Official Show Program - 2020 VitaFerm Junior National Hereford Expo Commemorative COVID-19 Edition - American Hereford Association

Page created by Terry Hines
Official Show Program - 2020 VitaFerm Junior National Hereford Expo Commemorative COVID-19 Edition - American Hereford Association
2020 VitaFerm® Junior National Hereford Expo
            July 10-15 • Kansas City, Missouri

Official Show Program
          Commemorative COVID-19 Edition

Official Show Program - 2020 VitaFerm Junior National Hereford Expo Commemorative COVID-19 Edition - American Hereford Association
Official Show Program - 2020 VitaFerm Junior National Hereford Expo Commemorative COVID-19 Edition - American Hereford Association
                                                                                                         Reserve Grand Champion
                                                                                                         Polled Female, 2020 JNHE

                                                                                                              CHANCEE CLARK
     CLAIBORNE PERRY                                                                                     Division IX Champion Polled
     Reserve Division III                                                                                         Female, 2020 JNHE
     Champion Horned Female,
     2020 JNHE
                                                                                                       BLAKELEE HAYES
  THANK YOU TO ALL THE AHA STAFF                                                                       Division I Champion
for going the extra mile to pull off this great event .                                                Horned Female,
                                                                                                       2020 JNHE

                               JIRL, BRENDA & BAILEY BUCK
                               580.795.4865 mobile • Madill, OK 73446
                               Matt Scasta, 580.220.7288

                                                   BULLS FOR SALE PRIVATE TREATY AT ALL TIMES.
                                                                                        COME HOME TO HEREFORDS - July 2020          1
Official Show Program - 2020 VitaFerm Junior National Hereford Expo Commemorative COVID-19 Edition - American Hereford Association
Official Show Program - 2020 VitaFerm Junior National Hereford Expo Commemorative COVID-19 Edition - American Hereford Association
         FEBRUARY 6TH, 2021
              SELLING 300 BULLS & 50 BRED HEIFERS
                     UPS SENSATION 2296 ET

                       SIRE OF MANY JNHE CHAMPIONS
UPS MIGHTY 7850 ET                           NJW 79Z Z311 ENDURE 173D ET

                     U P S T R E A M C AT T L E . C O M
                        BRENT, ROBIN & CARLEE MEEKS
      Brent: 308-214-0719 • Robin: 308-214-0679 •
                       45060 Upstream Rd • Taylor, NE 68879
                                                       COME HOME TO HEREFORDS - July 2020   3
Official Show Program - 2020 VitaFerm Junior National Hereford Expo Commemorative COVID-19 Edition - American Hereford Association
                          ns ors                                                                2020 National
                                                                                         Junior Hereford Expo

                 Your EX Buying Opportunities
             OCT. 5, 2020 ANNUAL FALL BULL         MAR 5, 2021 ANNUAL SPRING BULL SALE
                        & COMM. FEMALE SALE        MAR 13, 2021 ANNUAL HONOR ROLL SALE

                                BOB FUNK, OWNER ... JAROLD CALLAHAN, PRESIDENT
         2202 N. 11TH STREET ... YUKON, OK 73099 ... 800-664-3977 ... 405-350-0044
Official Show Program - 2020 VitaFerm Junior National Hereford Expo Commemorative COVID-19 Edition - American Hereford Association
Official Show Program - 2020 VitaFerm Junior National Hereford Expo Commemorative COVID-19 Edition - American Hereford Association
2020 JNHE
                                   Thank You

             Hereford Family,
                                                                                                                                                      e, I was HOPEFUL
                                                            ch  14  aft  er   a  trip   of   a   life tim  e to the World Hereford Conferenc
                                                     Mar                                                                                                 Zealand would
                  When I stepped off the plane on                                        soo   n   blow    over    and life as I knew it before New
                                                  world wa     s  fac  ing    wou   ld
              that the global health scare our                                                                                                         s, venue changes,
                                                             new    nor   ma   l  wou    ld   inc  lud  e  ZO   OM meetings, event cancellation
              be back to normal. Little did I know
                                                      , the                                                                                                  think of and so
                                                                 soc ial   dis  tan  cin   g,   fac  e  ma   sks  , more unknowns than I could ever
                                                   in place,
               taking things virtual, sheltering
                                                                                                                                                         NKFUL for all
               much more.
                                                                 jun  ior   nat  ion   al   sea   son   is  one    I will never forget and I am THA
                   Fast forward six months later and                                      nes    tal  k  of  an   entire college football season on
                                                                                                                                                          the brink of
                                                     sas Cit   y.  Tod  ay’ s  hea   dli
                that we accomplished here in Kan                                                                                                         leading to Kansas
                                                              e how     for  tun  ate    we    wer   e  to  get   to do what we all love. The road
                                                       e tim                                                                                              coming home to
                cancellation and I realize one mor                                   iles    and     fist  bum   ps after an awesome week made
                                                              ns,   but   the    sm
                       City did take some twists and tur                                                                                              with how it all came
                                                              the   extr  a   eff ort  s  it too   k  to  get  there. I couldn’t be more excited
                                   Hereford worth all of                                                                               ion.
                                                                                    ns and scary times facing our nat
                                       together amidst a lot of unknow                                                                                   t through the Junior
                                                              ded    wa   s  som   e  nor    ma   lcy   and    I am so glad we could provide tha                                 e
                                          What we all nee                                                                  nda  tes in  pla ce, the JNHE has never had mor
                                                                                 Even with        sta  te and     city ma
                                     National Hereford Expo (JNHE).                                                . We  had  to  give  up a few things we all look forwar
                                                                              e than it did         this   year
                                   of a Hereford family atmospher                                                with a much greater appreciation
                                                                                                                                                           for the little things
                                                                my    hop   e  tha  t  we    cam    e  aw   ay
                                 to each summer, but it is
                               that make the JNHE so special.                                                to  the American Royal, the city of
                                                                                                                                                       Kansas City and our
                                                               e  a  gre  at   dea   l  of   gra   titu de
                                 As an association we ow                                                           eford families deserve the most
                                                                                                                                                        thanks as you are
                                                                 and    sup   por  t,  how     ever    the  Her
                  gracious sponsors for their hos                                                                            . I am
                                      nior Na tional  Her   efor  d  Exp   o  the Best in the Barns each year
                   what make the Ju                                                                         City.
                                                        part in coming home to Kansas
                   proud of everyone that played a

                                                    and Thank You!
                    Congratulations Team Hereford
                       Amy Cowan
                                                        and Foundation
                       AHA Director of Youth Activities

                                                      2020 JNHE COVID-19 T
    March 11, 2020           March 24                 April 1                   April 3              April 15                          April 16                           April 22

    Houston Livestock        NJHA Launches            Youth directors           NJHA Board           Banners in the Bluegrass          Early Bird Entry Deadline          NJHA announces
    Show is cancelled        Herefords at Home        and junior event          hosts ZOOM           entries open with COVID-19        Extended Until June 1 – We         virtual contests
    while NJHA members       Social Media             planners from various     meeting for first    Disclaimer. The Junior National   appreciate your patience as we     and scholarship
    are attending World      Challenges to give       breeds get together       JNHE COVID-19        Hereford Expo (JNHE) will         prepare for the 2020 JNHE in       interviews as
    Hereford Conference.     members some fun         to brainstorm and         discussion.          follow the guidelines set forth   Louisville, Ky. The American       well as possibly
    New Zealand travelers    activities to do while   discuss options and                            by the federal government, the    Hereford Association (AHA)         moving forward
    and TEAM USA start       they are sheltering      contingency plans for                          Commonwealth of Kentucky          staff has been working closely     with an electronic
    to “get nervous about    in place and not able    Junior Nationals on a                          and the city of Louisville to     with the team at the Kentucky      election. No news
    this whole COVID         to attend school in      ZOOM meeting.                                  combat the severity of the        Expo Center to present a joint     from Kentucky
    deal” and some plane     person.                                                                 global COVID-19 pandemic.         COVID-19 response proposal to      government.
    tickets are rebooked                                                                             Please enter with confidence      the Kentucky governor. We are
    to make sure everyone                                                                            and be assured that if the        currently awaiting a response
    gets back to the                                                                                 2020 JNHE is cancelled that       from the governor’s office in
    United States safely.                                                                            any and all entry fees will be    regards to our event moving
                                                                                                     reimbursed.                       forward in Louisville.

