          they leave the yard.
Vodafone provide members with a benefit for new or
existing Vodafone accounts—one month free every
                                                                          For more information, call Vicki Harris,
time you renew your 24-month business contract.
                                                                          027 534 3848 or 0800 367 782 or email:
BNZ—financial benefit                                           
BNZ provide members with a wide range of special
deals including asset finance, personal loans,

    Get help from
    15,000 mates.
   As part of your RTANZ membership, you can pay less for the things
   your business needs, from health and safety to electrical products
   and gas.
   RTANZ has partnered with n3 for the last 7 years. Last year, Members
   saved over $2.1 million* on their business costs.
   n3 draws on the combined buying power of over 15,000 Kiwi
   businesses to negotiate exclusive terms from New Zealand’s top Suppliers. That’s
   what makes n3 different – utilising our business buying power means more
   savings to your bottom line.

   Plus, RTANZ covers your membership fee with n3 -
   you can enjoy all the benefits with no cost.

   Get started with n3 today.
   Visit or call 0508 20 30 40
   to activate your n3 membership.
   *The savings shown are based on Member spend from Apr ‘19 - Mar ‘20.

RTANZ NEWS                                                                                                                    21
Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                            July 2020

Pressure must be kept on authorities
Scott Asplet, Region Two: Northland, Auckland, Bay of Plenty, Waikato

                                                      what is currently approved, at any time in the
                                                      future. This route should be kept as an alternative
                                                      HPMV route in the event of unexpected road
                                                      closures, and kept to the same HPMV standard.
                                                      There should also be continued access to delivery
                                                      points along the old route before the opening of
                                                      the Huntly bypass. Waikato DC should retain the
                                                      Opermit system for the assessment of bridge
                                                      structures on the old SH1, and extend Opermit to
                                                      cover the whole of Waikato DC.
                                                          All feedback was submitted, including how
                                                      Huntly could still be used as a rest area and truck
                                                      park. The need for these has been highlighted with
                                                      the completion of the expressway. This could help
                                                      the local economy if set up properly. Local Iwi
                                                      supported this.

        ecently, NZTA has implemented some speed          I have also had an invitation to another ILM
        limit changes within our region. State        workshop for the revocation of SH1B from Taupiri
        Highway 5 Waiotapu is one of the first with a interchange to Cambridge, including a short
reduction from 100kmh to 80kmh. State Highway         section of SH26 east of Hamilton. Feedback has
30 and State Highway 33 Rural Rotorua and             been requested from members.
Paengaroa are also having speed reductions.               The need for these roads to stay HPMV and
There will be more to come,                                          continued maintenance to match is a
including a speed review of SH1                                       must for the industry.
L Phillips Road and Puhoi. There        “The government                  There has also been a lot of noise
is also a tolling proposal for the                                    around testing stations recently—in
Puhoi to Warkworth highway.
                                        seems to be happy             fact this never changes and seems
    The government seems to be          making the transport          to be a common topic around all
happy making the transport              industry suffer with           areas of Region Two. With the lack
industry suffer with the imposed                                       of stations and Taumarunui station
                                        the imposed RUC
RUC increase and now a                                                recently closing, one would hope
proposed toll road.                     increase and now a            that this is only an interim measure
    RTANZ Region Two has                proposed toll road.”          as there are members in the area
recently been involved in an ILM                                      who rely on this site. To travel to Te
(Investment Logic Mapping)                                            Kuiti and back will add
workshop for the proposed revocation of the old       approximately 120km onto the price of the COF
State Highway 1 (SH1B) since the completion of        for some operators, not to mention problems if the
the Huntly section of the expressway. I thank         vehicle fails.
members who submitted feedback, which I                   I have requested members’ feedback, which I
presented to the workshop in June. We have now        can then present to NZTA. If this is a nationwide
had two workshops and I feel our feedback has         issue, we can then involve RTF at a national level.
been heard, although time will tell. The feedback     Common complaints are consistency between
highlighted how important this route is to            stations and inspectors, experience of inspectors,
members, customers, and suppliers.                    lane availabilities, and waiting times.
    We made some points very clear in these
workshops: Waikato District Council should            Call Scott Asplet on 027 44 55 785,
approve HPMV before handover, and allow               0800 367 782, or email:
existing NZTA overweight permits to be relevant
until their expiry dates. We wanted a commitment
that bridge restrictions will not be reduced below