6       COME HOME TO HEREFORDS - July 2020
Official Show Program - 2020 VitaFerm Junior National Hereford Expo Commemorative COVID-19 Edition - American Hereford Association
Th a n k Yo u

   May 27                         June 5                                  June 10            June 29                   July 7                July 8                   July 10-15

   The AHA staff has learned      All Roads Lead to Kansas City. We       Final JNHE Entry   The final countdown       2020 JNHE             As you gear up for       Welcome Home
   from the State of Kentucky     appreciate you, your patience and       Deadline …         is here and although      WAIVERS               the JNHE, keep the       Hereford Family.
   and the Kentucky Venues        cooperation through the 2020 JNHE       Kansas City Here   there have been a few     REQUIRED. All         healthy initiatives in   Thanks for joining us
   that the 2020 JNHE in          relocation process. On behalf of        We Come!           hills and curves on the   persons and           mind for a safe and      in Kansas City for the
   Louisville will not be         the AHA Board of Directors and the                         road to Kansas City,      families on           successful event.        2020 JNHE!
   permitted to continue at the   JNHE over site committee, we have                          we couldn’t be more       grounds at the        Attendees will be
   Kentucky Expo Center due       made contingent plans and all roads                        excited to Come Home      American Royal        required to wear
   to the state legislation’s     are leading home to Kansas City for                        to Hereford for the       Complex and           face masks. Children
   COVID-19 guidelines and        the 2020 JNHE. “Come Home to                               2020 JNHE. We are         attending the         10 years of age and
   regulations. Rest assured      Hereford” will be hosted July 10-15                        thrilled to announce      2020 JNHE will        under are exempt
   we are doing all we can        at the American Royal Complex and                          1,632 entries, 1,351      be required to        from wearing masks
   behind the scenes to           Hale Arena. Although we are excited                        head of Herefords and     sign a family         as well as all JNHE
   execute a plan that ensures    to “Come Home to Hereford” please                          691 National Junior       waiver and wear       exhibitors when
   a positive experience for      understand that this is still a fluid                      Hereford exhibitors       a wristband that      they are in the show
   the 2020 JNHE and for our      situation and is contingent on final                       from 37 states and        waives certain        ring exhibiting their
   membership.                    permits from the city, which will be                       Canada will be making     legal rights due to   animal.
                                  issued next week.                                          the trip.                 COVID-19.

                                                                                                                       COME HOME TO HEREFORDS - July 2020                                7
Official Show Program - 2020 VitaFerm Junior National Hereford Expo Commemorative COVID-19 Edition - American Hereford Association
2020 JNHE
                        Exhibitors Listing
ALABAMA                              Allie Anderson               Mason Hutchings       Gabrielle Torrance
  Grace Gullatt                      Lilly Anderson               Morgan Jones          Nicholas Torrance
  Mary Gullatt                       Rachel Armold                Mason Jones           Elaina Walsh
  Silas Gullatt                      Kaylyn Bauer                 Aidan Knobloch        Colton Wankel
  Brooklyn Price                     Faith Benedict               Caroline Lee          Emma Wankel
  Vivian Lou Thompson                Noah Benedict                Nolan Lee             Adam Yoder
ARKANSAS                             Emily Bernard                Paige Lemenager     INDIANA
  Morgan Brewer                      Haley Bickelhaupt            Renee Lock             Braxton Carper
  Wesley Chapman                     Trevor Bickelhaupt           Paislee Lorenzen       Collin Deatsman
  Weston Crow                        Ty Bickelhaupt               Stephen Lorenzen       Landon Deatsman
  Brayden Drum                       Molly Biggs                  Rhett Lowderman        Hattie Duncan
  Jillian Emerson                    Alexis Black                 Morgan Lowderman       Ray Duncan
  Annaleigh Mead                     Kendall Boatman              M. Tait McCaskill      Emma Dunn
  Carson Waire                       Kade Boatman                 Lauren McMillan        Lilly Edwards
  Wesley Waire                       Jake Bohnsack                Ashley Miller          Mia Edwards
                                                                  Abigail Muck           Hannah Everhart
                                                                  Dellana Muck           Payton Farmer
  Kathryn Coleman
                                                                  Graci Ogle             Allison Foerg
  Tyler Coleman
                                                                  Molly Ogle             Kayla Fogg
  Brandon Pacheco
                                                                  Bailey Pearl           Cara Gephart
CANADA                                                            Shelby Pearl           Kendall Gephart
  Gracie Nelson                                                   Caden Perry            Riggin Goings
  Jade Nelson                                                     Corbin Perry           Maddox Gunn
  Sadie Nelson                                                    Colton Peterson        Wyatt Gunn
  Ryder Nelson                                                    Abbigale Peterson
                                     Melinda Braun                                       Chase Harker
COLORADO                             Kelby Burns                  Ty Pezanoski           Luke Harker
  Samantha Campbell                  Cora Belle Chapman           Connor Rhoads          Connor Hill
  Cashley Chambers                   Taylor Cole                  Logan Rhoads           Audrey Korniak
  Mattie Chambers                    Tyler Cole                   Riley Rhodes
  John Hampton Cornelius             Korbin Collins               Daniel Richardson
  Hans Vickland                      Kesler Collins               Morgan Richardson
  Vada Vickland                      Caden Crain                  Emma Richardson
                                     Kali Crain                   Peyton Richie
                                     Ella Crane                   Kira Sayre
  Hardy Edwards
                                     John Crane                   Ty Schaefer
  Emily Gattis
                                     Gabe Crutcher                Maggie Shepard
  Mattie Harris
                                     Owen Crutcher                Simon Shepard
  Rachel Hopper
                                     Shawn Crutcher               Shelby Siemer         Gus Korniak
IDAHO                                                             Houston Stapleton     Hadley Korniak
                                     Trevor Crutcher
   Piper Colyer                                                   Stetson Storey        Dylan Kottkamp
                                     Reece Entwistle
ILLINOIS                             Jacob Fiscus                 Cory Stumpf           Aubrey Landrum
   Ben Allen                         Ryan Garnhart                Logan Stumpf          Bailey Landrum
   Reid Allen                        Peyton Garnhart              Karson Sundberg       Sage Lawrence
   Cassie Allscheid                  Claire Griffy                Raelynn Sundberg      Sarah Lawrence
   Krista Allscheid                  Rachel Hood                  Clancey Sweatman      Kailtyn Lowes

*Exhibitors are listed by the state association they represent.

Karly Lowes                       Levi Powell                    Ben Jensen                    Eleanor Marksbury
   Chase Maddox                      Cody Powell                    Colby Jones                   Quinton Ray
   Weston Maddox                     Owen Powell                    Kelsey Kwiatkowski            Case Thomas
   Karlie Marion                     Dax Putz                       Trigg Marston                 Parker Thomas
   Megan Marion                      T.R. Putz                      Brayson Mayo                  Ashlyn Tingle
   Michaela Marion                   Delaney Rife                   Rylie Meinhardt               Lacee Trapp
   Kylie McFatridge                  Kennedy Rife                   William Meinhardt             Harlee Watson
   Logan McFatridge                  Grant Riggan                   Emily Meinhardt               Wyatt Watson
   Carlee Musser                     Tate Riggan                    Cally Miller                  Levi Womack
   Catie Musser                      Alissa Rose                    Cami Miller                LOUISIANA
   Clayton Musser                    Claire Schanbacher             Molly Minihan                Joseph Lingo
   Olivia Neal                       Cole Schanbacher               Legacy Murphy                Morgan Thompson
   Carter Salyers                    Will Schanbacher               Dagan Murray
   Jacob Salyers                     Boone Slater                   Allie Perry
                                                                                                 Bailee McCollom
   JD Seward                         Maci Slater                    Faith Perry
   Garrison Siedling                 Quentin Slater                 Cady Pieper                MARYLAND
   Isaac Siedling                    Payton Vogel                   Lena Schlickau               Jason Baust
   Jayden Simpson                    Coledon Vroegh                 Harry Schlickau              Riley Bohrer
   Avery Stadler                     Rayne Wagner                   Callie Schmidt               Wade Chaney
   Gage Tebo                         Addison Wall                   Lexi Schmidt                 Ella Deford
   Cole Thomas                       Kaden Wilson                   Spencer Schmidt              Ian Forbes
   Burk Van Hurn                     Grant Wilson                   Caroline Studer              Brittany Hefner
   Weston Ward                                                      Johanna Studer               Ella Jacobs
                                                                    Jacqueline Studer            Megan Keeney
IOWA                                Addison Acheson
                                                                    Julia Studer                 Kathy Lehman
  Maggie Anderlik                   Drew Ballard
                                                                    Kalli Valek                  Layla Metts
  Marcey Bailey                     Jase Beltz
                                                                    Cooper Weaber                Madeline Rhodes
  Maddie Black                      Josie Beltz
                                                                    Madelyn Weaber               Tucker Schmidt
  Grady Brix                        Karsten Breiner
                                                                    Wyatt Weaber                 Chad Shelton
  Grant Brix                        Kennan Breiner
                                                                    Tobi Wilber                  Kaylie Shelton
  Gwendalyn Brix                    Brinley Davis
                                                                                                 Rylee Stockdale
  Addison Brueggeman                Danica Davis
                                                                                                 Gabrielle Wise
  Breck Coffland                    Jalyn Davis
                                                                                                 Sydney Wise
  Carlee Cremeens                   Dustin Denton
  Ky Curran                         Wesley Denton                                              MINNESOTA
  Colton Davisson                   Cole Dieball                                                 Theodore Bergquist
  Emma Davisson                     Taylor Dieball                                               Brooke Geislinger
  Sarabeth Decious                  Corbin Ellerman                                              Bradley Hochhalter
  Ethan Espenscheid                 Ty Ellerman                                                  Wynn Lawrence
  Evan Espenscheid                  Delaney Figge                 KENTUCKY                       Wade Lawrence
  Madeline Espenscheid              Tyree Figge                     Emma Ballinger               Wyatt Lawrence
  Brock Heaberlin                   Jordan Gatz                     Will Beckley                 Hans Lind
  Reagan Jansen                     Lauren Gatz                     Colton Coffman               Jens Lind
  Jordan Johnson                    McKenna Gatz                    John Cox                     Mabry Mcgunegill
  Tate Kettler                      Kinsley Gillig                  Brooks Hopper                Max Mcgunegill
  Jonathon Kreutner                 Bradyn Greenwood                Josie Hopper                 Hannah Neil
  Macy Macke                        Brody Greenwood                 Zachary Imbruglio            James Orsten
  Joseph (JC) Moen                  Tava Gustafson                  Caleb Kernodle               Hannah Perrotti
  Kale Montag                       Kaden Hitz                      Luke Kernodle                Bella Pressnall
  Kennedy Montag                    Jessica Jensen                  Joshua Kernodle              Madison Pressnall
                                                                                                 Leo Privet
*Exhibitors are listed by the state association they represent.

                                                                                    COME HOME TO HEREFORDS - July 2020   9
Tar Tut                         Grant McMillen                 Cooper Lindstrom        Jillian Johnson
     Halle Walsh                     Landon McMillen                Malina Lindstrom        Emma Lewis
     Mia Walsh                       Rhett McMillen                 Jacey Massey            Mason Love
MISSISSIPPI                          Tanner McMillen                Kendi Miigerl           Morgan Love
  Emily Adkerson                     Taylor Miller                  Kaleigh Moeller         Rachel Morgan
  Lauren Adkerson                    Tory Miller                    William Moeller         Daniel Morgan
  Slade Bales                        Emmalee Mueller                Claira Morgan           Piper Pennell
  Sarah Kate Childs                  Maggie Reed                    Kian Morris             Emma Pitstick
  Jacob Johnson                      Gavin Rhode                    Hannah Pearson          Abbygail Pitstick
  Kathryn Johnson                    Isaac Rhode                    Ralston Ripp            Lindsey Pugh
  Mark Kypton Lofton                 Levi Roth                      Bailey Sellman          Caroline Vonderhaar
  Rylie Melancon                     Cade Shepherd                  Jake Sellman            Samantha Wallace
  Claiborne Perry                    Reagan Sneed                   Whitney Steckel       OKLAHOMA
  Abigail Wilson                     Rhett Sneed                    Natalie Wegner          Brooks Barron
  Hunter Wilson                      Josie Toombs                   Hannah Williams         Halle Barron
                                     Jacob Toombs                   Auzzy Ziegler           Julia Barron
                                     Addison Ward                   Madie Ziegler           Reese Barron
  Brayde Adam
                                     Grant Ward                   NEW JERSEY                Lauren Bilderback
  Rachael Bagnell
                                     Marygrace Warden               Abigail Billing         McKenzie Boyer
  Kinleigh Bolin
                                     Grant Waters                   Caleb Vander Groef      Karstyn Cantrell
  Kacy Bone
                                     Kristin Waters                 Grant Weinmann          Parker Cantrell
  Karli Buggs
                                     Carman Woodworth                                       Grady Carter
  Cole Craig                                                      NEW YORK
  Lexi Craig                      NEBRASKA                          Cara Ando               Hudson Carter
  Lauren Crutsinger                 Austry Adams                                            Carlee Clark
                                                                  NORTH CAROLINA
  Morgan Crutsinger                 Kaisha Alber                                            Chancee Clark
                                                                    Nora Cave
  Payton Dunn                       Brenlee Alber                                           Cierra Collins
                                                                    Josie Correll
  Jackson Ebert                     Kassidy Bremer                                          Claire Collins
                                                                    Charles Wyatt McCoy
  Jorja Ebert                       Kiera Bremer                                            Kynlee Dailey
                                                                    Regan Mitchem
                                    Klayton Bremer                                          Dyson Dunlap
                                                                    Jordan Mitchem
                                    Kinsley Bremer                                          Kayann Eck
                                                                    Skyler Murray
                                    Matthew Bruns                                           Hunter Freeman
                                    Blake Bruns                   NORTH DAKOTA              Terah Garcia
                                    Rianna Chaney                   Kylee Myers             Kristin Gilroy
                                    Sheridan Chaney               OHIO                      Alexis Griswold
                                    Lance Ditloff                   Schelby Beach           Miranda Hansen
                                    Hadley Dunklau                  Kynsleigh Billman       Blakelee Hayes
                                    Kingston Egbert                 Isabelle Bobo           Clayton Hayes
                                    Kinleigh Ekhoff                 Carter Boyd             Brock Holmes
     Trenton Edwards
                                    Graden Forbes                   Augustin Burwell        Addison Koontz
     Haleigh Ferguson
                                    Lander Forbes                   Evlyana Burwell         Jaelyn Koontz
     Beau Ann Graves
                                    Kennedy Hoffman                 Knox Cupp               Halle Littau
     J.W. Hancock
                                    Haxton Hoffman                  Maddox Cupp             Emily Loman
     Emma Hancock
                                    Carly Kolterman                 Kelsey Decker           Kaylee Lunsford
     Paige Henderson
                                    Kashlyn Krebs                   Angela Distl            Taylor Marrs
     Payton Henderson
                                    Kynsleigh Krebs                 Emma Helsinger          Ace McHatton
     Will Hendricks
                                    Sage Krebs                      Grant Helsinger         Bryce Milligan
     Kade Kleeman
                                    Lex Larsen                      Lawtyn Holley           Cameron Odell
     Karsyn Kleeman
                                    Fletcher Larsen                 Lakyn Holley            Joel Pecha
     Aiden Kleinman
                                    Abigail Lewis                   Andrew Johnson          Marlyn Pecha
     Atley Kleinman
*Exhibitors are listed by the state association they represent.