RTANZ NEWS                                                                                            22
Road Transport Association NZ Inc.                                                              July 2020

Working through drought and pandemic
Sandy Walker, Region Three: Gisborne, Hawke’s Bay, Wellington, Wairarapa, Manawatū-
Whanganui, Taranaki

                                                         with their pets, how nice it was to hear the birdlife
                                                         back in their trees, and that emissions were at the
                                                         lowest level ever in their towns and cities, yah dee
                                                         yah! As you can imagine, I was waiting to pounce,
                                                         so when the opportunity arose, I said, “I find this
                                                         amazing as our industry are normally the bad guys
                                                         who ruin your roads and keep people awake all
                                                         hours of the night and you have all just
                                                         commented on how great it is to have the lowest
                                                         emissions ever and birds back in the trees in your
                                                         regions and the traffic at a minimum—well, what
                                                         was the only thing on the road during lockdown?
                                                         So, are we the bad boys you make us out to be?”
                                                             Applying the RUC increase has been confusing
                                                         for many. It will vary depending on your combi-

      or many, life is getting back to as normal as      nation type as it only applies to the RUC content
      possible, however on the East Coast we have        of your total costs, which will alter between eight
      experienced one of the worst droughts ever         and nine axle units or other combinations within
with rainfall not expected to get back to normal         your fleets. Do some exercises for each
until September 2020. Being on the Hawke’s Bay           combination type to obtain an average to apply
Rural Advisory Group (RAG) Transport and                 across the board. Please get in touch should you
Logistics team during COVID-19                                              need any assistance or if you
has opened my eyes to the                                                    need to adjust rate structures
issues many farmers have                “The goodness of many                and pass them on to your clients.
endured on top of lockdown.                                                  You cannot afford to absorb
    Stock feed has been in huge
                                        farmers,    transport
                                                                             these costs in an already low
demand. The goodness of many            operators, and                       margin industry.
farmers, transport operators, and       volunteers…shows the                     While you are doing the RUC
volunteers throughout New               true Kiwi values we all              review, check on your FAF
Zealand who have donated their                                               adjustment figures as well to
time and costs to assist during         hold in times of need.”              make sure you are capturing that
the pandemic and risked their                                                as in places fuel prices are
own health and safety, shows the true Kiwi values        sneaking back up, and be cautious about what
we all hold in times of need. This also included         pricing you use. Most FAF adjustments are done
many support services for the things we never talk       using retail fuel pricing, unless you have an open
about (financial advisors, marriage guidance             book policy with your clients, where an adjustment
councillors, mental health advisors) and really just     is automatically factored monthly, quarterly, or
good people to sit and have a face-to-face               annually by prior arrangement. I urge you to keep
conversation with (confidentially). I applaud            an eye on this. It might not seem much now, but in
everyone who assisted our farmers in need.               three months could relate to two per cent of your
Unless you have experienced it or lived in a region      hard earned cash.
in dire straits, it is very hard to comprehend or            It is only 178 days to Christmas, so carefully
appreciate the magnitude of the problem.                 look at your financial position compared to last
    I was in a Zoom meeting with several mayors          year to see if you will need to gear up, maintain
recently listening to all their woes about COVID-19      your current status, or gear down as the reality of
and the downturn in businesses in their regions          the new normal kicks in for your business.
(anyone would think they were the only ones
affected), when one expressed how nice it was             Call Sandy Walker on 027 485 6038,
that so many people were out walking and cycling         0800 367 782, or email:

RTANZ NEWS                                                                                              23
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