10    COME HOME TO HEREFORDS - July 2020
Hannah Pembrook                   Cole Lehnert                   Brigham Kelley                 J.D. Painter
   Colby Perry                       John Oliver                    Aubrey Lockhart                Jeb Painter
   Jolee Prentice                    Sara Cate Orr                  Trevor Lockhart                Callie Taylor
   Landon Rakestraw                  Erin Rushing                   Devon Lockhart              WISCONSIN
   Kya Rhodes                                                       Kash Long                     Bianca Bevan
   Kassidy Rubes                                                    Maddax McCollum               Mya Bevan
   Reign Scasta                                                     Kaylee McInvale               Blake Brancel
   Allie Schrammel                                                  Devin Moore                   Bryce Brancel
   Katelin Scott                                                    W. Zeb Murphree               Brooke Davis
   Trey Secratt                                                     Kaegan O’Leary                Annah Dobson
   Evan Sims                                                        Maddie O’Leary                Sydney Espenscheid-Stolee
   Jake Sims                                                        Keyser Ottmers                Dawson Firlus
   Baylee Smith                                                     Layna Ottmers                 Morgan Firlus
   Stephen Sparks                    Emma Rushton                   Sydney Otwell                 Lily Jensen
   Blayklee Stelzer                  Libby Rushton                  Kara Mae Pinkerton            Brady Jones
                                     Mary Carter Shirley            Reese Isabella Pinkerton
OREGON                                                                                            Lauren Jones
                                     Foster Wingler                 Holden Roeder
  Gunnar Gohr                                                                                     Nick Jones
                                     Lauren Wingler                 Mason Roeder
  Fallon Gohr                                                                                     Riley Jones
  Sara Harfst                     TEXAS                             Lindsey Rogers                Madison Katzenberger
  Gideon Topliff                    Braylee Adkins                  Raynee Schacher               Madison Kegley
  Hosanna Topliff                   Landry Allan                    Rylee Schacher                Wyatt Kegley
  Titus Topliff                     Mason Allan                     Maddie Smith                  Isabell Kemper
                                    Rebecca Andrews                 Savannah West                 Bradyn Lamb
                                    William Baker                   Jarrett Worrell               Jordan Lamb
  Reagan A. Dunn
                                    Aidyn Barber                    Pecos Worrell
  Walker L. Dunn
                                    Bryden Barber                   Alexis Zach
  Christine Helm
                                    Rylee Barber                  VIRGINIA
  Aaron Howe
                                    Brandelyn Barrilleaux            Suter Clark
  Ethan Howe
                                    Caly Blacksher                   Braxton Light
  Kaia Howe
                                    Devin Bollman                    Shianne Nesselrodt
  Shelby Manning
                                    Carlisle Braman                  Madison Sifford
  McKenzie Stadtmiller
                                    Madeline Braman                  Salem Sifford
SOUTH CAROLINA                      Eric Daniels                     Sedona Sifford
  Harrison Hutton                   Judd Daniels                     Ethan Smith
SOUTH DAKOTA                        Luke Daniels                     Hannah Smith                  Payton Lawinger
  Ivan Blume                        Ashby Dauer                      William Webert                Lauren May
  Sydney Dvorak                     Jared Dauer                                                    Marie Prodell
                                                                  WASHINGTON STATE
  Chesney Effling                   John Dauer                                                     Dravan Robinson
                                                                    Colton Dalia
  Will Freking                      Neely Davis                                                    Taylor Schaefer
                                                                    Jarrett Dalia
  Keaton Hoyer                      Addison Duis                                                   Austin Smith
                                                                    Lindsay Eldred
  Kai Thomsen                       Kennedy Easter                                                 Makenna Smith
                                                                    Ryan Rogers
TENNESSEE                           Stephanie Golightly                                            Tessa Smith
                                                                  WEST VIRGINIA
  Ella Callicott                    Alex Harris                                                    Zoe Spilker
                                                                    Mason Glascock
  Sarah Callicott                   Augustus Harris
                                                                    Landon Hall                 WYOMING
  Bristol Cherry                    Cade Harris
                                                                    Kenzie Hawkins                Samuel Birdsall
  Sydney Cherry                     Callie Harris
                                                                    Kora Hawkins                  Sarah Birdsall
  Mason Collins                     Zoye Harris
                                                                    Carson Lambert                Kassidy Hurley
  Ethan Hopkins                     Jessica Harrison
                                                                    Tyler Miller                  Saige Ward
  Evan lane Jackson                 Emily Jenkins

*Exhibitors are listed by the state association they represent.

                                                                                     COME HOME TO HEREFORDS - July 2020       11
Private treaty cattle
                                                     available all fall

                                                       Embryos and semen available

     At Hopper Herefords, we strive to produce foundation quality feedstock          4171 Barrett Pike
     that will adapt and work in any environment. We value maternal traits,          Maysville, KY 41056
     structural correctness, reproductive efficiency and breed character.            Chris Hopper: 606-584-7842
     Customer satisfaction along with strong relationships are also a part of        Zach Day, Herdsman: 859-588-6271
     our values which have been and will remain priorities in our program. 

12     COME HOME TO HEREFORDS - July 2020
2020 JNHE

                                                TITLE SPONSOR

                                            EVENT TITLE SPONSORS

         POLLED FEMALE SHOW                                                                BRED-AND-OWNED FEMALE SHOW
     Hoffman Ranch, Thedford, Neb.                 HORNED FEMALE SHOW                     Buck Cattle Co., Moore Cattle Co.,
      and Cort Scheer, Elsmer, Neb.            HME Herefords, Winterville, Ga.                    Madill, Okla., and
                                             and Hopper Herefords, Maysville, Ky.           Express Ranches, Yukon, Okla.

                                               • grand meadows farm •
                COW-CALF PAIR SHOW
             Innisfail Farm, Madison, Ga.                BULL SHOW                         STEER SHOW
                                                Grand Meadows Farm, Ada, Mich.      Upstream Ranch, Taylor, Neb.

          Sullivan Supply and Stock Show          GKB Cattle, Waxahachie, Texas       Cottonwood Springs Farm,
               University, Dunlap, Iowa                                                     Cedar, Mich.


14    COME HOME TO HEREFORDS - July 2020
GRAND CHAMPION POLLED FEMALE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .McKay Cattle Co., Orlando, Okla.
RESERVE GRAND POLLED FEMALE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kester Hereford, Clearwater, Neb.
GRAND CHAMPION HORNED FEMALE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapman Ranch LLC, Mannsville, Okla.
RESERVE GRAND HORNED FEMALE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cox Ranch – Ryon Cox, Mt. Pleasant, Texas
GRAND CHAMPION BRED-AND-OWNED FEMALE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Purina Animal Nutrition
RESERVE GRAND BRED-AND-OWNED FEMALE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Howe Family at Deana Jak Farms, Wagontown, Penn.
GRAND CHAMPION BRED-AND-OWNED BULL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CK Cattle – Chris & Kristi Effling Family, Highmore, S.D.
RESERVE GRAND BRED-AND-OWNED BULL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Krebs Cattle Company, Gordon, Neb.
GRAND CHAMPION STEER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Luke, Stacy & Paige Lemenager, Hudson, Ill.
                                                                                     Brock Show Steers, Lafayette, Ind.
RESERVE GRAND STEER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Shelton Family, Frederick, MD
GRAND CHAMPION BRED-AND-OWNED STEER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S.E. Lawrence Herefords – Samuel, Sarah & Sage, Avilla, Ind.
RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION BRED-AND-OWNED STEER . . . . . . . Harfst Ranch, Jacksonville, Ore.
GRAND CHAMPION COW-CALF PAIR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jamison Ranch, Beggs, Okla.
RESERVE GRAND COW-CALF PAIR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pedretti Ranches, El Nido, Calif.
CHAMPION BRED-AND-OWNED COW-CALF PAIR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Williams Livestock – Hannah Williams, Kearney, Neb.
RESERVE CHAMPION BRED-AND-OWNED COW-CALF PAIR. . . . . . K&A Cattle – Kaylee & Avery McInvale, Lockney, Texas
CHAMPION STANDARD COW-CALF PAIR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boyd Beef Cattle, Mays Lick, Ky.
RESERVE CHAMPION STANDARD COW-CALF PAIR. . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrnak Herefords, Bowman, N.D.
GRAND CHAMPION PEEWEE SHOWMAN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maddox Gunn, Greenfield, Ind.
RESERVE GRAND PEEWEE SHOWMAN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Keyser & Layna Ottmers, Fredericksburg, Texas
GRAND CHAMPION JUNIOR SHOWMAN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KGB Cattle Company, Bellville, Texas
RESERVE GRAND JUNIOR SHOWMAN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JB Livestock – Jason, Jill, Jase & Josie Beltz, Canton, Kan.
GRAND CHAMPION INTERMEDIATE SHOWMAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bar One Ranch, Eugene, Ore.
RESERVE GRAND INTERMEDIATE SHOWMAN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lind Family Farms – Doug Lind Family & Tar Tut, Rushford, Minn.
GRAND CHAMPION SENIOR SHOWMAN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B & C Cattle Co., Miami, Texas
RESERVE GRAND SENIOR SHOWMAN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Harrell Hereford Ranch, Baker City, Ore.
HERDSMAN OF THE YEAR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Neil Farms, Northfield, Minn.

                                                         DIVISION SPONSORS
DIVISION I CHAMPION BRED-AND-OWNED BULL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ridder Hereford Ranch, Callaway, Neb.
DIVISION I RESERVE CHAMPION BRED-AND-OWNED BULL. . . . . . The Colby Collins Family, Chattanooga, Okla.
DIVISION II CHAMPION BRED-AND-OWNED BULL . . . . . . . . . . . . . Blakelee & Clayton Hayes, Ada, Okla.
DIVISION II RESERVE CHAMPION BRED-AND-OWNED BULL . . . . . 2TK Cattle Company – Tom Boatman Family, Rockford, Ill.
DIVISION III CHAMPION BRED-AND-OWNED BULL. . . . . . . . . . . . . Weeping Fox Ranch, Hartley, Iowa
DIVISION III RESERVE CHAMPION BRED-AND-OWNED BULL. . . . . Torrance Herefords – Scott, Monica, Gabi & Nick Torrance,
                                                            Media, Ill.
DIVISION IV CHAMPION BRED-AND-OWNED BULL. . . . . . . . . . . . . Sidwell Herefords, Carr, Colo.

                                                                                                           COME HOME TO HEREFORDS - July 2020   15
DIVISION V CHAMPION BRED-AND-OWNED BULL . . . . . . . . . . . . . KGB Cattle Company, Bellville, Texas
DIVISION V RESERVE CHAMPION BRED-AND-OWNED BULL . . . . . Morrell Ranches, Willows, Calif.
DIVISION I CHAMPION BRED-AND-OWNED FEMALE . . . . . . . . . . . Double L Cattle, College Station, Texas
DIVISION II CHAMPION BRED-AND-OWNED FEMALE. . . . . . . . . . . Messner Herefords, Laverne, Okla.
DIVISION III CHAMPION BRED-AND-OWNED FEMALE . . . . . . . . . . VH Cattle Co., Morgantown, Ind. &
                                                                 Aqua Pro Health Plus, Pilot Point, Texas
DIVISION IV CHAMPION BRED-AND-OWNED FEMALE . . . . . . . . . . Walker Herefords, Morrison, Tenn.
DIVISION V CHAMPION BRED-AND-OWNED FEMALE. . . . . . . . . . . Kevin & Sheila Jensen & Family, Courtland, Kan.
DIVISION VI CHAMPION BRED-AND-OWNED FEMALE . . . . . . . . . . Krebs Cattle Company, Gordon, Neb.
DIVISION I CHAMPION HORNED FEMALE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chris Stephens, Wesson, MIss.
DIVISION I RESERVE CHAMPION HORNED FEMALE . . . . . . . . . . . . The Barron Family, Lenapah, Okla.
DIVISION II CHAMPION HORNED FEMALE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Middleswarth Herefords, Torrington, Wyo.
DIVISION II RESERVE CHAMPION HORNED FEMALE. . . . . . . . . . . . KGB Cattle Company, Bellville, Texas
DIVISION III CHAMPION HORNED FEMALE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chandler Herefords Inc., Baker City, Ore.
 DIVISION III RESERVE CHAMPION HORNED FEMALE. . . . . . . . . . . Coal Creek Land & Cattle, W Terre Haute, Ind.
DIVISION IV CHAMPION HORNED FEMALE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Burns Farms, Pikeville, Tenn.
DIVISION V CHAMPION HORNED FEMALE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapman Ranch LLC, Mannsville, Okla.
DIVISION V RESERVE CHAMPION HORNED FEMALE. . . . . . . . . . . . Holden Herefords, Valier, Mont.
DIVISION VI CHAMPION HORNED FEMALE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapman Ranch LLC, Mannsville, Okla.
DIVISION I CHAMPION POLLED FEMALE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weeping Fox Ranch, Hartley, Iowa
 DIVISION I RESERVE CHAMPION POLLED FEMALE. . . . . . . . . . . . . Daniels Hereford Ranch, Malad City, Idaho
DIVISION II CHAMPION POLLED FEMALE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KGB Cattle Company, Bellville, Texas
DIVISION II RESERVE CHAMPION POLLED FEMALE. . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapman Ranch LLC, Mannsville, Okla.
DIVISION III CHAMPION POLLED FEMALE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MCS Cattle Co, Elgin, Okla.
DIVISION III RESERVE CHAMPION POLLED FEMALE. . . . . . . . . . . . Elkington Polled Herefords, Idaho Falls, Idaho
DIVISION IV CHAMPION POLLED FEMALE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JMO Land and Cattle LLC – The O’Leary Family, Brock, Texas
DIVISION V CHAMPION POLLED FEMALE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Chris Stephens, Wesson, MIss.
DIVISION V RESERVE CHAMPION POLLED FEMALE. . . . . . . . . . . . . Covey Farms – Craig, Dawn and Calah Covey, Hamill, S.D.
DIVISION VI CHAMPION POLLED FEMALE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bob May Show Cattle, Mineral Point, Wisc.
DIVISION VII CHAMPION POLLED FEMALE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Chris Wilson Family, Creston, Iowa
DIVISION VII RESERVE CHAMPION POLLED FEMALE . . . . . . . . . . . CX Ranch, Pomeroy, Wash.
DIVISION VIII CHAMPION POLLED FEMALE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shane & Melissa Schaake – Melissa Photography & Design,
                                                                           Manhattan, Kan.
DIVISION VIII RESERVE CHAMPION POLLED FEMALE. . . . . . . . . . . Schrammel Cattle Company, Orlando, Okla.
DIVISION IX CHAMPION POLLED FEMALE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reed Stock Farm, Hampton, Minn.
DIVISION X CHAMPION POLLED FEMALE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Micheli Hereford Ranch, Fort Bridger, Wyo.

Rylee Barber
  • Grand Champion Polled Heifer, 2006 JNHE
  • Grand Champion Senior Showman,
    2020 JNHE
  • Grand Champion Bred-&-Owned Heifer,
    2020 JNHE
   …and many successes in between!

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                                                     10175 FM 3138, Channing, TX 79018
                                                     Located 60 miles northwest of Amarillo
              One Family. One Passion. Since 1904.
                                                             COME HOME TO HEREFORDS - July 2020   17

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                                                       COME HOME TO HEREFORDS - July 2020   19
2020 JNHE
                      Interns and Ambassador

                                                                  Hereford Publications Inc. Intern
                                                                  GRACE VEHIGE            Missouri
                                                                  Texas Tech University
                                                                  Master of Science in Agricultural Communications


                                                      AHA Youth Activities Intern
                                                      HALIE RUNNER            Illinois
                                                      Oklahoma State University
                                                      Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Sciences
                                                      and Natural Resources
                                                      Agricultural Communications and Animal Science

                                  JNHE Ambassador                                              Lindsay
                   LINDSAY MEYER               Illinois
                          Oklahoma State University
         Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Sciences
                        Agricultural Communications

2020 JNHE

                                      MARK and KIRBIE SIMS Owens Cross Roads, Ala.
                                          JUNIOR AND PEEWEE SHOWMANSHIP JUDGES

                                      Kirbie grew up in the Hereford industry at her family’s KLD Herefords in Waxahachie,
                                      Texas. She was the National Polled Hereford Queen in 2009. After earning a bachlor’s
                                      degree in animal science from Texas A&M University, she obtained a nursing degree from
                                      Texas Woman’s University. She earned her master’s degree at Georgetown University and
                                      is now a family nurse practitioner in Huntsville, Ala. Kirbie and her husband, Mark, married
                                      in 2016. Mark was born and raised on a ranch in Elgin, Okla. He received his bachelor’s
                                      degree in animal science from OSU. In 2019 he started Sims Plus, LLC, a full-service
                                      sale management and auction company. Kirbie and Mark grew up in the National Junior
                                      Hereford Association and were very successful in and out of the show ring.

                                      KASEY HEINDEL Columbus Junction, Iowa
                                      and TODD HERMAN Lima, Ohio
                                          SENIOR AND INTERMEDIATE SHOWMANSHIP JUDGES

                                      Fourth-generation Hereford breeder, Kasey Heindel, grew up showing cattle with her
                                      parents, Todd and Kim Herman. The OSU graduate and her husband, Dan, and their
                                      children, Kannan and Kylar Jo, raise crossbred and Hereford cattle. Kasey won several
                                      Junior National championships as a youth, including being named Champion
                                      Senior‌ Showman.

                                      Todd grew up on a diversified livestock operation in Edgerton, Ohio. He currently manages
                                      the cowherd at Jones Show Cattle and raises Herefords with his parents, Jim and Beth
                                      Herman, and Kasey and Dan. After graduating from Michigan State University, Todd
                                      worked for ACE Polled Herefords, which later became Star Lake Cattle Ranch. Todd judged
                                      the bred-and-owned show in Wisconsin and is a past Hereford Herdsman of the Year.

                                      DREW PÉREZ Canyon, Texas
                                          BULL AND STEER SHOW JUDGE

                                      Drew grew up on his family’s registered Hereford and commercial operation in Nara
                                      Visa, N.M., and was very active in the NJHA. He and his wife, Lauren, and their two
                                      children, Mila (2) and Myles (1), reside in Canyon and raise registered Herefords. Drew
                                      was a member of the livestock judging team at Butler Community College and Texas Tech
                                      University and has judged multiple national shows.

KYLE CONLEY Sulphur, Okla.

Kyle and his wife, Amanda, own and operate Conley Cattle. The couple has always
embraced a strong passion for livestock, which they hope to instill into their two sons,
Case and Jack.

A third-generation Angus cattle breeder, Kyle judged livestock at Butler Community
College and then Oklahoma State University (OSU). Kyle strives to produce seedstock that
are competitive in the showring and functional in the pasture.

JEREMY HAAG Smithville, Mo.

Jeremy is a third-generation Angus breeder from Plymouth, Ind., where his family has
raised Angus cattle for over 50 years. He owns 50 head of Angus, primarily marketing
junior show heifers and performance cattle to breeders in the Midwest. He and his wife,
Jenny have three kids. Jeremy earned a bachelor’s in animal agribusiness from Purdue
University. He was a member of the livestock judging teams at Purdue and Joliet Junior
College. He has been a sale manager at the American Angus Hall of Fame for the last
16 years.

DR. DAN SHIKE Sadorus, Ill.

Dan and his wife, Jennifer, have three children — Olivia, Hunter and Harper. Dan is an
associate professor at the University of Illinois, where his responsibilities include teaching
and research in beef cattle nutrition and management. Dan has coached 11 teams at the
University of Illinois and now coordinates the livestock judging team and supervises the
university’s three beef cattle operations. Dan has judged at numerous national, state and
local shows as well as internationally at the Sydney Royal and Royal Adelaide in Australia.

KYLE COLYER Bruneau, Idaho

Kyle and his family own and operate Colyer Herefords and Angus. He and his wife, Bobby
Jean, have two children, Piper and Cruz, who are now the fourth generation on the ranch
and are active National Junior Hereford Association (NJHA) members. Kyle was a member
of the Kansas State University and Colby Community College livestock judging teams. After
earning a bachelor’s degree in animal science from Kansas State University, he returned to
the ranch in Bruneau.

                                              COME HOME TO HEREFORDS - July 2020             23
2020 JNHE
                     Thank You
                                           Th a n k Yo u

     Thanks to all Hereford royalty               Good luck to all state
     with helping to make a safe                  queens and princesses in
     and fun event and encouraging                this next year!
     junior exhibitors!

24    COME HOME TO HEREFORDS - July 2020
Th a n k Yo u   2020 JNHE
                                  Thank You

                   Thank you to all staff and
                   volunteers for your dedication
                   and time to the association
                   and its members at the 2020
                   VitaFerm® Junior National
                   Hereford Expo!

                COME HOME TO HEREFORDS - July 2020   25
2020 JNHE
                         Graduating Seniors

 Brooklyn Adam, MO           Tyler Lacek, MN
 Victoria Allen, IL          Payton Lawinger, WI
 Cinch Anderson, OR          Kara LeBeouf, LA
 Cara Ando, NY               Megan Marion, IN
 Bryden Barber, TX           Kaylee Martinez, TX
 Kaylyn Bauer, IL            Jacey Massey, NE
 Molly Biggs, IL             Kaylee McInvale, TX
 Chandler Bobo, TX           Grant McMillen, MO
 Blayke Breeding, TX         Wade Minihan, KS
 Karstyn Cantrell, OK        Cale Mouser, MN
 Wade Chaney, MD             MaKalyn Nesselrodt, VA
 Sadie Compagnola, PA        Audrey Nolan, TX
 Morgan Crutsinger, MO       Gracie Oates, TX
 Kynlee Dailey, OK           Kaelyn Pepper, MI
 Luke Daniels, TX            Hannah Perrotti, MN
 Wesley Denton, KS           Abbigale Peterson, IL
 Annah Dobson, WI            Elizabeth Pribil, OK
 Emma Dunn, IN               Marie Prodell, WI
 Maesa Dvorak, SD            Harley Rogers, TX
 Alexus Eudy, TX             Ryan Rogers, WA
 Karson Fahey, MD            Emma Rushton, TN
 Melanie Fishel, NC          Libby Rushton, TN
 Terah Garcia, OK            Jake Sellman, NE
 Jordan Gatz, KS             Christopher Shelton, MD
 Zachary Imbruglio, KY       Stephen Sparks, OK
 Lindsey Jacobs, IA          Mitch Stuber, ND
 Jessica Jensen, KS          Gabrielle Torrance, IL
 Ben Jensen, KS              Ryan Underwood, KY
 Trevor Johnson, SD          Saige Ward, WY
 Morgan Jones, IL            Tobi Wilber, KS
 Hailey Keller, OR           Gabrielle Wise, MD
 Isabell Kemper, WI
 Dylan Kottkamp, IN

                                                                        HER EFO RD ASS OC

                                                                                       sas City, MO             64153
                                                               r Drive, Ste. 410 • Kan
                                11500 N. Ambassado

                                                                              life as we knew it came to a scr
                        At the beginning of March when                                                                 the Junior National
                        t,  we  had    no  ide   a  wh   at   eac   h   day would bring leading up to                             optimistic through
                   hal                                                                 on Zoom each month, we stayed
                                      o  (JN HE    ).  As   our     boar     d  me   t                                                          summer
                   Hereford Exp
                                                      ld  be    hea    ded     to  Lou   isvi lle for  Banners in the Bluegrass, but as
                  the spring that we wou                                               plans would need altered. Stayin
                                                                                                                                   g optimistic and
                                  fac  ed  the   sad     rea    lity   tha   t  our                                                       sas City gave us
                  began, we                                                               onc   e again seemed possible when Kan
                                           e  an    eve   nt,   the    imp    oss  ible
                 determined to hav
                 the greenlight to Come Home to                                     a   new    location, our board met to determ
                                                                                                                                         ine how we could
                                         on  the    ann    oun    cem    ent    of                                                           to come. We
                    As we waited                                                            e  exh ibit ors would remember for years
                                                    and     off  er   an     exp  eri  enc                                                            s and
                make this a safe JNHE                                                tha  n  our   nor  ma  l eve nt to follow the health guideline
                                                                    dif  fer   ent
                 knew things would have to look                                        rs  of  dis cussion, it ultimately came dow
                                                                                                                                          n to hosting some
                                                e.  Thr   oug    h  ma    ny    hou                                                                e with the
                 to keep everyone saf                                                le  and    ma  kin  g modifications to the event to adher
                                                          ing     the    sch   edu
                  contests virtually, shorten
                  health guidelines.                                                                                                               across the
                                                            se    dec   ision    s  bec  au  se  we  kne  w they would impact juniors from
                       It was hard to make              the                                                                                            those
                                                                    ted     to  ma   kin  g  eac  h  asp  ect  of the JNHE the best it could be. In
                   country. But we stayed dedica                                         n,  I ofte n times remember thinking this
                                                                                                                                           is unfortunate,
                                              the     nat  ion   wid    e shu    tdow                                                             being able
                   first few weeks of                                                     Lik  e ma  ny   of  you I found the silver lining, in
                                                            in    the    situ  ati  on.
                    but tried to find the good
                                              a much slower pace.                                                                               what I didn’t, I
to spend time with my family at                              I  rea   lize   d  I  nee  ded    to be  tha  nkful for what I had instead of
                                                  wh    en
    Similar to those first few weeks                                                                     d.
                              de  I nee  ded    to  have for Come Home to Herefor
 und  ers too d the   att itu                                                                                   had the same attitude.
                                        ’s JN   HE,    I fee   l confident to say many of you                                                       smiles on
     As we ref   lec t on   this  year
                                                                  Am    eri  can    Roy   al   Com   plex  on   Friday evening, I witnessed the
                                                   into the                                                                            ready to make it the
     As the trailers made their way                                 s   and     saw     ded  icated Team Hereford volunteers
                                        you   from       par   ent
 juniors faces, heard thank                                                                              .
                                                   had planned from the beginning                                     ng formed, juniors working har
  best week of summer, just like we                                       ns   and     see  the   frie nds  hip s bei
                                                        to the bar
      Each morning, I was eager to get                              upl    ifti ng    atm  osp   here. As the week progressed, I
                                              t  of   suc  h   an
  on their animals and to be par                                       er    pace and ultimately getting to see
                                                                                                                             the hard work pay
                            fam  ilie s enj oyi   ng    the    slow
   hearing stories of                                                                                g.
                                                made their way through the rin
   off for so many juniors as they                               icip   ate   d, it mig    ht   hav e  been the JNHE we all needed to
                         sn’t the   JN  HE   we    had     ant                                                                      stay in touch
       While this wa
                                       e  in 20    21.   Ju  nior   s,    as   we    mov   e forward into the school year,
   appreciate what is to com                                                                                                            made at
                                                sum     mer    ,  wr  ite   to  you    r  pen   pal and keep the memories you
    with the friends you made this                                 e.  The     best is going to get better as we
                                                                                                                            head to Wisconsin
                              efor  d for  year     s  to  com
    Come Home to Her
    next summer for Hereford Spect

        Taylor Belle Matheny
        Former NJHA Chairman

                                                                                                                   COME HOME TO HEREFORDS - July 2020              27
“We cannot always build the future
                     for our youth, but we can build our
                     youth for the future!”
                                                               Franklin D. Roosevelt

         Congratulations to all the JNHE exhibitors and their families!

     Building a future with the NJHA
                                                     Hardy Cell: (706) 714-9012 | Kim Cell: (706) 206-6725

      505 Lem Edwards Road | Winterville, GA 30683               WWW.HMEHEREFORDS.COM

                                                                                          Sullivan’s Highrise Showbox
                                                                                          Tailored for the hog, sheep,
                                                                                          and goat showman.


New Features
                                                                  Sullivan’s 4ft Aluminum Upright - Weekender Edition
                                                                  The All-Inclusive Weekend Showbox includes blower brackets,
                                                                  fan stand brackets all in a stylish Steel Blue or Black powder coat.
 Sullivan’s 4ft & 5ft Dolly Boxes
 Single Door Redesign
 Improved Shelving Layout
 Gallon Shelves & Halter Hooks
 Rugged Hammertone Finish

                                                                                              Sullivan’s Renegade Showbox
                                                                                              Fully Loaded Show Box to cover all your
                                                                                              show road needs.
                                     Sullivan’s Rebel Showbox
                                     A bold, efficient showbox.

                                                                       COME HOME TO HEREFORDS - July 2020                           29
Creating Winners
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     • Better quality frozen embryos and
       higher pregnancy rates

              Madison, Wisconsin

30    COME HOME TO HEREFORDS - July 2020
Work hard.
Dream big.
Never give up.
                                                         CONGRATULATIONS, JUNIORS,
                                                               ON A SUCCESSFUL 2020
                                                   JUNIOR NATIONAL HEREFOR D EXPO.

                                                                       AND      special thanks
                                                         TO THE ENTIRE STAFF OF THE
                                                   AMERICAN HEREFORD ASSOCIATION
                                                              FOR MAKING IT HAPPEN!

  5th Annual

                Female Sale
    TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2020                                                          Online sale only…hosted by
                         Contact us for details!

      ESTABLISHED 1943                 RANCH VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME! 859 Romero Road, Nara Visa, NM 88430

                                  Cliff & Pat Copeland 575.403.8123 •        Please contact us for information
                                  Matt Copeland 580.336.8284                                           or to be added to our mailing list.
                                  Clifford & Barbara Copeland
                                  Alyssa Fee Herdsman 731.499.3356 •

                                                                                  COME HOME TO HEREFORDS - July 2020                         31
2020-2021 NJHA
                                 Board of Directors
                       MONTANA LAWRENCE NJHA Chairman Princeton, Minn.
                       Montana is the 22-year-old daughter of Bryan and Marytina Lawrence. Last May Montana graduated from the University
                       of Minnesota Morris where she earned a bachelor’s degree in political science and studio art. This fall she will begin
                       attending law school with aspirations towards a career in agricultural or constitutional law. Montana has been a member
                       of the NJHA and Minnesota Junior Hereford Association for the past nine years. During her membership, Montana has
                       served as the state president and state Hereford queen for the Minnesota Junior Hereford Association. As an NJHA board
                       member, she seeks to inspire and equip her fellow juniors to chase their dreams and achieve their goals.

                       ABIGAIL SPINDLE NJHA Vice-Chairman Moriarty, N.M.
                       Abigail is the 20-year-old daughter of Tom and Becky Spindle. She will be a senior at Texas Tech University where
                       she is majoring in agriculture and applied economics, and is a member of the livestock judging team and meat animal
                       evaluation team. Abby and her siblings are the fifth generation on her family’s ranch. After college, she wants to keep
                       up the family tradition raising cattle on her family farm and ranch. Abby is a 12-year member of the New Mexico Junior
                       Hereford Association where she served as queen and princess. With the current growth in the industry, she plans on
                       using her time on the board to keep up the momentum and continue building up the NJHA. Abby wants to focus on
                       leadership development and member participation.

                       BAILEY MORRELL NJHA Communications Chair Willows, California
                       Bailey is the 19-year-old daughter of Barry and Carrie Morrell, and is a junior at Colorado State University (CSU) double-
                       majoring in agriculture education with a concentration in agriculture literacy and political science with a concentration
                       in environmental policy. After graduation she plans to attend law school and earn an agricultural law degree. In the
                       future, Bailey hopes to own her own practice specializing in water rights while also continuing to operate her family’s
                       seedstock Hereford operation. She has held a variety of offices and leadership roles through her involvement in 4-H and
                       FFA. While at CSU she serves as the Block and Bridle Club vice president, the Collegiate Livestock Association secretary
                       and is an Agricultural Ambassador. Bailey has truly enjoyed building relationships and serving junior members this past
                       year as a director and looks forward to future opportunities engaging with Hereford juniors and industry leaders.

                       NOAH BENEDICT NJHA Fundraising Chair Dewey, Ill.
                       Noah is the 20-year-old son of Chad and Becky Benedict, and is a junior at the University of Illinois majoring in
                       agribusiness markets and management. Upon graduation he plans to work in the livestock feed and nutrition industry.
                       Noah has held a variety of leadership roles in Hereford Youth, most recently as the chairman of the Illinois Junior
                       Hereford Association. He is a fifth-generation Hereford breeder and says he hopes to continue his family’s operation
                       into the next generation. Noah values the NJHA because of its tremendous support for its junior members, and how
                       much he knows it can help them grow. He strives to make as many connections as he can with the junior members and
                       their families, and to continue to be a friend and role model for those that he meets as well.

                       LUKE DANIELS NJHA Leadership Chair Dalhart, Texas
                       Luke is an 18-year-old twin son of Scanlon and Angela Daniels. He will be a freshman at South Plains College this fall,
                       studying pre-veterinary/animal science and competing in the livestock judging program. Luke’s ultimate dream is to
                       raise quality Hereford cattle and farm, while focusing on the advancement of embryology and semen collection services
                       in his family’s veterinary operation- Circle H Headquarters L.L.C. He credits his competitive drive, ethics, and genuine
                       passion for the Hereford breed to being a first generation breeder growing up in the Texas panhandle. As an 11-year
                       member of the Texas Junior Hereford Association, Luke has held multiple leadership positions, and recognizes what
                       he’s learned from the mentorship of the breeders in his region. He aims to be both a set of ears and information for the
                       Hereford youth; attempting to be the best resource possible while assisting in growth of the breed’s future.

                       WYATT LAWRENCE NJHA Membership Chair Princeton, Minn.
                       Wyatt is the 20-year-old son of Bryan and Marytina Lawrence, and is a Junior at the University of Minnesota Twin
                       Cities majoring in agribusiness with a minor in animal science. After graduating, his dream is to return home to work
                       alongside his father and grandfather on the families turf grass and hereford operation. At the University of Minnesota,
                       Wyatt also serves as the Block and Bridle club Vice president, is a member of the livestock judging team, and is part of
                       the Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity. He has also been active in his church for the past 10 years volunteering in the media
                       department and teaching Sunday school. Wyatt has thoroughly enjoyed his first year on the board building relationships
                       and creating future opportunities for junior members. His goal on the junior board is to inspire juniors and help in
                       developing the next generation of beef professionals. He is looking forward to what the future holds for Hereford youth.

BROOKLYN ADAM NJHA Director Lathrop, Mo.
Brooklyn is the 22-year-old daughter of Scott and Tammy Adam. In the spring, she graduated from Kansas State
University with a bachelors degree in agricultural communications and journalism. She would like to combine her
passion for photography, writing and agriculture by becoming a photojournalist for an agriculture-based magazine.
Brooklyn is a 14-year member of the Missouri Junior Hereford Association where she served as a board member
and treasurer, as well as the state Hereford queen. She loves to advocate and spread her knowledge and love for the
Hereford breed. She has shown and raised Herefords since she was eight years old alongside her three sisters and with
the help of her parents.

JW COX NJHA Director Flemingsburg, Ky.
JW is the 18-year-old son of Shane and John Moran. JW is a sophomore at Western Kentucky University majoring in
animal science with an option in pre-vet. After receiving his college degree, John plans to become a large animal vet
specializing in embryology. John is a three-year member of the Kentucky Junior Hereford Association where he served
as the president and vice president. JW would like to return the favor the board gave him by striving to be someone
that could set the pace for the younger generation. He plans to help younger kids get involved and get started in the
organization, while working side-by-side with leaders of our industry to gain support for our programs.

Samuel is the 22-year-old son of Scott and Susan Lawrence. He recently received his bachelors in Animal Science from
Kansas State University. At K-State Samuel was a member of the 2019 Reserve National Champion Livestock Judging Team
and Reserve National Champion Meat Animal Evaluation Team. In the fall of 2020 he will make the transition from a Wildcat
to a Fighting Illini by pursuing his Masters in Ruminant Nutrition at the University of Illinois. Under Dr. Dan Shike, Samuel
will focus on cow-calf nutrition and heifer development. Through his position as the leadership chairman, he strives to
inspire others to step out of their comfort zone and seize the many opportunities this organization can provide.

LAUREN MCMILLAN NJHA Director Tiskilwa, Ill.
Lauren is the 18-year-old daughter of Kyle and Jodi McMillan. Lauren is a sophomore at the University of Illinois Urbana-
Champaign where she is majoring in agriculture leadership. Lauren is not sure of her future plans but she knows she
wants to put her focus into a leadership positions for an agricultural based company. Lauren is an 11-year member of
the Illinois Junior Hereford Association where she is currently serving as vice president. Lauren wants to connect with
both young and old members from the region she represents and to understand how she can help them. Lauren also
wants to immerse herself in the Board by learning about all the ideas, directions, considerations, challenges and victory
the board has had in the recent past before she joined the team.

RALSTON RIPP NJHA Director Kearney, Neb.
Ralston is the 20-year-old daughter of Cody and Ronette Heinrich. Ralston is a junior at the University of Nebraska-
Lincoln with a dual major in animal science and agribusiness. After receiving her degree, Ralston plans to continue
to grow her cattle herd and open her own business targeting beef cattle, rural communities and youth. Ralston is a
12-year member of the Nebraska Junior Hereford Association where she has served as the historian, reporter, secretary
and vice president. As a National Junior Hereford Association Director, Ralston would give her perfect effort to ensure
aspirations of the impossible are welcomed, long-lasting traditions of the Hereford breed are sustained and our legacy
as juniors, breeders, and beef enthusiasts is grown to last beyond our generation.

LIBBY RUSHTON NJHA Director Waverly, Tenn.
Libby is the 18-year-old daughter of Lee and Andrea Rushton. Libby is a freshman at the University of Tennessee at
Martin majoring in agricultural business and political science. Libby plans to represent an agricultural based company
or organization in the public relations or political field. Libby is a member of the Tennessee Junior Hereford Association
where she has served as the president for two terms and the middle Tennessee director. Libby’s goal is to help connect
her state to the national program by growing excitement and interest in showing cattle and competitions. She wants
to connect with the juniors in the breed by serving as a representative and having the opportunity to motivate and
encourage other’s She finally, wants to connect herself more to the breed through seeking and learning more.

                                                                        COME HOME TO HEREFORDS - July 2020                 33
                             Board of Directors

                                      TAYLOR BELLE MATHENY                   Retiring NJHA Chairman
                                      Taylor Belle is the 22-year-old daughter of Andrew and Suzanne Matheny, Mays Lick, Ky. In
                                      December, she will graduate from Texas Tech University with a master’s degree in agricultural
                                      communications with the hopes of working in industry communications after completing her
                                      degree. She was a 14-year member of the Kentucky Junior Hereford Association and served as
                                      the 2015-16 National Hereford Queen. Taylor Belle’s main goals for the NJHA are to increase
                                      contest participation, continue to grow the junior membership and to promote Certified
                                      Hereford Beef ®. She has had the opportunity to learn and grow because of the NJHA, and she
                                      hoped to provide the same leadership and dedication to help NJHA members have the same
                                      beneficial experiences.

                                      RYLEE BARBER            Retiring NJHA Vice Chairman
                                      Rylee is the 22-year-old daughter of Brett Barber, Channing, Texas, and Nicole Barber, Clinton,
                                      Ill. She graduated last December from Texas A&M University with a degree in agricultural
                                      communications and journalism. Rylee is currently the Youth Program and Membership
                                      Coordinator for Beefmaster Breeders United. She has been a member of the NJHA and the Texas
                                      Junior Hereford Association (TJHA) for 15 years, serving as president of the TJHA. Rylee grew
                                      up in the Hereford breed and feels it has made her into who she is today. Rylee’s main goal was
                                      to make every member feel included by involving them in different activities and contests. Rylee
                                      hopes that the NJHA can make as big of an impression on other juniors’ lives that it has on hers.

                                      HANNAH WILLIAMS                Retiring NJHA Communications Chair
                                      Hannah is the 21-year old daughter of Jim and Sheila Williams and Aaron and Angie Kelly of
                                      Kearney, Neb. She will be a senior at Kansas State University in the fall where she is majoring
                                      in animal sciences and industry with an emphasis in meat science and a certificate in the
                                      Professional Strategic Selling program. Following graduation, Hannah hopes to work in the
                                      livestock health field as a pharmaceutical sales representative or in the meat science industry.
                                      Hannah was a member of the K-State meat judging team and meat animal evaluation team this
                                      past year. She is a 12-year member of the Nebraska Junior Hereford Association currently serving
                                      as a director. One of Hannah’s goals as an NJHA director was to be a positive role model for junior
                                      members. She has focused on the junior membership and supported the everlasting legacy of the
                                      NJHA by building a tremendous foundation for the future of the Hereford breed.

                                      BRANDT DOWNING                Retiring NJHA Director
                                      Brandt is the 21-year-old son of Scott and Tracy Downing, Culver, Ore. He will be
                                      transferring this fall to Kansas State University majoring in animal science. He has served
                                      as the treasurer, vice president and president during his time as a member of the Oregon
                                      Junior Hereford Association. While serving on the NJHA board, Brandt hopes to increase
                                      membership and participation and ultimately make a positive difference in the Hereford
                                      industry. Brandt aimed to be an approachable and dependable leader in the growing
                                      organization and worked to keep NJHA events fun and engaging for all participants
                                      and members.


         JW COX                                                     KAYANN ECK
   Southeast Region                                                 Southwest Region

                      CHESNEY                LAUREN
                      EFFLING              McMILLAN
                      Northwest Region   Northeast Region

REGAN MITCHEM                                                       RALSTON RIPP
   Southeast Region                                                 Northwest Region

                      RYAN                     LIBBY
                      ROGERS                RUSHTON
                      Northwest Region   Southeast Region

                                                    COME HOME TO HEREFORDS - July 2020   35
A D    E  R    S                                   N    .   L   E   A                           C   A    T     I O     N                          .
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 HO              THE HEREFORD       S    H      I P  .   YOUTH            FOUNDATION   A   D    E  R OF        AMERICA                     N   .  L  E
           L  E   A       ER
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 CAT                             HIP. ED                                               LARSH                                             ARSH
Awards Program
2020 VitaFerm® Junior National Hereford Expo
         July 10-15 • Kansas City, Missouri


                                    COME HOME TO HEREFORDS - July 2020   37
2020 JNHE
                    Awards Program

                 2019-2020 NJHA Officers
               Chairman — Taylor Belle Matheny
                Vice-Chairman — Rylee Barber
         Communications Chairman — Hannah Williams
             Fundraising Chairman — Abby Spindle
           Leadership Chairman — Samuel Lawrence
          Membership Chairman — Montana Lawrence
                        Brooklyn Adam
                         Noah Benedict
                          Luke Daniels
                        Brandt Downing
                        Wyatt Lawrence
                         Bailey Morrell

                                                2020-2021 National Junior Hereford Association
                                                           Officers and Directors
                                                          Chairman — Montana Lawrence
                                                           Vice-Chairman — Abby Spindle
                                                       Communications Chair — Bailey Morrell
                                                         Fundraising Chair — Noah Benedict
                                                          Leadership Chair — Luke Daniels
                                                        Membership Chair — Wyatt Lawrence
                                                                  Brooklyn Adam
                                                                      JW Cox
                                                                 Samuel Lawrence
                                                                 Lauren McMillan
                                                                   Ralston Ripp
                                                                   Libby Ruston

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